Family Matters November 2011

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FAMILY MATTERS November 2011—Volume 3, Issue 11



Kids on Guard



Director’s Column

Hello Everyone, We’re well into approaching not only the Holidays but the end of another year. This time of year, we gear up to help any of our Military Families that may be in need of assistance. Community organizations and individuals come together to pitch in to make sure that everyone has a happy Holiday with their Family. We receive support in the form of gift cards, turkey baskets with all the trimmings, and more to put together what we call our “Turkey Express.” Our caring friends also help us play Santa’s Elves in the coming weeks by donating toys and other items for our Families that they’ve received through donations/toy drives. So, if you or someone you know is in need of assistance this year, please reach out to your local Family Assistance Center Specialist, and we’ll put everything together to see what we have and what we can provide. We’re invited this year, once again, to join the Governor for a Holiday Reception in December. You’ll see more details on that invitation as you read along this month’s newsletter. You’re encouraged to respond as this has always been a very enjoyable time designed for not only the North Carolina National Guard but other branches, as well. You’ll also see a few pictures here of our Military Children creating handmade ornaments at different FAC events, along with the other fun and festivities. At the Governor’s 2011 Holiday Reception, we’ll get to see all of our children’s handywork adorn one of the Governor’s Holiday trees. Please see details inside on how to send us your child’s handmade ornament and the deadline for getting those to us and, also, registering to attend the Reception.

@ncngfamily Family Matters November 2011 Diane Coffill State Family Program Director (919) 664-6324 SFC Ramona Scott Family Program NCOIC (919) 664-6000 ext. 47005 Vacant Family Program Assistant (919) 664-6000 ext. 46876

In the coming weeks, we’ll start announcing our 2012 Family Programs Events such as Marriage Enrichment, Single Soldier Retreats, Family Retreats, Kids on Guard, and more. Keep an eye out for these updates on our website and Facebook, and, of course, your local FAC.

Lana Greer State FAC Coordinator (828) 652-4595 ext. 14

From our Family to yours, we wish everyone a heartwarming Thanksgiving Holiday. Please let us know if you need any assistance.

Kathleen Flaherty Airman & Family Readiness Program Mgr.

Sincerely, Diane Coffill, State Family Program Director

(704) 398-4949 Judy Richardson Senior FRSA (919) 347-4352 ext. 15

Military Family Life Consultants Turn a New Leaf this Fall John Alleman Adult & Family Specialist (919) 745-9635 Betty Steelman Child & Family Specialist (919) 665-9178

The North Carolina National Guard Integrated Behavioral Health System is available 24/7 to answer questions and direct you to counseling options and resources for help. 1-800-621-4136 ext. 1

Alice Dean State Youth Coordinator (919) 664-6000 ext. 16289 NC National Guard Family Programs State Office 1626 Gold Star Drive Raleigh, NC 27607-6410 (919) 664-6053





Yellow Ribbon Program Dates are subject to change. Please verify your unit’s date/event with a Yellow Ribbon Program Representative.

30/60 PDHRA: 130th FIN BN, 136 CH DET, & 130th MIL HISTORY DET, April or May 2012, Location TBA Pre-Deployment: 20th Special Forces Group, Date TBA 2012, Location TBA NC OP SPT Airlift DET, Date TBA 2012, Location TBA

1.800.621.4136 Ext. 46054 Commissary Case Lot Sale

Monday, November 7, 2011 1 p.m.—5:30 p.m. You can help now.

Charlotte Armory 4240 West Blvd. Charlotte, NC November 5-6, 2011 Questions? (704) 344-2352 Ext. 14547

NC National Guard Armory In Honor Of Those Who Serve Blood Drive 411 Kirksey Drive Morganton, NC 28680 Blood Supply At Critical Levels! The supply of all blood types at the Red Cross has dropped to critical levels. Your help is needed now to prevent the delay or cancellation of surgeries. Many of our patients are counting on Red Cross blood donors at this very moment. NOVEMBER 2011


Upcoming Events | Across the State

Employ A Veteran Week, Asheville Employment Security Commission November 6 – 12, 2011

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Be a part of "Employ A Veteran Week" November 6-12, 2011, Asheville ESC Veteran staff will be on hand all week to assist employers and veterans connect re: current job openings with their businesses and organizations. We will also be hosting workshops on stress management/time management, training opportunities & federal application process. On the right, you’ll find a calender of events for "Employ A Veteran Week." The Monday thru Thursday events are all held at the: Asheville Employment Security Commission 48 Grove Street Asheville, N.C.

FREE LEGAL CLINICS To assist all veterans with filing initial or revised disability claims with the Veterans Administration (VA). Appointments are strongly suggested! RALEIGH: SATURDAY NOV. 5, 9 a.m.—Noon Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law 225 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-538-0698 to leave a message or e-mail with the subject “When Duty Calls, Raleigh.” GREENSBORO: SATURDAY NOV. 5, 9 a.m.—Noon Greensboro Public Library (in the Nassbaum Room) 219 North Church Street, Greensboro To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-538-0698 to leave a message or e-mail with the subject “When Duty Calls, Greensboro.” CHARLOTTE: SATURDAY, NOV. 5, 9 a.m.—Noon Charlotte School of Law 2145 Suttle Avenue, Charlotte To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-538-0698 to leave a message or e-mail with the subject “When Duty Calls, Charlotte.”

“When Duty Calls”

Monday, November 7 Employer: 9am -12pm, Friday Staffing, Allison Huggins Employer: 1pm – 4pm, (Mon. & Tues.), Volt FedEx, Cindy Dellinger Workshop: 1pm – 4pm, Helios Warriors, Gayle Sovinee, Stress Management Tuesday, November 8 Training: 9am –12pm, Veterans Workforce Investment Program Employer: 9am –12pm, Hampton Inn & Homewood Suites, Michael Horvath Workshop: 1pm – 4pm, CG VAMC HR, Vanessa Grant, How to Navigate Federal Job Application Wednesday, November 9 Workshop: 9am –12pm, NC Voc. Rehab., Presentation/ Q & A Session Employer: 9am –12pm, The Greer Group, Lauri Palko Employer: 1pm – 4pm, Guthy Renker, Greg Germann Thursday, November 10 Employer: 9am – 12pm, AMCOR Flexibles, Bridget Downey Employer: 1pm – 4pm, Mission Hospitals, Jenee Davis Friday, November 11 VETERANS DAY ACTIVITIES: Time & Location: Charles George VA Medical Ctr @ 11 AM Guest Speakers: Dr. Celia Szelwach, Founder & Director of WOVEN: Women Veterans Network and Dr. Bob Ladu, WWII Veteran Saturday, November 12 Pancake Breakfast: 8am-10am, Applebee’s, 115 Tunnel Road. Sponsored by/ In coordination with American Legion Post 2 and Asheville High School Jr. ROTC) Search North Carolina National Guard Family Programs





In November, we celebrate the Na-

You have accomplished and experi-

NC Employment

tional “Hire a Vet Week” and there

enced things that very few ever will.

Readiness Program

out the State; however, this is not a

The fact that only a very small per-

Here For You

problem we can solve in a week! The

centage of our population has ever

unemployment rate among Guard

been in the military, is one of the ob-

Members is very high, higher in fact

stacles that we have to overcome. The

than that of the general population.

civilian population has no idea what

The NC Employment Readiness Pro-

you have accomplished! We will help

gram is designed to help us solve this

you to translate your military training

problem and is having some success.

and experience into “civilianese”.

are a lot of events being held through-

This is not going to be solved quickly, but by helping one Soldier, Airman or

To get started in our program, contact

Spouse at a time.

David Ponder, Employment Specialist, at (919) 485-9567 or

Each individual’s situation is different,

partners that we ask you to register with. They also have a job board that you can use to search for jobs. What makes them special is that they are

but we think we have a plan that will help everyone having trouble finding

Our program begins with getting you

focused on preparing you to take ad-

employment. We have created a net-

signed up with some of our partners:

vantage of your opportunities. They

work of organizations that are working

the Employer Partnership of the Armed

have trained counselors that will help

to assist Service Members and their

Forces (EFAP). The EPAF site is em-

you prepare your resume online. They

Families with employment issues. Service Mem-

also have recorded webinars you can

bers must have an active AKO to get

view, anytime, right on your computer.

The real key to the process is YOU!

registered. Spouses need to get a

These webinars cover all the aspects

You must understand your own per-

guest account, if they do not already

of the employment process: applica-

sonality, skills and weaknesses and be

have one. Veterans can sign on with

tions, resume’s, interview skills, net-

able to match those with jobs that will

any e-mail account.

working, etc. To register on their site go to: and go to Nation-

provide you the opportunity to succeed. We will help you to connect

The EPAF site is an interactive job

al Guard Program. When asked

with employers that you are compati-

board where both employers and ap-

where you heard about the program

ble with. The “connections” are made

plicant can search for each other.

put in Guard_North Carolina. This will

through online applications, resumes,

What separates them from other job

make sure your information will be put

interviews, etc. all of which we can

boards is: first, employers that post

in the correct folder and you will have

assist you with, but, obviously, can not

their jobs on this site are already sold

access to special job announcements

do for you. Again, YOU are the key.

on the benefits of hiring military and

for North Carolina.

their families; second; they have ProYour willingness to apply what you

gram Support Managers that are con-

We have also partnered with the NC

learn makes the difference. You can’t

stantly trying to match applicants to

Employment Security Commission.

allow yourself to become frustrated;

available positions. So not only do

NCESC offers many special services to

this is not an easy process, and com-

you have the opportunity to find and

Veterans. They also are the exclusive

petition is fierce. We all believe that

apply for positions yourself, but we

provider of initial screening and post-

Guardsmen and their Families are very

also have someone looking for you.

ing of jobs for many businesses. We

special and bring something extra to

encourage all of our folks to register

the table for a potential employer.

The Military Spouse Corporate Career

You must believe in yourselves, also!

Network (MSCCN) is another of our

with them.

(Continued on next page) NOVEMBER 2011



(Continued from previous page) You do not have to qualify for unemployment benefits to take advantage of their services. One other partner you need to be aware of is the NC Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR). They have a volunteer staff of over a hundred that are working with employers and these other partners to create and support the

Career Planning for Veterans November 28—December 1, 2011, 1-4 p.m. Western Wake Campus, Room 110 Find out how to translate your military skills and experience into rewarding civilian employment. Assess your strengths, determine the best career choices, and find out about the most “veteran-friendly” employers. Polish your resume, sharpen your interviewing skills, and get out there! This 12-hour class meets Monday through Thursday, from 1-4 p.m. The class is free to qualified individuals. For more information, call (919) 532-5694 or (919) 532-5696. Or, email or

network. They are working to establish Job Search Skills Workshops throughout the State and also provide support to agencies conducting Job Fairs. It has long been their goal to be the liaison between employers and Ser-

Hire a Vet Week The purpose of these events is to provide veterans with the information and support they need to be successful in life and in their careers. Both events are free. Contact Joe Stanley, Employment Security Commission, at or (910) 251-5777 Ext. 202 for info.

vice Members concerning the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). They now have an expanded mission of assisting with the unemployment problem among Reserve Component Service Members. Through the efforts of these partners, we are beginning to get Service Members and Spouses hired throughout the State. If you are satisfied in your current position, you can help us by being in-

November 5, 8 a.m.—Noon: Resource Expo Cape Fear Community College (North Campus), McKeithan Center This event will feature service providers with information about Veterans’ Administration (VA) benefits such as compensation, education, health care and insurance, as well as organizations with information on university and college degree programs, housing, finances and family services. In addition, one-on-one consultations will be offered on areas such as, career coaching, interviewing skills, and resume review. Workshops will also be offered on a variety of topics. November 10, 1:30 p.m.—4 p.m.: Job Fair Manley Reese VFW Post 2573, Carolina Beach Road This event will feature employers who are actively hiring and representatives from the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Cape Fear Community College, and Miller-Motte College.

formed and sharing information about jobs and how to get them with our younger and less-experienced Service Members. We can all be part of this network; over 60% of all vacant positions in the

NC Employment Readiness Program David Ponder, Employment Specialist (919) 485-9567 Let us help you in your job search and jumpstart your chances of landing the career you’ll love for life.

U.S. are filled without ever being publicly announced. Help us help your


fellow Service Members and their Families! NOVEMBER 2011


Community Cares | Child Care Expansion

From Military Spouse to licensed Family Child Care Provider Securing quality, early care and education (ECE) programs for families is always hard. A survey of Military Families, conducted by Mellman Group and Public Opinion Strategies, 2010, found that most Military Families have a hard time finding quality early childhood care with flexible hours to meet their needs. North Carolina Guard/ Reserve is supporting a new effort to increase the availability of quality child care for military families in targeted counties. The target counties are Harnett, Wake, Forsyth, Guilford, Jones, Carteret, and Buncombe. We are looking for military spouses interested in becoming licensed Family Child Care Providers and people in the community willing to help Military Families with child care. This professional development session is part of the Child Care and Youth Training and Technical Assistance Project funded through a grant from the Department of Defense and working in collaboration with North Carolina State University Extension. The “Getting Started” in child care classes will be held in Morehead City (Nov. 7), Lillington (Nov. 8), Greensboro (Nov. 9), and Asheville (Nov 10) from 9 a.m.—2:30 p.m. The cost of the course will be $10 and includes lunch and all materials. Participants in targeted communities will be able to receive a sponsorship. CEU credits from North Carolina State University for an additional $8 fee. The course will cover the key points to think about before opening a family child care home, including personal considerations, state regulations and business aspects of this occupation. The session will include child development and health and safety information as well.

FAMILY CHILD CARE “Getting Started” Class Dates and Locations for November 2011 Training and Contact Information Instructor: Nancy Stevens, 610-489-4315 Monday, November 7, 2011 9 a.m.—2:30 p.m. Carteret County Extension Office, Room 306 303 College Circle Morehead City, NC 28557 (Targeting Jones and Carteret Counties) Contact: Regenia Bell at 252-222-6352 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 9 a.m.—2:30 p.m. Harnett County Extension Office 126 Alexander Drive Lillington, NC 27546-1089 (Targeting Wake and Harnett Counties) Contact: Wanda Hardison at 910-893-7530 Wednesday, November 9, 2011 9 a.m.—2:30 p.m. Guilford County Extension Office, Auditorium 3309 Burlington Road Greensboro, NC 27405 (Targeting Guilford and Forsyth Counties) Contact: Shelia Dalcoe at 336-375-5876 Thursday, November 10, 2011 9 a.m.—2:30 p.m. Buncombe County Extension Office 94 Coxe Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 (Targeting Buncombe County) Contact: Cathy Hohenstein at 828-255-5522

Participants must pre-register at Please call your County Extension Agent: Buncombe County: (828-255-5522) Carteret County: (252-222-6352) Forsyth County: (336-703-2850) Guilford County: (336-375-5876) Harnett County: (910-893-7530) Jones County: (252-448-9621)

Follow us on twitter @ncngfamily NOVEMBER 2011


Judy Richardson, Senior FRSA 142 Broadhurst Road Jacksonville, NC 28540-3545 (910) 347-4352 Ext. 15 (800) 621-4136 Ext. 8570

Volunteer Spotlight

Leigh Ann Murray, Volunteer, 4 years Spouse of SSG Don Murray, 732nd FSC Training NCO Mother of Caleb, 12, and Alex, 10

Family Readiness Support Assistants

I started working as the FRG leader of the 732nd FSC in 2007. Having been through the deployment of my husband, I knew the best place to provide support to the families was at the unit level. I used my experiences with my children and deployment issues to connect with the soldiers and their families.

Charlotte: Nikkie Newsome (704) 344-2352 Ext 14548 Clinton: Sarah Strickland

Being the mother of an autistic child gave me another insight and way to connect to those in the unit with children with special needs. I began volunteering with Kids On Guard, taking both of the kids with me.

(910) 299-5466 Goldsboro: Greg Smith

(919) 731-2021 ext. 2 Jacksonville: Judy Richardson (910) 347-4352/line 15 Morrisville: Jim Roberson (919) 804-5300 ext. 16313 Oxford: Norman Dean (919) 693-3651 ext. 27 The Mission of the ARNG FRSA program is to empower commanders in their duty to deliver the Total Army Family Program (AR 600-20) so that soldiers and families are entitled, informed, educated, assisted, and made ready for the unique demands of military life before, during, and after deployment.

Family Readiness Groups

I found a special group of ladies to help me with the FRG and we have been helping ever since. We have made connections and are part of the VFW Auxillary, DAVA Auxillary, and American Legion Auxillary. We also help with the Rockingham County Veterans Coalition. All the organizations, as well as the help from our Soldiers, have enabled us to keep programs like our " give and take" where people " give" the clothes that they have outgrown and those that need " take" what they need. This has helped many children in our unit and in the community. We work with Operation Homefront to provide school supplies to soldiers families. This year we helped over 200 families out! Working together, we hope to continue helping our soldiers and their families. Leigh Ann Murray Family Readiness Group Coordinator, 732nd FSC Share your Volunteer Stories! Let us know how your FRG is supporting Service Members and Military Families in your community. Submissions should be sent to: Diamond Cutz Hair Salon, in Castle Hayne, NC is offering free haircuts to Veterans/Active Military on Veteran's Day, November 11, 2011. Please show your military ID or other suitable documents to receive your free haircut. Please contact Diamond Cutz with any questions or to make your appointment. Diamond Cutz Hair Salon 1915 N. County Drive, Castle Hayne, NC 28429 (910) 762-1155


Submitted by Kathleen Hillicke, FRG Volunteer HHC, 1st Battalion, 120th Infantry Combined Arms Battalion NOVEMBER 2011


Fairway Ministries & NCNG Family Programs invite you to attend the

2011 Spouse Pampering Day & Christmas for Kids Shopping Trip Saturday, December 10, 2011 10 a.m.—4 p.m. Raleigh, NC Join us for a wonderful day to relax while being pampered with a massage and manicure. While you are being pampered, the kids will be busy with a fun, chaperoned shopping trip (with a gift card to spend of their very own). We will provide a wonderful lunch, and childcare will be available for children under 6 that are too little to go shopping.


This event is FREE to our Military Families (Enlisted Families only). Space is limited. To ensure that all children attending will have the opportunity to shop, please RSVP by Nov. 25, 2011. To RSVP, contact Abby Millsap, FAC Specialist at or 1-800-621-4136 ext. 8611. Directions, a map and additional information will be given at time of confirmation.

Family Assistance Centers across the State held Fall Festival events for Military Families, including costume contests, trunk or treats, bobbing for apples, and more. Find upcoming events on our website Events Calendar and Facebook.

In October, more than 60 Servicemembers, Military Spouses, Military Kids, and Community members joined together for a day of Fall Fun at the Raleigh Military Family Resource Center.



“We had a FABULOUS DAY. The weather was perfect. The kids made Christmas ornaments for the Governor's tree and some to keep for themselves. The DJ played some 'Rockin' music. The Families were still dancing while we were shutting down and cleaning up! The USO provided food, drinks, snacks and the DJ. Triangle Baptist Church, from Raleigh, provided two craft tables and several of the members helped out. Raleigh MFRC provided a craft table, candy and toy bags for the kids and a swag bag for the ladies. Kerrie Martinsen won the golf clubs.” Earlene Capps, FAC Specialist, Raleigh MFRC NOVEMBER 2011


Child & Youth Program | News You Can Use

College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) and the Carolinas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (CACRAO) are co-sponsoring College Appreciation Week to be held Nov. 14-18, 2011. During the College Application Week event, students are encouraged to apply to at least one college on This initiative is made possible because of, the comprehensive statewide college access portal with applications accepted by all 110 colleges and universities in North Carolina. Federal Student Aid (FAFSA),, is now taking applications for 2012-2013 federal financial aid.

Child & Youth Program Staff Alice Dean State Child & Youth Coordinator (800) 621-4136 ext. 16289 (919) 664-6000 ext. 16289 Kristi Wagner Youth Coordinator (919) 693-3651 ext. 23

Department of Defense Education Activity,, has many financial aids opportunities.

Military Children are invited to send in their handmade

2011 Holiday Ornaments For the Governor’s Holiday Tree Again this year the NC National Guard has been asked to coordinate having Military Children make holiday ornaments for the 12ft Holiday tree that will be displayed in the Governor’s Mansion. There is a Patriotic theme for the tree. Please insure that all handmade ornaments include the child’s first name, age, city and branch of service affiliation. If you cannot write on the actual ornament please attach a small gift tag with that information. All ornaments need to be returned to the NCNG Child & Youth Program Office by Nov. 11, 2011. You can mail ornaments directly to Alice Dean, 2025 National Guard Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560, or drop off at your local FAC office. For questions, please contact Kristi Wagner at or (800) 621-4136 ext. 8820 line 23 or Alice Dean at or 800-621-4136 ext. 16289.

World Kindness Day, Nov. 12 World Kindness Week, Nov. 8-14 The purpose of World Kindness Day/week is to look beyond ourselves, beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion, and realize we are citizens of the world. The Random Acts of Kindness™ Foundation inspires people to practice kindness and to "pass it on" to others. They provide free educational and community ideas, guidance, and other resources to kindness participants through their website,

CHECK IT OUT!!!! Great website for children to do Holiday Activities, Snacks and Crafts. Holidays-ChristmasEverything.aspx. NOVEMBER 2011



Kinston Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 2875 Dobbs Farm Rd., 28504 Fax: (252) 526-2772 Gabrielle H. O’Flanagan, FAC Specialist (252) 208-0255 Ext. 15817 Lenoir State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) 1535 Beecher Anderson Road, 28645 Fax: (828) 757-4519 Frances Johnson, FAC Specialist (828) 757-4365 Ext. 4 line 1

Family Assistance Center Representatives are trained specialists in Military Family issues. They can assist you in solving everyday challenges and/or point you in the right direction to reach a solution. You can call us , email us or visit one of our centers.

Morganton Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 411 Kirksey Drive, 28655 Nancy Davis, FAC Network Coordinator Fax: (828) 437-2068 (828) 437-0746 Line 18

Asheville Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 7 Yorkshire St. Suite 101, 28803 Fax: (828) 274-8572 Debra Collington, FAC Network Coordinator (828) 274-8571

Raleigh Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 130 Penmarc Drive Suite 110, 27603 Fax: (919) 334-9971 Earlene Capps, FAC Specialist (919) 334-0195

Charlotte Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 4240 West Blvd., 28208 Fax: n/a Keneitha Delaney, FAC Specialist (704) 344-2352 Ext. 14547

Lisa Faison, FAC Specialist (919) 334-0196

Fayetteville Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 3555 Owen Drive, 28306 Fax: n/a Amy Wallace, FAC Specialist (910) 321-1001 Ext. 14920 Greensboro State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) 110 Franklin Blvd., 27401 Fax: (336) 691-7766 Katy Jones, FAC Network Coordinator, (336) 691-7712 Sandy Harrison, FAC Specialist, (336) 691-7763 Greenville State Family Assistance Center (SFAC) 1401 N. Memorial Dr., 27834 Fax: (252) 551-6136 Dawn White, FAC Network Coordinator (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11150 Kannapolis Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 6001 Gateway Center Dr., Suite 109, 28081 Fax: (704) 788-0550 Lynn White, FAC Specialist

Mark Woolbright, FAC Network Coordinator (919) 334-9966 Smithfield Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 406 Hospital Road, 27577 Fax: (919) 934-2901 Abby Millsap, FAC Specialist 919) 934-2013 Ext.16 Southern Pines Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 500 Morganton Road, PO Box 1317, 28387 Fax: (910) 692-3659 David Butler, FAC Specialist (910) 692-8747 Ext. 6 Wilmington Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) 2412 Infantry Rd., 28405 Fax: (910) 251-7130 Jim Marley, FAC Specialist (910-) 251-7100 Ext. 16918 Wilmington Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) 3114 Randall Pkwy., 28403 Fax: (910) 343-6953 Judy Howard, FAC Network Coordinator (910) 343-1775





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