Bob’s Rotary Africa Blog 161
Continued Wheelchair DistributionLivingstone; Polio Survivor In doing good you have to take set- backs & press on. Thursday a group of Vic Falls & Livingstone Rotarians attempted to bring wheel-chairs into Zimbabwe for the Old People’s Home in Hwange. This was especially disappointing considering this was a pre approved by Zim Border officials.
Not a good day for Zim PR. publicPR.forZZZimcustomso
Driving around Livingstone in the Maramba compound I spied a lady(Maureen Longwani)on crutches with her Zimbabwe five year old son carrying baby(Eunice). . She appeared to be I distress so I stopped the car and asked how she was doing. She did not speak English. Luckily a Zambian Air force Lt. Colonel Gi deon Lifui.. The next day we assembled at the the physiotherapy ward built be the Rotary Club of Livingstone. Daniel Simonda, Physiotherapist & Boyd Sakuwaha, Occupational . Therapist measured Maureen &fitted her with her wheelchair. They also instructed her in the care, usage & how to get into the wheelchair on her own. She is shown with her husband Friden. This project was jointly sponsored by
the Rotary and Wheelchair Foundations. Newport/Irvine CA was the primary and Livingstone, Zambia the host Club. Wheel chairs are being sent all over Zambia & Zimbabwe, it is hoped that the assembly facility in Livingstone can grow to assemble chairs for all landlocked & adjacent countries. Transport costs have been cut in half by sending the wheelchairs partially assembled from China and doing final assembly in Zambia. We hope to expand the relationship with the Chinese manufacturer. Your help will make this project grow.
Please Cotact Bob Selinger USA (949)887-3266 after June 1.. E-mail: or bobselinger;on; skype . Some Rotarians have reported that emails to and from me are being rejected by the server. Please use an alternate email address: Please let me know what you or your Club may be interested in supporting. We will have Official Rotary Africa shirts for sale in Lisbon. More at,