Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Meeting Speaker Thursday, September 20th Dr Michael Dennin: The Science of Superheroes
Michael is Professor of Physics and Astronomy here UC Irvine. He received his degree in Physics from Princeton University and his PhD in Physics from UC Santa Barbara.
Last Meeting Notes
Woodbridge Cross Country Classic 32 Years of Volunteer Service
Pres Bob called order 12:31 Invocation: Jim Dougherty Pledge: Bailey Smith 4-Way Test: Jim Parson Song: Scott Jackson Rotary Minute: Pres Bob briefed us on Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA). Ryla began in Australia in 1959 when area youth met with the visiting Queen. Rotarians were so impressed by these young leaders that they decided to bring them together each year for leadership training and development. In 1971 the RI Board officially adopted RYLA as a Rotary International Program. Introductions: John Brainerd Visting Rotarians: Jeff Kolsin, eClub West William Hines -Arlington Texas; flags were exchanged Announcements: 1.Oct. 12th District Business Leader Award Deadline 2. Nov. 17th is the District Foundation Dinner. Fine Mistress Blanca -levied “taxes” on Uzo, Ron, John & Pat, Margaret, Bill Z. and Junius Assembly: Pres Bob began club assembly with an overview of his goals and strategic plans. He wants a member increase from current roster of 49. He wants us to improve visability in communitiy and improve club’s image within Newport and Irvine. In terms of challenges, he has experienced
difficulty filling out the Board of Directors. Currently we have no PR, Club Service or Membership chair. Lets find creative solutions. He believes we have exciting projects to help achieve our goals. Pres-Elect Art Kleinpell briefed us on the Bike Ride. The date is set for Feb23rd and will begin and end in Aldrich Park on the UCI campus. He introduced new posters and postcards that have recently been developed. The goal is to raise $100,000 with 25% of proceeds each going to CHOC and the UCI Outreach Clinic. Our partners for the event include UCI, the YMCA, Boy Scouts, National Guard, and Rotaract. Ride Website is active. Pres-Elect Nominee and Program Chair Pat Brainard reported that we have recently received a $1500 District Grant. She will be involved with Strategic Planning, Community Visibility, and Service. She plans to have each club member sign up for two hands-on projects every year. She would also like to have a 3-Club Program at the U-Club during the year. Community Service Chair Cecil Hess reported that he plans six hands-on projects this year. These include a Rotary Mail Train to send packages to our troops, Olive Crest Christmas Party on Dec. 9th, A Shopping Spree for needy children at the beginning of school year, clothing for unemployed
His research covers areas as diverse as the behavior of foam (shaving cream) biological membranes and how dust crosses from the lung into the bloodstream. He regularly makes presentations on the Science of Superheroes and has appeared in numerous television specials on the History Channel related to this subject. Professor Dennin will relate superheroes and their powers to current advances and surprises in science. Materials science in particular has been a rich area of study that provides a range of interesting technologies. As part of the presentation, be prepared to challenge Professor Dennin to relate your favorite superpower to science. This should be a fascinating presentation - be sure to invite guests and friends. ---------------Upcoming Speakers------------------
Thursday, September 27, 12:00pm Bill Engle: Certified Clinical Master Hypnotherapist
Thursday, October 4, 12:00pm Jeff Bott, Transportation Corridor Agencies
Thursday, October 11, 12:00pm TBD -------------------Other Events----------------------
Feb 23, 2013 - Ride4Health Ride, Fair, Fundraiser now re-scheduled people before interviews, mentoring people before interviews, and mentoring Girls Inc., Olive Crest children and our returning military troops. Vocational Service Chair Singh Sawhney reported on his plans for supporting Girls Inc. and Junior Achievement this year. The remaining Board director reports will be presented over the next few weeks. -Bill Zeller
Check-out two Photo Albums:1. Meeting - Sept 13 2012 2. Woodbridge Cross Country Classic
PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?