2019 Residency Class Over the course of several years, our residents, fellows and faculty at Nationwide Children’s Hopsital have become more diverse. Some of the attractions to Nationwide Children’s are the dedication to addressing social determinants of health, quality and patient safety, genomic medicine, behavioral health and population health. The intentional recruitment of a diverse workforce that mirrors our patient population is crucial to our success in these initiatives. As we train the next generation of talented physicians and researchers, we must embrace diversity as a core value. Below is an image of our 2019 Pediatric Residency Interns.
Stella Achenjang
Molly Austen
Nimisha Bajaj
Meg Barcroft
Trevor Bushong
Kaitlyn Cassady
Michael Clark
Nicole Davidson
Sam DeMarsh
Sabine Eid
Rita Fan
Ryan Flaherty
Gabby Gonzales
Cory Gotowka
Emily Grad
Elizabeth Grogan
Talha Gunduz
Zeke Hartman
Ann Kebede
Kate Lamberta
Kara Lawson
Rafael Lemus
Aaron Maki
Corinne McCabe
Samir Mishra
Jessica Nash
Britney Onuma
Molly Osterhage
Melonie Phillips
Rachel Pratt
Joshua Prudent
Stephanie Rinne
Alexandra Sankovic
Matthew Smith
Brandon Stone
Kristin Sundy-Boyles
Jessica Williams
Mariah Wright
Jarrod Wurm
Guillermo Yepes Junquera
Amudha Heather Pazhanisamy Peterson-Schempp
Rachel Thompson
Charlie Treinen
“My passion is to create change at the intersection of healthcare and public policy for children everywhere. My purpose is to improve female adolescent health in pediatric emergency department settings and to empower and advocate for communities through honed clinical acumen and compassion.” – Jordee Wells, MD, Emergency Medicine attending 28