MAY 24, 2012
Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Next Meeting Thursday, May 31st
UCI Outreach Clinics:
Gary Sherwin, Visit Newport Inc
Last Meeting Notes President Uzo called order 12:30 Invocation – TJ Snyder Pledge – Jim Parsons Song – Scott Jackson Club Guests: Cartwright Shepard, Culver City Rotary Announcements: 1. Art Kleinpell will serve as Club President for 2013-14, and Dave Clarke will serve as Club President 2014/15. Congratulations Art and Dave! 2. Club Strategic Planning:Sessions scheduled June 7 & June 14th; Bob Fish will lead our future planning. Everyone arrive early and plan to stay till 2:00pm. 3. Bike Rally Update: Event will be postponed till March due to permitting issues for the back bay. 4. District Conference (Earl Fusselman’s Recognition & Governor’s Dinner) District Awards at Governors Diner on Saturday June 2nd. 5. NIRC is a finalist for two additional categories: Community Services, Vocational Services, in addition to Rotaflyer & Website. 6. Sanjay Dalal is Club’s nominee for Daily Pilot–Hall of Fame Award for his work with our youth programs.
7. “Woodbridge Cross-County Meet” will be held Friday, Sept 14 and Saturday, Sept 15, 2012. Mark dates on your calendar. We will need many volunteers. Event will again be at Estancia High School. Speaker: Gary Sherwin emphasized the importance of the tourist industry to Newport Beach. He noted the following statistics: - Tourists spend one-billion dollars in Newport Beach. -‐ 10,000 people are employed to support the tourist industry in Newport Beach. -‐ The 10% hotel tax generates $14 million for the general fund of Newport Beach. -‐ England, particularly the London area, generates the largest number of international visitors to Newport Beach. -‐ The Christmas Boat Parade in Newport Beach is nationally and internationally known. - TJ Snyder
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District 5320 Conference June 1-3, 2012 Long Beach Hilton
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Find out about about the headline beneficiary of our upcoming Bike4Health ride... UC Irvine Outreach Clinic has a mission to deliver high quality medical care to individuals with limited access to health services and insurance. Currently, it operates out of the Village of Hope’s Hurtt Family Clinic and serves Santa Ana, Tustin and neighboring communities. Then clinic is intended to catch those who fall between the cracks of the current health care system, the uninsured. The clinic is completely run and supported by students under the guidance of our medical director, Dr. Emily Dow. We aim to provide a collaborative and respectful environment where patients, health professionals, and students work together and learn from one another. The UC Irvine student volunteers represent a broad range of studies, from medical and nursing to undergraduate and graduate. At the clinic, student volunteers work in interdisciplinary teams alongside community collaborators and under the guided supervision of licensed practitioners. The UC Irvine Outreach Clinics is committed to CARE: Collaborative interactions between patients, students, community members, and health professionals that lead to better health outcomes. Advocacy through patient empowerment & health education. Respect for our patients, their families and our volunteers. Ethical and responsible medical services for those who need them most.
---------------Upcoming Speakers------------------
Thursday, June 7, 12:00pm Strategic Planning Session #1 Thursday, June 14, 12:00pm Strategic Planning Session #2 -------------------Other Events----------------------
June 1: District 5320 Conference: Be sure to sign up to attend Earl Fussleman’s Award - Fri June 1st 3pm Click for sign-up to District Conference Sept 8th, 2012: Ride4Health Mark the Member Duties: [Invocation/Pledge/4-way Test] May 31 Louis VanLochem/Scott Jackson/Susan Piazza Jun 7 /Junius Jaubert/Jerry Rekers Jun 14 Sam Wang/Russ Johnson/Margaret Richardson Please mark your schedule or find a replacement .
Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?