RotaFlyer 2012-07 Feb16th

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FEB 16 , 2012!

Rotaflyer Meeting Highlights

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Next Week Thursday, Feb 23rd... Jacqueline Sidman!


PhD Clinical Hypnotherapy Harness the Power of your Mind for Success What an extraordinary time we live in today. Just think:- a person of 70 years old has seen more significant change in their lifetime than five previous generations combined ! Consider the evolution of every aspect of life, from travel to communications; from entertainment to healthcare, from manufacturing to recycling:- advances so immense as to be almost unfathomable.

Henry Walker, CEO F&M Bank

Meeting Notes President Uzo called order at 12:30. Invoca'on:-­‐ Keith Nelson Pledge of Allegiance: Stu Colville 4-­‐Way-­‐Test:-­‐ Junius Jaubert Song: by Sco7 Jackson Fine Master Bob Bartels followed Greg’s successfully Fine policy by quesDoning Bob Fish, Sco7 Jackson, Jim Parsons, and Cecil Hess about Rotary fundamentals.

3. Mark the Date: Bike4Health Rally is Saturday, Sept 8, 2012. 7 am -­‐ 4 pm. 4. District Conference June 1-­‐3, 2012. Long Beach Hilton. Volunteers needed for food service. Valentines Day: President Uzo presented valentine flowers to all ladies who attended the meeting.

Speaker: Ron introduced Henry Walker, CEO of F&M Bank. He reflected on the Bank’s Club Guests: -­‐ early beginnings when his great grand-­‐ Beth Shields with Tim, Susan Jackson father, C.J. Walker, started in November with Sco7, Nancy Jones with Jim 1907. His wife Kari D Ziglar was a devout Parsons, Peggy Fullmer with Len, and provided moral strength Shelley Zeller with Bill, Erica Hammers Christian and leadership through the early years with Steve. which remains key till this day. GUESTS of Bob Fish:-­‐ Speaker Henry Walker, CEO F&M Bank, Rick Lange, SVP, With $700 million in client deposits at end of 2011, F&M Bank is ranked 132 Newport Beach, Brit Holloway, SVP, Regional Supervisor, Andrew Miller, AVP, of 6500 naDonwide. The mortgage Marketing, Trinka Roswell, First VP, debacle culled out the bad apples in the industry; F&M now makes profit in Marketing, Marsha Evans, VP, Tustin mortgages. Their primary focus is Visiting Rotarians: None arbitrage between commercial loans and deposit interest. Announcements: 1. Rotary accepted the challenge and In discussing how the system could raised $200 million to match Bill and be improved, Henry suggested that if Melinda Gates Foundation $350 million banks were forced to hold the loans pledge to end polio. Donate to PolioPlus! they made, we wouldn't be in our 2. Dave Halm provided RI facts for 2011. current situation. Altogether an Since 1985 2 billion children have insightful look into a key Banking received the polio vaccine. Foundation issue facing us today . fundraiser is this Thursday, Feb 23. Donations accepted via check, or online. -­‐ Kerby Contact Dave for details. !

The same thing is true in the field of therapy. The field of hypnotherapy has evolved from the craft of mystics and stage shows to a mainstay tool of clinicians, therapists and complementary healthcare providers. Now, in the 21st century, we have a new pioneer in the field of the subconscious mind, Dr. Jacqueline Sidman. Dr. Jacqueline Sidman is the president of The Sidman Institute in Irvine, CA. With a PhD from American Pacific University in Clinical Hypnotherapy, she established her practice in 1989 and has helped thousands of people overcome catastrophic illnesses and stubborn problems. Dr. Sidman is a sought-after consultant and professional public speaker, and has addressed audiences at UCI Medical Center, the Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine, plus a number of hospitals, corporations, business expos, community events and associations. Dr. Sidman has been featured in more than five hundred newspaper and magazine articles, as well as television and radio programs. She has hosted her own radio show on KRLA, and two cable television shows, Health & Happiness and Glendora Spotlight. -------------------------------------------Thursday, March 1, 12:00pm Matt Kinley: Tredway Lumsdaine & Doyle Obamacare Thursday, March 8, 12:00pm Club Assembly & Major Donor Presentations Thursday, March 15, 12:00pm --------------------------------------------

June 1-3, District Meeting in Long Beach. Volunteers are needed to help with Cook-out at our club’s booth.

Sept 8th, 2012: Bike4Health.... Mark the Date Member Duties:[Invocation/Pledge/4-way Test] Feb 23 Blanca Ocampo/George Coult/Russ Johnson Mar 1 Ken Paddock/ Casey Crandall/ Art Kleinpell Mar 8 Jim Parsons/Sanjay Dalal/Steve Koenigsberg Check your dates and participate in meeting...

PAGE 1 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

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