" NOVEMBER 8, 2012
Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Last Meeting Notes Pres Bob called order 12:30 Invocation: Keith Nelson Pledge: Bill Zeller 4-Way Test: Ken Paddock Introduction:s: Ron Hodge:. President Bob provided a Rotary Minute with an historical overview of Four-Way Test;, adopted by RI in 1943 and translated into over 100 different languages. Announcements: - Dave Halm: RI Foundation Dinner 17 NIRC members signed up. Dinner is Saturday Nov. 17th at Irvine Hilton. He encouraged us to purchase Raffle tickets as well. -District Holiday Reception will be on Dec. 10th at Double Tree - 2013 RI Conference will be June 23–26 in Lisbon Portugal. - District 5320 Conference will be May 2-4 at Knotts Berry Farm - President Bob gave update on the NIRC Bike Ride for Health. We need to raise $50K by midDecember to keep event moving forward. If funds are not raised, we’ll need to cancel our plans. Community Service: Cecil Hess shared 2 hands-on Dec projects. Dec. 1st Week-end, we’ll stuff gift boxes for troops overseas. Cecil buys lunch, everyone encouraged to participate. Dec 9th, we’ll host the 12th Olive Crest Xmas Party. Volunteers need to arrive at the Turtle Rock Community Center at 2:30. We need 16 Volunteers to make this event happen. Int’l Service: Guy Harden reviewed his committee’s activities
Meeting Speaker
Thursday, November 15th Dr. Reiko Sakata, Rotarian “Rotary in Myanmar” Reiko will update on “JT Waring’s” Myanmar Orphanage Water projects. She will give a brief overview of Burma/Myanmar history and its opening to the World over the last 2 years. She will also speak about RI efforts to re-establish a Myanmar Rotary Club presence after a long 50 year absence. A native Californian, Dr. Reiko Sakata earned her PhD in Organization Development and Business at Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, where she also was on the faculty. As a business woman, Dr. Sakata owned several businesses. Through Sakata Consulting Group, Dr. Sakata provided OD consulting services to Fortune 500 companies as well as NASA, the USDA, and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. As President and owner of the CEO Roundtable, she served as advisor and provided consultative services to numerous chief executives of companies in Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley. Dr. Sakata is a member of LA5 and currently coChair of the Myanmar Orphanages Water System Committee. She traveled to Myanmar twice this year and to Sri Lanka on a matching grant two years ago. District 5280 Humanitarian Trips have taken her to Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador and Puerto Rico. For Myanmar information, check out ---------------Upcoming Speakers-----------------Thursday, November 22nd, 12:00pm Club Closed for Thanksgiving Thursday, November 29th, 12:00pm Andrea McAlister - Laura’s House Thursday, December 6th, 12:00pm
for the year, including Sister Club Programs with Mexico and Korea, African Volunteer Projects, Int’l Scholarship Programs, and Singh’s India Book Project. Join-In. Fines: Jerry, Bailey, Len, Patricia, Junius and Shannon Burns. Raffle: Casey won this week..!! Speaker: Pres. Bob introduced Barbara Lichman with law firm of Buchalter Nemer, representing airports, municipalities, and other clients . Barbara provided an overview of the legal issues surrounding development of John Wayne Airport, the most restricted airport in the US. The original John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement was resolved in 1985 after legal challenge under the California Environmental Quality Act. The agreement restricted size of terminals; passengers; gates; and noise level of departing aircraft. In 1990 Congress passed the Dr Shizhong Chen- Chinese Culture Renaissance Airport Noise and Capacity Act Thursday, December 15th, 12:00pm which eliminated local restrictions Dark- Club Closed, Xmas Party different Venue John Wayne’s restrictions are grandfathered so far, but an -------Mark the Date for our Special Event-------extension is needed by 2015. She is confident that they will continue. Barbara said the recent LA Times article on the development of the Great Park provides a good description of the (mis) management issues surrounding the Park’s development. New Lunch price $15 Click for UCI students... $10 UCI Rotaract club members.. $5 Nov 8th Photos
PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
" NOVEMBER 8, 2012
Spotlight Happy Birthday Nov 3 - Bob Fish Nov 6 - Patricia Kolstad Nov 11 - Junius Jaubert Nov 17 - Jim Dougherty
Happy Anniversary
Nov 18 - Russ & Janet Johnson Nov 21 - Keith & Paddy Nelson Nov 29 - Susan Piazza & Matt Holzmann Wishing Health to Bob Dunham
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www./.com/ni.rotary help spread the word to our friends [1] Our Website www.NI-‐ [2] Club Calendar View schedule & then Invite friends to join us... [3] Click for Map Directions to send a visitor to find our mee8ngs.. [4] Click Make-‐up Map for District clubs Click “pin” to display club name, address, meet date +contact. Double Click takes you to Google Maps for driving directions [ Smartphone compatible ] [5] Clubrunner iPhone App is free: find a Instant Member Directory & Club Stories [6] Check out RIs free Club Location App useful to find Rotary clubs ...worldwide
Rotaflyer Editor: Guy Harden Reporter: Bill Zeller; Photos: Guy, Cecil Hess, Uzo, Bob, Darryl Published by
Newport-Irvine Rotary Club Bob Fish, President Art Kleinpell, President-Elect Patricia Brainerd: Pres.-Nominee Sanjay Dalal, New Generations/Rotaract Cecil Hess, Community Service Russ Johnson, Membership Guy Harden, International Service Singh Sawhney, Vocational Service
Join us for Lunch Thursdays at 12:00 Noon
Space for Sponsors
University Club, UCI 801 East Peltason Drive Irvine, CA 92697 (949) 824-7960
Free Parking