APRIL 25, 2013
Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events..
Last Meeting Notes Pres Bob called meeting at 12:30 Invocation: Ron Hodge Pledge: Tim Shields 4-Way Test: Cecil Hess Song of the Day: Jim Parsons “God Bless America” Introduction of Visiting Rotarians and Friends: Ron Hodge: Paul Hsu, Taiwan; Lauren Reeves, Newport Balboa; Chris Epting, Speaker Announcements: - Golf Tournament: Mon Jul15th at Oak Creek golf course. The committee is meeting today at NPB Country Club. Art has the Save the Date card ready to go. - Rotaractor Richard Ruiz announced that UCI Rotaract Club will host a professional development event onApril 24th from 6-8 pm. Location TBD. - Lauren Reeves from Newport Balboa club announced fundraiser for the Japanese Osaki student exchange on April 24th. They will send six students. - District Conference May 2-4 at Knotts Berry Farm. Jerry is cooking Lobster Bisque. - President Bob’s demotion party is scheduled June 27th. - Uzo provided update on his trip to Nigeria to raise funds for a Mobile Health Screening and Surgery vehicle. It will provide quality health services to needy people around Egbo, Nigeria. Uzo is developing partnerships with Rotarians in Egbo. Volunteers needed for an Olive Crest Career Night Thu, May
Meeting Speaker
Thursday, April 25th Gary Konecne - Disabled SportsUSA
Gary is President of Disabled Sports USA formed in the early 70’s by a group of disabled veteran’s from the Viet Nam war, and was originally known as the National Handicapped Sports Association. They provide ski instruction to disabled individuals at Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort. All costs of instruction, equipment, lift tickets and lodging are provided to students at no charge. A typical trip involves skiing from Friday to Sunday. Fridays are typically free-skiing instructor days, compensation for volunteering. Saturdays involve a morning 9:30-12 lesson and afternoon 1-3:30 session. 2nd at 6pm. 6 members have Sundays are morning sessions only. Many mono-ski students become expert level skiers signed up, more welcome.. and capable of skiing everywhere on the mountain. Dinner is provided, Call Cecil will soon graduate to become instructors in Fine Master: Kerk Lesh levied Some own right. All funding comes from private fines on Tim, Ken, Uzo and Bill Z. their donations. Info at Speaker: President Bob intro---------------Upcoming Speakers/Events-----------------duced Chris Epting who shared his book Baseball in Orange Thur, May 2nd, 12:00pm Dark - No Meeting County. Thursday, May 9th, 12:00pm Baseball was played in 1880’s Bo Glover - Environmental Nature Ctr: Newport OC by oil company teams. Thursday, May 16th, 12:00pm Connie Mack & Joe DiMaggio Margaret Richardson’s Birthday Celebration played at La Palma Park in Thursday, May 23rd, 12:00pm Anaheim. The first Jackie Dr. Aisha Simjee - “Hope in Sight” Robinson movie was filmed in OC with Jackie starring as himself. Angels stadium is 4th Club Rotarians help “Stop Hunger Now”: 6 NIR members joined 70 volunteers to pack oldest stadium in the U.S. 100,800 meals for Haiti Sat March 22nd. Jim Chris found a photo of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig who were Parsons, Carol & Ed Smith, Singh Sawhney, Shamila Mustafa[eClub West], Cecil Hess & Guy Harden. on a hunting trip to Cypress. He spoke of the Babe playing in Brea and the photos he has of that game. Chris also talked about his efforts to place a monument on the grave of Jack Norwood who wrote “Take Me Out To The Ball Game” in 1908. Jack is buried near Angel Stadium. He lived in Laguna Beach for a number of years and started the Little League there. The champion team in Laguna Beach receives the Jack Click for Event Photos Norwood Trophy each year. - Bill Zeller, Reporter
Click for Photo Album of Last Meeting
New Lunch Buffet price $15 UCI students... $10 UCI Rotaract club members.. $5
PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
APRIL 25, 2013
Spotlight Happy Birthday Apr 3 - Bob Little Apr 18 - Tim Shields Apr 12 - Cecil Hess Apr 20 - Frank Mead Happy Anniversary Apr 28 - Pat & John Brainerd Apr 30 - Bailey & Lenda Smith Wishing extra Health to Bob Dunham Lou Van Lochem & Pat Brainerd
Computer/Website Info
Please “Like” our Facebook Page and spread the word to our friends [1] Website [2] Club Calendar Invite friends to join [3] Click for Map Directions to help a visitor find our mee6ngs.. [4] Click Make-‐up Map for District clubs Click “pin” to display club name, address, meet date +contact. Double Click takes you to Google Maps for driving directions [ Smartphone compatible ]
[5] Download free Mobile Rotary Club Locator App Find a club to visit when traveling.. Available/Click for iPhone Android, and BlackBerry Rotaflyer Editor: Guy Harden Reporter: Bill Zeller; Photos: Guy, Cecil Hess, Uzo, Bob, Darryl Published by
Newport-Irvine Rotary Club Bob Fish, President Art Kleinpell, President-Elect Patricia Brainerd: Pres.-Nominee Sanjay Dalal, New Generations/Rotaract Cecil Hess, Community Service Russ Johnson, Membership Guy Harden, International Service Singh Sawhney, Vocational Service
Join us for Lunch Thursdays at 12:00 Noon
Space for Sponsors
University Club, UCI 801 East Peltason Drive Irvine, CA 92697 (949) 824-7960
Free Parking