MAR 15, 2012!
Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events...
Next Meeting Thursday, March 22nd... Prof Carol Burke, UCI Dept. of English: Unique Report from Afghanistan & Iraq
Susan Cherry, Guide Dogs for the Blind
Last Meeting Notes President Uzo called order at 12:30. Invoca'on:-‐ Diane Pearce Pledge of Allegiance: Jim Parsons 4-‐Way Test: Patricia standing in for Bob Song: Scott Jackson Club Guests: Ashley Clark, Speech Pathologist, Laura Dietz’ guest Rotaract Club: Hardeep Singh VP, Jerome Secretary, Haley PR Intern, Justin Hamady Intl Svc Dir., Joyce Xu Treasurer, Sara Chan Community Svc Dir. Visi/ng Rotarians – Dr Michael Abdalla,Member US Polio Eradication Advocacy Task Force, RI Trustee and practicing Orthopedic Surgeon Laura Deitz, Newport Sunrise Rotary
Long Beach. Arrangements to Honor Earl Fusselman for his decades of service to Rotary. Make plans to join the celebration.
Carol Burke, who combines special ethnographic skills as a folklorist with a vigorous interest in literary journalism, was commissioned by the Department of Defense to spend almost a full year in close proximity with American troops in Afghanistan studying the cultural and religious beliefs of the Afghan tribes they encountered. Her experiences with native leaders and in advising American military commanders are particularly fascinating in their intimacy and because she can compare them with encounters she had two years earlier when she spent an extended period on a similar assignment in Iraq. Her publicaCons include Camp All-‐American, Hanoi Jane, and the High-‐and-‐Tight, a study of military culture; Women’s Visions, a book that explores accounts of the supernatural and the uncanny exchanged by women in prison; The CreaCve Process (coauthored with Molly Tinsley), a creaCve wriCng text; Plain Talk and Back in Those Days, collecCons of family folklore-‐-‐the laOer coauthored with MarCn Light; and Close Quarters, a collecCon of poems. Her arCcles have appeared in magazines like The NaCon and The New Republic as well as scholarly journals and collecCons. Before joining the UCI faculty in 2004, Professor Burke taught courses in literary journalism at Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins and the US Naval academy. She received her PhD in English from the University of Maryland.
Presenta/ons UCI Rotaract Club Members along with Sanjay Dalal and Bill Zeller presented Prez Uzo with a Check for $1889 raised from the recent PassionFest. Congratula[ons on a successful year Rotaract! Major Donor Presenta/on Dave Halm invited Dr. Micheal Abdalla to present the Major Donor Crystal and Pins to Past District Governor John Brainerd and Paul Harris Fellow Pat Brainerd for their outstanding contribu[ons and service in the field. We are proud to have exemplary Salute to Chef: Margaret Richardson & Earl leaders in our club. ---------------Upcoming Speakers-----------------Fusselman suggested we bring the Chef in to Thursday, March 29, 12:00pm thank him for the outstanding meal service. Speaker: Prez Uzo introduced guest Peer Swan, Irvine Water District He obliged and received a standing ovation. speaker Susan Cherry, Volunteer for Thursday, April 5, 12:00pm Guide Dogs for the Blind who introduced Boaz Rauchwerger, Goal Setting & High Achievement Announcements club to the life of Guide Dogs. This 1.Bob Bartels – Fountain Valley Bowl-‐a-‐ the April 12, 12:00pm was her 76th Rotary Club presentation in 4 Thursday, John Brainerd - Polio Plus + report from India thon, Saturday March 24, 2012 yrs. T he t ransformation f rom a c ane u ser, 2. Laura Dietz of Newport Sunrise RC is April 19, 12:00pm who "sees by collision " to a competent Thursday, putting together Care Packages for Sgt Robert Piccioni: Einstein for Everyone person, who can go" anywhere they Majors of 11. 30-‐40 packages to be -------------------Other Events---------------------want, any time they want, at any pace completed. Tues deadline. May 6-9: Rotary Int’l Conference - Bangkok Thailand they w ant i s t ruly a mazing. G uide d ogs 3. Bike Ride 4 Health. Art Kleinpell allow a person to shine and be valued for June 1-3: District 5320 Conf Long Beach Hilton. Join in & invited all members to open their their work, not just judged because they Volunteer to help with Cook-out at our club booth. Rolodexes to search for poten[al are blind. In work they level the playing Sept 8th, 2012: Ride4Health.... Mark the Date Sponsors, Volunteers and Donors for field and even out the potholes of bias our big event coming September 8. If and discrimination. Susan shared her we all bring one or two poten[al passion for the mission of Guide Dogs for Member Duties:[Invocation/Pledge/4-way Test] Sponsors to the table, we will have the Blind and our club felt the enthusiasm Mar 22 Susan Piazza/Bob Dunham/Kerk Lesh more than enough to approach for of someone committed to their field of Mar 29 Jerry Rekers/Bob Fish/Bob Lihle funding this important event. -‐ Kerby 4. District Conven/on, June 1 – 3, 2012 service. Please Check your dates to prepare for meeting... !
PAGE 1 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?