Bob’s Africa Rotary Blog 144
Progress on Fence Funding not on USA/Mexico border Former San Ramon/Sycamore Rotarian Bjorn Eckland kicks off final Fence drive w $500 Last Blog we reported on campaign to complete fence around the entire Rotary Park. $6380 is required, The first day $500 came in & we are on our way to getting the fence up before Christmas. The Rotary Park is still stuck in a legal morass of inaction. If you thought the American justice system is slow? The basketball/netball/volleyball court is almost completed & we have gotten bids to fence the rest of the park.(see right) It appears we will need 44 sections of 10 by 5 feet at a cost of $145 each or $6380 including painting, concrete & installation. The other half of the park has a block wall, half of which Rotarians put up 2 years ago. The open section is that we propose fencing with your (Club’s) help. This is a Danville/Sycamore & Monarch Beach CA project with help from Sweden, Zambia, Canada, Australia and other US Clubs & individuals. Thank you all.
Time is of the essence and we need to gather the funds quickly. We shall overcome! The Comprehensive Education project Global Grant for the Livingstone District will involve over 2000 students in grades 1-12 over a two uear period. We are seeking corporate sponsorship for the required black shoes, which comprise the second most expensive part of the package besides school fees, books & supplies and in school nutrition. (see below. Uniforms make a major part of schooling in Africa. Iin Community schools (picture L), children can wear whatever they have and are not required to have shoes. In a Public supported schools you will not be admitted without shoes and uniforms (below). Not necessarily the law; bute in effect the practice. This project is sponsored by the Newport Beach and Irvine (4) Clubs, Livingstone Club,& Bakersfield South CA plus Districts 5320 & 9210. Many more Clubs and Districts are needed to co-sponsor this $350,000 USD multi year project to bring quality education to all children.
Finally it appears that we are going to begin a jewelry making coop with former Rotaract members in Livingstone to make replica a16th century Zambian copper money crosses.
Please Contact Bob Selinger (Zambia) 260955-898901 after Nov 21 USA (949)887-3266. email: or bobselinger on skype We need help to finish the Dambwa Rotary Park & lining up co-sponsors for the education support system in Livingstone. This program will be a Global matching grant & will require many Clubs & District’s participation. 4 Clubs in Newport & Irvine CA are joining together to co-sponsor this new project. Please let me know what you would like to do. Thank you!! More at,