Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Meeting Speaker Thursday, October 25th Tim Santoni, President & CEO Santoni Investigations How Investigative Background Checks Avoid Costly Business Mistakes
Last Meeting Notes Past-Pres Uzo called order 12:30 Invocation: Uzo Okereke Pledge of Allegiance: Jeff Kolsin 4-Way Test: Ken Paddock Uzo led us in singing “America” Visting Rotarians & Guests: John introduced Visiting Rotarian: Howard Kelton, Newport Sunrise. Guest: Richard Ruiz UCI Rotaract Club. Richard announced that UCI Rotaract has doubled membership this year to 60 ! He alerted us of their annual January concert which will raise funds for Polio Plus. Announcements: Dave Halm: Rotary Foundation Dinner Nov 17. 15 members have signed up –need 5 more for a 2nd table. He encouraged us to purchase Raffle tickets as well. The Business Award Luncheon was held on 10/12. Although Casey did not win the award, the luncheon provided great fellowship. Art - Bike Ride. We need sponsors! We all need to be thinking about who we can approach. Sponsor Solicitation Booklet is finalized and ready to take to potential sponsors. Please contact any businesses you know who are potential sponsors. Uzo gave an overview of District recognition ceremony for Earl Fusselman. Earl first joined Rotary in 1944 and has been a member of five clubs: 68 years. He served as club president in 1949-50. He initiated the District newsletter and chaired or served on numerous committees. Earl spoke fondly of his Rotary sponsor. He concluded
Founded in 1975, Santoni is a global investigation services company that focuses on field surveillance, brand and intellectual property protection, background checks and due diligence, and comprehensive litigation support. Pioneers in domain name investigations and by saying that “Thanks was never acquisitions, they have acquired thousands of given with more sincerity”. domain names for their clients. Pat Brainerd: Interact Symposium From humble beginnings as an insurance claims is being held this weekend and she investigation firm, they grew into a full-service is doing a workshop on Ethics. private investigation company (PI 12689) with Fine Mistress: Blanca levied clients, operations, and partners across the globe. taxes against the traveling Brainerds, Junius who provided Tim must have some great stories ... us with a personal profile, and ---------------Upcoming Speakers-----------------Lou HRH (His Royal Highness). Thursday, November 1st, 12:00pm Susan Wampler - Girls Inc. Speaker: Patricia introduced Keith Rhodes CEO of OC Big Thursday, November 8th, 12:00pm Brothers and Big Sisters. Barbara Lichman -SNA John Wayne Airport Update Keith gave an outstanding talk on Thursday, November 15th, 12:00pm his life in Alaska, time as a college Reiko Sakata on Myanmar and professional football player, Thursday, November 22nd, 12:00pm and his work with abused and Club Closed for Thanksgiving delinquent children. Keith grew up in Alaska. His father was the first -------Mark the Date for our Special Event-------African American officer in the Alaskan State Troopers. As an officer, he was the only law enforcement in a village and for 1,500 mile radius. Ultimately he became Anchorage Chief of Police. Keith greatly enjoyed growing up in the Alaskan wilderness and still has a cabin there. He played Click for Photo Album last meeting football at Grambling University for Eddie Robinson and was drafted by Meeting Highlights-Oct 18 th the New Orleans Saints where he [Cont] Big Brothers is the oldest mentoring agency in suffered a career-ending injury. country – over 100 years old. His OC agency Choosing to became a residential the the mentoring of 2,000 kids per year. Their counselor for abused children in oversees high school graduation rate is 100% and 90% attend Northern Louisiana, he stayed Men are needed as mentors; Keith is actively there for 20 years. After serving college. to fill the need. Athletes such as Torii Hunter with another home in New Orleans recruiting and Matt Leinert serve as mentors. OC Big Brothers and with Boy’s Town, Keith a budget of 2.4 million, and much of Keith’s time is became CEO of OC Big Brothers has spent fundraising. Their biggest fundraiser is the Stars three years ago. and Stripes Event in Cabo San Lucas. - Bill Zeller
PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Spotlight New Lunch price $15 UCI students... $10 UCI Rotaract club... $5 Happy Birthday Oct 26 - Darryl Sheetz Oct 31 - Sanjay Dalal
Happy Anniversary
Oct 14 - Guy & Terry Harden Oct 26 - Len & Peggy Fullmer Wishing Health to Bob Dunham
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Rotaflyer Editor: Guy Harden Published by
Newport-Irvine Rotary Club Bob Fish, President Art Kleinpell, President-Elect Patricia Brainerd: Pres.-Nominee Sanjay Dalal, New Generations/Rotaract Cecil Hess, Community Service Russ Johnson, Membership Guy Harden, International Service Singh Sawhney, Vocational Service
Join us for Lunch Thursdays at 12:00 Noon
Space for Sponsors
University Club, UCI 801 East Peltason Drive Irvine, CA 92697 (949) 824-7960
Free Parking