F R I DAY 6 – S AT U R DAY 1 4 J U LY
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F R I DAY 6 – S AT U R DAY 1 4 J U LY
Welcome to the 2012 York Early Music Festival, a celebration embracing some of the world’s finest early music specialists from Europe and South America.
There are numerous reasons to celebrate with us in York this summer as we reflect the Olympic ideals of excellence, aspiration and international harmony, cross over European borders and explore the historical merging of musical cultures between Spain, Portugal and the Americas. In addition, we acknowledge the City of York’s own remarkable history with York 800, a celebration of the charter given by King John on 9 July 1212. Join us in venues across the City from the glorious central Nave of York Minster, to the medieval Merchant Adventurers’ Hall – itself over 650 years of age - to the National Centre for Early Music situated within the converted medieval church of St Margaret’s.
Above all we are celebrating partnerships, between musicians, organisations, countries and audiences, reflecting collaborations which have enabled us to welcome musicians from Bolivia, Mexico and Spain, Sweden and Israel – alongside some of the world’s finest early music specialists from the UK and across Europe. We are also pleased to celebrate our on-going partnership through New Worlds with Harewood House, the National Media Museum and Alchemy. The Festival embraces music from the medieval through the Renaissance to the Baroque, and takes place in one of the world’s most beautiful cities – we hope that you’ll enjoy visiting us and will find that there is something very special in this Festival for you. Delma Tomlin MBE Administrative Director
Artistic Advisors John Bryan, Lindsay Kemp, Elizabeth Kenny, Peter Seymour Front Cover Image: Demostración de la danza de los indios © Museo de América, Madrid
Box Office 01904 658338
Friday 6 July YE MF
Friends Saver Ticket
1.00pm – c.2.00pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating: £12.00 (concessions £10.00, students £5.00)
Arakaendar Bolivia Choir with University of York Chamber Choir Terence Charlston harpsichord directed by Ashley Solomon
Music from the Missions
Thank you! York Early Music Festival is grateful to the many individuals and organisations that continue to support its activities – not least our loyal and supportive audience members and in particular the Friends of the Festival. Thanks are due to the Arts Council England, Yorkshire; our media partner BBC Radio 3; imove a Cultural Olympiad programme in Yorkshire and our sister organisation the National Centre for Early Music as well as tourism partners Welcome to Yorkshire and highlighted members of the York Hoteliers Association – the Dean Court; Middlethorpe Hall; Queens; Grange; Monk Bar; Lady Anne Middleton and Holiday Inn York who offer an excellent range of hotel rooms – see www.ncem.co.uk/hotels We are pleased to acknowledge support from the City of York Council; Harrowells Solicitors; the University of York; the Dean & Chapter, York and the many individuals who support us anonymously each year. We would also like to thank the Mayfield Valley Arts Trust, Youth Music, York Arts Academy and Ken and Pat Dixon for their support of our education programme.
Two choirs from very different backgrounds and musical educations combine in sacred music from three substantial archives recently discovered in the Bolivian Missions of the Moxos and Chiquitos Indians, as well as in the ‘silver city’ of La Plata. Arakaendar Bolivia Choir was established in 2005 to work exclusively with Ashley Solomon and Florilegium on music from these archives, and this performance is the first time they have collaborated with singers outside Latin America. The unique cross-cultural project will include sacred works in both Latin and Spanish. (See also Events 4 & 7)
University of York Chamber Choir
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Friday 6 July YE MF
Supported by
Friends Saver Ticket
7.30pm | York Minster Reserved seating front nave: £25.00 Reserved seating rear nave: £15.00 (concessions £13.00) Unreserved seating side aisles: £12.00 (students £6.00) Admission through West Door
The Sixteen directed by Harry Christophers The Earth Resounds Josquin Brumel Josquin Lassus Lassus
Praeter rerum seriem Gloria from Missa Et ecce terraemotus O Virgo prudentissima Magnificat super Praeter rerum seriem Aurora lucis rutilat
Josquin Lassus Brumel Lassus
Huc me sydereo Timor et tremor Sanctus from Missa Et ecce terraemotus Magnificat VII Toni super Aurora lucis rutilat
We are delighted to welcome The Sixteen back to the Festival for their 2012 Choral Pilgrimage concert featuring arguably the three most celebrated composers from the Franco-Flemish school of the Renaissance. Brumel is considered one of the finest composers of his generation after the great Josquin, and Lassus, writing some 30 years later, was clearly influenced by both men. This concert presents Latin motets by all three composers, centring on movements from Brumel’s staggering 12-part Missa Et ecce terraemotus (the ‘Earthquake Mass’). “the choral sounds were wonderfully clear and unfailingly precise … Christophers’ group can be just as impressively extrovert as they had been austerely restrained” The Guardian Promoted in association with The Sixteen www.thesixteen.com
Box Office 01904 658338
Saturday7 10 Saturday JulyJuly
Saturday 7 July YE MF
Festival Lecture Series
10.30am – c.3.30pm St George’s Church, Peel Street Meet 10.00am for coffee at the NCEM, workshop starts c.10.30am at St George’s £25.00 (no concessions) including lunch which is provided at the NCEM at 12.30pm (£20.00 if booked with a Choral Pilgrimage concert promoted by The Sixteen)
In Conversation
The Sixteen Insight Day
Join us as we explore the music and culture of 17th century Bolivia in the company of Ashley Solomon and Dr Piotr Nawrot, musicologist and director of the Association for Art and Culture in Bolivia. Chaired by Lindsay Kemp.
Join festival favourites eminent musicologist John Milsom, music editor Sally Dunkley and members of The Sixteen for the 2012 Insight Day as they explore the music of Josquin, Brumel and Lassus.
Friends Saver Ticket SAVER TICKET £265.00 (concessions £225.00)
SAVE 20%
Join the Friends, and save up to 20% on the Friends Saver Ticket. See page 22 for details.
11.00am – 12 noon Fountains Lecture Hall University of York St John Lord Mayor’s Walk - entrance via Clarence Street £7.50 including coffee on arrival
‘When Jesuit missionaries arrived in Bolivia in the 1670s with the aim of converting the local population to Christianity, they encountered an indigenous people who were keen to learn and make music. Each of the newly founded missions duly gathered together music for worship, including masses and motets, and after the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767 these collections became time capsules of 17th- and 18th- century sacred music. Despite the clear European influences, this "mission baroque" also has its own clear and unique identity.’ Ashley Solomon, director Florilegium. (See also Events 1 & 7) Supported by Middlethorpe Hall Hotel and Spa www.middlethorpe.com
Ashley Solomon
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Saturday 7 July YE MF
Friends Saver Ticket
1.00pm – 2.00pm Unitarian Chapel, St Saviourgate £12.00 (concessions £10.00)
Compagnia d’Istrumenti Daniel Edgar, Nia Lewis violins Małgosia Ziemkewicz viola Tim Smedley cello Peter Seymour harpsichord, chamber organ
An Olympic Truce
The Olympic goal to further ‘the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society’ is one which was foreshadowed in music by the Baroque ideal of mixing the diverse national tastes. This programme calls a truce between the competing national styles of the Baroque period, including music by Muffat, Couperin and Telemann, as well as serving up Schmelzer’s sporting snapshot, ‘Fechtschule’ (The Fencing School’).
3.00pm – 4.00pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating: £10.00 (Friends of YEMF Free of Charge, students £5.00)
Minster Minstrels A Teaming of Timbres directed by Heather Moger
Musicians playing together work as a team. In the study and enjoyment of early music, the Minster Minstrels ‘team’ crosses the borders of time, communicating the style and character of its repertoire with a palette of timbres that incorporates both period and modern orchestral instruments. Here we present Praetorius and Holborne from the Renaissance, when boundaries between instrumental and vocal music were blurred; from the Baroque, which saw the rise of the concerto and the virtuoso soloist; and pre-Classical chamber music by J.C. Bach, in which each instrumental part is conceived with its own particular tone-colour in mind.
Minster Minstrels is run as a partnership between the NCEM and the City of York’s Arts Academy with support from the Mayfield Valley Arts Trust. If you are interested in joining this vibrant group of young musicians, please contact us by emailing education@ncem.co.uk
Box Office 01904 658338
Saturday7 7JulyJuly Saturday YE MF
Friends Saver Ticket
Commissioned by imove, a Cultural Olympiad programme in Yorkshire. www.imoveand.com imove has been primarily funded by Legacy Trust UK, creating a lasting impact from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games by funding ideas and local talent to inspire creativity across the UK. imove is also funded by Arts Council England.
7.30pm St Michael le Belfrey Church, High Petergate Reserved seating central nave: £25.00 (concessions £20.00), Unreserved seating side aisles and balcony £20.00 (concessions £17.00, students £5.00)
Florilegium ˘ ˘ ´ Jean Paterson violins Jennifer Morsches cello Carina Cosgrave bass Bojan Cicic, Terence Charlston harpsichord/chamber organ
Arakaendar Bolivia choir directed by Ashley Solomon Bolivian Baroque: Music from the Chiquitos & Moxos Indians Brentner Anon Araújo Zipoli Bassani Bassani
Glória et honóre Sonata Chiquitanas No.XVIII 2 Villancicos Toccata in D minor Missa Santa Ana Missa a la Fuga
Anon Anon Anon Balbi Zipoli Anon
Salve a 8 Stella Coeli Eia Fidelis Sonata Chiquitanas No.IX Te Deum Laudamus Cantemus Domino
Since 2002 Ashley Solomon and Florilegium have been working together with Bolivian musicians to promote the unique collection of music held in the archives of the former Jesuit missions in Bolivia, music assembled and composed during the 17th- and 18th- centuries both by the missionaries themselves and by members of the local indigenous population. In this concert they perform sacred and secular works from the Moxos and Chiquitos archives, as well as from the ‘silver city’ La Plata. “These are gossamer light and radiantly clear voices, singing with delicacy, a wonderfully springy sense of rhythm and true joy.” The Times
Arakaendar Bolivia Choir
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Sunday 8 July YE MF
1.00pm – 2.15pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating: Free to those attending other events in the Festival, but please do book tickets in advance to avoid disappointment. Limited to two tickets per person.
BBC Radio 3 Early Music Show The Early Music Show’s Catherine Bott introduces a live broadcast featuring the acclaimed group L’Avventura London performing a selection of 18thcentury Portuguese and Brazilian modinhas. ˘ Ozmo with Directed by Zak Sandra Medeiros, Joana Seara sopranos Joana Lawrence violin Marta Gonçalves flute Natasha Kraemer cello David Gordon harpsichord Andrew Kerr violone ˘ Ozmo Spanish Taro Takeuchi, Zak and English guitars. “terrifically animated, wonderful energy… gorgeous!” BBC Radio 3 www.lavventuralondon.co.uk
York Early Music Festival Lifetime Achievement Award Immediately following the EMS broadcast at 2.00pm, the Festival will be presenting its fourth biennial Lifetime Achievement Award to the Catalan viol-player and musical director Jordi Savall. Savall is widely recognised as one of the true stars of the early music world, a major figure who for nearly four decades has combined virtuosity and sensitive musicianship on his own instrument with inspirational directorship of his ensembles Hespèrion XXI (formerly Hespèrion XX), Le Concert des Nations and La Capella Reial de Catalunya. His questing curiosity about early music and its historical and wider cultural contexts has led him not only to investigate a vast range of mainstream European repertoire from the Medieval through to the Classical periods, but also to explore the links with folk and non-Western traditions, resulting in major projects encompassing music from China, the Middle East, the Far East and South America. This is a musician who is as at home in an Irish jig or a Sephardic lament as he is in Bach’s Gamba Sonatas or the English viol consort repertory, as likely to celebrate music from the Ottoman courts as he is those of Louis XIV or Queen Isabella of Spain. The York Early Music Festival’s Lifetime Achievement Award honours major figures who have made a difference to the world of early music, and has been presented every other year since its inauguration in 2006. The previous winners have been the Kuijken brothers (2006), Dame Emma Kirkby (2008) and James Bowman (2010).
Joana Seara L’Avventura London
Box Office 01904 658338
Sunday 8 July YE MF
Friends Saver Ticket
7.30pm Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York Reserved seating £25.00 (concessions £20.00, students £5.00)
Hespèrion XXI directed by Jordi Savall viola da gamba with Enrique Barona Mexican guitars, percussion, voice Leopoldo Novoa Mexican guitars, percussion, Venezuelan harp Xavier Díaz-Latorre theorbo, guitar Andrew Lawrence-King harp Marc Clos percussion
The Route of the New World; from Spain to Mexico The 'Folia', a frenetic dance based on a repeating sequence of chords, emerged from Renaissance Portugal, swept through Spain and on to Italy, and soon reached the shores of South America where it found new vigour in the hands of indigenous composers and performers. Juxtaposing music from Old and New Worlds, this programme, led by one of the great figures of the early music world, explores pieces based on the Folia, and celebrates the amazing improvisatory skills with which musicians from across the globe can enliven age-old musical patterns. www.alia-vox.com
Supported by Monk Bar Hotel www.monkbarhotel.co.uk
Jordi Savall
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Monday 9 July YE MF
Festival Lecture Series
10.30am – c.11.30am NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating: £7.50 including coffee on arrival
Passions on the Death of Prince Henry – 1612
Professor Maria Hayward, historian from the University of Southampton, offers a personal insight into the world of Prince Henry – a man much loved by the English nation who tragically died at the age of 18, leaving the world to suffer the bloody consequences of his brother Charles I’s reign and violent demise. This lecture illustrates the social history behind the music of event 12.
Friends Saver Ticket
1.00pm – c.2.00pm Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, Fossgate £15.00 (concessions £13.00)
The York Waits Deborah Catterall voice
Mayors, Minstrels and Mysteries with
Performing on shawms, bagpipes, lute, harp, rebec, gittern, fiddle, portative organ, hurdy gurdy, pipe and tabor, The York Waits explore the world of popular music from the time of York’s Charter in 1212, through the early days of the original 14thcentury Waits, and up to the heyday of the Mystery Plays in the 1500s, including Estampies, Tudor dances and tunes associated with the Citie Musicke. Supported by www.holidayinn.co.uk
York Merchant Adventurers’ Hall
Box Office 01904 658338
The York 800 celebrations mark the eight centuries since the city was granted a Royal Charter by King John in 1212, allowing York to take charge of its financial affairs and to trade freely. In response, York’s citizens created a council led by a mayor, laying the foundations of local democracy. Details of the year-long programme are available on www.york800.com
Monday 9 July
Friends Saver Ticket
7.00pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating: £20.00 (concessions £17.00)
Gallicantus directed by Gabriel Crouch Amy Moore, Grace Davidson sopranos Mark Chambers, David Allsopp countertenors Christopher Watson, Nick Madden tenors Gabriel Crouch baritone Will Gaunt bass with
Elizabeth Kenny lute Dialogues of Sorrow
In November 1612, the 18-year-old Prince Henry, elder son of King James I, took a dip in the heavilypolluted River Thames. Flu-like symptoms followed, rapidly developing into a debilitating fever from which the young prince died. Some thirty years before England was riven by civil war, the nation had lost a young man who might just have had the strength and wit to prevent it. As with a more recent royal death it resulted in a conspicuous abandonment of British reserve, fuelling the composition of emotionally-charged vocal music which combined the new sounds emerging from the Italian courts of Mantua and Venice with the fashionable melancholy of the late Elizabethan era.
Friends Saver Ticket
10.00pm – c.11.00pm St Mary’s Church, Bishophill Junior £15.00 (concessions £13.00) CONCERT BY CANDLELIGHT
Xavier Díaz-Latorre The Harmonic Poem guitar
17th- century Spanish Jesuit priest Francisco Guerau made the unlikely connection between God and the guitar in his epic Poema harmónico, in which he explored the idea of universal harmony with passacalles in every possible key a good 25 years before Bach’s WellTempered Clavier. Gaspar Sanz’s dances and improvisations wound their way through spicy dissonances and complex rhythms to amaze, delight and transport their listeners; and Santiago de Murcia, guitar master to the Queen of Spain, wove echoes of African dances with sounds from Spain, Italy and France, in return for which his own music has been found as far afield as Mexico and Chile. "Xavier Díaz-Latorre, a superb guitarist'' New York Times www.xavierdiazlatorre.com
“A perfect selection of the vast outpouring of grief provoked by Prince Henry’s death, lovingly and movingly performed”. Early Music Today www.gallicantus.com Supported by
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Tuesday 10 July YE MF
Festival Lecture Series
10.30am – c.11.30am Bedern Hall, off Goodramgate £7.50 including coffee on arrival
1.00pm – 2.00pm NCEM, St Margaret’s Church Reserved seating: £15.00 (concessions £13.00)
A Medieval Mystery Revealed
University of York Baroque Ensemble
As a prelude to Event 17, John Potter, Mark Everist and Christopher O’Gorman talk about the challenges of bringing 12th- and 13th- century music to life eight centuries after it was first composed. Giving voice to the performers and to the scholars who brought the material to light, this session provides a springboard for a discussion of how we can enjoy and value the music of the past with 21st- century ears and understanding. Supported by
directed by Compagnia d’Istrumenti
A London Marathon
In the year of London’s Olympics, we celebrate the capital’s proven track-record for organising extravagant public events. The concerts, fireworks and fountains of the 18th-century pleasure gardens enchanted London’s residents and visitors, and this programme presents works by some of the most popular English composers of the time, including J.C. Bach, Arne, Handel and Boyce.
ASSOCIATED EVENT: 6.00pm Tuesday 10th July City Screen, Coney Street,York
The Mission (PG) Roland Joffé’s highly acclaimed depiction of the work of Spanish Jesuits in South America stars Jeremy Irons and Robert De Niro as priests with conflicting solutions to the oppression of native South Americans. The film asks challenging questions about responses to the self-interest of 18th-century colonial government which are every bit as relevant to the world we live in now. As the film contrasts nature and self-sacrifice with the brutality of ‘civilisation’, it reaches a climax that is moving and devastating; combined with Oscar-winning cinematography and a beautiful score by Ennio Morricone, this is arguably Joffé’s finest film. Tickets available now from City Screen Box Office Tel: 0871 902 5726 or visit: www.picturehouses.co.uk/york
Friends Saver Ticket
Box Office 01904 658338
Tuesday 10 July By kind permission of Lord & Lady Harewood and the Harewood House Trust
Friends Saver Ticket
Friends Saver Ticket
7.00pm – c.8.45pm The Gallery, Harewood House Reserved seating: £25.00 (concessions £20.00) including a glass of wine in the interval.
9.30pm – c.10.20pm CONCERT BY CANDLELIGHT All Saints’ Church, Harewood £15.00 (concessions £13.00)
Mhairi Lawson soprano Matthew Brook bass Peter Seymour fortepiano
John Potter, Christopher O’Gorman tenors
Heroism, Love, Mythology and the Classics
For Schubert and Haydn, as for their predecessors and contemporaries, the study of Greek rhetoric and mythology was an integral part of their general and musical education. It is no surprise then that some of Schubert’s most dramatic and inspired songs derive from his focus on opera librettos telling tales of heroism from kings, queens and knights of the Crusades, or from the heroes, gods and goddesses of Olympus. Alongside these blood-and-thunder heroes, love - fulfilled or unrequited - unsurprisingly also finds a place. Haydn’s ambitious dramatic cantata Arianna a Naxos portrays the turbulent emotions of the famous abandoned heroine. “Matthew Brook turns anything he sings to gold” The Guardian “Mhairi Lawson, a crystal stream of pure, limpid soprano sound..” Sunday Times Supported by Best Western Dean Court Hotel www.deancourt-york.co.uk
Conductus Latin Song from the 12th and 13th Centuries
Around 1200 a new musical and poetic movement flourished in Europe: specially created Latin songs that celebrated great historical events or commented wittily on the politics and society of its age were set to newly-composed melodies and elaborated with experimental harmonies, matching the revolution in soaring gothic architecture of the time. This programme explores this subtle artistic repertory in the evocative medieval surroundings of All Saints' Church, performed by artists who have long been leading exponents of medieval song. www.john-potter.co.uk/conductus.php This performance has developed out of a research project at the University of Southampton funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council directed by Mark Everist. The concert also marks the launch of a series of associated recordings made at the NCEM by Hyperion Records and the premiere of Michael Lynch’s film, supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England that intertwines the music with visual images from the period.
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Wednesday 11 July YE MF
Friends Saver Ticket
1.00pm – c.2.00pm St George’s Church, Peel Street £12.00 (concessions £10.00)
The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble Gawain Glenton, Sam Goble cornetts Emily White, Claire McIntyre, Philip Dale, Adrian France sackbuts
Ye Gods, What a Man!
These were the words used by Schütz to describe his teacher, Giovanni Gabrieli, a man whose reputation attracted pupils and imitators from across Europe. Gabrieli’s grand, expressive music for St Mark’s Basilica in Venice became so admired that countless European courts and chapels wanted it for their own, and his influence spread to all parts of Christendom, with German-speaking countries in particular falling under his spell. Most strikingly, imperial Vienna was transformed into a virtual 'Second Venice' with a succession of Venetian musicians employed there, thus keeping the style of Gabrieli alive even into the 18th- century. This recital features music by Gabrieli, Priuli, Valentini, Schütz, Hassler, Praetorius and Scheidt.
7.30pm Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York Reserved seating: £25.00 (concessions £20.00, students £5.00)
Ensemble Villancico directed by Peter Pontvik Jessica Bäcklund, Annasara Jaensson sopranos Dan Johansson countertenor Gonca Yazan alto Love Enström, Carl-Fredrik Jaensson tenors Yamandú Pontvik baritone Gustav Nordlander bass Markus Ström flutes Karl Nyhlin baroque guitar and lute Magdalena Mårding bass viol Rolf Landberg percussion with baroque dancers Daniela Valero, Kaj Sylegård
“this fabulous English Ensemble would have made Monteverdi proud with their skill and sensitivity” Toronto Star www.ecse.co.uk
Ensemble Villancico 14
Box Office 01904 658338
Wednesday 11 July ¡Una tonadilla nueva! Baroque Music from Ecuador
Friends Saver Ticket
From the historic meetings between European musicians, American Indians and African slaves arose a repertoire that includes many contrasting elements, in which dance music meets sacred Christian traditions, native languages meet Spanish local dialects, and African rhythms and Indian folk melodies meet European renaissance and baroque traditions. This concert, by a Swedish ensemble that has earned a global reputation for its interpretations of early Latin American music, is based on the Codex Ibarra, a manuscript which had slumbered for more than 300 years in a cloister in the Andean town of Ibarra before its rediscovery in 2006. “Ensemble Villancico nicely varies both the size of the vocal forces and the instrumental accompaniments. (…) It's certainly never dull.” The Guardian www.villancico.se
Thursday 12 July YE MF
Friends Saver Ticket
1.00pm – c.2.00pm St Olave’s Church, Marygate £12.00 (concessions £10.00)
Joglaresa Jennie Cassidy voice Jean Kelly harp Ruth Fraser voice, harp Belinda Sykes voice, director
Love in the time of Unicorns
Reflecting the medieval theme, and celebrating York 800, we present a programme that lives up to all your medieval fantasies: knights, ladies, lovers, nightingales, minstrels, and unicorns. Some of the most beautiful medieval melodies are to be found in the courtly love-drenched world of the trouvères. Courtly love (or fin amors) has so affected the culture and imagination of Europe throughout the last thousand years that C.S. Lewis described it as a 'revolution', compared to which 'the Renaissance was a mere ripple on the surface of literature’. "sound scholarship, a combined experience of many musical cultures, and a spirited delivery of stories." Early Music Today www.joglaresa.com Supported by The Queens Hotel www.queenshotel-york.com
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www.ncem.co.uk/yemf 15
Thursday 12 July YE MF
Friends Saver Ticket
Entrance from 8.00pm, performance starts 8.30pm, finishing 9.30pm York Minster Central Nave £25.00 (concessions £20.00) Admission through the West Door NB There is no fixed seating for this promenade performance
I Fagiolini with The
English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble Rose Consort of Viols Fretwork The City Musick University of York Chamber Choir Robert Hollingworth conductor
Striggio Striggio Tallis G.Gabrieli
Ecce beatam lucem Mass in 40 parts: Kyrie/Gloria/Sanctus & Benedictus/Agnus II (a 60) Spem in alium Magnificat a 20.28 con il sicut locutus
This event embraces three pivotal moments in the history of multichoir music: in 1561 Striggio writes an experimental and massive sacred conversation for an unheard-of 40 individual parts as a reflection of Medici power. He then bases a mass on it, expanding the 40 to 60 parts for the final movement. He visits England with it and the father of English music, Thomas Tallis, is encouraged to outdo him, resulting in his iconic Spem in alium. Back in northern Italy the lure of polychoral magic prompted an anonymous musician to make an extraordinary arrangement for seven choirs of a Gabrieli Magnificat. This ‘Prom’ performance, developed in collaboration with imove, a Cultural Olympiad programme in Yorkshire, is given by a rare mix of the UK’s finest artists, and invites you to experience this astonishing music in a unique and revelatory way as the kaleidoscopic textures of voices, winds, strings and brass mingle with light playing among the tone-colours of the Minster’s centuries-old stone and glass. Let it flow over you, or feel free to be guided by the performers in a chance to experience it from different locations – close up, far away, in front, behind, in between… “a masterpiece.” The Observer
Box Office 01904 658338
Thursday 12 July
Commissioned by imove, a Cultural Olympiad programme in Yorkshire. www.imoveand.com imove has been primarily funded by Legacy Trust UK, creating a lasting impact from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games by funding ideas and local talent to inspire creativity across the UK. imove is also funded by Arts Council England.
I Fagiolini’s Striggio Tour is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England. Conceptual lighting design – Joe Brook, National Media Museum. Associate producer imove, Steve Dearden
10.15pm - 11.00pm LATE NIGHT ILLUMINATED PROMENADE PERFORMANCE York Minster Central Nave £15.00 (£10.00 under 30’s, £5.00 concessions & party bookings for 10 or more tickets) NB There is no seating for this late night promenade perfromance
I Fagiolini with The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble Rose Consort of Viols, Fretwork, The City Musick and University of York Chamber Choir Striggio Striggio Tallis G.Gabrieli
Ecce beatam lucem Mass in 40 parts: Agnus II (a 60) Spem in alium Magnificat a 20.28 con il sicut locutus
A once-in-a-lifetime union of music, creative lighting and architecture. Ever wondered what it’s like to lie on your back in York Minster after hours and let the music take control? Come to this special late-night informal edition of the early-evening concert developed for imove's creative programme exploring the art of human movement in the countdown to the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics, and let it touch your soul as some of the greatest vocal-and-instrumental sounds ever created bounce off the walls and reach into the crevices of England’s most awe-inspiring ancient building.
Robert Hollingworth
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www.ncem.co.uk/yemf 17
Thursday 12 July 9.30pm Bedern Hall, Bedern off Goodramgate Friends £15.00 Guests £20.00
Friday 13 July YE MF
Festival Lecture Series
10.30am – c.11.30am York Mansion House, St Helen’s Square £7.50 including coffee on arrival
Pietro Metastasio and the Olympic Games
Supper Party
An Italian opera libretto with an Olympic theme, written for a royal festive occasion in Vienna in 1733, has certain resonances with similar celebrations and events in the UK in 2012. This lecture, given by Dr Graham Cummings, Reader in Historical Musicology at the University of Huddersfield, will examine L’ Olimpiade, one of the most popular dramatic works by the greatest Italian poet of his age, Pietro Metastasio, with musical illustrations from some of its earliest settings by Antonio Caldara (Vienna, 1733), Vivaldi (Venice, 1734), and Pergolesi (Rome, 1735).
Friends Saver Ticket
1.00pm – c.2.00pm NCEM, St Margaret's Church Reserved seating: £15.00 (concessions £13.00)
Rose Consort of Viols John Bryan, Alison Crum, Andrew Kerr, Roy Marks viols
The Friends are dedicated to supporting the summer festival. Membership brings many benefits, including advanced booking, discounted tickets, reserved seating (wherever possible) and of course the annual supper party. To join the Friends, please contact the administrator Jillian Johnson by ringing 01904 632220, email friends@ncem.co.uk visit www.ncem.co.uk/friends
Competing, Consenting, Consorting Exploring the colourful variety of styles that jostled for viol players’ attention across Renaissance Europe, with music from Germany, France, Italy and England, coalescing into the fantasia that transcended national boundaries. “the Rose Consort play in a sublimely, unfussy, unfettered manner worthy of the music” Gramophone www.roseconsort.co.uk
Box Office 01904 658338
Friday 13 July YE MF
Friends Saver Ticket
7.30pm St Michael le Belfrey Church, High Petergate Reserved seating central nave: £25.00 (concessions £20.00) Unreserved seating side aisles and balcony: £20.00 (concessions £17.00, students £5.00)
Yorkshire Baroque Soloists under the Direction of
Peter Seymour L’Olimpiade “An Opera”
The Music by Several Eminent Italian Masters: Signors Pergolesi, Caldara, Vivaldi and Jommelli
“The Poetry of this Opera originally belonged to Metastasio; to which, without prejudice to the principal action, an entire new turn is given, some airs changed…” This announcement from a London libretto and translation in 1769 provides the impetus for a performance of parts of Metastasio’s text as set by four major composers. The announcement makes clear that it was the 18th-century fashion to mix favourite airs from different compositions. The libretto outlines King Clisthenes’s decree that the victor at the next Olympic Games may marry his daughter, Aristea. Favourite among the prospective suitors is her twin brother, Lycidas, who has been presumed dead, but who now returns unrecognised… A team of acclaimed young singers, including a soprano/mezzo-soprano invited from the finalists of this year’s London Handel Singing Competition, will help unravel this intricate plot. “(YBS) .. as dramatically coherent and satisfying as I've heard … the essence of meaning is embedded in every sinew of the lines” The Gramophone
Peter Seymour
Box Office 01904 658338
www.ncem.co.uk/yemf 19
Saturday 14 July YE MF
Friends Saver Ticket
1.00pm – c.2.00pm | NCEM, St Margaret's Church | Reserved seating: £15.00 (concessions £13.00)
Profeti della Quinta Doron Schleifer, David Feldman countertenors Dino Lüthy alto Dan Dunkelblum tenor Elam Rotem bass, harpsichord Katya Polin, Eva Saladin violins Ori Harmelin theorbo Ryosuke Sakamoto archlute
‘il Mantovano Hebreo’: Music by Salomone Rossi
The winners of last year’s York Early Music International Young Artists Competition celebrate the many-faceted art of the Italian-Jewish composer Salomone Rossi, a court musician in the service of the Gonzaga family at the time of Monteverdi. Rossi was one of the first masters of the trio sonata, his beautiful and refined madrigals create a bridge between the 16th-century polyphonic madrigal and the new musical style of the early 17th-century, and with his polyphonic settings of Hebrew prayers and psalms he brought both modernity and elegant simplicity to the music of the synagogue.
Supporting The National Centre for Early Music The NCEM runs three Yorkshire based Early Music Festivals, a year-round national education programme and a season of world, jazz and folk concerts. Supported by a range of organisations including the Arts Council, the Mayfield Valley Arts Trust, Youth Music and the City of York, the NCEM is celebrated for its diversity and artistic creativity, working with partners including BBC Radio 3, the University of York, Harewood House, the National Media Museum and York Theatre Royal. This wide ranging network enables the NCEM to develop its programmes to the highest levels, engaging audiences of all ages and showcasing some of the finest musicians in the world.
Box Office 01904 658338
www.ncem.co.uk /yemf
Our musical plans, particularly for the education of our young musicians, are ambitious but we have an excellent track record of attracting partners and to help encourage others to support us, we have recently launched an NCEM Patrons Scheme. If you would like to join us on this musical journey and help make a difference to the lives of young musicians, please contact me at delma.tomlin@ncem.co.uk. For more information about our Patrons Scheme, please go to www.ncem.co.uk/patrons Delma Tomlin MBE Director, NCEM
Diary Dates Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Tuesday 27 March @ NCEM
with the University of York Baroque Ensemble and Chamber Choir Vivaldi Gloria, JS Bach Wachet Auf and James Redwood My Cry.
Baroque Day with Compagnia d’Istrumenti Saturday 5 May @ NCEM
Brazilian Carnival Day Sunday 17 June @ NCEM
The excitement of the Brazilian carnival comes to York in the company of composer/percussionist Claudio Kron
Bolivian Connections Monday 18 June @ NCEM
Ashley Solomon celebrates the music of Bolivia in a lecture illustrated by members of the University of York Chamber Choir. 1 – 15 December 2012
Baroque Passions: music by Biber, Buxtehude and Purcell
& East Riding
Artists include The Tallis Scholars, Ex Cathedra and Alamire, with highlights including performances by Les Ombres, Den Haag Piano Quintet and the Borromini String Quartet.
Early Music Festival 2 4 – 2 6 M ay 2 0 1 2
Stile Antico ‘The Rose in Flower’
Thursday 24 May @ Beverley Minster
Masterpieces from the Tudor Era
La Serenissima directed by Adrian Chandler
Friday 25 May @ Beverley Minster
Vivaldi ‘Four Seasons’
Grand Désir
Saturday 26 May @ Beverley Minster
A medieval banquet of musical delights
Young Competition2013 York Early Music International Young Artists Competition Applications are now invited for the 2013 York Early Music International Young Artists Competition which takes place during the York Early Music Festival from 11 – 13 July. This prestigious biennial competition spotlights the next generation of talented young early music ensembles who come to York from all over the world, attracted by the major boost to careers that the competition offers. Closing date for applications: 23 January 2013. Full details from www.ncem.co.uk/youngartists2013
Box Office 01904 658338
www.ncem.co.uk/yemf 21
Booking Information Booking opens on Monday 12 March to Friends of the Festival and on Monday 19 March to the general public On-line: Visit our web site at www.ncem.co.uk and use the secure on-line booking service. By telephone: Please contact the box office on (01904) 658338. Tickets can be booked by Visa, Mastercard, Access and Maestro. Please note that a surcharge of £1.00 will apply per transaction. By post: Write to the NCEM Box Office, St Margaret’s Church, Walmgate, York YO1 9TL enclosing an SAE. Cheques should be made payable to the National Centre for Early Music. In person: The box office is open Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm, except Bank Holidays.
Seating: All seats are unreserved except for the NCEM, SJLCH and the Gallery, Harewood; centre nave seats for Event 02 and at St Michael le Belfrey Church. Reservations: Tickets must be paid for within three working days of reservation and at least 24 hours prior to the performance. Any remaining tickets will be sold at the venue immediately prior to the performance. Entry to venues: Please note that, due to limited turnaround time during the Festival, entry to performances will not be permitted until the conclusion of rehearsals and tuning. We thank you for your patience. Concession prices: These are shown in brackets. They apply to senior citizens, students and registered disabled and their carers. Friends of the Festival: The Friends enjoy additional discounts, priority booking, reserved tickets (wherever practicable) and good company. Please ring 01904 658338 for details or email friends@ncem.co.uk Friends of the Festival Saver Ticket: £265.00 (concessions £225.00). This applies to events 01, 02, 05, 07, 09, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25 and 26. Friends of the Festival are invited to purchase tickets for these 18 concerts and save up to 20%. Please note that all concerts must be booked at the same time and the offer is subject to availability. 22
Box Office 01904 658338
Festival Lecture Saver Ticket: £24.00 Book tickets for all four lectures and save 20% (comprising events 04, 10, 14 and 23). Refunds: We regret that refunds can only be given if the concert is sold out and we are able to sell on the ticket. Please note that there will be a 10% administration charge. General enquiries: Please ring 01904 632220 for general information. Group bookings: Special savings can be made for those bringing a group of 10 or more, in which case we offer an additional seat free. Photography/Recording: Please note that the use of cameras/recording equipment is prohibited. Accessible facilities: The Festival offers a warm welcome to everyone. The NCEM website www.ncem.co.uk is accessible to the partially sighted and the NCEM has the benefit of an RNIB Braille map of York available on request from the box office. The York Blind and Partially Sighted Society has installed a number of ‘talking signs’ around the City giving information on directions to buildings, public loos etc. Assistance Dogs are welcome at concerts. For detailed information, please ring 01904 632220. The NCEM is a Typetalk Approved business. Transport: Harewood House is 20 miles to the west of York. A festival coach will leave Union Terrace Car Park (see map) at 5.45pm and return to York after event 17 c.10.30pm. Coach tickets cost £6.00 (free to Friends of the Festival) and should be booked in advance.
Visitor Information The York Visitor Information Centre offers help with accommodation and general information about the City. Ring 01904 550099 or email info@visityork.org
Map of Venues 1
National Centre for Early Music, Walmgate YO1 9TL
9 St Olave’s Church, Marygate YO30 7BH
Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, Fossgate YO1 9XD
10 Union Terrace Car Park, Union Terrace YO31 7ES
Unitarian Chapel, St Saviourgate YO1 8NQ
11 Fountains Lecture Hall, Clarence St. YO31 7ES
York Mansion House, St Helen’s Sq. YO1 9QL
12 To Harewood House, Harewood LS17 9LG
Bedern Hall, Bedern YO1 7AL
13 St George’s Church, Peel Street, YO1 9PZ
St Michael le Belfrey Church, High Petergate YO1 7HH
14 St Mary’s Church, Bishophill Junior YO1 6EN
York Minster Nave YO1 7JN
15 Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York YO10 5DD
City Screen, Coney Street YO1 9QL Un i on
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Box Office 01904 658338
To University of York
www.ncem.co.uk/yemf 23
F R I DAY 6 – S AT U R DAY 1 4 J U LY
Friday 6 July
Monday 9 July
Thursday 12 July
The Sixteen
Gallicantus Xavier Díaz-Latorre
Joglaresa I Fagiolini
Saturday 7 July
Tuesday 10 July
Florilegium and Arakaendar Bolivia Choir
Mhairi Lawson, Matthew Brook John Potter, Christopher O’Gorman
Sunday 8 July
Wednesday 11 July
The English Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble Ensemble Villancico
Box Office 01904 658338
Rose Consort of Viols Yorkshire Baroque Soloists Saturday 14 July
Profeti della Quinta
The York Early Music Festival is administered by the National Centre for Early Music through the York Early Music Foundation registered charity number 1068331. All details are correct at the time of going to the press but YEMF reserves the right to amend the published programme if necessary.
Design|Redbonsai.co.uk 01759 319471
Early Music Show Jordi Savall Hespèrion XXI
Friday 13 July