Part-time Prospectus 10/11

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National College of Ireland

Part-time Prospectus

2010 - 2011

Design: Grainne Mc Elroy Photography: Bonnie Cullen

Contents National College of Ireland Part-Time Prospectus 2010- 2011

President’s Welcome

School of Business ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Master of Business Administration - MBA Master of Science in Management Master of Science in Marketing Master of Arts in Human Resource Management Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Human Resource Management Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Human Resource Management Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Industrial Relations and HRM Bachelor of Arts in Management Practice CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Management CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Management CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Development CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Development CIPD Award in Employment Law and Practice Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Management Higher Certificate in Business Certificate in First Line Management Certificate in Business Analysis

School of Business - Finance

... Master of Arts in Finance ... Masters Qualifying Programme in Finance ... BA (Hons) in Financial Services

School of Business - Short Programmes ... ... ... ...

Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate

in in in in

Entrepreneurship Financial Regulation Employment Law Workplace Dispute Resolution


6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44

48 50 52 54 55 56 57

Contents National College of Ireland Part-Time Prospectus 2010- 2011

School of Computing ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Master of Science/PhD in Technology Enhanced Learning Master of Science in Web Technologies Master of Science in Learning Technologies Postgraduate Diploma in Learning Technologies Higher Diploma in Science in Web Technologies Higher Diploma in Science in Computing in e-Learning Higher Diploma in Business in e-Business Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computing Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business Information Systems Bachelor of Arts in Management of Technology in Business Higher Certificate in Science in Computing in Applications and Support Certificate in Science in Web Technologies

School of Computing - Learning and Teaching

... Master of Arts in Learning and Teaching ... Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching

60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 86 88

School of Community Studies

and Further Education Awards ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Bachelor of Arts in Active Citizenship for Social Change Diploma in Community Organising Managing Organisations in the Community and Voluntary Sector Mediation Theory and Practice Social Studies FETAC Level 5 Certificate in Business Studies FETAC Level 6 Certificate in Management

School of Community - Short Programmes

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Mentoring People Management Practice in Community Settings Family Law Family and Community Support Skills

Admissions Transport National Campus Network Open Evenings Guide to Electives

92 94 97 98 100 102 104 106 107 108 109 112 116 118 119 120

Welcome from

the President

Welcome to National College of Ireland where we offer a distinctive student centred learning experience, through our state-of-the-art campus in the heart of Dublin’s vibrant international business centre, and across our Off Campus Centres. At NCI we have developed innovative teaching and learning technologies that are designed to support students who embark on education at all stages in their life and career. Whether you are embarking on third-level education for the first time or continuing your education, you will find a highly supportive environment in which to learn. For many students, the transition to third-level education can be a challenging one; however our small group teaching model with easy access to faculty, and our active student support services, work together to ensure that every student has the best possible chance of success. We believe in the unlimited potential of our students and we take pride in seeing our students realise their potential and surpass even their own expectations. We understand how education can transform lives, how i t can empower, accelerate careers and open up new opportunities. NCI offers an education that supports students in their intellectual development as well as their social development and as an institution it encourages active citizenship throughout the college. NCI teaching combines academic scholarship and theoretical knowledge with business and community practitioner experience to deliver practice-based learning that is grounded in a real world context.

Dr. Phillip Matthews President National College of Ireland

We believe our students should reflect the diversity in our society and through a range of initiatives we are committed to widening access to third-level education. NCI is a great place to learn so if you are considering enrolment we look forward to welcoming you on campus soon.

Dr. Phillip Matthews President




Student Profile Fred Rainert

Certificate in Personnel Practice

“Working in a landmark venue such as Johnnie Fox's is great but it also takes its toll, with some weeks hitting into 75 hours plus it makes life difficult to focus on studies but NCI was very adept at handling this with the mature part-time students. Whilst I had some trepidation about my ability to maintain the focus in a fast track course, the infrastructure and professional attitudes within NCI made it actually enjoyable.�


Master of Business

Administration - MBA

* Subject to HETAC approval

Programme Description

The NCI MBA programme will provide you with a strong theoretical foundation in the broader disciplines of management as well as focusing on the practical application of theory in real world settings and cases. You will be exposed to the latest thinking in the core disciplines of management organisation, people, strategy, management of financial resources and economics for managers. You will be able to choose from a wide range of electives specialising in areas such as marketing and international business, human resource m a n a g e m e n t , e n trepreneurship, and information technology. You will also have the opportunity to participate in an exciting management simulation game in your final semester. The programme will include an optional international field trip to China, India or the USA. The prog r a m m e emphasises the development of effective business and management skills to solve management problems through structured ana lysis, problem solving techniques, effe c t i v e d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g , e f f e c t i v e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d l e a d e r s h i p . The knowledge and skills acquired through our MBA will allow you to progress your own management career as well as encouraging you to consider creating a business of your own.


Who is the programme for?

The MBA is aimed at candidates with at least two years work experience seeking to start or develop a career in management.

Award and Progression

The Master in Business Administration programme is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 re s e a r c h d e g r e e s a n d i n s o m e c a s e s progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are required to hold a minimum of a level 8 qualification or equivalent on the National Framework of Qualifications and a minimum of two years work experience, ideally, but not necessarily, in management. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning non-graduates with very extensive professional experience and/or other prior qualifications may also be considered for the programme.

Programme Content (Subject to Change) Year 1 (Core Subjects) … Managing Financial Resources … Managing the Organisation … Economics for Management … Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics … Research Methods Year 2 (Core subjects) … Strategy … Managing People … Understanding the Global Environment ... Research Methods Plus choose one elective in year 1 and two electives in year 2 from: … Competitive Advantage and e-Business … Entrepreneurship … Marketing Management … Financial Markets and Securities … Performance Management … Managing e-Business Implementation … Negotiation and Leadership ... Law in a Business Context … International Field Trip

Elective choices are subject to student numbers.

Year 2 Semester 3 … Management Simulation Game … Dissertation or Management Project

Additional Information

Please note the international field trip elective will incur an additional fee. The college plans to run this programme on a part-time and full-time basis from January 2011. (Subject to HETAC approval.)

Fa c t Fi l e

Indicative Schedule

Two evenings per week plus some Saturday workshops.


IFSC Campus


Proposed Start Date January 2011


€6,375 per annum (€12,750 Total fee) (Fees revised annually)

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

2 years. 5 semesters. 4 taught semesters and a final dissertation or management project.


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile P r o f . J i m my H i l l

Dean of School of Business

“The MBA is the most robust, enduring and internationally recognised of all management qualifications. It will shape you as a business leader and give you a tremendous educational experience.”

For updated information see


Master of Science in

Management * Subject to HETAC approval

Programme Description

The MSc in Management has been developed to satisfy the demand for programmes which combine a strong theoretical foundation with a firm focus on practical application. You will be exposed to the most current schools of thought in disciplines such as international business, finance, marketing, e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p a n d s t r a t e g y . T he programme also provides a series of elective modules for students to explore other areas of interest or to emphasise their development on a specific area of their choice. Development of effective managerial skills which include analytical problem solving, decision-making, effective communication and leadership, are encouraged throughout the programme. Such skills provide strong tools which can be applied in real day-to-day management situations, and serve graduates to aim at higher management positions within the organisation. Note: The college intends to also offer a full time version of this programme. See for details.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is aimed at individuals from a range of related areas who are aiming at following a career path which requires them to step into middle to top management positions. Additionally, the programme can provide a transition stage for graduates from other disciplines who wish to move into the management arena either as practitioners, researchers or consultants.

Award and Progression

The MSc in Management programme is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are normally required to hold a minimum of a 2.2 honours degree in either a cognate or non-cognate area at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning non-graduates with very extensive professional experience and/or other prior qualifications may also be considered for the programme.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

Start Date

September 2010

Fees (Subject to Change) Year 1 (Core Subjects) … International Business … Financial Management … Research Methods … Marketing Management

Year 2 (Core subjects) … Strategy for Decision Making … Economics for Management … Strategic Organisation ... Research Methods Plus choose one elective per year from: … Competitive Advantage and e-Business … Entrepreneurship … Financial Markets and Securities … International Finance … Services Marketing … Strategic HRM

Monday and Wednesday evenings and some Saturday workshops.


IFSC Campus

Programme Content

Indicative Schedule

€3,950 per annum (€7,900 Total Fee) (Fees revised annually)

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

2 years. 5 semester. 4 taught semesters and a final semester dissertation.

Application Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile Fabián Armendáriz Course Director

“For any graduate, this programme is the ideal first step into the management arena either as a practitioner, a researcher or a consultant.”

Elective choices are subject to student numbers.

Year 2 semester 3 … Management Simulation Game … Dissertation 9

Master of Science in

Marketing * Subject to HETAC approval

Programme Description

The MSc in Marketing has been specifically designed with the needs of current and fu t u r e m a r k e t i n g p r o f e s s i o n a l s a n d managers in mind. The programme equips you with a comprehensive under standing of the key foundations of the marketing discipline as well as providing you with a detailed understanding of the marketplace. In addition you will learn how to apply the latest marketing theory and thinking in an increasingly complex trading environment through a firm focus on practical application. The course will cover the core marketing dis c i p l i n e s s u c h a s i n t e g r a t e d communications, consumer behaviour, strategic marketing management and international marketing. You will be afforded an opportunity to specialise in particular marketing themes which include brand management, entrepreneurship, management of the digital environment and e-Business. Note: The college intends to also offer a full time version of this programme. See for details.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is aimed at those seeking to advance their studies and/or professional career in marketing and its related fields.

Award and Progression

The Master of Science in Marketing programme is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are required to hold a minimum of a level 8 qualification or equivalent on the National Framework of Qualifications. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning non-graduates with very extensive professional experience and/or other prior qualifications may also be considered for the programme.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

€3,950 per annum (€7,900 Total Fee)

Start Date


IFSC Campus

(Fees revised annually)

September 2010

Indicative Schedule

Programme Content

(Subject to Change) Year 1 (Core Subjects) … Fundamentals of Marketing … Consumer Behaviour … Integrated Marketing Communications … Research Methods Year 2 (Core subjects) … Strategic Marketing Management … International Marketing … Services Marketing Management … Research Methods Plus choose one elective per year from: … Brand Management … Entrepreneurship … Financial Management … Corporate Governance, Business Ethics & CSR … Digital Environment Management & e-Business … International Finance … Commercial Law … Economics for Management Elective choices are subject to student numbers.

Year 2 … Dissertation


Monday and Wednesday evenings and some Saturday workshops.

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

2 years. 5 semesters. 4 taught semesters and a final semester dissertation.


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile Michael Bane Course Director

“The MSc Marketing has been sp ec i fi c a l l y d e velo p e d for aspiring managers seeking to embark on a career in marketing management. The programme marries the latest academic thinking to essential practical skills and strategic thinking, which contemporary marketers require in dealing with the full remit of their organisational responsibilities from brand management to devising legal and financial policy to digital environment management and e-business.” 11

Master of Arts in

Human Resource

Management Senior human resource professionals have a significant role to play in ensuring the achievement of organisational objectives working alongside other business leaders. They are required to have a broad business focus coupled with in-depth human resource management knowledge enabling them to think and act strategically.

Programme Description

As this programme shares a common first year with the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM, you will be exposed to a unique combination of up to the minute current academic thinking in the area of business and HRM and perceived current best practice. In the final semester you have the opportunity to explore in detail a research question which is relevant to you or your organisation in the form of a capstone dissertation. Note: The college also offers a full-time version of this programme. See for details. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.


Who is the programme for?

This programme is aimed at those professionals wishing to advance their career to assume positions at a senior management level with a specific focus on HRM.

Award and Progression

The Ma s t e r o f A r t s i n H u m a n R e s o u rce Management is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete the first three semesters of the programme may choose to exit the programme at that time with the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM. Graduates will be eligible to apply for graduate membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) after successful completion of the first three semesters. A membership fee will be payable directly to CIPD. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

Honours (level 8) primary degree (minimum 2nd class honours) in a cognate area. The college operates an accreditation of prior learning scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application and/or interview.

Programme Content

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Managing for Results Leading the Organisation Strategic Business Environment Legal Environment People Resourcing People Management and Development Learning and Development Employee Relations Strategic HRM Management Report Research Methods Dissertation

Indicative Schedule

Semester One, Two & Three Lectures: Friday 18.00-22.00 and Saturday 09.30-18.00

Workshops: Approximately 13 workshops which take place on selected Wednesday evenings, 18.00-22.00 for the purposes of completing mandatory CIPD professional standards.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

IFSC Campus


Start Date

September 2010

2 years



Year 1: € 7,500 Year 2: € 3,450

Apply online at

(Fees revised annually)

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Additional Information

The Master of Arts in HRM comprises four semesters of study Year 1 ... Semester One (September to the end of December) ... Semester Two (January to early May) ... Semester Three (May to July) Year 2 ... Semester Four (January to early June) Each student is allocated an individual supervisor for the duration of the fourth semester. It should be noted that the final semester of the course requires a high level of independent learning in order to complete the dissertation.

Student Profile A li s o n S l e e th

Master of Arts in Human Resource Management

“I met some fantastic people on my course at NCI. You learn so much from other participants on the programme.”


Postgraduate Diploma in

Arts in Human Resource Management (CIPD)

This programme is a unique offering, allowing students to study over three consecutive semesters within one calendar year to receive the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Human Resource Management. Successful completion of the programme leads to graduate membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Programme Description

This intensive programme has been developed in consultation with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). You will learn the latest concepts in managing for results, strategic management, people resourcing, employee relations, the legal environment and learning and development. The programme will deepen your insight into human resource management theories and allow you to understand them in dynamic business environments. You will be able to analyse business needs and deliver effective solutions that optimise the people resources of your organisation. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.


Who is the programme for?

This programme is aimed primarily at those individuals seeking an academic qualification at postgraduate level combined with a practitioner recognised qualification in the area of human resource management, namely CIPD. This programme is geared towards people with a professional commitment to HR and professional development. The programme utilises an applied assessment methodology. The ability to work in a group setting and to engage in significant self-directed learning will be essential.

Award and Progression

The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Human Resource Management is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Graduates will be eligible to apply for graduate membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) for which a membership fee will be payable directly to CIPD. Students who successfully complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM have the option of continuing their studies to receive the award of Master of Arts in HRM (see page 12). Those students who transfer onto the MA in HRM programme will be required to complete an additional semester consisting of a research methods module and a minor dissertation. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

Fa c t Fi l e Fees



Indicative Schedule


IFSC Campus

Programme Content

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Managing for Results Leading the Organisation Strategic Business Environment Legal Environment People Resourcing People Management and Development Learning and Development Employee Relations Strategic HRM Management Report Research Methods

(Fees revised annually)

Friday 18.30 - 21.30 & Saturday 09.30 - 16.30

Start Date

September 2010

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

1 Calendar Year – 39 weeks


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Entry Requirements

Honours (level 8) primary degree (minimum 2nd class honours) in a cognate area. The college operates an accreditation of prior learning scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application and/or interview.

Additional Information

The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM comprises three semesters of study: ... Semester One (September to the end of December) ... Semester Two (January to early May) ... Semester Three (May to July)

Student Profile B r i a n B il lin g s

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Human Resource Management

“NCI has a really good location and even better staff. The level of HR expertise was outstanding.”


Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in

Business Programme Description

This programme will give you a comprehensive knowledge across all the main areas of business. You will gain a broad knowledge and the latest insights into marketing, finance, human resource management and all the related functions of any successful business. You will also understand how the political, legal, economic and societal environment influence the business environment. This course will give you a broad understanding of business and the ability to critically analyse business problems and generate long term business solutions and strategy. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is ideal for those working or planning to work in any area of management, business or organisational life. It will give you an understanding that can be taken into any sector.

Award and Progression

The BA (Honours) in Business is awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s . T h i s a w a r d w i l l a l low progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Under 23’s will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

Programme Content Year 1 Core Subjects ... Business Law ... Marketing ... Organisational Behaviour ... Financial Accounting 1 ... Microeconomics Year 2 Core Subjects ... Human Resourse Management ... Quantitative Analysis ... Macroeconomics ... Entrepreneurship ... Financial Accounting 2 ... Management ... plus 2 electives (see page 120) Years 3 & 4 Core Subjects ... International Business ... Project Management ... Strategic Management ... Economic and Social Policy ... Operations Planning and Design ... Plus 2 electives in year 3 (see page 120) ... In year 4 you will complete a Dissertation or 3 electives

IFSC Campus

Annual Fees

Indicative Schedule

(Fees revised annually)

Start Date

September 2010


For Further Information contact:

T: 1850 221 721 E:

€3,800 per annum

Two evenings per week (Monday and Wednesday) Duration plus additional workshops 4 years with 26 as required weeks per year

The Admissions Team

Apply online at

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile R o s a li n d B e e r e

Course Director

“The BA (Honours) in Business is a degree that allows learners to pursue a career in business or management. It provides them with the opportunity to gain a general and broad focused degree, thereby maximising th e i r o p p o r t u n i t y t o g a i n emp lo y ment in a var ie t y of industries and sectors.”


Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in


Who is the programme for?

Programme Description

Award and Progression

The BA (Hons) in Accounting will provide you with the knowledge and skills for a career in accountancy, taxation, finance and related fields. The course covers the essential elements of accounting and also helps you understand how accounting supports the wider business.The programme will give you a thorough understanding of the theory and practice of professional accountancy. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.


For those working or planning to work in accounting and related fields.

The BA (Honours) in Accounting is awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ. Graduates may apply for substantial exemptions from all the major professional accounting and taxation bodies.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Under 23’s will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

Programme Content

Year 1 Core Subjects ... Business Law ... Marketing ... Organisational Behaviour ... Financial Accounting 1 ... Microeconomics Year 2 Core Subjects ... Macroeconomics ... Human Resource Management ... Quantitative Analysis ... Financial Accounting 2 ... Taxation 1 ... Management Accounting 1 ... Plus 2 electives (see page 120) Years 3 & 4 Core Subjects ... Taxation 2 ... Management Accounting 2 ... Financial Reporting ... Financial Management ... Business Ethics ... Introduction to Strategy ... Financial Statement Analysis ... Plus 2 electives in year 3 (see page 120) ... In year 4 you will complete a Dissertation or 4 electives

IFSC Campus

Annual Fees

Indicative Schedule

(Fees revised annually)

â‚Ź3,800 per annum

Two evenings per week (Monday and Wednesday) plus additional workshops as required

4 years with 26 weeks per year

Start Date

September 2010


For Further Information contact:

T: 1850 221 721 E:

The Admissions Team


Apply online at

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile D e s m on d G i b n e y Course Director

"Accounting may seem like a foreign language, but it is a language that managers need to learn to speak and understand. This degree explains the theory of accounting, but with a practical focus."


Master of Arts in

Human Resource

Management Human Resource Bachelor of Arts in

Management (CIPD)

(Part-time and Weekend options) Our BA programme is offered in part-time mode two evenings per week or in a flexible mode on Saturdays.

Programme Description

This degree will equip you with the knowledge, skills and competence expected of human resource professionals. You will cover leading edge thinking in the human resource field and gain a thorough understanding of the wider contribution which the human resource role makes to organisational success. The programme offers considerable benefits to your organisation as it helps you to build organisational capability and improve the performance and HR capital of the organisation. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.

20 56

Who is the programme for?

The programme is aimed at people working in the human resource management area or intending to move into this area. Students come from a wide variety of organisations and the interactive sessions allow you to gain insights from many different sectors.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management is awarded by HETAC at level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 8 programmes on the NFQ. Graduates will be eligible to apply for associate membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) for which a fee must be paid directly to CIPD. Many students will elect to study for an additional year to obtain the BA Honours in HRM featured on page 22.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Under 23’s will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Fa c t Fi l e

Fact File Location

Programme Content

Year 1 ... Introduction to HRM ... Introduction to Management ... Recruitment & Selection ... Introduction to Finance ... Organisational Behaviour ... Business Law ... Advanced Selection Methods ... Internal and External Consulting 1 Year 2 ... Learning and Development ... Principles of Employment Law ... Statistics ... Technology in HR ... Industrial Relations & the Regulation of Conflict ... People Management ... Internal and External Consulting 2 ... Equality and Diversity Year 3 ... Reward Management ... Change Management ... HRM in the Corporate Framework ... Project Management ... Work Based Project & Research Methods ... Ethics & Social Responsibility ... Business Communication and Influencing

Additional Information

Part-time involves two evenings per week. The flexible weekend option involves one full day per week (Saturday).

Annual Fees

IFSC Campus

€3,800 per annum

Indicative Schedule Tuesday & Thursday 18.30-21.30 or Saturday 09.30 - 17.30

(Fees revised annually)


3 years for part-time and weekend options


Start Date

September 2010

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Student Profile Eil een Courtney

BA in Human Resource Management

“I found NCI to be very encouraging and supportive to learners like myself who have been out of education for a while. Everyone is a little nervous at first but the support is great and you soon get into your stride.”

21 56

Bachelor of (Hons) Master ofArts Arts in in

HumanResource Resource Human

Management Management (Part-time and Flexible options)

Our BA Honours Programme is offered in part - time mode two evenings per week or in a flexible mode on Saturdays. Many students will use this honours degree as a one year top up to the BA in HRM featured on page 20.

Programme Description

This programme reflects our extensive experience in the human resource management arena together with our close links to industry and will equip you with the skills and professional competence expected of HR professionals. The programme will cover the knowledge and theory of professional HRM. Using a variety of learning techniques you will also gain the ability to apply HRM best practice in real situations. Recognising the increasing central importance of HRM the programme will also give you an understanding of the wider contribution which strategic HRM makes to organisational success. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.

22 56

Who is the programme for?

The programme is aimed at those currently working in human resource management or intending to move into HR. The programme will enable you to progress to more senior HRM roles in a wide variety of organisations.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Human Resource Management is awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

A BA in HRM (level 7) or equivalent. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

Fa c t Fi l e

Fact File Location

Annual Fees

IFSC Campus

€3,800 per annum

Indicative Schedule

Monday & Wednesday 18.00 – 22.00 or Saturday 09.00 – 17.00

Start Date

September 2010

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

Programme Content

... Economic and Social Policy ... Strategic Human Resource Management … Strategic Management ... Industrial Relations: Contemporary issues

(Fees revised annually)


1 year – 26 weeks (Two semesters)


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Plus the choice of: ... Dissertation Or … Project Management ... Plus 2 elective modules (see page 120)

Additional Information

The part-time option involves two evenings per week and some additional Saturdays. In the flexible Saturday option lectures take place every Saturday and modules are delivered in blocks. This option involves a significant amount of self-directed learning outside of class contact hours.

Student Profile C a t r i on a D a l y

BA (Hons) in Human Resource Management

“NCI is a great place to meet new people, I found the lecturers in particular to be very interesting and informative. I feel the course is tremendously benefical for my career.”

23 56

Who is the programme for?

The programme is aimed at people working in in d u s t r i a l r e l a t i o n s a n d h u m a n r e s o u r c e management or intending to move into this area. Students come from a wide variety of organisations and the interaction in the classes allows you to gain insights from many different sectors and roles. The programme will be of particular interest to full-time and lay trade union officials, HR managers, and those working in state agencies such as the LRC.

Award and Progression

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in

Industrial Relations

and HRM Programme Description

This degree will equip you with the knowledge, skills and competence in the fields of industrial relations and human resource management. You will cover leading edge thinking in the field and gain a thorough understanding of the wider connection between industrial relations and HR practice within organisations and the wider society. The programme offers considerable benefits to your organisation as it helps you to build organisational capability and improve performance. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.


BA (Honours) in Industrial Relations and HRM is awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ. Graduates will be eligible to apply for a place on the NCI Postgraduate Diploma in HRM which makes available graduate membership of the CIPD. Details of this programme can be found on page 14.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Under 23’s will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Additional Information

Part-time involves two evenings per week and some weekend workshops over four years. The programme is delivered in three stages, with an embedded award at each stage. (Subject to HETAC approval) Stage One comprises the Certificate in Industrial Relations and HRM, and is completed in three semesters. Stages One and Two comprise the Diploma in Industrial Relations and HRM, and is completed in six semesters. Stages One, Two and Three comprise the BA (Honours) in Industrial Relations and HRM, which is completed in nine semesters.

Fa c t Fi l e Annual Fees


IFSC Campus

€3,800 per annum

Start Dates


(Fees revised annually)

September 2010

Programme Content

Year 1 ... Industrial Relations and the Regulation of Conflict ... HRM ... Trade Unions ... Quantitative Analysis (Statistics) ... Organisational Behaviour Year 2 … Managing Finance ... Microeconomics ... Macroeconomics ... Management of the Employment Relationship ... Collective Bargaining in the Workplace and Beyond Year 3 ... Reward Management ... Theories of Trade Unionism … Employment Law (2 modules) ….The Sociology of Work … Social Ethics Year 4 ... Strategic HRM ... Economic and Social Policy ... Contemporary Issues in Industrial Relations ... Comparative Industrial Relations in the European Framework ... Undergraduate Dissertation

Indicative Schedule Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 21.30 For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

4 Years for Part-time students over 9 semesters

Application Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile C ol i n W h i t s t on Course Director

“This degree is designed for those practising in the areas of Industrial Relations and HRM. It should appeal to Trade Unionists, HR professionals, and others who se e k t o g a i n a t h o r o ugh understanding o f contemporary issues in industrial relations in Ireland.”


Who is the programme for?

Bachelor of Arts in


Practice Programme Description

This programme will help managers or aspiring managers in small and medium enterprises to run their business more effectively. The programme is structured across the key themes of: Managing People and Behaviour, Operations, Organisational Context and Development. A key feature of this degree programme is an emphasis on applied learning and assessment methodologies to develop key skills such as budget preparation, presentations, action research and report writing.


The programme is targeted at owner managers of small to medium sized enterprises and managers and aspiring managers of small departments and divisions.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Arts in Management Practice is awarded by HETAC at level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 8 programmes on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Under 23’s will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent. The programme allows progression, from which exemptions may apply, for students who have obtained a HETAC Certificate in First Line Management, the FETAC Advanced Certificate in Management and the HETAC Higher Certificate in Business Studies.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

Annual Fees

Indicative Schedule


€3,800 per annum

IFSC Campus

Programme Content Year 1 ... Leadership ... Communications and Influencing ... Working with People ... Human Resource Management for Managers ... Managing Finance ... Customer Service ... Employment Law ... Business Management Year 2 ... Health and Safety ... Management Accounting for Managers ... Technology for Business ... Sales and Marketing for Managers ... Economics for Managers ... Enterprise ... Business Law ... Research Methods Year 3 ... Change Management ... Managing Employee Performance ... Quality Management ... Managing Productivity ... Innovation ... Managing Organisational Strategy ... The Company Plan

Tuesday & Thursday evenings 4 Saturdays will be required in Semester 1

Start Dates

September 2010

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

(Fees revised annually)

3 years


Apply online at

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile D es G argan

Course Director

“Some existing management development programmes are not sufficiently focused on the needs of managers and business people. This programme is based on the real business challenges of the participants. It is highly relevant and focused.”


Certificate in Human Resource

Who is the programme for?


For managers wanting a better knowledge of personnel, those working in HR or wishing to develop a HR career. The wide range of participants will be a vital part of your learning experience.

(Previously Certificate in Personnel Practice)

Award and Progression


Programme Description

This highly regarded and popular programme (previously the Certificate in Personnel Practice) has been revised and upgraded. The programme offers core skills and knowledge in human resource management and has a strong focus on practical HR skills as well as theory. The programme will cover key skills in recruitment and selection, managing performance and employment law. The programme will benefit a wide range of people who need HRM skills to perform effectively. This programme is currently under review by CIPD. Programme details are subject to change and schedule and fees are to be confirmed. See for updated information.


CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Management. The programme assists graduates in gaining associate membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). CIPD qualifications and membership are often required by employers seeking to hire HR staff. To qualify for t h e a w a r d a n d a s s o c i a t e membership students may be required to complete a work based assessment and a separate membership fee must be paid directly to CIPD. Graduates of the Certificate in HRM will gain some exemptions from the BA in Human Resource Management, featured on page 20.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

IFSC Campus and National Campus Network September 2010 & January 2011

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to change career into human resources.There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.

Programme Content

... Recruitment and Selection ... Performance Management ... Human Resources and the Organisational Context … Employment Law Practice Assessment is by means of assignments, skills assessments, projects and exams.

See website for details


Start Dates

Entry Requirements


Apply online at

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Student Profile M a r ia M o r r is e y

Certificate in Personnel Practice

“I enjoyed the diversity of the candidates in the class and I learned an awful lot from listening to their experiences.”

Indicative Schedule One evening per week


Diploma in Human Resource

Management (CIPD)

Programme Description

This new programme offers core skills and knowledge in human resource management and has a strong focus on practical HR skills as well as theory. The programme will cover key skills in recruitment and selection, managing performance, employment law and training. The programme will benefit a wide range of people who need HRM skills to perform effectively. This programme is currently under review by CIPD. Programme details are subject to change and schedule and fees are to be confirmed. See for updated information.


Who is the programme for?

For managers wanting a better knowledge of personnel, people working in HR and people wishing to develop a career in HR. The wide range of participants from different industries and job roles will be a vital part of your learning experience.

Award and Progression

CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Management. The programme assists graduates in gaining associate membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). CIPD qualifications and membership are often required by employers seeking to hire HR staff. To qualify for t h e a w a r d a n d a s s o c i a t e membership students may be required to complete a wo r k b a sed a ssessme nt a nd a sep ar a te membership fee must be paid directly to CIPD. Graduates of the Diploma in HRM will gain exemptions from the BA in Human Resource Management featured on page 20.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

IFSC Campus and National Campus Network

September 2010

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to change career into human resources. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.

See website for details

Apply online at

Start Date

Entry Requirements


For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Programme Content

... Recruitment and Selection ... Performance Management ... Human Resources and the Organisational Context … Employment Law and Implementation … Training Design and Delivery Assessment is by means of assignments, skills assessments, projects and exams.

Indicative Schedule

Student Profile O rlaith Wixtead

Certificate in Personnel Practice

“The course was delivered in a very practical manner. The lecturers had strong HR expertise. I found the scheduling of the course allowed me to get on with my full-time job.”

Two evenings per week


Certificate in Human Resource

Development (CIPD)

(Previously Certificate in Training Practice)

Programme Description

This highly regarded and popular programme (previously the Certificate in Training Practice) has been revised and upgraded. Training & Development is about understanding the role, contribution and practice of the training department. This programme will develop core competencies and skills which will improve the practical performance of staff in training areas. The programme is highly practical and you will have the opportunity to gain experience of training alongside other professionals. This programme is currently under review by CIPD. Programme details are subject to change and schedule and fees are to be confirmed. See for updated information.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is for those involved in training and development in organisations or working as independent trainers. It is also aimed at training administrators seeking a broader understanding of the principles of training and those employed in training roles who wish to acquire a professional qualification. The programme will also appeal to new entrants in the area.

Award and Progression

CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Development. The programme assists graduates in gaining associate membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). To qualify for t h e a w a r d a n d a s s o c i a t e membership students may be required to complete a work based assessment and a separate membership fee must be paid directly to CIPD.

Fa c t Fi l e


IFSC Campus Start Dates October 2010 and January 2011

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to change career towards training & development. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.


See website for details


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Programme Content

... Training and the Organisational Context ... Identification of Training and Development Needs (TNA) ... Training Design ... Delivery & Evaluation of Training

Student Profile

Assessment is by means of assignments, skills assessments, projects and exams.

“I really enjoyed the course. It was very practical, interactive and I met great people!�

C r i s t i na N u n e z

Certificate in Training Practice

Indicative Schedule One evening per week



Diploma in Human Resource

Development (CIPD)

Programme Description

This new programme will develop core competencies and skills which will improve the practical performance of staff in training areas. The programme has a strong focus on practical training skills as well as theory and you will have the opportunity to gain experience of training alongside other professionals. This programme is currently under review by CIPD. Programme details are subject to change and schedule and fees are to be confirmed. See for updated information.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is for those involved in training and development in organisations or working as independent trainers. It is also aimed at training administrators seeking a broader understanding of the principles of training and those employed in training roles who wish to acquire a professional qualification. The programme will also appeal to new entrants in the area.

Award and Progression

CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Development. The programme assists graduates in gaining associate membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

To qualify for t h e a w a r d a n d a s s o c i a t e membership students may be required to complete a work based assessment and a separate membership fee must be paid directly to CIPD.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

IFSC Campus


See website for details

Start Dates

September 2010

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to change career towards training & development. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. .

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team


Apply online at

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Programme Content

... Training and the Organisational Context ... Identification of Training and Development Needs (TNA) ... Training Design ... Delivery & Evaluation of Training … Coaching and Mentoring … Blended Learning … Organisation Development Assessment is by means of assignments, skills assessments, projects and exams.

Indicative Schedule Two evenings per week

Student Profile C a r o l Ho u li h a n

Certificate in Training Practice

“I’m a technical writer with a software company and my role extends to supporting the training function. This course provides an excellent foundation in all aspects of training in the workplace combining just the right balance of theoretical and practical knowledge.”


CIPD Award in

Employment Law

and Practice (Previously Certificate in Employment Relations, Law and Practice)

Programme Description

This CIPD award of professional competence will give you the skills and knowledge needed in managing difficult employment situations at work. The programme covers the key aspects of employment law and practice that is required by HR professionals, line and owner managers. The programme is highly practical applying case law to real life situations. On completion participants will be able to deal with such issues as redundancies, unfair dismissals, poor performance and equality.. This programme is currently under review by CIPD. Programme details are subject to change and schedule and fees are to be confirmed. See for updated information.


Who is the programme for?

Suitable for those who are working in HR at the moment or for those with experience in some aspects of HR who wish to further their career. Given the importance of the issues, the course will also appeal to those working at line manager level or those running a small business with no HR unit in place.

Award and Progression

CIPD Award in Employment Law and Practice.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those working in HR or seeking to upgrade their knowledge of employment law. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

IFSC Campus


Start Dates

September 2010 and January 2011


For Further Information contact:

T: 1850 221 721 E:

The Admissions Team

See website for details Apply online at

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Programme Content

... Employment Law ... Managing Performance ... Redundancies … Dismissals

Assessment is by means of assignments, skills assessments, projects and exams.

Indicative Schedule One evening per week

Student Profile Jo a n n e De m p s e y

Certificate in Employment Relations, Law and Practice.

“You get to build great relationships and seek help from classmates because of the small class . What I was learning in the classroom I was putting into practice every day in the workplace.”


Diploma in Marketing, Advertising,

Public Relations and

Sales Management (ICM)

Programme Description

This Institute of Commercial Management programme will enable you to approach marketing advertising, PR & sales with a greater level of understanding and to create your own advertisements & PR materials using contemporary theories and frameworks. Classes are specifically designed to reflect the vocational and practical nature of the course incorporating a variety of contemporary case studies as well as a comprehensive project which you can relate to your own working situation or company. Individuals enrolling on the course will gain practical insights and knowledge in key marketing skills such as how to analyse markets, undertake research, approach market planning as well as prepare advertising, public relations and sales strategies.


Who is the programme for?

The ICM Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations & Sales Management is specifically designed for those with an interest in marketing or communications who seek a recognised qualification to enhance future employment prospects and career progression.

Award and Progression

Institute of Commercial Management Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, PR and Sales Management.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. Applicants will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

IFSC Campus and selected €1,990 locations of our National (Fees revised annually) Campus Network



Indicative Schedule

Monday & Wednesday 18.30 - 21.30

26 weeks or 13 weeks intensive

Start Date


September 2010 and January 2011

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Programme Content

... Advertising & Promotions ... Advertising Agencies, Structures & Client Relationships ... Media Planning & Strategy ... Sales Promotions ... Direct Marketing ... Planning & Managing Public Relations Campaigns ... Corporate Social Responsibility & Reputation Management ... Crisis Management

Additional Information

This programme is offered over 26 weeks starting in September 2010. We also intend to offer a more intensive 13 week programme in January 2011.

Student Profile Austin Foley

ICM Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations & Sales Management

“I felt the course was really beneficial to anyone from a non-marketing background. The lecturers really knew their stuff and applied many of the examples to an Irish context. It was very interesting.”


Higher Certificate in

Business Programme Description

The programme will give you a fully rounded knowledge of the key theories and concepts relevant to business. You will cover the latest thinking in the core areas of business; from human resource management to marketing, from communications to business strategy, and from accounting to law. You will learn how to apply these concepts in day-to-day business life. The range of knowledge and skills acquired will enhance your career in business, enterprise or related fields. The course will be assessed with an interesting and involving range of continuous assessment assignments, projects and end of semester examinations. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is aimed at those from all sectors who wish to increase their knowledge of business and enhance their career prospects. The Higher Certificate also serves as a platform for further study.

Award and Progression

The Higher Certificate in Business is awarded by HETAC at level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Graduates who successfully pass the programme will be eligible for entry into the second stage of level 8 programmes su c h a s t h e B A i n B u s i n e s s , B A i n Accounting or the BA in Finance. Due to the specialised nature of subjects covered students wishing to progress to the level 7 BA in HRM can progress to the second stage.

Fa c t Fi l e Location

IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. Applicants will be considered based on relevant work and other experience.

Programme Content Year 1 ... Organisational Behaviour ... Business Communications ... Management … Marketing ... Accounting … Introduction to e-Business … Quantitative Analysis Year 2 ... Business Law … Introduction to Business Strategy ... Economics ... Human Resource Management ... Project Management … International Business … Enterprise and Entrepreneurship … Quantitative Analysis

Start Date

September 2010

Tuesday & Thursday 18.00 - 22.00 & Saturday 10.00 - 14.00

Annual Fees

Second Year Students for 2010/11 ONLY: Tuesday, Thursday 18.30 - 21.30 and Saturday 10.00 - 13.00


For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

€2,990 per annum (Fees revised annually)

2 years


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Student Profile John Paul Geraghty

Higher Certificate in Business

“I really enjoyed studying this course for two years, particularly the employment skills modules. It gives a great grounding as you can see how all the areas of business sit together.”


Certificate in

First Line Management Programme Description

This programme fully equips you with the necessary skills to be an effective supervisors, team leaders and first line managers. It will give you the knowledge and skills to get better results in any supervisory role. First line management is always popular, because if you are working as a manager or supervisor with limited formal training, this programme provides a superb grounding in all the key skills you will need and an ideal start to your management studies. The college also intends to offer a blended learning/online version of this course in late 2010. For updates see


Who is the programme for?

The programme is aimed at those who have been recently appointed to supervisory positions and those planning to become a supervisor. Participants on the programme have come from every type of organisation and every type of industry sector.

Award and Progression

The Certificate in First Line Management is a Special Purpose Award (30 Credits) awarded by HETAC at level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 6/7 programmes on the NFQ. Graduates will be eligible to apply for: ... the BA in Manangement Practice with module exemptions. ... the second year of the Higher Certificate in Business subject to completing bridging studies in accounting.

Fa c t Fi l e

Start Date

September 2010

Programme Content Leadership and Communications ... Leadership Theory ... Motivation ... Managing Teams ... Managing Conflict ... Managing Change … Interviewing Skills … Presentation Skills Business Management ... The Role of the Manager ... Business Planning ... Quality Management ... Customer Care Legal and Regulatory Framework ... Principles of Irish Law ... Employee Relations ... Employment Law ... Health and Safety

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.

Additional Information

This programme is offered at various centres around the country. (see page 118)


IFSC and National Campus Network.

Annual Fees

Indicative Schedule

(Fees revised annually)

Part-time Tuesday 18.30 – 21.30 Day release Tuesday 13.00 – 18.30 Plus one Saturday for induction and effective learner workshop

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

€975 Part-time per annum €1,950 Day Release


Part-time 2 years Day Release 1 year


Apply online at

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Student Profile Grainne Anders on

Certificate in First Line Management

“The small class sizes were excellent. It was great to have the day release option and the course was very practical.”


Certificate in

Business Analysis Programme Description

This is a management course that has been developed in association with the Business Analysts Association of Ireland. The role of the business analyst is to identify the core business objectives of an organisation and its constituent parts and to ensure that the processes, procedures, systems, and structures that are in place are the most effective and efficient to enable it to achieve its core objectives. This professional course offers academic accreditation for business analysts and for those who play a leading role in improving business performance, either in their own company, or in a consultancy role to others, through the use of proven business analysis techniques.

Fact File Start Dates

September 2010 and January 2011


IFSC Campus and Cork

Indicative Schedule

2 days per month Thursday & Friday 09.00-17.00

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team or


Fees â‚Ź3,250

(Fees revised annually)


6 months


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Who is the programme for?

This course is for business analysts and those who aspire to work in the role. It is ideal for those currently w o r k i n g a s , business analysts, internal and external consultants and advisors, managers, team leaders and members of improvement teams.

Award and Progression

The Certificate in Business Analysis is a Special Purpose Award (15 credits) awarded by HETAC at Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students may transfer to other related level 8 programmes subject to normal entry requirements.

Entry Requirements

This course is open to those working as business analysts, trainee business analysts or individuals with relevant work experience. Applications will be assessed based on relevant experience by the Business Analysts Association of Ireland.

Applicants from other areas will be expected to have a primary level 7 degree or proven work experience in the area. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

Programme Content

... ... ... ...

Change Management Business Systems Analysis Consultancy and Communications Work Based Learning

For more information on this programme and the role of the business analyst see

F i n t a n M u r p hy

Entrepreneur, Damson Technologies

“I really enjoyed my time at NCI. I found the staff and students easy to work with and the facilities both on and off site were world class. The course enabled me to develop my business and even allowed time for my hobbies like kayaking.�

School of Business Student Profile O l u B l e ss i n g M e m e h MA in Finance

“NCI's small class sizes made it really easy to get to know not only my fellow students but also my lecturers. With the LUAS on the doorstep the location of NCI is great.�


Master of Arts in

Finance Programme Description

Designed in consultation with industry, the programme will give you a fundamental basis for investment management decision making by equipping you with the knowledge and tools used in financial management. The programme will allow you to apply advanced financial concepts in managing portfolios and to be highly proficient in the application of quantitative tools and techniques in decision making. You will develop a mastery of investment management skills in financial statement analysis, asset valuation and portfolio management. The programme gives a unique opportunity to gain an MA in Finance while preparing for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)速 examinations. The business focused nature of the programme allows you to analyse and assess real life financial problems. The programme also gives a practical understanding regarding the application of ethical and professional standards throughout the investment lifecycle.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is for those wishing to embark on a career in financial management or individuals in all areas of financial management who wish to progress their career.

Award and Progression

The Master of Arts in Finance is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

Entry Requirements

Bachelors Honours Degree (Minimum 2nd class honours) in a cognate field or successful graduation from the Masters Qualifying Programme offered by National College of Ireland. In addition candidates will be expected to have worked for a minimum of two years.

Fa c t Fi l e Fees Location

€7,500 per annum (€15,000 Total Fee)

Indicative Schedule

Two evenings per week and some Saturdays


Start Date

January 2011


For Further Information contact:

T: 1850 221 721 E:

IFSC Campus

(Fees revised annually)

2 years - 26 weeks per year Apply online at

The Admissions Team

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Programme Contents

Year 1 ... Investment Tools ... Asset Valuation and Compliance ... Strategic Management ... Research Methods ... Regulatory Framework ... Corporate Finance Year 2 ... Investment Analysis ... Asset Management and Compliance ... Investment Management and Compliance ... Portfolio Management ... Dissertation

Student Profile O lu B l e s s in g M e me h MA in Finance

“NCI's small class sizes made it really easy to get to know not only my fellow students but also my lecturers. “


Masters Qualifying

Programme Master of Arts in

in Finance Human Resource Management Programme Description

The programme is designed to prepare individuals for the National College of Ireland Masters in Finance programme. The programme will give you an understanding of the key financial an a l y s i s t o o l s a n d q u a n t i t a t i v e t e c h n i q u es necessary for suc c e s s f u l p r o g r e s s i o n t o t h e M A programme. The course will also introduce participants to the assessment methodologies used at postgraduate level.

Fact File Location

IFSC Campus


Indicative Schedule

(Fees revised annually)

Tuesdays 17.30 - 20.30

A number of Saturday sessions will be held throughout the semester also; 09.30-14.30

Start Date

September 2010

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team


The programme is for those wishing to embark on a career in financial services or individuals working in the area who wish to progress on to the MA in Finance.

Programme Content

... ... ... ...

Quantitative Techniques Financial Statement Analysis Asset Valuation Economics


Participants achieving an overall average of 55% or higher will be eligible to apply for progression onto the MA in Finance programme.


1 semester 13 weeks


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

50 56

Who is the programme for?

Entry Requirements

A degree in any discipline. All candidates must have at least one and a half years work ex p e r i e n c e . T h e c o l l e g e o p e r a t e s a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) meaning applicants who do not meet the normal ac a d e m i c r e q u i r e m e n t s m a y b e considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

J a s o n L am b o u r n e MA in Finance

“I would recommend the NCI finance courses as they are well rounded and give a good background in finance. The NCI is a relaxed and pleasant place and a good location to study in.�

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in


Services Programme Description

This programme will give you the knowledge and specialist skills to gain a rewarding career in the dynamic financial services industry. You will gain a broad based knowledge in all aspects of the industry and an understanding of the theoretical concepts and frameworks used internationally. The programme will allow you to understand the methodologies by which financial decisions are made and to be fully competent in a range of risk management skills necessary for successful strategic financial management. The programme is structured to allow you to apply your knowledge and skills as you progress and it will help you to build the capability of your organisation and improve performance. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.


Who is the programme for?

For those working or planning to work in financial services including areas such as banking, insurance, fund management, risk, capital markets and corporate treasury.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Financial Services Degree is awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Under 23’s will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Programme Content Year 1 - Core Subjects ... Business Law ... Organisational Behaviour … Microeconomics … Financial Accounting ... Marketing Year 2 - Core Subjects … Macroeconomics ... Human Resource Management … Quantitative Analysis … Funds … Quantitative Methods for Finance Year 3 - Core Subjects ... Banking ... Insurance ... Plus 4 electives (see page 120) Year 4 - Core Subjects ... Corporate Finance ... Economic and Monetary Policy ... Portfolio Management ... Derivatives and Treasury Management ... Plus 3 electives (see page 120) or a Dissertation

Fact File Location

IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule

Annual Fees

€3,800 per annum (Fees revised annually)

Two evenings per week (Monday and Wednesday) plus additional workshops as required

4 years – 26 weeks per year

Start Date

Apply online at

September 2010

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team



T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

53 56

Certificate in

Entrepreneurship Master of Arts in Human Resource Programme Description

Management * Subject to HETAC approval

If you have a business idea you want to turn into a start up enterprise, or if you want to sharpen your entrepreneurial skills then this course is for you. The format of the course is interactive workshops with the aim of inspiring people to formulate business ideas that can be presented to a range of potential investors and advisors from Enterprise Ireland and business angels to venture capitalists. The course consists of three modules entrepreneurship, strategic management and corporate finance. It will allow you to understand what it takes to start a new venture, including the basics of finance, marketing and management. It is highly practical and will allow you to assess the commercial viability of a new business idea and transform your idea into feasibility and business plans.

Fact File Location

IFSC Campus

Start Date

September 2010

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team

The programme is ideal for those who have a business idea they want to progress, graduates who want to hone their entrepreneurial skills or those who have significant experience but no formal qualifications in the area.

Award and Progression

Certificate in Entrepreneurship Special Purpose Award level 8, (10 ECTS Credits), awarded by HETAC.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have an honours degree (level 8) or equivalent. Applicants without a degree may be considered for admission based on work and other educational experience.



(Fees revised annually)


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

54 56

Who is the programme for?

Programme Content ... Corporate Finance ... Entrepreneurship ... Strategic Management

Indicative Schedule and Duration

I evening per week for 4 hours over 13 weeks or 8 full day blocks spread over 13 weeks

Certificate in

Who is the programme for?

Financial Regulation * Subject to HETAC approval

The programme is suitable for those working or wishing to work within regulatory, compliance, governance or related functions in international financial services and those who wish to advance their knowledge of finance law, regulation and corporate governance.

Programme Description

Award and Progression

This course will give you an understanding of the theory and practice of corporate governance. The programme will provide you with an understanding of Irish law and its application to the financial services sector and will allow you to gain an appreciation of the regulatory framework and its implications and applications to financial services.

Fact File Location

IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule

1 evening per week 18.00 – 21.00

Start Date

September 2010

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team



(Fees revised annually)


13 weeks


Apply online at

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Certificate in Financial Regulation, Special Purpose Award level 8, (10 ECTS credits), awarded by HETAC.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have an ordinary bachelor degree (Level 7) or equivalent. Applicants without a degree may be considered for admission based on work and other educational experience.

Programme Content ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Overview of Corporate Governance Board Management Strategies Competition Law, Security, Mutual Funds Statutory Duties and Powers of Directors International Approaches to Regulation Reckless, Fraudulent and Insider Dealing Role of Company Boards & Committees Code of Best Practice Case Studies in Corporate Governance & Law EU & International Legal Framework Risk Management in Financial Institutions


Certificate in Employment Law Programme Description

This certificate is designed to meet an increasing demand for practitioner training in the constantly changing field of employment law. The emphasis is on understanding how the legal framework operates, the main obligations and responsibilities facing managers and employees in the field of worker rights, and a practical approach to dealing with employment issues with a legal aspect. The teaching of the programme will emphasise practical approaches to problem solving, case studies, and workshops on current issues in employment law.

Who is the programme for?

This programme is suitable for all those with supervisory or management roles, or who represent employees or employers in disputes or litigation, who require an insight into practical measures to deal with employment issues in the workplace.

Award and Progression

The Certificate in Employment Law is a Special Purpose Award, carrying (10 credits) awarded by HETAC at level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Successful conclusion of the programme will enable learners to progress to level 6 Higher Certificate programmes, CIPD Certificate Programmes, or a level 7 BA degree in HRM.

Programme Content ... ... ... ... ...

Fact File Location

IFSC Campus

Start Date

September 2010

For Further Information contact:

The Admissions Team



(Fees revised annually)


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Principles of Irish Law Employee Relations Employment Law Protective Legislation Health and Safety

Entry Requirements

No formal qualifications are required for entry to this programme though applicants should have current related work experience and will be able to apply the learning to the workplace.

Indicative Schedule and Duration

I evening per week for 4 hours over 13 weeks or 8 full day blocks spread over 13 weeks

Certificate in

Workplace Dispute

Resolution Programme Description

This Certificate has been designed in conjunction with the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) to offer an accredited training programme in the skills of dispute resolution generally and in particular in the skills needed to access and make effective use of the different parts of the state dispute resolution machinery.

Fact File Location

IFSC Campus



(Fees revised annually)

Start Date


For Further Information contact:

T: 1850 221 721 E:

September 2010

The Admissions Team

Apply online at

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Who is the programme for?

This programme is aimed at managers, union officials and shop stewards who have a role in negotiation and dispute resolution in the workplace. The programme will also be of benefit to managers and employee representatives who are operating in the more informal settings associated with SME’s and in organisations where the workforce are not unionised.

Award and Progression

The Certificate in Workplace Dispute Resolution is a Special Purpose Award (10 credits) awarded by HETAC at level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Successful conclusion of the programme will enable learners to progress to level 6 Higher Certificate programmes, CIPD Certificate Programmes, or a level 7 BA degree in HRM.

Entry Requirements

No formal educational qualifications are required for entry to this programme. Applicants will have experience in industrial relations, dispute resolution or people management. Participants are likely to have a background in general management, employee relations, HRM or trade unions. The ability to both draw from experiences to aid learning and apply learning to the workplace is essential.

Programme Content

... Workplace Conflict and Dispute Resolution – Theory and Practice ... The Legal Framework for Workplace Dispute Resolution

Indicative Schedule and Duration

8 days on a block release or half day basis spread over 13 weeks. 56 57

School of Computing Student Profile Davor Mijic

Higher Certificate in Computing Applications and Support

“I never thought working full time and going to college would be easy, but thanks to the professionalism of the lecturers in NCI, their support and help, it actually is. Which l e a v e s m e a l i tt l e ti m e f or myself.�

MSc/PhD in



Learning (e-Learning)

Programme Description

Our research programme aims to allow you to make a significant original contribution to knowledge in technology-enhanced learning through research. You will be prepared to solve complex problems independently by applying scientific methods. Our programme will give yo u s ig n i f i c a n t ex p e r t i s e i n t e c h no l o g y enhanced learning through an intensive programme of study and supervised research.


Who is the programme for?

This programme is for people who want to research and build technologies for learning and training situations in academic and commercial organisations. It is also for e-learning practitioners and individuals who wish to specialise by developing the requisite research skills. The MSc/PhD programme prepares learners at the highest level for a professional career in computing, whether it involves using technology i n w o r k p l a c e s e t t i n g s , the community or classroom. The programme will allow you to: ... Develop knowledge at the forefront of technology-enhanced learning ... Make your own research contribution and create and interpret new knowledge in the area of technology-enhanced learning ... Develop your ability to critique scholarly work in the area of technology-enhanced learning and the ability to apply the knowledge ... Acquire skills for the benefit of the knowledge economy and broader society

Fa c t Fi l e Award and Progression

The MSc Masters by research is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. The PhD award of Doctorate in Philosophy in Technology Enhanced Learning is awarded by HETAC at level 10 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

Entry Requirements

An honours undergraduate degree at 2.2 in a cognate field of study or equivalent. If deemed suitable, exemptions from some taught modules may be granted to students with a Masters Degree. English level of IELTS 6.5 or equivalent. An interview with the Dean of School to confirm suitability may be required. A telephone interview will be organised if required.

Upon registration students are registered for the MSc programme. After successfully completing the taught component along with exams students will continue on the MSc stream or transfer to the PhD stream.

Location IFSC Campus Indicative Schedule Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 Some Saturdays may be required. Annual Fees MSc/PhD €4,900 EU Fee €9,500 non EU Fee Part-time €3,270

(Fees revised annually)

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

Start Date September 2010 Normal Duration



full-time: 4-5 years part-time: 6-7 years full-time: 2 years part-time: 3-4 years


Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Student Profile Programme Content

Year 1 ... Research Methods ... Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis ... Literature Review and Specialist Studies ... Generic Transferable Skills Training Programme ... Theories of Learning and Cognition Year 2 onwards ... Research and Thesis

A nd r e a M o l m a r

MSc in Technology Enhanced Learning

“In NCI the atmosphere is very open. You get a lot of support from your supervisor, as well as the other staff members at the college. NCI organises various seminars in which students can discuss their research and receive feedback.”


Who is the programme for?

Master of Science in

Web Technologies * Subject to HETAC approval

Programme Description

The programme will give you the opportunity to develop expertise in an important growth area of IT that relates to web technologies. The programme is practical in nature and aims to provide individuals with an understanding of how to create enterprise web applications distributed across the latest platforms to include cloud computing and incorporating the latest trends in web technologies.

This is a new programme that will appeal to technical professionals and all those with an interest in applying web technologies to their organisation. This programme is for technical professionals in the workplace and college graduates from cognate disciplines at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. As a graduate of this course, you will be able to: ... Create and deploy a commercial web application ... Use both Enterprise and web application frameworks ... Understand the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing ... Create rich client side interactivity using the latest client side frameworks ... Develop internet rich applications using Silverlight ... Perform usability testing on your web application to ensure maximum effectiveness including wire framing, eye tracking and web analytics Note: The college intends to also offer a full-time version of this programme. See for details.


Award and Progression

The Masters of Science in Web Technologies is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may progress to a major award at level 10.

Entry Requirements

An honours (level 8) primary degree in a cognate area with a 2.2 award or higher. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a portfolio of learning, demonstration of work produced and interview.

Fa c t Fi l e Location IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule

Monday and Wednesday 18.30 - 22.30 Saturdays/some Weekends will be required

Fees €4,475 per annum €8,950 Total fee (Fees revised annually) Duration 15 months (3 semesters)

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Programme Content

... Deployment ... Usability Testing and Implementation ... Enterprise Frameworks ... Web Application Frameworks ... Cloud Computing ... Technological Entrepreneurship … Enterprise Game* … Advanced Client Side Scripting … Advanced Rich Internet Applications … Project

Additional Information

The programme consists of two taught semesters of 16 weeks duration and a final project semester.

Faculty Profile Dr. Pramod Pathak

Dean of School of Computing

"Have you ever thought that you might like to create the next Facebook or Twitter? Then this course is for you. This course will give you all the skills to be a technical leader in the next generation of web applications. We look forward to welcoming you to our School of Computing."

*The enterprise game module requires block delivery.


Master of Science in

Learning Technologies Programme Description

This Masters programme will equip you with the knowledge and skills to play a leadership role in t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f i n f o r m a t i o n a n d communications technology to promote and support learning. The MSc will also help you to take a leadership role in applying technology to learning and training. You will learn the skills to apply best practice in e-learning and to promote technology based learning. The programme will enable you to strategically design, manage and evaluate innovative learning technologies in practical settings. The programme will include g u e s t l e c t u r e s f r o m l e a d i n g e x p e r t s in international e-learning organisations. A review of this programme, which is required under our quality assurance procedures every five years, is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is for people who want to apply technology to learning and training situations and e-learning practitioners and people who wish to specialise in learning technologies.

Award and Progression

The Master of Science in Learning Technologies is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ. If you progress to the PhD in Technology Enhanced Learning, you are also eligible for a number of exemptions.

Fa c t Fi l e Entry Requirements

A Higher Diploma in e-Learning (minimum 2nd class honours) or a level 8 award in a cognate area (e.g. Computer Science, Software Systems, Infomation Systems, etc) If deemed suitable, exemptions from some taught modules may be granted to students with a Masters degree. Candidates also need at least three years experience in industry, teaching, or information technology. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

Location IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule Tuesday & Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 & Saturday 09.30 - 13.30 Start Date September 2010 For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

Fees €4,500 per annum (€9,000 Total Fee) (Fees revised annually) Duration 2 calendar years Application Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Programme Content

Year 1 … Technology Enhanced Learning ... Theories of Learning and Teaching ... Philosophy of Education … Cultural and Individual Aspects of Learning ... Educational Assessment ... Strategies of Learning and Instruction … e-Learning Development ... Learning Technologies Project Year 2 … e-Learning in the Enterprise … Research Methods ... Dissertation Electives … Quantitative Methods ... Qualitative Methods

Student Profile Sgt. William Fitzgerald

MSc in Learning Technologies

“I was coming back to education for the first time in many years. I found everyone at NCI really supportive. The lecturers were really helpful and I also learnt a lot from the other students on the course. The material delivered covered the most cutting-edge technology. I work in the training area for the defence forces and the course allowed us to utilise the technology we have much more effectively. Doing the MSc has really helped me to progress in my career.” 65

Postgraduate Diploma in

Learning Technologies * Subject to HETAC approval

Programme Description

This programme will equip you with the knowledge and skills to play a leadership role in the development of information and communications technology to promote and support learning. You will acquire the skills to apply best practice in e-learning and to promote technology based learning. The programme will enable you to strategically design, manage and evaluate innovative learning technologies in practical settings. The programme will include guest lectures from leading experts in international e-learning organisations.


Who is the programme for?

For people who want to apply technology to learning and training situations. The programme is also for e-learning practitioners and people who wish to specialise in learning technologies.

Award and Progression

The Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Learning Technologies is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Learning Technologies have the option of deferring this award and continuing their studies to receive the award of Masters of Science in Learning Technologies. Those stud e n t s w h o t r a n s f e r o n t o t h e M S c programme will be required to complete an additional year (see page 65).

Fa c t Fi l e Location IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule Tuesday & Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 & Saturday 09.30 - 13.30

Entry Requirements

A H ig h er D i p l o m a i n e - L e a r n i n g (Minimum 2nd class honours) or a level 8 award in a cognate area (e.g., Computer Science, Software Systems, Information Systems, etc.). Candidates also need at least three years experience in industry, teaching, or information technology. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

Start Date September 2010 For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

Fees €4,500 (Fees revised annually) Duration 1 calendar year Application Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile Dr. Stephan Weibelzahl

Programme Content

... Technology Enhanced Learning ... Theories of Learning and Teaching ... Philosophy of Education ... Cultural and Individual Aspects of Learning ... Education Assessment ... Strategies of Learning and Instruction ... e-Learning Development ... Learning Technologies Project

Course Director

“Get your organisation up to speed in terms of online training and education. Find out about the most efficient forms and strategies for online learning and develop your own courses.”


Higher Diploma in

Science in Web

Who is the programme for?

Technologies * Subject to HETAC approval

This programme is for non-technical professionals in the workplace and college graduates from non-technical disciplines at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

Programme Description

As a graduate of this course, you will be able to:

This is a new programme that will appeal to non-technical professionals and all those with an interest in applying web technologies to their organisation. The programme will give them the opportunity to develop expertise in an important growth area of IT that relates to web technologies. The programme is practical in nature and aims to provide individuals with an understanding of how to create rich internet web applications using the latest web frameworks.


... Create a web application ... Use a web framework to create web applications ... Understand the latest web 2.0 technologies ... Create a rich internet application that can communicate asynchronously ... Engineer a web application from requirements through analysis, design, implementation and testing ... Connect the web application to a database

Award and Progression

The Higher Diploma in Science in Web Technologies is awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may progress to a major award at level 9 such as the Masters of Science in Web Technologies. (See page 62)

Entry Requirements

Applicants holding a BA (Honours) degree (level 8) in any discipline will be considered for the programme. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a portfolio of learning, demonstration of work produced and interview.

Programme Content

... Introduction to Computing and Web Technologies ... Client Side Web Technologies ... Server Side Web Technologies ... Web Application Development ... Rich Internet Applications ... Project

Additional Infomation

The programme consists of two taught semesters of 16 weeks duration.

Fa c t Fi l e Location IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule Monday & Wednesday 18.30 - 22.30 Saturdays will be required. Start Date September 2010 For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

Fees €5,750 (Fees revised annually) Duration 1 year – 2 semesters Application Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile Paul Stynes

Course Director

“Are you interested in learning how to put your business online? This course will give you a range of practical skills and knowledge to really make the internet work for you and your organisation. You can also progress straight on to the Masters course.”


Higher Diploma in

Science in

Computing in

e-Learning Programme Description

This programme has been designed in consultation with industry and provides an excellent foundation for those in enterprise. You will learn about best practice in e-learning and how to apply and promote it within your organisation. The programme will enable you to use technology to enhance learning, to evaluate and manage e-learning programmes and to quantify the effects of technology enhanced learning. The area of e-learning continues to rapidly develop and this programme will give you the knowledge and skills to play a leadership role.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is for people who want to apply technology to learning and training and for e-learning practitioners and people who wish to specialise in learning technologies.

Award and Progression

The Higher Diploma in Science in Computing in e-Learning is awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will all o w p r o g r e s s i o n t o l e v e l 9 programmes on the NFQ. Graduates who obtain a second class honours or higher may progress to the MSc in Learning Technologies. (See page 64)

Fa c t Fi l e Location IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 Plus every second Saturday 09.00 - 13.00 in Semester 1 Start Date September 2010

Entry Requirements

A degree or equivalent and at least three years experience in industry, teaching, or information technology. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work an d o t h e r e x p e r i e n c e . T h i s m a y b e assessed using a written application or interview.

Programme Content

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Learning Theory Practical e-Learning Multimedia e-Learning Project Management Instructional Design e-Learning Development Tools Human Computer Interaction Project

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

Fees €2,950 Duration 1 calendar year Application Apply online at

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Student Profile Sara Kyofuna

Higher Diploma in Science in Computing in e-Learning

“I found the area of e-learning fascinating. The course was hard work but worthwhile and great fun.”


Higher Diploma in

Business in

e-Business Programme Description

The programme will give you the knowledge and skills to become a leader in the strategic application of technology to business. This programme gives you the fundamentals of how e-business operates. In addition to the technology infrastructure vital areas such as e-marketing and the legal environment are covered. The programme will also allow you to understand the broader context of how e-business forms part of the wider organisation strategy. This programme will give you both the technical knowledge and the strategic insight to shape and exploit the opportunities presented by e-business.

Fact File Fees â‚Ź2,950

Indicative Schedule Tuesday & Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 Some Saturdays may be required

Duration 1 calendar year Application Apply online at T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


The programme will appeal to those who wish to gain more knowledge about the strategic application of technology to business.

Award and Progression

The Higher Diploma in Business in e-Business is awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must have a level 8 degree and at least 3 years relevent work experience. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

Programme Content

Location IFSC Campus

Start Date September 2010 For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

Who is the programme for?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

e-Business Content Fundamentals of Information Systems Competitive Advantage and e-Business e-Marketing and Strategy IT Law Change Management e-Applications e-Business Infrastructure Project

A review of this programme, which is required under our quality assurance procedures every five years, is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.

Student Profile Naranbaat ar Adiya

Higher Diploma in Business in e-Business

“I had a great experience at NCI. I found all aspects of the college, from location to student support, to be very satisfactory.�

Who is the programme for?

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in

in Computing With Specialisations in...

... Gaming and Multimedia

... Networking and Mobile Technologies ... Software Systems

Programme Description

This BSc in Computing is for those interested in the application of technology to business problem solving, gaming, multimedia, networking, mobile and software systems. In your final year you will study modules based on your specialisation. This practical degree will equip you to create software applications on the web, in gaming and on mobile devices. You will also understand how to incorporate multimedia into software applications and how to engineer a software application from requirements through analysis, design, implementation and testing. The programme will also allow you to develop your business and interpersonal skills.


The programme is aimed at those working in the information and communications technology industry and wishing to develop their knowledge and skills in the area of computing and so improve their career prospects. It will also appeal to anyone wishing to move into the information and telecommunications industry.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process. Under 23’s will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing is awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ. The final award is calculated from weighted results of years 2, 3 and 4.

Additional Information*

Applicants who do not have at least 6 months previous work experience in an information and communications field will be required to complete a work experience programme by year 3.

Programme Content Year 1 ... Introduction to Programming ... Introduction to Computers ... XHTML & Web Design ... Introduction to Mathematics for Computing ... Personal and Professional Development ... Object Oriented Programming ... Computer Architecture ... Introduction to Multimedia ... Operating Systems ... Managerial Foundations of Information Systems Year 2 ... Introduction to Software Engineering ... Introduction to Database ... Web Development ... Data Structures and Algorithms ... Business Entrepreneurship ... Object Oriented Software Engineering ... Advanced Databases ... Project ... Data Communications and Networking ... Software Project Management Year 3 ... Change Management ... Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ... Wireless Networking ... Advanced Programming ... Strategy Management ... Team Project ... Networking Programming & Distributed Systems ... Advanced Internet Technologies ... Work Experience*

Year 4 Gaming and Multimedia Design Specialisation ... Applied Artificial Intelligence ... Multimedia and Mobile Application Development ... Computer Graphics Design and Animation ... Software Project or

Networking and Mobile Technologies Specialisation ... Distributed Systems ... Multimedia and Mobile Application Development ... Business and Network Security ... Software Project or Software Systems Specialisation ... Distributed Systems ... Applied Artificial Intelligence ... Business and Network Security ... Software Project

Fact File Location IFSC Campus

Annual Fees â‚Ź3,780 per annum

(Fees revised annually)

Indicative Schedule Tuesday & Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 & Saturday 09.30 – 16.00,

Duration 4 years - 26 weeks per year

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Who is the programme for?

For anyone who wishes to have a deeper understanding of the use of technology in business or anyone interested in pursuing a role in information systems.

Award and Progression

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in

Business Information Systems Programme Description

This programme is for anyone who is interested in applying technology to solve business problems. This practical degree will help you understand the manner in which technology can help facilitate business decisions. You will also acquire knowledge of the requirements, analysis, development, deployment and implementation of business information systems. The programme will give you the skills to manage, communicate and document IT based solutions and to analyse and model business systems. Overall it will give you the ability to incorporate IT into the wider business strategy.


The Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Information Systems awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ. The final award is calculated from weighted results of years 2, 3 and 4.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process. Under 23’s will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Additional Information*

Applicants who do not have at least 6 months previous work experience in an information and communications field will be required to complete a work experience programme by year 3.

Programme Content

Year 1 ... Introduction to Programming ... Introduction to Computers ... XHTML & Web Design ... Introduction to Mathematics for Computing ... Personal and Professional Development ... Object Oriented Programming ... Computer Architecture ... Introduction to Multimedia ... Operating Systems ... Managerial Foundations of Information Systems

Year 2 ... Introduction to Software Engineering ... Introduction to Databases ... Web Development ... Data Structures and Algorithms ... Business Entrepreneurship ... Object Oriented Software Engineering ... Advanced Databases ... Project ... Data Communications and Networking ... Software Project Management

Year 3 ... Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ... Wireless Networking ... Change Management … Strategy Management ... Management Support Systems ... Advanced Internet Technologies ... Team Project … Work Experience*

Year 4 ... ... ... ... ...

Business Data Analysis Business and Network Security Applied Artificial Intelligence Business Process Engineering Software Project

Fact File Location IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule

Annual Fees €3,780 per annum

(Fees revised annually)

Tuesday & Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 Saturday 09.30 – 16.00

Duration 4 years - 26 weeks per year

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Bachelor of Arts in


of Technology

in Business

Programme Description

This programme gives you a highly valuable combination of business and IT skills. You will gain a broad understanding of IT topics such as web design, software development, databases, and programming as well as of business topics such as marketing, human resource management, financial accounting and business management. The programme has a flexible structure with a large number of elective modules that allow you to specialise and enhance your skills on a particular aspect from both IT and business. You will also get the unique opportunity to be trained and prepared for the SAP certification accreditation in the business area. As a graduate of this programme your blend of business and technology skills will give you a unique perspective on management of business problems though software development skills and knowledge on the latest business software applications such as SAP. You will also learn how to manage teams and enhance your people skills through communication, presentation and teamwork


Who is the programme for?

The programme will appeal to those who wish to develop their skills in IT (in particular Web design) and business, to learn to use the latest business software applications and to develop a management career in both IT and business areas.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Arts (Ordinary) in Management of Technology in Business is awarded by HETAC at level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 8 programmes on the NFQ. Upon successful completion of the BA (Ordinary) in Management of Technology in Business, students may complete an extra year to be awarded a BA (Honours) in Technology Management at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process. Under 23’s will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent. A review of this programme, which is required under our quality assurance procedures every five years, is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.

Programme Content

Year 1 ... Introduction to Business … Introduction to Computers ... XHTML and Web Design ... Personal and Professional Development … Human Resource Management … Quantitative Methods … Introduction to Multimedia ... Computer Architecture Year 2 ... Marketing ... Business Entrepreneurship … Introduction to Software Engineering … Introduction to Programming … Introduction to Databases … Financial Accounting 1 … Managerial Foundation of Information Systems … Software Applications for Business ... Elective Module 1 *

Year 3 ... Operations Management ... Introduction to SAP Certification … Web Development ... IT Project Management ... Financial Management ... Data Communications Technology ... Project … Elective Module 2 *

*Elective Modules

Elective Module 1: ... Organisational Behaviour ... Operating Systems ... Object Oriented Programming Elective Module 2: ... Taxation 1 ... Auditing ... Services Marketing Management Elective choices are subject to student numbers

Additional Information

This programme includes preparation and training for SAP certification, which is the most important Enterprise Resource Planning tool.

Fact File

Location IFSC Campus

Annual Fees €3,780 per annum (Fees revised annually)

Indicative Schedule Tuesday & Thursday 18.30 - 22.00 & Saturday 09.30 - 13.30

Duration 3 years - 26 weeks per year

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Higher Certificate in

Science in Computing in

Applications and Support Programme Description

This programme will give you expertise in hardware, software applications, software development, operating systems and data communications. It will give you the skills to pursue a career in the information and communications technology industry. You will learn how to install new hardware and software, and to configure networks, software and hardware to user requirements. The programme will also give you a detailed knowledge of the theory and practice of a p p l i c a t i o n d e v e l o p m e n t a n d s u p p ort including the essentials of hardware, software, operating systems and networking.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is ideal for those wishing to develop a career in the information technology sector. You will have the ability to act as a technical support person capable of independent problem solving and teamwork approaches. It is also an ideal start for further studies.

Award and Progression

The Higher Certificate in Science in Computing in Applications and Support is awarded by HETAC at level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Upon successful completion students have a number of options open to them. They can progress to Year 3 of the BSc (Hons) in Business Information Systems (level 8) or Year 3 of the BSc (Hons) in Computing (level 8) or Year 2 of the BA (Ord) in Management of Technology in Business (level 7).

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process. Under 23’s will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Fa c t Fi l e Location IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule

Tuesday & Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 & Saturday 09.30 – 16.00

Programme Content Year 1 ... Introduction to Programming ... Introduction to Computers ... XHTML & Web Design ... Introduction to Mathematics for Computing ... Personal and Professional Development ... Object Oriented Programming ... Computer Architecture ... Introduction to Multimedia ... Operating Systems ... Managerial Foundations of Information Systems Year 2 ... Introduction to Software Engineering ... Introduction to Databases ... Web Development ... Data Structures and Algorithms ... Business Entrepreneurship ... Object Oriented Software Engineering ... Advanced Databases ... Project ... Data Communications and Networking ... Software Project Management

Annual Fees €3,780 per annum

(Fees revised annually)

Duration 2 years - 26 weeks per year

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Student Profile M arc Reilly

Higher Certificate in Science in Computing in Applications and Support

“I found this course ideal as a starting point in computing. The lecturers were very supportive and all the staff really go out of their way to help you.”


Certificate in Science in Web

Technologies * Subject to HETAC approval

Programme Description

This is a new programme that will appeal to non-technical professionals and all those with an interest in applying web technologies to their organisation. The programme will give them the opportunity to develop expertise in an important growth area of IT that relates to web technologies. The programme is practical in nature and aims to provide individuals with an understanding of how to create a web application that incorporates client and server side technologies using the latest web frameworks.


Who is the programme for?

This programme is for non-technical professionals in the workplace and college graduates from non-technical disciplines at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. As a graduate of this course, you will be able to: ... Create a web application

... Use a web framework to create web applications

... Understand the latest Web 2.0 technologies

Fa c t Fi l e Location IFSC Campus and selected locations of our National Campus Networks

Indicative Schedule

Award and Progression

The Certificate in Web Technologies is a minor award of the Higher Diploma in Science in Web Technologies awarded by HETAC at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may transfer to a major award at level 8 such as the Higher Diploma in Science in Web Technologies.

Entry Requirements

Applicants holding a Bachelor (Honours) Degree (level 8) in any discipline will be considered for the programme. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a portfolio of learning, demonstration of work produced and interview.

Programme Content

... Introduction to Computing and Web Technologies ... Client Side Web Technologies ... Server Side Web Technologies

Monday and Wednesday 18.30 - 22.30 Saturdays will be required.

Fees €2,590

(Fees revised annually)

Duration 1 Semester - 16 weeks Application Apply online at

Start Date September 2010 For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile Keith Maycock Course Director

“The future is in the Cloud! This course will give you an understanding of the web technologies environment from social media to web application deployment.”


Master of Arts in

Human Resource


School of Computing Student Profile Em ma McCarthy

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching

“Working full-time and undertaking a part-time course, with continuous assessment and an exam element is certainly a challenge, but the support I get from my lecturers and tutors at NCI helps me to manage my time and to get the balance right.� 56

Learning and Teaching

Master of Arts in


and Teaching Programme Description

This Masters programme is designed to meet the needs of learning and teaching professionals in workplace and college contexts. It provides you with an understanding of the theories, research and practical strategies for learning throughout life. Teaching techniques including classroom management, the application of new technology to instruction and strategies to support learning in diverse contexts are featured. Throughout this course you will be encouraged to enquire, question and critique modern conceptions of how we learn and how we can bring about learning in others. The course will include guest lecturers and a variety of participative instructional approaches. You will be expected to complete practical assignments and to build your skills as an educator. In the second year you will be expected to complete a research based dissertation. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme.


Who is the programme for?

This programme is for leaders in learning who wish to become proficient and professional educators capable of operating in a range of learning environments. It will prove particularly useful if you are a college teacher, an e-learning or workplace learning professional or if you are interested in your own lifelong learning.

Award and Progression

The Master of Arts in Learning and Teaching is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

Fa c t Fi l e

Fact File Location IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule

Entry Requirements

Applicants holding a Bachelor (Honours) Degree (level 8) in any discipline with professional involvement in the delivery of learning in education or in training will be considered for the programme. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

Tuesday & Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 & some Saturdays 09.30 - 13.30

Fees €4,500 per annum (€9,000 Total Fee)

(Fees revised annually)

Duration Two calendar years

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Programme Content Year 1 ... Theories of Learning and Teaching ... Philosophy of Education ... Educational Assessment ... Strategies of Learning and Instruction … e-Learning Development ... Cultural and Individual Aspects of Learning ... Practicum in Teaching … Technology Enhanced Learning Year 2 ... Contextual Studies … Research Methods … Qualitative or Quantitative Methods ... Dissertation

Faculty Profile Dr. Leo Casey Course Director

“Adults learn what they want to learn and what they perceive as useful to them. The real challenge for educators is to find ways of supporting people to direct their own learning throughout life. This programme will help you with this journey.”


Postgraduate Diploma in

Arts in Learning

and Teaching Programme Description

This programme is designed to meet the needs of learning and teaching professionals in workplace and college contexts. The programme will provide you with an understanding of the theories, research and practical strategies for learning throughout life. Teaching techniques including classroom management, the application of new technology to instruction and strategies to support learning in diverse contexts are featured. Throughout this course you will be encouraged to enquire, question and critique modern conceptions of how we learn and how we can bring about learning in others. The course will include guest lecturers and will use a variety of participative instructional approaches. You will be expected to complete practical assignments and to build your skills as an educator. A review of this programme which is required under our quality assurance procedures is due to complete in June 2010. This may result in some changes to the programme..


Who is the programme for?

This programme is for leaders in learning who wish to become proficient and professional educators capable of operating in a range of learning environments. It will prove particularly useful if you are a college teacher, an e-learning or workplace learning professional or if you are interested in your own lifelong learning.

Award and Progression

The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching is awarded by HETAC at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may opt to defer this award and proceed to complete the Masters of Arts in Learning and Teaching. (see page 86)

Fa c t Fi l e Location IFSC Campus

Fees €4,500

Indicative Schedule

Tuesday & Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 & some Saturdays 09.30 - 13.30

Entry Requirements

Applicants holding a Bachelor (Honours) degree (level 8) in any discipline with professional involvement in the delivery of learning in education or in training will be considered for the programme. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

Programme Content

... Theories of Learning and Teaching ... Philosophy of Education ... Educational Assessment ... Strategies of Learning and Instruction … e-Learning Development ... Cultural and Individual Aspects of Learning ... Practicum in Teaching … Technology Enhanced Learning

(Fees revised annually)

Duration One calendar year

Start Dates September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team

T: 1850 221 721 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Student Profile Emma McCar thy

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching

“I think whe the r yo u a r e in education or in the workplace this is a really useful course. You get both the theory and the practical side from supportive lecturers and staff.”



Student Profile C o l m O ’ C o n no r

Advocacy Programme

“The course at NCI was a great investment in keeping active in my community. Of course as an avid bee keeper I know the importance of a strong community!”

Community Studies and Further Education Courses

Who is the programme for?

This innovative programme was developed for those who would like to or are currently working to encourage active citizenship and greater participation within local communities. This includes individuals already involved as community organisers and volunteers, members of boards of management, or those seeking to become involved in local participative and representative democratic structures.

Award and Progression

Bachelor of Arts in

Active Citizenship for Social Change Programme Description

This programme was developed in response to the need for greater participation in democratic decision making processes and community life. It is anchored around three themes: (a) the individual active citizen (b) community and civil society and (c) policy and social change. The programme leverages the unique experience of National College of Ireland in the field of education for the community and voluntary sector.


The Bachelor of Arts in Active Citizenship for Social Change Degree is awarded by HETAC at level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 8 programmes on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

The programme is open to learners over 23 years of age where the learner is currently involved in community activities, and has access to community based projects for the purposes of service learning and assessments. Entry for those aged under 23 years will be judged on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Additional Information

The programme will involve class attendance on two evenings per week. To support learners, tutorials will be offered on occasional Saturdays during the three semesters. Students will also attend a short summer lecture series in the May/June period.

Programme Content Year 1 ... Active Citizenship and the Individual ... Introduction to Politics and Policy in Ireland ... Action Learning for Active Citizenship ... Information and Communications Technology ... Psychology and Human Behaviour ... Communications and Influencing Behaviour ... Reflective Practice ... Participative Research Methodology ... Perspectives on Active Citizenship ... Community Based Project Year 2 ... Community Organising Fundamentals ... Group Work Theory and Practice ... Advocacy ... Conflict Management ... Community Organising Practice ... Financial Dimensions of Community Activities ... Sociology ... Politics and Policy in the EU ... Applying Perspectives on Active Citizenship ... Community Based Project Year 3 ... Globalisation and Active Participation ... Irish Legal Framework ... Community Business Management ... Project Management ... Leadership in Society ... Social Ethics and Active Citizenship ... Social Entrepreneurship ... The Irish Economy ... Analysing Perspectives on Active Citizenship ... Community Based Project

Fa c t Fi l e

Annual Fees € 3,630 per annum

(Fees revised annually)

Location IFSC Campus Indicative Schedule Two evenings per week with some Saturdays

Duration 3 years part-time (3 semesters per year)

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team Tel: 1850 221 721 Email:

Or School of Community Studies T: 01/4498626 E

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile Mar tina M urray

Bachelor of Arts in Active Citizenship for Social Change

“The BA is unique in Europe and the first degree of its kind in Ireland. This new programme takes learning beyond the classroom and into the community in an innovative and interactive way. Designed with and for active citizens, the emphasis is on applying theories and concepts in a way which encourages those involved to connect their learning to everyday life for community gain.”


Diploma in Community

Organising Programme Description

This programme is aimed at those involved in community organising who wish to develop their skills. The programme is structured around two main themes: (a) the individual organiser and (b) community organising. These themes reflect the domains of knowledge, skill and attitude that enable community organisers to enhance their existing and potential contribution to their communities.


Who is the programme for?

Individuals involved as community organisers and volunteers or those who sit on voluntary boards of management, members of community trusts, or those involved in regeneration projects, tenants and residents’ groups.

Award and Progression

The Diploma in Community Organising (minor award in association with the BA in Active Citizenship for Social Change) at level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Learners can progress to the BA in Active Citizenship for Social Change.

Entry Requirements

The programme is open to learners over 23 years of age who are currently involved in community activities and have access to community based organisations or projects. Entry for those aged unde r 23 y ea r s will be j ud ged on L e aving Certificate or equivalent.

Fa c t Fi l e Location IFSC Campus

(Fees revised annually)

Indicative Schedule Two evenings per week with some Saturdays Start Date September 2010

Programme Content Year 1 ... Active Citizenship and the Individual ... Introduction to Politics and Policy in Ireland ... Action Learning for Active Citizenship ... Information and Communications Technology ... Psychology and Human Behaviour ... Communications and Influencing Behaviours ... Reflective Practice ... Participatory Research Methodology Year 2 ... Community Organising Fundamentals ... Group Work Theory and Practice ... Advocacy ... Conflict Management ... Community Organising Practice ... Financial Dimensions of Community Activities ... Sociology ... Politics and Policy in the EU

Annual Fees €2,900

For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team Tel: 1850 221 721 Email:

Duration 2 years part-time (2 semesters per year) Application Apply online at Or School of Community Studies T: 01/4498626 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Faculty Profile Michele Ryan

Dean of School of Community studies “Communities that have strong educated individuals as leaders, and sources of creative energy will survive and thrive. This course helps you to develop these skills and enhance your community.”


Managing Organisations

in the Community and Voluntary Sector

Who is the programme for? Programme Description

This programme will give you the latest knowledge and skills associated with managing organisations in the community and voluntary sector. Increasingly community and voluntary organisations are playing a greater role in the provision of mainstream services. In order to maintain an ‘economy of care', the need for effective management and leadership has taken on a greater significance. You will be introduced to a framework for understanding the community and voluntary sector and will gain the necessary skills required for the effective management of community and voluntary organisations.


The programme is for people who are currently working or would like to work in the community and voluntary sector.

Award and Progression

Students will receive a level 6 FETAC Component Certificate in Management and Leadership in Community Organisations (E30168).

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.

Fa c t Fi l e Location IFSC Campus

Programme Content ... Processes Organisation structures and cultures; theories of motivation and organisational behaviours; leading organisations

Fees €945

(Fees revised annually)

Indicative Schedule Monday 19.00 - 22.00

Duration 60 hours of contact time

Start Date January 2011

Application Apply online at

For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team Tel: 1850 221 721 Email:

Or School of Community Studies T: 01/4498626.

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

... Practice Key functional areas of management; fundraising; financial management; management committees ... People Principles of HRM; HR practices in the C&V sector; employment law; health and safety; performance management in the C&V sector ... Planning Mission and objectives; environmental analysis; the strategic plan; the learning organisation

Student Profile Timea Konya

Managing Organisations in the Community and Voluntary Sector.

“Not having English as a first language was challenging but I found the NCI staff were extremely helpful and supportive towards my needs. The course gave me a fantastic understanding of the area and was really interesting.”


Mediation Theory and

Practice Programme Description

Alternative dispute resolution processes are now well established in both the United States and the UK across all industries and dispute types. In the private sector, mediation is seen as a means to faster and cheaper dispute resolution which can make notable improvements to financial performance. Within local communities, mediation is seen as a self-help resource which can contribute to the creation of social capital and to enhancing neighbourhood renewal.

Apart from enabling people to practice as mediators, mediation skills enable people to improve their listening and negotiation abilities, become aware of bias and prejudice, develop their creative thinking and communication and learn how to handle conflict constructively. The primary goal of this programme is to provide participants with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to engage in mediation practice.


Who is the programme for?

The programme is aimed at those who wish to develop their mediation skills for application in their area of work or their community. It will appeal to those wishing to develop a career in mediation in a voluntary or paid capacity.

Award and Progression

Minor Award in Mediation Theory and Practice. Students will gain one Component Certificate (one credit) at FETAC level 6 which will contribute towards their achievement of an Advanced Certificate at that level. For those wishing to progress into higher education, entry from the Advanced Certificate programme onto relevant level 7 and 8 programmes on the National Framework of Qualifications is possible. Students who successfully complete the taught element of the programme will be eligible to apply for certified membership of the Mediators Institute of Ireland.

The programme is designed to complement the FETAC level 6 programme in Conflict Management (E30161) and to prepare participants for higher level courses of study in mediation and conflict resolution.

Fa c t Fi l e Location IFSC Campus Start Date September 2010 Fees €945

Application Apply online at

For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team T: 1850 221 721 E:

Or School of Community Studies T: 01/4498626 E:

(Fees revised annually)

Entry Requirements

Students registering for this programme will be required to have prior demonstrable interest in mediation and supervised access to live cases for practice purposes. Ideally, students should have prior learning at FETAC level 5, Leaving Certificate or equivalent qualifications and/or relevant life and work experiences.

Duration 60 hours of contact time

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Programme Content

The course comprises four units consisting of lectures, skills training and project work: ... The Concept of Mediation ... Models of Mediation ... Mediation Practice ... Case Development and Management

Student Profile E i l e e n Mo r i a r t y

Mediation Theory and Practice

“I found the course to be really interesting and of great benefit. I would encourage anyone to attend, call in and see for yourself!”


Social Studies Programme Description

This programme is designed to increase the self-confidence of students and to expand their career and life choices through guidance and counselling. As a student on this programme you will be introduced to the methods of study, research and writing skills that are required for successful participation in third-level education. This programme will prepare you for entry to higher level programmes in the arts, business, humanities and social sciences.

Fact File Location IFSC Campus and selected locations of our National Campus Network Indicative Schedule 3 days per week

The programme is open to all. It is aimed at those who did not have the opportunity to avail of third-level education previously. It is particularly suited to those not in employment or those who wish to enhance career progression.

Award and Progression

Students qualify for a FETAC General Studies award at level 5.

Entry Requirements

Fees â‚Ź2,500

(Fees revised annually)

Duration 1 year

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information contact: The Admissions Team T: 1850 221 721 E:

Or School of Community Studies T: 01/4498626 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Who is the programme for?

There are no formal educational requirements for admission. The application process involves completing an application form and we also conduct an informal interview which will allow you to decide if the programme is right for you. You must be at least 21 years of age on January 1st of the year of entry.

Programme Content

... Personal Development, Learning Skills and Career Planning ... Information Technology ... Mathematics ... Economics ... Psychology ... Sociology ... Politics

Student Profile David Dowling

Foundation Certificate in Social Studies

“I highly recommend the National College of Ireland to anybody who wants to further their education. It is a modern college with great facilities. As a mature student I guarantee that you will truly enjoy your time spent studying at this college.�

Who is the programme for?

FETAC Level 5

Certificate in Business Studies Programme Description

This programme is designed to provide a gentle introduction to studying business at undergraduate level and will be particularly useful if you've gained some experience of the workplace and want to enhance your skills and career potential.

The programme is open to all. It is aimed at those who did not have the opportunity to avail of third-level education previously. It is particularly suited to those not in employment or those who wish to change their career direction.

Award and Progression

The Certificate in Business Studies is awarded by FETAC and is a level 5 major award recognised under the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). It is a two-year part-time programme which will allow academic progression to level 6 programmes on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal educational requirements for admission although students should have prior learning at FETAC level 4, Junior Certificate or equivalent qualifications and/ or relevant life and work experiences.

Additional Information

Fact File Location IFSC Campus Indicative Schedule One evening per week with some Saturdays

Annual Fees €1,300 per annum

(Fees revised annually)

Duration 2 years part-time (2 semesters per year)

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team T: 1850 221 721 E:

Or School of Community Studies T: 01/4498626 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


The programme will involve class attendance o n o ne eve ning p e r week . To sup po rt learners tutorials will be offered on occasional Saturday’s over the course of the programme.

Programme Content

Year 1 ... Business Administration … Communications … Word-Processing … Teamworking Year 2 ... Customer Service … Business Calculations … Health & Safety at Work … Work Experience*

*The work experience component may be completed on a part-time basis over the duration of the course or may be completed in block during holiday periods.

Student Profile D o m i n i c N ol a n

Certificate in Business Studies “I received great insight into the world of business as the subjects and topics covered in the course were delivered in an easy to understand language.�

FETAC Level 6

Advanced Certificate

in Management Programme Description

This programme is designed for those in management (or for those who are aspiring to be) who seek a deeper appreciation of the demands of the business environment and who wish to become more effective in managing themselves and others in the work situation.

Fact File Location IFSC Campus

Annual Fees €2,300 per annum

(Fees revised annually)

Indicative Schedule One evening per week with some Saturdays

Duration 2 years part-time (2 semesters per year)

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team T: 1850 221 721 E:

Or School of Community Studies Tel: 01/4498626 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Who is the programme for?

The Advanced Certificate in Management is designed for those in front-line management roles, with a particular focus on those who may lack formal attainments but intend to progress further to enhanced levels of qualification.

Award and Progression

The Advanced Certificate in Management is awarded by FETAC and is a level 6 major award recognised under the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). It is a two year part-time programme which will allow academic progression to Ordinary BA level programmes on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal educational requirements for admission although students should have prior learning at FETAC level 5, Leaving Certificate or equivalent qualifications and/or relevant life and work experiences.

Programme Content Year 1 ... Business Management … Finance … Employment Law … Leadership Skills

Year 2 ... Applied Business Management … Managing People … Strategic Planning … Corporate Governance

Student Profile Advanced Certificate In Management

Ji m B a rb e r

"I would recommend the college to anyone interested in further developing their business skills. The course content and lecturers were excellent. The other area that was very helpful was the wide variance of students’ ages and experience plus the huge diversification in their business sectors. The college itself has great facilities, courteous staff and is very open and honest"

Mentoring Programme Description

This programme aims to give learners a critical understanding of the practical and professional i ssu es a s s o c i a t e d w i t h mentoring, and to equip them as potential mentors with knowledge of mentoring frameworks, insight into their o wn mentoring style, and a set of skills to support their engagement in a successful mentoring relationship.

Who is the programme for?

Mentoring skills are increasingly relevant across a wide arena – within business, schools and local communities, to team leaders, youth workers, teachers, parents and volunteers. This programme is for those who wish to develop an in-depth understanding of the principles and practices of mentoring as applied within a variety of settings.

Award and Progression

Students will gain a Component Certificate at FETAC level 6 (N32797) which may contribute towards achievement of an Advanced Certificate at that level.

Entry Requirements

Fact File Location IFSC Campus Indicative Schedule This programme is delivered in a five day fast-track format. Four days (Semester 1) One day (Semester 2)

Fees €945

(Fees revised annually)

Duration 1 year part-time

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team T: 1850 221 721 E:

Or School of Community Studies Tel: 01/4498626 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


In the main the students will be mature students in roles sufficient to allow them reflect upon and apply knowledge gained to an actual mentoring relationship. Ideally, students should have prior learning at FETAC level 5, Leaving Certificate or equivalent and/or relevant life and work experiences. The applicant’s expertise and interest will be reviewed by the programme director.

Programme Content ... ... ... ...

Mentoring Theory Mentoring in Context The Mentoring Process Sustaining the Mentoring Relationship

People Management

Practice in Community Settings Programme Description

This programme is designed to enable learners to critically understand how the effective management of people within organisations can enhance organisational performance. It will in particular introduce the essentials of personnel management, particularly of people working in a paid and non-paid capacity in community settings, and associated regulatory compliance.

Fact File Location IFSC Campus

Fees â‚Ź1,360

(Fees revised annually)

Indicative Schedule One evening per week with two Saturdays

Duration 1 year part-time

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team T: 1850 221 721 E:

Or School of Community Studies Tel: 01/4498626 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Who is the programme for?

Individuals such as managers, team leaders and CE Supervisors within community organisations or those aspiring to these roles.

Award and Progression

Students will gain a Component Certificate in People Management at FETAC level 6 (L32672) and a Component Certificate in Employment Law (L32491) which may contribute towards their achievement of an Advanced Certificate at that level.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those already working and who have access to community based projects. Entry will be considered on the applicant's individual merits and experience.

Programme Content

... Business Strategy and People Management ... Economic, Societal and Regulatory Environment ... People Management and Performance ... Key People Management Policies and Practices ... Ethical Considerations in People Management for Business ... Staff Supervision and Support ... Contracts of Employment ... Discrimination ... Dismissal and Redundancy ... Health & Safety at Work ... Collective Employment Law

107 56

Family Law Programme Description

This programme covers a range of legal issues affecting adults and children in the contemporary family. It explores the legal responsibilities of parents and the state in the context of child welfare and in the matrimonial context and explores the rights and entitlements of the child and family.

Who is the programme for?

Individuals working with children, parents or families, those engaged in child care, youth work, family support, welfare rights or information services.

Award and Progression

Students will gain a Component Certificate in Family Law Matters at FETAC level 4 (L12240) which may contribute towards their achievement of a Certificate at that or higher levels.

Fact File Location IFSC Campus Indicative Schedule One evening per week Start Date September 2010 and January 2011 For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team T: 1850 221 721 E:

Fees â‚Ź740

(Fees revised annually)

Duration Twenty weeks Application Apply online at

Or School of Community Studies Tel: 01/4498626 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Entry Requirements

There are no specific academic requirements.

Programme Content ... ... ... ...

The Irish Legal System and Family Law Families and Children Family Breakdown Dispute Resolution in Family Law

Family and Community

Support Skills Programme Description

This programme explores the common ground shared by ‘family support’ and ‘community development’ in challenging adversity and disadvantage within vulnerable populations. It delivers a practical understanding of the dynamics of family engagement and support, and the skills required to gain employment in community building and/or family support.

Fact File Location IFSC Campus

Fees €945

(Fees revised annually)

Indicative Schedule One evenings per week with two Saturdays

Duration 1 year part-time

Start Date September 2010

Application Apply online at

For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team T: 1850 221 721 E:

Or School of Community Studies Tel: 01/4498626 E:

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Who is the programme for?

It is aimed at those who wish to work with children and families or those who wish to improve their skills and maintain themselves as family support workers.

Award and Progression

Students will gain a Component Certificate in Family and Community Support at FETAC level 5 (L22241) which may contribute towards their achievement of a Certificate at that or higher levels.

Entry Requirements

Students should be able to access an appropriate supervised work placement. Examples could include work in childcare, probation service, family support, and community or mental health work. Voluntary work experience may be acceptable, providing that this has been extensive enough to demonstrate suitability.

Programme Content

... Family Support and Community Development ... Family Dynamics and Support Interventions ... Communication and Self-Esteem ... Conflict Strategies ... Current Practice in Family Support

109 56


How you can apply to NCI

1. Online through Online applicants do not need to pay the €25 application fee. 2. By completing the standard application form for part-time programmes and returning it along with the €25 application fee to the address below. Application forms are available from the Admissions Office or our website: Admissions Office, National College of Ireland, Mayor Street, IFSC, Dublin 1 Call: 1850 221 721 Using a single application (online or paper), you may choose from a range of courses listed in this prospectus. You are advised to submit your application in good time to avoid disappointment. If you plan to apply once the course has commenced, please contact Admissions to see if there are openings before submitting your application.

Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL)

Credit for Prior Experiential Learning is intended for mature students who may or may not have had structured formal education but who have learned from their involvement in employment, community activities, home duties, sport etc. This learning when evaluated might entitle them to credits or exemptions from a course of study. Such individuals might be in employment (including self-employed), unemployed, currently retired from employment or never have been in employment. Examples include: (a) Credit for learning gained in employment A person, as a result of experience gained in employment, might have achieved learning which can be equated to learning outcomes listed for subjects on an approved course. Broad examples of this might be: • a salesperson who may have a thorough understanding of marketing techniques, book-keeping etc.; credit/exemption might be possible on courses in the area of business studies or marketing.

Course Commencement

Please note that all courses are offered subject to sufficient numbers of students.

• a person who has worked in a bank might be exempt from some of the learning outcomes on a course in banking or business studies.

Exam Schedules

(b) Learning gained from voluntary/ community activities

Please note that some end of semester exams may be scheduled during the day.

Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL)

National College of Ireland operates a scheme which grants formal recognition of knowledge or experience that has been gained from work, life or previous study.


Individuals may have been carrying out d u t i e s i n a s s o c i a t i o n s , s p o r t i n g organisations or charities which might entitle them to exemptions from the learning outcomes on courses in politics, communications, etc. (c) Learning gained from experience working in the home 113

Individuals, who have had substantial experience of managing a household and rearing children, may have gained learning in the area of budgeting, time management, interpersonal skills etc. This might merit exemptions from learning outcomes on courses in business studies.

How to apply:

If you wish to have such experience accredited, please contact the Admissions Office with your application.


Students may get exemptions from parts of NCI programmes by virtue of programmes already undertaken. Please ask for details on application. The process by which exemption(s) can be sought is: ... Fill out and attach a copy of the exemptions pro forma to the application form which is available on the Admissions section of the NCI website. ( and submit this to the college along with... ... A copy of the syllabus of the subject(s) you have already completed AND ... Official transcripts of the result awarded in that/those subjects. Applications for exemption(s) must be submitted b y no later than 30th September and are granted at the discretion of the course director. For further information on applying for exemptions please contact Admissions. 114

Disability, Learning or Health Difficulties

National College of Ireland is committed to providing equal access to education and equal opportunities for students with disabilities. The college encourages students to be open about their disability and to discuss their needs with the Student Support Officer. It is important that students disclose a disability early in the academic year to ensure that appropriate supports are provided. To find out more please contact : Stephen Kennedy, O2 Student Support Office r Tel: (01) 4498 556 e mail:

Deferred Entry

A student who has been offered a place may defer acceptance for one year under certain circumstances deemed appropriate by the college. Applications for deferrals will not be considered after the end of the first semester, except in extenuating circumstances. Only a student who has accepted a place on their course and paid their deposit can defer until the next year. Someone who has been offered but is not accepting their place has to reapply the following year. Deferrals are only granted on a one-year basis.


Orientation for all new part-time students will take place the week of commencement of the academic year. The orientation programme is the first step in helping students adjust to a new environment and provides a c o m p r e h e n s i v e o v e r v i e w o f t h e s u p p o r t s a n d s e r v i c e s available at the college. The initial orientation programme is complemented by academic and personal development workshops which assist the student in becoming a more effective learner. Students should check the website prior to commencement of the academic year in order to confirm their orientation date as it will differ from the commencement date on their offer letter. 113

Fees Office

The Fees Office located on the ground floor is responsible for the billing and collection of student fees and can be contacted at (01) 4498 566/ (01) 4498 569 or by emailing Please note opening hours are: 9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday during the teaching semester. At the beginning of semester the office is open on Saturday mornings.

Fees Policy

The college requires payment of the course fee in order to register as a student. For most part-time courses 50% of the course fee is payable before the course commences with the balance being payable before commencement of the 2nd semester. On some courses of shorter duration 100% of the course fee is payable before commencement of the course. International students wishing to apply for programmes contained in this prospectus should contact our International Office as a separate fee structure will apply.

Spread the cost with our easy payment plan

You can choose to spread the cost of the programme using our direct debit plan at no extra cost. In the easy payment plan 20% of the fee is payable before the commencement of the programme with the remaining 80% being paid on a monthly basis by direct debit. The number of monthly payments depends on the duration of the programme. Please contact us for details.


Th e c o l l e g e o p e r a t e s a s t r i c t p o l i c y of non-refund of deposit/fees except where the college is not in a position to comply with its obligations to the student. 114

Tax Relief on Fees for Part-time Study

Many NCI programmes qualify for tax relief. The 1996 Finance Act provides for tax relief, at the standard rate of tax, for tuition fees paid in respect of approved part-time third-level programmes, provided the student does not hold a Certificate, Diploma or Degree, which was awarded following a two-year programme of study in an unrelated programme.

Amount of tax relief available to the student

Tax relief at the standard rate will be available to the student for the relevant tax year on the amount approved by the Minister for Education. Tax relief will be available on tuition fees only up to a maximum level, which applies uniformly to all approved programmes. Relief will not be available for any part of the tuition fees which are met directly, or indirectly, by grants, scholarships, e m p l o y e r payments, etc.

How does the student make the claim?

The student can claim the relief either on the individual's tax return at the end of the tax year or during the tax year when the fees have been paid. Married people can claim the tax relief in respect of fees paid by, or on behalf of, their spouses. Details of grants, scholarships, employer payments, etc. received must accompany the claim. For more information on whether your programme of study qualifies for tax relief please visit the Revenue website or contact our fees office. For further information please visit



LevLS 6


Certificate in First Line Management

LevLS 7 BA in HRM

LevLS 8

BA in Management Practice

MBA* MSc in Management*

BA (Hons) in HRM BA (Hons) in Business

Higher Certificate in Business

LevLS 9

BA (Hons) in Accounting BA (Hons) in IR and HRM BA (Hons) in Financial Services

MSc in Marketing*

MA in HRM Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM MSc by Research MA in Finance

* Subject to HETAC approval


LevLS 8

LevLS 6 Higher Certificate in Science in Computing in Applications and Support

LevLS 7

Higher Diploma in Business in e-Business Higher Diploma in Science in Computing in e-Learning Higher Diploma in Web Technologies*

BA in Management of Technology in Business



LevLS 9

LevLS 10

MSc in Learning Technologies MSc in Web Technologies* MA in Learning and Teaching

Postgraduate * Diploma In

BA (Hons) in Technology Management

Learning Technologies

BSc (Hons) in Computing

MSc by Research


(In the area of Technology Enhanced Learning)

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching

BSc (Hons) in

Business Information



* Subject to HETAC approval




... ... ... ...


It is 5 Minutes from Connolly Station and Busaras On the red Luas Line 10 Minutes from O’Connell Bridge on foot Just a short Underground Carwalk Parkalong the quays from Dublin’s Custom House Building, National College of Ireland is easy for visitors to find. Situated close to Connolly and Tara station, and with ample on-site parking.

... It is 5 Minutes from Connolly Station and Busaras ... On the red Luas Line (Mayor Square/NCI stop) ... 10 Minutes from OʼConnell Bridge on foot ... Underground Car Park


... From O’ Connell Bridge (facing O’Connell St.) keeping to the outside lane, take the right turn onto Eden Quay and then Custom House Quay, staying in the left lane

... Continue down the quays until you reach Jurys Inn Custom House ... Take the next left at traffic lights down Commons Street

National College of Ireland is located in the ... Then take the first right on to heart of Dublin’s international financial services Mayor St. district. The area is a lively mix of theatres, cafes, restaurants and bars. We are ... The College is delighted located on to the welcome the Luas to right our door with the new hand side Mayor Square/NCI stop.



... From O始 Connell Bridge (facing O始Connell St.) keeping to the outside lane, take the right turn onto Eden Quay and then Custom House Quay, staying in the left lane ... Continue down the quays until you reach Jurys Inn Custom House

... Take the next left at traffic lights down Commons Street ... Then take the first right on to Mayor St.

A m ie n s S t

... The college is located on the right hand side

C o nno lly S t at io n

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B u s ar as


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C u sto m H o u se


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T ar a S t at io n

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Balally (New) Bray Carlow Coolmine Cork - Douglas Drogheda Galway Gorey Kilkenny Letterkenny Leixlip Malahide Newbridge Palmerstown Portarlington Roscommon Roscrea Sligo Tallaght Trim Waterford - Dunhill Wexford Whitehall


National Campus


Our National Campus Network gives you have the opportunity to complete certain programmes at various locations and at a time, pace and place that suits you. The centres primarily offer the extremely popular Certificate in First Line Management course. Selected centres will also be offering the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) certificate and diploma courses. The details of these programmes are in the School of Business section of this prospectus and online. All locations and courses are offered subject to sufficient numbers of students. New for Sept 2010: We intend to offer the ICM Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, PR and Sales Management and the Certificate in Web Technologies in selected centres. For further information on a programme in your area contact admissions on 1850 221 721 or email

Open Evenings

We know that deciding to embark on a programme of part-time study is an important decision. Our open evenings can be a great way to decide which course is right for you. We run several open evenings throughout the year. At these events you have the opportunity to meet staff and lecturers from all the courses. You can talk about your career and what you are seeking from your education and they will be delighted to advise you. The open evenings take place in our IFSC campus from 5-6.30pm. Provisional dates for these events are as follows: ... ... ... ...

Wednesday 26th May Wednesday 9th June Tuesday 29th June Wednesday 21st July

... ... ... ...

Tuesday 3rd August Thursday 19th August Saturday 21st August (11am-3pm) Wednesday 15th Sept

Dates and times are subject to change. Please confirm details at or call 1850 221 721


Guide to Electives Our School of Business programmes offer you the following modules which you can choose from, in addition to the core modules. Module


Programme BA (Hons) Accounting

BA (Hons) Business

BA (Hons) Fin Services

BA (Hons) HRM

Year 2 Taxation 1


Introduction to Strategy


Management Information Systems



Financial Accounting or other relevant introductory accounting module

Management Accounting

Financial Accounting or other relevant introductory accounting module

Services Marketing Management


Year 3 Taxation 2

Taxation 1



Health & Safety


International Finance


Essentials of Employment Law

Business Law

Introduction to Industrial Relations


Introduction to Reward Management


Year 4 Pensions


Technology for Finance and e-Trading

Funds, Portfolio management



Organisational Development

Organisational Behaviour

International HRM

Introduction to HRM, Strategic HRM, Corequisite

Business Ethics


Comparative Industrial Relations

Introduction to Industrial Relations

Contemporary Issues in Reward Management

Introduction to Reward Mangement

Marketing Management


The availability of electives is subject to student numbers and is subject to change. Prerequisites mean you must have completed a certain module before you may complete this.

Programme Accrediting and Professional Bodies

All programmes are offered subject to sufficient numbers of students. This document is intended as a guide to programmes. Every effort has been made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this publication. The college reserves the right to make changes to any content, schedules or fees contained herein.

Tel: Course Information... 1850 221 721 Reception: (01) 4498500 Fax: (01) 4972200 Email:

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