AUGUST 9, 2012
Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Next Meeting Speaker Thursday, August 16th Jim Lorman, District 5320 Governor shares his goals After serving in the Navy Seabees, Jim was associated with land development for more than 44 years. He started with the State of New York DPW, geotechnical firms and Newport Beach building department. Jim expanded his skills with an MBA in Finance and Bachelors in Civil Engineering. He is a licensed Professional Engineer and General Engineering Contractor in California.
Last Meeting Notes Pres Bob called order 12:30 Invocation: Ken Paddock 4-Way Test: Casey Crandall Rotary Minute: Bill Zeller Song: Scott Jackson Introductions: Ron Hodge Visting Rotarians: Jeff Kolsin, eClub West Manuel Velarde, Boadilla Spain, “honorary summer member” Ed Linck, Irvine Rotary Sreehari Chava, Nagpur Fort, India returned for a 2nd visit Jeffrey Linck, Irvine Rotary Guests Ralph Clock, Long time Member, past President 1968-69 Announcements: 1. District Tailgate party Angels Stadium Sep 8 at 3:30pm 2. Foundation Dinner Nov 17th 3. Aug 18th: President & Directors training.. 4. Rotary Youth Exchange Host needed for French 16 year Boy for this school year. Newport Irvine Rotary Club Focus for 2012-13... Let’s go to Work ! - Begin the cycle - Build our base - Give our club a local face
Speaker: Jeff Pierce from Stifel, Nicolaus gave us a fascinating talk about his research about Warren Buffet’s Investment principals and advice. Notes from the meeting and Screen shots from his presentation are in the Photo Highlights
Photo Highlights Meeting of August 9th, 2012 Member News:
Bob Seliger expected back August 22nd from his Africa Rotary Projects Jim Dougherty heads to Spain next month
Prior to retirement, Jim was an executive with the Irvine Company where he worked for 24 years; his last position being Senior VP Operations. Jim joined the Rotary Club of Orange in 1986 and has held the positions of President and Director. He has supported District 5320 as a committee member on District Membership, the Advisory Board, Committee on Organization, Administration & Legislation, the Nominating Committee and District 5320 Charitable Foundation. Jim also serves on the Boards for Orange YMCA, the United Way, and Saint Joseph Hospital, and has participated in many Boy Scouts of America fund raisers. ---------------Upcoming Speakers------------------
Thursday, August 16, 12:00pm
District 5320 Gov. Jim Lorman visit
Thursday, August 23, 12:00pm Gene Hernandez - Rotary Rose Parade Float
Thursday, August 30 , 12:00pm TBD
Thursday, September 6, 12:00pm Len Indianer, Author of the “H Factor” -------------------Other Events----------------------
July 2012: Sakuji Tanaka, Rotary Club of Yashio, Japan became Rotary’s 102nd president for 2012-13
Changes you should know for Rotary year 2012-13
Sept 14 & 15th:- Woodbridge Cross-Country Feb 23, 2013 - Ride4Health Ride, Fair, Fundraiser re-scheduled after Fish & Game date approval
PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?