NCSG Innovation 2014 March 19-22 • Columbus, Ohio Whether you take away one tip or dozens, attending the National Chimney Sweep Guild Innovation 2014 Convention and Trade Show in Columbus will revolutionize the way you do business. Experience Columbus
With a lively arts and entertainment scene, great shopping and professional sports, there's always something fun happening in Ohio's capital city. Four of Columbus' top entertainment areas surround downtown, each packed with restaurants, shops and entertainment meaning you don't have to venture far to have a good time.
Join Us Opening Night at COSI Be sure to register to join us as NCSG takes over Columbus's Center of Science and Industry! For one night only the NCSG will have exclusive access to the center. $15/person includes admission to COSI and a Pizza Party. Inspire the innovator waiting to get out with our “Science a al Cart”!
Enjoy Our Hotel
We'll be at the Hyatt Regency Columbus! This downtown Columbus hotel is in the heart of the city and is within easy walking distance to the Arena District and Huntington Park an ideal location for business and leisure travelers alike. To reserve your room for the convention call (888) 421-1442 and ask for the National Chimney Sweep Guild rate.
Thank Our Sponsors
Veracity Insurance— SaverSystems PA Guild of Professional Chimney Sweeps - Wisconsin State Guild Virginia Association of Chimney & Hearth Professionals South Carolina Chimney Sweep Guild New York State Guild
For more info, visit
December 2013 Volume 37 #11
Table of Contents Features 14 Content & Courting Google P.14 16 Up on The Roof 18 Would you like Guaranteed Retirement Income?
Departments 3 President’s Report P.17
6 Editor’s Letter 8 Call for Nominations: Board of Directors 10 The Coach’s Corner 12 Technical Q&A 20 New NCSG Members 25 Progressive Perks
P.18 Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology (ISSN# 10416692) is published 11 times annually, by the National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. Annual dues to the National Chimney Sweep Guild are $459 for Voting Member Companies and $689 for Supplier Member Companies, of which $80 goes toward a subscription to Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $80 by contacting the National Chimney Sweep Guild at the office of publication (NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168). POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168
26 Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program 27 New NCSG Supplier Member 28 Innovation 2014 Registration Form 29 Perspective 30 Darwin Awards 31 Dates & Events 32 Classifieds DECEMBER 13 SWEEPING 1
Committee Chairs and Task Forces for 2013-2014 Bylaws Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141
Government Affairs Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776
NFPA 211 Representative Randy Brooks (805) 646-8961
Convention Site Selection Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460
International Relations John Pilger (631) 863-2460
NFPA 31 Representative John Pilger (631) 863-2460
Ethics Mark Stoner (615) 459-2546
Long Range Planning Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141
NFPA 54 Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400
Governance Jay Walker (850) 562-4692
Membership Bob Ferrari (530) 221-3331
Technical Advisory Council Michael Segerstrom (908) 253-9190
TECHNICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL To contact any member of the Technical Advisory Council, please call (317) 203-0088 and select the extension for the person who is best qualified to answer your question: Chris Prior Masonry Construction and Restoration and Priorfire Fireboxes (317) 203-0088 x: 2 Jim Brewer Gas Venting and NFPA 54 (317) 203-0088 x: 3 John Pilger Oil Flue Sizing, Relining or NFPA 31 (317) 203-0088 x: 4
Fred Joy Installation and Venting of Pellet Stoves (317) 203-0088 x: 7 Jay Walker Dryer Vents (317) 203-0088 x: 8 Rett Rasmussen Vented and Vent Free Gas Logs and Controls (317) 203-0088 x: 9
Randy Brooks IRC, NFPA 211 or Customer Communications (317) 203-0088 x: 5 Bart Ogden Stainless Steel Lining, Video Scanning and Narrative Report Writing (317) 203-0088 x: 6
Rich Martinez Dryer Vents or Masonry (317) 203-0088 x: * Rich Rua General Sweeping or Relining (317) 203-0088 x: 0
Be advised that advice given by NCSG’s Technical Advisory Council (TAC) reflects best practices of the chimney sweeping industry. However, we are unable to account for any particular type of situation since regional variations in construction practices and additional environmental, physical and geographical factors necessarily vary the level of service appropriate for a particular fireplace and/or chimney. Additionally, local laws and ordinances may govern and/or supersede the information and any recommendations provided. Final determinations are the responsibility of a local professional with firsthand knowledge of the situation, and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Neither NCSG nor any member of TAC will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on information provided by anyone associated with TAC. By your use of this member benefit you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.
ADVERTISING RATES for Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology may be obtained by contacting Malisa Minetree at (317) 815-4688 or Design by Laura Houser Design • • (317) 213-7497 NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press release and articles to interim editor Cindy Dashnaw at Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing, nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release. NCSG further reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising determined not to be in keeping with the publication’s standards. Acceptance of advertising by Sweeping magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products or services advertised. NCSG does not make any effort to review or substantiate claims made by advertisers. © 2013 National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. (317) 837-1500
NCSG BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 President, At-Large Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460 Vice President, At-Large Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 Treasurer, Region 2 Bob Fleer (410) 544-7600 Secretary, At-Large Fred Joy (785) 986-6432 Region 1 Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776 Region 3 Ron Rust (803) 730-5858 Region 4 Ken Hoelscher (937) 833-0505 Region 5 Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 Region 6 Bob Ferrari (530) 941-5818 At-Large Director Gregg Boss (636) 391-2226 Supplier Representative Edmund Poplawski (570) 504-7107
STAFF 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500 Fax: (317) 837-5365 Frances Kelly Excecutive Director
Donna Lee Kasmer CSIA Certification Coordinator
Candice Bradbury Director of Finance
Claire Rutledge Program Coordinator
Megan McMahon Office Manager
Darcy Marlett Director of Communications and Marketing
Debbie Cornelius Membership Development Coordinator
President’s Report
s we enter the Holiday Season, it is time we reflect back on the past and look forward to the future.
This past year the NCSG has gone through many changes. We said goodbye to some long-time staff and good friends. Executive Director Mark McSweeney, Melissa Heeke, director of communications and marketing, and Sharon Anderson, program coordinator, have moved on to new chapters in their life, and we wished them well. We have welcomed new Executive Director Frances Kelly, Director of Communications and Marketing Darcy Marlett, and Program Coordinator Claire Rutledge. With these changes came many challenges. These challenges are being met head on, and they are working to make the NCSG a better organization. The NCSG also heard from members on these changes and appreciate all input given as we strive to work on the mission of the organization. There will be learning curves as there were major staff changes in a short period of time. Please know that everyone on the NCSG staff is working to perform their duties and improve their knowledge of our organization and industry. If you have any concerns or suggestions, they are willing to listen to any advice or suggestions you might offer. The New Year will start with Sweeping magazine being back in house with Darcy Marlett at the helm. We will be finalizing all details of the Columbus convention and looking forward to successful convention. Details regarding the convention can be found at
The sign-in function for the NCSG Members Only section was changed when the NCSG site switched to the new server. So you may not be able to access it with the user name and password you formally used. If you have trouble signing into the Members Only section, call Debbie Cornelius at 317-837-1500, and she will be more than happy to assist you. I know this situation has created some frustration, but the NCSG is dealing with it the best we can right now. So, please be patience with staff as they try and help you with the process. I would like to thank everyone who made a call, sent a note or e-mailed their welcome to the new staff members, I know they
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greatly appreciate it and look forward to meeting many of you in Columbus. It will be nice when they can put a face with a name and meet you in person. The NCSG is a unique organization, as many of us have known each other a long time. We have seen some get married, watched each other’s children grow, celebrated anniversaries and sadly had to say goodbye to some too early. To see the interaction of our group at convention is like experiencing a family reunion for many. I think the new NCSG staff will get a great feeling of the community the NCSG has going on. NCSG Director, Bob Fleer, is the Chairman of the History Committee. He would love to hear from any of you who have stories, pictures, or any type of input he can use to preserve what has already passed before it is lost forever. Many of you have a lot of history to share, and I ask that you take the time to share it today. Please feel free to contact Bob at; he would love to hear from you. I wish you all Happy Holidays and a safe and prosperous season. Sincerely, Diane Pilger NCSG - President
You’ll start to see things in a new way when you attend NCSG Innovation 2014. Over 30 hours of business education and technical training, the nation’s largest tradeshow focused on chimney service and non-stop networking opportunities await you! March 19-22, 2014 at the NCSG Innovation 2014 Convention & Trade Show in Columbus, Ohio!
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Editor’s Letter
Happy Holidays everyone! The holiday season is upon us, and the New Year is just around the corner. My first few weeks at the National Chimney Sweep Guild have flown by, and I have already learned so much about the chimney sweeping industry and am excited to learn more. I want to thank Diane Pilger for her kind introduction to the sweeping community in the November edition of this magazine. I am proud to be serving the Guild as Director of Communications and Marketing and editor of Sweeping. In the coming months I look forward to speaking to more Sweeping readers and getting your feedback on the magazine, including what you would like to see in it. I would also like to thank all of our wonderful writers as well as encourage anyone who would like to write to get in touch with me. We want to hear your ideas!
In addition to Sweeping, I am also busily working on this year’s convention. From our opening night event at the Columbus Center of Science and Industry to the professional development and education training NCSG will provide, Innovation 2014 is shaping up to be a wonderful event. In the coming months, I look forward to getting to know more of our readers and to meeting you all at convention! Feel free to contact me whenever I can be of assistance. I can be reached at, 317-837-1500, or through our Twitter (@ncsg) and Facebook accounts (National Chimney Sweep Guild). All the best this holiday season,
Darcy Marlett
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Call for Nominations: Board of Directors When you serve on the NCSG Board of Directors, you help lead the chimney industry into the future and can develop leadership, management and communication skills that will serve you in your business and personal life. You can make an immediate difference in the chimney service industry by helping to determine the organizations’ strategic plan and annual budget. The new shorter two-year term limits make volunteering easier!
NCSG board members are responsible for: • A ttending four board meetings each year: Two of the meetings are held at the CSIA Technology Center in Indianapolis (Spring- typically held for three days, Summer-typically held for two days), the November meeting is typically held online and via teleconference and the fourth is held immediately before the NCSG convention at the host city. Travel and lodging expenses are reimbursed for board members attending, with the exception of the convention meeting only. • Participating in the NSG members-only and board of directors’ electronic discussion lists. • Communicating with members in the region via eNewslink. • Connecting members to regional legislation affecting the industry.
And NCSG board members receive: • Complimentary NCSG Innovation convention registration for you and your spouse while you serve on the board. • N etworking opportunities at board meetings which help develop life-long friendships with business associates from across the country.
The NCSG Governance Committee is now accepting nominations for the following positions. Region 1: Special One Year Term
Region 4: 2 year term
Represents: Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Main, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
Represents: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio
Region 2: 2 year term
Region 6: 2 year term
Represents: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
Represents: Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
Region 3: 2 year term
At Large Director #1: Special One year term
Represents: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
Represents: National Membership
At Large Director #2: 2 year term Represents: National Membership
Nomination Deadline: December 20, 2013. Nominations must be mailed to NCSG at 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. No electronic nomination forms will be accepted. The newly elected directors will be seated at the March 18, 2014 board of directors meeting in Columbus, OH. If you would like additional information, please feel free to contact NCSG Governance Chair Jay Walker at or NCSG Executive Director Frances Kelly at
Complimentary lunch will be provided.
Creating SOP’s by Hope Stevenson - 2 hours How to create Standard Operating Procedures.
Managing the Details to Improve Sales in Your Organization by Rick Vlahos - 1.5 hours
Clearing the Smoke: Why Brochures are so Confusing by Rick Vlahos - 1.5 hours Technical Information You Need to Know; EPA Regulations & Other Characteristics of a Perfect Installation.
Observe Your Company; Practical Tips & Areas to Evaluate.
Review & Jeopardy Game by Rick & Hope - 1.25 hours Test your Knowledge.
DAY 2 8AM-NOON Exit Strategies by Hope Stevenson - 3.75 hours Being prepared for the future to retire or sell your business.
LOCATIONS Valley Forge, PA
Plainfield, IN
Alexandria, VA
January 8th & 9th
February 5th & 6th
February 19th & 20th
Radisson & Valley Forge Casino Resort 1160 First Ave Valley Forge, PA 19406 610-768-3204 $99/night
Seminar Held at CSIA Technology Center Plainfield IN, 46168
Holiday Inn 2460 Eisenhower Ave Alexandria, VA 22314 703-960-3400 $109/night
Lakewood, CO January 15th & 16th Hampton Inn 137 Union Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80228 303-969-9900 $109/night
Sturbridge, MA January 21st & 22 Publick House 277 Main St Sturbridge, MA 01566 508-347-3313 $99/night Main Inn $79/night CML
Holiday Inn 6296 Cambridge Way Plainfield, IN, 46168 317-839-9000 $69/night ask for CSIA Rate Hampton Inn 2244 E. Perry Rd Plainfield, IN, 46168 317-839-9993 $79/night ask for CSIA Rate
Monroe, NC February 26th &27th Seminar Held at Olympia Chimney Supply’s NC facility 505 Cuthbert Son St Monroe, NC 28110
February 12th & 13th
Hampton Inn Monroe 2368 Roland Drive Monroe, NC 28110 704-220-2200 $104/night
Madison Marriott West 1313 John Q Hammons Dr Middleton, WI,53562 608-831-2000 $119/night
(Mention 'Olympia Chimney Supply' when booking your hotel room(s) in order to receive the stated room rate!)
Middleton, WI
COST: $179.00/person (1st registrant of the company) $149.00/person (if registered before 11/30/2013) $99.00/person (For every additional registrant from the same company)
CEU’s: Approximately 8-9 Register Online Today at PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. ON SITE REGISTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! Registration is NOT open to manufacturers or distributors.
This Educational Summit is being brought to you by
Coach’s Corner
The Yes! Attitude
here is very little argument from anyone that having a positive attitude about life is one of the key ingredients to happiness and success. At the very least it is monumentally better than the alternative, having a negative attitude.
It isn’t rocket science to figure out that a negative attitude is not only the road to failure; it is the road to an abundance of misery along the way. Why is that the case? There are probably a million reasons, but they all boil down to something very simple. The attitude we project, more than anything else, determines what we attract to ourselves. Positivity not only attracts positive people to you, it also attracts positive results. Negativity has the exact opposite effect. The good news is that most of us get to choose every moment of every single day, which attitude we will carry with us. But that is not the end of the story by a long shot. The reality is a positive attitude is where you have to be to be JUST AVERAGE! Let’s face it, for truly great things to happen, we need to move to the next level of attitude. We need to move beyond positive to the YES attitude. The YES! ATTITUDE is so valuable that this exact term is actually TRADEMARKED. To even use that term in this article
I have to acknowledge that this is a trademarked term of the sales coach Jeffrey Gitomer. (There you go Jeffrey, you are now acknowledged as the owner of this significant mark you have developed, and my thanks for sharing this with me!) So, what is the YES! ATTITUDE? This is the phenomenal power of yes, the power of the realization that not only is it likely you can accomplish something. It is the realization and acceptance that you will accomplish it. And the difference between the two is light years. I know that as life throws its curves at me, I commonly reflect upon a talk I heard given by Christopher Reeve. I was seated to the side of the stage at a Success Seminar. Christopher Reeve came on stage in a wheelchair, permanently disabled, no movement below his neck, and having a respirator. This happened just a few months before he died. But the words he spoke that day were words of YES! His words were about how he would walk again one day, how he would no longer be in that chair. How he knew that the medical marvels he needed were right around the corner. Although he didn’t live to see those medical marvels, he inspired many that day with his uncompromising attitude of yes. It was clearly an attitude that guided and uplifted him
even after the accident that had robbed him of his mobility. It was clearly more than words to him. It was the type of inspiration that drives people to continue no matter what odds they face, no matter how bleak the outlook may be. It is the attitude that gives life meaning and that propels life forward for all who are driven to achieve something that others might view as out of reach. Each and every day you face challenges, they may be personal, they may be business, the realities of the times we live in, the uncertainties, challenges that can rob us of Yes, slide us down past Positive into hopelessness. But what invigorates us? What keeps us from falling? What deters us from the easy option of giving up? I think it’s the example of a person who rises again and again in the face of all odds. The truth is, a person with a YES! ATTITUDE cannot be defeated, because he or she is one who never surrenders. So the message is: You are a person who can travel to the heights you desire, a person who can live their dreams, who in their time on this earth can make things happen, can make the world a better place in which to live. Will it happen from depression? Not likely! Will it happen with positive? Well, it might sneak through, but a lot of people even though positive never ever achieve their goals, never live their dreams. But the person with YES, the person who says I can do it, I will do it and then lives to say YES I DID IT, this is the person who can wake up each and every day, head out into the world and make a difference. And what did this person have as their number one weapon? THEY HAD THE YES! ATTITUDE, and I leave you with the hope that you have your own YES! ATTITUDE and that you can and will realize your dreams as your reward for the job well done! Thank you for a few minutes of your time today. It is truly an honor to deliver this column to you each month. It is my hope that you will use my message as a part of your prescription to develop the YES! ATTITUDE for yourself. Develop Yes! And your dreams will arrive! About the Author: Jerry Isenhour is an industry coach, educator and consultant who authors a monthly article in Sweeping as a service to the industry. He is also a charter member of the Jeffrey Gitomer Certified Team. For more information about Jerry and how his team can assist you individually, and your business in your quest for both personal and business success as a part of your ascent to the next level, take a look at He can be contacted at or by phone at (704) 425-0217. You can also obtain great business tips from his Facebook page CVC Coaching.
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Technical Q&A
How do I keep my ladder from blowing off a gutter after I’ve set it up?
If it’s windy enough to blow your ladder down, then don’t set up your ladder! That’s the safest answer, but we don’t have control of the weather. This may seem like a simple question, but wind gusts can come out of nowhere, on seemingly calm days, in all parts of the country. There is nothing quite like the sound of a ladder blowing off the gutter and hitting the house, a fence, a car, even our own work trucks. We should always assess the condition of the gutter first, before we put a ladder on it. It’s also a good policy to tie off or secure the ladder on every job. That way a surprise wind can never take it. There are different methods to do this, and not all methods will work in every situation. The most common practice is to use a bungee cord or length of rope to secure the ladder to the gutters mounting nails or brackets. Sometimes this isn’t possible because of gutter guards or screens. When this is the case, the house and/or roof will often determine how the ladder is secured. In some cases a rope can be tied from the top of the ladder to the chimney itself. Tying off to appliance vent pipes (metal or plastic) and plumbing drain vent pipes (metal or plastic) is not always a good idea, because if the wind does take the ladder, it may damage these types of pipes. There are other fixtures we see on the roof, like satellite dishes or cupolas, but we should always check their condition and use good sense when considering these types of things. If a wind gust does come up, we don’t want our ladder to take a part of the house with it!
Over the years I’ve heard of different things sweeps have done to secure the ladder. Vise grips or “C” clamps with (rubber contacts), attached to the bottom row of shingles on either side of the ladder, can be a good way to secure the ladder with a bungee or length of rope. Some sweeps will tie a rope to the top of the ladder send it over the opposite side of the house, and secure it too a tree. Securing the top of the ladder is a preventative measure, not a means of supporting us or the ladder. Some ideas may seem like too much work, but it’s always worth it, if it protects us, our client, or their property. If there is nothing suitable to secure the ladder to, or with, then having a second person stay with the ladder may be necessary. Putting the ladder back on the truck when we are not on the roof is a guaranteed way to prevent losing the ladder to the wind!
Content & Courting Google
hen it comes to making your website stand out, content is just as important as, if not more important than, design. This is true for your potential clients, but also for the search giant: Google. Whether you like it or not, if you want to show up in search results and increase your online traffic, you’re going to have to cater to Google.
Getting Noticed By Google We all live under Google’s roof and we all have to follow Google’s rules. So what kind of content is Google looking for? 1. Consistent: As inconsistent as Google might be with the algorithms it uses to guide searches, you can’t afford to be inconsistent. One of Google’s big turn-offs is when a business NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) isn’t consistent across the Web. Why does Google care? If your business has several different names, phone numbers or addresses listed on the Web, Google can’t be sure which is correct. And they aren’t going to go out of their way to offer questionable and confusing information to the searcher, meaning you’ll be skipped right over. NAP cleanup is one of the most tedious jobs – but it’s almost one of the most important jobs. If it looks like you don’t know who you are, why would Google or your potential clients know or care?
2. Informative: Google is working to provide an even better, faster and easier search experience for users. In order to do so, they have to weed out websites that are likely to prove useless to the Web searchers -- which means if your website isn’t informative and content-rich, in Google’s eyes, you’re out of the race. Well-written, helpful and knowledgeable content is what Google is looking for, because chances are, that’s what the searchers are looking for. Why do we search in the first place? Because, we want to know who, what, when, where and how. Does your website content clearly provide the answers? 3. Original: This is one of the biggest misunderstandings we come across as a digital marketing company. Many websites seem to be well-written and authoritative – but somehow, very familiar. That’s because so many business-owners don’t understand the importance of original content, and simply copy and paste from a similar website. Although this method may save you time, it certainly won’t help your online presence grow. Google despises duplicate content and will essentially rule your business out as an authority. Don’t skimp on content – take the time to get it right.
The Searcher is the Center of The Google Universe If you read Time Magazine’s article on Millennials (a Millennial refers to anyone born between the early 1980s and the early
2000s), or if you happen to know any Millennials firsthand, you know that they have a reputation for being lazy. Although I would defend Millennials and say that I think laziness it’s a characteristic of modern humanity and not just a generational thing, I will say that when it comes to searching the Web, especially for services, it had better be easy and fast. Let’s face it, we’re a nation of impulsive, impatient people, and we don’t want things tomorrow, or even now – we want them yesterday. If your website looks great, but is lacking helpful information or is inconsistent and difficult to navigate, chances are, you won’t even come up in the search results. And even if you do somehow make it past Google, how will your potential client know that you have what they need? According to a recent article in SiteProNews: “8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.” Now, that doesn’t mean the rest of the content can be fluff (we already discussed how upsetting this is to Google), but you have to make it obvious that you have what your potential client needs, as soon as they land on your site. Once you enter your potential client’s radar, you have a limited amount of time to build authority and trust. And whether you like it or not, potential clients are judging you based on your grammar and tone. If your content is littered with typos, you certainly won’t come off as a professional. On the other hand, if your content is too technical, it will bore your potential client, go right over his or her head, or both.
The Moral Of The Story So let’s recap: To build a strong Web presence and show up in search results, your content should be consistent, informative and original. You have to prove to Google that you’re worth a Web searcher’s time, and that you’re the answer to the searcher’s question. You see, as frustrating as it can be, all of Google’s changes and rules are designed to make the search experience better for the user. Google wants to shine a light on the websites that possess an air of authority, because these are the websites that are most likely to help the one conducting the search. Life is hard as it is – your business’ website should be designed to make things as easy as possible for your potential customers. Now, ask yourself: Is your content helping or hurting your business?
Jessica Hartman is the Content Coordinator at Spark Marketer, a digital marketing company in Nashville, TN. She works tirelessly to create Google-approved content & increase online traffic for clients. Jessica is a licensed cosmetologist with a B.A. in English Literature/ Creative Writing, and is looking to become CSIA-certified within the next year. By 2016, she plans on building her own Zither.
Up On The Roof A company commitment to fall safety and prevention saves lives
hat makes a fall fatal?
A look at the statistics reveals it’s not much, in many cases. Of the 668 workplace fatalities blamed on falls in 2012, one in four occurred after a fall of 10 feet or less, according to U.S. Census Data. Of these, some were “fall-of-person” accidents where the victim simply fell to the ground from an upright position. The potential for even the shortest falls to be fatal is just one reason why the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration considers fall protection its top national priority, and sweeping industry experts says it’s crucial that chimney companies and their professionals put a premium on rooftop safety. “We cannot have lethargy when it comes to roof safety and jobsite rules,” says Ashley Eldridge, the director of education at the National Chimney Sweep Guild.
Eldridge says climbing on the rooftop of a home should never be an afterthought because each jobsite presents unique challenges, whether uneven roofing tiles, wind gusts or hidden slick spots. “If a sweep isn’t taking time to assess the roof and its surroundings before stepping onto that ladder, he or she is setting the stage for possible injury, or worse,” Eldridge says.
While similar chimney industry statistics are not readily available, roofing industry data shows that fall-from-elevation incidents cost businesses nearly $106,000 per injured worker, an amount that would force many small chimney companies to shutter their doors*. But loss of life and harm to business is avoidable, says OSHA on its website, and understanding the threat can jumpstart the adoption of policies and programs emphasizing safety.
Practice Makes Safer Rooftop safety really begins before a sweep even sets foot on a jobsite, and experts say ongoing education and training can instill positive, potentially lifesaving habits. OSHA’s Fall Prevention Campaign website at stopfalls offers numerous educational resources, including PDF downloads and workplace posters. Within the sweeping industy, ongoing education is available throughout the year through the Chimney Safety Institute of America. Course registrations are as simple as a visit to “You don’t want to encounter a certain circumstance for the first time on a jobsite,” Eldridge says. “Ongoing education helps you be prepared and ready for the unexpected, and making mistakes in the classroom as you learn is much preferred over making them out on the job.”
According to the OSHA website, a proper preliminary risk assessment begins with deciding how a job will be done and the specific steps to be involved. A kind of choreography, it’s important to identify who will be on the roof and the tasks they’ll be performing. An assessment can take as little as a few minutes and should include identification of potential hazards in proximity to the chimney as well as potential locations for the safest placement of equipment along the roofline. Eldridge says a risk assessment should also consider the most appropriate tools for a particular job. Whether a ladder or scaffolding is most appropriate for the nature of the work to be performed is an example of the kinds of questions sweeps should ask themselves before works begins, Eldridge says. OSHA instructs businesses to provide workers with the right equipment for the job, which could include personal fall arrest systems or harnesses. It’s important to remember that fall protection equipment should be regularly inspected and especially before each use. Experts agree that the commitment to worksite preparation is a matter of life and death. And while it may seem like a lot of work, it’s important to remember that it takes very little to make a fall fatal. *References Safety Pays, but Falls Cost; Jim Maddux, director OSHA Directorate of Construction; Elevating Safety Magazine
Putting Practice to Use Experts emphasize that education and training, while crucial to safety, is only a first step. The on-site actions sweeps take are equally important to completing a job safely. DECEMBER 13 SWEEPING 17
Would you like Guaranteed Retirement Income?
e all love it when markets go up. We all hate it when markets go down.
It can get personal – “I’m a genius” or “They screwed me,” and many other reactions in between.
Do you wish you had a government or private employer pension so you could get out of the ups and downs of the market? Then why not consider purchasing an appropriate fixed annuity from a solid and reputable insurance company? This can allow you the freedom to enjoy your retirement. One indisputable change for the good that we can all agree on is that our life expectancies are much longer than our grandparents. However, longevity risk magnifies other risks. These risks include, but are not limited to; low interest rates, rising interest rates, inflation, deflation, market losses, spending down your ‘nest egg’, a long term care event, regulatory changes (potential tax increases and/or Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid cuts). Each of the above threats may result in lower ‘real’ retirement income or a reduction in assets that result in lower retirement income. Lower than expected retirement income may result in a few more sleepless nights. How do you replace investment losses on your assets and reduced income from the threats described above in retirement? Go back to work? Wait and hope? You can spend down your ‘nest egg’. However, do you have the
fortitude to do so without the fear of running out of money? The above questions are the potential failure of the ‘number’ strategy. Do you have a number? Does it cover the above risk? How do you generate guaranteed income from your number? The bottom line is this – you should consider a strategy to create guaranteed income with a fixed annuity to cover your fixed retirement expenses. Your remaining investments are then designed to cover inflation and discretionary retirement expenses. Use life insurance, not your retirement accounts that you want to spend, to pass on tax free assets to your children, grandchildren, charity, and other heirs. Let’s take advantage of our mortality credits that only insurance companies can offer. With a participating fixed annuity, premiums paid by those who die earlier than expected contribute to gains of the overall pool and provide a higher yield or credit to survivors. The mortality credit increases significantly with age and hedges longevity risk. How do you complete your due diligence in a complicated world of confusing fixed annuity products to help ensure your retirement and legacy plan? Find a knowledgeable advisor, make sure you are considering the highest rated insurance companies (the insurance company guarantees most fixed annuity promises not the government), and make sure you do not bite on ‘hypothetical assumptions’ that must be supported by ‘rosy’ investment returns or hidden
surprises. You want easy to understand guarantees that can pass a strenuous stress test. Concerned about fees? You should be. There are many fixed annuity products out there - proper due diligence with a trusted and knowledgeable advisor is a must. Are fees too high? Maybe or maybe not - that depends on what you want. Getting the job done may cost more but it returns value. Perhaps with proper due diligence getting the job done may cost less than you are paying now. What are you paying to develop your retirement income stream? Wondering about taxes? Consult your tax advisor about fixed annuity advantages or disadvantages. Worried about losing control? You do have access to your cash (however, be aware of contingent (surrender) fees). Fixed annuities come in different shapes and sizes. If you don’t understand it and it doesn’t feel right to you then continue your due diligence. This is an indication that something is wrong. You need to work through this until you are comfortable and confident that this is the right strategy for you. Include mortality credits found in a fixed annuity as part of your diversified retirement and legacy plan to deal with retirement risks and increasing life expectancies.
The happiest people in retirement surround themselves with good people, are prepared for the future - both the good and the bad, and have a guaranteed retirement income. Brian has helped many business owners and individuals strengthen their lives by protecting what you cannot control and focusing your effort on what you can control. He can be reached at (860) 606-0834 or Brian_Noe@ Registered Representative and Financial Advisor of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS), 197 Scott Swamp Road, Farmington, CT 06032, 860-677-2600. Securities products/services and advisory services are offered through PAS, a registered broker-dealer and investment advisor. Financial Representative, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Guardian. MW Financial Group, Ltd. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. PAS is a member FINRA, SIPC. Guardian, its subsidiaries, agents or employees do not give tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult a qualified professional to evaluate their individual circumstances. GEAR 2013-10124
NewNCSG Members
REGION 1 PENNSYLVANIA Charles McHenry • Alliance Chimney and Energy, Inc. • Ardmore CONNECTICUT Michael Laskowski • American Safe Wash • Old Saybrook
REGION 2 NEW JERSEY Mike Sposato • Sposato Construction LLC • Watchung
REGION 3 VIRGINIA Joseph Gonzelez • Around the Clock Chimneys and Roofing • Virginia Beach
REGION 4 MICHIGAN Ronald Johnson • Monsma Marketing Corporation • Grand Rapids OHIO Roger Bradbury • Towne Sweeps LLC • Fairborn INDIANA Doug Keith • Four Seasons Chimney Sweeps • Hobart
REGION 1 Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
REGION 2 Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
REGION 3 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
REGION 4 Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio
REGION 5 Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin
NCSG Charter Members Paul Bourque, Huntsville, AL
Dale Meisinger, N. Augusta, SC
Don Leavitt, San Diego, CA
Alan Hisey, St. Louis, MO
David Harris, Broken Arrow, OK
Eva B. Horton, Greenwich, CT
Dan Wheeler, Santa Rosa, CA
Harry Richart, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
John Cline, Menlo Park, CA
REGION 6 Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
CSIA Update Publication for CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep®s Congratulations to Our New CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps Alabama
Brian Herring • CT & Company Chimney & Venting • Fosters Cody Nelson • CT & Company Chimney & Venting • Fosters
Tyler Nelson • Ashes Away LLC • Durango
Bryan Smith • Your Chimney Sweep, Inc. • Indianapolis Kristopher White • Schlemmer Brothers Metal Works • Wabash
Joseph Agnew • Energy Center - Manhattan Pool • Manhattan Brady Baus • Chimney & Stone Specialists, Inc. • McPhearson
Shannon Anderson • Clean Sweep of Anne Arundel County • Millersville
Sylvia Pitcher • Clean Sweep Chimney Sweep • Lee
Michael Henson • Safe Flue Chimney Service • Grosse Point
Russell Donaghue • The Chimney Pros, LLC • Woodbury
Bryan Potter • Advanced Chimney Techniques • Jamestown
New Jersey
Edwin Fellmeth • Ashes Up Up & Away Chimney Services • West Windsor Mark Mayers • Ashes Up Up & Away Chimney Services • West Windsor
New York
Joseph Colich • Ashleigh’s Hearth & Home • Poughkeepsie David Stoughton • Ashleigh’s Hearth & Home • Poughkeepsie
North Carolina
Clar Anderson • Accu Chimney • Wake Forest
Kevin Berghold • Chester County Hearth &
Home • Elverson Christopher Blees • Chim Chimney Sweeps D.J. Cross, Inc. • Media Joe Corcoran • Chim Chimney Sweeps - D.J. Cross, Inc. • Media Luke Long • Long Masonry & Chimney Works • Schuylkill Haven Lou Marrazzi • J & L Chimney • Delta Kyle Muldoon • Chim Chimney Sweeps - D.J. Cross, Inc. • Media Justin Anderson • Anderson’s Chimney Sweep, Inc. • New Cumberland
“It’s the first time we’ve done this type of event,” added Eldridge, who said this event is a great showcase for CSIA in terms of its support of green technology and zero-emission, renewable resources. “Biomass is a good alternative, and wood has advantages since it is a local resource.” We also distributed more than 1,000 brochures to interested attendees – educating folks any way we can!
Nelson Reed • Patriot Acres Chimney • Dover
Bradley Allen • Chimney Tech • Lubock
David Childress • Childress Masonry & Construction • Sumerduck Jesse Ferrell • Black Goose Chimney Sweep • Newport News Benjamin Filipiak • Magic Sweep Corporation • Chesapeake Melvin Salmeron • Winston’s of Northern Virginia, Inc. • Fairfax
On Display in D.C. Chimney sweeping is an industry with centuries-old roots, but sweeps are modern in their approach to supporting innovative homeheating solutions, particularly when they revolve around a proven and longstanding tradition – wood burning. That thinking is on display at the Alliance for Green Heat event at National Mall, where a dozen wood-burning stoves were ogled and evaluated in a four-day challenge. CSIA Education Director Ashley Eldridge worked with Jerry Neal of Sugarloaf Chimney Restoration in Barnesville, MD and Joshua Kelley of Magic Broom Chimney Sweeps in Waldorf, MD. They volunteered their time to assemble and set up 12 stainless steel chimneys that were used to support the contestants’ wood stove entries. Steve Rea of Industrial Chimney Company provided the chimney and venting equipment and led the installation. Beyond just oversight of physical construction, both Eldridge and CSIA President John Pilger lent their expertise as panelists, discussing topics such as ventilation and home health. ADVERTISEMENT
In the photo: CSIA Education Director Ashley Eldridge, CSIA President John Pilger, Steve Rea of Industrial Chimney Company, Joshua Kelly of Magic Broom Chimney Sweeps in Waldorf, MD, Jerry Neal of Sugarloaf Chimney Restoration in Barnesville, MD
Better Than The Rest CSIA has begun an aggressive campaign on multiple levels – from print collateral to social media to YouTube videos –to distinguish the great work of CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps compared to competitors. This campaign includes a marketing flyer that highlights the value of CSIA while offering a $50 discount toward CCS review fees (you can view the ad in this edition of the CSIA in Sweeping.) We are presenting professional certification as the media-respected and industry-recognized gold standard that provides reassurance to customers that the chimney sweep they have hired not only is professionally trained, but brings competence, commitment and care to the customer’s home.
October By The Numbers YouTube/ChimneySafetyUSA: 810 views, 1,100 minutes watched
Twitter/Chimney_Safety: 454 followers Facebook/chimneysafety: 875 likes
Credibility. Referrals. Value.
Get the CSIA Certification Advantage The Certified Chimney Sweep credential is the hallmark of excellence among chimney service professionals. Get $50 off CSIA CCS review fees now through April 1, 2014! Valid for new certifications and certifications lapsed 6+ months.
Thanks to our participants:
CSIA is Good for your Business: • CSIA’s website finder services means more money in your pocket* • CSIA is a volunteer-governed nonprofit – the industry standard-bearer • CSIA, with three decades of service, is the trusted go-to source for media • CSIA emphasizes member training, education and ethics – not shortcuts *CSIA’s finder service averages 100 referrals each year, worth an average of $15,000. Source: NCSG survey.
The Leader In Chimney Protection
Contact us today at (317) 837-5362 to get $50 off your CCS review fees. Follow us! @Chimney_Safety
Send us your greenhorn.
in 6 days, we’ll send you back a PRO.
You can spend weeks trying to get your new chimney service employee up to speed. In the process, you’ll have used up your valuable time, your patience, and more money than you would like to admit. Instead, send your employee to the most popular, cost-effective chimney sweep training in North America: CSIA’s National Chimney Sweep Training School. In less than a week, we’ll create an employee that you’ll be proud to send on a call – and happy to count toward your bottom line.
Budget now to send your staff in 2014!
During this six-day hands-on course, attendees will learn: How to inspect and service chimney systems serving any fuel burning appliance. About residential heating appliances, including wood stoves, pellet stoves, inserts, factory-built fireplaces, central heaters and furnaces. NFPA 211 standards. CSIA CEUs: 4T, 4C & S, 4H & S, 4C & L NFI CEUs: 16T
How to navigate the International Residential Codes. Chimney performance problems: understanding draft and flow, diagnosing down drafts, flow reversals, inadequate flow, stack effects, updrafts, pressure effects and gauges. Health and safety equipment and methods.
Register at or call us at (317) 837-5362.
Progressive Perks
Out with the old – In with the new The National Chimney Sweep Guild has experienced several changes this past year like many of you in your business or personal life. But change can be good! As we enter 2014, we all need to remain optimistic and keep a positive attitude both personally and professionally as we strive to provide better customer service for clients. This is exactly what we, the NCSG staff, will continue to strive for in serving the NCSG membership and general public.
On behalf of the NCSG Board or Directors and staff, I would like to take this opportunity to tell every individual member how important you are to us. It is with the strong support and loyalty of our members that we are able to further our mutual mission of promoting the chimney sweep trade. Wishing you a safe and wonderful holiday season with your family and friends!
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2013-2014 NCSG SWEEPS ADVANTAGE COUPON PROGRAM The offers are available in the “Members Only” section of the NCSG website at These coupons will be good until June 30, 2014 unless otherwise noted.
Copperfield Chimney Supply • Canterbury Enterprises • ENERVEX, Inc. • Firesafe Industries, Inc. • HearthMasters, Inc.• HY-C Company • Lindemann Chimney Supply • Meyer Machine and Equipment • National Chimney Supply • Olympia Chimney Supply • RLH Industries, Inc. • Royal Chimney Supply • SaverSystems • Spark Marketer • Ventech Industries, Inc./Thermocrete/Smoktite • Wohler USA Inc. • Z-Flex
December Featured Coupons
Purchase one EcoDamper System from your favorite distributor and receive $1000 CASH Refund
FREE – Loaner Fan for any home show in your area
Save $100 on a Vacu-fan (reconditioned RS 12 or RS 14 with handle and 3-prong plug
Purchase $750 or more in Ventis Products AND receive 10% off the entire order
Take 20% OFF a Standard Forever Flex Stainless Steel Liner kit
FREE Shipping on orders totaling $1,000 or mores
These are just a few of the many offers available to you as a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. Visit to learn more and to start saving!
Is your company name missing? AS a supplier member of NCSG, we encourage you to participate in the Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program. Call Debbie Cornelius at 317-837-1500 or
New NCSG Supplier Member
The Measure of Technology
Monsma Marketing Corporation 2450 Buchanan Ave S.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49548 (800) 968-8714 Monsma Marketing Corporation Monsma is a two-step distribution company dealing with both hearth products and building products, carrying many of the best name brands in the industry. Monsma does business, with active representation, in 15 states selling fireplaces, stoves, inserts, chimney gas logs, controls, outdoor products, BBQ and various accessories.
What can we do for you? Bring your NCSG benefits to your fingertips with the NCSG mobile app. Download it at While you’re at it, get the CSIA mobile app for members at
Wohler VIS 400 Visual Inspection System with Viper Kit
• Modular system gives you the flexibility to choose individual components to meet your specific needs • Compact, lightweight, and easy to use • Perfect for inspections while on the roof • Pan-and-tilt camera head • Bright, LED lighting and vibrant display screen • Includes carry strap and protective pouch with anti-glare protection • Video, photo, and voice recording options
Wohler USA Inc. • 978-750-9876 DECEMBER 13 SWEEPING 27
Registration Form NCSG Innovation 2014 • March 19-22 • Columbus, OH NCSG Member Rates
Until 1/10/14
After 2/14/14
Primary $399 $449 $499 Spouse 199 249 299 st 1 Additional 349 399 449 nd 2 Additional 299 349 399 3+ Additional 249 299 349 Single Day 179 179 179 Banquet Only 69 69 69 Tradeshow Only 49 49 49 Senior Members 100 100 100 Company ______________________________________ Address _______________________________________ City, State ZIP __________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Email _________________________________________ □ Check here to opt-in to email from exhibitors.
Standard Rates
Until 1/10/14
After 2/14/14
Primary $499 $549 $599 Spouse 299 349 399 st 1 Additional 449 499 549 nd 2 Additional 399 449 499 3+ Additional 349 399 449 Single Day 279 279 279 Banquet Only 89 89 89 Tradeshow Only 79 79 79 Child banquet tickets available for kids 12 and under.
COSI Science & Industry Museum Ohio’s Most Unique & Versatile Location - Additional registration required. -
$15/person includes admission to COSI and a pizza party! Join us for this exclusive venue and a night to remember. Inspire the innovator waiting to get out with our “Science a la Cart”.
REGISTRANT INFORMATION Please write your name as you’d like it to appear on your badge. Name __________________________________________________ First-time attendee? □ Yes - $100 discount!* Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ Name ___________________________________________________ First-time attendee? □ Yes - $100 discount! Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ Name ___________________________________________________ First-time attendee? □ Yes - $100 discount! Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ * Discount applies toward full registrations only. Registration Total $ ___________________ Science Night Tickets ($15/each) Qty: _______ Ticket Total $ ___________ 2014 Convention Patch ($3/each - Pickup on-site.) Qty: ________ Patch Total $ ___________ GRAND TOTAL $ ___________ MAIL TO: National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168 PAYMENT INFORMATION FAX TO: (317) 837-5365 CALL: (317) 837-1500 Payment Method: □ Check # ___________ REGISTER ONLINE at □ Visa □ MC □ AmEx Account # ________________________________________ NCSG also accepts direct debit payments. Contact Card Security Code ______________ Exp. __________ Candice Bradbury at (317) 837-1500 for info. Name on Card ____________________________________ Signature _________________________________________ Office Use Only O2CR C2F AUTH ___________ Refund policy: Prior to 1/1/14, 90%; 1/1/14-1/12/14, 75%. Org ID _____________ Profile ID _______________ No refunds are available after 1/12/14. Rec’d By ____________ Date ___________________
Slower for the Season
his time of year everyone is busy and sometimes stretched beyond what a person can normally handle. We should all take a deep breath, slow down just a little and remember to take care of ourselves and family. I was reminded of the need to slow down and take care while reading a post by a sweep, Tim Smith, on the Yahoo discussion group.
Columbus is the capital and the state’s largest city, with many fun things to enjoy. Here are some fun facts about Ohio:
Tim was talking about the “silly season” and being in a hurry because he was behind schedule, so he was rushing while putting up his ladder. In doing so, he didn’t secure his ladder and he fell. Thankfully, he is ok. But it’s a reminder to us all.
“Hang On Sloopy” is the official state rock song.
You’ve read in this edition of the magazine that the serious potential for fatal falls is a part of our industry, and slowing down and taking time to adequately prepare can be a life saving decision.
Ohio is known as the Buckeye State.
Another aspect of safety is ongoing education and training, which also can serve to make you a more complete sweep, from safety considerations to customer interactions and more. We have a great opportunity for you to slow down a little bit and receive valuable training in Columbus, Ohio, March 19-22, at NCSG Innovation 2014. You’ll be hearing a lot more about convention in the weeks ahead, but I thought that I’d share with you some details on our host city.
Seven United States presidents were born in Ohio. They are: Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William H. Taft, and Warren G. Harding.
Ohio gave America its first hot dog in 1900. Harry M. Stevens created the popular dining dog.
During the Civil War, Columbus was the home of Camp Chase, a major base for the Union Army that housed 26,000 troops and held up to 9,000 Confederate prisoners of war. Over 2,000 Confederate soldiers remain buried at the site, making it one of the largest Confederate cemeteries in the North And being an Ohioan, I can say that you know you’re from Ohio if….You can spell words like Cuyahoga, Olentangy, Bellefontaine, and Tuscarawas Wapakoneta and you know which letter is doubled in “Cincinnati.” Be safe and I’ll see you in Columbus! DECEMBER 13 SWEEPING 29
Darwin Awards In this month’s edition of the Darwin Awards, we offer four shots of the same installation from Illinois. How many things can you find wrong? If you see a peculiar chimney or vent in your area that grabs your attention or makes you shake your head in disbelief, grab a photo and share it with us. Send your pics to the Sweeping editor, Darcy Marlett, at Tell her what you think is going on in the picture and where you snapped it.
Dates & Events
- Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
December 16- 20, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
January 6-10, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
December 23 - 27, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
January 13-17, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel
December 30- January 3, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses
January 20-24, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel
Please send notice of your events for NCSG Dates & Events listings at for inclusion here, in weekly posts to the discussion list and online at www.NCSG. org/dates. The event must be considered educational or informative for the industry (sales events and open houses will not be listed).
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Companies with multiple service technicians are granted a royalty-free limited license to use the Certified Chimney Sweep Chimney Safety Institute of America logo, provided that at least one individual who is currently a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep and who has signed the CSIA Code of Ethics is on the job site performing and/or supervising the sweeping and/or inspection.
GasVent Software for Sizing Chimneys only $195. Call 1-800-648-9523 for more info Or visit to download a free trial version.
CLASSIFIED ADS FREE FOR NCSG MEMBERS Members can run one 35-word classified free each year! Regular classified ads are $2/word or $1/word for NCSG members. Classified ads are noncommissionable and must be pre-paid. To place a classified ad, please contact Megan McMahon at or (317) 837-1500.
If a work order or equivalent document is provided to the customer, the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep must sign the document and clearly print his or her certification number next to the signature.
Display Ad Index Page #
Email or Website Address
Ahrens Chimney Technique
25 Copperfield
Lifetime Chimney Supply LLC
877-234-7473 (PIPE)
Lindemann Chimney Company
MC Refractory
National Chimney
Olympia Chimney Supply
Sand Hill Wholesale
SaverSystems, Inc
13 Smoktite
Firesafe Industries, Inc.
Trans Continental Equipment
27 Wohler
National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168
BUY 2 LINER KITS AND GET 1 FREE! Offer valid from December 1st through December 31st. New customers and catalog prices only.
Kits for oil, wood, gas, pellet and coal appliances Each kit can be customized for your customers Fully stocked and ready to ship on time, every time Fully covered Lifetime warranty