NCSA Today Magazine, Winter 2010

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State Senator Dave Pankonin Chair of the Legislature’s Retirement Committee Discusses Discusses the the Future Future of of State State Retirement Retirement Plans Plans

Nebraska Council of School Administrators

January 2010

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2 Senator Pankonin Works Hard to Maintain Educators’ Retirement Benefits BY SARAH F. SULLIVAN, NCSA Staff Correspondent

4 Legislatively,You Can Make a Difference! BY DR. JIM TENOPIR, Executive Director, Nebraska School Activities Association


Pupil Transportation – An Important Review for School Administrators BY JANICE ERET, Nebraska Department of Education


Academic Success Begins with Student Safety BY JANE BYERS, Special Services Coordinator, Papillion-LaVista Public Schools; President, Nebraska Association of Special Education Supervisors


Nebraska Superintendent Turnover Lessens BY DR. JAMES E. OSSIAN, Wayne State College


Teaching All Children to Read with Direct Instruction BY DAVE OCKEN, Retired Principal


Kearney Community Supports Bond and Levy Override BY SARAH F. SULLIVAN, NCSA Staff Correspondent


The New Year Brings New Challenges BY DR. MIKE DULANEY, Executive Director, NCSA; and DR. DAN ERNST, Associate Executive Director, NCSA


Time to Schedule Your Flu Shot


NASA Honor Awards and NASA Distinguished Service (Longevity) Awards



Missouri / Nebraska First Annual Golf Challenge

NCSA EXECUTIVE BOARD 2009-2010 Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Matt Fisher Vice Chair . . . . . . . . . . . .Ryan Ruhl NASA Representatives President . . . . . . . . . .Bill Mowinkel President-elect . . . . . . . .Jack Moles Past President . . . . . . . .Matt Fisher NASBO Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . .Rick Feauto President-elect . . . . .Robin Hoffman Past President . . . Sandy Rosenboom NAESP Representatives President . . . . . . . . .Sarah Williams President-elect . . . . . .Midge Mougey Past President . . . . . . . . . .Mary Yilk NASES Representatives President . . . . . . . . . . . .Jane Byers President-elect . . . . .Peggy Romshek Past President . . . . .Ellen Stokebrand NSASSP Representatives President . . . . . . . .Kenton McLellan President-elect . . . .Randy Schleuter Past President . . . . . . . . .Ryan Ruhl NARSA Representative President . . . . . . . . . . . .Ron Joekel NCSA STAFF Dr. Michael S. Dulaney Executive Director/Lobbyist Dr. Dan E. Ernst Associate Executive Director/Lobbyist Kelly Coash-Johnson Training and Development Director Amy Poggenklass Finance and Membership Coordinator Dr. Bill Kenagy NCSA Principal Liaison Angie Carman Executive Administrative Assistant

16 CALENDAR OF EVENTS NCSA Mission The mission of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA) is to be an effective leader for quality education and to enhance the professionalism of its members. NCSA Today is a benefit of membership in the Nebraska Council of School Administrators, 455 South 11th Street, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68508. Telephone 402.476.8055 or 800.793.6272. Fax 402.476.7740. Annual membership dues are $325 (active members), $100 (associate members), or $30 (student members). NCSA Today is published quarterly. Send address changes to NCSA, Membership, 455 South 11th Street, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68508. Copyright © 2009 by NCSA. All rights reserved.

Carol Young Administrative Assistant Sarah F. Sullivan NCSA Staff Correspondent The opinions expressed in NCSA Today or by its authors do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators. JANUARY 2010




Senator Pankonin Works Hard to Maintain Educators’ Retirement Benefits BY SARAH F. SULLIVAN, NCSA Staff Correspondent


t is a well known fact that our economic woes have spread from shore to shore, affecting nearly every facet of day-to-day life. Job markets are struggling,

healthcare is still an issue, and programs and banking institutions that once appeared unsinkable are feared to be faltering. As we cautiously step forward into the new year, we leave behind us a decade of gradual economic turmoil, one comparable to the Great Depression. Mark Whitehouse of the Wall Street Journal wrote in a recent article “The Dimming of a Beacon” that over the past decade, the US’s economic output per person grew an inflationadjusted 9 percent. China grew 141 percent over the same time period. 2



Even as we slowly put back the pieces of our broken economy, the issue remains the things that were once constant may have to change to accommodate the burden. State school retirement plans have been under scrutiny across the country, with some states being forced to rethink the way their programs are run in order for them to survive. Senator Dave Pankonin, Chair of the Legislature’s Retirement Committee, has had his finger on this issue during these tough times, striving to ensure that Nebraska’s educators will be able to maintain the retirement benefits they deserve. “The [school] retirement plan is a terrific longterm benefit and an asset to have and there's no doubt about it,” Pankonin said. “We have a very fine plan. The challenge will be to preserve it over time. A recent financial article in the Wall Street Journal confirms what we’ve been talking about: The past decade was the worst decade in the history of the United States, worse than the Great Depression in the 1930s. Now we have a situation where $100 is actually not even worth $100 on the market. This is devastating for retirement plans. It would take miraculous returns to make up for this decade without some contributions. It's been a tough decade.” School employees participate in a Defined Benefit Plan that imparts a lifetime retirement benefit based on the following formula: Years Final Formula Retirement of Average Factor X X = Benefit Creditable Compen(Currently Payment Service sation 2%)

This plan is funded by employees’ contributions and the interest earned, their employers’ contributions, and the State of Nebraska and its investment earnings. As of September 1, 2009, employees are required by law to contribute 8.28 percent of their compensation. This sum (continued)

STATEWIDE is then matched by the employer 101 percent (the State also conElected to Nebraska tributes 1.0 percent). AcLegislature in 2006, Senator cording to Senator Pankonin is a Graduate of Pankonin, “this is conLouisville High School and the University of Nebraska– sidered a very, very good Lincoln College of Business plan, mainly because the Administration. He is the state is the guarantor of owner and president of the plan.” Pankonin’s Inc., a farm equipment dealership in However, with a shaky Louisville. Married to Lori, economy comes chaltogether they have two chillenging ground for even dren: Paul and Stephanie. the best of retirement Senator Pankonin has held the positions of Louisville programs. mayor, Louisville City Council “This is a national President and Louisville problem, not just a NePublic School Board member. braska problem,” explained Senator Pankonin. “Every state is talking about cutting back, talking about even ending their plans all together. And most of them will be asking for increased employee contributions. They [school employees] all have lost enough in this last decade. There's definite financial pressure to do something.” According to Pankonin, the responsibility of politicians lies in backing up these plans. Due to the fact that states are influenced by political pressure, many states are attempting to rework their plans, which could mean a drastically different plan would be provided to newly hired employees rather than what current employees enjoy. One option Pankonin says that many states have adopted is a hybrid retirement plan. Rather than get rid of the Defined Benefit plan and switching over to a Defined Contribution plan, some states have adopted a hybrid of both—part Defined Benefit and part Defined Contribution. Georgia’s legislature passed their combination Defined Benefit/401(k) plan during their 2008 Legislative Session and this plan is applicable to those hired after January 1, 2009. According to the Georgia Employees’ Retirement System, this Defined Benefit Plan applies a pension benefit formula of one percent X years of service X highest average salary. The members contribute one percent of their compensation and receive a one percent salary match from the State. Furthermore, for every additional percent contributed by a member (up to four percent) the State will match 50 percent of that amount (up to two percent). Only recently, the Pennsylvania School Employees Retirement System proposed their own hybrid plan to combat declining in-

About Senator Pankonin

vestment returns and the current economy. Like Nebraska, the Pennsylvania public schools operate under a Defined Benefit plan, contributing their own earnings, and receiving contributions from their employers and the State, as well as investment earnings. The hybrid plan would combine aspects of the Defined Benefit and the Defined Contribution plans. According to the Scrantonbased Times-Tribune, these are the highlights of this proposed plan: • Establish a two-tier retirement system, one for current employees and another for those hired after a specified date (preferably as soon as possible). • Cap the school district portion of the employer contribution rate for both pension plans; the commonwealth would fund any remaining employer obligation. • Oppose enactment of any new benefit enhancements for either plan. • Assign to the Pennsylvania School Employees Retirement System responsibility to administer the benefits for both plans and to manage their assets. At the moment, Pankonin doesn’t foresee Nebraska having to take the same sort of actions in the near future. But it doesn’t mean the state isn’t taking precautions. In a letter published on his website back in March, the Senator discussed the preventative action being taken. When the financial markets began to decline drastically in 2008, the Retirement and Appropriations Committees asked for updated plans of the state’s responsibility concerning retirement. Further, the Appropriations Committee budgeted additional state contributions for the retirement plans based on a modest market recovery assumption. In the future, the state obligations will be formed based on “actual market results, realized demographics (actual rate of retirement, the age at which people retire, etc.), and potential changes in contribution rates,” according to Pankonin. Pankonin is willing to reassure retirees that the state is doing everything it can to ensure that their retirement plans remain untouched. At the same time, he maintains that we must all stay informed on current events. “Obviously retirement issues are very important. [The people asking these questions] are employees themselves,” Pankonin said. “They worry about the increases in the contribution rate because it will affect their total budget. I think we'll have some discussions [about the issue] this spring, although my hunch would be that it won't be addressed just yet. Moving into the next cycle, this issue may be a more prominent discussion. No matter what, we’ll look at it very closely.” I JANUARY 2010




Legislatively,You Can Make a Difference! BY DR. JIM TENOPIR, Executive Director, Nebraska School Activities Association


state senators and testify on behalf of their respective memberships. The prevailing thought seems to be, “We join those associations in order that they take the lead in lobbying and testifying on all of the pertinent issues.” And that is one of the benefits that members enjoy. However, membership should not absolve schools and administrators from taking an active role in making their positions and their thoughts known to legislators. When one of the associations’ executive directors or lobbyists visits with a state senator or a legislative aide, the general positions of the membership are represented. It is important for the leadership of the various educational groups to be active in the legislative process and to provide information and positions, but it is likely more important for individual representatives of schools, conferences, and service units to make contact with their respective state senators. State senators tend to be more in tune with the comments and expectations of their constituents than they are with the “hired guns” that represent the membership. Yet, some administrators and other school representatives are reluctant to testify at hearings or to call or write their state senators. Part of that reluctance may be a fear of the process. Part may be the perception that interaction with the Legislature should be reJim Tenopir in his office at the Nebraska School Activities Association served for the associations’ leadership. And part may be the perceived lack of time or uncertainty of what to say. Facetiously, should Nebraska have a law that would help overTerm limits has meant considerable turnover in the Nebraska come educators’ reluctance to get involved in the legislative Legislature. With term limits, the need to increase efforts to eduprocess? cate and inform legislators has never been more important. We Increasingly, schools and educators have reason to be coghave seen an increased need to be politically active in defending nizant of what is happening in the Nebraska Legislature. Whether educational positions and refuting misconceptions. Those tasks it is a battle to retain much needed state aid, clarifying informacannot fall solely to the state’s educational groups; educators at tion on learning communities, or defending school’s rights to govthe local level must become more involved. ern high school activities, the Legislature has had an impact on Absent a legislative involvement Good Samaritan Law, it is still Nebraska educational concerns. In addition to educational issues important for educators to understand that their responsibility to being under the legislative microscope, there seems to be an intheir schools and to their students demands that they become increasing number of critics who lean on legislators to champion volved in communicating their positions and influencing legislatheir causes. tion. It is probably more important today than it ever has been. Most schools and administrators belong to multiple educational My challenge to Nebraska’s educators is to understand the need groups: Nebraska School Activities Association, Nebraska Council to have their voices heard. You command a vital role in assuring of School Administrators, Nebraska Rural Community Schools Asthat education legislation is enacted based on the best informasociation, and the Nebraska Association of School Boards. Each of tion that grassroots efforts can assure. Do not rely exclusively on those associations has lobbyist representation on a regular basis the lobbying efforts of your respective educational associations. at the State Capitol. Each of those groups track legislation to deYour voice is important! I termine which bills might have an impact on schools and education. And each of those associations has personnel who visit with o we need a Good Samaritan Law in education circles for legislative involvement? Nebraska has a Good Samaritan Law that says anyone who gives emergency care at the scene of an accident in good faith is immune from lawsuit. The purpose of the Good Samaritan Law is to overcome the public's reluctance to get involved in a situation and provide help when prompt care is needed; it allows persons to stop and help without worrying about being sued.





Pupil Transportation — An Important Review for School Administrators BY JANICE ERET, Nebraska Department of Education


s a school administrator, there are not many issues that draw media attention as much as problems related to pupil transportation. All districts must be sure that its pupil transportation department is in compliance with all the state and federal requirements. If an incident does occur, you want to be able to answer “yes” with confidence when that reporter is in your office asking if the driver involved was qualified or whether the bus had been inspected. Here are a few questions to ask your transportation director along with the section of NDE Pupil Transportation Rules 91 or 92 that addresses the issue. Be aware that this is not an all inclusive list of requirements. • Are your drivers holding valid DVM school bus permits and licenses appropriate for the vehicles they drive? (NDE Rule 91 Section 003) • Are your drivers’ School Bus Level Training valid? (NDE Rule 91 Sections 002.05 – 002.08) • Do you annually check the driving records of the drivers of pupil transportation vehicles with the Depart-

ment of Motor Vehicles? (NDE Rule Section 003.03A3) • Do any of your drivers hold a Medical Examiner’s Certificate that is valid for less than one year due to medical reasons? (NDE Rule Section 003.03B3a) • Has your school been properly conducting drug and alcohol testing for drivers holding a CDL–Commercial Drivers License? • Are the pre-trip inspections of school vehicles and school buses completed and documented before the first trip of the day? (NDE Rule 91 Sections 005.01) • Were all school vehicles inspected before the start of school? Are these vehicles inspected every 80 days while school is in session? Documentation of the inspections must be on file with the school districts. (NDE Rule 92 Section 009) • Are emergency evacuations done twice a year? (NDE Rule 91 Section 005.05) School administrators and/or their directors of pupil transportation must become familiar with the Pupil Transportation Rules. They are available at: http:// There is just too much at stake if your school is not in compliance with the pupil transportation state and federal regulations. If you have questions, please contact me at 402/471-2248 or at or call Russ Inbody at 402/4714320 or at I





Academic Success Begins with Student Safety BY JANE BYERS, Special Services Coordinator, Papillion-LaVista Public Schools; President, Nebraska Association of Special Education Supervisors

I Byers



n the midst of academic standards, assessment, and a necessary emphasis on student achievement gaps,

protected from being unnecessarily or inappropriately restrained or secluded,” Nebraska Commissioner of Educa-

a statement made by Secretary of Education, Arne

tion, Dr. Roger Breed, issued a memo to superintendents

Duncan, takes us back to what we have known for many years about student learning: “Academic success begins with student safety.” The Nebraska Association of Special Education Supervisors (NASES) conducted a survey of administrators in April of 2009. Of 22 respondents, 12 claimed their districts had restrained two or more students during the school year, while others stated they did not have a record of incidents. Six of the districts indicated that 100 percent of students that had been restrained had special education verifications. Questions asked with regard to seclusion yielded similar responses. When asked if districts had written policies or procedures regarding the use of restraint or seclusion, 86.4 percent indicated that they did not have such policies, or were not aware if one existed within their district. Why is the issue of seclusion and restraint so important now? • The Child Welfare League of America estimated eightten children in the United States die each year due to restraints, and many others suffer significant injuries. • With more inclusive special education practices, students demonstrating serious acting-out behaviors may now be in less restrictive settings. • According to H.R. 2597, under current Congressional review but anticipated to be contained within the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, “A 2005 national survey found that 44 percent of teachers, and 39 percent of highly qualified teachers, listed school discipline as a reason for leaving the profession.“ • In September of 2009, the Federal Register provided notice under the Department of Education that the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) will begin collecting data on seclusion and restraint in schools. Following Secretary Duncan’s urging for states (prior to the 2009-2010 school year), to “…develop or review and, if appropriate, revise State policies and guidelines to ensure that every student in every school is safe and

on September 9, 2009. Dr. Breed shared details of restraint and seclusion cases that resulted in criminal convictions, administrative liability, and financial settlements. Dr. Breed also pointed out that “Nebraska is one of only nineteen states lacking specific laws or regulations on this topic,” hence, “…we see a need to add a provision to Rule 10 regarding the use of seclusion and restraints.” As noted, no current Nebraska rule mandates a district policy on control and restraint; however, a recent statement added to Special Education Assurances complicates the issue. As of November 1, 2009, districts must have indicated that “prior to utilizing seclusion or restraint techniques for children with disabilities, district staff are trained in the district’s policies and procedures regarding such techniques.” As a result, many districts have developed basic “skeleton” policies for seclusion and restraint and submitted these for school board approval, in an effort to define appropriate practices that comply with Special Education Assurance statements. In light of the current hype surrounding safety, restraint, and seclusion in schools, how should Nebraska administrators respond? In order to provide technical assistance to districts, a Nebraska Department of Education grant has been awarded to Dr. Reece Peterson from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Dr. Peterson will be working with behavioral consultants and key stakeholders from within the state to develop a guide and sample policies to further support school districts. Regarded as a national expert, Dr. Peterson has been instrumental in shaping perspectives on control and restraint through his Congressional testimony. Work has already begun with regard to this effort in Nebraska, and Dr. Peterson anticipates review and feedback sessions occurring throughout this school year including input during NASES meetings scheduled for April of 2010 in North Platte. In the interim, however, Dr. Peterson suggests that



districts “let things settle” as he researches policies that already exist at state and national levels. Further federal and state guidance could result in district revisions of newly crafted policies and procedures. For now, Dr. Peterson advises that districts consider definitions that are closely aligned with those of the Office of Civil Rights. OCR definitions are as follows: Restraint: any manual method, physical or mechanical device, material, or equipment that immobilizes the ability of an individual to move his or her arms, legs, body, or head freely. Seclusion: involuntary confinement of an individual alone in a room or area from which the individual is physically prevented from leaving. Dr. Peterson recommends that policies be short and succinct, and contain the following essential elements: 1. Rationale and values (i.e. need to maintain safety and respect for students and staff); 2. Focus on prevention (i.e. school-wide, positive behavioral supports and deescalation); 3. Purpose of employing restraint or seclusion (i.e. emergency procedures used when someone is at risk of injury); 4. Definitions of control, restraint, and other related activities; 5. Staff training requirements; 6. Timelines for use of procedures (i.e. only so long as there is danger of injury); 7. Documentation of each incident; 8. Debriefing practices; 9. Appropriate reporting to parents/ guardians; and 10. Supervision, oversight, and review (i.e. record-keeping and problem monitoring).

In addition, Special EducaIn order to provide technical tion leaders should work with district policy developers to assistance to districts, a Nebraska define any procedures and Department of Education grant has guidance for students with special education needs, as an been awarded to Dr. Reece Peterson IEP may call for differentiated from the University of Nebraskaguidelines through a specific Lincoln. Dr. Peterson will be working behavior intervention plan. As a special education ad- with behavioral consultants and key ministrator, my initial recom- stakeholders from within the state to mendations are to set up a specific protocol and commu- develop a guide and sample policies nicate it to key stakeholders, to further support school districts. including parents. Ensure that Regarded as a national expert, staff are trained in positive behavioral supports, verbal Dr. Peterson has been instrumental in de-escalation techniques, and shaping perspectives on control and physical restraint. If used, regularly monitor and inspect restraint through his Congressional seclusion environments, en- testimony. suring enough room for a stu• The Use of Seclusion in School Setdent to lie down, adequate ventilation and tings; Council for Children with Behavlighting, and addressing any potential ior Disorders, July, 2009. safety hazards. Additionally, record all • Representative examples of profesdata regarding the use of restraint and/or sional training programs that emphaseclusion, share with parents, and detersize de-escalation, but also provide mine filing responsibility. instruction on safe restraint proceAs Nebraska school districts work to dedures: fine best practices with regard to restraint and seclusion within their own communities, the following resources may be helpful in guiding decisions: • Lucky 21, authored by Dr. Reece Peterson for the Council of Administrators of Special Education; copyright 2009. • Physical Restraint and Seclusion Procedures in School Settings; Council for Children with Behavior Disorders, July 2009. • The Use of Physical Restraint Procedures in School Settings; Council for Children with Behavior Disorders, July, 2009.

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Nebraska Superintendent Turnover Lessens BY DR. JAMES E. OSSIAN, Wayne State College



oward the end of my superintendent career, I grudgingly attempted to become somewhat

The New Year At the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year, there

computer literate. That attempt served me well

will be 38 school districts that have a new executive

as I eventually moved into higher education and continued to develop at least a working knowledge of electronic technology. However, as I have explained to my granddaughters, grandpa’s learning curve in the computer world has plateaued. He doesn’t blog, text, twitter or tweet, and he doesn’t need any friends on Facebook. Nonetheless, the evolution of web applications does intrigue me, particularly as it relates to issues that have

leader, 10 fewer than a year ago. Also, Stella Southeast’s merger with Humboldt-Table Rock reduces the number of districts from 254 to 253. In all, there will 240 individuals leading 253 districts. The number of head executives who are serving more than one district has increased from nine to 11. With Dan Hoesing’s move to Alliance, Rich Patton has inherited four Northeast Nebraska school districts. In the previous two years there were 45 and 48 new superintendents. However, despite the drop in turnover for this fall, the 31-year average was reduced only from 41.3% to 41.2%. The turnover percentage for this fall was a relatively modest 15.1%, considerably less than the 18.9% figure for last fall, which was the highest recorded in the past 31 years. The median and average tenure-in-position figures, predictably, have increased from 3.50 to 3.55 years and from 5.63 to 5.75 years respectively. According to the literature on superintendent turnover nationally, those numbers are roughly comparable to current national averages. Of the 34 individuals who left a Nebraska superintendency last year, two assumed the top two posts at NDE, 17 retired, nine moved to another superintendent position, two accepted administrative jobs out of state, two moved to another administrative post, one left education, at least for the time being, and one was deceased. Fourteen of the superintendents in year one are assuming the top executive post for the first time, and 116 of 253 (45.8%) superintendent positions will involve three years or less tenure in the same district, including the 2009-2010 school year.

an impact on today’s school administrators. The August 2009 issue of AASA’s School Administrator, for example, had three articles on superintendent blogging. The articles, two of which were authored by school superintendents, did stress the positive aspects of superintendent blogging and recommended that it should become a part of a school district’s communication strategy. In an electronic environment where large segments of your various school audiences have instant access to the Internet and social networking sites, this advice should at least be considered. One reason for blogging might be to counter negative information emanating from within the school community. The Churchill quote cited by Pitkoff and Soholt in “They’re Killing Me in the Blogosphere” is applicable in this instance: “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. Many superintendents currently use multifunctional cell phones or PDAs to send and receive messages, whether the issues are mundane or critical. These devices can be used also to post up-to-date information on a blog site from any location. Of course, if a superintendent develops a blog site, he or she will need to educate intended audiences about the existence of the blog and how to access it. While I stop short of encouraging everyone to assemble a blog site, I do recommend these articles. Should you be pondering the merits of blogging, the information here will help you decide.




The Veterans Over the past 31 years the number of Nebraska superintendents with 20 or more years tenure in the same school district has averaged 16, with the high-water mark being 28 in the fall of 1991. Last year there were six, and there are eight to begin the 2009-2010 school year.

EMPL OYMENT This veteran crew includes: Randall Anderson, 31 years at Crofton; Keith Fagot,

years; Randall Anderson: Crofton, 31 years; Wayne Bell: Grant, Gothenburg, and ESU

Women Superintendents The number of Nebraska women super-

30 years at Loomis; Norm Yoder, 25 years at Henderson; Doug Ackles, 23 years at St.

10, 31 years; Fred Boelter: Chambers and Creighton, 31 years; Mike Ough: Kenesaw,

intendents stands at 24 for the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year. After finally

Paul; Craig Pease, 22 years at AshlandGreenwood; Larry Turnquist, 21 years at

North Bend, and ESU 2, 31 years; Tom Rother: Sidney St. Pat’s, Tecumseh, Alaska

breaking the double digit mark with 11 female executive leaders in the fall of 2001,

Harvard; and Ed Kasl, Louisville and Dal-

School, Raymond Central, and Meridian, 31

the numbers slowly climbed to a high of

las Watkins, Dundy County, both with 20 years. Those who have endured between 15 and 19 years in the same district are: Fred Boelter, Creighton and Tom Sandberg, Axtell (19); John Cerny, Bancroft-Rosalie (17); and Keith Lutz, Millard and Tim Shafer, Broken Bow (15). The numbers for

years; Norm Yoder: Iowa Private School and Heartland, 31 years; Mike Cunning: Sutherland and Hershey, 29 years; Larry Raemakers: Sandy Creek and Aurora, 29 years; Doug Ackles: Ewing and St. Paul, 28 years; Larry Harnisch: Pawnee City, Wood River, and Sterling, 28 years; Roger Lenhard: Stuart, St. Edward, and Keya Paha, 28 years; Dale Rawson: Benkelman, Kansas Schools, and Mead, 28 years; Dave Rokusek: Clarkston, Loup City, and WilberClatonia, 28 years; Jim Havelka: Rising City, Dodge-Howells, and North Bend, 27 years; Steve Sexton: Chadron and Fremont, 27 years; Dwaine Uttecht, Elgin and Ravenna, 27 years; Ted Hillman: Wynot, Pleasanton, Osmond, South Dakota School, and Lynch, 26 years; Alan Schneider, Benedict, ESU 15, and ESU 5, 26 years. When questioned about why they were still in the game, the consensus from this veteran cadre was that they still enjoyed going to work and interacting daily with students and colleagues. Besides, professional therapy is too expensive.

25 last year. This fall’s total still represents 10% of the state’s 240 school superintendents. Nationally, according to the most recent information from the American Association of School Administrators (AASA), 17% of the nation’s 13,000 school superintendents are women. The turnover in the women’s ranks involved two retirements, one who assumed another administrative position, and the passing of Dr. Gayla Fredrickson who had been the superintendent at Elgin for eight years. New female leaders include Jane Stavem at Blair, Lynn Johnson at Arlington, and Jane Hornung at Arthur County who is returning to the superintendency after a few years of retirement. Other Nebraska female superintendents in the fall of 2009 include: Amy Malander, Cedar Rapids (8 yrs.); Joan Reznicek, Red Cloud (7 yrs.); Susan Gourley, Lincoln, Jamie Isom, Valentine, Lana Sides, Banner County, and Caroline Winchester, Loup City (6 yrs.); Cindy Wendell, Holdrege (5 yrs.);

other superintendents with double-digit tenure are six with 14 years, seven with 13 years, six with 12 years, eight with 11 years, and five with 10 years. The Super Supes A number of my older colleagues have asked if I would include a section in this annual article that lists total tenure for the state’s most experienced superintendents. After reviewing my old superintendent turnover data and dog-eared copies of past NDE directories, I present below such a list. It includes 24 individuals who are currently active in Nebraska as a superintendent or service unit director and who have accumulated 26 years or more of executive service. My apologies to anyone who was inadvertently left off of this elite roster. I have titled this group as “Super Supes.” It sounds better than superannuated. Glen Larsen: Deshler, Fullerton, Adams Central, and Blue Hill, 37 years; Tom McMahon: Waterloo, Hayes Center, Howells, and Clarkston, 37 years; Roy Baker: Benedict, Arlington, Harlan, IA, and Norris, 36 years; Don Leighton: twice at Winside, 34; Calvin “Mick” Loughran: Ewing, Valentine, and ESU 9, 33 years; Keith Fagot: Wheeler Central and Loomis, 32

(continued on page 13)

Nebraska Public School Districts Superintendent Data, Fall 1979, 1995, 2009 Item School Districts Number of Superintendents Median Tenure in Position Average Tenure in Position Supt. with 1-Year Tenure Percent Turnover Supt. with 20+ Years Tenure Women Superintendents

1979 317 317 3.97 6.16 56 17.7 10 2

1995 288 283 3.96 6.88 51 17.7 22 5


2009 253 240 3.55 5.75 38 15.1 8 24




Teaching All Children to Read with Direct Instruction BY DAVE OCKEN, Retired Principal


s the principal of Emerson Elementary in Alliance, a school covering Kindergarten through 2nd grade, I was bothered by the disparity in the reading skills of students at my school for many years. Reading is a special skill that is critical to learning and enjoying so many other subjects. The ability to read unlocks the world of literature, science, social studies and more. Without a facility in reading, a student's ability to excel in other content areas is severely limited. Students who don't learn to read—and enjoy reading—at the elementary school level can expect a rough time when they reach middle school. Over the years, we tried whole language and several other approaches to reading with limited success. Some students became successful readers. Others were less successful and still struggled with understanding and enjoying what they read. We were determined to keep looking until we found an approach that worked for all children. Emerson did not qualify for the Read…we decided to implement DI ing First program, but with the support of the National we benefited from the expertise of the NeInstitute for Direct Instruction braska Reading First (NIFDI), who provided the staff and specialists. We learned about Ditraining and on-site support to rect Instruction (DI) the Gering schools. NIFDI and went to visit the DI implementations in helped us with everything from Gering. We were imthe initial assessment of pressed with what we students to weekly data analysis saw—not only with the skills and content and problem solving. NIFDI the children were helped us install a system that learning, but also ensures that all children learn to with how content the children were. They read successfully. were responding in




unison as part of the learning process, but each was generating his/her own response, and each was learning the level of material that was right for him/her. Lower performing children were placed appropriately at their reading level in the program, and higher performing children were placed appropriately at their reading level higher in the program. After visiting Gering, we decided to implement DI with the support of the National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI), who provided the training and on-site support to the Gering schools. NIFDI helped us with everything from the initial assessment of students to weekly data analysis and problem solving. NIFDI helped us install a system that ensures that all children learn to read successfully. A word of caution to anyone using or thinking about adopting DI: you need the support of outside expertise to implement the program successfully. Just because the lessons are scripted doesn't mean that teachers can pick up the materials and use them effectively. Implementing DI fully involves all kinds of details—related to placement, grouping, teaching to mastery and acceleration— that only a group like NIFDI knows. We must have done a pretty good job implementing DI because NIFDI has featured us in a 16-minute DVD on using DI for higher performing students. The video, "Helping Kids Soar: Children Reaching Their Full Potential with Direct Instruction," can be viewed on the NIFDI web site, It shows the experience we had at Emerson Elementary and the experience at Fickett Elementary in Atlanta, Georgia using DI to prepare students for more advanced material. I retired as principal of Emerson in 2008 and am now working on other projects. Emerson Elementary, the 3rd5th grade school, and the middle school are all continuing to implement DI fully and successfully. It fills me with great satisfaction to see the results of the work that was started when I was principal to ensure that all students become successful, confident readers. I


Kearney Community Supports Bond and Levy Override BY SARAH F. SULLIVAN, NCSA Staff Correspondent


ight up until the moment the results for the school bond and tax levy override for Kearney Public Schools were announced, Superintendent Brian Maher was fearful that the project he and so many others had tried to promote would fail. Then the numbers came in: Kearney voters approved the bond 3,619 to 3,278 and the levy override 3,525 to 3,366. “I felt relieved and then beyond that, I was ecstatic for what was to come,” Maher said. “[I felt] relief because there was a lot of work that went into this thing. It was work in addition to all the other things we do on a daily basis. That was where that relief came from--knowing that that chapter was closed.” The $45 million school bond is a dream come true for Kearney Public Schools, and the money will be wisely spent on technology upgrades, necessary repairs and expansions for current elementary school buildings. The twenty-year bond will also pay for the construction of two new elementary schools, one in south Kearney and another in north Kearney--an essential project due to the continual rise in student enrollment. The $2 million tax levy override will pay for the much-needed staffing at the new schools and for the classroom additions at Meadowlark Elementary. Just this past fall, Kearney Public Schools saw student enrollment at 5,000 students in K-12, a huge milestone. Only last year, there was a kindergarten class of 476 students, the largest in the history of the schools. This current fall, the kindergarten class topped the scale at a whopping 500 students. While Kearney has always seen modest growth, the surge in enrollment is relatively recent. “In the last two years, we’ve seen greater than normal growth,”

said Maher. “Unfortunately, we’re benefiting from many small towns near us drying up. There is economic opportunity in our community and its unfortunate as to why we’re growing, but we are growing.” The triumph at the polls was not an easy victory. Dealing with a harsh economic climate, Su- Maher perintendent Maher knew that the bond and levy issue needed to be proposed delicately and honestly. “I think our basic attitude was being as transparent as we can be in the community and making it a community issue, not a school issue,” said Maher. “It’s easy for the schools to say ‘we need this,’ but when the community says ‘we need this,’ it takes on a much broader tone and has a lot more meaning in the community.” Maher and his team reached out to everyone with their message, the Kearney community’s involvement playing a huge part in the eventual success of the issue. All in all, it was a far-fromeasy task. Though the need was great, so was the economic hardship--an aspect that Maher willingly acknowledges as the reason that the voting numbers were so close. “I think the economy had everything to do with how close the vote was. I really believe that in a better economic time, this would have passed easily,” Maher said. “We have a real passion for education in the community of Kearney. The fact that it passed at all is a real testament to our community.” Though a worry of the past, had the bond and levy been voted down, Maher explained that he would have done the best he could with the bad situation. “The only thing we would have had to do would be to put in temporary units or we would have had to increase our class sizes--both really poor options. We needed the levy override as much as the bond. Without it, we wouldn’t have been able to fill the schools with the necessary staff.” Looking back on the night the bond and levy passed, Maher happily acknowledged that the win is not just his-it is something he gladly shares with his community. “That ecstatic feeling came from knowing that we really meant what we said along the way, that we really needed this for student purposes. There’s not a day that goes by that I ‘m not grateful for what our community did for itself, especially during such a difficult economic time.” I JANUARY 2010




The New Year Brings New Challenges BY DR. MIKE DULANEY, Executive Director; and DR. DAN ERNST, Associate Executive Director




his time of year we have the opportunity to appreciate and to reflect on the many positive reasons that we are thankful as individuals and the true joy and meaning of the season. As an organization, NCSA has much to be thankful for and it begins with our appreciation of our members and their outstanding efforts as school administrators in providing quality leadership and educational opportunities for students. At this time of year we also tend to look back and reflect on the past year and at the same time look forward to the challenges and opportunities as educational leaders that are forthcoming as we settle into the New Year. NCSA enjoyed a very rewarding and productive year in 2009. Our organization remains strong and viable. Members remain committed to be actively involved in NCSA and with their respective affiliates. Our training and development programs have generated record numbers of participants and we remain focused on providing engaging and purposeful professional development for all administrators. The first Administrator Technology Conference held in October was a resounding success. Connecting with the digital natives (our students) is no easy task, especially for those administrators who might be considered digital immigrants (old school). We have a responsibility to meet technology head-on and embrace it, as it remains one way to truly engage students in the learning process. As you are aware, we maintain an active presence in the legislative arena. In the recent special session NCSA worked together with fellow educational colleagues and senators and were successful to maintain the current 2009-10 state aid commitment of $933 million. We are

certainly appreciative that schools will not be forced to make budget adjustments during this fiscal year as a result of less state aid. We are most aware of the harsh economic times and are pleased to see some positive signs of economic recovery. With that said we are appreciative that the special session resulted in action to allow state aid to remain stable in fiscal years 2010-11 at the $933 million level. We are hopeful that the economy responds favorably and further reductions in needs as projected by the state aid formula can be avoided in the legislative session that recently started. Nebraska schools will face many challenges in the upcoming year. However, we need to remember that despite our hardships, our focus must remain on children, learning, and the utilization of resources to best meet the educational needs of our students and schools. We take great pride in seeing the successes of Nebraska schools and students. Your task is daunting and your mission has never been more important and it’s one in which we can’t afford to fail. In an uncertain economy, it’s even more important that we help each child reach his potential and prepare all students for life-long learning and success. We are pleased to work in concert with school administrators to assist you along the way and to make your leadership experience a success. On behalf of the entire NCSA Staff, Happy New Year.I

NCSA Would Like to Know… If you are aware of any administrative changes, NCSA would like to know. Please contact or call us at 800/793-6272. In conjunction with each issue of NCSA Today, we will email an administrative changes update to all NCSA active members.





Time to Schedule Your Flu Shot BY KURT GENRICH, EHA Plan Advocate



uring the winter months, different strains of influenza circulate throughout Nebraska. This year, it seems that certain strains are hitting school districts pretty hard. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends vaccinations for certain high-risk groups for H1N1 as well as the annual flu shot. Now is the time to schedule your annual flu shot—and when available—your H1N1 shot. NEW BENEFIT! On September 1, new benefits were put into effect for Wellness options within the EHA Plans offered to schools. Routine immunizations, including flu shots and the H1N1 shot, are now covered at 100%, and the deductible is waived for these services as well. Other benefits that will be paid at 100% are routine mammograms, pap smears, and psas. Seasonal Flu or stomach flu? People are often confused about the differences between influenza and the stomach flu. These are two completely different and unrelated illnesses. The true flu is caused by mostly upper respiratory problems. The stomach flu

Superintendent Turnover (continued from page 9) Holly Herzberg, Hampton, Margaret Sandoz, Niobrara, Amy Shane, O’Neill, and Paula Sissel, Garden County (4 yrs.); Cindy Huff, Wood River, Kate Repass, Hayes Center, and Marlene Uhing, Norfolk (3 yrs.); Trudy Clark, Bruning-Davenport, Candace Conradt, Central City, Jacque Estee, Omaha Westside, Beth Johnsen, Friend, Katherine Meink, Allen and Ewing, Melissa Wheelock, Minden, and Dana Wiseman, Sutton (2 yrs.). Looking Ahead Predicting trends for the Nebraska superintendent job market is not an exact science, but 31 years of data do give me a place to start. With that thought in mind, I do predict that:

can be caused by a number of viruses and causes gastrointestinal problems. Influenza Symptoms Stomach Flu Symptoms Cough Vomiting Congestion Diarrhea Aches and Pains Stomach pain and cramping Fever Occasional fever Exhaustion If you have questions about your symptoms, please contact your Doctor. If you have questions about the EHA Plan, contact BCBSNE Customer Service at 1-800642-6004. I

• Superintendent turnover will ebb and flow, yet the percentage turnover rate will most likely edge toward 20% annually; • The pressure of diminishing population and resources in rural areas will result in more reorganization and shared superintendencies; • Despite a brief interruption for the 2009-2010 year, the number of women school superintendents will continue to increase; • There will be good jobs available for current and aspiring superintendents and enough quality applicants to fill the positions. The major issues confronting Nebraska superintendents will continue to be finance, recruiting quality educators, increased student and community diversity,

and the potential for reorganization in the state’s smaller school districts. Moreover, the challenge of maintaining modern technology for staff and students will persist. An accompanying issue will be the need to channel students’ fixation with electronic social networking into more productive academic pursuits. Meanwhile, NCLB has not gone away. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa is the new chair of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, and Labor, and ED Secretary Arnie Duncan will be working with a democratically controlled congress. We can expect less punitive measures for underperforming schools, but the accountability aspect of the law will still be onerous. “Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia.” — Anon I JANUARY 2010




NASA Honor Awards Each region selected and submitted a NASA member to be honored at the NASB/NASA Convention in November. Criteria include longevity of service, outstanding achievement, and contributions to education in Nebraska. Region I: Roy Baker—Norris District 160 Region II: Virginia Moon Region III: Fred Boelter—Creighton Public Schools Region IV: Wayne Bell—ESU 10 Region V: Don Hague—Gering Public Schools

NASA Distinguished Service (Longevity) Awards The Distinguished Service Award was given in recognition for years of service. The recognition plaques were given at the NASB/NASA Convention in November for (15) years, (20) years, (25) years and (30) years as a NASA member. 15 Years of Service Ronald Brandl, Neligh-Oakdale Schools Tim Shafer, Broken Bow Public Schools Denise Grunke, West Point Public Schools Tim DeWaard, Centennial Public Schools Fred Hansen, Lyons-Decatur Northeast Schools Jack Moles, Johnson County Central Robert Hanzlik, Stuart Public Schools Amy Romshek, Columbus Public Schools Robert Brown, Sargent Public Schools 20 Years of Service James DeBlauw, Schuyler Community Schools Daniel Navrkal, Pierce Public Schools Kevin Johnson, Yutan Public Schools Merrell Nelsen, Gordon-Rushville Schools




25 Years of Service Edward Kasl, Louisville Public Schools David Melick, Madison Public Schools Roger Breed, Nebraska Department of Education Marilyn Moore, Lincoln Public Schools Norman Yoder, Heartland Community Schools Gerald Beach, Fort Calhoun Community Schools Steve Baker, Elkhorn Public Schools 30 Years of Service Wayne Bell, ESU #10 Ron Karr, ESU #11 Keith Fagot, Loomis Public Schools Kent Miller, South Central NE USD #5 Dan Twarling, North Platte Public Schools


Missouri Wins the First Annual Golf Challenge


n Saturday, October 10th, school administrators from Nebraska and Missouri participated in the first annual Missouri/Nebraska Golf Challenge hosted by Trane. The Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA) joined forces with the Missouri Association of School Administrators (MASA) to bring administrators together to share common goals and discuss current issues facing K-12 while engaging in some friendly competition. The challenge was held in North Kansas City at Tiffany Greens Golf Course on what should have been a beautiful autumn day. Twenty-eight brave golfers ventured onto the course to experience near-freezing temperatures and strong, bitter winds. Many of the Nebraska participants woke up to icy Trane officials present the tournament trophy to Roger Kurtz, MASA Executive streets and snow covered driveways hoping for Director. Pictured from left: Mike Hines, Danny Szegda, Roger Kurtz, Keven warmer conditions in Missouri. They were able to Ward, Dave Raymond. dodge the snow, but unfortunately, not the cold temperatures. About Trane The challengers were split into groups of four consisting of Trane, a business of Ingersoll Rand – the world leader in cretwo-person teams from each state. As weather-worn groups of ating and sustaining safe, comfortable and energy-efficient engolfers trailed into the clubhouse with wind-burned cheeks, the vironments – improves the performance of homes and buildings competition proved to be neck-and-neck. When the final team around the world. Trane solutions optimize indoor environments walked into the clubhouse and scores were tallied, the tie was with a broad portfolio of energy-efficient heating, ventilating broken and Missouri won the challenge four to three. Executives and air conditioning systems, building and contracting services, from Trane presented the trophy to Roger Kurtz, Executive Direcparts support and advanced controls for homes and commercial tor of MASA. The trophy will be proudly displayed throughout the buildings. next year at the MASA office located in Jefferson City, Missouri. For more information, visit or The 2010 Missouri/Nebraska Golf Challenge will be hosted by I Nebraska and located at a course near the Missouri/Nebraska state line. The date and exact location have not been determined, but it is unanimous that moving the tournament to August will bring better odds of warmer weather for next year.

Attention Upcoming Retirees! In the final edition of the NCSA Today, we will be honoring this year’s retirees. Please contact us at 800/793-6272 or email with information on your upcoming retirement. The article will feature photographs and a brief description of future plans.




CALENDAR OF EVENTS JANUARY 20 20 21 23 26 26 27 30

NSASSP Region IV NSASSP Region II NASES Region IV Emerging Administrators NSASSP Region V NAESP Region V NCSA Executive Board Mtg Emerging Administrators

6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.

Kearney Country Club Elk’s Lodge ESU #10 NCSA Valentino’s Valentino’s NCSA NCSA

Kearney Ralston Kearney Lincoln Ogallala Ogallala Lincoln Lincoln

NASA Executive Board Labor Relations Emerging Superintendents NSASSP Region III NASES Region III NSASSP Executive Board NSASSP State Conference NAESP Region II NASES Legislative Conference

5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.

Holiday Inn Holiday Inn NCSA NECC NECC Cornhusker Hotel Cornhusker Hotel Embassy Suites Cornhusker Hotel

Kearney Kearney Lincoln Norfolk Norfolk Lincoln Lincoln Omaha Lincoln

NAESP State Conference NASA Region IV NSASSP Region I NASES Region III NASES Region V NASES Region II NAESP V Governmental Relations Information Teams Conference NASES Region I NASA Region III

9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m.

Cornhusker Hotel ESU #10 Chances R TJ’s Community Center Bennington Central Office WNCC

Lincoln Kearney York Norfolk Bridgeport Bennington Scottsbluff

8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.

Cornhusker Hotel NCSA NECC

Lincoln Lincoln Norfolk

NCSA Executive Board NASA Region I NASA Region V

9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. TBD

NCSA York Country Club TBD

Lincoln York

FEBRUARY 1 1-2 2 3 3 11 11-12 24 25-26

MARCH 4-5 10 10 12 18 19 30 31 31 31

APRIL 8 14 14

NATIONAL CONVENTION DATES AASA – February 11-13, 2010 – Phoenix, AZ NASSP – March 12-14, 2010 – Phoenix, AZ NAESP – April 8-11, 2010 – Houston, TX CASE – July 9-11, 2010 – San Francisco, CA ASBO – September 24-27, 2010 – Orlando, FL 16



Gold Sponsorships Ameritas


Al Eveland 5900 O St., 1st Floor Lincoln, NE 68510 402-467-6968

Barry Ballou 455 S. 11th St. Lincoln, NE 68508 402-705-0350

CDI Paul Copeland 130 South Town Centre Blvd. Markham, Ontario L6G 1B8

Energy Education Karen Mullins 5950 Sherry Lane, Ste 900 Dallas, TX 940-235-7598

Learning Together Julie Smith 5509 B W. Friendly Ave. Ste 201 Greensboro, NC 27409 866-921-0000

Horace Mann Cindy Dornbush 11329 P St., Ste 122 Omaha, NE 68137 402-331-0509

National Insurance Mike Boden 9202 W. Dodge Rd., Ste 302 Omaha, NE 68114 800-597-2341

National Institute For Direct Instruction Kurt Engelman PO Box 11248 Eugene, OR 97440 541-485-1973

SchoolFusion Carson Apps 999 18th St., Ste 2150 South Tower Denver, CO 80202 800-906-0911

Smart Technologies Chris Kidwell 20 South Clark St. Chicago, IL 60603 913-385-0806

TRANE Danny Szegda 5720 S. 77th St. Ralston, NE 68127 402-935-9040

Virco, Inc. Matt Kirkland PO Box 6356 Lincoln, NE 68506 402-328-8031

Wells Fargo Cristina Castro-Matukewicz 1919 Douglas Street Omaha, NE 68102 402-536-5710 cristina.v.castromatukewicz@

Silver Sponsorships John Baylor Test Prep John Baylor P.O. Box 30792 Lincoln, NE 68503 402-475-7737 D.A. Davidson & Co. Dan Smith 1111 N. 102nd Ct., Ste 300 Omaha, NE 68114 402-392-7986

Jostens Don Bartholomew 309 S. 8th St. Broken Bow, NE 68822 308-872-5055 Sports Express Joey Carder 425 Cedar St. Pleasant Dale, NE 68423 402-408-6741

Bronze Sponsorships ARCHI + ETC. LLC Stacy LaVigne 6500 Holdrege St., Ste 007 Lincoln, NE 68505 402-429-7150; fax: 402-464-6810

Nebraska Public Agency Investment Trust Becky Ferguson PO Box 82529, Lincoln, NE 68501 402-323-1334; fax: 402-323-1286

Awards Unlimited Larry King 1935 O St., Lincoln, NE 68510 402-474-0815

RBC Capital Markets Nate Eckloff 1200 17th St., Ste. 2150 Denver, CO 80202 303-595-1206; fax 303-595-1220

Benchmark 4 Excellence Rick Imig 1411 Rodeo Bend Dickinson, TX 77539 281-910-0113; fax 281-946-5031 Cannon Moss Brygger & Associates, P.C. Bradley Kissler 2535 Carleton Ave., Ste A Grand Island, NE 68803 308-384-4444; fax: 308-384-0971 DLR Group Pat Phelan, Whitney Wombacher 400 Essex Ct., Omaha, NE 68114 402-393-4100; fax: 402-393-8747 LifeTrack Services, Inc. Cassie Dunn 1271 Port Dr., Clarkston, WA 99403 800-738-6466; fax: 509-758-2162

Union Bank and Trust Charity Kuehn PO Box 82535, Lincoln, NE 68501 402-323-1460; fax: 402-323-1195 University of Nebraska–Lincoln Patricia Fairchild 114 Ag Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583 402-472-9184; fax: 402-472-9024 US Bank Tim Schlegelmilch 233 S. 13th St., Lincoln, NE 68508 402-434-1134; fax: 402-434-1007


Nebraska Council of School Administrators 455 So. 11th Street, Suite A • Lincoln, NE 68508-2105 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

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