Family Matters July 2012

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Family Matters NCNG Family Programs ~ July 2012—Volume 4, Issue 7

Employment Citizen Servicemember’s Journey for a Job

Weekend at the beach Home Alone

Single Soldiers Retreats

Nation Celebration 4th of July Concert

JULY 2012


AUGUST 10-12: CHARLOTTE, Our final Family Retreat only has a few more openings left. Act fast. If you are still interested, register or to be added to our wait list. Registration Forms are online at For questions, contact Ms. Wendi Bell at (800) 621-4136 ext. 46078 or JULY 2012


Volume 4, Issue 7


Contents 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18

Director’s Column Free Family Retreats Employment Preparedness Article Employment Questions and Answers Family Readiness Groups: You deserve the Credit FRG Webinars/Employment Event Upcoming Events Latch Key Kids: Safety Tips Adventure in Science Camp Child and Youth Programs Kids on Guard, East Flat Rock Armory Career: Getting Started in Family Childcare

Want to be on the cover of the next Family Matters? Send a photo with a short description (who, doing what, when, where) and who took the photo to

Need to talk? Call us today. Voluntary, Confidential, Free, and Professionally Staffed

1-800-621-4136 Option 1

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Diane Coffill State Family Program Director (919) 664-6324 SFC Ramona Scott Family Program NCOIC (919) 664-6000 Ext. 47005 SGT Tammy Fowler Family Programs Assistant (919) 664-6000 Ext 46876 Wendi Bell FAC Administrative Assistant (919) 664-6078 Lana Greer State FAC Coordinator (828) 652-4595 Ext. 2 Terry Henderson Airman & Family Readiness Program Mgr. (704) 398-4949 Alice Dean Lead Child & Youth Coordinator (919) 520-9548 or 800-621-4136 Angelena Dockery Marketing & Communications Manager (919) 485-9570 Kathryn Jarvis Marketing & Communications Manager (919) 485-9571 Judy Richardson Senior FRSA (910) 347-4352 Ext. 5 NC National Guard Family Programs State Office 1636 Gold Star Drive Raleigh, NC 27607-6410 (919) 664-6053

JULY 2012



Anheuser-Busch proudly salutes the men and women of our Armed Forces and their Families. Throughout 2012, members of the military and as many as three direct dependents may enter SeaWorld, Busch Gardens or Sesame Place parks with a single-day complimentary admission. Please visit for details. About Family Matters Family Matters was created to provide Servicemembers and Families the most up-to-date information and services available. If you would like to contribute to future issues, or if you have suggestions and comments, please contact the NCNG Family Programs Marketing and Communications Department personnel, Angelena Dockery or Kathryn Jarvis, at E-Versions of Family Matters can be downloaded at the NCNG Family Programs webpage at References in this newsletter to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCNG Family Programs. JULY 2012



JULY 2012


Employment Preparedness: Unemployed to Employed By Mrs. Kathryn Jarvis, NCNG Family Programs Recently the North Carolina Division of Employment Security released unemployment numbers showing an increase in employment across the state. In the May 2012 press release, the unemployment rate within North Carolina has decreased in more than 93 counties and has dropped to 9.1% from 10% since last year. Although there is a decrease of the overall rate, there are still counties within North Carolina that have substantially higher rates than both the state and national average. This dilemma does not only affect citizens, it affects citizen Soldiers and veterans. As there are differentiations between counties, there are also gaps between veteran groups/classifications. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported recently that in 2011 the overall unemployment rate for veterans was 8.3%. However, for Servicemembers who served on active duty since September 2001 the rate was almost 4% higher at a rate of 12.1%. Veterans since September 2001 are not the group most impacted by unemployment. Results from the Bureau showed that among the highest unemployed veterans are young veterans between the ages of 19-24; a group which the unemployment rate reached 29.1% for young males and 36.1% for young females in 2011. But for those within the age group that have not served on active duty in the Armed Forces the rate was reported to be more than 10% lower at 17.6% for young males and 14.5% for young females. (Continue on Page 7)

JULY 2012


(Continued from pg 6)

Gulf War II Veterans 40 35 30 25 20

Unemployed % of Population

15 10 5 0

Unemployed % of Population

Gulf War II Veteran -All 12.1

Women -Ages 18+

MenAges 18+

Women - Ages 18-24

MenAges 18-24

Women - Ages 25-34

MenAges 25-34

Women - Ages 35-44

MenAges 35-44









NOTE: Veterans are men and women who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and were not on active duty at the time of the survey. Gulf War era II (September 2001-present) veterans are those who have served any where in the world during this time period. Veterans who served in more than one wartime period are classified in the most recent one. Veterans who served in both a wartime period and any other service period are classified in the wartime period. This information was obtained through the Bureau of Labor Statistics March 20,2012 Economic News Release. The statistical data is based on 2011 annual averages. For more information about the release visit

The gap between unemployment numbers in 2011 among Servicemembers and the national rate of 9% to 8.7% indicates there is something else going on. As with variations in unemployment rates between counties there are many variables which affect veterans. Here are a couple of first-hand employment search experiences from Servicemembers within the North Carolina National Guard.

Non-Veterans 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Unemployed % of Population

1stLt. Michael Carpenter

1st Lt. Michael Carpenter, a logistics officer with the NonWomen- Men- Ages Women- Men- Ages Women- Men- Ages Women- Men- Ages 130th MEB (Maneuver Enhancement Brigade), reVeteran- Ages 18+ 18+ Ages 18- 18-24 Ages 25- 25-34 Ages 35- 35-44 All 24 34 44 turned in April 2010 from a deployment with the Unemployed % of Population 8.7 8.2 9.3 14.5 17.6 9.1 9.5 7.1 7.5 1/130th Aviation Regiment. For more than two years, Carpenter has been “beating the pavement” looking NOTE: Nonveterans never served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. This information was obtained through the Bureau of Labor Statistics March 20,2012 Economic News Release. The statistical data is based on 2011 annual averag- for a job and has taken temporary positions to help his es. For more information about the release visit family get by. Carpenter said, “When I came back from Iraq I was unemployed for almost a year. I was doing odds and ends stuff…I tried to get a job in the summer of 2010 through the summer of 2011 while I was on unemployment, It was really tough. I think it is better now than it was then, but being Reservists I think that shut doors for me….” [For example] “When I finally made it to an interview [with a company] I was there for two hours and I felt like I was being interrogated. I felt like I was under a hot seat because they had never hired a Reservist before and it turns out that the questions they were asking me were actually illegal. They were wanting to know everything. When I was going to get deployed again, what I did, what was my commitment and I felt kind of guilty here, when I shouldn’t. ” Carpenter says he is sure this doesn’t happen all the time, but according to North Carolina Employer Support of the Guard and Reserves (ESGR) data it does happen.

ESGR In 2011 fiscal year, North Carolina ESGR worked a total of 64 cases. So far for the 2012 fiscal year, North Carolina ESGR has already worked 69% of that amount. As of June the staff has worked 44 cases. Several complaints received by Servicemembers fall under the purview of the Uniformed Services and Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. Under this law employers are obligated to reinstate a Servicemember’s employment position and benefits that they would otherwise have if not absent for military service, consider employment not based on military obligation, as well as many others. (Continued on Page 8) JULY 2012



(Continued from page 7)

Pfc. Zach Szabo Pfc. Zach Szabo, a Food Service Specialist with the 130th MEB, was unemployed for almost three months before landing a position as a Quality Assurance Associate for Food Lion, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Delhaize Group. Prior to him becoming unemployed Szabo lived in Salisbury where he worked for Perkins Management, a contract company for Food Service with Livingston College. Szabo said, “Perkins Management took over from the company I was working for,…FDY….When FDY lost their contract and Perkins Management took it over they made a whole lot of changes. They put in a lot of improvements, put out a lot of capital and in response cut everybody’s hours.” Szabo went from working 35-hours per week to 15 hours per week. In March, Szabo went door- to-door putting in applications and used his local library to apply for jobs online. Responses from employers were the typical; “the position has been filled” or “sorry we cannot hire you right now.” Szabo says he has had doors closed because he is in the National Guard but understands that many small companies cannot absorb the loss of having an employee gone for several months. Pursing a complaint with ESGR is something Szabo didn’t find necessary, but pursing help through the North Carolina National Guard Employment Program was worth the effort.

NCNG Employment Readiness Program It was through the help of David Ponder, Employment Specialist, that Szabo got the Job with Food Lion. Szabo said, “Initially I was going to apply for a SAAF (Soldiers and Airmen Assistance Fund) and that got me touch with Mr. Porter. Mr. Porter got me in touch with Mr. Ponder.” Mr. Ponder worked with Szabo by helping him prepare for an interview and how best present himself in situations that make him nervous. In addition to some coaching, it was through the networks Ponder already has established with employers that helped Szabo get the job he has now. Ponder says that each case that comes his way requires a different approach. For 1 st Lt. Carpenter the best way to get him out there to potential employers was through a recent Job Fair and Workshop held in Asheville. Carpenter said, “I already had a resume. It was very basic.” But during the Employment Fair, support personnel worked with Carpenter to format his resume a little differently. Carpenter said, “She told me to put education at the bottom, put your experience first and…whoever you’re applying to target them. Find out what their mission statement is, what they’re about….It was good stuff, it really was.” Carpenter was also coached on how to present himself during the Employment Fair and it helped get him focused on who he wants to work for. Carpenter says he has a particular employer in mind which he met during the Employment Fair and plans on working to get on with the company in the next few weeks. He said, “They were the only company that asked for my resume.” Mr. Ponder said don’t give them a resume unless they ask for it which is kind of hard because I want to give my resume to everybody.” The Employment Program is geared to help our State’s Citizen Servicemembers and their Families. Ponder said, “Sometimes people just need a little push, a little encouragement and the know how to follow through with things. I tell people when they are asked about their military service, to maximize their military experience and tell employers how that can be beneficial to their business or company. North Carolina is the top state within the nation for companies supporting the Guard and Reserve. We have a lot of great companies here, it’s just filling in the gaps between experience and what many require for education.” Ponder says the program has a multitude of help for North Carolina National Guard Servicemembers and he and partnering organizations will not stop until the job is done.

EMPLOYMENT Q&A What is the first thing you notice about someone’s application or resume’; the good parts and the bad parts? Easy to read; bullet points, not paragraphs; excellent grammar; skills that match the job requirements. Years of employment at each job, titles of the positions, and detail of skills. For those with many different jobs, who have jumpy work history, do a Functional Skill Set resume versus a Chronological one. Highlight accomplishments and results, such as increasing profits or productivity - not fluff. Is it a good idea to research the company, even if for an entry-level position, prior to applying? Yes, you can then relate your background and strengths specifically to the organization. Unemployment is an issue across the state, in some areas more than others. In areas with a higher rate of unemployment what are some best practices when trying to obtain a job? Networking, get involved, volunteer to show you haven’t just been sitting around collecting unemployment. Show you’re a value, an asset to your community and you are using that time to better yourself in free community classes and volunteering using your expertise. Use Temporary Services. Search every day, fine tune your resume (take a resume writing class), take some courses at a local community college (may be time to look at other career options), take an interviewing class…to set you apart from the other hundreds or thousands of job seekers. What are some tips that one can use for seeking employment? Always stay professional, even if you’re frustrated because you’ve applied for a ton of positions, don’t ever let a possible future employer see that frustration. We all know it’s frustrating, but we don’t want to hire someone who starts going into details like they think they’re not getting jobs because of their age or whatever. It sends “red flags” to a hiring manager. Many people find work or hear about a job opportunity from people they know. Let others know you are looking. Dress professionally, no matter the position; Devote at least 2 hours per day for their job search, preferably in the a.m.; Do at least one thing each day towards your job search—make a call and network; revise resume format; check the website of targeted companies; attend a “transition” meeting in the area. A large number of companies are using contingent workers through Staffing agencies due to uncertainty with the economy or to screen for the best workforce. When a job does not require a resume’, how can a person be prepared for filling out an application? Always have a resume with you … with contact names and numbers, accurate dates of education and previous employment to use as your template. An application is a legal document and you sign it attesting that, to the best of your knowledge, the information is correct and accurate. If you “fudge” your employment dates or other information that could exclude you for falsifying your application. Just because a job is posted on an employer’s website or online does it mean they are hiring? Jobs posted does not mean that a company is hiring; some companies continuously recruit for certain positions; it could be because they have high turnover in that position, or they hire a lot of part-time people. This may be more prominent in certain industries such as health care or education. Responses to the questions are provided by experienced Human Resource professionals with the NC Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) JULY 2012


JULY 2012



Judy Richardson, Senior FRSA 142 Broadhurst Road Jacksonville, NC 28540-3545

(910) 347-4352 Ext. 5 (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11346


Family Readiness Group Volunteers Volunteering gives us an opportunity to share of our talents and time. It is in that unselfish giving of ourselves that we truly represent the best of humankind. The North Carolina National Guard Units have many wonderful volunteer opportunities within the Family Readiness Groups. Some of the rewards of volunteering are: making a difference, fostering relationships, increasing your understanding of the National Guard, learning the benefits associated with the military, and enhancing your resume. There are several reasons to consider volunteering. Volunteering is a useful tool for those looking to update their resume. The skills and training one develops, as well as the hours spent in the volunteer-setting may be listed as job skills when preparing for a new job.


CLINTON Sarah Strickland (910) 592-2100 Ext. 14735

GREENSBORO Gloria Fields (336) 691-7700 Ext. 15620

GOLDSBORO Greg Smith (919) 731-2021 Ext. 15423

MORRISVILLE Pamela Hughes (919) 804-5300 Ext. 16313

OXFORD Norman Dean (919) 693-3651 Ext. 27

WHY TRACK VOLUNTEER HOURS? It is important to track your hours because it shows the contribution that North Carolina National Guard Volunteers make in our community. Hours reported are used in the reports sent to the National Guard Bureau. Hours are used to recognize volunteers with special awards and as documentation for jobs and scholarships. Tracking hours is also a way to track community needs because your volunteer service hours show us where volunteers are putting in their time. Funding requires the tracking of volunteer hours as well as anticipating job needs for a particular agency or group. Tracking your hours volunteering can be used when filing your taxes as long as you maintain a tracking system. As always, Family Programs desires to honor volunteers for their hard work and dedication to Family Readiness. Tracking volunteer hours enables others to see how much time has been devoted to supporting and improving your community. Your reported volunteer hours show others that the North Carolina Army National Guard Volunteers are assets to the community and tells a powerful story about you the individual. Volunteer Activity Tracker was developed to give a real-time snapshot of volunteer activities at any given time. JSS provides all of the tools needed to track the National Guard’s Volunteer hours and manage and track volunteer activity. Utilizing JSS for your FRG, you can also post e-mail campaigns, upload documents for availability to your FRG members, print reports, make connections, find community resources, and much more. We request all volunteer hours be tracked in JSS or through your Brigade’s Family Readiness Support Assistant on a monthly basis. Tracking your volunteer hours in JSS can be beneficial …You can search for and view accumulated activity hours online at any time and accumulated activity hours are available in a detailed format or in a snapshot summary that compares your hours to state and national averages. You can export a detailed report of your volunteer hours for your records (resumes, taxes, scholarships & grants). We want you to receive proper credit for your hard work and dedication to Soldiers and their Families. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer your time and support to the Soldiers and their Families, you truly make a difference.


Become a Fan on Facebook. Search “North Carolina National Guard Family Programs.”

JUDITH R. RICHARDSON Senior Family Readiness Support Assistant, NCNG Military Personnel Service Corp

JULY 2012



JULY 2012—JSS WEBINAR SESSIONS If you have questions about any of the webinars, please contact Judy Richardson, Senior FRSA, at 910-347-4352 Ext. 5 or

Get R.E.A.D.Y. with JSS – Staff Thursday July 12—12-1 p.m. This webinar provides an overview and shows program staff how JSS tools empower them to effectively support the National Guard community. This includes how to set-up program-specific events, create targeted email campaigns, and locate community resources. Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) EventDetails.aspx?Mode=ReadOnly&Id=D765280A-9CDB -4E9A-B5F8-359D748249C2

Get R.E.A.D.Y. with JSS Volunteers Wednesday July 25—2-3 p.m. This webinar provides an overview and shows volunteers how JSS tools equip them to serve the National Guard community. This includes how to track your volunteer hours, collaborate in Groups and Forums, and locate helpful resources. Staff working with volunteers will also benefit from this session. Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) EventDetails.aspx?Mode=ReadOnly&Id=F142F62F-B4844367-AE0D-D904D8039A56

Creating and Uploading Event Evaluations in JSS Wednesday July 25—12-1 p.m. This webinar will show event coordinators how to produce standard Yellow Ribbon and custom break-out class evaluations; how to scan and upload evaluation forms; and tips for ensuring the successful processing of uploaded evaluation forms. (Note that you must log in to JSS to register for this event.) Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) Mode=ReadOnly&Id=900FBFC2-5577-49B6-815BA621DAD901C3

Using the Groups Tool in JSS Wednesday July 25—10-11 a.m. This webinar shows how to use the JSS Groups tool to connect with others, access information, and communicate effectively over email and on the web. This includes how to post events in a shared calendar, upload documents to a File Library, and collaborate in forum discussions. Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) Mode=ReadOnly&Id=BA08F102-4354-48C6-9D7124544A5CCA95

Coming in July Employment Specialist and a member of the NC Society of Human Resource Management will be available to answer employment related questions on the NCNG Family Programs Facebook. Become a Fan! Search “NCNG Family Programs.” EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE David Ponder, Employment Specialist (919) 485-9567— JULY 2012


JULY 2012


UPCOMING EVENTS | JULY 2012, NORTH CAROLINA MILITARY CHILD PREPAREDNESS CAMP Frank Liske Park, Concord July 14, 10 a.m.—2 p.m. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE AND CHILDREN’S FUN DAY Lenoir SFAC, 1535 Beecher Anderson Road, Lenoir July 14, 12:30 p.m.—5 p.m. MOB 112TH FINANCE, 112TH FINANCE DET. Siler City Armory, 801 Alston Bridge Road, Siler City July 14, Time TBA DEPLOYMENT CEREMONY, 112TH FINANCE DET. Siler City Armory, 801 Alston Bridge Road, Siler City July 14, Time TBA FAMILY DAY, FIST Belmont Armory, 300 N. Sixth St., Belmont July 15, 9 a.m.—3 p.m. 210th MP CO. FAMILY DAY Fun Factory, 1024 Georgia Road, Franklin July 15, 10 a.m.—2 p.m. LATTER DAY SAINTS YOUTH CLEANUP Location, Charlotte Area July 20, 9:30—11:30 a.m. MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT Location, Charleston, SC July 27-29, Details provided YELLOW RIBBON PRE-DEPLOYMENT 5/113th Location, Koury Convention Ctr. 3121 High Point Rd., Greensboro July 27, Time TBA MILITARY CHILD PREPAREDNESS CAMP Winkler Park LP Frans Stadium, Hickory July 28, 10 a.m.—2 p.m

While the August 10-12 Family Retreat is currently full, NCNG Family Programs has a waiting list. To add your Family to the waiting list, obtain a Registration Form at If you are registered and find that your Family will not be able to attend, please let us know. For questions, please contact Wendi Bell at 919-664-6078 or

SINGLE SOLDIER RETREATS July 20-22: Myrtle Beach, SC August 17-19: Beach

Secure Your Smile Single and Searching? What do you want in a mate? What are your values? Your Interests? Your Hobbies? Find out why all these things matter for the Single Soldier. $20 gets you a free hotel stay for Friday & Saturday night; Saturday lunch; and, delicious treats! Registration Forms can be found online at Questions? Wendi Bell: 800-621-4136 ext. 46078

JULY 2012



Latch Key Kids : Summer Safety Tips What To Do  Make sure your children are ready to care for themselves, if you leave them alone.  Teach them basic safety rules.  Know where your kids are, what they are doing, and who they are with. Are They Ready? Can Your Children...  Be trusted to go straight home after school?  Easily use the telephone, locks, and kitchen appliances?  Follow rules and instructions well?  Handle unexpected situations without panicking?  Stay alone without being afraid?  Talk it over with them and listen to their concerns and ideas. Work out rules on having friends over, homework, household chores and television. Remember, staying at home alone can build a child’s self-esteem, sense of responsibility, and practical skills.

Working parents, the majority of American families today, share the anxiety, frustration, and even fear involved in leaving children “on their own” when school lets out. What do you do when children are too old for day care, but far from grown up? Child care arrangements with neighbors and relatives are not always possible. Here are some summer safety tips. Teach Your Children  How to get a hold of you. Make sure important numbers are posted by the phone. Consider one of the new kid friendly cell phones with parental control.  To check in with you or a neighbor after arriving home.  How to dial 9-1-1.  To never accept gifts or rides from people they do not know well.  How to use the door, window locks, and alarm system, if you have one.  To never let anyone into the home without your permission.  To never let anyone at the door, or on the phone, know that they’re alone. Instruct them to not answer the door and/or to say that “Mom or Dad can’t come to the phone right now.”  To carry a house key on them in a safe place.  How to escape in case of a fire.  To let you know about anything that frightens them or makes them feel uncomfortable. Developed by the Minnesota Crime Prevention Association

Summer Schedule Have You Stressed? Contact a Military Family Life Consultant. John Alleman Adult & Family Specialist 919.745.9635 Betty Steelman Child & Family Specialist 919.665.9178

Check NCNG Family Programs Facebook for Military Family announcements this summer!

JULY 2012


JULY 2012


Finding Quality Child Care Are you ready for fall and the new school year? Now is the time to start planning your child care and afterschool program needs for your family. One of the most important decisions you will ever make as a parent is choosing quality child care for your child. Every child is special and unique and deserves the best start possible. Studies reveal that a high-quality child care program will help children become more ready for school which increases their chances to succeed. Research also indicates that employers benefit when their employees' children are in quality child care arrangements. Parents are more productive and focused on work knowing their children are being nurtured and interacted with in ways that promote all areas of their development. This confidence in care creates a win-win situation for everyone: parents, children and employers. Your local child care resource and referral agency, Smart Start or Partnership for Children should be your first phone call.

You can also do some background work on your own at the Division of Child Development and Early Education at where you will find information on the Star-rated License and other drop down menus for parents. The parent section has the search function: by license number, city, county, zip code, setting, permit type (the drop-down box has star levels), age of child, and other items such as whether the site offers transportation, Pre-K, Head Start or serves children with special needs. There is a full glossary of terms in English and Spanish. Once a star level is selected, the resulting report gives more information on the sanitation rating than about the stars. We hope users will read the star-rated license page first to identify the levels of quality. After identifying a child care program that might meet your needs, visit the center or family child care home to talk with the staff. You want to ensure you find a program that your child will feel comfortable in attending. Child care is a big decision. Don’t wait until the last minute! Best of luck on a successful school year! JULY 2012




Wonderful Summer Opportunity for Military Children

Alice Dean Lead Child & Youth Coordinator (800) 621-4136 (919) 520-9548

Kristi Wagner Youth Coordinator 1-800-621-4136 ext. 8851

Carina Surface Child & Youth Specialist 919-693-3651 ext. 23

“Zoo Snooze: Scutes, Scales and Slippery Skins” July 20-21, 2012, Asheboro Ages 7-12 NC Operation Military Kids (OMK) and the NC Zoo have partnered together to host a "Zoo Snooze: Scutes, Scales and Slippery Skins" for military youth (only) ages 7 to 12. This overnight event/adventure will have participants spend the evening exploring the world of these elusive backyard creatures with games, activities and presentations. Invite a toad to live in your yard by building a toad abode. In the morning, journey to the water's edge to forage for froggy food. Participants should plan to eat dinner before arriving on Friday, 20 July 2012. A snack will be provided in the evening and a light breakfast will be served the following morning. Participants will receive a free pass into the zoo following the "Zoo Snooze" on Saturday, 21 July 2012. Military family members (6 per military ID) will receive discounted ticket prices to accompany their child through the zoo on Saturday morning (21 July 2012). Tickets can be purchased at the Zoo's Admissions office at 9 am on Saturday. There is a $10.00 registration fee for the weekend.

For additional information, contact Scott Enroughty, Project Coordinator - NC OMK at 919-515-8500 or

Keep Your Child Learning Over the Summer. is FREE of Charge and available year-round.

July 3rd in National “Stay Out of the Sun Day.” It is important to practice sun safety! The best advice is when the sun is directly overhead it’s a great time to find some shade or step inside for a few hours. You can find additional sun safety tips through the environmental protection agency at

Military Teen Adventure Camps 2012-2013

Nearly 1600 military teens (14-18 years old) will have an opportunity to participate (at little to no cost) in adventure camps scheduled through March 2013. These high energy, high adventure, and high experience camps are planned across the United States from Alaska to Maine and from Colorado to Georgia as well as states in between. Each camp offers a unique outdoor experience that will allow a teen to build leadership, self-confidence, and teamwork skills while participating in activities like backpacking, river rafting, canoeing, wilderness survival, rocketry, rock climbing, GPS use, mountain biking, first aid, winter camping, dog sledding, ropes courses, camp cooking, archery, and other camp activities. Camps for youth with special needs (mental, physical, and emotional) are also planned in California, Ohio, and New Hampshire. For military youth already in the Pacific Rim, two camp dates are available in Hawaii. Learn more at

DID YOU KNOW? We all know that July 4th is Independence Day “Our Nation’s Birthday” but did you know that although it was voted on and approved on July 4, 1776 it was not official until John Hancock put the final signature on it in August. There are many other special days in July to celebrate ... Ice Cream, Pecan Pie, Sugar Cookies and Chocolate, look for events in your area. JULY 2012


Operation Kids on Guard “Boots On, Boots Off” September 15, 2012 Join Us at East Flat Rock Armory 2025 Spartanburg Highway East Flat Rock, NC 28721

A day full of interactive fun taking you through the Deployment Cycle … From Orders to Homecoming! Kids on Guard, 9 a.m.—3 p.m.

Designed for ages: 5 years old and up! Kids will learn what happens after orders are received: How to tell your family, the SRP process, Training, Deployment Team Building and the Road Home!

Kiddies on Guard, 9 a.m.—Noon

Designed for ages: Birth to 4 years old A special program for child and parent to participate in with lots of fun hands on activities. A parent or guardian must accompany the child! ***PRE-REGISTER*** Applications can be found on our NCNG public website:, Select Guard Support, then Family Programs Please RSVP to: Carina Surface 1-800-621-4136 ext. 8820 line 23 919-693-3651 ex t 23 The day of the event, sign-in will begin at 8:30 a.m. for all age groups. First Formation will then begin promptly at 9 a.m. Lunch will be provided; Parents that are attending with their kiddies are welcome to join us! If your children have any special nutritional needs, please let our staff know when you RSVP. JULY 2012


JULY 2012


FAMILY ASSISTANCE CENTERS | CONTACT US Kinston Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 2875 Dobbs Farm Rd., 28504 Fax: (252) 526-2772 Gabrielle H. O’Flanagan, FAC Specialist (252) 208-0255 Ext. 15817 Lenoir State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) 1535 Beecher Anderson Road, 28645 Frances Johnson, FAC Specialist (828) 757-4365 Ext. 4 line 1

Asheville Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 7 Yorkshire St. Suite 101, 28803 Fax: (828) 274-8572 Debra Collington, FAC Network Coordinator (828) 274-7209 Charlotte Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 4240 West Blvd., 28208 Fax: n/a Keneitha Delaney, FAC Specialist (704) 344-2352 Ext. 14547 Fayetteville Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 3555 Owen Drive, 28306 Amy Wallace, FAC Specialist (910) 321-1001 Ext. 14920 Greensboro State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) 110 Franklin Blvd., 27401 Katy Jones, FAC Network Coordinator (336) 691-7700 Ext. 15649 Sandy Harrison, FAC Specialist (336) 691-7700 Ext 15651 Greenville State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) 1401 N. Memorial Dr., 27834 Dawn White, FAC Network Coordinator (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11150 Kannapolis Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 6001 Gateway Center Dr., Suite 109, 28081 Fax: (704) 788-0550 Lynn White, FAC Specialist (704) 788-4554

Morganton Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 411 Kirksey Drive, 28655 Nancy Davis, FAC Network Coordinator Fax: (828) 437-2068 (828) 437-0746 Ext. 2 Raleigh Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 130 Penmarc Drive Suite 110, 27603 Fax: (919) 334-9971 Earlene Capps, FAC Specialist (919) 334-0195 Lisa Faison, FAC Specialist (919) 334-0196 Mark Woolbright, FAC Network Coordinator (919) 334-9966 Smithfield Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 406 Hospital Road, 27577 Fax: (919) 934-2901 Abby Millsap, FAC Specialist 919) 934-2013 Ext.16 Southern Pines Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 500 Morganton Road, PO Box 1317, 28387 Fax: (910) 692-3659 David Butler, FAC Specialist (910) 692-8747 Ext. 6 Wilmington Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 2412 Infantry Rd., 28405 Fax: (910) 251-7130 Jim Marley, FAC Specialist (910-) 251-7100 Ext. 16918 Wilmington Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 3114 Randall Pkwy., 28403 Fax: (910) 343-6953 Judy Howard, FAC Network Coordinator (910) 343-1775

JULY 2012


Are you In? Single Soldier Retreat July 20-22 August 17-19

Registration Forms are online at . For questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Wendi Bell at (800) 621-4136 ext. 46078 or wendi.bell@

Dates and Locations are Subject to Change.

JULY 2012


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