February 2012
Focal Point
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
Northern California Professional Photographers Officers
Committee Chairs and Coordinators
President Kevallyn Paskos 925-766-3121 president@ncpponline.org
Membership Denny Weigand 925-336-7994 3rdvp@ncpponline.org
1st Vice President Programs / Education Michael Kirwan 925-287-8421 1stvp@ncpponline.org
Blog / Website Wayne Miller 925-330-8737 blogomeister@ncpponline.org
2nd Vice President Image Competition Malcolm Sleight 925-330-8737
Newsletter – Focal Point Editor Tom O’Connor 925-586-2745 newsletter@ncpponline.org
mnslight@sbcglobal.net 3rd Vice President Membership Denny Weigand 925-336-7994 3rdvp@ncpponline.org Treasurer Malcolm Sleight 925-330-8737 treasurer@ncpponline.org Secretary Mark Gebhardt 925-408-8175 secretary@ncpponline.org Chairman of the Board Wayne Miller 925-330-8737
FP Copy Editor Wayne Miller 925-330-8737 newsletter@ncpponline.org Image Competition Malcolm Sleight 925-330-8737
mnslight@sbcglobal.net Hospitality Nicole Gee 925-785-7772 hospitality@ncpponline.org
Newsletter Info.
Send Newsletter information to: Tom O'Connor. newsletter@ncpponline.org Deadline for submission of articles and ad copy is the 25th of each month. Information received after the deadline cannot be guaranteed publication Advertising Costs: 11 Issues per year Contact FP Editor NCPP Members: • •
Additional / Larger Ads: • • • •
1/4 Page for 3 months - $25 1/2 Page for 3 months - $50 Full Page for 3 months - $75 Change to ad $25
Note: Members can use the Yahoo Group email to advertise at no cost. Sustaining Members: • •
You supply camera ready art work and text. Full Page per year - Free
Non Members Non Sustaining Members: • •
You supply camera ready art work and text. 1/4 page for 3 months per year - Free
You supply camera ready art work and text. Full Page per year - $500
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP is moving to a new location and a new night for the New Year!!! Join us at our new venue. Second Thursday of the month. When: Starting Feb 9th. 2012 Thursday Where:
Greenery Restaurant Diablo Hill Golf Course 1551 Marchbanks Road Walnut Creek, CA 94598 925-937-1270
Time: Join us for food, drinks or socializing hour 6-7pm. (reasonably priced) Meeting starts at 7:00pm to 9:00pm Image Competition from 9:15pm to 10:30pm. Map: Google map click here
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point Table of Contents
February 2012
NCPP is moving and changing our meeting day of the week!!!
Presidents Message – Kevallyn Paskos
February Meeting – Jessica Quintal – “Incorporating Fashion Posing Into Portrait Photography”
5 Gotchas in the Lightroom Print Module – Helen Bradley
7 - 11
Preparing an image for "Projected Image Comp"
12 - 13
Image Comp Winners – January 2012
Best of Show – January 2012
Image Comp Info and Calendar
March Speaker: Lisa Evans – “Night With The Masters”
18 - 19
Membership Renewal for 2012
NCPP Presidents, Awards & Degrees
21 - 22
Certification Information
PPCC Certification and PPA Merit & Degree Programs
NCPP Focal Point & Image of the Month History
25 - 31
NCPP Membership Classifications and Fees for 2011
Focal Point Advertising & Ad Spec. Info
NCPP Sustaining Members
34 - 39
Our Neighboring Affiliates
Calendar - Important Dates
Sunset Chart
NCPP MEETING THIS MONTH THURSDAY, February 9th, 2012 Doors open at 6:00pm, meeting starts at 7pm Come early at 6:00pm to socialize!!
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
President’s Message – Kevallyn Paskos Dear NCPP,
Happy New Year fellow associates! Hope you enjoyed the Holidays and staying diligent on those New Year’s resolutions. What are your professional aspirations this year and how can NCPP help guide you in these areas? January Guest Speaker – Christine Bentley was an enthusiastic guest and delivered a creative approach to capturing the details in event photography. Her work was simple but gorgeous. Christine shared with us valuable insight on how to cross market to vendors, make them happy and in return, enjoy new high end referral business. November People’s Choice Competition – Year End People’s Choice Print Competition is held once a year and open to all members that placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the normal PC competition during the year. The “People” a.k.a NCPP members get to cast their vote on the evening’s favorite image displayed. This is an exciting lineup of photography presented in frames, on canvas, in an album, on an easel or digitally through an IPAD. The toughest part is selecting a Best of the Best! This particular event was a silent vote and the winner will find out at the February meeting. Stay tuned… st
Best of Show - Congratulations goes to…1 Place – Kevallyn Paskos with “The World Awaits”, 2 Place – Tom rd O’Connor with “Mesmerized” and 3 Place - Tom O’Connor with “A Family Portrait”. Thank you for your submissions, they were all great with some tense moments and tie breakers. Read all about these artists and their winning images in this month’s award winning Focal Point. Print Competition – NCPP HAS A NEW LAPTOP! We have invested in a brand new laptop and image display software to use with our newer monitor! Print Comp is very important to NCPP but displaying your special imagery accurately is our number one priority. We are confident of the new and improved setup, a more efficient process and our amazing volunteers to run the show. For instructions on how to enter Print Comp, check this month’s Focal Point for more information. A VERY Special thanks to Mark Gebhardt, Wayne Miller, Tom O’Connor and Malcolm Slight for volunteering their time in developing our new and improved monthly Print Comp event. These gentlemen have put much time and effort into making sure that Print Comp is a quality process from digital submissions to handing over the ribbons! Great job on the continued teamwork. Night School – RETURNS! We kicked off our 2012 with a brand new Night School. Since this was our first one of the year, we offered 15 lucky guests the opportunity to join in on the fun! This event featured our very own Ann Gordon demonstrating valuable techniques on how to properly pose and photograph different sized dogs (Great Dane, Weimaraner and Jack Russell Terrier) with various sized people. We are currently seeking creative photographers who operate out of a studio to host upcoming night schools. So let us know and we would be happy to talk with you in more detail. Nor Cal Photogs Meetup group - Awesome resource! Learn about upcoming NCPP guest speakers, other photography field trips and special events. Please take a few minutes to join. http://www.meetup.com/NorCalPhotogs-Meet-up/ NCPP New Night and New Location – We will be meeting on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00p.m., located at the Greenery Restaurant Diablo Hill Golf Course 1551 Marchbanks Road in Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (Behind Heather Farms). The Greenery is a best fit for the future direction of NCPP and look forward to enjoying our new digs! Come early at 6:00 to socialize. Hope to see you again soon, Kevallyn
NCPP Mission Statement: The Northern California Professional Photographers is an organization dedicated to advancing the business of professional photography. Our purpose is to create an environment amongst professional photographers that will inspire each of us and to help one another grow as business professionals and artists.
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP Proudly Presents February, 2012 – Jessica Quintal Incorporating Fashion Posing Into Portrait Photography Jessica Quintal loves to create. She has explored the arts all of her life, from drawing to photography... and smaller ventures like finger painting with her son. An artist is who she was born to be. It is her destiny, her life passion and what she loves to do. As a professional Photographic Artist for 7 years, she has been able to produce amazing work within these years. She has won several awards, including a print in the Professional Photographers of America Loan Collection - a highly prestigious international award. She is a member of the Professional Photographers of America (PPA), and Wedding and Portrait Photographers International (WPPI), and is constantly expanding her knowledge and education in the field of photography. In addition to her education, she has an incredible natural talent and an eye for art.
Jessica uses inspiration from all types of fashion and entertainment sources for her photography. From magazines to dance, she regularly pulls ideas from what she sees, incorporates her own ideas into it, and adjusts to make these ideas portrait appropriate, giving her portrait sessions a flavor all their own. Shine :: Photography by Jessica Quintal http://www.shinebyjessica.com/ quintaljessica@yahoo.com 925.548.0347
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
5 Gotchas in the Lightroom Print Module – Helen Bradley Contribution by Helen Bradley….www.projectwoman.com
When you’re setting up single or multiple image printing in the Lightroom Print module here are some things to be aware of: 1. Nonexistent Drag and Drop You can drag and drop pictures onto a print template in Lightroom in some circumstances but not in others. This can be confusing but there is some logic behind it. When you select a Lightroom template from the Template Browser, make sure to open the Layout Style panel on the right at the same time. Templates can be one of three layout styles and each operates differently. Knowing what style a template is will help you understand its behavior. If it is a Single Image/Contact Sheet template then you must select images on the filmstrip to add them to the contact sheet and they appear in the layout in the order they appear in the filmstrip. You can’t drag and drop images from the filmstrip into a Single Image/Contact Sheet layout. If the template is a Custom Package then you can drag and drop an image into any of the containers on the screen. You can also drag and drop an image into any position in the layout and it will sit on the screen even overlapping other images. If a template is a Picture Package, then you can fill it by clicking an image in the filmstrip. A picture package prints multiple images on a single sheet of paper. If you select two images in the filmstrip, you’ll then have two pages in your picture package – one for each of the selected images. You can drag and drop an image into a Picture Package but when you do, you’ll create all sorts of issues. Not only will you add a new image to the layout page you are seeing on the screen but you’ll do the same for all the pages in the current layout. It’s generally best not to drag and drop images into an already tightly designed picture package layout.
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
5 Gotchas in the Lightroom Print Module – Helen Bradley 2. Understand Border Behavior
If you have a Photo Border enabled for either a Custom Package or a Picture Package then the width of the border will make the image smaller. The color of the border is the color of the page background if you have a page background selected. If not, it will be white. If you set an Inner Stroke then it too will reduce the size of the image but it can be set to your choice of color. So, for example, if you want a black page background but a white border around your images, set the page background color to black and use the Inner Stroke rather than the Photo Border to apply the white border to the image.
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
5 Gotchas in the Lightroom Print Module – Helen Bradley 3. Identity Plate Behavior
When you add an Identity Plate to a Custom Package it appears once on the page and you resize it to suit and place it where you want it to go. However, it only appears once in the layout so, if you add a second page to the print layout, the identity plate will appear only on the first page. Alternatively you can add the identity plate to every image by selecting Render On Every Image. Now the identity plate will appear on each image rather than on each page but it will appear in the very middle of the image and you can’t move it. So, if what you want is your name on each printout as an Identity Plate, create a Custom Package design with an Identity Plate but not set to render on every image. Make sure the identity plate is in the correct position and fill the page with images and print or save it. Then fill it again with a new set of images and output the result and repeat as required. On the other hand, an Identity Plate added to a Single Image/Contact Sheet prints on every page of the document in the place you position it in.
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
5 Gotchas in the Lightroom Print Module – Helen Bradley 4. Any Size JPG Output
You can print your layout to a JPG file that you can then upload to the web or send out for printing. To do this, from the Print Job panel, click the Print To: dropdown list and choose JPEG File. Set the File Resolution and then the Custom File Dimensions for the page. Then, when you’re done assembling the images, click Print to File to print the layout to an image file rather than to a printer.
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
5 Gotchas in the Lightroom Print Module – Helen Bradley 5. Crop your images
When you’re working with a Single Image/Contact Sheet, if the image is set to Zoom To Fill it will be made large enough to fill the container on the page. If the image height and width does not match the size of the container then part of the image will be removed. You can adjust the positioning of the image within the container by dragging on it with the mouse.
If you have a Picture Package or Custom Package selected you can move an image within its container also, but to do so you must hold the Ctrl key (Command) on the Mac. The different behaviors of images within what appear to be similar layouts in Lightroom can be confusing but once you understand that different layout styles bring with them different key combinations and behaviors you’ll be on your way to creating great looking prints in Lightroom. "Opportunity is overlooked by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work" Thomas Edison Helen Bradley can be reached or viewed at: TwitterID: helenbradley mailto:helen@helenbradley.com blogs: http://www.projectwoman.com/blogger http://www.projectwoman.com/phototips http://www.projectwoman.com/prophoto
Sites: http://www.helenbradley.com http://www.http-design.com http://www.projectwoman.com
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
Preparing your image for "Projected" Image Comp This article will remain permanently in the Focal Point.
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
Preparing your image for "Projected" Image Comp This article will remain permanently in the Focal Point. Here are the basics for creating your "Projected Image" file.
We will be setting the file type, dimensions, color space, jpg quality, pixels per inch and file name that that will qualify for NCPP Projected Image Comp. These requirements are the same as PPA with the exception in NOTE 2 below. 1. Create a file that will become the background for your image that is 4,000px Wide x 2,200px High @ 200 pixels per inch. (20" x 11") This size fits our monitor and will be displayed at its optimal. 2. The color space can be sRGB or RGB1998. 3. The file type is a jpg with a Quality setting of 10. Total file size not to exceed 3.5mb. 4. You can apply a color or pattern to this layer just as you would do for a printed image that you would have entered previously in print comp. 5. Next prepare the image that you are going to insert over the background. The color space, ppi etc needs to be the same as your background layer. 6. Size the image as you wish in either a vertical or horizontal format. The image size must be at least 80 square inches. An example is 8" x 10". The image may be placed anywhere you want to put it on the background layer. The positioning of the image on the background layer will be part of your "Presentation" score just like with Printed print comp. 7. Add a stroke or any other edge treatment to the edge of the image you want, or not. 8. All images will be shown only with the background in the "Horizontal Format". This is the same way that PPA is handling it. The monitor will not be rotated for vertical images. They will be shown just like the example images on the previous page. 9. There is to be no photographer name or studio name on the image. 10. Name your file with the following convention: • Member's First Name_Last Name_Image_Title_.jpg (Use _ for spaces). • Example file name: Bill_Jones_Mount_Diablo_Sunset.jpg 11. More information for download or viewing at. NOTE 1: If you plan to submit any of these images to PPA, I would initially save this file as a layered PSD or TIFF. When I was done and ready to submit to NCPP, I would then save it again as a jpg with all of the requirements listed above and submit the jpg. This way if you later decide to enter this same image with PPA or re-enter with NCPP, you can open your PSD/TIFF and make any changes you want. NOTE 2: PPA Projected Submission Specifications match what is required for NCPP, except: • PPA requires your PPA# in place of your name in the file name: Example: 12345_Mount_Diablo_Sunset.jpg • Link to the PPA site for a video on “How To”: http://www.ppa.com/competitions/tutorials.php ENTRY RULES AND DEADLINES: • Cost per each image is $5.00 prior to Wednesday, (at midnight), prior to the Thursday meeting. Fee is to be paid via the NCPP PayPal link. E-mail images to mailto:mnslight@sbcglobal.net Limit of 20 Projected images allowed per meeting. This is at the discretion of the Print Chair on a month by month basis.
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point Image Competition
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Winners for January 2012 PPA Style
1st Place Kevallyn Paskos – “The World Awaits”
2nd Place Tom O’Connor – “Mesmerized”
3rd Place Tom O’Connor – “A Family Portrait”
Images by Mark Gebhardt and Wayne Miller
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
Best of Show January 2012 – “The World Awaits” by Kevallyn Paskos The World Awaits… This image of a bride awaiting her future was a very special moment. The event location was at the Ritz Carlton in San Francisco on an overcast afternoon in September. We were almost finished with all of the get ready preparations and had five minutes before heading downstairs for the wedding ceremony! I simply looked at my gorgeous bride and asked her to walk over to the window, take charge of the curtains and give me some hip! Vavoom! She had natural beauty, confidence and enjoying the moment. Everything about her look that day was very vintage and it just flowed with the classic room décor. The entire wedding event was so much fun and memorable!
Thank you, Kevallyn
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point Image Comp Info and Calendar
February 2012
If you are interested in volunteering with image comp, please contact: Malcolm Sleight at 925-330-8737 or email Malcolm at mnslight@sbcglobal.net
For PPA Style Projected Image Competition see rules in this Focal Point issue. People’s Choice Print Competition see rules just below. 2. People's Choice Image Competition a. Entry Rules 1) At the discretion of the Image Comp Chair, a theme may be assigned to a People's Choice competition once each year. The theme may or may not pertain to the subject of the speaker's program. The theme will be announced at the meeting, published in the Focal Point and also sent by e‐mail to NCPP members. 2) Entries for People’s Choice may be framed, or in albums, mounted to alternative substrates, etc., in addition to PPA style mounted prints. 3) Each NCPP member may submit up to two entries. 4) Entries must be signed in with the image comp chair at least ten minutes before the start of the meeting. 5) Entries will be assigned a number by the image comp chair. Titles are not required. 6) Depending on the style of the entry, the photographer's name or studio logo may be an integral part of the entry and therefore may remain visible during judging. 7) You may also enter Projected Images using a Laptop or iPad IMAGE COMP 2012 CALENDAR January:
PPA Style and Year End People’s Choice
PPA Style
People’s Choice
PPA Style
PPA Style
PPA Style
PPA Style
PPA Style
September: PPA Style October:
PPA Style
People’s Choice
Year End PPA Style
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point NCPP Blog
February 2012
Be sure to visit our NCPP Blog. There is a ton of information, How To’s, Tutorials and much more!! The site has a completely fresh new look and is very user friendly! Visit: http://ncpponline.org/
NorCalPhotogs Come join the NoCalPhotogs Meetup group. You can sign up for NCPP meeting and leave comments about the group and speakers. This will help NCPP grow, so please join us and let the world know how great this group is. http://www.meetup.com/NorCalPhotogs-Meet-up/
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point NCPP Proudly Presents on March 8, 2012 –
February 2012
NIGHT WITH THE MASTERS Don’t miss out on this special evening featuring LISA EVANS, Master Photographer and Craftsman who has shared her artistic vision and business acumen with Professional Photographers around the world. Lisa has been invited to speak in Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, The Bahamas, as well as many PPA schools and conventions throughout our country. We are pleased to have Lisa share with us here, where she has owned a studio in the SF Bay Area for 30 years. Opening her business in an Interior Design studio, Lisa started with a very unique vision designing art for her clients homes and has made a living solely from creating artistically designed high end Portraits ever since. In this time when our profession has been inundated with new photographers and a sea of photographs is flooding the world. . . learn to rise above and stand out with your own unique signature of work. Let’s spend an evening of looking at what makes a photograph ART and not a mere record picture. Exploring what it takes for you to lift an ordinary circumstance into a poem of an image? In honor of our Masters night, Lisa will go beyond her work, sharing a visual feast of her Master Photographer friends’ unique images steeped in their own unique vision. An opportunity to study those that look beyond the common and steadily produce artistic portraits that rise above and beyond. Rather than having a Masters only print competition, we will be indulged with a slide show of the Masters’ work. Sure to be an inspiring and enjoyable evening! See the following page for more information about this very exciting evening. Photo:
Photo by: Deidre Lingenfelter
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
Membership renewal for 2012 – JOIN NOW
Benefits of membership ~Value far beyond this list of reasons to become an NCPP member is the opportunity to be spending time with your peers, sharing ideas and experiences, learning from and teaching each other. Why join NCPP? Network – Friendship – Camaraderie – Education – Monthly meetings with great speakers – Monthly image competition and critique from experienced judges – Sharing Group communications via Yahoo group email for help and leads – Workshops and seminars – Future PPA Masters Group – Certification Group (become a Certified Professional Photographer) – Business growth tips and help – Take your business and photography to the next level – Newsletter: Award Winning Focal Point Dues are due for your NCPP membership by Jan. 31st. We have rolled back the membership fees to $135 per year. Please download and fill out the renewal form Membership application and include it with your renewal check or PayPal payment. If you need an invoice for your accountant click here: Member Categories: Professional Active: Annual Dues $135. A professional photographer is an individual who on a regular basis, takes and sells photographs or photographic services. Must satisfy federal, state (resale permit), & local license requirements. Professional Active members have full membership privileges (Free meetings, voting, use of NCPP logo for self promotional use, and image competition). Aspiring*: Annual Dues $135. An individual who does not work in the photographic field, or derive any income from photography but plans to enter the profession. Limited to one year. Membership privileges: meetings and entering image competition, but may not vote, hold office or use the NCPP logo. May not actively sell photography or advertise/ promote themselves as a photographer for hire. Limited 20% enrolment. Student*: Annual Dues $50. Members preparing for a career in the photography and currently enrolled in a school as a full time student. Applicant must show evidence of enrollment. Meeting privileges and image competition only. Limited 10% enrolment. Sustaining: Annual Dues $150. Membership issued in the business name of the organization, which is a supplier, vendor, or manufacturer of photographic materials, supplies or photographic services. One representative of the organization shall have meeting privileges only, additional pay guest fees. New Members Portfolio and/or website required with application for review by the Board for classification approval. *Aspiring & Student Classifications must assist/help six events per year to maintain classification, submit 2 images per month in Aspiring image competition (free), and attend Business 101 A to Z a new photographers guide to business success ($99) in order to move to Professional Active For more information, E-mail the Membership Chairperson Denny Weigand. Down Load Application here: To pay your dues via PayPal/credit card, click here. VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS NEEDED! For more information, please contact Kevallyn.
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP Presidents and Member Awards NCPP Past President 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Michael Van Auken Judy Host Jim Fidelibus Linda Johnson Walter Guasch Kimberly Peterson Jim Fidelibus Michael Gan
2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012
Michael Gan Laura Cottril Leslie Artis-Gan Brent Walton Randy Cazinha Wayne Miller Kevallyn Paskos
NCPP Member of the Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Peg Jackson Michael Van Auken Jim Fidelibus Jim Fidelibus Kay Simon Shelly Najera Linda Johnson
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Heather M. Whiting Michael Gan Laura Cottril Tom O'Connor Brent Walton Wayne Miller
2005 2006 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010
Richard Stahlberg Leslie Artis-Gan Michael Van Auken - Tie Richard Stahlberg - Tie Richard Stahlberg Wayne Miller Wayne Miller
Photographer of the Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Peg Jackson Jim Fidelibus Richard Stahlberg Michael Gan Richard Stahlberg Shelly Najera Leslie Artis
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point NCPP Member Degrees
February 2012
PPA Master Craftsman Photographers Lisa Evans Peg Jackson Michael Gan Judy Host Leslie Artis-Gan
PPA Master Photographers Jim Fidelibus Linda Johnson Deidre Ligenfelter Mary Small
PPA Craftsman Photographers Denny Weigand Wayne Miller
PPCC Certified Professional Photographers Leslie Artis-Gan Laura Cottril Lisa Duncan Michael Gan Jill Hager Judy Host Greta Heintz Tammy Hughes Linda Johnson
Scott Kouns Dana Smith Richard Stahlberg Arleen Thomas Darleen Tom Denny Weigand Wayne Miller Brent Walton Pam Biasotti
Jennifer Chesterman Jennifer Fink Stacey Flurscheim Nicole Gee Tod Gomes Ann Gordon Malcolm Slight Terry Riggins Mary Small
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point Educational Opportunities
February 2012
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
PPCC Certification, and PPA Merit & Degree Programs
If you are interested in becoming a Certified Professional Photographer, Master of Photography, Master of Electronic Imaging or a Photographic Craftsman, click here. Or, contact Wayne Miller or Denny Weigand PPCC CPP Liaisons. This link will take you to the PPA website and you will see the page shown below. The image below is just a screen shot of the website, the links are not hot on this screen shot.
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2012
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2011
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2010
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2009
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2008
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2007
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2006
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
NCPP Membership Classifications and Fees for 2012
Professional Active: Annual Dues $135. A professional photographer is an individual who on a regular basis, takes and sells photographs or photographic services. Must satisfy federal, state (resale permit), & local license requirements. Professional Active members have full membership privileges (Free meetings, voting, use of NCPP logo for self promotional use, and image competition). Aspiring*: Annual Dues $135. An individual who does not work in the photographic field, or derive any income from photography but plans to enter the profession. Limited to one year. Membership privileges: Meetings and entering image competition, but may not vote, hold office or use the NCPP logo. May not actively sell their photography or advertise/promote themselves as a photographer for hire. Limited to 20% enrolment. Student*: Annual Dues $50. Members preparing for a career in photography and currently enrolled in a school as a full time student. Applicant must show evidence of enrollment. Membership privileges: Meetings and entering image competition, but may not vote, hold office or use the NCPP logo. Limited to 10% enrolment. Sustaining: Annual Dues $150. Membership issued to the business name of the organization, which is a supplier, vendor, or manufacturer of photographic materials, supplies or photographic services. One representative of the organization shall have meeting privileges only, additional pay guest fees. *Aspiring & Student Classifications must assist/help six events per year to maintain classification, submit 2 images per month in Aspiring image competition (free), and attend Business 101 A to Z a new photographers guide to business success ($99) in order to move to Professional Active
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point
Focal Point Advertising and Spec. Information
Advertising Costs: 11 Issues per year Contact FP Editor NCPP Members: • •
You supply camera ready art work and text. 1/4 page for 3 months per year - Free
Additional / Larger Ads: • • • •
1/4 Page for 3 months - $25 1/2 Page for 3 months - $50 Full Page for 3 months - $75 Change to ad $25
Ad sizes are: • 1/4 Page: 4-1/4” Wide x 5-1/2” High • 1/2 Page: 8-1/2” Wide x 5-1/2” High • Full Page: 8-1/2” Wide x 11” High Spec is: • Jpg @ 94ppi • Color Space: sRGB • Include at least 1/8” of white space at the outer edges the sizes listed above.
Note: Members can use the Yahoo Group email to advertise at no cost. Sustaining Members: • •
You supply camera ready art work and text. Full Page per year - Free
Non Members Non Sustaining Members: • •
You supply camera ready art work and text. Full Page per year - $500
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point NCPP Sustaining Members
February 2012
Sustaining Members are companies that manufacture or distribute photographic equipment, laboratories, publishers or firms providing services to photographers. These Sustaining Members also contribute to the welfare of NCPP, with monetary and technical support. Sustaining Members may participate in all NCPP events; however they may not vote or hold office. We encourage our NCPP members to support our Sustaining Members. If you are interested in becoming a Sustaining Member, contact Denny Weigand. 925-336-7994 or E-mail @ digitalwhims@comcast.net -Listed Alphabetically-
THE ART OF PICTURE FRAMING APF is a full-service wholesale custom framing facility. We work closely with Fine Art and Framing Galleries, Interior Designers, Professional Photographers, Art Consultants, Retailers and others in need of custom framing at wholesale prices. APF specializes in creating custom programs or packages to your individual business or market needs. We offer superior quality with flexible pricing to fit your individual needs. Contact: Mike Moretti 1084 Shary Circle, #B Concord, CA 94518 (Located behind Costco) E-mail: apfwholesale@sbcglobal.net 925-689-5177 web: http://stores.apfwholesale.com/StoreFront.bok
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point NCPP Sustaining Members
February 2012
BAY PHOTO LAB Contact: Debbie Thomas E-mail: debbie@bayphoto.com 510-585-7049 web: http://www.bayphoto.com/ 2161 Delaware Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95060 800-435-6686 fax: 931-475-5257
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point NCPP Sustaining Members
February 2012
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point NCPP Sustaining Members
February 2012
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point NCPP Sustaining Members
February 2012
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point NCPP Sustaining Members
February 2012
Northern California Professional Photographers
February 2012
Focal Point Our Neighboring Affiliates
PPC Professional Photographers of California Affiliates
Company Name â–˛
All Valley Professional Photographers - AVPP
La Canada Flintridge
(818) 262-7903
Associated Image Makers - AIM
Central Valley Professional Photographers - CVPP
559 266-0305
Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association - CIPPA
(805) 573-7637
Gold Coast Professional Photographers Association - GCPPA
Pismo Beach
805 733-5197
Inland Empire Professional Photographers & Videographers - IEPPV
Northern California Professional Photographers - NCPP
Walnut Creek
925 330-8737
Professional Photographers of California
Professional Photographers of Los Angeles County - PPLAC
Culver city
(818) 344-0671
Professional Photographers of North Valley - PPNV
Professional Photographers of Orange County - PPOC
Mission Viejo
Professional Photographers of Sacramento Valley - PPSV
530 363-0138
Professional Photographers of San Diego County - PPSDC
San Diego
(858) 695-9563
Professional Photographers of Santa Barbara County - PPSBC
Santa Barbara
(805) 403-6556
Professional Photographers of Santa Clara Valley - PPSCV
San Jose
408 244-2293
Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area - PPGBA
So. San Francisco
530 574-6033
Professional Photographers of the Redwood Empire - PPRE
Santa Rosa
707 548-1181
Stanislaus Professional Photographers - SPP
209 847-0540
Web Site
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point NCPP Calendar
February 2012
February 2012 Thurs 9th:
NCPP Meeting –Jessica Quintal- “Incorporating Fashion Posing Into Portrait Photography” NCPP Annual Awards Presentation PPA style image comp Sun. 19th: WPPI – Las Vegas Sat. 25th: Focal Point articles due Thur. 30th: Focal Point Publish March 2012 Sat. 3rd: Thurs 8th:
Sat. 24th: Sun. 25th: Fri. 30th:
PPA Western States Image Comp NCPP Meeting- Scotts Seafood Restaurant special meeting location this meeting. Lisa Evans – “Night With The Masters” Dinner with the Masters and Masters Only Slideshow People’s Choice Image Comp Business 101-Learn the Business of Photography-Wayne Miller $99- info here Focal Point articles due Focal Point Publish
April 2012 Thurs 12th: NCPP Meeting – CPP Certified Professional Photographer written exam. 4PM just prior to the general meeting at the Greenery in Walnut Creek. Wed. 25th: Focal Point articles due Mon. 30th: Focal Point Publish May 2012 Thurs 10th: NCPP Meeting – Super Monday – HDR (high dynamic range) Hands-On workshop – Wayne Miller PPA merited class $99 for all day class - info here Fri. 25th: Focal Point articles due Wed. 30th: Focal Point Publish
Northern California Professional Photographers
Focal Point Sunset Table for Walnut Creek
February 2012
Northern California Professional Photographers