Family matters April 2014

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Family Matters NCNG FAMILY PROGRAMS, VOLUME 5, ISSUE 4, April 2014

Contents Special Olympic Powerlifting team recognized by National Guard unit in community. Page 06

04 Live our values, Step up to Stop Sexual Assault Sexual Assault Awareness Month: In the United States April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).

06 Special Olympics Powerlifting Team McDowell Special Olympic Powerlifting team recognized by the 1450th Transportation Company.

07 Month of Military Child Family Programs has downloadable certificates and custom art for North Carolina National Guard Families. Our goal is to equip you with items to help make this April

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special for our Military youth.

09 Getting Eaten Out of House and Home? North Carolina National Guard Military Family Life Consultant, Chip Jurgensen, shares ways to cope with the rising costs some may have noticed in the grocery bill.

10 Child and Youth Programs Kids on Guard Our North Carolina National Guard Child and Youth program is hosting Kids on Guard at the Greensboro Science Center. Registration is required.


Taxes, JSS webinars & MCEC Professional Development

North Carolina National Guard personnel are still offering free tax services until

Upcoming Events Page 14

mid April. Volunteer management of time and tracking webinars online at Joint Services Support & Fifty seats available for FREE professional development course.


Upcoming Events Across the State

Egg Hunts, Military Child Appreciation events and more.


Volunteers Appreciation Week

Thank a volunteer this April.

On the Cover : Images obtained from NCNG flicker and NCNG Family Programs.

Do you have a photo that would be great on the Cover of Family Matters? E-mail a photo you have permissions for to with a description of the photo and who took the picture.

Happy Spring!

We’ve certainly seen our share of inclement weather throughout the State this winter, so I know that everyone is happy with the weather getting warmer (let’s hope) and this SPRING!

April is an exciting month for our Program, we have Month of the Military Child (MOMC) and Volunteer Appreciation Week, and let’s not forget Tax Day, April 15th. Some of us may not want to celebrate this day, but, look at it this way, at least it will be over!

On our cover, as you can see, we’re REALLY excited about Month of the Military Child! This is a wonderful time to celebrate our youngest heroes, our children! In our line of work, we all understand that our Military Families don’t live on “bases”, but scattered all across North Carolina. So, when Mom, Dad, Grandparent, or sibling goes to a local, state, national or global mission, we know that it impacts our children, as well. We know that they serve, too. We are VERY proud of the job that they do (going to school, helping siblings/parents, and even grandparents, etc.) where ever they are. So, in this Family Matters, you will see how you can create certificates, just for them. You can present these certificates to them, at home, school, church, or any other special place, you desire. It’s your time to thank them for supporting you, no matter where you are. We’re doing something a little different this year to help you celebrate your Military Kids. On our Facebook page, each week, we’ll post the photos you send us, in a weekly album, of your AWESOME military kids! Tell us their name, age and brief description about why your Military Kid ROCKS! Family Programs is important to you, because we stay trained, knowledgeable and resourceful, so we can provide you with opportunities to help you keep your children resilient and thriving. From, National Military Family Association (NMFA), Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) and more, we will always make an effort to keep up-to-date on what our Partners are doing, so we can pass it along to you. We will also continue to work with our local businesses, organizations and leaders, who have a vested interest in seeing the success of, not only our Service members, but their Families. Our NCNG Child & Youth Program excels in providing opportunities for all NC National Guard youth. We have Kiddies on Guard for new parents, infants and children up to age 5, and there is Kids on Guard for children age 6 and over. In addition, we’re expanding our regional Teen Councils across the state and will have a both a Teen Camp and Youth Camp (MORE TO COME on both of these). Not only is April Month of the Military Child, but 6-13 April is Volunteer Appreciation week. We want to acknowledge our WONDERFUL Volunteers. We are very fortunate to have a larger Family Program than we had on September 11, 2001, but we aren’t able to be everywhere, so our hard-working Volunteers are able to assist with every Unit across the state, and without them, we would never be able to bridge the gap in the lives of our Military Families. So, THANK YOU, VOLUNTEERS!!! Also, on our Facebook page, we want to spotlight our GREAT Volunteers, so please let us know what’s happening with your Units and Families and let us acknowledge all that you’re doing! As the weather warms we get to have a little fun. You’ll see Month of Military Child events and Easter events across the state. Please take a look for the events that we have listed. If you’re in the Raleigh area, please be sure to attend our 2nd Annual Easter EGGstravaganza and MOMC event. It is sponsored by the USO of NC and will be held at Joint Forces Headquarters. Check out our Facebook page for events for coming up. We all know that Tax Time can be very stressful, so let our JAG/FP Tax Center help you manage that stress. There are still appointments available to get your taxes done for free. Please look for the information and make the call. Of course, there are other free ways to file, as well. Don’t forget the StrongBonds Retreats that coming up, as well as, Camps for Kids, Kids on Guard events and Regional Teen Councils. So, read through the pages, share the file or link with others, and don’t forget to let us know if you need anything. We hope you’re all doing well, and don’t forget to ENJOY SPRING!!! Happy Easter! Diane Coffill, State Family Program Director

NC National Guard and Families’ First line of Defense Call Behavioral Health at


FAM I LY M AT T E RS Apri l 2014 Diane Coffill S t a t e Fa m i l y P ro g ra m D i r e c t o r d i a n e. l . c o f f i l l . c i v @ m a i l . m i l (919) 664-6324 M a s t e r S g t . Ra m o n a S c o t t Fa m i l y P ro g ra m s S p e c i a l i s t ra m o n a . k . s c o t t . m i l @ m a i l . m i l (919) 664-6000 Ext. 47005 S t a f f S g t . Ta m my Fow l e r Fa m i l y P ro g ra m s A s s i s t a n t t a m my. l . fow l e r. m i l @ m a i l . m i l (919) 664-6000 Ext 46876 Lana Greer S t a t e FAC C o o r d i n a t o r l a n a . m . g r e e r. c t r @ m a i l . m i l (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11667 Te r r y H e n d e r s o n A i r m a n & Fa m i l y Re a d i n e s s P ro g ra m M g r. t e r r y. h e n d e r s o n @ a n g. a f. m i l (704) 398-4949 Alice Dean Le a d C h i l d & Yo u t h P ro g ra m C o o r d i n a t o r a l i c e. c . d e a n . c t r @ m a i l . m i l (800)621-4136 Ext 12548 K r i s t i Wa g n e r C h i l d & Yo u t h P ro g ra m C o o r d i n a t o r k r i s t i . l . wa g n e r 4 . c t r @ m a i l . m i l (800) 621-4136 Ext. 14761 Ly n n A l l r e d C h i l d & Yo u t h P ro g ra m S p e c i a l i s t Ly n n. h . a l l r e d 2 . c t r @ m a i l . m i l , E x t . 1 2 1 8 7 J u dy R i c h a r d s o n Senior FRSA j u d i t h . r. r i c h a r d s o n . c t r @ m a i l . m i l (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11346 A n ge l e n a D o c ke r y M a r ke t i n g & C o m m u n i c a t i o n s M a n a ge r s a l l i e. a . d o c ke r y. c t r @ m a i l . m i l (919) 485-9570 Ka t h r y n Ja r v i s M a r ke t i n g & C o m m u n i c a t i o n s M a n a ge r k a t h r y n . a . j a r v i s. c t r @ m a i l . m i l (919) 485-9571 A b o u t O u r Fa m i l y O u r Fa m i l y wa s c r e a t e d t o p ro v i d e S e r v i c e m e m b e r s a n d Fa m i l i e s t h e m o s t u p t o - d a t e i n fo r m a t i o n a n d s e r v i c e s a va i l a b l e. I f yo u wo u l d l i ke t o c o n t r i b u t e t o f u t u r e i s s u e s, o r i f yo u h a ve s u g ge s t i o n s a n d c o m m e n t s, p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e N C N G Fa m i l y P ro g ra m s M a r ke t i n g a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Department p e r s o n n e l , A n ge l e n a D o c ke r y o r Ka t h r y n Ja r v i s, a t n c n g f a m i l y p ro g ra m s @ g m a i l . c o m . E - Ve r s i o n s o f Fa m il y M a t t e r s c a n b e d ow n l o a d e d a t t h e N C N G Fa m i l y P ro g ra m s web p a ge a t w w w. n c . n g b. a r my. m i l / s s / f p. Re f e r e n c e s i n t h i s n ew s l e t t e r t o a ny s p e c i f i c c o m m e r c i a l p ro d u c t s, p ro c e s s e s, s e r v i c e s, o r t h e u s e o f a ny t ra d e, f i r m , o r c o r p o ra t i o n n a m e d o e s n o t c o n s t i t u t e e n d or s e m e n t , r e c o m m e n d a t i o n , o r f a vo r i n g by N C N G Fa m i l y P ro g ra m s. April 2014 Family Matters


About Sexual Assault Awareness Month: In the United States April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). During SAAM activists raise awareness about sexual violence and educate communities and individuals on how to prevent it. The Teal Ribbon is displayed or worn to help raise awareness about SAAM and show your support. About the Teal ribbon: In 2001, the NSVRC conducted a brief survey on the issues of color and symbol, and discovered that teal was the color most often used and preferred for SAAM. On the subject of symbol, about half of the respondents preferred the use of a ribbon to anything else. Show your support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April! Display with your free teal ribbon download at

Live Our Values: Step Up to Stop Sexual Assault “We need cultural change where every Service member is treated with dignity and respect, where all allegations of inappropriate behavior are treated with seriousness, where victims' privacy is protected, where bystanders are motivated to intervene, and where offenders know that they will be held accountable by strong and effective systems of justice.” -Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel What can we do during April? We should offer messages and activities that reinforce our personal and unit commitments to the elimination of the crime of sexual assault in the military. • Live our Values: Every Service member, at every level in our military, must adhere to and internalize Service values and standards of behavior. • Underpinning our entire program is the need for every Service member – from new recruit to General Officer – to live the core values of our profession: integrity, trust, dignity, respect, fidelity, and courage. • We continue to strive for an environment where professional values, team commitment, and respect define

how we treat one another at every command, workplace, and throughout our military community. • Step up: Our entire DoD community has a critical role in preventing and responding to sexual assault and must intervene to reduce risk, stop inappropriate behavior, and report crimes • Bystander intervention is vital in helping to stop unsafe behavior. • Service members’ decision to act could prevent a sexual assault.

• Stop Sexual Assault: Our aim is to reduce, with a goal to eliminate, the crime of sexual assault from the Armed Forces. • In order to prevent sexual assault, every member of the DoD Community must be committed to advancing an environment where sexist behaviors, sexual harassment, and sexual assault are not tolerated, condoned, or ignored. • Sexual assault is not only inappropriate behavior, it is criminal behavior.

JFHQ-NC SARC SSG Kristian S. Hall, SARC Cell: 919-410-1960 /Office: (800) 621-4136 Ext. 46909 SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION AND RESPONSE PROGRAM REPORT PROCESS Victim Reports To: Law Enforcement, Chain of Command or other Military Member

UNRESTRICTED REPORT Local Law Enforcement, Military Policy (MP), Criminal Investigation Department (CID) or NGB Office of Complex Investigations (OCI) Notified and Investigation Started JFHQ SARC and MSC SARC Notified and victim advocate (VA) assigned VA provides crisis intervention, non-clinical support, and an explanation of reporting options and available resources Medical Care and Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) VA provides ongoing survivor advocacy and non-clinical support Survivor receives monthly updates on case/investigation, crime victim’s rights and resources and ongoing advocacy

If You Are the Victim NOTE: References for these steps are based on DoD Directive 6495.01; DoD Instructions 6495.02; Army Regulation 600-20, Chapter 8; TAG Policies and Procedures and AFI 36-6001.

Victim Reports To: Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Victim Advocate (VA), Chaplain, or Healthcare Provider JFHQ SARC and MSC SARC Notified and victim advocate (VA) assigned VA provides crisis intervention, non-clinical support, and an explanation of reporting options and available resources

UNRESTRICTED REPORT Local Law Enforcement, Military Policy (MP), Criminal Investigation Department (CID) or NGB Office of Complex Investigations (OCI) Notified and Investigation Started AVAILABLE RESOURCES AND ADVOCACY Medical Care and treatment Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) Kit Mental Health Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Psychiatrists Spiritual Chaplains Legal Victim Witness Assistance Personnel (Unrestricted Only) Legal Assistance Attorney

RESTRICTED REPORT Medical Care and Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) JFHQ SARC notifies TAG and MSC CDR with non-identifying information and provides monthly updates during SAPRC meeting.

VA provides ongoing survivor advocacy and non-clinical support At any time, the survivor may switch a Restricted Report to an Unrestricted Report triggering an investigation.

The North Carolina National Guard Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) has continued to support the DoD theme and Commander’s intent to develop and implement training, enforce policy, and enhance victim support to improve system accountability. SAAM projects and events help to reduce obstacles to reporting sexual assaults and educates our force about what is myth and what is fact regarding sexual violence in our community. SAAM events: 23 April 2014, 1100-1200, 3rd Annual SAAM Concert in JFHQ Auditorium.


Other events to be announced.

Family Matters April 2014

Live Our Values:

p o t s o t p u p e St

t l u a s s a l a u x se

We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. ~ Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize recipient

:ʋ\ɡ ǂƵ8 &ʋɚ 0ɪȴɏ Ɉ Ƨ,ƫ)(5NJ1Ǩ( Be supportive of those who have experienced sexual violence by believing him/her and by listening without blame or judgement.

Display a teal ribbon to symbolize your support for survivors and your commitment to ending sexual violence--and to spark conversations!

Talk to someone you know who makes sexist, racist, homophobic or otherwise bigoted remarks. Explain why the behavior is not OK.

Talk with your children, your partners and your friends about the importance of mutual respect and meaningful consent in healthy sexual relationships.

April 2014 Family Matters


From front left, Chris Faulkner, Willie Wilkerson, Staff Sgt. Allen Willis, Master Sgt. Robert Moore, 1st Lt. Jonathan Van Donsel, Diana Craig, Patti Wilkerson and Katie Hall. From back left, Nelda Newton, Josh Finley, Oliver Grant, Andrew Bartlett and Samuel Bartlett.

McDowell Special Olympic Powerlifting team recognized by the 1450th Transportation Company by Master sgt. Robert Moore, 1450th Transportation Company acting first sergeant The 1450th Transportation Company (TC) in Lenoir, North Carolina celebrated the accomplishments of the McDowell County Special Olympics Powerlifting team that placed First in a regional competition held in Atlanta on January 25-26, 2014. Staff Sgt. Allen Willis of the 1450th TC is an assistant coach for the powerlifting team and assists Nelda Newton, who is the head coach, and Patti Wilkerson, the McDowell County Special Olympic coordinator.

Willis and I refer to the team as "our kids"

Willis and I refer to the team as "our kids," Newton said. "They are an appreciative group." This team was awarded 33 gold medals, 18 silver and three bronze in their competition. In their competition, they also did a first-time unified competition where Willis and Bulo Kelly competed together as a team and won first place. Willis won four gold medals along with Bulo Kelly. They competed against Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, and others. The team is comprised of 10 members and are as follows: Diana Craig, Katie Hall, Andrew Bartlett, Samuel Bartlett, Chris Faulkner, Josh Finley, Bulo Kelly, Emmanuel Parks, Oliver Grant, and Willie Wilkerson. The athletes [age] range from 14 to 39.

The Command awarded certificates to all of the Special Olympians in recognition of their achievement as a team representing McDowell County and enjoyed lunch with the team Mar. 1, 2014. They will compete again in June and represent the Western part of North Carolina at the state level. Willis was also awarded a certificate for a job well done by Frances Johnson, the State Family Assistant Coordinator in Lenoir.

Veterans Stand Down Events for Homeless Veterans

NCNG Family Programs Staff will be on-site for support

11-April, 7am-3pm Winston-Salem Homeless Veterans StandDown Winston-Salem Armory 2000 Silas Creek Pkwy. Winston Salem, NC 27103 POC: Sandy Harrison

The 1450th Transportation Company forms a horseshoe around the McDowell County Special Olympics Powerlifting team Mar. 1, 2014 for a group picture. Image submitted by Staff Sgt. Blakemoore, 1450th Transportation Company.


Family Matters April 2014

From left, Frances Johnson awards Staff Sgt. Alan Willis a certificate for a job well done for his work with the Special Olympians and the Family Assistant Center in Lenoir, N.C.

25-April, 8am-4pm Foothills Homeless Veterans Stand Down American Legion Fairgrounds 1127 US HWY 70 West Hickory, NC 28607 POC: Frances Johnson 2-May7am-3pm Veterans’ Stand Down and Homeless Connect VFW Post 2573 2722 Carolina Beach Rd. Wilmington, NC 28412 POC: Jim Marley

Month of M i l it ary C hild C elebrat e and Ho n o r o u r M i li t a ry ’s Yo u n ge st He roe s d u r in g Ap r il’s Mont h of Mi li t a ry Ch i ld


pril is the Month of the Military Child, and we extend an invitation for your to join us across the State as we celebrate and honor our youngest Heroes. As a united effort, we’ve put together a variety of ways for you to personally express your love and gratitude to the Military Child in your life.

Join other Military Families as we recognize your child(ren) by posting a photo (optional) and a special message honoring him/ her on our NCNG Family Programs Facebook. Email us at their name and age, a brief description about why your Military Kid(s) Rock. Simply visit www., and search “NCNGFP” to see weekly highlights.

T h e re a re t h re e di ff e re n t M il itar y C h il d A p p re c i a t i o n Aw a r d s – one is for your y o u n g e st h e roe s, b ir th to ele m e n ta r y sch ool - a g e , a n d t h e o t h e r s a re g e a re d for middle-to high-school M il ita r y You th . Custom P h o t o F r a m e a v a i l a b l e a t

S i m p l y, d own l oa d th e ce r tif ica te a t w w w. n c. n g b . ar m y. m il / S S / F P / Pag e s/ M OM C . a sp x and c u stom iz e a th a n k y ou a p p re c i a t i o n m e s s a g e t o prese n t to y ou r ch il d th is Ap r il .

April 2014 Family Matters



Family Matters April 2014

Getting Eaten Out of House and Home? By Chip Jurgensen, CFP Being that April is the Month of the Military Child, I thought I would focus on our favorite little crumb snatchers and how to reign in those growing food bills. The biggest thing to cutting the food bill is to start tracking prices … I know, I know, you already have enough things to keep up with but it is easier than you think. Stores have a bad habit of putting fancy yellow or red tags on items and putting them in the weekly circulars, all in an effort to make shoppers think they need to buy now. Sometimes, in fact, that same item was on sale last week at a cheaper price but the store continues with the “sale” but at a higher price…wow, what a deal. By tracking prices on the items you use most for about 12 weeks, you can start to see the cycles in which grocery stores run their sales. Some people use a binder to manually write down the prices of their favorite items each week, others use apps that do the work for you. I follow a slightly simpler method: I only remember the rock bottom prices on things and stock up when I see that rock bottom price again. Another thing you can do is to buy when it’s cheap, not when you need it. By knowing the lowest prices on certain foods allows you to buy them and then freeze them. Take butter for instance, if you can buy it at half the cost, why not? You can freeze butter and it will last a very long time. This goes across the board with any items that aren’t perishable. Cheese, milk, and meats are all able to be frozen, so if you have the freezer space, stock up when the items are truly on sale. If you want to start small or your freezer can't handle that kind of volume, only stock up on items that your family uses on a regular basis, and get enough to last just a few weeks. Grocery store sales usually run in six-week cycles. That means six weeks from now, the item will be on sale again. Buy enough at the super low price to get you through just six weeks, then repeat when it’s on sale again. Because you know what the best, rock bottom price is for that item, you can feel confident that you're getting the best deal around! If you want to take the “buy when it’s cheap” method to a whole new level, start clipping coupons. When you combine a sale price at a store with a coupon, that’s where the real magic happens. Let’s say that your local grocery store’s normal price on packages of shredded cheese is $4.29 per package. Then let’s say the cheese goes on sale for 2 for $4, that’s already a great deal. But what if you have a coupon for $1 off 2 packages? You are now able to get packages of cheese for $1.50, or 65% off the normal price. Remember to only cut coupons for items that your family will use. That way, you’ll save money and stay safe from the temptation of buying junk food. The key to saving on groceries while using coupons is to remember to only buy things you would normally eat.

One last thing you can do to cut down on your food bill is to never walk into a grocery store without a list and a plan. When you walk into a grocery store with no plan, you are at the mercy of the store’s marketing department and your own hunger cravings. You know that annoying feeling of looking into your fridge only to realize that although it’s full, you have nothing to eat? I would put money on the fact that this happened after you went grocery shopping without a plan. Or, if you’re like me, when I go into a store without a plan, I buy a bunch of unhealthy stuff like ramen noodles because it’s what I’m craving at the time (don’t judge me). Once I eat the junk, the craving is gone, and I’m left with 12 packages of ramen and a guilty conscience.

Finally a few more ideas:

Only buy in-season fruit and vegetables. They'll be plentiful and cheap for families trying to stretch the finances.

Meat can be the most expensive part of the grocery bill but there are ways to afford premium cuts on a budget. One way to save money is to buy bulk meat packs from a wholesale butcher in your local area.

Before you go grocery shopping, always make a meal plan for the week. Additionally, check the store's circular to see what's on sale and take inventory of your fridge and pantry. Make a detailed list of the items that you need to make the meals on your plan, as well as the staple items to stock up on. Having a detailed list will help you go into the store, do a quick lap through the aisles, and get out before you're distracted by the store's marketing tricks.

Where did the saying “Eaten out of house and home” come from? Origin is from Shakespeare's Henry IV Part II, 1597 MISTRESS QUICKLY: It is more than for some, my lord; it is for all, all I have. He hath eaten me out of house and home; he hath put all my substance into that fat belly of his: but I will have some of it out again, or I will ride thee o' nights like the mare.

Hopefully a couple of these ideas will help so we all can keep our kids growing but the grocery bill shrinking. April 2014 Family Matters


Operation Kids on Guard invites you to take a scientific journey to the

Greensboro Science Center 4301 Lawndale Drive, Greensboro NC

When: Saturday, May 17 9:00 am – 3:30 pm


to North Carolina National Guard children! Ages 6-12 only (Lunch will be provided)    

Animal Discovery Zoo Carolina SciQuarium Science Museum and much more!

Pre-registration is required! Come join us for this fun and educational day trip scheduled especially for NCNG children! 10

Family Matters April 2014

For more information or To pre-register your child, contact Kristi Wagner, Child and Youth Coordinator: 1.800.6214136 ext. 14761

G N NC n e e T l i c n u Co NCNG TEEN COUNCIL (ages 13-18)

8 April 2014 from 5:30 - 8:00pm NCNG Triangle Teen Council Wake County Extension Office 4001 Carya Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 15 April 2014 from 5:30 - 8:00pm NCNG Wilmington Teen Council Wilmington Armory 2412 Infantry Rd. Wilmington, NC 28405 17 April 2014 from 5:30 - 8:00pm NCNG Charlotte Teen Council Charlotte Armory 4240 West Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28208 RSVP is required to Alice Dean at: or 800-621-4136 ext. 12548

Teens have been busy adopting by-laws, new logo and participating in 7 Habit of Highly Effective Teens training.

We would like to thank Pizza Hut, 3691 New Bern Ave. in Raleigh for donating pizzas for the March NCNG Triangle Teen Council Meeting. Support from businesses such as Pizza Hut help keep our NCNG Teen Councils going strong!!!!

April 2014 Family Matters 


North Carolina National Guard Strong Bonds Retreats Increasing Soldier and Family Readiness Single Soldiers ~ Military Couples ~Military Families

NCNG Chaplains and Family Programs bring relationship education and skills training through the Army Strong Bonds programs.

Before You Say “I Do” Single Soldier’s Retreats

A supportive mate is extremely important. The Army is committed to helping single Soldiers learn how to make good relationship choices. The Single Soldier program is designed to help Soldiers that are single establish relationship goals and gain essential skills to help them make good choices prior to picking a partner for life. Upcoming Single Soldier Retreats 2-3 May 2014, Raleigh area Priority registration for members of the 30th Brigade Special Troops Battalion.

After You Say “I Do” Marriage Enrichment Retreats

Whether you‘ve celebrated one anniversary or 20, as an Army couple you can anticipate more excitement and expect more challenges than the average civilian couple. Long separations, frequent relocations and the stress of deployment can subject Army National Guard marriages to extreme hardship. The Marriage Enrichment Program teaches couples practical, useful information for couples to utilize whether your love one is at home or abroad. During Marriage Enrichment Retreats, couples will have the opportunity to practice communication and relationship building skills, as well as share intimate moments. Upcoming Marriage Enrichment Retreats 2-3 May 2014, Raleigh area—Priority registration for members of the 30th Brigade Special Troops Battalion. 14 June 2014, Raleigh area - One-Day Marriage Event 27-29 June 2014, North Carolina Beach area 22-24 August 2014, North Carolina Beach area

After “I Do” + Kids Family Retreats

Raising a Family is hard. When challenged with the changes of being a Military Family it gets a little more complicated. Daily routines can become overwhelming when Families are faced with dynamics of military life. During Family Retreats , Families gain practical, useful information based on a curriculum designed especially for military Families. Through small group and one-on-one activities, family members learn how to maintain closeness during challenges like long separations, deployments and repeated reunions. Upcoming Family Retreats 12-14 September 2014, Charlotte area

For more information on these programs or to register, visit or contact Staff Sgt. Tammy Fowler at (800) 621-4136 ext.46876 or via e-mail at 12

Family Matters April 2014

NCNG Legal Assistance Office Offers Free Tax Preparation and Filing

Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)

The North Carolina National Guard Office of the Staff Judge Advocate Legal Assistance Office Tax Center are still offering free individual tax preparation and filing of federal and state tax returns. The tax center is a certified Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site and provides professional face-to-face tax preparation services.

Professional Development The Journey from “Welcome Home” to Now: Reunion, Reconnecting, Routine

The Tax Center provides hassle-free individualized tax preparation services for Servicemembers and their Families. Preparers with Legal Assistance are specially trained in handling the unique tax benefits available to our Servicemembers. All current National Guardsmen, Reservists, Active Duty, Retirees, and their immediate Families are eligible. Taxpayers who have utilized this free service have saved over $40,000 in tax preparation fees and provided refunds of over $600,000 dollars.

April 14, 2014 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Courtyard by Marriott Charlotte Airport 2700 Little Rock Road Charlotte, NC 28214

There is no cost to attend and there are 50 seats in the class.

Appointments are going fast!! The Tax Center is accepting appointments Monday, Wednesday, and Friday now through April 14th. For more information on this great opportunity please contact the Learning Outcomes: Legal Assistance Office at 919-664-6220 or check out the Legal Assistance Facebook page at • Identify potential reintegration stressors and their implications for the child and Using the Report Builder Tool in JSS family structure This webinar shows users how to create custom reports using the report builder in JSS, and how to • Differentiate structures that support view and manage reports. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be children and youth during reintegration sent via email. Please note all our webinar times are in Eastern Standard Time. and those which strengthen or impede Tuesday April 10, 2014 10:00 – 10:30 AM EST, EST the ability to thrive Register here (or copy the entire link below into your browser) • Integrate positive strategies which hardiness in children and youth 9D52-4907-A864-1E13F582067C during the reintegration phase • Identify the importance of service and Using the Volunteer Activity Tracker in JSS - Staff “giving back” in the lives of children and This session orients Staff to relevant reports detailing volunteer activities. This includes how to view youth as an impactful trait to develop and export the User Report and enter and view volunteer activity hours. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent via email. Please note all our webinar times are Credit Options in Eastern Standard Time. Participants may apply for Continuing Tuesday April 10, 2014 11:00 – 11:30 AM, EST Education Unit (CEU) credit up to .6 Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) CEU (6 hours = .6 CEU) upon of training. B002-4D8F-B45C-F00E36AE7759 Completion Requirements Updating Unit FRG Status Tracker in JSS · Attendance at 95% of the training This webinar will provide SFRSAs and FRSAs with detailed instructions on how to update the · A score of 80% or higher on an readiness status of each unit FRG using the Unit FRG Status Tracker tool in JSS. Please register end-of-course assessment online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent via email. Please note all our webinar · Completion of an end-of-course times are in Eastern Standard Time. evaluation Wednesday April 16, 2014 10:00 – 10:30 AM, EST The fee for the CEU credit is $25.00, Register here (or copy the entire link below into your browser) payable upon completion of training. Registration is now open at Using the Contacts and Resources Tool in JSS During this session, you will learn how JSS enables you to search for a resource, add a new resource Click on Training and scroll down to the and manage resources. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent Reintegration training in Charlotte. via email. Please note all our webinar times are in Eastern Standard Time. Wednesday April 16, 2014 11:00 – 11:30 AM EST, EST Contact Information Register here (or copy the entire link below into your browser) For more information about this training, other professional development opportuCDE-4CC9-A5FF-C800FE236EFF nities, or learner support, please contact Myriam Virella at 254-953-1923 x 1119 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the or webinar. April 2014 Family Matters


Egg Hunts s

nt e v E

Month of Military Child Celebrations Pinehurst Arboretum 5-April, 10am-3pm Month of the Military Child Appreciation 395 Magnolia Rd., 28374 POC: Earlene Capps

17-April, 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Easter Eggstravaganza NCNG JFHQ, 1636 Gold Star Dr. Raleigh, NC 27607 POC: Wendi Bell 19-April, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Easter Egg Hunt Gamewell Walking Park 2750 Old Morganton Rd. Lenoir, NC 28645 POC: Frances Johnson

Granite Falls, NC 7-April, 9am-10am Month of the Military Child Appreciation 1500 Dudley Shoals Rd., 28630 POC: Frances Johnson Wilmington ARNG Armory 19-April, 8am-5pm Step Up Soldiers' 5K Combat Mud Run/ MOMC Appreciation Event 2412 Infantry Rd., 28405 POC: Jim Marley

For Military Kids Show your support of military kids in North Carolina by wearing PURPLE…

Download our custom Military Child Appreciation Art on our Family Programs Facebook Page at Artwork made by Abby Millsap

Like NCNGFP 14

Family Matters April 2014

15 April 2014 In April, the Armed Forces celebrates Month of the Military Child to honor the strength, sacrifices and hardships kids face having a parent in the military. “Purple Up!” Is an event developed by Operation Military Kids to say thank you. Purple symbolizes all branches of the military and means “Value.” So what better way for us to show our children we value them; let’s all wear purple.

2014 National Volunteer Appreciation Week˜

Our Volunteers Rock ...

April 6-13, 2014

National Volunteer Week began in 1974 as a way to recognize and celebrate the efforts of volunteers. Since then, the original emphasis on celebration has widened; the week has become a nationwide effort to urge people to get out and volunteer in their communities. Every April, charities and communities reinforce the week's official theme ("Celebrating People in Action") by recognizing volunteers and fostering a culture of service. (By Jenni Wiltz, eHow Contributor Read more:

As you recruit for volunteers for your group, please do not forget about your youth… do not discount their contributions. You may be surprised! They may just motivate your entire group with their energy level, new ideas, and much more! Their volunteering may just open doors to their future…Get them involved today! Let them show what skills they have to contribute to your group. As you may be aware, the month of April is also the Month of the Military Child; therefore, I offer you the following tips & tidbits regarding children…from the Army FRG Leaders Handbook: CHILDREN’S NEEDS AND REACTIONS TO DEPLOYMENT Children react to deployments and the separation from parents in different ways. They need to be supported as well. The FRG can plan age-appropriate events for children and/or arrange special speakers at FRG meetings to address issues Families are experiencing. The FRG can also disseminate information to Families to help deal with children’s issues pre-, during, and post deployment. The Operation READY materials promote training on Children and Deployment. A module on children’s issues during wartime is available online. In addition, a variety of Child, Youth, and School (CYS) Services’ materials and programs are available to help children and parents. General/Doctor James H. Doolittle was an Air Force pilot who led the Tokyo Raid in 1942 and received the Medal of Honor for his valor during the mission. Doolittle and Carroll V. Glines wrote his autobiography, “I Could Never Be So Lucky Again”, where he modestly shares his life story in avionics, the military and science. Doolittle shares his influences and support to include his wife Josephine, “Joe”. In the autobiography he recognizes her unconditional support throughout his career. Joe would travel to speak at events refusing pay above travel expenses, volunteered countless hours to supporting communities, organizations and military families. Joe kept speeches, letters and clippings which Doolittle was able to reference in his autobiography. On page 324, Doolittle’s wrote, “She gave innumerable speeches and wrote many articles to sell war bonds, bolster morale at war plants, encourage participation in volunteer activities and spread hope that the war would eventually conclude with victory.” Mrs. Doolittle was a pioneer for volunteering during the war. Her efforts were monumental then, just as our volunteers are now. You can find the autobiography at several book stores such as Barnes and Nobles, or online at Amazon.

Helpful information can also be found at the following web sites: Last but not least, don’t forget about the NCNG Family Program’s Youth Activities… Encourage your youth to participate in/with the Child and Youth Programs. Get them involved with the NC National Guard Teen Council, where they can meet and communicate with other military teens, develop leadership skills, participate in community service projects, enhance life skills, build relationships and HAVE FUN!!! Thank you for volunteering your time and talents in support of the North Carolina National Guard. We truly appreciate all of your hard work and what you put into Your Unit’s Family Readiness Program! Your loyalty, dedication and love of what you do, is overwhelming! You are such inspirations to us all and everyone here at the State Family Programs Office says “THANK YOU”!!! If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer with a National Guard unit or would like more information about Family Readiness Groups, please contact Judy Richardson at (910) 347-4352 Ext. 5 or Thank you for Serving, Judy Richardson State & Senior Family Readiness Support Assistant, NCNG Military Personnel Service Corporation

Doolittle, James; Glines, Carroll V. (2009-12-15). I Could Never Be So Lucky Again: An Autobiography (p. 324). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

April 2014 Family Matters


Family Assistance Centers Family Assistance Centers are located across the State to provide assistance to ALL Military Service Members and their Families. If you know of a Service Member or Military Family that has a question or concern, please share our contact numbers, web site, newsletter, and Facebook link. We're here to help.

Statewide Support Personal Financial Counselor Our Personal Financial Counselor can provide FREE one-on-one financial counseling services to you and your Family. Mr. Chip Jurgensen, CFP, NCJFSAP (919) 334-8313


~Provides short-term, situational, problem-solving counseling services to Servicemembers and their Families Asheville Military Family Resource Center ~Provides psycho-education to help military Servicemembers 7 Yorkshire St. Suite 101, 28803/Fax: (828) 274-7209 and their Families understand the impact of stress, deployments, Rebekah Torres,, (828) 274-8571 family reunions following deployments and the stresses of military life ~MFLC services augment existing military support services Charlotte Unit Family Contact Center ~Flexible service delivery (Outreach/Rotational and On-Demand); 4240 West Blvd., 28208/(800) 621-4136 Services can be provided on or off military installations Carry Bandy, FAC Specialist,, Ext. 14573 ~Services provided to individuals, couples, families, and groups Gabrielle H. O'Flanagan,, Ext 14547 ~Children’s Support Program addresses military impact on children ~MFLCs are mandated reporters of child abuse, domestic abuse and duty-to-warn situations Greensboro State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) ~Services are otherwise confidential and private 110 Franklin Blvd, Greensboro, 27401 (800) 621-4136

Sandy Harrison,, Ext. 15651 Greenville State Family Assistance Center 1401 N. Memorial Dr., 27834/(800) 621-4136 Dawn White,, Ext. 11150 Lenoir State Family Assistance Center 1535 Beecher Anderson Rd., 28645/(800) 621-4136 Frances Johnson,, Ext. 11242 Raleigh Unit Family Contact Center 4105 Reedy Creek Rd., 27607/(800) 621-4136 Lisa Faison,, Ext. 47100 Mark Woolbright,, Ext. 47102 Raleigh JFHQ Unit Family Contact Center 1636 Gold Star Dr., 27607/800-621-4136 Wendi Bell,, Ext. 46078 Bob Bowman,, Ext. 46979 Smithfield Unit Family Contact Center 406 Hospital Rd., 27577/(800) 621-4136 Abby Millsap,, Ext. 12784 Southern Pines Unit Family Contact Center 510 W. Morganton Rd., 28387/(800) 621-4136 Earlene Capps,, Ext. 12863 Wilmington Unit Family Contact Center 2412 Infantry Rd., 28405/(800) 621-4136 Jim Marley,, Ext. 16918 Winston-Salem Unit Family Contact Center 2000 Silas Creek Pkwy., 27103/(800) 621-4136 Sandy Harrison,, Ext. 17131l

​Staff: John Alleman Adult and Family Specialist (919) 745-9635 Betty Steelman Youth and Family Specialist (919) 665-9178

FAMILY READINESS SUPPORT ASSISTANTS (800) 621-4136 PLUS EXTENSION Charlotte: Nikkie Newsome Ext.14548

Morrisville: Darlette McCormick Ext. 16313

Clinton: Sarah Strickland Ext. 14735

Raleigh: Norman Dean Ext. 46537

Goldsboro: Greg Smith Ext. 15423

Raleigh: George Lane Ext. 46714

Greensboro: Gloria Fields Ext.15620 Jacksonville: Judy Richardson Ext. 11346



Family Matters April 2014

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