KCH&G Professional SourceBook

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KCH&G Professional Sourcebook


The Most Comprehensive Home and Design Resource Guide in Kansas City Find a professional to handle that next project all in one organized place — right here. ooking for top industry professionals in Kansas City? You’ve come to the right place. Whether you need an architect,


connections between the professionals listed and their work, we’ve highlighted and referenced those who advertise

designer, remodeler or landscaper — and whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner — you’ll find the most

so you can refer to their ads to visualize what they may be able to do for you or you could do for them.

dedicated people in these pages. How do we know? Because as members of associations such as the American

To the Consumer:

Institute of Architects (AIA), American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) and The Hort Network, they hold themselves to a high standard of ethics and workmanship.

Planning for changes to your home can be stressful, but you can worry less knowing the professional you hire to work on your home is not a fly-by-night company. Use this directory as your go-to resource to find the right partner

To the Trade:

for your project. In each section, you’ll learn more about the importance of working with a professional affiliated

You will find each association’s members listed individually and cross-referenced in a buyer’s guide at the end of each

with each association, as well as a list of members you can call on.

section, along with a comprehensive index of companies and individual professionals, as well as our categorized advertiser’s index, in the back of the book. To help you make

KCH&G’s Professional Sourcebook will give you the confidence you need when choosing a professional, one who will consider your best interest their best interest.



The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City



American Society of Interior Designers



National Association of the Remodeling Industry


The Hort NetWORK



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President: ADAM JAPKO

W I T H S U P P O RT O F T H E F O L LOW I N G . . .

The American Institute of Architects Kansas City


American Society of Interior Designers Mo West/Kansas Chapter

National Association of the Remodeling Industry Kansas City

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The Hort NetWORK


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KCH&G Professional Sourcebook is published annually by Network Communications Inc. and printed by R.R. Donnelley. Volume 1, Number Seven. Renee Demott, publisher, 4121 W. 83rd St., Ste. 110, Prairie Village, KS 66208, 913.648.5757. ©2011 by Network

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KCH&G Professional Sourcebook

2011-2012 Contents

6 ~ Calendar of Events ~ Shows and conferences across the globe



14 ~ About the American Institute of Architects 18 ~ Member Firms 22 30 32 34

~ ~ ~ ~

about the cover...

Members Cornerstone Partners Professional Affiliates and Allied Members Buyer’s Guide

37 ASID 38 ~ About the American Society of Interior Designers 42 ~ Professional Members 46 ~ Allied Practitioners 52 ~ Industry Partners 58 ~ Buyer’s Guide

61 NARI 62 66 78 84

~ ~ ~ ~

About the National Association of the Remodeling Industry Contractors/Service Professionals Business Partners Buyer’s Guide

91 HORT NETWORK 92 ~ About the Hort NetWORK 96 ~ Members

103 INDEX 104 ~ Resource Directory 106 ~ Alphabetical Listings


Photo by Paul Bonnichsen The latest trends in home design (plus the color of 2011) are featured in this collage: bright, vibrant, colorful Clarke & Clarke fabrics from Bailey Design Group, including Congo, Monique, Jarrinha, Indi Wave, Tamarilo and Chelsea, available to the trade only; glass tile from The Tile Shop; and hardware and house number from Bear Creek Bronze. Rendering of house remodel by ALH Home Renovations.

KCH&G Professional Sourcebook

Calendar of Events

April 2011

May 2011

To the Trade:

To the Trade:

Kansas City Homes & Gardens’ Remodel of the Year Call for Entries — kchandg.com

NAHB National Green Building Conference — May 1-3 in Salt Lake City. nahb.org

NARI Evening of Excellence — April 2 at the Westin Jersey City Newport Hotel. nari.org

Kansas City NARI Board Meeting — May 4 at the Kansas City NARI office in Merriam. 3:30-5 p.m. remodelingkc.com

Spring High Point Market — April 2-7 in North Carolina. highpointmarket.org

8th Annual 2011 AltBuild Expo — May 6-7 at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium in California. altbuildexpo.com

Fortune Brainstorm GREEN — April 4-6 in Laguna Niguel, Calif. fortuneconferences.com/brainstormgreen

The National ADA Symposium — May 8-11 in Las Vegas. adasymposium.org

Kansas City NARI Board Meeting — April 6 at the Kansas City NARI office in Merriam. 3:30-5 p.m. remodelingkc.com

Uptime Institute Symposium 2011 — May 9-12 in Santa Clara, Calif. symposium.uptimeinstitute.com

Women in Design: Ignite: Fueling the Next Generation — April 9 at Loose Mansion in Kansas City. aiakc.org

The National Hardware Show and Lawn & Garden World — May 10-12 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. nationalhardwareshow.com

2011 Historic Chicago Bungalow and Green Home Expo — April 9 at The Merchandise Mart. chicagobungalow.org

BuildEx Chicago — May 10-11. buildexchicago.com

Engineering Sustainability 2011: Innovation and the Triple Bottom Line — April 10-12 in Pittsburgh, Pa. mascarocenter.pitt.edu 2011 Living Architecture Regional Symposium — April 11-12 at the Ronald Reagan Conference Center in Washington, D.C. wdc.greenroofs.org 2011 Education Construction (EdCon) & Expo — April 12-15 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio. abc.org

USGBC Government Summit 2011: Fuel for a Clean-Energy Economy — May 10-11 in Washington, D.C. usgbc.org 2011 Commercial Real Estate Expo — May 11 at Union Station Grand Hall in Kansas City. bepkc.org AIA National Convention & Design Expo — May 12-14 in New Orleans. aia.org The Pro Expo — May 12 at Kemper Arena in Kansas City. theproexpo.com

ULI South Carolina: Conservation Communities: The Rise of the New Development Model — April 13 in Mount Pleasant, SC. uli.org

Kansas City NARI’s 5th Annual BBQ Battle — May 13-14. remodelingkc.com

The Chicago Market’s Spring Sample Sale — April 25-26 at The Merchandise Mart. mmart.com

23rd Annual International Contemporary Furniture Fair — May 14-16 at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. icff.com

Kitchen & Bath Industry Show — April 26-28 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. kbis.com

Decon '11 Minimize Waste/Maximize Jobs — May 15-19 in New Haven, Conn. bmra.org

Kansas City NARI Chapter Meeting — April 28 at Hillcrest Country Club. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. remodelingkc.com

National Green Builders Products Expo 2011 — May 17-18 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. ngbpe.com

NEXT 2011: The Invitational Exhibition of Emerging Art — April 29-May 2 in Chicago. nextartfair.com

HD Expo & Conference — May 18-20 in Las Vegas. hdexpo.com

To the Consumer/Trade Professions:

ULI Real Estate Summit at the Spring Council Forum — May 18-20 in Phoenix, Ariz. uli.org

KCHBA’s 2011 Spring Homes Tour — April 16-May 1. kchba.org The Merchandise Mart International Antiques Fair — April 29-May 2. mmart.com

Kansas City NARI Chapter Meeting — May 19 at Hillcrest Country Club. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. remodelingkc.com EDRA 42 Chicago — May 25-29. edra.org

Kansas City NARI’s 14th Annual Remodeled Homes Tour — April 30-May 1 in the Kansas City area. remodelingkc.com

Vernacular Architecture Forum 2011 — May 31-June 5 in Falmouth, Jamaica. vernaculararchitectureforum.org

To the Consumer/Trade Professions: 23rd Annual International Contemporary Furniture Fair — May 17 at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. icff.com PLEASE TURN THE PAGE 6 • KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK






2005 Remodel of the Year Best Whole House $200,000-$500,000

2007 Gold Winner Best Whole House $200,000-$500,000

2007 Silver Winner Best Bath Remodeling Project

2009 Gold Winner Best KS Model Home $300,000-$500,000

2010 Gold Winner Best Room Addition Project

2010 Gold Winner Best Room Addition Project

2011 Gold Winner Best Custom Home $500,000-$750,000

2011 Silver Winner Best KS Model Home $500,000-$750,000

2011 Silver Winner Best Empty Nest


913.663.4548 R E M O D E L I N G Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City





KCH&G Professional Sourcebook

Calendar of Events

June 2011

July 2011

To the Trade:

To the Trade:

Kansas City NARI Board Meeting — June 1 at the Kansas City NARI office in Merriam. 3:30-5 p.m. remodelingkc.com

Kansas City NARI Board Meeting — July 13 at the Kansas City NARI office in Merriam. 3:30-5 p.m. remodelingkc.com

Chicago Green Roof Boot Camp — June 1-4. greenroofs.org

American Institute of Building Design National Convention — July 27-30 in Grand Rapids, Mich. aibd.org

HOTEC Design 2011 — June 8-11 at the Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, Calif. hotecna.com ABC National Executive Committee Meeting — June 12-13 at The Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C. abc.org NeoCon World’s Trade Fair/Fine Design Residential Furnishings Show — June 13-15 at the Merchandise Mart. neocon.com ABC Board of Directors Meeting/Legislative Conference — June 14-16 at The Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C. abc.org

Kansas City NARI Chapter Meeting — July 28 at Hillcrest Country Club. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. remodelingkc.com

August 2011 To the Trade: Kansas City NARI Board Meeting — August 3 at the Kansas City NARI office in Merriam. 3:30-5 p.m. remodelingkc.com Kansas Housing Conference — August 9-11 at the Wichita Hyatt Regency. kshousingconference.org

NARI Night at the T-Bones — June 18 in Kansas City, Kan. remodelingkc.com National Healthy Homes Conference — June 20-23 in Denver. healthyhomesconference.org

The Executive Officers Council (EOC) Seminar — August 17-20 in Naples, Fla. nahb.org StormCon 2011 — August 21-25 in Anaheim, Calif. stormcon.com

Kansas City NARI Skills USA/TeamWorks Competition — June 21-23 at the American Royal. remodelingkc.com Greening the Heartland 2011 — June 22-24 in Cincinnati. greeningtheheartland.org Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2011 Conference "Confronting Complexity" — June 23-26 at the University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. aess.info NARI Float Weekend — June 24-26 on the Meramec River. remodelingkc.com ASHRAE 2011 Annual Conference — June 25-29 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. usgbc.org CEDIA Home Technology Event — June 28-30 in London. hometechnologyevent.com 3rd Architecture, Culture and Spirituality Symposium — June 29-July 1 in Georgia. acsforum.org/symposium2011 Kansas City NARI Chapter Meeting — June 30 at Hillcrest Country Club. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. remodelingkc.com

Kansas City NARI Chapter Meeting — August 25 at Hillcrest Country Club. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. remodelingkc.com 18th International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2011) — August 26-29 in Montréal, Canada. isuf2011.com ABC’s Executive Committee Meeting — August 27-29 at the Park Hyatt Chicago. abc.org 2011 Plantscape Industry Expo — August 30-September 1 in Las Vegas at South Point Hotel. piagrows.org

T o the Consumer/Trade Professions: New York International Gift Fair — August 13-18. nyigf.com

September 2011 To the Trade: Kansas City NARI Board Meeting — September 7 at the Kansas City NARI office in Merriam. 3:30-5 p.m. remodelingkc.com CEDIA EXPO 2011 — September 7-10 at the Indianapolis Convention Center. cedia.net

To the Consumer/Trade Professions: 21st Annual Native Plants in the Landscape 2011 Conference — June 1-4 in Millersville, Pa. millersvillenativeplants.org

The International Casual Furniture & Accessories Market — September 1215 in Chicago. casualmarket.com

Kansas City Homes & Gardens’ Gardens of the Year Call for Entries — kchandg.com

Hospitality Design Boutique Exposition & Conference — September 13-14 at the Miami Beach Convention Center. hdboutique.com Chicago VIP Summit — September 21. luxehome.com Kansas City NARI’s Golf Tournament — September 22 at Prairie Highlands. PLEASE TURN THE PAGE remodelingkc.com


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KCH&G Professional Sourcebook

Calendar of Events November 2011

IIDEX/NeoCon Canada National Design Expo & Conference — September 22-24. iidexneocon.com/2011 9th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology — September 2628 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. envpsych2011.eu Kansas City NARI Chapter Meeting — September 29 at Hillcrest Country Club. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. remodelingkc.com

To the Trade: Kansas City NARI Board Meeting — November 2 at the Kansas City NARI office in Merriam. 3:30-5 p.m. remodelingkc.com NeoCon East 2011 — November 2-3 at The Baltimore Convention Center. neoconeast.com Summit on Association Excellence — November 9-11 in Dallas. nahb.org

October 2011

Healthcare Design 2011 — November 13-16 in Nashville. hcd11.com

To the Trade:

5th Annual Partners in Community Forestry National Conference — November 15-17 in Orlando, Fla. arborday.org

Kansas City Homes & Gardens’ Home of the Year Call for Entries — kchandg.com Greenbuild International Conference & Expo — October 4-7 in Toronto, Canada. greenbuildexpo.org Kansas City NARI Board Meeting — October 5 at the Kansas City NARI office in Merriam. 3:30-5 p.m. remodelingkc.com AIA Kansas Conference & Exhibition — October 6-8. aiaks.org ABC National Executive Committee/Board of Directors Meetings — October 16-17 at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina. abc.org ABC Institute for Professional Leadership and Development — October 18-20 at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina. abc.org

Build Boston 2011 — November 16-18 at the Seaport World Trade Center. buildboston.com Kansas City NARI Chapter Meeting — November 17 at Hillcrest Country Club. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. remodelingkc.com 2011 CitiesAlive Green Roof and Wall Conference — November 29December 3 in Philadelphia.

To the Consumer/Trade Professions: DIFFA’s Dining by Design: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS — November 3-5 at The Merchandise Mart. mmart.com Holiday Boutique — November 10-13 at the Overland Park Convention Center. patrihaproductions.com

Kansas City NARI Chapter Meeting — October 20 at Hillcrest Country Club. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. remodelingkc.com

LuxeHome Chill Wine & Culinary Event — November 10. luxehome.com

Fall High Point Market — October 22-27 in North Carolina. highpointmarket.org

December 2011 To the Trade:

Building Systems Council Showcase — October 23-25 in Baltimore. nahb.org

Kansas City NARI Board Meeting — December 14 at the Kansas City NARI office in Merriam. 3:30-5 p.m. remodelingkc.com

ULI Fall Meeting and Urban Land Expo — October 25-28 in Los Angeles, Calif.

January 2012 To the Trade:

IFMA’s World Workplace Conference & Expo — October 26-18 in Phoenix, Ariz. worldworkplace.org

National Green Centre — January 8-9 in Kansas City. wnla.org International CES — January 10-13 in Las Vegas. cesweb.org

GIE+EXPO 2011 — October 27-29 at the Kentucky Exposition Center. gie-expo.com

To the Consumer/Trade Professions: New York International Gift Fair — January 28-February 2. nyigf.com

ASLA 2011 Annual Meeting & Expo — October 30-November 2 at the San Diego Convention Center. asla.org

February 2012

To the Consumer/Trade Professions:

To the Trade:

LuxeHome Open House — October 2 at The Merchandise Mart. mura.martreg.com

International Builders’ Show — February 8-11 in Orlando. nahb.org

The Merchandise Mart International Antiques Preview and Fair — October 13-16. merchandisemartantiques.com

ACB National Executive Committee/Board of Directors Meetings — February 20-21 in Phoenix, Ariz. abc.org 2011 BizCon — February 22-24 at The Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix, Ariz. abc.org




The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

Contents 14 About the American Institute of Architects 18 Member Firms 22 Members 30 Cornerstone Partners 32 Professional Affiliates and Allied Members


34 Buyer’s Guide

Color listings reference advertisement in publication. Advertisement placement does not denote association membership.



The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

The American Institute of Architects

Mission Statement In continuous operation since 1890, AIA Kansas City is dedicated to supporting its members, advancing the value of the architecture profession, and improving the quality of the built environment.

Vision AIA Kansas City will exceed its members’ expectations for providing high quality programming, services, and communications. ● AIA Kansas City will be the credible voice of the architecture profession at the local, state, and national levels. ● AIA Kansas City will be the essential resource and active partner in elevating the critical role of architecture and design in our community.

Sponsors continuing education experiences to help architects maintain their licensure ● Sets the industry standard in contract documents with more than 100 forms and contracts used in the design and construction industry ● Trains the next generation of professional and civic leaders through its Pillars program ● Provides countless online resources for members and the general public ● Serves as an advocate of the architecture profession ● Champions architects’ future by enhancing public belief in the value of design ● Promotes design excellence and outstanding professional achievement through an awards program ●

Photo by Alistair Tutton Photography

Each year, AIA Kansas City:


2011 Board of Directors Jay Tomlinson, AIA – President Helix Architecture + Design 1629 Walnut ● Kansas City, MO 64108 816.300.0300 ● jtomlinson@helixkc.com

Tony Rohr, AIA – President-Elect Gould Evans 4041 Mill St. ● Kansas City, MO 64111 816.931.6655 ● tony.rohr@gouldevans.com

Kevin Klinkenberg, AIA – Past President K2 Urban Design Savannah, Ga. 816.682.2700 ● kklinkenberg@180deg.com

Alex Ogata, AIA – Secretary (2012) HNTB 715 Kirk Drive ● Kansas City, MO 64105 816.472.1201 ● aogata@hntb.com

Ryan Manies, AIA – Treasurer (2011) Polsinelli Shughart Twelve Wyandotte Plaza 120 W. 12th St. ● Kansas City, MO 64105 816.421.3355 ● rmanies@polsinelli.com

Amy Eckhoff, AIA – Director (2011) Gastinger Walker Harden Architects 817 Wyandotte St. ● Kansas City, MO 64105 816.421.8200 ● aeckhoff@gwhm.com

For 2011, AIA Kansas City will focus on four priorities:

Kimball Hales, AIA – Director (2012)

Priority 1 | Member Value This priority will focus on how to communicate AIA Kansas City’s value to current members; future members (both established and emerging professionals) and architecture students.

hufft projects llc 321 W. 40th St. ● Kansas City, MO 64111 816.531.0200 ● kimballh@hufft.com

Priority 2 | Partner Value This priority involves finding ways to increase our number of Cornerstone Partner annual sponsors and the value that we provide to them. Priority 3 | Visibility This priority involves building awareness in the metro for how our chapter can be utilized in the big decisions municipalities make and promoting the chapter as a valuable resource for regional planning and design. Priority 4 | Design Alliance This priority involves partnering with other professional organizations and like-minded groups under the umbrella of the KC Design Alliance. Design Alliance currently plans the annual Kansas City Design Week’s assisting the Kansas City, Missouri School District Repurposing effort and is mobilizing efforts to promote the Kansas City community as a “Design-Centric” region. PLEASE TURN THE PAGE

Peter Sloan, AIA – Director (2013) 360 Architecture 300 W. 22nd St. ● Kansas City, MO 64108 816.472.3360 ● psloan@360architects.com

Erin Pias, Associate AIA – Associate Director (2011) Hoefer Wysocki Architects LLC 11460 Tomahawk Creek Pkwy, Ste 400 ● Leawood, KS 66211 913.307.3700 ● erin.pias@hwa.net

Lindsay Kenkel, Associate AIA – Associate Director (2012) Johnson County Government ● Facilities Management Department 111 S. Cherry St., Ste. 1100 ● Olathe, KS 66061 913.715.1146 ● lindsay.kenkel@jocogov.org

Dawn Taylor – Executive Director AIA Kansas City 1801 McGee St., Ste. 100 ● Kansas City, MO 64108 816.221.3485 ● dtaylor@aiakc.org

Robert Langenkamp – Public Director Assistant City Manager ● City of Kansas City, Missouri 29th Floor, City Hall ● Kansas City, MO 64106 816.513.1339 ● bob_langenkamp@kcmo.org

Mary Birch – Public Director Lathrop and Gage 10851 Mastin Blvd. ● Building 82, Ste. 1000 Overland Park, Kansas 66210 913.451.5100 ● mbirch@lathropgage.com



The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

The American Institute of Architects

About Architectural Services What Do Architects Do? You have a vision of what you want. Now you need to make that vision a reality. Here’s how architects can help you:

Architects help you get the most from your construction dollar Architects can reduce building costs, decrease your energy needs and increase its future resale value through good design.

Architects see the big picture Architects are specifically educated to help you define what you want to build, present options you might never have considered and help you get the most for your valuable investment. They don’t just design four walls and a roof — they create total environments, both interiors and exteriors, that are functional and exciting places in which to work, live and recreate.

Architects make your life easier Building is a long process that is often messy and disruptive, particularly if you are in the space while it is under construction. Your architect looks out for your interests and smoothes the process, helps find qualified construction contractors and visits the worksite to help protect you against work that is not according to plan.

Architects solve problems creatively Architects are trained problem-solvers. Need more room for your growing family? Architects can show you how to enlarge your home so you won’t have to move. Not sure how fast your business is going to grow? An architect can design an office that meets your needs today and can be adapted for tomorrow. Have a limited budget? Architects can propose ways to get more for your investment than you imagined possible.

Speak with an architect who is a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) at the earliest stage of the design process.

Why an AIA architect? Like doctors and lawyers, architects are licensed professionals. Only an individual who possesses a state license to practice architecture may use the title “architect.” They are the only professionals in the construction industry who are ethically bound to represent you, the building owner.

Professional qualifications generally include: College degree from an accredited school of architecture, requiring five or more years of professional studies ● Three years of internship under the supervision of licensed architects ● Passage of a licensing examination ●


AT THE LOCAL LEVEL AIA Kansas City Chapter Office 1801 McGee St., Ste. 100 ● Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: 816.221.3485 ● Fax: 816.221.5653 www.aiakc.org

AT THE STATE LEVEL AIA Kansas 700 Jackson, Ste. 209 ● Topeka, KS 66603 Phone: 785.357.5308 ● Fax: 785.357.6450 www.aiaks.org AIA Missouri 204 E. High St. ● Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: 573.635.8555 ● Fax: 573.636.5783 www.aiamo.org

AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave., NW ● Washington, D.C. 20006 Phone: 800.AIA.3837 or 202.626.7300 ● Fax: 202.626.7547 www.aia.org

STAFF Dawn Taylor, Executive Director ● dtaylor@aiakc.org Tiffany Shepherd, Deputy Director ● tiffany@aiakc.org Kristen DaMetz, Communications Director ● kristen@aiakc.org

Only those professionals who have fulfilled these requirements, or other requirements as stipulated by each individual state, may legally call themselves architects and practice architecture in the jurisdiction granting the license. Individuals may be registered, or licensed, in more than one state by means of reciprocal licensing agreements among the states.

Get the Real Thing — Look for “AIA”

Plan Your Next Event at AIA Kansas City Getting great minds together under one roof, in one space, is a powerful equation that can equal great results. So, whether it’s a small team meeting for 6-8 people or a larger conference for up to 150 people, you need the space to perform for you and enhance the brain power in the room. For more information on event rental space at AIA Kansas City please go to www.aiakc.org/event-rental-space or call 816.221.3485.

Photo by Alistair Tutton Photography

Look for the AIA initials after the name of any architect you consider for your project. AIA architects remain current with professional standards through continuing education and subscribe to a code of ethics and professional conduct that assures clients, the public and colleagues of their dedication to high standards in professional practice.



The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

AIA Kansas City Firms

360 Architecture 300 W. 22nd St., Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 472-3360 www.360architects.com

BRR Architecture 6700 Antioch Plaza, Ste. 300, Merriam, KS 66204 (913) 262-9095 www.brrarch.com

Ellerbe Becket Inc. and AECOM Company 2380 McGee, Ste. 200, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 561-4443 www.ellerbebecket.com

3F30 Architects Inc. 10002 N. Ambassador Drive, Kansas City, MO 64153 (816) 801-7070 www.3f30.com

Burns & McDonnell 9400 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64114 (816) 333-9400 www.burnsmcd.com

Frank Zilm & Assoc. Inc. 1401 W. 50th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 561-7186 www.zilm.com

Alan Johnson Design 700 W. 47th St., Ste. 200, Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 412-8455

Crawford Architects Inc. 1801 McGee St., Ste. 200, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 421-2640 www.crawfordarch.com

Gastinger Walker Harden Architects 817 Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 421-8200 www.gastingerwalkerharden.com

Davidson & Associates Inc. 10955 Lowell Ave., Ste. 1025, Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 271-6158 www.davidsonassociatesinc.com

GBA 9801 Renner Blvd., Lenexa, KS 66219 (913) 492-0400 www.gbutler.com

davidson architecture & engineering 11301 Strang Line Road, Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 451-9390 www.davidson-brown.com

Gentry Design Studio 128 S. Chestnut, Olathe, KS 66061 (913) 393-0175

Architeam 10305 Sagamore Road, Leawood, KS 66206 (888) 681-2211 www.architeam.us ATA Architects LLC 323 E. 14th Ave., North Kansas City, MO 64116 (816) 221-8994 www.ataarch.com BCS Design Inc. 19920 W. 161st St., Olathe, KS 66062 (913) 780-4820 www.bcsarchitects.com BeFree Architecture LLC 10 W. 59th St., Kansas City, MO 64113 (816) 223-5207 www.befreearch.com Bell/Knott & Associates 12730 State Line Road, Ste. 100, Leawood, KS 66209 (913) 378-1600 www.bellknott.com Berger Devine Yeager Inc. 7780 W. 119th St., Overland Park, KS 66213 (913) 742-8000 www.bdyinc.com BNIM 106 W. 14th St., Ste. 200, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 783-1500 www.bnim.com Bowman Bowman Novick Inc. 411 Nichols Road, Ste. 246, Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 753-2550 www.bbnarchitects.com


Davison Architecture + Urban Design LLC 405 Southwest Blvd., Ste. 200, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 531-8303 www.davisonarch.com Design Build Team Inc. 5242 Foster, Overland Park, KS 66202 (913) 722-1443 www.designbuildteam.com DLR Group 7290 W. 133rd St., Overland Park, KS 66213 (913) 897-7811 www.dlrgroup.com E. Crichton Singleton, FAIA, Inc. 4950 Wyoming St., Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 561-9393 www.kitesingleton.com Ecological Architecture PA 842 W. 21st St., Lawrence, KS 66046 (785) 749-1018 www.ecologicalarch.com el dorado inc. 510 Avenida Cesar E. Chavez, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 474-3838 www.eldo.us

go studio 7 E. 34th St., Ste. 307, Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 531-2229 www.gostudioarchitects.com Gould Evans 4041 Mill St., Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 931-6655 www.gouldevans.com Guenther Mills Keating Architects Inc. 6532 Blue Ridge Cutoff, Raytown, MO 64133 (816) 356-7555 www.gmkarchitects.com Helix Architecture + Design 1629 Walnut, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 300-0300 www.wearehelix.com HNTB Architecture Inc. 715 Kirk Drive, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 472-1201 www.hntb.com Hoefer Wysocki Architects LLC 11460 Tomahawk Creek Pkwy, Ste. 400, Leawood, KS 66211 (913) 307-3700 www.hwa.net

Hollis & Miller Architects 8205 W. 108th Terrace, Ste. 200, Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 451-8886 www.hollis-miller.com Howard & Helmer Architects PA 7400 W. 110th, Ste. 650, Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 451-0015 www.howardandhlemer.com HTK Architects 9300 W. 110th St., Ste. 150, Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 663-5373 www.htkarchitects.com hufftprojects llc 321 W. 40th St., Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 531-0200 www.hufft.com Innovative Design & Renovation 2 W. 52nd St., Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 531-2221 www.ecodesignkc.com Intelligent Line A+D LLC / pg. 19 9728 N. Highland, Terrace Kansas City, MO 64155 (816) 785-2265 International Architects Atelier 912 Broadway, Ste. 300, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 471-6522 www.i-a-a.com James Brown Architect & Associates P.O. Box 3038, Independence, MO 64055 (816) 229-2039






James D. Marshall, Jr., AIA 7734 Chadwick, Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 383-3022 www.mjamesdmarshall-architect.com Junk Architects 802 Broadway, 5th Floor, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 472-7722 www.junkarchitects.com

Specializing in residential architecture for over 25 years

KEM Studio 3829 Main St., Ste. 600, Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 756-1808 www.kemstudio.com Mantel Teter: Architects 929 Walnut, Ste. 700, Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 931-5600 www.mantelteter.com Moody Nolan Inc. 4049 Pennsylvania Ave., Ste. 301, Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 531-1486 www.moodynolan.com

Best Custom Home $1-$1.5 Million & Best Green Home














AIA Kansas City Firms

The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

McHenry Shaffer Mitchell Architects 6314 Brookside Plaza, Ste. 207, Kansas City, MO 64113 (816) 822-0897 www.msmkc.com Nevius Serig Palmer Architecture 11011 Cody, Ste. 175, Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 317-6772 www.nsp-a.com Nolte & Associates PA 9400 Reeds Road, Ste. 200, Overland Park, KS 66207 (913) 322-2444 www.noltearch.com NSPJ Architects / pg. 12 3515 W. 75th St., Ste. 201, Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 831-1415 www.nspjarch.com

Reed Architects 7920 Scott Ave., Liberty, MO 64068 (816) 781-5300 Rees Masilionis Turley Architecture LLC 908 Broadway, 6th Floor, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 842-1292 www.architecturermt.com River Bluff Architects Inc. 1214 Frederick Ave., Saint Joseph, MO 64501 (816) 232-7248 www.riverbluff.com Ron Reid Associates PC 38 Westwoods Drive, Ste. B, Liberty, MO 64068 (816) 792-3800 www.rra-a.com

Patric J. Tierney Architect AIA PA 8515 W. 88th St., Overland Park, KS 66212 (913) 642-5740

Rose Design Group Inc. P.O. Box 100, Olathe, KS 66051 (913) 782-0777 www.buildwithrose.com

Pendulum Studio LLC 1617 Main St., 3rd Floor, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 335-3030 www.pendulumstudio.com

Rosemann & Associates PC 1526 Grand Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 472-1448 www.rosemann.com

Peters & Associates Inc. 9990 College Blvd., Ste. 100, Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 469-6865

SFS Architecture 1150 Grand Blvd., Ste. 400, Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 474-1397 www.sfsarch.com

PGAV Architects 1900 W. 47th Place, Ste. 100, Westwood, KS 66205 (913) 362-6500 www.pgav.com Piper-Wind Architects Inc. 2121 Central, Ste. 143, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 474-3050 www.piper-wind.com Populous 300 Wyandotte, Ste. 300, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 221-1500 www.populous.com RDM Architecture 7244 Washington St., Kansas City, MO 64114 (816) 361-9595 www.rdmarchitecture.com Rebecca Riden AIA Architect 2405 W. 71st St., Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 432-8282 www.ridenarch.com 20 • KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK

Stark Wilson Duncan Architects Inc. 315 Nichols Road, Ste. 228, Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 531-1698 www.swdarchitects.com Summit Architecture PC 6523 Summit, Kansas City, MO 64113 (816) 210-4104 www.summitarchitecture.com Susan Richards Johnson & Associates 818 Grand Blvd., Ste. 1150, Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 474-0900 www.srjarch.com Tevis Architectural Group PA 8725 Rosehill Road, Ste. 480, Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 599-3003 www.tevisarchitects.com

The Clark Enersen Partners 1251 NW Briarcliff Parkway, Ste. 400, Kansas City, MO 64116 (816) 474-8237 www.clarkenersen.com TK Architects Inc. 106 W. 11th St., Ste. 1900, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 842-7552 www.tkarch.com Tompkins Architects 612 NW Kay Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 (816) 525-9833 www.tom-arch.com Treanor Architects PA 1617 Walnut, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 221-0900 www.treanorarchitects.com Urban Prairie Architectural Collaborative PC 4436 Fairmount Ave., Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 304-7416 www.urbanprairiekc.com Warner Nease Bost Architects Inc. 517 Delaware, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 283-3731 www.wnbarchitects.com Wellner Architects Inc. 802 Broadway, 4th Floor, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 221-0017 www.wellner.com Wendlandt & Stallbaumer / pg. 12 7924 Floyd, Overland Park, KS 66204 (913) 642-9559 www.architechnique.com Williams Spurgeon Kuhl & Freshnock Architects Inc. 110 Armour Road, North Kansas City, MO 64116 (816) 300-4101 www.wskfarch.com WJE Healthcare Architects 8207 Melrose Drive, Ste. 145, Lenexa, KS 66214 (913) 438-9095 www.wje-architects.com Wolfgang Trost Architects LLC 5300 W. 94th Terrace, Ste. 100, Prairie Village, KS 66207 (913) 341-2882 www.wolfgangtrost.com


AIA Kansas City Members

The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

A Abend, Stephen N., FAIA Abernethy, Krista S., Assoc. AIA Abramof, Iris, Assoc. AIA Achelpohl, Kathy W., AIA Adams, Brian S., AIA Adams, James R., AIA Adolf, Nathan T., Assoc. AIA Aiello, Elizabeth T., Assoc. AIA Albers, Bradley W., AIA Alexander, Edward, AIA Allers, Ben E, AIA Allison, Steven L., AIA Alstrom, Sven E., AIA Amberville, Justin, AIA Amirahmadi, Elizabeth Kelly, AIA Amirahmadi, Majid, AIA Amundsen, Kurt Michael, AIA Anderson, David L., AIA Anderson, Douglas D., AIA Anderson, James C., AIA Anderson, T. Tristan, AIA Andracsek, Michael, AIA Angrisano, Neal J., AIA Ansourian, Vittorio S., Assoc. AIA Appleman, Nathan A., AIA Arnold, Brian, Assoc. AIA Astourian, Vahe M., AIA Atchity, R. Anthony, AIA Atha, Alan P., AIA Athey, Bradford N., Assoc. AIA Ault, Todd J., AIA Auman, Scott J., AIA Auxier, Ronald H., AIA B Bailey, Travis E., AIA Baker, Brad, AIA Baker, Robert L., Assoc. AIA Ball, Brian R., AIA Bardon, Erin C., AIA Barker, Jason, AIA Barnert, Ben B., AIA Barraza, Douglas A., AIA Bartholomew, Richard A., AIA Barton, William C., AIA Baru, Gerald B., AIA Beahm, Bruce V., AIA Bean, Thomas R., AIA Beer, Martin T., AIA Beeson, Robert M., AIA Bee-Triplett, Jana E., AIA Beichley, Douglas K., AIA Bell, Chris R., AIA Berendzen, Ryan J., AIA Berg, Brian, AIA Berke, Austin P., Assoc. AIA Berkebile, Robert J., FAIA Berkey, Suzanne E., Assoc. AIA Berlin, Gary, AIA Berman, Kevin D., AIA Berryman, Michael S., AIA


Bertolino, Marc G., AIA Beshears, Christopher L., Assoc. AIA Best, Joshua Eric, Assoc. AIA Beverlin, Amber A., AIA Bichel, Mark A, AIA Bickford, Robert S., AIA Biersmith, Paul, AIA Bishop, Teri, AIA Black, Holly Kathleen, AIA Blackledge, Michael D., Assoc. AIA Blain, Gretchen M., Assoc. AIA Blakeney, Mary C., Assoc. AIA Blanchard, Stephen M., AIA Bland, Ashley A., Assoc. AIA Blessing, Roger F., AIA Bock, David W., AIA Bockelman, Gene C., AIA Bodenstab, Todd Andrew, AIA Boe, Douglas J., AIA Bond, Easom J., AIA Bononi, Brian J., Assoc. AIA Bosch, Eric P., AIA Bouillette, Kara M., AIA Bower, David W., AIA Bowling, Steven J., AIA Boyd, Bryan Scott, AIA Boyd, Stephen E., AIA Boyden, Robert W., Assoc. AIA Boyle, Jack C., AIA Braam, James C., AIA Bradley, Carrie, AIA Brannin, Craig A., AIA Branton, Scott C., AIA Bredar, Randall J., AIA Breneman, James R., AIA Bridges, Justin Dale, AIA Bright, Kermit, Assoc. AIA Briscoe, Lisa Lassman, AIA Bronson, Diamond S., Assoc. AIA Brown, George P., AIA Brown, Gregory A., AIA Brown, James R., AIA Brown, John Gilbert, AIA Brown, Scott T., Assoc. AIA Browning, Tracy, AIA Buck, Donna Beyer, AIA Buck, Kristen, Assoc. AIA Buland, Caleb G., AIA Bultemeier, Nicole L., Assoc. AIA Bumgarner, Jim G., AIA Bunn, Ingrid R., Assoc. AIA Burke, Kathleen A., AIA Burnett, Lina Encarnacion, Assoc. AIA Burrell, Vontwill, Assoc. AIA Burton, Ryan D., Assoc. AIA Busse, Gary A., AIA Butko, Daniel J., AIA C Cahill, Timothy G., FAIA Calcara, James R., AIA Camp, Sebren R., AIA

Campbell, Charles Kevin, AIA Campbell, Robert E., AIA Capstack, Scott E., Assoc. AIA Carlson, Edwin L., AIA Carney, Daren T., AIA Carpenter, Kent C., Assoc. AIA Carr, Kevin, AIA Carson, Aaron Rolland, AIA Casey, John P., AIA Cassias, Charles S., FAIA Caton, Shawn Eric, AIA Caudle, Steve, AIA Cawby, Julie L., Assoc. AIA Chael, Frederick P., AIA Chapman, Charles A., AIA Chase, Myron P., AIA Chibnall, James A., AIA Christianer, Michael L., AIA Christie, Ava Moore, AIA Ciston, Robert T., AIA Clark, Brad A., AIA Clark, Jackson, AIA Clark, Richard R., AIA Clark, Terry Steven, AIA Clement, Robert, AIA Clincy, Simmy T., Assoc. AIA Coats, Michael Anthony, AIA Coburn, Jacob E., Assoc. AIA Cohen, Nathan A., AIA Cole, Jonathan O., AIA Coleman, Joy L., AIA Coleman, Richard C., AIA Colin, Stephen B., Assoc. AIA Collier, John M., AIA Comeaux, Dwight, AIA Comfort, Rickilynn, Assoc. AIA Connolly, Matthew D., AIA Conrad, W M., FAIA Cook, Douglas R., AIA Coon, Charles E., AIA Cooper, Daniel William, Assoc. AIA Cooper, Rachel R., Assoc. AIA Corbin, Scott, AIA Corwin, E. F., AIA Coryell, Scott S., Assoc. AIA Cotton, Becky, AIA Creeden, Kyle K., Assoc. AIA Crowley, Bradd A., AIA Cugno, Barbara, AIA Cummings, Michael Alan, AIA Cummins, Tim, AIA Curfman, Mark T., AIA Cyr, Mary T., AIA Czerw, Brian P., AIA D Davidson, John E., AIA Davidson, Richard C., AIA Davis, Christopher Lewis, Assoc. AIA Davis, Jeffrey J., AIA Davis, Kelley Anne, AIA Davison, Dominique D., AIA

Dawson, Elizabeth A., Assoc. AIA De Jong, Samuel G., Assoc. AIA Deacy, Mary Sullivan, AIA deFlon, Richard L., AIA DeGasperi, Jeffrey B., AIA Del Popolo, Robert G., AIA Delich, John T., AIA DeWitt, Jennifer A., AIA Di Nitto, Martin H., AIA Dillon, Cecelia, AIA DiPiazzo, Denise, AIA Distler, Donald R., AIA Dittmer, Mark W., AIA Dodd, Jean D., Assoc. AIA Donovan, Michael A., AIA Doolittle-Bowman, Lorie A., AIA Dougherty, Aaron, AIA Dougherty, Henry F., AIA Dowell, David R., AIA Dries, Erin J. S., Assoc. AIA Drosos, Gus, AIA Duethman, Stephen J., AIA Duff, Patrick D., AIA Duffe, Ashley J., Assoc. AIA Duffendack, J. Paul, FAIA Duffendack, Jan, Assoc. AIA Duncan, Dale R, AIA Duncan, Herbert E., FAIA Duncan, Kenneth L., AIA Duncan, Lisa S., Assoc. AIA Dunlap, James O., AIA Durham, Beau Tyler, Assoc. AIA Durham, Justin G., AIA Dussair, David J., AIA Dvorak, Randy L., AIA Dyche, Bethany J., Assoc. AIA E Eckhoff, Amy Leah, AIA Edson, James S., AIA Eeds, Edward L., AIA El Tuhami, Nadia H., Assoc. AIA Ellison, Jeffrey K., AIA Emas, Byron, AIA Embers, Richard L., AIA Endecott, Randall M., AIA Engle, Matthew, AIA English, Theresa M, AIA Entzminger, Cheryl A., AIA Ervie, Stewart J., AIA Esely, David T., AIA Essel, Jason, Assoc. AIA Eszter, Adrian F., Assoc. AIA Eugster, Pamela J., AIA Evans, David, AIA Everitt, Robert S., AIA Eyler, John C., AIA F Fager, Randie S., AIA Farnan, Richard L., AIA Fast, Kevin D., AIA Faulkner, Trudy R., AIA Fennel, James E., AIA Fickel, John P., AIA Fickel, Michael T., FAIA Fielder, Jack C., AIA Findlay, David A., AIA Finkle, Gregory Robert, AIA Finnegan, Katie M., Assoc. AIA Firkins, Brian L., AIA Fischer, Hans J., AIA Fish, Robert C., AIA Fisher, Bradley A., AIA PLEASE TURN THE PAGE KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK • 23


AIA Kansas City Members

The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

Fithian, Stacey, AIA Fitzgerald, Leah, Assoc. AIA Folger, Evans, AIA Ford, Debra L., AIA Ford, Ryan Christopher, Assoc. AIA Foster, Chad C., AIA Fountain Frye, Amy, AIA Fowler, Billy Wayne, AIA Francis, Tracy C., Assoc. AIA Francisco, Christopher P., AIA Frank, John P., AIA Franzen, Mark E., AIA Frashier, Kenneth M., AIA Freed, James Michael, AIA French, James D., AIA Freshnock, John Edward, AIA Frewen-Wuellner, Cynthia S., FAIA Friedman, Norman K., AIA Fry, Jason D., Assoc. AIA Furnell, Jason, AIA Fuston, Ronald D., AIA G Gaa, Justin C., AIA Gaebler, Rebecca Angie, AIA Gagliano, Laura D., AIA Gaiser, Bane, AIA Galati, Kathleen J., Assoc. AIA Galle, James R., AIA Galloway, Michael L., AIA Gangel, Michelle D., AIA Garcia, John Justin, Assoc. AIA Garcia, Rafael I., AIA Gardner, Donald, AIA Garvey, Brian L., AIA Garvey, Julie A., Assoc. AIA Gastinger, Kirk A., FAIA Gavito, Georgia, AIA Gearheart, Matthew D., Assoc. AIA Gentry, Lynn M., AIA Gerken, Logan A., AIA Gerter, Olga, Assoc. AIA Getz, Janet C., Assoc. AIA Giese, Walter R., AIA Glessner, John D., AIA Godfrey, Aaron R., Assoc. AIA Goeddel, Gerilyn Christine, Assoc. AIA Goldberg, Lawrence Todd, AIA Golden, Jason A., AIA Golshani, Ahmad, Assoc. AIA Golubski, Steve E., AIA Goodman FAIA, Cary C., AIA Goslinga, Michael J., Assoc. AIA Goss, Gregory S., AIA Gould, Dana C., AIA Gould, Robert E., FAIA Graft, Michael C., AIA Graham, Kenneth D., AIA Graham, Matthew L., AIA Graves, Dean W., FAIA Graves, N. Reed, AIA Greenlee, John W., AIA


Greischar, Kevin M., AIA Greubel, Angela, Assoc. AIA Greusel, David, FAIA Griesemer, Paul E., AIA Grimes, David, AIA Grindel, Harriet Rae, Assoc. AIA Gronberg, Guy W., AIA Gross, Bryan J., AIA Grotenhuis, Rohn Edward, AIA Groth, Adam S., Assoc. AIA Guenther, Stephen E., AIA Gunaratne, Charmalee H., Assoc. AIA Gunter, Travis C., Assoc. AIA H Habib, Hosam, AIA Hafner, Christopher L., AIA Hagen, Kenneth E., AIA Hailey, James, AIA Haines, Candace D., Assoc. AIA Hales, Kimball Lee, AIA Hall, Eric A., Assoc. AIA Hall, Terren N., Assoc. AIA Hand, Ashley Z., Assoc. AIA Handelman, Michael A., AIA Handley, James W., AIA Hansen, James D., AIA Hansen, Jason B., Assoc. AIA Hanson, Milan D., AIA Hapgood, Curtis, AIA Harden, Amber R., AIA Harden, Wm. Kevin, AIA Harding, Keturah, Assoc. AIA Harriman, Jenny, Assoc. AIA Harris, Alfred L., AIA Hart, Barry T., AIA Hatti, Komal, AIA Haugh, Kevin, AIA Havens, Harold J., AIA Hayes, Jon R., AIA Haynes, Martin K., AIA Hays, R.P., AIA Hearne, Gary M., AIA Heinlein, George M., AIA Heirigs, Matthew T., Assoc. AIA Heitman, Erik W., Assoc. AIA Helgren, Stephen E., Assoc. AIA Hemberger, Joshua M., Assoc. AIA Hendrickson, Brian S., AIA Hendrikse, David E., AIA Henton, Ken Robert, AIA Herndon, Austin, AIA Herold, Don, Assoc. AIA Herre, Christopher L., AIA Herring, Christopher K., Assoc. AIA Herron, David F., Assoc. AIA Heule, Michael J., AIA Heyen, Darin S., AIA Hicks, Todd, AIA Higdon, Jayne Anne, Assoc. AIA Hillman, Robert, AIA Himes, Steven B., AIA

Ho, John, AIA Hodgell, Murlin R., FAIA Hoefer, Mitchell R., AIA Hoffman, John E., AIA Hoffman, Marsha K., AIA Hofstra, Phillip, AIA Hoiland, Trevor L., Assoc. AIA Holmes, Eugene H., AIA Holmes, Jerry R., AIA Holoman, Kevin V., AIA Holt, Denise, Assoc. AIA Hoover, George L., AIA Hopkins, Stephen K., AIA Horner, Dwight C., AIA Horner, Kirk C., AIA Hotujac, Stephen F., AIA Howard, John G., AIA Howard, Todd J., Assoc. AIA Hubbard, Bradley G., AIA Hueser, John H., AIA Huettner, Mark, AIA Hufft, Matthew Edwin, AIA Huhn, Barry, AIA Hunter, Ryan D., AIA Hurt, Douglas J., AIA Hurtig, Edward C., Assoc. AIA I Ingram, Chad D., AIA J Jacobsen, Joel M., Assoc. AIA Jamis, James Robert, AIA Jann, David N., AIA Jarboe, Edwin F., AIA Jarvis, Robert B., AIA Jertson, Erik O., Assoc. AIA Jimenez, Joseph M., AIA Johnson, Alan W., AIA Johnson, Paul L, Assoc. AIA Johnson, Richard E., AIA Johnson, Scott A., Assoc. AIA Johnson, Susan Richards, AIA Johnson, William E., AIA Joiner, David L., AIA Jones, Burke A., AIA Jones, Richard A., AIA Jones, Richard E., AIA Jones, Robert G., AIA Jones, Robert T., AIA Jones, Scott K., AIA Jones Jr., Donald P., AIA Jorgensen, Paul L., AIA Judy, William E., AIA Junk, Robert P., AIA Jury, Sonya L., AIA K Katterhenry, Curtis A., AIA Kauffman, Matthew A., AIA Kaufman, Craig, AIA Kazmaier, Jeffrey D., AIA

Keal, Joshua P., Assoc. AIA Keating, Edward M., AIA Keeler, Richard A., AIA Kempf, Sarah, Assoc. AIA Kenkel, Jaclyn A., Assoc. AIA Kenkel, Lindsay M., Assoc. AIA Kesel, Andrew J., Assoc. AIA Kessler, Glenn A., Assoc. AIA Keys, Ralph L., AIA Kiehl, Michele, AIA Kiehl, Richard A., AIA Kim, Taejoong (T.J.), AIA Kimble, J. Gordon, AIA Kinerk, Anne M., AIA Kitchen, Burke A., AIA Klein, Kelsey J., Assoc. AIA Kline, Timothy E., AIA Klinkenberg, Kevin M., AIA Knapp, Theodore F., AIA Knight, Jonathan Robert, AIA Knipp, George W., AIA Kniss, Richard M., AIA Knop, Cody E., Assoc. AIA Knott, Kerry L., AIA Koenig, Robert M., AIA Kohles, Mark A., AIA Koppes, Robert J., AIA Kovar, Alan R., AIA Kremer, Ryan P., Assoc. AIA Krohn, Robert A., AIA Kronblad, Randall A., AIA Krygiel, Edward S., AIA Kuehn, Siegfried N., AIA Kumler, Miranda L., AIA Kurtz, Victor Robert, AIA Kyger, John M., AIA Labinski, Ronald J., FAIA L Lamour, Lesly G., Assoc. AIA Lance, Thomas O., AIA Lang, Ryan P., Assoc. AIA Langenkamp, Becca Freese, AIA Larson, Gregory E., AIA Lau, Stanley T., AIA Law, Bruce E., AIA Lawler, Nicholas J., Assoc. AIA Lawler, Robert C., AIA Le, Duc, Assoc. AIA Leahy, Patrick J., AIA Ledesma, Aaron J., Assoc. AIA Lee, James W., AIA Lehman, Milanka L., Assoc. AIA Lehmkuhl, Jennifer N., Assoc. AIA Lenahan, Patrick K., AIA Lepentis, Vasilios, Assoc. AIA Leskovac, Paul J., AIA Lesniewski, Laura A., AIA Lett, Kirk R., AIA Lewis, George W., Assoc. AIA L’Heureux, Marie Alice, AIA Lichty, James A., AIA Liebst, Brandon G., AIA Lif, Galen G., AIA Lindenlaub, Adam R., AIA Littrell, Jacob A., Assoc. AIA Lizarraga, J. David, AIA Lockwood, Michael Arlie, AIA Loesch, Michael A., AIA Lofts, Eric Ryan, AIA London, Wayne C., AIA Long, Kristin Navelle, AIA Lopez, Dorota M., Assoc. AIA Loveland, Douglas B., AIA

Home Remodeling with Attention to Architectural Detailing and Superior Craftsmanship

913.963.2246 w w w. a r c h c r a f t s m e n . c o m PLEASE TURN THE PAGE KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK • 25


AIA Kansas City Members

The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

Low, Kendall C., AIA Lund, George W., AIA Lundberg, James V., AIA Lyons, Jill Nordin, AIA M Maginn, Daniel P., AIA Majors, Richard A., Jr., AIA Malik, Dev S., AIA Mandelkern, David, Assoc. AIA Manica, David L., AIA Manies, Ryan, AIA Manlove, Marvin D., AIA Markey, Dennis J., AIA Markt, Sara C., AIA Marquardt, Joel Craig, AIA Marquardt, Zachary S., AIA Marshall, Bruce A., AIA Marshall, James D., AIA Marshall, James R., AIA Martell, Leo M., AIA Martin, Blaine, Assoc. AIA Martin, Christopher A., AIA Martin, Kenneth John, AIA Martin, Richard A., AIA Masilionis, Matthew G., AIA Massoth, Austin M., AIA Masterson, Meghan O., Assoc. AIA Maxwell, Eric Allan, AIA McCall, L. Michael, AIA McCasland, Thomas W., AIA McClure, Dirk, Assoc. AIA McDaniel, Brian Mark, AIA McDermott, Richard D., AIA McDonald, Ryan M., AIA McDowell, Stephen A., FAIA McGraw, Cicely A., AIA McGuire, Stephen P., AIA McHenry, Mark, AIA McKinney, Brian E., AIA McMullen, M. D., AIA McMullin, R. N., AIA Meyer, Dale H., AIA Meyer, Dan R., Assoc. AIA Meyer, Mariah B., AIA Meyer, Timothy Arno, Assoc. AIA Migneron, Chris, AIA Miguel, Jesse Kadekawa, AIA Mika, Robert E., AIA Milde, Craig M., AIA Miller, Bruce, AIA Miller, Jonathan P., AIA Miller, Julie M., AIA Miller, Lyle C., AIA Miller, Scott H., AIA Miller, Terry, AIA Miller, Thomas A., AIA Mills, L. George, AIA Minter, Chris L., AIA Minto, Paul C., AIA Mirakian, Melody L., Assoc. AIA Mischlich, John H., AIA


Mitchell, James C., AIA Mitchell, William H., AIA Mleynek, Clark, AIA Molina, Trinidad J., Assoc. AIA Moore, Scott A., AIA Moore, Steve, AIA Moreira, Mariana B., Assoc. AIA Morgan, Robert Lee, FAIA Morrison, Kile R., AIA Morrison, Lecretia J., Assoc. AIA Mosiman, Paul Robert, Assoc. AIA Mueller, Michelle, Assoc. AIA Muffoletto, Jack, AIA Mulcahy, Abby L., Assoc. AIA Muller, Mark B., Assoc. AIA Mulvihill, Megan P., Assoc. AIA Murch, Brian M., AIA Murphy, David M., AIA Murphy, Matthew B., Assoc. AIA Murphy, Teresa Ann, AIA Murray, Justin A., AIA Murray-Allinder, Therese, AIA N Nanson, Benjamin M., AIA Nearing, H. H., AIA Nease, Dennis A., AIA Nelson, Thompson C., FAIA Nelson, Vern A., AIA Nenonen, Daniel, AIA Nepveux, Leslie A., Assoc. AIA Nettelblad, Hans H., AIA Nevius, Gary A., AIA Newland, Jason D., Assoc. AIA Newman, Kerry K., AIA Nguyen, Mai T., Assoc. AIA Nickisch, Andrea B., Assoc. AIA Niemuth, Jon David, AIA Nies, Bradley R., AIA Nies, Laura K., AIA Niewrzel, George C., AIA Nolte, Thomas R., AIA Nook, Gregory E., AIA Norton, M. Gene, AIA Noteis, Vicki L., AIA Novak, Dalyn M., Assoc. AIA Novak, Gilbert A., AIA Nugent, Matthew O., Assoc. AIA O O’Connell, Stephanie D., Assoc. AIA O’Connor, Chris J., AIA Ogata, Alejandro, Assoc. AIA Oller, Molly K., Assoc. AIA Olsen, Mark A., AIA Olsen, Russell L., Assoc. AIA O’Neill, Douglas J., Assoc. AIA Oquist, Mark A., Assoc. AIA Orlowski, David J., AIA Orr, Corlett M., AIA Oshiver, Joseph J., AIA Owings III, William R., AIA

P Padget, Steven R., AIA Palangi, Travis, Assoc. AIA Palmer, Donald M., AIA Palmer, Mark A., AIA Parker, Greg Paul, AIA Parker, Todd A., AIA Parks, David M., Assoc. AIA Pashia, Scott, AIA Pastine, Laura A., AIA Patterson, Kevin M., AIA Paxton, Michael J., AIA Pearson, Randal S., AIA Penn, Randall W., AIA Perryman, Jason M., AIA Peter, John Patrick, Assoc. AIA Peterkord, John W., AIA Peters, Charles D., AIA Peters, Mark F., AIA Petry, Jonathan C., AIA Phelps, Skyler K., AIA Pias, Erin L., Assoc. AIA Pierce, Don, AIA Piper, Eric J., AIA Pitts, T. Andrew, AIA Pollmann, Michael A., Assoc. AIA Pontius, Joseph Gerald, AIA Popp, Michael L., AIA Porsch, Clayton H., AIA Posey, Ronald A., AIA Powell, Richardson K., Assoc. AIA Prelogar, William H., AIA Price, Jeffrey Carson, AIA Proctor, Jeremy Tod, Assoc. AIA Proebstle, Thomas Jason, AIA Pruitt, Donald E., AIA Przygoda, Christina D., Assoc. AIA Q Qualls, Christopher P., Assoc. AIA Quatman, G. William, Esq., FAIA Quinton, John E., AIA Quiring, Dwight P., AIA R Ramaswami, Murali, Assoc. AIA Ramsey, Jeffery A., AIA Randa, Brennon J., Assoc. AIA Rau, Boyd W., AIA Ray, Albert N., AIA Ray, Michael John, AIA Ready, Scott W., Assoc. AIA Reed, Vernon, FAIA Rehak, John J., AIA Reid, David L., AIA Reid, Ronald L., AIA Rezac, Carrie B., AIA Rezac, David W., AIA Rhea, Chris M., AIA Rhoad, William Lee, AIA Riccardi II, Robert E., AIA Rice, Scott, AIA

Rich, Adam B., Assoc. AIA Riden, Rebecca, AIA Roark, Steven R., AIA Roberts, Brent A., AIA Roberts, Quentin L., AIA Robinson, Brian B., Assoc. AIA Robinson, Scott, AIA Rodriguez, Miguel Antonio, AIA Roesler, David E., AIA Roether, Ed, AIA Rogge, Craig D., AIA Roggy, Brian S., AIA Roggy, Celeste A., AIA Rohlfing, Steven R., AIA Rohr, Anthony G., AIA Roland, David M., AIA Rooney, Kevin K., Assoc. AIA Rosche, Ryan David, Assoc. AIA Rosemann, Donald E., AIA Rosen, Samuel R., AIA Ross, Christopher D., AIA Rost, Kevin Patrick, AIA Roth, Justin R., AIA Rothfork, James S., Assoc. AIA Roumas, William S., AIA Rowe, Clyde C., Assoc. AIA Ruoff, Bryan C., AIA Ryerkerk, Denise, AIA Rygaard, H. Thorvald, AIA S Sabatini, Michael W., AIA Sadler, Douglas L., AIA Salisbury, John L., AIA Salzer, Steven William, AIA Sams, Chris Joseph, AIA Sanders, Paul J., Assoc. AIA Sandford, Dan R., AIA Sang, Jared M., Assoc. AIA Sankey, John D., AIA Santee, Earl E., AIA Satterwhite, Brad Jason, Assoc. AIA Sayers, Scott D., AIA Schaadt, Michael, AIA Schaecher, David L., AIA Schaefer, Brad M., AIA Schaffer, Rick A., AIA Scharhag, Herman A., AIA Scherman, Michael J., Assoc. AIA Schladweiler, Rick Dana, AIA Schowengerdt, Amanda M., Assoc. AIA Schraeder, Jim, AIA Schrock, J. Bradley, AIA Schroeder, Rick D., AIA Schuberth, Gary R., AIA Schuetz, Michael L., AIA Schukai, David R., AIA Schultz, Greg, AIA Schutzler, Jeffrey A., AIA Schwaab, Laurel Ann, AIA Schweiger, John P., AIA Scott, J. William, AIA Scott, James C., AIA Scott, Laura M., Assoc. AIA Scott, Pamela D., AIA Scranton, Craig C., AIA Scruggs, Jennifer A., Assoc. AIA Seifert, Gregory Thomas, AIA Seligson, Theodore, FAIA Serig, Craig B., AIA Sexton, Charley E., Assoc. AIA Shaffer, Ronald L., AIA Shanks, Lonnie J., AIA Shaughnessy, C. Michael, AIA PLEASE TURN THE PAGE KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK • 27


AIA Kansas City Members

The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

Shawhan, Jeffery J., AIA Sheldon, J. Gregory, AIA Shelton, Josh M., AIA Sherlock, Greg, AIA Sherman, Basil D., II, AIA Sherman, Sean Bruce, Assoc. AIA Shervington, Daniel R., Assoc. AIA Shinkle, Jeffrey, AIA Shirley, Gary E., AIA Short, Andrew M., AIA Shreve, John P., AIA Shuler, Adam J., AIA Shuler, F. W., AIA Silva, Leonardo D., Assoc. AIA Sime, R.W., AIA Simmons, Curtis, AIA Simmons, Robert A., AIA Singleton, E. Crichton, FAIA Skaff, David M., AIA Slaggie, Scott J., AIA Slattery, Amy J., AIA Slattery, Sean Thomas, AIA Sloan, Peter H., AIA Smith, Debra L., AIA Smith, Eric N., AIA Smith, Kwame W., AIA Smith, Martin T., AIA Smith, Patrick B., Assoc. AIA Solomon, Melvin A., AIA Southard, John W., AIA Sparks, John Paul, AIA Spear, Jeffrey A., AIA Spear, Joseph E., FAIA Spencer, Robert B., AIA Spreckelmeyer, Kent F., FAIA Staats, Paul S., AIA Stallbaumer, Ron G., AIA Stark, Paul, AIA Staus, Christopher D., AIA Steele, Charles E., AIA Steiner, Brian K., AIA Steiner, Frank A., Assoc. AIA Stephenson, Versie H., AIA Sterns, Adam L., AIA Stevens, Douglas E., AIA Stevens, John H., AIA Stewart, Mary Elizabeth, AIA Stindt, Bennet Herald, AIA Stindt, Kelly C., AIA Stock, Joseph R., Assoc. AIA Stockwell, Eddie Paul, AIA Stoever, Debra L., AIA Strait, Dennis M., AIA Strawn, Rick, AIA Streich, Kenneth H., AIA Subtil, Sara Pizarro, AIA Sullivan, Amanda Jo, Assoc. AIA Sullivan, Clifford W., AIA Sullivan, Daniel J., AIA Sutherlin, Kristine Aileen, AIA Sutton, Colette S., Assoc. AIA Svec, Phaedra, AIA Swallow, Joy D., AIA


Swank, Roger H., AIA Swift, Douglas C., AIA Swords, M. James, AIA T Taguchi, Hideaki, AIA Tang, Jin, Assoc. AIA Tangen, Patrick A., AIA Tate, Erin R., Assoc. AIA Tatro, Lindsay C., Assoc. AIA Taylor, Charles A., Assoc. AIA Taylor, Jonathan M., AIA Terrill, Natalie D., Assoc. AIA Teter, Walter D., AIA Tevis, Daniel T., AIA Thiede, Rachael S., Assoc. AIA Thomas, Hans R., AIA Thomas, Jennifer E., Assoc. AIA Thomas, William Rogers, AIA Thompson, Rick H., AIA Thompson, Sarah M., Assoc. AIA Thompson, Stacy Marie, Assoc. AIA Ticu, Mirabela F., Assoc. AIA Tierney, Patric J., AIA Tingle, Thomas L., AIA Tinkler, Jeremy D., Assoc. AIA Tolbert, Miles W., AIA Tomlinson, James C., AIA Tompkins, James Edward, AIA Top, John S., AIA Top, Lori A., AIA Torneden, Erich K., AIA Towsley, Greg, Assoc. AIA Toye, Alex E., AIA Toye, Jason A., Assoc. AIA Toye, Jessica L., Assoc. AIA Tramba, Jonathan D., AIA Tranin, Edward B., AIA Trenkle, Katie M., AIA Trojniak, Rafal J., Assoc. AIA Trost, Wolfgang J., AIA Truog, Frederick S., AIA U Unruh, Kyle, Assoc. AIA Usher, Tom, AIA Usherenko, Boris I, Assoc. AIA V Van Leeuwen, Andrew James, AIA Varble, Dennis H., AIA Vega, Charles F., Assoc. AIA Velazquez, Erik, AIA Veldhuizen, Ivan D., AIA Verkamp, Jeffrey D., Assoc. AIA Viets, Gilda B., Assoc. AIA Vieux, J. M., AIA Vogl, John Gabriel, AIA Voth, Todd C., AIA W Wade, Robert L., AIA Wages, Erin N., Assoc. AIA

Waggoner, Thomas S., AIA Wagner, Galen F., AIA Walker, K. W., AIA Walker, Scott A., AIA Walters, James, AIA Walton, Gayle, Assoc. AIA Warman, Ryan D., AIA Warner, Garett R., AIA Weber, Daniel H., AIA Weist, Herman J., AIA Welborn, James J., AIA Wellner, Dennis R., AIA Wellner, Julie B., AIA Wendlandt, Bruce D., AIA Wenger, Audrie, Assoc. AIA Westerheid, Michael H., AIA Westvold, Robert G., AIA Wetherilt, Todd J., AIA Wetzel, Richard R., AIA Wheat, R. A., AIA White, Larry G., AIA Whitman, Megan C., Assoc. AIA Wiedeman, Reeves W., AIA Williams, Alvin L., Assoc. AIA Williams, Homer L., FAIA Williams, Jeremy M., AIA Williams, Joe E., AIA Williamson, Sarah L., Assoc. AIA Willson, Travis J., AIA Wilson, Donald G., AIA Wilson, Garret M., Assoc. AIA Wilson, Ian G., AIA Wilson, Tim, AIA Wimmer, Eric N., AIA Wind, John M., AIA Winters, Charles E., AIA Wise, Rick A., AIA Wise, Steven T., AIA Wisniewski, John E., AIA Wonderly, Ethel S., AIA Wood, Daniel R., AIA Wood, David G., AIA Wood, Gordon E., AIA Woofter, Timothy John, AIA Wright, Michael W., AIA Wurtzler, Sarah E., Assoc. AIA Wysocki, David, AIA Y Yaeger, Carl J., AIA Yaros, Kent T., AIA Yoakum, Sue E., AIA Young, Edward Eugene., AIA Z Zarr, Louis Charles, AIA Zeller, Dan, AIA Zilm, Frank, FAIA Zimmerman, Kenneth L., AIA Zung, Russell, AIA


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M-F 7am-5pm • Sat 8am-1pm KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK • 29


Cornerstone Partners

The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

GOLD LEVEL SPONSORS J.E. Dunn Construction 1001 Locust St., Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 474-8600 www.jedunn.com ARC Southern 1220 W Cambridge Circle Drive, Kansas City, KS 66103 (816) 300-6600 www.e-arc.com

SILVER LEVEL SPONSORS Applied Technology Group 18600 E. 37th Terrace, Ste. 104, Independence, MO 64057 (816) 447-4650 www.atgusa.com Conference Technologies 8900 Nieman Road, Overland Park, KS 66214 (913) 894-2500 www.conferencetech.com Drexel Technologies 10840 W. 86th St., Lenexa, KS 66214 (913) 371-4430 www.wideformatsolutions.com Lockton Companies 444 W. 47th St., Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 960-9000 www.lockton.com

BRONZE LEVEL SPONSORS A.L. Huber General Contractors 10770 El Monte, Overland Park, KS 66211 (913) 341-4880 www.alhuber.com Alistair Tutton Photography 1405 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City, KS 66103 (816) 500-4402 www.alistairtutton.com Bob D. Campbell & Co. Inc. 4338 Belleview, Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 531-4144 www.bdc-engrs.com Henderson Engineers Inc. 8325 Lenexa Drive, Ste. 400, Lenexa, KS 66214 (913) 307-5400 www.hendersonengineers.com

Straub Construction 7775 Meadow View Drive, Shawnee, KS 66227 (913) 451-8828 www.straubconstruction.com

Kaw Valley Engineering Inc. 14700 W. 114th Terrace, Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 894-5150 www.kveng.com

Sturgis Materials / pg. 5 550 S. Packard, Kansas City, KS 66105 (913) 371-7757 www.sturgismaterials.com

KH Engineering Group PA 15377 W. 95th St., Lenexa, KS 66219 (913) 825-9381 www.khegroup.com

sys-tek 2801 NW State Route 7, Blue Springs, MO 64014 (816) 229-9009 www.sys-tek.com

Lafarge 600 SW Jefferson, Ste. 302, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 (816) 251-2149 www.lafarge-na.com

Thornton Tomasetti 912 Broadway, Ste. 100, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 221-7771 www.thorntontomasetti.com

Landplan Engineering PA 1600 Genessee, Ste. 400, Kansas City, MO 64102 (816) 221-2234 www.landplan-pa.com

Wallace Engineering 818 Grand Blvd., Ste. 1100, Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 421-8282 www.wallacesc.com

Lusio Solid-State Lighting, a division of LightWild 7320 W. 162nd St., Overland Park, KS 66085 (913) 851-3000 www.lusiolighting.com

Walter P. Moore Engineers + Consultants 920 Main St., 10th Floor, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 701-2100 www.walterpmoore.com

M.E. Group 3101 Broadway, Ste. 570, Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 531-2121 www.megroup.com


Missouri Bank 1044 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 881-8207 www.mobank.com

Acoustical Design Group 5799 Broadmoor St., Ste. 108, Mission, KS 66202 (913) 384-1261 www.adgkc.com BGR Engineers 908 Broadway, Ste. 200 , Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 842-2800 www.bgrengineers.com Centric Projects 2024 Main St., Ste. 1 West, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 389-8300 www.centricprojects.com Enterprise Precast Concrete Inc. 6731 W. 121st St., Ste. 203, Overland Park, KS 66209 (913) 312-5616 www.enterpriseprecast.com The Garland Company Inc. 11001 W. 125th Place, Overland Park, KS 66213 (800) 762-8225 www.garlandco.com

McCownGordon Construction, LLC 422 Admiral Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 960-1111 www.mccowngordon.com

Greater Kansas City Mason Contractors Association P. O. Box 410472, Kansas City, MO 64141 www.kcmasonry.org

SMACNA Kansas City 1100 Main St., Ste. 1810, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 421-3360 www.smacnakc.com

INDOX Services 1702 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 221-2225 www.indoxservices.com

spaces inc. | DIRTT 14950 W. 86th St., Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 894-8900 www.spacesinc.com

Kansas City Testing & Engineering LLC 721 S. Packard, Kansas City, KS 66105 (913) 321-8100 www.kctesting.com


PMA Engineering 4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Ste. 375 Fairway, KS 66205 (913) 831-1262 www.pmaengg.com Roof Top Sedums 20770 Utica Ridge Road, Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 676-9775 www.rooftopsedums.com Seiler Instrument Company 918 N. Scott Ave., Belton, MO 64012 (314) 218-6314 www.solutions.seilerinst.com Smith & Boucher Engineers 25501 W. Valley Parkway, Olathe, KS 66061 (913) 344-0041 www.smithboucher.com Society for Marketing Professional Services www.smpskc.org structurflex 140 Walnut St., Ste. 201, Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 889-9000 www.structurflex.com Theer & Associates Inc. 9762 W. 121st St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66213 (913) 897-4599 www.theer.com Turner Construction Company 2345 Grand Blvd., Ste. 1000, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 283-0555 www.turnerconstruction.com


Professional Affiliates

The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

ALH Home Renovations Allen Harris 2200 W. 75th St., Ste. 102, Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 384-0030 allen@alhhomerenovations.com www.alhhomerenovations.com

Hoffman-Cortes Restoration Charles Scammel 1600 Baltimore, Ste. 102, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 842-6170 chs@hoffmancortes.com www.hoffman-cortes.com

PM2 Elevator Advisors Doug Hettinger P.O. Box 2928, Olathe, KS 66063 (913) 484-8482 doug@pm2elevator.com www.pm2elevator.com

Building Restoration Corporation Darien Henderson 1920 Oakcrest Ave., Ste. 1, St. Paul, MN 55113 (612) 789-2800 darien@brcusa.com www.brcusa.com

Holmes Murphy Karen Boyer 6300 W. 143rd St., Ste. 200, Overland Park, KS 66223 (913) 660-1219 kboyer@holmesmurphy.com www.holmesmurphy.com

Portfolio Kitchen & Home Geri Higgins 8027 State Line Road, Kansas City, MO 64114 (816) 363-5300 geri@portfolio-home.com www.portfolio-home.com

Business Interiors by Staples Craig Jones 1400 N. Cambridge Ave., Kansas City, MO 64120 (877) 826-7755 craig.jones@staples.com www.businessinteriorsbystaples.com

Kone Inc. Mike Klema 2700 Bistate Drive, Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 531-2140 mike.klema@kone.com www.kone.com

Reece & Nichols Bob Walrafen 10413 Cherokee Lane, Leawood, KS 66206 (913) 345-0700 bob@bobsellskchomes.com www.bobsellskchomes.com

Caesarstone Central Division Calli McDonald 8526 Mid County Industrial Drive, Vinita Park, MO 63114 (314) 724-1985 Calli.McDonald@caesarstoneus.com

Livers Bronze Company Charles Livers 4621 E. 75th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64132 (816) 300-2828 clivers@liversbronze.com www.liversbronze.com

Scott Rice Office Works Ron Burns 14720 W. 105th St., Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 227-7740 stephaniem@scottrice.com www.scottrice.com

Midwest Block & Brick / pg. 101 Shawna Cooke 4101 E. 12th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64127 (816) 241-5197 scooke@midwestblock.com www.midwestblock.com

SGH Inc. Scott Miller 424 NW Business Park Lane, Riverside, MO 64150 (816) 452-4646 smiller@sghinc.com www.sghinc.com

Molin Concrete Products Marc Mueller 415 Lilac St., Lino Lakes, MN 55014 (800) 336-6546 marcm@molin.com www.molin.com

SKC Communication Products Inc. Janice Bartels 8320 Hedge Lane Terrace, Shawnee Mission, KS 66227 (800) 882-7779 lindsay.herre@skccom.com www.skccom.com

Morse Architectural Products Anne Morse 2201 W. 43rd Ave., Ste. 2, Kansas City, KS 66103 (913) 722-0710 anne@morseap.com www.morseap.com

Sunderland Brothers Company Chris Bopp 14871 W. 95th St., Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 894-5515 chris.bopp@sunderlands.com www.sunderlands.com

Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 Paul Bush and Gary Beach 1601 Village West Parkway, Kansas City, KS 66111 (913) 288-6200 paul.bush@nfm.com; gary.beach@nfm.com www.nfm.com

Terracon Consultants Mohamad T. Ibrawish 13910 W. 96th Terrace, Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 492-7777 mtibrawish@terracon.com www.terracon.com

Concrete Promotional Group Christy Martin 10707 Barkley, Overland Park, KS 66214 (913) 341-5800 martinc@concretepromotion.com www.concretepromotion.com Decorative Concrete Supply Mike Murray 8329 Monticello, Shawnee, KS 66227 (913) 422-4443 murraydecorative@aol.com www.murraydecorative.com Dimensional Innovations Jennifer Corwin 3421 Merriam Lane, Overland Park, KS 66203 (913) 384-3488 jwood@dimin.com www.dimin.com E-Z Shelving Systems Inc. Stephen Weingart 5538 Meriam Drive, Merriam, KS 66203 (913) 384-1331 steve.weingart@e-zshelving.com www.e-zshelving.com

The Builders Association Tiffany Moore 105 W. 12th Ave., North Kansas City, MO 64116 (816) 595-4143 tmoore@buildersassociation.com www.buildersassociation.com


The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

Kissick Construction Co 8131 Indiana Ave., Kansas City, MO 64132 (816) 363.5530 www.kissickco.com Mark One Electric Company 909 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 842-7023 www.markone.com


Allied Members Mambers McGraw Hill Construction - Dodge 6750 Antioch Road, Ste. 110, Merriam, KS 66204 (866) 223-3876 www.construction.com

The Garland Company Inc. Joseph Pretz 10111 N. Lawn Ave., Kansas City, MO 64156 (816) 261-1360 jpretz@garlandind.com www.garlandco.com The Weitz Company Joel Crocker 10901 N. 84th Terrace, Ste. 200, Lenexa, KS 66214 (913) 469-7018 joel.crocker@weitz.com www.weitz.com USG Corporations David Hunt 306 Spinnaker Drive, Smithville, MO 64089 (816) 804-4922 dhunt@usg.com www.usg.com


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AIA Buyer’s Guide

The American Institute of Architects/Kansas City

Acoustics Acoustical Design Group (913) 384-1261 Theer & Associates (913) 897-4599 Architectural Elements Livers Bronze Company (816) 300-2828 Morse Architectural Products (913) 722-0710 SGH Inc. (816) 452-4646 structurflex (816) 889-9000 Architectural Fabrication Dimensional Innovations (913) 384-3488 Architectural Services Applied Technology Group (816) 447-4650 Seiler Instrument Company (314) 218-6314 Audio/Visual Conference Technologies (913) 894-2500 SKC Communication Products Inc. (800) 882-7779 Building Materials Lafarge (816) 251-2149 Midwest Block & Brick / pg. 101 (816) 241-5197 Molin Concrete Products (800) 336-6546 USG Corporations (816) 804-4922 Electrical Contractors Mark One Electric (816) 842-7023 Elevators Kone Inc. (816) 531-2140 PM2 (913) 484-8482 Engineers BGR Engineers (816) 842-2800 Bob D. Campbell & Co. Inc. (816) 531-4144 Henderson Engineers Inc. (913) 307-5438 Kansas City Testing (913) 321-8100 Kaw Valley Engineering (913) 894-5150 34 • KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK

KH Engingeering Group PA (913) 825-9381 Landplan Engineering PA (816) 221-2234 ME Group (816) 531-2121 PMA Engineering (913) 831-1262 Smith & Boucher (913) 344-0041 Sys-tek (816) 229-9009 Terracon Consultants (913) 492-7777 Thornton Tomasetti (816) 221-7771 Wallace Engineering (816) 421-8282 Walter P Moore Engineers and Consultants (816) 701-2100

Lockton Companies (816) 960-9000 Kitchen & Bath Designers Portfolio Kitchen & Home (816) 363-5300 Landscaping/Hardscaping Decorative Concrete Supply (913) 422-4443 Roof Top Sedums (563) 676-9775 Lighting Lusio Solid - State Lighting, a division of LightWild (913) 851-3000 Photography Alistair Tutton Photography (816) 500-4402



Missouri Bank (816) 881-8207

ARC (816) 300-6600 Drexel Technologies (913) 371-4430 INDOX Services (816) 221-2225

Furniture/Accessories Business Interiors by Staples (877) 826-7755 DIRTT | spaces inc. (913) 894-8900 Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 (913) 288-6200 Scott Rice Office Works (913) 227-7740 General Contractors A.L. Huber General Contractors (913) 341-4880 Centric Projects (816) 389-8300 J.E. Dunn Construction (816) 474-8600 Kissick Construction (816) 363-5530 McCown Gordon Construction LLC (816) 960-1111 McGraw Hill Construction - Dodge (866) 223-3876 Straub Construction (913) 451-8828 Turner Construction Company (816) 283-0555 The Weitz Company (913) 469-7018 Home Builders/Developers ALH Home Renovations (913) 384-0030 Insurance Companies Holmes Murphy (913) 660-1219

Publications Kansas City Homes and Gardens (913) 648-5757 Real Estate Reece & Nichols (913) 345-0700 Restoration Contractors Building Restoration Corporation (816) 232-2800 Hoffman-Cortes Restoration (816) 842-6170 Roofing/Siding/Guttering The Garland Company Inc. (816) 261-1360 Tile/Stone Sturgis Materials / pg. 5 (913) 371-7757 Sunderland Brothers Company (913) 894-5515 Trade Associations Concrete Promotional Group (913) 341-5800 Society for Marketing Professional Services (913) 344-0041 SMACNA Kansas City (816) 421-3360 The Builders Association (816) 595-4143

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American Society of Interior Designers

Contents 38 About the American Society of Interior Designers 42 Professional Members 46 Allied Practitioners 52 Industry Partners


58 Buyer’s Guide

Color listings reference advertisement in publication. Advertisement placement does not denote association membership.


American Society of Interior Designers

American Society of Interior Designers Missouri West/Kansas Chapter

You might ask, “What is ASID?” Well, the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) is a community of people committed to the belief that interior design positively changes people’s lives. It is this common love for design and the way it relates to the world that empowers these multifaceted professionals to join together and strive toward common goals through education, knowledge sharing, advocacy, community building and outreach. ASID includes among its members some of the most honored designers in their field. Celebrating its 35th year, ASID is the oldest, largest and leading professional interior design organization in the United States. There are 48 chapters in the U.S. and Canada, along with approximately 325 student chapters that create a network of professionals, aspiring professionals and businesses within ASID. That’s an impressive total of more than 18,000 practicing interior designers, more than 10,000 ASID Industry Partners and a constantly growing force of student members. ASID designers are required to maintain Continuing Education Units each year, and ASID is the leading provider of education for design practitioners. They receive the most up-to-date information on current developments as well as appropriate materials on technology, building codes, government regulations, sustainability, green design and more.


2011 Chapter Board Members President

Nichol Cramer, ASID ncramer@everestkc.net 913.631.0088 President-Elect

Bonnie Davis, ASID bdavis2019@kc.rr.com 913.288.6354 Director of Finance

Judy Hartegan, Allied Member jude6@cox.net 785.354.4477

ASID designers specialize in the following areas: ●

Home/Model Homes


Health Care Hospitality/Entertainment

Government/Institutional Retail/Store Planning

Facilities Management

Director of Membership

Kathleen Ramsey, Allied Member ASID ramseyinteriors@sbcglobal.net 913.449.4925, Board Member At Large

Jerry Ratway, Weber Flooring, Industry Partner ratway@webercarpet.com 913.469.5434 ext. 407 Director of Communications

Miche McKown-Brown, Allied Member

The health, safety and welfare of clients and the environment they live in are always top priority for ASID interior designers. Every decision, from selecting furniture, fabrics and carpeting to planning for proper means of egress, lighting and accessibility issues, made by an interior designer affects the health, safety and welfare of the public. ASID designers are trained and qualified to study and implement accessibility codes and guidelines. Public welfare and considering the “greater whole” of a project is the responsibility of an ASID interior designer. Employing environmentally friendly materials and practices help ensure a more sustainable environment for future generations. In addition, ASID designers create environments that reduce stress, promote healing and are safe. This helps foster self-realization and unleash human potential among occupants. ASID designers also consider the ecological soundness of an interior environment and the “ripple effect” on the external environment. The ASID appellation is widely recognized as a mark of design excellence and professionalism throughout the country. Members are qualified by education, experience and examination and adhere to a strict code of ethics and professional conduct.

miche@meandmybaby.com 816.520.1026 Director of Professional Development

Linda Kress, ASID lpkress@comcast.net 816.886.5097 Student Rep to the Board

Kristen Keith, Student Member kristen417@live.missouristate.edu 479.586.4675 Chapter Administrator

Kathy Mandacina kathymandacina@sbcglobal.net 816.373.3305



American Society of Interior Designers

American Society of Interior Designers Missouri West/Kansas Chapter

Membership Requirements Professional: Interior designers who have successfully passed the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) exam Allied: Interior designers who have obtained a four- or five-year bachelor’s degree with a major in interior design or architecture, or a two- or three-year degree or certificate in interior design Industry Partners: Open to suppliers of the interior design industry Student: Students working to obtain a degree with a major in interior design or interior architecture 40 • KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK

General Contact Information AT THE LOCAL LEVEL Missouri West/Kansas ASID Chapter 408 NW Wild Rose Lane ● Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 Phone: 816.373.3305 ● Fax: 816.373.2155 www.asidmowestks24.org ● kathymandacina@sbcglobal.net


ASID Activities and Benefits

ASID National Headquarters 608 Massachusetts Ave., NE ● Washington, D.C. 20006-6006 Phone: 202.546.3480 ● Fax: 202.546.3240 www.asid.org

ASID leads the profession in supporting legislative and advocacy efforts to protect interior designers’ right to practice and a free marketplace. ASID offers support, activities and benefits to each and every member through: ASID ICON, The Society’s bimonthly magazine for the interior design professional. It covers designers and design issues, providing insight on business practices and emerging issues in the design industry.

ASID News Flash, the Society’s e-newsletter, provides news about the Society, the design industry, upcoming classes and events, awards and competitions, and marketing opportunities.

ASID website, www.asid.org, features information, news, publications, marketing, continuing education and other resources for all members as well as the public. ●

ASID and NEOCON __ ASID provides continuing education and social opportunities for ASID interior designers and industry partners at NEOCON. This outstanding collaboration allows members to obtain a wealth of information all within a short time.

ASID clients all benefit by hiring an ASID design practitioner. They gain a professional who can solve problems, help avoid costly mistakes, and most important, create an attractive, affordable space designed specifically for their individual lifestyle needs. ●


American Society of Interior Designers

Nancy Asay Nancy Asay Interiors 21375 Lawrence 2222, Aurora, MO 65605 (417) 678-2907, Fax: (417) 678-0801 nancyasay@missouristate.edu Randall Barta Kling/Barta Design Group LLC 12008 Ballentine St., Overland Park, KS 66213 (913) 901-8265 rbarta@kc.rr.com Mitzi Beach Mitzi Beach Interiors 12 N. Cypress Drive, Wichita, KS 67206 (316) 686-4460, Fax: (316) 686-4801 lifesizing@cox.net Laura Bowman eLLe b dezign 5613 Golden Bear Drive, Overland Park, KS 66223 (913) 748-6057 ellebdezign@gmail.com Joyce Buxton Buxton-Kubik-Dodd 1531 E. Bradford Parkway Ste. 320, Springfield, MO 65804 (417) 890-5543, Fax: (417) 890-5563 M. Callegari K Callegari Interiors 6605 W. 131st St., Overland Park, KS 66209 (913) 897-7812 tapestry2500@hotmail.com Heather Carter I.D. Synthesis LLC 6025 Martway St., Ste. 103, Mission, KS 66202 (913) 432-1040 heather@davidlcarter.com Jill Chisam J.C. Interiors 3 Puesta Del Sol, Hutchinson, KS 67502 (620) 664-6471, Fax: (620) 664-6472 chisam@att.net Brooke Cinalli B Cinalli Designs LLC 847 E. Beechwood Road, Nixa, MO 65714 (417) 724-1350 brookecinalli@gmail.com


Professional ASID Members John Coultis Jr. John Coultis Associates Inc. 161 S. Oliver St., Wichita, KS 67218 (316) 683-5617

Rebecca Elliott 1441 N. Summit Ave., Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 840-6003 relliott7183@yahoo.com

Nichol Cramer 4817 Dearborn St., Mission, KS 66202 (913) 631-0088, Fax: (913) 631-0108 ncramer@everestkc.net

Leanne Ford Leanne Welch Designs 3030 Jessica St., Joplin, MO 64804 (417) 626-0057

James Dalton Dalton’s Interiors 6205 Oak St., Kansas City, MO 64113 (816) 333-7373, Fax: (816) 363-3866 jgdalton@mail.com

Cathleen Frank Ccf Interior Design & Project Management 2628 S. Grant Ave., Springfield, MO 65807 (417) 353-8275 frank.cathleen@gmail.com

Bonnie Davis / pg. 21 Nebraska Furniture Mart 15365 NW 126th St., Platte City, MO 64079 (816) 431-6582, Fax: (913) 288-6329 bdavis2019@kc.rr.com

Lisa Frederick 1244 E. Walnut St., Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 766-7977 lisacfrederick@yahoo.com

Andrea Deckard A. Deckard Interiors LLC 3058 S. Delaware Ave., Springfield, MO 65804 (417) 831-9300, Fax: (417) 831-9300 andrea@adeckardinteriors.com

Bari Garst Bari Garst Design 1441 N. Rock Road, Apt. 1402, Wichita, KS 67206 (316) 636-2468, Fax: (316) 636-4093 barigarst@cox.net

Susan Ebright 1355 15th Road, Lyons, KS 67554 (620) 257-2577, Fax: (620) 257-2599 susan@trailcreekfarm.com

Rebecca Green Interior Planning Consultants 300 S. Jefferson Ave., Ste. 500, Springfield, MO 65806 (417) 864-5500, Fax: (417) 864-8475 rgreen@intplan.com

Karen Ecton Karen L. Ecton Interior Design 2230 W. 72nd Terrace, Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 262-8479 kleid@kc.rr.com

Doreen Gregory D&V Midwest Design Inc. 12501 Noland St., Overland Park, KS 66213 (913) 839-0324, Fax: (913) 780-6589 doreengregory@kc.rr.com

Ann Egan Ann Egan Interior Design 7304 High Drive, Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 549-3603, Fax: (913) 549-3604 ann6438@yahoo.com

Patricia Hall Ayers Upholstery & Design Inc. 1410 Union Ave., Kansas City, MO 64101 (816) 472-0222, Fax: (816) 421-1512 pat@avisfurniture.com

Wendee Egbert 9401 Acuff Lane, Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 859-9145 kevinegbert@yahoo.com

Nancy Hass 75 Country Club Drive, Camdenton, MO 65020 (573) 346-5306

Barbara Eichhorn 8400 Wenonga Road, Leawood, KS 66206 (913) 362-1001, Fax: (913) 362-1001 lifecode@aol.com

Jolayne Hawver Interior DesignWorks Inc. 6993 K92 Highway, Ozawkie, KS 66070 (785) 354-4477, Fax: (785) 876-3038 interiordesignworks@gmail.com

Diana Ingham 2721 W. 78th St., Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 469-8500 ext. 3317, Fax: (913) 469-2380 dianaingham@sbcglobal.net Patricia Judy 5117 W. 163rd St., Stilwell, KS 66085 (913) 620-3260 pati.judy@gmail.com Bobanne Kalkofen 12345 College Blvd., Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 469-8500, Fax: (913) 469-2380 bkalkof@jccc.edu Jean Kling J.M.K. Designs 8827 Ensley Lane, Leawood, KS 66206 (913) 901-9265 jeankling@kc.rr.com Sheryl Koch Sheryl Koch, Interior Design Consultant LLC 3718 SW Harbor Circle, Lee’s Summit, MO 64082 (816) 537-0133 sherylkoch@sbcglobal.net Jane Kohl Jane Kohl Interior Design P.O. Box 16134, Shawnee Mission, KS 66203 (913) 631-6454, Fax: (913) 631-2757 jkid96@msn.com Linda Kress Professional Design Services 6213 NE Upper Wood Road, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 (816) 886-5097 lpkress@comcast.net Susan Kromer Susan Kromer Design Inc. 1722 N. Gatewood St., Wichita, KS 67206 (316) 440-6581, Fax: (316) 630-8370 skromerdesign@gmail.com Kelly Lankford KHL Design Studio LLC 206 NW Cypress St., Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 (816) 886-0822 khammerl@gmail.com Linda Lee Linda Lee Interiors 813 SW 6th Ave., Topeka, KS 66603 (785) 357-6231, Fax: (785) 233-4600 linda@sewingworkshop.com Mary Martin Bearden Carpet 24866 Lawrence 2130, Billings, MO 65610 (417) 883-7336, Fax: (417) 889-6934

fine jewelry certified gemologists member american gem society

Jewelry Arts 8221 Corinth Square 913.381.8444 Prairie Village, KS 66208 jainc2003@msn.com


American Society of Interior Designers

Professional ASID Members

Wendy Mayes Wendy Mayes Design 3420 E. English St., Wichita, KS 67218 (316) 304-1570, Fax: (316) 618-4569 wmdesign@cox.net

Cherie Roellchen One Stop Decorating Center 12611 W. 62nd Terrace, Shawnee, KS 66216 (913) 709-5060, Fax: (913) 631-0108 cherier@onestopdecorating.com

Bonnie Taylor Taylor Interior Design LLP 3500 W. 75th St., Ste. 210, Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 722-7700 bonnie@taylorinterior.com

Roberta Myers Septagon Industries 1401 W. 4th St., Sedalia, MO 65301 (660) 827-2115, Fax: (660) 826-5058 bmyers@septagon.com

Tiffany Rupp Kenny's Tile & Floor Covering 12306 W. 100th Place, Lenexa, KS 66215 (816) 767-4481, Fax: (816) 767-4496 tlrupp@kennystile.com

Barbara Thiessen 13510 W. Links St., Wichita, KS 67235 (316) 729-8740, Fax: (310) 721-1658 bti@cox.net

K Neely M & M Draperies Inc. 8627 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 64131 (816) 363-4777, Fax: (816) 363-0013

Lori Schiefen / pg. 12 NSPJ Architects 9809 W. 96th St., Overland Park, KS 66212 (913) 831-1415, Fax: (913) 831-1563 lschiefen@nspjarch.com

Amy Nichols Designworks Studio LLC 766 N. 988th Road, Lawrence, KS 66047 (785) 748-0615, Fax: (785) 748-0625 anichols@dwstudio.net

Lisa Schmitz Lisa Schmitz Interior Design 6135 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64113 (816) 444-3297, Fax: (816) 817-0493 lisaschmitz@kc.rr.com

Sandra Opie Design Works 2500 Broadway Ave., Great Bend, KS 67530 (316) 793-5235, Fax: (316) 793-5456 glennopie@ruraltel.net

Shannan Slavens 413 NW 44th St., Kansas City, MO 64116 (816) 215-9104, Fax: (816) 741-6229 srsdesign01@yahoo.com

Rhoda Payne Rhoda Burley Payne Interior Design 7642 Fairway St., Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 341-6050 rpayne2@kc.rr.com

David Smith Scott Rice of Kansas City Inc. 14720 W. 105th St., Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 227-7751, Fax: (913) 227-7851 davids@scottrice.com

Rebecca Peters Harris Home Interiors 127 Derby Lane, Linn Creek, MO 65052 (573) 346-7244, Fax: (573) 346-7245 becky@harrishomeinteriors.com

Cordelia Smith 14009 Lucille St., Overland Park, KS 66221 (913) 402-8101, Fax: (972) 250-2195 delsmith50@yahoo.com

Ann Puccio Interior Planning Consultants 300 S. Jefferson Ave., Ste. 500, Springfield, MO 65806 (417) 864-5500, Fax: (417) 864-8475 Sallie Redd 8147 Widmer Road, Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 492-3158 dgrskr@sbcglobal.net Karen Rodenbeck Karen Rodenbeck Interior Design 14719 Outlook St., Overland Park, KS 66223 (913) 814-9370 krdesign@kc.rr.com


Susan Smith Design Forum Inc. 2909 SW 29th St., Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 273-1421 dfsusan@sbcglobal.net Vickie Stewart Rosemann & Associates 1526 Grand Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 472-1448, Fax: (816) 472-4702 vstewart@rosemann.com

Susan Towner 303 Virginia Trail, Jefferson City, MO 65109 (573) 634-3177, Fax: (573) 635-2016 stowner@calltcs.com John Turner John A. Marshall Co. 645 W. 69th St., Kansas City, MO 64113 (913) 599-4700, Fax: (913) 599-4838 jturner@jamarshall.com Ludwig Villasi Ludwig Villasi & Assoc. 2000 W. 50th St., Westwood Hills, KS 66205 (913) 236-2455, Fax: (816) 363-3866 lvillasi@kc.rr.com Lisa Wampler 300 S. Jefferson Ave., Ste. 500, Springfield, MO 65806 (417) 864-5500 lwampler@intplan.com Carolyn Jane Wear Carolyn Wear Interior Design 14320 W. 58th Terrace, Shawnee Mission, KS 66216 (913) 268-9126, Fax: (913) 268-6196 carolynwear@hotmail.com Terri West Interior Planning Consultants Inc. 300 S. Jefferson Ave., Ste. 500, Springfield, MO 65806 (417) 864-5500, Fax: (417) 864-8475 twest@intplan.com Kelly Wilson Kelly J. Wilson Design 1465 Smoky Valley Road, Lindsborg, KS 67456 (785) 227-8761, Fax: (785) 227-8761 wilson.kellyj@gmail.com

Allied Practitioners ASID

American Society of Interior Designers

Marsha Alexander

Marsha Buechler

Nancy Dahlberg

300 NE Sunderland Court, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064

Interior Concepts

2050 S. Farm Road 199, Springfield, MO 65809

(816) 478-3589

405 Arabian Drive, Raymore, MO 64083

(417) 889-6045


(816) 331-2281


mlbdesigner@aol.com Kendra Bailey

Laura Daly

4409 Terrace St., Kansas City, MO 64111

Barbara Buercklin

2961 E. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO 65802

(816) 756-0143

6059 Tan Tara Est, Osage Beach, MO 65065

(417) 844-6033, Fax: (417) 887-3383


(573) 302-0372, Fax: (636) 227-6869


Linda Baird

Miranda Cadle

Melody Davidson

Georgetown Furniture

Medicalodges Inc.

Interiors By Melody

P.O. Box 1546, Liberty, MO 64069

201 W. 8th St., P.O. Box 509, Coffeyville, KS 67337

4706 W. 64th Terrace, Prairie Village, KS 66208

(816) 916-0772, Fax: (816) 781-5407

(361) 249-1575

(913) 262-7127, Fax: (913) 236-7046




Jamey Bellamy

Ashley Cahill

Lisa Davis

Jamey Bellamy Interior Design

113 SW Tess Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081

Interiors Nouveau

26225 W. 110th Terrace, Olathe, KS 66061

(816) 260-0153

7214 W. 72nd Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66204

(913) 515-7670, Fax: (425) 795-4254


(816) 674-5218


lisa@interiorsnouveau.com Emily Carpenter

Becky Berg

(816) 520-3051

4512 Roanoke Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64111

Allison Deardeuff 2300 W. 79th Terrace, Prairie Village, KS 66208

(816) 841-0331, Fax: (816) 931-8217

Su Chen

(573) 268-8574


14247 W. 123rd St., Olathe, KS 66062


(913) 768-4308, Fax: (913) 217-4690 Gwendolyn Beuoy


2526 Broadway Ave., Great Bend, KS 67530

Karmin DeBey DeBey Interiors LLC

(620) 792-2692, Fax: (620) 793-3730

Jeninne Coleman

3705 Iron Horse Court, Leawood, KS 66224


4601 N. Cleveland Ave., Kansas City, MO 64117

(913) 706-4983, Fax: (913) 814-3741

(816) 716-4920


Barbara Bishop


Transitions II

Taylore Denney

9416 Olmstead Road, Kansas City, MO 64138

Jan Colvin

4307 NW 60th Court, Kansas City, MO 64151

(816) 225-8959

Fairchild Interiors and Design

(816) 694-9963


10096 E. 13th St. N., Ste. 110, Wichita, KS 67206


(316) 425-6060, Fax: (316) 425-6063 Benita Brewer / pg. 67


Jan Dorsey 12549 Knox St., Overland Park, KS 66213

Bath & Kitchen Showroom LLC 11432 W. 112th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66210

Deborah Cook

(913) 402-0820

(913) 339-8446, Fax: (785) 232-2825

Designs By Deborah



15201 S. Stewart Road, Pleasant Hill, MO 64080

Kathy Bryles

(816) 726-4011, Fax: (866) 316-9988

Kim Dwerlkotte


Kim R. Dwerlkotte Interior Design 8303 E. Bridlewood St., Wichita, KS 67206

Becky Berg Design 7543 Grand Ave., Kansas City, MO 64114

Homa Cooley

(316) 461-0765, Fax: (316) 269-2727

(816) 520-5081

John A. Marshall Co.



10930 Lackman Road, Lenexa, KS 66219 (913) 599-4700, Fax: (913) 599-4838 hcooley@jamarshall.com


Caroline Ehney Crybaby Farm Gifts 9 N. Water St., Liberty, MO 64068 (816) 429-7021 crybabyfarm@gmail.com Jeris Ferguson 1165 Post Oak County, Springfield, MO 65809 (417) 887-6019, Fax: (417) 887-9690 jpfdsgn@yahoo.com Julie Fitzpatrick-Foster McCartney Cabinets 6204 Northlake Drive, Parkville, MO 64152 (913) 638-5426, Fax: (816) 221-5994 julief622@gmail.com Vicki Flores 2309 N. Longwood Circle, Wichita, KS 67226 (316) 681-3361, Fax: (316) 681-0020 Stephanie Frey Stephanie Frey Interiors 1259 N. Bracken Court, Wichita, KS 67206 (316) 648-1097 sfreyinteriors@cox.net Sara Gans Sara E. Gans Interiors 1441 N. Rock Road, Apt. 302, Wichita, KS 67206 (316) 315-0130 s.gans@cox.net Sabrina Garrison The Blind Guys & Designing Women 26907 E. 272nd St., Harrisonville, MO 64701 (816) 380-6333, Fax: (816) 380-3974 sabrina@getblindsanddesign.com Rosa Haik James Decor 1324 E. Republic Road, Springfield, MO 65804 (417) 883-2616 lee@jameshomedecor.com

7133 W. 95th Street Suite 200 Overland Park, KS 66212 Ph: 913-649-7557 www.escarchitects.com

Cassidy Hardesty Cdh Design 102 Lemonwood Lane, Hollister, MO 65672 (859) 519-5337 cassidy.hardesty@yahoo.com

Best Model Home $750,000-$1.5 million and Best Custom Home $300,000-$500,000

Judith Hartegan


J A Hartegan Interiors





3541 SW Summerwood Court, Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 224-0822 jude6@cox.net Kimberly Hawkins 28893 Farm Road 1210, Eagle Rock, MO 65641 (417) 271-6658 khawkins@centurytel.net PLEASE TURN THE PAGE KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK • 47

Allied Practitioners ASID

American Society of Interior Designers

Deborah Heapes

Kurt Knapstein

Melissa McCandless

Creative Interior Designs LLC

Knapstein Design

3541 E. Woodside St., Springfield, MO 65809

18809 W. 97th Terrace, Lenexa, KS 66220

310 W. 49th St., Apt. 705, Kansas City, MO 64112

(417) 887-4970

(913) 599-3008, Fax: (913) 599-3008

(816) 213-4491, Fax: (816) 561-0703




Ruth Herpich

Arlene Ladegaard

Me and My Baby Design

Ruth Herpich Interiors

Design Connection Inc.

14929 Glenwood Ave., Overland Park, KS 66223

1220 Chadwick Court, Lawrence, KS 66049

10520 Barkley St., Ste. 140, Overland Park, KS 66212

(816) 520-1026, Fax: (816) 520-1026

(785) 842-9795

(913) 851-8776, Fax: (913) 851-8734




Carol Hertzler

Corinne Lakey

8104 Briar St., Prairie Village, KS 66208

In-House Design

12535 Barkley St., Leawood, KS 66209

(913) 649-2629

1 E. Swallow St., Wichita, KS 67230

(913) 206-4875


Kris Lance

Rebecca Mosby / pg. 55

Armstrong Kitchens

Edgevale Interiors

Mary Hinde

12059 Wedd St., Overland Park, KS 66213

6116 Johnson Drive, Mission, KS 66202

Interiors II

(913) 685-0855

(913) 403-8136, Fax: (913) 403-0346

5014 S. Mission Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64505



Christine Lehman

Kimberly Moussa

7818 Clarose Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109

14033 Linden St., Overland Park, KS 66224

Daneen James

(573) 645-1536

(913) 685-0944

Crossroads Interiors Ltd.


Miche McKown-Brown

Amy Migliazzo

(316) 651-5859 carol_hertzler@hotmail.com

(816) 390-6687 maryhinde@att.net

8201 Mission Road, Ste. 104, Prairie Village, KS 66208

Shirley Noah

(913) 381-4040

Kimberley Loehr

Design Gallery


Interior Motifs Inc.

5838 W. 21st St. N., Ste. 200, Wichita, KS 67205

6257 Highway 54, Osage Beach, MO 65065

(316) 942-1820, Fax: (316) 942-4506

(573) 348-4883


(660) 543-4927

Suzann Lynch

Carrie O’Connor


Suzann Thompson Designs

Integrity Interiors

1900 W. 74th St., Prairie Village, KS 66208

13725 S. Mur-Len Road, Olathe, KS 66062

Matthew Keller

(816) 588-6668

(913) 780-2171

(816) 405-2167, Fax: (816) 326-3488



Andrew Katsourides 803 Terry Dale Drive, Warrensburg, MO 64093

matthew@matthewkellerdesign.com Robert Madaras

Ashlee Orr

Dorinda King

755 Cliff Mine Road, Coraopolis, PA 15108

108 E. 7th St., Apt. C, Hays, KS 67601

Harris Home Interiors Inc.

(724) 695-3361

(308) 520-3535

P.O. Box 1080, Camdenton, MO 65020



Cathi Maltbie

Linda Papa

Unique Interiors Inc.

26330 W. Cedar Niles Circle, Olathe, KS 66061

Rebecca Kleiner

2837 N. Plumthicket Circle, Wichita, KS 67226

(913) 393-3938, Fax: (913) 393-0294

2124 E. Macs Court, Apt. 5, Springfield, MO 65804

(316) 721-3074, Fax: (316) 729-5714


(417) 545-1192


(573) 346-7244 store@harrishomeinteriors.com

Erin Parrott



Nancy Martin

Entourage Interior Design LLC

1507 Foliage Court, Wichita, KS 67206

4545 Wornall Road, Apt. 704, Kansas City, MO 64111

(316) 688-2236, Fax: (316) 634-0492

(913) 221-8414



Sheryl Pasquini Sheryl Pasquini Interior Design 3522 NE Lacewood Circle, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 (816) 478-6785, Fax: (816) 478-6785 spasquini@comcast.net Janeane Pittman

Your home is an expression of you, why just express yourself when you can make a statement? Edited Design can help you make your dream home come true.

19162 Huntington St., D05, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 907-6618 jrpittman@verizon.net Jacqueline Pitts 1804 Paradise Landing Road, Kimberling City, MO 65686

adore your abode.

(417) 818-6882 mydesign@centurytel.net

Chance Shipman

Susan Prestia


Interior Directions 6410 Beverly Drive, Mission, KS 66202 (913) 789-7060, Fax: (913) 789-7007




New Full Service Showroom at the Shops At Sunnybrook College Blvd. and Lone Elm Rd. in Olathe

Susan Provines Susan Provines Interiors 15808 W. 136th St., Olathe, KS 66062-5310


(913) 908-1130

Serving the Kansas City area



Brenna Ramler


Picture Perfect Interiors 311 NE Sunderland Court, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064

Kathleen Ramsey Ramsey Interiors 14042 W. 113th Terrace, Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 449-4925 ramseyinteriors@sbcglobal.net Loretta Rodopoulos 4704 NE Howser Lane, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 (816) 229-8981, Fax: (816) 795-5201 Chrissy Roellchen One Stop Decorating Center 12611 W. 62nd Terrace, Shawnee, KS 66216 (913) 710-5281 chrissyr@onestopdecorating.com Ingrid Rossiter Knapstein Design 4550 Main St., Ste. 222, Kansas City, MO 64111 (913) 254-9785 ingrid@knapsteindesign.com Mary-Christine Sandner Pottery Barn

green homes kc .com

NARI Green Certified Professional and Certified Energy Auditor KCH&G 2010 Silver Medal Room Addition


Manka Design/Build, Inc. Home Remodeling

(816) 373-2156

13613 W. 75th Court, Shawnee, KS 66216 (913) 620-0579 marychristinesandner@yahoo.com PLEASE TURN THE PAGE KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK • 49

Allied Practitioners ASID

American Society of Interior Designers

Cynthia Scheinost

Karla Spencer

Karman Thompson

Cindy Clinton Interiors

Karla Spencer Interior Design

306 Jefferson St., Apt. F6, Warrensburg, MO 64093

8415 W. 90th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66212

12650 N. Omaha Road, Scott City, KS 67871

(816) 838-2554

(913) 642-7012, Fax: (913) 642-7012

(620) 874-5398, Fax: (620) 872-8946




Jan Schelstrate

Anita Starke

7600 W. 147th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66223

7813 N. Childress Ave., Parkville, MO 64152

Interiors by Anita

(913) 685-3649

(816) 665-5069

9020 W. 114th St., Overland Park, KS 66210



(913) 317-9978, Fax: (913) 317-8360

Jacqueline Tinsley


Mary Tischer Expressions By Mary Inc.

Julie Schorgl 13208 Pawnee Lane, Leawood, KS 66209

Cindy Stehl

713 SW Forestpark Lane, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081

(913) 339-9205, Fax: (913) 327-9696

Cindy Stehl Interiors

(816) 525-4775


9230 Lee Blvd., Leawood, KS 66206


(913) 648-1932, Fax: (913) 648-0795 Kristina Shaffer


Tina Todd Tina Todd Interiors

Kms Kitchen & Home 15101 Spring Meadow Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27517

Deborah Stone

25906 E. 291st St., Harrisonville, MO 64701

(913) 269-5530, Fax: (913) 535-0654

6332 Reeds Drive, Mission, KS 66202

(816) 377-9404


(913) 236-0072


debbiestone@swbell.net Cynthia Toohey

Nola Shivers Decorating Den Interiors

Ashlea Straley

Toohey & Co. Interior Design

1310 N. Kelly Ave., Nixa, MO 65714

21375 W. 180th St., Olathe, KS 66062

4805 Jarboe St., Kansas City, MO 64112

(417) 724-9400, Fax: (417) 724-9403

(913) 579-6033

(910) 528-7773




Paula Shteamer

Jeanne Strange

Bobbie (B.J.) Turner

Taylor Interior Design LLP

1302 NE 64th Terrace, Gladstone, MO 64118

Bj Turner Interior Design Services

3500 W. 75th St., Ste. 210, Prairie Village, KS 66208

(816) 436-3279, Fax: (816) 436-0620

PMB 309, 540 E. Young Ave., Warrensburg, MO 64093

(913) 722-7700, Fax: (913) 722-7702


(660) 624-2149, Fax: (660) 747-7147 bjtinds@charter.net

paula@taylorinterior.com Mark Sudermann Mary Simmons

4507 W. 82nd Terrace, Prairie Village, KS 66208

Cheryl Werth

M.S. Interiors

(913) 636-0338, Fax: (913) 499-8841

5401 W. 134th St., Apt. 1024, Overland Park, KS 66209

8310 N. Shoal Creek Valley Drive, Kansas City, MO 64157


(913) 217-8776 cherylawerth@hotmail.com

(816) 674-9725 bsimmons@msinteriors.net

Rebecca Taylor Taylor'd Home Interiors

Nicole Winship

Diane Smith

10304 N. Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155

403 1/2 W. Walnut St., Independence, MO 64050

Creative Designs Inc.

(816) 734-5142, Fax: (816) 734-5142

(816) 210-2930

1122 E. Douglas Ave., Wichita, KS 67214



(316) 265-5247, Fax: (316) 265-5247 Emmilee Thomason

Clarissa Young

Kelly Specht

2239 S. Maryland Ave., Springfield, MO 65807

900 E. Sunshine St., Springfield, MO 65807

Details In Design

(417) 830-6560

(417) 766-6350

10520 Barton St., Overland Park, KS 66214



(913) 406-4494 kellyospec@everestkc.net


Industry Partners

American Society of Interior Designers

Ad Astra Development LLC


Electrolux Major Appliances

Shirley Allenbrand

Martin Oliver

Emily O’Kane

25501 W. Valley Parkway, Ste. 130, Olathe, KS 66061

900 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611

423 Tamarack Trail, Farmington, MN 55024

(913) 829-9071, Fax: (913) 829-2153

(312) 664-9700, Fax: (312) 664-8381




Amini’s Galleria / pg. 45

Crestron Electronics

Isaac Chopp

Bridget White

William Schafer

520 W. Pennway St., Kansas City, MO 64108

10595 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66212

15 Volvo Drive, Rockleigh, NJ 07647

(816) 842-3503

(913) 381-0222

(201) 767-3400


Elkay Manufacturing Company

bwhite@aminisgalleria.com Dacor

Emser Tile

Bedrock International LLC

Lisa Geyer

David Domenick

Alexis Beaven

8131 McGee St., Kansas City, MO 64114

10550 Lackman Road, Lenexa, KS 66219

9929 Lackman Road, Lenexa, KS 66219

(913) 634-7819

(913) 894-4888, Fax: (913) 894-4887 daviddomenick@emser.com

(913) 438-7625 abeaven@bedrockintl.com

Delta Faucet Company Darcy Mullen

Emser Tile


1803 E. 123rd Terrace, Olathe, KS 66061

Chris McGinn

Josephine Lowry

(913) 791-9599

2333 S. West St., Ste. 301, Wichita, KS 67213 (316) 943-1441, Fax: (316) 943-1445

2425 Enterprise Drive, Ste. 900, Mendota Heights, MN 55120

Designer Blinds

(651) 294-2563, Fax: (800) 760-6678

Dan McGrath


13617 W. 109th St., Lenexa, KS 66215


(800) 292-5463, Fax: (913) 438-5836

Anne Hasselberg


9301 Rosehill Road, Lenexa, KS 66215

Bernhardt Furniture Company


(913) 752-5660, Fax: (913) 752-5685

John Nicholson 3627 W. 155th Court, Overland Park, KS 66224

DSA Publishing & Design

(913) 709-8702, Fax: (913) 814-0414

Duff Tussing


6900 Edgewater Drive, McKinney, TX 75070

Fine Art Lamps

(888) 747-7865 ext. 311, Fax: (972) 562-7218

Richard Newkirk


1740 Leavenworth, Manhattan, KS 66502

Broan NuTone


(785) 537-4115, Fax: (785) 537-6151

Mark Williams 3933 Evesham Drive, Plano, TX 75025

Duralee Fabrics & Fine Furniture

(469) 362-8028

Tim DeGeorge


408 NE Thornberry Place, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064


(816) 373-0295, Fax: (816) 373-6846

Jeff Tolle


541 South St., Barrington, IL 60010



(800) 633-3151, Fax: (800) 346-9075

Calli McDonald Central Division, 8526 Mid County Industrial Drive,

Edelman Leather

St. Louis, MO 63114

Beverly McAuley

(314) 447-1920, Fax: (314) 447-1930

13105 W. 127th Place, Overland Park, KS 66213



(913) 980-0777, Fax: (860) 350-3231

Alan Tate


7111 NW 210th St., Edmond, OK 73012


Century Furniture/Heirloom Furniture

(405) 919-5772, Fax: (405) 373-3450

Bob Steinbraker


50 Birdie Court, Edwardsville, IL 62025 (630) 240-8747, Fax: (618) 655-0734 bsteinbraker@centuryfurniture.com


Latest design trends & tips from top designers & HGTV celebs?!

Tune in Sunday 10am on

Designer and host C 2005 All rights reserved

Karen Mills

Executive producer Andrew Ellenberg

Sign up for FREE design guide, listen to past shows and get inspired on our blog at livinglargeshow.com Connect with us on

Living Large Facebook fan page


Industry Partners

American Society of Interior Designers

Global Views

Kimball Tile & Stone

Mohawk Group

Tom Lannon

Lori Kimball

Cynthia Katafiasz

8809 E. 53rd Terrace, Raytown, MO 64133

P.O. Box 1096, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063

9509 Belinder Road, Leawood, KS 66206

(816) 686-8484, Fax: (877) 807-3995

(816) 935-9396, Fax: (816) 525-5213

(913) 385-2962, Fax: (913) 385-2968




Hansgrohe Inc.

Kohler Kitchen & Bath Americas

Naturally Wired

Chris Mountan

Amy Holdman

Todd Sandler

1355 W. Wolfram St., Chicago, IL 60657

23850 W. 125th St., Olathe, KS 66061

16100 Foster St., Overland Park, KS 66085

(678) 938-2756

(913) 568-8176, Fax: (913) 839-3264

(913) 385-9926, Fax: (913) 385-9927




Hickory Chair

Kravet Inc.

Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21

David Yates

Jackie Hall

Richard Lincoln

11353 Buena Vista, Leawood, KS 66211

(847) 394-5565, Fax: (847) 394-8073

1601 Village West Parkway, Dept. 4539,

(913) 661-0414, Fax: (913) 661-0414


Kansas City, KS 66111


richard.lincoln@nfm.com LAMPS PLUS Professionals

IceStone LLC

Michael Gouel

Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21

Courtney Mobley

20250 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311

Jan Pouppirt

Brooklyn Navy Yard, 63 Flushing Ave.,

(800) 304-8120

1601 Village West Parkway, Kansas City, KS 66111

Brooklyn, NY 11205



Laura Buhrer Designs

One Stop Decorating Center

Laura Buhrer

Stephen Roellchen

InterfaceFLOR Commercial

10808 W. 141st St., Overland Park, KS 66221

12611 W. 62nd Terrace, Shawnee, KS 66216

Steve Sweetin

(913) 636-0743

(913) 631-0088, Fax: (913) 631-0108

(718) 624-4900 courtney@icestone.biz

13009 W. 128th Place, Shawnee Mission, KS 66213


(913) 393-3600

Leisure World Pool & Hearth


Justin Dro

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives

406 E. 16th Ave., North Kansas City, MO 64116

Jerry Cicero

International Design Guild 1

(816) 221-1731, Fax: (816) 221-1726

1312 Cross Creek Drive, Raymore, MO 64083

Phil Neufeldt


(816) 318-0303, Fax: (816) 318-4646

110 W. 2nd, Buhler, KS 67522 (620) 543-2274, Fax: (620) 543-2871

jcicero@comcast.net Lyon Construction + Design LLC Clay Lyon

Pindler & Pindler Inc.

International Design Guild 2

2112 W. 61st Terrace, Mission Hills, KS 66208

Scot Stockton

Bernie Madden

(913) 236-5966, Fax: (913) 236-5964

100 E. 36th St., Kansas City, MO 64111

1903 W. 135th St., Leawood, KS 66224


(816) 588-6967

(913) 681-2821, Fax: (913) 681-6420 denise@maddenmcfarland.com

burkton@sbcglobal.net Moen Inc. Bob Ismert

ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings / pg. 75

KDR Showrooms

320 SW Raven Court, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081

8337 Nieman Road, Lenexa, KS 66214

Colleen Byrnes

(816) 525-0824, Fax: (816) 525-7553

(913) 599-4488, Fax: (913) 599-6507

8510 Marshall Drive, Lenexa, KS 66214



(913) 859-0400, Fax: (913) 859-0483 colleenb@kdrshowrooms.com

ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings 535 S. Emerson St., Wichita, KS 67209 (316) 942-8282, Fax: (316) 942-4165 bob.franssen@prosourcewichita.com



6116 Johnson Drive • Mission, KS 66202 • (913) 403-8136 Shop Hours 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday thru Friday or by Appointment


Feel at Home with Bednar Remodeling See the difference high quality craftsmanship can make on your next remodeling project.


S P E C I A L I Z I N G I N : ● Kitchens & Bathrooms ● ● Finish Basement / Media Rooms ● ● Trim Carpentry ● ● Door & Window Replacement ● ● Interior Painting / Wallpapering / Tile ● ● Wood Rot and Termite Repair ● ● Interior Design Consulation ●


12611 W. 76th St.

Lenexa, KS 66216


Industry Partners

American Society of Interior Designers

ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings / pg. 75

Silk Road Travelers

Thompson’s Frame & Gallery

1150 SE Century Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081

Robert Eppes

Molly Page

(816) 524-8998, Fax: (816) 524-7668

500 Delaware St., Kansas City, MO 64105

520 County Line Road, Kansas City, KS 66103


(816) 241-2211, Fax: (816) 842-3333

(913) 236-9515, Fax: (913) 236-9515



Chad Wolfe


Unique Tile

9112 Nieman Road, Overland Park, KS 66214

Tim Childers

Melissa Turpin

(913) 541-8453

9555 Alden St., Lenexa, KS 66215-1164

P.O. Box 1074, 1364 N. Kelly, Nixa, MO 65714


(913) 495-2515

(417) 725-5515, Fax: (417) 725-4411



Bob Jones


Unique Tile

8103 W. 96th St., Overland Park, KS 66212

Janet Cross

Rachel Davis

(816) 510-3359

2605 NW Lookout Ridge, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081

P.O. Box 1074, 1364 N. Kelly, Nixa, MO 65714


(816) 525-3873, Fax: (866) 822-0331

(800) 348-8453, Fax: (417) 725-4411



Sally Borel


Villeroy & Boch

7930 Marshall Drive, Lenexa, KS 66214

Gina Wicker

Phil Gelpi

(303) 373-9090, Fax: (913) 310-0663

1831 N. Park Ave., Burlington, NC 27217

8504 W. 88th St., Overland Park, KS 66212


(336) 586-1240, Fax: (336) 586-1363

(913) 381-6014, Fax: (913) 381-5535



Ursula Terrasi

Sunderland Brothers Company

Weber Flooring

501 Nichols Road, Kansas City, MO 64112

Jamie Reed

Jerry Ratway

(816) 753-4144, Fax: (816) 753-4465

14871 W. 95th St., Lenexa, KS 66215

11400 Rogers Road, Lenexa, KS 66215


(913) 894-5515

(913) 469-5434 ext. 407, Fax: (913) 469-8151



Bob Stikeleather

The Gallery at ISC Surfaces

Wilson Lighting

9261 Cody St., Overland Park, KS 66214

Lisa Hollingsworth

Lashell Hall

(913) 888-8141, ext., Fax: (913) 888-8392

9801 Commerce Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66219

10530 Marty St., Overland Park, KS 66212


(913) 541-9700, Fax: (913) 492-4175

(913) 645-1500



Dave Edwards

The Rug Studio


9261 Cody St., Overland Park, KS 66214

Philip Holmes

Mellody Jurgeson

(913) 888-8141, Fax: (913) 888-8392

8336 E. 21st St. N., Ste. 600, Wichita, KS 67206

Grandview Winnelson, P.O. Box 70


(316) 682-0033, Fax: (316) 682-0075

Grandview, MO 64030


(816) 765-2555, Fax: (816) 763-9487

RBC Tile & Stone

Roppe Corporation

Roth Distributing Company

Scandia Down Kansas City / pg. 36

Sebring & Company

Sebring & Company


Sherwin-Williams Brook Nienstedt

Theodore Alexander

15484 College Blvd., Lenexa, KS 66219

Jerry Pfankuch

(913) 226-0144, Fax: (913) 381-8504

P.O. Box 6064, High Point, NC 27262


(417) 882-5558 pfankuch@attglobal.net


Buy Art This Spring

9600 Dice Lane, Lenexa KS 66215

Showroom Hours: Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat 10-3 Showroom Open to the Public!

913-438-3366 Fax: 913-438-3377




Wholesale Natural Stone ●






Indian Mother and Child by Ernst Ulmer

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Prairie Village, KS 66208



PREMIUM PRODUCTS Custom Cabinets, Professional Grade Appliances, Natural Stone & Solid Surface Countertops

NATIONALLY ACCLAIMED Award Winning Design Build Team

PROJECTS INCLUDE Kitchens, Baths, Whole House Renovations, Room Additions and Finished Lower level and Attic Conversions


913-642-6184 9980 Lakeview Ave. • Lenexa, KS 66219 KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK • 57

ASID Buyer’s Guide

American Society of Interior Designers


Designer Showrooms


Broan NuTone

KDR Showrooms

Bernhardt Furniture Company

(469) 362-8028

(913) 859-0400

(913) 709-8702 Century Furniture/Heirloom Furniture


(913) 634-7819


(630) 240-8747

Ferguson Enterprises

Designer Blinds

Global Views

(913) 752-5660

(800) 292-5463

(816) 686-8484

Roth Distributing Company

Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21

Hickory Chair

(303) 373-9090

(913) 288-6200

(913) 661-0414

One Stop Decorating Center

Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21


(913) 631-0088

(913) 288-6200

Thompson’s Frame & Gallery

Sebring & Company

One Stop Decorating Center

(913) 236-9515

(913) 888-8141

(913) 631-0088



(816) 241-2211

Scandia Down by Terrasi Home / pg. 36

Duralee Fabrics & Fine Furniture

Theodore Alexander

(816) 753-4144

(816) 373-0295

(417) 882-5558

Silk Road Travelers

Edelman Leather

Carpeting/Rugs/Area Rugs

(913) 980-0777

Game Rooms/Accessories

Nebraska Furniture Mart . pg. 21

Kravet Inc.

Amini’s Galleria / pg. 45

(913) 288-6200

(847) 394-5565

(913) 381-0222

One Stop Decorating Center

Pindler & Pindler Inc.

(913) 631-0088

(816) 588-6967


The Rug Studio

Scandia Down by Terrasi Home / pg. 36

Leisure World Pool & Hearth

(316) 682-0033

(816) 753-4144

(816) 221-1731

Stainmaster Carpet


(816) 525-3873

(336) 586-1240

Construction/Development Services

Flooring/Floor Coverings

(201) 767-3400

Ad Astra Development LLC


Naturally Wired

(913) 829-9071

(405) 919-5772, (800) 633-3151

(913) 385-9926

Lyon Construction + Design LLC

InterfaceFLOR Commercial

Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21

(913) 236-5966

(913) 393-3600

(913) 288-6200

International Design Guild



(620) 543-2274, (913) 681-2821

(913) 495-2515


Mohawk Group

(314) 447-1920

(913) 385-2962


IceStone LLC

Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21


(718) 624-4900

(913) 288-6200

(651) 294-2563

Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21

ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings / pg. 75

Ferguson Enterprises

(913) 288-6200

(913) 599-4488, (316) 942-8282, (816) 524-8998

(913) 752-5662

Roppe Corporation

Fine Art Lamps

Design Consultation

(816) 510-3359

(785) 537-4115

Laura Buhrer Designs

Weber Flooring

Lamps Plus Professionals

(913) 636-0743

(913) 469-5434

(800) 304-8120

Home Electronics Crestron Electronics


Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21

(913) 288-6200 Outdoor Lighting Perspectives

(816) 318-0303 Wilson Lighting

(913) 645-1500

Paint/Wallcoverings One Stop Decorating Center

(913) 631-0088 Sherwin-Williams

(913) 226-0144

Plumbing Fixtures Delta Faucet Company

(913) 791-9599 Elkay Manufacturing Company

(816) 842-3503 Ferguson Enterprises

(913) 752-5661 Hansgrohe Inc.

(678) 938-2756 Kohler Kitchen & Bath Americas

(913) 568-8176 Moen Inc.

(816) 525-0824 Villeroy & Boch

(913) 381-6014 WinWholesale

(816) 765-2555

Publishing DSA Publishing & Design

(888) 747-7865

Table Accessories Christofle

(312) 664-9700


We Engrave Wood, Leather, Marble, Glass, Stone and even BAMBOO! Items for Sale or Bring in Your Own!

Bedrock International LLC

(913) 438-7625 Emser Tile

(913) 894-4888, (316) 943-1441 Kimball Tile & Stone

(816) 935-9396 Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21

(913) 288-6200 RBC Tile & Stone

(913) 541-8453 Sunderland Brothers Company

(913) 894-5515 The Gallery at ISC Surfaces

(913) 541-9700 Unique Tile

(417) 725-5515, (800) 348-8453

913-642-2451 97th & Metcalf WINDMILL SHOPPING CENTER



Window, Door & Trim Store 7211 W. 97th St. | Overland Park, KS 66212 913.642.8861 | www.pacificmutualdoor.com

National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Contents 62 About the National Association of the Remodeling Industry

66 Contractors/Service Professionals 78 Business Partners PHOTO BY JAMES MAIDHOF

84 Buyer’s Guide Color listings reference advertisement in publication. Advertisement placement does not denote association membership.


National Association of the Remodeling Industry

National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Kansas City NARI Vision: Kansas City NARI is the premier resource for the remodeling industry and its consumers. All remodelers want to be part of Kansas City NARI, and customers insist on contracting with its members.

Consumers Why choose a NARI contractor or supplier? NARI professional remodeling contractors, product manufacturers, distributors, lenders and other allied businesses go through a stringent application process to become members.

Kansas City NARI Mission: To promote professionalism and education in the remodeling industry. To fulfill this mission, Kansas City NARI serves its members by: ● Providing education and certification programs ● Offering networking and marketing opportunities ● Creating a public awareness that makes NARI a household name ● Growing a fun and dynamic organization

Requirements: ● Candidates for NARI membership must have been in business for at least one year and agree to abide by NARI’s Code of Ethics. ● Candidates for NARI membership must submit to a credit and reference check by providing three trade references and three client references. ● Candidates and approved NARI members are required to show proof of insurance in accordance with state statutes.

Kansas City NARI Motto: “Remodeling to the highest standards”

Critical questions to ask your NARI contractor or supplier: ● How long have you been in business? ● Who will be assigned as project supervisor for the job? ● Does your company carry workers’ compensation and liability insurance? ● What is your approach to a project such as this? ● How many projects like mine have you completed in the last year? ● May I have a list of references from those projects? ● Do you or your employees hold any NARI certifications, such as Certified Remodeler (CR), Certified Kitchen & Bath Remodeler (CKBR), Certified Remodeler Specialist (CRS), Green Certified Professional (GCP) or Certified Lead Carpenter (CLC)? NARI certifications are marks of dedication to the professional remodeling industry. The NARI certification program establishes professional standards for the remodeling industry, and many NARI contractors have undergone the extra rigorous training in order to be certified. You can trust a NARI member. They’re professional, ethical and experienced. Learn more at www.remodelingkc.com.

Dennis Clark, CRA, Pacific Mutual Door, and Dave McNeill, McNeill Renovation, worked in the NARI booth at the Remodeling Show.


2011 Officers & Directors OFFICERS President

Mark Heinze, CR Phoenix Renovation & Restoration Inc.


First Vice President Are these guys starting a special designation for bald NARI members? Left to right: Eric Hugunin and Brooks May, CR, both with Phoenix Renovation & Restoration; Wendall Gartman, GCP, Brown Restoration; Scott Balentine, CR, CLC, Lifestyles Custom Homes & Remodeling; and Dick DeVuyst, CR, Outdoor Environments.

Meredyth Melcher Dyllan Construction Inc.


Second Vice President

Lloyd Brown, CR Brown Restoration Inc.

Trade Professionals




Bill Brackmann, CR Brackmann Construction Inc.



Connie Young Education and Networking — Kansas City NARI hosts monthly luncheon meetings and seminars at Hillcrest Country Club, just 10 minutes south of Arrowhead Stadium, off 87th & I-435. Roundtables are held monthly at the NARI office for professionals to share about such topics as sales forecasting, profit margins, marketing, planning for retirement and more.

Schloegel Design Remodel

DIRECTORS Gene Bosley McCray Lumber & Millwork


Mike Guthrie Raynor Garage Door of KC

Special Events/Publications — Every April Kansas City NARI hosts the Annual Remodeled Homes Tour. In 2010, this successful event drew more than 600 consumers in just 11 hours and promoted the professionalism and craftsmanship of NARI contractors. In addition, Kansas City NARI promotes its members to the public in its fourcolor, 58-page Consumer Remodeling Guide magazine. NARI distributes 20,000 copies of it at local remodeling and home shows and in local showrooms.



Jeannie Nodder Factory Direct Appliance


Jerry Ratway Weber Flooring


Phil Steinle Century Marketing Inc.


CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Committees — Eleven active committees, led by members and a paid staff, help keep Kansas City NARI focused with short-term and long-term goals. The committees include REMY Awards, Finance, Government Affairs, Education, Membership, Marketing/Public Relations, Remodeled Homes Tour, NARI Sponsorship at Remodeling Show/Johnson County Home & Garden Show, Ethics & By-Laws, and Social and Strategic Planning. The Board of Directors, comprised of 14 members, sets NARI’s policies and procedures.

Mark Crider Crider Carpet


H O U S E O F D E L E G AT E S R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S Charlie Copeland, CKBR CMC Remodeling


Jerry Hillard Top Master Inc.


Mike Steed, CR Certification — Certification is credibility. It is a testimony of a commitment to the remodeling industry and the profession. Kansas City NARI has 42 Certified Remodelers, 11 Certified Kitchen & Bath Remodelers, 10 Green Certified Professionals and one Universal Design Certified Remodeler. Study groups form biannually so other

Steed Remodeling


Executive Director

Jan Burchett 913.362.8833



National Association of the Remodeling Industry

National Association of the Remodeling Industry

RARE Construction won REMY awards for two of their local remodeling projects. Left to right: Rose Middleton, CBKR, Rae Person and Sheila Lanier.

Austin Cornell, MSC Enterprises, volunteered his labor skills at NARI’s community service project at The Children’s Place.

NARI members can become certified. In 1999, Kansas City NARI began the Certified Lead Carpenter program, and today there are 24 Certified Lead Carpenters in Kansas City NARI. CR, CKBR, CLC, UDCR and GCP candidates must pass a rigorous exam and obtain continuing education credits annually to maintain their certification.

has 53 chapters nationwide and has enjoyed a sizeable growth period during the past decade. The Greater Kansas City Home Improvement Contractors Association was formed in 1961. In 1985, the organization became a part of NARI and was incorporated as the National Association of the Remodeling Industry Kansas City Chapter. As the voice of the remodeling industry, NARI has an inclusive, encompassing purpose: to establish and maintain a firm commitment to developing and sustaining programs that expand and unite the remodeling industry; to ensure the industry’s growth and security; to encourage ethical conduct, sound business practices and professionalism in the remodeling industry; and to present NARI as the recognized authority in the remodeling industry. Members of NARI are full-service contractors, design-build firms, manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, subcontractors, lenders and other related professionals who work in the remodeling field. NARI is committed to educating both trade professionals and remodelingready homeowners. NARI does this by reaching out to a diverse audience in a variety of formats, including education, training, publications and programs. For the last decade, NARI’s certification program has been providing the remodeling industry with a formalized standard of expertise, knowledge and ethical conduct among professional remodelers. The NARI certification program offers a measure of skill and expertise valued not only by other remodelers but also by consumers. Prized by those who have achieved the designation, certification programs identify remodelers who have undergone detailed review and testing in areas of business management, ethical conduct and technical skills.

National and Regional Affiliation — All Kansas City NARI members are affiliated with the NARI National office in Chicago. Benefits from NARI National include health care savings accounts, prescription drug cards and the Remodeler’s Journal, the national NARI magazine. Kansas City NARI is also active in Region Three, which includes nine chapters from cities like Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Chicago and Omaha.

NARI History NARI’s roots go back to 1935 when President Roosevelt’s National Recovery Act established the beginnings of The North East Roofing, Siding and Insulation Contractors Association (NERSICA). In 1956, President Eisenhower established Operation Home Improvement, a nationwide effort emphasizing the rehabilitation of existing housing rather than new construction. The National Home Improvement Council (NHIC) emerged from this effort. By the mid-1960s, NERSICA no longer reflected the membership of the growing industry, and its name was changed to the National Remodelers Association (NRA). In 1982, the Home Improvement Council, the NRA and NERSICA merged to form NARI. Today, NARI 64 • KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK

To many professional remodelers, NARI certification offers one of their most valuable marketing tools: assurance that the consumer is choosing a professional with years of experience, dedication to ongoing training and a commitment to ethical conduct. NARI now has six distinct designations, including Certified Remodeler (CR), Certified Remodeler Specialist (CRS), Certified Remodeler Associate (CRA), Certified Kitchen and Bath Remodeler (CKBR), Certified Lead Carpenter (CLC) and Green Certified Professional (GCP). With the remodeling industry surpassing new home construction, being a member of NARI is more important than ever.

AT THE LOCAL LEVEL Kansas City NARI 8015 Shawnee Mission Parkway ● Merriam, KS 66202 Phone: 913.362.8833 ● Fax: 913.362.8837 kcnari@remodelingkc.com ● www.remodelingkc.com

AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL National Association of the Remodeling Industry 780 Lee St., Ste. 200 ● Des Plaines, IL 60016 Phone: 800.611.6274 ● Fax: 847.298.9225 www.remodeltoday.com

NARI Contractor Work Area Map by County

John Shafer, ProSource of Lenexa, and Bill Brackmann, CR, Brackmann Construction, handed out remodeling guides in the NARI booth at the Remodeling Show.

NARI Membership Benefits Kansas City NARI requires the following membership criteria: Company must be in business one full year before applying for membership. ● Company must complete the three-page application, listing bank reference, three customer references and three trade references. ● Company must attach a current certificate of insurance and list Kansas City NARI as a certificate holder. ● Company must include two checks __ a $35 one-time, nonrefundable application fee and $450 for the first year’s dues (as of 1-1-11). ● A member of Kansas City NARI’s Ethics & By-Laws Committee will call all references. Each applicant’s company name will be posted in the monthly newsletter, NARI News. After that, each applicant is voted on by Kansas City NARI’s Board of Directors at a monthly board meeting. This entire process takes 45 to 60 days to complete. ●

Reference Work Area (if indicated) under alpha listing of contractors

J = able to work in any metro county on map You will find Kansas City NARI contractors throughout the KC metro area. However, some contractors only work in certain parts of the metro. The map shows you the local counties, and you can cross reference the contractor work areas by checking each contractor listed alphabetically on pages 84-88. If a contractor listed J, the company will work in any county located on the map. Some contractors might not have work areas listed. KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK • 65

National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Contractors & Service Professionals

A.R.C. Construction LLC Lynda Larimer 2300 Main, Ste. 900, Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: (816) 763-4272, Fax: (800) 975-5310 www.arcconstruction.com Remodeling contractor AAA Lifetime Exterior Remodeling LLC / pg. 73 Bruce Brosko 6219 N. Oak, Kansas City, MO 64118 Phone: (816) 421-5433, Fax: (816) 421-3531 www.aaalifetimeexterior.com 20-year-old company specializing in the exterior of your home, windows, siding, sunrooms AAS Restoration Inc. Stephen Storts, CR 3131 Wheeling Ave., Kansas City, MO 64129 Phone: (816) 861-1550, Fax: (816) 861-1056 www.aasrestoration.com A,B,C,D,E,F Fire, smoke, water and mold restoration, contents packout

AllService Insurance Restoration Jeff Whalen P.O. Box 46928, Kansas City, MO 64188 Phone: (816) 786-8080, Fax: (816) 587-6700 www.firewaterhelp.com J Fire/water damage, roofing, estimating Altenhofen Cabinets Inc. Damian Altenhofen 20426 Woodend Road, Linwood, KS 66052 Phone: (913) 369-9678, Fax: (913) 369-9626 www.cabinetsforlife.com J Fine, handcrafted cabinets...for the way you live Amazing Siding & Windows Corey Wilcox 11248 Strang Line Road, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 661-0900, Fax: (913) 322-0651 www.amazingsidingkc.com J Acrylic-insulated siding, fiberglass, wood windows by Marvin

ABC Seamless Siding Dale Oyer Sr. 2918 Mercier, Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: (816) 561-0000, Fax: (816) 561-0019 www.abcsiding.com J Seamless steel siding, custom steel trim, tilt-in replacement windows, lifetime warranty __ 47 years in business

Applause Custom Sight & Sound Jim Evans 16230 Foster, Overland Park, KS 66085 Phone: (913) 498-1183, Fax: (913) 469-9868 www.applausetheater.com J Home theater, lighting control, automation, whole-house audio and video systems

Aldrich Contracting Co. Dave Aldrich 9801 W. 106th St., Overland Park, KS 66212 Phone: (913) 649-3544, Fax: (913) 649-3544 www.aldrichcontracting.com J Professional remodeling, centered on quality and service

Archadeck Steve Folsom 9801 W. 131st St., Overland Park, KS 66213 Phone: (913) 851-3325, Fax: (913) 814-8372 www.archadeck.com J Design/build, custom decks, porches, sunrooms

Alenco Inc. Allen Erskine 16201 W. 110th St., Lenexa, KS 66219 Phone: (913) 438-1902, Fax: (913) 438-1908 www.alenconline.com Siding, windows and sunrooms

Architectural Craftsmen / pg. 25 Joe and Mary Thompson 10312 Walmer, Overland Park, KS 66212 Phone: (913) 963-2246, Fax: (913) 341-9718 www.archcraftsmen.com J Remodeling focusing on architectural detailing and superior craftsmanship

ALH Home Renovations LLC Allen Harris, CR 2200 W. 75th St., Ste. 102, Prairie Village, KS 66208 Phone: (913) 384-0030, Fax: (913) 384-0095 www.alhhomerenovations.com A,B,C,E Award-winning remodeling and design company All-Weather Windows, Doors & Siding Inc. Kim Blake 5410 Johnson Drive, Mission, KS 66205 Phone: (913) 262-4380, Fax: (913) 262-4381 www.allweatherkc.com J Install windows, doors, siding, Andersen products, full-service repair shop


Armstrong Kitchens Kristeen Armstrong-Scott, CKD 9310 W. 87th St., Overland Park, KS 66212 Phone: (913) 642-3337, Fax: (913) 642-7892 www.armstrongkitchens.com Complete kitchens from design and specifications to installation Arrow Circle Electric David Cleary 7801 Blue Ridge Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64138 Phone: (816) 373-4888, Fax: (816) 373-1699 arrowcircle@sbcglobal.net J New construction, remodel, fire/water restoration and service

Ashley-Lavender Builders LLC Terri Ashley 18830 Quivira, Spring Hill, KS 66083 Phone: (913) 592-4156, Fax: (913) 649-2397 www.ashley-lavender.com E Award-winning remodelers with over 30 years experience Atchison Construction Inc. Dale Campbell 306 Commercial, Ste. B, Atchison, KS 66002 Phone: (913) 367-4365, Fax: (913) 367-3249 www.atchisonconstruction.com E,F,G,H Visit atchisonconstruction.com for more information Atronic Alarms / pg. 25 Nell Mathews 8220 Melrose Drive, Lenexa, KS 66214 Phone: (913) 362-0000, Fax: (913) 492-0601 www.atronicalarms.com J 28 years experience, security, fire, home automation, CCTV, access control, locally owned and operated Bath & Kitchen Showroom LLC / pg. 67 Benita Brewer 9216 Bond St., Overland Park, KS 66214 Phone: (913) 339-8446, Fax: (913) 451-4527 www.b-ks.com J Kitchen, bath, home office, closet design, finishes, installation Bednar Interiors Inc. Remodeling & Design / pg. 55 Hank Bednar 12611 W. 76th St., Lenexa, KS 66216 Phone: (913) 962-7733 bednarinteriors@everestkc.net E 23 years experience, kitchens, basements, trim, painting, tile Bennett Home Improvement Inc. Weston E. Bennett, GCP 708 NW RD Mize Road, Ste. 5, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Phone: (816) 564-1251, Fax: (816) 988-8349 www.webennettinc.com J We do what we say we will. We do it when we say we will. Better Business Bureau Dave Buckley 8080 Ward Parkway, Ste. 401, Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: (816) 421-8188, Fax: (816) 472-5442 Consumer/business marketplace services/inquiries; complaints processed Bieber Engineering Technologies LLC Christopher Bieber 10650 W. 170th Terrace, Olathe, KS 66062 Phone: (913) 362-0772, Fax: (913) 685-2070 www.bieberengineering.com J Indoor air-quality testing, mold remediation, air-duct cleaning, asbestos removal, water-damage restoration

Bordner Installation Group Jerry Fleenor 11950 E. 350 Highway, Raytown, MO 64138 Phone: (816) 358-2102, Fax: (816) 358-8379 jerry.fleenor@bordnerinstall.com J Exterior home-improvement contractor, roofing, stucco, windows and siding Borger Construction Todd Borger 5105 W. 84th Terrace, Prairie Village, KS 66207 Phone: (913) 927-9492, Fax: (913) 381-2408 todd@borgerconstruction.com Trim carpenter since 1988 Brackmann Construction Inc. Bill Brackmann, CR 1418 N. Scott, Belton, MO 64012 Phone: (816) 318-4147, Fax: (816) 318-4138 www.brackmannconstructioninc.com B,C,D,E,F,G Remodeling, fire and water restoration, commercial and residential Bradford Homes Co. David Unruh 21110 Mission Road, Bucyrus, KS 66013 Phone: (913) 384-9783, Fax: (913) 897-3077 www.bhckc.com E,I Remodeling with integrity and expertise since 1984 Brick Doctor Inc. Allyson Young P.O. Box 860845, Shawnee, KS 66286 Phone: (913) 499-0705, Fax: (913) 499-0708 www.brickrx.com J Installation and restoration of brick, block and stone British Bob LLC Bob Field 8331 Beverly Drive, Overland Park, KS 66207 Phone: (913) 980-6117 britishbobhandyman@yahoo.com Interior painting, the works and handyman services Brown Restoration Inc. Lloyd Brown, CR 702 Keen, Raymore, MO 64083 Phone: (816) 322-2600, Fax: (816) 322-2604 www.brownrestoration.com J Award-winning remodeling division; Timberline-certified roofing division Budget Blinds of Overland Park Jim Stoddard 300 SW Main St., Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 Phone: (816) 554-7779, Fax: (816) 554-7783 www.budgetblinds.com Free consultation. Shutters, blinds, draperies, tinting all installed Buffalo Constructors LLC Tom Breshears P.O. Box 681225, Riverside, MO 64168 Phone: (816) 804-4134, Fax: (816) 587-8846 dad2trey@swbell.net A,B,C,E,F Experienced remodeling firm specializing in challenging remodeling projects, extensive damage repair and delicate restoration work


National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Contractors & Service Professionals

Built by Design Mike Schwartz 318 N. Overlook St., Olathe, KS 66061 Phone: (913) 782-6311, Fax: (913) 764-5285 www.builtbydesignkc.com E Custom remodeling of basements, kitchens, baths, room additions

CHC Creative Remodeling Kevin Transue, CR, GCP 15519 W. 84th St., Lenexa, KS 66219 Phone: (913) 438-6933, Fax: (913) 322-2697 www.chccr.com J An award-winning combination: Creativity, Quality, Integrity Specializing in residential design/build remodeling

Buss Contracting & Remodeling Inc. Brad Buss 9933 Campbell, Kansas City, MO 64131 Phone: (816) 268-2877 www.buss-remodeling.com B,C,D,E,F Your last call for basement remodeling!

Chris Wooldridge Construction LLC Chris Wooldridge 4810 W. 68th St., Prairie Village, KS 66208 Phone: (913) 362-9333, Fax: (913) 362-9333 cwooldridge@kc.rr.com C,E,F Remodeling with attention to detail since 1980

Cabinet Clad Kitchen & Bath Ryan Johnson 807 NW Hunter Drive, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Phone: (816) 224-3200, Fax: (816) 224-3404 www.cabinetcladkitchens.com J Kitchen remodeling, new cabinets, refacing, countertops, tile

City Wide Heating & Cooling Inc. Doug Duval 2824 Roe Lane, Kansas City, KS 66103 Phone: (913) 384-6006, Fax: (913) 384-5455 www.cwhc1949.com J “Heating and Cooling Kansas City Since 1949”

Cabinet Designs LLC Brian Dirks P.O. Box 82, Jamesport, MO 64648 Phone: (816) 262-0658, Fax: (816) 222-0630 www.cabdes.com J Fine custom design, build, finish, install CabinetReface Kitchens & Bathrooms Mike Marusak, CKBR 10029 Perry Drive, Overland Park, KS 66212 Phone: (913) 894-8455, Fax: (913) 894-8498 www.cabinetreface.com J Affordable kitchen and bathroom remodeling __ NARI award-winning remodeler Canaan Stone Works LLC Jerry Lee 4851 S. 13th St., Leavenworth, KS 66048 Phone: (913) 351-3500, Fax: (913) 351-3052 www.canaanstoneworks.com Fabricator of granite and quartz Castle Rock Remodeling Jim Hedges 13911 Century Lane, Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (816) 442-8900, Fax: (816) 214-8489 www.castlerockremodeling.com Remodeling contractor Champion Windows, Siding & Patio Rooms Michael Duncan 7920 Marshall Drive, Lenexa, KS 66214 Phone: (913) 541-8282, Fax: (913) 438-2471 www.championwindow.com J Sales and installation of custom vinyl replacement windows, patio rooms, porch enclosures, doors and siding


City Wide Remodelers Inc. Mike Brocato, CR, CKBR, CGR 9736 Wornall, Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: (816) 942-1993, Fax: (816) 942-3131 www.citywideremodelers.com A,B,C,D,E,F,I Full-service remodeling and design/build service since 1955 Claymark Homes Inc. Ben Hansen 2111 E. Santa Fe, Olathe, KS 66062 Phone: (913) 681-8147, Fax: (913) 685-3716 www.claymarkhomes.com J Vinyl or steel siding, window and door specialists CMC Remodeling Inc. Charles Copeland, CKBR 6 W. 69th St., Kansas City, MO 64113 Phone: (816) 361-2627, Fax: (816) 361-2627 cmcremodeling@everestkc.net C,E Affordable full-service remodeling and design for over 30 years. Certified kitchen and bathroom specialists Cornerstone Home Improvement Inc. Brenda Walters 5056 Blue Ridge Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64133 Phone: (816) 737-0601, Fax: (816) 313-9651 www.chi-kc.com J Affordable premium windows, doors, siding. Expert installation. Trusted, local, family owned with 35 years experience Country Club Builders Steve Atkins, CR, UDCR 10908 E. 72nd Terrace, Raytown, MO 64133 Phone: (816) 358-4662, Fax: (816) 743-9273 www.countryclubbuilders.com C,E,F An enjoyable remodeling experience

Crider Carpet Mark Crider 8101 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Ste.100, Merriam, KS 66202 Phone: (913) 239-0751, Fax: (913) 239-0752 www.cridercarpet.com Flooring and window coverings Custom Renovations Inc. Kenny Choikhit 4300 W. 98th St., Overland Park, KS 66207 Phone: (913) 381-5222, Fax: (913) 381-5222 kennybuilds@yahoo.com Remodeling contractor Custom Siding & Window Solutions Joe Zuber 9016 N. Essex Drive, Kansas City, MO 64156 Phone: (816) 509-0960, Fax: (816) 734-2681 www.customsidingandwindows.com A,B,C,D,E,F,G Vinyl siding/windows/door specialist offering custom designs Dan-E-Electric Danny Essary 7465 Deer Ridge, Shawnee, KS 66227 Phone: (913) 207-3880, Fax: (913) 745-7915 www.dan-e-electric.com J Electrical services for commercial and residential Danan Contracting Dan Koehne 1208 W. 70th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64113 Phone: (816) 985-9313, Fax: (816) 361-4046 www.danancontracting.com C,E Quality residential remodeling services, kitchen and bath specialty Deatherage Home Designs Inc. Billie Deatherage, CKD 205 E. 68th St., Kansas City, MO 64113 Phone: (816) 444-5466, Fax: (816) 361-4934 www.deatheragedesign.com A,B,C,E Remodeling designs, plans and finishes, certified kitchen designer Design Connection Inc. Arlene Ladegaard, Allied Member ASID 10520 Barkley, Ste. 140, Overland Park, KS 66212 Phone: (913) 851-8776, Fax: (913) 851-8734 www.designconnectioninc.com Award-winning interior design company specializing in remodeling, space planning and total home furnishing Dream Stone Creations Christopher Finley P.O. Box 28171, Kansas City, MO 64188 Phone: (816) 918-8549 www.dreamstonecreations.com A,B,C,E,F,G Interior painting, textures, drywall and plaster repairs

Dyllan Construction Inc. Meredyth Melcher 6010 NW 52nd Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64151 Phone: (816) 505-1077, Fax: (816) 505-2610 www.dyllanconstruction.com J Full-service remodeler and contractor Earthway Enterprises LLC Scott Kelley, CR, GCP P.O. Box 11114, Overland Park, KS 66207 Phone: (913) 221-9663, Fax: (913) 544-1693 www.earthway.biz C,E Complete remodeler specializing in high-performance, sustainable building Eddie Cummings Tile Inc. / pg. 79 Eddie Cummings 11708 Jefferson St., Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: (816) 918-4807, Fax: (816) 943-1237 eddiecummingstile@gmail.com J Installation of marble, granite, slate and tile Electrical Associates LLC Dusty Brown 8345 Monticello, Shawnee, KS 66227 Phone: (913) 825-2537, Fax: (913) 825-9861 dbrown@el-associates.com J For all your wiring needs Eric Gentry Home Remodeling Eric Gentry, CR 608 N. 9th St., Kansas City, KS 66101 Phone: (816) 728-7418, Fax: (816) 222-0424 www.ericgentry.com A,B,C,E,F Inspired design. Exceptional craftsmanship. Attention to detail every job, every time Farm & Home Builders Inc. Danny Oppenheim Sr. 234 NW Plaza Drive, Riverside, MO 64150 Phone: (816) 741-9437, Fax: (816) 741-6385 danoppen@aol.com J Free estimates, siding and windows, 32nd year Fountain Glass Inc. David de la Fuente 524 N. Lindenwood, Olathe, KS 66062 Phone: (913) 764-6014, Fax: (913) 764-2915 david@fountainglass.com Four Seasons Sunrooms Pat Cavanaugh 821 SW Oldham Parkway, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 Phone: (816) 524-2770, Fax: (816) 524-5345 www.leisurelivingkc.com J Serving the KC metro area for over 30 years, specializing in sunrooms, replacement windows and siding Franken-Polli Company John Franken 2617 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: (816) 756-3282, Fax: (816) 756-5685 www.frankenpolli.com J Remodeling professionals dedicated to making your project successful


National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Contractors & Service Professionals

FRB Contracting LLC Gerald Fornelli 10809 N. Marsh, Kansas City, MO 64157 Phone: (816) 520-5935, Fax: (816) 407-1385 www.remodel-kc.com A,B,C,E,F Complete design/build/remodeling and repair services G.A. Fischer Co. Gary Fischer 2909 W. 93rd St., Leawood, KS 66206 Phone: (913) 649-5783, Fax: (913) 649-5783 Remodeling contractor specializing in residential room additions and renovations Grandview Top Company 614 Main St., Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (816) 763-5411, Fax: (816) 763-0149 www.grandviewtop.com Specializing in laminate, solid surface and quartz/granite countertops Granite Center / pg. 35 Jerry Qiu 9060 Quivira Road, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 492-3333, Fax: (913) 492-3330 www.granitecenterinc.com Granite fabricator Granite Transformations of K.C. Paul Whitaker 14125 Marshall Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 492-7600, Fax: (913) 492-7602 www.granitetransformations.com J Countertops, showers, tub surrounds, fireplaces, cabinet refacing Green Light Window Films / pg. 81 Mackie Beall 712 B SW Blue Parkway, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 Phone: (816) 246-5335, Fax: (866) 920-1420 www.greenlightwf.com Installation of window film Griffin Construction Co. LLC Shane Griffin 1501 Burlington Ave., Ste. 208, North Kansas City, MO 64116 Phone: (816) 741-0222, Fax: (816) 741-0333 www.griffinconstructionkc.com J Full-service remodeling contractor Gutter Cover of Kansas City Doug Stacye 2125 SE 7th St., Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 Phone: (816) 246-7881, Fax: (816) 246-7891 www.guttercoverofkc.com Solid, heavy gauge aluminum guaranteed, affordable, proven, attractive Hall Custom Builders LLC Tracy Hall P.O. Box 25505, Overland Park, KS 66225 Phone: (913) 681-3373, Fax: (913) 681-2149 www.hallbuild.com C, E, F, G Remodeling contractor in business over 24 years 70 • KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK

Hastings Remodeling LLC Jim Hastings 20030 Nall Ave., Stilwell, KS 66085 Phone: (913) 915-8313, Fax: (913) 685-1772 C,D,E,F,I Specializing in fine interiors Hayes Company, The Mike O’Connell, CRS, GCP 1000 E. 11th St., Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone: (816) 444-6352, Fax: (816) 861-8703 www.thehayesco.com J Insulation, energy audits, fireplaces, mirrors, shower doors and guttering HearthMasters Marge Padgitt 1134 S. Pearl St., Independence, MO 64050 Phone: (816) 461-3665, Fax: (816) 461-2818 www.chimkc.com A,B,C,E, Design/build chimneys, fireplaces, masonry heaters, bake ovens, wood/gas furnaces, stoves. Chimney sweeping/inspections Heiman Development Co. Inc. Greg Heiman, CR 635 E. 117th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64131 Phone: (816) 942-0000, Fax: (816) 942-0063 www.heimandevelopment.com C,D,E,F,H,I Since 1985, full-line residential and commercial remodeling Henges Insulation & Fireplace / pg. 3 Greg Kudrna 15640 S. Keeler, Olathe, KS 66062 Phone: (913) 764-4600, Fax: (913) 764-4602 www.hengesinsulation.com J Market leader of all types of insulation and fireplace products Home Performance Services LLC Bill Kelley 2614 NW Woodland Road, Riverside, MO 64150 Phone: (816) 746-0002, Fax: (816) 746-0060 www.hps-kc.com A,B,C,D,E,F,G Energy audits __ general contractor House & Renner Construction Inc. Harvey House 5403 W. 40 Highway, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Phone: (816) 229-4853, Fax: (816) 229-0486 www.houserennerconst.com C,D,E Award-winning/full-line custom remodeling Integrated Electronics Inc. / pg. 111 Keith Axe 9847 Lackman Road, Lenexa, KS 66219 Phone: (913) 663-3366, Fax: (913) 663-2266 www.integratedelectronics.com J Kansas City’s largest premier home automation, home theatre and custom integrated systems provider

J.E. Meyer Construction Co. John E. Meyer 214 NW Juniper, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 Phone: (816) 373-8880, Fax: (816) 478-0215 www.jemeyerconstruction.com J Residential and commercial remodeling and design since 1977 Jericho Home Improvements LLC Lori Cummings 2826 Roe Lane, Kansas City, KS 66103 Phone: (913) 596-0000, Fax: (866) 580-6686 www.jerichohome.com Remodeling contractor Jerry M. Frese Construction Company LLC Jerry Frese 11155 Hubbard, Kansas City, KS 66109 Phone: (913) 721-1488, Fax: (913) 721-5239 www.jmfremodel.com E,G Complete home and office remodel since 1977 Jim Luke Construction Co. LLC Jim Luke, CR 13401 W. 105th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 492-5049, Fax: (913) 438-1641 www.jimlukeconstruction.com C,E,F,G,I Since 1971, specializing in your remodeling needs Johnson County Siding & Window Co. Inc. / pg. 75 Bill Christie 1501 E. Sleepy Hollow Drive, Olathe, KS 66062 Phone: (913) 782-2878, Fax: (913) 782-7572 www.jocosiding.com J Specializing in maintenance-free products and exterior design JW McDowell Electric LLC Jeff McDowell 24111 S. Wild Goose Lane, Peculiar, MO 64078 Phone: (913) 915-3786, Fax: (816) 779-5555 jmcdowell@fairpoint.net Electrical subcontractor Kansas City Closet Co. Bill Myers 6513 Railroad, Kansas City, MO 64133 Phone: (816) 333-1292, Fax: (816) 333-0212 www.kccloset.com J Custom closet and organization systems for 15+ years Kansas City Master Companies Inc. Dave Frey 13501 Arrington Road, Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (816) 763-1500, Fax: (816) 763-2867 www.kcmaster.com J Specializing in foundation and concrete repair

Kansas Granite Mart Inc. Bradley Boeck 5135 Merriam Drive, Merriam, KS 66203 Phone: (913) 362-8889, Fax: (913) 362-8808 www.kansasgranitemart.com J From concept to creation, your full-line design center Karen L. Ecton Interior Design Karen Ecton, ASID 2230 W. 72nd Terrace, Prairie Village, KS 66208 Phone: (913) 522-5347 www.karenectoninteriors.com J Professional interior design __ NCIDQ certified Kenny’s Tile & Floor Covering Inc. Nancy Campbell 3303 Main St., Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (816) 765-0400, Fax: (816) 763-3005 www.kennystile.com Supplier of tile and floor coverings Kent Mohler Exteriors LLC Kent Mohler P.O. Box 286, Kearney, MO 64060 Phone: (816) 628-4049, Fax: (816) 628-6218 www.igotsiding.com A,B,C,E,F Voted “Best of Northland” in home exteriors. Serving KC since 1975 Kimball Tile & Stone LLC Shannon Kimball P.O. Box 1096, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 Phone: (816) 935-9395, Fax: (816) 525-5213 www.kimballtilestone.com B,C,D,E,F,I Tile and stone installation and restoration Kitchen Design Gallery Shawn McCune, CKD 13406 Santa Fe Trail Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 492-8887, Fax: (913) 492-8843 www.kitchendg.com J Unique, design/build kitchens by certified kitchen designer

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Kreative Driveways Inc. Tim Myers 14212 Melrose St., Overland Park, KS 66221 Phone: (913) 362-7550, Fax: (816) 943-1189 www.kckdi.com J Epoxy/stone overlays; over concrete for patios, pools, driveways and garage floors since 1980 Lee Drywall, Plaster & Stucco Tom Lee 7250 Martindale, Shawnee, KS 66218 Phone: (913) 422-1991, Fax: (816) 333-4885 tkglee@aol.com J Drywall, plaster, texture, new, remodel, repair Lifestyles Custom Homes & Remodeling Inc. Scott Balentine, CR, CLC P.O. Box 24267, Overland Park, KS 66283 Phone: (913) 897-2738, Fax: (913) 897-7738 www.lifestylesdesignbuild.com C,E Remodeling kitchens, bathrooms, basements and room additions

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National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Contractors & Service Professionals

LifeWise Renovations Mike Dodd, MCR, CKBR, GCP 3500 W. 75th St., Ste. 100, Prairie Village, KS 66208 Phone: (816) 363-0600, Fax: (816) 363-2080 www.lifewiserenovations.com J Remodel for any life stage

McNeill Renovation Co. Dave McNeill 10308 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, KS 66212 Phone: (913) 915-1400 www.davemcneill.com C,E,F “Transforming Our Clients’ Vision into Reality”

Noblit Didier Development LLC John Noblit 11 W. 77th St., Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: (816) 365-4997, Fax: (816) 444-3237 www.noblitdidier.com J New/remodel, Energy Star partner

Line Construction Company Wade Shipley 9119 Barton St., Overland Park, KS 66214 Phone: (913) 341-1212, Fax: (913) 438-1214 wade@lineconstructioncompany.com Remodeling contractor

Midwest Heating Cooling & Plumbing Jack Lambert/Bill Jones 13228 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO 64145 Phone: (816) 943-8400, Fax: (816) 943-8510 www.midwestheating.com C,D,E,F “Trust your air to the best, Midwest”

Olsen & Talpers Mel Talpers 920 Main, Ste. 1950, Kansas City, MO 64105 Phone: (816) 421-2050, Fax: (816) 421-2153 mtalpers@kcmolawfirm.com Legal firm

Lyon Construction + Design LLC Clay Lyon, CR 2112 W. 61st Terrace, Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 Phone: (913) 236-5966, Fax: (913) 236-5964 www.lyonbuilt.com J Lyon Construction + Design: Transforming life by transforming living spaces. It’s what we do!

Midwest Skylight LLC Jeff Ogg 11640 W. 90th St., Overland Park, KS 66214 Phone: (913) 492-2989, Fax: (913) 492-2662 www.midwestskylight.com J Dealer and certified installer for Velux Skylights

Manka Design/Build Inc. / pg. 49 Grant Manka, GCP 6701 Granada Lane, Prairie Village, KS 66208 Phone: (913) 515-9319, Fax: (913) 789-7568 www.mankadesignbuild.com C,E,F,H Remodeling contractor

Midwest Vacuums Sarah DeGondea 312 Green St., Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 Phone: (816) 265-0533, Fax: (816) 524-5449 www.kcvacuums.com Central vacuums and regular vacuums __ sales, service, installation

Marionix Inc. Marino Aparicio 310 W. Santa Fe St., Olathe, KS 66061 Phone: (913) 940-3634 www.marionixinc.com A,B,D,E,F,G,H,I Installer of marble and granite countertops

Mission Kitchen & Bath Al Felman, CKBR 5845 Horton, Ste. 2, Mission, KS 66202 Phone: (913) 362-4242, Fax: (913) 362-4200 www.missionkb.com A,B,C,E,F Award-winning, certified kitchen and bath remodeler

Ostby Construction Inc. Neil Ostby 8421 Briar Lane, Prairie Village, KS 66207 Phone: (816) 217-6017 www.ostbyconstruction.com General contractor

Mark 1 Contracting LLC Mark Denning Sr. 13810 Meadow Lane, Leawood, KS 66224 Phone: (913) 208-4632, Fax: (913) 681-5921 mark@mark1contracting.com Professional remodeling contractor residential/commercial

Missouri Siding, Window & Roofing Chris Kidd 16657 E. 23rd St., Ste. 214, Independence, MO 64055 Phone: (816) 505-0050, Fax: (816) 650-5076 www.mosidingwindows.com J Siding, James Hardie siding, replacement windows, residential roofing

Outdoor Environments Inc. Dick DeVuyst, CR 6920 W. 153rd St., Ste. A, Overland Park, KS 66223 Phone: (913) 897-2706, Fax: (913) 897-8195 www.outdoorenvironments.com A,C,E,F,G,I Design/build decks, porches, patios, outdoor kitchens and four-season rooms

Mr. Remodeler, Dean Blay Dean Blay 4163 NE Winn Road, Kansas City, MO 64117 Phone: (816) 453-3049, Fax: (816) 453-5159 www.mrremodeler.com A,B,C,D,E,F,G Complete remodeling and repairs

Owens Remodeling LLC Michael Owens P.O.Box 3278, Shawnee, KS 66203 Phone: (913) 322-2837, Fax: (913) 322-8531 owensremodel@everestkc.net J Residential design, build and remodel

MSC Enterprises Inc. Mark Cornell 1208 SW Crossing Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 Phone: (816) 510-6978, Fax: (816) 246-6391 www.mscenterpriseskc.com A,B,C,D,E,F Award-winning quality general contracting and home renovations

Paint Pro Inc. Bill Ruisinger 6930 W. 152nd Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66223 Phone: (913) 685-4089, Fax: (913) 685-4941 www.paintproinc.net C,D,E,F,I Full-service painting, siding, window and repair contractor

Mark One Electric Company Joe Privitera 909 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone: (816) 842-7023, Fax: (816) 842-8955 www.markone.com Electrical contractor since 1974 McLoughlin Tile & Stone Mark McLoughlin 15415 W. 144th Terrace, Olathe, KS 66062 Phone: (913) 207-7160, Fax: (913) 782-5245 markmcloughlin01@gmail.com C,E,F Exceptional installations of glass, stone and ceramic tiles


One Week Bath Debby Allmon, CR 311 W. 80th St., Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: (816) 500-5055, Fax: (816) 361-3979 www.oneweekbathkc.com J Custom remodels. The way you imagined Orion Design Elizabeth Goltz, CKD 700 E. 8th St., Ste. 5N, Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone: (816) 729-6288, Fax: (816) 326-3401 www.designbyorion.com J Orion Design is an interior design firm specializing in kitchens, baths, interior architecture and project coordination

Palmer Electric Company Terry Chapman 6600 B Royal St., Pleasant Valley, MO 64068 Phone: (816) 415-2252, Fax: (816) 415-2253 www.peckc.com Electrical contractor Patrick Exteriors Robert Patrick 7914 Quivira, Ste. B, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 262-6824, Fax: (913) 541-2070 betsy@patrickexteriors.com Hand-painting, cement siding, roofing and windows Paul Davis Restoration Greg Marsden 14813 W. 95th St., Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 345-2700, Fax: (913) 345-2433 gmarsden@pdr-usa.net J Full-service restoration contractor: water, fire, mold, contents Performance Plus Homes Carol Blake Chyka 5165 W. 198th St., Stilwell, KS 66085 Phone: (913) 851-0732 www.performanceplushomes.net J Energy consultant

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Phoenix Renovation & Restoration Inc. Mark Heinze, CR 16250 Foster, Overland Park, KS 66085 Phone: (913) 599-0055, Fax: (913) 599-0053 www.kcphoenix.com J Insurance restoration/reconstruction, general contracting and plumbing

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Pileggi & Reid Painting Frank Pileggi 15615 Conser St., Overland Park, KS 66223 Phone: (913) 681-9945 www.prpainting.net J Painting contractor PMI Midwest Paul Demo 18175 W. 156th St., Olathe, KS 66062 Phone: (913) 484-4288, Fax: (913) 712-8989 www.pmimidwest.com Framing/demolition subcontractor since 2001 and general contractor since 2009 Preferred Kitchens & Baths of Leawood Mike Mulich 2012 W. 104th St., Leawood, KS 66206 Phone: (913) 341-0111, Fax: (913) 341-1882 www.preferredcontracting.com B,C,D,E,F,I We treat your home like it was ours Quality Home Concepts LLC Frank Kent 701 E. 23rd St., Ste. G, Independence, MO 64055 Phone: (816) 694-1978, Fax: (816) 461-5164 www.qualityhomeconcepts.com A,B,C,D,E,F Full-service design and remodeling R3 Home Renovation LLC Bryce Wittenborn P.O. Box 22712, Kansas City, MO 64131 Phone: (913) 302-1063, Fax: (816) 268-1238 www.r3homerenovation.com Design/build contractor


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National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Contractors & Service Professionals

RARE Construction Inc. Rae Person/Rose Middleton, CKBR 3333 Roanoke Road, Kansas City, MO 64111 Phone: (816) 931-6171, Fax: (816) 931-0511 www.rareremodeling.com A,B,C,E,F Award-winning design/build remodeling and custom homes

Renovations, Etc. LLC Mike Pottinger, CR P.O. Box 6411, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 Phone: (816) 246-5911, Fax: (816) 524-4218 www.renovationsetc.com A,B,C,D,E,F Residential and light commercial remodeling and construction

Raynor Garage Door of KC Mike Guthrie 8235 McCoy St., Shawnee, KS 66227 Phone: (913) 422-0441, Fax: (913) 422-0105 www.raynorkc.com J Sales/service of garage doors and openers

Repairs Unlimited Inc. Craig Conner 1940 Merriam Lane, Kansas City, KS 66106 Phone: (913) 262-6937, Fax: (913) 262-6947 www.repairs-unlimited.com J Celebrating 25 years, your problem solvers!

Rea Company Framing James Rea 14702 Pineview Drive, Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (816) 564-6388 reacompany07@yahoo.com Frame carpentry contractor

ReTouch Real Estate Enhancement Lance McCarthy 5742 Reeds, Mission, KS 66202 Phone: (913) 871-9344, Fax: (913) 766-3249 www.retouchco.com Remodeling contractor

Re-Bath of K.C. Brad Conner 7710 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Overland Park, KS 66202 Phone: (913) 671-8827, Fax: (913) 671-8182 www.rebathkc.com J Experience, revive at Re-bath, the complete bathroom remodeler

REW Enterprise Inc. R. Eric Wierman 24101 S. Wildgoose Lane, Peculiar, MO 64078 Phone: (816) 779-4918, Fax: (816) 779-4918 eric@homeenhancers.com J Full-service residential and commercial renovate or remodel

Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 Bev and Bruce Gilbert 9980 Lakeview Ave., Lenexa, KS 66219 Phone: (913) 642-6184, Fax: (913) 647-0785 www.regardingkitchens.com J Region’s largest kitchen, bath, appliance, remodeling showroom Renewable Efficient Energy by the Eric Kjelshus Group Eric Kjelshus 25001 E. Outer Belt Road, Greenwood, MO 64034 Phone: (816) 537-5100, Fax: (816) 529-0501 www.ericsenergy.com C,D,E Indoor comfort problem solvers __ energy audits __ repairs Renewal by Andersen Tiffany Akers 7220 W. Frontage Road, Merriam, KS 66203 Phone: (913) 385-1300, Fax: (913) 385-1303 www.renewalbyandersen.com J Replacement windows and patio doors Renovation and Restoration Specialist Dan Thorman, CR 3212 W. 81st St., Prairie Village, KS 66206 Phone: (913) 341-2850, Fax: (913) 544-1153 rrs@kc.rr.com J Remodeling contractor

Rhino Builders Inc. Terry Skilling, CR 1040 Merriam Lane, Kansas City, KS 66103 Phone: (913) 722-4353, Fax: (913) 262-8047 www.rhinobuilders.com A,B,C,D,E,F,I Nationally recognized award-winning remodeler RM Contracting Inc. Rick Moseley 3901 W. 56th St., Fairway, KS 66205 Phone: (913) 208-6928, Fax: (913) 677-6326 rmose8@aol.com General contractor Roach Brothers Construction Inc. John Roach, MCR, CKBR 4405 W. 130th St., Leawood, KS 66209 Phone: (913) 897-5886, Fax: (913) 897-5886 johnroach@roachbro.com J Complete home certified remodeler, certified kitchen and bath remodeler Roundtree Remodeling Rick Bonnstetter 6610 Hedge Lane Terrace, Ste. 203, Shawnee, KS 66226 Phone: (913) 220-4015 www.roundtreeremodeling.com E Award-winning porches, basement finishing, bath/kitchen remodels

Rusty’s Dandy Painting Inc. Rusty Davidson 7801 Chadwick, Prairie Village, KS 66208 Phone: (913) 341-9125, Fax: (913) 385-7544 www.rustysdandypainting.com C,E Painting your world __ beautiful since 1976 Schloegel Design Remodel Debby Allmon, CR 311 W. 80th St., Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: (816) 361-9669, Fax: (816) 361-3979 www.sdrkc.com C,E Original in design. Exceptional in execution Scovell-Wolfe & Associates Jim Scovell, CR 8035 Ward Parkway, Plaza, Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: (816) 361-5959, Fax: (816) 361-3731 www.scovellwolfe.com C,E Residential remodeling since 1989. Award-winning kitchen additions, bathrooms, screened verandas and whole-house remodels Standard Improvement Company Robert Hellebuyck 1414 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO 64111 Phone: (816) 931-7100, Fax: (816) 932-4024 www.standardimprovement.com J Kansas City’s leading remodeler for over 60 years Starr Homes LLC / pg. 7 Gerry Starr P.O. Box 23505, Overland Park, KS 66283 Phone: (913) 663-4548, Fax: (913) 339-6117 www.starrhomes.net C,E NARI Regional Contractor of the Year. Remodels, additions and new homes Steed Remodeling Mike Steed, CR 300 W. 74th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: (816) 931-2585, Fax: (816) 931-6396 www.steedremodeling.com A,B,C,E A remodeling experience that will exceed your expectations! Steffen Custom Etching Doug Steffen 1027 NE Deerbrook Terrace, Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 Phone: (816) 726-0406, Fax: (816) 525-0383 www.steffencustometching.com A,B,C,D,E,F Glass and stone etching/carving Steve Scherer Construction Steve Scherer 411 N. 118th St., Bonner Springs, KS 66012 Phone: (913) 721-1153, Fax: (913) 721-1153 ssconst@aol.com F Kitchens, baths, tile work, basement finishing PLEASE TURN THE PAGE



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National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Contractors & Service Professionals

Stevermer Company Inc. Kim Stevermer, CR, CKBR 13816 Midland Drive, Shawnee, KS 66216 Phone: (913) 268-3714, Fax: (913) 268-3714 www.stevermercompany.com C,E Expert remodeling and repairs for over 30 years Stratton Mechanical Services LLC Dennis Stratton 4821 Merriam Drive, Overland Park, KS 66203 Phone: (913) 485-0110, Fax: (913) 722-0129 www.strattonmechanical.com HVAC contractor Stucco Repair Specialists LLC Chuck Kincaid P.O. Box 6012, Leawood, KS 66206 Phone: (816) 510-6375 stuccorepair@hotmail.com Stucco contractor Surface Service Inc. Sid Lehrbaum 9725 Chadwick Drive, Overland Park, KS 66206 Phone: (816) 361-5063, Fax: (913) 648-4606 www.sids-surfaceservice.com J Wallpaper removal, walls and ceilings repaired SVB Wood Floor Service Inc. Steven Brattin 13024 2nd St., Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (816) 965-8655, Fax: (816) 965-8658 www.svbwoodfloors.com Hardwood flooring contractor Teague Electric Construction Inc. Courtney McRoberts 12425 W. 92nd St., Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 529-4600, Fax: (913) 529-4611 www.teagueelectric.com J Wired right on time The Drywall Doctor David Postle P.O. Box 3232, Olathe, KS 66063 Phone: (913) 768-6655, Fax: (913) 768-6100 dpostle2@comcast.net J Drywall repair and texturing The Hamlin Company Inc. Tony Hamlin 12820 Grandview Road, Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (816) 210-8904, Fax: (816) 765-2224 anthonyhamlin@yahoo.com Subcontractor, painting The Hardwood Floor Company Ben Kimminau 14301 E. 96th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64139 Phone: (816) 305-0859 www.hardwoodfloorskc.com J Hardwood installation, dustless refinishing, restoration and customization


The Remodeling Pro Steve Buschhorn P.O. Box 436, Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (816) 763-8200, Fax: (816) 763-3807 www.theremodelingpro.com B,C,D,E,F Professional, bathroom, basement, kitchen, whole-house remodeling/design

Touch of Distinction Colors & Design Paul Helmer 3339 Harrison, Kansas City, MO 64109 Phone: (816) 931-9145 www.todkc.net J Color consultation, faux finishes, renovation planning, landscape design

The Wilson Group Inc. Janet Wilson 1606 W. Main St., Greenwood, MO 64034 Phone: (816) 537-0212, Fax: (816) 537-0112 www.thewilsongroupinc.com C,E,F Family owned general contractor located in southern Jackson County

TrendStone LLC Greg Kivett 16041 W. 110th St., Lenexa, KS 66219 Phone: (913) 599-5492, Fax: (913) 599-5641 greg@trendstone.net J Fabrication and installation of quartz, granite and marble

Thompson Construction & Remodeling Steve Thompson, CR 902 NE 83rd St., Kansas City, MO 64118 Phone: (816) 468-7426 www.thompsonremodel.com A,B Exclusively serving the Northland with full-service remodeling. “Where Old World craftsmanship is practiced daily” Timberstone Homes Brett Childress P.O. Box 481532, Kansas City, MO 64148 Phone: (816) 965-6500, Fax: (816) 966-1177 www.timberstonehomes.com Remodeling contractor Titan Environmental Services Inc. Kyle Gunion P.O. Box 410295, Kansas City, MO 64141 Phone: (816) 960-4675, Fax: (816) 960-4860 www.titankc.com Environmental consulting, testing and training Tomahawk Labor & Contracting Tony Semaan 1520 Central Ave., Kansas City, KS 66102 Phone: (913) 371-2700, Fax: (913) 371-8143 www.kclaborcontractor.com A,B,C,E,F Local contractor who provides skilled and unskilled labor Total Basement Finishing of Johnson County Allyn Self 4820 Oakview St., Shawnee, KS 66216 Phone: (913) 962-0772, Fax: (913) 962-0772 www.basementfinishingkansas.com J Waterproof, mold-resistant, basement finishing specialists and remodeling Total Home Pat Strand, CR 5801 Kessler, Merriam, KS 66203 Phone: (913) 227-4149 www.totalhomekc.com E Pick me! Pick me! Why? Because we’re awesome

United Heating Cooling & Plumbing Inc. Mark McWilliams 301 Duck Road, Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (816) 761-5262, Fax: (816) 761-4560 www.unitedheating.com J Professional, thorough HVAC contractor offering a full range of services, equipment and accessories, including ductwork Vannostran Painting Inc. Carey and Shelley Vannostran 14316 E. 96th St., Kansas City, MO 64139 Phone: (816) 524-3781, Fax: (816) 524-1095 vannostranpainting@sbcglobal.net Painting contractor Wilson Built Cabinets / pg. 73 Summer Wedermyer 25141 Pressonville Road, Wellsville, KS 66092 Phone: (785) 418-2311, Fax: (785) 883-4125 www.wilsonbuiltcabinets.com Custom cabinetmaker Wood Perfect Hardwood Floors Inc. / pg. 75 Mick Davidson 7897 Mastin Drive, Overland Park, KS 66204 Phone: (913) 384-9663, Fax: (913) 649-2158 www.woodperfectfloors.com A,B,C,E,F Installation, sanding, cleaning hardwood floors 15 years strong. Best dust containment system in KC! Young Painting and Remodeling Paul Young P.O. Box 11533, Overland Park, KS 66207 Phone: (816) 507-9721 www.youngkc.com J Basement, kitchen, bath remodelers, also interior/ exterior painting

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the Art!

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www.topmasterinc.com KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK • 77

Business Partners

National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Suppliers, Distributors and Other Related Businesses

1-800-GOT-JUNK? Tyler Staszak 5424 Antioch Drive, Merriam, KS 66202 Phone: (913) 663-2100, Fax: (913) 722-8255 www.1800gotjunk.com Loading and clean-up of construction debris and more

AZEK Building Products Steve Banyas Phone: (913) 901-7645, Fax: (570) 207-9931 www.azek.com Low-maintenance trim, railing, decking products

A.S. & W. Wholesale of KC John O’Rourke 535 NW Parkway Road, Riverside, MO 64150 Phone: (816) 746-0020, Fax: (816) 746-4111 john@aswcorp.net Siding and window wholesaler

Bedrock International LLC Jeff West 9929 Lackman Road, Lenexa, KS 66219 Phone: (913) 438-7625, Fax: (913) 438-7626 www.bedrockintl.com Natural stone slabs, plumbing fixtures, tile showroom/warehouse

ABCO Supply Marty McInerney/John Pele 927 S. 7th St., Kansas City, KS 66105 Phone: (913) 321-4100, Fax: (913) 621-5500 www.abcobest.com Supplies for lead-safe, HEPA vacuums

Bledsoe’s Equipment Inc. Gordon Thompson 1300 NE Douglas, Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 Phone: (816) 524-4222, Fax: (816) 524-4227 www.bledsoerentals.com Three rental locations to better satisfy your needs

Albert Tamm Lumber Co. Don Arney 3232 E. 18th St., Kansas City, MO 64127 Phone: (816) 231-7221, Fax: (816) 231-6448 www.tammlumber.com Trus Joist, James Hardie, lumber, plywood, trusses, hardware, millwork

BNC National Bank Rick Hampton 7007 College Blvd., Ste. 330, Overland Park, KS 66211 Phone: (913) 221-6517 www.bncnationalbank.com Residential and commercial mortgage broker

American Family Insurance Cindy Jarvis 4121 W. 83rd St., Ste. 119, Prairie Village, KS 66208 Phone: (913) 341-1002, Fax: (913) 312-8604 www.cindyjarvisagency.com Insurance for your business and/or personal needs Andersen Logistics Ted Reyes 10625 S. Millstone Drive, Olathe, KS 66061 Phone: (913) 238-4082, Fax: (913) 814-0457 www.andersenwindows.com High-quality, low-maintenance Andersen windows and patio doors Armstrong Cabinet Products Gary Hover 2113 Atlantic Ave., North Kansas City, MO 64116 Phone: (816) 421-3800, Fax: (816) 421-2682 www.armstrong.com Kitchen cabinets, bath vanities, countertops delivered and installed


Bovard Insurance Group Tony Andresen 6950 Squibb Road, Ste. 200, Mission, KS 66202 Phone: (913) 529-1130, Fax: (913) 529-1137 www.bovardinsurancegroup.com Independent commercial brokers specializing in business insurance BR Carpet Company Debbie Tiblier 1901 NW Jefferson, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Phone: (816) 224-0777, Fax: (816) 224-2015 www.brcarpet.com Full-service flooring company servicing entire metro area Cambridge Cabinetry Inc. / pg. 81 Eric Skultety 1051 NE Delta School Road, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 Phone: (816) 795-5082, Fax: (816) 795-5087 www.cambridgecabinetry.net We design, build and install custom cabinetry Capitol Federal Savings Bank / pg. 23 Suzan Goerz 9500 Nall Ave., Overland Park, KS 66207 Phone: (913) 652-2541, Fax: (913) 652-2539 www.capfed.com Your leading residential lender. An equal-housing lender

Casework Inc. Norman Morris/Ted Koppen 1749 Burlington, North Kansas City, MO 64116 Phone: (816) 472-7222, Fax: (816) 472-0131 www.caseworkinc.com J Distributor of kitchen and bath cabinets and countertops Century Marketing Inc. Phil Steinle 5001 College Blvd., Ste. 108, Leawood, KS 66211 Phone: (913) 696-9758, Fax: (913) 696-9760 www.centurymarketinginc.com Marketing/ad agency/websites Colt Industries Roland McMullin 1750 S. Brentwood Blvd., #295, St. Louis, MO 63144 Phone: (913) 449-2389 www.coltindustries.com Distributors of DuPont Corian and DuPont Zodiac Commercial Insurance Gary Walker 410-D SE 3rd St., Ste. 104, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 Phone: (816) 524-2331, Fax: (816) 524-2399 gwalker@commercialinsuranceassociates.com Independent insurance agency Cowtown Marketing & Web Inc. Ryan Parshall 6400 W. 110th St., Ste. 206, Overland Park, KS 66211 Phone: (913) 649-4040, Fax: (913) 649-9800 www.cowtownmarketing.com Marketing agency focused on home-improvement clients Crowley Furniture Greg Crowley 1600 N. 291 Highway, Independence, MO 64058 Phone: (816) 781-8002, Fax: (816) 792-5298 www.crowleyfurniture.com Retail furniture stores DataUnite Clint Miller 790 SW U.S. Highway 40, Ste. 114, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Phone: (816) 421-7783, Fax: (816) 421-7784 www.dataunite.com Audio, video, theater, control systems, design/build, service

Design Products Distributing Pat McGee P.O. Box 19146, Lenexa, KS 66214 Phone: (913) 894-4191, Fax: (913) 894-2008 www.designproductsdistributing.com Dealers of Dakota Custom Cabinets Dorfman Plumbing Supply / pg. 83 Charlie Dorfman 1840 Cherry, Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: (816) 842-4656, Fax: (816) 842-8147 www.dorfmanplumbing.com Everything in plumbing, from basic to the exotic

Eddie Cummings Tile, Inc. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE

Ferguson Enterprises Mike Dudgeon 9301 Rosehill Road, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 752-5660, Fax: (913) 752-5685 www.ferguson.com Wholesale distributor of plumbing, lighting and building products First National Merchant Solutions Lesley McGrath 6201 College Blvd., Overland Park, KS 66211 Phone: (913) 266-9176, Fax: (913) 266-9178 www.firstnationalmerchants.com Credit-card processing company

We provide quality craftsmanship for all our contractors and homeowners. Call Eddie 816.918.4807 Photo supplied by Schloegel Design Remodel Inc.

Factory Direct Appliance / pgs. 31, 89 Steve Johnson 14105 Marshall Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 888-8028, Fax: (913) 888-7570 www.kcfda.com Kansas City’s home for quality appliances and more

Grandview Winnelson Company Mellody Jurgeson 13500 S. 71 Highway, Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (816) 765-2555, Fax: (816) 763-9487 majurgeson@winnelson.com Plumbing supplier Great American Building Materials Joni Smith 1813 Linn St., North Kansas City, MO 64116 Phone: (816) 221-3220, Fax: (816) 221-0887 www.gabm.com Vinyl siding, windows, doors. Wholesale only. Free delivery Habitat ReStore Brian T. Alferman 4701 Deramus Ave., Kansas City, MO 64120 Phone: (816) 231-6889, Fax: (816) 231-7885 www.restorekc.org Materials at bargain prices, donate, shop, volunteer and deconstruct Hallmark Stone Maureen Green 7440 E. 12th St., Kansas City, MO 64126 Phone: (913) 744-6244 www.hallmarkstone.com Distributor and fabricator of Silestone and granite countertops


Business Partners

National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Suppliers, Distributors and Other Related Businesses

Heritage Benefit Consultants Mike Sanders 7926 E. 171st St., Ste. 100, Belton, MO 64012 Phone: (816) 322-6350, Fax: (816) 322-2826 www.heritagebenefit.com Benefit specialist with insurance

Kansas City Cabinet Supply Brian McBee 7068 W. 105th St., Overland Park, KS 66212 Phone: (913) 649-3700, Fax: (913) 649-3703 brian@kccabinetsupply.com Design/sales/service of kitchen and bath cabinetry

Lowe’s Commercial Services Phil Puckett 4960 Roe Blvd., Roeland Park, KS 66205 Phone: (913) 261-1040, Fax: (913) 261-1041 www.lowesforpros.com Your home-improvement store

Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City Sara Corless 600 E. 103rd St., Kansas City, MO 64131 Phone: (816) 942-8800, Fax: (816) 942-8367 www.kchomeshow.com Voice of the housing industry; consumer Home Shows

Kansas City Deck Supply Steve Alexander 6700 Wilson Ave., Ste. 102, Kansas City, MO 64125 Phone: (816) 241-8401, Fax: (816) 457-6065 www.kcdecksupply.com Everything for a deck. Service is the key!

Manko Window Inc. Heidi Ernst 4363 S. 86th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145 Phone: (913) 461-5756, Fax: (913) 390-6849 www.mankowindows.com Shower doors, windows, patio doors, all glass needs

Home Depot Pro Account Representative Roger Holyfield 5700 Antioch, Merriam, KS 66202 Phone: (816) 510-9199 www.homedepot.com Find everything you need for home projects

Kansas City Homes & Gardens magazine Renee Demott 4121 W. 83rd St., Ste. 110, Prairie Village, KS 66208 Phone: (913) 648-5757, Fax: (913) 648-5783 www.kchandg.com Home and lifestyle magazine and custom publications company

McCray Lumber & Millwork Gene Bosley 207 S. 9th St., Edwardsville, KS 66111 Phone: (913) 422-1300, Fax: (913) 422-1360 www.mccraylumber.com Kansas City’s full-line lumber and millwork supplier

Innovative Solutions Consulting Group Gordon Ho 11944 W. 95th St., Ste. 155, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 982-1260, Fax: (913) 982-1290 www.iscgonline.com Providing direction in the wireless world Insurance & Benefits Group Matt Watson 252 NW Executive Way, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 Phone: (816) 525-3155, Fax: (816) 525-7110 www.ibgagent.com Specialized insurance and risk management programs for contractors James Hardie Building Products Shawn Sinclair 18963 W. 160th St., Olathe, KS 66062 Phone: (913) 674-6150, Fax: (913) 839-2056 www.jameshardie.com Siding wholesaler Kansas City Builders Incentive Group Linda Widau P.O. Box 13127, Overland Park, KS 66282 Phone: (913) 469-1991, Fax: (913) 469-1996 www.kcbig.net Incentive program for home builders/remodelers in Kansas City Kansas City Building Supply Inc. / pg. 33 Jay Waldenmeyer 7600 Wedd, Overland Park, KS 66204 Phone: (913) 962-5227, Fax: (913) 962-5244 www.kcbuilding.com Building materials supplier


Kansas City Millwork / pg. 112 Troy Beeler 1120 W. 149th St., Olathe, KS 66061 Phone: (913) 768-0068, Fax: (913) 768-8068 www.kansascitymillworkco.com Full-line millwork distributor featuring Marvin windows and doors Kansas City Remodeling Show (Pat Riha Productions) Patrick Riha 4050 Pennsylvania, Ste. 141, Kansas City, MO 64111 Phone: (816) 931-4686, Fax: (816) 931-4782 www.patrihaproductions.com Produces KC Remodeling Show and Johnson County Home & Garden Show KCP&L Glenn DiFalco P.O. Box 418679, Kansas City, MO 64141 Phone: (816) 654-1893, Fax: (816) 654-1970 www.kcpl.com Utility company since 1882

Midwest Fireplace / pg. 102 Dave Lapine 1351-A W. 56th Highway, Olathe, KS 66061 Phone: (913) 764-5575, Fax: (913) 764-1792 www.midwestfireplacekc.com Largest selection of fireplaces in the Midwest MMI __ Travina Jeff Huffman P.O. Box 185, Holden, MO 64040 Phone: (816) 850-4167, Fax: (816) 732-5600 www.mastermarbleinc.com Architectural surfaces for today’s homes Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 Jeff Rider 1601 Village West Parkway, Kansas City, KS 66111 Phone: (913) 288-6299, Fax: (913) 288-6263 www.nfm.com Lowest prices on furniture, flooring, electronics and appliances

Kohler Company Torie Phillips Phone: (913) 633-1629 www.kohler.com Kohler Co. providing all plumbing products for the home

N-STOK Greg Coussens 9819 W. 67th St., Merriam, KS 66203 Phone: (913) 262-3200, Fax: (913) 262-1303 www.nstok.com Eco-flooring, bamboo, cork, recycled content, FSC hardwood

Legendary Stone Aaron Toney 627 S. Cottage Ave., Ste. 203, Independence, MO 64050 Phone: (816) 836-9100, Fax: (816) 836-9101 www.legendarystonellc.com Stone fabricator

Olympic Cabinet Company Doug Lytle 3909 Mission Road, Kansas City, KS 66103 Phone: (913) 722-5867, Fax: (913) 722-0817 www.olycab.com Manufacturer of cabinets

One Stop Decorating Center Steve Roellchen 12611 W. 62nd Terrace, Shawnee, KS 66216 Phone: (913) 631-0088, Fax: (913) 631-0108 www.onestopdecorating.com Kansas City’s first choice for interior decorating Overhead Door Co. of Kansas City Jason Wilmes 1120 Clay St., North Kansas City, MO 64116 Phone: (816) 221-0072, Fax: (816) 480-2650 www.overheaddoorkc.com Supplier and installer of Overhead Door Ribbon products Owen Lumber Co. / pg. 29 Mike Hill 617 N. Scott, Belton, MO 64012 Phone: (816) 331-2211, Fax: (816) 331-9563 www.owenlumber.com J Full-line lumberyard and deck center Pacific Mutual Door & Window Co. / pg. 60 Dennis Clark, CRA 1525 W. 31st St., Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: (816) 531-0161, Fax: (816) 531-2081 www.pacificmutualdoor.com “Quality products, delivered right and on time” Pella Products of Kansas City Allen Lisko 14107 W. 95th St., Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 492-7927, Fax: (913) 492-0632 www.pellakc.com Specializing in sales and service of Pella products PODS (Portable On-Demand Storage) Bill Munholland 14101 Norby Road, Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: (888) 776-7637, Fax: (816) 767-0564 www.pods.com Portable on-demand storage units

Green Light Window Films customers usually use solar film to resolve the following issues: • Saves 5%-15% in energy • Reduces solar heat gain by at least 50% • Reduces glare by at least 50% • Stops fading on floors, carpet, fabrics, furniture and artwork

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712 SW Blue Parkway, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063

816.246.5335 w w w. g r e e n l i g h t w f . c o m info@greenlightwf.com

“Better film than a Hollywood movie”

You DREAM it, We BUILD it!

ProSource of Lee’s Summit / pg. 75 Deborah Thompson 1150 SE Century Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 Phone: (816) 524-8998, Fax: (816) 524-7668 www.prosourcefloors.com/leessummit Wholesale floor coverings; carpet, wood, ceramic and natural stone ProSource of Lenexa / pg. 75 John Shafer 8337 Nieman Road, Lenexa, KS 66214 Phone: (913) 599-4488, Fax: (913) 599-6507 www.prosourcelenexa.com Wholesale floor coverings: carpet, wood, ceramic and natural stone

Kitchens, Bathrooms, Home Offices, Entertainment Center and other Specialty Pieces

816.795.5082 w w w. c a m b r i d g e c a b i n e t r y. n e t PLEASE TURN THE PAGE KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK • 81

Business Partners

National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Suppliers, Distributors and Other Related Businesses

Quality Wood Products Kenny Ruehling 7400 E. 12th St., Kansas City, MO 64126 Phone: (816) 231-4601, Fax: (816) 231-4858 Premier manufacturer of custom cabinets RJ Wholesale Inc. Barney Hite 930 Kent St., Liberty, MO 64068 Phone: (816) 994-3720, Fax: (816) 994-3727 www.rjwholesaleinc.com Wholesale supplier: vinyl and composite siding, decking, railing, replacement windows and doors, and other maintenance-free building materials Roth Distributing Distinctive Appliances Jenny Huls 7930 Marshall Drive, Lenexa, KS 66214 Phone: (913) 310-0443, Fax: (913) 310-0663 www.rothdistributing.com Exclusive distributor of Sub-Zero, Wolf, Asko and Best Schutte Lumber Co. / pg. 71 Mike Payne 3001 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: (816) 453-6262, Fax: (816) 753-7935 www.schuttelumber.com Distributor/supplier of quality lumber and specialty millwork Sun Marble / pg. 57 William You 9600 Dice Lane, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 438-3366, Fax: (913) 438-3377 sales@sunmarblekc.com Wholesale distribution importer specializing in residential and commercial Sunderland Brothers Tile & Stone Chris Bopp 14871 W. 95th St., Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 894-5515, Fax: (913) 894-5569 www.sunderlands.com Tile, stone, laminate, solid surface and sinks Surface Center Interiors LLC Craig Owsley 12800 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Shawnee, KS 66218 Phone: (913) 422-0500, Fax: (913) 422-1103 www.sci-surfaces.com E,G Custom granite fabrication, kitchens, vanities, bars and more


The Decorative Touch Ltd. Janine Terstriep 14111 W. 95th St., Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 888-1388, Fax: (913) 888-6999 www.decorativetouchltd.com Interior designer: consultations, furniture, accessories, rugs, carpet and tile The Marketing Department Sherri Becker 520 W. 103rd St., Ste. 215, Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: (816) 943-1919, Fax: (816) 943-8153 www.tmdkc.com Marketing consulting and promotional products The Sherwin-Williams Co. Rex Schugart Phone: (913) 381-0057 www.sherwin-williams.com Supplier of paint with 27 area locations

TheHomeMag Chris Zinn 10625 Widmer, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 677-1708, Fax: (913) 273-0104 www.thehomemag.com/kc Home-improvement magazine Tile & Stone Warehouse Glenn Philips 5400 Antioch Road, Merriam, KS 66202 Phone: (913) 432-7900, Fax: (913) 432-7902 www.tileandstonewarehouse.com Tile, stone, carpet, hardwood. Huge selection and great price! TNG Field Services Dan Thurman 715 Armour Road, Ste. 111, North Kansas City, MO 64116 Phone: (816) 931-4466, Fax: (816) 931-4496 www.tngfieldservices.com Environmental abatement contractor since 1998 Top Master Inc. / pg. 77 Rob Bauer 2844 Roe Lane, Kansas City, KS 66103 Phone: (913) 492-3030, Fax: (913) 492-3096 www.top-master.com Solid surface, granite, engineered stone countertop, fabrication and installation

Tyrer Wholesale Floor Covering Jason Tyrer 12708 Reeds St., Overland Park, KS 66209 Phone: (913) 897-7323, Fax: (913) 851-0961 jasontyrer@aol.com All types of flooring, along with granite countertops Weber Flooring Jerry Ratway 11400 Rogers Road, Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 469-5430, Fax: (913) 469-8151 www.webercarpet.com Carpet, hardwood, ceramic tile, vinyl and laminate flooring Wells Fargo Advisors Douglas Swafford, AAMS 10790 Nall Ave., Overland Park, KS 66211 Phone: (913) 341-4200, Fax: (913) 341-5010 www.wellsfargoadvisors.com Investment planning and retirement solutions for businesses Western Chandelier Co. Wayne Burton 14975 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66223 Phone: (913) 685-2000, Fax: (913) 685-1211 www.westernchandelier.com Meeting your lighting needs for over 100 years Western Extralite Company Lane McFarren 1470 Liberty, Kansas City, MO 64102 Phone: (816) 421-8404, Fax: (816) 421-6211 www.westernextralite.com Electrical distribution Wilson Lighting Bob Wilson 10530 Marty, Overland Park, KS 66212 Phone: (913) 642-1500, Fax: (913) 642-0205 www.wilsonlighting.com Chandeliers, ceiling fans, door hardware and home accessories

1840 Cherry, Kansas City, MO




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NARI Buyer’s Guide

National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Appliances Factory Direct Appliance / pgs. 31, 89 (913) 888-8028 Ferguson Enterprises (913) 752-5660 Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 (913) 288-6200 Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184 Roth Distributing Distinctive Appliances (913) 310-0443

Architecture Deatherage Home Designs Inc. (816) 444-5466

Lifestyles Custom Homes & Remodeling Inc. (913) 897-2738 Mission Kitchen & Bath (913) 362-4242 MSC Enterprises Inc. (816) 510-6978 RARE Construction Inc. (816) 931-6171 Rhino Builders Inc. (913) 722-4353 Roach Brothers Construction Inc. (913) 897-5886 Roundtree Remodeling (913) 220-4015 Thompson Construction & Remodeling (816) 468-7426

Bathroom Plumbing Fixtures Automated Lighting Control Integrated Electronics Inc. / pg. 111 (913) 663-3366

Barbecue Equipment Midwest Fireplace / pg. 102 (913) 764-5575

Basement Remodeling Aldrich Contracting Co. (913) 649-3544 ALH Home Renovations LLC (913) 384-0030 Architectural Craftsmen / pg. 25 (913) 963-2246 Brackmann Construction Inc. (816) 318-4147 Bradford Homes Co. (913) 384-9783 Built by Design (913) 782-6311 CHC Creative Remodeling (913) 438-6933 Chris Wooldridge Construction LLC (913) 362-9333 City Wide Remodelers Inc. (816) 942-1993 CMC Remodeling Inc. (816) 361-2627 Country Club Builders (816) 358-4662 Heiman Development Co. Inc. (816) 942-0000 House & Renner Construction Inc. (816) 229-4853 Jim Luke Construction Co. LLC (913) 492-5049


One Week Bath (816) 500-5055 RARE Construction Inc. (816) 931-6171 Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184 Rhino Builders Inc. (913) 722-4353 Roach Brothers Construction Inc. (913) 897-5886 Roundtree Remodeling (913) 220-4015 Standard Improvement Company (816) 931-7100 Thompson Construction & Remodeling (816) 468-7426 Total Home (913) 227-4149

Ferguson Enterprises (913) 752-5660

Bay Windows

Bathroom Remodeling

All-Weather Windows, Doors & Siding Inc. (913) 262-4380 RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Aldrich Contracting Co. (913) 649-3544 ALH Home Renovations LLC (913) 384-0030 Architectural Craftsmen / pg. 25 (913) 963-2246 Brackmann Construction Inc. (816) 318-4147 Built by Design (913) 782-6311 Cabinet Clad Kitchen & Bath (913) 652-9799 CHC Creative Remodeling (913) 438-6933 City Wide Remodelers Inc. (816) 942-1993 CMC Remodeling Inc. (816) 361-2627 Country Club Builders (816) 358-4662 Earthway Enterprises LLC (913) 221-9663 Franken-Polli Company (816) 756-3282 Heiman Development Co. Inc. (816) 942-0000 House & Renner Construction Inc. (816) 229-4853 Jim Luke Construction Co. LLC (913) 492-5049 Lifestyles Custom Homes & Remodeling Inc. (913) 897-2738 Mission Kitchen & Bath (913) 362-4242 MSC Enterprises Inc. (816) 510-6978

Blinds & Shades Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184

Cabinet Refacing Cabinet Clad Kitchen & Bath (913) 652-9799 CabinetReface Kitchens & Bathrooms (913) 894-8455

Cabinet Refinishing Rusty’s Dandy Painting Inc. (913) 341-9125

Cabinetry & Design/Custom Altenhofen Cabinets Inc. (913) 369-9678 Cabinet Clad Kitchen & Bath (913) 652-9799 Cabinet Designs LLC (816) 262-0658 CabinetReface Kitchens & Bathrooms (913) 894-8455 Cambridge Cabinetry Inc. / pg. 81 (816) 795-5082 Casework Inc. (816) 472-7222 Chris Wooldridge Construction LLC (913) 362-9333

House & Renner Construction Inc. (816) 229-4853 Kitchen Design Gallery (913) 492-8887 Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184

Chimney & Fireplace HearthMasters (816) 461-3665 Henges Insulation & Fireplace / pg. 3 (913) 764-4600

Closets - Custom Kansas City Closet Co. (816) 333-1292 Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184

Countertops Casework Inc. (816) 472-7222 Heiman Development Co. Inc. (816) 942-0000 Kansas Granite Mart Inc. (913) 362-8889 Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 (913) 288-6200 Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184 Sun Marble / pg. 57 (913) 438-3366 Surface Center Interiors LLC (913) 422-0500 Top Master Inc. / pg. 77 (913) 492-3030

Built by Design (913) 782-6311 CHC Creative Remodeling (913) 438-6933 City Wide Remodelers Inc. (816) 942-1993 CMC Remodeling Inc. (816) 361-2627 Heiman Development Co. Inc. (816) 942-0000 RARE Construction Inc. (816) 931-6171 Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184 Rhino Builders Inc. (913) 722-4353 Roach Brothers Construction Inc. (913) 897-5886

Doors All-Weather Windows, Doors & Siding Inc. (913) 262-4380 Cornerstone Home Improvement Inc. (816) 737-0601 McCray Lumber & Millwork (913) 422-1300 RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Dormers/2nd Floor Chris Wooldridge Construction LLC (913) 362-9333

Financing Capitol Federal Savings Bank / pg. 23 (913) 652-2541

Fireplaces Henges Insulation & Fireplace / pg. 3 (913) 764-4600 Midwest Fireplace / pg. 102 (913) 764-5575

Floor Coverings Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 (913) 288-6200 ProSource of Lee’s Summit / pg. 75 (816) 524-8998 ProSource of Lenexa / pg. 75 (913) 599-4488 Tile & Stone Warehouse (913) 432-7900 Weber Flooring (913) 469-5430 Wood Perfect Hardwood Floors Inc. / pg. 75 (913) 384-9663

Garage Doors/Openers Overhead Door Co. of Kansas City (816) 221-0072 Raynor Garage Door of KC (913) 422-0441

Garage Organization Drywall Construction Lee Drywall, Plaster & Stucco (913) 422-1991

Kansas City Closet Co. (816) 333-1292

Glass Block Deck Supplier

Drywall Repair & Texturing

McCray Lumber & Millwork (913) 422-1300 RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Lee Drywall, Plaster & Stucco (913) 422-1991 Surface Service Inc. (816) 361-5063 The Drywall Doctor (913) 768-6655

Decks Archadeck (913) 851-3325 Earthway Enterprises LLC (913) 221-9663 Outdoor Environments Inc. (913) 897-2706 Roach Brothers Construction Inc. (913) 897-5886 Standard Improvement Company (816) 931-7100 Total Home (913) 227-4149

Egress Windows, Wells & Walkouts Mark 1 Contracting LLC (913) 208-4632 RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Electrical Service & Repair Arrow Circle Electric Inc. (816) 373-4888

Energy Audits Design/Build ALH Home Renovations LLC (913) 384-0030 Brown Restoration Inc. (816) 322-2600

All-Weather Windows, Doors & Siding Inc. (913) 262-4380 Home Performance Services LLC (816) 746-0002 Renewable Efficient Energy by the Eric Kjelshus Group (816) 537-5100

RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Green Remodeling Brackmann Construction Inc. (816) 318-4147 CMC Remodeling Inc. (816) 361-2627 Earthway Enterprises LLC (913) 221-9663

Handyman ALH Home Renovations LLC (913) 384-0030

Hardwood Floors Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 (913) 288-6200 ProSource of Lee’s Summit / pg. 75 (816) 524-8998 ProSource of Lenexa / pg. 75 (913) 599-4488 SVB Wood Floor Service Inc. (816) 965-8655 PLEASE TURN THE PAGE


NARI Buyer’s Guide

National Association of the Remodeling Industry

The Hardwood Floor Company (816) 305-0859 Weber Flooring (913) 469-5430 Wood Perfect Hardwood Floors Inc. / pg. 75 (913) 384-9663

Heating & Air Conditioning City Wide Heat & Cooling Inc. (913) 384-6006 Renewable Efficient Energy by the Eric Kjelshus Group (816) 537-5100 United Heating Cooling & Plumbing Inc. (816) 761-5262

Insurance Reconstruction AllService Insurance Restoration (816) 786-8080 Brackmann Construction Inc. (816) 318-4147 Brown Restoration Inc. (816) 322-2600

Interior Decorating Design Connection Inc. (913) 851-8776 Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 (913) 288-6200

Interior Design Heating/Stoves

Integrated Electronics Inc. / pg. 111 (913) 663-3366

Deatherage Home Designs Inc. (816) 444-5466 Orion Design (816) 729-6288 RARE Construction Inc. (816) 931-6171 The Decorative Touch Ltd (913) 888-1388

Home Theater Systems

Kitchen Remodeling

DataUnite (816) 421-7783 Factory Direct Appliance / pgs. 31, 89 (913) 888-8028 Integrated Electronics Inc. / pg. 111 (913) 663-3366 Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 (913) 288-6200

Aldrich Contracting Co. (913) 649-3544 ALH Home Renovations LLC (913) 384-0030 Architectural Craftsmen / pg. 25 (913) 963-2246 Brackmann Construction Inc. (816) 318-4147 Built by Design (913) 782-6311 Cabinet Clad Kitchen & Bath (913) 652-9799 CabinetReface Kitchens & Bathrooms (913) 894-8455 CHC Creative Remodeling (913) 438-6933 Chris Wooldridge Construction LLC (913) 362-9333 City Wide Remodelers Inc. (816) 942-1993 CMC Remodeling Inc. (816) 361-2627 Country Club Builders (816) 358-4662 Deatherage Home Designs Inc. (816) 444-5466 Earthway Enterprises LLC (913) 221-9663 Franken-Polli Company (816) 756-3282

Midwest Fireplace / pg. 102 (913) 764-5575

Home Automation

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) City Wide Heat & Cooling Inc. (913) 384-6006 Renewable Efficient Energy by the Eric Kjelshus Group (816) 537-5100

Insulation All-Weather Windows, Doors & Siding Inc. (913) 262-4380 Henges Insulation & Fireplace / pg. 3 (913) 764-4600

Insurance Products American Family Insurance (913) 341-1002


Heiman Development Co. Inc. (816) 942-0000 House & Renner Construction Inc. (816) 229-4853 Jim Luke Construction Co. LLC (913) 492-5049 Kitchen Design Gallery (913) 492-8887 Lifestyles Custom Homes & Remodeling Inc. (913) 897-2738 Lyon Construction + Design LLC (913) 236-5966 Mission Kitchen & Bath (913) 362-4242 MSC Enterprises Inc. (816) 510-6978 RARE Construction Inc. (816) 931-6171 Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184 Rhino Builders Inc. (913) 722-4353 Roach Brothers Construction Inc. (913) 897-5886 Roundtree Remodeling (913) 220-4015 Standard Improvement Company (816) 931-7100 Thompson Construction & Remodeling (816) 468-7426 Top Master Inc. / pg. 77 (913) 492-3030 Total Home (913) 227-4149

Light Fixtures/Fans Ferguson Enterprises (913) 752-5660 Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 (913) 288-6200

Marble/Granite/Limestone/Slate Eddie Cummings Tile Inc. / pg. 79 (816) 918-4807 Sun Marble / pg. 57 (913) 438-3366 Sunderland Brothers Tile & Stone (913) 894-5515 Tile & Stone Warehouse (913) 432-7900 Top Master Inc. / pg. 77 (913) 492-3030

Moldings/Millwork Kansas City Millwork / pg. 112 (913) 768-0068

Outdoor Kitchens Factory Direct Appliance / pg. 31, 89 (913) 888-8028

Painting Contractors Paint Pro Inc. (913) 685-4089 Pileggi & Reid Painting (913) 681-9945 Rusty’s Dandy Painting Inc. (913) 341-9125

Patio Covers RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Patio Enclosures AAA Lifetime Exterior Remodeling LLC / pg. 73 (816) 421-5433

Plumbing Contractors United Heating Cooling & Plumbing Inc. (816) 761-5262

Porches Outdoor Environments Inc. (913) 897-2706

Railing & Columns RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Remodeling/Commercial Brown Restoration Inc. (816) 322-2600 Heiman Development Co. Inc. (816) 942-0000 House & Renner Construction Inc. (816) 229-4853 Standard Improvement Company (816) 931-7100

Remodeling Designs & Consulting CHC Creative Remodeling (913) 438-6933 Chris Wooldridge Construction LLC (913) 362-9333 Kitchen Design Gallery (913) 492-8887 Orion Design (816) 729-6288 The Decorative Touch Ltd (913) 888-1388

Remodeling/Residential Aldrich Contracting Co. (913) 649-3544 ALH Home Renovations LLC (913) 384-0030

Brackmann Construction Inc. (816) 318-4147 Bradford Homes Co. (913) 384-9783 Brown Restoration Inc. (816) 322-2600 Built by Design (913) 782-6311 Cabinet Clad Kitchen & Bath (913) 652-9799 CHC Creative Remodeling (913) 438-6933 Chris Wooldridge Construction LLC (913) 362-9333 City Wide Remodelers Inc. (816) 942-1993 CMC Remodeling Inc. (816) 361-2627 Country Club Builders (816) 358-4662 Franken-Polli Company (816) 756-3282 Heiman Development Co. Inc. (816) 942-0000 House & Renner Construction Inc. (816) 229-4853 Jim Luke Construction Co. LLC (913) 492-5049 Lyon Construction + Design LLC (913) 236-5966 MSC Enterprises Inc. (816) 510-6978 Owens Remodeling LLC (913) 322-2837 RARE Construction Inc. (816) 931-6171 Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184 Repairs Unlimited (913) 262-6937 Rhino Builders Inc. (913) 722-4353 Roach Brothers Construction Inc. (913) 897-5886 Schloegel Design Remodel (816) 361-9669 Standard Improvement Company (816) 931-7100 The Hardwood Floor Company (816) 305-0859 Thompson Construction & Remodeling (816) 468-7426

Roofing Bordner Installation Group (816) 358-2102 Brown Restoration Inc. (816) 322-2600 R.J. Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Room Additions ALH Home Renovations LLC (913) 384-0030 Brackmann Construction Inc. (816) 318-4147 Bradford Homes Co. (913) 384-9783 Built by Design (913) 782-6311 CHC Creative Remodeling (913) 438-6933 Chris Wooldridge Construction LLC (913) 362-9333 City Wide Remodelers Inc. (816) 942-1993 CMC Remodeling Inc. (816) 361-2627 Country Club Builders (816) 358-4662 Franken-Polli Company (816) 756-3282 Heiman Development Co. Inc. (816) 942-0000 Jim Luke Construction Co. LLC (913) 492-5049 Lifestyles Custom Homes & Remodeling Inc. (913) 897-2738 Lyon Construction + Design LLC (913) 236-5966 MSC Enterprises Inc. (816) 510-6978 RARE Construction Inc. (816) 931-6171 Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184 Rhino Builders Inc. (913) 722-4353 Roach Brothers Construction Inc. (913) 897-5886 Standard Improvement Company (816) 931-7100

Screened/Year-Round Porches Restoration CMC Remodeling Inc. (816) 361-2627 Country Club Builders (816) 358-4662 Owens Remodeling LLC (913) 322-2837 The Hardwood Floor Company (816) 305-0859

Archadeck (913) 851-3325 CMC Remodeling Inc. (816) 361-2627 Earthway Enterprises LLC (913) 221-9663 RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720 Roach Brothers Construction Inc. (913) 897-5886 Roundtree Remodeling (913) 220-4015



NARI Buyer’s Guide

National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Shower Doors

Storm Doors/Windows

Window Coverings

Henges Insulation & Fireplace / pg. 3 (913) 764-4600

All-Weather Windows, Doors & Siding Inc. (913) 262-4380 RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 (913) 642-6184 The Decorative Touch Ltd (913) 888-1388

Stucco & Stone

Window & Door Repair

Bordner Installation Group (816) 358-2102 Johnson County Siding & Window Co. Inc. / pg. 75 (913) 782-2878

All-Weather Windows, Doors & Siding Inc. (913) 262-4380 Roundtree Remodeling (913) 220-4015

Tile Contractors

Window Contractors

Eddie Cummings Tile Inc. / pg. 79 (816) 918-4807 McLoughlin Tile & Stone (913) 207-7160

AAA Lifetime Exterior Remodeling LLC / pg. 73 (816) 421-5433 All-Weather Windows, Doors & Siding Inc. (913) 262-4380 Bordner Installation Group (816) 358-2102 Cornerstone Home Improvement Inc. (816) 737-0601 Heiman Development Co. Inc. (816) 942-0000 Johnson County Siding & Window Co. Inc. / pg. 75 (913) 782-2878 Kent Mohler Exteriors LLC (816) 628-4049 Paint Pro Inc. (913) 685-4089 Rhino Builders Inc. (913) 722-4353 Total Home (913) 227-4149

Siding AAA Lifetime Exterior Remodeling LLC / pg. 73 (816) 421-5433 All-Weather Windows, Doors & Siding Inc. (913) 262-4380 Bordner Installation Group (816) 358-2102 Cornerstone Home Improvement Inc. (816) 737-0601 Heiman Development Co. Inc. (816) 942-0000 Johnson County Siding & Window Co. Inc. (913) 782-2878 Kent Mohler Exteriors LLC (816) 628-4049 McCray Lumber & Millwork (913) 422-1300 Paint Pro Inc. (913) 685-4089 Rhino Builders Inc. (913) 722-4353 Roach Brothers Construction Inc. (913) 897-5886 Total Home (913) 227-4149

Siding Suppliers/Manufacturers Great American Building Materials (816) 221-3220 RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Tile/Ceramic Tile Eddie Cummings Tile Inc. / pg. 79 (816) 918-4807 Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 (913) 288-6200 ProSource of Lee’s Summit / pg 75 (816) 524-8998 ProSource of Lenexa / pg 75 (913) 599-4488 Sunderland Brothers Tile & Stone (913) 894-5515 Tile & Stone Warehouse (913) 432-7900 Weber Flooring (913) 469-5430

Window Suppliers/Manufacturers Universal Design/Accessibility

Solariums/Sunrooms AAA Lifetime Exterior Remodeling LLC / pg. 73 (816) 421-5433 Archadeck (913) 851-3325

RARE Construction Inc. (816) 931-6171 Standard Improvement Company (816) 931-7100

Vacuums Solid Surfaces Casework Inc. (816) 472-7222 Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 (913) 288-6200 Sunderland Brothers Tile & Stone (913) 894-5515 Top Master Inc. / pg. 77 (913) 492-3030

Midwest Vacuums (816) 265-0533

Wallpaper Removal Surface Service Inc. (816) 361-5063

Water Damage Restoration AllService Insurance Restoration (816) 786-8080


Great American Building Materials (816) 221-3220 Kansas City Millwork / pg. 112 (913) 768-0068 McCray Lumber & Millwork (913) 422-1300 RJ Wholesale Inc. (816) 994-3720

Wood Rot Repair Paint Pro Inc. (913) 685-4089 Pileggi & Reid Painting (913) 681-9945

The Hort NetWORK

Contents 92 About the Hort NetWORK


96 Members

Color listings reference advertisement in publication. Advertisement placement does not denote association membership.


The Hort NetWORK

The Hort NetWORK

History of the Association

For the Consumer

In the fall of 2003, a meeting was held to explore the possibility of forming an organization for the purpose of providing educational and networking opportunities for the green industry professional in the Kansas City area. The meeting included Randy Asjes of Rosehill Gardens, David Bird of Powell Gardens, Mike Cavanaugh of the Kansas City Gardener, Natalia Hamill of Clarity Connect, Dave Heinen of Heinen Landscape & Irrigation, Bill Malouche of National Nursery Products-KC, Liz McWilliams of Greenleaf Garden Services, and Susan Mertz and Dan Simmons of Kokopelli Nursery. A steering committee was formed, and as a result of everyone’s hard work, the Hort NetWORK was founded and held its first meeting at the Western Nursery & Landscape Association’s trade show in January 2004. Today, the Hort NetWORK is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors, offering networking and educational opportunities for the green industry professional in the Kansas City area. Membership includes all aspects of the green industry, with 18 corporate sponsorships and more than 80 members.

The Hort NetWORK is a nonprofit organization offering networking and educational opportunities for green industry professionals in the Kansas City area. The Hort NetWORK strives to educate its members on the latest industry trends and to promote quality and professionalism in the green industry. Through our unified platform, members can exchange ideas, share and discuss common challenges, and build relationships with other green industry professionals. This helps you, the consumer, get the best quality service the industry has to offer for your residential or commercial property. Our professional green industry members consist of retail garden centers, landscape designers, landscape installation and construction services, landscape and turf management services, irrigation and outdoor lighting services, marketing specialists, and suppliers of horticultural and hardscape products. Through networking and relationship-building, Hort NetWORK members can confidently refer you to other professional members who provide a service or product that their company may not offer. Our membership also consists of organizations including our local community colleges, extension specialists and botanical gardens that help provide public horticultural education.


2011 Board of Directors Lyndsi Oestmann – President (2010-2011) Loma Vista Nursery 12905 W. 143rd St. ● Olathe, KS 66062 913.897.7010 ● lyndsi@lomavistanursery.com

Bill Malouche – Treasurer (2007-2011) National Nursery Products – Kansas City 4502 W. 63rd Terrace ● Prairie Village, KS 66208 913.362.0503 ● billm@nnpkc.com

Laura Stack – Vice President, Educational Programs and Events (2010-2011) Creative Consulting for Outdoor Spaces 7135 Cherokee ● Prairie Village, KS 66208 913.432.1577 ● lslandscape@kc.rr.com

Bart Maffry – Vice President, Membership Development (2010-2011) Grow With Us Distribution Services LLC P.O. Box 23274 ● Overland Park, KS 66283 913.685.1569 ● bmaffry@growwithusds.com

Neil C. Henricksen – Vice President, Public Relations and Marketing (2011) Green Spectrum Marketing 9209 W. 145th Place ● Overland Park, KS 66221 913.406.4770 ● neil@greenspectrummarketing.com

Susan Mertz – Secretary (2010-2011) Loma Vista Nursery 12905 W. 143rd St. ● Olathe, KS 66062 913.897.7010 ● susan@lomavistanursery.com

For the Trade Professional The Hort NetWORK is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, offering networking and educational opportunities for the green industry professional in the Kansas City area. Our organization is composed of professionals in all aspects of the green industry, with 18 corporate sponsorships and more than 80 members. Membership is open to any individual, company, allied business or organization in the Kansas City green industry. The purpose of the Hort NetWORK is to offer a unified platform for the exchange of ideas, sharing and discussing common challenges, and promoting relationships within a diverse community of local green industry professionals. The Hort NetWORK strives to educate members and promote quality and professionalism in the green industry. Typically, we meet about once a month at various locations in the city. Some of our meetings are networking socials, while others are educational. The Hort NetWORK also promotes events from other green industry associations and organizations in the area. If you are a green industry professional and would like to learn more about the Hort NetWORK, please visit our website at hortnetwork.org.

Recent Past Board of Directors Dave Heinen – President (2007-2009) Heinen Landscape & Irrigation P.O. Box 1617 ● Mission, KS 66222 913.432.5011 ● david@heinenlandscape.com

Eric Tschanz – Vice President, Educational Programs and Events (2007-2009) Powell Gardens 1609 NW U.S. Highway 50 ● Kingsville, MO 64061 816.697.2600 ● etschanz@powellgardens.org

Mark Flynn – Vice President, Membership Development (2007-2009) Sturgis Materials 550 S. Packard St. ● Kansas City, KS 66105 913.371.7757 ● mark.flynn@sturgismaterials.com

Paul Blanche – Vice President, Public Relations and Marketing (2009-2010) Home Nursery Inc. P.O. Box 307 ● Edwardsville, IL 62025 866.317.0409 ● paulb@homenursery.com

Tanja Heinen – Non-voting Administrator (2007-2009) Capacity Builders LC P.O. Box 1512 ● Mission, KS 66222 913.722.5170 ● tanja@capacitybuilders.us


The Hort NetWORK

The Hort NetWORK

Membership Requirements

Membership Levels

Open to all professionals associated with:

Corporate Sponsorship — $100 annually

Nursery and Greenhouse Production ● Retail Garden Center ● Landscape Architecture and Design ● Landscape Construction and Management (Land Care) ● Arboriculture (Tree Care) ● Botanical Gardens ● Horticultural Product Manufacturing, Sales and Distribution ● Allied Business and Organizations

Free admission or member discounts for events Directory listing for up to five associates ● Company recognition on Hort NetWORK website ●

Individual Member — $35 annually ● ●

Free admission or member discount for events Directory listing

Membership Benefits ● Networking and educational opportunities for all green industry professionals in the Kansas City area ● Monthly meetings, including tours, educational presentations and social events ● Annual Green Industry Educational Symposium ● Encouraging an exchange of ideas among green industry professionals ● Promoting quality and professionalism in the green industry ● Promoting events for other area green industry professional associations


AT THE LOCAL LEVEL 4502 W. 63rd Terrace ● Prairie Village, KS 66208 Phone: 913.362.0503 ● Fax: 913.362.2569 www.hortnetwork.org ● support@hortnetwork.org To learn more about upcoming programs, join us www.linkedin.com Linked In.


Rooftop Garden Tour — Matt Walsh of Sano & Associates led the group in a

green roof tour, downtown KC ●

Professionals Evening at Powell Gardens — An evening at Powell Gardens

including tours and presentations ●

Trial Gardens — Members of Hort NetWORK toured the K-State Trial Gardens,

Olathe, Kan. ●

Joint Summer Field Day and Tour — Kansas City area members of KNLA, MLNA and

Hort NetWORK toured area demonstration gardens and nurseries ●

Spring Kick Off Dinner and Tour at Suburban Lawn and Garden — Missouri members

gathered in Martin City to tour the facility, learn about new plants and enjpy dinner and drinks provided by Suburban Lawn and Garden

Membership Benefits The Hort NetWORK recently held the Green Industry Educational Symposium, a day of presentations by local industry professionals for 75 attendees interested in keeping up with the latest trends and information at the Sylvester Powell Community Center in Mission, Kan. Lunch was provided and topics included:

Winter Escape an Evening in Paradise in the Caves — Tour of Birds Botanicals

growing operation in the caves and time for networking, Kansas City, Mo. ●

Joint Networking Reception — Joint networking reception at The Western Nursery

with the MLNA, Overland Park, Kan. ●

Secret Powers of Social Networking — Keith Sauro of Kansas City Homes and Gardens

presented a program on social networking, Overland Park, Kan. ●

“The Prairie Star Collection — Outstanding Performers for the Landscape” by Dr. Alan Stevens, Director of K-State Research & Extension Center

Native Plants Trends in the Nursery and Landscape Industry — Elliott Duemler of Applied

Ecological spoke on native plants in commercial and residential projects, Olathe, Kan.

Settings After Sundown — Presentation at Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical

Gardens of night lighting, fire pits and fireplaces, and mosquito control, Overland Park, Kan. ●

Trials, Tribulations and Joys of Zoo Horticulture — Bryn Tackle presented the program

and conducted a tour of the Zoo’s grounds, Overland Park, Kan. ●

Celebrate Arbor Day with Hort NetWORK Colleagues — Members installed a

landscape design and planted trees donated by some of our members at the

“Color Sophistication — Using Color & Design Trends in Designing with Plants” by Sandy DeFoe, Research Assistant, K-State Research & Extension Center

City Union Mission, Overland Park, Kan. ●

Economic Roundtable Discussion — Discussion of the Economic Forecast for the Green

Industry and how the economy is affecting related fields, Overland Park, Kan. ●

Overland Park Convention Center Business Meeting — in conjunction with

The Western Nursery Trade Show, Overland Park, Kan.

“Design, Installation and Native Plant Selection for Bio Retention” by Pete Miller, Director of MU Campus Facilities-Landscape Services and the Mizzou Botanic Garden “How to Choose and Use Woody Ornamental Plants” by Dr. Cheryl R. Boyer, Assistant Professor and K-State Extension Specialist, Ornamental Nursery Crops

Discovery Center Networking — trends in the industry and roundtable discussions,

Kansas City, Mo. ●

Linda Hall Library Private Tour — by Scott Reiter of 14 acres of gardens, Kansas City, Mo.

Sturgis Materials Summer Party — Outdoor fireplace and equipment displays,

Kansas City, Kan. ●

Powell Gardens “How to Profitably Grow Your Company” — Guided tour of

Powell Gardens, Kingsville, Mo. ●

Overland Park Convention Center Business Meeting — at The Western Nursery &

Landscape Assoc. Trade Show; two presentations: “How to Better Manage Your

“Sustainable Perennials for the Sustainable Urban Landscape” by Bill Ruppert, National Nursery Products __ St. Louis

Business” and “Plants of Merit” by Powell Gardens, Overland Park, Kan. ●

Johnson County Community College Spring Gathering — at the Hort Science Center

followed by tour and networking, Overland Park, Kan. ●

K-State Trial Gardens — Dr. Alan Stevens and Prairie Star Collection and Prairie Bloom

Annuals Tour, Olathe, Kan.


The Hort NetWORK Members

The Hort NetWORK



Grow With Us Distribution Services LLC Bart Maffrey P.O. Box 23274, Overland Park, KS 66283 (913) 685-1569 bmaffry@growwithusds.com www.growwithusds.com

Metropolitan Community College / pg. 99 Leah Berg 3200 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 437-3000 lberg7805@aol.com www.mcckc.edu

Hermes Nursery Francis Cabral 2000 W. 47th St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66218 (913) 441-2400 fcabral@hermesnursery.com www.hermesnursery.com

Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens Karen Kerkhoff 8909 W. 179th St., Bucyrus, KS 66013 (913) 685-3604 karen.kerkhoff@opkansas.org www.opkansas.org

Hermes Nursery Virgil Larson 2000 W. 47th St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66218 (913) 441-2400 vlarson@hermesnursery.com www.hermesnursery.com

Powell Gardens Alan Branhagen 1609 NW U.S. Highway 50, Kingsville, MO 64061 (816) 697-2600 abranhagen@powellgardens.org www.powellgardens.org

Hermes Nursery Kim Sommer 2000 W. 47th St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66218 (913) 441-2400 ksommer@hermesnursery.com www.hermesnursery.com

Powell Gardens Eric Tschanz 1609 NW U.S. Highway 50, Kingsville, MO 64061 (816) 697-2600 etschanz@powellgardens.org www.powellgardens.org

Hydrotech Matt Walsh 11430 Carter, Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 345-8222 matt@sanoandassociates.com www.sanoandassociates.com

Sarah Bibens & Associates Sarah Bibens P.O. Box 411747, Kansas City, MO 64141 (888) 233-1876 westernexhibits@wnla.org www.nationalgreencenter.org

Loma Vista Nursery / pg. 97 Lyndsi Oestmann 12905 W. 143rd St., Olathe, KS 66062 (913) 897-7010 lyndsi@lomavistanursery.com www.lomavistanursery.com Loma Vista Nursery / pg. 97 John Severns 12905 W. 143rd St., Olathe, KS 66062 (913) 897-7010 john@lomavistanursery.com www.lomavistanursery.com National Nursery Products - KC Bill Malouche 4502 W. 63rd Terrace, Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 362-0503 billm@nnpkc.com www.nnpkc.com

Services Artist/Gardener Karen Lyman 9828 Sagamore Road, Leawood, KS 66206 klyman@kc.rr.com Atcheson Lawn & Landscape Inc. Jacqueline Hass 1725 North Rice Road, Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 (816) 525-5296 www.atchesonlawn.com Bartlett Hauber Landscaping David Bartlett 12917 2nd St., Grandview, MO 64030 (816) 943-8118 bartlett.hauber@gmail.com Bergstrom Growers Inc. Dallas Bergstrom 503 W. Court, Clay Center, KS 67432 (785) 632-5773 dallas1@eaglecom.net

Bird’s Botanicals David Bird 8201 E. 23rd St., Kansas City, MO 64129 (816) 252-4478 david@birdsbotanicals.com www.birdsbotanicals.com Bonnie Barrett Gardens Nick Brown 12401 Delmar, Leawood, KS 66209 nick.brown15@gmail.com Bonnie Barrett Gardens Bonnie Johnson 12401 Delmar, Leawood, KS 66209 thegardenempress@yahoo.com Bonnie Barrett Gardens Alyssa Jones 12401 Delmar, Leawood, KS 66209 johnsonalyssa@yahoo.com Bonnie Barrett Gardens Brandon Simmons 12401 Delmar, Leawood, KS 66209 simmons.br@gmail.com Bonnie Barrett Gardens Jonathan Spencer 12401 Delmar, Leawood, KS 66209 highfive12984@yahoo.com Botanical Shots Susan Mertz 14904 W. 87th Parkway, PMB 171, Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 744-9403 susan@botanicalshots.com www.botanicalshots.com Brickman Group Yvan Duin 540 S. 12th St., Kansas City, KS 66105 (913) 371-2661 yvan.duin@brickmangroup.com www.brickmangroup.com Brickman Group Lena Heimsoth 540 S. 12th St., Kansas City, KS 66105 (913) 371-2661 lena.heimsoth@brickmangroup.com www.brickmangroup.com Brickman Group Samantha Knight 540 S. 12th St., Kansas City, KS 66105 (913) 371-2661 samjoknight@hotmail.com www.brickmangroup.com


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The Hort NetWORK

Services Brickman Group Andrew Mullen 540 S. 12th St., Kansas City, KS 66105 (913) 371-2661 andrew.mullen@brickmangroup.com www.brickmangroup.com Brickman Group David Rowan 540 S. 12th St., Kansas City, KS 66105 (913) 371-2661 david.rowan@brickmangroup.com www.brickmangroup.com Cedar Hill Landscaping Kristie Schneider 9295 Cedar Creek Road, DeSoto, KS 66018 (913) 636-0347 kristieschneider@msn.com Creative Consulting for Outdoor Spaces Laura Stack 7135 Cherokee Drive, Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 432-1577 lslandscape@kc.rr.com Down to Earth Gardening Melanie Cavender 2507 W. 98th St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66206 (913) 341-7502 melaniecavender@yahoo.com Essential Extras Inc. Terry DeFraties P.O. Box 16942, Kansas City, MO 64133 (913) 385-7374 essentialextras@aol.com www.essentialextrasinc.com Gardener of Weedin Patricia Keegan 21245 Country Place Lane, Bucyrus, KS 66013 gardenhoe62@yahoo.com Gardens by Design Madalin O’dell 4708 Fontana, Roeland Park, KS 66205 gardensbydesign@kc.rr.com Green Spectrum Marketing Niel C. Henriksen 9209 W. 145th Place, Overland Park, KS 66221 (913) 406-4770 niel@greenspectrummarketing.com www.greenspectrummarketing.com


The Hort NetWORK Members Greenleaf Garden Services / pg. 97 Sandy Chaney P.O. Box 7527, Shawnee Mission, KS 66207 (816) 916-5171 sandy@greenleafkc.com www.greenleafkc.com

Hermes Landscaping Eric Soriano 13030 W. 87th St. Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 888-2400 esoriano@hermeslandscaping.com www.hermeslandscaping.com

Greenleaf Garden Services / pg. 97 Eric Huddleston P.O. Box 7527, Shawnee Mission, KS 66207 (816) 916-5171 hudd4233@hotmail.com www.greenleafkc.com

Hix and Son Aquatics Wendy Hix 2305 W. 96th St., Leawood, KS 66206 (913) 441-2400 hixaquatics@kc.rr.com www.hixandsonaquatics.com

Greenleaf Garden Services / pg. 97 M.J. Lattner P.O. Box 7527, Shawnee Mission, KS 66207 (816) 916-5171 mj@greenleafkc.com www.greenleafkc.com

House of Rocks Inc. Adam Burkiewicz 1725 Merriam Lane, Kansas City, KS 66106 (913) 432-5990 thehouseofrocks@yahoo.com www.thehouseofrocks.com

Greenleaf Garden Services / pg. 97 Liz McWilliams P.O. Box 7527, Shawnee Mission, KS 66207 (816) 916-5171 liz@greenleafkc.com www.greenleafkc.com

House of Rocks Inc. George Chapin 1725 Merriam Lane, Kansas City, KS 66106 (913) 432-5990 thehouseofrocks@yahoo.com www.thehouseofrocks.com

Greenleaf Garden Services / pg. 97 Jennifer O’Brien P.O. Box 7527, Shawnee Mission, KS 66207 (816) 916-5171 jen@greenleafkc.com www.greenleafkc.com

House of Rocks Inc. Jack Robinson 1725 Merriam Lane, Kansas City, KS 66106 (913) 432-5990 thehouseofrocks@yahoo.com www.thehouseofrocks.com

Heinen Landscape & Irrigation Colby Fuller P.O. Box 7527, Mission, KS 66222 (913) 432-5011 colby@heinenlandscape.com www.heinenlandscape.com

House of Rocks Inc. James Waln 1725 Merriam Lane, Kansas City, KS 66106 (913) 432-5990 thehouseofrocks@yahoo.com www.thehouseofrocks.com

Heinen Landscape & Irrigation Dave Heinen P.O. Box 7527, Mission, KS 66222 (913) 432-5011 david@heinenlandscape.com www.heinenlandscape.com

House of Rocks Inc. Duane Woolery 1725 Merriam Lane, Kansas City, KS 66106 (913) 432-5990 thehouseofrocks@yahoo.com www.thehouseofrocks.com

Heinen Landscape & Irrigation Tim Pruter P.O. Box 7527, Mission, KS 66222 (913) 432-5011 tim@heinenlandscape.com www.heinenlandscape.com

It’s My Nature Helen Thompson 9629 Lee Blvd., Leawood, KS 66206 helenthompson@itsmynature.biz www.itsmynature.biz

Hermes Landscaping Amy Asher 13030 W. 87th St. Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 888-2400 aasher@hermeslandscaping.com www.hermeslandscaping.com

Landworks Bill Hensley 9317 Woodend Road, Edwardsville, KS 66111 (913) 422-9300 bhensley@landworks-inc.com www.landworks-inc.com PLEASE TURN THE PAGE


The Hort NetWORK

Services Lifestyle Landscapes Denise Reynolds dreynolds55@yahoo.com Nancy’s Mighty Mouse Land & Stonescape Nancy Harrington 3732 Jefferson St., Kansas City, MO 64111 nharrington828@comcast.net Next to Nature Landscape Wayne Barber P.O. Box 24247, 11785 Conley, Overland Park, KS 66283 (913) 207-7237 waynebarber@nexttonature.biz www.nexttonature.biz Next to Nature Landscape Jared Barnes P.O. Box 24247, 11785 Conley, Overland Park, KS 66283 (913) 207-7237 jaredbarnes@nexttonature.biz www.nexttonature.biz Next to Nature Landscape Adam Lang P.O. Box 24247, 11785 Conley, Overland Park, KS 66283 (913) 207-7237 adamlang@nexttonature.biz www.nexttonature.biz Next to Nature Landscape John Wayne Mackey P.O. Box 24247, 11785 Conley, Overland Park, KS 66283 (913) 207-7237 johnwayne@nexttonature.biz www.nexttonature.biz Next to Nature Landscape David Ward P.O. Box 24247, 11785 Conley, Overland Park, KS 66283 (913) 207-7237 davidward@nexttonature.biz www.nexttonature.biz NiteLites of Kansas City / pg. 67 Douglas Bringman Overland Park, KS 66221 (913) 871-1299 doug.bringman@nitelites.com www.nitelites.com Pat Friesen & Company LLC Pat Friesen 9636 Meadow Lane, Leawood, KS 66206 (913) 341-1211 pat@patfriesen.com www.patfriesen.com


The Hort NetWORK Members Pleasant Settings Landscaping Janet Gordon 2614 N. North Shore Court, Wichita, KS 67205 (316) 729-4908 janetgordonlake@sbcglobal.net Red Oak Landscaping LLC Jeff Svilarich Overland Park, KS (913) 533-2217 fourseasons@redoaklandscaping.com www.redoaklandscaping.com Richard Clayton Barrett, ASLA Richard Barrett 7128 Nall Ave., Overland Park, KS 66208 (913) 362-1200 rclaytonbarrett@kc.rr.com www.rclaytonbarrett.com Sibley Orchards and Cider Mill Patrick Farrell 4121 California Ave., 3717 N. Buckner-Tarsney Road, Sibley, MO 64088 (816) 650-5535 sibleyorchards@hotmail.com www.sibleyorchards.com Simply Green Lawn Sprinklers Inc. Chris Ohlde 4301 NW Gateway, Kansas City, MO 64150 816-746-6817 www.simplygreenlawnsprinklers.com Soil Service Nursery Gary Archer 7125 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64131 (816) 333-3232 ssn-gary@att.net www.soilservice.com StoneRidge Outdoor Steve Werth 19309 K68 Highway, Paola, KS 66071 (913) 963-3723 swerth@inbox.com Sturgis Materials / pg. 5 Mark Flynn 550 S. Packard St., Kansas City, KS 66105 (913) 371-7757 mark.flynn@sturgismaterials.com www.sturgismaterials.com Suburban Lawn and Garden Inc. Mary Werth 135th & Wornall, Kansas City, MO 64148 (816) 942-2921 suburban@kcnet.com www.suburbanlg.com

Turf Design Inc. Nicole Marshall 25775 W. 103rd St., Ste. 200, Olathe, KS 66061 (913) 764-6531 nicole@turfdesigninc.com www.turfdesigninc.com Turf Design Inc. Dave Peters 25775 W. 103rd St., Ste. 200, Olathe, KS 66061 (913) 764-6531 dpeters@turfdesigninc.com www.turfdesigninc.com Turf Design Inc. Kevin Pike 25775 W. 103rd St., Ste. 200, Olathe, KS 66061 (913) 764-6531 pikekv@turfdesigninc.com www.turfdesigninc.com Turf Design Inc. Lindsey Richardson 25775 W. 103rd St., Ste. 200, Olathe, KS 66061 (913) 764-6531 lrichardson@turfdesigninc.com www.turfdesigninc.com Turf Design Inc. Michelle Swartz 25775 W. 103rd St., Ste. 200, Olathe, KS 66061 (913) 764-6531 michelle@turfdesigninc.com www.turfdesigninc.com Water’s Edge Matt Calbeck 847 Indiana, Lawrence, KS 66044 (985) 841-6771 we@watersedge.com www.watersedge.com Water’s Edge Susan Davis 847 Indiana, Lawrence, KS 66044 (985) 841-6771 we@watersedge.com www.watersedge.com Water’s Edge Deb Spencer 847 Indiana, Lawrence, KS 66044 (985) 841-6771 we@watersedge.com www.watersedge.com Water’s Edge Liz Tolbert 847 Indiana, Lawrence, KS 66044 (985) 841-6771 we@watersedge.com www.watersedge.com

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913.764.5575 w w w. M i d w e s t f i r e p l a c e k c . c o m 102 • KCH&G PROFESSIONAL SOURCEBOOK


Contents 104 Resource Directory


106 Alphabetical Listings

Color listings reference advertisement in publication. Advertisement placement does not denote association membership.


Resource Index A complete, easy-to-find guide to advertisers

Architects & Home Designers


Outdoor Lighting Perspectives

Home Technology


Bickford + Co.


Owen Lumber



Bradley Hubbard Architect


Schutte Lumber

31, 89 Factory Direct Appliance


Elswood Smith Carlson Architects




Integrated Electronics


intelligent line architecture + design


Stone Solutions


Nebraska Furniture Mart


Nearing Staats Prelogar & Jones


Sturgis Materials


Wendlandt & Stallbaumer

Builders 27

Quality Home Concepts


Starr Homes

Atronic Alarms

Interior Designers Financial, Legal & Insurance


Edgevale Interiors



Edited Design LLC

Capitol Federal Savings


Interior Products & Services


Amini’s Galleria


Amini’s Galleria

Business Services, Media & Organizations


Eddie Cummings Tile


Calton Cabinet


“Living Large”


KC Granite & Cabinetry


Cambridge Cabinetry


Digigraph Express LLC


Knotty Rug


Countertop Trends


Midwest Trophy


Nebraska Furniture Mart


Dorfman Plumbing


ProSource of Lenexa


Eddie Cummings Tile



Sophisticated Stone


Edited Design LLC



Sun Marble

31, 89 Factory Direct Appliance


The Tile Shop


Granite Center


Wood Perfect Hardwood Floors


Henges Insulation


Kansas City Building Supply

Green Living


Kansas City Millwork

Exterior Products & Services


Missouri Organic


KC Granite & Cabinetry


AAA Lifetime Exterior Remodeling


Small Step Energy Solutions


Mark Greener Drywall


Builders Stone & Supply


Midwest Fireplace


FreeState Timbersmith

Home Services


Nebraska Furniture Mart


Green Light Window Films


A&L Painting


Pacific Mutual Door & Window


Guier Fence


A.B. May


Sophisticated Stone


Hall Brothers Landscaping/Construction


Dorfman Plumbing


Sun Marble


Johnson County Siding & Window


Small Step Energy Solutions


The Tile Shop


Kansas City Building Supply


United Mosquito & Fly Control


Top Master


Wilson-Built Cabinets

Metropolitan Community College

Event Planning 111

XS Lighting Sound Visualization


Kitchen & Bath

Alphabetical Listing * = View these advertisers’ profiles in our luxury directory at kchandg.com.


KC Granite & Cabinetry*


Kitchens Only


Bath & Kitchen Showroom


Kitchens Only


“Living Large”


Knotty Rug*


Peak at Home


75th Street Gallery


Loma Vista Nursery


Regarding Kitchens


A&L Painting*


Manka Design/Build


A.B. May


Mark Greener Drywall

Landscape & Outdoor Living


AAA Lifetime Exterior Remodeling


Metropolitan Community College


Greenleaf Garden Services


Amini’s Galleria


Midwest Block & Brick*


Hall Brothers Landscaping/Construction


Architectural Craftsmen


Midwest Fireplace


Loma Vista Nursery


Atronic Alarms


Midwest Trophy*


Midwest Block & Brick


Bath & Kitchen Showroom*


Missouri Organic*


Missouri Organic


Bednar Interiors*


Nearing Staats Prelogar & Jones*




Bickford + Co.*


Nebraska Furniture Mart


Outdoor Lighting Perspectives


Bradley Hubbard Architect*




Owen Lumber


Builders Stone & Supply


Outdoor Lighting Perspectives*


Sturgis Materials


Calton Cabinet


Owen Lumber


Cambridge Cabinetry


Pacific Mutual Door & Window

Recreation, Travel & Entertainment


Capitol Federal Savings*


Peak at Home




Countertop Trends


ProSource of Lenexa


The Sportman’s Lodge


Designer Consignmment


Quality Home Concepts*


Digigraph Express LLC


Regarding Kitchens*



Dorfman Plumbing


Scandia Down*


Architectural Craftsmen


Eddie Cummings Tile


Schutte Lumber*


Bednar Interiors


Edgevale Interiors*




Manka Design/Build


Edited Design LLC


Small Step Energy Solutions


Quality Home Concepts


Elswood Smith Carlson Architects*


Sophisticated Stone


Starr Homes

31, 89 Factory Direct Appliance*


The Sportman’s Lodge


FreeState Timbersmith


Starr Homes*


Granite Center*


Stone Solutions*

Retail 57

75th Street Gallery


Greenleaf Garden Services


Sturgis Materials


Designer Consignmment


Green Light Window Films


Sun Marble


Edgevale Interiors


Guier Fence*


The Tile Shop


Edited Design LLC


Hall Brothers Landscaping/Construction


Top Master*


Jewelry Arts


Henges Insulation


United Mosquito & Fly Control*


Nebraska Furniture Mart


Integrated Electronics


Wendlandt & Stallbaumer


Scandia Down


intelligent line a+d*


Wilson-Built Cabinets




Wood Perfect Hardwood Floors


Jewelry Arts

111 XS Lighting Sound Visualization


Johnson County Siding & Window


Kansas City Building Supply

112 Kansas City Millwork*



Alpha Index A Comprehensive List of All Professionals from Our Kansas City Chapters

1-800-GOT-JUNK? 360 Architecture 3F30 Architects Inc. A.R.C. Construction LLC AAA Lifetime Exterior Remodeling / pg. 73 AAS Restoration Inc. ABC Seamless Siding ABCO Supply Ad Astra Development LLC Alan Johnson Design Albert Tamm Lumber Co. Aldrich Contracting Co. Alenco Inc. Alexander, Marsha, Allied Member ASID ALH Home Renovations All Service Insurance Restoration All-Weather Windows, Doors & Siding Inc. Altenhofen Cabinets Inc. Amazing Siding & Windows American Family Insurance Amini’s Galleria / pg. 45 Andersen Logistics Applause Custom Sight & Sound Archadeck Architeam Architectural Craftsmen / pg. 25 Armstrong Cabinet Products Armstrong Kitchens Arrow Circle Electric Inc. A.S. & W. Wholesale of KC Asay, Nancy, ASID Ashley-Lavender Builders LLC ATA Architects LLC Atchison Construction Inc. Atronic Alarms / pg. 25 AZEK Building Products Bailey, Kendra, Allied Member ASID Baird, Linda, Allied Member ASID Barta, Randall, ASID Bartlett Hauber Landscaping Bath & Kitchen Showroom LLC / pg. 67 BCS Design Inc. Beach, Mitzi, ASID Bednar Interiors Inc. Remodeling & Design Bedrock International LLC BeFree Architecture LLC Bell/Knott & Associates Bellacor.com Bellamy, Jamey, Allied Member ASID Bennett Home Improvement Inc. Berg, Becky, Allied Member ASID Berger Devine Yeager Inc. Bergstrom Growers Inc. Bernhardt Furniture Company Better Business Bureau Beuoy, Gwendolyn, Allied Member ASID Bieber Engineering Technologies LLC Bird’s Botanicals Bishop, Barbara, Allied Member ASID


(913) 663-2100 (816) 472-3360 (816) 801-7070 (816) 763-4272 (816) 421-1882 (816) 861-1550 (816) 561-0000 (913) 321-4100 (913) 829-9071 (816) 412-8455 (816) 231-7221 (913) 649-3544 (913) 438-1902 (816) 478-3589 (913) 384-0030 (816) 786-8080 (913) 2624380 (913) 369-9678 (913) 661-0900 (913) 341-1002 (913) 381-0222 (913) 238-4082 (913) 498-1183 (913) 851-3325 (888) 681-2211 (913) 963-2246 (816) 421-3800 (913) 642-3337 (816) 373-4888 (816) 746-0020 (417) 678-2907 (913) 592-4156 (816) 221-8994 (913) 367-4365 (913) 362-0000 (913) 901-7645 (816) 756-0143 (816) 916-0772 (913) 901-8265 (816) 943-8118 (913) 339-8446 (913) 780-4820 (316) 686-4460 (913) 962-7733 (913) 438-7625 (816) 223-5207 (913) 378-1600 (651) 294-2563 (913) 515-7670 (816) 564-1251 (816) 841-0331 (913) 742-8000 (785) 632-5773 (913) 709-8702 (816) 421-8188 (620) 792-2692 (913) 362-0772 (816) 252-4478 (816) 225-8959

Bledsoe’s Equipment Inc. BNC National Bank BNIM Architects Bordner Installation Group Borger Construction Botanical Shots Bovard Insurance Group Bowman Bowman Novick Inc. Bowman, Laura, ASID BR Carpet Company Brackmann Construction Inc. Bradford Homes Co. Brewer, Benita, Allied Member ASID / pg. 67 Brick Doctor Inc. Brickman Group British Bob LLC Broan NuTone Brown Restoration Inc. BRR Architecture Bryles, Kathy, Allied Member ASID Budget Blinds of Overland Park Buechler, Marsha, Allied Member ASID Buercklin, Barbara, Allied Member ASID Buffalo Constructors LLC Building Restoration Corporation Built by Design Burns & McDonnell Business Interiors by Staples Buss Contracting & Remodeling Inc. Buxton, Joyce, ASID Cabinet Clad Kitchen & Bath Cabinet Designs LLC CabinetReface Kitchens & Bathrooms Cadle, Miranda, Allied Member ASID CaesarStone CaesarStone Central Division Cahill, Ashley, Allied Member ASID Callegari, M., ASID Cambridge Cabinetry Inc. / pg. 81 Canaan Stone Works LLC Capitol Federal Savings Bank / pg. 23 Carpenter, Emily, Allied Member ASID Carter, Heather, ASID Casework Inc. Castle Rock Remodeling Cedar Hill Landscaping Century Furniture/Heirloom Furniture Century Marketing Inc. Champion Windows, Siding & Patio Rooms CHC Creative Remodeling Chen, Su, Allied Member ASID Chisam, Jill, ASID Chris Wooldridge Construction LLC Christofle Cinalli, Brooke, ASID City Wide Heating & Cooling Inc. City Wide Remodelers Inc. Clark Enersen Partners, The Claymark Homes Inc.

(816) 524-4222 (913) 221-6517 (816) 783-1500 (816) 358-2102 (913) 927-9492 (913) 744-9403 (913) 529-1130 (816) 753-2550 (913) 748-6057 (816) 224-0777 (816) 318-4147 (913) 384-9783 (913) 339-8446 (913) 499-0705 (913) 371-2661 (913) 980-6117 (469) 362-8028 (816) 322-2600 (913) 262-9095 (816) 520-5081 (816) 554-7779 (816) 331-2281 (573) 302-0372 (816) 804-4134 (612) 789-2800 (913) 782-6311 (816) 333-9400 (877) 826-7755 (816) 268-2877 (417) 890-5543 (816) 224-3200 (816) 262-0658 (913) 894-8455 (361) 249-1575 (314) 447-1920 (314) 724-1985 (816) 260-0153 (913) 897-7812 (816) 795-5082 (913) 351-3500 (913) 652-2541 (816) 520-3051 (913) 432-1040 (816) 472-7222 (816) 442-8900 (913) 636-0347 (630) 240-8747 (913) 696-9758 (913) 541-8282 (913) 438-6933 (913) 768-4308 (620) 664-6471 (913) 362-9333 (312) 664-9700 (417) 724-1350 (913) 384-6006 (816) 942-1993 (816) 474-8237 (913) 681-8147

CMC Remodeling Inc. Coleman, Jeninne, Allied Member ASID Colt Industries Colvin, Jan, Allied Member ASID Commercial Insurance Concrete Promotional Group Cook, Deborah, Allied Member ASID Cooley, Homa, Allied Member ASID Cornerstone Home Improvement Inc. Coultis, John, Jr., ASID Country Club Builders Cowtown Marketing & Web Inc. Cramer, Nichol, ASID Crawford Architects Inc. Creative Consulting for Outdoor Spaces Crestron Electronics Crider Carpet Crowley Furniture Custom Renovations Inc. Custom Siding & Window Solutions Dacor Dahlberg, Nancy, Allied Member ASID Dalton, James, ASID Daly, Laura, Allied Member ASID Danan Contracting Dan-E Electric Inc. DataUnite Davidson & Associates Inc. davidson architecture & engineering Davidson, Melody, Allied Member ASID Davis, Bonnie, ASID / pg. 21 Davis, Lisa, Allied Member ASID Davison Architecture + Urban Design LLC Deardeuff, Allison, Allied Member ASID Deatherage Home Designs Inc. DeBey, Karmin, Allied Member ASID Deckard, Andrea, ASID Decorative Concrete Supply Decorative Touch Ltd., The Delta Faucet Company Denney, Taylore, Allied Member ASID Design Build Team Inc. Design Connection Inc. Design Products Distributing Designer Blinds Dimensional Innovations DLR Group Dorfman Plumbing Supply / pg. 83 Dorsey, Jan, Allied Member ASID Down to Earth Gardening Dream Stone Creations Drywall Doctor, The DSA Publishing & Design Duralee Fabrics & Fine Furniture Dwerlkotte, Kim, Allied Member ASID Dyllan Construction Inc. E. Crichton Singleton, FAIA, Inc. Earthway Enterprises LLC Ebright, Susan, ASID Ecological Architecture PA Ecton, Karen, ASID Eddie Cummings Tile Inc. / pg. 79 Edelman Leather Egan, Ann, ASID Egbert, Wendee, ASID Ehney, Caroline, Allied Member ASID Eichhorn, Barbara, ASID el dorado inc. Electrical Associates LLC Elkay Manufacturing Company Ellerbe Becket Inc. and AECOM Company Elliott, Rebecca, ASID Emser Tile Emser Tile

(816) 361-2627 (816) 716-4920 (913) 449-2389 (316) 425-6060 (816) 524-2331 (913) 341-5800 (816) 726-4011 (913) 599-4700 (816) 737-0601 (316) 683-5617 (816) 358-4662 (913) 649-4040 (913) 631-0088 (816) 421-2640 (913) 432-1577 (201) 767-3400 (913) 239-0751 (816) 781-8002 (913) 381-5222 (816) 509-0960 (913) 634-7819 (417) 889-6045 (816) 333-7373 (417) 844-6033 (816) 985-9313 (913) 207-3880 (816) 421-7783 (913) 271-6158 (913) 451-9390 (913) 262-7127 (816) 431-6582 (816) 674-5218 (816) 531-8303 (573) 268-8574 (816) 444-5466 (913) 706-4983 (417) 831-9300 (913) 422-4443 (913) 888-1388 (913) 791-9599 (816) 694-9963 (913) 722-1443 (913) 851-8776 (913) 894-4191 (800) 292-5463 (913) 384-3488 (913) 897-7811 (816) 842-4656 (913) 402-0820 (913) 341-7502 (816) 918-8549 (913) 768-6655 (888) 747-7865 (816) 373-0295 (316) 461-0765 (816) 505-1077 (816) 561-9393 (913) 221-9663 (620) 257-2577 (785) 749-1018 (913) 262-8479 (816) 918-4807 (913) 980-0777 (913) 549-3603 (913) 859-9145 (816) 429-7021 (913) 362-1001 (816) 474-3838 (913) 825-2537 (816) 842-3503 (816) 561-4443 (417) 840-6003 (913) 894-4888 (316) 943-1441

Enterprise Precast Concrete Inc. Eric Gentry Home Remodeling Essential Extras Inc. E-Z Shelving Systems Inc. Factory Direct Appliance / pgs. 31, 89 Farm & Home Builders Inc. Ferguson Enterprises Ferguson, Jeris, Allied Member ASID Fine Art Lamps First National Merchant Solutions Fitzpatrick-Foster, Julie, Allied Member ASID Flexco Flexco Flores, Vicki, Allied Member ASID Ford, Leanne, ASID Fountain Glass Inc. Four Seasons Sunrooms Frank Zilm & Assoc. Inc. Frank, Cathleen, ASID Franken-Polli Company FRB Contracting LLC Frederick, Lisa, ASID Frey, Stephanie, Allied Member ASID G. A. Fischer Co. Gallery at ISC Surfaces, The Gans, Sara, Allied Member ASID Garland Company Inc., The Garrison, Sabrina, Allied Member ASID Garst, Bari, ASID Gastinger Walker Harden Architects GBA Gentry Design Studio Global Views go studio Gould Evans Grandview Top Company Grandview Winnelson Company Granite Center / pg. 35 Granite Transformations of K.C. Great American Building Materials Green Spectrum Marketing Green, Rebecca, ASID Green Light Window Films / pg. 81 Greenleaf Garden Services / pg. 97 Gregory, Doreen, ASID Griffin Construction Co. LLC Grow with Us Distribution Services LLC Guenther Mills Keating Architects Inc. Gutter Cover of Kansas City Habitat ReStore Haik, Rosa, Allied Member ASID Hall Custom Builders LLC Hall, Patricia, ASID Hallmark Stone Hamlin Company Inc., The Hansgrohe Inc. Hardesty, Cassidy, Allied Member ASID Hardwood Floor Company, The Hartegan, Judith, Allied Member ASID Hass, Nancy, ASID Hastings Remodeling LLC Hawkins, Kimberly, Allied Member ASID Hawver, Jolayne, ASID Hayes Company, The Heapes, Deborah, Allied Member ASID HearthMasters Heiman Development Co. Inc. Heinen Landscape & Irrigation Helix Architecture + Design Henges Insulation & Fireplace / pg. 3 Heritage Benefit Consultants Hermes Landscaping Hermes Nursery Herpich, Ruth, Allied Member ASID

(913) 312-5616 (816) 728-7418 (913) 385-7374 (913) 384-1331 (913) 888-8028 (816) 741-9437 (913) 752-5660 (417) 887-6019 (785) 537-4115 (913) 266-9176 (913) 638-5426 (800) 633-3151 (405) 919-5772 (316) 681-3361 (417) 626-0057 (913) 764-6014 (816) 524-2770 (816) 561-7186 (417) 353-8275 (816) 756-3282 (816) 520-5935 (417) 766-7977 (316) 648-1097 (913) 649-5783 (913) 541-9700 (316) 315-0130 (816) 261-1360 (816) 380-6333 (316) 636-2468 (816) 421-8200 (913) 492-0400 (913) 393-0175 (816) 686-8484 (816) 531-2229 (816) 931-6655 (816) 763-5411 (816) 765-2555 (913) 492-3333 (913) 492-7600 (816) 221-3220 (913) 406-4770 (417) 864-5500 (816) 246-5335 (816) 916-5171 (913) 839-0324 (816) 741-0222 (913) 685-1569 (816) 356-7555 (816) 246-7881 (816) 231-6889 (417) 883-2616 (913) 681-3373 (816) 472-0222 (913) 744-6244 (816) 210-8904 (678) 938-2756 (859) 519-5337 (816) 305-0859 (785) 224-0822 (573) 346-5306 (913) 915-8313 (417) 271-6658 (785) 354-4477 (816) 444-6352 (913) 599-3008 (816) 461-3665 (816) 942-0000 (913) 432-5011 (816) 300-0300 (913) 764-4600 (816) 322-6350 (913) 888-2400 (913) 441-2400 (785) 842-9795 PLEASE TURN THE PAGE



Alpha Index A Comprehensive List of All Professionals from Our Kansas City Chapters

Hertzler, Carol, Allied Member ASID Hickory Chair Hinde, Mary, Allied Member ASID Hix and Son Aquatics HNTB Architecture Inc. Hoefer Wysocki Architects LLC Hoffman-Cortes Restoration Hollis & Miller Architects Holmes Murphy Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City Home Depot Pro Account Representative-Kansas Home Performance Services LLC House & Renner Construction Inc. House of Rocks Inc. Howard & Helmer Architects PA HTK Architects

(316) 651-5859 (913) 661-0414 (816) 390-6687 (913) 441-2400 (816) 472-1201 (913) 307-3700 (816) 842-6170 (913) 451-8886 (913) 660-1219 (816) 942-8800 (816) 510-9199 (816) 746-0002 (816) 229-4853 (913) 432-5990 (913) 451-0015 (913) 663-5373

Hubbard, Bradley G., AIA / pg. 19

(913) 626-2299

hufftprojects llc Hydrotech IceStone LLC Ingham, Diana, ASID Innovative Design & Renovation Innovative Solutions Consulting Group Insurance & Benefits Group Integrated Electronics Inc. / pg. 111 Intelligent Line A+D LLC / pg. 19 InterfaceFLOR Commercial International Architects Atelier International Design Guild 1 International Design Guild 2 J. E. Meyer Construction Co. James Brown Architect & Associates James D. Marshall, Jr., AIA James Hardie Building Products James, Daneen, Allied Member ASID Jericho Home Improvements LLC Jerry M. Frese Construction Company LLC Jim Luke Construction Co. LLC Johnson County Siding & Window Co. Inc. / pg. 75 Judy, Patricia, ASID Junk Architects JW McDowell Electric LLC Kalkofen, Bobanne, ASID Kansas City Builders Incentive Group Kansas City Building Supply Inc. / pg. 33 Kansas City Cabinet Supply Kansas City Closet Co. Kansas City Deck Supply Kansas City Homes & Gardens Kansas City Master Companies Inc. Kansas City Millwork / pg. 112 Kansas City Remodeling Show (Pat Riha Productions) Kansas Granite Mart Inc. Karen L. Ecton Interior Design Katsourides, Andrew, Allied Member ASID KCP&L KDR Showrooms Keller, Matthew, Allied Member ASID KEM Studio

(816) 531-0200 (913) 345-8222 (718) 624-4900 (913) 469-8500 (816) 531-2221 (913) 982-1260 (816) 525-3155 (913) 663-3366 (816) 785-2265 (913) 393-3600 (816) 471-6522 (620) 543-2274 (913) 681-2821 (816) 373-8880 (816) 229-2039 (913) 383-3022 (913) 674-6150 (913) 381-4040 (913) 596-0000 (913) 721-1488 (913) 492-5049 (913) 782-2878 (913) 620-3260 (816) 472-7722 (913) 915-3786 (913) 469-8500 (913) 469-1991 (913) 962-5227 (913) 649-3700 (816) 333-1292 (816) 241-8401 (913) 648-5757 (816) 763-1500 (913) 768-0068 (816) 931-4686 (913) 362-8889 (913) 522-5347 (660) 543-4927 (816) 654-1893 (913) 859-0400 (816) 405-2167 (816) 756-1808


Kent Mohler Exteriors LLC Kenny’s Tile & Floor Covering Inc. Kimball Tile & Stone LLC King, Dorinda, Allied Member ASID Kissick Construction Kitchen Design Gallery Kleiner, Rebecca, Allied Member ASID Kling, Jean, ASID Knapstein, Kurt, Allied Member ASID Koch, Sheryl, ASID Kohl, Jane, ASID Kohler Company Kohler Kitchen & Bath Americas Kone Inc. Kravet Inc. Kreative Driveways Inc. Kress, Linda, ASID Kromer, Susan, ASID Ladegaard, Arlene, Allied Member ASID Lakey, Corinne, Allied Member ASID LAMPS PLUS Professionals Lance, Kris, Allied Member ASID Landworks Lankford, Kelly, ASID Laura Buhrer Designs Lee Drywall, Plaster & Stucco Lee, Linda, ASID Legendary Stone Lehman, Christine, Allied Member ASID Leisure World Pool & Hearth Lifestyles Custom Homes & Remodeling Inc. LifeWise Renovations Line Construction Company Livers Bronze Company Loehr, Kimberley, Allied Member ASID Loma Vista Nursery / pg. 97 Lowe’s Commercial Services Lynch, Suzann, Allied Member ASID Lyon Construction + Design LLC Madaras, Robert, Allied Member ASID Maltbie, Cathi, Allied Member ASID Manka Design/Build Inc. / pg. 49 Manko Window Inc. Mantel Teter: Architects Marionix Inc. Mark 1 Contracting LLC Mark One Electric Company Marketing Department, The Martin, Mary, ASID Martin, Nancy, Allied Member ASID Mayes, Wendy, ASID McCandless, Melissa, Allied Member ASID McCray Lumber & Millwork McGraw Hill Construction __ Dodge McHenry Shaffer Mitchell Architects McKown-Brown, Miche, Allied Member ASID McLoughlin Tile & Stone McNeill Renovation Co. Metropolitan Community College / pg. 99

(816) 628-4049 (816) 765-0400 (816) 935-9395 (573) 346-7244 (816) 363-5530 (913) 492-8887 (417) 545-1192 (913) 901-9265 (816) 213-4491 (816) 537-0133 (913) 631-6454 (913) 633-1629 (913) 568-8176 (816) 531-2140 (847) 394-5565 (913) 362-7550 (816) 886-5097 (316) 440-6581 (913) 851-8776 (913) 206-4875 (800) 304-8120 (913) 685-0855 (913) 422-9300 (816) 886-0822 (913) 636-0743 (913) 422-1991 (785) 357-6231 (816) 836-9100 (573) 645-1536 (816) 221-1731 (913) 897-2738 (816) 363-0600 (913) 341-1212 (816) 300-2828 (573) 348-4883 (913) 897-7010 (913) 261-1040 (816) 588-6668 (913) 236-5966 (724) 695-3361 (316) 721-3074 (913) 515-9319 (913) 461-5756 (816) 931-5600 (913) 940-3634 (913) 208-4632 (816) 842-7023 (816) 943-1919 (417) 883-7336 (316) 688-2236 (316) 304-1570 (417) 887-4970 (913) 422-1300 (866) 223-3876 (816) 822-0897 (816) 520-1026 (913) 207-7160 (913) 915-1400 (816) 437-3000

Midwest Block & Brick / pg. 101 Midwest Fireplace / pg. 102 Midwest Heating Cooling & Plumbing Midwest Skylight LLC Midwest Vacuums Migliazzo, Amy, Allied Member ASID Mission Kitchen & Bath Missouri Siding, Window & Roofing MMI--Travina Moen Inc. Mohawk Group Molin Concrete Products Moody Nolan Inc. Morse Architectural Products Mosby, Rebecca, Allied Member ASID / pg. 55 Moussa, Kimberly, Allied Member ASID Mr. Remodeler, Dean Blay MSC Enterprises Inc. Myers, Roberta, ASID National Nursery Products - KC Naturally Wired Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 Nebraska Furniture Mart / pg. 21 Neely, K., ASID Nevius Serig Palmer Architecture Next to Nature Landscape Nichols, Amy, ASID NiteLites of Kansas City / pg. 67 Noah, Shirley, Allied Member ASID Noblit Didier Development LLC Nolte & Associates PA NSPJ Architects / pg. 12 N-Stok O’Connor, Carrie, Allied Member ASID Olsen & Talpers Olympic Cabinet Company One Stop Decorating Center One Week Bath Opie, Sandra, ASID Orion Design Orr, Ashlee, Allied Member ASID Ostby Construction Inc. Outdoor Environments Inc. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives / pg. 2 Overhead Door Co. of Kansas City Overland Park Arboretum Owen Lumber Co. / pg. 29 Owens Remodeling LLC Pacific Mutual Door & Window Co. / pg. 60 Paint Pro Inc. Palmer Electric Company Papa, Linda, Allied Member ASID Parrott, Erin, Allied Member ASID Pasquini, Sheryl, Allied Member ASID Pat Friesen & Company LLC Patric J. Tierney Architect AIA PA Patrick Exteriors Paul Davis Restoration Payne, Rhoda, ASID Pella Products of KC Pendulum Studio LLC Performance Plus Homes Peters & Associates Inc. Peters, Rebecca, ASID PGAV Architects Phoenix Renovation & Restoration Inc. Pileggi & Reid Painting Pindler & Pindler Inc. Piper-Wind Architects Inc. Pittman, Janeane, Allied Member ASID Pitts, Jacqueline, Allied Member ASID Pleasant Settings Landscaping PM2 Elevator Advisors PMI Midwest

(816) 241-5197 (913) 764-5575 (816) 943-8400 (913) 492-2989 (816) 265-0533 (913) 649-2629 (913) 362-4242 (816) 505-0050 (816) 850-4167 (816) 525-0824 (913) 385-2962 (800) 336-6546 (816) 531-1486 (913) 722-0710 (913) 403-8136 (913) 685-0944 (816) 453-3049 (816) 510-6978 (660) 827-2115 (913) 362-0503 (913) 385-9926 (913) 288-6299 (800) 407-5000 (816) 363-4777 (913) 317-6772 (913) 207-7237 (785) 748-0615 (913) 871-1299 (316) 942-1820 (816) 365-4997 (913) 322-2444 (913) 831-1415 (913) 262-3200 (913) 780-2171 (816) 421-2050 (913) 722-5867 (913) 631-0088 (816) 500-5055 (316) 793-5235 (816) 729-6288 (308) 520-3535 (816) 217-6017 (913) 897-2706 (816) 318-0303 (816) 221-0072 (913) 685-3604 (816) 331-2211 (913) 322-2837 (816) 531-0161 (913) 685-4089 (816) 415-2252 (913) 393-3938 (913) 221-8414 (816) 478-6785 (913) 341-1211 (913) 642-5740 (913) 262-6824 (913) 345-2700 (913) 341-6050 (913) 492-7927 (816) 335-3030 (913) 851-0732 (913) 469-6865 (573) 346-7244 (913) 362-6500 (913) 599-0055 (913) 681-9945 (816) 588-6967 (816) 474-3050 (714) 907-6618 (417) 818-6882 (316) 729-4908 (913) 484-8482 (913) 484-4288

PODS (Portable On Demand Storage) Populous Portfolio Kitchen & Home Powell Gardens Preferred Kitchens & Baths of Leawood Prestia, Susan, Allied Member ASID ProSource of Lee’s Summit / pg. 75 ProSource of Lenexa / pg. 75 ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings / pg. 75 ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings / pg. 75 Provines, Susan, Allied Member ASID Puccio, Ann, ASID Quality Home Concepts LLC Quality Wood Products R3 Home Renovation LLC Ramler, Brenna, Allied Member ASID Ramsey, Kathleen, Allied Member ASID RARE Construction Inc. Raynor Garage Door of KC RBC Tile & Stone RDM Architecture Rea Company Framing Re-Bath of K.C. Rebecca Riden AIA Architect Red Oak Landscaping LLC Redd, Sallie, ASID Reece & Nichols Reed Architects Rees Masilionis Turley Architecture LLC Regarding Kitchens / pg. 57 Remodeling Pro, The Renewable Efficient Energy by the Eric Kjelshus Group Renewal by Andersen Renovation and Restoration Specialist Renovations, Etc. LLC Repairs Unlimited Inc. ReTouch Real Estate Enhancement REW Enterprise Inc. Rhino Builders Inc. Richard Clayton Barrett, ASLA River Bluff Architects Inc. RJ Wholesale Inc. RM Contracting Inc. Roach Brothers Construction Inc. Rodenbeck, Karen, ASID Rodopoulos, Loretta, Allied Member ASID Roellchen, Cherie, ASID Roellchen, Chrissy, Allied Member ASID Ron Reid Associates PC Roppe Corporation Rose Design Group Inc. Rosemann & Associates PC Rossiter, Ingrid, Allied Member ASID Roth Distributing Roundtree Remodeling Rug Studio, The Rupp, Tiffany, ASID Rusty’s Dandy Painting Inc. Sandner, Mary-Christin, Allied Member ASID Sarah Bibens & Associates Scandia Down by Terrasi Home / pg. 36 Scheinost, Cynthia, Allied Member ASID Schelstrate, Jan, Allied Member ASID Schiefen, Lori, ASID / pg. 12 Schloegel Design Remodel Schmitz, Lisa, ASID Schorgl, Julie, Allied Member ASID Schutte Lumber Co. / pg. 71 Scott Rice Office Works Scovell-Wolfe & Assoc. Sebring & Company SFS Architecture SGH Inc.

(888) 776-7637 (816) 221-1500 (816) 363-5300 (816) 697-2600 (913) 341-0111 (913) 789-7060 (816) 524-8998 (913) 599-4488 (913) 599-4488 (316) 942-8282 (816) 524-8998 (913) 908-1130 (417) 864-5500 (816) 694-1978 (816) 231-4601 (913) 302-1063 (816) 373-2156 (913) 449-4925 (816) 931-6171 (913) 422-0441 (913) 541-8453 (816) 361-9595 (816) 564-6388 (913) 671-8827 (913) 432-8282 (913) 533-2217 (913) 492-3158 (913) 345-0700 (816) 781-5300 (816) 842-1292 (913) 642-6184 (816) 763-8200 (816) 537-5100 (913) 385-1300 (913) 341-2850 (816) 246-5911 (913) 262-6937 (913) 871-9344 (816) 779-4918 (913) 722-4353 (913) 362-1200 (816) 232-7248 (816) 994-3720 (913) 208-6928 (913) 897-5886 (913) 814-9370 (816) 229-8981 (913) 709-5060 (913) 710-5281 (816) 792-3800 (816) 510-3359 (913) 782-0777 (816) 472-1448 (913) 254-9785 (913) 310-0443 (913) 220-4015 (316) 682-0033 (816) 767-4481 (913) 341-9125 (913) 620-0579 (888) 233-1876 (816) 753-4144 (913) 642-7012 (816) 665-5069 (913) 831-1415 (816) 361-9669 (816) 444-3297 (913) 339-9205 (816) 453-6262 (913) 227-7740 (816) 361-5959 (913) 888-8141 (816) 474-1397 (816) 452-4646 PLEASE TURN THE PAGE



Alpha Index A Comprehensive List of All Professionals from Our Kansas City Chapters

Shaffer, Kristina, Allied Member ASID Sherwin-Williams Sherwin-Williams Shivers, Nola, Allied Member ASID Shteamer, Paula, Allied Member ASID Sibley Orchards and Cider Mill Silk Road Travelers Simmons, Mary, Allied Member ASID Simply Green Lawn Sprinklers Inc. SKC Communication Products Inc. Slavens, Shannan, ASID Smith, Cordelia, ASID Smith, David, ASID Smith, Diane, Allied Member ASID Smith, Susan, ASID Soil Service Nursery Sonance Specht, Kelly, Allied Member ASID Spencer, Karla, Allied Member ASID Stainmaster Carpet Standard Improvement Company Stark Wilson Duncan Architects Inc. Starke, Anita, Allied Member ASID Starr Homes LLC / pg. 7 Steed Remodeling Steffen Custom Etching Stehl, Cindy, Allied Member ASID Steve Scherer Construction Stevermer Company Inc. Stewart, Vickie, ASID Stone, Deborah, Allied Member ASID StoneRidge Outdoor Straley, Ashlea, Allied Member ASID Strange, Jeanne, Allied Member ASID Stratton Mechanical Services LLC Stucco Repair Specialists LLC Sturgis Materials / pg. 5 Suburban Lawn and Garden Inc. Sudermann, Mark, Allied Member ASID Summit Architecture PC Sun Marble / pg. 57 Sunbrella Sunderland Brothers Company Surface Center Interiors LLC Surface Service Inc. Susan Richards Johnson & Associates SVB Wood Floor Service Inc. Taylor, Bonnie, ASID Taylor, Rebecca, Allied Member ASID Teague Electric Construction Inc. Terracon Consultants Tevis Architectural Group PA The Builders Association TheHomeMag Theodore Alexander Thiessen, Barbara, ASID Thomason, Emmilee, Allied Member ASID Thompson Construction & Remodeling Thompson, Karman, Allied Member ASID


(913) 269-5530 (913) 226-0144 (913) 381-0057 (417) 724-9400 (913) 722-7700 (816) 650-5535 (816) 241-2211 (816) 674-9725 (816) 746-6817 (800) 882-7779 (816) 215-9104 (913) 402-8101 (913) 227-7751 (316) 265-5247 (785) 273-1421 (816) 333-3232 (913) 495-2515 (913) 406-4494 (620) 874-5398 (816) 525-3873 (816) 931-7100 (816) 531-1698 (913) 317-9978 (913) 663-4548 (816) 931-2585 (816) 726-0406 (913) 648-1932 (913) 721-1153 (913) 268-3714 (816) 472-1448 (913) 236-0072 (913) 963-3723 (913) 579-6033 (816) 436-3279 (913) 485-0110 (816) 510-6375 (913) 371-7757 (816) 942-2921 (913) 636-0338 (816) 210-4104 (913) 438-3366 (336) 586-1240 (913) 894-5515 (913) 422-0500 (816) 361-5063 (816) 474-0900 (816) 965-8655 (913) 722-7700 (816) 734-5142 (913) 529-4600 (913) 492-7777 (913) 599-3003 (816) 595-4143 (913) 677-1708 (417) 882-5558 (316) 729-8740 (417) 830-6560 (816) 468-7426 (816) 838-2554

Thompson’s Frame & Gallery Tile & Stone Warehouse Timberstone Homes Tinsley, Jacqueline, Allied Member ASID Tischer, Mary, Allied Member ASID Titan Environmental Services Inc. TK Architects Inc. TNG Field Services Todd, Tina, Allied Member ASID Tomahawk Labor & Contracting Tompkins Architects Toohey, Cynthia, Allied Member ASID Top Master Inc. / pg. 77 Total Basement Finishing of Johnson County Total Home Touch of Distinction Colors & Design Towner, Susan, ASID Treanor Architects PA TrendStone LLC Turf Design Inc. Turner, Bobbie (B.J.), Allied Member ASID Turner, John, ASID Tyrer Wholesale Floor Covering Unique Tile Unique Tile United Heating Cooling & Plumbing Inc. Urban Prairie Architectural Collaborative PC USG Corporations Vannostran Painting Inc. Villasi, Ludwig, ASID Villeroy & Boch Wampler, Lisa, ASID Warner Nease Bost Architects Inc. Water’s Edge Wear, Carolyn, ASID Weber Flooring Weber Flooring Weitz Company, The Wellner Architects Inc. Wells Fargo Advisors Wendlandt & Stallbaumer / pg. 12 Werth, Cheryl, Allied Member ASID West, Terri, ASID Western Chandelier Co. Western Extralite Company Williams Spurgeon Kuhl & Freshnock Architects Inc. Wilson Built Cabinets / pg. 73 Wilson Group Inc., The Wilson Lighting Wilson, Kelly, ASID Winship, Nicole, Allied Member ASID WinWholesale WJE Healthcare Architects Wolfgang Trost Architects LLC Wood Perfect Hardwood Floors Inc. / pg. 75 Young Painting and Remodeling Young, Clarissa, Allied Member ASID

(913) 236-9515 (913) 432-7900 (816) 965-6500 (913) 685-3649 (816) 525-4775 (816) 960-4675 (816) 842-7552 (816) 931-4466 (816) 377-9404 (913) 371-2700 (816) 525-9833 (910) 528-7773 (913) 492-3030 (913) 962-0772 (913) 227-4149 (816) 931-9145 (573) 634-3177 (816) 221-0900 (913) 599-5492 (913) 764-6531 (660) 624-2149 (913) 599-4700 (913) 897-7323 (417) 725-5515 (800) 348-8453 (816) 761-5262 (816) 304-7416 (816) 804-4922 (816) 524-3781 (913) 236-2455 (913) 381-6014 (417) 864-5500 (816) 283-3731 (985) 841-6771 (913) 268-9126 (913) 469-5430 (913) 469-5434 (913) 469-7018 (816) 221-0017 (913) 341-4200 (913) 642-9559 (913) 217-8776 (417) 864-5500 (913) 685-2000 (816) 421-8404 (816) 300-4101 (785) 418-2311 (816) 537-0212 (913) 645-1500 (785) 227-8761 (816) 210-2930 (816) 765-2555 (913) 438-9095 (913) 341-2882 (913) 384-9663 (816) 507-9721 (417) 766-6350

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