NSASSP Announces 2022-2023 Nebraska Middle School Principal of the Year By Jeff Steinbeck, NSASSP Public Relations Representative The Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals has selected Brian Fleischman as the 2022 Middle School Principal of the Year. This award is presented annually to a principal who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, region, and at the state level. The award honors principals who have FLEISCHMAN demonstrated excellence in the areas of: Personal Excellence, Collaborative Leadership, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Personalization. Mr. Fleischman has been in education since 1998 and has been the PK-12 Principal at Overton Public School since 2008. In the classroom, Mr. Fleischman taught Junior and Senior High Math at Cedar Bluffs Public School. He is currently a member of the University of Nebraska at Kearney Principal Advisory Panel and has been since 2016. Mr. Fleischman has been a member of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA), the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals (NSASSP), and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) for 14 years. He is currently serving as a member of the NSASSP Executive Committee and is also membership coordinator for NSASSP.
“Mr. Fleischman is passionate and driven to improve education through personal relationships, continued education, and advocacy. He shares information with teachers to keep them knowledgeable about developments and decisions related to education.” - Ms. Alisha K. Remmenga, Math Teacher at Overton Public school
Mr. Mark Aten, Superintendent at Overton Public School shared some of Mr. Fleischman’s accomplishments, “Brian, working with other administrators, helped develop an outstanding teacher evaluation tool and an informal walkthrough program which compliments the formal evaluation process. Brian was instrumental in developing and implementing the one-to-one student iPad initiative. Our students now have their curriculum in a digital format and one more tool to help them succeed.” An Overton student, Abigail Lawton states, “He truly wants the best for the teachers and students at Overton Public School. He is selfless and his passion for others’ success is very evident. He wants students to be able to enjoy their learning experiences, and in turn, teachers to be able to appreciate their job teaching students necessary life skills.” Ms. Alisha K. Remmenga, middle grades math teacher at Overton Public school notes, “Mr. Fleischman is passionate and driven to improve education through personal relationships, continued education, and advocacy. He advocates for education and contributes to the profession. He is known for contacting representatives about reform bills involving education. He actively communicates with other local principals to discuss trends across the area. He shares information with teachers to keep them knowledgeable about developments and decisions related to education.” Mr. Fleischman received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education from Midland Lutheran College in 1998. He then went on to complete his Masters of Science in School Administration from Wayne State College, receiving his Secondary Principal certification in 2008 and his Elementary Principal certification in 2010. Mr. Fleischman recently received his Education Specialist degree in 2021 from Wayne State College. From 2015-2016, Mr. Fleischman served as the Region IV President. In 2016, Brian received High School Principal of the Year recognition from the Region IV principals group. Congratulations to Brian Fleischman for his outstanding performance as the PK-12 Principal at Overton Public School. Mr. Fleischman will represent Nebraska and NSASSP at the National Principals Conference hosted by NASSP in October of 2022! NSASSP appreciates the contributions to the profession and is proud to name Brian Fleischman of Overton Public School the 2022 Middle School Principal of the Year! ■