Family Matters May 2012

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Family Matters May 2012—Volume 4, Issue 5

Military Spouse Appreciation Day Events Kids on Guard rolls around again in June New JFHQ Building lands cover of 2012 Raleigh Yellow Pages

May 2012


Volume 4, Issue 5


Contents 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13

Letter to Military Spouses Director’s Column MyCAA Veteran’s Information Financial Info Strong Bonds Retreats Family Readiness Groups Child & Youth Programs FAC Contact

Diane Coffill State Family Program Director (919) 664-6324 SFC Ramona Scott Family Program NCOIC (919) 664-6000 Ext. 47005 SGT Tammy Fowler Family Programs Assistant (919) 664-6000 Ext 46876 Wendi Bell Administrative Assistant (919) 664-6078 Lana Greer State FAC Coordinator (828) 652-4595 Ext. 2 Terry Henderson Airman & Family Readiness Program Mgr. (704) 398-4949

Want to be on the cover of the next Family Matters? Send a photo with a short description (who, doing what, when, where) and who took the photo to

Alice Dean Lead Child & Youth Coordinator (919) 664-6000 Ext. 16289 Angelena Dockery Marketing & Communications Manager (919) 485-9570

Become a FAN

Kathryn Jarvis Marketing & Communications Manager (919) 485-9571

Join us on Facebook Search NCNG Family Programs

Drop a Tweet, Catch a Tweet


Judy Richardson Senior FRSA (919) 347-4352 Ext. 15 NC National Guard Family Programs State Office 1636 Gold Star Drive Raleigh, NC 27607-6410 (919) 664-6053

May 2012



Military Spouse Appreciation Day Dear North Carolina National Guard Spouses, Military Spouse Day has been observed since May 23, 1984, when President Ronald Reagan recognized the vital importance of spouse support and their dedication to the overall readiness and well-being of Service Members. Following President Reagan's proclamation, the Secretary of Defense declared that the Friday before Mother's Day shall be Military Spouse Appreciation Day. On this day, we pause to acknowledge your selfless service to our Nation, reflect on your accomplishments, and humbly thank you for your unwavering support of your North Carolina National Guardsman. During the past ten years of sustained conflict, over 20,000 North Carolina National Guardsmen have deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, and numerous locations around the Globe. There have also been State missions in which National Guard Soldiers have assisted fellow North Carolinians during floods, hurricanes, fires, and ice storms. When the Nation and the State call, North Carolina National Guardsmen stand ready to swiftly respond! I know that these Soldiers can successfully complete each mission because there is a supportive spouse at home who willingly accepts their mission as well. So often the responsibility of taking care of the family rest solely on you. Many of you have careers, work outside of the home, volunteer in your communities, and participate in Family Readiness programs. Your children have countless sports events, dance classes and music lessons... there are birthdays and holiday celebrations to plan... the list goes on and on. You are the ones who ensure that your family carries on and that the home fires burn brightly. You support your Soldier, and that is an invaluable contribution! I stand in awe of all you have accomplished and of all that you continue to do to best support your North Carolina Army National Guard Soldier. You are my heroes! For your selfless service, I humbly thank you. LTG Ingram and I wish you a peaceful and happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day. We both sincerely thank you for your unwavering support! God bless you and your North Carolina Guardsman. Warmest regards, Lil Ingram Spouse of Director, Army National Guard

Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day May 2012



This month, we celebrate Mother’s Day and we also want to thank our Nation’s Military Spouses. Military Spouses handle whatever may come their way. Whether it’s changing the light bulb or the flat tire … my experiences show that military spouses learn a lot about themselves under pressure. The morning walk or evening jog that you used to cope during deployment may manifest into a love of exercise. Taking photos at your children’s events, to share with your Service Member who’s gone, may turn into a photography career. Going to a Family Readiness Group meeting or Family Programs event may mean meeting lifelong friends that share your values and interests. Still, there are no words that can truly express the selfless sacrifices Military Spouses encounter from day-to-day. Sometimes, you carry others and, then, there are those days where you need to be carried. Let’s face it, days, weeks and months can sometimes feel like a roller-coaster ride, as frequent change is the norm. Take a look at this month’s cover photo … we build and lift and rise together to create a fortress. Military Spouses help keep our Service Members ready for duty. And, that makes each of us safer. So, May 11th is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. It is a day we honor and thank North Carolina’s Military Spouses for all the support, sacrifices and strength they provide to our world. Military Spouses posses a tenacity to build a stronger team. When duty calls, Military Spouse’s take on their own mission, not given by a Commander but by the integrity they have in their hearts to be a stable force for their Service Member, children, community and nation. Please remember you should always say that, “Military Spouses Serve, Too.” Thank you Military Spouses for your tremendous courage, strength and sacrifices. Sincerely, Diane Coffill, State Family Program Director 2012 Saban Military Wife Educational Scholarship The 2012 Saban Military Wife Educational Scholarship is offered to wives of uniformed service members to attend vocational training programs in the medical field. Applications will be accepted from April 1 - June 1, 2012 and must be postmarked by June 1, 2012. Applicants must be a legal wife of a military member currently serving on active duty, whether active duty, Reserve or a member of the National Guard (Members of the Reserves or National Guard are considered the same as active duty if they have served at least 180 combined days of full-time military duty since January 1, 2009). For more information visit About Family Matters Family Matters was created to provide Servicemembers and Families the most up-to-date information and services available. If you would like to contribute to future issues or if you have suggestions and comments, please contact the NCNG Family Programs Marketing and Communications Department personnel, Angelena Dockery or Kathryn Jarvis at E -Versions of Family Matters can be downloaded at the NCNG Family Programs webpage at References in this newsletter to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCNG Family Programs. May 2012


MYCAA The Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) Program is an employment assistance program that provides up to $4,000 of financial assistance to eligible military spouses who are pursuing a license, certification or Associate’s degree in a portable career field and occupation. Who is eligible for MyCAA Financial Assistance? tance Spouses of service members on active duty in pay grades E-1 to E-5, W-1 to W-2, and O-1 to O2 who can start and complete their coursework while their military sponsor is on Title 10 military orders, including spouses married to members of the National Guard and Reserve Components in these same pay grades. As part of the Career Lifecycle, all military spouses are offered counseling to assist with the following: following ~Career Exploration: Military OneSource (MOS) Education and Career Counselors help spouses explore all career options with tools like Career Assessments, Interest and Skills Inventories, Portable Career Statistics, and Earning Potential Metrics. ~Education and Training: Spouses work with counselors to create a plan of action that considers Financial Aid Options, Education and Training Program Resources, Credential/ License Information, and, for eligible spouses, MyCAA. MyCAA provides a maximum education benefit of $4,000 with an annual fiscal year cap of $2,000 to assist eligible military spouses who need professional credentials to meet their Portable Career goals. Annual cap waivers are available for licensure and certificate programs if there is an upfront tuition cost that exceeds $2,000 (up to the maximum education benefit of $4,000). ~Career Readiness: Counselors help spouses perfect their resumes and hone their interviewing skills. They also cover Job Search Techniques, Relocation Planning, and FlexWork Options.

~Career Connections: Connections Counselors help spouses get the right job in the right career by leveraging existing relationships and resources such as the Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP), and Counselors at Military OneSource Spouse Career Center (MyCAA) are available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m.—10 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m.—5 p.m. at 1-800-342-9647. For more information about MYCAA, visit

Military Spouse Corporate Career Network

RALEIGH, N.C. — The North Carolina National Guard and the state partner agencies with which it shares its new Joint Force Headquarters will be honored by AT&T Tuesday when the company presents them with the cover of its 2012 Raleigh Yellow Pages directory, which features a photo the state-of-the-art building and the iconic National Guard Minuteman. “This is a huge honor and is very much appreciated by our Soldiers and Airmen as well as our deserving partners who work every day for the people of North Carolina,” said Army Maj. Gen. Gregory A. Lusk, adjutant general of North Carolina. “We share this building with the people who are on the front lines for our state when natural disaster or other emergencies strike. This is a tremendous tribute to everyone who serves our fellow citizens.” The cover photograph shows the new building, which opened last October, at night with fireworks shot from the nearby fairgrounds exploding overhead. The National Guard Minuteman statue stands in front. The Guard shares the new building with the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management, the North Carolina State Highway Patrol Troop C Communications Center, the state Department of Transportation’s State Transportation Operations Center and the North Carolina Turnpike Authority. “We are proud to feature the National Guard Headquarters on the cover of our new Raleigh YP Real Yellow Pages directory,” said David McGee, AT&T Advertising Solutions general sales manager. AT&T has produced more than 438,000 copies of the directory for distribution around the Triangle this year. Delivery is underway and will continue through May 8, but will also be available to new residents and businesses throughout the year. (press release from NCNG April 10, 2012) Visit for more NC National Guard news and become a fan on Facebook search “North Carolina National Guard.” from

May 2012



Vets4Warriors Offers Confidential, Peer Support to All Branches of the Services

The toll-free Peer Support Line connects callers with Veteran Peer Counselors, who allow service members to speak anonymously. Every Peer Counselor is a veteran who can relate to the struggles and challenges of military life. Peer Counselors listen and follow up with callers that contact Vets4Warriors. If a caller has an issue that requires specific expertise, Peer Counselors can refer the caller to resources to help find the best options for them. Veteran Peer Counselors use a combination of national resources and services in their local communities to find the best option for the caller. The Vets4Warriors website includes a list of resources that may be helpful for anyone currently serving or who has served. The toll-free Peer Support Line (855.838.8255 or 855.VET.TALK), e-mail, and Live Chat are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The National Military Family Association recognizes the importance of peer support and the availability of a variety of resources to our returning warriors. We hope that all branches of the services will use this resource along with their families and include Vets4Warriors in their resource collection. For more information, visit

Need to talk? Call us today. Voluntary, Confidential, Free, and Professionally Staffed 1-800-621-4136 Option 1

Become a Fan! Search North Carolina National Guard Family Programs May 2012




Protect Your Identity You can reduce your risk of becoming a victim of one of the fastest growing crimes, identity theft.

Check your Credit Score for FREE!!

In support of the National Guard Bureau, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), FINRA Investor Education Foundation (which is part of FINRA) has once again provided us with the opportunity to check our credit score and credit analysis free of charge. From 1 April 2012 to 31 MAY 2012 every service member and family member alike, should take advantage of this wonderful service! Checking your credit through this site does NOT go against your credit history. After 31 March, there will be a new code to check your score.

Simply go to militarycenter, click on "Free Credit Score & Analysis", then click on "Register for Your Free FICO Credit Score" button, and on the next screen, where it asks for your Financial Educator Code, put in NGUU8CBN. The code is good through the end of May 2012. Complete all the required fields on the next few screens and you will find out your credit score as well as an analysis of your credit report and how to improve your credit and credit score.

THANK YOU FINRA and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation for this wonderful program and supporting our service members! We are very fortunate to have such capabilities provided to our military families!

Identity theft occurs when a thief uses personal information like your bank account or Social Security number to pretend to be you, opening a new account or credit card in your name. By posing as a real person, the thief runs up bills but never pays, leaving you with credit problems. Identity theft costs businesses billions of dollars each year, and it costs consumers their good names. By guarding your information and closely monitoring credit reports or freezing your credit reports you can fight back. Find tips on how to keep your personal information out of the hands of thieves. Freeze-Your-Credit.aspx

Have Financial Questions? Contact David Porter, Accrediated Financial Counselor (AFC), at (919) 334-8313 for FREE.

Military Spouse Appreciation Events You’re always taking care of someone else. This May let someone else take care of you. Join one of our upcoming Military Spouse Appreciation Events. You deserve it! RSVP at your local FAC … see page 13 for contact information. 5.11.12 || 11:30 a.m.—1 p.m. Military Spouse Appreciation Day Luncheon Trinity Baptist Church, 216 Shelburne Drive, Asheville 5.11.12 || 3 p.m.—6 p.m. Military Spouse Appreciation Day Luncheon Charlotte FAC, 4240 West Blvd., Charlotte 5.18.12 || 6 p.m.—9 p.m. Parent’s Night Out Raleigh MFRC, 130 Penmarc Drive, Raleigh 5.19.12 || 11 a.m.—2 p.m. Military Spouse Appreciation Day Luncheon Winston Salem Armory, 2000 Silas Parkway, Winston Salem May 2012



Strong Bonds Retreats ...

Register for one of our upcoming Strong Bonds Retreats. These weekend retreats are specifically designed for the Single Soldier, your Military Family or for couples. To learn more about the retreats, visit us online at For questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Wendi Bell at (800) 621-4136 ext. 46078 at or Dates and Locations are Subject to Change.

Family Retreats

Single Soldier Retreats Avoid Dating A “Jerk or Jerkette” Learn how to find the right mate for you. April 27-29: Myrtle Beach, SC July 20-22: Myrtle Beach, SC

Marriage Enrichment Retreats

June 22-24, 2012—Myrtle Beach, SC August 10-12, 2012—Mountains STRONG BONDS BECAUSE RELATIONSHIPS MATTER.

EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE David Ponder, Employment Specialist (919) 485-9567 Charlotte Career Fair Monday, June 4, 2012 / 11 a.m.—2 –p.m. Renaissance Charlotte Suites Hotel 2800 Coliseum Centre Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 Raleigh Career Fair Monday, June 4, 2012 / 11 a.m.– 2p.m. Radisson Hotel Research Triangle Park 150 Park Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Whether you’re just married or have a few years or decades under your belt, laughter is the best medicine. Learn how to laugh your way to a better marriage. May 4-6: Myrtle Beach, SC June 8-10: Asheville, NC July 27-29: Charleston, SC

May 12, 2012 Noon—2 p.m. TIE A YELLOW RIBBON MEMORIAL @ Taylorsville Courthouse 29 West Main Street, Taylorsville For Details Contact Nancy Davis at

Get a list of companies before the career fairs.


(828) 437-0746 line 18 May 2012


Upcoming SRPs May 4-6: 151 EN CO, Laurinburg Armory

North Carolina Military Veteran Partnership (NCMVP)

May 4-6: 210th MP, Franklin Armory

NCMVP is a voluntary Military/community cooperative partnership organized to allow service providers to engage in multi-service networking to help connect Servicemembers and Families to local Military and/or community resources.

May 3-7: 5/113th FA, 732nd, 430th EOD, 514th MP, Greensboro Armory

May 8: 9:30 a.m.—Noon Smithfield UFCC, 406 Hospital Road, Smithfield

May 14-17: 505th, Charlotte Armory

Yellow Ribbon Upcoming Event: May 18-19, 2012: 8 a.m.—4 p.m. 1/131st Avn Bn & 112th Finance Koury Convention Center 3121 High Point Road, Greensboro

May 9: 9:30a.m.—11 a.m. Navy/Marine Reserves Center, 6115 N. Hills Crescent, Charlotte May 15: 10 a.m.—Noon East Flat Rock Armory, 2025 Spartanburg Highway, Henderson May 24: 11 a.m.—1 p.m. VFW Post 2573, 2722 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington

May 2012


FAMILY READINESS GROUPS | FRG TRAININGS & MORE Invitation to Attend … Judy Richardson, Senior FRSA 142 Broadhurst Road Jacksonville, NC 28540-3545 (910) 347-4352 Ext. 15 (800) 621-4136 Ext. 8570


CLINTON Sarah Strickland (910) 592-2100 Ext. 14735

GREENSBORO Gloria Fields (336) 691-7700 Ext. 15620

GOLDSBORO Greg Smith (919) 731-2021 Ext. 2

JACKSONVILLE Judy Richardson (910) 347-4352 Ext. 15

MORRISVILLE Jim Roberson (919) 804-5300 Ext. 16313

FRG Regional Training NCNG Family Programs is bringing Family Readiness Group Training to you. Family Readiness Group personnel and leaders will focus on maintaining an effective Family Readiness Group Team. NCNG Family Programs’ extends an exclusive invitation for our upcoming FRG Regional Training to FRG Leaders and Unit Volunteers that are in Appointed positions. Commanders & Unit POC’s are invited to observe this training as needed. This workshop is designed to assist FRG Leaders & Unit Volunteers in maintaining FRG Communications with families in the areas of phone trees, e-mail campaigns, and newsletters; managing FRG activities; and, knowing the resources in your areas that you can share with your Soldiers and Families. Also to assist FRG Leaders in How to Better Communicate with your Command. FRG Regional Training May 5, 2012 ~ 9 a.m.—1 p.m., Register by May 2 Kinston Armory, 2875 Dobbs Farm Road, Kinston FRG Regional Training May 19, 2012 ~ 5:30—7:30 p.m., Register by May 16 Greensboro Armory, 110 Franklin Blvd., Greensboro For questions or to register, contact Judy Richardson, State/Senior Family Readiness Support Assistant, at 800.621.4136 ext. 8570 line 11 / 910.347.4352 line 11 or via e-mail to Please note: Costs incurred by individuals for meals and travel are not reimbursable expenses for this training. To learn more about North Carolina National Guard Family Programs, visit ‘Family Programs.’ Also, become a Fan on Facebook, search ‘North Carolina National Guard Family Programs.’

May 2012—JSS Webinar Sessions Register using the links below. Get R.E.A.D.Y. with JSS - Volunteers This webinar provides an overview and shows volunteers how JSS tools equip them to serve the National Guard community. This includes how to track your volunteer hours, collaborate in Groups and Forums, and locate helpful resources. Staff working with volunteers will also benefit from this session.

OXFORD Norman Dean (919) 693-3651 Ext. 27

Wednesday May 9, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Mode=ReadOnly&Id=84690531-946c-4cb7-a294-7d389839b181

The Mission of the ARNG FRSA program is to empower commanders in their duty to deliver the Total Army Family Program (AR 600-20) so that soldiers and Families are entitled, informed, educated, assisted, and made ready for the unique demands of Military life before, during, and after deployment.

Thursday May 17, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Mode=ReadOnly&Id=231cc808-a94e-404b-8e94-0523b8c1dedf

3rd Annual FRG and FP Yard Sale May 4, 2012, 8 a.m.—5 p.m. Wilmington MFRC, 3114 Randall Parkway, Wilmington Contact Judy Howard at May 2012



Operation Kids on Guard “Boots On, Boots Off” June 2, 2012

Alice Dean Lead Child & Youth Coordinator (800) 621-4136 ext. 16289 (919) 664-6000 ext. 16289

Join Us at Freedom High School 511 Independence Blvd Morganton, NC 28655

Kristi Wagner Youth Coordinator 1-800-621-4136 ext. 8851

A day full of interactive fun taking you through the Deployment Cycle … From Orders to Homecoming! Kids on Guard, 9 a.m.—3 p.m. Designed for ages: 5 years old and up! Kids will learn what happens after orders are received: How to tell your family, the SRP process, Training, Deployment Team Building and the Road Home!

Millstone 4-H Camp Camp Dates: July 15 - 20, 2012 July 22 - 27, 2012 July 29 - August 3, 2012 1296 Mallard Drive Ellerbe, NC, 28338-9043 How to apply to Camp Corral Camp Corral is free of cost* to children of wounded or disabled military families ages 8-15.

Kiddies on Guard, 9 a.m.—Noon Designed for ages: Birth to 4 years old A special program for child and parent to participate in with lots of fun hands on activities. A parent or guardian must accompany the child! ***PRE-REGISTER*** Applications can be found on our NCNG public website: Please RSVP to: Alice Dean, 1-800-621-4136 ext. 16289 or The day of the event, sign-in will begin at 8:30 a.m. for all age groups. First Formation will then begin promptly at 9 a.m. Lunch will be provided; Parents that are attending with their kiddies are welcome to join us! If your children have any special nutritional needs, please let our staff know when you RSVP.

To apply, please visit or call 1-855-605-1267 for more information.


*Parents are responsible for cost of transportation to and from camp.

At AMF, kids 15 and under can bowl for free all summer. Simply register and you'll get a weekly voucher for two free games per child per day through September 3. Shoe rental is not included. May 2012


Military Teen Adventure Camps 2012-2013 Operation Purple Camp Camp Bob, Hendersonville, NC Camp Dates: Sunday, July 08, 2012 Friday, July 13, 2012 Ages: 7-17 years old Camp Bob is an outreach program of Kanuga Conferences, a 1,400-acre camp and conference center affiliated with the Episcopal Church and open to all. Campers will stay in cabins with solar thermal hot water systems and enjoy traditional camp activities including hiking, swimming, rock climbing, canoeing, archery and arts and crafts. Camp Bob has hosted Operation Purple camps since 2008.

Register today for 2012 Operation Purple Camp at

Nearly 1600 military teens (14-18 years old) will have an opportunity to participate (at little to no cost) in adventure camps scheduled through March 2013. These high energy, high adventure, and high experience camps are planned across the United States from Alaska to Maine and from Colorado to Georgia as well as states in between. Each camp offers a unique outdoor experience that will allow a teen to build leadership, self-confidence, and teamwork skills while participating in activities like backpacking, river rafting, canoeing, wilderness survival, rocketry, rock climbing, GPS use, mountain biking, first aid, winter camping, dog sledding, ropes courses, camp cooking, archery, and other camp activities. Camps for youth with special needs (mental, physical, and emotional) are also planned in California, Ohio, and New Hampshire. For military youth already in the Pacific Rim, two camp dates are available in Hawaii. Information may be found at the following URL:

Get your Military Spouse artwork on Facebook ‌ courtesy of Abby Millsap, Smithfield Family Assistance Center

May 2012


FAMILY ASSISTANCE CENTERS Asheville Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 7 Yorkshire St. Suite 101, 28803 Fax: (828) 274-8572 Debra Collington, FAC Network Coordinator (828) 274-7209 Charlotte Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 4240 West Blvd., 28208 Fax: n/a Keneitha Delaney, FAC Specialist (704) 344-2352 Ext. 14547 Fayetteville Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 3555 Owen Drive, 28306 Fax: n/a Amy Wallace, FAC Specialist (910) 321-1001 Ext. 14920 Greensboro State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) 110 Franklin Blvd., 27401 Fax: (336) 691-7766 Katy Jones, FAC Network Coordinator (336) 691-7700 Ext. 15649 Sandy Harrison, FAC Specialist (336) 691-7700 Ext 15651 Greenville State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) 1401 N. Memorial Dr., 27834 Fax: (252) 551-6136 Dawn White, FAC Network Coordinator (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11150 Kannapolis Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 6001 Gateway Center Dr., Suite 109, 28081 Fax: (704) 788-0550 Lynn White, FAC Specialist (704) 788-4554

Call a Military Family Life Consultant Today John Alleman Adult & Family Specialist (919) 745-9635

Betty Steelman Child & Family Specialist (919) 665-9178

Kinston Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 2875 Dobbs Farm Rd., 28504 Fax: (252) 526-2772 Gabrielle H. O’Flanagan, FAC Specialist (252) 208-0255 Ext. 15817 Lenoir State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) 1535 Beecher Anderson Road, 28645 Fax: (828) 757-4519 Frances Johnson, FAC Specialist (828) 757-4365 Ext. 4 line 1 Morganton Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 411 Kirksey Drive, 28655 Nancy Davis, FAC Network Coordinator Fax: (828) 437-2068 (828) 437-0746 Ext. 18 Raleigh Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 130 Penmarc Drive Suite 110, 27603 Fax: (919) 334-9971 Earlene Capps, FAC Specialist (919) 334-0195 Lisa Faison, FAC Specialist (919) 334-0196 Mark Woolbright, FAC Network Coordinator (919) 334-9966 Smithfield Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 406 Hospital Road, 27577 Fax: (919) 934-2901 Abby Millsap, FAC Specialist 919) 934-2013 Ext.16 Southern Pines Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 500 Morganton Road, PO Box 1317, 28387 Fax: (910) 692-3659 David Butler, FAC Specialist (910) 692-8747 Ext. 6 Wilmington Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 2412 Infantry Rd., 28405 Fax: (910) 251-7130 Jim Marley, FAC Specialist (910-) 251-7100 Ext. 16918 Wilmington Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 3114 Randall Pkwy., 28403 Fax: (910) 343-6953 Judy Howard, FAC Network Coordinator (910) 343-1775 May 2012


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