Family Matters
Joint Services Support Webinars in October Learn how to simplify volunteering and master JSS
LET THE HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES BEGIN Fall Festivals 2013 NC State Fair Ockterbests, AND MORE... Your Ultimate Source for Information
NCNG Triangle Teen Council—Oct. Meeting
Upcoming NCNG Teen Council “Open House” in Charlotte, N.C.
FA M I LY M AT T E R S O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3
CYP Page 5
Page 8
Tools for using Joint Services Support .
What's In
Teen Council Events
Page 9
Page 10 Free Retreat for Military Families
ON THE COVER: Dmitry Kalinovsky, Photographer
Want to get on the Cover of Family Matters. Email a photo you have persmissions for to with a description of the photo and who took the picture.
05 Joint Services Support Tools for using Joint Services Support
08 Child and Youth Programs / What's In Military Kids Serve, too! The nation has notice, North Carolina & NCNG knows and, now military teens are letting you know! Free resources, hands-on leadership,experience, fun, and great memories await.
09 Open House Military Teens come join the Charlotte Open House to explore the opportunities having a teen council in your area could bring.
Page 11
Free Retreat for Miltiary Families
Military Families may attend a 6-day, 7-night, faith-based family retreat at no cost.
11 Getting Schooled on College Expenses So your child wants to attend college and you have no idea how to pay for it. Hopefully this article will not only give you a better idea of the resources available but also ease your mind on the ever rising costs associated with higher education.
13 Part One of a 6-part series on FRG Fundraising
FRGs & Fundraising
Page 13
As we adjust in creative ways to support our military Families, it is good to remember the framework of the Army's Family Readiness Group.
Ask a Military Family Life Consultant
Military Family Life Consultant are trained professionals ready to help!
Happy Fall Everyone! Fall has officially arrived! We're beginning to see cooler temperatures and the changing leaves, which always signifies the change of the Season. It's during this time of year that Family Programs gears up for the Holiday season... one of our busiest times. In this issue, we've included some October events that are happening across the state. You will also notice some events for November. We are invited, again this year, to decorate one of the Christmas Trees at the Governor's Mansion (please look for that information). In light of the tragedies that we've seen in the news this year, we encourage you to take advantage of all of the Resources/Programs available to you and your Families. Many are free, and fun. Last month, we mentioned Identity Theft as it pertains to your children, this month we encourage you to talk to your children about things they see or hear that we, as parents and grandparents, have no control over (i.e. things in the news, TV, radio, newspapers, etc.) Many things happen that even as adults, we don't understand, so I want to remind you that we have Military FamLife Consultants (MFLCs), children's programs M ESSAGE F R O M ily and information that can help you talk to your The Di r e cto r children, if they are scared, confused or having difficulty with life situations. As you move through the school year, remember that is free and available to help you and children. Sometimes, we all need a little help if we're helping our children with homework. Don't forget this could help those college students, as well. Also, for those kids heading to college in the coming year, eKnowledge is also offering a free SAT and ACT package to help them get prepared for those upcoming tests. Our NCNG Child & Youth Program Teen Council is looking to expand across the State, there will be several Open House Meetings held, so that your Teen can come in, see what's it's all about, ask questions and get on board to serve as a leadership voice for the other Military Teens in their community. I hope you have a Happy Fall!
FAM ILY MAT TER S O c to b er 2013 D i a n e Co f f i l l St ate Fa m i l y Pro gra m D i re c to r d i a n f f i l l.c i v@ m a i l.m i l (919) 664-6324 MS G R a m o n a S co t t Fa m i l y Pro gra m s S p e c i a l i s t ra m o n a .k .s co t t.m i l @ m a i l.m i l ( 9 1 9 ) 6 6 4 - 6 0 0 0 Ex t. 4 7 0 0 5 S G T Ta m my Fow l e r Fa m i l y Pro gra m s As s i s t a nt t a m my.l.fow l e r.m i l @ m a i l.m i l ( 9 1 9 ) 6 6 4 - 6 0 0 0 Ex t 4 6 8 7 6 L a n a G re e r St ate FAC Co o rd i n ato r l a n a .m .gre e r.c t r @ m a i l.m i l ( 8 0 0 ) 6 2 1 - 4 1 3 6 Ex t. 1 1 6 6 7 Te r r y H e n d e r s o n Air m an & Fa m i l y R e a d i n e s s Pro gra m Mgr. te r r y.h e n d e r s o n @ a n g.a f.m i l (704) 398-4949 Al i ce D e a n Le a d C h i l d & Yo ut h Co o rd i n ato r a l i ce.c.d e a n .c t r @ m a i l.m i l ( 8 0 0 ) 6 2 1 - 4 1 3 6 Ex t 1 2 1 8 3
Diane Coffill
An g e l e n a D o c k e r y M ar k e t i n g & Co m m un i c at i o n s M a n a g e r s a l l i e.a .d o c k e r y.c t r @ m a i l.m i l (919) 485-9570
NC National Guard and Families first line of Defense Call the Behavioral Health at
1-855-322-3848 About Family Matters Family Matters was created to provide Servicemembers and Families the most up-to-date information and services available. If you would like to contribute to future issues, or if you have suggestions and comments, please contact the NCNG Family Programs Marketing and Communications Department personnel, Angelena Dockery or Kathryn Jarvis, at E-Versions of Family Matters can be downloaded at the NCNG Family Programs webpage at References in this newsletter to any specific commercial products, processes, services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCNG Family Programs.
K at h r yn Ja r vi s M ar k e t i n g & Co m m un i c at i o n s M a n a g e r k at h r yn .a .j a r vi s.c t r @ m a i l.m i l (919) 485-9571 Jud y R i c h a rd s o n Senior FRSA j u d i t h .r.r i c h a rd s o n .c t r @ m a i l.m i l ( 8 0 0 ) 6 2 1 - 4 1 3 6 Ex t. 1 1 3 4 6
O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3   FA M I LY M AT T E R S  
VO LU N T E E R C O R N E R / O C TO B E R 2 0 1 3 W E B I NA R S
Using the Email Campaigns Tool in JSS This webinar shows staff how to use the email campaigns tool, including create an email campaign for the JSS Community or an event, view the email queue and edit or delete a saved draft. Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Using the Volunteer Activity Tracker in Jss - Staff This session orients Staff to relevant reports detailing volunteer activities. This includes how to view and export the User Report and enter and view volunteer activity hours. Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM Updating Your User Profile in JSS During this session, you will learn how to request a change to your state affiliation and role permissions, update your personal information, reset your JSS password and view your JSS History. Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Get R.E.A.D.Y. with JSS - Volunteers This webinar provides an overview and shows volunteers how JSS tools equip them to serve the National Guard community. This includes how to track your volunteer hours, collaborate in Groups and Forums, and locate helpful resources. Staff working with volunteers will also benefit from this session. Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
FA M I LY M AT T E R S O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3
Maintaining Unit Information in JSS This webinar shows how to use the JSS Groups tool to connect with others, access information, and communicate effectively over email and on the web. This includes how to post events in a shared calendar, upload documents to a File Library, and collaborate in forum discussions. Thursday, October 24, 2013, 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM Communicating in JSS Keeping unit data current in JSS is critical for a variety of system functions. This webinar shows SFRSAs how to maintain unit information, including stepby-step instructions for adding, deleting, and editing units in JSS. Thursday, October 24, 2013, 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
Fa l l I n / C h i l d a n d Yo u t h
CHILD & YOUTH PROGRAM / WHAT’S IN Military Kids Serve, too!
The nation has notice, north Carolina & ncng knows … and, now ncng teens are letting you know! Free resources, hands-on leadership, experience, fun, and great memories await.
In Alliance with the US National Guard, eknowledge Donates $250 SAT and ACT PowerPrep Programs September 16, 2013 Every year families in the US spend over $4 Billion on test prep material and tutoring for SAT and ACT college entrance exams.
But Military families don't have to spend that type of money on SAT and ACT Test Prep. eKnowledge is offering $250 SAT and ACT online and DVD programs for under $20 (which covers the cost of materials, shipping or streaming for the internet/Cloud programs). The donation project is supported by patriotic professional athletes from the NFL.
eKnowledge has received thousands of testimonials and thank you Also, according to the Wall Street Journal, families spend thou- notes from grateful recipients of the donated software: “Thank you sands of dollars on coaching to help college-bound students so much for sponsoring this program! Without it we would not be boost their SAT and ACT scores. Courses typically cost $1000 to able to afford such a high caliber program for our son, who is try$5000 and tutoring ranges between $100 and $200 per hour. ing to get into the Air Force Academy and needs a great SAT score in order to compete with other applicants. Your generosity is very "It breaks my heart to see Military families who can't afford it spending much appreciated. God bless you”. Christine O'Neill 08-27-2013 money they desperately need on test prep..." says Lori Caputo, Director, eKnowledge Donation Project. “Families are sacrificing, even borIf you would like to request your free program, please visit rowing on their credit cards to pay these high prices for prep courses.” or call 951-256-4076 For more information contact Lori Caputo, Director, eKnowledge Donation Project or 951-256-4076
Military children are invited to make holiday ornaments to decorate a Military Tree featured at North Carolina's Executive Mansion this 2013 holiday season. The theme this year is patriotism. Please include child's first name, age, city and branch of service affiliation. If this information can't be written on the ornament a small gift tag may be attached to the ornament. Ornaments are due by Friday, November 15. Mail to: North Carolina National Guard, Attn: Family Programs 1636 Gold Star Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607 or drop them off at a NC National Guard Family Assistance Center in your area. For questions, contact Alice Dean, NCNG Lead Child & Youth Coordinator, Ext 12183
FA M I LY M AT T E R S O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3
NCNG Triangle Teen Council will be meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at Wake County Extension Office 4001 Carya Dr., Raleigh, NC 27609 5:30pm -8pm Dinner will be provided. RSVP is required to Alice Dean, NCNG Lead Child & Youth Coordinator at or 800-621-4136 ext 12183.
T een C ouncil
North Carolina National Guard Family Programs Teen Council
Join Us for our first Meet and Greet for Military Teens from grades 9-12 in Charlotte or Wilmington. Dinner will be provided. TWO LOCATIONS: Monday, 21 October 2013, 5:30pm-8:30pm Charlotte Armory, 4240 West Blvd., Charlotte Tuesday, 22 October 2013, 5:30pm-8:30pm Wilmington Armory, 2412 Infantry Rd., Wilmington Dinner will be provided. RSVP is required. RSVP to Alice Dean, NCNG Lead Child & Youth Coordinator, at or 800-621-4136 ext 12183.
O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
A cross t h e state
Sign up for the next retreat! Date: October 27—November 1 6 days / 5 nights There is no fee for Military Families to attend the retreats! Request an application: or call 704.650.5353
7 Nights Free
6 Days &
Eagle Rock Camp is a faith-based, holistic sports camp that reconnects Military Families in a traditional camp environment that is therapeutic, builds a healthy spirit and strong family bonds. We believe that when the Troops serve, the whole Family serves. To honor, respect and empower these brave men, women and their children, we created a secluded and very special setting in the Brushy Mountains of North Carolina, that is FREE from the distractions of daily life. Our Families attend 6 day/5 night retreats. The entire Family learns life skills that provide positive, life changing experiences so they can recharge their energy and spirits, while leaning to live life better and enhance family relationships. They learn to have fun together, once again.
Free Located in the Brushy Mountains of North Carolina, just 90 minutes NW of Charlotte. For details about programs and recreation, visit Images are from the eaglerockcamp website
FA M I LY M AT T E R S O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3
F all in T O
schooled on college expenses
So your child wants to attend college
qualifies for need-based financial aid.
With college costs rising, families look-
and you have no idea how to pay for
So now the question is how do I find
ing for ways to pay for college should
it. Hopefully this article will not only
my EFC? A chart is used that is based
explore all of their options. I would
give you a better idea of the resources
on your AGI (adjusted gross income)
recommend to any family that may
available but also ease your mind on
and how many children you have. This have a child going to college to com-
the ever rising costs associated with
chart can be found at the Department
plete the Federal Application because
higher education. Need-based finan-
of Education’s website.
most students do qualify for some type of package.
cial aid awards for college don't just depend on a family's income. Stu-
Families generally get less aid as their
dents' eligibility for such aid could be
expected family contribution comes
Understanding your EFC is the corner-
decided in part by how much families
closer to the cost of attendance.
stone of creating a college funding
have saved for their education includ-
Age matters, too. Parents' 529 plan
strategy, but it is only one piece of the
ing in tax-advantaged 529 plan ac-
accounts and other savings count
puzzle, so remember to exhaust all
toward the EFC on a weighted scale
resources your family may be eligible
based on the oldest parent's age. The
for and please do not be afraid to ask
That's because schools use a number
older parents are, the less these funds
for help.
called the expected family contribu-
factor into the expected contribution.
tion or EFC, to determine how much a
To plan ahead, students and parents
family can afford to contribute to their can use the FAFSA4caster tool offered
Now that you have college expenses under control it is time to teach your
by the Department of Education. This
kids to watch out for all the free credit
tool gives parents the opportunity to
card applications they will be getting
There are a couple different formulas
plug in different variables such as as-
once they step on campus!!
used but all are based on a number
set levels and income to see how their
calculated according to a legally es-
expected contribution changes. Par-
Submitted by:
tablished formula, with the income
ents could see what happens to their
Mr. Chip Jurgensen, CFP, NCJFSAP
and asset information provided by
EFC if they save more in a 529 plan or
Mr. Jurgensen is a Personal Financial
the student and parents, on the Free
if they deposit money into their child's Counselor who provides FREE
application for Federal Student Aid.
savings account. They can also see
one-on-one financial counseling
A sample of the one of the formulas
what will happen to their expected
services to you and your Family.
will look something like this; (Cost of
family contribution if one parent re-
For appointments or quick tips call
Attendance – EFC = Financial Need). If
ceives a raise at work.
(919) 334-8313 or email
child's education.
a student’s EFC is less than a college’s
cost of attendance, then the student O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
C h il d an d Y out h P ro g ra m s
Sport Clips and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) have partnered together since 2007 to help America’s heroes connect with their loved ones through free phone calls provided by VFW Operation Uplink™. As our troops are coming home and entering the civilian workforce, Sport Clips is expanding our support for service members, veterans and their families. It’s our way of saying “Thank you for your service."
Consistent with Sport Clips’ dedication to helping our veterans and their families as they return home, Sport Clips and the VFW have partnered to provide the Sport Clips Help A Hero Scholarship program. These scholarships for tuition and fees will help to provide military members and veterans with the financial assistance they need to complete their educational goals without incurring excessive student loan debt. • • • • • •
Scholarships up to $5,000 will be awarded Limited to one per family Applications for the 2014 calendar are currently being accepted Scholarships will be awarded starting January 1, 2014 Scholarships must be used by the end of the upcoming school year for which you are applying or they will become null and void Scholarships will be paid directly to accredited schools
Scholarship applicant must: 1. Be a citizen of the United States; 2. Be active duty, retired or honorably discharged, or a member of the National Guard or Reserve; 3. Have completed Basic Training and follow-on training (Advanced Individual Training, Technical school, etc.); 4. Have a military rank of E-5 or below; 5. Demonstrate a need for financial assistance; 6. Participate in, be accepted to or currently enrolled in a VA approved program or school at an accredited postsecondary institution; 7. If selected, authorize the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and Sport Clips to announce and publish award of your scholarship. All materials submitted may be used for promotional purposes without further consent from the applicant. Applications can found online at or contact your local FAC for assitance.
North Carolina National Guard Child and Youth Programs Alice Dean Lead Child And Youth Coordinator (800)621-4136 Ext. 12183
Kristi Wagner Youth Coordinator (800) 621-4136 Ext. 14761 12
FA M I LY M AT T E R S O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3
F all into
As we adjust in creative ways to support our military Families, it is good to remember the framework of the Army's Family Readiness Group.
FRGs & Fundraising
Over the next few months Family Matters will be showcasing a six-part series of Fundraising tips and reminders. Part 1: First, Having an FRG Informal Fund is optional, not all FRGs maintain an account.
•Remember the purpose of the FRG is not about money.
FRSA can assist with this!)
•Informal funds are private funds generated by FRG members that are used to benefit the FRG membership as a whole. •When can service members be signatories on a FRG •FRGs may open an informal fund (checking account)
providing the following conditions are met:
–If a prolonged period of FRG inactivity occurs (family
–Commander’s approval to open the account
members are no longer involved)
–A Treasurer and Alternate Treasurer (volunteers) are ap-
-Commander may secure the account until a new FRG is
pointed on a duty appointment memorandum
formed rather than close the account
–If you do not have an account, you do not need a treasurer/
–To ensure two signers are on the account
alternate treasurer
–To help ensure, if possible, the FRG leader is not a signer
–Account must be non interest bearing since FRG is NOT
on the account
for Profit
–Commanders should never be signers on the account
–Have two authorized volunteer signatures (all checks re•Prior to opening an account -File Internal Revenue
quire 2 authorized signatures)
Service Form SS4
–FRG Checking
Account has a Standard Operat- •To obtain a tax ID number (for banking purposes only).
Where Greatness Comes From ing Procedure (SOP) (SFRSA or
•This tax ID number is called an Employer Identification Number
•Needed to avoid use of personal Social Security Numbers when opening FRG checking account •Avoids any potential personal IRS tax liabilities related to the FRG account income.
O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 F A M I L Y MContinued A T T E R on S Pg17 13
Ask a Military Family Life Consultant:
The question/problem is: My good friend's child is the same age as my child (5), and I enjoy being around my friend., but their child is mean, disruptive, destructive, and disrespectful not only to my child but to other adults as well. We want to remain friends, but their child's behavior is something I feel I need to protect my child from. Answer: The following answer is only relative to the information provided in the above question. MFLCs are available for questions such as these. See page 18 for the MFLCs contact information. The question presented is really about what to do to keep the friendship. The question says "we want to remain friends" which leads me to think that both parents agree that something is going on. So, my suggestion to remain friends and protect your child would be for the parents to get together without the children. The question was not about how to get the children to be friends but for the adults to remain friends. That way, your child is protected and the adults can concentrate on being friends. This may give you an opportunity to express some of the concerns about the offending child. This does not address the situation about when the parents and children are together. If that is what the parents want to do, then a discussion needs to be held so that some boundaries are set. I tend to think that if these adults are "friends" then a conversation needs to be about how one child will be removed if he is on the receiving end of the behaviors. You could let the other parent know that if her child, for instance, begins to pull the neck of your child's shirt, or any misbehaviors, then you and your child will leave immediately. Of course, since you are "friends," maybe there can be an understanding that if her child's behaviors impact your child, you can gently correct him or her. This approach is similiar to the "it takes a village" concept.
FA M I LY M AT T E R S   O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3
Fre e or Military Families
DoD MWR provides library resources available at no charge to Servicemembers and their Families — a particularly helpful benefit for Guard and Reserve members and their Families who may not have access to installation libraries. Go to a library by clicking on the library name or logo. Certain libraries may require you to register and create your own account, but the resources are still free.
Current issues of Consumer Reports, Ebony, EntertainmentWeekly, Forbes, InStyle, Money, People, Real Simple, and U.S. News andWorld Report and more.
Content based on national curriculum standards for middle and high school students.
An online collection of ebooks and read-along chapter books, graphic novels, educational videos, and audio books designed specifically for elementary and middle school age children. All books are available with unlimited access, all the time, from any device with an Internet connection. An online collection of read-along titles for elementary, middle school, and high school students.
Search over 500 journals, articles, books, and magazines with military relevance.
Information and advice on mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds, and market returns.
Expore What Is In The DOD MWR Library Today! Visit O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
FA M I LY M AT T E R S O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3
VO LU N T E E R •Log onto –FRGs cannot offer donors IRS tax advantages for donations
Checklist for an FRG Checking Account: √ Authorized by Commander √ Account cannot exceed $10,000 balance at any time/annual income also capped at $10,000 per calendar yr. √ Must have a valid EIN Number (IRS tax ID #) √ Non-interest bearing account √ 2 signers; a treasurer and alternate treasurer (if possible, always non-military) √ Must have a FRG Informal Fund SOP √ Leadership (Controlled by statutory Volunteer(s) √ Limited to fundraising on the installation/armory (“by us –for us”) √ Subject to audit by the Commander and the State Family Readiness Office
Strength in Numbers: Coordinating Volunteers in Groups Please register using the following links. Or, you may cut & paste entire link into browser.
Session 1
October 1st: 10:00 AM -11:00 AM, Eastern
FAMILY READINESS SUPPORT ASSISTANTS (800) 621-4136 Charlotte: Nikkie Newsome Ext.14548 Clinton: Sarah Strickland Ext. 14735 Goldsboro: Greg Smith Ext. 15423 High Point (Temporary location due to Construction): Gloria Fields Ext.15620 Jacksonville: Judy Richardson Ext. 11346 Morrisville: Darlette McCormick Ext. 16313 Oxford: Norman Dean norman.g.dean2. Ext. 12182 Raleigh: George Lane Ext. 46714
October 3rd 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Eastern
Session 2
October 8th 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Eastern
October 10th: 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Eastern
O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
Statewide Locations Asheville Military Family Resource Center 7 Yorkshire St. Suite 101, 28803/Fax: (828) 274-7209 Vacant, (828) 274-8571 Charlotte Unit Family Contact Center 4240 West Blvd., 28208/(800) 621-4136 Carry Bandy, FAC Specialist,, Ext. 14573 Gabrielle H. O'Flanagan,, Ext. 14547 Greenville State Family Assistance Center 1401 N. Memorial Dr., 27834/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 11150 Dawn White, Lenoir State Family Assistance Center 1535 Beecher Anderson Rd., 28645 (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11242 Frances Johnson, Raleigh Unit Family Contact Center 4105 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC, 27607/(800) 621-4136 Lisa Faison,, Ext. 47100 Mark Woolbright,, Ext. 47102 Bob Bowman,, Ext. 46979
Raleigh JFHQ Unit Family Contact Center 636 Gold Star Drive, Raleigh, NC, 27607/800-621-4136 Ext. 46078 Wendi Bell, Smithfield Unit Family Contact Center 406 Hospital Rd., 27577/(800) 621-4136 Ext.12784 Abby Millsap, Southern Pines Unit Family Contact Center 510 W. Morganton Rd., PO Box 1317, 28387 (800) 621-4136 Ext. 12863 Earlene Capps, Wilmington Unit Family Contact Center 2412 Infantry Rd., 28405/(800) 621-4136 Jim Marley,, Ext. 16918 Winston-Salem Unit Family Contact Center (Temporary location due to construction in Greensboro) 2000 Silas Creek Pkwy., 27103/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 15651 Sandy Harrison, FAC Specialist,
Family Assistance Centers Family Assistance Centers are located across the State to provide ssistance to ALL Military Service Members and their Families. If you know of a Service Member or Military Family that has a question or concern, please share our contact numbers, web site, newsletter, and Facebook link.
Personal Financial Counselor Our Personal Financial Counselor can provide FREE one-on-one financial counseling services to you and your Family. Mr. Chip Jurgensen, CFP, NCJFSAP (919) 334-8313
MFLC PROGRAM ~Provides short-term, situational, problem-solving counseling services to Servicemembers and their Families ~Provides psycho-education to help military Servicemembers and their Families understand the impact of stress, deployments, family reunions following deployments and the stresses of military life ~MFLC services augment existing military support services ~Flexible service delivery (Outreach/Rotational and On-Demand); Services can be provided on or off military installations ~Services provided to individuals, couples, families, and groups ~Children’s Support Program addresses military impact on children ~MFLCs are mandated reporters of child abuse, domestic abuse and duty-to-warn situations ~Services are otherwise confidential and private S​ taff: John Alleman, Adult and Family Specialist (919) 745-9635 Betty Steelman, Youth and Family Specialist (919) 665-9178
FRI OCT th 25
NC National Guard Family Programs
Carnival Games
Fall Festival
Games--Prizes窶認ood--Candy Costume Contest
Haunted House For additional information and/or to RSVP please contact Gabrielle O'Flanagan by Friday, Oct. 18th
Bounce House
Phone: 704-344-2352 ext.1 4240 West Blvd. Charlotte, N.C. 28208
Here are a few of the Oktoberfests happening across North Carolina
Halloween Boozaar Thursday, October 31, 2013, 6-8pm Oakview Recreation Center, 503 James Rd, High Point, NC 336-883-3508; Cost $3 Web: highpointnc.goc/pr
Onslow Oktoberfest Saturday, October 26, 2013,10 a.m. until 9 p.m.5K starts at 8 a.m. Riverwalk Crossing Park421 Court St., Jacksonville, NC
October 4-13, 2013: Dixie Classic Fair
Sunday-Friday, 11am-11pm; Saturdays, 9am-11pm; Location: Dixie Classic Fairgrounds, 421 W. 27th St., Winston-Salem, NC, 336-727-2236; Web: October 12, 2013: Asheville Don't miss the fun and tasty Oktoberfest in downtown Asheville. This year, the festival moves from Wall Street to Coxe Avenue (between Hilliard Avenue and Buxton Street) for more room. It mixes Bavarian traditions with Asheville’s eclectic vibe. It's a perfect time to celebrate our local beer scene. The ticketed event runs noon until 6 PM. Buying advance tickets is recommended since it will probably sell out. October 12, 2013: St. John’s Lutheran Church Trunk or Treat, Winston Salem, 4:30-5:30pm There will be costumes and candy, crafts, games, prizes and lots of fun! Location: 2415 Silas Creek Parkway, Winston Salem, NC 27103; .36-725-1651; Web: October 18-20, 2013: 12th Annual Oktoberfest of Wilmington
Oktoberfest Run Green 8K Saturday, October 19, 2013 Moore Square 218 S. Blount St. Raleigh, NC
Raleigh Oktoberfest Friday, Oct 4 5:00p to 10:00p St. Raphael Catholic Church 5801 Falls of Neuse Raleigh, NC
The 12th Annual Oktoberfest of Wilmington will be bigger and better this year. Festivities will begin on Friday October 18th and continue through Sunday October 20th at the New Hanover County Government Center (the BreakTime and Ten Pin Alley parking lot). Gates will open for the festivities Friday at 5pm and Saturday at 10am. Sunday's festivities will begin at 1pm on Sunday with opening act beginning at 3pm. October 4-6: Hickory Oktoberfest Hickory’s Oktoberfest is a three-day, outdoor festival on the second weekend in October featuring three stages of non-stop live entertainment ranging from traditional polka to rock & roll, two beer gardens, amusement rides and carnival games, a juried arts and crafts show, and hundreds of food and commercial vendors. October 26, 2013: Halloween Pumpkin Carving, Winston Salem, 10am-4pm Show off your pumpkin carving creativity and imagination at this outdoor contest. Free pumpkins will be provided; please bring your own carving tools. Cost: FREE; 336-721-7300; Web: October 31, 2013: Halloween Storytime and Craft, 11am Children’s Museum of Winston Salem, 390 S. Liberty St, Winston-Salem. 336-723-9111, Web:; FREE with museum admission October 31, 2013: Trick or Treat at the Library, Kernersville, 6-8pm Kernersville Library, Room 1 (Lower Level), Wear your costume and drop by the library for candy and prizes. 336-703-2930; Web:; Cost: FREE
To find more Oktoberfests and Festivals in your area, simply search online. You can also stay tuned with our Facebook page: Search NCNGFP
FOR VETERANS & MILITARY FAMILIES The Lower Cape Fear Human Resource Association, along with New Hanover Employment Service Career Center will be presenting a job fair & expo for all veterans, and military families are welcome. Lots of Employers looking to Hire: Castlebranch
Underwood Recruiting
Time Warner Cable
HW Wells Insurance Miller-Motte College Phoenix Employment Ministry NC Division of Workforce Solutions Home Depot
TD Bank
Cape Fear Academy
Lower Cape Fear Hospice & Lifecare Center Disability Resource Center
The Vet Center
NC National Guard
MJW Careers
Friday, Nov. 15, 2013, 9am—1pm CFCC Schwartz Center 411 N. Front St., Wilmington, N.C. The event includes speakers; career counselor Q&A; mobile RV counseling center; mobile JobLink van; and, grab bag of goodies for Veterans RSVP: YOU MUST RSVP TO ATTEND THIS EVENT or