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September 2012

Focal Point


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Northern California Professional Photographers Officers

Committee Chairs and Coordinators

President Kevallyn Paskos 925-766-3121

Membership Bill Baker 510-701-7685

1st Vice President Programs / Education Nicole diGiorgio 925-207-6347

Blog / Website Wayne Miller 925-330-8737

2nd Vice President Image Competition Malcolm Slight 925-330-8737 3rd Vice President Membership Bill Baker 510-701-7685 Treasurer Mark Gebhardt 925-408-8175 Secretary Ann Gordon 510-222-4115 Chairman of the Board Kevallyn Paskos 925-766-3121

Newsletter – Focal Point Editor Tom O’Connor 925-586-2745 FP Copy Editor Wayne Miller 925-330-8737 Social Media / Facebook Tod Gomes 925-787-1063 Image Competition Malcolm Slight 925-330-8737 Hospitality Kevallyn Paskos

Newsletter Info.

Send Newsletter information to: Tom O'Connor. Deadline for submission of articles and ad copy is the 25th of each month. Information received after the deadline cannot be guaranteed publication Advertising Costs: 11 Issues per year Contact FP Editor NCPP Members: · ·

Additional / Larger Ads: · · · ·


1/4 Page for 3 months - $25 1/2 Page for 3 months - $50 Full Page for 3 months - $75 Change to ad $25

Note: Members can use the Yahoo Group email to advertise at no cost. Sustaining Members: · ·

You supply camera ready art work and text. Full Page per year - Free

Non Members Non Sustaining Members: ·

Photographer Tom O’Connor

You supply camera ready art work and text. 1/4 page for 3 months per year - Free


You supply camera ready art work and text. Full Page per year - $500

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point Table of Contents

September 2012

Presidents Message – Kevallyn Paskos


September Speaker – Vijay Rakhra – “How to Increase Your Sales by Offering Video”


Preparing an image for "Projected Image Comp"


Image Comp Winners – August 2012

8 - 10

Image Comp Entries, Info and Calendar

11 - 12

August Meeting Images

13 – 16

NCPP Member PPA 2012 Merited Images

17 - 29

Membership Information


Why Join NCPP?




NorCalPhotogs Meetup Group


NCPP Founders, Presidents, Awards & Degrees

33 - 34

October Speaker – Michael Van Auken – “Lifestyles of the Almost Famous"


Certification Information


PPCC Certification and PPA Merit & Degree Programs


Focal Point & Image of the Month History

38 - 44

Membership Classifications and Fees for 2012


Member Advertisements

46 - 47

Sustaining Members

48 - 51

Our Neighboring Affiliates


Calendar - Important Dates


Sunset Chart


NCPP MEETING THIS MONTH THURSDAY, September 13th, 2012 Meeting is at: Crown Plaza, 45 John Glen Drive, Concord Click here for map


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

President’s Message – Kevallyn Paskos Dear NCPP,

Summer was a great time spent with some pretty nice weather to enjoy. For those of you who enjoy the sun, there was plenty of that but for others who prefer more fall weather, we had that too. Now that our kids will be returning to school or those going back to school, we can get back into a little consistency and routines. I will definitely be enjoying a few extra quiet hours a day to get out there and shoot! August Guest Speaker – Craig Lee excels at editorial, corporate, commercial and food photography! With his extensive history photographing these industries, Craig has definitely cornered the market! We were fortunate to have Craig as a guest as he shared techniques on how to creatively plan a client session. By using natural, reflective, flash or flashlight lighting, Craig takes a simple subject and creates a stunning front page layout. He has worked as a photojournalist for the San Francisco Examiner and the San Francisco Chronicle. His award winning work earned Craig recognition from the National Press Photographers Association, Pictures of the Year and other associations. Print Competition - Congratulations goes to…1st Place – Lily Dong with “Elation” and 2nd Place – Ann Gordon with “Beach Day” and 3rd Place – Malcolm Slight with “Watch that Knee”. Great job to these artists who submitted images! I have challenged the entire board team and membership to submit one image each month. This is a great way to participate and add value to our organization and get involved! Surprise Prize each month. You can’t win if you don’t play! NCPP’s New Board Member Team – We are off to a great start and definitely feel the enthusiasm throughout. We have a lot of work to do but the team is prepared to roll up their sleeves and infuse new ideas to our organization. Suggestion Box – NCPP members provided lots of surveys at the last meeting. This is such an important process for the board to understand what the membership is looking for in our organization. We look forward to reading your comments and implement programs that will be of value to you. Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire so we can get to work and build a better NCPP. NCPP is a special organization and has plans for a great future. We are so fortunate to have a strong board team and valued members. We have some great speakers lined up through 2013 so make sure you stay current with Focal Point, NCPP website, NorCal Meetup group and our Facebook page! Warm regards, Kevallyn “You have to find a way of working that makes it dead easy to take full advantage of your inspired moments. They never hit at a convenient time, nor do they last long.” Hugh Macleod NCPP Mission Statement: The Northern California Professional Photographers is an organization dedicated to advancing the business of professional photography. Our purpose is to create an environment amongst professional photographers that will inspire each of us and to help one another grow as business professionals and artists. 4

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Proudly Presents September 13, 2012 – Vijay Rakhra

How to Increase Your Sales by Offering Video Want to offer more products and services rather than just prints and albums? San Francisco Bay Area photographer Vijay Rakhra has found a way to double his bookings and has seen increased studio sales by offering cinematic services in addition to stills. Vijay Rakhra is a Photographer and Filmmaker in the San Francisco Bay Area. His studio, which offers both Wedding Documentary Photography and Cinema, is sought after for their work at Indian weddings throughout California. Vijay will share his experience with Indian weddings and shooting both photo and video as a single team. Newer technologies now allow for the convergence of photo and video. While he'll discuss some DSLR shooting techniques he'll focus mostly on how to add video to your list of services to help you gain an edge in today's market. It’s not as hard as some people think to offer some video. Differentiate yourself from other photographers who don't take the leap.


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Preparing your image for "Projected" Image Comp This article will remain permanently in the Focal Point.


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Preparing your image for "Projected" Image Comp This article will remain permanently in the Focal Point. Here are the basics for creating your "Projected Image" file.

We will be setting the file type, dimensions, color space, jpg quality, pixels per inch and file name that that will qualify for NCPP Projected Image Comp. These requirements are the same as PPA with the exception in NOTE 2 below. 1. Create a file that will become the background for your image that is 4,000px Wide x 2,200px High @ 200 pixels per inch. (20" x 11") This size fits our monitor and will be displayed at its optimal. 2. The color space can be sRGB or RGB1998. 3. The file type is a jpg with a Quality setting of 10. Total file size not to exceed 3.5mb. 4. You can apply a color or pattern to this layer just as you would do for a printed image that you would have entered previously in print comp. 5. Next prepare the image that you are going to insert over the background. The color space, ppi etc needs to be the same as your background layer. 6. Size the image as you wish in either a vertical or horizontal format. The image size must be at least 80 square inches. An example is 8" x 10". The image may be placed anywhere you want to put it on the background layer. The positioning of the image on the background layer will be part of your "Presentation" score just like with Printed print comp. 7. Add a stroke or any other edge treatment to the edge of the image you want, or not. 8. All images will be shown only with the background in the "Horizontal Format". This is the same way that PPA is handling it. The monitor will not be rotated for vertical images. They will be shown just like the example images on the previous page. 9. There is to be no photographer name or studio name on the image. 10. Name your file with the following convention: · Member's First Name_Last Name_Image_Title_.jpg (Use _ for spaces). · Example file name: Bill_Jones_Mount_Diablo_Sunset.jpg 11. More information for download or viewing at. NOTE 1: If you plan to submit any of these images to PPA, I would initially save this file as a layered PSD or TIFF. When I was done and ready to submit to NCPP, I would then save it again as a jpg with all of the requirements listed above and submit the jpg. This way if you later decide to enter this same image with PPA or re-enter with NCPP, you can open your PSD/TIFF and make any changes you want. NOTE 2: PPA Projected Submission Specifications match what is required for NCPP, except: · PPA requires your PPA# in place of your name in the file name: Example: 12345_Mount_Diablo_Sunset.jpg · Link to the PPA site for a video on “How To”: ENTRY RULES AND DEADLINES: · Cost per each image is $5.00 prior to Wednesday, (at midnight), prior to the Thursday meeting. Fee is to be paid via the NCPP PayPal link. E-mail images to Limit of 20 Projected images allowed per meeting. This is at the discretion of the Print Chair on a month by month basis.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point Best of Show August 2012

September 2012

1st Place: “Elation” - by Lily Dong “Elation”, the self-portrait, came about two days after taking a very interesting workshop with Brooke Shaden. She does a lot of self-portraits where the finished image is not so much about her but the finished art work as a whole. I took that perspective with me, and when I visited Mendocino looking for Bowling Ball Beach, which only reveals itself in very low tide, I passed time by taking a self-portrait. To capture this image, a remote trigger was used on a two second delay, and many trial and errors to get the best flow of the black chiffon. I never saw Bowling Ball beach, it just got too cold to wait!' Lily


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point Image Comp August 2012

September 2012

2nd place: “Beach Day” by: Ann Gordon

“Beach Day” is the wall portrait my clients chose from a session we did at my favorite inside-the-Bay beach. The clients live out in Danville, but said they wanted to do a beach scene with the dogs, as they love taking them to the beach. The dogs were wonderful, the clients a little poorly dressed for a romp on the beach; thank heavens for assistants! The weather was the usual fog coming in grey, which made for a lovely minor tone with the grey water and grey dogs. The clients later sent this image into the San Ramon Valley Humane Association for their calendar contest where it became the cover for the 2012 fundraising calendar. Thank you judges for the second place and for the comments which will be incorporated into the image before it heads to PPA next year.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point Image Comp August 2012

September 2012

3nd place: “Watch That Knee� by: Malcolm Slight

Taken at the inside of the turn going into the Corkscrew at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. I was able to talk nicely to the Flag Marshal who let me up on his stand to take the photograph. I am about 10 yards from the track, so I panned as Lafayette native Steve Rapp comes through the corner. It is a blind corner for the riders as it drops off the equivalent of a three story building, so the riders just aim from experience and have to immediately turn right down the steep drop. This shot was taken from a location that is not available to the general public.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point August Images Entered

September 2012

No names are listed in case an entry scored below an 80 and the Photographer wants to re-enter the image.


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Image Comp Info and Calendar

If you are interested in volunteering with image comp, please contact: Malcolm Slight at 925-330-8737 or email Malcolm at

For PPA Style Projected Image Competition see rules in this Focal Point issue. People’s Choice Print Competition see rules just below. 2. People's Choice Image Competition a. Entry Rules 1) At the discretion of the Image Comp Chair, a theme may be assigned to a People's Choice competition once each year. The theme may or may not pertain to the subject of the speaker's program. The theme will be announced at the meeting, published in the Focal Point and also sent by e-mail to NCPP members. 2) Entries for People’s Choice may be framed, or in albums, mounted to alternative substrates, etc., in addition to PPA style mounted prints. 3) Each NCPP member may submit up to two entries. 4) Entries must be signed in with the image comp chair at least ten minutes before the start of the meeting. 5) Entries will be assigned a number by the image comp chair. Titles are not required. 6) Depending on the style of the entry, the photographer's name or studio logo may be an integral part of the entry and therefore may remain visible during judging. 7) You may also enter Projected Images using a Laptop or iPad IMAGE COMP 2012 CALENDAR January:

PPA Style and Year End People’s Choice


PPA Style


People’s Choice


PPA Style


PPA Style


PPA Style


PPA Style


PPA Style

September: PPA Style October:

PPA Style


People’s Choice


Year End PPA Style 12

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point August Meeting Images

September 2012

Images by: Tom O’Connor 13

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point August Meeting Images

September 2012

Images by: Tom O’Connor 14

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point August Meeting Images

September 2012

Images by: Tom O’Connor 15

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point August Meeting Images

September 2012

Images by: Tom O’Connor 16

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Lisa Duncan 18

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Marina Ford by: Lisa Duncan This image was taken in the Sausalito Marina. The Marina is a place I go to a lot to do and re-do photos. I loved this car from the moment I saw it. The front looks like a face to me and has so much personality. When I was there photographing my boxer Jena, she was running all over the empty parking lot while I was shooting. I thought that this car is like a loyal old dog waiting for its owner. The image was taken with a Canon 5D Mark II, at iso 100. Aperture was 7.1 using a 15mm fisheye lens. I touched it up in Photoshop.

Lisa Duncan 19

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Mack 20

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Maybe Tomorrow by: Michael Day McNamara “I was having lunch at mid-afternoon in a small café and noticed a young woman enter the room. She was carrying a pail and wearing a smock. She put the pail down and started washing the window near me. What little light was there coming through the window put the barest amount of her face in profile. She had a pensive, far-away expression. Then I made this image.

I believe any image should speak for itself and not need embellishment with words. But, people always ask about the person, so this is what happened. “


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Mack 22

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Desert Light by: Wayne Miller Desert Light was captured at Death Valley dunes at sunrise on a road trip with Denny Weigand in March 2012.

The capture was done in HDR (bracketed 3 images, normal and 2-stops over/under). The wind was blowing 10-20mph the day before and day after so we hit it lucky in the morning of the shoot. Tech: Canon 5d Mk2, 24-70 f/2.8 at f/11. I processed the image in Nix HDR Pro, and final tweaks in Photoshop.

Wayne 23

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Lady Waiting by: Wayne Miller Lady Waiting is a composite of two different images. The background is an alley that I shot in Hong Kong while on vacation in China in 2011. We were in the alley waiting for the local bus and this was just a few steps from the bus stop. Captured was another HDR image.

The girl is the image is Krista a model that I have worked with several times, and the original image of her was captured in a phone booth. I wanted to create a more dynamic image so I cut and placed her in the alley.


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

The High Plains by: Wayne Miller The High Plains was captured on another road trip to Las Vegas at Red Rock Canyon National Park (about 30-mintues from the LV strip) in April 2010. The capture was done in HDR (bracketed 3 images, normal and 2stops over/under).

I went out several times to the Red Rock Canyon because of the weather changes and storms coming through. Tech: Canon 5d Mk2, 16-35 f/2.8 at f/7. I processed the image in Nix HDR Pro, and made final tweaks in Photoshop.

Wayne 27

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Row of Five by: Denny Weigand Not much to say about this image…it is, of course, of Fisherman’s Wharf, and was shot in HDR (High Dynamic Range). So often images of this type are “over the top”, creating a surrealistic effect. In this image I attempted to avoid the chromatic aberrations and tried to bring out the natural color.

HDR programs (Photomatix, NIK’s HDR Efex Pro, etc.) tend to allow this overstatement. I used the new CS6 Photoshop’s HDR algorithms and found them to be excellent (unlike earlier versions).


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point Membership Information

September 2012

tact Bill Baker with / for any Membership Information. Email: Phone: 510-701-7685

If you have comments or information regarding prospective members, please send them to: Bill Baker, NCPP Membership Email: Phone: 510-701-7685

Nominees for NCPP 2013 are as follows…

Why join NCPP? General Membership • Attend monthly meetings for free. • Attend monthly guest speaker presentation for free. • Participate in Image Competition for members only monthly. – Images are judged by a panel of NCPP judges and usually our guest speaker. – PPA type scoring range 70 to 100 and comments about the image from the judges. – This is an excellent way to help you grow your craft. • Receive the Monthly Award Winning Focal Point Newsletter for free. • Free advertisement for 3 months a year in the award winning Focal Point Newsletter. • Discounts for attending Night School. • Discounts for NCPP sponsored Workshops. • Free online Yahoo group: Help, job requests, job opportunities from our membership. • Interaction and friendships with many top professional photographers with whom you can share and learn from each other’s knowledge of photography. • Photographers you can reach out to when you need help. • Access to earning Certification and Photography Degrees. • Collaboration with National (PPA) Professional Photographers of America and State (PPC) Professional Photographers of California. Sponsor New members are required to have a sponsor to join NCPP. Your NCPP sponsor will help you get the most out of the organization by helping you understand all the benefits of the organization. Your sponsor will also assist you in print competition and introduce you to members that are in the same area of photography. No worry if you do not have a sponsor NCPP membership will help you find one. Sustaining Membership: 1. Advertisement in the Newsletter-Focal Point and NCPP Website. 2. Display of products and services at meetings. 3. Recommendations to members to use their service…taking notice of discounts offered. 4. Membership advantages…attending meetings and seeing speakers at no cost. 5. Business solicitation while at meetings.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point NCPP Blog

September 2012

Be sure to visit our NCPP Blog. There is a ton of information, How To’s, Tutorials and much more!! The site has a completely fresh new look and is very user friendly! Visit:

Come join the NorCalPhotogs Meetup group. You can sign up for NCPP meeting and leave comments about the group and speakers. This will help NCPP grow, so please join us and let the world know how great this group is.


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Founders, Presidents and Member Awards

NCPP was founded in September 1997 by the following people: Peg Jackson Jim Fidelibus Judy Host Richard Stahlberg Stephanie Piper

Michael Van Auken Cricket Hamilton Steve Brandt Walter Gausch Sylvia Michaels

Past President’s 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Michael Van Auken Judy Host Jim Fidelibus Linda Johnson Walter Guasch Kimberly Peterson Jim Fidelibus Michael Gan

2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Michael Gan Laura Cottril Leslie Artis-Gan Brent Walton Randy Cazinha Wayne Miller Kevallyn Paskos Kevallyn Paskos

Member of the Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Peg Jackson Michael Van Auken Jim Fidelibus Jim Fidelibus Kay Simon Shelly Najera Linda Johnson Heather M. Whiting

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Michael Gan Laura Cottril Tom O'Connor Brent Walton Wayne Miller Denny Weigand

2006 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Leslie Artis-Gan Michael Van Auken - Tie Richard Stahlberg - Tie Richard Stahlberg Wayne Miller Wayne Miller Wayne Miller

Photographer of the Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Peg Jackson Jim Fidelibus Richard Stahlberg Michael Gan Richard Stahlberg Shelly Najera Leslie Artis Richard Stahlberg


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point NCPP Member Degrees

September 2012

PPA Master Craftsman Photographers Lisa Evans Peg Jackson Michael Gan Judy Host Leslie Artis-Gan

PPA Master Photographers Jim Fidelibus Linda Johnson Deidre Ligenfelter Mary Small

PPA Craftsman Photographers Denny Weigand Wayne Miller

PPCC Certified Professional Photographers Leslie Artis-Gan Laura Cottril Lisa Duncan Michael Gan Jill Hager Judy Host Greta Heintz Tammy Hughes Linda Johnson

Scott Kouns Dana Smith Richard Stahlberg Arleen Thomas Darleen Tom Denny Weigand Wayne Miller Brent Walton Pam Biasotti


Jennifer Chesterman Jennifer Fink Stacey Flurscheim Nicole Gee Tod Gomes Ann Gordon Malcolm Slight Terry Riggins Mary Small

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Proudly Presents October 11, 2012 – Michael Van Auken “Lifestyles of the Almost Famous" is designed to inspire the portrait photographer to go beyond the "hi here we are" type of portrait. While no single image can tell us everything about an individual, a portrait should capture something real, something that allows the viewer to catch a glimpse of who the subject is, what they’re like, or what they like to do. A portrait is more than just a smile; it should tell us something about the people we photograph. Building rapport, using props, finding interesting environments and enhancing the mood with controlled lighting will be discussed as well as demonstrated in this entertaining and educational presentation. MVA BIO

Michael Van Auken has been recording the history of people's lives for more than thirty years. MVA is accomplished in the art of photojournalism, portraiture, pictorial photography and is fluent in Photoshop. After many years of running a successful photography studio in Pleasant Hill, in 2002 he joined Cantrell Portrait Design as senior associate photographer where he specializes in family portraits and special event photography. Since then he has become the director of marketing. MVA is a founding member of both Northern California Professional Photographers and California Photographic Workshops. He was the inaugural president of NCPP in 1998 and currently serves on the board of directors. He has presented numerous educational programs for professional photography associations including The Wedding and Portrait Photographers International in Las Vegas (WPPI) and the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers in the United Kingdom. In 2007 MVA was awarded one of the top album awards from WPPI. He received NCPP’s Print of the Year in 2006 and was named Photographer of the Year in 2007. MVA is dedicated to providing impeccable service and quality photographs. His personal mission, and marketing catch phrase, is “making sure you look great and have fun in the process.”


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point Educational Opportunities


September 2012

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

PPCC Certification, and PPA Merit & Degree Programs

If you are interested in becoming a Certified Professional Photographer, Master of Photography, Master of Electronic Imaging or a Photographic Craftsman, click here. Or, contact Wayne Miller or Denny Weigand PPCC CPP Liaisons. This link will take you to the PPA website and you will see the page shown below. The image below is just a screen shot of the website, the links are not hot.


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2012


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2011


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2010


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2009


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2008


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2007


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2006


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Membership Classifications and Fees for 2012

Professional Active: Annual Dues $135. A professional photographer is an individual who on a regular basis, takes and sells photographs or photographic services. Must satisfy federal, state (resale permit), & local license requirements. Professional Active members have full membership privileges (Free meetings, voting, use of NCPP logo for self promotional use, and image competition). Aspiring*: Annual Dues $135. An individual who does not work in the photographic field, or derive any income from photography but plans to enter the profession. Limited to one year. Membership privileges: Meetings and entering image competition, but may not vote, hold office or use the NCPP logo. May not actively sell their photography or advertise/promote themselves as a photographer for hire. Limited to 20% enrolment. Student*: Annual Dues $50. Members preparing for a career in photography and currently enrolled in a school as a full time student. Applicant must show evidence of enrollment. Membership privileges: Meetings and entering image competition, but may not vote, hold office or use the NCPP logo. Limited to 10% enrolment. Sustaining: Annual Dues $150. Membership issued to the business name of the organization, which is a supplier, vendor, or manufacturer of photographic materials, supplies or photographic services. One representative of the organization shall have meeting privileges only, additional pay guest fees. *Aspiring & Student Classifications must assist/help six events per year to maintain classification, submit 2 images per month in Aspiring image competition (free), and attend Business 101 A to Z a new photographers guide to business success ($99) in order to move to Professional Active.


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Member Advertisements

October 15, 2012 “The outside of a horse. . .” Instructor: Ann Gordon, CPP There are more horses in the United States today then there were at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century—it's a perfect market to tap if you can handle the unique challenges. Learn to shoot from the best angles, how to set the pose to present the breed, and how to incorporate people with their giant friends. Ann will discuss photographing a variety of disciplines, from Western reining to jumping and dressage, using her experience of over 50 years as a horsewoman and 20 years as an equine photographer. $99 registration when purchased by October 3. ($120 on-site registration, space permitting) Register at or by phone at 1-800-786-6277 by October 3, 2012.


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

NCPP Member Advertisements

Wentling's Studio, after 3 generations and 67 years of continuous retail studio operation, is downsizing and moving from our current location. Anything that does not fit in our truck or does not fit our new business model is for sale at massive discounts. Here is a small list of some of the items available and the price I would like to get for them. As some of our members have already found out, we are willing to negotiate so all prices are as listed OBO. Please call Dirk Wentling at 925.685.7760 for more information. Halloween is the last day of the sale! Item Mug Press Mugs Included 15x15 Clam Shell Press Shirts included Fillet Chopper Fillets and Spacers Included 2 roller 12' Lift system Extension Cord Photogenic PL2500DR Photogenic PL1250 Photogenic PL1250 Photogenic PL1250 Alien Bees B400 Alien Bees B400 Muslin Triple Wall Track System Natural Muslin 90"x20' Natural Muslin 90"x20' Natural Muslin 90"x20' Black Muslin 90"x20' Brown Wingback Chair Brown Wingback Chair Production Room Desk Command Center Office Desk Office Desk & Tower Oak Drawers Entertainment Shelves Entertainment Shelves Entertainment Shelves Office Chair in Production room Office Chair in Frame Room Office Chair in front counter Office Chair in Jenni Desk Scenic Design Courtyard Set Complete Matching Background for above Brown Old Masters Painted Bkgd 12'x10' Blue/grey Old Masters Painted Bkgd 12'x10'

Value Asking Price 345.00 150.00 850.00




1453.00 50.00 940.00 720.00 720.00 720.00 225.00 225.00 366.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 65.00 900.00 900.00 600.00 1900.00 1250.00 400.00 500.00 500.00 500.00

700.00 0.00 400.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 160.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 150.00 150.00 250.00 750.00 450.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 75.00 50.00 60.00 75.00

3095.00 672.00

1400.00 200.00






Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point NCPP Sustaining Members THE ART OF PICTURE FRAMING

September 2012

APF is a full-service wholesale custom framing facility. We work closely with Fine Art and Framing Galleries, Interior Designers, Professional Photographers, Art Consultants, Retailers and others in need of custom framing at wholesale prices. APF specializes in creating custom programs or packages to your individual business or market needs. We offer superior quality with flexible pricing to fit your individual needs. Contact: Mike Moretti 1084 Shary Circle, #B Concord, CA 94518 (Located behind Costco) E-mail: 925-689-5177 web:


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point NCPP Sustaining Members

September 2012

BAY PHOTO LAB Contact: Debbie Thomas E-mail: 510-585-7049 web: 2161 Delaware Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95060 800-435-6686 fax: 931-475-5257


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point NCPP Sustaining Members


September 2012

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point NCPP Sustaining Members


September 2012

Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point Our Neighboring Affiliates PPC Professional Photographers of California Affiliates


Company Name â–˛


All Valley Professional Photographers - AVPP

La Canada Flintridge

(818) 262-7903

Associated Image Makers - AIM



Central Valley Professional Photographers - CVPP


559 266-0305

Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association - CIPPA


(805) 573-7637

Gold Coast Professional Photographers Association - GCPPA

Pismo Beach

805 733-5197

Inland Empire Professional Photographers & Videographers - IEPPV



Northern California Professional Photographers - NCPP

Walnut Creek

925 330-8737

Professional Photographers of California


Professional Photographers of Los Angeles County - PPLAC

Culver city

(818) 344-0671

Professional Photographers of North Valley - PPNV



Professional Photographers of Orange County - PPOC

Mission Viejo


Professional Photographers of Sacramento Valley - PPSV


530 363-0138

Professional Photographers of San Diego County - PPSDC

San Diego

(858) 695-9563

Professional Photographers of Santa Barbara County - PPSBC

Santa Barbara

(805) 403-6556

Professional Photographers of Santa Clara Valley - PPSCV

San Jose

408 244-2293

Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area - PPGBA

So. San Francisco

530 574-6033

Professional Photographers of the Redwood Empire - PPRE

Santa Rosa

707 548-1181

Stanislaus Professional Photographers - SPP


209 847-0540


Web Site

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point NCPP Calendar

September 2012

September 2012 Thurs 13th:

NCPP Meeting – Crown Plaza, 45 John Glen Drive, Concord Vijay Rakhra - “How to Increase Your Sales by Offering Video”

Tues. 25th:

Focal Point articles due

Mon. October 8th: Focal Point Publish. The Editor will be out of town so the Focal Point will be published on Oct. 8th and prior to the meeting on the 11th. Please have everything emailed to me as usual by Sept. 25th so it will be waiting for me when I get home. Thanks, Tom

October 2012 Thurs 11th:

NCPP Meeting – Crown Plaza, 45 John Glen Drive, Concord Michael Van Auken - “Lifestyles of the Almost Famous”

Thurs. 25th:

Focal Point articles due

Wed. 31st:

Focal Point Publish

Click here to register for all Super Monday classes: Mon. 15th:

“The Outside of a Horse” – Ann Gordon Instructor “Lightroom & Photoshop in One Gulp” – Denny Weigand Instructor

Sat. 20th:

“Creating Dynamic Images with Studio Lighting” – Wayne Miller Instructor

Mon. 22nd:

“Lightroom & Photoshop in One Gulp” – Denny Weigand Instructor


Northern California Professional Photographers

September 2012

Focal Point

Sunset Table for Walnut Creek


Northern California Professional Photographers

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