York Early Music Festival 2015 brochure

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2 – 11 July

Front Cover Image: Detail

from “The Field of the Cloth of Gold” from the Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2014



The 2015 Festival takes us on a journey across 300 years of music-making, bringing together the music and musicians of England and France. From the battle of Agincourt in 1415 – brought to life by The Clerks in the Quire of York Minster on Thursday 9 July – to the magnificent spectacle which was the court of the Sun King, Louis XIV, in a programme of music and dance presented by the London Handel Players on Friday 3 July. Highlights along the way include a welcome return to the Festival by Andrew Parrott and his Taverner Consort, The Sixteen directed by Harry Christophers and the Early Opera Company led by Christian Curnyn. We are particularly delighted to welcome the distinguished Belgian vocalists the Huelgas Ensemble and The Orlando Consort both of whom will examine the fascinating world of medieval music from very different perspectives, as well as Sylvia Abramowicz, Jonathan and Thomas Dunford in a programme focusing on the maestro of the French Baroque Marin Marais.

The Festival culminates with the 2015 International Young Artists Competition on 11 July featuring emerging ensembles from across the UK, Europe and the USA. Supported by a raft of organisations including the EUBO Development Trust and Creative Europe, this international competition goes from strength to strength and we look forward to spotting the early music ‘stars’ of the future. As the cover image illustrates, the festival draws together 300 years of Anglo-French history – sometimes harmonious, sometimes rather less so! Whatever your sympathies, the 2015 Festival challenges you to discover something new of the culture of these two remarkable countries in a series of concerts featuring some of the world’s finest early music specialists. We hope that there is something here for you – if you’re inspired please do consider becoming a Festival Friend or an NCEM Patron. Whether, Friend, Patron or Audience Member, we look forward to welcoming you. Delma Tomlin MBE Administrative Director

Artistic Advisers John Bryan, Kati Debretzeni, Lindsay Kemp, Peter Seymour

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Friends Festival Saver Ticket £290.00 (£255.00 concessions) Join the Friends and save 15%. See page 22 for details.

Th u rs day 2 July

Supported by

Friday 3 July

www.harrowells.co.uk YE MF


FILM@NCEM 7.00pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church, Walmgate Unreserved seating: £5.00

Henry V (1944, 136 minutes, PG) As a prelude to our Battle of Agincourt anniversary concert (see Event 21), the festival screens Laurence Olivier’s film of Shakespeare’s Henry V, with its stunning technicolour recreation of the battle and the pomp and pageantry of the court. The film will be introduced by Judith Buchanan, Professor of Film and Literature and Director of the Humanities Research Centre at the University of York and author of Shakespeare on Film.


EVENT 02 Friends Saver Ticket

7.30pm | Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York Reserved seating: £26.00 (concessions £22.00, students £5.00)

London Handel Players

Adrian Butterfield director/violin Rachel Brown flute Oliver Webber violin Rachel Byrt viola Katherine Sharman cello Peter Buckoke double bass Laurence Cummings harpsichord with Mary Collins and Steve Player dancers

A Celebration of Baroque Dance Louis XIV’s passion for dance inspired composers throughout Europe so much that, for all his warmongering, perhaps his biggest victory lay in the gradual spread of French dancing styles – La belle danse. By the end of his reign it was said that ‘there is not a single court in Europe where the dancing-master is not French’. Rediscovering the nature of these distinctive dances has in turn led to a reassessment of their music and a fresh perspective on the great composers who wrote them including Lully, Rebel, Handel and Corelli. “consummate skill and musicianship” New York Times www.adrianbutterfield.com

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S atu rday 4 July


EVENT 03 Friends Saver Ticket

11.00am – c.12.15pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating £16.00 (concessions £14.00, students £5.00)

Andreas Staier harpsichord

Entente cordiale 1 One of the world’s leading performers on historic keyboards explores two great 17th-century national harpsichord traditions in works by the English composers John Bull, William Byrd and Henry Purcell, and the Frenchmen Chambonnières, D’Anglebert and Louis Couperin. See also Event 4. “Staier surely comes close to an ideal synthesis of historical awareness and charisma – superb” International Record Review www.andreas-staier.de


EVENT 04 Friends Saver Ticket

3.00pm – c.4.15pm York Guildhall, St Helen’s Square Unreserved seating £16.00 (concessions £14.00, students £5.00)

Kati Debretzeni violin Richard Boothby bass viol Mahan Esfahani harpsichord, organ Entente cordiale 2 New member of the YEMF Artistic Advisers team Kati Debretzeni is joined by two distinguished colleagues in a tour of the finest English and French Baroque chamber music by John Jenkins, William Lawes, Jean-Marie Leclair, Marin Marais and Jean-Philippe Rameau. See also Event 3. “a real breath of fresh air” The Times



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S atu rday 4 July


EVENT 05 Friends Saver Ticket

7.30pm | The Quire,York Minster Unreserved seating: £26.00 (concessions £22.00, students £5.00)

Taverner Consort & Choir Andrew Parrott director with Emily Van Evera soprano

Saturday Saver Ticket £45.00 (£40.00) Buy tickets for Events 3, 4 & 5 and save 20% See page 22 for details

Cross-Channel Connections Cultural ties across northern Europe have often been strong, but the historic meeting of Henry VIII and Francis I at ‘the Field of the Cloth of Gold’ in 1520 gave the musicians of two Chapels Royal a rare opportunity to hear each other in action. Taking its lead from that encounter, this concert interlaces two Mass settings – Taverner’s ‘Western Wind’ Mass and Crecquillon’s ‘Missa Domine Deus omnipotens’ – with French secular chansons and intimate English songs. “The singing is first-rate throughout” The Independent www.taverner.org

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S u n day 5 July



2.00pm – 3.00pm | NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating. Free to those attending other events in the Festival but please do book tickets in advance to avoid disappointment. Limited to two tickets per person.

Early Music Show

Join us for a live broadcast of this popular show, presented by Lucie Skeaping YE MF


4.00pm – c.5.00pm Unitarian Chapel, St Saviourgate Unreserved seating £10.00 (concessions, students £5.00) Festival Friends and NCEM Patrons free of charge

Minster Minstrels Ian Hoggart director A Choice Collection

The Minstrels will be joined by students from the University of York Baroque Ensemble in a programme of Purcell, looking at his inspirations and legacies across both England and France. The Minster Minstrels is run as a partnership between the NCEM and the City of York’s Arts Academy with support from the Mayfield Valley Arts Trust. For details of the weekly programme, log on to www.ncem.co.uk/minsterminstrels


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Sunday 5 July


EVENT 08 Friends Saver Ticket

6.30pm – c.8.30pm Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York Reserved seating £26.00 (concessions £22.00, students £5.00)

Early Opera Company

Sunday 5 July


EVENT 09 Friends Saver Ticket

9.45pm – c.10.45pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating £16.00 (concessions £14.00, students £5.00)

Sylvia Abramowicz bass viol Jonathan Dunford bass viol Thomas Dunford lute, baroque guitar A Deux Violes esgales

Christian Curnyn director Ed Lyon Actéon Emilie Renard Dido Callum Thorpe Aeneas Hilary Summers Junon, Sorceress

Charpentier: Actéon Purcell: Dido and Aeneas Christian Curnyn’s admired ensemble returns to York with the perfect Baroque operatic double-bill. Purcell’s incomparable Dido and Aeneas, presenting the death of the tragic Carthaginian queen, has long been acknowledged as a masterpiece of English musical drama, while Charpentier’s story of the unfortunate hunter Actéon, transformed into a stag and devoured by his own hounds for observing the goddess Diana bathing, is one of the great discoveries of recent decades. “Curnyn’s judgment of Charpentier's mix of sensual refinement and violence is wonderfully acute” The Guardian

Sylvia Abramowicz and Jonathan Dunford were first brought together by a shared love of the music of the great master of French Baroque viol, Marin Marais. Here they are joined by their son – making a welcome return to the Festival following his recital with Iestyn Davies in 2013 – in works from Marais’s First and Second Books of Pièces de viole. “The perfect tuning of the instruments, the deep, melancholy tones … captivated the audience.” La république du centre www.arts-scene.be/en/asd-artistesactualites-A-2-Violes-esgales Supported by The Queens Hotel www.queenshotel-york.com


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M on day 6 July



10.30am – c.11.30am Bedern Hall, Bedern £8.00 including coffee on arrival Unreserved seating

Bringing Firminus Caron into focus

David Fallows, Emeritus Professor of Musicology at the University of Manchester, introduces the man who until recently was the 15th century’s most elusive and hard-to-identify composer, and explains how he has now emerged as a major figure. See also Event 12


EVENT 11 Friends Saver Ticket

2.00pm – c.3.00pm | NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating: £13.00 (concessions £10.00, students £5.00)

University of York Baroque Ensemble Compagnia d'Istrumenti with

Nia Lewis, Daniel Edgar, Tim Smedley directors

The North Wind and the Sun King Dance music from Rameau’s last opera, Les Boréades, is heard here alongside Purcell's distinctively English take on the genre in his Ayres for the Theatre and Jean-Féry Rebel’s innovative ballet Les Caractères de la danse, which takes us on a whistle-stop tour of the essential dance forms of the day. Presented in association with Supported by Monk Bar Hotel www.bw-monkbarhotelyork.co.uk


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M on day 6 July


EVENT 12 Friends Saver Ticket

7.30pm | The Quire,York Minster Unreserved seating: £26.00 (concessions £22.00, students £5.00)

Huelgas Ensemble Paul van Nevel director

9.45pm Mamma Mia, Gillygate

Firminus Caron: A late Medieval Master Very little is known about the life of this remarkable Franco-Flemish composer from the time of Dufay. This lack of information on his life is, however, outweighed by his musical output, which is incredibly diverse and filled with technical refinements far in advance of many of his contemporaries. This programme presents movements from five of his masses and a selection of his impressively virtuosic secular chansons. See also Event 10. “van Nevel would seem to encourage individuality of tone among his singers, as the sound which results is a wonderful, ever-changing blend of voices … (the result is) … simply beautiful” BBC Proms 2013 www.huelgasensemble.be

Supported by

Festival Friends Supper

In a new departure for this year, Festival Friends, their guests and NCEM Patrons are invited to join together after Event 12 at this noted Italian restaurant. Please book with us by July 1. To join the Friends, please contact the administrator Jillian Johnson by ringing 01904 632220, email friends@ncem.co.uk or log on to www.ncem.co.uk/friends

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Tu e s day 7 July



2.00pm – c.3.00pm | All Saints’ Church, North Street Unreserved seating £12.00 (concessions £10.00, students £5.00)

La Morra


Doron Schleifer voice Corina Marti recorders/harpsichord Michal Gondko lute Anna Danilevskaia fiddle

A Ballade’s Journey A lovingly constructed programme illuminating the fascinating history of the ballade form during the time of its greatest flourishing in the late medieval period and featuring composers such as Guillaume de Machaut, Pierre des Molins, Johannes Cuvelier, Antonello da Caserta, Arnold de Lantins, John Bedyngham and others. www.lamorra.info


EVENT 14 Friends Saver Ticket

6.30pm – c.8.15pm | NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating £16.00 (concessions £14.00, students £5.00)

Rose Consort of Viols

Supported by Middlethorpe Hall Hotel and Spa www.middlethorpe.com

John Bryan, Alison Crum, Andrew Kerr, Roy Marks viols with Clare Wilkinson mezzo-soprano and Jacob Heringman lute

Queen Elizabeth’s French Songbook One of the most prized possessions of the library of Winchester College is a set of red leather part-books embossed with the arms of Queen Elizabeth and containing settings of chansons by many of the leading French composers of the day. Festival regulars the Rose Consort presents a selection of chansons from this source and others, including works by Certon, Sandrin, Sermisy and elegant French dances, and instrumental music by Queen Elizabeth’s own court composers Tallis, Parsons and Byrd. “There are no better executants than Clare and the Rose Consort: such is their rapport with one another and their empathy with the music, one can gain further insights into this endlessly enthralling music” Early Music Review www.roseconsort.co.uk


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Tu e s day 7 July



Friends Saver Ticket

9.30pm – 11.00pm | NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating £16.00 (concessions £14.00, students £5.00)

The Orlando Consort

Matthew Venner countertenor Mark Dobell, Angus Smith tenors Donald Greig baritone Robert Macdonald bass

Voices Appeared: Silent Cinema and Medieval Music Condemned in France on its release, vilified by the Catholic authorities and banned outright in England, Carl Theodor Dreyer’s 1928 film La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc is now widely recognised as a silent masterpiece, regularly appearing in lists of the top ten greatest films. Inspired by Dreyer’s vision, the award-winning Orlando Consort presents an entirely new, carefully-crafted soundtrack of music from the era in which the film is set. The intricate beauty of 15th-century works by Binchois and Dufay, together with animated motets and haunting plainsong, amplify the poignant depiction of medieval France and provides a highly evocative accompaniment to this landmark film. “The Orlando Consort’s performances are simultaneously ravishing and reverential” Los Angeles Times “So extraordinary and otherworldly is this film's power, you could believe you were watching the actual trial of Joan of Arc.” The Guardian www.orlandoconsort.com

Supported by

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Wednesday 8 July


EVENT 16 Friends Saver Ticket

11.00am – c.12 noon NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating £16.00 (concessions £14.00, students £5.00)

James Gilchrist tenor Peter Seymour fortepiano

O Tuneful Voice The art-song repertory of late 18th- and early 19th-century England and France is an obscure one, but while the outstanding contributions to French song of the time came perhaps from Mozart and (in translation) Schubert, England developed a body of outstanding songs which deserve to be better known. In this recital, songs by Dibdin, Linley, Attwood, Pinto, Bishop, Wesley and distinguished visitor Haydn are performed by one of Europe’s greatest song interpreters making a welcome return to the 2015 Festival. “Supremely accomplished singing” Gramophone www.jamesgilchrist.co.uk



1.00pm – c.5.00pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church £25.00 including afternoon tea, or £20.00 if booked with event 18

The Sixteen Insight Day

Whether you are new to the Choral Pilgrimage repertoire, or want to expand your existing knowledge, this Insight Day provides a fascinating insight into the stories behind the music. Led by singer and practical scholar, Sally Dunkley and Bruno Turner, editor, music director and scholar, in the company of a consort of singers, the Insight Days have proved to be remarkably informative and enjoyable occasions. Promoted in association with The Sixteen


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W e d n e s day 8 July


Sponsored by JWP Creers

EVENT 18 Friends Saver Ticket

7.30pm | The Nave,York Minster Reserved seating front nave: £30.00 | Reserved seating rear nave: £23.00 (concessions £20.00) Unreserved seating side aisles: £16.00 (students £5.00)

The Sixteen

Harry Christophers director

Flight of angels Music by Francisco Guerrero and Alonso Lobo Seville during the 16th-century Spanish ’golden age’ was one of the biggest, richest and most cosmopolitan cities on earth, a place where arts and culture flourished, and where two of Spain’s greatest composers worked. Francisco Guerrero and Alonso Lobo captured an astonishing variety of moods, from ecstasy and joy to despair, longing and devotional stillness, all of which can be felt in this richly beautiful programme. Promoted in association with The Sixteen www.thesixteen.com

Guerrero: Duo Seraphim Lobo: Kyrie: Missa Maria Magdalene Lobo: Libera me Guerrero: Gloria: Missa Surge propera Guerrero: Laudate Dominum Guerrero: Maria Magdalene Guerrero: Credo: Missa de la batalla escoutez Guerrero: Vexilla Regis Lobo: Ave Regina coelorum Lobo: Ave Maria Lobo: Versa est in luctum Guerrero: Agnus Dei I and II: Missa Congratulamini mihi

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W e d n e s day 8 July


Thursday 9 July International



10.00pm – c.11.00pm SHOWCASE St Mary’s Church, Bishophill Junior Unreserved seating £12.00 (concessions £10.00, students £5.00)

Alex McCartney lute

Elizabeth’s Lutes From Henry VIII’s time onwards, music was always popular with the Tudors, but after Elizabeth I had ascended to the throne in 1558 her seventy-or-so court musicians must have thought they were in a golden age. Elizabeth herself was a keen luteplayer and this programme showcases the quality of the professional lutenists who worked in and around her court. “wonderfully expressive playing” Opera Today www.alexmccartney.co.uk

Competition2015 We are delighted to welcome emerging ensembles from the UK, the USA and from across Europe as they present a series of preliminary recitals in advance of the 2015 Competition. These informal recitals are introduced by singer and broadcaster Catherine Bott. See also Events 22 and 25.


EVENT 20 Friends Saver Ticket

10.15am – c.4.00pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating £10.00 (students £5.00)

Amsterdam Corelli Collective (The Netherlands)

The Lure of Italy Music for string orchestra by Stradella, Corelli and Geminiani.

Diapason (USA)

Out of Italy Sonatas for cello and harpsichord by Geminiani, Klein, J.S. Bach and Barrière.

Ensemble Ancor (Austria) La Gamba

16th- and early 17th-century music for recorder consort by Palestrina, De Rore, Gabrieli and others.

Il Giorno Felice (Poland) Equal Partners

Music for recorder and cello duo plus harpsichord by Frescobaldi, Stradella, Telemann and Matteis.

Sollazzo Ensemble (Switzerland) Cacciando per gustar

Music for voices and instruments from 14th-century Italy by Ciconia, Landini, Matteo da Perugia and others.


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Supported by Middletons

Th u rs day 9 July

www.middletonsyork.co.uk YE MF

EVENT 21 Friends Saver Ticket

7.30pm | The Quire,York Minster | Unreserved seating: £26.00 (concessions £22.00, students £5.00)

The Clerks

Edward Wickham director

Cry God for Harry: Music from the Court of Henry V

To mark the anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, The Clerks offer a special programme, featuring music associated with the court of Henry V and with the battle itself. Drawing on the rich seam of English polyphony to be found in the Old Hall Manuscript and other early 15th-century sources, the programme offers a fascinating picture of music operating in the service of religion, politics and ceremonial occasions. See also Event 1. “Bold and brilliant performances” Gramophone www.theclerks.co.uk

5.00pm Bedern Hall

Q&A with Edward Wickham Admission Free

4.30pm Bar Convent, Blossom Street

Festival Friends’ Afternoon Tea NCEM Patrons and Friends of York Early Music Festival are invited to meet for afternoon tea in the elegant surroundings of the Bar Convent. Tickets cost £13.00 and should be booked by July 1 from Jillian Johnson at friends@ncem.co.uk

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Fri day 1 0 J uly

Friday 10 July

International YE MF

SHOWCASE 6.00pm – c.6.40pm Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York Unreserved seating: £5.00 Free of charge to those attending Event 24

Competition2015 We continue our informal recitals in the company of singer, broadcaster Catherine Bott.




EVENT 22 Friends Saver Ticket

Ben Horden organ

Vive La France!

10.30am – c.4.00pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating £10.00 (students £5.00)

Celebrated organ music of the French Baroque

Consone Quartet (UK)

Couperin Clérambault Daquin

Light and Shade

Messe pour les Paroisses: Offertoire sur les Grand Jeux Suite du deuxième ton Suite de Noëls

Schubert’s String Quartet in D major D 94

Les Touches (USA)

La Danse des violes Bass viol duos by Boismortier, Hingeston and Viviani.

nexus baroque (Germany) A Due Flauti

Music for two recorders, cello and harpsichord by Domenico Gabrielli, Marco Uccellini and Giuseppe Sammartini.

Royal Baroque (UK)

‘Pour le plaisir du roi…’ Baroque chamber music by Lully and Rebel.

The Scroll Ensemble (The Netherlands) Kircher’s Curiosities

Improvisations for assorted instruments, inspired by Athanasius Kircher’s 1650 musical treatise Musurgia Universalis


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Although it has presided over many concerts presented by the Festival, the Grant, Degens and Bradbeer organ of the Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall has rather stayed out of the limelight. This programme of organ music from some of France’s most celebrated 17th-century composers is a whistle-stop tour of the organ’s capabilities showcasing a rich tonal palette.

Fri day 1 0 July


EVENT 24 Friends Saver Ticket

7.30pm | Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York Reserved seating: £26.00 (concessions £22.00, students £5.00)

Yorkshire Baroque Soloists

Supported by Novotel www.accor.com

Bethany Seymour soprano Lucy Russell, Daniel Edgar violins Rachel Gray cello David Miller theorbo Peter Seymour harpsichord, organ

Un Concert spirituel Couperin: Le Parnasse, ou L’apothéose de Corelli Jacquet de La Guerre: Sonate pour le Viollon et pour le Clavecin Jacquet de La Guerre: Suonata. IVa. a 2. VV. E Violoncello obligato con organo Jacquet de La Guerre: Cantata Le Passage de la Mer Rouge Jacquet de La Guerre: Cantata Semelé Montéclair: Cantata Morte di Lucretia In the last years of Louis XIV’s reign, musical life at court was in decline and society turned to the public concert for stimulation. Soon Italy’s creeping musical influence was shown in French versions of the sonata and cantata genres. Alongside familiar composers such as Couperin, this concert presents music by Elisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre, celebrating not only the 350th anniversary of her birth but also one of the first women to achieve professional status as a composer. “Yorkshire Baroque Soloists’ unflagging verve” The Press www.yorkshirebaroquesoloists.org.uk

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Saturday 11 July

International YE MF

EVENT 25 Friends Saver Ticket

10.00am to c.5.30pm | NCEM Reserved tickets: £25.00 (concessions £20.00, students £5.00)


The 2015 York Early Music International Young Artists Competition will be presented by singer and broadcaster Catherine Bott: and judged by violinist Kati Debretzeni, singer and practical scholar Sally Dunkley, Philip Hobbs of Linn Records, Daniel Bizeray, Director General, Centre Culturel de rencontre d'Ambronay and Peter Pontvik, Director Stockholm Early Music Festival & President of REMA, the European Early Music Festival Network. The winners of the 2015 Competition will be announced at the end of the afternoon and will receive a cheque for £1,000, a professional CD recording contract from Linn Records and opportunities to work with BBC Radio 3 and the National Centre for Early Music. In addition, we are offering prizes from the EUBO Development Trust, Cambridge Early Music Festival and the Friends of the York Early Music Festival. To join the Friends, and get a vote, please contact Jillian Johnson at friends@ncem.co.uk This year we are also able to award one European ensemble a place on the first year of the ‘Eeemerging: Emerging European Ensembles’ programme, a large-scale European cooperation project promoting the emergence of new talent in early music.

Amsterdam Corelli Collective (The Netherlands)

Ryuko Reid, Alba Encinas, Asuka Sumi, David Rabinovici, Christine Verdon, Hannah Visser, Isidro Albarreal Delgado, Kim White violins Isa Juárez, Annemarie Kosten-Dür violas Maximiliano Segura Sánchez, Irene Kok cellos Zaynab Martin double bass Mario Sarrechia harpsichord

Lighting a Candle, Casting a Shadow Music for string orchestra by Locatelli and C.P.E. Bach

Consone Quartet (UK) Agata Daraskaite, Magdalena Loth-Hill violins Louisa Tatlow viola George Ross cello

The Father Haydn’s String Quartet in F minor, Op. 20 No. 5 www.ncem.co.uk/eee

Diapason (USA)

Supported rted by

Elizabeth Lyon cello Matthew Hall fortepiano

A Viennese portrait www.grangehotel.co.uk


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Music for cello and fortepiano by Moscheles, Franz Xaver Mozart and Wölfl.


Young Artists Saver £36.00 (£32.00) Buy tickets for Events 20, 22 and 25 and save 20%. See page 22 for details

Ensemble Ancor (Austria)

nexus baroque (Germany)

Ruth Bruckner, Iris Mañà Alentà, Stjepan Nodilo, Jin Yan recorders

Julia Andres, Yeuntae Jung recorders Tabea Eva Schrenk cello Alexander Gergelyfi harpsichord

O rosa bella A portrait of love in medieval and renaissance times, including music for recorder consort by De Rore, Crecquillon, Henry VIII, Ciconia and Clemens non Papa.

Il Giorno Felice (Poland) Michaela Koudelková recorder Katarzyna Cichoń cello Jan Baciak harpsichord

Between France and Italy Music for recorder, cello and harpsichord by Frescobaldi, Boismortier, Leclair and Falconiero.

Les Touches (USA)

Pedro Funes, Stephanie Raby bass viols

Cosmopolitan Artefacts

In Stil Moderno Music for two recorders, cello and harpsichord by Merula, Castello and William Williams.

Royal Baroque (UK)

Christiane Eidsten Dahl violin Rebecca Vucetic recorders Kaisa Pulkkinen harp Kate Conway viola da gamba Katarzyna Kowalik harpsichord

Telemann in Paris Telemann’s Paris Quartet No. 6 in E minor

The Scroll Ensemble (The Netherlands)

James Hewitt violin Robert de Bree recorder, oboe Iason Marmaras harpsichord

Bach’s Workshop Improvisations for violin, recorder, oboe and harpsichord inspired by works by Bach and Vivaldi.

Sollazzo Ensemble (Switzerland)

Perrine Devillers soprano Yukie Sato soprano and clavisimbalum Vivien Simon baritone Sophia Danilevskaia fiddle Vincent Kibildis harp Anna Danilevskaia fiddle and direction

Fiddle-players at the court of Burgundy 15th-century music for voices and instruments by Binchois, Dunstaple, Agricola, Dufay, Compère and others.

Duos for bass viols by Schenk, Boismortier and Christopher Simpson.

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Date s for your Diary


2015 December Friday 4 – Sunday 13 Guest artists include:

Ex Cathedra Marian Consort Joglaresa B’Rock L’Arcadia


Girasoli E John Potter, Rogers Covey-Crump, Christopher O’Gorman Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Beverley Girls’ High & Beverley Grammar Schools Carole Cerasi E Clare Wilkinson, Sofie Vanden Eynde, Moneim Adwan Bethany Seymour E The Tallis Scholars

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Image: ©De Agostini/ The British Library Board, 11067302.

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Haydn’s ‘Creation’ presented by the Yorkshire Bach Choir and Crazy Creatures for children and their families! TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM JULY



Highlights include:


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Th an k you!

The York Early Music Festival is grateful to the many individuals and organisations that have been able to support us in 2015 - not least Arts Council England, Yorkshire; the City of York Council; our media partner BBC Radio 3; our sister organisation the National Centre for Early Music, the Friends of the Festival and the NCEM Patrons. We are delighted to acknowledge support from Harrowells Solicitors; JWP Creers; Shepherd Group; the University of York; the Dean & Chapter York and the custodians of York Guildhall; the Unitarian Chapel, St Saviourgate; All Saints’ Church, North Street, Bedern Hall and St Mary’s Church, Bishophill Junior. As ever the Festival is privileged to present concerts in such a range of historic buildings. Thanks are also due to tourism partners VisitYork and Welcome to Yorkshire and the hotels in the City, in particular Middlethorpe Hall www.middlethorpe.com; The Queens Hotel www.queenshotel-york.com; Novotel www.accor.com; The Grange Hotel www.grangehotel.co.uk; Middletons www.middletonsyork.co.uk and Monk Bar Hotel www.bw-monkbarhotelyork.co.uk York Early Music Festival is a member of REMA, the European Early Music Network. This year, the NCEM begins a four year partnership with colleagues in France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Romania and Slovenia, funded through Creative Europe which is designed to support young emerging ensembles across the community. We look forward to welcoming our first ensemble in residence in November of this year. And last, but definitely not least, we would also like to offer our sincere thanks to the Mayfield Valley Arts Trust; Youth Music and York Music Hub who underpin our year-round creative learning programme, alongside the many individuals who support us through anonymous donations and by buying tickets each year! Our sincere thanks to you all: Delma Tomlin MBE

NCEM PATRONS Supporting innovation, excellence and creative learning

Meet early music specialists and like-minded individuals through informal receptions, supper parties and concerts whilst supporting the long-term artistic ambitions of the York Early Music Festival and the National Centre for Early Music. If you are interested in joining us please telephone 01904 632220 or email patrons@ncem.co.uk Visit www.ncem.co.uk/patrons

Box Office 01904 658338

www.ncem.co.uk/yemf 21

Booki n g I nform ation Booking opens on Friday 27 February to NCEM Patrons, to YEMF Friends on Monday 2 March and to the general public on Monday 9 March

Box Office The National Centre for Early Music St Margaret’s Church Walmgate, York YO1 9TL Tel: 01904 658338

Accessible facilities: The Festival offers a warm welcome to everyone. The NCEM website www.ncem.co.uk is accessible to the partially sighted and assistance dogs are welcome at concerts. For detailed information, please ring 01904 632220. The NCEM is a Typetalk Approved business.

How to book

In person: The NCEM box office is open Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm. The Box Office entrance is on Percy’s Lane which runs parallel to Walmgate, just off Navigation Road. On-line: Visit our web site at www.ncem.co.uk/yemf and use the secure on-line booking service. By telephone: Please contact the box office on 01904 658338. There is a non-refundable £1.00 administration charge for each transaction made on-line or by telephone. This includes the postage of your tickets if time permits. By post: Please send your order to the NCEM Box Office, St Margaret’s Church, Walmgate, York YO1 9TL enclosing an SAE. Cheques should be made payable to the National Centre for Early Music. Please use a large stamp if ordering 10 plus tickets.

General Ticket Information

Email: Simply email your enquiry to boxoffice@ncem.co.uk Reservations: Tickets must be paid for within three working days of reservation and at least 24 hours prior to the performance. Any remaining tickets will be sold at the venue immediately prior to the performance. Concession prices: The price shown in brackets is the concession price for those aged 65 and over, registered disabled and a companion, and the unemployed. Refunds: We regret that refunds can only be given if the concert is sold out and we are able to sell on the ticket. Please note that there will be a 10% administration charge. General enquiries: Please ring 01904 632220 for general information.


Box Office 01904 658338


Buy nine tickets for any one concert and receive one further ticket free! All tickets must be booked in DISCOUNTS advance and at the same time.


Visitor Information The York Visitor Information Centre offers help with accommodation and general information about the City. Ring 01904 550099 or email info@visityork.org

Friends of the Festival The Friends enjoy additional discounts, priority booking, reserved tickets (where practical) and good company. Please email friends@ncem.co.uk for information.

Friends Saver Ticket: £290.00 (concessions £255.00)

Save 15% by purchasing your Friends Saver Ticket covering events 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24 & 25

Saver Tickets

Saturday Saver 4 July

£45.00 (concessions £40.00) Buy tickets for events 3, 4 & 5 and save 20%

International Young Artists Competition

£36.00 (concessions £32.00) Buy tickets for events 20, 22 & 25 and save 20% Please note that all concerts must be booked at the same time and that offers are subject to availability. Saver Tickets may not be used in conjunction with any other offers.

M ap of V e nues


National Centre for Early Music, Walmgate YO1 9TL


Unitarian Chapel, St Saviourgate YO1 8NQ


Bedern Hall, Bedern YO1 7AL


York Minster YO1 7HH


York Guildhall, St Helen’s Square YO1 9QN


All Saints’ Church, North Street YO1 5JD



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St Mary’s Church, Bishophill Junior YO1 6EN Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York YO10 5DD

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Box Office 01904 658338

To University of York

www.ncem.co.uk/yemf 23


Huelgas Ensemble Rose Consort of Viols The Orlando Consort The Sixteen The Clerks Yorkshire Baroque Soloists

Design|Redbonsai.co.uk 01759 319471

London Handel Players Andreas Staier Kati Debretzeni Mahan Esfahani Taverner Consort Early Opera Company York Early Music International Young Artists Competition

Box Office 01904 658338 yorkearlymusic


The York Early Music Festival is administered by the National Centre for Early Music through the York Early Music Foundation – registered charity number 1068331. All details are correct at the time of going to press but the Festival reserves the right to make alterations to the published programme if necessary.

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