Newport Irvine Rotaflyer 2013-12 Mar21

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"MARCH 21, 2013

Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..

Meeting Speaker

Thursday, March 21st Talena Mara, VP Education, Segerstrom Center for the Arts and Advocate for education and a more globally inclusive culture. Talena will talk about the goals and commitment to community that Segerstrom Center shares with Rotary. The Center has been dedicated to serving the community through its education programs as well as its artistic programming since it opened in 1986. Talena will give a thorough overview of the education programs that the Center offers for young people and families, how the Center is expanding its work in these areas to improve and enhance the quality of life and educational opportunities in Orange County and beyond.

Last Meeting Notes Pres Bob called meeting at 12:30 Invocation: Guy Harden Pledge: Cecil Hess 4-Way Test: Pat Brainerd Song: Jim Parsons led us singing God Bless America. Visiting Rotarians and Guests: Ron Hodge introduced visiting Rotarian Joe Badall from Abuquerque Rotary; Joe auctioned a book he authored to Sandra Moyer. Cecil introduced Brandon from “Stop Hunger”, who will be coordinating the distribution of 100,000 meals to Vietnam and Cheryl. Announcements: - Bob will be sending an email regarding club improvement by considering a move meeting to a breakfast or evening time. He wants feedback from all. - Sandra provided an update on Golf Tournament at Oak Creek in July. Great auction items will be offered: Hotels, Golf and Hawaii. It will be the week of July 15th. - Nominations are open for new Board members - District Conference May 2-4 at Knott’s Berry Farm Rl Convention: June 23-26 at Lisbon, Portugal - Cecil announced Service Projects to include a Career Nite for Olive Crest Children; 6 signed up to help. - Casey announced plans for a trip to Ensenada April 27th to work with our Sister Club on a school there during the weekend of the Ensenada boat race. Fine Mistress: Blanca Ocampo

offered Sandra Moyer time for an overview of her business & professional expertise.. Program: Pat introduced Sue McKinney who gave a History of Traditional Vietnamese Medicine. ---------------Upcoming Speakers/Events-----------------Vietnam enjoys a wealth of Thursday, March 28th, 12:00pm medicinal herbs with 20,000 John Moorloch, Orange County Supervisor plant species - more than the Thursday, April 4th, 12:00pm Amazon. She provided a brief history of Vietnamese medicine TBD starting with Tue Tini who Thursday, April 11th, 12:00pm originated the use of plants and TBD herbs as medicine for the poor Thursday, April 18th, 12:00pm but eventually used these TBD medicines for Royalty in Vietnam and China. Historic Plants are Download free Mobile Rotary Club Locator App now being used to help treat cancer, hepatitis, rheumatism Find a club to visit and many other ailments. when traveling... Over the past several years, Sue has worked with Dr. Chang to promote the use of Crila “The Available for all King’s Herb” as a treatment for Smartphones prostate and uterine problems. It Click for link is also being promoted for use to teat menopause. Crila’s Vietnam iPhone trials in 1990 showed an improvement in 89% of the Android, or sample participants. Sue also provided an overview of her BlackBerry efforts to bring Rotary to Vietnam and has had a very positive response, - Bill Zeller, Reporter

Click for Photo Album of Last Meeting

New Lunch Buffet price $15 UCI students... $10 UCI Rotaract club members.. $5

PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?


"MARCH 21, 2013

Spotlight Happy Birthday Mar 5 - Darryl Sato Mar 11 - TJ Snyder Mar 12 - Len Fullmer Mar 17 - Frank Mead Mar 25 - Brian Gates

Happy Anniversary

Mar 3 - Mian & Naila Aquil Wishing extra Health to Bob Dunham Lou Van Lochem & Pat Brainerd

Computer/Website Info

Please “Like” our Facebook Page and spread the word to our friends [1] Website [2] Club Calendar Invite friends to join [3] Click for Map Directions to help a visitor find our mee6ngs.. [4] Click Make-­‐up Map for District clubs Click “pin” to display club name, address, meet date +contact. Double Click takes you to Google Maps for driving directions [ Smartphone compatible ]

[5] Download free Mobile Rotary Club Locator App Available/Click for iPhone Android, and BlackBerry Rotaflyer Editor: Guy Harden Reporter: Bill Zeller; Photos: Guy, Cecil Hess, Uzo, Bob, Darryl Published by

Newport-Irvine Rotary Club Bob Fish, President Art Kleinpell, President-Elect Patricia Brainerd: Pres.-Nominee Sanjay Dalal, New Generations/Rotaract Cecil Hess, Community Service Russ Johnson, Membership Guy Harden, International Service Singh Sawhney, Vocational Service

Join us for Lunch Thursdays at 12:00 Noon

Space for Sponsors

University Club, UCI 801 East Peltason Drive Irvine, CA 92697 (949) 824-7960

Free Parking

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