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NCSA Honors Retirees Discussion of Common Core in Nebraska

Congratulations! Dr. Roger Breed

Retiring NDE Commissioner of Education Nebraska Council of School Administrators

Summer 2013

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2 Farewell Thoughts BY DR. ROGER BREED

5 Discussion of Common Core in Nebraska BY DR. ROGER BREED

9 NCSA Honors Retirees 3

Taking That One Step Forward BY JILL PAULEY


NCSA Election Results


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EHA Field Representative Update and Meetings BY GREG LONG


Superheroes and Other Career Choices: Refocusing Attention on Career Education to Engage Students BY DR. MATT BLOMSTEDT


Is Your District Prepared for Healthcare Reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? BY STEVE OTT




Goal: Creating More College Graduates BY JOHN BAYLOR


Service Within the Association BY DR. MIKE DULANEY and DR. DAN ERNST


Calendar of Events / Upcoming Events

NCSA EXECUTIVE BOARD 2012-2013 Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dave Kaslon Vice Chair . . . . . . . . . . .Greg Barnes Past Chair . . . . . . . . . . . Jack Moles NASA Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . .Tim DeWaard President-elect . . . . . . .Mike Teahon Past President . . . . . . . .Greg Barnes NASBO Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . . .Jill Pauley President-elect . . . . .Kelli Ackerman Past President . . . . . . . Dave Kaslon NAESP Representatives President . . . . . . . . . .Ann Jablonski President-elect . . . . . .Mike Janssen Past President . . . . . . . .David Kraus NASES Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . .Jane Moody President-elect . . . . . . .Brenda Tracy Past President . . . . . . . .Stuart Clark NSASSP Representatives President . . . . . . . . . .Chris Stogdill President-elect . . . . . Brian Tonniges Past President . . .Mitch Bartholomew NARSA Representative President . . . . . . . .Robert Bussmann NCSA STAFF Dr. Michael S. Dulaney Executive Director/Lobbyist Dr. Dan E. Ernst Associate Executive Director/Lobbyist Kelly Coash-Johnson Training and Development Director Amy Poggenklass Finance and Membership Coordinator Angie Carman Executive Administrative Assistant

NCSA Mission

Carol Young Administrative Assistant

The mission of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA) is to be an effective leader for quality education and to enhance the professionalism of its members.

Elisabeth Reinkordt Communication Specialist

NCSA Today is a benefit of membership in the Nebraska Council of School Administrators, 455 South 11th Street, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68508. Telephone 402.476.8055 or 800.793.6272. Fax 402.476.7740. Annual membership dues are $335 (active members), $100 (associate members), or $40 (student members). NCSA Today is published quarterly. Send address changes to NCSA, Membership, 455 South 11th Street, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68508. Copyright ©2013 by NCSA. All rights reserved.

The opinions expressed in NCSA Today or by its authors do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators. SUMMER 2013




Farewell Thoughts… BY DR. ROGER BREED, Former Commissioner of Education, Nebraska Department of Education


n one of my retirement farewells, I was given a copy of the Dr. Seuss book, Oh, the Places You’ll Go! It is a wonderful tale about the future and it begins, “Congratulations! Today is your day, You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!”


While I plan to visit some faraway places in the future, during my time as Commissioner, I visited many great places right here in Nebraska. Places called Ponca and Paxton, Falls City and Fairbury, Crete and Chadron, Alma and Arlington, Millard and Morrill, Gering and Grand Island, Hastings and Hitchcock County, and so many more. I traveled to well over 150 schools and without fail, I witnessed teachers and administrators plying their craft with skill and compassion. In my travels, I also observed differences in approach, community commitment, and educational effectiveness. My conclusion is while all parents want the best future for their children, we still have much work to do to bring that goal to life all across Nebraska. In short, our efforts in the world of children are without end. The mission of Nebraska’s K-12 educational system is to have all students graduate high school college and career ready. This mission reflects the need for students to be prepared to seek and secure a career that provides a sustainable income in a global economy. Additionally, this mission will, in my opinion require the focus of all educators, communities, NDE and the State Board of Education on four major priorities. First, all school districts and systems should have a clear focus and plan on improving student learning. This requires providing a full, rich curriculum guaranteed for every student; multiple pathways to meet expectations; supports for teachers such as collaboration time and professional development; an alignment of expectations from board members, administrators, teachers and community

The quality of teachers and principals is key to all learning that takes place at any school. 2



members; and a commitment to persist in efforts over time. NDE and the State Board can support this focus on student learning by adopting clear, high, coherent standards that identify what students should know and be able to do. Further, the state can help inform a school district’s progress with statewide assessments although these should only be a small part of the data used by school districts and systems to inform their work and progress. Second, all school districts and systems should collaborate with teacher and principal preparation institutions to improve the preparation process and the transition from college student to student teacher to first-year teacher to competent, master teacher. The quality of teachers and principals is key to all learning that takes place at any school. Universities and colleges must step up their efforts in this area and welcome the collaboration of K-12 school districts and systems. NDE and the State Board have developed frameworks that define effective teaching and principal behaviors and will be updating the pre-professional skills test and adding precertification content tests. Additionally, 17 districts are working with NDE to develop model evaluations for teachers and principals based on the frameworks. Teachers and principals are professionals and need a professional preparation, induction and reward system commensurate with the unbelievably high expectations society has for educators to reach and teach all students. Third, school districts and systems must attend to the early education of Nebraska children particularly those who may suffer negative effects of poverty or educational neglect. An early education initiative requires the concerted efforts of the federal government, NDE, local school districts and local providers to assure all children have access to quality preschool programs. NDE and the State Board adopted Rule 11 to define quality preschool program criteria and help distribute funding to initiate and/or expand preschools. School districts have widely implemented Rule 11 programs and the number of students served grows annually. HHS and NDE will be implementing a quality rating system so as to inform the movement toward quality public and/or private preschool programs for all at-risk students. Communication and col(continued on page 18)


Taking That One Step Forward BY JILL PAULEY, Director Business/Fiscal Services, Lincoln Public Schools; President, Nebraska Association of School Business Officials



ummer is the time of year when educators reflect on the prior school year and start to re-energize for the upcoming year. It’s a time to get together with friends and make new memories, a time to think about the future and a time to make a new start. What’s done is done, but now is a time to start anew and make new goals and take new chances. As we look to the future, we need to remember it just takes one step to start down a new path. Whether it is a professional move or something personal, it just takes getting started. It’s the fear of the unknown that stops most of us from trying something new in our lives – the fear of failure. Think back to how many things you have been successful at in your life. Most of those took risk to attain. Taking risks is a matter of faith over fear. As Anthony Roberts has said, fear can be defined as “false evidence appears real, while faith is having absolute trust with certainty in what you have set out to accomplish.” As administrators, we have to have faith in what we do. We are the leaders and our staff, our parents, our students, and our community count on us to make decisions that will lead us into the future. Taking risks requires imagination. You have to be creative and believe that your ideas can happen. Sometimes it starts with small steps. Once you’ve built up your confidence that you can succeed, then go on to bigger ideas. Believe you can make a difference and it will happen. Take that leap of faith. Make a list of what you would like to accomplish this school year and focus on these goals. Today is a new day. You can learn from the past, but you need to focus on the future. You never know what the day will bring. Something special may happen that gives you that push to try something new. Don’t let your fear run wild. Faith and fear are both parts of your imagination. Learn how to control the fear in your mind so you can move forward. You have to make yourself live in the moment or you may be left behind. We only live once and if we don’t have that faith in ourselves and our abilities, we’ll never make a mark on the world. That mark may be helping a child learn how to read or finding a way to have a technologi-

cal device in each student’s hands. What we do for the children in our schools cannot be accomplished anywhere else. The time we spend with them, molding them for their futures, is a once in a lifetime opportunity to build faith in their beliefs that they can do anything by the actions we take. As role models, they will believe if we believe. We need to make sure to live in the present and enjoy life. Commit to making a change and have the belief that you will succeed. Use your gifts to help shape your future and trust yourself. You can do anything if you have faith and believe it will happen. Good luck as you start the new school year. I have a feeling great things will happen to you if you just take that one step forward. I

NASBO Convention April 23-25, 2014 Holiday Inn Kearney





NCSA Election Results




e are pleased to honor those members that have been elected by their peers and colleagues to serve as their respective affiliate president-elects for the 2013-2014 year. We feel extremely fortunate to have highly qualified and worthy individuals that participated in each election and wish to say thanks for those individuals willing to run for leadership positions. To be elected by your peers is certainly noteworthy and now these newly elected individuals will have the opportunity to serve and lead school administrators across the state. In addition to their roles and responsibilities for their respective affiliates they also will begin as members of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators Executive Board, with official duties to begin on September 1, 2013. We wish to congratulate and welcome the following new President-Elects: • NASES—Sally Giittinger, Administrator, Nebraska School for Blind/Visually Impaired




• • • •

NASBO—Rick Haney, Business Manager, McCook Public Schools NAESP—Rod Engel, Principal, Central City Elementary School NSASSP—Ryan Ricenbaw, Principal, Waverly High School NASA—Mike Apple, Superintendent, Hitchcock County Schools

In addition, we are excited to introduce the 2013-14 Chair and Vice Chair of the NCSA Executive Board. • Chair—Chris Stogdill, Gerald Otte Blair Middle School • Vice Chair—Tim DeWaard, Centennial Public Schools I



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CSA is pleased to introduce Elisabeth Reinkordt, our new Communications Specialist! Elisabeth has been the staff correspondent for NCSA Today since 2011, and is excited to bring her interest in educational communications to the NCSA community on a more regular basis. A new Twitter account, @NCSAToday, was launched at the end of June, where she’ll be bringing you stories from the world of education, as well as event updates, news from NCSA staff, and more. She’ll also be on the lookout for good content from Nebraska’s tweeting administrators! Elisabeth will also be dispatched to cover State Board of Education meetings, meaning NCSA members will receive reports and analysis of topics under Board consideration. She’ll also be adding regular content updates to the NCSA website, which you can find at




Elisabeth comes to NCSA with a background in documentary film production, photography, and news media. From 2006-2012, she worked for the Nebraska Department of Education as a media specialist. She is currently doing graduate research in Education Policy, Practice, and Analysis at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. I


Ladies and Gentlemen: Launch your Twitter


Discussion of Common Core in Nebraska BY DR. ROGER BREED, Former Commissioner of Education, Nebraska Department of Education


he Common Core State Standards were released in 2010 and almost immediately a controversy was born. On one side, proponents tout the Common Core State Standards as defining the skills and knowledge young people need to acquire to be successful (college and career ready by high school graduation). This side sees the Common Core State Standards as “fewer, higher, and internationally benchmarked.” On the other side, some view the Common Core State Standards as the latest federal intrusion into the public schools and Breed a conspiracy to gather information on individual students or to restrict (narrow) the curriculum in schools today. A little history about the Common Core State Standards. In 2007, state education leaders from across the nation began discussing the idea of working together to develop a set of rigorous academic expectations for English/language arts and mathematics to ensure that all students graduate high school college and career ready. In 2009, the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers commissioned collaborative work with teachers, parents, content experts, and others to develop and release the Common Core State Standards. All states including Nebraska had an opportunity to review and help shape the final drafts of the standards. According to the developers, the Common Core State StanThere are no plans presently dards establish consistent learning before the State Board of goals for all stuEducation or proposed to dents; form a clear adopt the Common Core roadmap of academic expectations State Standards. … the State that allow stuBoard of Education condents, parents, and tracted with Mid-Continent teachers to work Research for Education and together toward shared goals; and Learning (McREL) in March are relevant to the 2013 to study the alignment of real world by foNebraska’s Language Arts and cusing on the knowledge and Mathematics Standards and skills students will the Common Core State need to succeed in Standards. life after high school.

At this time, 46 states (Minnesota adopted the reading/language arts standards only) have adopted the Common Core State Standards in English/language arts and mathematics. These states are working to implement the standards in their schools. States, not the U. S. Department of Education, are leading the implementation of the standards. Teachers and school leaders in the 46 states still establish the curricula at the state or local level and determine how the standards are to be taught. Nebraska (along with Virginia, Texas and Alaska), however, has not adopted the Common Core State Standards. Nebraska Language Arts and Mathematics Standards, like the Common Core State Standards, establish what students need to learn and be able to do, but do not tell teachers how to teach or what materials to use. Nebraska school districts continue to define curriculum and provide materials to support that curriculum. Teachers continue to create lesson plans and tailor instruction to the unique needs of the students in their classrooms. Implementation decisions remain local. There are no plans presently before the State Board of Education or proposed to adopt the Common Core State Standards. The Nebraska State Board of Education, however, is charged by state statute to set in place and to review and revise content standards every five years. The State Board of Education adopted the Language Arts Standards approximately five years ago and the Mathematics Standards approximately four years ago. Both adoptions predated the release of the Common Core State Standards. The review of these two standards areas is due to come before the State Board of Education later this year. To inform the review/revision process and to assure Nebraska educators, policy makers and parents that Nebraska standards are rigorous, the State Board of Education contracted with Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) in March 2013 to study the alignment of Nebraska’s Language Arts and Mathematics Standards and the Common Core State Standards. McREL was selected based on past evaluation work (McREL conducted similar studies for Wyoming and North Dakota) and the research center’s familiarity with Nebraska Language Arts and Mathematics Standards. Under the commissioned study, McREL will provide de(continued on page 15) SUMMER 2013







s you look into the mirror each morning your image reflects back to you. The likeness you see sometimes might be pleasant and then again the opposite. One often reflects on a decision made, a thought, an idea, a remark, an opinion formed and the list could continue on related to the numerous considerations one makes on a regular basis. As you look back over time and reflect on “whatever”…it is hoped that your time of reflection brings about a positive feeling or an adjustment for the better if such would ever present itself again. And yes, there is always that time when one reflects and wishes for a “do-over.” When asked to submit an article for this issue of NCSA Today, I did some reflecting on what I would write and what would be the focus of this article. I came up with the thought of reflecting back over the past ten years since I retired from the Lincoln Public Schools in 2003 as an elementary school principal and the continued involvement in NCSA as a NARSA (Nebraska Association of Retired School Administrators) member. Yes, one can continue to be involved in your profession to the degree that one wants to be by being a member of NARSA. NARSA membership is available to retired administrators for a one-time present fee of $250 for life membership. Your benefits in becoming a NARSA member include: receiving NCSA Today and Legislative Updates; paying “meal only” charges for NCSA Conferences; having an advocate at national and state levels on legislation; and paying only half of the annual “Special Services” dues amount for EHA. (Special dues are charges to continue your EHA Blue Cross/Blue Shield Health coverage after retirement, up to age 66.) More opportunities to serve and support along with social events with other members are also available through your NARSA membership. In the fall of 2006 I was contacted and asked if I would consider serving as one of the retired elementary principal representatives on the NARSA Executive Board to which I replied in the affirmative after a few days of thought. The NARSA Ex-

We should all be proud in being an NCSA member of a “firstclass” association!! 6



ecutive Board is a fifteen-member board that meets three times during the year and consists of three NARSA members from each of the five active affiliate associations of NCSA. While serving on the NARSA Board, I have had the opportunity to serve a term as the NARSA representative on the NAESP affiliate executive board and the past two years as NARSA president. This spring an NCSA Constitutional Ballot issue was presented to all active NCSA members and all NARSA members. The issue was to amend Article III “to change the privileges of the Retired membership category to excluded voting on future changes to the NCSA Constitution.” The ballot issue passed with a margin of 4.5 to 1. When looking at the NCSA Constitution, the governance and focus of that document is truly geared toward the active membership with really no impact or effect on the retired members. At a meeting of the NARSA Board last summer we discussed the need to have NARSA members vote on NCSA Constitutional matters that impact active members only. The consensus of the board was that this was not necessary. Also, the board did not have the desire as the other affiliates to plan, organize and hold a yearly profit earning conference, hold membership elections for the board and officers, and pay yearly membership dues. NARSA does have voting privileges on the NCSA Executive Board and everyone was in agreement that this will and should be retained. As NARSA president, I have enjoyed the privilege of representing the retired school administrators’ affiliate on the NCSA Executive Board. I have always felt my comments and input into the discussions were welcomed and positively received. The camaraderie among the members of the board and their dedicated service in governing the association is commendable and should be greatly appreciated by the NCSA membership. In concluding this article there is one other reflection that I would like to share. The various communications such as “NCSA News” and “Legislative Updates” that we receive as members of NCSA are “top-notch!” Mike’s (Dulaney) emails are timely, pertinent, and to the point. One that particularly comes to mind was this spring near the conclusion of the Legislative Session. The governor had vetoed LB 553 (changes to the state’s (continued on page 18)


EHA Field Representative Update and Meetings BY GREG LONG, EHA Field Representative



ver the last several months the Educators Health Alliance Board has been vigorously reviewing and adjusting to the new health care rules and regulations set forth by the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act. To date, the board has acted in several ways to stay ahead of the curve by offering extensive insurance options at the most stable premiums possible. Recently the Board of Directors has announced the need for an optional open enrollment. This effectively starts the process of offering insurance plans for school districts that will need to expand insurance coverage to groups of employees who have not been offered insurance in the past. Schools have the option to begin the process in 2013 ahead of the September 1, 2014 deadline set forth by the ACA. Along with the optional open enrollment the board also passed a new $4,000 HSA high deductible plan that resembles the mandated minimum value plan. This plan was created to offer affordable health care at a lower premium cost to school districts and employees who in

the past have not received the option of coverage. While underwriting guidelines stay intact requiring schools to pay 50 percent of the individual’s premium, the insurance plan still offers quality coverage at a higher out- ofpocket deductible. Due to the changes already in place and those coming in the near future, I would welcome the opportunity to meet with individual school districts to discuss current changes to insurance plans, reasons behind the changes, and future EHA board discussions. I would welcome the opportunity to hear your concerns on these issues so I can share them with the executives of the EHA. Please contact me at to set up a meeting. I

EHA Offers Health Screenings at Administrators’ Days


ou may have seen the phrase, “Know Your Numbers” before in regard to your health. And, while you understand that you should know what your blood pressure, cholesterol, and other numbers are, taking the time to get the tests done may not be on your priority list. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 80 percent of chronic diseases can be prevented and the first step to better health is learning more about your current health status. Thanks to the EHA Board, participating in screenings can move up your priority list! The board recently passed a resolution to provide convenient biometric and vascular screening opportunities for all EHA Subgroups. Biometric screenings include blood pressure measurement, height, weight and BMI, along with a finger stick blood test to measure cholesterol and glucose levels. The vascular screenings are provided separately and are

done using ultrasound technology to create images of arteries to measure the blood flow through the vessels. This year on August 1 during Administrators’ Days, you will have the opportunity to participate in these screenings. If you are currently on the EHA plan, your screenings are free of charge. If you are not on the plan, you can still participate at the low rate of $49 for the biometric screenings, $99 for the vascular test and $140 for both. Screenings are provided by Life Line Screenings – a national company who has a presence statewide in Nebraska (you may have seen them in your town doing community screenings). If you have any questions about the screenings either at Administrators’ Days or to provide them for your employees, email or call 402-614-0491 today! I




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NCSA Honors Retirees


ach year NCSA is sad to lose but happy to congratulate those educators who are leaving the profession due to their longdeserved retirement. We are honored to share with you a glimpse of their future plans or just a bit of advice that only those who have worked with children and parents for so long can give!

Darrell Barnes 9-12 Principal Boone Central Schools After 35 years I determined it was time to do some traveling to see the sights. I wish everyone in the trenches the best and remember to keep the focus on the students and not all the ‘stuff’ that can get in the way. Nancy Biggs Associate Superintendent for HR Lincoln Public Schools I have enjoyed the professional relationships developed through NCSA and believe the organization provides key learning opportunities for members. I hope to maintain contact with NCSA as a retiree and plan to see many of you in my new role at Nebraska Wesleyan. Kyle Black Asst Director of Special Education Plattsmouth Community Schools I am honored to have been a part of Nebraska’s educational system! I loved working with staff, students, families, and colleagues around the state. I’m now off to the next phase of my life, spending time with Rick, grandkids, and improving my tee shot! Rick Black Superintendent Papillion-La Vista Schools It has been a privilege to serve the students of four districts over my 40 years as a teacher and administrator. I am grateful to NCSA for the many opportunities to be involved in the organization and to grow professionally. If I have been in any way effective as an educator, I believe it would

be as a result of these experiences.There have been so many friendships established that I truly treasure. I urge my colleagues to never forget about the wonderful things being accomplished throughout the state of Nebraska in the name of education, student achievement, and learning for all kids. Continue to network, learn from each other; don’t be afraid to ask others what is working and what is not in the districts. The collegiality I have experienced transcended geography and size of districts across our state. Keep the network alive and students and staff will be the winners. Steve Borer Assistant Principal/AD Seward Public Schools It's been a fun ride for the past 35 years! I have really appreciated working with NCSA and NSASSP! Thanks for the support!

Roger Breed Commissioner Department of Education I have been honored to work in the world of children for the past 42 years. Thanks to all of you for all you do for Nebraska’s education system and students. I look forward to supporting your efforts in the future as you continue to build upon our commitment to our children and our schools. Allen Brozovsky Elementary Principal Wilber Clatonia Elementary Having started out as a first-year teacher in 1970 in western Nebraska and being in the classroom for 16 years, I truly enjoyed going to school each day to work with the staff and especially the students. However, when I became an elementary

principal, I can truly say that for the last 28 years as an elementary principal, with 20 of those being at Wilber Clatonia, I have truly got up each morning and wanted to go to school. I can’t think of anything else I could have done in life that would have given me as much satisfaction of trying to shape young children’s lives and working with great teachers and staff. I have always gone to work with the idea that I would want the people at school to treat the students as how they would want someone to treat their children or grandchildren. Keep up the good work. Linda Comfort SPED Supervisor Westside Community School

Laura Croom Elementary Principal Westside Community School I have loved all of my varied roles as an educator. I am looking forward to a different role—one that will keep me in my beloved profession for just a bit of the time allowing me to do such things as eat school lunch with grandkids, hop in the car with my husband for spur-of-the-moment trips, and say, “Yes, I have time to do this” to whatever opportunities come my way. Pat Cruzeiro Associate Professor University of Nebraska–Kearney To my colleagues in Nebraska, thank you for your support and friendship. Best wishes to you in your careers and as you prepare students for their futures.




RETIREMENT Mike Cunning Superintendent Hershey Public Schools It has been a privilege to work with children, staff, administrators, board members and community members over the 39 years that I have been in education. I encourage all of my colleagues to be active in the NCSA organization both on a regional and state level. NCSA provides many networking opportunities that can assist you in your career. I will miss all of the administrators across the state. Lana Daws Elementary Principal Seward Public Schools My career in education has been quite a ride! It has been an incredible 36 years —17 as an elementary classroom teacher and 19 as an elementary principal. Throughout that adventure, I have been blessed to work with students, staff, parents, and communities. Now I look ahead to my next great adventure which will include many rides on my Harley! Jennifer Drahota Elementary Principal Norfolk Public Schools Enjoy the journey!!! There is nothing more rewarding than education.

Marg Dredla Special Education Director ESU #13 WOW, 42 years in Special Education—38 of those years as a coordinator or Sped Director—has gone by too quickly. I will truly miss the professional stimulation and friendships NASES has provided. What a fabulous group of educators. Thanks for all the special memories.

Sue Evanich Asst Supt Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Westside Community Schools Thank you to all who challenged and supported me in my professional endeavors. We have the best job ever to get to work with students and staff. My best wishes to all! John Grinde Superintendent Cozad Public Schools There is nothing finer than being part of an organization of administrators which provides support, advice, direction and perspective on the myriad of issues which face educational leaders today. Much appreciation goes to my colleagues down the road and the NCSA staff and leaders for making challenging more palatable. Challenges will always be there and so too your colleagues. Denise Grunke Dir. of Curriculum & Assessment West Point Public Schools I appreciate the many friends that I have made across the state while working in education for the past 40 years. Thank you for the memories and I wish the best for all of you. Don Hague Superintendent Gering Public Schools Although I spent a mere 12 years in the State of Nebraska, I am very appreciative of the relationships that I have developed during this time. I look forward to the things I never seemed to have time for and will have time for and will enjoy spending quality time with family and friends. Keep up the excellent work you all do on the behalf of Nebraska students!

Larry Harnisch Superintendent Sterling Public Schools The last time I tried this retirement jig I flunked, so this time around I hope I have it figured out. I have enjoyed the years and will miss the smiling children’s faces each day. Everyone is faced with trials and tribulations in our professional, as well as personal life and the way that we handle those bumps in life determines our character. I have enjoyed the ride and would recommend this profession to anyone that truly wants to make a difference in children’s lives. Barb Heckathorn Director of Student Services Centennial Public Schools I wish to extend my heartfelt appreciation to my colleagues for providing the supportive network that we have in this state. I look forward to the continuation of many professional friendships. Sandy Irish Principal Loveland Elementary Westside Community Schools

Chuck Johnston Asst Principal/Athletic Director Papillion-La Vista High School Thank you to all of the great people that I have worked with during my 34 years in education in the state of Nebraska (all in Papillion-La Vista schools). I especially appreciate the administrative peers across the state, and admire the hard work that you all do for your students!

Please note: The NCSA staff made every effort to include all those individuals who responded to our request for information on retirements.




RETIREMENT Suzy Jones Director of Staff Development Westside Community Schools Throughout my career, I have been privileged to experience education from different perspectives: teacher, principal, and central office administrator. I have been generously rewarded in each one of these positions by getting to know and work with so many incredible and inspiring people. I am truly grateful for being part of such a worthy and purposeful profession! Dave Kaslon Assistant Superintendent Blair Community Schools I would like to say thank you to all my mentors who have provided me with guidance during my 34 years in education. Your assistance along the way has made my educational career truly an enjoyable experience. I will miss working with my Blair colleagues who have been like family to me. Putting students first has and will always be our first priority! Thank you all for the great memories and for all you do in education to make our children’s education the best experience ever. Doug Kluth Principal, Columbus Middle School I am glad that I had the opportunity to serve as a building administrator. There were new things to learn and experience each day. I worked with a wonderful and supportive staff. Success in any job in education could not be possible without colleagues to collaborate with. I am very thankful to the people who have assisted me over the years. I am especially appreciative of the friendships that I formed from NCSA/NSASSP events as well as Outstate Large School Principal meetings. I am looking forward to continuing my service to Nebraska education in some way. Best of luck to all of you.

Ken Kujath High School Principal Broken Bow Public Schools This is what I would like to say to my fellow administrators: Success is the Journey not the Destination. I wish all current and future administrators a successful and rewarding journey throughout your professional careers. Rodger Lenhard Superintendent Keya Paha County High School Being in education for 43 years, it has been an interesting career for me. I have seen many changes throughout those years, but the main goal has always been to educate children. Now my goal is to help and enjoy my grandchildren in any way I can. Dick Lesher Superintendent Crawford Public Schools I am the eternal optimist and I believe the “State of Education” has never been better or brighter! I taught one year at a Rural School outside Chadron—then went to Curtis, NE where I taught and coached for 17 years— then to Arizona for 20 years where I retired—then back to Crawford where I have been Superintendent for five years. I have enjoyed every minute of our profession and I wish you all the success of the future! What you do for our students and their future needs to be commended and it is certainly appreciated by me!

Ed Lowe High School Principal/Asst Athletic Director, Shelton Public School In my 32-year journey in education, my family and myself made four wonderful stops at Johnson Brock, Ewing, Broken Bow, and Shelton. To all my colleagues that I worked with during these years, “Thanks.” Sharen Luhr Elementary Principal Pierce Public School

Theresa McFarland Special Education Director Lexington Public Schools Kent McLellan Director of Alternative Education, ESU #13 I have been truly blessed to have had the opportunity to spend my career working with Nebraska youth and educators. I will miss working with “my kids” on a daily basis, but am looking forward to new opportunities in my professional career. Best of luck to all of you as you continue to strive for what’s best for your students and staff. Tom McMahon Superintendent Howells-Dodge Consolidated How are we going to know if it’s a “Snow Day”?? Miss those great moments!!!! Great times always!!

Not pictured, but also retiring: Russ Finken, Superintendent,Tri County Public Schools Tom Furby, Principal, LaVista Jr. High School Kathy Griesse, Intervention Project Manager, Crawford Public Schools Sally Hileman, Director of Business, Papillion-LaVista Public Schools Gary Ohm, Principal, Westgate Elementary,Westside Community Schools Jim Stevens, Director of Elementary Education,Westside Community Schools Dave Zumbahlen, Superintendent, Rock County Public Schools SUMMER 2013



RETIREMENT Steve Milliken Director of Special Services Westside Community Schools

Mark Murphy Elementary Principal Centennial Public Schools

Pam Murphy Assistant Principal Fremont Middle School

Ron Nickel 6-12 Principal Cross County Community Schools In education, it’s very important to surround yourself with people you can learn from.

James Otto Principal, Paddock Road Elementary Westside Community Schools It has been gratifying to have been part of a profession that has brought so much joy to my life. The relationships that have been established personally and professionally are treasures that will forever be with me. I am grateful for the opportunities to be able to pass along the notion of HOPE to thousands of struggling children over the years. And, look forward to being able to give back to a profession that has given me so much. A salute and congratulations to all of my colleagues for a job well done! It has been MY honor to have worked with you! Randy Peck Administrator, ESU #8 This profession is all about the relationships you develop. The relationships with students, staff, parents, Board members and colleagues. It has been a 12



long and rewarding career for me and I appreciate so much the support I’ve been given along the way! If I were to offer any advice to new administrators it would be to get involved in NCSA. The organization is not only there for you professionally but personally as well! Jerry Phillips Superintendent David City Public Schools I wish all of you the best in your endeavors. Public education truly is a rewarding profession.

Sharon Pollard Elementary Principal Auburn Public Schools What a privilege to be associated in such a rewarding profession! I have truly appreciated the support and guidance from fellow administrators during my 34 years in education. Continue the journey...making a positive difference for Nebraska’s children!! Tom Reeser Exec. Director of Business Services Fremont Public Schools After the better part of four decades, it’s time to allow someone else to enjoy the fun. There are few things in life that truly make a difference—Educating our future is certainly one of those things and I’m privileged to have been a part of it. Steve Robb Elementary Principal at Bennet Palmyra District OR-1 What an honor it has been to serve as an educator and administrator in Nebraska Public Schools over the past 35 years. Nebraska has such a high performing education system due to the many dedicated teachers, support personnel, strong Educational Service Units and of course outstanding school administrators, serving the students of the state. There really is no place like Nebraska!

Lee Sayer Superintendent Stapleton Public Schools NCSA has provided opportunities for me to make many friends and be part of an organization that is truly about student learning, and providing the framework for great Nebraska schools. Mary Ellen Scarborough Elementary Principal Papillion-LaVista Public Schools It has been a pleasure to have been affiliated with such a fine organization of leaders in education both in the Papillion-LaVista School District and in the NAESP Association. The work that goes on each and every day in schools does not happen without effective leaders and committed and dedicated individuals such as I have gotten to know and work with in my tenure as an elementary principal. It has been an honor to be a part of this group, and my best wishes to all of you in future years of leadership! Roger Severson Director of Student Services Bellevue Public Schools I have had a fantastic 38year career working with outstanding educators, students, and families. It is truly a wonderful profession. Robin Stevens Superintendent Schuyler Community Schools Not sure whether this is retirement or resignation, but it is starting to appear more like retirement. Dr. Dan Hoesing will be taking my spot. I wish him well and encourage all to welcome Dan back into the education family.


Jim Troshynski Superintendent Kenesaw Public Schools

Stan Turner 7-12 Secondary Principal Bennington Public Schools Stan served as the 7-12 secondary principal at Bennington for the past 12 years. During his tenure, Stan has helped guide the program through some tremendous growth. He was helpful in our district’s transition from one PK-12 facility to three elementary facilities and one 7-12 facility. He oversaw the construction of the new secondary facility and two subsequent additions. Stan has helped move Bennington from a small Class C curriculum to a suburban Class B educational setting that ranks at or near the top in academic achievement. Thank you, Stan, for forty years of dedication and service to secondary students. Dan Twarling Superintendent Maxwell Public Schools

Marlene Uhing Superintendent Norfolk Public Schools

Larry Weaver Superintendent Arapahoe Public Schools This will be my second retirement. I have so enjoyed my two-year interim superintendent position at Arapahoe Public Schools. I would like to thank NCSA for your support and hard work over the past two years. I plan to farm and travel.


Larry Stick Superintendent Shelby-Rising City Public Schools I’m glad that I will not be making those day-to-day decisions that are so important to the district and the staff, students, and parents. However, the interaction with others and conversations that those decisions created will be missed.

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Evan Wieseman High School Principal Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools


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Superheroes and Other Career Choices: Refocusing Attention on Career Education to Engage Students BY DR. MATT BLOMSTEDT, Executive Director of the ESU Coordinating Council




o, what do you want to be when you grow up? The age-old question is actually a good and relevant one for setting students on a path to success. I’m pretty sure I had this conversation sometime about in Kindergarten. I, like most, had a standard answer that seemed to please the adult inquisitors… Of course, on the playground my buddies and I were fighting off the forces of darkness and destruction as superheroes. Naturally, someone had to take their turn as the occasional villain. After all, every “good guy” needs a “bad guy.” Admittedly, I was also intrigued by “space” and thought I might someday want to be an astronaut as that somehow seemed more attainable than a life of crime fighting as Batman. I wasn’t much different than my childhood buddies. Of course, the girls were asked the same questions and it seemed that more of them wanted to be teachers or other superheroes. Raising four girls and one boy now, I don’t think the world has changed all that much. It seems watching my own kids interact with their friends and with their own adult inquisitors, including “Dad,” seem to puzzle over the question about the same way. With schooling comes the logical development of understanding about the world around you. What is possible? What is practical? By 5th or 6th grade I thought I wanted to be a lawyer. Though I’m not really sure why, it seemed to strike a chord as an important and prominent job and by that point I was well aware of college as a step on that journey. Plus it held off most of the adults who would pose that question. By about those middle school grades, astronaut seemed as unlikely as “Batman.” With the educational standards and school accountability push driving fundamental curricular decisions in states and school districts, it is increasingly important to help students search for relevancy in their own education. Additionally, the national push on “career and college ready” standards demonstrate some of the logical evolution of the standards movement. Ultimately, schools (and parents) are training future “job seekers” in an ever increasingly unfamiliar job and career climate.



Many sources demonstrate that the future workforce will have to be flexible and possibly change careers multiple times. How do we best prepare students for this reality? In my view, at least part of the answer has been sitting in front of us since Kindergarten. We need to systematically ask our students, “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Career education and school counseling have established many tools to assist school districts, teachers, and students. Among these is Nebraska Career Connections ( which allows students to take interest inventories online and begin to build an educational plan suited to their career interests. Take some time to revisit the Nebraska Department of Education resources on Career Education ( Rich Katt and his team at the NDE have established a variety of tools and resources that are not only relevant but well done. Consider using these resources to start conversations with your teachers, parents, students and community. The ESU Coordinating Council will be doing some of the same as we look for ways to help enhance educational opportunities through our distance and blended learning initiatives. ESUs continue to work with Community Colleges and others in career and dual credit offerings. I anticipate that there will be a continued effort to partner with the NDE as well as the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, Work Force Development, and P-16 in the future. There is interest and energy behind such conversations and I believe that career education is a great way to engage students and communities in the educational process. So, what do you want to be when you grow up? I


IsYour District Prepared for Healthcare Reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? BY STEVE OTT, National Insurance Services


hile most of the new ACA regulations are going to be handled by your insurance carrier, there are some provisions that relate more to how you administer your plan and your employment practices. This article will cover the crucial matters that you should be paying attention to now. The Number One Issue! Substitute Teachers and ACA In a recent survey, 55.2 percent of school districts and other local governmental employers said they are most concerned about implementing the ACA provision to offer affordable health care coverage to all full-time employees. Why is this the chart topper? Because according to the ACA, full-time employees are defined as those that work 30 or more hours per week for more than 120 days per year. Schools are not allowed to disqualify employees from full-time status by using the summer break period. This mandate will apply heavily to substitute teachers, many of whom may need to be limited to no more than 30 hours per week or be offered affordable health insurance coverage. Pay or Play Penalties Failure to identify full-time employees and offer affordable coverage may subject your district to steep penalties. Large employers (with 50+ full-time employees) must choose to either “play” (follow mandates) or “pay” (penalties).

There are two Pay or Play penalties—Sledgehammer and the Mallet. Both are triggered if even ONE of your newly defined full-time employees receives a premium tax credit or premium subsidy and purchases coverage from the public insurance exchange. The Sledgehammer penalty is $2,000 multiplied times your total number of full-time employees minus 30. The Mallet is $3,000 for each full-time employee that coverage offered is deemed unaffordable. The IRS allows employers to determine affordability in three new ways: • 9.5 percent of employee’s W-2 wages • 9.5 percent of monthly wages • 9.5 percent of the single federal poverty level Look-Back Periods Expiring Soon—Complete Full-Time Employee Calculations Now The full-time employee calculation involves a “lookback period” whereby coverage eligibility is based upon the hours an employee is working now, in 2013. Every day that goes by without calculating your projected 2014 full-time employees leaves your organization with less choice for making employment practice changes (such as limiting substitute hours) that may mitigate any increased costs. Once an employee triggers a penalty, it’s too late. For up to the minute ACA news and information, visit This website and subscription newsletter brings you the latest information specifically for school districts. I

Discussion of Common Core in Nebraska (continued from page 5) tailed information regarding the alignment of the two sets of standards by identifying the degree of match as strong, partial or weak between grade-level, individual standards. For example, if an individual standard has a partial match, McREL will define the differences in specificity, scope, emphasis and phrasing. State Board of Education members felt this type of study would be critical to inform the standards review process and to ensure

that Nebraska Language Arts and Mathematics Standards are complete and rigorous so our graduates are well-prepared upon graduating from high school. The study’s results will be available to the State Board of Education, Nebraska educators and the public later this summer. I





Financing Your School’s Project BY DAN SMITH, PAUL GRIEGER, CODY WICKHAM, and ANDY FORNEY, D.A. Davidson & Co.


oters across Nebraska appear to be very supportive of bond referendums in 2013. School district patrons have approved nearly $140 million of bonds as of May 14, 2013. Nebraska’s school districts have experienced a success rate of 87.5% percent with seven out of eight bond elections approved. The average approval rate of each bond issue was 63 percent. Proposed tax levy increases have ranged from as low as 1 cent per $100 valuation to as high as 33 cents. Interest rates remain near historical lows. School districts have recently issued 20-year bonds at interest rates below 3 percent. While it is never a “good time to raise taxes”, experts agree that the current interest rate environment coupled with relatively low construction costs have made capital projects more palatable to voters.


for a period of no more than ten years to repay these types of bonds. The QCPUF levy is excludable from the $1.05 levy limit if used to repay bonds. Other financing tools available to Nebraska school districts include lease-purchase agreements and bonds for financing technology. Lease-purchase agreements may be used to finance vehicles, many types of equipment and other qualified items. Annual lease payments are not excludable from the levy limits but may be paid over a period of up to seven years. School districts and ESU’s may issue technology bonds to purchase hardware, software or to fund other means of delivering information related to the learning process. Bond issues are limited to no more than $100,000 and require that each entity enter into an inter-local cooperative agreement with at least one other participant.

In addition to voter-approved bonds, school districts continue to find other ways to finance capital projects from pay-as-you-go to utilizing the Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund (“QCPUF”) as a method for repaying bonds. The QCPUF levy may be accessed to make improvements to Indoor Air Quality, abate environmental hazards or to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. School districts may levy up to 5.2 cents

For more information on organizing a bond election or financing your next project, please contact your public finance professional. I




Goal: Creating More College Graduates BY JOHN BAYLOR, John Baylor Test Prep


BTP assists Gering, Columbus, Scottsbluff, Ralston, Hastings, and Alliance, six of the nine brave school districts in the state that give the ACT to each high school junior. Now that all their high school students—not just the college-bound—are tested, the average ACT score in these nine districts has fallen. Still, the leaders of these schools choose this path because they feel it’s better for students: mandating the ACT can create more college graduates. One result from the twelve states that already mandate the ACT is that a slightly higher percentage of graduates enrolls in college. At a time when technology and globalization increasingly threaten high school graduates in the work force, a two- or four-year college degree is a proven path to the real skills employers seek. A 2012 Georgetown study found that by 2018, two-thirds of Nebraska jobs will require a college degree. Forty percent of Nebraska adults currently are college graduates. Without improvement, 60 percent of our citizens will be competing for the least lucrative 33 percent of our jobs. Mandating the ACT can persuade more to attend college, as it has in other states. Though the ACT may never have been intended to be an assessment test for statewide or internal school use, it is extremely relevant in college admissions. The ACT matters to students, with higher scores sometimes resulting in tens of thousands of scholarship dollars. That’s meaningful to Gering families. Educators have told me that some juniors and seniors aren’t trying on NESA tests due to no personal incentive. And take heart if you’re concerned that if Nebraska mandates the ACT your school’s score decrease will be permanent: in the last ten years, Illinois has seen an increase statewide from a 20.1 to a 20.9 average ACT score with 100 percent of the juniors required to take it. But the biggest benefit from a mandated ACT test might be its contribution to a broader effort to affect positively all academic outcomes. School leaders today spend too much time putting out fires: dealing with the latest hourly challenge or refining bullying, truancy, tardiness, cell phone, and discipline policies. One high school principal recently told me in frustration that all she does all day is put out fires.

To me, these efforts are necessary but too common because they only treat symptoms. The true root cause of much of the interference in schools is student disengagement. A mandated ACT can be part of a coordinated, district-wide effort to persuade all students and parents of the importance of a two- or four-year college degree. More motivated students and parents would avoid much of this daily interference. Motivated students do the homework, help quiet distractions in class, attend school punctually, create happier teachers, and score better on whatever tests we ultimately choose to give them. JBTP can provide your district with a blueprint for a deliberate, multi-year effort to create more motivated, college-minded students and parents—or implement a coordinated, district-wide effort yourselves. I’ve personally witnessed dramatic improvements in many districts that have done so: Platteview, Gering, and Marengo High School in Illinois are examples. In three years, the number of Marengo students scoring a 30 or higher on the ACT has gone from one student to 22 students, while the average ACT score has increased more than two points. Using a mandatory ACT to promote college can create more motivated students. A coordinated, district-wide effort to create more two - and four-year college graduates (with minimal debt) will help our students and our future local economies— not a small issue in rural Nebraska. A mandated ACT can serve that goal, while also strengthening the student and parent motivation so critical in this effort. I





Farewell Thoughts… (continued from page 2) laboration with providers and attention to the alignment of efforts to primary grades (K-3) is essential and in most communities will fall to the public school district. Fourth, school districts and systems must have the resources in funding and facilities to do the work. In my opinion, our goal as a state must seek a method and a timeline of funding our school districts that is stable, predictable, and sufficient. TEEOSA, while accomplishing much since 1990 (reduced range of tax levies, reduced property tax burden, and limited school budget growth), is complex and the annual review/tinkering by the Legislature has made it very unpredictable. Also, in my opinion, all of the versions of “state aid” that I have administered under have failed for exactly the same reason – insufficient levels of funding to meet the multiple expectations of reduced property taxes, balance of needs/resources, and equity of educational opportunities. Public school funding is an investment in our future. Stable and predictable funding delivered to school districts in a timely manner for effective budgeting can only be achieved with a mix of revenue sources. As we have witnessed in the past few years, sales tax revenue fluctu-

ated wildly, income tax revenue declined and then flat-lined and property depending on the classification – ag land up, other property down or flat. A diversified tax base to invest in public schools is just as important to the state as a diversified portfolio is to the individual investor. Attention to student learning, teacher and principal effectiveness, early education opportunities and equitable, sufficient funding is a full plate for any generation. But I leave with a sense of optimism, again based on first-hand visits to Nebraska schools border to border. My time as Commissioner has been my highest professional honor, not because of my achievements, but because of yours. Farewell and thanks for all you do for Nebraska schools and students. I

REFLECTIONS… (continued from page 6) school retirement plans). Members received a “call to action” email to contact their respective senator to encourage them to vote to override the veto. On occasion I have heard individuals make comments about whether or not senators read communications sent to them or that senators often do not respond to communications that have been sent. On this particular issue of overriding the veto of LB 553, this retired administrator sent a brief email that encouraged his senator to vote in favor of the override. On May 14 I received a return email from my senator thanking me for the previous communication, indicating that he was presently listening to the debate taking place on the floor related to the override, and that he planned to vote to override the veto. I’m certain the efforts of that alert and the response of many members had an impact on making certain that piece of legislation became law. Whether it be communiqués, lobbying, special workshops/training and events, conferences, networking, partnerships with other education-related




groups, and the list could go on and on…the NCSA staff is small in number but “mighty” in their efforts to benefit the membership. We should all be proud in being an NCSA member of a “first-class” association!! As my tenure comes to a conclusion at the end of August on both the NARSA and NCSA Executive Boards, I reflect back to that call I received in the fall of 2006 and my affirmative response to serve. Do I have any regrets over these past seven years? “Not a one!” I


Service within the Association BY DR. MIKE DULANEY, Executive Director; and DR. DAN ERNST, Associate Executive Director




e want to first offer our heartfelt congratulations to the honored school administrators who retired from their profession this year. We wish you a happy and fulfilling retirement after a dedicated tenure of service to your communities and public education. Throughout the month of July, a special group of leaders among Nebraska school Jane Moody, Ellen Stokebrand, Melisa Dobish, and Lee Frye administrators traveled to meet with Senator Mike Johanns and staff. Washington, D.C. to commuEach membership year there are opportunities to nicate with our congressional delegation. Representaserve within your professional association. There are aptives from four NCSA affiliate groups (NASA, NAESP, pointed committee assignments, both within your own NSASSP, and NASES) took to the Hill and advocated for affiliate group and within NCSA, and also elected posisound national policy relevant to public education. Reptions within your affiliate group. In addition, NCSA is resentatives included: often asked for nominations to appointed positions on NASA NAESP commissions and boards of the State of Nebraska. Some Greg Barnes Jeff Ellsworth of these positions are gubernatorial appointed positions, Tim DeWaard Susan Anglemeier while others are advisory in nature to various state agenMike Teahon Mike Janssen cies. Rod Engel We are often asked, “How do I get involved, who NSASSP NASES should I talk to?� John Osgood Ellen Stokebrand If you are interested in serving in an appointed posiBrian Tonniges Lee Frye tion within your affiliate organization, contact your curRyan Ricenbaw Jane Moody rent affiliate president along with other affiliate leaders Melissa Dobish and express your interest. Affiliate leaders are listed on The work of these individuals on behalf of all Nebraska the NCSA website ( school administrators brings us to the main point of our If you are interested in running for an elected office message in this edition of the NCSA Today magazine: within your affiliate organization, contact the NCSA ofservice to the association. fice (ask for Kelly) and inquire about what offices are available and when you must file for those offices. If you are interested in serving in any other capacity, please let us know. We will certainly make every effort to find an opportunity for you to serve. We encourage all members to be active in their professional association. This is YOUR organization and we are dependent on the willingness of our members to have the desire to serve. I

Ryan Ricenbaw (far right) meets with Congressman Jeff Fortenberry.





Younes Conference Center


8:00 am

Cornhusker Hotel


8:00 am 11:30 am 8:00 am

Cornhusker Hotel NCSA Offices Holiday Inn

Lincoln Lincoln Kearney


NASES Fall Workshop


Labor Relations NCSA Tailgate School Law Update

National Convention Dates CASE – September 25-26, 2013 – Indianapolis, IN ASBO – October 25-28, 2013 – Boston, MA NASSP – February 6-8, 2014 – Dallas, TX AASA – February 13-15, 2014 – Nashville, TN NAESP – February 23-25, 2014 – Arlington, VA ASBO – September 19-22, 2014 – Kissimmee, FL

Upcoming Events Visit to register for any of these events

NASES Fall Workshop August 30th Courtyard Marriott, Lincoln Topic: Legal Update on HR

School Law Update September 25th Holiday Inn, Kearney




Labor Relati ons September 5 -6 Cornhusker Hotel, Lincoln

e ch Conferenc NE Fall Ed Te October 2-3 y enter, Kearne C e c n re fe n o Younes C

Gold Sponsorships Ameritas Investment Corp.


Jay Spearman, Marc Munford, Bruce Lefler, Scott Keene 440 Regency Parkway Drive, Ste 222 Omaha, NE 68114 800-700-2362

Matt Blomstedt 455 S. 11th Street | Lincoln, NE 68508 402-499-6756

John Baylor Test Prep John Baylor P.O. Box 30792 | Lincoln, NE 68503 402-475-7737

Boyd Jones Construction George Schuler 333 South 9th Street | Lincoln, NE 68508 402-318-4794

D.A. Davidson & Co. Dan Smith, Paul Grieger, Cody Wicklham, Andy Forney 1111 N. 102nd Ct., Ste 300 Omaha, NE 68114 402-392-7986

DLR Group Pat Phelan, Whitney Wombacher 400 Essex Court | Omaha, NE 68114 402-393-4100

Bronze Sponsorships Benchmark 4 Excellence | Rick Imig PO Box 29646 | Austin, TX 78755 512-215-0928

Pickering Creative Group Will Hays 8001 South 13th Street Lincoln, NE 68512 402-680-9382

Horace Mann


Cindy Dornbush 10612 Monroe Street, #4 Omaha, NE 68127 402-680-9382

Danny Szegda, Dave Raymond, Denny Van Horn 5720 S. 77th St. | Ralston, NE 68127 402-935-9040

Humanex Ventures

Wells Fargo

Katie Lechner/Nicole Degner 2900 S. 70th St., Park One, Ste 100 Lincoln, NE 58506 402-486-1102

Jenni Christiansen 1248 O Street | Lincoln, NE 68508 402-434-6188

Learning Together Linda Fox 5509 B W. Friendly Ave. Suite 201 Greensboro, NC 27410 866-921-0000

National Insurance Steve Ott 9202 W. Dodge Rd., Ste 302 Omaha, NE 68114 800-597-2341

NLAF Barry Ballou 455 S. 11th St. | Lincoln, NE 68508 402-705-0350

Dream Box Learning | Jeff Enoch 305 108th Ave., NE | Bellevue, WA 98004 336-236-5560 Renaissance Learning | Ron Given 2911 Peach Street Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494 726-535-4747

Silver Sponsorships Awards Unlimited Larry King 1935 O Street | Lincoln, NE 68510 402-474-0815 First National Capital Market Craig Jones 1620 Dodge Street, Suite 1104 Omaha, NE 68197 402-598-1218 Jostens Rod Brakke Bel-Air Plaza 12100 W. Center Rd., Suite 901 Omaha, NE 68144 402-733-0300 Nebraska Public Agency Investment Trust Becky Ferguson PO Box 82529 | Lincoln, NE 68501 402-323-1334

Nebraska Council of School Administrators 455 So. 11th Street, Suite A • Lincoln, NE 68508-2105 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED


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