" NOVEMBER 15, 2012
Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Last Meeting Notes Pres Bob called order 12:30 Invocation: Norm Witt Pledge: Art Kleinpell 4-Way Test: Casey Crandall Song of the Day: Scott Jackson led us in a unique rendition of “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” Rotary Minute: President Bob provided an interesting historical timeline of major RI Events. Introductions: John Brainerd Laura Dietz from NPB Sunrise who reminded us of their annual Xmas Party for Marines and asked for Gift Card donations. Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Suji Tanaka from Japan came with Bill Hossfeld, Newport Balboa. Suji is attending UC Irvine taking courses in English and Business. He described cultural contrasts within and between Japan & U.S. Club banners were exchanged. Bailey introduced Ron Kinsling as a guest. Announcements: -NIRC Holiday Party Dec. 15th. Bob is sending an email regarding attendance. - District Holiday Reception will be Dec. 10th at Double Tree Orange -Rotary Int’l Conference June 23rd–26th Lisbon Portugal. -The District Conference will be May 2-4 at Knotts Berry Farm -Director of Community Service Cecil Hess updated us on two hands-on events in December. The gift box project has been changed due to having all the Marines home for the holidays. We’ll now purchase gift cards for
Meeting Speaker
Thursday, November 29th Andrea McCallister, Director Laura’s House
Andrea McCallister is Director of Development & Communications for Laura's House, a non-profit assisting families affected by domestic violence. She has been with Laura's House since May 2006, responsible for special events, fund-raising, marketing and communication. Prior to Laura's House, Andrea worked for Environmental Media Association in LA, promoting environmental awareness through television and film. She came to EMA after 5 years of event planning for lLvy, Pazanti & Assoc in Los Angeles. Andrea was an them. December 9th, we’ll host event coordinated benefit concerts, movie the 12th annual Olive Crest premieres and dinners for non-profits in the Christmas Party. Volunteers entertainment industry. need to arrive at Turtle Rock Community Center at 2:30. We She graduated from Southern Methodist University need 16 Volunteers to make this with a BA in Psychology. She is a member of Delta Gamma sorority, and has volunteered with Junior event happen. League of Los Angeles, Pediatric Cancer Research Fines: Blanca “nicked” Jim D., Foundation, and Orange County Rescue Mission. Keith N., Abe and Sanjay. resides in Newport Beach with her husband, Raffle: Pres Bob won this week! She Benn, and daughter, Elie Alexadra. Speaker: Our Program was Her presentation will involve an update on “Myanmar Orphanages Water Laura's House, progress with their Capital Systems Project” presented by Campaign and new Shelter. She will describe Dr. Seiko Sakata. Dr. Sakata a typical resident of the Shelter and show a six provided an overview of project minute video illustrating their journey. which was originated by J.T. Warring and John & Pat Brainerd from the Newport Irvine Rotary Club. It is now overseen by a multi-district committee which ---------------Upcoming Speakers/Events-----------------includes members from district Thursday, December 6th, 12:00pm 5280 and the Rotary Club of Los Dr Shizhong Chen- Chinese Culture Renaissance Angeles. Projects Objectives are Thursday, December 13th, 12:00pm (1) To provide fresh water to DarkClub Closed, Xmas Party different Venue Myanmar orphans and (2) Thursday, December 22nd, 12:00pm introduce and sponsor new Club Closed for Christmas Rotary clubs in Myanmar. Dr. Sakata provided a historical Thursday, December 29th, 12:00pm overview of Myanmar/Burma. Located in Southeast Asia, it is -------Mark the Date for our Special Event-------moving from a dictatorship towards a democracy. Nobel Laureate Suu Kyi has proposed an expansion of the water project to all villages in Myanmar. The project has provided fresh water to 26 orphanages. Seventy five more are needed at $8,600 for each project. New Lunch price $15 Click for UCI students... $10 Nov 15th UCI Rotaract club members.. $5 Photos
PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
" NOVEMBER 15, 2012
Spotlight Happy Birthday Nov 17 - Jim Dougherty Dec 20 - Steve Koenigsberg Dec 30 - George Coult
Happy Anniversary
Nov 18 - Russ & Janet Johnson Nov 21 - Keith & Paddy Nelson Nov 29 - Susan Piazza & Matt Holzmann Dec 11 - Rocky & Shirley Flanagan Dec 30 - Bob & Manita Bartels Wishing Health to Bob Dunham
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Rotaflyer Editor: Guy Harden Reporter: Bill Zeller; Photos: Guy, Cecil Hess, Uzo, Bob, Darryl Published by
Newport-Irvine Rotary Club Bob Fish, President Art Kleinpell, President-Elect Patricia Brainerd: Pres.-Nominee Sanjay Dalal, New Generations/Rotaract Cecil Hess, Community Service Russ Johnson, Membership Guy Harden, International Service Singh Sawhney, Vocational Service
Join us for Lunch Thursdays at 12:00 Noon
Space for Sponsors
University Club, UCI 801 East Peltason Drive Irvine, CA 92697 (949) 824-7960
Free Parking