FamilyMatters Stay Charged YO UR ULTIMA TE SOURCE
Happy Summer! We're halfway through the year. Now, we're planning family vacations, summer camps for kids, ways to relax, planning ways to catch our breath and enjoy some sun and fun. Because life can be so busy, summer is always a great time to catch up on fun ... and, recharge!
In this issue, we've included an article from Military OneSource on how you can keep your Military Family resilient.
We encourage you to take some time out for Family, Friends and Fun. Our Personal Financial Counselor (PFC) has offered advice on how you can get creative in having an affordable vacation away from home, and also, how you can make staying at home work for your bottom line. Remember that the PFC also provides FREE financial assistance in a variety of areas. We also would like to remind you that we have a lot of wonderful things happening for our Military Kids. Our NCNG Teens are hosting their own NCNG Teen Challenge Retreat this month at Camp Butner. There's also a Teen Career Exploration Retreat for Military Youth happening in Asheville. Kids on Guard has several upcoming events, as well, and Step Up For Soldiers will have their 8th annual Children's Fishing Event this month. These are all FREE. We have some very amazing teens across the State and they are more involved than ever in being the voice for Military Kids. Through networking together, they can also recharge their batteries, share their talents and experiences ... and, have some fun. And, what better time to take advantage of these programs than the Summer when most kids are out of school. Another great way to recharge is through one of our upcoming Strong Bonds Retreats. These programs are designed specifically for Military Couples, Families and Single Soldiers. There are lots of great opportunities coming our way. Stay tuned on our Facebook page. We hope that you and your Family have a great June. Stay safe in the sun, in the water and wherever your travels may take you! If you have questions about any our programs and/or need assistance, please do not hestitate to contact any of our Staff Members listed here.
FA MILY MAT T ERS J u n e 2013 Dia n e C off il l S t a t e Fa m il y P rog r a m Direct or d ia n e. l . coff il l . civ @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6324 M S G R a m on a S cot t Fa m il y P rog r a m s S pecia l is t r a m on a . k. s cot t . m il @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6000 E x t . 47005 S G T Ta m m y Fow l er Fa m il y P rog r a m s A s s is t a n t t a m m y. l . f ow l er. m il @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6000 E x t 46876 Wen d i Bel l Fa mil y A s s is t a n ce C en t er S pecia l is t w en d i. h . b el l . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6078 L a n a G reer S t a t e FA C C oor d in a t or l a n a . m . g reer. ct r @ m a il . m il ( 800) 621- 4136 E x t . 11667 Ter r y H en d er s on Ai rm a n & Fa m il y Rea d in es s P rog r a m Mg r. t er r y. h en d er s on @ a n g . a f . m il ( 704) 398- 4949
Happy June,
Diane Coffill NC National Guard and Families first line of Defense Call the Behavioral Health at
1-855-322-3848 About Family Matters Family Matters was created to provide Servicemembers and Families the most up-to-date information and services available. If you would like to contribute to future issues, or if you have suggestions and comments, please contact the NCNG Family Programs Marketing and Communications Department personnel, Angelena Dockery or Kathryn Jarvis, at E-Versions of Family Matters can be downloaded at the NCNG Family Programs webpage at References in this newsletter to any specific commercial products, processes, services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCNG Family Programs.
A l ice Dea n Lea d C h il d & You t h C oor d in a t or a l ice. c. d ea n . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 919) 520- 9548 A n g el en a Docker y M a rket in g & C om m u n ica t ion s M a n a g er s a l l ie. a . d ocker y. ct r @ m a il . m il ( 919) 485- 9570 Ka t h r y n Ja r v is M a rket in g & C om m u n ica t ion s M a n a g er ka t h r y n . a . ja r v is . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 919) 485- 9571 Ju d y R ich a r d s on S en ior FR S A j u d it h . r. r ich a r d s on . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 800) 621- 4136 E x t . 11346
contents 05 Smiles Across Miles A lot of times, there are unsung heroes. One is Dr. John Hardy of Oxford, N.C. , a retired dentist of 36 years, Dr. Hardy creates healthy smiles even without his dentistry tools.
06 DIY Re-Charge
page 4
Building the Resilience of Your Military Family ... a Military OneSource article
Staycation or Vacation?
80-90% of Americans surveyed said they planned to take at least as many summer vacation trips
JUNE 17 – 20, 2013
as they did last year, and 21% said they definitely expect more summer travel even in these tough
times. So what is someone to do if they want to make the vacation more budget friendly?
Child and Youth Programs Keeps it Moving
takes a trip down memory lane to the Transportation Museum.
13 Employment
page 6
North Carolina dedicated to the mission of employing Veterans. See what programs and services they have to offer inside.
14 Charging Up!
page 09
Maintaining Your FRG before, during, and after deployments.
page 12
Let your voice be heard…
News for You
Only you know the challenges geographically dispersed Military Teens face! Come join us at the Teen Challenge Retreat and meet members of the NCNG Triangle Teen Council and see how you can start a council in your area!
Events, Discounts and Opportunities
For more information or to register for duty, contact:
17 JSS Webinars
Alice Dean (Lead Child & Youth Program Coordinator)
JSS or (800)621-4136 ext 12183
Kristi Wagner (Child and Youth Program Coordinator)
The Power Of Learning-Stay charged!.
(800)621-4136 ext 12023
page 17
We're easier to find ... search NCNG FP
ON THE COVER: Graphic of Cell Phone: NCNG Family Programs
Page 9
FA M I LY M AT T E R S J U N E 2 0 1 3
J O I N I N G F O R C E S — D r. J o h n H a r d y
Smiles Across Miles
By Angelena Dockery, NCNG Family Programs
We enjoy hearing stories about individuals and organizations within the community that reach out to help Servicemembers and Military Families. With deployments and separations, community members have a chance to bridge the gap with support and shows of love. A lot of times, these are unsung heroes. One being Dr. John Hardy of Oxford, N.C. A retired dentist of 36 years, Dr. Hardy creates healthy smiles even without his dentistry tools. Alice Dean, Lead Child & Youth Coordinator, brought Dr. Hardy’s efforts to our attention.
"He's really done a lot for our Service members, and we'd really like to say 'Thank You'", said Dean. Dr. Hardy, who was also an Army Dental Officer, said, “I’ve been retired sine 2001 (from the dental profession), my passion now is helping people … most specifically deployed Servicemembers.” This is done through what Dr. Hardy calls a "Package Ministry". He says he first started doing this with a Fort Bragg friend, and from there touched Servicemembers from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base and continued to grow.
“For the NC National Guard, the 5-113th Artillery Battalion has been included in the ministry during their deployment...”
Dr. Hardy's Package Ministry, he says, sends care packages to deployed units from all of the branches. He estimates that he’s personally sent about 80 packages, and his church, Oxford Methodist Church in Oxford, N.C., has also sent out more than 80. For the N.C. National Guard, the 5-113th Artillery Battalion has been included in the ministry during their deployment. The number of packages seem less important to Dr. Hardy than his intentions to support Military Members. “We are here to let them know what they are doing is important,” he continued. “I just love the military.” Dean said, “He has acted as POC for the organizations like his church, also the Oxford Baptist Church, Girl Scout Troop 1229 in the pick-up and delivery of these care packages. Dr. Hardy loves the military and more … his community. He utilizes his carpentry skills to help build wheel-chair accessible ramps for organizations such as Military Missions in Action (MMIA). MMIA’s mission is to assist veterans with disabilities to achieve independent living along with other ways to support our troops. "Besides what he and the Oxford Community have done," Dean said, "Military Missions in Action has helped ship packages." Among his many achievements, he has received the John Penn Award from Granville County Chamber of Commerce. John Penn was a resident of Granville County who signed the Declaration of Independence. Regarding the military and his package ministry, Dr. Hardy says, “my biggest mission is to let these guys know we love them and support them.” Like many other unsung hereos, Dr. Hardy plans to continue sending packages as long as there are deployed Servicemembers. J U N E 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
S T A Y charged
Long deployment separations, difficult post-deployment adjustments, frequent moves, and major life changes caused by combat-related trauma or loss are just a few sources of stress and adversity for military families. While most families do very well managing the unique demands of military life, you may have noticed that some people and even entire families seem especially strong. They seem to have a remarkable ability to keep moving forward during periods of high stress and recover from traumatic experiences. Some people are naturally more resilient than others, but there are things you can do to improve your own and your family's resilience. This information will help you better understand what resilience is and how you can work to nurture it in your family.
RE-CHARGE Building the Resilience of Your Military Family
What is Resilience One popular definition of resilience is the ability to withstand, recover and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands. Being resilient doesn't mean you avoid emotional pain and suffering when faced with a crisis. Instead, it means you're able to recover and even grow stronger from the experience. Experts are beginning to discover what makes some people more resilient than others and identify things we can do to increase resilience in ourselves and our families. Characteristics of Resilient Families In Strengthening Family Resilience, (The Guilford Press, 2006), resilience specialist Dr. Froma Walsh identifies nine characteristics that resilient families share. These characteristics reveal the family belief systems, organizational patterns and communication/problem-solving skills that foster resilience in adults and children. • Finding meaning in adversity. Resilient families view crises as shared challenges that together they can understand, manage and make meaningful in some way. They see their emotions as human and understandable under the circumstances and believe in their ability to learn from their experiences and move forward.
• Positive outlook. Resilient families have an optimistic rather than pessimistic view of life. Members see each other's strengths and offer encouragement to overcome difficulties or accept what can't be changed.
FA M I LY M AT T E R S J U N E 2 0 1 3
• Transcendence and spirituality. Resilient families have beliefs and values that offer meaning, purpose and connection beyond their personal lives and troubles. They find strength and comfort in their cultural and religious traditions and experience spiritual inspiration in a variety of ways, including nature, the arts, service to others and faith in a higher power.
• Flexibility. Resilient families adapt to change. They're able to adjust their family roles and rules to fit new life challenges while maintaining the rituals and traditions that provide stability in their relationships. Their flexibility depends on strong, yet nurturing leadership, guidance, protection of children and mutual respect in the marital relationship. • Connectedness. Resilient families pull together during times of crisis. They're able to function as a team and support each other while respecting individual needs, differences and boundaries. • Social and economic resources. When they can't solve problems on their own, resilient families reach out for help by turning to extended family, friends, neighbors, community services and/or counseling. • Open emotional sharing. Resilient families accept and encourage a wide range of emotional expression (joy, sadness, fear, silliness, etc.) in adults and children. Family
members take responsibility for their own feelings and accept others who have different feelings. They value positive interactions and appreciate humor, even as they cope with difficult circumstances. • Clarity. Resilient families practice clear, consistent and honest communication. Family members say what they mean and mean what they say; thus, they avoid sending vague, confusing or mixed messages to each other. • Collaborative problem solving. Resilient families manage their difficulties by working together to understand a problem and identify ways to solve it. They make decisions together in ways that allow family members to disagree openly and then resolve those disagreements through negotiation, compromise and give-and-take. These families seek to repair the hurts and misunderstandings that go along with conflicts and act proactively to solve current problems and prevent future ones. They also learn from their mistakes.
Increasing your Family's Resilience If you're currently coping with a stressful situation such as the deployment of a loved one to a combat area or caring for a wounded warrior; if you're suffering from a loss or dealing with a crisis of any kind, there are things you can start doing right now to strengthen your own resilience and model resilience for your children. The American Psychological Association in its publication, The Road to Resilience, recommends ten ways to become more resilient when dealing with stress or adversity:
Make connections. Good relationships with close family members, friends or others are important. Accepting help and support from those who care about you and will listen to you strengthens resilience. Some people find that being active in civic groups, faith-based organizations or other local groups provides social support and can help restore hope. Assisting others in their time of need can also benefit the helper. Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems. You can't change the fact that highly stressful events happen, but you can change how you interpret and respond to them. Try looking beyond the present to brighter days a little farther down the line. Note any subtle ways in which you might already feel somewhat better as you deal with difficult situations. Accept that change is part of living. Certain goals may no longer be attainable as a result of adverse situations. Accepting circumstances that cannot be changed can help you
focus on things you can change. Move toward your goals. Develop some realistic goals. Do something, however small, on a regular basis that helps you move toward your goals. Instead of focusing on tasks that seem unachievable, ask yourself, "What's one thing I know I can accomplish today that helps me move in the direction I want to go?" Take decisive actions. Act on adverse situations as much as you can. Take decisive actions, rather than detaching completely from problems and stresses and wishing they would just go away. Look for opportunities for selfdiscovery. People often learn something about themselves and may find that they've grown in some respect as a result of their struggle with loss. Many people who have experienced tragedies and hardship have reported better relationships, a greater sense of personal strength even while feeling vulnerable, increased sense of selfworth, a more developed spirituality
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and heightened appreciation for life. Nurture a positive view of yourself. Developing confidence in your ability to solve problems and trust your instincts helps build resilience. Keep things in perspective. Even when facing a painful event, try to consider the stressful situation in a broader context and keep a long-term perspective. Avoid blowing it out of proportion. Maintain a hopeful outlook. An optimistic outlook enables you to expect that good things will happen in your life. Try to visualize what you want instead of worrying about what you fear. Take care of yourself. Pay attention to your own needs and feelings. Engage in activities that you enjoy and find relaxing. Exercise regularly. Taking care of yourself helps to keep your mind and body primed to deal with situations that require resilience.
√ √ √ √
(Continues on pg 10 )
J U N E 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
Find the perfect summer sitter for your family. Č? %DE\VLWWHUV Č? 1DQQLHV (part time & full time) Č? /DVW PLQXWH FDUH Č? 3HW VLWWHUV KRXVHNHHSHUV Č? 3&6 KHOS DQG PRUH
MONEY & FINANCE 80-90% of Americans surveyed said they planned to take at least as many summer vacation trips as they did last year, and 21% said they definitely expect more summer travel even in these tough economic times. So what is someone to do if they want to make the vacation more bud-
or Vacation?
PERSONAL FINANCIAL COUNSELOR For Free Financial Information, contact: Mr. Chip Jurgensen, CFP (919) 334-8313
get friendly? Here are 10 ways to save:
Be flexible with both time and place. You'll save the most if you keep your vacation options open -- and that includes both travel times and locations. Compare transportation options. Don't limit yourself to flying or driving. Depending on the distance, day of the week, and time of year, it may be more cost-effective to take a train.companions acceptance admirati families distance wandered. Fly midweek. If you do decide to fly, tickets are typically cheaper midweek. Most airline sales start on Tuesday and end on Thursday, and the two cheapest days of the week to fly are Tuesday and Wednesday. Travel light. Some airlines, like JetBlue and Southwest, allow you to check one or two bags for free, but most charge an additional fee for your luggage. Worried about not having enough stuff to wear? That's what Laundromats and hand washing are for. S tay outside popular areas. Having a hotel room in the center of everything is convenient, but staying a few miles outside the city is often cheaper. Find cheaper lodging with vacation homes. Vacation home rentals cost the same or even less than hotels, but offer more than most standard hotel rooms -- full-service kitchens, washers and dryers, and bigger living spaces. So you can
02 03 04 05
eat out less, stay in more, and never have to worry about a late-night trip to a Laundromat. C o ns i d e r h o u s e swapping. If you're willing to swap homes (temporarily) with someone, you can stay in their house for free during your vacation. Several sites allow you to view ads for available homes and post your own: sites include: • •The Vacation Exchange Network •Digsville Don't assume that because you don't live in a vacation destination, nobody would want to stay at your home. People choose their destinations for lots of reasons, from business to visiting Grandma. Try to dine out less but if you do go out use discount food apps. Some of my favorite apps include: •Yelp Check-Ins •LocalEats •KidsEatFree Split your meal in half, ask the waiter to box it up and use the hotel's mini fridge for storage. That way, you get two meals for the price of one. Turn your vacation into a tax deduction if you have your own business. Turn your vacation into a business trip and you can write off some of your expenses, including transportation, lodging, dining out and even some cruises.
07 08
Take an alternative vacation. No one says your vacation has to include a pricey tourist destination. There are plenty of cheaper ways to enjoy some down time. For example: •Take a staycation in your own city and live like a tourist for a few days. •Go camping in a national or state park. •Visit your state's capital for the weekend. •Visit friends or family (especially those with guest rooms). Finally ask a local. Want the real scoop on the best cheap food, fun and free entertainment ideas, or which souvenir shops aren't overpriced? Hopefully these little tips can save you some money that you can put towards next years trip or maybe in a savings account!.
@ncngfamily J U N E 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
S T A Y charged
Raising Resilient Children Different factors, including temperament and intelligence, influence children's resilience. However, no influence is more important than the parenting they receive. When parents model and teach their children the habits of resilient families, the children will already have many of the skills needed to cope with difficult situations when they occur. Still, during difficult times, children need additional support and attention from parents, even as the parents are dealing with the same difficulties themselves. You can help build resilience in your children during times of stress or adversity by giving them as much of your time as you can. When you're with them, encourage communication by listening to their concerns and answering their questions with openness, honesty and reassurance. Article provided by Military One Source. To find the original publication visit health-wellness/keeping-your-family-strong?content_id=267536
Come out and join us at THE MUSEUM THAT MOVES YOU........ Operation Kids on Guard will be holding an event at the NC Transportation Museum, 411 S Salisbury Ave., Spencer, NC 28159 on Saturday, 10 August 2013. The event will be from 10 a.m. KOG Special Day Events 3 p.m. LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED Come on out and enjoy the activities such as: take a 25-minute train ride, see a full-size replica of the Wright Flyer and visit one of the largest Roundhouses ever constructed.
Coming to a
KOG Day Drills
KOG Overnight Weekend Camp
Pre-registration is required by 1 August 2013. POC: Leslie Taylor, leslie.r.taylor4.ctr@mail. mil, (800)621-4136 ext. 12181. NCNG CHILD & YOUTH PROGRAM STAFF Alice Dean Lead Child And Youth Coordinator (919) 693-3651 Ext. 12183
Kristi Wagner Youth Coordinator (800) 621-4136 Ext. 12023
FA M I LY M AT T E R S   J U N E 2 0 1 3
Leslie Taylor Assistant Child And Youth Specialist (919) 693-3651 Ext. 12181
S tay charged
Service Members, Families Get Free Pass to National Parks Service members and their families will be able to enter all of America’s national parks free of charge for a year. The America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Annual Pass, which normally costs $80.
HOH Waterfall at Olympic National Park, Washington.
The pass allows the holder and passengers in a single private vehicle access to some 2,000 sites that charge per vehicle. At sites where entrance fees are charged per person, it covers the pass owner and three
Image courtesy of Microsoft
adults age 16 and older. Military personnel can get the passes at any national park or wildlife refuge that charges an entrance fee by showing their military ID. Family members also will be able to obtain their own pass, even if the service member is deployed or if they are traveling separately. The pass will be accepted at National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. Army Corps sites that charge entrance or standard amenity fees. The free pass will be made available for activated members of the National Guard and Reserves. It is not available for military veterans or retirees, who have other opportunities for free or reduced admission, such as the National Park Service’s “Access Pass” or a seniors pass for those 62 and older. Search a loction near you to receive you free pass at http://
Some featured vacations as low as $50 a night. Search today at
Operation Welcome Homes Anyone who has served in Iraq or Afghanistan is eligible for the program, regardless of their current duty status. DD214 is required for proof of service. About OWH: After recently purchasing a vacation home in Door County, Wisconsin, Don and Barbara Rubin realized how much of the time homes like theirs remain vacant. They envisioned a plan where “dormant” space in condos, time-shares and even commercial lodging facilities could be donated to uplift the morale of returning soldiers and their families. "It's a way for those of us who are more fortunate to repay them for their service to us all," says Rubin. "Now we are hoping to see this vision expand. We plan to begin in Door County, developing a model that can be implemented coast to coast." Please, contact or call Operation Welcome Homes at: 312.263.1594 to learn more about how you can join in this effort. Eligible Servicemembers: to Request a Vacation visit NOTE: Most donations come from Door County, Wisconsin, which is where the program started. Travel to and from locations is not covered under the program.
J U N E 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
Let your voice be heard… Only you know the challenges geographically dispersed Military Teens face! Come join us at the Teen Challenge Retreat and meet members of the NCNG Triangle Teen Council and see how you can start a council in your area!
For more information or to register for duty, contact: Alice Dean (Lead Child & Youth Program Coordinator) or (800)621-4136 ext 12183 Kristi Wagner (Child and Youth Program Coordinator) (800)621-4136 ext 12023
The Veterans' Employment Training Service (VETS)
VETS is an organization within the U.S. Department of Wal-Mart is offering jobs to Veteran who has Labor that is closely affiliated with the DES in our mission been honorably discharged. The to help veterans secure meaningful, career employment. website, Additionally, the VETS staff within North Carolina has several responsibilities unrelated to DES's functions. VETS provides technical assistance to employers, veterans and members of Reserve components regarding nondiscrimination and employment protections related to covered military service, and investigates and resolves related claims. They have a similar responsibility regarding veterans' employment preference with federal agencies and departments. VETS role with businesses that contract with federal agencies and departments is somewhat different in that they promote compliance with the job listing, affirmative action and non-discrimination provisions of the contracts and collect the VETS 100 reports filed annually by each contractor. VETS provides administrative support to the Presidents National Hire Veterans Committee. For more information about VETS, visit index.htm
NC National Guard Yellow Ribbon Employment Program
Be Ready, Get Prepared OUR SERVICES FOR SERVICEMEMBERS AND SPOUSES: Individual Employment Plans Job Search Help Transition Resources Career Assessment Resume Preparation Employment Preparation
Western, NC David Ponder Office: (828) 274-8571 Cell: (919) 485-9567 Eastern, NC Office: (800) 621-4136 Ext. 46740 Jeremiah Bigham
AND MORE! J U N E 2 0 1 3   FA M I LY M AT T E R S  
V ol u nteer W e b inars
FAMILY READINESS SUPPORT ASSISTANTS (800) 621-4136 Charlotte: Nikkie Newsome Ext.14548 Clinton: Sarah Strickland Ext. 14735 Goldsboro: Greg Smith Ext. 15423
C # # # # # # # # #
Jacksonville: Judy Richardson Ext. 11346 Morrisville: Darlette McCormick Ext. 16313 Oxford: Norman Dean Ext. 12182
Now we're easier to find. Just type (or search)
NCNGFP Visit us on Facebook
Maintaining Your FRG before, during, and after deployments… Mission time is the primary reason the FRG exists. All of the hard work the FRG leader, other key leaders, and the commander have done pays off while the unit is performing the mission—whatever it is. When an effective FRG is in place year round and before missions, soldiers and their families can function well during missions. Certain key tasks need to be emphasized that will keep the FRG running well throughout the mission and beyond. What are they? Here is a brief FRG Checklist (during deployment) for your convenience. Which key tasks take on major importance now?
High Point (Temporary location due to Construction): Gloria Fields, Ext.15620
Raleigh: George Lane Ext. 46714
Support the mission. Encourage frequent contact with soldiers. Welcome new members. Get critical information out. Keep the phonetree working well. Keep resources available in sufficient quality and quantity. Stay connected—inside and outside of the FRG. Deal intelligently with crises. Solve problems at the lowest level.
# # # # # # # #
Know where people are located. Plan and do more fun things together. Maintain stability. Arrange professional counseling and material assistance when needed. Counteract gossip. Provide training on dealing with separation, loneliness, and reunion. Prepare for reunion—welcome home at arrival and a party, if appropriate. Avoid burnout.
This may seem like common sense, but keep in mind that the sense of urgency among a number of key people—the FRG leader, commander, and other leaders—will decrease once the troops return to a steady state mission (non-deployment). This is a time when it would be easy to allow all the hard work to die on the vine, but DON’T LET THAT HAPPEN! It’s easier to keep things going well than to let the FRG die all together… and then have to build it again from scratch when the next mission pops up, which can happen without warning. Now is the time to put the FRG in a “lower gear,” but keep it moving. Continue all the key tasks. Especially keep up fun activities and the flow of information to the membership. Be sure to publicly recognize the hard work and caring help rendered by the members and the contacts who worked during the mission. Use an FRG Checklist from The Army FRG Leader’s Handbook periodically to gauge where the FRG stands. Make smart changes where needed. Quietly keep things humming along, and keep the FRG effective. Most importantly…keep your lines of communication open…stay in contact with your Soldiers/ Families, Bde FRSA, FAC and other Community Resources. KEEP YOUR FRG ALIVE! The primary focus of the FRG is ongoing communication with Family members. There will need to be a strong communication system in place across all the stages of the deployment cycle, especially for those Soldiers/Civilians and Family members that are geographically dispersed.
FA M I LY M AT T E R S J U N E 2 0 1 3
J U N E 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
Children’s Fishing Event – June 8 The 8th annual fishing tournament is coming up soon. June 8th at the Kure Beach Fishing Pier. You will need to register on line for this. Go to: to register. This is a FREE event. Anyone in the family can bring the kids for a day's adventure. All equipment is furnished by Step Up for Soldiers and breakfast and lunch will be provided along with prizes, etc.
S tro n g Bo n d s June 21-23 Family Wellness Retreat July 19-21 Single Soldiers Retreat August 9-11 There will be TWO Marriage Enrichment Events this weekend at the same location announced August 23-25 Single Soldiers Retreat September 13-15 Family Wellness Retreat
For questions, please call Wendi Bell at (800) 621-4136 ext. 46078 or via email at Registration Forms are online at FP/Pages/SB.aspx. Dates are subject to change. Locations have not yet been confirmed.
FA M I LY M AT T E R S J U N E 2 0 1 3
The Internal Revenue Service announced additional details about the closures planned for June 14, July 5, July 22 and Aug. 30, 2013. Due to the current budget situation, including the sequester, all IRS operations will be closed on those days. This means that all IRS offices, including all toll-free hotlines, the Taxpayer Advocate Service and the agency's nearly 400 taxpayer assistance centers nationwide, will be closed on those days. IRS employees will be furloughed without pay. No tax returns will be processed and no compliance-related activities will take place. The IRS noted that taxpayers should continue to file their returns and pay any taxes due as usual. Taxpayers needing to contact the IRS about their returns or payments should be sure to take these furlough dates into account. In some instances, this may include taxpayers with returns or payments due soon after a furlough day, such as the June 17 deadline for taxpayers abroad and those making a second-quarter estimated tax payment as well as the Sept. 3 deadline for truckers filing a highway use tax return. Because none of the furlough days are considered federal holidays, the shutdown will have no impact on any tax-filing deadlines. The IRS will be unable to accept or acknowledge receipt of electronically-filed returns on any day the agency is shut down. Similarly, tax-payment deadlines are also unaffected. The only tax payment deadlines coinciding with any of the furlough days relate to employment and excise tax deposits made by business taxpayers. These deposits must be made through the Treasury Department's Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS [ uac/EFTPS:-The-Electronic-Federal-Tax-Payment-System]), which will operate as usual. On the other hand, the agency will give taxpayers extra time to comply with a request to provide documents to the IRS. This includes administrative summonses, requests for records in connection with a return examination, review or compliance check, or document requests related to a collection matter. No additional time is given to respond to other agencies or the courts. Where the last day for responding to an IRS request falls on a furlough day, the taxpayer will have until the next business day. If the last day to respond is Friday, May 24, for example, the taxpayer will have until Tuesday, May 28 to comply (Monday, May 27 is Memorial Day). Further details on the impact of the shutdown on IRS procedures will be available on Some web-based online tools and phone-based automated services will continue to function on furlough days, while others will be shut down. Available services include Withholding Calculator, Order A Transcript, EITC Assistant, Interactive Tax Assistant, the PTIN system for tax professionals, Tele-Tax and the Online Look-up Tool for those needing to repay the first-time homebuyer credit. Services not available on those days include Where's My Refund? and the Online Payment Agreement. Visit online tools [ http://www.irs. gov/uac/Tools ] on to learn more about these tools. The IRS may possibly announce one or two additional furlough days if necessary.
Webinar Sessions
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Get R.E.A.D.Y. with JSS - Volunteers This webinar provides an overview and shows volunteers how JSS tools equip them to serve the National Guard community. This includes how to track your volunteer hours, collaborate in Groups and Forums, and locate helpful resources. Staff working with volunteers will also benefit from this session. Thursday June 6, 2013
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser)
Creating and Uploading Event Evaluations in JSS
June 2013
This webinar will show event coordinators how to produce standard and custom break-out class evaluations; how to scan and upload evaluation forms; and tips for ensuring the successful processing of uploaded evaluation forms. Tuesday June 11, 2013 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser)
Using the Contacts and Resources Tool in JSS
During this session, you will learn how JSS enables you to search for a resource, add a new resource and manage resources. Wednesday June 19, 2013 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) aspx?Mode=ReadOnly&Id=04164CC6-19E5-4F9C-883B-8341DA49F0A2
Using the Groups Tool in JSS
This webinar shows how to use the JSS Groups tool to connect with others, access information, and communicate effectively over email and on the web. This includes how to post events in a shared calendar, upload documents to a File Library, and collaborate in forum discussions. Tuesday June 25, 2013 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser)
Get R.E.A.D.Y. with JSS - Staff
This webinar provides an overview and shows program staff how JSS tools empower them to effectively support the National Guard community. This includes how to set-up program-specific events, create targeted email campaigns, and locate community resources. Tuesday June 25, 2013 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) aspx?Mode=ReadOnly&Id=8B321496-8683-44EA-9CBA033403647F8D ***JSS Training provides Family Programs staff, VOLUNTEERS and Yellow Ribbon staff instructions on utilizing Joint Services Support applications and features***
Veterans, Wounded Warriors and Families invited to Ride a Horse for FREE! OPERATION FREE RIDE is a program that we created to give active duty military personnel, returning combat veterans, wounded warriors and their families the opportunity to ride a horse for free! We want them to ride a horse or experience the special bond and friendship of horses! “This is the program for families that have ever wanted to ride a horse or experience the special bond and friendship of horses,” said Sydney Knott, president and executive director of Horses4Heroes, Inc.. “Horses certainly have proven their abilities to help heal the wounds of war and separation.” Visit to register for your free ride and find a participating facility near you! J U N E 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
Session 1 June 4th 10:00 AM -11:00 AM, Eastern June 6th 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Eastern
Session 2 June 11th 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Eastern June 13th 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Eastern
Session 3 June 18th
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Eastern June 20th 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Eastern For further information, please contact, Judith.Wolf@ (703-607-5309) or tammychase.vtt@gmail. com. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. Upon joining the webinar, you will not be able to hear the sound through your computer. You will have to call the phone number provided in the registration.
Just another way to help you stay charged. Learn how you can better handle change this June with one of the upcoming Sessions!! Everyone Ready! (ER)
Managing Change (and Dealing with Resistance to It!) Trainer: Connie Pirtle Change is inevitable and increasingly fast, so organizations must be able to implement new approaches/services/policies/procedures with a minimum of disruption and a maximum of buy-in from everyone, including volunteers. Change happens almost every day – a volunteer cancels at the last minute and you have to find a replacement; your organization (or department) is restructuring and you’ll have a new boss; or a new president assumes the leadership of a volunteer group. This seminar will cover topics such as: • Why change is important. • Why change is threatening and some people resist. • Why volunteers in particular seem most resistant to change. • The science of change. • How to introduce new ideas to gain support. • Tips to manage change effectively. • Dealing with resistance to change. • Why it is OK for some volunteers, who do not accept the change, to leave. • How to celebrate successful change.
System Requirements, PC-based attendees, Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista, Macintosh®-based attendees, required: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®) or newer.
FA M I LY M AT T E R S J U N E 2 0 1 3
Stay Charged ... Stay Plugged In!
Summertime can bring excessive heat and emergencies are sometimes unavoidable and inconvenient. Make sure you can reach the ones you need by keeping your cell phone(s) fully charged and carrying a charger with you. Also, be mindful of your carrier's service areas when traveling, as reception can vary.
J U N E 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
Asheville Military Family Resource Center 7 Yorkshire St. Suite 101, 28803/Fax: (828) 274-7209 Debra Collington,, (828) 274-8571 Charlotte Unit Family Contact Center 4240 West Blvd., 28208/(800) 621-4136 Carry Bandy, FAC Specialist,, Ext. 14547 Doretha McLaughlin, FAC Specialist, Ext. 14548 Greenville State Family Assistance Center 1401 N. Memorial Dr., 27834/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 11150 Dawn White, High Point Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) (Temporary location due to construction in Greensboro) 3515 Armory Dr., 27260/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 15649 Katy Jones, FAC Network Coordinator Kannapolis Military Family Resource Center 6001 Gateway Ctr. Dr., Suite 109, 28081/Fax: (704) 788-0550 Lynn White,, (704) 788-4554 Kinston Unit Family Contact Center 2875 Dobbs Farm Rd., 28504/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 15817 Gabrielle H. O’Flanagan, Lenoir State Family Assistance Center 1535 Beecher Anderson Rd., Lenoir, 28645/ (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11242 Frances Johnson, Morganton Unit Family Contact Center 411 Kirksey Dr., Morganton, NC, 28655/ (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11869 Nancy Davis, Raleigh Unit Family Contact Center 4105 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC, 27607/(800) 621-4136 Lisa Faison,, Ext. 47100 Mark Woolbright,, Ext. 47102 Smithfield Unit Family Contact Center 406 Hospital Rd., 27577/(800) 621-4136 Ext.12784 Abby Millsap, Southern Pines Unit Family Contact Center 510 W. Morganton Rd., PO Box 1317, 28387/ (800) 621-4136 Ext. 12863 Earlene Capps,, Wilmington Unit Family Contact Center 2412 Infantry Rd., 28405/(800) 621-4136 Jim Marley,, Ext. 16918 Judy Howard, FAC Network Coordinator, Ext. 16925 Winston-Salem Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) (Temporary location due to construction in Greensboro) 2000 Silas Creek Pkwy., 27103/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 15651 Sandy Harrison, FAC Specialist,
Family Assistance Centers Family Assistance Centers are located across the State to provide assistance to ALL Military Service Members and their Families. If you know of a Service Member or Military Family that has a question or concern, please share our contact numbers, web site, newsletter, and Facebook link. We're here to help.
Personal Financial Counselor Our Personal Financial Counselor can provide one-on-one financial counseling services for you and your Family. Mr. Chip Jurgensen, CFP (919) 334-8313
MFLC PROGRAM ~Provides short-term, situational, problem-solving counseling services to service members and their Families ~Provides psycho-education to help military service members and their Families understand the impact of stress, deployments, family reunions following deployments and the stresses of military life ~MFLC services augment existing military support services ~Flexible service delivery (Outreach/Rotational and OnDemand) Services can be provided on or off military installations ~Services provided to individuals, couples, families, and groups ~Children’s Support Program addresses military impact on children ~MFLCs are mandated reporters of child abuse, domestic abuse and duty-to-warn situations ~Services are otherwise confidential and private taff: S John Alleman Adult and Family Specialist (919) 745-9635 Betty Steelman Youth and Family Specialist (919) 665-9178
2013 Summer Camps Questions? Call 910-938-5312
Follow us on:
Voyager Camp- Full day of activities, including trips to various recreation (water park, ice skating, roller skating, gymnastics), cultural (D.A.R.E., local farms), and educational (Sturgeon City, zoo, aquarium) venues. Campers receive a t-shirt with registration. Trips are included in fee.
Ages: 6-11 Sessions: 6/17-6/28, 7/1-7/12, 7/15-7/26, 7/29-8/9 Fee: $110/$165(R/NR) per session
Days: Monday-Friday Time: 7:30AM-6PM Location: Jacksonville Commons & Northwoods Recreation Centers
Teen Voyager Camp- Full day of activities, including trips to various recreation (water City of Jacksonville park, ice skating, roller skating, bowling), cultural (Tryon Palace, local farms), and eduRecreation & Parks cational (Battleship, zoo, NC State Parks) venues. Campers receive a t-shirt with registration. Trips are included in fee. 100 Recreation
Jacksonville is a GREAT place to live! Recreation & Parks works hard to provide Clean & Green Spaces throughout the City. Fees are affordable and a lot less than other programs. Residents pay even less for programs, camps, sports and activities!
Scholarship Opportunities Available!
Ages: 12-15 Sessions: 6/17-6/28, 7/1-7/12, 7/15-7/26, 7/29-8/9 Fee: $110/$165(R/NR) per session
Days: Monday-Friday Time: 7:30AM-6PM Location: Jack Amyette Rec Center
Base Day Camp- Onsite activities, local opportunities and guest speakers. A few field trips are offered each session to include local venues such as: gymnastics, parks, farms and recreation centers.
Ages: 6-11 Sessions: 6/17-6/28, 7/1-7/12, 7/15-7/26, 7/29-8/9 Fee: $40/$60(R/NR) per session
Days: Monday-Friday Time: 9AM-4PM Location: Commons Middle School
Stepping Stones Camp- A half day program for younger children accommodating nap requirements. The camp helps to develop social and physical skills. Activities include: story telling, group play, crafts, guest speakers and water play.
Ages: 4-5 Sessions: 6/17-6/28, 7/1-7/12, 7/15-7/26, 7/29-8/9 Fee: $40/$60(R/NR) per session
Days: Monday-Friday Time: 8AM-12Noon Location: Kerr St Rec Center
How to register:
Registration Dates City Residents: March 25, 2013 Non City Residents: April 1, 2013
Online at In person at 100 Recreation Lane By phone: 910 938-5312
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& Summ er C amp s NEWS FOR YOU
Western Youth Network Summer Day Camps
TBD depending on when school lets out Highlights: The Western Youth Network will host outdoor day camps for five weeks from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday for rising sixth- through ninth-graders in Watauga County. No camp will be held July 4 to 8. Participants will enjoy adventure-based activities, team building activities and exploring the High Country. Campers can sign up for one week or for all sessions. Transportation will be provided for those who qualify. Fee: The camp is $100 per week, but WYN also offers payments based on a sliding scale, as well as scholarships. Registration begins April 15. More Information: Call 828-264-5174
Watauga Parks and Rec Fun in the Sun Camp
When: June 17 – August 2 Where: Hardin Park School Who: rising 1-7 graders, ages 5-13 Highlights: The Watauga Parks and Recreation Fun in the Sun Camp takes place at Hardin Park School, is open to rising first- through seventh-graders and will take place for seven weeks this summer. Campers can attend one week or as many weeks as they want. The camp features many different recreational activities, games and sports. Fee: The cost is $85 per week, and registration has already started. Registration is $127.50 per week for noncounty residents beginning April 1. More Information: 828-264-9511, Click here for the registration form and information
Beech Mountain Summer Day Camp When: June- August, 9 AM – 3 PM Where: Buckeye Recreation Center in Beech Mountain Who: ages 5-13 Highlights: Activities include team building, wilderness survival, hiking, canoeing, ceramics, slip n’ slide, and more!! Participants will meet at Buckeye Recreation Center unless otherwise noted each morning of camp. Fee: Daily Rate: $30; Weekly Rate: $125 More Information: Register online at, or call 828-387-3003
Blowing Rock Parks and Rec Summer Camp When: June 10 – July 29 Where: Blowing Rock Who: rising 1-7 graders, ages 5-13 Highlights: The Blowing Rock Parks and Recreation Summer Day Camp is open to rising kindergarteners (at least 5 years old with daycare experience) through 6th graders. Camp hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Children swim, hike, play sports, fish and go on field trips. Registration started March 4 for Blowing Rock taxpayers, and open registration starts on March 18. Fee: $60 per week for taxpayers and $120 per week for non-taxpayers. More Information: 828-295-5222,
Mad Science camps offer a daily combination of in-class discovery and exploration, outdoor games and physical activities, and hands-on applications of the scientific principles presented. Your child will be able to touch, see, hear, smell and taste what science is really all about. We use simple, real world science techniques that allow even the youngest of campers to enjoy our learning environment. Campers create, build and assemble a variety of take-home projects while exploring how science affects the world around us. More Information Can be found at 22
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h ow t o look
Searc h Su mmer Camps by County on li n e t o fi n d t he perfect summer c amp f or you r c hi ld(ren ). Example: Wake Cou n t y Su mmer Camps
Call your County Parks and Recreation Depar t men t .