Issue 6, Fall 2015

Page 1 | @ncfcatalyst









A student newspaper of New College of Florida

Housing to replace card readers with new master system Third-year Hannah Coker tries to open a door with her encoded card.

BY RYAN PAICE One of the least talked about problems on campus this semester has been the card encoding system. While in most cases it is only a minor inconvenience – as keys can still be used – the problem is not a small one that can be swept under the rug. There are entire buildings across campus that are

Kaylie Stokes/Catalyst

inaccessible with encoded cards due to broken card readers. “In a nutshell, our current system is outdated and the company no longer supports the hardware,” Mark Stier, associate dean of student affairs, said in an email interview. “So when the card readers go out we are unable to repair them.” The company no longer makes

the replacement parts needed for the broken card readers. “The doors are 100 percent secured still, students just have to use their hard keys instead of their cards,” Stier said. Mark Stier and Alan Burr – director of facilities maintenance and construction – are working on creating a proposal to replace the current system. Replacing the current system

would restore access to buildings using encoded ID’s, and a new card encoding system would bring several new bells and whistles to the formerly plain security system. One of the possible bells and whistles would give Housing the ability to track which door was accessed and the student ID which

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Houseless individuals file suit against Sarasota and police BY PARIESA YOUNG Nearly 900 homeless individuals have been arrested in Sarasota for sleeping outdoors, according to a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and six houseless men on Sept. 30. The suit has brought the city of Sarasota into the spotlight for practices which the plaintiffs say criminalize the homeless and hinder them from lifesustaining activities. Three of the plaintiffs are currently residing in transitional shelters and will lack adequate housing when they leave those facilities. The other three are currently without any nighttime residence and live in fear of being criminally prosecuted for sleeping in a park or public place. Plaintiff David Cross spends a significant amount of each day reading books in the Selby Library downtown. In August, he was found sleeping in the bushes outside of the library by a police officer and subsequently trespassed from the property. Until Cross was able to appeal his trespass warning, he was


Pariesa Young/Catalyst

A sign on Kumquat Court prohibits homeless individuals from storing personal property on public property. Kumquat Court was home for many houseless people, but since these city ordinances were passed, they are nowhere to be seen.

banned from the library, a public, airconditioned, safe space where he read everyday. The lawsuit presents what plaintiffs say is an aggressive enforcement of an ordinance that bans sleeping outdoors. The city set forth


this policy to “solve” the problem of homelessness by forcing the homeless to either leave Sarasota or face criminal prosecution. This is not the first time the city has been accused of trying to get rid of Sarasota’s homeless; last year, the city commission put $1,000 into a


fund dedicated to buying one-way bus tickets for homeless residents. The suit explains that such ordinances – enacted by city government and enforced by the Sarasota Police Department (SPD) – are unconstitutional. The plaintiffs added that it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment because Sarasota is lacking in housing and shelter space for the homeless. A similar lawsuit was brought against the city of Boise, Idaho by homeless plaintiffs in 2009. The Department of Justice filed a statement of interest saying that it is a crime to penalize homeless people for sleeping in public places when there is insufficient shelter space or housing. In 2011, Sarasota city and county submitted a Consolidated Plan which addressed the large need for homeless services. The major strategy for meeting this need was the building of a homeless shelter in North Sarasota by 2015. Last year, when several sites

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst



briefs by Jasmine Respess

$69 one-way flights from US to Europe For many students, traveling is thought of as part of the college experience. Some students take classes abroad and others travel simply to have a good time. Although traveling is an attractive idea, it can be impossible to afford for those on a budget. Norwegian Air wants to fix that. The airline hopes to offer one-way tickets to Europe for $69 as early as 2017. According to the International Business Times, the airline can cut costs by flying out of U.S. airports with low fees. Norwegian Air would be flying out of U.S. airports that do not commonly

have international flights. Although flights out of the U.S. to Europe could be cheaper, this does not account for round-trip tickets. When flying back from a different country, low prices for a return ticket would not be guaranteed. “While some one-way tickets are expected to go for just $69, the average round trip will be closer to about $300,” CEO of Norwegian Air Bjørn Kjos said in a statement to NBC News. “Norwegian Air’s fares are usually about $500 now because of higher fees levied at busier airports.”

Student response to the prospect of $69 flights has been enthusiastic but “The $69 figure is a bit misleading since mandatory taxes bring that to $250$300 each way,” second-year George Thurlow said in an email. “As well, the quality of these flights often leaves a lot to be desired.” Thurlow said that the seats on a low-budget flight from JFK to Paris were uncomfortable and cramped. “Nevertheless, I’d think that cheaper ticket to Europe would make me more likely to go,” Thurlow said.

Fall brings first annual Pumpkin Patch Party Fall is upon us. Although the Floridian climate does not lend itself to falling leaves, cool weather, and other seasonal indications, several on-campus autumn activities are scheduled for this season. The Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) is getting involved in the fun by hosting a Pumpkin Patch Party from 12 p.m.-3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 28. The Pumpkin Patch Party will feature pumpkin painting, caramel apples, cotton candy and popcorn. “We are hoping to generate some excitement and fun here at the CWC,” Anne Fisher of the CWC said. “We want to do activities that are interactive with the CWC staff. I had to arrange funding for the event and the Office of the President and the Dean of Students were kind enough to help me cover the cost.”

image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

This will be the first Pumpkin Patch Party on campus. The CWC is hoping to make this an annual event.

Robocalls may cost Publix $5 million dollars Publix boasts the slogan “Where shopping is a pleasure,” but customers were not pleased when the company called them on their cellphones without their consent. A $5 million dollar class-action lawsuit against Publix was brought forth on Oct. 14, claiming that the supermarket violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, which restricts telemarketing calls. Customers alleged that Publix’s pharmacy made robocalls alerting them that they had a prescription to

pick up. Many said they had never used the Publix pharmacy, and did not even have any medication to pick up with the company. Rachel Soffin of the Morgan and Morgan law firm, who filed the lawsuit, explained that thousands of people were called. Even after the customers complained and stated that they did not want to be called, it was reported that the calls continued for weeks. “This is a problem of privacy,” thesis student Sydnie Petteway said.

“I’m just waiting for the day when Dave starts taking Ham points.” © 2015, the Catalyst. All rights reserved. The Catalyst is available online at,, @ncfcatalyst The Catalyst is an academic tutorial sponsored by Professor Maria Vesperi. It is developed in the New College Publications Lab using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign and printed at Sun Coast Press with funds provided by the New College Student Alliance.

“When it comes to medical information, there needs to be sensitivity.” Publix Supermarket Inc. declined to answer, since they do not comment on active lawsuits and litigation. Publix is one of the largest grocery store chains in the South, and it is most prominent in Florida, since the company is based in Lakeland. Information for this article was taken from

General Editor Managing Editor Copy Editor Online Editor Layout Editors Staff Writers & Photographers

Kaylie Stokes Pariesa Young Yadira Lopez Caitlyn Ralph Haley Jordan & Audrey Warne Bianca Benedí, Katelyn Grimmett, Giulia Heyward, Sydney Kruljac, Jasmine Respess, Ryan Paice, Dylan Pryor, Angela Duda

Largest collection of fossilized feces in South Florida Museum The South Florida Museum is now home to the largest collection of fossilized dung. The museum will feature George Frandsen’s Guinness World Records-certified collection of coprolite – fossilized feces –, which boasts 1,277 pieces. The feces come from prehistoric reptiles and some carnivorous animals. Fossilized feces are rare because, unlike fossilized bones, they are soft and only fossilize in specific circumstances. The collection features poop from 15 different states and 8 different countries. “People who have been saving poop jokes for 20 years will have a chance to use them,” South Florida Museum Education Director Jeff Rodgers said in a statement. “But the right kid is going to walk into the museum, and the spark is going to go off: He’ll see science in a whole different way. Poop is just so interesting in lots of ways, and it’s beautiful in many ways. And I never thought I’d hear myself say that in public.” Although this exhibit features a subject that some may find gross, it allows people to look into the past by considering what is left behind. Studying coprolite helps scientists gather information about the diets, activities and lifestyles of prehistoric animals. Tickets for “The Amazing Coprolite Collection” are $19 for adults. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday, excluding the first Saturday in November, as well as national holidays.

Direct submissions, letters, announcements and inquiries to: The Catalyst 5800 Bay Shore Road Sarasota, Florida 34243 The Catalyst reserves the right to edit all submissions for grammar, space and style. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Submissions must be received by 12:00 p.m. Friday for consideration in the next issue.



WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Adjunct professors weigh in on their experiences BY DYLAN PRYOR Adjunct professors now lead more and more classes at New College and other schools nationwide. Half of all professors in the country are adjuncts or contingent faculty, according to the American Association of University Professors. Tenured professors, by comparison, now represent less than a quarter of all college faculty. Adjunct professors are unique in that they share the same instructional duties as tenured faculty, yet earn significantly less and are not subject to benefits such as health insurance, unless they earn 30 hours or more from their school. “My workload as an adjunct varies quite a bit and really depends on the specifics of each week’s course activities,” Professor of Natural Sciences Katherine McHugh said. “But for a single course, I typically put in at least 25-30 hours a week preparing course material and assignments, evaluating student work, and communicating with students.” McHugh has been an adjunct at New College since Fall 2012, and has taught three different introductory courses over the years, including this semester’s Natural Hazards. She also holds a full-time position as a research scientist off-campus in addition to her responsibilities as a professor, and receives some retirement benefits from the state. A March 2015 survey with a sample of 500 adjuncts and conducted by Pacific Standard reported that the average annual pay of a majority of

Dylan Pryor/Catalyst

Adjunct Hebrew Professor Rachel Dulin has been at New College for five years.

adjunct respondents is less than $20,000 a year. According to The Atlantic, 31 percent of part-time faculty are living near or below the federal poverty line, and many adjuncts work other jobs in order to supplement their income and help cover an array of expenses that continue to rise. reports that the average monthly housing costs for homes without a mortgage in Sarasota had risen to $502, and $1,280 for houses with a mortgage in 2013. A survey of more than 10,000 part-time faculty members conducted by the AAUP found that from 2012-2013, adjunct professors earned a median of $2,700 for one class over the course

of a semester. However, New College adjuncts are reported to generally make $4,000 or more over the course of one semester. Conditions for many adjuncts had gotten so bad that on Feb. 25 of this year, adjuncts across the country mobilized to insist on better wages and working conditions in an event called National Adjunct Walkout Day. Professor of Hebrew Rachel Dulin maintains that after five years as an adjunct, she sees little difference between her position and that of a tenured professor. “It seems to me that if you are teaching, you are teaching.” Dulin commented. “But the truth is that when

you think about an adjunct professor, and it’s only three or four hours, you think: ‘oh, it’s part time’. But if you do it right, there is no part-time job.” Dulin teaches all levels of Hebrew at NCF, and holds two classes three times a week. Every Wednesday, she also teaches an advanced tutorial for students to further hone their skills in the language. She previously held a position as a tenured professor in Chicago. “It’s not the money that brings me here, what brings me here is the excitement of the study and teaching environment,” Dulin added. McHugh and Dulin are two of 15 adjuncts who are part of the New College faculty for the current semester. The job security for New College adjuncts also appears to be much greater than elsewhere, as many other adjuncts have also consistently held positions for more than one term. McHugh reflected positively on her own experiences working with New College over the past three years. “The classes I have taught so far are somewhat unique interdisciplinary additions to the New College catalog, and I’m glad to be able to bring a different perspective.” After holding positions both as an adjunct and as a non-adjunct professor, Dulin reflected proudly on her own contributions to the New College community. “When you are in a position where you can open the doors for someone intellectually, and you see that the eyes open with a smile, it’s a great, great feeling.”

New Music New College: Out there and in here BY BIANCA BENEDI The New Music New College (NMNC) program began in 1998 with an invitation for collaboration from Ringling Museum. A new exhibition was being opened and the museum wanted to know if New College could put on a show appropriate to the theme. Professor of Music Steve Miles accepted the invitation. The concert that followed was a creative experiment in violating the expectations of a concert: aside from being held in an art gallery, which Producer of NMNC Ron Silver described as “not a traditional performance space,” performers would move across different sections of the exhibition and play, scattered across two rooms. “There was no one place to be the audience and there was no one way to be the audience,” Silver said. “What was really cool and we couldn't predict this ... Everyone watched in a different way,” Silver said. “Some people stayed in one place, some people followed one performer, some people got caught up in the art, some people would choose places where there could see two or three different performers at a time for a while ... And it just made sense for that piece so much.”

Since then, NMNC has become a staple of the New College music program, with Director Steve Miles and Producer Ron Silver collaborating with performers and artists both in the college, within the Sarasota area and scattered across the country to host five concerts a year. Typically held in September, November, January, March and April, the concerts put on by NMNC have carried with them the theme of pushing boundaries and expectations. The first concert of this season was held in September, and featured the Wet Ink Ensemble. “There’s always new music that’s just being made for the first time,” Silver said, and Wet Ink’s performance plays on that idea precisely. The name Wet Ink stems from the group’s shtick of playing music that is so new the ink hasn’t dried down on the page, with many of the pieces performed in the concert still uncompleted. The program has extensive community support, and much of their funding comes from ticket purchases from the community (students and faculty have free access to all concerts) as well as grants from various organizations. And NMNC is not limited to concerts, Silver emphasizes. “It’s easy for people to see one aspect of what we do and not see the whole thing.” Part of

photo courtesy of Miya Masaoka

Masaoka works with technology and light in her concerts.

the program includes bringing in visiting artists to host discussions on a variety of topics, not necessarily limited to the scope of music – a roundtable discussion featuring pianist Marilyn Lerner, who is also a therapist, was hosted by the Gender Studies department.

Creativity and pushing boundaries is the name of the game for NMNC. “No two [concerts] are the same,” Silver said. “Our definition of music is very broad.

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst

New CEO program creates professional connections for students BY SYDNEY KRULJAC Since its establishment in fall of 2014, the Center for Engagement and Opportunity (CEO) has worked hard to assist students in their search of interests, connections of their skills and knowledge, and create meaningful involvement to their communities, as stated in their mission. This fall break, the CEO invited four students on an all expenses paid journey to Washington, D.C. to begin making graduate school and professional connections. “The trips are part of [New College’s] new NovoNetwork program,” Director of Career Services Kim Franklin said in an e-mail interview. “[…] NovoNetwork program is a collaboration between the CEO and the New College Alumni/ ae Association and the funding for NovoNetwork travel comes from the CEO. The programs are designed to create professional connections for students in the selected locations.” Throughout the four-day excursion, which gave preference to thesis students, Novocollegians got to meet with alumni working in a multitude of fields. Additionally, they were able to attend an alumni gathering hosted by a Washington, D.C. local and alum, Hazel Bradford. “Meeting with alums and hearing them talking about their career and life experiences was quite inspiring,” thesis student and trip attendee Qi Zhao said. “Each one of them has their own story and they are all willing to share with us and also listen to our stories as current students. They gave us suggestions on post-graduate planning and resume building and encouraged us to find opportunities in D.C. “Meeting with them actually motivated me to work harder and never give up,” Zhao said. Aside from the alumni gathering, the students individually met with as

The 2015 Canadian federal election took place on Oct. 19 and resulted in Justin Trudeau, head of the centrist Liberal Party, ousting longtime incumbent Stephen Harper, of the Conservative party, to become the next Canadian prime minister. The election also determined the party members elected to the House of Commons of the 42nd Parliament of Canada, with the Liberals winning 184 of the 338 seats and gaining control of the House of Commons, a rare 54 percent majority in Canada’s typically pluralist parliament. Trudeau, who will be 44 on Christmas Day, will be the secondyoungest prime minister in Canadian history and the first to follow a parent into office (his father Pierre Trudeau



image courtesy of Kim Franklin

Thesis students (from left to right) Evann Soltys-Gilbert,, Jordan Kearschner, Annie Gordon and Qi Zhao were invited by the CEO to attend the NovoNetwork travel program in Washington, D.C.

many as 10 to 15 alums each at cafés or restaurants. “The students liked meeting the alumni who had been able to successfully establish personal and professional lives in D.C.,” Franklin said. “They also felt it was valuable to experience D.C. firsthand to help them understand whether the city was manageable. They were surprised by how liveable D.C. feels.” Students were not just limited to alumni events in the nation’s capital. They were also given time to explore the city between meetings giving a nice mix between meetings and downtime. “Exploring D.C. is also an essential part of the trip, at least in my experience,” Zhao said. “D.C. is a beautiful city especially during the fall when leaves are starting to change color.” Zhao extended her stay an extra three days after the CEO-sponsored trip ended.

“When I stayed by myself, I talked to locals, walked down the streets and got a sense of feeling of D.C. as a city.” On Oct. 17, the students who attended the trip spoke with the alumni board about their experiences and expressed only positive comments about the trip as a whole. Students were able to make connections that will benefit them in the future when searching for jobs and even internships in the spring of 2016. Due to its success, the CEO has plans to make NovoNetwork travel a recurring program available to all students, while improving the experience and tailoring it to each student’s interest. “We plan to offer NovoNetwork travel opportunities over fall and spring break, as well as to the LSAC Law School Forum,” Franklin said. “We will announce the dates and locations for spring soon.”

Incumbent conservative ousted in Canadian federal election BY AUDREY WARNE


served two terms as Canadian Prime Minister, from 1968 to 1979 and from 1980 until 1984.) Canada has a multi-party system with two dominant political parties: the Conservative Party of Canada and, as of Monday, the Liberal Party of Canada. The Liberal party had been one of the two dominant parties since 1867 until 2011, when the New Democratic Party won more seats in the House of Commons, marking the first time in Canadian history the Liberals have not been a dominant party. This brief rolereversal was reversed with the Liberal’s sweeping victory in Monday’s federal election. Notable minor parties include the New Democratic Party, the Green Party, the Bloc Québécois, and the Strength in Democracy Party. The conservatives

currently hold 99 seats, the New Democrats 44, the Liberals 184 (a huge increase from their previous holding of 34 seats), the Bloc Québécois 10 seats, and the Green Party 1 seat. The 2011 federal election resulted in the continuation of the incumbent Conservative government, headed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Harper has been the leader of the Conservative Party since 2004 and won 39.62 percent of the seats in the 2011 election. Canadian Prime Ministers can stay in office for as long as they are elected. Mr. Harper and his Conservative Party have prevailed in three straight elections and held power for nine years – without ever winning more than 40 percent of

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A Towne Meeting was held by New College Student Alliance (NCSA) Speakers and thesis students Evann Soltys-Gilbert and McAlister Grant the Wednesday before fall break in Palm Court. President Donal O’Shea was in attendance but did not speak. The Police Liaison appointments – thesis student Taylor “Bo” Buford and second-year Dominic Theofan–, creation of the Disability Representative position to serve on the Council of Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) and creation of the Incident Report Representative to serve on the Council of Student Life (CSL) were all approved. Student Court presented new legislation that would have justices appointed rather than elected. The court asked for feedback before they continue drafting this legislation. Second-year and Vice President of Green Affairs (VPGA) Adilyne McKinlay talked about recycling concerns since only 10 percent of what is in the recycling bins from the courts is actually being processed. She emphasized that no food of any kind should be in the recycling bins and that the Council of Green Affairs (CGA) will be working to disperse educational material on the topic in the near future. Dean of Student Affairs Tracy Murry gave a recap on the completion of fall break inspections. Daughters for Life, second-years Loureen Sayej and Leen Al-Fatafta, circulated a petition and expressed their concern for Dr. Ralph Nurnberger’s presence on campus during fall break. Buford, NCSA co-president and third-year Shelby Statham, and Postdoctoral Associate at the Counseling and Wellness Center Duane Khan are working with New College Police Department Chief Michael Kessie on a draft of best practices for officers when engaging with trans individuals. For the draft, Kessie communicated with the LGBT Community Liaison at the St. Petersburg Police Department. “I think the draft is shaping up well,” Buford said. Theofan and Buford are both aiming to collect and organize student feedback and concerns to present at the Police Liaisons’ meeting with O’Shea in November. Second-year Eli Barrett has sent out a Google Form to accumulate anonymous accounts that are hopefully as detailed as possible. There is also an active Google Doc where students who RSVP’d outline what they would like the meeting with O’Shea to look like. “Right now

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Netflix and kill BY SYDNEY KRULJAC SCREAM Wes Craven directed this 90s slasher film about a high school student who suddenly becomes the center of a serial killer’s obsession. “Scream” features a 90s all-star cast including Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, David Arquette and Rose McGowan. In an effort to make the movie more realistic, screenwriter Kevin Williamson based the masked killer (known as Ghostface) off the real-life, Florida-based serial killer Danny Rollins, known as the Gainesville Ripper.



Roman Polanski directs a creepy and fantastic movie. The second film in his “Apartment Trilogy,” “Rosemary’s Baby” stars Mia Farrow as an expecting mother who worries her husband sold their first-born child to the neighbors, who intend to use the baby as a human sacrifice. As her pregnancy progresses, everything around her appears to confirm her suspicions. “Rosemary’s Baby” is one of the best horror movies in history, making it an instant Halloween classic.



One of the most interesting and original horror films in the past decade, “The Babadook” is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat throughout its entirety. The story follows Amelia, a single mother, and her son Samuel as she tries to help him overcome his fear of monsters. When they stumble upon a mysterious book about a shadowdwelling creature called the Babadook, they both start feeling a threatening presence in their home. After several unsuccessful attempts to destroy the book, Amelia and Samuel are forced to find a way to remain alive.

Tim Burton brings Washington Irving’s short story to life in “Sleepy Hollow.” The film follows New York detective Ichabod Crane and his investigation into the deaths of a series of decapitated victims. The incredible cast and excellent set design give what would normally be an over-thetop slasher movie its true character. Johnny Depp’s performance alongside its special effects gives the age-old tale a modern touch.



What appears to be just another found footage film among others such as “V/H/S” or “The Blair Witch Project,” “The Houses October Built” makes its mark as a very creepy and very disturbing film. The movie follows five friends on a mission to find the scariest Halloween haunted house attraction. The actors of the haunted houses soon begin to stalk the friends. A creative take on found footage, the movie plays on individual phobias that can seem realistic and unsettling.

Ana Lily Amirpour makes her debut with “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night” –considered by many as the “first Iranian Vampire Western.” Critics are calling Amirpour the next Quentin Tarantino. The movie is based off Amirpour’s graphic novel by the same name and takes place in an Iranian ghost town called Bad City. The town’s citizens are unaware that a lonely vampire stalks the streets. The film follows Arash, a teenager struggling with his father’s drug addiction and with the idea that he may have fallen in love with a vampire.



Tomas Alfredson brilliantly directs “Let the Right One In” and creates an anything-but-ordinary romance story. The movie focuses on a puny 12-yearold boy named Oskar who is regularly bullied at school. After a mysterious girl (and vampire!) named Eli moves in next door, she teaches Oskar learns how to defend himself at school. Oskar begins to fall in love with Eli and is overwhelmed with emotions while trying to handle the bloody truth.

A ghost story from 2011, “The Awakening” was released in theaters with little recognition. Set in 1921, the story follows a supernatural debunker who visits an all boys boarding school to investigate its supposed paranormal activity. Some aspects of the movie resemble Guillermo Del Toro’s “The Devil’s Backbone.” The protagonist searches for answers to what is causing the haunt but, as the story continues, her own backstory begins to unfurl. It is a good watch for those seeking a classic spine-chilling ghost story as opposed to an overly violent one. all photos courtesy of IMDB

Welcome to

Colorful Colorado


Fancy Pass: Holy Cross City Fancy Pass and Holy Cross City are parts of a loop hike that passes through the Missouri Lakes Basin surrounded on three sides by peaks nearly 13,000 feet high and Cross Creek glacial valley along with Fancy Pass and Holy Cross City. Holy Cross City is an 1800s mining town now inaccessible to most vehicles. Fancy Pass is a few days hike from the nearest road but offers access to Fancy Lake, a frigid abovetree-line snowmelt lake.

Garden of the Gods Garden of the Gods Park offers 300-foot towering sandstone rock formations against a backdrop of Pikes Peak. A registered National Natural Landmark, Garden of the Gods is one of Colorado’s most photographed views and is the most visited attraction in the region. Charles Elliott Perkins, head of the Burlington Railroad, meant to establish a home in the Garden of the Gods but never built on it, preferring to leave it in its natural state.

Hanging Lake Suspended on the edge of one of Glenwood Canyon’s cliffs, Hanging Lake and the waterfalls that spill into it are a breathtaking sight. Designated a National Natural Landmark by the Secretary of the Interior in 2011, Hanging Lake’s steep, mile-long climb is well worth the time. The trailhead is located approximately 10 miles east of Glenwood Springs along Interstate-70 in Glenwood Canyon and follows Dead Horse Creek. The hike takes two to three hours and there is no cellphone service along the trail. Visitors can stay on the boardwalk that frames a portion of the lake as well as follow the signs to Spouting Rock, where snowmelt atop the Flat Tops barrels through the limestone cliff.

The Great Sand Dunes The Great Sand Dunes is a high elevation park in the Rocky Mountains, 285 miles from Denver via US 285, ranging from 7,515 ft. to 13,604 ft. Visitors often hike the dunes in the early morning and evenings, sled and sandboard, float on nearby Medano Creek, and hike up the river and into Zapata Falls. The Dunes are home to at least six endemic insect species found nowhere else on earth. Photos by Haley Jordan/Catalyst and Daniel Amerman

Pikes Peak Pikes Peak, at 14,115 feet, is one of the most famous summits in the United States. The discovery of Pikes Peak dates back to the early 1700s but the famous “fourteener” – a mountain exceeding 14,000 ft. above sea level – was not called Pikes Peak until an expedition led by explorer Zebulon Pike. Fortunately, present day travelers still have the option to hike but can also take the Cog Railway to the summit, as well as make the hour and a half drive up the narrow road provided to the near summit. Visitors are warned of the 30-degree difference between the base and the summit of the mountain, but can purchase hot drinks as well as Pikes Peak’s famous donuts, a recipe that cannot be repeated at any lower altitudes. Info for this article taken from,,



WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Pet sitting for Professor Carl Shaw BY KATELYN GRIMMETT In Professor of Classics Carl Shaw’s backyard there is a long chicken run supporting a little sign with the quote “I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.” Shaw built the run for his three hens, Lisa, Louise and Lana. Over fall break, I was a pet sitter for Shaw’s hens, his tortoise Archer, and his two cats, Elliot and Dorian. Shaw is an innovative pet owner in many ways. The chicken coop has a solar powered door opener and a cave has been dug out in the back corner of the yard to serve as a spot for Archer to stay cool. Shaw also makes his own cat food using vitamins taken from a vet’s mixture. The cat food includes chicken, eggs, fish oil, Vitamin E and taurine – an amino acid essential for cats. Shaw adopted his chickens from Come See Come Save, a market in Bradenton that sells a wide variety of farm supplies and animals. The organic chicken feed Shaw feeds his chickens is also bought there. Archer, who is a Sulcata tortoise, was adopted from Majical Miniatures in Parrish, Florida. “With chickens, I would recommend getting them as young as possible,” Shaw said. “This is because the more you handle them the easier they will be as pets and the happier they are to hang out with you.”In addition to providing charming company, Shaw’s animals also support his wellbeing. The chickens supply the only animal product his wife Amber Shaw eats. Archer produces nourishment for the yard by munching on grass and weeds around Shaw’s garden. Tortoises and chickens are relatively simple pets: Archer feeds himself (except for the occasional treat of kale) and the chickens need only be fed a generous amount and given fresh water once a

day. Chickens provide a surprisingly wide variety of benefits for their homes and for the world. They love to eat weeds and insects and can help protect a garden or even a house from both. They can also permeate soil for good growth. Chickens love to eat kitchen scraps and their droppings create an invaluable natural fertilizer. In fact, in 2011, a city in Belgium gave three laying hens to 2,000 homes for the purpose of redirecting 252 tons of waste from landfills every year. Raising chickens also ensures fresh and natural eggs. Many commercial egg companies claim their products are hormone and cage free. However, as scandals involving abusive factory farms are increasingly exposed, the public is often left in doubt as to whether what they are consuming is ethical and healthy. In 2010, the Humane Society of the United States filed a complaint against the country’s largest egg producer, Eggland’s Best, for making misleading marketing statements about the treatment of their chickens. In contrast to their commercial vision of green grassland, the popular egg brand’s major farm turned out to be keeping chickens in wire cages so small they could not spread their wings. This incident, along with many others, revealed the uncertainty of animal reatment throughout commercial brands of poultry and egg products. In the Zoroastrian religion, the chicken is a sign of enlightenment as it rises with the sun. Throughout the 7 a.m. feedings, I discovered that the chickens’ upbeat attitudes were contagious and could even brighten my usual morning disposition. In fact, chickens are adopted as emotional support animals in areas all over the world!

Professor Shaw’s homemade cat food 3 pounds of poultry thigh meat 3/4 cup water 2 eggs 6000 mg fish oil (Do NOT use cod liver oil!) 400 IU (268 mg) Vitamin E (powdered E in capsules is the easiest to use) 50 mg Vitamin B-complex (capsules or tablets) 2,000 mg taurine (use powdered - either in capsules or loose) 1 tsp Morton Lite salt with iodine 4 ounces of chicken livers (get organic!) 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon Bone Meal

Put chicken in roasting pan with water and liver. Cook at 350 until just done (or even a little before totally done). Lightly cook egg white, but keep the yolk liquidy. Mix cooked chicken and all other ingredients in food processor. Throw bits and pieces on floor for your kitty sous chef.

(top/bottom) The chickens peck around for crunchy bugs and tasty weeds in their spacious run. (middle left) Archer enjoys a refreshing snack of Kale to cool his afternoons. (botom left/middle right) Shaw’s two very photogenic cats, Dorian (gray) and Elliot (black), relax in their favorite sun room spots. all photos Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst



Out of this world: ‘The Martian’ is the blockbuster of the year SUBMITTED BY DAVID CANFIELD After a series of dispiriting misfires, director Ridley Scott (“Prometheus”) is back with a loosened grip, doing what he does best. His newest film is “The Martian,” a crackling sci-fi blockbuster focused on the interplanetary effort to bring an astronaut stranded on Mars back to Earth. It marks, above all else, a return to form. For a movie of its budget and scope, “The Martian” is radically tame. Its great, enduring strength is its confidence, its sense of control – there’s little reliance on explosions or twists or corny sentimentality. Instead, this thing is grounded. Once a NASA Mars mission is abruptly abandoned, Mark Watney (Matt Damon) – thought to be dead – is left alone to survive. The film evolves into a meditative sci-fi comedy. The stakes remain, but they’re not overplayed. Scenes of extended length focus on Watney’s enthusiasm at being able to grow crops on Mars – he’s brave (and odor-resistant) enough to use his own waste – and his irritation at having only Commander Melissa Lewis’ (Jessica Chastain) terrible mix of 40-year-old disco tunes to listen to. Humor, “The Martian” reminds, is an essential ingredient for survival. Without dismissing Scott’s contributions, “The Martian” succeeds on several intrinsic advantages. Most

obviously, it’s based on Andy Weir’s widely celebrated eponymous novel. But further, it’s adapted exclusively by Drew Goddard, who, between “Alias,” “Lost,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “The Cabin in the Woods,” knows a thing or two about sifting through extraordinary circumstances to locate humor and subtlety. Though the film is ultimately quite faithful to its source material, Goddard’s expertise in the area shows. Character interactions are loose and natural – whenever we check in on Chastain’s crew, for instance, the group sits around with striking comfort – and the dialogue is unusually crisp. There’s plenty of scientific explanation and plot exposition to get through, but the writing softens those coarse edges considerably. Scenes tend to land authentically. “The Martian” also has Matt Damon; the actor has (rightly) been positioned unfavorably in the news of late, but let that not detract from his work here. He brings to Mark an essential combination of affability, groundedness and vulnerability. For long stretches, though, the action shifts beyond him – to Chastain’s crew in outer space (eventually tasked with saving Mark), or to NASA bureaucratic shenanigans. These scenes flow well, but they’re still, mostly, functional – cogs in the machine to better serve the story. When we’re back

down on Earth, in particular, the film can drag, as station directors and chiefs played by the likes of Jeff Daniels, Kristen Wiig, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Sean Bean don’t engage as colorfully as they likely should. It’s only in the back half, when Mark learns how to communicate with those on Earth, that the film generates a broader story that excites. “The Martian” plays up the globality of its source novel. Its action is constantly shifting between Mars, outer space and various corners of Earth, from Houston to Pasadena to China. What this does, essentially, is grandly and poetically convey an interconnectedness. It’s a contemporary notion, for sure – a thematic backbone that impressively supports the sci-fi fun & games. Moreover, Scott doesn’t fall into the sentimental trap that eludes so many others. Mark is without a love interest or a family to worry about; his fight to live is totally individualistic, rendering the global effort to save him that much more affecting and central. In that way, “The Martian” proceeds with astute emotional logic. Visually, the film is imagined conventionally. Scenes on Mars are lensed with sufficient wonder, but for the most part Scott is interested in serving the story. “The Martian” benefits from this leveled, simplified approach. The characters, dialogue and writing are strong enough to do the heavy lifting,

and the narrative picks up momentum at a consistent, measured pace. Scott flexes his directorial muscles plenty, though. “The Martian’s” final sequence is gorgeously choreographed, a master class in tension visualized like a delicate space ballet. And throughout, the director’s song choices – which include ABBA and Donna Summers tracks – fashion the film as a groovy 70s pop opera. Damon fits into that musical aesthetic with spectacular ease, dancing his way through Summers and meticulously preparing his spacecraft to the tune of “Waterloo.” It’s perfectly ridiculous – and breathlessly fun. “The Martian” reignites the blockbuster with joy and intelligence. Goddard’s script presents complex and lengthy scientific theory with determined clarity; Damon and Chastain, as well as others including Kate Mara and Michael Pena, play scientists with bracing ordinariness and humility. The movie is imperfect, broad and – as it moves its pieces around – a little decentralized. But like it or not, that should be expected of a movie this size. That “The Martian” allows itself to take a breath every so often is demonstrative of a trust in patience that’s all-too-rare in large-scale American moviemaking. Satisfactory

The ‘Back to the Future Hearts’ tour kicks off with a nostalgic lineup in Orlando BY CAITLYN RALPH

A mass of black skinny jeans, dyed purple hair, ripped up Vans and bubblegum angst gathered on University of Central Florida’s (UCF) campus, swarming the entrance to CFE Arena like a frame from last year’s zombie blockbuster. Lively conversations – probably about Mayday Parade’s new album or The Academy Is.. reunion – filled the airspace as uncertain eyes scanned for familiar band shirts and friends from school. The line for the first show of the “Back to the Future Hearts” tour was testament that the scene our teenaged selves knew and loved is still very much alive. Technically a co-headliner between All Time Low and Sleeping With Sirens, two of the most popular scene celebrities, the tour is named after the former’s latest release, “Future Hearts.” All Time Low – yes, the same band that stole our middle school hearts with the now platinum single “Dear Maria, Count Me In” – are not only alive, but thriving. “Future Hearts” charted No. 1 in the United Kingdom and No. 2 in the U.S. Despite starring in ABC Family’s new tongue-in-cheek commentary “Fan Girl” and headlining arenas across the country, All Time Low surprisingly hasn’t landed a spot in regular radio

play, so I guess you could call them and their more-pop-than-punk “pop-punk” the biggest act that still possesses relatively authentic underground scene cred. I went to my first All Time Low show almost five years ago. Since then, I’ve seen them three more times, graduated high school, started college, cut off swoopy bangs, put away rubber Hot Topic bracelets, lost and made friends, found new favorite bands, and expanded my music taste – however, half-a-decade older me was still excited. “I’m forever a scene kid at heart even though I don’t dress like it,” secondyear and “Back to the Future Hearts” tour attendee Olivia Van Housen said. “These bands and this music has helped me through a lot of my life, and I love seeing it played live.” Admittedly, because I already knew All Time Low would put on just as good of a show as they always have, I was most looking forward to the opener, Neck Deep. At the forefront of the more-punk-than-pop “pop-punk” scene, the British kids in Neck Deep are kin to bands such as New Found Glory and The Wonder Years, establishing a notable name for themselves with their newest album “Life’s Not Out to Get You.” “I’m the type of person who likes

to go see bands at least once in person because it’s so much fun, especially when the crowd is just like you,” Van Housen explained. “It’s nice to see that there are still outcast kids who find solace in this kind of thing away from the jerks in middle and high school.” Neck Deep played after Japanese emo-rockers One OK Rock, who put on a solid set led by their frontman’s smooth voice and their duet with Sleeping With Sirens’ Kellin Quinn. Despite a performance plagued by detrimental technical difficulties, Neck Deep managed to showcase their raw poppy punk. While still a band that shines brightest in a small club atmosphere, the quartet began their biggest tour in the U.S. in a strong way and, with practice, have the potential to climb bills for rooms as large as CFE Arena in the near future. Having taken a backseat in the scene recently, Sleeping With Sirens seemed poised to stay relevant with their solid and entertaining set, complete with tasteful flashing lights and plenty of risers on stage, a surprise acoustic set halfway through, and a powerfully refreshing drum solo near the end. Frontman Quinn has an impressive range and tangible presence, calling for involvement from the floor while still giving attention to

the faraway bleachers. Unfortunately, despite the band members’ energy, the crowd was shockingly uninvolved and lacking. Even though I never really fell head over heels for Quinn and Co. when everyone around me did in high school, their performance made me feel nostalgic. I unabashedly hummed “Do It Now, Remember It Later” for about a week straight. Flip flopping between the purely pop-punk Neck Deep and more emoscene sounding Sleeping With Sirens, the diverse “Back to the Future Hearts” tour lineup reflected All Time Low’s range of fans. A white curtain covered the stage and built anticipation before dropping with the chorus of All Time Low’s first song “Satellite.” The track opens “Future Hearts” with an adult alternative sound that is lost by the end of the record, but I hope drives their upcoming endeavors as it reflects the maturity and musical growth of longtime fans such as myself. All Time Low centered much of their set on “Future Hearts,” but not without throwing in older numbers including “Poppin’ Champagne” and “Therapy.” Even though it was the fifth time I heard songs such as “Lost In Stereo” live, the beginning riffs of each got me on my feet more than any show in a while.



WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Wall previews BY GIULIA HEYWARD Friday, Oct. 23-Corn Wall Corn Wall will be hosted by second-years Zoe Heuermann, Zach David and Nathaniel McPhersonVitkus. “I just bought a plate from Goodwill in the shape of corn and me and Zoe were trying to figure out what Wall to throw,” David said. “And we were like ‘Let’s throw Corn Wall’ because there was also a previous inside joke between the two of us about corn.” The Wall hosts promise that there will be corn-themed decorations and good throwback tunes. Additionally, there will be a grill on Z-green prior to the Wall so attendees can enjoy some delicious grilled corn. Saturday, Oct. 24-Doomtree Wall Doomtreee Wall will be hosted by thesis students Maggie Quitter and Shelby Hartwell. “We actually changed the theme of the Wall to Doomtree which is a recording label in Minneapolis,” Quitter said. “We thought it would provide an opportunity to play music that’s not normally played. We’ll be playing music produced by this recording company.” Attendees should expect to hear music from artists such as dessa and pos. Food and decorations for the Wall, which will be held in Palm Court, have yet to be decided.

Ham plates have never stayed in Ham BY BIANCA BENEDI Less than a month into this fall semester, Metz food service issued a plea to the student body to return Ham plates and silverware. “They are missing more than half of their inventory of plates and silverware,” Resident Hall Director Amanda Haskins said in an email sent on Sept. 9. This has been an ongoing problem for some times. Emails are sent out as though on schedule, asking students to return stolen items that Metz and its predecessor, Sodexo, provide in an attempt to avoid waste from plasticware. The ‘borrowings’ inevitably drive the cafeteria to return to less environmentally friendly options, a source of frustration for both employees and Council of Green Affairs members. If it’s any reassurance, of course, this problem is nowhere near new. CGA minutes from October 2013 include a notice from former Vice President of Green Affairs Angelica Alexander (‘15) that 25 of 120 plates are missing. 2012 cabinet minutes include discussion from former Vice President of Green Affairs Taylor Filaroski (‘13) on how to negotiate keeping Ham green with the inability to keep plates in the building, including proposing compost friendly plates (Sodexo dismissed this as too expensive). Emails from 2010 where students attempt to propose a plan for having a plate assigned to each student that they can use for Ham show a level

image courtesty of Bianca Benedi

The minutes from 1995 are part of a long line of pleas from various New College Student Alliance officials and food service employees, who have jointly struggled to convince New College students that the plates are not free-for-all.

of desperation aimed at negotiating between dishes being available and Ham remaining green. Within the thread students propose ideas such as chips on the plates that can be detected by Ham doors to prevent theft and removal; little comes from it. And it goes much farther back than the past decade as well. A set of December 1995 Towne Meeting minutes include a plea to return plates from Ham. “We have lost hundreds of dollars worth of dishes,” the minutes

lament. “When all the dishes are gone, STYROFOAM WILL COME BACK.” New College students have struggled for decades with the balance between striving for green initiatives and being as thrifty as possible; the two concepts do not coincide well together when it comes to Ham center. Of all the traditions New College students choose to carry on, this is arguably the least intentional and most enduring. Please return plates to Ham.

EVENTS: OCT. 21- OCT. 28 On Campus Wednesday, October 21 • 7-8:30 p.m. Yoga @ Fitness Center • 7:00 p.m. VOX screening of “Obvious Child” @ HCL 7

Thursday, October 22 • 5:15 p.m. Guided Walking Tour @ campus restoration area RSVP Friday, October 23 12:00 p.m. Feminist Fridays @ ACE Lounge • 3:00-4:30 p.m. Yoga @ Fitness Center • 4:00 p.m. Data Science Seminar @ Chae • 5:00 p.m. Talk with the author of “Darkroom” @ ACE 217 • 8:00 p.m. Critic’s Film House @ X Game Room • 8:00 p.m. Double Feature Picture Show @HCL 7

Saturday, October 24 • 2:00-3:30 p.m. Yoga @ Fitness Center • 8:00 p.m. Double Feature Picture Show @X Game Room Monday. October 26 • &:30 p.m. Catholic Mass @ X game room • 12:30 Guest lecture: Rights of indigenous Peoples @ Anthro Lab (tentative) • 5:30 p.m. NYU Graduate Info Session @ CEO Tuesday, October 27 4:30 p.m. Yoga @ Fitness Center 8:00 p.m. Latin X club @ old mail room • 6:30 p.m. ISP Workshop @ Sudakoff • 7:00 p.m. Food Around the World @ X dorm

• •

Off Campus Monday, Oct. 21 • 9:00 p.m. Karaoke @ Growler’s Pub Tuesday, Oct. 22 • Free meal for students @ Coffee Loft • 5:00 Art After 5 @ Ringling Museum • 9:00 p.m. Open Mic @ Growler’s Pub Wednesday, Oct. 23 • 7:00 p.m. Team Trivia @ Growler’s Pub11:00 a.m. Namastray Yoga w/ •

cats @ Cat Depot $10 donation 7:00 p.m. Team Trivia @ Growler’s Pub

Saturday, October 24 • 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Dowtown Farmer’s Market • 8:00-9:30 a.m. Free Yoga @ Siesta Key Beach •

Sunday, October 25 • 9:00 a.m. 24th Annual Hunsader Farms Pumpkin Festival $10 • 5:00 p.m. 7th Annual Sarasota Pumpkin Festival @ Payne Park $10 • 7:00 p.m. Volunteer Open House @ Nothing Arts Center Monday, October 26 8:00-9:30 a.m. Free Yoga @ Siesta Key Beach

Wednesday, October 21 • 8:00-9:30 a.m. Free Yoga @ Siesta Key Beach

Friday, October 23 • 8:00-9:30 a.m. Free Yoga @ Siesta Key Beach

5:00 p.m. 7th Annual Sarasota Pumpkin Festival @ Payne Park $10

9:45 p.m. Ghost Tour @ Downtown Bradenton $15

Tuesday, October 27 Free meal for students @ Coffee Loft • 9:00 p.m. Open Mic @ Growler’s Pub




accessed it, creating records of who accessed what building and when. A new system may also allow Housing to activate and deactivate encoded cards remotely. “For example, during the winter break when the halls are closed we will be able to simply cancel all card access,” Stier said. “Preventing access to the dorms until we reopen for ISP.” Currently, Housing and Facilities are investigating the many available systems and vendors, trying to provide New College with a card encoding system that has the bells and whistles and cost that best fits facility needs. Stier could give no possible price range or estimation of how long until a new system will be implemented, as the narrowing down of possible vendors has not happened yet – but assured that things have been pushed into motion. “Facilities is currently talking with vendors and trying to determine a budget and a time frame,” Stier said. “Currently Alan Dawson [director of Physical Plant] is gathering information regarding our facility needs and will assist housing in making recommendations as to how to move forward over the next year or so.” The issues with the current card encoding system have largely been occurring on the residential side of campus, but the new system will be implemented across all of campus as part of one “master plan.” Such a large operation would be just another step in improving the New College campus, following the rejuvenation of Pei Third Court two summers ago. For such a large operation only in the early stages of development, the details and time frame are unclear and unpredictable. For now, keys will have to do.

were chosen for this shelter, the city repeatedly rejected these options, refusing to approve a shelter which was within city limits. Criminalizing homelessness may reduce the amount of funding Sarasota receives from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD announced last month that they would effectively punish cities by withholding money for localities which use “quality of life” laws. Such laws criminalize the homeless rather than work toward fair housing practices and providing outreach services to those affected. According to the SPD website, their Homeless Coordinator is tasked with addressing “quality of life issues that arise from the homeless community” and enforcing city codes. “Because of the lack of shelter space and the inability to obtain permanent housing, a large number of individuals who are homeless in Sarasota will remain so for the foreseeable future,” the lawsuit states. According to U.S. Census data from 2013, nearly 60 percent of renters in Sarasota pay more than 30 percent of their income for housing. This represents a severe cost-burden for more than 18,000 Sarasota residents. For low-income residents, housing represents an even greater burden. A recent study from the Florida Housing Coalition found that the number of lowincome renters in Sarasota who are costburdened by their rent has increased 12 percent in the last 10 years. According to the Suncoast Coalition to End Homelessness 2015 Point in Time Count, 22 percent of currently homeless individuals surveyed said they spent the previous

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 night in an emergency shelter. Nearly as many people spent the last night in a “place not meant for habitation,” such as a park, sidewalk or street. The Salvation Army is one of the only resources for those looking for a sheltered night of sleep in Sarasota. Their website states they have more than 200 beds in the emergency shelter, but with a 2015 count of more than 1,360 homeless people in Sarasota County, this reveals a shortage exceeding 1,000 beds. The Salvation Army also requires a fee of $8 each night and is not open 24 hours. Many nights, it fills to capacity and those left over must sleep on mats in the kitchen or outside the facility, for the same fee. Individuals who sleep on overflow mats in the facility’s kitchen must leave the building at 4:30 a.m.. Still, many people are left either unable to pay the Salvation Army’s fee or they have been previously trespassed from the facility and must find another place to get a night’s rest. The lawsuit is not going to hinder SPD from continuing the work they do with the homeless. “We’re just not going to get distracted with lawsuits and false accusations,” Chief of Police Bernadette DiPino told Fox13. “I have a lot of empathy for the leadership at the police department,” ACLU Attorney Michael Barfield told ABC7. “They have been thrust into this social issue by politicians who have failed to act.” Information for this article was taken from,,

Canadian Election CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 democratic ideals. The Liberal Party is center to center-left on the political spectrum (traditionally to the left of the Conservative Party and to the right of the New Democrats) and associated with liberalist ideologies. The Bloc Québécois is primarily concerned with the protection of Quebec’s interests and the promotion of Quebec sovereignty, but like the New Democratic Party supports the ideologies of social democracy. The Green Party is a centrist party that emphasizes Green politics, a political ideology that aims to create an ecologically sustainable society rooted in environmentalism, non-violence, social justice, and grassroots democracy. Canada and the United States have the world’s largest trading relationship, with trade crossing all industries and vital to both nations’ success as each country is the largest trade partner of the other. The trade between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan alone is equal to all trade between the United States and Japan. Canada and the United States have a bilateral relationship, as evidenced by the Canada-United States



Card Encoding Housless

the vote. Under Harper’s conservative government, Canada’s trademark progressiveness has wavered, with the party’s primary focus on cutting taxes. Along with decreased funding and government support for the progressive social policies that have characterized Canada for the past few decades, the Harper administration has been pushing for stricter immigration laws and decreased tolerance for religious and cultural minorities, such as an attempted ban on the niqab, a face veil worn by some Muslim women. The forerunners for this year’s election included Harper for the Conservatives, Tom Mulclair for the New Democrats, Justin Trudeau for the Liberals, and Gilles Duceppe and Elizabeth May for the Bloc Québécois and the Green Party, respectively. The Conservative Party, known colloquially as the Tories, is center-right on the Canadian political spectrum, with an economically liberal ideology and a neutral social policy. The New Democrat Party is a center-left party with social


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst

Free Trade Agreement of 1988 and the North-American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Some of the important United States/Canada issues include the Keystone XL Pipeline, Trans-Pacific Partnership, and the North American Competitiveness Workplan (NACW) - all of which effect citizens in both nations and are directly tied to the type of governments in place. As a result of the symbiotic nature of the Canadian-United States relationship even typically “Canadian” issues have a direct effect on American citizens. Canada’s decision to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol, treatment of Aboriginal peoples – specifically the astronomical murder and abduction rates of Aboriginal women – and the gender pay gap are all relevant issues that Americans should be aware of. Information from this article taken from,,,

We really hope that we can interest a lot of people even if they’re non-music students.” Concerts are held for an hour, in various venues across campus. One concert was held in the grass behind Heiser, with performers arranged in a circle around the audience. Others are held in “Club Sudakoff” – the NMNC term for their unique set-up in Sudakoff when concerts are held there. Some are held in the Black Box Theatre (BBT), such as a show held a few years ago featuring the JACK Quartet. Situated in each corner of the room, with the audience in the center, the quartet members played in total darkness; every light in the BBT was off or covered, including the Exit sign with the permission of the fire marshal. One of the student assistants had night goggles on hand in case an audience member needed help. Other concerts included music composed entirely by New College students and alumni; still others invite the audience to participate or learn how to play. The JACK Quartet is returning this academic year, coming in January to play a show called ‘Wind in High Places’ in Sainer. “It’s gonna be a really cool, ethereal, atmospheric piece,” Silver said. All concerts are preceded by a half-hour talk given by Miles, where he explains and discusses the ideas motivating the artist for that particular show; audience members can gain some insight into the performance by attending the talks, but they are also free to skip it and arrive at the start of the performance instead. Concerts bring in a varied audience; some shows fill Sainer, others are less populated. Despite the fact that Sarasota members must pay for tickets ($15 for one show, $60 for a season pass), the shows typically attract more of them than New College students and faculty. “There is music going all the time,” Silver said. “Even if you’re not paying attention there is a whole ton of music being played all the time.” New Music New College invites the New College community to see just what that means.

NCSA CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 it’s a matter of students sharing on the document,” Buford also said. Natural Sciences Representative on the Council of Academic Affairs (CAA) and thesis student Paige Leary would like to announce that a premedical student mentorship program will soon be implemented on campus. Leary is also working to update the premedical student handbook.


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Apple picking in New Hampshire BY KAYLIE STOKES

In places other than Florida, the arrival of fall means more than just pumpkin spice lattes. It also means leaves changing color, temperatures dropping, and being only a short drive away from apple picking. Alyson’s Apple Orchard in Walpole, New Hampshire is one of dozens of orchards that can be found scattered around New England. Every fall, thousands of visitors roam the orchard filling bags with handpicked apples. The orchard is part of the 500acre Connecticut River Valley Farm, and offers 50 varieties of apples to pick, including Honey Crisp, McIntosh, Cortland, Gala, Mutsu and Fuji. Depending on the season,


berries, peaches, grapes, pears and plums can also be found growing on the property. Though only the crabapple is native to North America, there are now more than 2,500 varieties of apples grown in the United States – 100 of which are grown commercially. In 2005, the average U.S. citizen ate 46 pounds of fresh apples and processed apple products. Though most of the apples found in stores are grown using pesticides and are coated in a commercial grade wax, the apples grown on Alyson’s Orchard are pesticide free and ready to eat right off of the tree. At the farm stand you can also buy apple cider, wine and fresh baked pies.

(top left) The orchard can be found in Walpole, New Hamshire near the border of Vermont. (middle left) Guests can either buy bags of already picked apples or pick their own.(bottom left) The orchard grows over 50 varieties of apples. (top right) Along with fresh produce, Alyson’s Farm Stand also sells, apple cider, wine, and baked goods. (bottom right) Alyson’s orchard does not use any chemical pesticides when growing their produce. all photos Kaylie Stokes/Catalyst

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