Rotaflyer 2012-17 Apr 26

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APR 26, 2012

Rotaflyer Calendar

Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events...

Next Meeting Thursday, May 3rd... Brandon Romano: Stop Hunger Now

Last Meeting Notes

Richard Franzi

President Uzo called order 12:30 Invoca1on – Bailey Smith Pledge/4Way Test/Song Steve Hammers Club Guests Richard Franzi, Guest Speaker Sheryl Lynn, Guest of Speaker Raymonde Policia, Guest of Dic Rafle Dalip Singh Suris, Singh’s Guest Visi1ng Rotarian Richard Raffle,Commack-­‐Kings Park Rotary Club, NY Past President Announcements 1. Strategic Planning Session to be rescheduled to June date tba. Please plan on parPcipaPng either by complePng the Club Survey or aQending this important session to guide the development of our club. 2. UCI Rotaract had a successful Professional Development Event last week. 3. Bike Ride 4 Health. Art brought feedback from Napa RC Cycle4Sight. Our Bike4Health event is using their success as the foundaPon for our ride. 4. District ConvenPon, June 1 -­‐ 3, 2012 Long Beach. Fusselman recogniPon on Friday at 3:00 pm. Speaker Richard Franzi: Speaker, Author, TV/Radio Show Host presented his research on Unintended !

Stop Hunger Now is an internaPonal hunger relief organizaPon that coordinates the distribuPon of food and other life-­‐saving aid around the world. It has a vision of a world without hunger and the mission to end hunger by providing food and life-­‐saving aid to the world's most vulnerable. Its approach is to get volunteers of all ages aware of global hunger and personally involved in fun, hands-­‐on on-­‐ site volunteer meal packaging events. See

Consequences through insigh]ul Now packaging millions of meals for school vigneQes. OrganizaPons fall into feeding programs and areas of famine and this problem through five causes; disaster in developing countries, Stop Hunger ignorance, error, immediate recognizes Rotary as its largest civic partner interest, faulty values and self-­‐ and was recognized in The Rotarian last defeaPng prophecy. All summer. Its program is suited not just for outcomes result in bad news for Rotarians but also for congregaPons, the boss; negaPve results, results corporaPons, and schools of all levels. that seed future problems or Romano is Program Manger at their posiPve results that cause new Brandon newest l ocaPon in Santa Ana. A graduate of challenges. Chapman University, Brandon was previously at Ronald McDonald House in OC and taught at Strong leaders mitigate un-­‐ New Life ChrisPan school. anticipated results by increasing their organizational knowledge, increasing their control of any given situation and slowing the ---------------Upcoming Speakers-----------------march of progress, dealing with Thursday, May 10, 12:00pm small problems head on instead of Lois Carson: Effective Listening letting crisis management take Thursday, May 17, 12:00pm over. To contact: 949-­‐887-­‐4104 or Morgan Watkins: Guide Dog Demonstration


Don’t Forget to sign-up

2012 District 5320 Conference

June 1-3, 2012 Long Beach Hilton Mary Mar - Registration 949-380-8289

Thursday, May 24, 12:00pm Gary Sherwin: Newport Beach Inc.

-------------------Other Events---------------------May 6-9: Rotary Int’l Conference - Bangkok June 1-3: District 5320 Conf Long Beach Hilton. Join in & Volunteer to help with Cook-out at our club booth. Sept 8th, 2012: Ride4Health.... Mark the Date

Member Duties: [Invocation/Pledge/4-way Test] May 3 Tim Shields/Dave Halm/Blanca Ocampo May 10 Ed Smith/Guy Harden/Ken Paddock May 17 Bailey Smith/Cecil Hess/Jim Parsons Please Check your dates to prepare for meeting...

PAGE 1 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

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