Bobs Blog 143 28Oct12

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Bob’s Africa Rotary Blog 143


“Did you really leave Africa? We thought it was quiet.” Sorry for time delay;. sometimes it takes up to a week to get the Blog through the network here. I appreciate your understanding. Returning to see progress or lack thereof is one of the joys and pratfalls of being a volunteer. No expectations; but nothing ventured; nothing gained. PMA (positive mental attitude) always!

INDEPENDENCE DAY Lunch at OLD People’s Home; Rotary Serves! 1. The Rotary Park is still stuck in a legal morass of inaction. If you thought the American justice system!. was slow? The basketball/netball/volleyball court is almost completed & we have gotten bids to fence the rest of the park.(see above) It appears we will need 44 sections of 10 by 5 feet at a cost of $145 each or $6380 including painting, concrete & installation. The other half of the park has a block wall, half of which Rotarians put up 2 years ago. The open sections is that we propose fencing with your (Club’s) help. This is a Danville/Sycamore & Monarch Beach CA project with help from Sweden, Zambia, Canada, Australia and other US Clubs & individuals. Thank you all. We shall overcome! 2. Shirt sales have gone well since the convention and we will be all stocked up for Lisbon. The shirt committee is now deciding on the next fabric design or color change for the next batch. We have plenty of stock in the USA for domestic supply. You may place orders through Bob at 5444 W. Corral Dr. Eloy, AZ 85131. US/Canada/Mexico postage &tax included. This is a joint Livingstone-Newport/Irvine, CA project. 3. The wheelchairs are due in Durban Nov. 2. Held up by a Chinese holiday & multiple other delays. Good thing it wasn’t an “I”-phone shipment.. We will begin assembly & distribution immediately following training and sensitization with the new WHO/USAID guidelines. Wheelchairs will be shipped to other Clubs in Zimbabwe and Malawi as well as in Zambia for distribution in concert with local health officials.. We are looking forward to building the “Whirlwind Foundation wheelchair” now in discussion. This is a Newport-Irvine Livingstone & Districts 5320/9210/6640/6490 project with Newport Balboa, Laguna Beach Newport Sunrise, Rossmore/Walnut Creek, Altadena, La Quinta and Palm Desert CA along with other clubs in Normal and Blue Mound, IL, Madison South WI and Jerusalem Israel and Toronto ECO, Canada contributing, Yes this was a run on sentence, Sorry. 4. Work is progressing on the Comprehensive education project for the Livingstone District. This three year project will put and keep 2000 children in schools who could not attend now because of lack of funds for uniforms, shoes, fees and books, The four Rotary Clubs of Newport and Irvine CA are spearheading this competive matching grant. We need many co-sponsors. Please join us. 5. I am sory that I inaccurately reported in earlier Blogs that the Rotary/SPASH/USAID water project was for all Zambian Provinces. The Normal. IL Rotary Club along with District 6490 are sponsoring this project will initially focus only on the Eastern Provence. Later additions will be after 2113 at the earliest. 6. Finally it appears that we are going to begin a jewelry making coop with former Rotaract members in Livingstone.

Please Contact Bob Selinger (Zambia) 260-955-898901 after Nov 21 USA (949)887-3266. e-mail: or bobselinger;on skype We still need help in finishing the Dambwa Rotary Park & for a comprehensive education support system in the Livingstone District. This education program will be a matching grant & will require many Clubs & District’s participation. The 4 Clubs in Newport & Irvine CA are joining together to sponsor this new Global Grant project in 2013-2015. Please let me know what you or your Club may be interested in supporting. Thank you!! More at,

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