The Newport Harbor Fleet of the International Yachting Fellowship of Rotarians and Vintage 5320 of the Rotarian Wine Appreciation Fellowship invite you to our Inaugural Joint Fellowship Event
Lunch and wine tasting while sailing aboard the Los Angeles Maritime Institute’s brigantine Irving Johnson Date: Saturday, June 16th. Departure Time: 11:00AM. Expected return 3:00PM. Location: Park in Ports O’ Call Village, San Pedro. Look for the masts at Berth 78! Cost: $25 per person by check payable to Newport Harbor Fleet, IYFR and mailed to: Roger McGonegal, 2714 Hilltop Dr., NB 92660-‐5404, CA. Lunch, water and soft drinks are included in the cost of the cruise.
Bring your favorite wine to drink and share Due to Coast Guard vessel capacity regulations, each Fellowship will be limited to a maximum of 20 participants-‐first come, first served. Members are therefore limited to one guest only! All aboard will be encouraged to participate in setting, trimming and dousing sails, as well as steering the vessel and going aloft.* Depending upon wind and weather, we may sail beyond the L.A. Harbor breakwater and out into the Catalina channel. Jackets, sunglasses, hats and sunblock are recommended. Please wear shoes with soft soles……and ladies-‐no high heels please. *Please note that safety regulations do not permit consumers of alcoholic beverages to go aloft (e.g. climb the masts).