Family Matters NCNG FAMILY PROGRAMS, VOLUME 5, ISSUE 6, June 2014
e Keep It Simple
Inside this issue
Free June Events across the State Mountains to Coast National Parks
Free park passes for qualifying military families
Exclusive Audio Book Offer
Win the Ultimate 7-day Luxury Vacation
t Airfare More inside about Soldiers & Airman Assistance Fund Raffle
Page 07
Free Summer
Page 12
04 Exclusive Free Audiobook Lending Library NCNG FAMILY PROGRAMS PRESENTS a Free Audiobook Lending Library exclusively for North Carolina National Guard Servicemembers and their Families.
05 Kids On Guard Fun free activities for NCNG Military Families.
06 10 Simple Steps offers 10 Simple step to look and feel better without going to the gym.
07 10 Free Outdoor Events On Your Mark! Find upcoming events coming this month across North Carolina.
08 Family Readiness Group Training Special training coming to Asheville this month for Family Readiness Group personnel.
09 "Home Alone" Safety With the rising cost of child care for the summer months, many families are choosing to teach their children how to stay home alone or stay with their brothers and sisters while their parents are at work. The decision to allow your child to stay at home is not an easy one.
How Prepared Are You?
North Carolina has been selected to participate in a pilot program, The DoD Individual & Community Readiness Inventory. Servicemembers and their
Page 18
Families have the unique opportunity to gauge their readiness and offer ways to strengthen their plans.
National Parks In North Carolina
Qualifying Servicemembers and Families can receive free National Park passes We have made a list of the many National Parks right here in North Carolina.
Did You Know?
Discounted passes, Fairway to Honor Soldiers and Airman Assistance Fundraiser coming soon and Register today for our North Carolina Teen Retreat.
On the Cover : Layout and Design made by NCNG Family Programs, Kathryn Jarvis.
Do you have a photo that would be great on the Cover of Family Matters? E-mail a photo you have permissions for to with a description of the photo and who took the picture.
You Could Win!
Get your ticket now for the ultimate dream vacation!
It’s June! Finally, warmer weather is here. Hopefully we can all pack away our winter coats and sweaters. June is a great time to “Keep it Simple” and “Unwind.” We hope you’ll enjoy the sun with fun, family, friends and great foods. I’m sure there will be lots of grills heating up this month. In this issue of Family Matters, we wanted to give you a “Have Fun” guide to some things you, your Families, and Friends can do in North Carolina, and elsewhere, to just sit back and enjoy life. Theme parks throughout the State and elsewhere are offering free or discounted tickets to Military Members and their Families. Take an adventure. With these fringe benefits, we’ve also included ways for you to save additional money along the way. There are discounts to lots of places, don’t ever forget to ask “Do you have a Military Discount.” We also have information in here for you about FREE Strong Bonds retreats that we bring to YOU. There is a Strong Bonds Marriage Enrichment Retreat coming up on 27-29June in the N Beach area. If you haven't registered yet, the available slots are going fast. Our NCNG Teens are privy to a FREE Teen Retreat at Fort Fisher 22-27 June. In the past, the Teen Retreat has been a great success packed with handson activities, networking and fun. As we continue to expand our NCNG Teen Council across the State, they can gain from this opportunity. I’d like to say that each teen leaves the retreat with a “take-a-way.” There’s something for everyone. Please get more information now and get registered, as spaces fill fast. Next month, in July, we’ll have Operation Kids on Guard Day Camp in Morrisville, NC on 27 July, and other KOG Camps (please see inside for dates and details). This month, on a unit-level, we have several Yellow Ribbon Events; Family Days; Briefings; SRPs; and, more. So, as you can see, there’s plenty to do … and, we hope that you will take the time to register and enjoy as many of these as you can. Please remember, a State-wide team of individuals are standing by to help make sure that you have the best military life experience as possible. Our Family Assistance Center Staff (FACs); Family Readiness Support Assistants (FRSAs); Legal Team; Employment Center; Yellow Ribbon; Marketing Team; and more are here to assist you. If you have a question or concern that you don’t see listed, give any of us a call and we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction. The North Carolina National Guard has a strong network of connections and resources, so, please don’t hesitate to utilize our services. We’re halfway through another year. Can you believe it? So, have some fun, but don’t forget to be safe in all you do, whether it’s selecting the right SPF for you and your Family, or taking extra precautions during your travel. It’s such a pleasure for me and the Family Programs staff to be able to journey with you throughout your various stages of military life. There's lots to do this summer. Read on. Enjoy. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Keep it simple and unwind. Sincerely,
Diane Coffill State Family Program Director
NC National Guard and Families’ First line of Defense Call Behavioral Health at
FAM I LY M AT T E RS June 2014 Diane Coffill St a t e Fa m i l y P ro g ra m D i r e c t o r d i a n e. l . c o f f i l l . c i v @ m a i l . m i l (919) 664-6324 M a s t e r S g t . Ra m o n a S c o t t Fa m i l y P ro g ra m s S p e c i a l i s t ra m o n a . k . s c o t t . m i l @ m a i l . m i l (919) 664-6000 Ext. 47005 S t a f f S g t . Ta m my Fow l e r Fa m i l y P ro g ra m s A s s i s t a n t t a m my. l . fow l e r. m i l @ m a i l . m i l (919) 664-6000 Ext. 46876 Lana Greer S t a t e FAC C o o r d i n a t o r l a n a . m . g r e e r. c t r @ m a i l . m i l (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11667 Te r r y H e n d e r s o n A i r m a n & Fa m i l y Re a d i n e s s P ro g ra m M g r. t e r r y. h e n d e r s o n @ a n g. a f. m i l (704) 398-4949 Alice Dean Le a d C h i l d & Yo u t h P ro g ra m C o o r d i n a t o r a l i c e. c . d e a n . c t r @ m a i l . m i l (800)621-4136 Ext. 12548 K r i s t i Wa g n e r C h i l d & Yo u t h P ro g ra m C o o r d i n a t o r k r i s t i . l . wa g n e r 4 . c t r @ m a i l . m i l (800) 621-4136 Ext. 14761 Ly n n A l l r e d C h i l d & Yo u t h P ro g ra m S p e c i a l i s t Ly n n . h . a l l r e d 2 . c t r @ m a i l . m i l , (800) 621-4136 Ext.12547 J u dy R i c h a r d s o n Senior FRSA j ud i t h . r. r i c h a r d s o n . c t r @ m a i l . m i l (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11346 A n ge l e n a D o c ke r y M a r ke t i n g & C o m m u n i c a t i o n s M a n a ge r s a l l i e. a . d o c ke r y. c t r @ m a i l . m i l (919) 485-9570 Ka t h r y n Ja r v i s M a r ke t i n g & C o m m u n i c a t i o n s M a n a ge r k a t h r y n . a . j a r v i s. c t r @ m a i l . m i l (919) 485-9571 A b o u t Fa m i l y M a t t e r s Fa m i l y M a t t e r s wa s c r e a t e d t o p ro v i d e S e r v i ce m e m b e r s a n d Fa m i l i e s t h e m o s t u p t o - d a t e i n fo r m a t i o n a n d s e r v i c e s a va i l a b l e. I f yo u wo u l d l i ke t o c o n t r i b u t e t o f u t u r e i s s u e s, o r i f yo u h a ve s u g ge s t i o n s a n d c o m m e n t s, p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e N C N G Fa m i l y P ro g ra m s M a r ke t i n g a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Department p e r s o n n e l , A n ge l e n a D o c ke r y o r Ka t h r y n Ja r v i s, a t n c n g f a m i l y p ro g ra m s @ g m a i l . c o m . E - Ve r s i o n s o f Fa m i l y M a t t e r s c a n b e d ow n l o a d e d a t t h e N C N G Fa m i l y P ro g ra m s web p a ge a t w w w. n c . n g b. a r my. m i l / s s / f p. Re f e r e n c e s i n t h i s n ew s l e t t e r t o a ny s p e c i f i c c o m m e r c i a l p ro d u c t s, p ro c e s s e s, s e r v i c e s, o r t h e u s e o f a ny t ra d e, f i r m , o r cor p o ra t i o n n a m e d o e s n o t c o n s t i t u t e e n d o r se m e n t , r e c o m m e n d a t i o n , o r f a vo r i n g by N C N G Fa m i l y P ro g ra m s.
NCNG FAMILY PROGRAMS PRESENTS: North Carolina National Guard Audiobook Lending Library Exclusively for North Carolina National Guard Members & Their Families Are you interested in personal & professional development but have little time for seminars, travel, or lectures? Would you enjoy listening to a good book while exercising, driving, or relaxing at home? The North Carolina National Guard Family Programs Audiobook Lending Library allows you to do just that ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. With our informative, enjoyable audiobooks on CD! We have hundreds of titles available AT NO COST TO YOU. Once you order, you will receive your audiobooks by mail. 1. Go to to create an account (if you don’t already have one). 2. Choose a selection from our catalog. You will be able to order as many audiobooks as you’d like. Your selections will be placed in your queue. Two selections will be sent directly to you! 3. Return your CDs as per the instructions on the pre-paid mailer in which you received your initial titles. Upon receipt, we will mail out the next audiobooks from your queue. 4. Contact 3Leaf Group at 877-238-8350 or for further information.
More than Ordinary. Community Spotlight 2013 SAAF Patriot Award Recipients: Presented for extraordinary efforts of an individual or organization that supports the quality of life for our military service men and women and their families.
»Dennis Hatchel, Pantry/Kangaroo »Scott Aman, New Dixie Oil Co. »Wesley Campbell, Minuteman Food Marts »Blair Pender, Hooters-NC »Haddon Clark, Sampson Bladen Oil Co. »Dean Cline, Sr., Cline & Assoc. »Brandon Bryce, Largemouth Communications »Wakefield Men’s Senior Golf Assoc.
Image courtesy of SAAF
A Helping Hand For Those Who Serve… The strength of our Guard is our Soldiers, Airmen and their families. We have been able to help them because of your generosity and support. REMEMBER to purchase your “In God We Trust” license plate this year. It cost $30.00 and for each plate sold, a $20.00 tax-deductible donation will go to the Soldiers & Airmen Assistance Fund to help our Guard families. Ordering online is fast and easy! (you will need your vehicle registration card and a credit card) 1. Click on: or visit your local DMV office 2.From the alphabetical list locate the “In God We Trust” specialty plate 3.Click on the plate image and select “Purchase this Plate” at the bottom right hand of the page. Enter the required information and your new plate and stickers will be mailed directly to your home. 4.Make a copy of the receipt for your $20.00 tax deduction.
Operation Kids on Guard
to North Carolina National Guard children! 1SF SFHJTUSBUJPO JT 3FRVJSFE
5HJLVWUDWLRQ GHDGOLQH -XO\ Contact Kristi Wagner, Child and Youth Coordinator, at or call 1-800-621-4136, ext. 14761
June 2014 Family Matters 
Family Matters June 2014
Outdoor Movies at "The Circle"
Find More Events at
Atlantic Beach Wednesdays Starting at 8:30PM - Ending at 10:00PM Jun. 11 q Jun. 18 q Jun. 25
Movies shown at the Pavilion on the Circle, 115 Atlantic Blvd are free to the public and will begin at dusk (approximately 8:30 p.m.) on Wednesday nights.
16th Annual Music & Water Festival Queen Anne Park, Sat., Fri., Jun. 6 q Sat., Jun. 7
Friday evening will begin with a Guided Sunset Paddle 6:30 with launching from Queen Anne Park. Saturday wll begin at 10:00 am, this festival promises to delight with Coast Guard participation, entertainment beyond compare both on the waterfront stage and along Broad with roving musicians as well as many more activities for children off and on the water.
Sunday in the Park Concert Series Greenville Greenville Toyota Amphitheater Sundays starting at 7pm - Ending at 9pm Jun. 1 q Jun. 8 q Jun. 15 q Jun. 22 q Jun. 29
2014 Great Race: Overnight Stop New Bern Jun. 25th after 5:15pm
The 2014 Great Race will begin at Ogunquit, Maine on June 21st and weave its way 2,100 miles over 9 days down the Atlantic Coast through 13 states finishing in The Villages, Florida on June 29th. The cars will arrive in New Bern on June 25th after 5:15pm at 1-minute intervals for more than an hour and a half and stay parked for several hours to allow spectators to visit with the participants and to look at the cars. Children will have the opportunity to climb in the cars for a first-hand look. The Great Race consists of cars built prior to 1972.
Free Fri., Jun. 20 q Sat., Jun. 21 Starting at 7am -Ending at 5pm
Brightleaf Square Concert Series
301 Endless Yard Sale
Johnston County, site of the first US 301 Endless Yard Sale has invited our neighbors along US 301 in North Carolina to participate with us. This second annual 301 Endless Yard Sale will be the weekend of June 20-21, 2014, 7am-5pm daily as the communities along US 301 will join together offering deals on antiques, collectibles and more along a 100 mile stretch of highway between Kenly and Benson, in Johnston County and now sites will be found in Halifax, Wilson and Harnett Counties as well. Fridays Starting at 7pm -Ending at 9pm Jun. 6 q Jun. 13 q Jun. 20 q Jun. 27
Listen to music in the courtyard at Brightleaf Square throughout the summer, featuring some of the area’s finest artists. Some of restaurants offer outdoor seating, and most of the retail shops are open during the concerts. Admission is always free. No coolers please.
More on the next page
June 2014 Family Matters 
Music in the Courtyard at The Winery at Iron Gate Farm Sundays Starting at 2PM -Ending at 4pm Jun. 1 q Jun. 8 q Jun. 15 q Jun. 22 q Jun. 29
Summer Concert at Ramseur Lake Starting at 6pm -Ending at 8pm Jun. 14 q Jul. 19 q Aug. 16
Summer Concert at Bicentennial Park Starting at 7pm -Ending at 8:30pm Jun. 1 q Jun. 15 q Jul. 6
First Friday Concert & Livermush Festival Marion Friday Starting at 6:30 pm -Ending at 9pm Jun. 6
~ Family Programs ~
Main Street, Historic Downtown Marion. For more information, call 828-652-2215.
6 • 7 • 14
Family Readiness Group NCNG
7 Yorkshire St, Ste 101, Asheville, NC 28803 Register at the really long link below, or just click
NCNG Family Programs is bringing Family Readiness Group Training to FRG Leaders and Unit Volunteers that are in Appointed positions.
From Nine O’Clock AM to One O’Clock PM Family Readiness Group personnel and leaders will focus on maintaining an effective Family Readiness Group Team. Sign-In begins at 8:45 a.m.
For questions contact Judy Richardson, State Senior Family Readiness Support Assistant 800.621.4136 ext. 11346
Family Matters June 2014
Safety BY NCNGFP Child & Youth Program Specialist, Lynn Allred With the rising cost of child care for the summer months, many families are choosing to teach their children how to stay home alone or stay with their brothers and sisters while their parents are at work. The decision to allow your child to stay at home is not an easy one. There are many considerations to be made when deciding if your child is ready to be independent and to care for themselves or others for a few hours a day. Some of the factors to use in making that determination are 1) Is your child mature and capable enough to care for himself/herself and/or brothers and sisters while you are not at home? 2) Is your home safe and secure? 3) Is there a nearby place your child can go for help if needed? If the answer to these questions is “yes,” your child may be ready to leave at home without adult supervision. But what is the “legal” age when a child may be left home alone? Although there is no age specified in juvenile code that addresses the age a child may be left home alone, North Carolina fire code (G.S. § 14-318) states that a child under the age of eight shall not be left alone without appropriate supervision due to the risk of danger by fire. A child may be mature enough to stay alone, but not to care for younger siblings. This is definitely something to keep in mind. If your child meets the age requirement above and you decide that he/ she is mentally and physically ready to be left alone, there are several things you can do, as a parent, that will make the experience easier for both of you. These tips can boost your child’s confidence and make the adjustment easier when the time comes. First, make certain that your child knows his/her full name, address and telephone number in case of an emergency, and be sure they know how and when they can contact you by a work phone or your cell phone while you are away. Caution your child to never give out this personal information to anyone they don’t know unless it is an emergency situation. Review with your child what constitutes an emergency and be sure they are clear on what to do if one occurs, such as calling 911. It is also a good idea to have a grandparent, family friend or neighbor you can trust to be close by in case a situation arises and you cannot get home fast enough to take charge yourself.
phone numbers to leave by the phone and put together a first aid kit, making sure your child knows how to use it. You may also want to leave behind an extra house key and some emergency money in case it is needed. Make sure your child knows how to lock and relock the door and instruct them to never open the door to a stranger, or let anyone enter the home without prior approval. Your child may need reassurance that everything will be OK while you are away. Explain why you cannot be at home and make sure they understand that you trust them to act responsibly. Encourage your child to express his/her feelings or concerns before you leave. It may also be a good idea to practice problem-solving situations from time to time. Make sure they know what to do if the electricity goes out, for example, or if they step on a piece of glass. Remember that this is a big step for your child, and for you. Call in from time to time just so they can hear your voice and to ask if everything is all right at home. Your child may be proud to report any acts of responsibility they have shown or they may wish to share some concerns and be reassured while you are on the phone. Whatever the situation, be sure to give them your full attention when you call to check in. You may also want to leave your child little surprises he/she can find around the house, like hand-written notes of encouragement or special snacks or treats that will add a special touch to their day. Your arrival back home should be a time that both you and your child look forward to. Make it a celebration so that your child feels good about what has been accomplished at the end of the day. Ask questions about what happened while you were away and offer lots of praise and encouragement so that they will feel more confident the next time you trust them to stay home alone. Together, you and your child can make the experience a positive one! Sources of information: Parents Magazine The Bureau for At-Risk Youth Cornell University Cooperative Extension Service
Second, establish clear and specific rules about what your child is allowed to do in the home while unsupervised. How much television can they watch? What can they eat? Are they allowed to have friends over? Can they play outside? These are all questions that need to be covered before your child is left alone. Review the rules often until both of you are comfortable that you understand what is expected. You may also want to provide a “to do” list each day so your child has a clear idea of how he/she can keep attention focused and hands busy while home alone. Another tip is to safety-proof your home before the first day your child is left alone. By eliminating potential hazards before accidents can actually happen, you will be better assured that your child will be as safe as possible while you are away. You can also prepare a list of emergency
Like NCNGFP June 2014 Family Matters
Military Spouse Foundation The Military Spouse Foundation (MSF) is an organization created by Military Spouses, for Military Spouses. We have created an interactive customized self actualization, transferable skills and career planning program specifically designed to meet the unique lives and careers of Military Spouses. Through our online career planning and entrepreneurial training center we are part mother, educator, mentor, adviser, supporter and advocate. We can help you begin, rekindle, or change your career while also making it as portable as the life of a Military Spouse can be. While your Spouse chose to serve our country, we chose to serve you. OUR PROGRAM The Military Spouse Foundation team is proud to announce our initiative: To Fuel 10,000 Career Dreams for Military Spouses! We will host Career "Prep" Rallies and Workshops to accomplish this initiative and we hope that you join us in helping to fuel your career and business dreams for 2014. All of our workshops are self-paced and are free to Spouses. We look forward to meeting you and helping you find success in your own unique way.
c If you are a Military Spouse, please share your dream with us! It will be showcased on one of the 10,000+ Dream Cards as part of our Hall of Dreams mobilemation sharing, and networking to address the unique challenges faced by the career-minded Military Spouses.
In Gear Career
"Serving Career-Minded Military Spouses"
In Gear Career is a nonprofit organization created by Military Spouses for Military Spouses past and present. We provide a free forum for professional development, community support, information sharing, and networking to address the unique challenges faced by the career-minded Military Spouses. Image courtesy of Microsoft clipart.
Family Matters June 2014
Diane Coffill, NCNG SFPD, NC National Guard Joint Forces Headquarters
TO: NC National Guard Service Members & Civilian Spouses SUBJECT: Request for Assistance in the Pilot Testing of the DoD Individual & Community Readiness Inventory (ICRI) Greetings: Dear NC National Guard Service Members and Civilian Spouses: We would appreciate your participation in a pilot test of the DoD ICRI. Sponsored by the Department of Defense, Military Community and Family Policy, Office of Family Policy, the ICRI is an online inventory tool for Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve Component personnel and Military Spouses for planning and monitoring Military Family readiness at the local and state level. You have the opportunity to complete this inventory from 21 April to 14 July 2014. Your participation in the pilot test of this tool is voluntary, and the information that you provide is anonymous. However, it is important for the successful development of the tool that we have as many respondents participate as possible. Consequently, we would appreciate your support in helping us meet our goal of 100% participation rate. We would also appreciate your comments on your experience in completing the tool. You will see a comment button on each page of the assessment for feedback regarding instructions or items that are confusing or unclear, as well as any items that you feel are unimportant or unnecessary. We are also interested in any items that you are surprised are not on the inventory that you think will assist in helping you or the development of military family readiness support services. At the end of the inventory, you will be asked a few specific questions about your experience in completing the ICRI and about the summary report of your individual results, including your recommendations for improvement. This tool does not require special computer software, although you will need access to the Internet. If you do not have access at your home, most local libraries will have computers and internet access that you can use. Remember, the ICRI is a web-based assessment tool that takes only about 15 minutes to complete. Please complete the assessment as soon as possible (the pilot test will end on July 14th). FOR THE SERVICE MEMBER: you may access the ICRI by going to the following webpage: https://secure. Once on this page you will be asked to enter an access code. Please enter the following access code: M78FD3T. You can copy and then paste the access code by highlighting the access code and hitting Ctrl C. To enter the access code, hit Ctrl V to paste the access code into the entry box on the website. You can also type the access code directly into the entry box. Please note that access codes do not use the letters “O” or “I” to avoid confusion with the numbers 0 and 1. FOR THE MILITARY SPOUSE: you may access the ICRI by going to the following webpage: https://secure. Once on this page you will be asked to enter an access code. Please enter the following access code: S19M8RU. Thank you for your interest and support. Sincerely, Diane Coffill, NCNG State Family Program Director
June 2014 Family Matters
Moores Creek National Battlefield
Free Annual Pass for U.S. Military
• Available to U.S. military members and dependents in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard and also, Reserve and National Guard members.
40 Patriots Hall Drive Currie, NC 28435
The Visitor Center hours beginning on April 1, 2014 are 9:00 am until 5:00 pm for the spring and summer season. The Visitor Center will be closed every Monday and Tuesday throughout the year.
• Must be obtained in person at a Federal recreation site by showing a Common Access Card (CAC) or Military ID (Form 1173).
The gate will remain open 7 days a week from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm starting April 1, 2014. Trails, picnic shelter, and comfort station will remain accessible while the gate is open. Visitor Center Phone Number 910-283-5591
What are the benefits for the Annual Pass - Military?
o Allows pass owner and accompanying passengers in a single, private, non-commercial vehicle to enter federally operated recreation sites across the country. o Covers the pass owner and three (3) accompanying adults age 16 and older at sites where per person entrance fees are charged. No entry fee charged for children 15 and under. The pass does not cover or provide a discount on expanded amenity fees such as camping, boat launch or interpretive fees. qualifies for the Annual Pass 2Who Military? US military members and their dependents in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard, as well as most members of the US Reserves and National Guard. Proper military ID is required (CAC Card or DoD Form 1173).
Can dependents of National Guard and the Reserve members acquire a pass?
Cape Lookout National Seashore
National Parks
Free admission at sites that charge entrance or standard amenity fees for one full year from the month obtained (through last day of that month).
Dependents of deployed military members with DoD Form 1173 may obtain a pass. If the military member has not been deployed, the dependent may be the second signer on their sponsor’s pass.
What is a DOD Form 1173?
1800 Island Road Harkers Island, NC 28531. If you are using a GPS device, you can use the parking lot coordinates (34.68494,-76.52725). If you are using a mapping service, the following address approximates the location of the parking lot entrance: 1800 Island Road, Harkers Island, NC 28531. The Beaufort Visitor Information Center opened on April 30, 2014. Located on Front Street in Beaufort, this new visitor center is open from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, 7 days per week. Cape Lookout National Seashore is open 24 hours and 365 days a year. Operating hours for visitor centers and other services will vary throughout the year.
Hours Harkers Island Visitor Center is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Light Station Visitor Center & Keepers' Quarters Museum are open from April to November, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Cabin Offices at Great Island and Long Point are open from mid-March to the end of November from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Portsmouth Village Visitor Center is open from April to October (hours vary).
Park administrative offices are open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed all government holidays).
Services available seasonally Ferry service to the park is generally offered from mid-March to the first weekend in December.
Cabin rentals are generally available from midMarch to the end of November.
That’s a DD Form 1173. 12
Family Matters June 2014
More on page 14
The Soldiers and Airmen Fund 3rd Annual “Fairway to Honor” Charity Golf Tournament Thursday, September 18th, 2014 Bentwinds Golf and Country Club 6536 Dornoch Place Fuquay-Varina, NC 919-552-5656 Join us for a great day of golf! We expect another sell-out, so sign up early! Format: 18-Hole Captain’s Choice Lunch, carts, range balls provided Shotgun starts at 10:30 AM On Course Contests: Longest drive, closest to the pin holes, three hole-in-one contests sponsored by Ray Price Harley Davidson and Budweiser, Purple Heart Homes rifle shot hole, Hooter’s “Let’s Make A Deal” hole and the $5,000.00 team putting contest. Tournament Proceeds: All proceeds will benefit the families of the North Carolina National Guard. Registration and Sponsorship: Information will be posted July 1, 2014 at Sponsored by Exxon Mobil
2014 NCNG Teen Retreat 22-27 June 2014 Fort Fisher Training Center, 116 Air Force Way Kure Beach, NC »For Military dependents ages 13 - incoming high school seniors Fall 2014 »Cost is free to NCNG families.. This Retreat will focus on leadership roles, social responsibility and goal setting. We will offer First Aid/CPR/AED Certification and lots of fun in the sun. The deadline to register is Monday, 9 June 2014. For more information & to register, contact Alice Dean, Lead Child and Youth Coordinator, at 1-800-621-4136 ext 12548 or
Waves of Honor permits any U.S. active duty military, activated or drilling reservist, or National Guardsman to one complimentary admission per year to either SeaWorld®, Busch Gardens®, Adventure Island®, Water Country USA®, or Sesame Place® or Aquatica SeaWorld's Waterpark™ in San Diego for military personnel and as many as three direct dependents. Visit
June 2014 Family Matters
Continued from Page 12
Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Generally park operating hours are from 9am-5pm. Due to the number of parks and exceptions please visit the link above for your area of interest at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Here are a few street addresses for some of the facilities within Cape Hatteras National Seashore. ~Bodie Island Visitor Center and Lighthouse, 8210 Bodie Island Lighthouse Road, Nags Head, NC, 27959 ~Hatteras Island Visitor Center and Lighthouse, 46379 Lighthouse Road, Buxton, NC, 27920 ~Ocracoke Island Visitor Center, 49 Pilot Town Circle, Ocracoke, NC, 27960 ~Oregon Inlet Campground, NC-12, Nags Head, NC 27954 ~Cape Point Campground, 46700 Lighthouse Road, Buxton, NC 27920 ~Frisco Campground, 53415 Billy Mitchell Road, Frisco, NC 27936 ~Ocracoke Campground, 4352 Irvin Garrish Highway, Ocracoke, NC 27960
Fort Raleigh National Historic Site
1500 Fort Raleigh Road, Manteo, North Carolina 27954 The park visitor center is open 9 am to 5 pm daily; closed on Christmas Day. The park grounds are open for visitation during daylight hours, from sunup to sundown. In the summer, the grounds are open until the presentation of The Lost Colony drama is completed for the evening.
Wright Brothers National Memorial Museum
1000 North Croatan Highway, Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina 27948 Wright Brothers National Memorial is open seven days a week, year round. The visitor center and Centennial Pavilion are open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. (closed Christmas Day, December 25).
Guilford Courthouse National Military Park 2332 New Garden Rd, Greensboro, NC 27410 The Battlefield Visitor Center is open 8:30 am-5:00 pm, 7 days per week Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend. The facility will be closed on all federal holidays with the exception of Memorial Day, Independence Day and Veterans' Day.
Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site 1800 Little River Road, Flat Rock, NC 28731 Facilities: Including Sandburg Home and Goat Barn open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. year-round, closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Days.
Kings Mountain National Military Park /South Carolina
Directions by Car: Kings Mountain National Military Park is located on South Carolina Highway 216. From Greenville, SC travel on I-85 North to NC Exit #2. From Charlotte, NC travel on I- 85 South to NC Exit #2. NOTE: GPS units do not recognize the parks address; therefore do not enter 2625 Park Road into your GPS unit. Open Daily 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Extended Weekend Hours from Memorial Day to Labor Day are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Weekends Only) All park facilities, including hiking trails close at mentioned times above.
Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail / NC,SC,TN,VA
"Explore, Learn and Protect!" The Junior Ranger motto is recited by children around the country; each taking an oath of their own to protect parks, continue to learn about parks, and share their own ranger story with friends and family.
Ranger Programs
The NPS Junior Ranger program is an activity based program conducted in almost all parks, and some Junior Ranger programs are national. Many national parks offer young visitors the opportunity to join the National Park Service "family" as Junior Rangers. Interested youth complete a series of activities during a park visit, share their answers with a park ranger, and receive an official Junior Ranger patch and Junior Ranger certificate. Junior Rangers are typically between the ages of 5 to 13, although people of all ages can participate. Visit the National Park Service Kids section for a comprehensive list of participating parks nationwide or select the link below.
The Trail travels over 330 miles through four states. Please refer to map of the route at The Commemorative Motor Route is accessible at all hours, year-round, weather conditions permitting. The non-motorized pathway is available for use from dawn to dusk, year-round, weather conditions permitting. Affiliated areas (i.e. parks, historic sites, etc.) generally are open from 9:00 ***All Images by National Park Service*** a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but are closed on major holidays
SAAF Has New Grant Programs! Several new grants programs are now available through the Soldiers and Airmen Fund: scholarship grants through the NCNG Association Educational Foundation and Casualty Assistance Grants for National Guard wounded warriors discharged from the military since 9/11. Contact the SAAF office at 919-851-3390 ext. 3 or visit our webpage at for more information.
You Could Be The Lucky Winner of A Fabulous Trip! Win two Southwest Airline tickets and 7 days at a 5 Star Resort Condo, plus $1,500 spending money. Drawing will be October 14th. Proceeds from the sale of the raffle tickets will benefit the Wakefield Senior Men’s Golf Association, USO-NC and the NCNG Soldiers and Airmen Fund. Raffle tickets cost $20 each. Send your check payable to the SAAF. Our address is SAAF-NC, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607.
June 2014 JSS Webinar Sessions Register using the links below.
Communicating in JSS Tuesday, June 10, 2014 11:00 – 11:30 AM, EST During this session, you will learn how JSS enables you to connect with JSS members through Announcements, Blogs, Forums, Email Campaigns, the File Library and Groups. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent via email. Please note all our webinar times are in Eastern Standard Time. Register here (or copy the entire link below into your browser) aspx?Id=35123494-89f7-4a5f-b85f-7a0106b84b7e
Creating an Event in JSS Thursday, June 19, 2014 10:00 – 10:30 AM, EST This session orients ESGR, FMAP, Family Program, PHP, SAPR and Transition Support Staff on how to create an event in JSS. This includes how to create events, and register for events. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent via email. Please note all our webinar times are in Eastern Standard Time. Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) aspx?Id=952a8052-4540-41a4-a48e-cc4dea74a5cb
Updating Your User Profile in JSS Thursday, June 19, 2014 11:00 – 11:30 AM, EST During this session, you will learn how to request a change to your state affiliation and role permissions, update your personal information, reset your JSS password and view your JSS History. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent via email. Please note all our webinar times are in Eastern Standard Time. Register here (or copy the entire link below into your browser) aspx?Id=b3be6831-084a-4de3-a473-04a809183ae4
Using the Groups Tool in JSS Wednesday, June 25, 2014 11:00 – 11:30 AM EST, EST This webinar shows users how to use the JSS Groups tool to connect with others, access information, and communicate effectively over email and on the web. This includes how to post events in a shared calendar, upload documents to a File Library, and collaborate in forum discussions. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent via email. Please note all our webinar times are in Eastern Standard Time. Register here (or copy the entire link below into your browser) aspx?Id=33a46887-ab73-433c-9078-8e0afc74741e
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. June 2014 Family Matters
Spring 2015 applications will be accepted August 1 - September 30, 2014. Summer 2015 applications will be accepted December 1, 2014 - January 31, 2015. Fall 2015 applications will be accepted February 1 - March 31, 2015.
Do you want a fulfilling internship working with children and teens? Interns receive a broad range of experiences during their 10 to 15 week internship. Interns will work directly with children and youth by creating and implementing age appropriate curricula and programs. They will also learn about the management of child and youth centers, including financial and budgeting skillls. Interns enjoy this unique internship opportunity and gain valuable professional skills that will help them in their future careers. More than 300 interns have gained hands-on work experience in child development centers, school-age programs, and youth programs on active military installations around the world since first class of interns in the Spring of 2010. Over 25% of interns eligible for employment were hired with military child and youth services because of his or her internship. 16 
Family Matters June 2014
Family Assistance Centers Family Assistance Centers are located across the State to provide assistance to ALL Military Service Members and their Families. If you know of a Service Member or Military Family that has a question or concern, please share our contact numbers, web site, newsletter, and Facebook link. We're here to help. Asheville Military Family Resource Center 7 Yorkshire St. Suite 101, 28803/Fax: (828) 274-7209 Rebekah Torres,, (828) 274-8571 Charlotte Unit Family Contact Center 4240 West Blvd., 28208/(800) 621-4136 Carry Bandy, FAC Specialist,, Ext. 14573 Gabrielle H. O'Flanagan,, Ext. 14547 Greensboro State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) 110 Franklin Blvd, Greensboro, 27401 (800) 621-4136 Sandy Harrison,, Ext. 15651
Statewide Support Personal Financial Counselor Our Personal Financial Counselor can provide FREE one-on-one financial counseling services to you and your Family. Mr. Chip Jurgensen, CFP, NCJFSAP (919) 334-8313
MFLC PROGRAM ~Provides short-term, situational, problem-solving counseling services to Servicemembers and their Families ~Provides psycho-education to help military Servicemembers and their Families understand the impact of stress, deployments, family reunions following deployments and the stresses of military life ~MFLC services augment existing military support services ~Flexible service delivery (Outreach/Rotational and On-Demand); Services can be provided on or off military installations ~Services provided to individuals, couples, families, and groups ~Children’s Support Program addresses military impact on children ~MFLCs are mandated reporters of child abuse, domestic abuse and duty-to-warn situations ~Services are otherwise confidential and private
Greenville State Family Assistance Center 1401 N. Memorial Dr., 27834/(800) 621-4136 Dawn White,, Ext. 11150
S taff: John Alleman Adult and Family Specialist (919) 745-9635
Lenoir State Family Assistance Center 1535 Beecher Anderson Rd., 28645/(800) 621-4136 Frances Johnson,, Ext. 11242
Betty Steelman Youth and Family Specialist (919) 665-9178
Raleigh Unit Family Contact Center 4105 Reedy Creek Rd., 27607/(800) 621-4136 Lisa Faison,, Ext. 47100 Mark Woolbright,, Ext. 47102
Raleigh JFHQ Unit Family Contact Center 1636 Gold Star Dr., 27607/800-621-4136 Wendi Bell,, Ext. 46078 Smithfield Unit Family Contact Center 406 Hospital Rd., 27577/(800) 621-4136 Abby Millsap,, Ext. 12784 Southern Pines Unit Family Contact Center 510 W. Morganton Rd., 28387/(800) 621-4136 Earlene Capps,, Ext. 12863
(800) 621-4136 PLUS EXTENSION
Charlotte: Nikkie Newsome Ext.14548
Morrisville: Darlette McCormick Ext. 16313
Clinton: Sarah Strickland Ext. 14735
Raleigh: Norman Dean Ext. 46537
Goldsboro: Nicole Daniels Official Email Pending Ext. 15423
Raleigh: George Lane Ext. 46714
Wilmington Unit Family Contact Center 2412 Infantry Rd., 28405/(800) 621-4136 Jim Marley,, Ext. 16918
Greensboro: Gloria Fields Ext.15620
Winston-Salem Unit Family Contact Center 2000 Silas Creek Pkwy., 27103/(800) 621-4136 Sandy Harrison,, Ext. 17131
Jacksonville: Judy Richardson Ext. 11346
Follow Us @NCNGFAMILY June 2014 Family Matters