APRIL 11, 2013
Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Meeting Speaker Thursday, April 11th Dr. Daniel Garcia, DC Health and Nutrition
Our speaker is Dr. Daniel Garcia, DC. He will speak about Nutrition and Weight Loss so we can learn to eat like an elephant and look like a gazelle. Dr. Garcia, born in Cerritos, was an All American water polo player and swimmer in college and was a Long Beach lifeguard for 10years.
Last Meeting Notes Pres Bob called meeting at 12:30 Invocation: Ron Hodge Pledge: John Brainerd 4-Way Test: Dave Halm Song of the Day: Scott Jackson led us in a special rendition of “ A Little Help From My Friends” Introduction:Visiting Rotarians & Friends: John Brainerd introduced Cartwright Shepherd, Paul Shu, Delipe Singh Sawhney and Mario and JC Furman Announcements: - Golf Tournament: Is scheduled for Monday July 15th at Oak Creek golf course. Art has the Save the Date card ready to go. Committee meets next week. - Rotaflyer: Guy needs help printing the RotoFlyer in Color. John B. thinks he can help. - Boy Scouts: club is trying to raise $1500 for troop 645. Thanks everyone for donations. - District Conference May 2-4 at Knotts Berry Farm. Jerry is cooking Lobster Bisque. - President Bob’s demotion party is scheduled for June 27th. - Entertainment: JC Furman will be our representative in the District singing contest. He sang two songs for the club: Stars from Les Miserables and The Impossible Dream. Fine Mistress: Blanca levied taxes on John Brainerd, Len Fullmer., and Roger McGonegal. Guest Speaker: PDG and District Foundation Chair Roger
McGonegal was our speaker. Roger first recognized Dave Halm for his Paul Harris plus 7 status. Roger presented “A Foundation for The Future” overview of new RI guidelines for Global and District Grants. The guidelines will bring more efficiency, accountability and value to Rotary grants. Reform of the guidelines was necessary due to the large volume of grants awarded in recent years. Beginning July 1st, 2013 each club will need to be qualified to receive grants. To be eligible, clubs will need to have at least two members attend a District training class to ensure each club’s adherence to the new guidelines. With each grant award, the next two club presidents must sign an MOU with RI. All future grants must support one of six Rotary areas of focus to be eligible. The new Global Grants will support larger and longer-term projects up to $30 K. “District grants” will support smaller local projects, but can also be used for global work. District grants will be for a maximum of $5K (NIRC is eligible for $3,300). The new grant guidelines can be found on the District 5320 website. Bill Zeller, Reporter
Click for Photo Album of Last Meeting
He is a graduate of CSU Long Beach and the L.A. College of Chiropractic. He has developed his skills to communicate on the essential characteristics and factors necessary to optimize health. ---------------Upcoming Speakers/Events------------------
Thursday, April 18th, 12:00pm Chris Epting - Old Orange County Thursday, April 25th, 12:00pm Gary Konecne-Disabled Sport/Wounded Warriors Thursday, May 2nd, 12:00pm Dark - No Meeting/District Conference Thursday, May 9th, 12:00pm Bo Glover - Environmental Nature Ctr: Newport Club Rotarians help “Stop Hunger Now”: 6 NIR members joined 70 other volunteers to pack 100,800 meals for Haiti Saturday March 22nd. Jim Parsons, Carol & Ed Smith, Singh Sawhney, Shamila Mustafa[eClub West], Cecil Hess & Guy Harden.
Click for Event Photos
New Lunch Buffet price $15 UCI students... $10 UCI Rotaract club members.. $5
PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
APRIL 11, 2013
, 2013
Happy Birthday Apr 3 - Bob Little Apr 18 - Tim Shields Mar 12 - Cecil Hess Apr 20 - Frank Mead Happy Anniversary Apr 28 - Pat & John Brinerd Apr 30 - Bailey & Lenda Smith Wishing extra Health to Bob Dunham Lou Van Lochem & Pat Brainerd
Computer/Website Info
Please “Like” our Facebook Page and spread the word to our friends [1] Website [2] Club Calendar Invite friends to join [3] Click for Map Directions to help a visitor find our mee6ngs.. [4] Click Make-‐up Map for District clubs Click “pin” to display club name, address, meet date +contact. Double Click takes you to Google Maps for driving directions [ Smartphone compatible ]
[5] Download free Mobile Rotary Club Locator App Find a club to visit when traveling.. Available/Click for iPhone Android, and BlackBerry Rotaflyer Editor: Guy Harden Reporter: Bill Zeller; Photos: Guy, Cecil Hess, Uzo, Bob, Darryl Published by
Newport-Irvine Rotary Club Bob Fish, President Art Kleinpell, President-Elect Patricia Brainerd: Pres.-Nominee Sanjay Dalal, New Generations/Rotaract Cecil Hess, Community Service Russ Johnson, Membership Guy Harden, International Service Singh Sawhney, Vocational Service
Join us for Lunch Thursdays at 12:00 Noon
Space for Sponsors
University Club, UCI 801 East Peltason Drive Irvine, CA 92697 (949) 824-7960
Free Parking