NCSA Today Magazine, Fall 2012

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Teacher and Principal Evaluation – Blueprint for Nebraska Also in this issue …

® When “Is It Possible?” Becomes Our Reality ® Helping Parents Help Their Kids ® ESUCC: Building a System of Partnerships for School Improvement

Nebraska Council of School Administrators

Fall 2012

Horace Mann helps you create better classrooms Grant writing is hard. We’ve found an easier way. As a national sponsor of, Horace Mann shows you and your teachers just how easy it is to find funds for classrooms. Give us 20 minutes. We’ll make your job easier. To learn more, find your local agent at


2 Teacher and Principal Evaluation – Blueprint for Nebraska


3 When “Is It Possible?” Becomes Our Reality BY ANGELA SIMPSON

4 Helping Parents Help Their Kids BY TED STILWILL

13 ESUCC: Building a System of Partnerships for School Improvement BY MATT BLOMSTEDT


Nebraska School Superintendents’ Status, Fall 2012 BY DR. JAMES E. OSSIAN


Conference Spotlight:Administrators’ Days 2012


NASES Names Outstanding New Special Education Supervisor of the Year


NASES Names Distinguished Special Education Administrator of the Year


NASA Names Superintendent of the Year


NCSA Announces Distinguished Service Award and NCSA Friend of Education Award


The Boys of Fall BY JANE MOODY


Where’s the Risk on Construction Management at-Risk? BY GEORGE SCHULER


Building Capacity for the Profession BY DR. MIKE DULANEY and DR. DAN ERNST

10 11 20

Upcoming Events Special Announcements Calendar of Events

NCSA Mission The mission of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA) is to be an effective leader for quality education and to enhance the professionalism of its members. NCSA Today is a benefit of membership in the Nebraska Council of School Administrators, 455 South 11th Street, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68508. Telephone 402.476.8055 or 800.793.6272. Fax 402.476.7740. Annual membership dues are $335 (active members), $100 (associate members), or $40 (student members). NCSA Today is published quarterly. Send address changes to NCSA, Membership, 455 South 11th Street, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68508. Copyright ©2012 by NCSA. All rights reserved.

NCSA EXECUTIVE BOARD 2012-2013 Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dave Kaslon Vice Chair . . . . . . . . . . .Greg Barnes Past Chair . . . . . . . . . . . Jack Moles NASA Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . .Tim DeWaard President-elect . . . . . . .Mike Teahon Past President . . . . . . . .Greg Barnes NASBO Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . . .Jill Pauley President-elect . . . . .Kelli Ackerman Past President . . . . . . . Dave Kaslon NAESP Representatives President . . . . . . . . . .Ann Jablonski President-elect . . . . . .Mike Janssen Past President . . . . . . . .David Kraus NASES Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . .Jane Moody President-elect . . . . . . .Brenda Tracy Past President . . . . . . . .Stuart Clark NSASSP Representatives President . . . . . . . . . .Chris Stogdill President-elect . . . . . Brian Tonniges Past President . . .Mitch Bartholomew NARSA Representative President . . . . . . . .Robert Bussmann NCSA STAFF Dr. Michael S. Dulaney Executive Director/Lobbyist Dr. Dan E. Ernst Associate Executive Director/Lobbyist Kelly Coash-Johnson Training and Development Director Amy Poggenklass Finance and Membership Coordinator Angie Carman Executive Administrative Assistant Carol Young Administrative Assistant Elisabeth Reinkordt Staff Correspondent The opinions expressed in NCSA Today or by its authors do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators. FALL 2012




Teacher and Principal Evaluation – Blueprint for Nebraska BY ELISABETH REINKORDT, Staff Correspondent


n Friday, November 9th, the Nebraska State Board of Education will consider the recommendations of a committee of education leaders who have spent the last six months developing model teacher and principal evaluation systems. But what exactly does this mean for Nebraska educators? In order to understand where Nebraska is now—and where the state is heading—it is helpful to take a step back. Commissioner Roger Breed explains that “the development of teacher/principal frameworks and evaluation models came out of the recognition by school improvement grant (SIG) schools that robust teacher and principal qualities were a necessary precondition for school improvement.” At the same time, standardized systems for teacher and principal evaluation garnered heightened national attention with the Obama Administration’s 2009 an-



FALL 2012

nouncement that Race to the Top applicants would be expected to advance reforms that addressed “recruiting, developing, rewarding, and retaining effective teachers and principals, especially where they are needed most.” In December of 2010, Nebraska Department of Education Curriculum & Instruction Administrator Donlynn Rice began collecting stakeholder input on what this might look like in Nebraska. “We wanted to find out from the grassroots level up—what did K-16 representatives, parents, and other key players think would work for Nebraska,” Rice said. “This process is built upon the recognition that student learning takes place at the point where students interact with effective teachers and principals,” Breed said. “Therefore, the State (continued on page 18)


When “Is It Possible?” Becomes Our Reality BY ANGELA SIMPSON, Principal, Platteview High School


n August 15th we handed out 500 iPads to our 7th through 12th grade students and another 300 iPads to the K6 students. This was the end of one journey and the beginning of another. Our first journey began during our discussion of where our district is heading as part of our school’s continuous improvement process. As we discussed our vision for Platteview High School, a teacher asked this question, “Is it possible for us to look at cost and procedures for becoming a 1:1 laptop school?” Since our process of improvement is collaborative, I visited with the teacher about the possibilities and how he wanted to begin. A meeting with our Apple representative was initiated and the immediate personnel were involved. As we talked and discussed in our initial meeting, it became clearer that a laptop initiative was not impossible for our school district, it also moved from a 9-12 initiative to a 7-12 initiative and tentatively found a place in our five-year strategic plan. An

action plan was developed to share and gather information with our stakeholders. We were on our way to presenting a 1:1 laptop initiative to the board and the community. We felt that our students needed to integrate their learning with technology to make them better able to compete in the global work force. We continued on this path until December of 2011 when Apple made their next “big” announcement.

As in any good action plan, there were multiple options available and when Apple announced their new iPad and the ebook partnerships with publishers, we again had to evaluate the direction we had chosen and the other plans we had discarded. Our elementary principals had been more interested in the iPad for K6 because of the applications available to differentiate learning. With this new announcement we visited with our staff and administrative team about the advantages our students might have with the iPad versus the laptop. We felt that with this announcement mobile technology would be rising and the laptop technology may not be making many new strides. We spent two days with Apple and a cohort of teachers across the K-12 teaching staff to discuss the direction and all of the possibilities we may have at our fingertips. After evaluating the options again and again we made the decision to embark on the mobile technology journey. As we pushed forward in our initiatives, it was time to involve stakeholders and staff in the process and committees were created to address the needs of our students and our staff. In March, 2012 we held an open community forum to share our district strategic plan. Community members shared their hopes and fears for the future of our school district and were able to visit with administrators (continued on page 7) FALL 2012




Helping Parents Help Their Kids The Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy Counties pursue new models to help children succeed BY TED STILWILL, Learning Community CEO

C Stilwill

ould proven practices to empower parents be Nebraska’s best weapon to challenge poverty’s impact on education? By investing in parents, the Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy County is charting a new course to find out. In the heart of South Omaha, where children from Hispanic families lag well behind their their elementary school peers, the new Learning Community Center of South Omaha is a beehive of activity. Parents choose to be here because they want to help their children do better in school. While the parents learn new skills, their children settle in with books and Pre-K exercises in a cozy playroom, right down the hall. Empowering parents as a child's first and mostimportant teacher is a focal point for the Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy Counties. The 18-member Coordinating Council, charged with changing education for children living in poverty, sees a promising avenue to make a real difference in children’s lives. With local school districts struggling to address the widening achievement gap for poor students, the Nebraska Legislature created a Learning Community of

eleven school districts in the two-county area in Northeast Nebraska. The community-based program in South Omaha is one of the innovative programs funded by the $4.7 million elementary levy. The first classes in the new center confirm what educators already know—most parents genuinely want to do what’s best for their child. The Family Literacy classes meet at least twice a week in the center, with program navigators making home visits to help parents apply new skills. With bilingual staff, the atmosphere at the center is friendly and informal. Parents learn English and computer skills in half-day sessions. Workshops address cultural differences and teach parents what really matters in elementary school. The Learning Community Center team helps parents work through the obstacles that prevent children from doing their best in school. As they discover new challenges for parents, the team makes improvements in the family literacy model. To some, the idea of helping children succeed in elementary school by helping parents may seem radical. I believe the proven family literacy model, tailored to address specific gaps, holds tremendous promise. By the end of this year, we'll be following the progress of at least eight classes of up to ten parents each, including home visits with their children. We want to make sure that we're having real impact at home and in school. By rigorously evaluating what we're doing right and wrong, we’re moving toward a costeffective model for our schools. The first program evaluations are due later this year, but we are already seeing significant progress. A simple but powerful example came shortly after the center opened in April. The (continued on page 9)



FALL 2012


Nebraska School Superintendents’ Status, Fall 2012 BY DR. JAMES E. OSSIAN, Wayne State College

I Ossian

n case you are curious about anything having to do with public school superintendents in the United States, you will want to read AASA’s The American School Superintendent: 2010 Decennial Study (Kowalski et al., 2011). The 146-page book was compiled from an 88-item electronic survey of the country’s 12,600 public school superintendents, and the 1,867 respondents generated information that fills six figures and 186 tables. Four enrollment categories are employed in the tables: 25,000 or more; 3,000 to 24,999; 300 to 2,999; and fewer than 300. Just fewer than 10 percent of the responding superintendents were in the smallest-district category. By comparison, approximately 42 percent of Nebraska school districts would fall under this designation. Education Specialist students in my fall class at Wayne State are patiently sifting through the tons of data. In case the typical Nebraska administrator isn’t that patient, please know that the typical U.S. school superintendent is male, white, married, and between the ages of 56 to 60. For the most part, they are satisfied with their job, their status in the community, and with their school board. Politically, 37.3 percent report being Democrat, 28.4 percent are Republican, and 24.6 percent identify themselves as Independent. Just over 45 percent have earned a Doctoral Degree and, the part I liked, 81.1 percent regarded professors in their academic preparation as excellent or good. However, they may not have had to dissect a decennial study. By the way, that word means “once every 10 years.” The New Year At the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year, there will be 42 school districts that have a new executive leader, one more than last fall. In all, there will 237 individuals in the superintendent role for the 249 districts, 13 of whom will be serving as superintendents in two different districts. The slight increase in turnover for the new year had little impact on the 34-year average, which remains at 41.3 per year. Similarly, the 16.9 percent turnover rate for this fall is only a bit more than the 16.3 percent figure from a year ago. Both numbers are considerably less than the 18.9 percent figure recorded in

the fall of 2000 and then again in the fall of 2008. That percentage is the highest observed in the past 34 years. The adjusted median tenure-in-position figure decreased from 3.37 years to 3.31 years, and the average tenure-in-position decreased from 5.24 years to 4.88 years, the lowest number recorded in 34 years. The data used in AASA’s 2010 Decennial Study for superintendent tenure included total experience rather than tenure in the current position. Using an extrapolated median, the Nation’s top school executives have served approximately six years in their careers as superintendents. Of the 42 individuals who left a Nebraska Superintendency last year, 26 retired, nine moved to another instate superintendent position, five accepted other administrative posts, one dropped dual district responsibilities, and one moved out of state. Eighteen of the superintendents in year one are assuming the top executive position for the first time, and 118 of 249 (47.4 percent) superintendent positions will involve three years or less tenure in the same district, including the 2012-2013 school year. The Veterans For the past 34 years the number of Nebraska superintendents with 20 or more year’s tenure in the same school district has averaged 15, with the high-water mark being 28 in the fall of 1991. Last year there were five, and there are only two to begin the 2012-2013 school year. It would appear that the era of the longserving school executive is all but over. The two 20-plus veterans are: Randall Anderson, 34 years at Crofton; and Jon Cerny, 20 years at BancroftRosalie. Those who have been on the job between 15 and 19 years in the same district include: Keith Lutz, Millard (18); Kevin Johnson, Yutan, Jack Moles, Johnson CO Central, and Dan Novak, Elmwood-Murdock (17); Steve Sexton, Fremont (16); and Jay Bellar, Battle Creek and Dan Bird, Burwell (15). The numbers for other superintendents with double-digit tenure are three with 14 years, three with 13 years, nine with 12 years, five with 11 years, and three with 10 years. (continued on page 6)

FALL 2012



TRENDS IN EDUCATIO N fice administration. Mark Shepard, Associate Superintendent in Lincoln, and Dennis Pool, Assistant Superintendent in Omaha, are assigned ESU directors. Al Schneider’s retirement from ESU 5 in Beatrice leaves Wayne Bell, ESU 10 in Kearney, at the top of the tenure list with 19 years. Other ESU directors and their years at the helm include: Gil Kettelhut, ESU 3 in suburban Omaha and Norm Ronell, ESU 7 at Columbus (16); Randy Peck, ESU 8 at Neligh and Jon Fisher, ESU 4 at Auburn (14); Marge Beatty, the only female in the group, ESU 16 at Ogallala (12); Bob Uhing, ESU 1 at Wakefield (10); Dennis Radford, ESU 17 at Ainsworth (9); Dan Shoemake, ESU 6 at Milford (7); Jeff West, ESU 13 at Scottsbluff and Paul Calvert, ESU 15 at Trenton (4); Dave Ludwig, ESU 2 at Fremont (3); Kraig Lofquist, ESU 9 at Hastings and Paul Tedesco, ESU 11 at Holdrege (2); and Brian Gegg, former superintendent at Weeping Water, is in his first year, having replaced Al Schneider at ESU 5 in Beatrice.

The Super Supes The list of the state’s most experienced superintendents and service-unit directors has dwindled from 14 to 11. These distinguished survivors are still active and have accumulated at least 25 years as a lead executive educator. Again, I could use some help in maintaining this list. Please inform me if you know of any individuals who are approaching the 25-year mark in total tenure as a school superintendent and/or service-unit director. Tom McMahon: Waterloo, Hayes Center, Clarkston, and Dodge/Howells, 40 years; Randall Anderson: Crofton, 34 years; Wayne Bell: Grant, Gothenburg, and ESU 10, 34 years; Mike Cunning: Sutherland and Hershey, 32 years; Larry Harnisch: Pawnee City, Wood River, and Sterling, 31 years; Roger Lenhard: Stuart, St. Edward, and Keya Paha, 31 years; Dale Rawson: Benkelman, Kansas Schools, and Mead, 31 years; Steve Sexton: Chadron and Fremont, 30 years; Dwaine Uttecht: Elgin and Ravenna, 30 years; Ted Hillman: Wynot, Pleasanton, Osmond, South Dakota School, and Lynch, 29 years; Gil Kettelhut: Valley and ESU 3, 26 years. Kudos to this crew of warriors and here is hoping that they will continue to contribute their expertise for many more years to come.

Women Superintendents One of the more interesting data items in the AASA 2010 Decennial Study referenced earlier is that women now constitute 24.1 percent of the nation’s public school superintendents. Unfortunately, the growth trend in female Nebraska superintendents has come to an abrupt halt. This fall there will be 24 (10.1 perService Unit Directors cent of the total) women in the head leadership position, a deThis is the second year in which ESU administrators are being crease of four from last year. Jacque Estee retired from Omaha recognized in this annual article. They are an experienced and caWestside; Jane Hornung retired from Arthur County; Jane Stavem pable group of educators whose organizations provide invaluable left Blair for an associate superintendent position with the Lincoln assistance, ranging from staff development to technology, for the Public Schools; and Tami Eshleman, who was the interim superinP-12 districts in their service areas. ESUs 18 and 19, Lincoln and tendent last year in North Platte, has returned to a central office Omaha respectively, function as a part of their districts’ central ofposition. Both year-one, women executives moved from other superintendenNebraska Public School Districts cies: Beth Johnsen left Friend for Superintendent Data, Fall 1979, 2000, 2012 Conestoga and Virginia Moon, formerly at Ralston and Broken Bow, assumed Item 1979 2000 2012 the interim superintendent position in Omaha. School Districts 317 275 249 The rest of the fall 2012 group are Number of Superintendents 317 261 237 as follows: Jamie Isom, Valentine and Lana Sides, Banner County (9 yrs.); Median Tenure in Position 3.97 3.74 3.31 Holly Herzberg, Hampton, Margaret Sandoz, Niobrara, Amy Shane, O’Neill, Average Tenure in Position 6.16 6.36 4.88 and Paula Sissel, Garden County (7 Supt. with One-Year Tenure 56 52 42 yrs.); Cindy Huff, Wood River and Marlene Uhing, Norfolk (6 yrs.); Trudy Percent Turnover 17.7 18.9 16.9 Clark, Bruning-Davenport, Candace Conradt, Central City, Melissa Wheelock, Supt. with 20-plus Years Tenure 10 15 2 Minden, and Dana Wiseman, Sutton (5

Women Superintendents



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(continued on page 7)

TRENDS IN EDUCATIO N yrs.); Lynn Johnson, Arlington (4 yrs.); Joan Carraher, Cedar Rapids, Amy Malander, Greeley-Wolbach, Cherrie Malcolm, Homer, and Caroline Winchester, Chadron (3 yrs.); Kim Lingenfelter, Neligh-Oakdale, Ginger Meyer, Scribner-Snyder, Julie Otero, Centura, Joan Reznicek, Ponca, and Stephanie Wlaschin, Spalding (2 yrs.). Looking Ahead In the past few years, I have identified two consistent trends as being the increase in women superintendents and the decrease in the number of school districts. It would appear that those two trends have stalled out, at least for now. Parsing the data from the AASA 2010 Decennial Study, authors of the “Front Line” section in the May 2012 School Administrator identify three factors that have led to the dramatic increase in female superintendents: (1) Women have accounted for the majority of doctoral students in educational administration programs for the past two decades, (2) Given their more diverse experience in teaching and instructional leadership, women are more appealing to school boards who wish to focus on student learning, and (3) There are more women candidates than in the past who are seeking the top job. Neither Democrat nor Republican presidential candidates have come forward with any substantive new policy initiatives for education. NCLB, of course, was enacted under the Bush administration, then it was rendered even more onerous on Obama’s watch. For educators, it is wait-and-see time. Referencing the AASA 2010 Decennial Study once more, it is easy to determine the issues that are most important to the country’s school superintendents. When asked to identify the most im-

portant subjects studied during their academic preparation, they listed school law, school finance, school community relations, and human resource management. The list did not change much when surveyed superintendents were asked to identify the most valuable topics in their continued professional preparation: law/legal issues, finance, personnel management, school reform/improvement, superintendent-board relations, and school community relations. Though not mentioned as a discrete topic in the above lists, many Nebraska administrators and their teacher leaders are now immersed in data retreats and building data ladders. That’s why EXCEL spreadsheets were invented. I find especially intriguing the new value-added, teacher-evaluation formulas, which feature as many as 17 elements over which the teacher has no control. I am reminded of the dialogue between Tweedledum and Tweedledee in Alice in Wonderland, when Tweedledee says to Tweedledum, “. . . if it were so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.” As before, sincere thank-yous are tendered to Dan Ernst, Associate Director of NCSA, and Marge Beatty, Director of ESU 16 in Ogallala, for their help in compiling the data in this annual article. I “There is nothing more dangerous to take in hand, more perilous to conduct,or more uncertain of its success, than to lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” Machiavelli, The Prince, 1532

When “Is It Possible?”… (continued from page 3) and board members about the 1:1 initiative. We left this meeting going full steam ahead. From the time we received a yes vote from the board of education to August 15, 2012 it was a whirlwind of information sharing, gathering and action plans. We updated our wireless system in all of the buildings, developed training sessions, reviewed and updated district internet policies and continued to update curriculum and always looked for the glitches that may show themselves in our proposed system. To begin to plan for the rollout process we contacted many schools on their internet user agreements and their policies for technology when it left the school building. Our district technology and district administrators contacted districts already participating in 1:1 initiatives across the United States and began to craft our new and updated school policies it was important to have our policies in order prior to send rollout information to our parents and stakeholders. As a school building we have been able to set our school procedures and expectations for students and staff

based on these policies. In May, 2012 our staff spent their last day at school turning in their laptops and desktop machines. We provided each teacher with a MacBook Air and a New iPad so they could begin learning and finding opportunities to use the technology as part of their existing curriculum. Each teacher attended a twoday training about the opportunities available to them with the iPads. We found the most valuable part of that training was the collaboration that took place across disciplines and grade levels. Each teacher was encouraged to find an app that fit into their teaching style or topic and share with the group. This began our journey of exploration into the application of learning. As our second journey has begun this year we are a different school not only because of the iPad in their hand each day but because we have embraced change and possibility. We are now asking our students and staff members not “Is it possible?” but “What are the possibilities?” I FALL 2012




2012 Administrators’ Days To read the full article the activities and highlights of 2012 Administrators’ Days, visit

Mark your calendars for Administrators’ Days 2013 July 31-August 2 Kearney, Nebraska



FALL 2012


NASES Names Outstanding New Special Education Supervisor of the Year


ason Harris, Executive Director of Student Services at Columbus Public Schools, was awarded the New Special Education Supervisor of the Year for 2011-2012 by the Nebraska Association of Special Education Supervisors (NASES) at their fall conference in Lincoln on Friday, August 31, 2012. Larianne Polk, Special Education Director at Educational Service Unit #7 and past recipient, presented the award. Jason’s mother, Bev Harris, and brother, Jeff Harris, were in attendance at the award presentation. To be eligible for this award, nominees must be in the first five years of administration and have demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, their region, and at the state level. Additionally, the nomination must include letters of support from students, parents, teachers, and peers illustrating the nominee’s enthusiasm and impact on the lives of those affected by Special Education. The nominee must be a member of the state NASES, NCSA, and national CASE organizations. Jason has been the Executive Director of Student Services at Columbus Public Schools since 2010. Jason is responsible for providing leadership and support to staff facilitating special education. His knowledge and leadership skills are apparent to all that he encounters. Prior to this position, Jason was the Special Education Supervisor at Omaha Public Schools. Jason’s colleagues and co-workers supported his nomination for this award. Amy Romshek, Director of Curriculum and Instruction at Columbus Public Schools, stated: “He is extremely bright, organized, and willing to take on challenges, including

those challenges that test the status quo. Through sound reasoning, excellent communication skills, and his own modeling, Mr. Harris inspires others to think outside the box and try new approaches”. In addition, Jason has made a lasting impression with parents and students. Susan Uhl, Parent of Columbus Public Schools says, “I have been fortunate to work with Mr. Harris because I have two children who have autism…. Mr. Harris has been a fantastic addition to the Columbus Public School District as it is apparent that he has the best interest of each child in mind.” I

Helping Parents Help Their Kids…(continued from page 4) Learning Community team noticed the children showed little interest in the center’s books. They discovered the parents had no idea how reading at home leads to improved vocabulary and test scores. After participating in a workshop to help parents connect reading to school, most parents now read to their children at home every day. School districts statewide have yet to establish a successful track record with Hispanic students. With limited funds and broad latitude, the Nebraska Legislature charged the Learning Community with the creation of visionary resources to create educational opportunity. By working with Hispanic parents in

South Omaha, we'll have answers for the long term. The fact is, 30 percent of Nebraska five-year olds are Hispanic. We must do better and validate new best-practice strategies to be sure that children graduate with the skills they need. The shortterm cost is high, but this investment extends from our schools to the heart of our future workforce. To follow Learning Community progress, visit www.learn, and sign up for the Learning Community Link (email: I

FALL 2012




NASES Names Distinguished Special Education Administrator of the Year



llen Stokebrand of ESU #4 was announced as the winner of the Nebraska Association of Special Education Supervisors (NASES) Distinguished Special Education Administrator of the year in Kearney during Administrators’ Days. There are four criteria for the award. First is professional membership and activities. Ellen has been NASES President, currently serves as one of two NASES legislative representatives, and according to Kelly CoashJohnson, is a “tremendous asset to NCSA.” She has served on far too many statewide committees, task forces, and related groups to list. The second criterion is innovation and contribution to special education. When there is something new or pressing in special education, Ellen is leading the charge to tackle it head on with passion and energy. As noted in her nomination letters, she is the one that others call when they have questions; that includes, other administrators, Senators, and even our Executive Director, Dr. Mike Dulaney. The third criterion is impact on administrator preparedness and quality of service to exceptional children. Ellen has served as a mentor to multiple new special and regular education administrators. Through those relationships she instills in others her voracious commitment to doing the

right thing for all students, but especially those who have disabilities. Her regular collaboration with staff developers keeps her well rounded and grounded while giving her opportunity to improve education as a whole. The final criterion is additional education-related activities. A nomination letter mentioned her ability to make special education laws and finance understandable, and that is not easy an easy task. The fact that it was a superintendent from Johnson County who wrote those things underscores the enormity of that accomplishment. She does all this by building relationships and putting others first—children, families, teachers, and never being satisfied with things just being good enough. She pursues greatness, she inspires, she cares. I

Upcoming Events Managing Student Conduct November 5 – Scottsbluff November 6 – Norfolk November 8 – Omaha

The Ar t of B Power eing Unders to ful Con versatio od – Novem ns be Novem r 1 – Norfolk b er 2 – Kearney

For information on any of these events or to register online, visit

The State Principals Conference December 6-7 Younes Conference Center – Kearney



FALL 2012

rators minist d A g in Emerg orkshops W ry 9th Februa & d n ry 2 Februa Legisla tive P Decem review b Cornh usker H er 12 otel – L incoln


NASA Names Superintendent of theYear



evin Riley, Superintendent of Gretna Public Schools, has been named Nebraska Association of School Administrators (NASA) Superintendent of the Year for 2012-13. Dr. Riley and 49 other superintendents will be recognized and compete for the National Superintendent of the Year at the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) national convention in February. The National Superintendent of the Year Program pays tribute to the talent and vision of the men and women who lead our nation’s public schools. Candidates are judged on Leadership for Learning, Communication, Professionalism, and Community Involvement. Kevin has been the Superintendent at Gretna since 1999. Prior to that, he served as High School Principal and Assistant Principal. He received his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Doctor of Education from the University of Nebraska. A few of Kevin’s community and professional activities include: NASA Board member, Learning Community Superintendents Advisory Committee, member of Phi Delta Kappa, Sarpy County Alternative School Advisory Board, President of the Gretna Optimist Club, and Gretna Area Chamber of Commerce Board member.

Alan Dietze, Gretna Board President, states: “What impresses me and so many others is Dr. Riley’s passion for educating all students. He listens to staff and encourages the application of proven teaching methods across the district.” Chuck Chevalier, retired Superintendent of South Sarpy School District, states: “Kevin Riley is a superior school leader, who brings people together to solve problems, yet maintains a focus on student outcomes.… He really cares about the people he serves—teachers, students, and parents.” I

Special Announcements or Congratulations to Jan Glenn, Direct of Business Services, ESU #3, who has er of been sworn in as the newest memb toun Acc the Nebraska Board of Public ancy.

Good luck to N ebraska’s own Dora Olivares, Principal at Ge ring Jr. High School, w ho is a candidat e for the National Associ ation of Secon d ary School Princip als President-e lect.

FALL 2012




NCSA Announces Distinguished Service Award and NCSA Friend of Education Award Dr. Pat Roschewski, past Director of Assessment for the Nebraska Department of Education, was awarded the Nebraska Council of School Administrators first-ever Friend of Education Award at Administrators’ Days 2012. Bob Uhing, past recipient of the NCSA Distinguished Service Award, presided. The NCSA Friend of Education Award will be


r. Dallas Watkins, past Superintendent of Dundy County Schools, was presented the Nebraska Council of School Administrators Distinguished Service Award at Administrators’ Days 2012. Kent Mann, past recipient, presided. Dallas has served as an administrator in the state of Nebraska for 30 years. He has worked tirelessly to promote equality of educational opportunities for students. He has worked closely with the legislature on issues germane to education with a particular emphasis on school finance and school activities. He has been a longstanding valuable resource to administrators across the state and in particular to those in western Nebraska. He began his career serving in 1990 as Superintendent of Schools for the Dundy County Public Schools at Benkelman, Haigler, Max, and Parks, Nebraska. Prior to the move to Benkelman, he was a high school principal, teacher, and coach in Holbrook, Nebraska, and a teacher and coach in Dalton, Nebraska. The NCSA Distinguished Service Award is given annually to an individual or individuals who have demonstrated exceptional, distinguished leadership in public education.



FALL 2012

given annually to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional, distinguished leadership on behalf of public education. According to Pat’s peers and colleagues, she is a consummate professional who has dedicated an unwavering commitment to the principles of quality education for all. She led in the development and implementation of Nebraska’s first standards-based, statewide assessments and accountability systems. Pat has recently retired from NDE and continues to be involved in education through consulting and contract work. I


ESUCC: Building a System of Partnerships for School Improvement BY MATT BLOMSTEDT, ESUCC Executive Director



he ESU Coordinating Council was created in statute just over four years ago. Each of the seventeen ESU Administrators serves on the Council as a board member. The ESU Administrators collectively act to establish policy and direction for the statewide initiatives under the ESUCC and also work to coordinate to deliver equitable services across the state’s ESUs. Although the formation of the Council was formalized in statute in 2008, many of the initiatives (Distance Education, Cooperative Purchasing, Special Education Student Records System/SRS, Instructional Materials, my elearning, and the ESU Professional Development Organization) were established for years, even decades, before the creation of the ESUCC. Since the creation of the ESUCC, it was both important to maintain the statewide projects as well as restructure the strategic management of each project. Although, not a small task, it was imperative to build strong processes for the organization to effectively accomplish statutory responsibilities. At the same time it was necessary to provide leadership in statewide educational services and establish a strong foundation for equitable services across the state. However, as you might expect out of ESUs, it does not and cannot stop there. The nature of ESUs is to find ways to assist school districts accomplish their local goals for school improvement. Jokingly, some say that “service” is “our” middle name. The same philosophy percolates to the statewide conversations and guides statewide partnerships. That philosophy helped the ESUCC establish four strategic priority areas last year. These are, in no particular order: a) ESUCC processes, b) Technology Infrastructure and Integration, c) Accountability and Communication, and d) Partnerships with Stakeholders. The ESUCC already enjoys many partnerships. The Nebraska Department of Education, through the leadership of Dr. Breed and many others, worked closely with ESU administrators and the ESUCC as a whole to revisit Rule

84 (ESU Accreditation) to modernize the accreditation of ESUs and recognize the statewide role of the ESUCC. The recently revised Rule 84 provides for joint planning between ESUs and the NDE. Although there have always been solid working relationships between ESUs and the NDE, the revised rule formalizes the system for partnership and establishes a process to collectively organize resources and establish joint initiatives for the betterment of the state’s education system. The ESUs are building new interactions and partnerships to improve services to local school districts. I like to say that “I take ‘coordinating’ literally.” I’m always encouraged and even energized by the creative spirit of ESU professional development staff who strive to help school districts meet local needs. Invariably, I also find that they can and do seek out partnerships among and

between ESUs to meet those local needs. Over the last few years, these efforts have included staff development working to assist both the NDE and local schools understand data about local districts for school improvement and accountability. ESUs are also “diving” in to data for their own improvement efforts. These and many other efforts have resulted in a variety of conversations about the integration of technology to improve day-to-day efforts across the state. Over the past two years, the ESUCC has been engaged in a variety of conversations about the future of distance education and the possibility of other digital education. This fall, the ESUCC is taking another step to strategically (continued on page 14) FALL 2012




The Boys of Fall BY JANE MOODY, Director of Special Education, ESU #11; President, Nebraska Association of Special Education Supervisors

W Moody

elcome to “The Boys of Fall.” I am sure many of you have heard this song by Kenny Chesney. When I listen to it I think about all the special educators, teachers, paraeducators, and administrators, across the state of Nebraska as we begin another year of school. Many preparations were made over the summer by preparing for our big game through attendance at workshops, trainings, graduate classes, and visits to Washington, D.C. for some. With all the preparation and planning that goes into the beginning of a new year, now it is time to take that new learned knowledge and put it to use. We all fall into this category of “The Boys of Fall” as we hit the ground running with final financial reports, Improving Learning for Children with Disabilities (ILCD), state monitor training, Individual Education Plans, Multidisciplinary Team meetings, and professional development. Like the song says, not just anybody is in this club. There is a lot of heart, sweat, and blood that goes into this special field of education. Educational service units know our number and they have our backs when it

comes to professional development, support for compliance and district determinations. NASES is a huge support for administrators. We are in the third year of our club for new NASES members. Training begins soon for ten new coordinators/directors in special education. As we prepare for meetings with parents, students, service agencies and other team members, we sometimes have to batten back the butterflies and be strong leaders. That leadership shows through in the classroom too where we are serving more and more children with higher needs. Now that the 2012-13 school year has begun, listen once again to the song,”The Boys of Fall.” Make a sincere commitment to be in the club with lots of sweat and blood as we develop strong leadership for the whole team. We want to encourage our students and our colleagues to learn to dream, have dreams, dream big and work at their dreams. Life is a big and emotional game, but we should all be proud that we gave it all we had for a worthy cause—the children of Nebraska. I

ESUCC: Building a System… (continued from page 13) organize statewide digital education efforts. The ESUCC is working to combine the efforts of distance education, elearning, and instructional materials (media) into a singular effort titled BlendEd. National research suggests that a spectrum of opportunities including traditional distance education, online learning, and instructional media must blend together in each classroom and for each student. Additionally, the supporting systems including both technology and professional development, must walk forward to make such initiatives effective. The ESUCC will work to “scale-up” systems to support local initiatives that seek to improve educational opportunities across the state. Again, with the changing face of technology and such innovations, we are seeking to build partnerships that support these efforts. This fall, the ESUCC is also formalizing a partnership with the Nebraska Council of School Administrators. Although we have had many partnerships and activities with NCSA, such as



FALL 2012

TAG partnering with NCSA to provide “Technology Bootcamps” for school administrators, we are now working together to build systems that enhances communication and feedback with school administrators from a statewide perspective. Additionally, we look forward to working on specific professional development by providing distance education trainings via video conference and online. The NCSA is also assisting with strategies to enhance ESUCC communication as well as working closely with its membership to inform future efforts of the ESUCC. How does the song go? “We get by with a little help from our friends...” We certainly appreciate the friendship and partnership of school administrators and look forward to working more closely with you in the coming weeks, months, and years. I


Where’s the Risk in Construction Management at-Risk? BY GEORGE SCHULER, Boyd Jones Construction



f your district is investigating or has been involved with a capital construction project, you’ve undoubtedly heard much conversation regarding project delivery methods. There are three delivery methods commonly used to design and construct public K-12 facilities in Nebraska; Design-Bid-Build, Construction Management at-Risk (CM at-Risk), and Design-Build. Each of these methods has inherent pros and cons and when managed responsibly and effectively can lead to successful capital construction projects. As I’ve traveled around the state listening to superintendents, business managers, and design professionals there have been consistent points of frustration about certain aspects of CM at-Risk. Let’s start by defining this method and then dig deeper into the aspects that need to be addressed. In Nebraska, CM at-Risk services must be procured according to the process described in the Political Subdivisions Construction Alternatives Act (also commonly referred to as LB 889). Typically, a CM at-Risk firm (contractor) will be hired during the design phase after an architect has been selected. The architect and contractor will have separate contracts with the owner and work together through preconstruction and construction. In my opinion, the greatest benefit of the CM at-Risk delivery method is the development of a working partnership between the owner, architect, and contractor. Early involvement from the contractor helps to remove barriers typically associated with the design-bid-build method while avoiding the need to hire a performance-criteria developer required for design-build. The contractor is able to provide constructibility reviews, cost estimating and scheduling support throughout the process leading to more accurate budgets and timetables as well as increased knowledge of the project before construction begins. When managed effectively, this approach ensures a smoother process characterized

Controlling the

owner’s financial

risk is one of the

benefits of using the

CM at-Risk method.

by fewer RFIs (requests for information) and change orders. Ultimately, the team is better positioned to deliver the project on schedule and on budget. So what are the problem areas and what steps can be taken avoid them? I’ve found that the common areas of frustration involve delaying or avoiding establishing a guaranteed maximum price (GMP), management of contingency funds and lack of preconstruction services. Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Most CM at-Risk projects will include a GMP. What is a GMP? A GMP is a not to exceed price that includes all projected construction costs, contractor managed contingency funds and fees. Ideally, the owner, architect and contractor will have a conversation during contract negotiations to define when the GMP will be established. If for instance, a GMP will be established when contract documents are 65% complete, then it’s critical that the team members clearly define what level of detail is expected at that stage of drawing development. This helps keep everyone on the same page and provides a measurable standard to hold team members accountable to. While the term “at-risk” could refer to the contractor’s risk associated with holding trade contracts and general construction performance, I’ve found that in Nebraska most people equate “at-risk” with a GMP. Controlling the owner’s financial risk is one of the benefits of using the CM at-Risk method. Make sure to choose a contractor that has a history working through these types of scenarios and will walk you through the pros and cons of different timelines for establishing a GMP. Setting clear expectations, defining deliverables at the drawing development stages and holding team members accountable will lead to a better overall CM at-Risk experience. Contingency Management There are generally two types of contingency funds; owner managed and contractor managed. Owner managed contingency funds are set aside to cover unanticipated owner directed scope changes after the establishment of a GMP. Typical scenarios might include wanting additional casework for storage in a classroom (continued on page 16) FALL 2012



Where’s the Risk?… (continued from page 15) or reconfiguring an outdoor seating area. This fund’s purpose is to cover the “I wish we would have done this” items. The contractor managed contingency is a quantification of the risk associated with the unknown and undefined items in the drawings. This contingency fund should be adjusted accordingly on a sliding scale as the undefined becomes defined. The same strategy applied to establishing clear expectations in regard to a GMP is relevant when setting the stage for how, when and why these funds will be used. Preconstruction Services The goal of preconstruction services should be to maximize value for the owner with the budgeted funds available for the project. Firms that excel at conceptual cost estimating and constructibility reviews are very skilled at looking around corners, peeling back layers of the project even when working with early schematic designs and drawings with limited detail. They’ve been there before and understand what it’s going to take to make a building function. They are able to maximize the use of budgeted funds because they work collaboratively with the architect to create substance by defining the undefined in a detailed scope narrative outlining assumptions that were made along the way. As a valued team member and industry expert, they will

make recommendations and analyze the pros and cons of different materials, building systems, and scheduling strategies. Unfortunately, this type of service is rare and what owners and architects are often left with are baseline estimate checks that provide little detail or value to the project team. These scenarios are characterized by projects coming in dramatically over or under budget. When your building project comes in dramatically under budget, you’ve missed opportunity and left value on the table. You could have had more square footage, higher quality, a more efficient mechanical system, etc. On the flip side, projects that come in over budget lead you down the path of late stage value engineering. This process is characterized by cutting scope, decreasing the quality of finishes or changes in systems. Being aware of common pitfalls of CM at-Risk and strategies that can be used to guard against them can help establish a firm foundation to maximize the value of your capital construction project. The CM at-Risk delivery method can be extremely effective if a true guaranteed maximum price (GMP) is established, contingency funds are managed responsibly, and you choose a contractor that provides exceptional preconstruction services. I

Thank you to the following NCSA Tailgate Sponsors: Awards Unlimited National Insurance Cash-Wa Distributing



FALL 2012


Building Capacity for the Profession BY DR. MIKE DULANEY, Executive Director; and DR. DAN ERNST, Associate Executive Director

W Dulaney


e would like to begin by taking this opportunity to say thank you for your membership in NCSA and respective affiliates. Your organization remains strong and viable as a result of our members not only willing to belong but also willing to actively participate in NCSA activities and events in order to build professional capacity. The mission of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators is to serve as a leader for quality education and to enhance the professionalism of its members. With this mission as a focal point, NCSA has worked diligently to create mentoring programs to promote success for new administrators to the profession as well as those accepting first-time administrative positions in Nebraska. We wish to share our mentoring programs in this article. The 2012-2013 year marks the sixth year of the New Superintendents’ Program. The goal of the New Superintendents’ Program is to initiate a planned, purposeful, and effective program of activities and training development opportunities in order to promote success. The program is voluntary and is specifically designed to build professional capacity as a school leader that will assist them to perform successfully in their respective schools and communities. Recent participants have indicated that a strength of the program includes the opportunity to participate with peers and share in a yearlong professional development experience with their peers. Mentoring is a critical and important component to the success of this program. An experienced superintendent is selected and assigned to serve as a mentor for each new superintendent. In addition, each new superintendent is also paired with a Business Manager in order to discuss specific school business and finance issues. The mentoring experience provides critical guidance and support for the new superintendents. NCSA has been providing on-going assistance and resources to first-year principals (K-12) in Nebraska for over eighteen years through the Networking With New Principals Program (NWNP). Although this program does not typically provide direct mentoring, the NWNP Leadership team provides the opportunity for new principals to expand their knowledge of instructional leadership; provide critical and timely information; provide a forum to discuss educational issues; and provides ongoing support and encouragement. Regular weekly communica-

tions are provided to the group in addition to the use of a WIKI where resources for principals are archived. NWNP is led by a dedicated group of administrators that comprise the “Leadership Team.” Representing elementary principals are Scott Dodson, Woodland Park Elementary School in Norfolk; and Melissa Poloncic, Ronald Reagan Elementary Principal, Millard Public Schools. Representing secondary principals are Kent Mann, University of Nebraska Associate Professor; Mike Wortman, Lincoln High School Principal; and Mitch Bartholomew, York High School Principal. NCSA Associate Executive Director Dan Ernst serves as the coordinator of the team. The Nebraska Association of Special Education Supervisors (NASES) also provides a mentoring program for each new special education director. An experienced director is assigned to the new director and works directly with them throughout the year. The NASES Executive Board members are President Jane Moody, President-Elect Brenda Tracy, Past-President Stuart Clark, in addition to member Peggy Romshek who serves as the NASES the NASES Mentor Program Liaison. This leadership team provides active training and development opportunities for new special education directors and close supervision and assistance. Resources and materials are available on a new member WIKI. Nebraska Association of School Business Officials (NASBO) also provides assistance and support for new school business managers. The NASBO Executive Board members, President Jill Pauley, President-elect Kelli Ackerman, and Past President David Kaslon share responsibilities for orientation and induction of Nebraska’s School Business Officials. Business officials meet regularly and include special opportunities for training and development of new business managers. NCSA takes seriously our role in helping to develop quality school administrators. There are over 120 new administrators in Nebraska this year. We are proud of our programs to assist administrators and confident that we are taking the necessary steps to allow them success as school administrators. I

FALL 2012



FEATURE Teacher and Principal Evaluation – Blueprint for Nebraska (continued from page 2) Board of Education directed NDE to develop frameworks of effective practice and models of evaluation for voluntary adoption by school districts.” In January of 2011, the State Board of Education authorized Rice to begin working on a draft document outlining teacher and principal performance standards. Rice collaborated with education consultant and retired North Bend Central superintendent, Jim Havelka, and in November of 2011, the State Board adopted the Nebraska Teacher Principal Performance Framework. The Board has emphasized throughout the process that local districts are not mandated to use the statedeveloped framework. However, in February of 2012, the Board asked for the creation of a model teacher and principal evaluation system based on the performance framework for districts to adopt, adapt, or revise. In order to develop models, Rice and Havelka convened a leadership committee of about 30 individuals, comprised of teachers, administrators, and representatives appointed by the leading education stakeholder organizations in the state. The committee learned about best practices in evaluation across the country, and on April 18-19, 2012, the group met with Dr. Laura Goe, a renowned national expert in teacher and principal evaluation development. The group also looked at systems already in place in Nebraska, including those in Omaha, Lincoln, Millard, and Fairbury. In July, the group learned about the Charlotte Danielson framework and about Robert Marzano’s teacher evaluation model. In August, they added information about how to use student achievement information, as well as how student, staff, and parent perceptions can be integrated into the evaluation process. In September, the committee addressed the considerations in principal evaluation, and at their October meeting, they will be formalizing their recommendations for the State Board. As they prepare their preliminary recommendations for the Board, Havelka said they are most interested in the Danielson and Marzano models for teacher evaluation. “The committee felt that both were valid ways to evaluate instruction,” Havelka said, adding, “We felt districts should have a choice.” Havelka noted that “evaluation is effective if it is designed in ways that will work for your districts,” and with that in mind, the next phase of the process begins. The design phase, which begins in November and ends in August of 2013, will charge representatives from pilot schools to join forces with NDE and ESU staff to design specific forms and documents for the Nebraska models. In addition, the design group will develop training materials for the pilot schools, which will be reviewed by the State Board in the summer of 2013. Each Educational Service Unit was charged with identifying at least two schools in their region to pilot the mod18


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els, and 23 schools from across the state were selected to participate in the 2013-14 pilot year. Schools participating in the pilot will be expected to make recommendations for changes to the models, and with that input in place, the “Nebraska models will be ready for a 2014-15 statewide, voluntary launch,” Rice said. “We’re hoping that pilot schools will share information on the process with their ESUs,” Havelka added, noting, “One of the reasons it will probably work well in Nebraska is that educational groups get along here.” In other states, he said, the process has been negative. “Not here,” Havelka said, “We’re having good discussions [about] what we can do to improve teaching and leadership across the state.” When asked if there were any surprises in the process, Rice said she has been “pleasantly surprised that people are pretty much on the same page. People do want a model.” In Nebraska, she said, “we work together and all want to do what’s best for kids.” Rice emphasized that it was very helpful to have a common understanding in place thanks to all of the stakeholders who contributed to vetting the frameworks before the State Board adopted them. As the models are developed, she stressed that the balance they are trying to strike is “to make it simple enough that it's easy to adopt, but more than just a checklist.” Havelka added that the more the leadership committee learned, the more they saw a need to look at multiple measures. “It became more than just an instructional framework,” he said. “We began to look at measures of student performance, professional responsibility, and the variety of ways to assess the whole job that teachers and principals are doing.” On that note, Rice added, the education community needs to start seeing that this is “a process to improve teachers and principals, not just a onetime event.” As the model moves into the design, pilot, and implementation phases, Commissioner Breed noted that “the input and participation we have received from a broad range of education stakeholders in this process has been outstanding and we look forward to how the pilot school districts adapt and put into practice the models during the pilot year.” To keep in the loop, Rice reminded leaders to tune in to the live webcast of the State Board of Education meetings. “We want to see it done well and consistently across the state,” she concluded, “and we will provide monthly updates to the State Board of Education, so tune in!” I

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FALL 2012




October 3-4 4-5 5 8-9 10 12 17 17 17 18 19 22 24 25-26 29 29-30 31 31

EdAd Tech Conference NACIA Fall Retreat NASES Region IV School Improvement Wksp NASA Region IV NASES Region II NASA Region I NASA Region V NSASSP Executive Board NCSA Executive Baord NAESP Executive Board Hispanic/Latino Summit NASA Region III School Improvement Wksp Paraeducator Conference School Improvement Wksp NASES Region III NASES Region V

9:00 am TBD 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 8:30 am 4:00 pm 10:00 am 4:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 8:00 am

Younes Conference Center Lied Lodge ESU #10 ESU #10 ESU #10 Westside Community Schools Evening With Friends Community Center TBD NCSA NCSA Younes Conference Center Wayne State College LLLC Holiday Inn DC Center Lifelong Learning Center Community Center

Kearney Neb City Kearney Kearney Kearney Westside Milligan Bridgeport Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Kearney Wayne Norfolk Kearney Omaha Norfolk Bridgeport

Powerful Conversations Powerful Conversations Managing Student Conduct Managing Student Conduct NSASSP Region I Managing Student Conduct NAESP Region III NASA Executive Board State Education Conference NAESP Region IV NASA General Business Mtg NASES Region II NASES Region III

8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:30 pm 8:30 am 2:00 pm 12:00 pm 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 8:30 am 8:30 am 9:00 am

Holiday Inn Holiday Inn ESU #13 Holiday Inn Risky’s ESU #3 Norfolk Country Club Embassy Suites Embassy Suites UNK Embassy Suites Papillion-La Vista Schools Lifelong Learning Center

Norfolk Kearney Scottsbluff Norfolk Beatrice Omaha Norfolk LaVista LaVista Kearney LaVista Papillion Norfolk

NAESP Executive Board NSASSP Executive Board State Principals Conference Legislative Preview

10:00 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm 8:00 am

Younes Conference Center Younes Conference Center Younes Conference Center Cornhusker Hotel

Kearney Kearney Kearney Lincoln

November 1 2 5 6 7 8 14 14 14-16 16 16 16 30

December 6 6 6-7 12

National Convention Dates ASBO – October 12-15, 2012 – Phoenix, AZ ASBO – October 25-28, 2013 – Boston, MA ASBO – September 19-22, 2014 – Kissimmee, FL AASA – February 21-23, 2013 – Los Angeles, CA AASA – April 5-7, 2014 – New Orleans, LA NASSP – February 28-March 2, 2013 – National Harbor, MD NAESP – July 11-13, 2013 – Baltimore, MD



FALL 2012

Gold Sponsorships Ameritas

DLR Group

Jay Spearman 5900 O St., 1st Floor Lincoln, NE 68510 402-467-6968

Pat Phelan, Whitney Wombacher 400 Essex Court Omaha, NE 68114 402-393-4100

John Baylor Test Prep


John Baylor P.O. Box 30792 | Lincoln, NE 68503 402-475-7737

Matt Blomstedt 455 S. 11th Street Lincoln, NE 68508 402-499-6756

Boyd Jones Construction

Horace Mann

George Schuler 333 South 9th Street Lincoln, NE 68508 402-318-4794

Cindy Dornbush 10612 Monroe Street, #4 Omaha, NE 68127 402-680-9382

D.A. Davidson & Co. Dan Smith, Paul Grieger, Cody Wicklham, Andy Forney 1111 N. 102nd Ct., Ste 300 Omaha, NE 68114 402-392-7986

Humanex Ventures Katie Shanahan 2900 S. 70th St., Park One, Ste 100 Lincoln, NE 58506 402-486-1102

Silver Sponsorships Awards Unlimited Larry King 1935 O St., Lincoln, NE 68510 402-474-0815 First National Capital Market Craig Jones 1620 Dodge Street, Suite 1104 Omaha, NE 68197 402-598-1218 Jostens Don Bartholomew 309 S. 8th Street Broken Bow, NE 68822 308-872-5055

Nebraska Public Agency Investment Trust Becky Ferguson PO Box 82529 | Lincoln, NE 68501 402-323-1334

Siemens John Hay 8066 Flint Street | Lenexa, KS 66214 913-905-6723

National Insurance Steve Ott 9202 W. Dodge Rd., Ste 302 Omaha, NE 68114 800-597-2341

NLAF Barry Ballou 455 S. 11th St. | Lincoln, NE 68508 402-705-0350

Pickering Creative Group Kasey Matoush 8001 South 13th Street Lincoln, NE 68512 402-680-9382

TRANE Danny Szegda, Dave Raymond 5720 S. 77th St. | Ralston, NE 68127 402-935-9040

Tyco Integrated Security Bill Dynek 8719 S. 135th Street, Ste. 300 Omaha, NE 68138 402-935-5449

Wells Fargo Jenni Christiansen 1248 O Street | Lincoln, NE 68508 402-434-6188

Bronze Sponsorships Dream Box Learning Jeff Enough 305 108th Ave., NE Bellevue, WA 98004 336-236-5560

Nebraska Council of School Administrators 455 So. 11th Street, Suite A • Lincoln, NE 68508-2105 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED


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