" MARCH 7, 2013
Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Meeting Speaker Thursday, March 7th
Barbara Hogan: Medicare Certified Senior Advisor
Last Meeting Notes
Barbara is a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) and Certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC). She specializes in Medicare health and drug insurances as well as long-term care insurance. WIth a 13+ year background in Medicare and is appointed with 11 different carriers so that she can provide clients with products that best fit their specific needs. She educates her clients, resulting in removing confusion and concern, replacing it with peace of mind. Although Englishman Major This presentation should be very helpful for anyone Walter Cloptin Wingfield is exploring Medicare options for themselves or family generally regarded as the members... father of lawn tennis, the ---------------Upcoming Speakers/Events-----------------evolution of the game is actually much more complex than that. Thursday, March 14th, 12:00pm Lawn tennis actually spread Sue McKinney -Traditional Vietnamese Medicine globally very quickly throughout Thursday, March 21st, 12:00pm the British empire, and was Talena Mara, VP: Segerstrom Center of Arts particularly popular in India. Thursday, March 28th, 12:00pm Vinayak’s grandfather was on John Moorloch, Orange County Supervisor an early Indian tennis team. The Thursday, April 4th, 12:00pm game was introduced in India through British military officers, TBD and quickly spread throughout Thursday, April 11th, 12:00pm the country as a game for elite TBD society members. However, servants were often trained to Download free Mobile Rotary Club Locator App practice with their rich Find a club to visit employers, and many of them when traveling... became the best players in India. The game was then adopted at all levels of Indian Available for all society and many croquet and Smartphones cricket fields were converted to Click for link lawn tennis courts. Prof. Chaturvedi stressed that it is difficult to disaggregate many iPhone elements of British sports from Android, or sport evolution throughout the British empire. BlackBerry
Pres Bob called meeting at 12:30 Invocation: Earle Fusselman Pledge: Art K.leinpell 4-Way Test: Bill Zeller Song: Jim Parsons led us in a rousing rendition of Dixie Rotary Minute: Pres Bob enlightened us in Building Friendly Rotary Clubs through Club Fellowship. Announcements: President Bob - Board of Director’s Nominations are open for new Board members -‐ District 5320 Assembly: Mar9, 8am - Noon Chapman Univ. -‐ District Conference May 2-4 at Knott’s Berry Farm -‐ RI International Convention: June 23-26 at Lisbon, Portugal -‐ Sanjay announced that the UCI Rotaract Club’s Passion Fest raised $1,000 for Polio Plus. -‐ Sanjay reminded Rotarians to connect with their Rotaract “Mentees”. -‐ It was also announced that past member Jim Slemmons died Feb. 4th Fine Mistress: Blanca Ocampo: levied fines against Mian, Casey, Bailey, Jim P., Sanjay, Blanca, Dave Halm, Norm, Keith & Pat - Bill Zeller, Reporter B. Program: Keith Nelson introduced UCI History Prof. Vinayak Click for Photo Album of Chaturvedi who provided a very Last Meeting interesting talk “The Empire’s Game; Tennis in India”. Tennis players will enjoy the Prof. Chaturvedi has research early tennis and India photos interests in the origin of ideas, from 1880-1930s and has applied this interest in the evolution of lawn tennis.
New Lunch Buffet price $15 UCI students... $10 UCI Rotaract club members.. $5
PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
" MARCH 7, 2013
Spotlight Happy Birthday Mar 5 - Darryl Sato Mar 11 - TJ Snyder Mar 12 - Len Fullmer Mar 17 - Frank Mead Mar 25 - Brian Gates
Happy Anniversary
Mar 3 - Mian & Naila Aquil Wishing extra Health to Bob Dunham Lou Van Lochem & Pat Brainerd
Computer/Website Info
Please “Like” our Facebook Page and spread the word to our friends [1] Website [2] Club Calendar Invite friends to join [3] Click for Map Directions to help a visitor find our mee7ngs.. [4] Click Make-‐up Map for District clubs Click “pin” to display club name, address, meet date +contact. Double Click takes you to Google Maps for driving directions [ Smartphone compatible ]
[5] Download free Mobile Rotary Club Locator App Available/Click for iPhone Android, and BlackBerry Rotaflyer Editor: Guy Harden Reporter: Bill Zeller; Photos: Guy, Cecil Hess, Uzo, Bob, Darryl Published by
Newport-Irvine Rotary Club Bob Fish, President Art Kleinpell, President-Elect Patricia Brainerd: Pres.-Nominee Sanjay Dalal, New Generations/Rotaract Cecil Hess, Community Service Russ Johnson, Membership Guy Harden, International Service Singh Sawhney, Vocational Service
Join us for Lunch Thursdays at 12:00 Noon
Space for Sponsors
University Club, UCI 801 East Peltason Drive Irvine, CA 92697 (949) 824-7960
Free Parking