The Nebraska State Board of Education Nebraska Council of School Administrators
May 2009
Teachers have needs, too. That’s why we offer special insurance rates, retirement solutions and a wealth of educational support. To learn more, see your local Horace Mann agent or visit
2 Taking Flight BY KANDY IMES, President, Nebraska State Board of Education
4 The Teacher Shortage Taskforce BY ELLEN STOKEBRAND, SpEd Director, ESU #4; President, Nebraska Association of Special Education Supervisors
5 Educational Service Units: Collaboration, Innovation, and Creativity BY MATT BLOMSTEDT, Executive Director, ESU Coordinating Council
O’Neill Public Schools’ Journey into 24/7 Learning
NSASSP Announces 2009 Distinguished Principals of the Year
NAESP Outstanding New Principal of the Year: York Official is Selected for 2008-2009
State-of-the-Art Website Aimed at Empowering Schools and the Community BY JOHN OSGOOD, Middle School Principal, Minden Public Schools
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Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Osgood Vice Chair . . . . . . . .Dr. Jon Habben NASA Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . . .Matt Fisher President-elect . . . . . .Bill Mowinkel Past President . . . . . .Dr. Jon Habben NASBO Representatives President . . . . . . .Sandy Rosenboom President-elect . . . . . . . .Rick Feauto Past President . . . . . . . .Doug Lewis NAESP Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mary Yilk President-elect . . . . . .Sarah Williams Past President . . . . . . .Mark Wragge NASES Representatives President . . . . . . . .Ellen Stokebrand President-elect . . . . . . . .Jane Byers Past President . . . . . . . .John Street
Preparing for the Principalship BY JOHN LAMMEL and LARRY L. DLUGOSH, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
NCSA Membership—The Things We Do For You! Voluntary Benefits Help Both District and Employees During Tough Economic Times
NSASSP Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . . .Ryan Ruhl President-elect . . . .Dr. Kent McLellan Past President . . . . . . .John Osgood NARSA Representative President . . . . . . . . . . . .Kay Gordon NCSA STAFF Dr. Michael S. Dulaney Executive Director/Lobbyist
BY STUART L. SIMPSON, Business Manager for North Platte Public Schools
Dr. Dan E. Ernst Associate Executive Director/Lobbyist
School Leaders Errors and Omissions
Kelly Coash-Johnson Training and Development Director
BY THOMAS CHAMPOUX, UNICO Group, Inc. and KAREN HAASE, Harding and Schultz Law Firm
12 NATIONAL CONVENTION DATES 16 CALENDAR OF EVENTS NCSA Mission The mission of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA) is to be an effective leader for quality education and to enhance the professionalism of its members. NCSA Today is a benefit of membership in the Nebraska Council of School Administrators, 455 South 11th Street, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68508. Telephone 402.476.8055 or 800.793.6272. Fax 402.476.7740. Annual membership dues are $325 (active members), $100 (associate members), or $30 (student members). NCSA Today is published quarterly. Send address changes to NCSA, Membership, 455 South 11th Street, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68508. Copyright 2009 by NCSA. All rights reserved.
Cami Cumblidge Finance and Membership Coordinator Dr. Bill Kenagy NCSA Principal Liaison Angie Carman Executive Administrative Assistant Carol Young Administrative Assistant The opinions expressed in NCSA Today or by its authors do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators.
MAY 2009
Taking Flight BY KANDY IMES, President, Nebraska State Board of Education
lying home from the State Board’s April meeting, my seatmate, Carol, and I engaged in conversation more typically experienced by friends of a longer term. Within minutes, our conversation gained altitude. As we turned off our The Board of 2009 is a group of electronics, made diverse thought and is perfectly sure our seatpoised in conjunction with our backs were in the upright position, new Commissioner, Dr, Roger our belongings Breed, to make meaningful and properly stowed, abiding policy. Study and our seatbelts fasdeliberation of the Board is tened low and snug and our tray pursued through structured and tables up and less formal conversation in locked, a welcommittees as well as work come message session discussions on the first from the pilot fiday of our monthly meetings. nally invited us to sit back and enjoy our ride to Denver. Inquiring of each other’s final destination and reason for travel, we discovered our common interests in edu-
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cation. Carol, from Blair, asked what I thought of the state of education these days. I answered that though I don’t consider myself a fan of the requirements of No Child Left Behind, I do think that the law has stimulated unprecedented conversation and research. While other seatmates might have politely changed the subject, this former teacher from Colorado insisted, “Oooh. Tell me more. I’m interested.” Leaving the rest of the world on the ground, Carol and I reached flight level. The conversation that followed that day, gave me the opportunity to reflect on what is of current importance to the Nebraska State Board of Education. The Board of 2009 is a group of diverse thought and is perfectly poised in conjunction with our new Commissioner, Dr. Roger Breed, to make meaningful and abiding policy. Study and deliberation of the Board is pursued through structured and less formal conversation in committees as well as work session discussions on the first day of our monthly meetings. Strengthening this work are the efforts of the Board and Commissioner Breed, together with those of Governor Heineman and the Education Committee of the Legislature chaired by Senator Greg Adams, to advance our working relationships with each other and Nebraska’s professional education organizations. We look forward to conversation in developing policies that under gird the efforts of Nebraska’s educational system. At present the developing model of our Nebraska accountability system demands most of our attention. State standards are being rewritten to clearly define what it is that all of our students need to know and be able to do for success in their post-high school education and career. In deliberating rigor, course work requirements have become an area of clear interest to the board. That brings me back to my conversation with my seatmate, Carol, a former music teacher and concert pianist. I specifically cited rigor in mathematics. Noting I’d struck a chord, no pun intended, Carol voiced a passionate (continued)
plea for the Arts and their untapped potential in our quest for rigor. I sat in my accountability-narrowed thought for a moment thinking about the links in our two perspectives: America values education. It is also broadly understood that innovative work is the strength of the American people and the key to our economic strength. Education develops the capacity of our American minds to engage in innovation. Therefore, for the American worker to be successful in the global workplace, it follows that rigorous coursework must develop innovative minds. Isn’t it wonderful how the right person at the right time can refocus our thinking and provide the food for thought that helps so many of our ideas coalesce? Following closely on the heels of rigbroaden ownership in kids doing well.” the learning of their children and students orous standards is assessment. I just reCarol’s experiences as a former teacher, has reached a level of critical need. turned from Mahoney IV, a conference and current spiritual director lent to my As Carol departed for her next flight themed Supporting Continuous Improveunderstanding of the need for community and I awaited mine, I felt a sense of cerment in an Era of Accountability. This was support in closing the achievement gap. tainty that Nebraska will continue with rethe most timely and meaningful two-day So many factors enter in to a student’s newed confidence in its quest for Nebraska conversation on school improveability to engage in learning as illustrated accountability for kids doing well. Like so ment in which I’ve had the privilege and by the myriad of support services required many of our community members in Nemotivation to engage. A group representin schools, legislated programs addressing braska, Carol is a concerned supporter of ing a wide range of educators and partners societal ills and endless requirements of education. A Blair resident, former music in education engaged in addressing esteacher and concert pianist, and sential questions concerning the Education develops the capacity of current spiritual director, Carol is responsibility of accountability. I also a retreat leader, Pastor’s wife, am now a step closer to underour American minds to engage in and a relatively new Nebraskan. As standing the enormity of the curinnovation.Therefore, for the American leaders in education, let us not rent project of initiating our state forget to seek the wisdom and tests and the use of the data for worker to be successful in the global sounding board qualities of our improvement of student learning workplace, it follows that rigorous fellow citizens. My conversation that will follow. Presently, the with Carol was stimulating and her State Board Policy Committee is coursework must develop innovative broadly experienced perspective engaged in an engrossing discusminds. Isn’t it wonderful how the right provided nourishing food for sion concerning assessment. This person at the right time can refocus our thought. I reflected on our discommittee’s work in developing a cussion as I stowed my belongcommon language and a view of thinking and provide the food for thought ings, fastened my seatbelt low and assessment’s full role in our develsnug, sat back, and enjoyed my oping accountability system will that helps so many of our ideas coalesce? ride to Scottsbluff. In fact, I’m reserve as a basis of discussion with flecting on that enlightening conversation the full Board. teachers and administrators outside of the still. I A theme to come out of Mahoney IV is, realm of instruction. The concept of Comas one participant put it, the need “to munity supporting parents and schools in MAY 2009
The Teacher Shortage Taskforce BY ELLEN STOKEBRAND, SpEd Director, ESU #4; President, Nebraska Association of Special Education Supervisors
an we talk? We’ve re-initiated the conversation about teacher shortages again. The questions are the same. Where are the teaching shortages? Specifically, which disciplines are lacking qualified candidates? What regions of the state are experiencing the most difficulty in finding qualified candidates? And most importantly, why do we keep having this conversation? Actually, this conversation has been happening off and on for the past 20 years and yet the teaching profession continues the search for a few good candidates. The issue has been explored by many and often. We have quite a bit of data. We’ll be releasing another survey soon, in an effort to get more timely data. So, what makes this conversation different? STOKEBRAND
A Little History During the 2007-2008 school year, NASES members participated on a shortage taskforce led by NSLHA (Nebraska Speech Language and Hearing Association). NSLHA sent out a survey to special education directors and other stakeholders last October. The results of that survey are not yet available as I write this article. The survey questions generally focused on shortages relative to speech-language positions in public schools. At that point, NASES decided to take a look at the bigger picture of special education shortages, and with the encouragement of the leadership of NCSA, opened the discussion to include all teacher shortages in education. The University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) completed a study at the request of NDE in the fall of 2007. The survey response was phenomenal at 97 percent and results indicated that there were 97 unfilled teaching positions in Nebraska districts during the 2007-2008 school year. Of those 97 positions, over 50 percent of them were
Survey address: Click on the ‘public surveys’ link and you will see the “Teacher Shortage Taskforce.” The survey includes 25 questions. If you’d like a copy of the survey results, please contact Ellen Stokebrand, 4
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in districts of less than 500 students. The top three positions that were unfilled were Special Education (16%), Sciences (15%), and Foreign Languages (12%). Other unfilled positions included English (7%), Industrial Tech (6%), Music (6%), Speech-Language Pathologists (6%), Media Specialists (6%), and Math (5%). Finally, the Central and Southeast regions of the state tied for the highest percentage of unfilled positions at 20.6%, followed by the Panhandle (19.6%), Northeast (15.5%), Omaha Metro (14.4%), and West Central (9.3%). Are We at the Tipping Point? With federal requirements for “Highly Qualified Teachers,” it seems that the discussion about the teacher shortage has been gaining momentum lately. We may now be at the proverbial ‘tipping point’ where addressing change is easier than the status quo. There is some action. Nebraska’s Legislature is again working on legislation that would support a loan forgiveness program that now includes both undergraduate and post-graduate degrees. Teachers who participate in the loan forgiveness program have to stay in the classrooms for a specified period of time. And maybe that’s the real issue. Are teachers staying in the classroom? Several sources indicate that new teachers generally leave the classroom, and education all together, within five years. For special education teachers, the general consensus is that teachers are leaving within three years. It would seem that the conversation needs to include a serious chat about retention. As we talk about retention, do we dare mention the economy? Will there be those who left our profession trying to return, searching for stability in turbulent times? Will there be an impact for districts as private agencies who currently employ SLPs downsize? Should our conversation include ways to help those from other professions such as business, engineering or science enter the teaching ranks? The Taskforce Survey We are launching a survey that will help us to triangulate a series of data as we continue the conversation. This information will assist in providing the foundation for the discussion that the NCSA Teacher Shortage taskforce will be having the discussion soon. The taskforce (continued on page 16)
Educational Service Units: Collaboration, Innovation, and Creativity BY MATT BLOMSTEDT, Executive Director, ESU Coordinating Council
could spend a little time explaining my new role with the Educational Service Unit Coordinating Council or I could spend time talking about the important work going on in our 17 ESUs across the state, because there's a lot of it. I decided to scan my bookshelves for a little inspiration to write this article. I came across a curriculum history text that contains Benjamin Franklin's “Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania” which he penned in 1749. I decided to reach for my inner “philosopher” and just write a bit... In Franklin's time, education had narrowed its focus so as not to serve the “practical pursuits of colonial life.” Perhaps it is from Franklin as a colonial entrepreneur, philosopher, and statesmen that we can draw a modern comparison. We should not limit education as something delivered from schools to a student, but instead should grasp the opportunity to develop schools as a place where we transfer knowledge to another generation and encourage them to expand our intellectual capital. On the occasion that you need a little inspiration, find a student that is budding with enthusiasm for the task of learning at hand. I observe my own children (four daughters, by the way) completely engaged in their selfdefined activity of learning and excited about the sorts of things that drive parents crazy. For instance, there was the time I discovered one of my daughter's recent artwork. Normally, this is an occasion to stick it on the fridge and admire it until the little Picasso prepares her next masterpiece. Unfortunately, on this occasion, she chose to work in blue permanent marker and carpet. As parents we look forward to getting our kids socialized – mostly to avoid expense, embarrassment, or serious injury. I'm guilty on all counts. I say, “Send the kids to school and let the teachers, principals, superintendents – even the custodians and cooks shape them into model citizens.” I ask my first grader what she has
ESUs, in collaboration with schools, the Department of Education, and our state’s policy leaders, can improve educational creativity appropriate for 21st century skills.
learned and I usually get the same answer I gave my parents as a youngster – “I don't know.” I'm also guilty of blustering about how “she must be learning something.” Yes, I catch myself being an overly critical “Joe Public.” The reality is she is learning far more on a daily basis than my fatherly, feeble mind can grasp. Deep inside I know that my daily question is misplaced. Instead, I should engage my daughter in conversation about her learning process and critical thinking skills... I like to say that “doubt is the highest form of learning.” I suspect I will give my daughters plenty of reasons to doubt in the future. If the tables were turned, and my daughter was asking about the progress I made on a given day, I'd hope I could muster an answer. Now, in this age of public school accountability, we ask schools much the same question as I ask my daughter each day. This “what have you done for us lately” mentality is a trap that we are all subject to fall into. We find ourselves (again, I'm guilty) focusing our efforts and attention on standards, assessment, and “proving up” our worth. We need to think more like children – no, don't grab your blue Sharpie – we have to be innovative and creative in our own right. The Department of Education and Commissioner Breed planned a discussion “Supporting Continuous Improvement in an Era of Accountability” in mid-April. I think they are on the right topic. Additionally, I believe that ESUs (see, I got to it, eventually) must help provide the catalyst for educational innovation and creativity. In my role, I don't have to look far for such innovation. I find tremendous opportunities through ESU services related to distance education, media, learning management software, and talented ESU staff all over the state. I believe that ESUs, in collaboration with schools, the Department of Education, and our state’s policy leaders, can improve educational creativity appropriate for 21st century skills. Through the time and talents of many or our ESU resources, we will endeavor over the next few months to implement a strategy that meets the needs of districts as they meet the demands of students. Maybe from such activities we can develop our own “Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Nebraska.” We already have a solid foundation and much of which to be proud. I MAY 2009
O’Neill Public Schools’ Journey into 24/7 Learning BY KATIE MORROW, Technology Specialist and AMY SHANE, Superintendent, O’Neill Public Schools
t O’Neill Public Schools, technology is more than the next new gadget. Instead, it is about equitable access and leveling the playing field. It is about enhanced communication, collaboration, and other 21st century skills. It is about amplifying learning opportunities and engaging learners in self-directed work. And, it is opening opportunities to all students beyond what they traditionally see possible in school and beyond. Nearly every classroom, K-12, is equipped with a digital projector, SMART Board interactive whiteboard, and digital tools specific to the discipline (digital cameras, video cameras, graphing calculators, handhelds, probes, etc.) Accompanying the hardware is a vast array of software choices from which every student can explore their talents and preferred learning styles. Most importantly, each 7th-12th grade student has round-the-clock access to a MacBook laptop through O’Neill’s 24-7 Learning initiative, while the elementary frequently utilizes laptop carts to enhance student learning. O’Neill’s technology integration success didn’t happen overnight. In this K-12 rural district of approximately 800 students, student engagement and student success has always been the focus. A strong administrative team with powerful future visioning supports the day-to-day learning efforts in the classroom. That vision created positions for a technology integration specialist at each building, as well as an IT person to keep the technology up and running. This has made a tremendous difference in infusing technology throughout the curriculum. Another reason for technology success across the district can be attributed to the classroom leaders. Teachers are encouraged to participate in professional development in numerous areas; they have shown leadership in many organizations such as NATM,
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NATS, NETA, NAG, and NEA. Many staff members have invested resources in college courses to enhance their ability to effectively use technology in the classroom. Their growth is evident in the work they assign in the classroom. O’Neill’s teaching staff is on the cutting edge of 21st century teaching and learning. Grant-writing efforts (both small and large) have been a driving force in acquiring equipment and programming funds for many educational efforts. Once funding is secured, the students “sell” the continuance of it with the projects they create while utilizing the technology in the learning process. Thus, the most significant piece of the “success formula” is the students themselves. Students from O’Neill Public Schools have presented locally, regionally, and nationally with their exemplary work, much of which has been enhanced by the technology resources available to them. In an effort to showcase student successes, Superintendent Amy Shane arranges for a group of students to present a “Success Story” at every School Board meeting. (continued)
21ST CENTURY TECHNOLO GY More often than not, students are highlighting the power of technology in their projects, whether through an FCCLA keynote presentation, National History Day research project, original music production and performances, movie productions aired on television, published writing projects technology has enhanced their learning. That’s why when a 1:1 laptop initiative was first proposed for the district, it only made sense to board members. Expanding students’ use of technology to 24/7 with equal access for all, in a more organized, learning-focused school-wide effort was the next step for district success. High School Teachers received MacBook laptops during the summer of 2007 and training that fall. Juniors and seniors received their laptops and piloted the 24/7 Learning Initiative second semester of the 2007-08 school year, and all 400 7-12 graders received Macbooks in August of 2008. Gains are already being seen by teachers, students, and the greater community. Home-school connections have increased as families benefit from the increased access to information and communication that the laptop provides. Students are more engaged in the learning process. Often learning projects have a real-life purpose that extends beyond the classroom walls, making their learning more meaningful, relevant, and applicable. Students’ work is more creative, more collaborative, more differentiated, and more self-di-
Gains are already being seen by teachers, students, and the greater community. Home-school connections have increased as families benefit from the increased access to information and communication that the laptop provides. Students are more engaged in the learning process.
rected than ever before. These 21st century skills, along with increased collaboration, communication, and problem-solving, are essential for our students’ futures. Providing students the opportunity to practice, investigate, and create with a vast array of digital tools throughout their K-12 education is going to put them ahead in their future educational and professional pursuits. Eagle Eye Sports (Sports broadcasting live with video and student commentary) is one example of extending learning into the community. Many school activities are “UStreamed” and shared with viewers worldwide via the web. This year’s school improvement external team report was streamed live so that all teachers and community members would have the opportunity to listen to it. Students have also connected with the community by designing websites for local businesses as well as creating commercials and public service announcements to air on radio and television. O’Neill’s students have won numerous Robotics and Digital Media awards, continuing to set the bar higher each year. Future continuance of technology at O’Neill Public Schools includes plans for a school-run local cable access channel, managed by the Digital Media classes, where projects can continuously be shared on a greater stage with the rest of the community, as well as video-on-demand access online. Incorporating more interdisciplinary learning experiences and curriculum models such as “Challenge Based Learning” are also in the district’s future goals. For more information and examples of technology integration at O’Neill Public Schools, visit the high school website at or the 24-7 Learning site at: I
MAY 2009
Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals Announces 2009 Distinguished Principals of the Year
he Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals is proud to recognize Mr. Joe Sajevic, Principal at Fremont High School and Mr. Todd Hilyard, Principal at Cozad Middle School as their Distinguished Principals of the Year. Mr. Joe Sajevic was selected to represent Nebraska as the High School Principal of the Year. Joe received his education from the University of Nebraska-Kearney (Bachelors and Masters). Mr. Sajevic has served as a practicing school administrator for the past ten years, including serving as Principal at Fremont High School since 2001. Prior to that, Joe was an Assistant Principal at Hastings High School. He was also a classroom instructor and coach at Bertrand High School, Archbishop Bergan High School in Fremont, and Hastings High School. Joe is active in many professional organizations and community leadership positions such as the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the Nebraska Council of School Administrators, and the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals. He is also a member of the Fremont Noon Rotary Club, the Fremont Area United Way Board of Directors, the Leadership Fremont Board and the Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Sajevic has several other honors, including the NSASSP Region II Principal of the Year and the Hastings Jaycee Young Educator of the Year. He has also been a presenter at several state and area events. Dr. Stephen Sexton, Superintendent of the Fremont Public Schools, states: “Joe has very skillfully combined and brought to the position the very best characteristics that exemplify quality, professionalism, much needed educational and general leadership and the highest levels of competence and integrity. He unerringly frames his decisions on an inner sense of fairness and a concern for the best interests of the children and youth who are his charges.” Dr. Dan Cox, an English instructor at Fremont High, says: “I have known Joe to be professionally well read, thoughtful, knowledgeable about his administrative role and in teaching pedagogy, and interested in helping his students learn as well as helping his colleagues become the best teachers possible. He is a good, common
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sense administrator – reliable, responsible, communicative, and fair.” Alicia Granger, former FHS student states: “I have never met a principal or school official with more compassion for their job. Mr. Sajevic has a genuine love for his job and the people he interacts with. He strives to create leaders, ensure academic success for students, and most importantly, is able to relate to and understand every person he works with.” Mr. Gary Bolton, retired Assistant Superintendent at FPS says: “Joe has been an outstanding educational leader, and has involved his staff, students, parents and other community members in his efforts to make Fremont High one of the best high schools in the state. He is always professional and tactful in his interactions with people and he has the unique ability to make people perform at their highest level and instill within them selfpride in their accomplishments. Mr. Sajevic is the ultimate principal, and I am proud to have been a part in bring him to our school district.” Mr. Sajevic will receive his award at the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals conference in Lincoln in February and with his selection will be eligible for consideration for the 2010 Metlife/NASSP National Principal of the Year. Mr. Todd Hilyard was selected to represent Nebraska as the Middle School Principal of the Year for the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals. Todd received his education from the University of NebraskaKearney (Bachelor’s and Master’s), and Wayne State College (Ed. Specialist). Todd has been the principal at Cozad Middle School since 2001. His previous experience includes teaching at Aurora Middle School (1994-2000) and serving as the Assistant Principal and Curriculum Coordinator for the Centennial Public Schools (2000-2001). Mr. Hilyard is active in many professional organizations such as the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the Nebraska Council of School Administrators and the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals, the National Middle School Association, and the Nebraska Association for Middle (continued on page 9)
NAESP Outstanding New Principal of the Year: York Official is Selected for 2008-2009
K Friesen
ris Friesen, Principal of York Elementary School in York, NE has been named the Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals Outstanding New Principal for 2008-2009. Friesen, in her third year as a member of the Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals is described as “determined, progressive, courageous and caring” as she works hard to be a true difference maker in the lives of students and staff. Her skills include being a leader, a listener, a supporter and a team player. Friesen is also known for her positive attitude, tremendous work ethic, and ability to connect personally with all children. Mrs. Friesen’s early career accomplishments include guiding the implementation of changes in the reading program, formation of a pre-school for at-risk students, and continual efforts to build relationships with all stakeholders in the district.
A York Elementary parent, writing in support of Mrs. Friesen, stated that “She always has a smile on her face, but never acts like she is superwoman. She is very professional, but never unreachable. But what means the most to me is that she is just like all of us, she is a mom who cares.” Mrs Friesen is a member of the Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alpha Delta Kappa Education Sorority, Regional Early Childhood Partnership Team, and Arbor Drive Community Church. She was recognized at the NAESP Legislative Conference in Lincoln on February 25 and 26, 2009. I
NSASSP Announces 2009 Distinguished Principals… (continued from page 8) Level Education. He is a member of the Cozad Ambassadors, served as President and Vice President for the Cozad Development Corporation and is a member of the Cozad United Way Board of Directors. Todd has also been a presenter for the Nebraska Association for Middle Level Education State Symposium, as well as writing numerous articles for the Nebraska Association for Middle Level Education “Spectrum” and newsletter. Mr. Hilyard has been honored as the Region IV Middle School Principal of the Year in 2004 and 2007. John Grinde, Superintendent of the Cozad Public Schools, states: “As his superintendent and colleague for the past seven years, I can attest that he is one of the most accomplished principals I have observed and worked with. Mr. Hilyard is not only a leader in his building, but is so considered in the district by his administrative colleagues, those he supervises and those task force or community members he works with.” Nancy Williams, CMS teacher says: “Mr. Hilyard is an excellent communicator and routinely shares information with us about state standards, assessments, achievement testing and our students’ performance in those areas, as well as how to apply that information to improve our in-
struction. Above and beyond all of the professionalism, knowledge, and leadership skills Mr. Hilyard displays every day on the job, his strength of character and moral fiber impress me the most.” William Beckenhauer, High School Principal at Cozad, states: “Within Mr. Hilyard’s building, you will find programs that are designed to improve students’ academic achievement. Todd does this well because he spends the time and effort to observe his teachers’ work and provides them with advice to improve the learning environment of the school.” Mr. Hilyard will receive his award at the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals conference in Lincoln in February and with his selection will be eligible for consideration for the 2010 Metlife/NASSP National Middle School Principal of the Year. I
Preparing for the Principalship BY DR. JOHN LAMMEL and DR. LARRY L. DLUGOSH, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
P Lammel
eople who are considering careers as school leaders need to ask themselves and others a few of the following questions: What are the responsibilities of a school leader? What must I know and be able to do so others will work with me? Are there a set of skills or attitudes I should develop that will help me become a leader of learning? Do I need to know about teaching and learning or will I mainly be working with student discipline issues? To whom will I be responsible? How do I begin to prepare myself for such a role? People in organizations that prepare educators for leadership roles focus their advice in several directions. First, it is important to acknowledge that formal preparation programs are aimed at initial licensure to gain access to the principalship. The role of school leaders today is that of “Chief Learning Officer.” By that, it is suggested that principals must clearly understand how students learn, how instruction is designed, how teachers engage students in the learning process, and how the assessment of what was learned is clearly and accurately communicated. The entire concept of how students learn should be an integral part of a preparation program for school leaders. The leadership role for school leaders must change from implementer to initiator, from a focus on process to a concern for outcomes, from avoiding risks to being a risk taker. Leadership also requires the adoption of leadership strategies and styles that are aligned with the values, beliefs, assumptions and norms of the learning community—the school. Principals must lead from a position of collaboration rather than from a top-down perspective. They must lead by empowering rather than by controlling others. The collaborative process must focus upon teaching rather than upon telling, more upon learning rather than knowing and more upon modeling and clarifying values and beliefs than upon telling people what to do. Vision School leaders must have the vision necessary to build a culture of learning with teachers and students and engage parents and other stakeholders in developing and sustaining a vision for learning. The focus on how things are done in an organization, how people work and share with each other in a collaborative environ-
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ment, contrasted to a working environment of isolationism gives credence to the concept that “the culture of an enterprise plays a dominant role in exemplary performance.” (Deal and Peterson, 2009). As educators prepare for school leadership, they must become familiar with the concepts and realities connected with building and sustaining a positive culture for learning. This all means that school leaders need to be motivated by a set of deep personal values and beliefs, maintain a passion for working with teachers, engaging students and involving parents and community members in educating all students. They must believe their work to be a mission and not just a job. Practicality Therefore, we believe it is important for preparation programs to provide opportunities that engage students with practical learning experiences that mirror actual job responsibilities. As examples we cite the following types of activities: develop a communication plan that expresses a need and provides a route to successfully address the need; plan and design a professional learning community that enhances the professional development of teachers; understand where the money to operate schools comes from and how it is used; complete a culture survey and make recommendations for change, and engage in the process of teacher supervision for the purpose of improving student achievement; write a vision statement and a plan for initiating school improvement. In the end, all course work for the preparation of principals should be designed to address the actual responsibilities of the principalship. This requires a practical-based practicum or internship coupled with a strong research-based foundation as major elements of the principal preparation program. Edgar Schein (1985) stated, “There is a possibility, underemphasized in leadership research, that the only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture and the other unique talent of leaders is their ability to work with culture.” Law and Politics Candidates for the principalship must also understand the legal and political issues that impact teacher and student rights. They need to be culturally intelligent and (continued)
LEADERSHIP must have the capacity to work with people from diverse backgrounds. Changing demographics present new challenges today with increased school enrollments, increased immigration, and increased minority students entering schools. Many of the schools in Nebraska have and will continue to experience the issues that accompany the changing demographics of their school community. Resourcefulness Increasingly, school leaders have to be innovative about collecting and using the resources necessary to help all students learn. Education is an expensive proposition. A cheap and poorly constructed learning environment for children is far more costly for a democracy than one that expresses a legitimate need for properly distributed resources; personnel, materials, time, and money. School leaders are required to call for the necessary resources to do the important job of educating children and to explain how the expenditures are effectively and efficiently appropriated. Brokers of Culture and Change Lou Gerstner, CEO of IBM, concluded the following about the success of IBM: “I came to see, in my time at IBM, that culture isn’t just one aspect of the game—it is the game.” (Gerstner, 2002). Warren Bennis stated that, “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Both of these statements bring to light a significant shift in the philosophy and in the programs of studies that prepares principals, assistant principals, and other educational leaders for contemporary schools that result in improved learning and success for all students. In education we frequently see “incremental” change that makes things look different and results in some fine-tuning, but are typically not long term or never result in significant or sustained practices or programs that
improve learning. Seymour Sarason said, “If you attempt to implement reforms but fail to engage the culture of a school, nothing will change.” It is essential that an educational leader connects the vision
school in which you work. Ask yourself if you have the vision and the passion to create and sustain a positive culture that engages students, teachers, and parents in the process of learning for all students.
Edgar Schein (1985) stated, “There is a possibility, underemphasized in leadership research, that the only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture and the other unique talent of leaders is their ability to work with culture.”
Re-culturing Professional Preparation Programs UNL is in the process of re-culturing the program of studies required for individuals to earn their certification and endorsement as a principal; a leader of learning. There are three parts to the program; 1. Working with undergraduate teacher education students and new teachers to introduce them to the principalship. 2. The Masters degree program of studies with increased emphasis on providing additional experiences aligned with course work. 3. Professional development of new administrators The first step of the program involves the engagement of undergraduate students, during their senior year in college, and beginning teachers with an opportunity to explore the “principalship” and what is required to be a leader of learning; how to create and sustain a positive school culture for student learning and a develop a professional learning community for faculty to share and collaborate their knowledge and skills to provide quality learning experiences for all students; and other perspectives of the leadership responsibilities. The goal is to set the stage for pre-service individuals to begin to think about their futures in education and to consider educational leadership as one of their options. Next, teachers who are early in their career development would choose graduate work to attain their Masters of Education Degree with certification and endorsement as a principal. Much of the (continued on page 16)
for instruction and learning with the culture of the school. High stakes learning must be supported with the positive culture of a learning community. The research from Breaking Ranks (NASSP, 2009) indicated that “school leaders who want to move beyond the quick-fix mentality must do two things. First, they must recognize the critical role that a school’s belief system plays in sustainability of school improvement efforts, and second, they must carefully examine the process they are employing to implement change.” Fullan (2004) described this type of change as the “re-culturing” of schools. “Sustainability is very much a matter of changes in culture: powerful strategies that enable people to question and alter certain values and beliefs as they create new forms of learning within and between schools, and across the system”. 1. How and where does one learn to be a leader of learning? Certainly, much of what is necessary to breathe life into learning exists in most school buildings – start there; examine the culture of the
MAY 2009
State-of-the-Art Website Aimed at Empowering Schools and the Community BY JOHN OSGOOD, Middle School Principal, Minden Public Schools; Chair, NCSA Executive Board
inden Public Schools is an achievement focused Nebraska school district where standards are high, and much more often than not, goals are exceeded. Children in grades K-11 are meeting Nebraska State Reading Standards at a 90 percent or higher level and Nebraska State Mathematics Standards at an 80 percent or higher level. The percentage of our teachers holding a master’s degree is 43.55 percent, versus 39.65 statewide, while our teachers boast 19.1 years of teaching experience on average, versus 15.49 statewide. Minden isn’t a big city; instead, our town offers the warmth and friendliness of the heartland and a low-key family-oriented lifestyle. Just like good neighbors everywhere, Minden citizens value communication, and this extends to their desire that the community understand what Minden schools are up to and to parents wanting to know what they can do in the home to support their children’s learning. Our Mission Statement focuses on empowerment: “Minden Public Schools, with the community, strives to develop productive and responsible citizens through an environment that empowers them to seek, understand, and appreciate learning.” To empower students, we look for tools which encourage school performance and connectedness. SchoolFusion helps us meet this goal. This company partners with school districts to build websites that help increase student achievement and generate effective communication throughout the school and community. At first, we worried that working with a Web-based content management system might be a time-consuming process, but our new site contains a special page where data can be mass loaded, updated and deleted. This includes student, faculty and parent accounts, classes and groups, clubs, teams, and faculty groups. In
addition, other important data can be imported, such as facilities usage, events, and departmental information. The Web calendar portion of our site contributes so much to uniting our community. Our teachers can easily set up a daily Web calendar that includes students’ assignments. They may post announcements that our students can get to right away, and they can involve students in AfterClass, SchoolFusion’s Web 2.0 blogging tool that continues school discussion after the school day is over. A teacher’s technical ability is not challenged by this process. Ease-of-use allows most staff members to feel comfortable loading and posting information. Feedback has been very positive. Through the online calendars, parents have immediate knowledge of their students’ assignments, school events, holidays, breaks, early release days, etc. Our parents view their children’s homework, calendars and grades in a single location. If parents have children attending different Minden school sites, they visit only one site to obtain information on all their children. Our parents can request an automated email notification on their child’s progress and school events. Parents appreciate the improved communication one is provided by the SchoolFusion technology. They know how well their child is performing and can prepare ahead of time for changes in the regular school calendar and for special events. Our SchoolFusion website offers much more than the school website of the past. Our teachers are learning daily how to use the technology provided by SchoolFusion. We have just started on our mission to use this website as an advanced tool for learning and communication. As our partnership grows with SchoolFusion, we plan to make our website central to the dissemination of valuable school information to our students, parents, teachers, board members, and community at large. I
A Note from the Executive Director
n behalf of your NCSA staff, I hope you have enjoyed the new format of the NCSA Today Magazine. Our intent is to produce a publication worthy of Nebraska school administrators with a scope of content broad enough to attract the attention of
MAY 2009
those outside the profession of school administration. Dr. Dan Ernst and I normally place an article in each edition. However, in this particular edition it was more important to us that other authors and contributions be published instead. This is the fourth and final edition for
the 2008-09 school year, and we want to know what you think of the new format. Please send your comments and suggestions to: I Dr. Michael Dulaney NCSA Executive Director
NCSA Membership – The Things We Do For You!
he Nebraska Council of School Administrators is not only a professional organization for Nebraska’s school administrators, but also gives members the opportunity to go above and beyond in providing educational leadership. With your membership, you will be joining over 1,800 school administrators in Nebraska. As an umbrella organization, NCSA works on your behalf to influence legislation and the decision-making process on the local, regional, state and national levels. Under this structure, members can enjoy the benefits and services offered by NCSA and also take advantage of the various position-specific opportunities offered by affiliate associations. NCSA has a strong focus to create the tools and training necessary for administrators to be successful. In 2008, NCSA provided over 30 workshops and conferences for school administrators. A premier NCSA annual event, Administrators’ Days, brings together over 1,000 school administrators to address issues such as leadership, legal procedures, fiscal issues, compliance, and regulation and assessment. Appropriate and timely training is a trademark of NCSA and a valuable service for members. In addition, some training and learning opportunities are now offered through NCSA webinar programs, giving members the option to participate without leaving the comfort of the office. Amongst a variety of accomplishments over the past year, NCSA has initiated the Nebraska Leadership Initiative (NLI). This initiative is intended for superintendents, principals and teacher/staff leaders and promotes professional development based upon best practice and research related to school district leadership, school improvement and leading in an effective school. This effort encourages school administrators to do the right work in the right manner. The Legal Support Program provides funds for legal assistance to active members on matters relating to employment contracts. In total, members are eligible for up to $1,500 in financial assistance for contract-related issues. The Legal Support Program supports active NCSA members and assures due process is provided by the local board of education. NCSA is an active participant in the state’s legislative and policy development process. NCSA’s Legislative Program provides members with services such as three an-
nual legislative state conferences, bill summaries of every legislative measure related to education each year, a comprehensive final legislative report at the conclusion of each legislative session, updates through e-mail throughout the year on legislative activities and a weekly legislative newsletter published each legislative session. The legislative information provided to members is second to none. The mentoring program is also an important feature for new administrators. This program gives new members of NCSA the opportunity to be paired with talented colleagues that will assist in their first year of administration. Members report great support and satisfaction for mentoring programs. In addition to a number of programs and workshops, members have access to the NCSA staff and they stand available to assist with issues such as legal matters, planning, training, and national affiliate issues. The small staff is ready to lend a hand with any questions or concerns that may arise. Please don’t hesitate to ask. Please consider your membership renewal for the 2009-2010 school year. An email or postcard will be sent out before the end of the current school year. You can save dollars by renewing and paying before October 1, 2009 by going to our website at and completing your membership online. If you have any questions, contact Cami at or call 402.476.8055 or 800.793.6272. I
2009-2010 National Convention Dates CASE – July 9-11 – San Francisco, CA AASA – Febr. 11-13, 2010 – Phoenix,AZ NASSP – March 12-14, 2010 – Phoenix,AZ NAESP – April 8-12, 2010 – Houston,TX
NCSA Administrators’ Days July 29-31, 2009 Holiday Inn Kearney, Nebraska MAY 2009
Voluntary Benefits Help Both District and Employees During Tough Economic Times BY STUART L. SIMPSON, Business Manager for North Platte Public Schools
B Simpson
oth employers and employees face tough challenges in today’s shaky financial environment. Employees demand more cost-saving benefits just to make ends meet, medical costs continue to skyrocket and administrators are forced to hold the line on budgets. Many public employees, such as teachers, look toward us to provide them with protection: they want to focus on their job—teaching and supporting Nebraska’s kids—and trust that we will take care of the rest. Providing quality benefit programs that serve both interests don’t often go hand in hand: that is, unless you consider no-cost benefit plans, such as Voluntary Insurance plans. Voluntary Benefits Help Employees During Tough Economic Times It was two weeks before the fall semester and Kerry, a teacher for North Platte Public Schools district, received an email marked “urgent” from her 17-year-old daughter. New glasses were required immediately had discovered her crushed glasses under a pile of clothes in her closet. At the same time, Kerry and her husband were in need of annual exams and contact refills. Panic set in. Back-to-school clothes, supplies, physicals and activity dues had already dwindled the checkbook balance. Kerry remembered that her district offered a vision benefit. The cost was only a couple of dollars each week, and it was conveniently deducted from her paycheck so she was not convinced it would help much. “In all of my working years I never had a benefit package that included vision care so I had no idea of what to anticipate for savings,” said Kerry. To her amazement, two exams, new glasses and two sets of contacts were a fraction of the price she would have paid without coverage. Voluntary Plans Helps Districts Bargain, Reduce Risk and Save Taxes It is not surprising that eye care plans are in high-demand with employees today. But administrators often don’t realize that in exchange for adding another payroll slot, they also may enjoy significant positive outcomes as well. A little known fact: Districts save FICA tax when putting Voluntary Insurance programs in place. Since insur-
MAY 2009
ance premiums for Voluntary products may be deducted pre-tax, they reduce the taxable income saving both the employee and employer a portion of FICA tax. In addition to tax savings, the plans are so popular that they provide some negotiating muscle during collective bargaining. The Vision plan that I introduced in my district is pooled with other schools so that the employee’s payments are kept low: the annual cost for the program is only about $90 per year for single coverage. For this barely-noticeable pre-tax paycheck deduction, employees enjoy an annual comprehensive eye exam ($10 copay) from a wide panel of network doctors (or see any doctor they wish). The plan provides a generous allowance towards corrective frames and lenses, as well as discounts for Lasik surgery. These benefits are a great perk for employees but there is also a hidden advantage for districts. Without vision plans, many families neglect important annual preventative services. This neglect may leave serious health issues undetected and may stimulate claims in other areas. Consider the following: • The National Eye Institute projected that 5.5 million Americans will experience blindness and low vision by the year 2020. These are problems that could be cured or prevented through detection and treatment. • According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)’s March 2004 Scientific Review, at least 40 percent of visual impairment is treatable or preventable but many individuals do not receive the necessary eye care. The article also goes on to say that the problem of undiagnosed visual disorders is expected to double in the next three decades. Ultimately, districts must reduce risk in order to reduce costs. Medical insurance, workers compensation and disability plans can all be affected by skipping preventative exams. Prevent Blindness America released a report in April of 2007 estimating the costs associated with adult vision problems in the United States at $51.4 billion. The report shows the costs to the U.S. economy as $35.4 billion and the financial impact to the individual, caregivers and others at $16 billion, totaling $51.4 billion. “(This amount) exceeds the total combined profits of the top two 2006 Fortune 500 companies, Exxon (continued on page 15)
School Leaders Errors and Omissions BY THOMAS CHAMPOUX, UNICO Group, Inc. and KAREN HAASE, Harding and Shultz Law Firm
here was a time when schools were relatively immune from liability claims alleging negligence relating to their operations and activities. However, due to the increasing litigiousness of our society, this immunity has significantly eroded. As a result, School Leaders Errors and Omissions Liability Coverage was developed. This coverage responds to loss resulting from “wrongful acts” occurring from the operation of a school, school board or school district, much like Directors and Officers liability coverage was intended to do the same for a business. Protection is required for the actions of board members, directors, staff, faculty, employees, volunteers and student or substitute teachers. School Leaders Errors and Omissions Insurance is not standard among insurers. Each carrier develops features according to the market it desires. Wide variations can be found in Insuring Agreements, Exclusions, Conditions, and Defense provided among different policies, making comparisons difficult. This situation also makes it extremely important for school leaders to review their coverage carefully to make appropriate selections of insurance coverage forms, their agent and defense. Remember that just because one carrier provided you with a particular kind of coverage does not mean that the terms of the old policy are standard. Some good areas for school administrators to review are: 1. Is the definition of “who is an insured” going to provide coverage for everyone the coverage is needed for? 2. Is coverage provided for all administrative or regulatory proceedings established under federal, state or local laws, such as special education disputes, complaints to the Office of Civil Rights, the Family Policy Compliance Office, and the like? 3. Will claims be settled only with the insured' s consent? 4. Is “Non-monetary Relief Defense Coverage” provided for claims seeking injunctive or other non-monetary relief arising from a “wrongful act”? (For example, litigation seeking to prevent the expulsion of a student, or a special education due process case trying to force the district to provide a particular curriculum to an autistic student.)
5. Is the School Leaders Errors and Omissions coverage worldwide? 6. Does the school district have any say in the legal counsel that will provide the defense? 7. Does your coverage include extensions for Employment Practices Liability, (including discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination and other allegations of workplace misconduct? 8. Are trustees, board members, employees, substitute teachers, volunteer workers, community coaches and student teachers all going to be included as insureds? (Some carriers do NOT cover these individuals.) 9. Are there any policy exclusions in the policy that cause concern and is there something that can be done about the exclusion? 10. Is there coverage for injuries that happen while third parties are using your facility? (e.g. YMCA basketball, sports camps, etc.) With an increasingly litigious society, it is vital that schools have the proper coverage for their errors and omissions and also have appropriate legal representation in the defense of such claims. Through the NCSA, UNICO intends to help you answer these and many other insurance-related questions. Please feel free to call me anytime to discuss this or any other insurance related matter. For your convenience, I can be reached toll free at 800.755.0048. I
Voluntary Benefits… (continued from page 14) Mobil and Wal-Mart Stores” says Prevent Blindness America. Adding Voluntary benefits such as Vision Insurance may impact the entire employee benefits program. Employees gain help during this economic downturn, districts save tax dollars, have more negotiating room and reduce risk. When it comes down to it, providing access to cost-effective, group-rate insurance products communicates your level of care, concern and support for your employees’ health and wellness so they can focus on their important work of supporting and teaching our children. I MAY 2009
NASES Region II NASES Region III NASA Region II Jim Grant Workshop
9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m.
Millard Admin Bld TJ’s Pines Country Club GI Public Schools
Millard Norfolk Valley Grand Island
NSASSP Executive Board NAESP Executive Board NCSA Executive Board NCE Conference Balanced Leadership NCSA Golf Tournament
1:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m.
NCSA Offices NCSA Offices NCSA Offices Holiday Inn NCSA Wilderness Ridge
Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Kearney Lincnoln Lincoln
Administrators’ Days
8:00 a.m.
Holiday Inn
1:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. TBD Cornhusker Hotel
Henry Doorly Zoo Holiday Inn NCSA Lincoln
Omaha Kearney Lincoln
JUNE 3 3 4 8-11 11 24
JULY 29-31
AUGUST SEPTEMBER 17-18 23 26 30-Oct 1
NASES Fall Conference School Law Update NCSA Tailgate Leadership Conf. for Assessment
Teacher Shortage Task Force
Preparing for the Principalship
(continued from page 4)
(continued from page 11)
includes members from NASES, NAESP, and NASBO, with guidance from NSASSP and NASA. To this point, our conversation has been via technology. Informally, the goals of this taskforce are to: 1) Formulate a clear picture of what teacher shortages currently exist region by region and then outline recommendations for addressing the current and future staffing needs across each region; 2) Raise the level of awareness about the need for recruitment into education and the areas of need, as well as the difficulty in retaining teachers in the profession, with audiences such as High Ed., the Legislature, Guidance Counselors, etc. 3) Develop a comprehensive plan to help alleviate the growing shortage crisis, by collaborating with High Ed., the Legislature, Guidance Counselors, etc. The goals identified by the taskforce members may be lofty. We’ve had these goals before. With the addition of this survey to the data we have, it’s my hope that we will have the opportunity to use this conversation to move forward to developing some type of plan for alleviating the shortages. There are questions to answer. Will this be just another conversation? Are we at the tipping point? There are no guarantees but the intention to be proactive and purposeful with this conversation is clear. This time, the conversation needs to be different. Can we talk? I
coursework will require students to plan and develop projects aimed at improving learning in their schools. Finally, following the completion of the Masters degree, the Department of Educational Administration at UNL, in collaboration with local school districts, the Nebraska Council of School Administrators, and other professional education organizations proposes to provide a program of continuous learning through professional development to help beginning school principals stay current so they can be on the “cutting edge” of fulfilling the important role as a leader of learning in their school. I
MAY 2009
Bibliography: Bennis. W. G. (2008, September), “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”. Journal of Property Management. National Association for Secondary School Principals (2009). “Breaking Ranks: A Field Guide for Leading Change”. NASSP, Reston, VA. Deal, Terrance E. and Peterson, Kent D. (2009). “Shaping School Culture --Pitfalls, Paradoxes, & Promises”, 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA, JosseyBass Fullan, M. (2005). “Leadership and Sustainability”, Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin Press, Gerstner, L. V. (2002). “Who says elephants can’t dance? Leading a great enterprise through dramatic change”. New York: HarperCollins National Association of Secondary School Principals, ( 2007), “Changing Role of the Middle Level and High School Leader: Learning from the Past ---- Preparing for the Future.” Reston, VA. Schein, E. H. (2004) Organizational culture and Leadership (3rd ed. ) San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass
Gold Sponsorships Ameritas
National Insurance
Al Eveland 5900 O St., 1st Floor Lincoln, NE 68510 402-467-6968
Mike Boden 9202 W. Dodge Rd., Ste 302 Omaha, NE 68114 800-597-2341
Barry Ballou 455 S. 11th St. Lincoln, NE 68508 402-705-0350
Danny Szegda 5720 S. 77th St. Ralston, NE 68127 402-935-9040
National Institute For Direct Instruction
Jane Kelleher 999 18th St., Ste 2150 South Tower Denver, Co 80202 800-906-0911
Thomas Champoux 4435 O St. Lincoln, NE 68510 402-434-7252
Energy Education Karen Mullins 5950 herry Lane, Ste 900 Dallas, TX 940-235-7598
Learning Together Julie Smith 5509 B W. Friendly Ave. Ste 201 Greensboro, NC 27409 866-921-0000
Kurt Engelman PO Box 11248 Eugene, OR 97440 541-485-1973
Silver Sponsorships
Horace Mann
Pickering Creative Group
School Beacon
Cindy Dornbush 11329 P St, Ste 122 Omaha, NE 68137 402-331-0509
Jason Peterson 800 S. 13th St. Lincoln, NE 68512 402-423-5447
David Hahn PO Box 83672 Lincoln, NE 68501 402-403-1176
Bronze Sponsorships ARCHI + ETC. LLC Stacy LaVigne 6500 Holdrege St., Ste 007 Lincoln, NE 68505 402-429-7150; fax: 402464-6810 Awards Unlimited Larry King 1935 O St., Lincoln, NE 68510 402-474-0815 Benchmark 4 Excellence Rick Imig 1411 Rodeo Bend Dickinson, TX 77539 281-910-0113; fax 281-946-5031
Cannon Moss Brygger & Associates, P.C. Bradley Kissler 2535 Carleton Ave., Ste A Grand Island, NE 68803 308-384-4444; fax: 308-384-0971 D.A. Davidson & Co. Paul Grieger 1111 N. 102nd Ct., Ste 300 Omaha, NE 68114 402-392-7986; fax: 402-392-7908 DLR Group Pat Phelan, Whitney Wombacher 400 Essex Ct., Omaha, NE 68114 402-393-4100; fax: 402-393-8747
LifeTrack Services, Inc. University of Nebraska–Lincoln Cassie Dunn Patricia Fairchild 1271 Port Dr., Clarkston, WA 99403 114 Ag Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583 800-738-6466; 402-472-9184; fax: 402-472-9024 fax: 509-758-2162 US Bank Nebraska Public Agency Tim Schlegelmilch Investment Trust 233 S. 13th St., Lincoln, NE 68508 402-434-1134; fax: 402-434-1007 Becky Ferguson PO Box 82529, Lincoln, NE 68501 402-323-1334; fax: 402-323-1286 Virco, Inc. Matt Kirkland PO Box 6356, Lincoln, NE 68506 Union Bank and Trust 402-328-8031; fax: 402-328-8162 Charity Kuehn PO Box 82535, Lincoln, NE 68501 402-323-1460; fax: 402-323-1195
Nebraska Council of School Administrators 455 So. 11th Street, Suite A • Lincoln, NE 68508-2105 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
Cornhusker State Industries is your source for quality school furnishings! Create an inviting environment for the learning to begin! From student desks to custom library fixtures to Braille Products, CSI has you in mind! Many stain, laminate and fabric choices available for that custom touch! Call CSI today to find out what we can do for you, or stop by and visit our showroom!
Spring has Sprung… …which means it is time to renew your NCSA Membership for the 2009-2010 school year. Dues remain $325 and a $10 discount is given if your dues are received before September 30. Please fill in your online membership form at Cornhusker State Industries
and contact Cami at or 1.800.793.6272 with any questions
As the strength of any organization is in the membership, please invite your nonmember friends and peers to join NCSA
800 Pioneers Blvd., Lincoln, NE 68502 800-348-7537 • 402-471-4597