Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Meeting Speaker Thursday, October 11th Jim Paddock, District 5320 Governor Nominee . . . . “ Serving in a Submarine “ Jim will share his knowledge about the U.S. Submarine force of today - the various classes of submarines, some of their typical missions, potential enemy submarine capabilities, and some of the things planned for submarines of the future.
Last Meeting Notes Pres. Bob called order 12:30 Tim Shields gave the invocation. Keith Nelson led us with the Pledge of Allegiance. Guy Harden asked for help with the 4-way test. Jim Parsons inspired our singing of Star Spangled Banner. Visting Rotarians & Guests: Dick Holmgren Newport Balboa; Claudia Soto-Neira, Long Beach; Jesse James Garden Grove; Lane Calvert, District New Generations. Art Ackerman past club member visiting from Colorado with wife and sister and Mehnaaz from Bangalor India exchanged club flags with President Bob. Announcements: - District 5320 Angels Game Chili Cook-Off raised $20K for Polio Plus - Casey is the NIRC Business Person of the Year Nominee; award lunch will be at the Double Tree Orange. - The RI Foundation Dinner is Nov. 17th at Hilton Hotel Irvine. Early booking $67 by Oct. 16th. - 2013 International Conference will be in Lisbon, Portugal next year - Tuesday “Locals Lunch” will be next week at Capital Seafood-Irvine Spectrum, Call Bob to confirm. Fine Master Tim Shields levied taxes on Jim, Sanjay, Ron, Rocky, Jerry and Kirk. New Member Induction: Jim Parson and Rocky Flanagan inducted Jeffrey Kolsin as our newest member. Jeff has been
an active Rotarian in several clubs including Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa where he served as president. His wife Cindy joined us today. Welcome to NIRC Jeff ! Speaker: Jeff Bott, Senior Public Affairs and Community Relations representative for the Transportation Corridor Agencies, presented an historical overview of controversies surrounding development of the 73 and 241 toll roads in Orange County. Plans for these roads were included in the 1981 county master plan, but have still not been completed. In the early years, the funding for Orange County freeways was limited, so the decision was made to create toll roads paralleling the freeways. Today 300,000 cars per day use the toll roads. The 241 road needs to be extended to San Clemente, but it has been held up for over two decades due to opposition by environmental groups, the State Park system, and a restricted approval by Camp Pendleton. If the extension were approved, it would create 17,000 new jobs and would generate $3.1 billion
Jim is a 1969 graduate of the U.S.Naval Academy and served in the Navy's Submarine Service until 1980 when he joined the Boeing Company. In 2011 Jim retired from a successful 30 year career at Boeing where he filled key management and leadership positions on several military and government programs, many of which utilized his prior Naval Academy and submarine expertise and leadership skills. He was able to stay current on these skills as a Captain in the Navy Reserves until he retired in 1996. Jim has been a member of the Placentia Rotary Club since 1991 and is District Governor Nominee and will serve as District Governor 2014-2015. He and his wife Kathy have been married for 43 years and have 3 children and 9 grandchildren. Jim is an avid golfer and a season ticket holder for the Anaheim Ducks. ---------------Upcoming Speakers-----------------Thursday, October 18th, 12:00pm Keith Rhodes; Pres, Big Brothers/Sisters of OC Thursday, October 25th, 12:00pm Tim Santoni: Santoni Investigations Thursday, November 1st, 12:00pm Susan Wampler - Girls Inc. Thursday, November 8th, 12:00pm
Barbara Lichman -SNA John Wayne Airport Update
-------------------Other Important Events----------------------
Feb 23, 2013 - Ride4Health Bike Ride, Fair, Mark the Date for Health Event & Fundraiser
[cont.] for the State. After opposition groups prevailed, Agencies are holding open meetings (250 in the last Check-out PhotoAlbum the year) to continue generating ideas and support. Meeting Highlights-Oct 4th Jeff concluded that it is very difficult in California to get things built. - Bill Zeller
PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?