Issue 1, Fall 2015

Page 1 | @ncfcatalyst









Task Force addresses changes in drug and safety policy BY GIULIA HEYWARD



A student newspaper of New College of Florida



While returning students spent the summer grappling with the tragic incidents in which a University of Central Florida student, 21-year-old Dylan Besser, and first-year, 18-yearold Julian Toomsen-Hall, both passed away on campus, a group of individuals, known as the Drug and Alcohol Task Force, met during the summer to produce a list of recommendations that would arrive, along with the students, fall semester. “Those deaths were traumatic for students,” New College President Donal O’Shea said. “I’m not sure we finished grieving [...] that was just the worst weekend of my life.” “You gotta ask yourself: ‘Is something we’re doing contributing to this’?” O’Shea continued. “The best way to do that seemed to be to put together a group to look at our current policies, practices, and make some recommendations. And at least they would form a starting point for a larger self-examination and figure out what we should do.” The Drug and Alcohol Task Force consisted of chair, Professor of Biochemistry Katherine Walstrom; faculty representatives, Political Science

Kaylie Stokes/Catalyst

Last week’s Towne Meeting discussed the implications of Task Force policies.

and Environmental Studies Professor Frank Alcock and Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies Emily Saarinen; student representatives, second-year Lorraine Cruz and thirdyear, and New College Student Alliance (NCSA) co-president, Paige Pellaton; the Counseling and Wellness Center’s Psychological Fellow, and visiting counseling specialist, Duane Khan; attorney, and parent of an alumni, Peter Brigham; and alumni Aubrey Phillips. General Counsel Mark St. Louis, and NCSA Business Manager Dawn Shongood also assisted the task

force. The task force held no administrative power and officially disbanded on Aug. 15. It acted as an advisory board to the school, researching and brainstorming changes to drug policies and safety procedures on campus. At the conclusion of the four meetings that were held over the summer, the task force presented Donal O’Shea with a report and list of recommendations. This official report

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New manager means change at Four Winds Café BY SYDNEY KRULJAC Known as a landmark and popular hub for New College students since 1996, the Four Winds Café has recently witnessed a number of changes under the new management of recent alum, Olivia Levinson (‘11). On Wednesday, Aug. 26, the Four Winds finally opened its doors to students for the 2015-2016 school year, permeating the air with the smell of coffee and baked goods. After the summer-long wait, the opening attracted a rush of students hungry for their favorite snacks such as Russian princesses and pizza bagels. “It went well,” Levinson said. “We were making way more cash and credit sales than we were last year, and about a third of the Ham point sales, which is good because we’re trying to reserve Ham points. So we we’re doing exactly what I hoped would happen.” One of the biggest changes to occur this year at the Four Winds is the Ham point system. Metz will provide the Four Winds with an allocated amount of 75,000 Ham points per year. In the

Sydney Kruljac/Catalyst

Manager Olivia Levinson (‘11) serves second-year Annie Rosenblum iced tea at the Four Winds Café.

past, students were able to use their Ham points on both food and drinks, causing the allocated Ham points to deplete by spring semester. This year, however, Levinson implemented a new system in order to conserve these Ham points for students. “I was trying to brainstorm ways in mitigating this Ham point issue,” Levinson said. “My roommate said

‘Why don’t you just charge cash/credit for drinks?’ and I thought ‘Oh no, no one will be about that.’ But the more I thought about it, it seemed to be the only feasible option.” With the approval of the NCSA co-presidents, last year’s Four Winds manager and the café’s accountant, Levinson decided to take action. “With all those go-aheads, I

decided that’s the way it’s going to be,” Levinson said. “Because of that, we’ve been saving Ham points, making more cash, and the tips are probably three and a half to four times higher than they were on a daily rate in any previous year because of more cash transactions.” Levinson is also working hard with the NCSA co-presidents and disabilities representative to make the Four Winds as ADA compliant as possible. This summer, a new ramp was installed from the promenade to the café. Prior to the installment, the only accessible ramp to the Four Winds was along the sidewalk between the Archaeology Lab and the Anthropology Lab. Because of this, students with limited mobility would have to travel an inconvenient distance just to access the café. Levinson is also working on installing a button to open the café doors automatically. Some of the smaller changes executed include a new service method for the lunchtime rush and an added grab-n-go refrigerator. During lunch rushes, employees will now yell out a

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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst



briefs by Audrey Warne

Gunman inspired by Charleston shooting kills two Virginia reporters Reporter Alison Parker, 24, and Adam Ward, 27, a cameraman, were killed during a live television broadcast on the morning of Aug. 28 by an exWDBJ7 reporter, Vester Lee Flanagan II, known professionally as Bryce Williams. Parker and Ward both died from gunshot wounds to the head, and a third victim, Vicki Gardner, is currently in stable condition. Flanagan, fired two years ago, shot himself with the same Glock used in the attack as he was approached by authorities on I-66 in northern Virginia, 200 miles away from where the shooting took place. He was taken to a local hospital and pronounced dead at approximately 1:30

p.m. The weapon, along with assorted gun magazines, multiple license plates and a wig were found inside the crashed vehicle. Prior to the attack, Flanagan sent ABC News a fax outlining his motivations and said he was inspired to buy a gun after the June church attack, in which nine people were killed. The increased frequency of shootings and the desensitization of the American public to gun-violence have sparked yet another conversation about increased gun regulations and mental health. According to a 2001 study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, which looked specifically

at 34 adolescent mass murderers, all male, 70 percent were described as loners, 61.5 percent had problems with substance abuse, 48 percent had preoccupations with weapons and 43.5 percent had been victims of bullying. “It is a mental health issue, but there’s a linkage there between gun and mental health. And there’s got to be some kind of protocol established so that we can keep people from getting guns,” Andy Parker, Alison’s father, told CNN’s Jake Tapper. Like so many affected by gun violence before him, Parker is urging President Obama to tackle the issue of gun control.

Dinner for (more than) two: New College students attend reception with Dennis Cheng of the 2016 Clinton campaign Eight New College students were invited to attend an all-expenses paid Clinton campaign dinner reception sponsored by the Sarasota Democratic Party and attended by Dennis Cheng of the Hilary Clinton campaign. The reception took place on Nov. 1 at 5:30 p.m. at The Francis and was run by Christine Jennings, the chair of the Sarasota Democratic Party and the person responsible for bringing Cheng in as the keynote speaker. Cheng is the deputy chief of protocol for the U.S. Department of State and was the Clinton Foundation’s chief development officer until he was asked to join Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign efforts as her campaign finance director. According to the New York Times, Cheng could be responsible for bringing in more than $1 billion in fundraising for Clinton’s presidential bid. The event focused primarily on fundraising, but it also provided general information about Hilary Clinton’s platform and contained a short question and answer portion. Andrea Knies, the internship coordinator at the Center for Engagement and Opportunities (CEO), got the Sarasota Democratic Party in contact with NCF.

“My goal is to give the students an experience they would not have on campus, something that could possibly relate to something they are learning or talking about, and something where they would learn something or meet somebody new that’s going to expand their thinking,” Knies said. “With everything I do – with internships and experiences – I try to make sure that it is offered to all students. I don’t want students to feel like their AOC is equivalent to what they are going to do later in life and so I think it’s really important that all students have these options.” This reception came only a week after Clinton announced the details of her “New College Compact,” which aims to increase college affordability by raising the amount of aid given to states and making college debt-free by partially subsidizing tuition for students who sign a work agreement. Clinton’s plan is a moderate approach to candidate Bernie Sander’s call for tuition-free colleges and, pundits say, is most certainly a response to Sander’s increasing appeal with young people. “The really strange part of the Hillary Clinton fundraising dinner was that not one of the variety of people I

“...and of course, the boba. Then you have a milky boba tea. So there are ways to customize your boba...” © 2015, the Catalyst. All rights reserved. The Catalyst is available online at,, @ncfcatalyst The Catalyst is an academic tutorial sponsored by Professor Maria Vesperi. It is developed in the New College Publications Lab using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign and printed at Sun Coast Press with funds provided by the New College Student Alliance.

spoke to seemed very excited about Hillary Clinton”, third-year Allen Serrell said in an email. “Whenever I said I was undecided, the response was always an understanding nod, often followed by a grim sounding “me too.” Maybe they were just trying to seem reasonable, but the most (only) intense reaction I saw that night was when I said I was a Republican just to mess with someone, and the few other events that I’ve been to were so high energy in contrast. I left disappointed in the Hilary Clinton campaign’s representation that night. The lack of honesty, rigor, and spirit in the midst of such important issues reminded me of what I hate about politics. Perhaps I went in with expectation that were too high, given how fantastic these events can be when they work.” “As someone who has not made up their mind on who to support in the primary, I felt Dennis Cheng was giving me a more conversational sales pitch as to why I should support Hillary, secondyear George Thurlow said in an email. “However, it was not passionate to the extent that it made me want to support Hillary or if I was already supporting Hillary, to donate more money to the campaign.”

General Editor Managing Editor Copy Editor Online Editor Layout Editors Staff Writers & Photographers

Kaylie Stokes Pariesa Young Yadira Lopez Caitlyn Ralph Haley Jordan & Audrey Warne Bianca Benedí, Katelyn Grimmett, Giulia Heyward, Sydney Kruljac, Jasmine Respess, Ryan Paice, Dylan Pryor, Angela Duda

Clerk jailed for denying same-sex couples marriage licenses Kim Davis, a Kentucky clerk, was jailed last Thursday, Sept. 3, for contempt after defying the Supreme Court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage and a federal court order requiring Davis to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. According to the New York Times, Davis believed she was “acting under God’s authority” and argued that granting marriage licenses to samesex couples violates her Christian beliefs. Davis was appointed in January, succeeding her mother, who held the office of Rowan County Clerk for 37 years. Davis also rejected the plea bargain offered to her, choosing to stay in jail instead of allowing her deputies to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Davis’ actions have sparked the support of Evangelical voters, who have chosen to view her as a defender of the faith rather than just another law-breaking citizen. Many of the Republican nominees have also gotten behind Davis’ actions –despite the fact that she ran as a Democrat during her campaign for county clerk –declaring their support for her and the cause she represents. “Today, judicial lawlessness crossed into judicial tyranny,” Texas Senator Ted Cruz said in a public statement regarding the event, an interesting view considering the issue at stake is in fact law-breaking, not just at the state-level, but at the federal, and, some would even say, constitutional level. The judge’s decision to incarcerate Davis resulted in protests outside the courthouse, from supporters and opponents alike, and a very poignant comment from Davis’ husband, Joe Davis, who, according to the New York Times, said to “tell Judge Bunning he’s a butt.” Direct submissions, letters, announcements and inquiries to: The Catalyst 5800 Bay Shore Road Sarasota, Florida 34243 The Catalyst reserves the right to edit all submissions for grammar, space and style. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Submissions must be received by 12:00 p.m. Friday for consideration in the next issue.


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Bob Johnson remembered as integral to College history BY PARIESA YOUNG Senator Robert “Bob” Johnson, who is remembered as one of the premier advocates of New College, passed away on Monday, Aug. 31, after a full day of work. With more than 50 years of passionate and dedicated involvement in the Sarasota community, Sen. Johnson’s impact and legacy will not be forgotten. Johnson would have turned 81 the day after his death. In his President’s Report, President Donal O’Shea said, “He was an extraordinary human being, whom I was privileged to count as a friend. His was an incredible life, well-lived. He was a force of nature, and the College owes its continued strength and existence to him.” Sen. Johnson first became involved with New College in the school’s early days. Although he did not yet have a relationship with the college, he was responsible for saving it from economic decline by wedding it to the University of South Florida in 1975, simply to preserve the natural and historic landscaping of the Ringling Estate and Sarasota bayfront. Johnson’s reputation and clout in the legislature was strong enough to truly save New College. In 2001, Johnson told the Catalyst, “The first thing I saw in New College’s place was 18-story condos right next to the Ringling Museum. I resolved to save the school, the museum, and

the city from that, and I’ve been involved with New College ever since.” He would later be instrumental in helping New College to become an independent public school. Johnson was appointed by former Governor Jeb Bush to serve on the Board of Trustees in 2001, the year the college gained independence from USF and was designated a member of the State University System and the honors college for arts and sciences. Johnson served as Chair of the board from 2001 to 2007 and again from 2010 to 2012. As chairman of the board when New College was just becoming independent, Johnson was an expert at keeping dreams of improving New College in perspective. In 2001, he said, “We’re only limited by our vision, but we have to pay for our ideas. In many ways, New College is like a newborn infant. I know we have to build from scratch. I absolutely see this as a personal challenge, to make the finances work, to get the best students, faculty and administration we possibly can. But we can show the state a lot by going from scratch on the best way to do things. We are small, but the state expects a lot of us, they would like to see New College’s turnout positive so they can replicate it across the state.” Professor of Humanities and former New College President Gordon “Mike” Michalson worked closely with

Sen. Johnson from the time they met in 1992 throughout the “hectic startup period” of independent New College. Michalson remembers them being “joined at the hip” throughout most of his time as president. “I really came to appreciate his strong strategic sense, his genuine commitment to our mission,” Michalson said. “He had a challenging upbringing and somewhere along the way he grew to love the idea of higher education, liberal arts ideals and higher education as a ticket for economic advancement.” Although he dropped out of high school to help support his family, Sen. Johnson was admitted to Florida State University and later attended law school at the University of Florida. He moved to Sarasota right after graduating and immediately started working. Johnson represented Sarasota in the Florida legislature for 17 years. “My bottom line has always been to make Sarasota and Manatee the best place in the world to live,” Johnson told the Catalyst in 2001. Furthermore, Sen. Johnson was instrumental in engineering the purchase of the Car Museum property near the Pei dorms for New College. With a “brilliant” idea to secure a windfall of money by collecting tax dollars on the first of the month rather than the last, Johnson single-handedly allocated the funds to build Jane Bancroft Cook Library. “He asked for a

courtesy of the New College Digital Archives

Friends and colleagues of Bob Johnson knew him for his incredible capacity for compassion and kindness. Despite what Michalson describes as a “crusty exterior,” Bob was a caring and sympathetic soul.

finder’s fee,” Michalson said. “And the finder’s fee was however much it took to build Jane Bancroft Cook Library.” Johnson was integral in helping the college receive funding for building the Heiser Natural Sciences Complex and many other facilities on campus.

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Laszlo Deme: A shaping force in the Division of Social Sciences BY JASMINE RESPESS In an interview in 2000, Laszlo Deme explained to the Catalyst that he felt like an exile when arriving to the United States, but now, he is remembered as an integral part of the New College community. He was a pillar of the Division of Social Sciences and celebrated for his role as chairman of the division. Deme was a part of New College history beginning in 1966, and remained at the college for 34 years. His work as a professor of European history will be forever recognized. “[Deme] was a part of the founding generation of faculty that really built the place and set the tone,” professor of history and current Division of Social Sciences chair, David Harvey, said. “When he came here the school was in an extremely loose place,” Professor Emeritus of History Justus Doenecke said. “But when he came here the school became a more coherent and academic place.” “[Deme] taught and advised generations of New College students,” Harvey said. “He had an influence in shaping the division and hiring faculty.” Deme held the position of chairman for 13 years. Deme was born in a Hungarian village where he attended school before leaving for Budapest University. From 1951 to 1955 he studied Hungarian comparative literature. As the

Hungarian Revolution began, Deme decided to leave his home country. He chose to come to the United States, since he believed he would have the most freedom in this country. He described to the Catalyst in that same interview that freedom was the “supreme good.” He went on to attend the American Language Institute of Columbia. He then enrolled in the history program and earned his master’s and his doctorate. Deme went on to work in the department of research at the New York Times. Although, in 2000, he told the Catalyst he preferred academia to the paper. In 1962, Deme met his wife Elaine Deme shortly before taking the job as professor of European history at New College in 1966. Although Deme had many scholarly achievements, the creation of a conference on Eastern Europe history is one that stands out. The conference was historically based and attracted people from all over the globe. Even the foreign minister of Hungary, Geza Jeszemsky, made an appearance. “He was a very generous person,” Harvey said. “He was a wonderful man and completely dedicated to New College. Deme’s colleagues and friends were quick to note that he was always willing to stand up for the rights of both the staff and the students when he thought he could make a difference.

Photo courtesy of the New College Digital Archives

Laszlo Deme was a beloved part of the New College community for 34 years.

“He took a great deal of interest in faculty, he stood up to administrators, and he was very encouraging of scholarship and research,” Doenecke said. “One of [his] lovable quirks was that he always referred to the students as our clients,” Harvey said. “What he meant by that is to say the students are the reason we are here – they should be

our first priority.” Deme’s commitment to New College was evident in his many years of service. He was an immigrant, a student, a teacher, a researcher and an organizer, but, most of all, he will always be remembered as an important part of New College’s history.


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Setting a precedent for equality: Lessig joins the 2016 presidential race BY DYLAN PRYOR In the aftermath of the 2014 midterm elections last year, the U.S. government found itself in a gridlock unlike any other in recent years as the Republicans took back the Senate and retained control of the House. One year later, another election holds the nation’s future in the balance, as President Obama’s second term comes to an end and the Republican Party hopes to gain complete control over the presidency and the nation in the 2016 election. The amount of power at stake makes voter participation a critical requirement for the upcoming election. Many fear Election Day will continue the trend of power ultimately residing in the hands of the few. As political activist Lawrence Lessig observes in his website’s campaign video, “At the core of our democracy there is a basic inequality. Not the inequality of wealth or speech, but the inequality of citizens.” Lessig is no stranger to confronting political corruption; he also addressed

the problem in his 2011 publication “Republic, Lost.” The book was assigned reading in Professor of Political Science Keith Fitzgerald’s Politics of Congress class in the past, and spotlights the issue of the corrupting influence of money in Congress. “There’s something profoundly broken about American politics, and Americans have a tendency to engage in what psychologists call the fundamental attribution error, that is they go looking for individual failures to explain what are actual institutional problems,” Fitzgerald said. “And Lessig does a wonderful job in the book of explaining how the corruption that we have is now at an institutional level.” Lessig has therefore decided to take a stand against this corruption by running for the presidency himself, but not in the way one would expect. He proposes that he would run as a “referendum candidate,” with the campaign being for that referendum. “Imagine someone ran for president with the single promise to remain as president until Congress

acted to end this corrupt and unequal system by enacting fundamental reform to fix it,” Lessig proposed. “And when that happens, this referendum president – really just a trustee for the people – would step aside and the elected Vice President, a kind of ‘president in waiting’ would step in.” The sole goal of Lessig as a referendum candidate would be to end corruption and give us a government free from money and free to lead, while simultaneously pushing the issue of equality to the forefront of the election. “I would tie every issue in this campaign from climate change to student debt to this corruption,” Lessig explained. “I would make citizen equality central to this election.” His campaign would also represent a significant shift in the manner the public views both elections and government. For the first time in history, a candidate’s campaign would center on one core principle, rather than the physical candidate. “I don’t think Lessig is running

for president with the purpose in mind of obtaining victory or capturing the office, he’s using the platform that comes with running to address what he thinks the greatest problem in American politics today is, and that’s corruption,” Fitzgerald added. Third-year Allen Serrell supports Lessig’s motives for his candidacy, as well as the potential benefits for political reform in the U.S. “A lot of the stuff he’s talking about with equal representation, when it comes to what Fair Vote is working on for example, is not something that is a part of mainstream conversation…and I think it should be. I would expect that part of his thinking goes like this: ‘even if I lose, if I can make this part of the conversation, what do Americans pay more attention to in politics than the presidential election?’” A quote on Lessig’s website further provides an ideal summary of his campaign’s goal. “Our Constitution promises citizen equality. It’s time to make democracy possible again”.

Bernie Sanders favorite of NCF students, Clinton favored to win election BY RYAN PAICE

While the Iowa Caucus will not be held for another five months, the presidential election looks to be one of the more interesting and pivotal elections in recent memory. From the email scandals plaguing Hillary Clinton’s campaign, to the early Republican emergence of Donald Trump, who finally gave the GOP his loyalty pledge after threatening to run as an independent, it would be difficult to make the upcoming election more interesting. So far, the students of New College – the Princeton Review’s fourth most politically active student body – hold steadfast in their views. The Catalyst compared results from a poll first conducted by the newspaper during the spring 2015 semester and again this month. While the results of the most recent survey, which asked students about the 2016 presidential elections, were very similar to the results of the original, there were a few possibly meaningful points to be made about the changes from one survey to the next. In the first question, “Who is your personal favorite candidate [for the 2016 presidential election]?” Clinton’s numbers fell from 18.03 percent to 12.63 percent, keeping her the distant second to the rising Bernie Sanders. Sanders’ numbers grew from an already leading 52.46 percent to an astounding 64.21 percent. No other candidate exceeded 8 percent on the question. Only Joe Biden (who has yet to declare for the election), at 7.37 percent, came close. Biden received 9.84 percent in

Ryan Paice/Catalyst

Bernie Sanders was by far the most popular candidate among New College students.

the first survey. Despite Bernie Sander’s popularity at New College, his ability to win has been a concern among skeptics, evidenced by the results of the second question, which asked students “Which candidate do you think will win [the 2016 presidential election]?” Here, Clinton’s and Sanders’ percentages flip-flop. Whereas in the first question – “Who is your personal favorite candidate [for the 2016 presidential election]?” – Sanders is the clear winner at 64.21 percent compared to Clinton’s 12.63 percent, 65.59 percent of students surveyed felt that Clinton would be the eventual winner of the election. By comparison, only 13.98 percent thought that Sanders would prevail

in 2016. Behind Clinton and Sanders dominating the second question, Jeb Bush is the only Republican candidate who had higher than 5 percent, with 9.68 percent voting that he will win the election. Despite flip-flopping results there is only one option that the students of New College can pessimistically agree on. In the third question of the surveys, “Who do you think will be the biggest loser of the 2016 presidential election?” the American people were given a resounding 58.76 percent. “The 2016 election is incredibly important for our country. If the most important issue concerning my vote were to be who best represents my opinions? My answer would have to

be Bernie Sanders,” second-year Carl Romer said. “However, if the issue is who is electable, who do I believe can best represent issues that are important to me, and who has the best chance of pushing forward these policies through Congress, my answer would be Hillary Clinton.” Romer’s statement displays the idea that with both the House of Representatives and the Senate being led by Republicans, legislature might be tough to pass as a Democratic candidate, especially legislature from a Democratic candidate as liberal as Sanders. While it remains to be seen whether or not Sanders would have trouble pushing his policies through Congress, some skeptics and Clinton supporters will point to her body of political work with both parties as evidence of her having an upper hand. “Bush is raising a lot of money, don’t be fooled into thinking that he’s somehow losing to Donald Trump right now, if we judged candidates based on their polling numbers now we would have had Republican nominee Herman Cain,” Romer said. “Bush isn’t even trying right now and yet he is far outpacing all other candidates in fundraising. If I were a betting man I’d say that it’s going to be a close race between Bush and Clinton, but if Bush is able to effectively convince Latinos that he is on their side, as he’s been positioning himself to do, I think the election is his.” With the election still a little over a year away, everything is up in the air, and how it all falls into place will be exciting to see.


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Obama calls for more icebreakers in Alaska BY KATELYN GRIMMETT Two days before President Barack Obama made his way to Alaska on Aug. 30, becoming the first U.S. president to visit the Arctic region, thousands of walruses were forced to congregate on the shore of Alaska near Point Lay, with no solid ice blocks on which to settle. Despite the Arctic region being drastically affected by warming temperatures every day, President Obama called for more Coast Guard icebreakers on the second day of his visit to Alaska in order to gain an advantage in the emerging economic opportunities there. As these events are underway, two climate change courses offered this semester are already analyzing the effects of policy on the development of climate change. An incredibly broad yet aggressive concept, climate change has recently received more attention from countries around the world. The unprecedented number of walruses forced together last week – an estimated 5,000 to 6,000, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) – is just the tip of the melting iceberg. That the dramatic scene of these walruses piled off the Alaskan shore coincided with President Obama’s visit to the Arctic was a hopeful sign for environmental activists who expected a strong message from the president. Obama has been the most active yet in advocating for climate change prevention. In fact, on Aug. 3 of this year, the Obama administration

photo courtesy of Adilyne McKinlay

“In Alaskan summers, all you can smell sometimes is the forest fires,” second-year environmental studies AOC Adilyne McKinlay said. “There was one point this summer when Fairbanks had a cease of outside activity for 24 hours because the smoke was so bad.” McKinlay spent the summer volunteering in Fairbanks, Alaska.

released the Clean Power Plan, which set the first-ever national standards to reduce carbon pollution from power plants. Although President Obama sent a powerful message to world leaders urging them to prepare for climate change prevention or “condemn our children to a world they will no longer have the capacity to repair,” the potential risks of more icebreakers in the region cannot go unnoticed. In a statement released on Sept. 2, the White House pointed out that “Arctic ecosystems are among the most pristine and understudied in the

world, meaning increased commercial activity comes with significant risks to the environment.” With such an indisputable conclusion, President Obama’s call for more of these arctic ships sends mixed messages. “There seems to be an incongruity here but rarely do I see black and white in the context of policy,” Professor of Political Science and Environmental Studies Frank Alcock said. “The president is doing two things at once: he’s calling attention to that fact that climate change is here, it’s now, it’s harming this area and we have to take

dramatic actions, and in the same breath there might be some economic opportunities here.” Alcock’s International Climate Change course has been tuning in on recent events related to climate change policy through NPR podcasts and various websites. One of the major plans for the course is to focus on preparing for and analyzing the results of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, set to take place at the end of this year. Professor of Biology Brad Oberle’s course, Biology of Climate Change, also plans to examine new policy on climate change and focus on the way plant and animal life will be affected by these changes. One particular concept covered in the class was positive feedback, essentially the “snowball” effect which explains that once something starts it accelerates at unexpected rates. Positive feedback in relation to climate change reveals the potential dire consequences of of the Arctic Melt. It illustrates that, once ice starts to melt and the Ice Albedo effect (the level of ice reflectivity) decreases, heat will be drawn to the darker surfaces, further warming the atmosphere and speeding up the melting of the ice. If this ice melts early in the year it dries up the ground which, in turn, sets the stage for wild fires which then allows for the melting of permafrost (frozen underground high in carbon-rich remains of plant life) with no tree covering to keep the

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Chinese human rights improve, attention remains on economy BY ANGELA DUDA An amendment to Chinese criminal law, officially taking effect on Nov. 1, 2015, will prohibit capital punishment for nine crimes, including counterfeiting currency, forcing or arranging prostitution and smuggling weapons. Professor of Economics Sherry Yu said the new amendment passed because China was trying to make a statement to the world and to the corrupt government officials that fled abroad. Yu noted that an increase in technology has emboldened the new generation, making it less afraid to speak out. This decision, which also restricts the number of times a corrupt official can seek a reduction to their sentence, came after a yearlong debate within the government. Though statistics on capital punishment in China remain classified, the Dui Hua Foundation, based in San Francisco, estimated that more than 2,400 Chinese prisoners were executed in 2013, compared with 38 in the United States. But while China’s human rights record has progressed over the past two years, the economy has, in fact, declined.

Pariesa Young/Catalyst

Data in this graph courtesy of the Census Bureau.

Each politician spins the decline a little differently. However, the American people are unlikely to be informed on this matter because, according to Professor of Political Science Barbara Hicks, “Poor attention and coverage is given to foreign affairs in the media.” According to the Wall Street Journal, Jeb Bush said “we have an ongoing, deep relationship” with China

and encouraged letting it “evolve.” In comparison, other GOP candidates such as Donald Trump oppose free trade with China due to their use of what he called “currency manipulation.” In response, Yu said, “Currency manipulation is not an accurate [claim]. The current economic situation is beneficial to the U.S.” Democratic-Socialist Bernie Sanders advocated on the Senate floor

earlier this year that free trade with China was unfavorable, particularly due to the U.S. trade deficit of $342 billion dollars. Hillary Clinton, running against Sanders in the primary election, remains a skeptic, stating that the U.S. should “stand up” to China. Yu argued that China’s dominance over American imports is not inherently bad, and that Americans benefit because due to the recent depreciation of Chinese currency, Chinese goods are priced lower. She noted that China’s purchasing power is in decline, which has resulted in a decrease of American exports to China. However, only five percent of goods in the U.S. are exported to China, a small minority of American trade. Thus, Yu concluded, “China’s slowdown doesn’t affect the U.S. that much.” But a presidential candidate’s stance on economic policy with China, whether accurate or not, is unlikely to impact the outcome of the 2016 election because, according to Hicks, “Foreign affairs tend to have a lower role in politics.” Information for this article was taken from, and


On Tuesday, Aug. 25, the lights were put out and the locks were bolted in College Hall, but the building was not vacant. As the sun disappeared from the horizon, the “Pink Mansion” became dotted with cameras, traversed with wires and filled with high-tech equipment. Buzzing with anticipation, the Paranormal Society of Bradenton Florida (PSOBFL) was preparing for their investigation of the Ringling and Caples family homes. Liz and Ron Reed started PSOBFL five years ago after having personal paranormal experiences. The team has traveled throughout Tampa Bay and various locations around the nation. PSOBFL currently has nine members. “It’s kinda like a little family,” Liz Reed said in an email interview. “We will do an investigation for anyone who we find needs it.” The society offers a Bradenton Ghost Walk in addition to conducting investigations. “I started just chatting with [Liz Reed], and she told me about their investigation of Crosley [Powel Estate] and how interesting that was,” New College Internship Coordinator Andrea Knies said about her Bradenton Ghost Walk experience. “She knew several of us on the tour were from New College.” “Personally, I just like historic buildings. So when I first started working here, I started talking to Jodi [Johnson, admissions coordinator] about it because she knew more out of her interest,” Knies said. “It’s just become kind of a side hobby of mine.” The investigation began at 9:00 p.m. A group of 10 PSOBFL crewmembers and Novocollegians was present. To cover the most ground

possible, half the group members took a golf cart to the Caples mansion. The other half stayed at College Hall. After 90 minutes, the groups switched. The K2 meter, which detects electromagnetic fields and has traditionally been known to indicate the presence of the paranormal, activated at multiple points in Caples, including the bottom floor classroom, originally a dining room, and the sitting room upstairs. Thinking that the device could interrupt the electrical current, crewmembers tried and failed to debunk the experience with a cell phone. “It’s funny to see when you mention it to people, people do start sharing more stories,” Knies said. “[When] the security guard came in when we were in College Hall, […] I said ‘Well, do you have any stories?’ and he said, ‘Well, not here, but I definitely know people talk about Caples, seeing figures in the windows.’” The strip on Tamiami that stretches from the Crosley Estate, past the two Ringling mansions and down to Caples has been designated as a “historic corridor.” The PSOBL did not charge New College for conducting the investigation. In fact, PSOBFL has hopes to investigate each of the historic estates, so the society was eager to enter College Hall and Caples. “We have done only Crosley in that area and have found it to have activity,” Liz Reed said. “We are hoping to be able to say we have done all four homes in a row, especially since they all were friends.” Powel Crosley, Jr., a pioneer in consumer products and broadcasting, owned Crosley Estate with his wife Gwendolyn. The bayfront estate was completed in 1929 and has since been

(top left) Charles Ringing died within months of the completion of his family’s home. His wife, Edith, would continue to be a pivotal member of the Sarasota community. (bottom left) One of Admissions’ golf carts transported half the group to investigate Caples down the road while the remaining members explored College Hall. After 90 minutes, the teams switched locations, causing the investigation to stretch deep into the evening.

Paranormal Society of Bradenton Florida investigates College Hall and Caples restored. Charles Ringling built College Hall for his wife Edith and Cook Hall for his daughter Hester in the mid-1920s. Next door, inspired by their extensive travels through Europe, Charles’ brother John and his wife built Ca’d’Zan, now part of the Ringling Museum of Art. A stone’s throw away, Ralph and Ellen Caples, who spent much of their lives propelling the city of Sarasota to its highest potential, built their estate in 1913. All the homes served as winter retreats. “Ralph and Ellen Caples were here first, and then they invited their friends the Ringlings down, who fell in love with the place and bought the next plots of land,” Knies said. “They were also friends with Crosley.” Unfortunately, to investigate Ca’d’Zan, PSOBFL would need to rent the entire space for an “event,” something they cannot afford at the moment. “We really enjoyed the investigation,” Liz Reed said. “We had some great EVP [electronic voice phenomenon] sessions at the Caples house and hit a few cold spots at Charles’ s house.” Knies described an experience in the Caples’ sitting room. “I felt this – I couldn’t really explain what it felt like – but like someone taking a finger up my arm, and I got this chill down the back of my spine,” she said. “At this point, I was totally creeped out by this.” “I’ve never felt something like that before,” she said. “That truly felt like somebody was touching me.” Entering through each room, the investigators asked questions such as, “Is there somebody in this den right now?” and, “Can you show us proof of your presence by touching one of these devices in front of me?” recording EVPs all along the way. “Caples was really fun. College Hall we didn’t get a lot,” Knies said. PSOBFL will be returning to the

college in the next two weeks to follow up the investigation with an evidence summary, complete with a DVD to display what was found and a certificate if they do in fact find at least one of the sites to be haunted. Information for this article was taken from paranormalsocietyofbradenton.,, and all photos Kaylie Stokes/Catalyst

(top right) Despite loads of expensive equipment, the Paranormal Society of Bradenton Florida (PSOBFL) does not charge for their services. They only accept donations, which is put toward supplies and new equipment. (middle right) PSOBFL scattered their expensive equipment throughout College Hall. Four cameras were set up, including one in the music room and another in the hall of faculty offices on the second floor. (bottom right) Using the Admissions Office as the control center in College Hall, PSOBFL set up a computer monitor with feed from cameras placed around the building.



WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Health educator Mandy Parente joins New College team BY KAYLIE STOKES Despite growing up in Florida, Amanda “Mandy” Parente had never heard of New College prior to applying for the newly created position of health education coordinator. Having accepted the position Parente will now call this previously unknown place her professional home for the foreseeable future. As the first person to hold the title of campus health educator, Parente is excited to develop a brand new health education program that will work for the unique community that is New College. As an undergraduate, Parente attended the University of West Florida (UWF) where she was incredibly active in student life. “I loved being involved,” Parente said. “I was an RA, an orientation leader, I was president of the Criminal Justice Student Association, a member of the Gay Straight Alliance and involved with peer education.” During her senior year, Parente had an internship at the campus wellness office where she began and ran the UWF Take Back the Night program. Parente received her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice with a focus on victimology, specializing on victims of sexual crimes. Through her experiences working with the wellness office and the Take Back the Night campaign she realized that she wanted to combine her studies with public health specifically on a college campus. Parente went on to the University of Louisville’s graduate program in community health education. While there, she researched the correlation between abstinence only sex education in secondary schools and rape culture on college campuses. She hopes to continue this research through her doctoral work in a few years.

Kaylie Stokes/Catalyst

Mandy Parente was hired for the newly created position of health education coordinator and can be found in HCL3.

“A big passion area of mine is getting us to not have crappy sex education so that we can improve the lives of people in general, but specifically college populations, because that’s where a lot of exploring happens, and where a lot of violence happens too,” Parente said. “If we can start having those conversations at a younger age then we can hopefully make it a healthier and safer place when students do transition into college.” When Parente was hired last spring it was expected that her focus would be on sexual assault and Title IX education and programming. However, following the on-campus deaths of University of Central Florida student, 21-year-old Dylan Besser, and first-year, 18-yearold Julian Toomsen-Hall, her focus has shifted more toward alcohol and drug abuse and misuse, as well as helping people through the grieving process that continues into this year. “The grief on campus is definitely the biggest challenge,” Parente said.

“And recognizing that I’m not the expert in your community. Which is something that was put in our heads every single day of grad school. We would hear that we are the expert in our topic but not the expert in your community. Having to really check myself and remember that has been kind of interesting.” One of the initiatives that Parente is most excited about is developing a peer education program in which students volunteer to become certified through the BACCHUS Network and are cross trained in educating others on sexual health, alcohol and drug abuse and mental health. “I can stand in front of a room and be like ‘I have this degree and I have this certification and I’m this great person,’ but people aren’t going to hear it the same way from me as they are from their peers,” Parente explained. “We want to be having those conversations where it’s educational but also where we’re still supporting the policies of the university...So like, when it comes

to alcohol and drug abuse and misuse, looking at harm reduction and really honoring that the students want a harm reduction model for that, but then also trying to find a way to put that with what the university wants.” Parente chose New College partially for its small size and also for the challenge of developing a brand new health education program. “I could have gone to a lot of places that were already established, and just gone through the motions,” she said. “So, instead of inheriting things and just doing what everybody else has done for all of these years, it’s like getting to make my mark and starting almost from scratch.” Also important in her decision were the values of the school and how they fit into her personal beliefs. “A lot of my core values as a human and as a practitioner I see in the student body here and so I thought that was important,” Parente said. “The students here are very high academic achieving and I want to bring them up to that same level of excellence in their holistic health.” Parente said that she has been impressed and surprised by the students. “Like I know it’s an honors college, and I conceptually get that, but having never worked in, or been a part of an honors program, or college, I didn’t knew what that meant, and day to day what that looked like,” she said. “I’m constantly challenged by them, and I’m constantly just like ‘this is going to be great.’” Parente invites students to stop by her office, saying, “Come hang out with me, let me know what I can do to help you all. I want to be a really good resource, but I also don’t know what

continued on p. 11

Animal Interest Club prepares for a new year BY DYLAN PRYOR Animal Interest Club, led by second-years Olivia Van Housen and Codee Vogler, provides a solution to the problem of homesickness, as well as many other opportunities for students to become involved with animals on campus. With more than 50 students signed up for the upcoming semester and a clear set of goals, the club is poised to have an eventful and successful term. “Animal Interest Club focuses on promoting awareness about animal welfare by connecting students with volunteer organizations in the SarasotaManatee area,” Vogler said. In order to increase participation and their presence on campus, Animal Interest Club also has many events, both new and old, planned for the semester. In partnership with Cat Depot, the club plans to bring a few cats to campus for students to interact with for a day in an event called Cat Carnival. They also aim to have a number of food drives

and other fundraisers throughout the year to donate to organizations such as Pets of the Homeless and the Salvation Army. In addition, Vogler hopes to foster a partnership with Save Our Seabirds. Through various volunteer ventures, club members will have the opportunity to gain professional experience in the field of animal related vocations. However, the club offers much more than professional experience. It also allows students to regain a personal connection with both animals and home that they may have felt was lost during the transition to New College. “I know a lot of students miss home. They won’t ever say it, but they miss home. And animals are a big part of home for a lot of people. So Animal Interest Club gives students something to connect with that helps satisfy that homesickness. It also gives them a feeling of empowerment that they helped an animal in some way,” Van Housen commented. “And that’s a very good feeling to have at the end of the day”.

Dylan Pryor/Catalyst

Animal Interest Club provides a much needed personal connection to animals for second-years Olivia Van Housen (left) and Codee Vogler (right).


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst



Jojo’s comeback: It’s never too little, too late BY JASMINE RESPESS JoJo, born Joanna Noëlle Blagden Levesque, is finally back with some original music since leaving the record label Blackground in 2013. Unfortunately, due to a lot of turmoil involving her label, JoJo has not been able to be as musically productive as she and her fans would want her to be. JoJo can be heard on her remix of Drake’s song “Marvin’s Room” from 2012 and has released some other cover songs, but this is the first time in years she has released all new music. She is now signed with Atlantic Records and has given her fans a sneak preview of her new album in the form of what she calls a “triangle,” three singles released at once. But this is just the start – these songs are meant as a preview of her new album featuring big names such as Pharrell Williams and Sam Smith. JoJo made it big way back in 2003 when she was only 13 with the song “Leave (Get Out).” Her debut album “JoJo” went platinum thanks to that song and the popularity of other singles such as “Baby It’s You” featuring the rapper Bow Wow. The first song in JoJo’s triad

Photo courtesy of

Jojo released three singles in preparation for her new album.

is “When Love Hurts.” In a musical world where Lana Del Rey is constantly

crooning sadly, JoJo is here to give your heartache a pop pick-up. Even though

she is basically singing love is pain, you cannot help but tap a foot and think it is not all that bad. The second song in the triad is “Save My Soul” and JoJo is serving up her range on a platter. JoJo has grown over the years, as far as her voice goes, and that is on full display in this song. She seems relaxed and like she is in no rush. If “Leave (Get Out) is the anthem of the middle school break-up that happened over AOL messenger, “Save My Soul” is the song you listen to, as you sip on wine and lament on your past messed up relationships. The third song of the triangle is “Say Love.” It is the most powerful of the songs released. JoJo is once again putting it out there that she demands the best of the best. She is not about to settle for anything less than love. She lets her Mariah Carey show on this track and it is really nice to hear. Although this song is about a romance, it rings as a declaration that JoJo is not settling anymore and she is going to hit you with the full power of her music. JoJo is making a comeback as a full-fledged pop star and, honestly, it is never too little, too late.

In the HBO Miniseries ‘Show Me a Hero,’ public policy makes for vital drama SUBMITTED BY DAVID CANFIELD In his new HBO miniseries “Show Me a Hero,” David Simon (“The Wire”) turns academic debates over subsidized housing into six gripping hours of historical fiction. Adapted from Lisa Belkin’s eponymous nonfiction book, “Hero” takes the action back to the late 1980s, when a federal judge ruled that 200 units of affordable housing were required to be built in the predominantly-white section of East Yonkers, NY. Nick Wasicsko (Oscar Isaac) is the story’s main player, a young politician who skyrocketed to mayor by campaigning against the initiative, only to find that embracing it was the only way to govern. “Show Me a Hero” understands politics as it is most purely defined: “Of, for, or relating to citizens.” Simon voraciously digs into the nuance of policy debate, and there remains the wide-ranging wisdom on race and class that made “The Wire” so indelible. But “Hero,” co-written by former political reporter William F. Zorzi, dramatizes policy with more depth. It shifts within and without the halls of Yonkers’ governing elite, elucidating what it means, precisely, to enact a progressive agenda. Alongside Waciscko’s rocky political career, we peer into the lives of four single women who live in the projects on the other side of town: Doreen (a superb Natalie Paul), a young widow who develops a drug addiction; Norma (LaTanya Richardson Jackson),

an elderly nurse going blind; Billie (Dominique Fishback), a pregnant teenager tasked with building a family; and Alma (Ilfenesh Hadera), an immigrant from the Dominican Republic fearing for her children’s safety. Through the struggles of characters such as Doreen and Alma, a wonky debate over housing regulations evolves into a powerful dramatic idea: the right to a home. This is central to “Show Me a Hero,” as political and humanistic narratives consciously converge. Waciscko’s career trajectory serves as the backdrop. But Nick Wasicsko, as Simon protagonists tend to be, is rigidly political – he is not idealistic, only responding to voters. This is key. As directed by Oscar winner Paul Haggis (“Crash”), the series’ earliest episodes are propulsively involving, with antihousing residents loudly clamoring in the chambers. Haggis’ rendering of the crowds, as their pleas and screams roar and echo, is viscerally authentic. He hovers over them, capturing their collective intensity and juxtaposing their anger with the helpless, nearindifferent politicians fielding their questions. It makes for enormously effective direction, and more importantly is crucial to the story’s success. Early on, there’s talk of redistricting and pandering – Winona Ryder plays a moderate councilwoman voted out due to gerrymandering – and the volatile atmosphere urges a contention with these topics on more pragmatic

terms. Wasicsko is young, and he uses constituents’ misplaced rage to his advantage; later, an extreme rightwing figure (played deliciously by Alfred Molina) condenses it into a Tea Party-like movement. This is a beast that Wasicsko helped to create, and just as he’s learned how to govern and prioritize, the beast takes him down. In that way, “Show Me a Hero” hones in on our own ability to limit the function of government. The rise and fall of Wasicsko speaks intriguingly, and cynically, to our current culture of gridlock and partisanship. But there’s a sneaky optimism to “Show Me a Hero” as well. It grapples with the possibilities of change on both systemic and individualistic scales. Consider the journey of Mary Dorman (Catherine Keener), an East Yonkers resident vehemently opposed to the affordable housing project. Politicians present themselves as on her side, but after proving their electability they fail to move the anti-housing needle even an inch. She confronts her fears upon the realization that her government has slid into an inalterable realm of empty promises. Mary, “Hero’s” most central supporting character, is placed alongside Wasicsko, a man she felt betrayed her but who similarly evolves in thought. Their imperfections are the very heart of Simon’s intent, exploring a viciously won but ultimately fatal political battle in which there were no true heroes or villains. Keener, meanwhile, is handed a character of far fewer words but

also of utmost relatability. She plays into Mary’s emotions fully, somehow making her prejudice almost beside the point. She gives a remarkably intelligent performance, with so much communicated in isolated glances. “Hero” occasionally pits Mary and Nick against one another, whether on a brief phone-call or in a nighttime pass-by. Between the performances and what these characters stand for, there’s always so much there – a reminder of Simon’s chief interest in people, and how they relate to bigger ideas. In “Show Me a Hero,” Simon situates an intimately American idea – what it means to own and have a home – in an aggressively complex exploration of political process and systemic change. This is not Simon’s best work – as mentioned earlier, early episodes are disjointed – but it may be his most intellectually challenging. His final message is more thematically varied than what he typically opts for, as although the political culture in “Hero” emerges as corrosive and intractable – Waciscko’s fate bluntly, tragically reflects this – within it we see pivotal evolutions in policy and in people. There may be no heroes or villains here, but there is David Simon: our time’s eminent documenter of tragedy, hope and their forever uneasy coexistence. Strong Sat. The six-hour miniseries is streaming on HBOGo.



WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Wall previews BY GIULIA HEYWARD Lady Rap Wall - Sept. 11 Lady Rap Wall, hosted by thesis student Patricia “Tricia” Johnson, will feature music by revolutionary female hip hop artists. “I got frustrated at how easily people seem to forget the incredible music created by and for Black women,” Johnson said. “This is the third time I’ve thrown a Wall along the theme-almost exclusively rap, hip-hop, and R&B by women and genderqueer people of color.” Wall attendees can expect music from classics such as TLC, Destiny’s Child, Missy Elliot and Lil’ Kim. “I probably won’t have food,” Johnson said. “If you can put it in the Catalyst that if someone drives me to the store, I’ll get some food, then I’ll have some food.”

NCSA updates BY CAITLYN RALPH On Friday, September 4, the New College Student Alliance (NCSA) held their Early Fall Elections led by Supervisor of Elections Sabrina Finn. Ethan Kennedy was elected as First Year Student Allocations Committee (SAC) Representative for the entire academic year with 47 votes, followed by Kayla Kisseadoo with 41 votes, who will serve as the other First Year SAC Representative until December 2015. Third year Orion Morton was elected as the Landscape Representative, who will serve on the Council of Green Affairs and second year Donni Aldrich was elected Residential Life Representative, who will serve on the Council of Student Life. The SAC also elected new leadership positions. Second year Racha Masara is chairperson and second year Becca Caccavo is secretary. Thesis student Kamron Scruggs has been appointed as the new Recording Studio/Band Room Technical Assistant (TA). Thesis student and Darkroom TA Tricia Johnson has announced that the space will now be open. Constant hours are not decided on yet; however, Johnson’s plan is to open for two hours one week night and for an hour on the weekend. Lastly, the composting program is not operational due to issues with the compost bike. “As soon as the bike is fixed, bins will be distributed and the program will resume as normal,” third year and Compost TA Olivia Mealor said. “I’ll be doing brief informal information sessions, so that everyone who wants to compost can learn how to do it properly.”

SOS: The Save Our Schools movement BY BIANCA BENEDI In spring of 1995, the Sarasota County School Board, citing budget cuts, unanimously voted to shut down New Directions High School and Ideal Alternative High School. Both schools were alternative high schools, aimed at helping students who were at high risk of dropping out. The decision was met with protest, including a strong push from New College students who felt the programs were crucial for oftenneglected students. “What’s going on?” reads the title of a leaflet written by unnamed New College students attempting to raise awareness of the closings. “The Sarasota County School Board has voted to close Ideal and New Directions High Schools, two learn-at-your-ownpace alternative schools for students who might otherwise drop out. We are here to express our strong support for [the schools] ... We call on the Sarasota County School Board to commit to the continued operation of Ideal and New Directions Alternative High Schools ... Please raise your voices, and help save Ideal and New Directions.” In a thick pamphlet of documents gathered by alum Geoffrey Kurtz (‘96) are the collective efforts of New College students to save the high schools. “[New College] students were active in the struggle against the closings,” Kurtz writes. “We collected petition signatures, helped organize and joined

in two demonstrations with high school students, and other tasks. The packet is filled with leaflets for the protest and notes from meetings, demonstrations and question and answer sessions held by New College student, all written on the backs of flyers, handouts, school assignments and receipts. Scrawled on the back of an excerpt of someone’s essay are brainstorming notes from one of the many sessions. The writer jotted down suggestions and information from attendees at the meeting. “Danielle: afraid of lots of actions watering things down - think small,” reads one of the notes. “Jessica: go to small business - inform everyone walk the streets. Andres: likes Jessica’s idea.” On another sheet of an essay describing native Floridian bugs are notes regarding a planned protest that students were attempting to organize. “Ideal: across street from school. Hey! Meetings Sunday 5pm and Saturday 6pm. Most people, when the cops showed up, wouldn’t just sit there. If we decided to be calm/peaceful...” read some of the notes. The last page of notes ends with information about talking to reporters for television and newspaper. Underlined at the bottom of the page is “Press conference - yay! Talk about it!” “In the end, we helped the students win a compromise from the school board:” Kurtz writes. “the two

Bianca Benedi/Catalyst

An excerpt from the documents gathered by alum Geoffrey Kurtz (‘96).

schools would cease to exist as distinct campuses, but would continue as distinct programs on the campuses of existing high schools. “These are papers relating to that campaign, consisting mainly of notes taken at meetings attended by both New College students and students from the two high schools,” Kurtz finishes. Today one alternative program exists for in Sarasota County Public Schools: the YMCA Triad Alternative program, with campuses in Sarasota and Venice. The programs combined handle a total of 119 students. New Direction and Ideal High School are both shut down, their programs dismantled and reshaped. Although the protest did not save the schools, the district has not abandoned its students.


On Campus

Wednesday, September 9 • 6:00 p.m. Campus Police Office Hours @ GDC • 7:00 p.m. Council of Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) Meeting @ ACE Lounge Friday, September 11 • 12:00 p.m. Feminist Fridays @ ACE Lounge • 11:00 p.m. Lady Rap Wall Monday, September 14 • 11:59 p.m. Deadline to submit agenda items for Towne Meeting Wednesday, September 16 • 6:00 p.m. Towne Meeting @ Palm Court

Off Campus

Sunday, September 13 Wednesday, September 9 • 8:00-9:30 a.m. Free Yoga @ Siesta • 8:00 p.m. Game night @ Growler’s Pub Key Beach • 7:00 p.m. Team Trivia @ Monday, September 14 Growler’s Pub • 8:00-9:30 a.m. Free Yoga @ Siesta Key Beach Thursday, September 10 • 5:00 p.m. Art after 5 @ Ringling • 9:00 p.m. Karaoke @ Growler’s Musuem Pub Tuesday, September 15 Friday, September 11 • All day Clowns! exhibit @ Ringling • 9:00 p.m. Open Mic @ Growler’s Pub Museum • 8:00-9:30 a.m. Free Yoga @ Siesta Key Beach • Skyspace light show @ Ringling Museum • 7:30 p.m. The Dicks from Texas (documentary) @ Nothing Arts Want your event to Center 7:00 p.m. doors/8:00 p.m. be featured on our showtime Saturday, September 12 • 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Dowtown Farmer’s Market • 8:00-9:30 a.m. Free Yoga @ Siesta Key Beach

calendar? Email by the Friday prior to your event.



WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Task Force CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 was then sent to every member of the student body, faculty, staff and board of directors. The report, which included an overview and a list of objectives, broke down recommendations into four categories: Policies and Procedures, Therapeutic Intervention for Students, General Wellness, and Surveying Students. The task force examined the drug policies of local, state and outof-state institutions such as Florida Gulf University, Eckerd College, Rollin Collins and Dartmouth College. One school in particular, Reed College, was a major source of inspiration. “Reed College has a specific policy where they take a tone that is very much less punitive and more about community wellbeing and wellness,” Pellaton said. “That has a lot to do with classifications of substances, that has to do with a greater definition between major and minor violence under our Substance and Alcohol policies.” Previously, in March of 2010, two Reed College students died of heroin overdoses within two weeks of each other. “[Reed College] is a lot like us in certain different respects,” Professor of Political Science and Environmental Studies Frank Alcock said. “They had a very similar experience where they had two drug-related deaths and ended up in a place where a lot of other institutions call them up and look to them and their drug and alcohol policies.” Additionally, the task force examined data surrounding the New College population. This included records of disciplinary actions both prior to being enrolled and while enrolled. The responses in exit surveys given to students who graduated or chose to drop out were also examined.

The task force took a holistic approach to understanding the student body. “It dawned on me that, if we’re talking about campus culture, then who do I think are the keepers of the campus culture? I think it’s second- and thirdyears,” Alcock said. “Measuring people’s perceptions before they get here is informative but it doesn’t tell you anything about what it’s like on campus, and when you’re a senior you’ve got your mind on some other things, your head is down and in your thesis and, when you finish, you’re thinking about leaving. It’s the second- and third-years who really run this place.” Alcock said a survey would possibly be conducted during the month of January when students are doing their Independent Study Project (ISP). Certain recommendations, already implemented by administration, include setting a 2 a.m. curfew for Walls. “What Chief [of Police, Michael A.] Kessie had noticed was that, because of the recent occurrence of Yik Yak hitting our campus, people were starting to post more and more about events that were going on at New College,” Pellaton said. “Particularly on weekends that are alcohol and substance related and that students, or people from the community in Sarasota, were coming into the area and onto campus.” This change in policy has received mixed reviews, with some saying it inhibits campus community. “Changing traditions that are central to the New College experience is a mistake,” second-year student Carl Romer, formerly known as Carl Polak, said. “Especially when the traditions of being outside with friends participating in communal activities, with more frequency, may have been just the thing that [would have] prevented last year’s tragedies.”

Others feel that changes to the drug policy were unnecessary. “I saw the task force as the administration’s response to the attention in the media that the events of last year had,” second-year student, and member of the Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP), Hannah Procell, said. “I also think it’s logical that the school would want to just reexamine the drug policies to see if that had any relation to the overdoses on campus, but, as I know, the drug policies on campus did not have any relation to those overdoses on campus.” An immediate change made by administration following the campus tragedies was the decision to make last semester’s Graduation Palm Court Party, or Graduation PCP, substancefree. “Lots of people felt bad for the seniors because they are legal [to drink] but I don’t think we had a choice in that one,” O’Shea said. “Suppose there was another student death, the liability would have been huge, they would have shut us down.” At the beginning of this year, administration decided that another measure would be to change the name of the event since it connotes the pharmaceutical drug Phencyclidine, also known as PCP. The drug is a Schedule II substance known for its hallucinogenic effect on users. “I think that [Graduation PCP] turned out to be a very good night for a lot of people,” second-year student Rebecca Phillips said. “I don’t think it was handled as well as it could have been, but it’s understandable that we need to change the name.” However, additional changes that were not listed in the recommendations made by the Drug and Alcohol Task Force are nonetheless being implemented by administration.

Among these changes is the increased presence of the New College Police Department (NCPD) on campus. Additionally, Residence Hall Directors (RHDs) now live in the Pei Residence Buildings, and Campus Life Coordinators (CLCs) accompany Resident Advisors (RAs) on their nightly rounds across campus. First-year students have also reported discrepancies between the information given to them by administration and by their older college peers. “There is sort of a disconnect between what [upperclassmen] tell me and then what administration tells me,” first-year student Adreina Carrasquero said. “I don’t know who to look to for answers.” Other members of the student body echo this concern. “I think that students don’t trust the administration to handle anything in our best interests anymore,” second-year student and supervisor of elections, Sabrina Finn, said. “And I think that the administration doesn’t trust students to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. I think that there is a lot of discord between both groups, in the ways that we think that it should be handled.” This has not stopped others from having a positive outlook on the future. “I think New College has always been about people choosing their own paths,” O’Shea said. “And I’m hoping we have a wide range of respecting each other’s behaviors. [...] If somebody comes here with a drug dependence, that’s one thing. But I would hope that nobody ever acquires one here.” Despite campus climate and increased tension, many remain hopeful that the community will heal.

Four Winds

Bob Johnson





person’s name and their order, and then proceed to place the item and ticket number on a table outside the kitchen. “Sometimes last year people would just take what was handed to them and it was completely different from what they ordered,” Levinson said. The Four Winds is also starting to experiment with boba tea. Customers can now add a scoop of boba to any hot or cold teas and smoothies. “Something I like to do is take our regular iced tea, put boba in it, then add a fruit juice, like orange juice or apple juice, and that makes it a fruity boba,” she said. Levinson hopes to have more events this year at the cafe such as the Four Winds haunted house, open mic nights and concerts. “I’m really excited about my new staff,” she said. “Everybody I hired I feel so confident in, they’re working their asses off and it’s not an easy job. [Customers] just need to be patient with us because it is a process.”

Sen. Johnson’s reputation in the state legislature was immensely beneficial to New College. “His legacy includes the positive exposure he brought to New College,” Michalson said. “Bob’s interface with the wider political culture of Florida brought great positive attention to the campus. Having him affiliated with the college has brought us a lot of goodwill.” Johnson was a strong advocate for the importance of a unique academic program at New College, and was proud to send his grandchildren to attend the school. Michalson remembered seeing Johnson in blue jeans and a toolbelt in Palm Court after helping his granddaughter build a platform bed for her dorm. “He was a very gifted craftsman. He built himself a beautiful home on the Myakka River out in the woods, made out of knotty pine and other bits of wood he collected. A gorgeous place and he did the whole thing himself. How’d he find the time?” “He just had these hidden depths,”

Michalson said about learning that Johnson spent a year at Duke Divinity School studying theology. In their many travels for the college, Michalson said Johnson “would have an anecdote or story about every exit, every little town. It was usually about someone he had helped.” “I would like people to believe I am dedicated to New College, and that making our city the best means making New College the academic crown jewel of the state of Florida,” Johnson said. “And that means working together, means that if we neglect any one part of what makes New College great, it will fall apart. But right now, and hopefully for a long while, New College does what it does better than any place I know in this nation.” There is a book in Cook Hall for anyone who would like to leave a message or share a story about Bob. The book will be presented to his family once filled.

ground cool. The melting of permafrost further allows for emissions of carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere, which leads to more global warming. Despite this fearful possibility of progression, Oberle remains hopeful. “As climate change becomes more of a reality, policy makers will be encouraged to take a strong stand and lead the way to prevention,” he said.

Parente profile CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 will be successful because I’m not the expert of your community. So tell me what you think will work and we can figure it out.” Looking for conversation starters? Ask her about her cat Tucker, rock climbing or the show “Big Brother,” in which she dreams of one day participating.


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Ringling Underground BY KAYLIE STOKES Dozens of New College students attended Ringling Underground’s kickoff event this past Thursday, Sept. 3, helping to make it the most attended Underground since the monthly events began in the spring of 2012. During the program’s first couple of years attendance hovered around 300 while last Thursday more than 900 guests filled the courtyard. The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art started the Ringling Underground program with the intention of drawing Sarasota’s more youthful crowd to the world-renowned museum. The first Thursday of every month, the museum opens up the Museum of Art Courtyard after-hours and provides guests with live music, art and drinks. September’s event provided a stage for three local bands: PLEASURES, FayRoy and Gringo Star. Along with the live entertainment outdoors, guests were free to wander around the two visiting exhibitions in the Amicus Foundation Gallery. The first exhibition was titled “EMIT: What the Bringback Brought” and was the work of Trenton Doyle Hancock. In this exhibition, Hancock creates a loose narrative inspired by the horror films and action figures of his childhood. The second exhibition, “Appalachia USA,” showcased the work of photographer Builder Levy, and was a documentary project spanning decades that attempted to capture the lives of coal miners and their families. “I think it’s really touching, you can tell that the artist is personally invested in these people’s lives,” thesis student Carolina Shin said. “It’s interesting that some of the photos are taken decades apart but you can’t tell.” First-year Evan Teal was visiting the Ringling Museum for the first time that night and was impressed. “The music is really good and the paintings are awesome...I definitely want to come back,” Teal said.

(top)Ar twork created by the event’s guests hung along the railing. (middle) Local band Gringo Star closed the night. (bottom) More than 900 guests attended September’s event. all photos Kaylie Stokes/Catalyst

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