Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Meeting Speaker Thursday, November 1st Susan Wampler - President & Board Director: Girls Inc
Last Meeting Notes President Bob called order 12:30 Invocation: Tom Snyder Pledge of Allegiance: Bob Bartels 4-Way Test: Scott Jackson Song: Scott Jackson led us in the singing of God Bless America President Bob provided the Rotary Minute (including the word panalopy) Bob informed us of the Rotary Community Corps [RCC] This RI program supports nonRotarian community groups to improve the quality of life in villages, neighborhoods and communities around the world. Info at Announcements: Sanjay updated progress of UCI Rotaract club, now 60 members; and Irvine HSl Interact Club which is currently forming and has lots of interest. Rotaractors join us next week to give us an update of their goals and activities. Rotary Foundation Dinner. 15 NIRC members have signed up. The Dinner is Saturday Nov. 17th at the Irvine Hilton. encouraged us to purchase Raffle tickets as well. December 9th Mark date for the Olive Crest Holiday Party we host. December 15th -NIRC annual Holiday Party. It will again be held at Russ’s Clubhouse. District Holiday Reception will be on Dec. 10th at the Double Tree RI Int’l Conference will be June 23rd – 26th in Lisbon Portugal.
At 55 years old, this Orange County non-profit serves over 4700 girls in 52 locations county wide. Our vision: Empowered girls in an equitable world. Mission: Inspire all girls to be strong, smart and bold. Programs range from pregnancy and substance abuse prevention, to financial self-sufficiency, to enrichment programs in science and math, to healthy bodies and body image, to sports activities, District 5320 Conference will be to name a few. The end result is a girl who stays in school, isn't pregnant or on drugs, and is capable of May 2-4 at Knotts Berry Farm to society in general. Frankly it is quite Pat Brainard referred to Rotarian contributing fulfilling and exciting to watch a girl go from shy and Magazine article featuring RI’s unsure of herself to confident and capable. Myanmar efforts. NIRC club members Pat and John Brainerd Check website at and join us at and JT were early Rotary liaisons ourThursday Rotary Meeting to find out more... to Myanmar. Our guest speaker on Nov. 15th will be Dr. Sahater ---------------Upcoming Speakers-----------------who heads District Myanmar Thursday, November 8th, 12:00pm efforts. Singh indicated that Engineers Without Borders may Barbara Lichman -SNA John Wayne Airport Update want to support efforts there. Thursday, November 15th, 12:00pm Reiko Sakata on Myanmar NIRC member Bob Sellinger was awarded a 2013 Rotary Peace Thursday, November 22nd, 12:00pm Fellowship. He will be in Bangkok Club Closed for Thanksgiving from Jan. to March 2013. Thursday, November 29th, 12:00pm Fine Mistress: Blanca levied Andrea McAllister: Laura’s House Presentation taxes against Singh, the entire Back Table, Russ (who is taking -------Mark the Date for our Special Event-------a leave of absence) all non-pin wearers, Scott, Jim, Rocky (who is looking for a house over the next 2 months), and Bob Fish. Speaker: Patricia introduced Tim Santoni a Private Investigator for Santoni Investigations. [Cont] checks. He provided a few case studies he has Tim gave an informative talk on the importance of obtaining been involved in to show how important it is to know your employees. He also described three levels of accurate background information on employees to counterfeiting: Knock-Offs which are close copies of brand names; Counterfeits- which are exact replicas avoid fraud. Fraud costs US businesses $400 Billion each of brand name products; and the Gray Market- which year. Eighteen percent of all sells goods in the U.S. that are only authorized for sale outside the US. Luxury goods are the most likely violent crimes are workrelated. Fraud costs the US counterfeit products - Bill Zeller 750,00 jobs each year. New Lunch price $15 Tim is primarily involved in UCI students... $10 background
UCI Rotaract club members.. $5
PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Spotlight Happy Birthday Oct 31 - Sanjay Dalal Nov 3 - Bob Fish Nov 6 - Patricia Kolstad Nov 11 - Junius Jaubert Nov 17 - Jim Dougherty
Happy Anniversary
Nov 18 - Russ & Janet Johnson Nov 21 - Keith & Paddy Nelson Nov 29 - Susan Piazza & Matt Holzmann Wishing Health to Bob Dunham
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Rotaflyer Editor: Guy Harden Published by
Newport-Irvine Rotary Club Bob Fish, President Art Kleinpell, President-Elect Patricia Brainerd: Pres.-Nominee Sanjay Dalal, New Generations/Rotaract Cecil Hess, Community Service Russ Johnson, Membership Guy Harden, International Service Singh Sawhney, Vocational Service
Join us for Lunch Thursdays at 12:00 Noon
Space for Sponsors
University Club, UCI 801 East Peltason Drive Irvine, CA 92697 (949) 824-7960
Free Parking