Spring 2017 - Issue 9

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New College of Florida's student-run newspaper







10 Questions with NCSA co-Presidents Ximena Pedroza and Kayla Kisseadoo


where we would look at each other and know what’s next.

Catalyst reporter and Online Editor, Magdalene Taylor, sat down with recently elected NCSA co-Presidents and secondyears Kayla Kisseadoo and Ximena Pedroza. The unabridged version of this article can be found at ncfcatalyst.com. First question isn’t really a question, but tell me where you’re from and your AOC and your pronouns. KK: I am from Fort Lauderdale, my AOC is undecided, and my pronouns are she/her. XP: I am from Mexico, my pronouns are she/her, and my AOC is anthropology. How did the two of you decide to run for co-presidency? KK: We became friends because we met via the forum when we were doing

Photo courtesy of Carolyn Beer

Kisseado and Pedroza both cite their trip to Standing Rock, North Dakota as an important moment for their friendship, and decision to run as NCSA co-Presidents.

a rideshare for a protest in Tampa, and at that protest we were asked to go up to Standing Rock, ND to help out and bring up supplies on behalf of Black Lives Matter Tampa.

XP: Being able to go to a protest you already have similar ethics, and being able to come up with funding in such a short amount of time, we had really strong communication flow

What are your main priorities as co-Presidents? KK: The foundation of our entire platform is focusing on the spirit of New College - that is inclusive of everybody and meets everyone’s needs. Historically in the past… XP: In the past? KK: Currently, very much currently, there have been injustices on campus that are just unacceptable whether it’s amongst the student body or between the student body and administration and faculty and it’s kind of sad. It takes away from our spirit and who we are and the name that has been created, all that we are and our reputation and excellence. So that’s our

continued on p. 11

'It's Good to be Gay!': Queery organizes Pride Month BY KATELYN GRIMMETT Pride Ball may have stolen the show, but a diverse series of events organized by Queery brought together the LBGTQIA+ community at New College throughout the month of April. Although Pride Month is nationally recognized in June to celebrate the liberating 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan, school is out for summer so Queery chose April to host several events for the campus community. “Some of the core intentions we had for the month were creating solidarity between LGBTQ folks on campus and creating spaces – like the Trans and Queer Love event – for people to share emotions and personal experiences in regard to gender and sexuality over all, as opposed to the spaces that we usually create on campus which are often intellectualizing of each other’s experiences and identities,” thirdyear Annie Rosenblum, a leader of


Cassie Manz/Catalyst

Pride Month provided events that allowed students to be prideful of their identities

Queery, said. In the past, Queery has organized an annual Pride Week. This year brought bigger and better things, including two film screenings (Moonlight and the documentary Screaming Queens), a potluck picnic and a night of student performances and drag at Pride Ball.

2 Elections Turnout

“Visibility is really important,” first-year Queery member Cabrini Austin said. “Even though a lot of people in this school identify as LGBTQ, a lot can be overlooked.” Queery is consistently active in the larger Sarasota community, especially in relation to trans-rights issues happening in the area, and

6 API! Conference

activism in general has been a strong suit for the club. Pride month shifted the club’s focus to the campus community. “We wanted to refocus our energy into creating events on campus for New College students to talk about healing, growing, solidarity and what solidarity means to us as LGBTQ students on a small campus that has so much potential for community,” Rosenblum said. Pride Month is culminating with a discussion between students, faculty and staff around the topic of “Gender in Academia.” Initially intended to be a Queery-led presentation and talk held at a faculty meeting, the event is expanding to allow for more dialogue and change. “Some people have issues with professors and staff in terms of respecting identity, pronouns for example,” first-year Queery member Cabrini Austin said. “It’s important continued on p. 10

12 Produce on Wheels


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


New College Foundations A look into campus buildings and structures BY JACOB WENTZ Recent struggles with housing selection have raised fundamental questions about the growth of New College and the quality of residential buildings on campus. Since its beginnings in the ‘60s, our college has evolved into what it is today. But what, in terms of buildings and campus layout, has changed? What is different? What has stayed the same? The Land In 1964, New College signed a 99year lease for the land on the residential side of campus. “All of this land that we occupy is owned by the airport,” Director of Physical Plant Alan Burr said, referring to the stretch of campus east of U.S. 41. “There was a lease agreement with the airport authority in 1964 so the college could operate on it.” This contract means that New College pays rent to the SarasotaBradenton International Airport. The original land featured several World War II quonsets, which had to be taken down before the Pei buildings were built. The first campus structures included the Pei buildings, the student center, student center classrooms and the pool.

“Not the Fitness Center, just the pool,” Burr said. In 2007, the college also bought the small strip of land that the Sarasota Classic Car Museum sits atop of. “We collect rent off of the Sarasota Classic Car Museum,” Burr said. Burr also pointed out that the college will have to renew the lease in 2063. There are essentially three options that would present themselves to New College. First, the lease could be extended. Burr speculated, however, that the rate will surely go up because of the amount of improvements and developments that have been made on campus. Second, New College could buy the land from the airport. “It will come to a fair market value that both institutions will agree to, and then we’ll lobby the state to buy it for us so we can continue to operate on it,” Burr said. Third, “we could walk away from it.” This decision would mean that the improvements that have been made on the residential side of campus would become part of the airport, and that the college would have to abandon its eastern side. Because of this stipulation, recent growth plans have focused on

expanding the western side of campus. The Overpass The overpass was not in the original campus design plans. Rather, construction started in 1984, followed by the Jane Bancroft Cook Library and the Harry Sudakoff Conference Center. Before the overpass was built, students crossed U.S. Highway 41 to get to the west side of campus. Because the overpass goes over the state’s road, the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) owns and operates the structure. The DOT is also liable for people that cross it and pass underneath it. “Even though we built and paid for it, the actual owner and operator of the overpass is the Florida DOT,” Burr said. “They do an annual inspection of that bridge, just like every other bridge in the region.” Crossing U.S. 41 daily created high levels of risk for students. There are multiple accounts of people being hit, or at least almost hit, by the oncoming traffic. “The game Frogger was developed with New students dodging trucks in mind,” alum (‘72) Carolyn Hayes wrote in a Facebook comment. “I was eventually hit by a car during my second year, when a woman

ran a red light at the intersection. She took off, having thought she killed me as my prosthetic leg twisted around my body upon impact,” alum (‘95) Jennifer Latham Robinson wrote. “There was a lot of concern when I was there about snowbird driving lots of enormous cars being piloted by extremely elderly people,” alum (‘87) Troy Winfrey added. The overpass was completed by 1986 and marked a significant shift in student life: the perilous days of frogger-like street crossing were over, though even today some students prefer to bike across U.S. 41. Academic Quad In June, 1964, New College submitted a proposal to the James Foundation of New York in order to convert the Charles Ringling Mansion (what we know as College Hall) into a library. The proposal stated that “a fine beautiful building is available of community and area renow, richly laden with memories of another age which lovingly and intelligently graced the Sarasota Bay waterfront.” The use of College Hall as a library lasted until 1986, when construction of the Jane Bancroft Cook Library finished.

continued on p. 5

NCSA elections see decrease in voter turnout BY JORDI GONZALEZ The turnout was so low at the Thursday, April 13 New College Student Alliance (NCSA) elections and the positions so vacant that this reporter, a first-year transfer, won the Educational Policy Committee (EPC), Student Academic Standing Committee (SASC) and the Career Services Representative (CSR) with a mere two write-in votes for each position. With a ghost town atmosphere, the elections were monitored by Supervisor of Elections Leo Jobsis. In addressing the lowest turnout in the school’s recent political history, Jobsis said, “I think it is in part a problem with campus spirit in general, where a lot of people aren’t feeling motivated to participate and aren’t feeling a connection with New College in the way that previous generations of students have.” In previous years, students have mainly won positions with votes in the triple digits. This year, in this Spring

Giulia Heyward /Catalyst This ballot from the 2014-2015 NCSA elections showcases the option students have to either select a student or write in a candidate of their choice for each position.

"Don't spoil Kendrick Lamar for me!" © 2017 the Catalyst. All rights reserved. The Catalyst is available online at www.ncfcatalyst.com, facebook.com/NCFcatalyst, @ncfcatalyst The Catalyst is an academic tutorial sponsored by Professor Maria Vesperi. It is developed in the New College Publications Lab using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign and printed at Sun Coast Press with funds provided by the New College Student Alliance.

Pariesa Young General Editor Giulia Heyward Managing Editor Ryan Paice Copy Editor Magdalene Taylor & Jacob Wentz Online Editors Audrey Warne & Layout Editors Anya María Contreras-García Katelyn Grimmett, Staff Writers Jasmine Respess, Dylan Pryor, & Photographers Jordi Gonzalez, Jason D'Amours, Kelly Wilson, Cassandra Manz,

2017 election cycle, some officially won positions with less than ten votes to their name. To give perspective, in the Spring 2015 election 219 total ballots were cast, this number drastically dropped to 110 in the early Fall 2016 cycle. Interest seemed to increase in the late Fall 2016 election with 223 total ballots cast, in which co-presidential candidates Lara Herzog and Emily Via won a close race with 115 votes against George Thurlow and Dylan Pryor’s 105 votes, but this cycle takes the cake with only 86 total ballots cast. That’s less than the losing candidates in the last election. Perhaps as the current NCSA coPresidents Kayla Kisseadoo and Ximena Pedroza ran completely unopposed, this may have hindered students’ willingness to exercise their voting right. In the wake of the daunting U.S. presidential elections last November,

continued on p. 11 Direct submissions, letters, announcements and inquiries to: The Catalyst 5800 Bay Shore Road Sarasota, Florida 34243 ncfcatalyst@gmail.com The Catalyst reserves the right to edit all submissions for grammar, space and style. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Submissions must be received by 12:00 p.m. Friday for consideration in the next issue.



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


all photos Anya Maria Contreras-Garcia/Catalyst

Miami-based Caribbean food chain Pollo Tropical opens first Sarasota restaurant

The Activist Newsletter

Photo courtesy of Lorraine Cruz

BY ANYA MARÍA CONTRERAS-GARCÍA This week (4/19 – 4/27), activists have the opportunity to participate in debates, marches, protests and meetings! Read on if you want to get involved in the community regarding economic issues, climate justice, trans rights or racial equality. Check out ncfcatalyst.com for a full list of events!

Wed, Apr 26 Socialism or Capitalism? Debate @ 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Germany Public Library, 900 N Ashley Dr, Tampa, Florida 33602 As college campuses increasingly become a center for ideological debate, youth representatives from the Democratic Socialists of America and Turning Point USA will have a friendly debate over whether millennials should fight for socialism or capitalism. All are invited to this free event. The debate will be live-streamed and snacks will be provided. For more info, check out the event page on Facebook. Sat, Apr 29 Sarasota Stands for Climate Justice @ 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Bay Front Park, Island Park Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236 Join the Sarasota Climate Justice Coalition, a group that promotes a just and equitable transition to a low-carbon society, at this rally at Bayfront Park as local activists highlight the need for local solutions to the climate crisis. For more info and to RSVP, check out the event page: tinyurl. com/4-29ClimateMarch Sun, Apr 30 A Celebration of Puerto Rico Now & Then @ 7:30 – 10 p.m. Fogartyville Community Center, 525 Kumquat Ct, Rear, Sarasota, Florida 34236 Celebrate Puerto Rican culture with Hector Mayoral and Acho Brother and special guests from the Cukiara Bomba Dance & Drum Group, a group dedicated to teaching Afro-Puerto Rican cultural arts education throughout the state of Florida through folkloric song, dance, and the drums of Puerto Rico. Get ready to dance!

Tickets are $12 advance and $15 the day of the show. For more info and to buy tickets, check out the event page on Facebook. Mon, Mar 1 A Day Without Immigrants On May 1st, immigrants all across the U.S. will not go to work, school or buy anything. Activists around the nation will participate in this massive action to fight for dignity and respect for immigrants and to send the message that this country cannot function without immigrants. For more info, check out www.lahuelga.com Tue, Mar 2 Nate’s List School Board Meeting Action @ 6 p.m. Sarasota County Schools, 1960 Landings Blvd, Sarasota, Florida 34231 Join local activists in this ongoing struggle against the Sarasota County School Board for trans students rights. Community members will attend the School Board Meeting and participate in public comment in solidarity with trans rights. If you would like to speak or sit in solidarity please attend this action! For more info, email NatesListSarasota@gmail. com or message the Nates List page on Facebook. Wed, Mar 3 Fight For $15 Roundtable @ 6 – 9 p.m. Fogartyville Community Center, 525 Kumquat Ct, Rear, Sarasota, Florida 34236 Activist Kofi Hunt will hosting this important roundtable discussion regarding the latest developments for the fight for a $15 minimum wage. This is a potluck event, so please bring food to share if you can. Do bring plates and eating utensils from home to reducing our footprint. For more info, check out the event page on Facebook.

BY ANYA MARÍA CONTRERAS- GARCIA The Miami-based casual Caribbean food chain, Pollo Tropical, has finally expanded into Sarasota. The restaurant, located at 5415 Fruitville Road, is only 9 miles from New College of Florida’s campus, offering flavorful and affordable meals that remind many students of home. “It's hard to get Hispanic fast food in Sarasota,” first-year Gina Vazquez wrote in an e-mail interview. “Pollo Tropical is where my family goes when we want some decent yuca frita y una completa. When I get homesick, I crave my family's food, but I don't have enough time to make it. Pollo Tropical is a nice way to get rid of those cravings on the days I miss my home.” The restaurant chain is best known for its Caribbean-inspired food which draws influence from Cuban, Jamaican, Haitian and even Native American cooking. The menu features a variety of tropical meats such as mojo roast pork, grilled citrus chicken and guava barbeque ribs. Vegetarians and vegans can enjoy TropiChops with made-fromscratch rice and beans, sautéed veggies and an assortment of original-recipe sauces. Sides include fried yuca with garlic sauce, sweet plantains and corn fritters. “Quick and cheap black beans, rice, sauteed onions, maduros, and yuca?” Vasquez wrote. “Yes please.” The grand opening featured live DJs, a robotic surfboard backdrop, face painting and raffles every 30 minutes for free chicken for a year. The “beach party” attracted hundreds of visitors excited to win free food and check out the new local eatery. “If I won free chicken for a year, I might start eating chicken again,” first-year vegetarian Tali Spiliadis said. “I’m excited for another option for real, good food in Sarasota and I’m excited to see if it becomes a regular spot for me and friends.” Since 2000, the size of the Hispanic community in Sarasota County has more than doubled, and it's expected to continue to grow. As a result, the Sarasota-Bradenton area has experienced a boom of Latinx-oriented businesses like Pollo Tropical. Some who visit Pollo Tropical on a regular basis consider it a staple in the Caribbean diaspora community. “My mom always used to get the whole chicken family meal with maduros and frijoles when I lived back in Miami,” first-year Natalia Reyes said. “Now that I’m at college here in Sarasota, it’s nice to know that I have a little piece of home and I can get my fix of TropiChops whenever I want!” Research has shown that racial and ethnic minorities often experience damaging emotional and psychological effects as a result of feeling isolated in

The new Pollo Tropical is 9 miles away from New College of Florida's campus.

majority white spaces. The addition of Pollo Tropical to the local landscape could help mitigate these effects for some Caribbean students by offering comfort and positive visibility of their culture. “Pollo Tropical is very nostalgic,” first-year Sofia Jimenez said. “I’m probably going to go there a lot so [I] can still get a little taste of Latin American food. It’s the closest food from home.” Sandra Pascual, the director of marketing for the chain, told the Sarasota Herald-Tribune that Pollo Tropical has aggressive growth plans and that she expected to open more stores in the Sarasota-Bradenton area within the next few years. “The opportunities are limitless,” Pascual said. “We’ll start with one and take it from there and look to open more. It all depends on real estate availability.”

The “beach party” attracted hundreds of visitors excited to win free food and check out the new local eatery.

The menu features a variety of tropical meats such as mojo roast pork and guava barbeque ribs.


Canada proposes the federal legalization of marijuana BY AUDREY WARNE Canada has recently proposed a bill that intends to legalize recreational marijuana use and possession for all individuals over the age of 18 by July 2018. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ran his 2015 campaign with the promise to legalize marijuana in Canada if elected, a promise he intends to fulfill with the legalization bill – supported by the Liberal Party – that he announced on April 13. The 143-page ‘legalization’ bill would allow anyone over the age of 18 to buy weed, oil, seeds and plants, with the ability to carry and share up to 30 grams in public and grow up to four plants in any residence (not per resident, per residence). The bill leaves the provisions for selling marijuana and setting the legal age of consumption up to the provinces, a decision that may allow for some confusion and inconsistency in the application and enforcement of such varied standards. If Canada’s legalization effort succeeds, Canada would become the second country in the world to legalize marijuana for recreational use (after Uruguay legalized marijuana in 2013). This legalization effort would be accompanied by harsher penalties for those breaking the qualifications set by


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst

the Canadian government, including a maximum 14-year jail sentence for anyone caught providing marijuana to minors – a rather steep penalty in Canada, considering the same sentence applies to those caught sexually assaulting a child, human trafficking or severely assaulting a police officer. Trudeau’s emphasis on legal repercussions has been seen by some as an attempt to reduce the fears of the Conservative Party, whose disdain for marijuana legalization efforts were evident in the policies of previous Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada’s decision to federally legalize marijuana – as opposed to the United State’s attempts at bottom-up legalization – is radical in its blatant flouting of international drug treaties, treaties that explicitly ban the legalization of marijuana by signatories. The outcome of Canada’s attempt to federally legalize marijuana will set a precedent for the international community’s response to – and the potential consequences of – individual states’ decisions to disregard status quo drug policy in exchange for less draconian measures. Information gathered from Vox, Bloomberg and Leafly.


So Florida's legalized medical marijuana, what now? BY AUDREY WARNE After over $11 million, three years and one failed attempt, Amendment 2 was passed on November 8, 2016 with 71.3 percent of Florida voters in support of the bill. Medical marijuana officially became legal in Florida on January 3, 2017, but the effects of legalization have proceeded with such discretion they’ve been practically unnoticeable to many Florida residents. Amendment 2 was designed to alleviate the suffering and symptoms of individuals suffering from debilitating medical conditions including cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma and HIV/AIDS, although some level of discretion on the part of medical professionals is allowed in determining whether or not patients qualify for a medical marijuana prescription. The amendment extended the previous regulations for attaining medical marijuana in Florida, which allowed for terminal patients with less than a year to live to receive marijuana that only contains CBD – only after receiving special accommodations from the Florida government. The amendment requires that the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) license the prescribing physician – there are only 340 doctors currently registered in the entire state. There

are also regulations on the number of companies who can produce medical marijuana, with only six growers and distributors currently licensed. Over 24 Florida cities have banned the sale of medical marijuana while others have enacted temporary moratoriums on the opening of dispensaries – the Sarasota city council has designated a 9-month ban. Projections by ArcView Market Research and New Frontier Data claim that Florida’s potential medical marijuana consumption could surpass $1 billion in sales by 2019 and that the state could begin to out-sell Colorado within four years. The immensity of the potential market – and the potential profit – of even partial legalization in Florida has resulted in a steady stream of dispensaries opening around the state – the second dispensary in South Florida opened on April 19 – and the perhaps overly optimistic discussion of recreational legalization in the near future.

Information gathered from Leafly, Sun Sentinel, Miami Times and the Herald Tribune.

French marijuana policy in the wake of the presidential elections BY AUDREY WARNE With four out of the five of this year’s French presidential candidates in favor of marijuana reform – and one, Benoît Hamon, advocating for full legalization – the future of marijuana policy reform in France seems to be moving toward decriminalization. Public opinion on marijuana use in France has also been shifting in a generally more tolerant direction – although normative opinions on marijuana use are still exponentially more negative than public opinion in the United States. Drug policy in Europe has generally been considered to be progressive in nature, with Portugal decriminalizing all substances in 2001 – an attempt at implanting harm reduction techniques in the midst of a drug abuse epidemic – and much of the Netherland’s tourist industry revolving around the legal use of marijuana. According to a 2014 World Health Organization study, France had the highest number of 15-yearold marijuana users in Europe. In comparison with Portugal and Spain, countries that allow for cannabis

clubs and emphasize rehabilitation over incarceration (a continent-wide trend reflected in the small prison populations of most Western European countries), France, a country with no decriminalization measures, had substantially higher rates of drug use. One of the two current presidential candidates, independent-centrist Emmanuel Macron, has advocated for the issuance of warnings and on-thespot, 100 euro fines in place of the current policy of an up to one-year prison sentence and an almost 4000 euro fine for small-scale marijuana possession and/or use. Unsurprisingly, Macron’s rival, the far-right Front National candidate Marine Le Pen, has advocated for a “zero-tolerance” drug policy, with an increase in draconian drug laws and harsher crackdowns on drug dealers and users.

Jordi Gonzalez/Catalyst Legislation to allow the use of medical and recreational marijuana is gaining popularity in the international community.

Information gathered from independent.co.uk, hightimes.com and thecannabist.co.


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


STEMfemme returns to empower students of underrepresented genders in the STEM field


According to the Census Bureau’s 2009 American Community Survey (ACS), women only comprised roughly 24 percent of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workers in the country. Noncis male representation in STEM continues to be a central concern in academic communities as a result. Next semester, first-year, Haley Bryan, and third-year, Hana Arraya, hope to do their part to increase the percentage of underrepresented genders in STEM fields at New College by reviving STEMfemme. The club was originally created by Neurobiology student and alum Paige Leary (’12) who sought to encourage students of underrepresented genders to pursue careers in STEM fields. “STEMfemme is a platform for students who want to pursue a career in either science, technology, engineering or math, while maintaining an emphasis on female leaders in these positions because that usually goes overlooked,” Bryan said. “So we just want to provide a supportive basis for kids to know that they’re not alone in this club and they shouldn’t be discouraged by any obstacles that come forward.” Bryan, Arraya and first-year, Ella White, also plan to work with Courtney Hughes at the Center for Engagement and Opportunity (CEO) to help club members find internships and Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) programs within their field by creating different student representative

Anya Maria Contreras Garcia/Catalyst The following graph highlights the percentage of women in AOCs in STEM during the 2014-2015 school year.

positions for each Area of Concentration (AOC) in the STEM field that is offered at New College. “The idea would be that the person that is assigned that leadership position within the club will be responsible for meeting with Courtney [Hughes] on their own time and finding out early on before November, when a lot of REUs are starting to open up their applications,” Arraya said. “They will

be a valuable resource for anyone that wants an internship. “One thing that’s really unique about this club is that we’re trying to get as much of the club members into leadership positions as possible, so the responsibility is distributed evenly. The idea would be, if someone came to STEMfemme and said ‘Hey, I’m a Bio major, I want to do an internship in the Greater Sarasota area for ISP,” then they

should be able to talk to our Biology Representative.” The club will also present an opportunity for students to interact with female faculty members and demonstrate clear interest in their field outside of class, while also hearing about their perspective as a female in their career. “New College kids are impressive and I just think that they want a good outlet to express their capabilities, and show [faculty] how interested they are,” Bryan said. Other events and activities held by STEMfemme will include a field trip each semester and inviting guest speakers from underrepresented genders in STEM fields to present their research and experience in their field. The club also plans to eventually reach out to research facilities in major universities in order for club members to make off-campus connections. “We want to make those opportunities really accessible, not just limited to members of the club,” Arraya said. “If we have a guest speaker come in, the whole school is going to be invited.” “It’s going to be really structured, and we’re going to have a really solid plan of action that people can use later on for their pursuit in a career,” Bryan added. “People that join this club are going to have tangible benefits that they can see later on, and apply to what they are doing later on and find a pathway to opportunities that sound really good to them.”

New College foundations CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Before the Jane Bancroft Cook Library started being built in 1984, the area between U.S. 41 and Bay Shore Road was barren. “The entire triangle of land between the Trail and Bayshore was just scrub with fire ants and sand spurs,” alum (‘71) Steve Jacobson commented. There were many other buildings that ceased to exist before the early 2000s: the Pritzker Marine Research Center, the Keating Center, the Heiser building, ACE and the Anthropology and Archaeology labs, for example. “I barely recognize the campus today - there were hardly any buildings on campus 30 years ago,” alum (‘84) Nancy Grossman wrote. Before the 34,000 square-foot Heiser Natural Sciences Complex opened in 2000, students attended science classes in two small Butler buildings, each perpendicular to one another. College Drive did not always exist either, and fire ants and sand spurs lined the land leading to College Hall and the bay. The Academic Center (ACE)

was completed between 2007-2011 and marks one of New College’s most ambitious construction undertakings. The building was awarded “Gold Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)” by the U.S. Green Building Council for its sustainability. Academic buildings continue to be developed on campus, but recent projects have helped cement the direction for growth on campus. Changes in Housing Dating back to 1965, the Pei dorms are the oldest residential spaces on campus. If there’s one thing that all New College students and alum share, it is knowledge and experience of these dorms. For a detailed account of the Pei dorms, read Catalyst reporter Cassandra Manz’s article “The History of Pei: Aging rooms desperate for renovations.” In addition to Pei, B Dorm is one of New College’s first and most memorable residence halls. B Dorm, in addition to Palmer A, B, C and E, was built by 1970 and has always been known for its studious, quirky community spirit.

“I remember [an old Catalyst article from] 1972 maybe. Someone's cat had crapped on the floor but nobody had cleaned it up, and in a somehowvery-B-Dorm way someone else had made a small sign that said "Cat S***" and stuck it into the cat crap,” Winfrey wrote. Circa mid ‘90s, some students lived at the Viking, an old motel that was used as a resident space before they built the Palmer buildings. “For some reason that place totally baffled me. You mean, students are staying in... hotel rooms?” alum (‘89) Cara Ziegel commented. Dort was built in 1997 and Goldstein followed in 1998, adding new apartment-style buildings to the slowly growing campus. By 2007, five new residence halls were opened: V, W, X, Y and Z. All five residence halls were built in accordance with the LEED Green Building Rating System in order to take efforts to be sustainable while improving occupant health and well-being. Growth and Expansion Recently, a four-day long Growth

Planning Charrette provided students and staff the opportunity to talk about the direction of campus planning and expansion. The most important discussions centered around the idea of a multi-purpose facility where the Counseling and Wellness Center and Palmer Buildings currently stand. In addition, an expansion of the plaza between ACE and the library was proposed. Koski Plaza would stretch across Bay Shore Road and provide a more accessible space for pedestrians. More housing would be built behind the proposed multi-purpose facility, in addition to a potential outdoor auditorium-style classroom near College Hall and the bay. The new housing, unfortunately, could result in the destruction of B Dorm. The Growth Planning Charrette helped foster conversation about New College’s campus and the changes that could be made in the upcoming years. Our campus is and will always be changing. History will continue to be made on campus, even if it is at the expense of previous historically “New College” facilities.

RADICAL LEFTISTS GATHER FOR A WEEKEND OF DISCUSSION, LEARNING AND ORGANIZING BY CASSIE MANZ This past weekend, classrooms became a teaching space for the largest radical leftist conference in the South. New College hosted All Power to the Imagination! (API!), a studentrun conference that works to bridge the gaps between radical theory and practice. API! was founded by New College students ten years ago, and is held on campus every spring. This year’s API! included a variety of events including workshops throughout the day, a pop-up book sale, an open mic at Four Winds Cafe, a Cyber-fem Future concert and dance party at Coffee Loft, a plant walk through the residential side of campus and much more. The conference began Friday afternoon with dinner and orientation outside of Hamilton “Ham” Center, where attendees talked about community norms that would be a foundation for the weekend. The first community norm, written on a whiteboard in green expo marker, stated that: “Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and ableist actions and speech are not tolerated. Hate speech and hateful actions are not tolerated.” After dinner James Birmingham, a founder of API!, led an Anarchism 101 workshop, keeping with one of the conference’s goals to “be inclusive of those who are not familiar with radical theory and practice.” After a performance in the Black Box Theater by award-winning poet Denice Frohman as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) programming, the night ended with an open mic at the student-run Four Winds Cafe where students and attendees shared their poetry, music and thoughts. March for Science On Saturday, API! blocked off the morning so people could attend the March for Science in downtown Sarasota. According to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, over 1,000 people participated in the action, marching over a mile from Five Points Park to J.D. Hamel Park. API! and the March for Science are both participatory politics, according to Professor of Chemistry Steve Shipman, and “are all about empowering people.” He added that there is always more to do, more critiques to be made of the field of science, as well as acknowledge the wrong things it has done, past and present. The nonpartisan March for Science took place on Earth Day and was a worldwide action calling for the celebration and protection of science, scientific integrity and science-based policy. The original march took place in Washington D.C. with over 600 sister marches all over the world, including in Sarasota. As the march ended, people lined up along U.S. 41, waving their signs at the cars driving by. Others walked

around the park stopping at the different tables set up by local activist organizations. Students Targeting Oppressive Powers (STOP), a club on campus, manned a table after the march and talked to community members about their work in solidarity with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and its national boycott of Wendy’s. Others gathered around the fountain in the center of the park to listen to the speakers, including Dr. Lisa Merritt, who has taught a recurring Public Health Disparities course at New College. Professor of Sociology Sarah Hernandez, who attended the march, noted how the March for Science stands up for all sciences, not just natural. “In popular rhetoric people think of science as one opinion among many and dismiss the fact that science provides a much better proximity to the truth because of the methodological approach behind science and that includes the social sciences,” Hernandez said. “Social sciences are a science and it’s not about what you believe or don't believe of how to resolve social problems, it’s about what the science points to about how social interaction happens and why it happens and what are the better approaches to address the challenges we face in our society.” Thesis student Sarah Scully, a core organizer of the march, was pleasantly surprised at the turnout on Saturday and plans on staying involved in the community as she finishes up her studies. “This march is happening in around 600 cities across the world so that gives me a lot of hope,” Scully said. “That’s a lot of people who are willing to come out today and do things, so if they can keep their energy up, we can change the world.” Saturday Workshops After the march, API! attendees gathered back on campus for lunch outside of Ham Center. Workshops reconvened at 3:15 p.m., covering topics including anarchism and apparel, cyber safety, the non-profit industrial complex and the intersection of native rights, mass incarceration and environmental justice. Angelica Fern, a member of the Georgia Anti-Repression Crew, attended API! for the first time in 2011. This is the first year she hasn’t been an organizer of the conference. “[In API!] the method of organizing is a reflection of the world anarchists would like to create,” Fern said. The conference is organized horizontally and decentralized so that no one person has all, or too much, power. Saturday night came to a close with dinner at Coffee Loft, a local coffee shop on Tamiami Trail run by Woodland Community Church. After everyone had eaten their fill of the homemade chickpea curry the *Cyber-fem Future* concert and dance party began with special performances by hush, i_like_

Thesis student Christina Harn reads from an issue of a Fem Zine at the Open Mic Night, held by API!, at the Four Winds Café.

Students watched the performances in chairs, while others chose to sit on the floor or watch performers speak rom outside.

dog_face, YLXA and dj open hatch. Coffee Loft was transformed from Indie Christian coffee shop to edgy radical leftist dance venue, complete with red twinkle lights lining the small stage. Sunday Workshops The busy day kicked off at 9:30 a.m. outside of Ham Center as attendees prepared for a full day of workshops. Different organizations gave presentations including Tampa Food Not Bombs, ANSWER Coalition and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. Other presenters gave workshops about selfpreservation through self-publishing, do-it-yourself art spaces and politicized collective imagination and radical pedagogy. Clarissa Rogers, a member of the Institute for Anarchist Studies, taught the workshop on radical pedagogy. It was her second time at New College and

at API! “I kind of fell in love with New College,” Rogers said of her first visit. In her self-proclaimed “crone” phase of aging, she wasn’t as focused on good things happening. Rogers enjoyed being around the student organizers of API! She said it became “part of my mission telling people, especially young people, that you’re doing a great job.” She felt that didn’t happen enough. Rogers credited the student organizers for organizing “with so much hard work and intentionality.” The three-day conference came to an end with a peaceful nature plant walk through the residential side of campus, led by Robert Kelly. Kelly pointed out edible plants and nuts throughout campus as the sun set. Students will have to wait a year to see what the next API! brings.

all photos Cassie Manz/Catalyst

Third-year Alex Schelle was present at the Women's March to discuss All Power to the Imagination! to attendants at the event.

Students had the option to purchase t-shirts and literature on radical activism on a sliding scale ranging in order to take some of what they learned back home.

The workshop schedule for API! was present on a white board for attendants to find

Present at the API! workshops were an array of home made dishes for the crowd.



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


Submission: “Human Tales on Refrigerator Doors” Local exhibit showcases racist caricature of Newtown

SUBMITTED BY BILLY COONEY While the Newtown Alive project has been showcasing the “courage, dignity, [and] determination” of Newtown’s history, the Center for Architecture Sarasota has taken a different approach. In a recent exhibit, seven architects use photos and mementos to portray “Human Tales on Refrigerator Doors.” Jerry Sparkman, from Sweet-Sparkman Architects focused on interplay between life in Newtown and the encroaching development of Ringling College. Marty Fugate from the Herald-Tribune says it “speak[s] of…the efforts of contemporary architects to transform the neighborhood near Martin Luther King Blvd.” However, the piece is more troubling than that. The exhibit contrasted symbolic materials from both the construction project and the neighborhood, “to suggest that the neighborhood is changing its complexion.” While the Ringling soundstage is symbolized

with audio speakers, glass shards, and a book; Newtown is symbolized with bags of white powder, cigarillos, Nike sneakers, and a baseball cap perched on top labelled “chocolate.” These objects are paired with Jerry’s description of Newtown as “historically…a place for drug deals, prostitution, and crime.” The arrangement of these objects, and Jerry’s description, draw a clear association between criminality and blackness—and they are shocking choices for an exhibit ostensibly modelling personal mementos that families hold so dear on their refrigerator doors. Whether or not those objects can be found in Newtown provides no reason for portraying an entire community as such, especially one that has a history integral to larger Sarasota. And to argue that intentions for this piece weren't racialized overlooks the stereotypes that have condemned black Americans for centuries and the responsibility one has when presenting a piece like this to the public. During the

photo courtesy of Billy Cooney One of the displays present at Sparkman's exhibit on Newtown.

recent panel discussion, neither Jerry nor anyone on the panel acknowledged the blatant racism. No one on the panel nor anyone at the Center expressed understanding for the few of us who shared our concern and questioned Jerry’s motives. At best, our reactions elicited awkwardness. There was silence, and moments later, there was laughter. With such portrayals of ongoing development as a cure for white stereotypes about Newtown, we need conversations about the relation between Sarasota’s history and its future now more than ever. However, after several Facebook posts by some New College students and community members urging people to call and request Jerry's piece be removed, the Center issued an apology on Facebook and removed the piece. Jerry has since commented on the post, apologized, and offered his email for any comments or questions. At the time of publication, the exhibit was removed after public outcry.

Submission: A response to Sparkman at the BLM Manasota meeting to discuss his 'Newtown' exhibit. SUBMITTED BY MILES ITON Maybe the genius of capitalism is that I AS A BLACK MAN now have the opportunity to be worth something to you-And I'm good at this, so I can prove it.But something tells me if I couldn't . And I had to take your word for it I'd be a little let down. Read on. This is not about capitalism but if New College is as gung ho as I know it to be about these things then read on. Because unfortunately for the both of us we can't dismantle capitalism until you (yes, you) dismantle racism. You want to be woke? Don't pull me aside and point me towards five million other white people to talk to about what happens in Newtown. You tell them. Not to sound rude, but for the amount of time I watch you all as white students applaud me from where you stand, I think a lot too. And I wonder if you really think whatever personal relationship we may have in this already small school means as much to yourself as it does to me. Above everything, I'm almost round the clock governed by making sure my one opportunity to make you smile for the day lands hard enough to make you build a better future for black kids with your decisions. One wherein they don't have to be as tormented by the decisions of people who aren't like them as I am now. Today I saw some weird shit. At the Manasota BLM meeting earlier, we had to address Jerry Stockwell's racist caricature of Newtown. There was a lot

I wanted to tell him, and a lot I wanted to ask him. A lot of it, I couldn't. There were a lot of voices that needed to be heard there, but only one new set of ears. The news crew that interviewed him and only his white architect of a self at a Black Lives Matter meeting will screen a story sometime soon about what I'm sure is his story. Not Newtown's. I don't know what it will tell, but take my word for prediction that it won't be truth. Today in Sarasota, the world of black people was supposed to stop and convince Jerry Stockwell that he wasn't a bad person, just a racist one. Today I saw a group of community leaders and members alike sit around and strategize. It was a truly wild thing. I don't know what the names Vickie Oldham, Jetson Grimes, Walter Gilbert and more beyond mean to you all, but as someone who's never grown up in a community that looked like I did, they represent a lot to me. In that list alone I see a hardened guard of wise folk and leaders who surmounted the odds of being black and successful in America. I see warriors who deserve to put their swords down for the rest of their days. But instead I saw them at battle and could only look at myself and wonder 'if this is bad, I can't imagine what their bad was.' I watched as they all volleyed the good word around however they interpret best for their individual selves because for them I knew there was strategy involved. This was their homes and Jerry Stockwell carries with him the power to speak to the narrative that apparently sees their home as nothing

more than a den for "drug deals, prostitution and crime." As a result, I had to watch people I admittedly idolized talk to Jerry with more regards for his feelings than he will ever have for theirs. Ever. As I sat through an insufferable hour of watching grown and accomplished men and women baring their pain at Jerry's feet, I remembered one thing: I asked Jerry Stockwell if he could tell me and everyone who extended their evenings to fit in his coddling if he knew that what he did was racist. He couldn't. More went on and more went on and I don't know how else to describe black people displaying their pain on crucifixes for this man in a way that makes you want to keep reading because honestly I have no more words to make it sound digestible for you. Because it wasn't for me. So Paul, Kat and I asked him again if he could tell us that he understood what he did was racist. Because that's what I knew I was there for in the short term of time I was working with. All of the time spent there was short. For Jerry it was just as short. For Jerry it was all but an hour of taking his L and going home yet through all this, something in Jerry wouldn't allow him to do it. Speculating on why is another diatribe I won't pen. Either way he still shook my hand, looked me in the eye and essentially thanked me for caring more, in my hour and so of struggle, about the feelings of members of the black community he's worked in for decades than he did. More than anything I wanted to say "Jerry, if my 21 years of subdued

rage is worth anything to the hour and so of L you just took, you wouldn't be telling me you're sorry. You'd be telling me you were racist." Racist like Cristina (who works damn hard for the community by the way) stood up and said she was to make you feel better. Racist like the Center worker who unfortunately had her name skip me but quit her job all the same once she realized she was complicit in it stood up and said she was to make you feel better. And it's even later now than it was when I started but names are starting to bleed together and I'm realizing I'm not speaking to Jerry anymore. But please, if you read this, don't applaud me or pull me over to tell me how you feel. It's now 7AM and I started writing this several hours ago because I couldn't sleep on it. I'm late on a final paper that's pretty important and to be honest, I have to put that aside as an "activist" to take more time to talk about racism to you like I don't already think about this 24/7. That is to say, I'm at the point where I don't care how you feel about racism. I care about what you do about it. Telling me how you feel about racism in your life will not end racism in mine, and that is where your wokeness ends. Don't clap for me, New College. I like it better when you're handing me a brick so I can clap for you. Because, and trust me this sounds crazy to me too, maybe even through all this I still do care a little bit about your feelings.


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst



The delightful discovery of meditative culture by a New College student BY JORDI GONZALEZ I started the New College voyage this Spring 2017 term and my personal vow to take up daily meditations has serendipitously been made easier because of it. This school has helped me foster the habits I've been wanting to enforce for myself and for that I'm thankful. Immediately, I discovered that guided meditations were offered every Wednesday night from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Prayer and Meditation Room. However, the specific day is subject to change every semester. The simple fact that the school has a space for students called the Prayer and Meditation Room hints at the spiritual nature of this place. In these sessions on Wednesdays, I met one of the most enlightened human beings of the 21st century (in my humble opinion) who for the last five years has dedicated himself to guiding students in these group meditations, Stephen Gillum. “I’ve been meditating for more than 40 years. It’s a way to start my day where I feel connected,” Gillum said. “Connected to what?” I asked. “To the Universe.” Heavy words, but the type of inspiration I've been searching for. He might just be the Shams to my Rumi. Our conversation continued that sunny afternoon by the seemingly prehistoric Banyan tree at the Nook. “There is a place inside that is still.

That is the source of all creativity… and knowledge, true knowledge,” Gillum said with a slight grin and an austere persona. Gillum studied Eastern meditation with his guru the Swami Lakmanjoo in India back in the late ‘70s. While I only have less than half a year of experience, these are all ideas I’ve found to be true. I’ve only gained positive effects from the habit of meditating as have some of my fellow Novo Collegians. “It makes me feel relaxed at the very least. It allows me to be in the present moment on very busy days even if it’s just for a short period of time,” first-year transfer Myles “Optimystic” Rodriguez said. “Definitely I’m supplementing my sleep with meditation.” The supplementation for sleep isn’t something to look up to too much, but it follows my original idea of meditation being something like conscious dreaming. At least for me I get powerful, practically life changing, visualisations that really feels like I’m dreaming, yet I’m wide awake and can then remember those visuals with longevity. During the recent spring break, Rodriguez, who was living on campus for most of it, began opening the Prayer and Meditation Room every night and letting others know about it. Since then, it has still been happening with a few regulars, me being one of them, and that’s something I simply didn’t have in last school Florida International

Kelly Wilson/Catalyst Stephen Gillum (left) leads meditation while third-year Miles Iton, and others, follow along at the Bayfront on April 12.

University (FIU). That type of social environment was just never found. There are as many ways to do meditation as there are religions in the world. What matters most, as Gillum continuously instructs, is to relax, feel and listen. It’s important to understand that there’s nothing religious, spiritual, or mystifying about the practice of meditation. I think that’s a common misconception that stops many people from trying it out. At least for me, being raised Roman Catholic, I never thought

of meditation as something I should be doing within the constraints of the religion, until I broke that barrier two weeks before arriving to New College. Honestly it’s more physical and natural than anything else. As natural as breathing or walking. In fact, just by focusing on your breath you hone in on yourself, your essence. Listening to all the sounds around as if the world was

continued on p. 11

The poetry of place

Local poetry reading event with Ryan G. Van Cleave and Donald Morril attracts student writers BY KELLY WILSON Blue-star houses, Britney Spears’ boobs and the Flash were only a few of the topics discussed at the poetry reading held at New College. The event took place in a room which Creative Writer in Residence and visiting Professor, Reginald “Reggie” Young called the Sky Room: a small corner room on the third floor of the Academic Center of Excellence (ACE) building. The theme of the reading was place. Place could mean anything from a physical location to an imaginary hole in the wall or, to a place buried deep within a person. Guest poets Ryan G. Van Cleave and Donald Morrill read works, which they thought exemplified the theme of place, at the event. Van Cleave was raised in the Chicago suburbs. He has taught at several universities throughout the United States including Florida State University (FSU) and Clemson University. Currently, Van Cleave is a professor of Liberal Arts at Ringling College of Art Design (RCAD). He is also a contributor at Scene Magazine, a monthly Sarasota and Bradenton magazine meant to connect the community through engaging and relevant content. At the reading, Van Cleave read

poems from multiple poetry collections including the “Magical Breasts of Britney Spears,” which he is infamous for. “Instead of Aphrodite, we have Britney Spears, or whoever we have now,” Van Cleave said before reading the poem. Featured alongside Van Cleave was Donald Morrill. Morrill is a poet and nonfiction writer who has written four books of nonfiction: Impetuous Sleeper, The Untouched Minutes, Sounding for Cool and A Stranger’s Neighborhood – along with three volumes of poetry. Morrill read many poems at the reading, however, the start of the show was the Blue Star Home. Morrill suggested that this particular poem hit the nail on the head with regard to the theme of place. This place was his hometown of Des Moines, Iowa, where there is a tradition where a blue star is placed in the window to let people know that the house is safe from whatever troubles lay wait outside. After both poets had their turn at reading their work, there was time for a Q&A session. Morrill and Van Cleve were asked questions about their poetry and focus, including a question about separating place and time. As they wrapped up, Young asked Van Cleave and Morrill if they’d like to read one final piece to wrap the night

Kelly WilsonCatalyst At the event, Donald Moeeill read some of his works while addressing the theme of place to a captive audience of student writers.

up. Van Cleve asked the audience if they would rather hear about the Blue Man Group or about Bert and Ernie, the Sesame Street stars, which are both subjects he has written poetry on. The audience voted for Bert and Ernie. Then, Morrill read from an unpublished manuscript to lighten the mood before offering a free copy of his book, Impetuous Sleeper, to the

students present. “Usually, you’d have to pay for these,” Young commented as Morrill handed out signed copies of the book. However, Morrill explained that he was forced to buy the remaining copies from the publisher to save them from the paper mill. Getting his work out there was more important to him than money.



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


Damn. Kendrick Lamar's mom-approved album BY JASMINE RESPESS Kendrick Lamar’s mom said this was the best album, and I am hard pressed to disagree with that. Damn. came to me in the late night during a thesis crunch at Starbucks. I subscribe to all the major streaming platforms: Spotify, Tidal and Apple Music (with a student discount, all three are 15 dollars in total), so that I never miss an album drop. This album literally got my first full draft done and I will be citing Lamar in my acknowledgements. My first contact with Damn. was through the backlash that Lamar received for commenting on how women should look in the lines “I am so sick and tired of the Photoshop/Show me somethin’ natural like afro on Richard Pryor/ Show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks” on “HUMBLE.” I am not in disagreement with what many women of color have brought up. Our physical forms do not exist to please men. Lamar was likely trying to make a positive comment, but there is nothing wrong with anyone choosing to wear makeup, etc. Also, the fact that he mentions stretch marks on the ass and not acne scars on the face adds to the objectification of women. Flaws are not only acceptable if they are a part of sexual appeal to men. Even if Lamar is a culture elevator, he still exist within our culture--which is misogynistic. But pay attention that I did not write misogynistic rap culture because, with Trump as our president,

it should be obvious that this issue goes way beyond a musical genre. Still, that song bangs and I still wake up with “my left stroke just went viral!” stuck in my head. My favorite song on the album is “LOYALTY.” featuring Rihanna. I love Yonce and Lamar’s “Freedom” but Riri and Kendrick are cut from a similar cloth. They are two rebels and, when they rap together on the same track, it is perfect. Plus, seeing how excited Rihanna was for Lamar’s Coachella set felt genuine. I could see how a friendship between the two would work. My least favorite song is “LOVE.” On every good album there is something tacky. Honestly, the back beat sounds like some Jesse McCartney nonsense. Call me jaded, but I think leaving the sexy ballads to The Weeknd is the move at this point. The question section of the song “If I didn’t ride blade on the curb, would you still love me?/ If I minimized my net worth, would you still love me?” sounds like a discount version of 21 questions by 50 cent. It is half as entertaining and has no substance. It’s all good though. Since songs such as “DNA.” and “DUCKWORTH.” make up for the emptiness of “LOVE.,” which is really the only weak spot on the album. “DNA.” is kind of like the backstory to “Alright” from To Pimp A Butterfly. Same strong beat, and it provides an explanation to where black people are coming from. The song

YIN and yang edition

image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Damn. was released by rapper, Kendrick Lamar, on April 14, 2017.

samples a Fox interview that states that Lamar “has done more damage to young African-Americans than racism in recent years.” Lamar explores this further in the dreamy “YAH.” “DUCKWORTH.” is an example of the storytelling listeners came to love on Good Kid M.A.A.D City. It is storytelling in the most literal sense. Taking the listener to Compton to meet Lamar’s Anthony, which is also an explanation of how Lamar became who he is. The final lines are “Because if Anthony killed Ducky/ Top Dawg could be servin’ life/ While I grew up without a father and die in a gunfight.” A look into how life comes from the choices people make.

Pride month

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 to open a line of communication to make the relationship better.” That is exactly the goal of “Gender in Academia.” The strategy is to begin with a survey to the student body (coming soon) that will collect experiences and opinions relating to the topic. The results of the survey will then be presented to professors. It doesn’t end with there, however. The idea is to have this semester’s “Gender in Academia” event open the door to a set of presentations to happen next semester at division meetings to tackle different areas of concentrations accordingly. “We have a very culturally aware student body that respects gender identity to a certain extent, but there’s no formal connection between student awareness and staff, faculty or administration,” Lorraine Cruz, a member of Queery, said. “It doesn’t translate. There’s a lack of formal discussion when it come to respect and dignity in academia.” The LGBTQ page on visitsarasota. org lists New College as ranking high among LGBTQ-friendly colleges. Demographically, this is true. 40 percent of New College students identify as LGBTQIA+. Within that, close to 10 percent of the community identifies as transgender, a jump, skip and a leap

higher than the national average of less than 1 percent. New College does hold a large LGBTQIA+ community. But does it beholden them? Admissions’ club page is the only location on the New College website that directly acknowledges the campus LGBTQIA+ community. It simply states that “Queery serves to maintain New College as a safe place for LGBTQ+ identified individuals.” There is nothing offered regarding resources available to folks in addition to Queery. “One of my problems with the lack of resources available to New College students is the fact that the Counseling and Wellness Center – one of the highest utilized resources on campus – has no counselors that specialize in gender and sexuality,” Rosenblum said. “It’s not enough to just say that New College is LGBTQ-friendly,” Austin said. “We have to show it.” And that’s just what Pride Month

Students celebrated the month by dressing in rainbow colors.

Songs you should heAR

Cassie Manz/Catalyst Pride Month featured both speakers and drag queens galore.

Thesis student Oliver Goldsmith co-hosted Pride Ball with third-year Sara Gregory.

BY JASMINE RESPESS AND JORDI GONZALEZ Jordi (yin) and jasmine (yang) each take on a different vibe for this week's song blurbs.

“Numb” by Linkin Park This was literally (not figuratively) my favorite song as a pent up and angsty 13-yearold boy in the seventh grade. Honestly, it’s had the tendency of tearing out the most jaded parts of me and or that I commend the song. “I am trying to break your heart” by Wilco The lead guitarist just played for New Music New College, but this masterpiece of a song is like the manifestation of regret, guilt and insanity. It sounds unconventional and experimental, but I recommend listening to the whole album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot which starts with this song. “Welcome To My Life” by Simple Plan For me, this band truly represents the awkward middle school era we’ve all painstakingly experienced. “Hold Yuh” by Gyptian My friend showed me this song when I was a freshman in High School and it makes me happy.I feel like songs are more effective when you are younger, so there is nostalgia there.-JR “Flowers in the Window” by Travis I honestly do not know how I came to love this song, since it is a bit out of my usual genres, but if you can listen to this song and not feel happy. I feel bad for you.-JR “Collard Greens” by Schoolboy Q feat. Kendrick Lamr In m opinion, the term ‘song of the summer’ was made for this song. Also it reminds me of my grandma, in terms of the collard greens only, which is always good. “This your favorite song,” true Lamar.-JR



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


Guided meditation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9

a never ending song and letting the sounds come to you without labeling what they are or exactly where they come from is important to do too. Lastly, scanning your body from head to toe and every part in between helps you really feel and understand your body. Lots of times when we’re so busy with the restless thoughts parading our minds, we forget the bigger picture of things and even how we’re truly feeling. The biggest thing meditation does, other than calming the mind and body, is that it puts you in the moment, as Rodriguez previously mentioned. Living in the present is what I’ve come to find, and countless others before me, to be the best thing one can do with the life they’ve been given. Why do you think dogs, animals in general really, are so happy all the time? They’re

living in the moment. Then, if you are 100 percent aware and invested in your present you are totally aware of every decision you make that impacts every single moment afterwards. So, meditation gifts its user the power to conquer their reality. It also helps the user connect with the greater source of energy, as Gillum described, whatever that may be. I always feel like I’ve gone into a slightly superhuman state once I’ve finished a session. “It’s definitely hard to get people to come when so many stresses are happening on campus,” Vice President of Student Life and third-year Sophia Doescher, who helps maintain the guided meditation sessions, said. “As people get busier, it just becomes a nonpriority.” We usually think we have no time


spirits have weakened in the democratic spirit of the New College community. “A combination of general campus atmosphere… Especially with all the politics in the news,” Jobsis said. “And that I had the election on the latest possible day and it just so happened that on that day the Forum was down.” While the Forum can definitely be thought of as a hinderance to the overall visibility of the elections, since in past years vast amounts of lengthy email threads have left students suffocating under political news feed, the presidential elections resulting in Donald J. Trump becoming the 45th U.S. President may not have been as big of a factor. What’s important to notice is that the last election cycle (late Fall 2016) occurred relatively shortly after the Nov. 8th Election Day. In fact, it was even right after Thanksgiving, as the results were sent out on Nov. 29, 2016. In theory, an election that was held just after Trump became president and a national holiday would prompt a low turnout if students were truly dispirited. Still, the stats show otherwise with a sizeable 223 total ballots cast in that cycle. “I guess them [the co-Presidents] going unopposed caused there to be a big lack of turnout, but that affected everything,” first-year and newly elected Student Court Counselor Eshel Rosen said. “It caused every single person to get less votes because the major position which gets people out there was already guaranteed pretty much.” Beyond turnout, there were various organizational issues that may have added to these poorly done elections. The Forum Moderator, which is elected and Listserv Teaching Assistant (TA), which is an appointed position, were combined as one appointed position halfway through the elections. Jobsis had updated the

ballots in order to fix this, but upon hearing that the attempt to combine the positions did not meet quorum and that the Student Court overturned this legislation due to specific infringement on the Great Book reasons, he needed to change it again. Nonetheless, the two positions were finally successfully combined, leaving our Supervisor as confused as us. “It shouldn’t be just at the very end that he [Jobsis] messes it up for everyone because then everyone has to suffer,” Rosen said. Rosen, being one of the new Student Court Counselors along with George Thurlow, was rather confused by the consistent misinformed announcements sent out by Jobsis. Originally there was thought to be just one available Counselor position, but there were two due to a resignation, just one Student Court Justice position, but there ended up being two and there weren’t two rising third-year Student Allocations Committee (SAC) positions as originally announced, but two rising thesis student SAC positions available. Lastly, James Montgomery was the actual SAC chair, not Becca Caccavo as previously advertised. Furthermore, although it is customary to hold Spring elections just after the Spring Break, Jobsis thought later was better than sooner since he was rather busy before the week a long break. This resulted in the elections being held on the latest possible date, but the real concern was with printing the ballots on time. Jobsis scrambled to find enough paper to print out the corrected ballots for the April 13 election day. Hopefully in the future new ways will be taken up to sort out a more reasonably manageable election process as well as a revitalized internal spirit for involvement. Until then, congratulations to all newly elected officials of the NCSA.

for anything, but self-care must be a priority. When well-rested anything is possible, if you’re forcing yourself to push forward when there’s nothing left in the reserve, you’re not being helpful to anyone especially yourself. “I started doing it regularly when I started with the guided meditations in Spring 2015. It’s been great. It has provided me with the tools to get through some really stressful moments at New College,” Doescher said. According to an article from Psychology Today, meditation has been scientifically proven to boost happiness, memory, attention, focus, creativity, emotional intelligence, social connection, grey matter in the brain, ability to introspect and immune function. It has also been proven to decrease depression, pain, stress,

anxiety and even inflammation at the cellular level. So, in a way meditation is about mental hygiene. As the article puts it, “you shower everyday and clean your body, but have you ever showered your mind?” In the little time I’ve been here at New College I can see how ridiculously hectic it can be, academically and socially. It’s even more important to tend to one’s well-being here than in many other places. You can accomplish the best things by being the best you. This is a thank you to New College, but also advice to New College. “Most people are just constantly in a total state of fear and to be a healthy society we need to be in a state of love,” Gillum said. “And the only thing they can love is consciousness.” The consciousness is you.

10 Questions

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 main priority in all that we do. That’s the main foundation. Non-academically, what are some of your interests? KK: I’m a stand-up comedian, so everything revolving around that I guess you could say are my interests. I enjoy being outside, talking to plants, writing things down. XP: I’m in Dance Collective and I’m a Dance Administrator. It’s really funny because I started dancing because I lived in Mexico and I had two left feet and I could not dance. What’s your go-to Four Winds order? KK: We both order the same thing! A pantangle with no onions on a croissant. XP: It’s so good, that’s always what we get. What’s your favorite thing about New College? KK: My favorite thing about New College is that it’s literally just this beacon for people that are so amazing. It’s like this sanctuary… I’ve met my closest friends here, my life has changed. XP: At this school you’re really shaken to your core as a first year because you learn so many things. It’s a very big shock about how much you learn about gender, sexuality, culture, cultural exchange… growing up, sometimes you know of it, but you can’t really pinpoint what it is. At least for me it happened when I got here. I feel like that’s why it can be hard for people to find their place here because they’re awakened to so much. This school shows you all of the injustices with different issues not only on this campus but in this country and in the world.

What’s your favorite thing about each other? KK: I love how supporting and loving Ximena is in everything that I do. She always knows the right thing to say. XP: For me, it would be how supportive Kayla is. I’ve never met a person that’s so self-centered and so egocentric but so selfless at the same time! Where do you see yourselves in five years? KK: In five years, Ximena is going to have a soccer team of kids, but all the kids are going to be so funny and have such big personalities. XP: Kayla is going to get into Harvard, but is going to choose not to go to elope with her dirt-worshiper of a future husband and live in the jungle. What is one thing you’re hoping to change at New College? KK: Bring back the harmony between everyone. Between students, faculty, administration. XP: I think once we can refocus and get back that New College spirit, I want to focus on growing in the right direction and giving students everything they need to flourish, that we’re setting them up to succeed in any way they choose. Why are the two of you the best people to do the job? KK: That’s probably the easiest question, because of my ego. First of all, we’re both intelligent as heck. Our compatibility is so good, I can say anything to her and she can say anything to me. We’re badass. XP: We love New College. We genuinely love what this school has done for us and other students. We love what New College can be.


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst



Produce on wheels!

GreenStream mobile produce truck delivers fresh fruit and veggies to local food deserts. BY JASON D'AMOURS

The local Florida Department of Health (DOH) branch in Manatee County recently conducted a study that found that residents in Samoset, East Bradenton, Washington Gardens, Rubonia, Pride Park, Newtown and North Port neighborhoods all craved one thing: access to fresh produce. Those who live in the seven communities listed above live in food deserts, places without easy access to fresh and affordable foods. The study reported that only 25 percent of adults in Manatee County live within a half-mile of a health food retailer, 73 percent of Manatee County residents say lower cost would help them access fresh produce and 57 percent indicated interest in shopping at a farm stand. These statistics prompted the U.S. Department of Agriculture to award a $100,000 grant to the Florida DOH in Manatee County and to Geraldson Community Farm, a 20-acre organic farm in Bradenton. “Our mission is to provide the community with safe, healthy, and fresh vegetables throughout Florida’s growing season, and our aim is to be a stepping-stone for local collaboration and an education hub for our community,” said the Geraldson Community Farm’s mission statement on their website. When the two organizations received the grant, they set out to create a mobile farmer’s market to bring fresh produce to residents in food deserts. Up and running, the GreenStream Mobile Market now makes four different stops throughout the community each week, including at New College on Fridays to provide students, faculty and staff the opportunity to snatch some fresh produce at a great price. The retro and quirky bus, with bright flowers and produce painted on it, stocked with organic corn, peppers, Florida peaches, cabbage, bananas and beans, along with fresh and local

kombucha, kimchi, honey and essential oils brings a fresh aura of growth and community to the Manasota area. “We grow at Geraldson, which is organic, so we provide some of it,” Christa Leonard, project manager of the GreenStream Mobile Market, and operations manager of Geraldson Community Farm, said. “And then we source from other farms in the area, like Homestead Hydroponic [...] and Little Pond Farm out in Bushnell.” After working as a therapist for nine years, Leonard started volunteering at Geraldson Community Farm. She fell in love with the outdoor physical labor and eventually fell even move in love with the community aspect of the farm. “It allowed me to really get out into the community by starting a mobile marker,” Leonard said. “Personally [...], we didn't have access to the amount of people we [would have] liked to because we weren't able to get into large scale markets,” she said when asked about the initial goals for creating the mobile market. “And then for the community we wanted to serve a demographic that necessarily doesn't get out to farmer’s markets or doesn't have access to fresh food. And then for other farmers, we wanted to be able to work together and collaborate and kind of create a bond where we help each other out. So it was kind of a three-fold project that kind of helped everybody.” Be sure to check out the community-engaging produce-onwheels every Friday outside of Sudakoff from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. The mobile market accepts cash, credit, debit and EBT transactions.

Inside of the Mobile Market - pickings were slim after they were wiped out at their visit to Pride Park in Bradenton.

Christa Leonard, project manager of the GreenStream Mobile Market, loves the excitement people have towards the market!

Information for this article was gathered from bradenton.com and geraldsoncommunityfarm.org

all photos by Jason D'Amours/Catalyst

Honey and essential oils are all locally produced at Geraldson Community Farm!

Peppers were on sale for a pint for one dollar!

The GreenStream Mobile Market makes stops throughout the community every week, delivering fresh and organic produce.

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