RotaFlyer 2012-05 Feb 2nd

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FEB 2 , 2012!


Meeting Highlights

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Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming Program Thursday, Feb 9th... Gavin Huntley-Fenner Running Schools Like a Business: Gavin Huntley-Fenner is a Governing Board member of Irvine Unified School District: 32 schools, 26,000 students; budget $200 million.

Connor de Phillippi, Race Car Driver

Meeting Notes President Uzo called order at 12:30. Invoca'on by Guy Harden Pledge of Allegiance: Pat Brainerd Beach Boys Song by Sco: Jackson Rotary Minute -­‐ Jim Parsons shared college geology days when 88-­‐90% equaled an F. He also reflected on a trip to Cavorca with his wife Alice where they parNcipated in a Polio vaccine project. The moment they realized the power of Rotary was when they were introduced to a beauNful 3 yr old young girl who beamed proudly for the opportunity to receive a vaccinaNon. Guests of the Club: -­‐ Guest Speaker -­‐ Connor de Phillippi 18 yr old Indy Light Race Car Driver Guests of Members -­‐ Dina Brown, Graduate DissertaNon Coach, UCI VisiNng Rotarians -­‐ Dick Holmgren, Newport-­‐Balboa Rotary Announcements: 1. Reflect on RI Logo and consider the next conven6on in Bangkok, Thailand. The former Prime Minister of Thailand is a Rotarian and ac6vely working to make it a welcome experience for visitors.


2. District Mee0ng Jun 1-­‐3 in Long Beach. Volunteers are needed to help cook at our club’s booth. 3. Ride for Health & Wellness Commi:ees are set and first meeNng will be next Thursday, at 10:30am. Routes are decided, community partners are set, support is coming from across OC.

4. Bob Selinger saluted members

who donated to the Wheel Chair Mission in Zambia. 47 clubs in 4 districts gave $80,000. Our Club raised $18,485 towards 600 wheel chairs. Major donors: Cecil, Sco:, Blanca, Tim, Margaret, Ken & David were presented with hand made

Zambian dolls as thanks.

Speaker -­‐ Bob Fish introduced Connor de Phillippi, an 18 yr old Race Car Driver from San Clemente. Connor grew up in a racing family starNng at the age of 5. He races for Mazda in the Firestone Indy Light Series running 12 races this season. We found out being a race car driver is so much more than just driving fast. You earn your seat and win your way to gain experience. Connor is well on his way to his goal of racing in the Indy 500!

Dr. Huntley-Fenner grew up in Guyana, South America and immigrated to the US 33 years ago. He has an unusually broad educational pedigree. In Guyana, he was educated in the British colonial system. Since then, he has attended or taught at just about every type of U.S. post-secondary institution including community colleges, state universities, small private colleges and large private research universities.

He earned his Ph.D. in Brain & Cognitive Sciences at MIT in 1995. He lives in Irvine with his wife and two children.

Thursday, Feb 16, 12:00pm Henry Walker Thursday, Feb 23, 12:00pm Jacqueline Sidman, Harness the Power of your Mind for Success Thursday, March 1, 12:00pm Matt Kinley, Tredway Lumsdaine & Doyle “Obamacare” Thursday, March 8

Club Assembly & Major Donor Presentations PAGE 1

Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all ?

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