PT Prospectus 2013-2014

Page 1

I wanted internationally recognised courses, and top

class lecturers with industry experience. I wanted to study part-time

and continue my career. I found it all in NCI. Austin Foley, IIPM Diploma in Pensions.

NCI made returning to education less daunting. The atmosphere is very welcoming and supportive. The lecturers’ doors are always open, the courses are dynamic. I know I made the right choice. Johannes Taljaard, BSc in Computing. I wanted to go further, I wanted an internationally recognised qualification, I wanted lecturers who would listen to what I had to say. NCI made this possible, I got

support, I got flexibility and I got to where I wanted to be. Anita Mernagh. Higher Diploma in Web Technologies.

The course is hands on and

practical, your lecturers are from an industry background, rather than purely academic. Everything you learn can be transferred and used immediately. Claudia Ihde, CIPD Award in Employment Law & Employee Relations I’ve made great friends and great connections in NCI. I now have a professional network that I never would have been able to access before. John Mooney, BSc in Computing You won’t be left behind, no matter what your background the college will help you adapt to your course with the help and support you need. Valerie Andrews, Higher Diploma in Web Technologies I wanted to get to the top, to realise my potential. I wanted an education that prepared me for the real world. That’s why I chose National College of Ireland. PART-TIME PROSPECTUS 2013-2014

Quality and Qualifications Ireland was established on 6 November 2012 under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012. The new Authority is being created by an amalgamation of four bodies that have both awarding and quality assurance responsibilities: the Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC), the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC), the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI) and the Irish Universities Quality Board (IUQB). The new Authority will assume all the functions of the four legacy bodies while also having responsibility for new or newly-statutory responsibilities in particular areas.

Contents ................................. President’s Welcome


School of Business ................................. Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Science in Management Master of Science in Marketing Master of Arts in Human Resource Management (CIPD) (MII) Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Human Resource Management (CIPD) (MII) Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management (CIPD) Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Human Resource Management (CIPD) Bachelor of Arts in Management Practice Higher Diploma in Psychology CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Management CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Management CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Development CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Development CIPD Award in Employment Law and Employee Relations ICM Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Management Certificate in Digital Marketing Certificate in First Line Management Certificate in First Line Management through Blended Learning The Coach’s Programme Certificate in Business Analysis

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 35 36 38 40 42 44

School of Business - Finance and Pensions


Master of Science in Finance Higher Diploma in Business in Finance Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Financial Services

46 48 50

Certificate in Entrepreneurship Certificate in Financial Regulation

52 53

Diploma in Pensions Management and Policy Membership of the IIPM & Minimum Competency Code Certificate in Pensions Administration

54 56 57


School of Computing ...................................... Master of Science in Cloud Computing Master of Science in Web Technologies Higher Diploma in Science in Web Technologies Higher Diploma in Science in Software Development Higher Diploma in Science in Computing in e-Learning Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computing Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business Information Systems Higher Certificate in Computing in Applications and Support Certificate in Science in Web Technologies Certificate in Science in Web Development

60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76

School of Computing - Learning and Teaching


MSc/PhD in Technology Enhanced Learning Master of Arts in Learning and Teaching

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching (Further Education)

Admissions International Transport Links

78 80 82 83 86 92 94

To find out more about all our courses see or call us on 1850 221 721


National College of Ireland

Welcome from the President W

elcome to National College of Ireland where we offer a distinctive student centred learning experience, through our state-of-the-art campus in the heart of Dublin’s vibrant international business centre. At NCI we have developed innovative teaching and learning technologies that are designed to support students who embark on education at all stages in their life and career. Whether you are embarking on third-level education for the first time or continuing your education, you’ll find a highly supportive environment in which to learn. For many students, the transition to third-level education can be a challenging one; however our small group teaching model, with easy access to faculty and our active student support services, work together to ensure that every student has the best possible chance of success.

Dr. Phillip Matthews

President National College of Ireland

We believe in the unlimited potential of our students and we take pride in seeing our students realise their potential and surpass even their own expectations. We understand how education can transform lives, how it can empower, accelerate careers and open up new opportunities. NCI offers an education that supports students in their intellectual development as well as their social development and as an institution it encourages active citizenship throughout the college. NCI teaching combines academic scholarship and theoretical knowledge with business and community practitioner experience to deliver practice-based learning that is grounded in a real world context. We believe our students should reflect the diversity in our society and through a range of initiatives we are committed to widening access to third-level education. NCI is a great place to learn so if you are considering enrolment we look forward to welcoming you on campus soon.

3 3

School of Business “I would highly recommend National College of Ireland to those who are considering returning to study part-time. The lecturers and facilities are excellent, and it is easy to get to know people and find your way around.� Student Profile

Dianne Murray Dublin Airport Authority

School of Business

Master of Business Administration (MBA) ....................................................................................................................................... Duration

Indicative Schedule

Monday and Wednesday 18.00 - 21.00 plus some Saturday workshops

......................................................................................................... €6,375 per annum (€12,750 total fee)

Start Date

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Sept 2013

2 full calendar years: 5 semesters; 4 taught semesters and a final dissertation to be submitted in September of the final year




Apply online at




IFSC Campus



....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description Award and Progression The MBA programme will provide you with a strong theoretical foundation in the broader disciplines of management as well as focusing on the practical application of theory in real-world settings and cases. You will be exposed to the latest thinking in the core disciplines of enterprise, leadership, management organisation, people management, strategy, management of financial resources and economics for managers. You will be able to choose from a wide range of electives specialising in areas such as marketing and international business, human resource management, and information technology. There will be the opportunity to participate in an exciting enterprise management simulation game in your final semester. The programme is underpinned by a strong foundation in enterprise and leadership and emphasises the development of effective business and management skills to solve management problems through structured analysis, problem solving techniques, effective decision-making, and effective communications. The knowledge and skills acquired through our MBA will allow you to progress your own management career as well as encourage you to consider creating a business of your own. It will allow you to develop a creative, innovative and entrepreneurial perspective.

The Masters in Business Administration programme is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are required to hold a minimum of a level 8 qualification or equivalent on the National Framework of Qualifications and a minimum of three years of work experience, ideally but not necessarily, in management. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning non-graduates with very extensive professional experience and/or other prior qualifications may also be considered for the programme.

“The NCI programme emphasises experimentation, critical thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship. It will equip you for a successful career in the new dynamic world of management and also for enterprise start up.”

Who is the Programme For?

The MBA is aimed at candidates with at least three years of work experience seeking to start or develop a career in management.


National College of Ireland

Prof Jimmy Hill Dean of the School of Business

Programme Content .................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................

Year 1 (Core Subjects)

Year 2 (Core Subjects)

........................................................................ ........................................................................ Semester 1 . Enterprise Management . Economics for Management

Semester 2 . Strategic Marketing Management . Managing Financial Resources . Plus One Elective Elective Choices*

. . . . . . . .

e-Business Infrastructure Commercial Law Operations Management Services Marketing International Marketing International Finance Strategic HRM Managing e-Business Implementation . International Field Trip (non-credit bearing and additional fee required)

Semester 1

. Effective Leadership in the Organisation . Managing People Semester 2

. Strategic Management and the Global Environment . Corporate Governance, Business Ethics and CSR . Research Methods . Plus One Elective

........................................................................ Year 2 (Core Subjects)

........................................................................ Semester 3

. Enterprise Simulation Game . Research Methods . Dissertation

................................................................................................................................................... Note that all modules count towards the final award classification. *Availability of elective choices is subject to student numbers.

................................................................................................................................................... Note: The college also offers a full-time version of this programme. See for details. The programme content as shown above is for indicative purposes. The college reserves the right to re-order the schedule of modules offered.


School of Business

Master of Science in Management

............................................................................................................................................. Duration

Indicative Schedule

Monday and Wednesday 18.00 - 21.00 and some Saturday workshops


IFSC Campus



.......................................................................................................... â‚Ź3,950 per annum (â‚Ź7,900 total fee)


Start Date

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Sept 2013




Apply online at



2 full calendar years: 5 semesters; 4 taught semesters and a final dissertation to be submitted in September of the final year

........................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

The MSc in Management has been developed to satisfy the demand for programmes which combine a strong theoretical foundation with a firm focus on practical application. You will be exposed to the most current schools of thought in disciplines such as international business, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship and strategy. The programme also provides a series of elective modules for students to explore other areas of interest or to emphasise their development on a specific area of their choice. Development of effective managerial skills which include analytical problem solving, decision-making, effective communication and leadership, are encouraged throughout the programme. Such skills provide strong tools which can be applied in real day-to-day management situations and serve graduates to aim at higher management positions within the organisation.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is aimed at anyone following a career path which requires them to step into middle to top management positions. Additionally, the programme can provide a transition stage for graduates from other disciplines who wish to move into the management arena either as practitioners, researchers or consultants.


National College of Ireland

Award and Progression

The MSc in Management programme is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are required to hold a minimum of a 2.2 honours degree in either a cognate or non-cognate area at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning non-graduates with very extensive professional experience and other prior qualifications may also be considered for the programme.

Modular Study Option

The MSc in Management is offered on a modular study basis. With modular study you can choose to study individual modules from the programme building up the credits you need over a longer period of time. Rather than commit to the full programme you take one or more modules at your own pace and gradually complete the full award. To find out more about modular study and whether or not it is an option for you please see for details.

Programme Content

........................................................... “Emporeheni is eos in Year 1 (Core Subjects) corio. Bus acientio molo ........................................................... . Managing Organisation eosam, quastherem quam, . Financial Management Research Methods qui .opta volorrovid . Marketing Management quis ventiosa corestr ........................................................... uptatium deSubjects) eum eriat Year 2 (Core ........................................................... autassi tatempo restio. . Strategy for Decision-Making . Economics for Management Neque pratest, con nos . International Business

Profile . Research Methods and Dissertation

........................................................... Elective Choices*

........................................................... Plus choose two electives (1 per year) from:

. Corporate Governance, BusinessPhoto New Factuly Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility . Entrepreneurship . International Finance . Services Marketing . Strategic HRM . Digital Environment Management and e-Business . Foundations of the Employment Relationship . Commercial Law . Operations Management *Availability of elective choices is subject to student numbers. Note: The college also offers a full-time version of this programme. See for details. The programme content as shown above is for indicative purposes. The college reserves the right to re-order the schedule of modules offered. Note that all modules count towards the final award classification.

. Strategic HRM . Digital Environment Management and e-Business . Foundations of the Employment Relationship . Commercial Law . Operations Management

*Availability of elective choices is subject to student numbers.

9 9

School of Business

Master of Science in Marketing

....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule

Monday and Wednesday evenings 18.00 - 21.00 and some Saturday workshops



IFSC Campus



.......................................................................................................... â‚Ź3,950 per annum (â‚Ź7,900 total fee) (Fees revised annually)


Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Start Date Sept 2013




Apply online at



2 full calendar years; 5 semesters; 4 taught semesters and a final dissertation to be submitted in September of the final year

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

The MSc in Marketing has been specifically designed with the needs of current and future marketing professionals and managers in mind. The programme will equip you with a comprehensive understanding of the key foundations of the marketing discipline as well as providing you with a detailed understanding of the marketplace. In addition you will learn how to apply the latest marketing theory and practice in an increasingly complex trading environment. The course will cover core marketing disciplines such as integrated communications, consumer behaviour, strategic marketing management and international marketing. You will be afforded an opportunity to specialise in particular marketing themes which include brand management, entrepreneurship and digital marketing.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is aimed at those seeking to advance their studies and/or professional career in marketing and its related fields.

Award and Progression

The Master of Science in Marketing programme is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

Applicants are required to hold a minimum of a level 8 qualification in a cognate discipline (i.e. an honours business related degree) or equivalent on the National Framework of Qualifications. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning nongraduates with very extensive professional experience and/or other prior qualifications may also be considered for the programme.

Modular Study Option

The MSc in Marketing is offered on a modular study basis. With modular study you can choose to study individual modules from the programme building up the credits you need over a longer period of time. Rather than commit to the full programme, you take one or more modules at your own pace and gradually complete the full award. To find out more about modular study and whether or not it is an option for you please see for details. Note: The college also offers a full-time version of this programme. See for details.

Programme Content ........................................................... Year 1 (Core Subjects)

........................................................... Semester 1 . Principles of Marketing . Consumer Behaviour Semester 2 . Integrated Marketing Communications . Research Methods . Plus One Elective

........................................................... Year 2 (Core Subjects)

........................................................... Semester 1 . Strategic Marketing Management . International Marketing Semester 2 . Services Marketing Management . Research Methods . Plus One Elective

........................................................... Year 2 (Core Subjects)

........................................................... Semester 3 . Dissertation Elective Choices* . Brand Management . Entrepreneurship . Financial Management . Corporate Governance, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility . Digital Environment Management and e-Business . International Finance . Commercial Law . Economics for Management . Digital Marketing *Availability of elective choices is subject to student numbers. The programme content is for indicative purposes. The college reserves the right to re-order the schedule of modules offered. Note that all modules count towards the final award classification.


School of Business

Master of Arts in Human Resource Management

(CIPD) (MII) ....................................................................................................................................... IFSC Campus

......... ...............



2 years: 5 semesters; 3 semesters in year one and 2 semesters in year 2


Apply online at


Year 1: € 7,000 Year 2: € 1,750

(Fees revised annually)

Total Fee: €8,750

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


....................................................................................................................................... Start Date Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

Senior human resource professionals have a significant role to play in ensuring the achievement of organisational objectives working alongside other business leaders. They are required to have a broad business focus coupled with in-depth human resource management knowledge enabling them to think and act strategically. Successful completion of the programme leads to Chartered Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and Associate Membership of the Mediators Institute of Ireland (MII). This programme shares a common first year with the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM in which a range of modules in HR are pursued. (See details for PgDip. in Arts in HRM page 14). Following completion of the first three semesters, there is an opportunity, in year 2 semester 1 to explore in detail a research question which is relevant to you or your organisation in the form of a capstone dissertation. Semester 1 of year 2 involves attendance at research methods workshops. A supervisor is appointed to support each student in their research and the production of their dissertation.

Who is the Programme For?

This programme is aimed at those professionals wishing to advance their career to assume positions at a senior management level with a specific focus on human resource management.


National College of Ireland

Award and Progression

The Master of Arts in Human Resource Management is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete the first three semesters of the programme may choose to exit the programme at that time with the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM. Graduates with relevant work experience will be eligible to apply for Chartered Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) after successful completion of the first three semesters. A membership fee will be payable directly to CIPD. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

Honours (level 8) primary degree (minimum 2nd class honours) in a cognate area. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application and/or interview.

Modular Study Option

The MA in HRM is offered on a modular study basis. With modular study you can choose to study individual modules from the programme building up the credits you need over a longer period of time. Rather than commit to the full programme you take one or more modules at your own pace and gradually complete the full award. To find out more about modular study and whether or not it is an option for you please see for details.

........................................................... Programme Content ........................................................... • Leading and Managing • HRM in a Strategic Business Context • People Resourcing • International HRM • Employment Law • Employee Relations • Talent Development • Mediation and Conflict Management (leads to Associate Membership of MII) • Research Methods • Dissertation

“NCI has a fantastic reputation that keeps growing. Throughout the Masters we had guest lectures from senior industry figures which were very informative and provided me with excellent networking opportunities” Student Profile

Sonia Tarpey Masters in HRM Graduate

Note that all modules count towards the final award classification.

........................................................... Indicative Schedule

........................................................... Year 1 . Semester One, Two amd Three Tuesday & Thursday 18.00-21.00pm plus 2 Saturdays Year 2 . Semester One 3 full Saturdays or 7 Thursday evening sessions . Semester Two Thursday evening workshops Each student is allocated an individual supervisor for the duration of their second year of study. It should be noted that the final semester of the course requires a high level of independent learning in order to complete the dissertation. Dissertations are submitted in September of the final year of study.

Note: The college also offers a full-time version of this programme. See for details. The programme content as shown above is for indicative purposes. The college reserves the right to re-order the schedule of modules offered.


School of Business

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Human Resource Management

(CIPD) (MII) ....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday 18.00 - 21.00 plus 2 full Saturdays per semester 10.00 - 17.00

.......................................................................................................... â‚Ź 7,000


Start Date


Apply online at




Sept 2013

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan



IFSC Campus



1 calendar year; 39 weeks 3 taught semesters back to back

....................................................................................................................................... This programme uniquely allows students to study over three consecutive semesters within one calendar year to receive the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Human Resource Management. Successful completion leads to Chartered Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Students progressing directly to the MA in HRM will also receive Associate Membership of the Mediators Institute of Ireland (MII) if they complete relevant modules.

Programme Description

This intensive programme has been developed in consultation with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). You will learn the latest concepts in leading and managing, people resourcing, international HRM, employee relations, the legal environment and talent development. The programme will deepen your insight into human resource management theories and allow you to understand them in dynamic business environments. You will be able to analyse business needs and deliver effective solutions that optimise the people resources of your organisation. Combined with a practitioner recognised qualification in the area of human resource management, namely CIPD, this programme is geared towards people with a professional commitment to HR and professional development.The programme utilises an applied assessment methodology. The ability to work in a group setting and to engage in significant selfdirected learning will be essential. 14

National College of Ireland

Who is the Programme For?

This programme is aimed primarily at those individuals seeking an academic qualification at postgraduate level also wishing to advance their career to assume positions at a senior management level with a specific focus on human resource management.

Award and Progression

The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Human Resource Management is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Graduates with relevant work experience will be eligible to apply for Chartered Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) for which a membership fee will be payable directly to CIPD. Students who successfully complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM have the option of continuing their studies to receive the award of Master of Arts in HRM. Those students who transfer onto the MA in HRM programme will be required to complete an additional semester consisting of a research methods module and a minor dissertation. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

........................................................... Programme Content ........................................................... . . . . . . . .

Leading and Managing HRM in a Strategic Business Context People Resourcing International HRM Employment Law Employee Relations Talent Development Investigating a Business Issue from a HR Perspective (essential for CIPD membership for those wishing to exit with a Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM and no desire to progress onto the MA in HRM) OR . Mediation and Conflict Management (leads to Associate Membership of MII) Students wishing to progress to the MA in HRM in semester 4, will take the Mediation and Conflict Management module; they will not take the Investigating a Business Issue module.

Additional Information

The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM comprises three semesters of study: . Semester One (Sept to the end of Dec) . Semester Two (Jan to early May) . Semester Three (May to July)

Modular Study Option

The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in HRM is offered on a modular study basis. With modular study you can choose to study individual modules from the programme building up the credits you need over a longer period of time. Rather than commit to the full programme you take one or more modules at your own pace and gradually complete the full award. To find out more about modular study and whether or not it is an option for you please see for details.

Also students on the Postgraduate Diploma programme who do not wish to qualify for CIPD membership may elect to take the Mediation module instead of the Investigating a Business Issue module. Note that all modules count towards the final award classification.

Entry Requirements

Honours (level 8) primary degree (minimum 2nd class honours) in a cognate area. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application and/ or interview.

The programme content as shown above is for indicative purposes. The college reserves the right to re-order the schedule of modules offered.

“Lecturers have strong experience in their fields. They really challenge conventional wisdom and your thinking.� Student Profile

Michael Arkins Postgraduate Diploma in HRM Graduate


School of Business

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business

....................................................................................................................................... .........

IFSC Campus



Indicative Schedule


Monday and Wednesday 17.30 - 21.30 plus additional workshops as required

.......................................................................................................... Start Date

€3,800 per annum

Sept 2013

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan




Apply online at



4 years; 2 semesters of 13 weeks per year

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme will give you an awareness and appreciation of all the key issues in business and organisations. You will gain a broad knowledge and the latest insights into marketing, finance, human resource management and all the related functions of any successful business. You will also understand how the political, legal, economic and socio-cultural landscape drives change in the business environment. This course will give you a comprehensive understanding of business and the ability to critically analyse business problems and generate long term business solutions and strategy.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is ideal for those working or planning to work in any area of management, business or organisational life. It will give you an understanding that can be taken into any sector.

Award and Progression

The BA (Honours) in Business is awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ, including programmes at NCI such as the MSc in Marketing or Management.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants under 23 will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

“This programme will give you an awareness and appreciation of all the key issues in business and organisations.”

Programme Content ........................................................................................................................................................... Subject



1 1 1 1 1


. . . .

Operations Planning and Design Project Management Marketing Management Dissertation

2 2 3 2/3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3


Management International Business Strategic Management Three Elective Choices


. . . .

1 1 1 2 2 2

.................... ........................

Human Resource Management Macroeconomics Quantitative Analysis Entrepreneurship Financial Accounting 2 One Elective Choice


. . . . . .

1 1 1 1 1


Business Law Marketing Organisational Behaviour Microeconomics Financial Accounting 1

.................... ........................

. . . . .

4 4 4 4

........................................................................................................................................................... 2 2 2 2 2 2



In year 4 you will complete a dissertation or elective modules chosen by you. Modules taken in stage 3 count towards the final award classification.


School of Business

Bachelor of Arts in Human (CIPD) Resource Management

....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday 18.00 - 22.00


IFSC Campus




3 years; 2 semesters per year

Apply online at




€3,800 per annum

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


...................................................................................................................................... Start Date Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This degree will equip you with the knowledge, skills and competence expected of human resource professionals. You will cover leading edge thinking in the human resource field and gain a thorough understanding of the wider contribution which the human resource role makes to organisational success. The programme offers considerable benefits to your organisation as it helps you to build organisational capability and improve the performance and human resource capital of the organisation.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is aimed at people working in the human resource management area or intending to move into this area. Students come from a wide variety of organisations and the interactive sessions allow you to gain insights from many different sectors.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management is awarded by QQI at level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 8 programmes on the NFQ. Graduates will be eligible to apply for Associate Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) for which a fee must be paid directly to CIPD. Many students will elect to study for an additional year to obtain the BA (Honours) in HRM featured on page 20.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants under 23 will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

“My degree from NCI gave me the scope and flexibility to change my career. Without my qualification I would not have had the opportunity to move into a different area.” Student Profile Declan Naughton BA in Human Resource Management

........................................................... Programme Content ........................................................... Year 1

........................................................... . . . . . . . .

Introduction to HRM Introduction to Management Recruitment and Selection Introduction to Finance Organisational Behaviour Business Law Advanced Selection Methods Internal and External Consulting 1

Year 2


. . . . .

Learning and Development Principles of Employment Law Statistics Technology in HR Industrial Relations and the Regulation of Conflict . People Management . Internal and External Consulting 2 . Equality and Diversity Year 3

........................................................... . . . . .

Reward Management Change Management HRM in the Corporate Framework Project Management Work Based Project and Research Methods . Ethics and Social Responsibility . Business Communication and Influencing


School of Business

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Human Resource Management Indicative Schedule

Monday and Wednesday 18.00 – 21.00


1 calender year Sept - Sept


IFSC Campus




....................................................................................................................................... Start Date Sept 2013

...................................................................................................................................... Apply online at




€3,800 per annum (Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

....................................................................................................................................... This honours degree is a one year top-up to the BA in Human Resource Management.

Programme Description

This programme reflects our extensive experience in the human resource management arena together with our close links to this industry and will equip you with the skills and professional competence expected of HR professionals. The programme will cover the knowledge and theory of professional human resource management. Using a variety of learning techniques you will also gain the ability to apply human resource management best practice in real situations. Recognising the increasing central importance of HRM the programme will also give you an understanding of the wider contribution which strategic human resource management makes to organisational success.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is aimed at those currently working in human resource management or intending to move into HR. The programme will enable you to progress to more senior HRM roles in a wide variety of organisations.


National College of Ireland

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Human Resource Management is awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ, such as the NCI Postgraduate Diploma/MA in HRM.

Entry Requirements

A BA in Human Resource Management (level 7) or equivalent. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application and/or interview.

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... . . . . .

Economic and Social Policy Strategic Human Resource Management Strategic Management Industrial Relations: Contemporary Issues Dissertation

“Juggling study with a full-time job can be difficult but the central location of the college with the train and LUAS on the doorstep makes it much easier.� Student Profile Jenny Cox Human Resource Management Graduate


School of Business

Bachelor of Arts in Management Practice IFSC Campus

..................... ..............


Indicative Schedule - Evening and Online


....................................................................................................................................... Start Date

Evening: Tuesday and Thursday 18.00 - 22.00 Online: Tuesday and Tuesday 18.30 - 22.30

Sept 2013

and 3/4 Saturdays in each semester 09.00 - 17.00


Apply online at


€3,800 per annum


(provisionally) .......................................................................................................................................


(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

3 years; 2 semesters per year

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description Entry Requirements This programme will help managers or aspiring managers in small and medium enterprises to run their business more effectively. The programme is structured across the key themes of: managing people and behaviour, operations, organisational context and development. A key feature of this degree programme is an emphasis on applied learning and assessment methodologies to develop key skills such as budget preparation, presentations, action research and report writing. The course will be assessed with an interesting and involving range of continuous assessment assignments, projects and a small number of end of semester examinations throughout the three years of the programme. The programme is delivered both online and on-campus with lectures who are experienced industry practitioners.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is targeted at owner managers of small to medium sized enterprises and managers and aspiring managers of departments and divisions. The programme is also aimed at people who wish to enter management or supervision.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Arts in Management Practice is awarded by QQI at level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 8 programmes on the NFQ. 22

National College of Ireland

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants under 23 will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent. The programme allows progression, from which exemptions may apply, for students who have obtained a Certificate in First Line Management, the FETAC Advanced Certificate in Management and the Higher Certificate in Business Studies.

“This programme will help managers or aspiring managers in small and medium enterprises to run their business more effectively.”

........................................................... Programme Content ........................................................... Year 1

........................................................... . . . . . . . .

Leadership Communications and Influencing Working with People Human Resource Management for Managers Managing Finance Customer Service Employment Law Business Management Practice

........................................................... Year 2

........................................................... . . . . . . . .

Health and Safety Management Accounting for Managers Technology for Business Economics for Managers Enterprise Business Law Research Methods Sales and Marketing for Managers

........................................................... Year 3

........................................................... . . . . . . .

Change Management Managing Employee Performance Quality Management Managing Productivity Innovation Managing Organisational Strategy The Company Plan


School of Business

Higher Diploma in Arts in Psychology IFSC Campus



Indicative Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday evenings 18.15 - 21.30 plus 5 Saturdays 10.00 - 17.00 per semester


....................................................................................................................................... Start Date Sept 2013

Apply online at




€4,500 per annum

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


....................................................................................................................................... Duration

2 years; 2 semesters per year

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

Psychology is the fascinating study of the human mind and seeks to understand how we think, act and feel. You will look at what shapes our personality. How do children develop and learn? What gives some teams an edge over others? The course covers all the key areas of psychology. You will cover intriguing subjects such as the unconscious mind, the impact of the media on our thinking, human perception, psychology in the workplace, forensic psychology and so much more. You will cover these topics with a range of expert lectures, seminars, laboratory experiments and group work. As a graduate of this course you will: • Understand the principles of psychology and gain a broad understanding of human behaviour • Learn how to critically analyse psychology problems and how to conduct scientific research • Apply your knowledge of psychology to the workplace, the community and society Psychology as a discipline is currently experiencing unprecedented growth and development in Ireland and internationally as its value across a wide range of careers is seen. This higher diploma provides the core modules required by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) and will give you a thorough grounding in the subject as well as additional areas such as organisational behaviour and coaching. The course will equip you for a career in psychology and 24

National College of Ireland

provide an excellent foundation for careers in areas of business, management and communications in addition to providing you with a wonderfully stimulating area of study.

Who is the Programme For?

This course will appeal to those from unrelated areas who wish to open up a range of career options across the broad spectrum of psychology. The programme assumes no previous knowledge of psychology. Aside from professional prospects, psychology is one of the most interesting areas one can study and this course will also appeal to those who simply want to learn more about themselves and the people around them.

Award and Progression

Students successfully completing the two years will receive a Higher Diploma in Psychology awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. In order to enrol on the higher diploma you must first successfully complete the level 7 Diploma in Psychology over one year and then move on to complete the higher diploma at level 8 on completion of the second year. Students successfully completing the higher diploma are eligible to apply for postgraduate professional training in psychology.

Entry Requirements

Applicants will normally have a minimum of a level 8 (honours degree level) qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications in any area. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning nongraduates with other experience may also be considered for the programme.


As well as careers in professional psychology there are good employment prospects for psychology graduates in other fields for which their training will have provided them with relevant expertise. Market research, recruitment and selection, business, people management, advertising, sales and HRM are all areas for which this course will provide a good basis. The Higher Diploma in Arts in Psychology will provide students with a solid foundation for further postgraduate professional training and graduates can proceed to a career in professional psychology through additional professional training or postgraduate education in this area. Some of the areas of study students may choose to specialise in at postgraduate level include: • Occupational Psychology • Health Psychology • Sport and Exercise Psychology • Clinical Psychology • Educational Psychology • Counselling Psychology

Provisional Programme Schedule Year 1: Semester 1 and 2 (Diploma in Psychology) • • • • • • • •

Introduction to Psychology Personality and individual Differences Developmental and Lifespan Psychology Applied Statistics Social Psychology Coaching Psychology Cognitive Psychology Biological Bases of Behaviour

Year 2: Semester 1and 2 (Higher Diploma in Arts in Psychology) • • • • • •

Learning Theories Abnormal Psychology Workplace Psychology Forensic Psychology Media Psychology Final Project

This programme has been designed to meet the requirements for PSI accreditation and will be submitted for accreditation to them.

“This course will equip you for a career in psychology and provide an excellent foundation for careers in areas of business, management and communications.”


School of Business

CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Management

(Formerly Certificate in Personnel Practice)

....................................................................................................................................... .......................... Application

Apply online at

.......................... Duration 1 year

Indicative Schedule IFSC: One evening per week

Start Date

18.15 - 22.00 plus seven Saturdays 09.00 - 17.30 from Sept - May Or every Saturday 09.00 – 17.30 from Sept - March Fast-track in Jan 2014 will be every Monday plus 2 Saturdays a month from Jan - June


IFSC Campus

......... .............. .........


September 2013 and January 2014 (January start is a fast-track programme)

................................................ Fees

€1,950 (Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description CIPD qualifications and membership are This highly regarded and popular programme (previously the Certificate in Personnel Practice) has been revised and upgraded. It is delivered by lecturers with extensive, practical HR experience. The programme offers core skills and knowledge in human resource management and has a strong focus on practical HR skills as well as theory. The programme will cover key skills in recruitment and selection, managing performance and employment law. Some innovative assessment methods make the programme very realistic, such as the investigation into suspected employee theft, or the negotiation between management and trade unions. The programme will benefit a wide range of people who need HRM skills to perform effectively.

Who is the Programme For?

For managers wanting a better knowledge of personnel, those working in HR or wishing to develop a HR career. The wide range of participants will be a vital part of your learning experience.

Award and Progression

CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Management. The programme leads to CIPD qualification and assists graduates in gaining Associate Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). A separate membership fee (currently stg£170, but subject to revision) must be paid directly to CIPD, at the start of the programme. 26

National College of Ireland

often required by employers seeking to hire HR staff. To gain Associate Membership students may be required to complete a work-based assessment with CIPD. Graduates of this certificate will gain module exemptions from the BA in Human Resource Management featured on page 18.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those working in human resources or seeking to make a career change into the sector. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... Year 1

. Business Issues and Context of Human Resources . Resourcing and Talent Planning . Organisational Performance . Developing Professional Practice . Employment Law . Using Information in Human Resources An innovative assessment structure is in place which promotes both the understanding of academic principles and the application of skill. Assessment is by means of skills assessments, projects, case assignments and exams. National Campus Network: See for details of other locations.

“Working in a landmark venue such as Johnnie Fox’s is great but it takes its toll. With some weeks hitting into 75 hours plus it makes life difficult to focus on studies but NCI was very adept at handling this with mature part-time students.” Student Profile

Fred Rainert CIPD Programme


School of Business

CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Management

IFSC Campus and National Campus Network

Indicative Schedule IFSC: Two evenings per week 18.15 - 22.00 plus



four Saturdays. Or every Saturday 09.00 – 17.30

.......................... Apply online at


Sept - June

......................... Start Date Sept 2013

details of locations .........................................................................................................



National Campus Network: See for





(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description This programme offers core skills and knowledge in human resource management and has a strong focus on practical HR skills as well as theory. The programme is delivered by lecturers with extensive practical HR experience. It covers key skills in recruitment and selection, improving organisational performance, employment law and managing the HR function. Some innovative assessment methods make the programme very realistic, such as the investigation into suspected employee theft, the negotiation between management and trade unions or the design of a reward system. The programme will benefit a wide range of people who need human resource management skills to perform effectively.

Who is the Programme For?

This programme is for people working in HR, managers wanting a better knowledge of HR and people wishing to develop a career in HR. The wide range of participants from different industries and job roles will be a vital part of your learning experience.

Award and Progression

CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Management. The programme leads to CIPD qualification and assists graduates in gaining Associate Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). A separate membership fee (currently stg£170, but subject to revision) must be paid directly to CIPD at the start of the programme. CIPD qualifications and membership are often required by employers seeking to hire 28

National College of Ireland

HR staff. To gain Associate Membership students may be required to complete a work-based assessment with CIPD. Graduates of this diploma will gain module exemptions from the BA in Human Resource Management featured on page 18.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to make a career change into human resources. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... Year 1

. Business Issues and Context of Human Resources . Resourcing and Talent Planning . Organisational Performance . Developing Professional Practice . Employment Law . Using Information in Human Resources . Managing the Human Resource Function . Reward Management (Elective) . Contemporary Developments in Employee Relations (Elective) An innovative assessment structure is in place which promotes both the understanding of academic principles and the application of skill. Assessment is by means of skills assessments, projects, case assignments and exams.


School of Business

CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Development

....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule


Two evenings per week 18.15 - 22.00 plus four Saturdays

Sept - April

.......................................................................................................... Fees



(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Apply online at




IFSC Campus



Start Date Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This highly regarded and popular programme (previously the Certificate in Training Practice) has been revised and upgraded. Training and development is about understanding the role, contribution and practice of the training department. This programme will develop core competencies and skills which will improve the performance of staff in training areas and their contribution to the business. The programme is comprehensive and you will have the opportunity to gain experience of best practice human resource development alongside other professionals.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is for those involved in training and development in organisations. It is also aimed at training administrators seeking a broader understanding of the principles of training and those employed in training roles who wish to acquire a professional qualification. The programme will also appeal to new entrants in the area.

Award and Progression

CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Development. The programme leads to a CIPD qualification and assists graduates in gaining Associate Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). A separate membership fee (currently stgÂŁ170, but subject to revision) must be paid directly to CIPD at the start of the programme. CIPD qualifications and membership are often required by employers seeking to hire HR staff. To gain Associate Membership students may be required to complete a work based assessment with CIPD. 30

National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to make a career change towards training and development. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... Year 1

. Business Issues and the Contexts of Human Resource Development . Contemporary Developments in Human Resource Development . Meeting Organisational Development Needs . Coaching and Mentoring . Organisational Design: Implications for Human Resource Development . Organisational Development . Developing Professional Practice . Using Information in Human Resources An innovative assessment structure is in place which promotes both the understanding of academic principles and the application of skill. Assessment is by means of skills assessments, projects, case assignments and exams.

“I’m a technical writer with a software company and my role extends to supporting the training function. This course provides an excellent foundation in all aspects of training in the workplace combining just the right balance of theoretical and practical knowledge.” Student Profile Carol Houlihan Certificate in Training Practice


School of Business

CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Development IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule



Two evenings per week 18.15 - 22.00 plus 4 Saturdays


....................................................................................................................................... Duration

Sept - June

Apply online at





(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


....................................................................................................................................... Start Date

September 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

Entry Requirements

Who is the Programme For?

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... Year 1

This new programme will develop core competencies and skills which will improve the practical performance of staff in training areas and their contribution to the business. The programme has a strong focus on practical training skills as well as theory and you will have the opportunity to gain experience of training alongside other professionals.

The programme is for those involved in training and development in organisations. It is also aimed at training administrators seeking a broader understanding of the principles of training and those employed in training management roles who wish to acquire a professional qualification. The programme will also appeal to new entrants in the area.

Award and Progression

CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Development. The programme leads to a CIPD qualification and assists graduates in gaining Associate Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). A separate membership fee (currently stg£170, but subject to revision) must be paid directly to CIPD at the start of the programme. CIPD qualifications and membership are often required by employers seeking to hire HR staff. To gain Associate Membership students may be required to complete a work based assessment with CIPD.


National College of Ireland

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to change career towards training and development. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.

. Business Issues and the Contexts of Human Resource Development . Contemporary Developments in Human Resource Development . Meeting Organisational Development Needs . Coaching and Mentoring . Organisational Design: Implications for Human Resources . Organisational Development . Professional Practice . Using Information in HR . Organisational Performance . Managing and Coordinating the Human Resource Function An innovative assessment structure is in place which promotes both the understanding of academic principles and the application of skill. Assessment is by means of skills assessments, projects, case assignments and exams.

“The course was covered in a very practical way through the use of case studies and assessments.� Student Profile

Claudia Ihde CIPD Programme


School of Business

CIPD Award in Employment Law and Employee Relations ....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule


IFSC Campus




Monday evenings 18.15 - 22.00

16 weeks

Apply online at





(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


...................................................................................................................................... Start Date

September 2013 and January 2014

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This CIPD award of professional competence will give you the skills and knowledge needed in managing difficult employment situations at work. The programme covers the key aspects of employment law and practice required by HR professionals, line and owner managers. The programme is highly practical applying case law to real life situations. On completion participants will be able to deal with such issues as redundancies, poor performance, dismissals and equality.

Who is the Programme For?

Suitable for those who are working in HR or for those with experience in some aspects of HR who wish to further their career. Given the importance of the issues, the course will also appeal to those working at line manager level or those running a small business with no HR unit in place.

Award and Progression

CIPD Award in Employment Law and Employee Relations. A separate membership fee (currently stg£170, but subject to revision) must be paid directly to CIPD at the start of the programme.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those working in HR or seeking to upgrade their knowledge of employment law. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.


National College of Ireland

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... . Employment Law . Employee Relations An innovative assessment structure is in place which promotes both the understanding of academic principles and the application of skill. Assessment is by means of skills demonstration, projects and case assignment.

School of Business

ICM Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Management Indicative Schedule

Monday and Wednesday 18.30 - 21.30


26 weeks or 13 weeks intensive

.......................................................................................................... Fees


(Fees revised annually)


IFSC Campus and selected locations of our National Campus Network

........... ............


........... ............



Apply online at

Start Date

September 2013 and January 2014

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This Institute of Commercial Management programme will enable you to approach marketing, advertising, PR and sales with a greater level of understanding and to create your own advertisements and PR materials using contemporary theories and frameworks. Classes are specifically designed to reflect the vocational and practical nature of the course incorporating a variety of contemporary case studies as well as a comprehensive project which you can relate to your own working situation or company. Individuals enrolling on the course will gain practical insights and knowledge in key marketing skills such as how to analyse markets, undertake research, approach market planning as well as prepare advertising, public relations and sales strategies.

Who is the Programme For?

The ICM Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Management is specifically designed for those with an interest in marketing or communications who seek a recognised qualification to enhance future employment prospects and career progression.

Award and Progression

Institute of Commercial Management Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, PR and Sales Management.

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. Applicants will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate results or equivalent.

......................................... Programme Content .........................................

. Advertising and Promotions . Advertising Agencies, Structures and Client Relationships . Media Planning and Strategy . Sales Promotions . Direct Marketing . Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns . Corporate Social Responsibility and Reputation Management . Crisis Management . Sales Management

Additional Information

This programme is offered over 26 weeks starting in September 2013. We also offer an intensive 13 week programme commencing in January 2014 (subject to sufficient student enrolments).

“Classes are specifically designed to reflect the vocational and practical nature of the course incorporating a variety of contemporary case studies.� 35

School of Business

Certificate in Digital Marketing

....................................................................................................................................... Duration

Indicative Schedule

One evening per week 18.30 – 21.30. The programme may also be offered in block delivery


IFSC Campus



2 semesters; 26 weeks

....................................................................................................................................... Fees


(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Apply online at



Start Date

September 2013 and other dates as per demand

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

Delivered by leading specialists, this course is designed to reflect the realities of digital marketing and sensitise learners to both current and future challenges and opportunities in the field. Learners will graduate with strong skills in digital marketing decision-making and implementation. The programme will deliver knowledge of the tools and techniques of digital marketing and the ability to develop a digital strategy for their organisation. In addition, graduates will have the ability to confidently brief providers and suppliers when contracting services. Participants will have a solid understanding of all the key platforms and how they work together for business in the digital landscape. The programme will cover all the key elements including search engine optimisation, digital advertising, online PR, online reputation management, measurement, creation and implementation of a digital marketing campaign, project management and as an overall project the creation of a digital marketing strategy.

“This programme will deliver knowledge of the tools and techniques of digital marketing and the ability to develop a digital strategy for their organisation.” 36

National College of Ireland

The course differs from other programmes in that it is extremely practical and you will work on live case studies and projects. We will also have a range of guest speakers from industry. You will learn by doing, in computer labs and through use of technologies like websites and blogs and platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and project management tools used in the sector. We believe this will provide an enhanced learning experience when compared to more traditional modes of delivery on many digital marketing courses. In addition employers have advised us that there is a need for a programme where the content is designed and delivered by digital marketing practitioners underpinned by the academic rigour and quality system of a third level education provider. So with this course you have the reassurance that the programme is delivered by an academic institution with over 60 years’ experience and rigorous quality and accreditation processes.

Who is the Programme For?

This course is perfect for marketing professionals who want to update their understanding and skills in the vital area of digital marketing. It is ideal for those working in digital marketing who wish to appreciate how digital marketing complements other areas of marketing communications. This certificate will also be of interest to senior managers, business owners, webmasters and IT staff who are interested in better understanding the digital landscape or who have direct responsibility for promoting their business online.

Entry Requirements

A degree or equivalent at level 8 in marketing or a related field such as business, communications, media, sales etc. Applicants who hold a minimum level 8 or equivalent qualification in a non-cognate field but with work experience in a related area will also be eligible for entry onto the programme.

Programme Content ............................................................. Digital Marketing Landscape and Strategy How the digital landscape has evolved and the effect of new media and technologies on consumer behaviour and expectations, including legal implications and current and near-future trends. It will also cover where digital marketing sits within the traditional marketing mix and how digital marketing complements other areas of marketing communications. A key section of this part of the course will be the development, implementation and evaluation of a digital marketing strategy. Project Management and Measurement for Digital Marketing This section will cover structured approaches to web project management and measurement. It will look at measuring quantitative business intelligence through site analytics, permission based marketing and social media monitoring. Technology and User Experience User experience design, writing for the web, content strategy and the semantic web will all be covered in this part of the programme. Social Media Marketing and PR Social strategy, the nature of social media and the convergence of technology and communications channels. Social media for business, along with creating and editing online video, audio and podcasting. Online advertising and online PR.


The Certificate in Digital Marketing is a Special Purpose Award (30 ECTS credits) awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

School of Business

Certificate in First Line Management IFSC and National Campus Network.

Indicative Schedule Tuesday evenings 18.30 – 21.30

.............. ................


............. ................

....................................................................................................................................... Duration

2 years; 4 semesters

....................................................................................................................................... Application

Apply online at


€975 Part-time per annum €1,950 Day release (Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Start Date Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme fully equips you with the necessary skills to be an effective supervisor, team leader and first line manager. It will give you the knowledge and skills to get better results in any supervisory role. First line management is always popular, because if you are working as a manager or supervisor, this programme provides a superb grounding in all the key skills you will need to start your management career.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is aimed at those who have been recently appointed to supervisory positions and those planning to become a supervisor. Participants on the programme have come from every type of organisation and every type of industry sector.

Award and Progression

The Certificate in First Line Management is a Special Purpose Award (30 credits) awarded by QQI at level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 6 programmes on the NFQ. Graduates will be eligible to apply for: . the BA in Management Practice with module exemptions . the second year of the Higher Certificate in Business subject to completing bridging studies in accounting


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience.

......................................... Programme Content .........................................

Leadership and Communications . Leadership Theory . Motivation . Managing Teams . Managing Conflict . Managing Change . Interviewing Skills . Presentation Skills Business Management . The Role of the Manager . Business Planning . Quality Management . Customer Care Legal and Regulatory Framework . Irish Legal System . Employment Contracts . Protective Legislation and Leave . Privacy and Data Protection . Health and Safety . Equality . Termination of Relationship . Industrial Relations

“The course gave good insight into the theory behind the decisions made by management in a real life working environment. It was very helpful in teaching me to apply theory to practice. The course really helped my understanding of the management process.� Student Profile Clare Flynn, Midwife, First Line Management Graduate


School of Business

Certificate in First Line Management through Blended Learning

....................................................................................................................................... ........... ...........


Indicative Schedule

1 year 2 semesters

Tuesday evenings 18.30 – 21.30 and one Saturday per month

................................................................................................................... Apply online at





IFSC and National Campus Network.



€1,725 total fee

Start Date

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

September 2013 and February 2014

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

Our Certificate in First Line Management will give you the skills to be an effective supervisor, team leader or first line manager. If you are in a management role it will give you a superb grounding. It is also ideal for those facing the challenge of running a small business. It provides a perfect introduction to business studies allowing progression to degree level. You will study through a blend of traditional face-to-face classes and online classes and tutorials.

Who is the Programme For?

The blend of online and face-to-face will appeal to students who value the more flexible approach and the ability to cover the course at a time and place that suits them; whilst still having the benefits of lecturers during face-to-face sessions.

How Blended Learning Works for You

Class - You will attend 7 face-to-face classes on selected Saturdays at our IFSC campus or at a location near you. Online Class - In addition, each week you are required to participate in a class via the internet and to watch a streamed lecture and participate in follow up question and answer sessions. Recordings of all online classes will then be available for you to review.


National College of Ireland

Flexible Activities - Online exercises, activities, video clips, podcasts and other materials can be accessed anytime to support the learning covered in your face-to-face and online classes. Indicative Schedule - Face-to-face classes will be on Saturdays in the IFSC. The online classes will be once a week from wherever suits you.

Technology Requirements

You do not have to be a technology expert but it does require a basic level of digital skills, ability to browse the internet etc. The course material will work with most modern operating systems and browsers. Prior to registration we can help you to check your system’s compatibility. A speaker and microphone on your computer would be an advantage. In the first week you will be given a full induction to make sure you are comfortable with the course material and use of the online resources.

Entry Requirements

There are no specific academic requirements. Applicants considered on work and other experience.

Award and Programme Content The award and programme content is the same as Certificate in First Line Management on page 38.

“The course gave me the foundation I needed and certainly taught me to manage and motivate people. The classes were really practical. It was great to have the flexibility of online classes. It made it easier to fit everything in.� Student Profile Ian Gillan First Line Management Graduate


School of Business

The Coach’s Programme

....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule Overall the programme is 11 days over 6 months plus an additional 2 one-to-one short sessions. The residential session will take place in the Leinster area. Other sessions will take place at NCI’s IFSC campus.

....................................................................................................................................... Application



(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Sept 2013


Start Date

email: or call (01) 4498 551

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

Coaching is a powerful tool that can facilitate dramatic improvements in the performance of individuals, teams and organisations. National College of Ireland have partnered with The School of Coaching to offer the Coach’s Programme in Ireland. The Coach’s Programme is one of the world’s most prestigious coaching training programmes, running internationally in London, Houston, Doha, Dubai and now in Dublin. Delivered by world renowned faculty including Myles Downey founder of the School of Coaching, the Coach’s Programme teaches a deep level of coaching capability and skill, taking participants on an inner as well as an outer learning journey. Through the intensive experiential programme, you will discover much about yourself and your innate capacity to coach.

Who is the Programme For?

The Coach’s Programme is for senior managers and professionals. Alumni are highly successful executive coaches or, as senior executives and leaders, become organisational champions of change. Typical participants include CEOs, directors, senior managers, human resource directors, specialist HR and talent management consultants.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

Applicants are requested to submit an application form and will be interviewed. Given the specialised nature of this programme we ask that you contact us at National College of Ireland on (01) 4498 551 or email to discuss your application.


The Coach’s Programme is an International Coach Federation (ICF) accredited coach training programme (ACSTH) and has achieved the European Quality Award at Senior Practitioner level through the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). Successful participants gain the Certificate of Professional Development in Coaching awarded jointly by the University of Strathclyde and The School of Coaching.

Programme Modules

Pre-Programme One-to-One An individual session to assess your needs and understand your current role and aspirations. Phase One: Developing Competency A three-day residential workshop, introducing the fundamental elements and principles of non-directive coaching, the Inner Game conversational structure, listening and questioning, and basic client contracting. A further one-day workshop introduces boundaries and boundary management, management and coaching and further contracting, and this is followed by an Assessment and Development Day which is an opportunity for further practice, review and video feedback. Mid-Programme Review and Coaching Study Day Each participant has a one-to-one coaching session with their tutor who ensures the participant is clear on progress and what they might need to focus on in the second phase. This day also allows learning in small groups, including coaching practice and video review. Phase Two: Building Fluency Participants build on skills to develop ease and fluency with coaching. The first workshop focuses on how the coach can use their own resources appropriately in a coaching dialogue. A further workshop reviews key elements of coaching in an organisational context, followed by a second Assessment and Development Day. The final workshop allows participants to synthesise their understanding, and to create a bridge to further development. Each participant has a post-programme one-to-one with their tutor 4-5 weeks after the final workshop to review progress and consider future development.

Coaching Practice and Assessment Each participant is expected to work with a minimum of four ‘practice clients’ during the programme. The learning from these sessions is shared in subsequent workshops, and the feedback sheets form part of participants’ portfolio of evidence for the award. To successfully complete, participants must demonstrate both practical ability in core coaching competencies and their capacity to reflect and learn from their coaching experience and feedback. This is assessed by tutor observation in particular on the two Assessment Days. Participants are also assessed through a substantial written portfolio which includes a short essay, book reviews, and evidence of practice coaching sessions and personal reflection, and a statement of intent for continuous professional development.

“The course brings you onto a new level both professionally and intellectually and adds a lot of value back into the corporation.” Patricia Ryan, HR Manager McDonalds Ireland


School of Business

Certificate in Business Analysis IFSC Campus

Indicative Schedule

2 days per month Thursday and Friday 09.00 - 17.00

............ ...........


............. ...........

....................................................................................................................................... Duration

6 months

....................................................................................................................................... Application

Apply online at



(Fees revised annually)

Start Date

September 2013 and January 2014

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This is a management course that has been developed in association with the Business Analysts Association of Ireland. The role of the business analyst is to identify the core business objectives of an organisation and its constituent parts and to ensure that the processes, procedures, systems and structures that are in place are the most effective and efficient to enable it to achieve its core objectives. This professional course offers academic accreditation for business analysts and for those who play a leading role in improving business performance, either in their own company, or in a consultancy role to others, through the use of proven business analysis techniques.

Who is the Programme For?

This course is for business analysts and those who aspire to work in the role. It is ideal for those currently working as business analysts, internal and external consultants and advisors, managers, team leaders and members of improvement teams.

Award and Progression

The Certificate in Business Analysis is a Special Purpose Award (15 credits) awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students may transfer to other related level 8 programmes subject to normal entry requirements.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

This course is open to those working as business analysts, trainee business analysts or individuals with relevant work experience. Applications will be assessed based on relevant experience by the Business Analysts Association of Ireland. Applicants from other areas will be expected to have a primary level 7 degree or proven work experience in the area. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... . Communications . Change Management . Business Systems Analysis

Finance “NCI’s small class sizes made it really easy to get to know not only my fellow students but also my lecturers.” Student Profile Olu Blessing Memeh Graduate



School of Business

Master of Science in Finance

....................................................................................................................................... Tuesday and Thursday evenings and some Saturdays

Duration 2 years; 26 weeks per year


Indicative Schedule


Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Start Date Sept 2013


€4,475 per annum (€8,950 total fee) (Fees revised annually)




IFSC and National Campus Network




Apply online at

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

The MSc in Finance has been designed in consultation with industry to provide candidates with the advanced analytical, statistical and financial skills for decision making within the modern and dynamic financial services sector. Candidates will be accomplished in the application of advanced quantitative tools and financial models and techniques within a range of business and financial settings. In particular, the programme will provide graduates with the techniques and applied knowledge necessary to select, analyse and utilise advanced financial concepts within the setting of investment management and capital markets. The learning environment for the programme is practical and applied in nature and on completion graduates will be able to think independently, make informed and effective decisions and proactively troubleshoot financial and technical business problems. Graduates from the MSc in Finance will be able to apply advanced research skills and critically evaluate seminal, as well as contemporary literature, paradigms and concepts which underpin the operation of international capital markets and the investment management process.

Award and Progression

The Master of Science in Finance is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

Applicants will normally hold a level 8 honours degree (min 2.2) in finance or a cognate field of study. Applicants who hold a level 8 honours qualification in a noncognate field will be required to undertake the Higher Diploma in Business in Finance and, on successful completion and attainment of a 2.2 qualification or higher, will be eligible to apply for the MSc in Finance. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application and/or interview.

“Very knowledgeable,

professional teaching staff. NCI offers a convenient location with a relaxed environment.” Student Profile Darren Freemantle Finance Graduate

........................................................... Programme Content ........................................................... Year 1


Semester 1 . Economics . Quantitative Methods in Finance . Financial Statement Analysis Semester 2 . Asset Valuation . Quantitative Analysis in Finance . Corporate Finance . Managing in the Financial Environment* Year 2


Semester 1 . Portfolio Management . Derivatives and Risk Management . Applied Security Analysis Semester 2 . Ethics and Governance . Financial Regulation . Managing in the Financial Environment* . Research Project * The Managing in the Financial Environment module is delivered across the programme in both year 1 and year 2. Note that all modules count towards the final award classification.


School of Business

Higher Diploma in Business in Finance

....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturdays



IFSC Campus



1 year; 26 weeks

....................................................................................................................................... Fees


(Fees revised annually)

Start Date


Apply online at



Sept 2013

â‚Ź Spread the cost with our direct debit plan .......................................................................................................................................

Programme Description

The Higher Diploma in Business in Finance will provide candidates with the integrated theoretical and practical knowledge and skillset required for decision making within the modern and dynamic financial services sector. Candidates will gain a fundamental understanding of the key theories, concepts and tools used within the international financial services sector. They will have a critical awareness of the economic and regulatory framework within which the sector operates and will possess the analytical and multi-perspective mindset which allows them exercise appropriate judgements in evaluating the operational challenges facing the international financial services sector.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is for those candidates from a non-cognate area of study who wish to embark on a career in financial services. The Higher Diploma will provide non-cognate degree holders with the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the key tenets of finance and its attendant fields.

Entry Requirements

Applicants will normally hold a level 8 honours degree (minimum 2.2) in a non-cognate field of study to finance.

The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application and/or interview.

Progression and Award

The Higher Diploma in Finance programme is awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. For those wishing to progress to the NCI MSc in Finance, candidates must attain a 2.2 or higher to be eligible for consideration. The Higher Diploma in Finance will also offer candidates the opportunity to progress to other level 9 finance programmes on the NFQ.

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... Year 1 Semester 1 . Financial Markets and Institutions . Economics . Statistical Methods for Finance Semester 2 . Corporate Finance . Financial Accounting and Reporting . Law and Governance Note that all modules count towards the final award classification.


National College of Ireland


School of Business

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Financial Services

....................................................................................................................................... Monday and Wednesday evenings plus additional workshops as required



Indicative Schedule


IFSC Campus



Start Date

4 years; 26 weeks per year

....................................................................................................................................... Apply online at




€3,800 per annum

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme will give you the knowledge and specialist skills to gain a rewarding career in the dynamic financial services industry. You will gain a broad based knowledge in all aspects of the industry and an understanding of the theoretical concepts and frameworks used internationally. The programme will allow you to understand the methodologies by which financial decisions are made and to be fully competent in a range of risk management skills necessary for successful strategic financial management. The programme is structured to allow you to apply your knowledge and skills as you progress and it will help you to build the capability of your organisation and improve performance.

Who is the Programme For?

This degree is for those working or planning to work in financial services including areas such as banking, insurance, fund management, risk, capital markets and corporate treasury.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Financial Services is awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants under 23 will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

“The programme will allow you to understand the methodologies by which financial decisions are made and to be fully competent in a range of risk management skills necessary for successful strategic financial management.”

Programme Content ........................................................................................................................................................... Stage



..................... .....................

1 1 1 1 1

..................... .....................

1 1 1 1 1

..................... .....................

1 1 2 2 2


2 2


3 3



5 6

........................................................................................................................................................... Business Law Marketing Organisational Behaviour Microeconomics Financial Accounting

........................................................................................................................................................... Human Resource Management Macroeconomics Quantitative Analysis Funds Quantitative Methods for Finance

1 1 1 2 2

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 4 4

........................................................................................................................................................... Banking Insurance

Plus 4 elective choices* over 2 semesters in year 3. Elective choices are subject to student numbers and include areas like Taxation, Strategy, International Finance, Auditing, Enterprise and Management Information Systems. 4 4 4 4


3 3 3 3



Corporate Finance Economic and Monetary Policy Portfolio Management Derivatives and Treasury Mgt

7 7 8 8

*In addition you will have an elective option in final year to complete a dissertation over both semesters. Alternatively you can elect to study the law and governance module in the first semester and a choice of 2 electives in the second semester of award year. Should you choose this route elective choices will include areas like Pensions, e-Business, Technology for Finance, Organisational Development, Business Ethics, European Comparative Industrial Relations, Contemporary Issues in Reward Management.

*Availability of electives is subject to student numbers.


School of Business

Certificate in Entrepreneurship

....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule


IFSC Campus



1 evening per week for 4 hours over 13 weeks or 8 full days spread over 13 weeks


13 Weeks

....................................................................................................................................... Fees


Start Date


Apply online at



Sept 2013

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

If you have a business idea you want to turn into a start-up enterprise, or if you want to sharpen your entrepreneurial skills then this course is for you. The format of the course is interactive and aims at inspiring people to formulate business ideas that can be presented to a range of potential investors and advisors from Enterprise Ireland, business angels and venture capitalists. The course consists of three modules; entrepreneurship, strategic management and corporate finance. It will allow you to understand what it takes to start a new venture, including the basics of finance, marketing and management. It is highly practical and will allow you to assess the commercial viability of a new business idea and transform that idea into a feasibility business plans.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is ideal for those who have a business idea they want to progress, graduates who want to hone their entrepreneurial skills or those who have significant experience but no formal qualifications in the area.

Award and Progression

Certificate in Entrepreneurship Special Purpose Award at level 8 (15 ECTS credits), awarded by QQI.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have an honours degree (level 8) or equivalent. Applicants without a degree may be considered for admission based on work and other educational experience.

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... . Corporate Finance . Entrepreneurship . Strategic Management

“This course is highly practical and will allow you to assess the commercial viability of a new business idea and transform your idea into feasibility and business plans.”

School of Business

Certificate in Financial Regulation

....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule 1 evening per week 18.00 – 21.00



IFSC Campus



13 weeks

....................................................................................................................................... Fees


Start Date

(Fees revised annually)

Currently Summit Finuas members are eligible for 40% funding.


Apply online at



Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme will provide you with an up-to-date understanding of the regulatory framework and financial regulation in Ireland and its implications and applications to the financial services industry. The course also provides a detailed understanding of the theory and practice of corporate governance.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is suitable for those working or wishing to work within regulatory, compliance, governance or related functions in international financial services and those who wish to advance their knowledge of finance law, regulation and corporate governance.

Award and Progression

Certificate in Financial Regulation, a minor award of the BA (Hons) in Financial Services (10 ECTS credits) at level 8, awarded by QQI.

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... • Irish Financial Regulatory Authorities • European and International Regulatory Authorities and Standard Setting Authorities • Key Areas of International Financial Regulation • Regulation in Ireland • Current Trends in Financial Regulation • Financial Regulation and the Financial Crisis of 2008 • Overview of Corporate Governance • Corporate Governance Theories • Role of Company Boards and Directors • Restriction and Disqualification of Directors • Reckless, Fraudulent and Insider Dealing • Other Corporate Regulation • Study of Relevant Case Studies


School of Business

Diploma in Pensions Management and Policy

....................................................................................................................................... Monday and Wednesday evening 18.00 – 21.00/22.00

............. ..........................


Indicative Schedule

3 semesters, each semester is 13 weeks in duration followed by exams

................................................................................................................ Fees


IFSC Campus Programme may also be delivered in different geographical areas subject to demand



Total: €4,260 or €542 per module first 5 modules €517 per module - final 3 modules (Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Start Date

Sept 2012 and Jan 2013

................................................. Application Apply online at

.............................................................................................................................................. Programme Description

The programme is aimed at those who want a career in a senior pensions consultancy/ advisory or pensions management role, providing you with the in-depth technical knowledge and skills specifically required to operate at a senior level in the pensions industry. The programme is delivered over three semesters and will normally take 18 months to complete in full. Graduates of the diploma will also be awarded with the highly recognised professional status of “Associate” of the IIPM. The programme focuses on the core areas of retirement provision, investments, insurance and the regulation of this industry. The programme places a particular emphasis on providing an in-depth knowledge of the retirement framework in Ireland, mechanisms and incentives for retirement provision, the micro and macro challenges facing Ireland and corresponding policies to meet such challenges. The programme also develops your specialist skills in identifying a client’s financial needs and in integrating your knowledge across the core areas to develop an appropriate strategy and provide specialist and competent financial advice.


National College of Ireland

The final semester of the diploma develops the additional knowledge and competencies required by senior pension scheme consultants/advisers, international benefit consultants, managers of pension schemes or administration functions or other such similar roles by focusing on the following three key areas: • Pension Scheme Law and Governance • International Practice • Pensions Management Lectures given by highly experienced professionals will provide the principal approach to delivery of the programme, ensuring that it is very practical in nature by utilising class discussion, real world settings and case studies in the delivery.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is suited to anyone who is looking to significantly develop their career in the pensions or financial services industry in a senior advisory, technical or management role. The diploma will also appeal to trustees, individuals working in a corporate trustee company or a pensions manager role in a company. The diploma is also suitable for senior HR specialists, accountants, lawyers and investment consultants who may be dealing with issues regarding their own employer’s or their clients’ pension schemes.

Minimum Competency*

Graduates will meet the Central Bank’s minimum competency requirements for those who wish to sell, advise on, or undertake specified activities for the following three categories of retail financial products: • Savings, Investment and Pension • Life Assurance Protection • Shares and Bonds and other Investment Instruments *Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is required to be undertaken to maintain the qualification/status.

Award and Progression


Candidates are assessed by a combination of examinations and continuous assessment, including home assignments, case studies and role play. The pensions management module in semester three also incorporates a work based project assessment.

......................................... Programme Content: ......................................... The programme will consist of the following eight modules delivered through lectures over three semesters.

Diploma in Pensions Management and Policy, Special Purpose Award level 8, (60 ECTS credits), awarded by QQI.

Semester 1: . Retirement Benefits . Investments

Entry Requirements

Semester 2: . Life Insurance . Retirement Funding . Regulation and Financial Planning . International Practice

Applicants should have an ordinary bachelor degree (level 7) or equivalent in finance, accountancy, business, HR or other cognate fields. Applicants without a degree or with a degree in a non-cognate field will also be considered for admission based on work and other educational experience.


Holders of existing IIPM or other qualifications may be eligible to apply for exemptions. If you wish to apply for an exemption, please indicate on the application form.

Semester 3: . Pension Scheme Law and Governance . Pensions Management

Exit Award:

On completion of the first five modules above, learners will have the option to exit the programme and will be awarded a “Certificate in Pensions, Investments and Insurance” (please see page 56 for further details). Learners who exit at this point will have also met the minimum competency requirements and will be awarded with the professional “Membership” status by the IIPM.


School of Business

Membership of the IIPM & Minimum Competency Code IFSC Campus Programme may also be delivered in different geographical areas subject to demand

Semester 1: Jan - April 2 nights per week 18.00 - 21.00 Semester 2: Sept - Dec 2 nights per week


3 semesters, each semester is 13 weeks in duration followed by exams

Sept 2013 and Jan 2014


Apply online at


..................................... Start Date


Indicative Schedule



............... .................



Total: €2,710 or €542 per module (Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

Membership of the IIPM and achievement of the provisions of the Minimum Competency Code for the three categories of the retail financial products, savings, investment and pension products, life assurance protection products and shares and bonds and other investment instruments can be achieved on completion of the first five modules of the Diploma in Pensions Management and Policy. Once you have successfully completed these modules, you have the option to exit from the diploma and graduate with the exit award Certificate in Pensions, Investment and Insurance (35 ECTS credits) which is a Special Purpose Award recognised at level 8. This meets the Central Bank’s minimum competency in the above three categories and you may use the professional accreditation of “Member” of the IIPM. The modules will usually be delivered over 2 semesters and should normally take one academic year to complete. Lectures given by highly experienced professionals will provide the principal approach to delivery of the modules, ensuring it is very practical in nature by utilising class discussions, real-world settings and case studies.


National College of Ireland

Who is the Programme For?

The certificate is suitable for anyone who would like to work in the pensions and financial services industry and wish to obtain a level 8 nationally recognised award, professional IIPM “Membership” status and/or satisfy the Central Bank’s Minimum Competency Code for three core retail product categories. The certificate allows individuals to gain a specialist knowledge and the required competency level in the core financial areas and in particular retirement provision in Ireland.


Graduates who exit the Diploma on successful completion of the appropriate modules will be awarded with a Certificate in Pensions, Investment and Insurance, Special Purpose Award level 8 (35 ECTS credits), awarded by QQI.

“The certificate allows individuals to gain a specialist knowledge and the required competency level in the core financial areas and in particular retirement provision in Ireland.”

School of Business

Certificate in Pensions Administration Special Purpose Award Level 7 (10 ECTS) ....................................................................................................................................... Duration

Start Date


1 evening per week for 13 weeks 18.00 - 21.00


Indicative Schedule

1 Semester

Sept 2013 and Jan 2014






IFSC Campus Programme may also be delivered in different geographical areas subject to demand




Apply online at

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

The aim of the certificate is to provide learners with the knowledge and skills required by an individual employed to administer individual or employer related pension arrangements, incorporating both the practical and legislative provisions underpinning the role. The programme has been developed in collaboration with the Irish Institute of Pensions Management (IIPM) to encourage those who actively work for a “Registered Administrator” to obtain formal qualifications. The programme will be delivered as one module with lectures providing the principal delivery approach. The assessment will incorporate an assignment and exam.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme will appeal to learners, who possess a level 6 qualification in finance or other cognate areas and would like to up-skill further in this relevant area at level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications.


Certificate in Pensions Administration – Special Purpose Award level 7 (10 ECTS credits), awarded by QQI.

Entry Requirements

Applicants will normally hold a Higher Certificate at level 6 or equivalent qualification in business, HRM, finance or other cognate fields. Applicants without a level 6 qualification will also be considered for admission based on work and other educational experience.

Programme Content

• Role and responsibilities of a pensions administrator • Importance and financial need for retirement provision–micro and macro • Types and constitution of pension arrangements • Overview of key sources of pension legislation • Role and function of pension regulators • Understanding trusteeship • Key administration processes for each of the following • Retirement Annuity Contract • Personal Retirement Savings Account • Occupational Pension Schemes • Approved Retirement Fund and Approved Minimum Retirement Fund • Pension Adjustment Orders • Handling Complaints, Data Protection and Whistle Blowing


School of Computing “My course at NCI was highly relevant to the world of technology and is really benefical to my career. It covered all the latest thinking and technology�. Student Profile

Mario Monas Postgraduate Student

School School of of Computing Computing

Master of Science in Cloud Computing ....................................................................................................................................... Duration 2 years; 5 semesters


Indicative Schedule Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 and every Saturday 09.00 - 17.00


IFSC Campus



Start Date Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Apply online at




€4,475 per annum €8,950 total fee (Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description This programme will provide you with the latest knowledge and competencies required by the fastest growing global industry; the Cloud, which has become a multi-billion euro industry. Practical in nature, this programme offers specialisations in arguably the most important areas of cloud computing: SaaS (Software as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) by teaching the structured management of cloud architectural components. Learners engaging with the programme will gain experience with the latest design principles, models, and technologies in cloud computing delivered by faculty and industry experts with proven experience in cloud computing.

Who is the Programme For?

This programme will appeal to different categories of learners: computer science or engineering graduates, ICT industry experts, system administrators and those with an interest in gaining practical experience in cloud computing. This programme is therefore for experienced ICT professionals in the workplace and college graduates from cognate disciplines at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. As a graduate of this course, you will be able to: . Create and deploy commercial multi-tier applications onto multiple (public/hybrid) cloud platforms


National College of Ireland

. Plan and architect highly-scalable computer/data solutions for business and scientific needs . Design pattern-based application code to run efficiently in a cloud environment . Evaluate security strategies associated with cloud computing and apply them to ensure the technical sustainability of an organisation . Perform a migration from a traditional ICT environment to a cloud-based platform . Manage the process of running an IT department from a cloud environment

Award and Progression

The Masters of Science in Cloud Computing is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may progress to a major award at level 10 on the NFQ.

“The business world has steadily seen cloud computing become one of the most important skills required to prepare our leaders of tomorrow, and we are pleased to be working with National College of Ireland’s Cloud Competency Centre to help them explore new and innovative ways to bridge business and technical skills together.” Peter O’Neill, Managing Director, IBM Ireland

Entry Requirements

An honours (level 8) primary degree in a cognate area with a 2.1 award or higher. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a portfolio of learning, demonstration of work produced and an interview.

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... Core Modules • Cloud Architecture • Cloud Security • Research and Development in Computing I • Research and Development in Computing II • Business Strategies for Cloud Computing

Infrastructure Specialisation


• Cloud Infrastructure Management • Data Storage and Management • Virtualisation

Development Specialisation


• Cloud Application Development • Advanced Client Side Development and User Experience • Cloud Application Services

Dissertation Categories ......................................... • Industry Dissertation (with work placement) • Research Dissertation Note that all modules count towards the final award classification.


School of of Computing Computing School

Master of Science in Web Technologies ....................................................................................................................................... Monday and Wednesday 18.30 - 22.30 and every second Saturday 09.00 - 17.00


2 years; 5 semesters

Start Date


Indicative Schedule


IFSC Campus



Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Apply online at




€4,475 per annum €8,950 total fee

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

The programme will give you the opportunity to develop outstanding expertise in the fast-paced ICT area of web technologies. The programme is practical in nature and aims to provide individuals with an understanding of how to create cutting-edge web applications to be deployed distributively across the latest hosting platforms, including public/hybrid clouds, peer-to-peer networks, clusters, and multi-tenancy servers.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme should appeal to not only skilled computing graduates, but also those with an interest in applying web technologies to their organisation. This programme is therefore for experienced ICT professionals in the workplace and college graduates from cognate disciplines at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

As a graduate of this course you will be able to: • Create and deploy a commercial web application • Use both enterprise and web application frameworks • Build scalable web applications and analyse their performance using the latest tools and techniques • Develop internet rich applications using the latest rich internet application frameworks • Perform usability testing on a given web application to ensure maximum effectiveness • Design and deploy wireframing, eye tracking and web analytics for web sites • Generate a suitable business case to justify a web-based development

Award and Progression

The Masters of Science in Web Technologies is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may progress to a major award at level 10.

“The programme is practical in nature and aims to provide individuals with an understanding of how to create cutting-edge web applications.”


National College of Ireland

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... . Deployment . Usability Testing and Implementation . Enterprise Frameworks . Web Application Frameworks . Cloud Computing Fundamentals . Technological Entrepreneurship . Enterprise Game* . Advanced Client Side Scripting . Advanced Rich Internet Applications . Dissertation/ Research Project

Entry Requirements ......................................... An honours (level 8) primary degree in a cognate area with a 2.2 award or higher. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a portfolio of learning, demonstration of work produced and interview. *The enterprise game module requires block delivery. Note that all modules count towards the final award classification.

“The course focuses on new, up-to-date technologies, that are relevant to the current industry. Having this specialisation has really enhanced my career prospects.� Student Profile Orla Butterly MSc in Web Technologies


School of Computing

Higher Diploma in Science in Web Technologies

....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule

Monday, Wednesday and Friday 18.00 - 22.00 and every second Saturday 09.00 - 16.00


IFSC Campus




1 year; 2 semesters

....................................................................................................................................... Fees


(Fees revised annually)

Start Date


Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Apply online at



Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme will appeal to non-technical professionals who would like to upgrade their skills in applying web technologies to their organisation. The programme will give them the opportunity to develop expertise in an important growth area of IT that relates to web technologies. The programme is practical in nature and aims to provide individuals with an understanding of how to create rich internet web applications using the latest web frameworks.

Who is the Programme For?

This programme is for non-technical professionals in the workplace and college graduates from non-technical disciplines at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. It should be noted that the programme contains a large amount of technical content and independent study on projects and assessments.

Additional Information

The programme consists of two taught semesters of 14 weeks duration. As a graduate of this course, you will be able to: . Create a web application . Use a web framework to create web applications . Understand the latest web 2.0 technologies . Create a rich internet application that can communicate asynchronously . Engineer a web application from requirements through analysis, design, implementation and testing . Connect the web application to a database 64

National College of Ireland

Award and Progression

The Higher Diploma in Science in Web Technologies is awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may progress to a major award at level 9 such as the Masters of Science in Web Technologies featured on page 62.

......................................... Programme Content ......................................... . Introduction to Computing and Web Technologies . Client Side Web Technologies . Server Side Web Technologies . Web Application Development . Rich Internet Applications . Project

Entry Requirements

Applicants holding an honours degree (level 8) in any discipline will be considered for the programme. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a portfolio of learning, demonstration of work produced and interview. *Note that all modules count towards the final award classification.

“There is such a great buzz about web technologies and cloud computing that you feel you are really doing something of benefit to your future� Student Profile

Valerie Andrews Certificate in Science in Web Technologies 65

School of Computing

Higher Diploma in Science in Software Development

....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule

Monday, Wednesday and Friday 18.00 - 22.00 and every second Saturday 09.00 - 16.00


IFSC Campus




1 year; 2 semesters

Apply online at





(Fees revised annually)


....................................................................................................................................... Start Date

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

Initially, this programme will give you a general grounding in computing. As you progress, it will provide you with more specialist skills in developing software to solve real world problems, and to avail of the many job opportunities available in software development.

Who is the Programme For?

It is ideal for graduates with a level 8 degree who are coming from a different background but wish to transfer into the world of information technology and software development. While you do not need to be coming from a computing background, it should be noted that the programme contains a large amount of technical content, as well as independent study on projects and assessments. Given the content and the timescale you will need to have a strong commitment to the programme and a willingness to fully engage with the technical content.

Programme Content

......................................... Semester 1: • Object Oriented Software Engineering • Software Development • Web Design • Computer Architecture Operating Systems and Networks • Introduction to Databases Semester 2: • Advanced Programming • Data Structures and Algorithms • Web Services and API Development • Career Bridge • Project

Entry Requirements

Applicants holding an honours degree (level 8) in a cognate area will be considered for the programme. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a portfolio of learning, demonstration of work produced and interview. *Note that all modules count towards the final award classification


National College of Ireland

Award and Progression


The Higher Diploma in Computing in Software Development is awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may progress to a major award at level 9 such as the NCI Masters of Science in Web Technologies or other MSc programmes in software or computing.

Career Prospects


The skills you learn on this programme will enable you to work as a software engineer and developer individually and in a collaborative group environment. There is currently a significant skills shortage with companies unable to fill roles in software development. This programme has been developed in partnership with industry and reflects the real needs of companies in the ICT sector and will enable the successful graduate to avail of these opportunities. 67

School of of Computing Computing School

Higher Diploma in Science in Computing in e-Learning

........................................................................................................................................ Indicative Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 plus every second Saturday 09.00 - 13.00 in semester 1


IFSC Campus




1 calendar year

....................................................................................................................................... Fees


(Fees revised annually)

Start Date

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan


Apply online at



Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme has been designed in consultation with industry and provides an excellent foundation for those in enterprise. You will learn about best practice in e-learning and how to apply and promote it within your organisation. The programme will enable you to use technology to enhance learning, to evaluate and manage e-learning programmes and to quantify the effects of technology-enhanced learning. The area of e-learning continues to rapidly develop and this programme will give you the knowledge and skills to play a leadership role.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is for people who want to apply technology to learning and training and for e-learning practitioners and people who wish to specialise in learning technologies.

Award and Progression

The Higher Diploma in Science in Computing in e-Learning is awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

A degree or equivalent and at least three years’ experience in industry, teaching, or information technology. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

......................................... Programme Content

......................................... . . . . . . . .

Learning Theory Practical e-Learning Multimedia e-Learning Project Management Instructional Design e-Learning Development Tools Human Computer Interaction Project

Note that all modules count towards the final award classification.

“The programme will enable you to use technology to enhance learning, to evaluate and manage e-learning programmes and to quantify the effects of technology enhanced learning.” 68

National College of Ireland

69 73

School of Computing

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computing

with Specialisations in... ... Cloud Computing … Gaming and Multimedia Design ... Networking and Mobile Technologies ... Software Systems




Duration 4 years; 2 semesters per year

Indicative Schedule Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 plus every second Saturday 09.00 - 13.00 in semester 1


IFSC Campus



...................................................................................................................................... Apply online at




Start Date

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

September 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This innovative BSc (Hons) with specialisations is intended to appeal to anyone who is interested in developing practical knowledge and skills in the application of technology to help solve problems in business, gaming, multimedia, networking, mobile and the cloud. In your final year you will study modules based on your chosen specialisation from important and exciting areas of computer science including cloud computing. This practical degree will equip you to create software applications on the web, in gaming, on mobile devices and in the cloud. You will also understand how to incorporate multimedia into software applications and how to engineer a software application from requirements through analysis, design, implementation and testing. The programme will also allow you to develop your business and interpersonal skills.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is aimed at those working in the information and communications technology industry and wishing to develop their knowledge and skills in the area of computing and so improve their career prospects. It will also appeal to anyone wishing to move into the information and communications technology industry.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process. Applicants under 23 will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing is awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ. The final award is calculated from weighted results of years 2, 3 and 4. The course also prepares students for industry recognised certificates in leading technologies.

Additional Information

Applicants who do not have at least 6 months’ previous work experience in an information and communications technology related field will be required to complete a work experience programme before the final year.

Programme Content

.................................................................................................................................................... Year 1

Year 2

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

................................................................................................................................................... .......................................

Introduction to Programming Introduction to Computers HTML and Web Design Introduction to Mathematics for Computing Personal and Professional Development Object Oriented Programming Computer Architecture Introduction to Multimedia Operating Systems Managerial Foundations of Information Systems

Introduction to Software Engineering Introduction to Database Web Development Data Structures and Algorithms Business Entrepreneurship Object Oriented Software Engineering Advanced Databases Project Data Communications and Networking Information Technology Project Management

.................................................................................................................................................... Year 3

................................................................................................................................................... . . . . .

. Team Project . Networking Programming and Distributed Systems . Advanced Internet Technologies . Work Experience

Change Management Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Wireless Networking Advanced Programming Strategy Management

.................................................................................................................................................... Year 4 - Choose one of 4 specialisations


. . . .

Cloud Computing Distributed Systems Cloud Application Development Software Project


Cloud Computing Specialisation

Networking and Mobile Technologies Specialisation . Distributed Systems . Multimedia and Mobile Application Development . Business and Network Security . Software Project

................................................................................................................................................... Gaming and Multimedia Design Specialisation . Applied Artificial Intelligence . Multimedia and Mobile Application Development . Computer Graphics Design and Animation . Software Project

Software Systems Specialisation . . . .

Distributed Systems Applied Artificial Intelligence Business and Network Security Software Project


School of Computing School of Computing

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business Information Systems

....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 and Saturday 09.00 – 16.00

........... ............

IFSC Campus




4 years; 2 semesters per year

...................................................................................................................................... Apply online at




€3,780 per annum

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Start Date

September 2013

...................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme is for anyone who is interested in applying technology to solve business problems. This practical degree will help you understand the manner in which technology can help facilitate business decisions. You will also acquire knowledge of the requirements, analysis, development, deployment and implementation of business information systems. The programme will give you the skills to manage, communicate and document ICT based solutions and to analyse and model business systems. Overall it will give you the ability to incorporate ICT into the wider business strategy.

Who is the Programme For?

For anyone who wishes to have a deeper understanding of the use of technology in business or anyone interested in pursuing a role in information systems.

Award and Progression

The Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Information Systems is awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow progression to level 9 programmes on the NFQ. The final award is calculated from weighted results of years 2, 3 and 4.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process. Applicants under 23 will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

Additional Information

Applicants who do not have at least 6 months’ previous work experience in an information and communications technology related field will be required to complete a work experience programme before the final year.

“This practical degree will help you understand the manner in which technology can help facilitate business decisions.”

........................................................... Programme Content

........................................................... Year 1

............ . . . .

Introduction to Programming Introduction to Computers HTML and Web Design Introduction to Mathematics for Computing . Personal and Professional Development . . . . .

Object Oriented Programming Computer Architecture Introduction to Multimedia Operating Systems Managerial Foundations of Information Systems

Year 2 ............ . . . . . . . . . .

Introduction to Software Engineering Introduction to Databases Web Development Data Structures and Algorithms Business Entrepreneurship Object Oriented Software Engineering Advanced Databases Project Data Communications and Networking Information Technology Project Management

Year 3

............ . . . . . . . . . . . .

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Wireless Networking Change Management Strategy Management Management Support Systems Advanced Internet Technologies Team Project Work Experience Management Support Systems Advanced Internet Technologies Team Project Work Experience

Year 4 ............ . . . . .

Business Data Analysis Business and Network Security Applied Artificial Intelligence Business Process Engineering Software Project 73

School of Computing School of Computing

Higher Certificate in Computing in Applications and Support ....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 and Saturday 09.00 – 16.00

........... ...........

IFSC Campus

........... ...........



2 years; 2 semesters per year

....................................................................................................................................... Application

Apply online at


€3,780 per annum

Start Date

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme will give you expertise in hardware, software applications, software development, operating systems and data communications. It will give you the skills to pursue a career in the information and communications technology industry. You will learn how to install new hardware and software, and to configure networks, software and hardware to user requirements. The programme will also give you a detailed knowledge of the theory and practice of application development and support including the essentials of hardware, software, operating systems and networking.

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is ideal for those wishing to develop a career in the information technology sector. You will have the ability to act as a technical support person capable of independent problem solving and teamwork approaches. It is also an ideal start for further studies.

Award and Progression

The Higher Certificate in Science in Computing in Applications and Support is awarded by QQI at level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Upon successful completion students have a number of options open to them. They can progress to year 3 of the BSc (Hons) in Business Information Systems (level 8) or year 3 of the BSc (Hons) in Computing (level 8) or year 2 of the BA (Ord) in Management of Technology in Business (level 7). The course also prepares students for industry recognised certificates in leading technologies. 74

National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

This programme is designed to appeal to those at work or seeking to re-enter the workforce. There are no specific academic requirements with applicants considered based on relevant work and other experience. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process. Applicants under 23 will be assessed based on Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

......................................... Programme Content

......................................... Year 1 . Introduction to Programming . Introduction to Computers . XHTML and Web Design . Introduction to Mathematics for Computing . Personal and Professional Development . Object Oriented Programming . Computer Architecture . Introduction to Multimedia . Operating Systems . Managerial Foundations of Information Systems Year 2 . Introduction to Software Engineering . Introduction to Databases . Web Development . Data Structures and Algorithms . Business Entrepreneurship . Object Oriented Software Engineering . Advanced Databases . Project . Data Communications and Networking . Software Project Management

School of of Computing Computing School

Certificate in Science in Web Technologies

....................................................................................................................................... Monday, Wednesday and Friday 18.30 - 22.30 and every second Saturday 09.00 – 16.00


Indicative Schedule


1 Semester; 13 weeks

......................................................................................................... Apply online at



(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Start Date




IFSC Campus and selected locations of our National Campus Network



Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme will appeal to nontechnical professionals and all those with an interest in applying web technologies to their organisation. The programme will give them the opportunity to develop expertise in an important growth area of IT that relates to web technologies. The programme is practical in nature and aims to provide individuals with an understanding of how to create a web application that incorporates client and server side technologies using the latest web frameworks.

Who is the programme For?

This programme is for non-technical professionals in the workplace and college graduates from non-technical disciplines at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. It should be noted that the programme contains a large amount of technical content and independent study on projects and assessments. As a graduate of this course, you will be able to: . Create a web application . Use a web framework to create web applications . Understand the latest web 2.0 technologies

Award and Progression

The Certificate in Web Technologies is a minor award of the Higher Diploma in Science in Web Technologies awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may transfer to a major award at level 8 such as the Higher Diploma in Science in Web Technologies featured on page 64.

Entry Requirements

Applicants holding an honours degree (level 8) in any discipline will be considered for the programme. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a portfolio of learning, demonstration of work produced and interview.

Programme Content

. Introduction to Computing and Web Technologies . Client Side Web Technologies . Server Side Web Technologies


Schoolof ofComputing Computing School

Certificate in Web Development ....................................................................................................................................... Monday and Wednesday 18.30 - 22.30 and Saturdays 09.00 - 17.00


Indicative Schedule


1 Semester; 13 weeks

....................................................................................................... Apply online at



Start Date

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan




IFSC Campus and selected locations of our National Campus Network



Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

As the internet becomes increasingly vital for all types of organisations the demand for individuals with web development skills continues to grow globally. This programme will provide you with the knowledge and understanding of the theory of web development and the foundations of computing, the skills to analyse, design and develop web applications using software tools and the competence to use standards and best practices in industry to develop web applications.

Who is the Programme For?

This programme is for anyone who wishes to have a basic knowledge of web development. As a graduate of this course, you will be able to: . Create a web application . Incorporate multimedia images and sound into a web application

Award and Progression

This is a minor award of the BSc (Hons) in Computing (30 ECTS credits) at level 6 awarded by QQI. Students who successfully complete this programme may transfer to a major award at level 6/8 such as Higher Certificate in Computing in Applications and Support, or BSc (Hons) in Computing.


National College of Ireland

Entry Requirements

The normal entry requirement is for a Leaving Certificate or an equivalent level 5 or level 6 NFQ award. Students who have a FETAC level 5/6 (NCVA level 2) award will be eligible. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience.

......................................... Programme Content

......................................... . . . .

Introduction to Computers XHTML and Web Design Introduction to Multimedia Project

“This programme will provide you with the knowledge and understanding of the theory of web development and the foundations of computing”

School of Computing

Learning and Teaching “I think whether you are in education or in the workplace this is a really useful course. You get both the theory and the practical side from supportive lecturers and staff� Student Profile

Emma McCarthy Master of Arts in Learning and Teaching


School Schoolof ofComputing Computing

MSc/PhD in Technology Enhanced Learning IFSC Campus




........................................................................................................................................... Fees

Indicative Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 Some Saturdays may be required

Irish/EU â‚Ź4,900 per annum FT â‚Ź3,270 per annum PT

............................................................................................................................................ Programme Description

Our research programme will allow you to make a significant original contribution to knowledge in technology-enhanced learning through research. You will be prepared to solve complex problems independently by applying scientific methods.

Award and Progression

The MSc Masters by Research is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. The PhD award of Doctorate in Philosophy in Technology Enhanced Learning is awarded by QQI at level 10 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

Our programme will give you significant expertise in technology-enhanced learning through an intensive programme of study and supervised research.

......................................... Programme Content .........................................

Who is the Programme For?

. Research Methods . Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis . Literature Review and Specialist Studies . Generic Transferable Skills Training Programme . Theories of Learning and Cognition

This programme is for people who want to research and build technologies for learning and training situations in academic and commercial organisations. It is also for e-learning practitioners and individuals who wish to specialise by developing the requisite research skills. The MSc/PhD programme prepares learners at the highest level for a professional career in computing, whether it involves using technology in workplace settings, the community or classroom. The programme will allow you to: . Develop knowledge at the forefront of technology-enhanced learning . Make your own research contribution and create and interpret new knowledge in the area of technology-enhanced learning . Develop your ability to critique scholarly work in this area and the ability to apply the knowledge . Acquire skills for the benefit of the knowledge economy and broader society


National College of Ireland

Year 1

Year 2 onwards

. Supervised Research and Thesis Writing

Entry Requirements

An honours undergraduate degree with a 2.2 award in a cognate field of study or equivalent. If deemed suitable, exemptions from some taught modules may be granted to students with a masters degree. English level of IELTS 6.5 or equivalent. An interview with the Dean of School to confirm suitability may be required. A telephone interview will be organised if required. Upon registration students are registered for the MSc programme. After successfully completing the taught component along with exams, students will continue on the MSc stream or transfer to the PhD stream.

“The difference with a research qualification is that it is your result, what you discover. You are learning through discovering new things. In NCI you are really well guided by supervisors and you get to collaborate wth people studying in the same area� Student Profile Diana Chihaia MSc by Research


School of of Computing Computing School

Master of Arts in Learning and Teaching ....................................................................................................................................... Indicative Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 and some Saturdays 09.30 - 13.30


IFSC Campus




2 calendar years

....................................................................................................................................... Fees

€4,500 per annum (€9,000 total fee)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

Start Date

(Fees revised annually)


Apply online at



Sept 2013

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This Masters programme is designed to meet the needs of learning and teaching professionals in workplace and college contexts. It provides you with an understanding of the theories, research and practical strategies for learning throughout life. Teaching techniques including classroom management, the application of new technology to instruction and strategies to support learning in diverse contexts are featured. Throughout this course you will be encouraged to enquire, question and critique modern conceptions of how we learn and how we can bring about learning in others. The course will include guest lecturers and a variety of participative instructional approaches. You will be expected to complete practical assignments and to build your skills as an educator. In the second year you will be expected to complete a research based dissertation.

Who is the Programme For?

This programme is for leaders in learning who wish to become proficient and professional educators capable of operating in a range of learning environments. It will prove particularly useful if you are a college teacher, an e-learning or workplace learning professional or if you are interested in your own lifelong learning.

Award and Progression

The Master of Arts in Learning and Teaching is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to taught doctoral programmes at level 10 on the NFQ.

Entry Requirements

Applicants holding an Honours degree (level 8) in any discipline ideally with professional involvement in the delivery of learning in education or in training will be considered for the programme. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.

“Adults learn what they want to learn and what they perceive as useful to them. The real challenge for educators is to find ways of supporting people to direct their own learning throughout life” Dr. Leo Casey


National College of Ireland

........................................................... Programme Content

........................................................... Year 1

........... . . . . . . . .

Theories of Learning and Teaching Philosophy of Education Cultural and Individual Aspects of Learning Technology Enhanced Learning Educational Assessment Strategies of Learning and Instruction Practicum in Teaching e-Learning Design and Application

Year 2


. . . . .

Contextual Studies Research Methods Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods Dissertation


School of Computing School of Computing

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching

....................................................................................................................................... ...........

IFSC Campus



Indicative Schedule


Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 and some Saturdays 09.30 - 13.30

1 calendar year

....................................................................................................................................... Fees



Start Date


Apply online at



September 2013

(Fees revised annually)

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme is designed to meet the needs of learning and teaching professionals in workplace and college contexts. The programme will provide you with an understanding of the theories, research and practical strategies for learning throughout life. Teaching techniques including classroom management, the application of new technology to instruction and strategies to support learning in diverse contexts are featured. Throughout this course you will be encouraged to enquire, question and critique modern conceptions of how we learn and how we can bring about learning in others. The course will include guest lecturers and will use a variety of participative instructional approaches. You will be expected to complete practical assignments and to build your skills as an educator.

Who is the Programme For?

This programme is for leaders in learning who wish to become proficient and professional educators capable of operating in a range of learning environments. It will prove particularly useful if you are a college teacher, an e-learning or workplace learning professional or if you are interested in your own lifelong learning.


National College of Ireland

Award and Progression

The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may opt to defer this award and proceed to complete the Masters of Arts in Learning and Teaching featured on page 80.

Entry Requirements

Applicants holding an Honours degree (level 8) in any discipline ideally with professional involvement in the delivery of learning in education or in training will be considered for the programme. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview.


Programme Content


. . . . . . . .

Theories of Learning and Teaching Philosophy of Education Cultural and Individual Aspects of Learning Technology Enhanced Learning Educational Assessment Strategies of Learning and Instruction Practicum in Teaching e-Learning Design and Application

School of Computing School of Computing

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching Further Education

....................................................................................................................................... ...........

IFSC Campus

........... ...........


Indicative Schedule


Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 22.30 and some Saturdays 09.30 - 13.30

1 calendar year

....................................................................................................................................... Apply online at




Start Date

(Fees revised annually)



September 2013

Spread the cost with our direct debit plan

....................................................................................................................................... Programme Description

This programme is specially designed and developed to meet the needs of learning and teaching professionals in the further education sector. In particular, the course addresses the needs of those educators requiring accredited further education teacher education qualifications. The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching (Further Education Track) is a part-time teacher education programme designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge, skills and competences to be able to carry out your teaching roles and responsibilities in a professional manner in further education institutions. On the programme, you will develop your knowledge, skills and competence in educational theory and practice, as well as the ability to apply these insights for teaching, pedagogic design and professional development. Teaching techniques including classroom management, the application of new technology to teaching and strategies to support learning in diverse contexts are featured. The programme will use a variety of participative instructional approaches. Throughout this programme you will be encouraged to enquire, question and critique modern conceptions of how we learn and how we can bring about learning in others. You will be expected to complete practical assignments and to build your skills as an educator, including undertaking a placement in host FE colleges or centres.

Who is the programme For?

The Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching (Further Education Track) is specifically designed as an accredited further education teacher education qualification recognised by the Teaching Council of Ireland. The programme is suitable for those intending to pursue a career in teaching in the further education sector. Regulation five of the Teaching Council Regulations (2009) deals with teacher registration for the further education sector. This regulation includes a requirement, with effect from 01 April 2013, for applicants for registration to have attained, inter alia, a Council approved further education teacher education qualification; is intended to meet this requirement. Applicants should also consult the Teaching Council (www.teachingcouncil. ie) for the complete set of requirements under Regulation five.

Award and Progression

On successful completion of the programme, you will be awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications, with the teacher qualification accredited by the Teaching Council and the entry to the Register of Teachers in the further education sector in Ireland. You may also choose to undertake further study involving an additional 30 ECTS credits with modules on research skills and completion of a dissertation. On completion, you will receive the award of Master of Arts in Learning and Teaching (MALT) featured on page 80. 83

Entry Requirements

Applicants holding an honours degree (level 8) in any discipline ideally with professional involvement in the delivery of learning in education or in training will be considered for the programme. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application or interview. All applicants will be interviewed by the programme director to determine their suitability for the programme. Prospective students will also be required to provide details in writing of their proposed placement for the Practicum in Teaching for Further Education and the intended mentoring teacher. Students will also require evidence of suitability of character in the form of two references. Garda vetting will be required for all applicants. Intending students will be required to provide details of their teaching experience to date. Where the applicant has had no teaching experience, he or she will be required to prepare a written statement on why they chose to be a teacher and what attributes they possess to make them a successful teacher.

..................................... Programme Content

..................................... Semester 1 • Theories of Learning and Teaching • Philosophy of Education • Strategies of Learning and Instruction • Practicum in Teaching for Further Education Semester 2 • Educational Assessment • Cultural and Individual Aspects of Learning • Technology Enhanced Learning • Practicum in Teaching for Further Education (continued)

“The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching (Further Education Track) is a part-time teacher education programme designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to be able to carry out your teaching roles and responsibilities in a professional manner in further education institutions.” 84



How to apply to NCI




Telephone: 1850 221 721


.................................................................................................................................................. How you can apply to NCI

1. Online through Online applicants do not need to pay the â‚Ź25 application fee. 2. By completing the standard application form for part-time programmes and returning it along with the â‚Ź25 application fee to the address below. Application forms are available from the Admissions Office or our website:

................................................... Admissions Office, National College of Ireland, PO Box 12174 Dublin 1 Call: 1850 221 721

................................................... Using a single application (online or paper), you may choose from a range of courses listed in this prospectus. You are advised to submit your application in good time to avoid disappointment. If you plan to apply once the course has commenced, please contact Admissions to see if there are openings before submitting your application.

Contacting Applicants

The college will contact you by email and post. It is important to ensure you submit a valid email and postal address at the time of application.


National College of Ireland

Course Commencement

Please note that all courses are offered subject to sufficient numbers of students. Please note that some end of semester exams may be scheduled during the day.

Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning RPEL

National College of Ireland operates a scheme which grants formal recognition of knowledge or experience that has been gained from work, life or previous study. Credit for prior experiential learning is intended for mature students who may or may not have had structured formal education but who have learned from their involvement in employment, community activities, home duties, sport etc. This learning, when evaluated, might entitle them to credits or exemptions from a course of study. Such individuals might be in employment (including selfemployed), unemployed, currently retired from employment or never have been in employment.


For Further Information Contact: The Admissions Team



Exemptions Examples include:


Credit for learning gained in employment. A person, as a result of experience gained in employment, might have achieved learning which can be equated to learning outcomes listed for subjects on an approved course. Broad examples of this might be: • a salesperson who may have a thorough understanding of marketing techniques, book-keeping etc.; credit/exemption might be possible on courses in the area of business studies or marketing • a person who has worked in a bank might be exempt from some of the learning outcomes on a course in banking or business studies

(b) Learning gained from voluntary/

community activities. Individuals may have been carrying out duties in associations, sporting organisations or charities which might entitle them to exemptions from the learning outcomes on courses in politics, communications, etc.


Learning gained from experience working in the home. Individuals, who have had substantial experience of managing a household and rearing children, may have gained learning in the area of budgeting, time management, interpersonal skills etc. This might merit exemptions from learning outcomes on courses in business studies.

How to apply:

If you wish to have such experience accredited, please fill out a standard application form and enclose a completed RPEL form. The RPEL form is available on our website;

Students may get exemptions from parts of NCI programmes by virtue of programmes already undertaken. Please ask for details on application. The process by which exemption(s) can be sought is: . Fill out and attach a copy of the exemptions pro forma to the application form which is available on the Admissions section of the NCI website ( and submit this to the college along with: 1. A copy of the syllabus of the subject(s) you have already completed AND 2. Official transcripts of the result awarded in that/those subjects Applications for exemption(s) must be submitted by no later than 30th September and are granted at the discretion of the course director. For further information on applying for exemptions please contact Admissions.

Disability, Learning or Health Difficulties

National College of Ireland is committed to providing equal access to education and equal opportunities for students with disabilities. The college encourages students to be open about their disability and to discuss their needs with the Student Support Officer. It is important that students disclose a disability early in the academic year to ensure that appropriate supports are provided. To find out more please contact: Karen Mooney Disability Officer Tel: (01) 659 9269 Email:


National College of Ireland is committed to providing equal access to education and equal opportunities for students with disabilities.


National College of Ireland

Deferred Entry

A student who has been offered and accepted a place may defer acceptance for one year under certain circumstances deemed appropriate by the college. Applications for deferrals will not be considered after the end of the first semester, except in extenuating circumstances. Only a student who has accepted a place on their course and paid their deposit can defer until the next year. Someone who has been offered but is not accepting their place has to reapply the following year. Deferrals are only granted on a one-year basis.


The orientation programme is the first step in helping students adjust to a new environment and provides a comprehensive overview of the supports and services available at the college. The initial orientation programme is complemented by academic and personal development workshops which assist the student in becoming a more effective learner. Students should check the website prior to commencement of the academic year in order to confirm their orientation date as it will differ from the commencement date on their offer letter.

Fees Office

The Fees Office located on the ground floor is responsible for the billing and collection of student fees and can be contacted at: (01) 4498 566, (01) 4498 569 or by emailing

Fees Policy

The college requires payment of the course fee in order to register as a student. For most part-time courses 50% of the course fee is payable before the course commences with the balance being payable before commencement of the second semester. On some courses of shorter duration 100% of the course fee is payable before the course starts. Students who avail of the easy payment plan must pay 20% of the course fee before course commencement. International students wishing to apply for programmes contained in this prospectus should contact our International Office as a separate fee structure will apply (see page 92).

Spread the cost with our easy payment plan

You can choose to spread the cost of the programme using our direct debit plan at no extra cost. In the easy payment plan 20% of the fee is payable before the commencement of the programme with the remaining 80% being paid on a monthly basis by direct debit. The number of monthly payments depends on the duration of the programme. Please contact us for details.


The college operates a strict policy of non-refund of deposit/fees except where the college is not in a position to comply with its obligations to the student.

“You can choose to spread the cost of the programme using our direct debit plan at no extra cost.� 89

Tax Relief on Fees for Part-time Study

Many NCI programmes qualify for tax relief. The 1996 Finance Act provides for tax relief, at the standard rate of tax, for tuition fees paid in respect of approved part-time third-level programmes, provided the student does not hold a certificate, diploma or degree, which was awarded following a two-year programme of study in an unrelated programme.

Amount of tax relief available to the student Tax relief at the standard rate will be available to the student for the relevant tax year on the amount approved by the Minister for Education. Tax relief will be available on tuition fees only up to a maximum level, which applies uniformly to all approved programmes. Relief will not be available for any part of the tuition fees which are met directly, or indirectly, by grants, scholarships, employer payments, etc.


National College of Ireland

How does the student make the claim?

The student can claim the relief either on the individual’s tax return at the end of the tax year or during the tax year when the fees have been paid. Married people can claim the tax relief in respect of fees paid by, or on behalf of, their spouses. Details of grants, scholarships, employer payments, etc. received must accompany the claim. For more information on whether your programme of study qualifies for tax relief please visit the Revenue website or contact our fees office. (


School of Computing International International Office

How to apply to NCI The following programmes in this prospectus are listed on the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI) website as fulfilling study visa requirements and therefore suitable for international students: . . . . . . . . . . . .

Master of Business Administration MSc in Management MSc in Marketing MA in Human Resource Management MSc/ PhD in Technology Enhanced Learning MSc in Web Technologies Higher Diploma in Science in Web Technologies MA in Learning and Teaching Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching MSc in Cloud Computing MSc in Finance Higher Diploma in Finance

How to Apply:

International students applying for entry to undergraduate or postgraduate programmes should supply the following information directly to the NCI International Office: • Completed National College of Ireland international student application form. • Certified English translations of any examination results / qualifications, plus original examination results. • A copy of the page from your passport that shows your photograph. • Applicants whose first language is not English must attach a certified approved qualification of proficiency in English as all our programmes are conducted through the medium of English.

Other NCI programmes suitable for international students which are also listed on the NQAI website are as follows:

NCI offers English language testing free of charge - please contact for further details.

. BSc (Hons) in Computing . BSc (Hons) in Business Information Systems . Higher Certificate in Computing in Applications and Support . BA in Management of Technology in Business . Higher Certificate in Business . BA (Hons) in Business . BA (Hons) in Human Resource Management . BA (Hons) in Financial Services . BA (Hons) in Accounting . BA (Hons) in Marketing Practice . BA (Hons) in Psychology . Foundation Certificate (International)

Contact Details

For further information or to submit an application to the programmes mentioned here please contact us at: NCI International Office, 4th Floor, National College of Ireland, Mayor Street, IFSC, Dublin 1, Ireland Tel: (++ 353) (0)14498695/653/661 Email: Our international student e-brochure has full details on programmes and other relevant information for international students: Please note there is a separate tuition fee structure for international students.


National College of Ireland

Transport Links

Getting here Dublin city is easily accessible by bus, tram, train or car. All trains travel into either Heuston Station or Connolly Station, which are both city centre based and serviced by the Red Line LUAS. Connolly Station also provides access to the DART line and is a 10 minute walk from NCI. Most coach routes around the country use the central bus station in Dublin (Busáras) or stop in nearby streets. Busáras is located beside Connolly train station.

Bus Over 70 Dublin Bus routes terminate in the vicinity of NCI’s campus. The IFSC is also located beside the central mainline bus terminal (Busáras) which services routes around the country. Special student fares are available to qualifying students on single, return and 10-journey tickets on all main services. Student weekly and monthly commuter tickets are available on provincial city services.

LUAS The Red Line of the LUAS links Saggart and Tallaght to the O2 and stops right outside NCI.


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All trains travel into either Heuston Station or Connolly Station, which are both city centre based and serviced by the Red Line LUAS. Connolly Station also provides access to the DART line and is a 10 minute walk from NCI.

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Connolly Station




International Financial Services Centre

Custom House

Jurys Inn

Custom House Quay Butt Bridge

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North Wall Quay City Quay

Tara Station

Casey Bridge Samuel Beckett Bridge

East Link Bridge Townsend St





Pearse Station


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Kild are St


Dawson St


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Trinity College

St nd Ro w


St. Stephen’s Green


National College of Ireland

Walking Due to its central location, NCI’s campus is within 10-15 minute walk from Dublin’s main streets (O’Connell St. and Grafton St.).

Cycling There are approximately 120km of on-road cycle track in the city. Dublin city operates a bike rental scheme, see for more details.

Parking NCI offers underground car and bike parking on campus. The NCI car park is open from 05:30 – 22:30 Monday to Sunday.

If you are travelling by car Travelling from the Northside: • Travel along Amiens St. • After the train bridge, turn left onto Lower Sheriff St. • Follow the road right onto Commons St. • At first set of traffic lights turn left onto Mayor St. • Continuing down Mayor St., turn right onto Alderman Way after the college • The NCI car park is on your righthand side

Travelling from the Southside: • Travel over East Link Bridge and take the 1st exit off the roundabout onto North Wall Quay • At the junction by Jury’s Inn turn right onto Commons St. • At first set of traffic lights turn right onto Mayor St. • Continuing down Mayor St., turn right onto Alderman Way after the college • The NCI car park is on your righthand side


Dundalk Drogheda

Regional Commuter


LUAS - Red Line


LUAS - Green Line

Gormanstown Balbriggan

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Skerries Rush & Lusk Donabate


Heuston St. James’s Fatima Rialto Suir Road Goldenbridge Drimnagh Blackhorse Bluebell Kylemore Red Cow

Connolly St.



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NCI Campus

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Harcourt Charlemont Ranelagh Beechwood



Hospital Tallaght

Tara Street Pearse Street Grand Canal Lansdowne Road Sandymount Sydney Parade Booterstown Blackrock Seapoint Salthill & Monkstown Dun Laoghaire

St. Stephen’s Green




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Haz e &C lhatch elbr idge Sall ins & Naa s New brid ge Kild are


Miltown Windy Arbour Dundrum Balally Kilmacud Stillorgan Sandyford

Sandycove & Glasthule Glenageary Dalkey Killiney Shankill Bray Greystones Kilcoole Wicklow Rathdrum Arklow

NCI is easily accessible by bus, tram, train, or car 95 19

Find out more at our open information evenings in the IFSC Wednesday 22nd May 5-7pm Thursday 20th June 5-7pm Tuesday 16th July 5-7pm Thursday 15th August 5-7pm Saturday 17th August 11am-2pm Wednesday 28th August 5-7pm Thursday 12th September 5-7pm

All programmes are offered subject to sufficient numbers of students. This document is intended as a guide to programmes. Every effort has been made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this publication. The college reserves the right to make changes to any content, schedules or fees contained herein.

For postal applications National College of Ireland PO Box 12174 Dublin 1

Tel: Course Information: 1850 221 721 Reception: (01) 4498500 Email: Web:

We are located at: Mayor Street, IFSC, Dublin 1

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