Issue 12, Fall 2016

Page 1 | @ncfcatalyst








A student newspaper of New College of Florida


photos courtesy of Ximena Pedroza

Water protectors look down the road at squads of police vehicles, the presence of law enforcement constant as activists demonstrate in support of clean water.

Thanksgiving break left Standing Rock with gaping wounds BY ANYA MARÍA CONTRERAS-GARCÍA

While most Americans were celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday, protesters on the Standing Rock Reservation were fending off tear gas while being sprayed by water cannons in sub-freezing temperatures and shot by rubber bullets and concussion grenades. On the night of Nov. 20 around 6 p.m., an hours-long confrontation between law enforcement and protesters began when about 100 activists attempted to clear a barricade which blocks the bridge to Bismarck,

North Dakota - the nearest large city to the Sacred Stone Camp. The barricade forces emergency service vehicles to make an approximately 20-mile detour to reach those at the camp, considered to be a threat to the safety of those at the camp. The situation escalated as hundreds of protesters were shot at with water cannons in sub-freezing temperatures, a decision made by the Morton County Sheriff's Department, which many are calling “unethical”, as well as tear gas, rubber bullets, sound weapons and concussion grenades. According to Ximena Pedroza, a second-year New College student who

was at the Standing Rock camp when the altercation broke out, rubber bullets had their casings removed, exposing a hard plastic interior that seriously injured several people. “There were multiple women that were shot in the face with these bullets,” Pedroza said. “There are people right now preparing for surgery to ensure they don’t lose their vision.” Vanessa Dudon is at least one of the water protectors who requires urgent surgery after being shot in the face with a tear gas canister by law enforcement. The impact left Dudon’s face bloodied and swollen, severing the retina in her right eye. Even with

surgery, Dudon’s vision will be impaired for the rest of her life. The Morton County Sheriff's Department claimed law enforcement were using water cannons because protesters were lighting fires around the bridge. “People were using fires to keep themselves warm in sub-freezing temperatures and to make hot food to eat,” Pedroza said. “And the sheriff’s department said they used water cannons to put out the fires, yet if you watch the video all you see is them

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Make New College safe again:

A petition puts pressure on officials to declare New College a Sanctuary school BY KELLY WILSON After Vice President-elect Mike Pence was booed at a Hamilton show, President-elect Donald Trump tweeted asking that theatre should be a safe space - however, the Presidentelect clearly does not believe in safe spaces in any other context. Trump denounced sanctuary cities - safe spaces where immigrants would not be persecuted and hunted down - shortly before election day in a speech where he promised to take federal funding for cities that refuse to work with him to hunt down illegal immigrants. So far there has been no word on sanctuary schools, but, as an opposer of safe spaces only in places where his violent, harmful, rhetoric is not allowed to be spewed onto others, it’s safe to say that Trump does not support them. Turning New College into a sanctuary school would protect students from


An unofficial map from CNN shows the location of schools, reported by organizers at the schools, where protests, or petitions have been used to pressure to administration to declare their schools sanctuary campuses.

racist immigration policies, and would also show that we as a school do not stand with Trump and hypocritical anti-safe-space policies. As of mid afternoon on Nov. 26, 726 people had signed a petition that had been floating around the forum


which showed their support for turning New College into a sanctuary school. The petition calls for New College to protect students who are affected by Trump’s anti-immigration policies based on a 2011 memo from the U.S. immigrations and customs agency.


The memo calls out schools as being a sensitive place where to arrests, interviews, searches and surveillance for the purpose of immigration services should not take place. The petition then calls for New College to refuse to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), to refuse to release information about immigration status about any student to a government agency, create a program for undocumented students to receive counsel and protect deferred action childhood arrival (DACA) scholarships to make sure that students receive these funds even if the program is rescinded under a Trump presidency. Across the country other schools have adopted policies similar to those outlined in the petition. California State University’s chancellor, Timothy P. White, publically stated that Cal State

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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2016 | @ncfcatalyst



briefs by Magdalene Taylor

Standing Rock continues to fight for indigenous rights and #NoDAPL The Standing Rock Sioux tribe of North Dakota continues to protest against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which threatens to contaminate local water sources and infringes upon the sovereignty of indigenous peoples on sacred Native American land. The protest is supported by hundreds of outside individuals who have travelled to Cannonball, North Dakota in order to camp, pray and protest with Standing Rock, including three New College students. On Friday, Nov. 26, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a letter to the tribe announcing that their camp would be closed as of Dec. 5, and that anyone on the camp after that date would be considered trespassing and subject to prosecution. According to NPR, a section of land south of the river that is being protected will be open to protest, referred to by the Army Corps as a “free-speech zone”. The Army Corps positions this closure as a way of ensuring the safety of all involved as the weather grows harsher. Second-years Miriam Carlson, Ximena Pedroza and Kayla Kisseadoo

travelled to Standing Rock this last week in solidarity. Pedroza delivered an update on Facebook over Thanksgiving, stating that over 10,000 people travelled to the protest this week, with over 800 tribes from all nations in participation. On Thanksgiving, there were fears that the National Guard would pursue a raid of the camp. “Yesterday, during an action the Morton Sheriff police department did not allow us to move forward and pray with our brothers and sisters that were harmed during Sunday evening’s action. Let the people everywhere know the truth of what is happening,” Pedroza wrote on Facebook. It is reported that protesters are being sprayed with water cannons by militarized police forces in below freezing temperatures. The Guardian also reports the use of rubber bullets, tasers, pepper spray, tear gas and other allegedly “less-than-lethal” methods by police officers in full riot gear. Sophia Wilansky, a protester from New York, may lose her arm after being hit by a police concussion grenade. This marks the most grievous bodily injury yet,

though a widespread media blackout of Standing Rock could mean worse and more numerous injuries have occurred. As it gets colder and the number of protestors rise, members of Standing Rock are seeking donations through an Amazon wishlist that is frequently updated with requests for items like sleeping bags, warm weather clothing, heavy-duty tarps and media equipment. At this time, it is unclear exactly how protestors will move forward with the demands to leave the camp. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe chairman David Archambault II released a statement highlighting the irony of the demand occurring the day after Thanksgiving. “Although the news is saddening, it is not at all surprising given the last 500 years of the treatment of our people,” Archambault said. “We have suffered much, but we still have hope that the President will act on his commitment to close the chapter of broken promises to our people and especially our children."

Jill Stein raises money toward election recount in three battleground states

Green Party candidate Jill Stein has raised $5.9 million out of the $7 million necessary to pursue a recount of Presidential election ballots in three battleground states as of Saturday, Nov. 26. Ballots in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin are to be recounted as a part of this endeavor. Because of the Stein campaigns efforts, a recount will be undertaken in Wisconsin on Friday. Though not affiliated with or for the benefit of the Hillary Clinton, the Clinton campaign voiced its support of a recount in Wisconsin on Saturday. Voter fraud is not alleged to have occurred in any of the three states, though Stein and others have voiced concerns over a potential hack of the computers that digitally count ballots. According to the New York Times, Stein and some of her supporters have expressed particular concern that the

Russian government is the source of said potential hacks. The overall purpose of the recount is to defend the overall integrity of the U.S. voting system. Clinton lost these three battleground states by a total of more than 100,000 votes, allowing Trump to win via votes from the electoral college. According to a post on Medium by Marc Elias, the Clinton team’s general counsel, the campaign has little hopes of changing the result, but instead wants to ensure Clinton supporters that all avenues have been pursued. The Clinton campaign is to continue to support Stein’s efforts in Michigan and Pennsylvania if she is successful in issuing a recount in these states. A recount will involve a recount of the physical paper votes in these three states, all of which used computers to tally votes. However, many parts

"Que te quemes en el infierno." © 2016, the Catalyst. All rights reserved. The Catalyst is available online at,, @ncfcatalyst The Catalyst is an academic tutorial sponsored by Professor Maria Vesperi and taught by visiting instructor Yadira Lopez. It is developed in the New College Publications Lab using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign and printed at Sun Coast Press with funds provided by the New College Student Alliance.

of Pennsylvania utilize digital votes exclusively, presenting an issue for recount that has yet to be resolved. President-elect Donald Trump voiced his opinion of the recount campaign via Twitter, tweeting the following statement: “Hillary Clinton conceded the election when she called me just prior to the victory speech and after the results were in. Nothing will change.” On Sunday, Nov. 27, Trump continued to give his opinions over social media, tweeting that he would have won the popular vote if it weren’t for the “millions of people who voted illegally.” Trump continued: “Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California - so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias - big problem!"

General Editor Managing Editor Copy Editor Online Editor Layout Editor Staff Writers & Photographers

Pariesa Young Giulia Heyward Ryan Paice Caitlyn Ralph Audrey Warne Katelyn Grimmett, Jasmine Respess, Dylan Pryor, Elan Works, Jacob Wentz, Kelly Wilson, Cassandra Manz, Anya María Contreras-García, Magdalene Taylor

Hampshire College stops flying US flag entirely Hampshire College, a small liberal arts college based in western Massachusetts, has stopped flying the U.S. flag entirely following student response to the election. CNN reports that the college agreed with students to lower the flag to half-staff. Hampshire College President Jonathan Lash stated that this gesture "was meant as an expression of grief over the violent deaths being suffered in this country and globally, including the many U.S. service members who have lost their lives.” On Nov. 10, one of the flags was set on fire, prompting the college to remove some flags, keep some flags flying at half-staff, and fly one flag at full-staff. However, on Nov. 19, Lash made a statement on Facebook on behalf of the college that all U.S. flags would no longer be flown on campus, though students are free to continue flying their own flags. This is said to be a temporary move on the part of the school. Hampshire College is known to have many of the same values as New College, with a similar nogrades policy. The removal of the flags at Hampshire College occurred amidst a number of flag related controversies across the country, including removals of flags at New College. Some flags on campus have been hung upside down. The US government has certain regulations about when the flag should be flown at half-staff. It is typically up to the discretion of local governments and institutions to determine when it is appropriate regionally. Private individuals, groups, and institutions are not held to these regulations about the flag. According to the U.S. Flag Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8(a), “The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” For many, the election indeed marks these circumstances in the U.S.

Direct submissions, letters, announcements and inquiries to: The Catalyst 5800 Bay Shore Road Sarasota, Florida 34243 The Catalyst reserves the right to edit all submissions for grammar, space and style. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Submissions must be received by 12:00 p.m. Friday for consideration in the next issue.


hosing down people who have their hands up in the air, that are nowhere near a fire. […] It’s police brutality.” The militarization of police forces against peaceful citizens is an image that echoes throughout the nation, conjuring images of officers in SWAT gear against unarmed protesters in Baltimore reacting to the death of Freddie Gray. The Standing Rock Sioux tribe’s fight to secure clean water is a mission shared by Americans still suffering in Flint. “This is just the recurring pattern of white colonialism,” Pedroza said. The physicians and tribal healers with the Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council released a statement on social media calling for “the immediate cessation of use of water cannons on people who are outdoors in 28F ambient weather with no means of active rewarming in these conditions. As medical professionals, we are concerned for the real risk of loss of life due to severe hypothermia under these conditions.” The recent confrontation has caused international outcry about the unethical treatment of “water protectors” those protecting the Missouri river water table from the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), an oil pipeline that is proposed to be built through sacred Native American land which could pollute the water source for millions of people if it spilled. Over 300 people were injured and 26 taken hospitalized as a result of the “less-than-lethal” weapons used by law enforcement. Among those injured is an elder of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe who went into cardiac arrest while on the front lines and was revived by medics on scene. “I saw people covered in bruises from rubber bullets,” Pedroza said. “It’s one thing to read about it, to see

Sanctuar y

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 would not tolerate anti-immigration policies put forth by right wing officials. “[Cal State] will not enter into agreements with state or local law enforcement agencies, Homeland Security or any other federal department for the enforcement of federal immigration law,” White told The Los Angeles Times. “Our police departments will not honor immigration hold requests. Our university police do not contact, detain, question or arrest individuals solely on the basis of being… a person that lacks documentation.” Wesleyan University in Connecticut has recently declared itself a sanctuary school, according to The Hartford Courant. On Tuesday Nov. 22, University President Michael Roth told the Hartford Courant, “[If Immigration officials came onto campus] We would go to court and

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2016 | @ncfcatalyst

it in pictures, than to see the injuries on the bodies of people right in front of you, people who are doing nothing but protecting water, protecting the sacred.” Sophia Wilanksy, a 21-year-old protester from New York, may lose her arm as a result of the blast of a concussion grenade which has shattered her shoulder. Gruesome photos of her injury which shows exposed broken bone have circulated social media, causing more public outcry. Police deny using any equipment that could have caused her injury. Dallas Goldtooth, an organizer with the Indigenous Environmental Network, said they were told by law enforcement that if they demonstrated peacefully, the barricade would be taken down. "As long as protests and marches happen almost daily on the damaged Backwater Bridge it will not open," wrote Rob Keller, a spokesman for the Morton County Sheriff's Department in an official statement. "The protesters are the ones not keeping their word." The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has recently issued an eviction notice to those at Standing Rock urging protesters must leave by Dec. 5. The eviction cites “concern for public safety” as a reason to clear the camp, and reads that anyone choosing to stay would be doing so “at their own risk.” However, water protectors are remaining resolute and intend to impede the DAPL for as long as possible. The construction deadline for the pipeline is Jan. 1, meaning if oil is not flowing by that day, the contract expires and investors will be able to back out of the deal completely. This deadline gives hope to many supporters of the #NoDAPL movement, which can be seen in the increase of donations to the cause. To find ways to help, go to official website for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe at

say where is the legal authority? We would not just cooperate... Not that this place is a place to hide, but a place where faculty, students and staff can have their information protected.” There has been increased pressure on other schools to follow this lead and declare themselves sanctuary schools. Protests have broke out at Yale, Harvard and Duke University to put pressures on officials to publicly name their schools sanctuary schools. The petition circulating the forum to make New College a sanctuary school uses New College’s public status as a unique opportunity to protect students who may be undocumented or feel attacked because of racist, anti immigration politics. The petition takes very little time to read, and sign. Students, faculty, staff, alumni and other community members can sign the petition to show that they stand with these efforts to protect students and against Donald Trump’s anti-safe space rhetoric.


Upside-down flag trend goes national BY ELAN WORKS In the wake of the historically divisive 2016 presidential election this November, many left-leaning people have begun displaying american flags upside-down in a symbolic distress signal. President-elect Donald J. Trump has made antagonistic statements towards almost every minority that isn’t cisgender white men, and racist incidents, hate crimes, and hate speech have run rampant in the aftermath of his surprising election. Civil rights groups across the country have voiced concerns about a Trump presidency, and people of colour across the New College campus have expressed fear and distress at the explicit racist messages in the Trump campaign, and harmful rhetoric that his supporters subscribe to. A recent national wave of upside-down flags has prompted students on campus to

office,” Williamson said. “I’m making another request. Please return the flag - I promise you no questions asked and no trouble for anyone who returns it.” “That’s just a dick move,” Dannie Pritchard, a second year, commented to the Catalyst. “I think I speak for everyone there - it was just a dick move, I don’t even think they’re related.” Whether or not the theft of the Florida flag and the flipping of the American flag are or aren't related, if you have the missing flag in your possession please return it to HCL 1 immediately. “I think the flipping of the flag is a legitimate protest,” Pritchard continued. “A lot of people are in distress right now. If Trump is the kind of president he promises to be it’s going to be a lot harder for me to be a functioning human, with like, rights.” Pritchard speaks as trans mixed-race person, and further elaborated.

“Our flag was right side up, and then Trump was voted president and we flipped it.” Lily Gonzales, a thesis student, says of the flag in their room. “I am Latinx, very queer, I am very much in danger, and I will not stand for this.” That display of distress became a public matter last week when the New College american flag was turned upside down repeatedly. Several students expressed disapproval of the action on the student forum, then the florida state flag went missing from the overpass flagpole and Dean of Student Affairs Robin Williamson got involved. At the Towne meeting on monday Nov. 14, Williamson took the stage and requested someone come forward and return the flag. As of friday morning Dean Williamson had yet to receive the flag, but could not be reached for comment. On Nov. 17, Williamson sent an email to the students list, asking again for the return of the flag. “The flag has yet to appear in my

“I have a lot of friends also who are mad about the protesting, and might want us to get over it - but it’s really hard to get over something like this,” Pritchard said. “It’s not the fact that trump became president, it’s what the Trump presidency represents - he was voted for not despite his ignorant bigoted rhetoric, but because of it, and that’s what really scares me and scares a lot of people.” Gonzales took some time to address the argument of some people, who hold that flipping the flag is a show of disrespect. “Everyone says it’s a disrespect thing but it’s actually a code-basically an SOS.” Gonzales said, referring to the rather long history of the upside-down american flag as a signal of dire distress. “I think that when people say that the flag should only be upside down in a time of severe danger, and then they say this isn’t that time they’re speaking from a place of privilege,” Pritchard said.


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2016 | @ncfcatalyst


Trump’s contradictions on climate change policy BY CASSIE MANZ How will a Trump presidency affect the state of the country and the world when it comes to global warming? How will his position on the environment specifically affect Florida, including our precious Everglades, unique coral reefs and beloved endangered species? Florida is one of the states most susceptible to climate change, which is concerning and ironic considering we have a climate denier - or at least someone who refuses to take action against climate change - as Senator and a governor who won’t allow state officials to utter the words “climate change.” There are things at stake in Florida, things that we will lose if carbon emissions do not begin to decrease. Yet, when it comes to climate change, like many other issues he has recently flip-flopped on, no one is entirely sure where President-elect Donald Trump stands. Changing positions Trump has previously said that

photo courtesy of Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times Donald J. Trump on Tuesday with Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the publisher of The New York Times, right.

he wants to cancel the Paris Accords, a landmark agreement that was signed by 190 nations, including the U.S., in December of last year that commits said countries to reducing carbon emissions through national plans. The agreement also created the Green Climate Fund, $100 billion that is meant to go towards helping developing countries develop renewable energy and adjust to the effects of climate change. A source on Trump's transition team said the

New College Receives $1.2 Million Gift for Scholarship Fund


Citing his belief in public education and the importance of attending college, Sarasota resident Akgun Temizer has given $1.2 million to New College of Florida to expand a scholarship fund. T e m i z e r established the fund in 2014 to provide scholarships with preference to honors students from his native country, Turkey. The first Temizer Scholar came to New College in fall 2015. His new gift essentially doubles the size of the scholarship fund and will allow the College to have two Temizer Scholars beginning in Fall 2018. “Education is my priority,” Temizer said. “I was fortunate to have received a great education from elementary school through university in my home country of Turkey. I want to give back and make education possible for others.”

MaryAnne Young, vice president of advancement and executive director of the New College Foundation, announced the gift at the Foundation’s Clambake event, with Temizer and many of his friends in attendance. Temizer came to America as an employee of Turkey’s State Department, after serving in the country’s military. He then joined a Washington, D.C.area construction company, working his way up from entry level to a supervisory position. He became a U.S. citizen in 1969, and then worked for the International Monetary Fund for many years. Temizer retired to Sarasota in 1987, where he learned of New College’s success as a public liberal arts college that achieves consistently high placement in national rankings. He knows the advantages that education provides. “I believe supporting education is the best investment for the future,” he said. “New College has made my dream come true."

“I believe supporting education is the best investment for the future, New College has made my dream come true."

President-elect is seeking ways of withdrawing from the Paris Agreement within a year, bypassing a theoretical wait-time of four years, according to an article from Reuters published on Nov. 15. However, in a recent interview with the New York Times, Trump reportedly refused to repeat his promise to abandon the Paris Agreement saying, “I’m looking at it very closely.” According to the Times, Trump said that he has an open mind to the Paris Agreement and that clean air and “crystal clear water” were vitally important. Trump also said in the interview that he thinks "there is some connectivity" in terms of human activity causing climate change, but that it depends on how much connectivity and “how much it’s going to cost our companies.” Contradicting Actions Despite Trump’s claims to an open mind, he recently appointed Myron Ebell as head of his Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transition team. Ebell is a leading climate change skeptic and has said he wants to cancel Obama’s Clean Power Plan, the “ambitious centerpiece of Obama’s climate change legacy and the key to his commitment under the Paris accord,” according to the New York Times. The plan is made up of a set of EPA regulations intended to curb planet-warming pollution caused by coal-fired power plants, according to the New York Times. According to NPR, Ebell said he and his colleagues at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, where he directs the Center for Energy and Environment, agree that “carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and that concentrations are increasing as a result of burning coal, oil and natural gas, and that this means the global temperature is likely to rise.” However, they disagree with the idea that global warming is a crisis that requires drastic action. Ebell is reported to believe that climate change may actually be beneficial for the world. "There is much evidence that the mild global warming that has occurred since the end of the Little Ice Age in the mid-nineteenth century has been largely beneficial for humanity and the biosphere,” Ebell told NPR. Continuing to fight During the climate change conference in Marrakech, the followup to the talks in Paris, that took place from Nov. 7 to Nov. 18, French

President Francois Hollande and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on Trump to abandon his campaign pledge to cancel the Paris Agreement, according to Reuters. Although Trump has now changed his position many nations remain worried about the United States pulling out of the Paris Agreement, which experts worry would discourage other countries from pursuing action to cut their fossil fuel emissions. However, China has said they will continue to work at cutting emissions regardless of what Trump decides to do. Michael R. Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City and staunch supporter of action on climate change, said that American cities would continue to enact climate policies despite Trump’s decision as well. Mr. Bloomberg spoke at a talk hosted by the China General Chamber of Commerce; his remarks were adapted for an op-ed article published by the Bloomberg View on Nov. 22. Following is a passage from the op-ed article: “I can’t tell you what Donald Trump’s administration will do… But I am confident that no matter what happens in Washington, no matter what regulations the next administration adopts or rescinds, no matter what laws the next Congress may pass, we will meet the pledges that the U.S. made in Paris.” Mr. Bloomberg said cities, businesses and citizens will continue to reduce emissions because it is in their self-interest, as it is in China’s selfinterest. He added that the progress that has been made in fighting climate change over the years has not been because of Congress but because of cities, businesses and citizens who have fought to do so and will continue to do so. Mr. Bloomberg said that if President-elect Trump decided to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement he would urge the mayors of 128 cities in the United States who see the need to fight climate change to join the agreement, according to the New York Times. “Mayors and local leaders around the country are determined to keep pushing ahead on climate change,” Bloomberg said in the op-ed. The same can be said about the countries in attendance at Marrakech who left the conference despite concerning U.S. election results, with a plan to continue implementing what was agreed upon in Paris. COP23 will be hosted by Fiji next May but will take place in Bonn, Germany, where the headquarters of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are. Countries hope that the next conference will further iron out the details of the agreement and will be a chance to assess how countries are doing in regards to their plans to reduce emissions. Information from this article was gathered from, reuters. com, and


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2016 | @ncfcatalyst


Shopping for social justice

Local and national companies to support or avoid this holiday season BY PARIESA YOUNG With Black Friday behind us, the holiday shopping season has just begun. With 25 days til Christmas and Hanukkah, we’re also 50 days out from the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. This holiday season, your semi-inevitable engagement with capitalism does not necessarily have to be a waste of money. Instead, by supporting companies with strong mission statements, and by diverting your cash toward businesses owned by racial and religious minorities, your holiday splurges and year-round expenses can be another instrument for social change. Socially conscious shopping Below is a list of companies that have publically expressed their political views either before or after the 2016 election. The following may be familiar or unknown companies to you, but whether you’re shopping for the perfect cajun spice mix or a holiday sweater for grandma, consider how the company where you spend your holiday shopping cash aligns with your social and political views. Penzeys Spices: In a newsletter to customers, Penzeys Spices publically condemned the racism of Trump’s campaign, calling his election “the biggest act of racism in American history since Wallace stood in the schoolhouse doorway 53 years ago.” Since then, Penzeys CEO Bill Penzey has implored Trump voters to “make amends” for voting for an openly racist candidate by volunteering and donating to those in need. The Sarasota Penzeys store is located at 1516 Main St. and products can be ordered online at Ben and Jerry’s: On their website, Ben and Jerry’s implores ice cream lovers not to be complicit in systemic racism in their public statement coming out in support of Black Lives Matter. “We have a moral obligation to take a stand now for justice and for Black lives,” said the release. Ben and Jerry’s has also made public statements about the refugee crisis and the outcome of the presidential election. In a post titled “Dear President-elect Trump,” the company said this: “We stand ready to defend the progress our country has made on climate change. We will continue to be strong advocates for racial and social justice, LGBTQ rights, gender equality, respect for religious differences, and opportunity for all. We stand with women, people of color, Muslims, migrants, refugees, the LGBTQ community, the poor, and others whose lives may be further compromised by the policies and rhetoric you espoused during your campaign.” Ben and Jerry’s local branch is at 372 St. Armand’s Cir. and pints of delicious, socially conscious ice cream can be found at most grocery stores.

When video and audio recording of Trump admitting to sexually assaulting women was released, a number of individuals and activist organizations began boycotting Trump’s many businesses and revenue streams. #GrabYourWallet stays up to date with companies that have publicly supported Trump, or that sell his products. The following are a list of national brands represented online and locally in Sarasota who do business with the Trump family, including selling Ivanka Trump shoe and clothing lines: • Amazon • Macy’s • Neiman Marcus • T.J. Maxx and Marshalls • Zappos • DSW • Bed Bath & Beyond • Hobby Lobby Minority-owned businesses During the holidays and throughout the year, consider diverting your spending toward these local businesses owned by racial or ethnic minorities. According to 2012 Census data, Sarasota County had only 32 percent of firms owned by women, and 13 percent owned by minorities. While this is far from an extensive list, I hope it inspires you to start researching into supporting local businesses, particularly owned by those most affected by a Trump presidency. Restaurants and Food: • Jamaican and American Soul Food – 2025 Dr. Martin Luther King Way, Sarasota • Frank’s Fish & Crab Supreme – located at the corner of Central Avenue and Dr. Martin Luther King Way, Sarasota • ionie Raw Lifestyle & Cafe – 1241 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota • Shell Barbeque – Shell parking lot • Sunshine Caribbean – 6320 15th St E, Sarasota • King’s Deli and Meat Mart – 1810 Dr. Martin Luther King Way, Sarasota • India Bazaar – 5149 14th St W, Bradenton • Bismillah Groceries – 3078 17th St., Sarasota • Tandoor Fine Indian Cuisine – 8453 Cooper Creek Blvd., Bradenton For other ways to participate (both economically and culturally!) with local businesses owned by people of color, attend the Newtown Farmers Market every first and third Friday and Saturday of the month from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. and the Third Annual International Food and Crafts Festival presented by the Islamic Society of Sarasota and Bradenton, which will feature of number of booths from Muslim-owned businesses, on Dec. 17 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with free admission.

The Activist Newsletter Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst

This week (11/30 – 12/7), activists have the opportunity to participate in peace rallies, speaker panels, fundraisers and volunteer trainings. Read on if you want to get involved in the community regarding racial justice, economic equality, indigenous rights, protest etiquette and reproductive justice.

BY ANYA MARÍA CONTRERAS-GARCÍA Tues, Nov. 29 Peace Rally in Tampa @ 2 p.m. – 7 p.m. Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park, 600 N Ashley Dr., Tampa, FL 33602 Peacefully show Trump and his supporters that we who have fallen victim to hate speech – Muslims, women, Latinx, the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and any minorities – believe that #LoveStillTrumpsHate. Make signs and share peaceful thoughts of love and compassion. This event will have ASL interpreters, and the Deaf community is welcome! For more information, check out the event page on Facebook.

the event page on Facebook. Sun, Dec. 4 Standing Rock Fundraiser @ 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. Fogartyville Community Media and Arts Center, 525 Kumquat Ct (Rear), Sarasota, FL 34236 Several local activists will be speaking about their experiences at Standing Rock while delicious vegan and vegetarian food will be served. Entrance is $20 and additional donations are encouraged. 100 percent of the donations will go to Standing Rock. For more information, check out the event page on Facebook. Sun, Dec. 4 Ban Bannon @ 4 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Demens Landing, 2nd Ave SE, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 Donald Trump has appointed Steve Bannon, an openly racist, misogynist and anti-semitic politician who has been lauded as a hero by white nationalists, as his Chief Advisor. Activists will march to urge Trump to hire a new Chief Advisor. This will be a peaceful event. For more information, check out the event page on Facebook.

Tues, Nov. 29 National Day of Action in Tampa Post-Election Keep the focus on important local social and economic justice issues after the election. A major strike of Tampa Bay childcare, homecare and fast food workers is being organized in Ybor City with support of Black Lives Matter and other community groups throughout the region. For more information, contact Kelly Benjamin at kellybenjamic@gmail. Wed, Dec. 7 Volunteer com. Planned Parenthood Escort Training @ 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs, Dec. 1 Ask the ACLU Planned Parenthood Affiliate, @ 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 736 Central Avenue Sarasota, FL Selby Public Library, 1331 1st 34236 St, Sarasota, FL 34236 There is a Volunteer The Sarasota Chapter of the Orientation and Escort Training American Civil Liberties Union on Dec. 7 for a local Planned (ACLU) is presenting a panel of Parenthood Affiliate. Volunteer lawyers to answer those questions escorts walk patients to the and share what the ACLU will do health center's door and provide if Donald Trump carries out some a positive face for patients while of his campaign promises. Lawyers intentionally not engaging with will also answer questions about protestors in any way. For more protesting rights and legality. The information, e-mail publicpolicy@ event is free and open to the public. or Robin Lindsley at For more information, check out

New College’s first food forest blossoms One idea and $20,000 feeds a school BY KATELYN GRIMMETT What was a patch of land just south of the Old Caples gardens is now a sustainable collection of nutritious and edible plants that will prove to be a monumental resource for generations of New College students to come. The project was pioneered by thesis student Jay McWilliams, the gardening tutorial TA, and thesis student Orion Morton, the Vice President of Green Affairs. "Our friend Haroun, who is just like a local plant dude, came down here and was like 'see this area here, we could turn that into a food forest in like a month.' And we were like ‘what? I guess he's right...’ And this all happened from there," Morton offered as inspiration for the forest. The idea for a food forest surfaced at a lucky time, coinciding with the green fee's accumulation of $70,000. The green fee (which students pay semesterly for sustainable campus projects) has contributed over $20,000 to raise the food forest, proving that money actually does grow on trees. Over 30 trees, plants and bushes are currently growing in the food forest, including jackfruit, avocado, a fig, peanut butter tree, several citrus trees and lots of fruit trees. The food forest’s Pigeon Pea is coming into season and big bunches of beans are growing ripe on the trees. Four Winds will receive a hefty number of these protein-packed beans when Spring term rolls around. Pigeon Pea, Mexican Sunflower and Moringa, a vitamin rich and versatile crop, are three “filler” trees planted to offer food and nourishment from the food forest in it’s infancy, “while we’re waiting for the fruit trees to realize their full potential,” McWilliams said. Okra took off in the food forest after a student from the previous semester’s gardening tutorial sprinkled

seeds all about. They grew so well that Four Winds received fresh okra for several weekly specials. The food forest is home to an Acerola Cherry, or Barbados Cherry, which packs more Vitamin C than your average orange and fruits almost all year round. An Everyberry Mulberry tree got off on a bad foot, shedding all of its leaves before defying death and springing back mid-semester. “ So, it’s a hopeful little tree and once it fruits it will have fruit most of the year,” McWilliams said. Natal Plum, a native to South Africa that grows well in dry conditions, was planted in the forest. “It fruits little, red plums,” McWilliams said. “They’re pretty tasty, pretty large.” The food forest’s inhabitants were acquired from several places along the West Coast: St. Pete’s Mustang Market, Fruitscapes in Pine Island and ECHO, an international agriculture organization . McWilliams identified the Mustang Market as the place where the oddest of the food forest’s plants were adopted. “I’d recommend any interested party to check it out,” he said. “There’s a lot of Thai culture and people from Central America, there’s a variety of Thai fruits and vegetables and fruits you didn’t know exist.” A Food Forest ISP will be offered this January, led by none other than Morton and McWilliams. Tending to the food forest will be the foundation of the project. One short-term goal McWilliams has for the forest is to establish a more edible or useful ground cover to combat grass and make the best of the space. One in consideration is perennial peanut. “We’ll be working down here a lot, teaching younger students how to take it over when we graduate,” McWilliams said. “We’re encouraging different projects and study opportunities.”

Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst First-year Ella Denham-Conroy digs up a trench for the banana wall facing the Caples side of the forest.

Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst Lots of Papaya, even more banana, some citrus including grapefruit and lime, a mango tree and a guarana tree line up to be planted in the food forest.

Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst

Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst

Gardening TA Jay McWilliams and Vice President of Green Affairs Orion Morton navigated administrative and technical obstacles to make a New College food forest possible.

Pigeon Pea, Mexican Sunflower and Moringa, a vitamin rich and versatile crop, are three “filler” trees planted to offer food and nourishment from the food forest in it’s infancy

Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst The idea for a food forest surfaced at a lucky time, coinciding with the green fee's accumulation of $70,000. The green fee (which students pay every semester for sustainable campus projects) has contributed over $20,000 to raise the food forest, proving that money actually does grow on trees.

Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst Pouteria, also known as "egg fruit," is native to Central America. "The fruits look like eggs and they're supposedly yolk-y and taste like sweet, hard boiled eggs," VP of the CGA Orion Morton said.

Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst

The Organic Gardening tutorial currently tends to the food forest but a tutorial just for the care and development of the forest may be on the horizon.

Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst

The food forest’s Pigeon Pea is coming into season and big bunches of beans are growing ripe on the trees.


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2016 | @ncfcatalyst

The classical arts in Sarasota

How the Sarasota Orchestra is attempting to bring classical music to the masses BY AUDREY WARNE With an opera house, a ballet and an orchestra along with a myriad of acting and comedy troupes, Sarasota has a surprisingly large selection of classical arts organizations for the size and population density of the city. Along with the sheer number of performing arts organizations, there has been efforts to increase the number of programs specifically geared toward young people and students. The Sarasota Orchestra, currently in its 68th season, is the longest continuously performing orchestra in the state of Florida. The 80-member Orchestra performs more than 100 classical and contemporary concerts each year and also runs the Sarasota Youth Orchestra and the Sarasota Music Festival. The orchestra’s mission statement has two components: dedication to “exquisite performance” and the promotion of a “first-class music education.” Sarasota Orchestra's music education program includes the 50-year-old Youth Orchestra, featuring five ensembles and seven levels – the most advanced of which, The Youth Philharmonic, made its Carnegie Hall debut in 2008. The Sarasota Orchestra also offers music lessons for students of all ages and abilities, sponsors multiple community outreach programs and is the parent program of the Sarasota Music Festival. This emphasis on education and increasing the accessibility of classical music has led the orchestra to attempt to reach out to younger people in the Sarasota community, with a special emphasis placed on college students and young professionals. “One of the major things that we do is offer a discounted student ticket price for $9,” Joe McKenna, the CEO of the Sarasota Orchestra, said. “Those are available with a student id, allowing any interested student – with an id – to attend any of our concerts. All they have to do is contact the box office.” McKenna’s interest in promoting classical music in Sarasota is part of a larger effort on behalf of the Sarasota arts community to reach out to young people in the area for more temporary reasons in the hopes that they may one day choose to build a life here. This interest in fostering a richer and more diverse arts community geared toward young adults was the basis for the creation of organizations like the Sarasota Culture Collective and events like Ringling Underground. “The arts in general - and classical music in particular - really fosters the

identity of Sarasota,” McKenna said. “Sarasota, as you well know, has a great reputation for being a fantastic arts community. So one of the big benefits is that we raise awareness for classical music and it really builds the community. When there is a strong arts community there tends to be a passionate and evolving community of young people. As Sarasota continues to develop and grow, the arts community expands and the classical music profile raises in quality and stature we think that’s going to be a magnet for attracting more people, and younger people, to the area.” Second-year Briana Luis works at the Sarasota Orchestra as an event space assistant, helping to set up and maintain the equipment used by the both the Sarasota Orchestra ensemble and all levels of the Youth Orchestra. “There’s this quote that always comes up with music people, ‘music is the only universal language,’” Luis said. “Even people who don’t know how to read music can listen to music and can interpret music. In classical music specifically, when you think of the instrumentation - it’s made so naturally, for lack of a better word. To hear the emotion, to hear how composers can convey the human experience is pretty amazing.” The schedule for the 2016 – 2017 season is available on the Sarasota Orchestra’s website (sarasotaorchestra. org) and features four main series: Masterworks (which features classical composers), Pops (featuring more popular and contemporary compositions), Chamber (featuring chamber music) and Great Escapes (which mixes light classical music with the Pops repertoire in a themed format). “When people look at the Sarasota Orchestra and they see that we’re serving young people in our Youth Orchestra program and then inspiring young concert artists at the Sarasota Music Festival it all reinforces the idea of Sarasota as a very exciting and dynamic place to be,” McKenna said.



Student passes available at the Sarasota Opera BY AUDREY WARNE

The Sarasota Opera also offers a student discount in the form of a $25 student season pass. Any current full-time student under the age of 22 can purchase the pass to attend unlimited performances at the Sarasota Opera. “Sarasota Opera’s hope through this program is to create yet another opportunity to engage the many students in the Sarasota/Manatee area and invite them to experience the art form of opera at a reasonable cost to them,” according to the Sarasota Opera website.

“With over 50 performances to choose from between February 7th and March 28th, Student Season Pass holders will certainly get their money's worth.” Student Season Passes are currently available for purchase at the Sarasota Opera Box Office located at 61 N. Pineapple Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236. Students must be able to present a valid student I.D. at the time of purchase. The Student Season Pass can be redeemed for one student rush ticket per performance 30 minutes before curtain. The pass is valid for any performance but seating is subject to availability.

photo courtesy of the Philadelphia Orchestra The mission of the Sarasota Orchestra is to engage, educate, and enrich our community through high-quality, live musical experiences.

Sarasota Ballet upcoming company performances - George Blanchine’s “Jewels” – December 16 – 17 - Ashton, Graziano & Tuckett – 27 – 30 January 2017 - The Sarasota Ballet presents Paul Taylor Dance Company – 24 – 25 February 2017 - A Tribute to Ashton 10 – 11 March 2017 - Ashton, de Valois & Robbins – 28 – 30 April 2017


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2016 | @ncfcatalyst



Catalyst’s Declassified Finals Survival Guide


As the semester approaches its end, an air of tension seems to choke the campus. Deadlines are closing in, essays are piling up and, most unfortunately, finals are near. Finals week is unfamiliar territory for first-year students like me. In order to prepare for exams, I reached out to the campus to hear what experienced students had to say. Stay prepared It’s arguable that the most important part of finals week is ensuring that you are well-prepared for your exams; that’s what it’s all about, right? Many students have found that achieving a “satisfactory” rating comes easier with good organization and time management. “It’s important to begin preparing a few weeks in advance, whether by making a list of final project and papers or upcoming exams,” thesis student Blaise DeFranco wrote. “I found that laying out a fairly detailed study schedule […] for the week and a half leading up to exam week makes everything a lot more manageable,” thesis student Kayla Evens wrote. Outlines are particularly valuable when lengthy papers need to be written: “When I freeze up because I'm so filled with dread about writing a paper I find it helpful to just make my goal to write a bit of the outline,” third-year student Kira Thoenes wrote. “After that it pretty much writes itself because it’s more the anxiety over the paper that causes me stress than the paper itself.” When studying, one should stay focused and process information the best that they can. “The perfect state of mind for studying is one that is a) completely calm and void of distracting emotions, b) focused, and c) curious and interested,” third-year student Mimi Chenyao wrote. Staying organized is one of the best ways to prepare for finals and to keep yourself balanced during the stressful last weeks of class. “Cramming is not an efficient way of retaining information, and neither is pulling an all-nighter,” DeFranco wrote. It is important to remember, however, that your health should come first.

all photos Jacob Wentz/Catalyst Cramming is not an efficient way of retaining information, and neither is pulling an all-nighter. Take breaks! Get hugs from friends! Talk to others about their stress! You're not alone!

Stay healthy Finals week is going to be stressful; for you, for me, for the whole campus. It is important that students handle their stress in ways best suited for them. “We are all in this together,” thirdyear student Keaton Hughes wrote. It has been proven that stress can weaken the immune system and affect one’s biological balance. Students, therefore, should remember to love their bodies during this time. “SLEEP at least four hours a night […] drink more water than coffee […] take walks, exercise, get fresh air […] don’t forget to shower and eat regularly,” thesis student Sarah Courson wrote. “During breaks, drink at least half a bottle of water […] eat a healthy

snack,” Chenyao wrote. Because researchers have proven the correlation between stress and fewer natural killer cells, fewer immunity-boosting gamma interferon and fewer infection-fighting T-cells, students should be extra cautious about spreading germs and getting sick. “Be sure you have Vitamin C supplements and other stuff to stave off the flu,” DeFranco wrote. Stay relaxed Though there are basic ways that you can improve your physical health, your mental health is just as, if not more, important. Finals week is going to be overwhelming at times, but don’t let it destroy you. There are things that you can do to stay relaxed and keep your

The library is the preferred place to study, "where the walls are packed knowledge in written form, more knowledge than any one of us could ever hope to have."

mind balanced during this time. “The number one way to survive during finals is to recognize when you are beginning to feel too overwhelmed,” thesis student Amanda Gaudree wrote. “When I start panicking or worrying too much, I take a break. I go on a walk or snuggle my cat, even just taking 10 minutes out to center yourself can be really helpful.” Do not torture yourself! No human being can healthily focus on one thing without any sort of distraction! Breaks are necessary in keeping your sanity during finals week. “Try to study in hour-long periods and take 5-10 minute breaks in between,” Chenyao wrote. “And don’t use up the whole day if you don’t have to! I like studying in the morning, breaking for the rest of the day, and coming back to study more at night.” Stay balanced Many students, myself included, can only study effectively when alone. To stay completely balanced, however, you should give yourself time to socialize with friends and do things that you are used to. There is a tendency to become a hermit during finals week, but this behavior can be detrimental. “Studying with classmates, friends, anyone you can commiserate with or who can support you really makes a huge difference in psyche,” DeFranco wrote. “Get hugs from friends (if you like)! Talk to others about their stress!” Thoenes exclaimed. Listening to music is more valuable than you think. Whether one is listening to white noise to facilitate studying or a loud jam to let the stress out, music can really help. “White noise keeps my head clearer so I can work without much distraction,” third-year Lena Santos wrote. “Anything with a beat – classical tends to keep me focused but typing to a dope beat is like an immediate second wind,” thesis student Andrew Blackowiak wrote. All in all, it’s important that you prepare yourself to do well on finals, but it’s more important that you keep yourself, mind and body balanced. Finals week is stressful, but there are many ways to tackle this stress effectively and end the semester with strong sats. Information gathered from

The Electoral College is the Blue Shell from Mario Kart BY DYLAN PRYOR

For nine years, the blue shell has mercilessly hunted innocent Mario Kart first-placers. It is a real problem. A menace. But then it hit me… We now face an even greater threat. A real life blue shell that is far worse. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. Believe me, it’s the Electoral College. The problem of the Electoral College was last discussed in the previous issue of the Catalyst, and is widely acknowledged as both outdated and inherently undemocratic. Honestly,

the fact of the matter is, whether you are at the front of the pack racing through Mushroom Gorge, or leading in the popular vote, you should be the racer - or candidate who emerges victorious. However, I’m pretty great at Mario Kart so it’s probably best that I be kept in check every once in a while to give the others a chance. The Electoral College, on the other hand, makes it harder for those who are more qualified (like myself in Mario Kart) to win the election. Consider this, people of America: if people can turn items,

including the blue shell, off in Mario Kart, why is it not possible to turn off items like the Electoral College in American presidential elections? Sure, Florida would still have to get its crap together, but at the very least the will of the majority could mean something more, such as in Mario Kart when the majority want the leading racer out of first place. Ultimately, it’s completely fine when a blue shell appears on the track during a game of Mario Kart, or even if it appeared in real life. However, there is a difference between giving everyone

a chance and taking the final decision away from the majority as a result of a system skewed towards smaller states due to a national disproportion of population size to Electoral College racers — I mean, voters. That being said, when the blue shell hits everyone in the entire country, we as the American public need to draw the line and take a stand against such outdated and counterproductive mechanisms. Here’s hoping that whenever Nintendo next updates the American elections, they just leave the Electoral College out of it.



WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2016 | @ncfcatalyst


Opinión: ¡La historia no te absolverá, Fidel! BY ANYA MARÍA CONTRERAS-GARCÍA The first thing my mother told me when I woke up at home in Miami on Saturday morning, Nov. 26 was, “Fidel Castro died!” Smiles broke across both of our faces. “No way!” I cheered, sitting up in bed. The man who tore my family apart between two countries has finally fallen. Fidel’s impact on my life goes far beyond those of edgy millennials who own a Che Guevarra t-shirt. He is the reason my family is separated between two countries, the reason I lived almost my entire life without meeting so many aunts, uncles and cousins. He is the man who robbed me of being able to see and touch my own motherland. Fellow Cubans reacted to the news by pouring into the streets by the hundreds, banging pots and pans and waving Cuban flags in front of the famous restaurant Versailles. In the capital of Cuban exiles, Fidel’s death was met with pure joy, relief and celebration, a day we have been waiting for for decades. But not everybody sees it that way. From white American “bro-cialists” who flirt with Marxism as a mental exercise, to those who admire Fidel’s commitment to Palestinian liberation, to racial equality activists who praise his contribution to ending apartheid in South Africa, many around the world

David Santiago/El Nuevo Herald via Associated Press Hundreds flock to Calle Ocho to celebrate the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

celebrate Fidel’s legacy as a champion for justice. Except those from his own country. This week, I have found myself exhausted from repeatedly explaining the insanity that is the Castro regime. Nothing is going to make me admire a man who suppressed freedom of speech, freedom of press, who stole people’s property and livelihoods, who threw anyone who was suspected of “counter-revolutionary” activity in jail indefinitely where they were tortured

and many died in horrible conditions, who was so married to his Communist dream that he let a whole country go hungry and in rags while he lived like a king. Nothing is going to make me applaud the man who arrested my grandfather’s uncle just because he was a policeman during the time of Batista’s presidency, put him in a line with fifty other men in front of a trench, and had his militia mow them down with machine guns.

Nothing is going to make me celebrate the man who created concentration camps for LGBTQ+ Cubans, where suspected “counterrevolutionaries” were forced to do hard labor without sufficient food or water, in unsanitary conditions, where hundreds died of torture and suicide. Nothing is going to make me respect the man who kept my abuela from saying goodbye to her brother before he died. But maybe that's just me and the hundreds of Cubans who leave their families knowing they will never see them again, dying every year on makeshift rafts trying to get to Miami. Fidel’s favorite catchphrase was, “La historia me absolverá,” or, “History will absolve me.” But I’m not so sure about that. Regardless of ideology, the methods Castro chose to force his vision of a Communist Cuba are inexcusable. Achievements such as high literacy rate and free universal healthcare are not validated by the countless human rights abuses he committed against the Cuban people to keep himself in power. Fidel Castro may be leaving the world with a mixed legacy, but no one can paint a picture of him without including the heartbreaking narratives of countless Cuban exiles whose lives and those of their descendants were forever scarred by his dictatorship. Que te quemes en el infierno.

Songs you should heAR

Long Distance Relationship Edition A lot happens in the music world between the Catalyst’s weekly production schedule. While Caitlyn and Jasmine would love to cover it all, they can’t – so, instead, we gave them a category and had them write up bite-sized blurbs on a handful songs from that category. This week’s best long-distance relationship songs – take a look at the results below.

BY CAITLYN RALPH AND JASMINE RESPESS “Distance Disturbs Me” - Set It Off “Distance Disturbs Me” encapsulates all the angst Cinematicsera Set It Off could muster (and that’s a lot) to create a track that understands the anger long-distance relationships can induce. With a bridge that laments, “I would kill to be a mile away / Or feel the breath you’ll take / But fate won’t let me,” “Distance Disturbs Me” is the guitar-heavy track with infectious vocals everyone in a long-distance relationship will dramatically sing at least three times a week. “If These Sheets Were States” - All Time Low “Because I don't sleep at all without you pressed up against me / I settle for long distance calls, I'm lost in empty pillow talk again,” says the chorus of All Time Low’s “If These Sheets Were States,” basically encompassing a longdistance relationship in two concise lines. In fact, the track from All Time

Low’s 2012 (and best, if I can say) album Don’t Panic does not just relate to longdistance relationships - it is about them, wrapped in a cute, satisfying package that’s easy to cheer you up on a lonely night. “7” - Catfish And The Bottlemen “7” is representative of Catfish And The Bottlemen’s hard-hitting indierock masterpieces, often romantic in an unassuming way thanks to frontman Van McCann’s straightforward and nofrills attitude. In this track, McCann chronicles life on the road, mirroring the perils of a long-distance relationship - especially those with a time change. Exasperated, the lyrics reveal, “Promise again that I would call her / Forget the time because I’m seven hours behind.” “Misery” - Creeper Sometimes, when you’re feeling down, you need a sad song to commiserate with - and Creeper’s “Misery” is simply the most beautiful option out there. As soon as frontman Will Gould’s enchanting vocals kick in, you know the track is going to be

special - culminating in the legendary lyric, “Just hold my hand for a little while / Misery never goes out of style.” However, most importantly, “Misery” reminds us that it’s okay to feel not okay, especially when your partner is absent. “Don’t Give Up On ‘Us’” - The Maine The Maine’s “Don’t Give Up On ‘Us’” is one of those songs I could pop on in a quiet coffee shop and start grooving to inconspicuously behind my headphones. However, the groovy beat overshadows its powerful lyrics, essential for anyone journeying through a tough situation - such as a long-distance relationship - where sometimes quitting seems like the easier option. “Don’t you dare, don’t you ever give up on us,” the chorus begs after the bridge proudly states, “Trust in us - we’re all that you’ve got these days.” “Ghost Train” – Summer Camp This song is about trying to get

through to someone. Which can be hard when you are far apart. I used to listen to this on my ipod and be angsty by public lakes. “All Night Long” – Beyonce My favorite song on Lemonade. I love this song, because just when you think Yonce is about to drop a homie, she is vulnerable with this song, although still trepidatious with with line “give you some time to know that I can trust you again.” In my experience, this is how long distance relationships go, you may fight but the next time you see them it’s all “Kiss up and love up and rub up on you.” “Teenage Dream” – Katy Perry IDC this is simply the perfect pop song. You can play it when you are apart from your smoochie and remember all the fun times y’all have had. Everyone in a long distance relationship can relate to the lines “Let’s run away and not ever come back.”



WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2016 | @ncfcatalyst



How to survive winter break

I don’t mean to assume but I’m willing to wager that some of you share the same apprehension I have of going home for break. The way it goes for me, I feel like a fish out of water for about a week, bored and aimless for another week and then I’m in the middle of Spring semester. This article is an attempt at a guide to smoothing the transition to and from winter break. It is by no means comprehensive (most of it reflects my personal experience) but it’s written with the New College community in mind. If I’ve learned anything in my piling number of breaks, it’s that keeping busy helps. Having some sort of loose schedule or even a solid goal can be the light that gets you through the winter. I have not attached my personal Winter break “schedule” as example. That’d be weird. Instead I offer two

processes that can be incorporated into break as a goal or sprinkled into a schedule. These are check in and check out. Check in “Caring for myself is not selfindulgence. Its self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.” - Audre Lorde Especially in this time of violence and uncertainty, turning inward can be a saving grace. This can mean self-care but it can also mean independently doing whatever it is you should be doing for yourself. Some admirable folks have a selfcare routine. If you don’t, do what feels good whenever you can. Rose-petal baths are not the only answer here. Do your thing. You have one or two or a dozen - do ‘em. Is this Netflixing? Cool! Is it journaling? Great! Set aside time to do it, do it and then stop. This is practicing self-control but it is also learning an appreciation for the thing you like to do, whatever it is. Scheduled breaks are actually an

Join the Catalyst Are you interested in repor ting about issues on campus and in the community? Are you passionate about writing? Do you have experience with photography or graphic design? Ever y semester, the Catalyst staff has openings on our writing and editorial staff. This spring, we will be looking for writers and photographers to join the team. Joining the staff requires a quick application process, with a 500-word writing sample and description of your experience. Don't have journalism experience? No problem. We just want to know that you have the basic writing skills and passion to be a great repor ter. Watch out for our miniclass next spring and come meet our editors. They can answer any questions you might have about being on a college newspaper. Good luck!

oddity in the “real world.” Don’t expect for these few weeks to be the only time any daunting task can get done. Even if it must get done, try to do it alongside of several other things in order to keep a diversity in your daily life. Otherwise, things get dull. Discover new albums (I recommend Devendra Banhart’s new album or Solange’s). Binge-listen or take it one song a day. Look for community gardens! They’re most everywhere. You don’t necessarily have to rent a plot but hang out there, smell a stranger’s tomato plant (you won’t regret it).

Check out: “[O]ne of the most vital ways we sustain ourselves is by building communities of resistance, places where we know we are not alone.” - bell hooks. New College is a small college. Being part of a tiny and tight-knit community like this one can give anybody a bad case of cabin fever. It can also be validating and amplifying. Our

pond-sized community allows for every ripple to reach every end of the circle. Break is disorientating because it pops the New College bubble and takes us away from the people and places we see every day. I don’t know about you but there’s no forum where I’m from, that’s for sure. Keeping in touch with your New College life can cushion the coming and going process of break. Don’t forget about your phone! It’s a magical messaging device. Text or call your friends over break. They might need the hello as much as you do. Also, if you’re a teacher’s pet like me, email your professors! They don’t hibernate over break, I promise. There’s some kind of art and music scene in the tiniest of corners. Reading local publications or surfing their websites can help you find the next free show in your hometown. Pure Honey Magazine tracks all upcoming shows in South Florida. Volunteer! If you can.

Gilmore Girls revival hits Netflix BY JASMINE RESPESS While recovering from post holiday travel and a hard choice of whether to have another piece of pumpkin pie, I was faced with another choice, should I watch the four-episode season of Gilmore Girls: A Year In the Life. I held off for a couple days, due to academic responsibilities, but when I did cave, I watched all four hour-and-ahalf long episodes in one afternoon. Netflix has basically taken over the revival, starting with the final episodes of Arrested Development, then Fuller House and now Gilmore Girls. Some things such as wine and cheese, usually age well, but television shows are usually hit or miss, especially television shows such as Gilmore Girls that rely on topical jokes. Fuller House, for example, was decidedly a failure, but the pay off for a successful show is high enough that Netflix decided to take the risk yet again. Gilmore Girls ran in the background of my childhood. I would watch it every week with my mom. I wished my mom would never cook and I could eat pizza forever. My third-year at New College, my viewing took a different turn. I would watch Gilmore Girls and grimace at the privilege. Lorelai Gilmore had access to everything, even if she did reject it. Rory, was uber capable and really did not have to worry about anything in college. Rory’s success was inspiring but also stressful to live up to as a student with economic and mental illness restrictions. The best parts of the revival were the portrayal of grief after Richard Gilmore’s death and Paris Geller. Although, sprinkled with some played-out racism and classism, Emily

Gilmore’s grief rang true. I believe this was due to the real sadness actress Kelly Bishop felt after actor Edward Hermann’s death. I also loved Paris Geller, actress Liza Weil’s performance. Weil had the best grasp on her character throughout the series. Her growth makes sense. The fact that she is in a career, fertility counselor, that is totally modern and has only existed in this form recently is perfect. It is revealed that Geller has multiple advanced degrees, but yet she someone ends up interactive positions. Gelller is as abrasive as ever, but yet my heart is warmed by her. The revival addresses the issue of “Rory’s perfection,” but at the same time paints millennials as delusional. The Rory in the series does not align with this revival Rory. Although, it may be appropriate for her to fall from grace, the way it happens is just not believable. Often when a non-millennial writes about millennials it comes off as whiny. There is a group of 30 somethings that have moved back to Stars Hollow and spend their time making online videos of seemingly arbitrary things. Rory has some major success, but she is portrayed as entitled and incompetent many times. The Rory I know would not of come to an interview ill-prepared, even if she did not want the job. For me, Gilmore Girls is a thing of the past, no longer is it appropriate to have a television world basically devoid of black people. I was hoping this trend would die with the end of the HBO show Girls. Still, I find myself hoping that she Netflix show continues if only to address the final scene. I will not spoil it for everyone who hasn’t watched, but if the show is supposed to be set in 2016, this revelation should illuminate all the choices that women have.


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2016 | @ncfcatalyst



Bike Shoppe takes “political” stance with pastelitos BY CASSIE MANZ The Bike Shoppe deviated from the norm this past Monday, playing Buena Vista Social Club and Celia Cruz over the stereo, a departure from the usual tunes one hears while pumping up tires. Besides the music, two open boxes of pastelitos from Cafe Havana - a Cuban restaurant in Bradenton sat on one of the outside couches. The small changes were a result of the death of Fidel Castro, who governed Cuba for almost five decades and died this past Friday. Second-year Kaithleen Coñoepan, a Teaching Assistant (TA) at the Bike Shoppe since last January, supplied guava pastries and Cuban coffee during her hours to show solidarity with Cuban-American peers and friends and to remind the New College community that “a major event did happen.” Coñoepan worried that many students do not realize the significance of Castro’s death for families of Cuban exiles. Coñoepan was inspired by the “impromptu block party” that took place over the weekend in the neighborhood of Little Havana in Miami following the announcement of Castro’s death. Little Havana, named after the capital of Cuba, is home to many Cuban immigrants, as well as immigrants from Central and South America. Coñoepan witnessed the joyous celebrations on the streets outside of Versailles Restaurant, a famous Cuban restaurant on Calle Ocho. The police, at the mayor’s request, closed off several blocks in the neighborhood to accommodate the masses. The people of Miami celebrated all day and night, dancing in the streets, singing songs and waving the Cuban

flag shouting, “¡Libre!” Yet, for many Cuban-Americans the festivities were bittersweet reminders of the family members and friends who were not alive to see the day many of them had waited and hoped for. “I know for many old people this is kind of like a huge deal for them because they didn’t think they would live to see the day that someone who caused them so much pain was finally gone,” Coñoepan said. “And I understand for some people it’s kind of weird, like why would you be celebrating the death of someone, but I think many people shouldn’t talk if they don’t understand what other people went through.” The celebrations received national attention. While Cuban-Americans rejoiced in Miami chanting, “The tyrant is dead!”, the small island state began an official week of mourning. There is somewhat of a disconnect between what many Cuban exiles and refugees in the United States feel and what Cubans in Cuba feel, about the death of country’s “leader” - Fidel ceded all powers to his brother Raúl in 2008. However, this is not to say that all Cubans in Cuba are sad and all Cubans in America are happy. There is, of course, variations in emotions, indicative of what an allencompassing historical moment this is: the death of a man who influenced world politics and history and lives. “It’s important to distinguish between the death of a human being and the death of an ideal,” second-year Yaneisy Reyes, local of Miami and child of two Cuban exiles, said. “Because we’re not celebrating the death of a human being, we’re celebrating the beginning of the end as we know it of the communist, destructive regime in Cuba and it’s more symbolic than anything. But that’s what matters.”

Pastelitos de guayaba from Cafe Havana.

Coñoepan remembers her parents talking about the military governor Augusto Pinochet of Chile.

Coñoepan enjoys her homemade cafecito cubano while looking over some Bike Shoppe documents.

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