AUGUST 2013 Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology

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NCSG Innovation 2014

March 19-22 • Columbus, Ohio

Whether you take away one tip or dozens, attending the NCSG Innovation 2014 convention in Columbus will revolutionize the way you do business. O-H! I-O! Reserve Your Room TODAY! We’ll be at the Hyatt Regency Columbus. This downtown Columbus hotel is in the heart of the city and is within easy walking distance to the Arena District and Huntington Park - an ideal location for business and leisure travelers alike. To reserve your room for the convention, visit or call (888) 421-1442 and ask for the National Chimney Sweep Guild rate. Over 30 hours of business education and technical training, the nation’s largest tradeshow focused on chimney service and non-stop networking opportunities await you March 19-22, 2014 at the NCSG Innovation 2014 Convention & Trade Show in Columbus, Ohio!

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August 2013 Volume 37 #7

Table of Contents Features 14 Why You Should be Paying Attention to


Your Company’s Reviews

16 WGCSS Easter Seals Camp Workshop 19 Why do Clients Ask for a Certificate of Liability Insurance?


Departments 3

President’s Report


Editor’s Letter


Industry Watch

10 The Coach’s Corner 12 Technical Q&A 20 Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program P.29

22 New NCSG Members 27 Progressive Perks

Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology (ISSN# 10416692) is published 11 times annually, by the National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. Annual dues to the National Chimney Sweep Guild are $459 for Voting Member Companies and $689 for Supplier Member Companies, of which $80 goes toward a subscription to Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $80 by contacting the National Chimney Sweep Guild at the office of publication (NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168). POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168

28 Dates & Events 29 Perspective 31 Darwin Awards 31 Display Ad Index 32 Classifieds COVER: Mark Twain House, Hartford, Hartford County, CT (Library of Congress) AUGUST 13 SWEEPING 1



Committee Chairs and Task Forces for 2013-2014 Bylaws Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141

Government Affairs Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776

NFPA 211 Representative Randy Brooks (805) 646-8961

Convention Site Selection Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460

International Relations John Pilger (631) 863-2460

NFPA 31 Representative John Pilger (631) 863-2460

Ethics Mark Stoner (615) 459-2546

Long Range Planning Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141

NFPA 54 Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400

Governance Jay Walker (850) 562-4692

Membership Bob Ferrari (530) 221-3331

Technical Advisory Council Michael Segerstrom (908) 253-9190

TECHNICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL To contact any member of the Technical Advisory Council, please call (317) 203-0088 and select the extension for the person who is best qualified to answer your question: Chris Prior Masonry Construction and Restoration and Priorfire Fireboxes 317-203-0088 x: 2 Jim Brewer Gas Venting and NFPA 54 317-203-0088 x: 3 John Pilger Oil Flue Sizing, Relining or NFPA 31 317-203-0088 x: 4

Fred Joy Installation and Venting of Pellet Stoves 317-203-0088 x: 7 Jay Walker Dryer Vents 317-203-0088 x: 8 Rett Rasmussen Vented and Vent Free Gas Logs and Controls 317-203-0088 x: 9

Randy Brooks IRC, NFPA 211 or Customer Communications 317-203-0088 x: 5 Bart Ogden Stainless Steel Lining, Video Scanning and Narrative Report Writing 317-203-0088 x: 6

Rich Martinez Dryer Vents or Masonry 317-203-0088 x: * Rich Rua General Sweeping or Relining 317-203-0088 x: 0

Be advised that advice given by NCSG’s Technical Advisory Council (TAC) reflects best practices of the chimney sweeping industry. However, we are unable to account for any particular type of situation since regional variations in construction practices and additional environmental, physical and geographical factors necessarily vary the level of service appropriate for a particular fireplace and/or chimney. Additionally, local laws and ordinances may govern and/or supersede the information and any recommendations provided. Final determinations are the responsibility of a local professional with first-hand knowledge of the situation, and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Neither NCSG nor any member of TAC will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on information provided by anyone associated with TAC. By your use of this member benefit you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.

ADVERTISING RATES for Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology may be obtained by contacting Malisa Minetree at (317) 815-4688 or Design by Laura Houser Design • • (317) 213-7497 NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press release and articles to Melissa Heeke, Sweeping Editor at Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing, nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release. NCSG further reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising determined not to be in keeping with the publications’ standards. Acceptance of advertising by Sweeping magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products or services advertised. NCSG does not make any effort to review or substantiate claims made by advertisers. © 2013 National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500


NCSG BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 President, At-Large Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460 Vice President, At-Large Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 Treasurer, Region 2 Bob Fleer (410) 544-7600 Secretary, At-Large Fred Joy (785) 986-6432 Region 1 Phil Mitchell (603)659-7776 Region 3 Ron Rust (803) 730-5858 Region 4 Ken Hoelscher (937) 833-0505 Region 5 Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 Region 6 Bob Ferrari (530) 941-5818 At-Large Director Gregg Boss (636) 391-2226 Supplier Representative Edmund Poplawski (570) 504-7107

STAFF 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500 Fax: (317) 837-5365 Interim Executive Director Ashley Eldridge, COI, CPP Director of Education Melissa Heeke, CAE Director of Communications & Marketing Candice Bradbury Director of Finance

Megan McMahon Office Manager Debbie Cornelius Membership Development Coordinator Donna Lee Kasmer CSIA Certification Coordinator Sharon Anderson Program Coordinator

President’s Report



or many of members the weather this year has been really been crazy. It seems we skipped spring this year. Many have been experiencing unrelenting rain, heat waves and high winds. I talked to some members who have said they have rescheduled so many jobs due to weather conditions that they are now booking into late August and early September. I hope that many of you take precautions when working in these conditions especially the heat. I found these tips for working in the heat on a safety website and think we should all make note of them. Heed these hot tips for keeping workers cool. To protect workers in hot environments, OSHA recommends that you take these essential actions: • C onsider a worker’s physical fitness to work in a hot environment.

Here are work practices that will help prevent accidents and injuries when working in the rain. • M ove more slowly and carefully. When working in the rain, a natural reaction is to try to work more quickly to get back inside as soon as possible. However, because rain makes everything more slippery, you should do the exact opposite— work more slowly and deliberately to prevent slipping and falling, especially when climbing ladders. • U se the correct equipment. Do not use electrical tools and equipment that are not specifically rated for outdoor use when working in the rain. When using hand tools, use tools with textured, nonslip grip handles. • W ear appropriate rain gear. If you are cold and wet, you are likely concentrating more on how miserable you are than the work at hand. Rain gear which includes both a coat and pants or overalls and is ventilated should be worn for prolonged

• H ave employees work in pairs to reduce stress and so that they can keep an eye on each other’s physical condition. • P rovide easy access to a supply of safe drinking water and encourage workers to drink plenty of water throughout their shift. • A void scheduling the heaviest work on the hottest days or at the hottest time of the day. • A lternate work and rest periods in very hot weather, making sure workers have a cool, shady place to take their breaks. • M onitor temperatures and worker responses on a regular basis. • T rain workers to recognize and treat the signs of heat-related illness.


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As far as working in the rain, and it seemed to never end here in the Northeast, I found the following precautions are recommended:

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Employees working in the rain face additional hazards, such as poor visibility and wet, slippery surfaces.

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wet-weather work. If it’s cold and rainy, wool or synthetic fibers specifically designed for cold weather use are the best for wear under rain gear because it will keep you warm even if it gets wet. Also, wear rain gear that is the proper size; if it’s too large it may interfere with movement. • W ear appropriate footwear. Footwear for use in inclement weather should have deep treads to help prevent slipping. Footwear that is in poor condition (treads are worn down or worn smooth or footwear with holes) should not be worn. To keep water out of shoes or boots, make sure the top of the shoe or boot extends above the ankle and rain gear extends to the ankles. Also, the top of the boot or shoe should be inside the pant leg (as opposed to tucking the pant leg into the footwear). • U se proper hand protection. When doing work requiring a sure grip (using hand tools, for example), wear gloves that fit snugly and provide a nonslip grip. To prevent water from entering gloves, make sure that the sleeve of the glove is either tight fitting or is long enough that it fits under the cuff of your raincoat. • E nsure that you can see. If wearing goggles or eyeglasses, use antifogging sprays or wipes on them before going outside. Be sure that the area you are working in is well lit; if needed, light the area using lights rated for outdoor use. Wear hoods or hats to keep rain out of your eyes. Also, since hoods on rain gear narrow your range of vision, make it a point to turn your head to look both ways and above and below you when wearing a hood in the rain.


• M ake sure that you can be seen. If working in an area where there is vehicular traffic (trucks, cars, forklifts, etc.), always wear bright-colored, reflective vests or rain gear, even during the day. Do not wear rain gear or vests that have become worn and are dull and/or no longer reflective. I hope all members who are facing these weather related conditions are already taking these precautions. The Board of Directors met in late July to go the budget for the upcoming year. The board is very diligent when it comes to setting a budget. The board works hard to make fiscally responsible decisions on behalf of the membership. I hope all are having a prosperous year so far and are gearing up for the “BUSY” season. Work Safe and Stay Safe! Respectfully Submitted, Diane Pilger NCSGPresident

Editor’s Letter


Welcome to August! The smell of school supplies is in the air as the seasons change once more. In some areas of the country, the heating season has started and in others, the temps are still scorching. Hopefully you have enjoyed a relaxing summer and are ready for the pace to pick up as your services become top of mind. This month, we take a look at customer reviews and the impact of social media on your bottom line. A few years ago, I was lucky enough to present a session at an NCSG convention about social media. That session was a baseline for what is now another piece of the communications and marketing puzzle. Social media and online reviews can no longer be viewed as an “if we decided to go there”, they’re now a “when will we be there” proposition. Marketing 101 says to be where your customers are. Once you are where they are, knowing how to

Sweeping_Pellet_7.35x4.875_May 1, 2013_HR.pdf



position yourself for positive interactions becomes incredibly important. Read and learn! We’re also featuring a recap from the Wisconsin Guild of Chimney Service Specialists Easter Seals Workshop. Each year, the WGCCS heads out to the Easter Seals camp for a chimney and venting maintenance service project. This year, we get to see what it’s all about. May you enjoy these last days of summer with your friends and family preparing for fresh starts, new beginnings and smarter workflows. All the best to you and yours!

4:37 PM

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Industry Watch M&G DuraVent Opens New Larger Facility and Plans to Create New Jobs in Albany, New York M&G DuraVent, Inc., a technological leader in the venting industry, has expanded and relocated its production operations in New York State, retaining 58 jobs and creating 103 new jobs in Albany County. The new facility sees an upgrade in size from its previous 65,000 square foot location on Pearl Street to a 140,000 square foot facility on Jupiter Lane. The facility on Jupiter Lane was chosen for its larger size, allowing the Albany facility to assume responsibilities previously done in California and Mississippi. The new facility will be the future home to M&G DuraVent’s manufacturing processes of PolyPro. The new location’s relative proximity to the previous Pearl Street location, allows the retention of all employees, and is a great location in terms of highways and local services. “Everyone is very excited. It’s a first rate location that gives us the place to expand into the future, take on the production of PolyPro, and create new additional jobs.” Michael Wolfe, M&G DuraVent’s Vice President and General Manager Albany.

New NCSG Supplier Member Shop Chimney 25 Robert Pitt Dr. Ste #209 Monsey, NY 10952 (888) 680-6812 is one of the largest online retail chimney supply companies. Besides their chimney supply division, they also carry fireplaces and fireplace and hearth parts, venting products, outdoor fire pits, stoves, and everyone’s favorite... barbeque parts and grill accessories. Their website features over 40,000 products, and is truly a one stop outdoor supply company.

Industry Watch Policy NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press releases to Melissa Heeke, Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology editor, via email at Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release.



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Coach’s Corner




ur life is defined by challenges, the challenges that we face in our professional life, and challenges that we also face in our personal life. How we handle them determines the quality of our life and our standard of living.

Often the challenges of life are more than we can handle. Our own weaknesses and insecurities can halt our progress, make us throw on the brakes, and make things seem to come to a grinding halt, AGAIN! But the true leader, the most astute business owner, the most competent employer, will instead find the way to sidestep fears and face the challenges head on. Our challenges that involve family members can be especially heart wrenching and crippling. They can drive people to look for a crutch. In my lifetime I have had several people I loved dearly who looked to alcohol as an answer. I watched loved ones deteriorate in their personal lives and lose their loved ones and even face death. I have also seen too many fall due to financial, marital and business issues. Some people simply let a challenge draw them to the side of failure, and some never recover. Business challenges can be equally daunting. Being the leader of a business hands you challenges every day that could be crippling to other people. Many times the business is your child. You birthed it, you grew it and you set the path for it. But this was the path you chose, the path of self-employment and with this direction then one must prepare themselves for the challenges this decision will being. But the challenges often upset your plans. Challenges are similar to a closed road or stopped traffic when you are on a mission. Your blood pressure rises and clear thinking becomes more difficult. Perhaps even


“road rage” ensues. In this case, chaos arises and rears its nasty head once again. Things like upset clients, weather issues, dissatisfied staff members, staff members not working as a part of the team, government regulations and income that doesn’t exceed the expense side of the business are issues that have caused many to throw up their hands and call it quits. Many times our chosen profession due to the perceived seasonality will be the challenge, all too often business is either feast or it is famine. After years of experience as a business coach and educator in this industry, I can tell you there is one overriding solution that can and will lower the pain and the challenges we face. It is vision -- a vision of where we are going, and what the perfect days of our lives will look like. Because those perfect days are the goals of the true winners, they always know where they are going. Write the story of you own perfect day, where will it occur, who will be with you, and what will you be doing, again it is your perfect day! I have my own stories about the significant challenges I have faced in my own life, the cliffs where I teetered on the edge of disaster, the things that could have crippled me, the things that make one wonder just how do we get past these issues of life. It is often only in hindsight that one can see these are often the very things that make us grow as individuals and as business people. That growth comes because we face those difficulties and find the internal and external wherewithal to turn them around. One of the “motivational” speakers who I truly love to hear is Larry Winget, he is truly my kind of guy. He calls himself the PITBULL. His videos will truly inspire you with his brutal honesty. He can often guide you to see the path to move

forward. He actually bills himself as an “irritation-al” speaker, not a motivational speaker. Listen to a Larry Winget video, it can be a breath of fresh air and also open your eyes to the future you want it to be! Each of us faces challenges, but perhaps challenges are not all we face. To be perfectly honest, a large part of what each of us faces can simply be called crap. And crap is what I’ll call the really bad challenges that we deal with. Crap takes us down, crap ruins our days, and crap makes us wonder just why we are doing what we do, and why don’t we just throw up our arms and say “TO HECK WITH THIS CRAP” I have had enough. The real decision for you comes when you conquer a challenge. It is then you decide if you’re doomed to repeat it, doomed to continue the same path and for the challenges to once again take you down, to prevent you from attaining your “perfect day” in life many times over. As I have often said, there is one person who can make the difference. Likely you know him, likely you see him, and he resides right there every single time you look in the mirror. Because the man in the mirror is the one who can most certainly change your life and assist you in making lemonade out of the lemons that life, business and personal, will most certainly sling your way. Your turning point is where you look at the man in the mirror and make the decision “I AM JUST NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE”. From there you are likely on your way to a new voyage with brighter horizons and the kind of life you have always aimed for. Here’s to you and the perfect days that await you! About the Author: Jerry Isenhour is an industry consultant, educator and coach who authors a monthly article in Sweeping as a service to an industry and people that he truly loves. For more information about Jerry and how his team can assist you individually and your business in your quest for success along with your ascent to the next level, take a look at his web site He can be contacted at or by phone at (704) 425-0217. You can also obtain great business tips from his Facebook page Chimney & Venting Consultants.

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Technical Q&A



In July, the plumber told the homeowner that the gas fired water heater isn’t venting properly because the chimney must be blocked. I inspected the chimney flue and it’s not blocked. The connector pipe and 4” draft hood are also clear. Why won’t the appliance vent? through a round metal liner than through a square clay lined flue. The downdraft may actually become worse once the flue is relined.


One of the most common reasons a natural draft gas water heater can’t or won’t vent properly in July, or other hot months, is unstable house pressure. This can often be a problem with today’s tighter construction practices and upgrades to older homes including new windows, doors, siding and/or roofing. Unstable house pressure can result in very negative pressure in the basement and other areas of the home. Another symptom would be the fireplace that “smells” in the hot months. The CSIA offers a great class aptly named Chimney Physics, that covers the effects of house pressure on the venting of appliances. Other things that can add to powerful negative pressure in the basement area include the use of clothes dryers, range hoods and bathroom exhausts. Attic fans can also cause this condition. If the attic fan (or fans) are improperly sized, and/or the gable and soffit vents are not sized for these fans, this can directly result in water heater venting malfunction. Over the years I have had clients that experienced this specific attic fan problem. Balloon construction in homes, outlets, light fixtures and other aspects of home construction can also contribute to these unstable pressure issues. Balloon construction is a house framing method used up until about the 1950’s in North America that consisted of long vertical framing studs that would often span multiple floors on exterior walls. Upper floor platforms were built inside these studs, rather than integrated between floor levels of exterior wall studs, in platform style construction typically used today. Some may think relining the flue will solve this type of problem. That is not typically the case when the venting problem is a result of negative house pressure. In fact, relining the flue can make the problem worse, because air flows better


Sometimes confirming the pressure issue is simple, and sometimes it can be very involved. Partially opening a basement window is an easy method to generally determine if it is a pressure issue. Turning attic fans on and off, with and without basement windows open, turning exhausts fans on and off, are basic methods to help determine if these things are causing or contributing to the unstable pressure and venting malfunction. If your company does not perform actual house pressure tests, there are companies that do. It may be necessary to have this test professionally done, to help determine what the solution will be for introducing additional make-up air into the home. One very effective method to stabilize house pressure is to introduce outside air directly into the return plenum of the central air conditioning ductwork. There are kits available to do just that, and these must be sized properly. There are more involved systems that are a part of the indoor air quality system that will also introduce outside air into the system. Having a professional house pressure test performed is often necessary for the sizing of these types of systems that introduce outside air into the ductwork. If the homeowner does not have a ductwork air conditioning system, other methods may be necessary. These may include installing a passive vent that allows make-up air to enter the home in the basement area. All the possible causes and solutions can’t be covered here, and each situation may be dramatically different. Having an understanding of unstable house pressure, negative pressure areas, and what the causes may be, are the first steps towards solving the problem.

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Why You Should be Paying Attention to Your Company’s Reviews


ere at Spark Marketer, we get at least one question a week in regard to online reviews (someone either wanting to get more reviews online, or asking how to get rid of a bad review online). Before we dive into the specifics, let’s briefly discuss the importance of online reviews in the first place. Never before in modern history have your customers had so much power and influence over your business. In the past, unless you were serving a very small community where everyone knows you, most businesses could escape a few bad customer experiences with hardly anyone finding out the details. That is no longer true.

On the social web of today, what your company does this morning can easily be online for the public’s reading or viewing pleasure by dinner. That’s why it is so important to make sure you have a competent staff capable of doing the job right the first time. You want to train them to be polite and respectful during their interactions with customers in their home. And you


want to train them in how to handle the occasional issue that may arise before it has a chance to become a full-blown negative review. If you are doing that, then you will not have problems getting good reviews. The vast majority of businesses who are plagued by negative reviews have done something – however small or seemingly inconsequential - to earn those reviews via the work and customer relations practices they currently have in place.

Focus on What You Can Control. I know that for some of you, this is a hard pill to swallow, but there is good news here if you will stop and see it. We talk to people who are convinced they have a marketing problem when what they really have is a business problem. The reason I want to bring this up is a practical one and directly affects the reviews companies get online. If you do a great job marketing a broken business, the work and the reviews will reflect it. And when you have a business that runs like a top, the work and reviews reflect that as well.

This is extremely important because you do not control the reviews that people publish about your business online. These reviews greatly impact your local ranking in the search results, and they influence potential new customers’ decisions to call you. But you don’t control the reviews; you can only control your business.

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How Do I Get Reviews? There are two things you need to do in order to get reviews online. 1. Ask for the review. This one sounds easy but after talking to a lot of business owners it’s amazing how often this gets missed. Make it a part of the standard routine of every employee. Train everyone in your organization to sincerely thank a customer for expressing satisfaction for a job well done, and then go the next step further and ask that customer if they would take the time to go to your web site, click a link and leave a public review for others to see. When you see those businesses online that have hundreds of positive reviews, it’s because they have made it their religion to ask. 2. Make it easy for them to leave a review. This one is tricky, because most of the review sites require an account or a login, which makes leaving a quick review a little more difficult. Requiring a login makes it harder for malicious people to leave anonymous reviews, though, and you’d be surprised how many of your customers already have one of these accounts and would be more than happy to post about their good experience. You should have a page on your site where customers can find links directly to your pages on the main review sites, and you can also leave behind or mail a post card with a link to that page. Below are the review sites I currently recommend. These are not the only ones by a long shot, but they are important because of how many people see them. • • • •

Google+ (requires a Google email to leave a review ) Yelp Bing Yahoo

Next month, we will be discussing what to do when you get a negative review. About the Author: Taylor Hill is smart about marketing and about people. He is the Crew Chief at Spark Marketer, which is an online marketing company dedicated to service industries. For more information about Taylor and Spark Marketing and how they can help you with your business online go to www.sparkmarketer. com. You can also reach Taylor at or 615-678-0120. Please feel free to check us out on Twitter at @ sparkmarketer and

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WGCSS 2013 Easter Seals Camp Wawbeek


he Wisconsin Guild of Chimney Service Specialists gathered at Camp Wawbeek May 8-10 its Annual Charity Workshop. Camp Wawbeek is the longest continually operating Easter Seals Camp in the nation, serving children and adults with physical disabilities since 1938. After an 8:00 AM pancake breakfast prepared by the camp staff, and time for introductions and registration, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. Stuart Karanovich of SaverSystems began with a brief history of HeatShield product development, beginning with its European roots. It was interesting to note that HeatShield has been used successfully in Europe for thirty years, and was reformulated by John Meredith, at SaverSystems laboratories, to incorporate US raw materials and to compensate for physical differences in flue tiles here. Our target flue was a 15” x 15” flue in a twenty-three foot chimney. Stuart took us through flue preparation, mixing and proofing the tie-coat and finish coat and completing both pulls. The entire process took a little under three hours and when we were done, we had a monolithic repair that should last for years to come. Stuart


Brandon Davis & Shawn Scholfield cleaning up after Heat Shield, Crown Saver, and Flash Seal workshops seminar

recommended the use of a great new power mortar mixer called the Fusion Mixer (MD Model). We were impressed with the advantages it displayed over the paddle/auger type which typically result in bucket breakage after a few uses. We then moved on to water remediation in masonry chimneys. Stuart stressed the need to evaluate the chimney as a system and to treat water penetration at all of its most common entry points to solve customers’ problems and to avoid callbacks. The first culprit on our list was leaking crowns. Camp Wawbeek had three crowns that were starting to deteriorate. After a discussion about proper crown design and the reasons most crowns fail prematurely, we heard about a class of products called mastics and why they excel in crown repair. Stuart then introduced us to CrownCoat and how this mastic product can repair damaged crowns. Along with Andrew Thomas, they walked us through masking off the area for repair, cleaning the crown, misting with water, working in a thin primer coat and finally adding a thicker layer to finish. Unfortunately, due to rain, we were unable to apply ChimneySaver to

the exterior of the chimneys and complete our water remediation. Stuart and Andy were disappointed, but all agreed it would be a great reason to come back next year. With inclement weather and the need for the product to dry overnight, we moved indoors to get our first look at SaverSystems new Paint ‘N’ Peel product. We learned a little about the chemical makeup and the history of its development and testing. Everyone was anxious to try the new product . It was all hands on deck with this product as we applied it to the largest surface it had been applied to date. Our target was a badly smoke stained limestone facing that was over twelve feet wide and ten feet high! Stuart thought that it would take us two to three hours to apply, but with everyone pitching in we were done in just over an hour. With this monster under our belts we headed over to another building and applied Pant ‘N’ Peel to a much smaller fireplace. With the “Paint” out of the way, we all resigned ourselves to the fact that we would have to wait until the morning to “Peel” it off. With the Paint ‘N’ Peel drying, we headed over to a second floor fireplace that had been hand parged with ChamberCoat at our gathering the year before. Using a new product without a factory rep on-site, several calls had been made to Stuart in the heat of the battle. Bottom line, the result was unsatisfactory. After using an air chisel to remove last year’s work, the guys from Saver Systems did a show and tell on the process of correctly mixing, tossing and application techniques which are all critical to a successful application. We agreed that we could all see major differences in their application and what we had completed last year.

Stuart K. discussing Flash Seal demo

Group applying Paint N Peel stain remover


On Thursday morning we were greeted with more rain, so we moved inside to the massive Paint ‘N’ Peel project that we had applied the day before. Everybody was anxious to see the results. It was an awesome pull as everybody jumped in to help. That completed, we moved on to the smaller fireplace to peel it as well. The discussion of the various applications and techniques continued as we headed over to the smoke chamber of the flue we had applied HeatShield to the day before. Andy Thomas led a demonstration of the HeatShield Crefractory Foam and Flue Sealant and started with a discussion of the need to seal voids and cracks, as well as smooth corbelling in the smoke chamber as a means of decreasing turbulence as well as residence time for the byproducts of combustion, thereby decreasing the amount of flammable material deposited on the smoke chamber and walls of the flue system. Ken Hoelsher and Brandon Davis of Abbey Road Chimney Sweeps in Brookville, OH assisted with the training. We were impressed by the material expanding as it cured, increasing its R value.

Group pull to peel the big fireplace

The Thursday evening banquet has been a tradition of the WGCSS Spring Workshop seminars. This year the banquet was sponsored by Lindemann Chimney and hosted by Tim and Shelly Freeberg, who also prepared our meal. Thanks also to Russ Dimmitt of Copperfield Chimney Supply for the WGCSS/Easter Seals Camp logo souvenir tee shirts and raffle prizes. Edmund Poplawski of Olympia Chimney Supply, and Stuart Karanovich of Saver Systems also contributed generously to the WGCSS raffle. The 2014 workshop will be held in early May. Please contact Jim Collar at (651) 464-1369 or for more information. WGCSS President Jim Collar as he thanks our Suppliers and everyone for their contributions

WGCSS group picture of camp attendees after the banquet



Why do Clients ask for a Certificate of Liability Insurance? Often, Chimney Sweeps are required to provide a certificate of insurance to obtain work, but what is really being required? Some requiring certificates of insurance only want to confirm that a chimney sweep has coverage and they want to have the insurance company’s information provided. A certificate of insurance can be issued for this purpose. Other circumstances may require an actual Certificate Holder. Not only is this proof of coverage, but also now requires the insurance carrier to notify the certificate holder if the named policy ever cancels, whether for non-payment of premium or expiration of the policy. However, a Certificate Holder is not necessarily an Additional Insured. If Additional Insured status is required on the certificate of insurance, that person or entity will need to be added to the policy. Additional Insureds have certain rights to policy coverages, and because of this, the insurance company can charge additional premium for the increased exposure.

When someone asks for or requires a Certificate of Insurance just make sure to discover the true purpose of the request. The NCSG-endorsed insurance program, offered through Veracity Insurance Solutions, provides Certificates of Insurance at no additional cost. For more information regarding Certificates of Insurance or Additional Insureds, please contact me using the information below and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. About the Author: Ross Graham, NCSG Insurance Program broker, has been working for Veracity Insurance Solutions since 2010. Ross worked in Veracity’s on-line program division developing and marketing various product lines to groups and associations and has become the broker for some of Veracity’s national programs. The NCSG Insurance program is available nationwide. You can access the program by calling Ross or having your local agent contact us at (801) 763-1375 (toll free (866) 395-1308).


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TO order call: 800-545-6607 AUGUST 13 SWEEPING 19

2013 – 2014 Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program Featured Coupons Of The Month The 2013 – 2014 offers are available in the “Members Only” section of the NCSG website at These coupons will be good until June 30, 2014 unless otherwise noted.

Copperfield Chimney Supply • ENERVEX, Inc. • HearthMasters, Inc.• HY-C Company • Lindemann Chimney Supply • Marge Padgitt • Meyer Machine and Equipment • National Chimney • Olympia Chimney Supply • RLH Industries, Inc. • Royal Chimney Supply • SaverSystems • Spark Marketer • Ventech Industries, Inc./Thermocrete/Smoktite • Wohler USA Inc. • Z-Flex U.S. Inc. These are just a few of the many offers available to you as a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. Visit to learn more and to start saving!




Save $200 ON 1ST month services that include custom web and mobile web design & maintenance, site design& hosting, email design and more. Pricing and availability based on your area.

SAVE UP FROM UP TO $269 - $1,030

35% OFF 3” – 8” Home Guard Pro Flexible Chimney Liner Kits

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Purchase three (3) 25ft HomeGuard liners and receive 4th liner of equal or less value FREE

SAVE FROM UP TO $130 $248

30% Off one (1) custom chase cover

Is your company name missing? As a supplier member of the NCSG we encourage you to participate in the Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program. Call or email Debbie Cornelius at (317) 837-1500 or

NCSG now offers REFERRAL REWARDS for State Guilds and Non-Profits FMI: Contact Debbie at (317) 8371500 or 20 SWEEPING AUGUST 13

DuraVent has stepped up and solved it. Reline your factory-built, air-cooled, or insulated chimney with a UL listed solution. Patent Pending.

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NewNCSG Members


REGION 3 MASSASSCHUSETS Dana M. Storrs • DM Storrs Chimney LLC • Foxboro Casey Harvey • Ray Murray, Inc. • Lee


NEW YORK Zeljko Saponja • Ceram-Liner LLC • New York City Scott Tyler • Shop Chimney • Monsey

REGION 2 NEW JERSEY Wayne Cappadona • Certified Craftsmen Inc. • Toms River

REGION 3 NORTH CAROLINA Travis Reece • Reece’s Klean Sweep • Swannanoa

REGION 2 Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania


FLORIDA Edward Hearsey • ABC Cleaning Inc. • Orlando

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia

GEORGIA Ryan Heeth • The Fireplace Company, Inc. • Marietta


COLORADO Alan Mason • Flame Master • Elizabeth

Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire

REGION 4 Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio

MINNESOTA Dave Lambert • Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps • Eden Prairie

REGION 5 Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin

NCSG Charter Members Paul Bourque Huntsville, AL

John Cline, Menlo Park, CA

Don Leavitt San Diego, CA

Dale Meisinger, N. Augusta, SC

David Harris Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Eva B. Horton, Greenwich, CT

Dan Wheeler Santa Rosa, CA


Alan Hisey, St. Louis, MO

Harry Richart, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ

REGION 6 Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

CSIA Update Publication for CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep®s Congratulations to Our New CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps Alaska Clinton Severns • The Woodway Inc. • Fairbanks

Arizona Jason Brown • HomCo Lumber & Hardware • Flagstaff Jake Hotsenpiller • HomCo Lumber & Hardware • Flagstaff

California Dylan Bryant • Black Beauty Chimney Services • Chico Justin Atchley • ABA Hearth & Home • San Carlos Cameron Bragg • Okell’s Fireplace • San Francisco Jeff Craig • Okell’s Fireplace • San Francisco Allen Cummins • Okell’s Fireplace • San Francisco Justin Stalcup • Okell’s Fireplace • San Francisco

Michigan Cory Brooks • Doctor Flue, Inc. • Tecumseh

New Jersey Rick Morrison • Chatham Fire Prevention • Chatham Rudi Oosting • Oosting Masonry and Hardscape • Midland Park

New York Bryan Buckel • Town & Country Agway • Dansville Zeljko Saponja • Ceram-Liner LLC • New York

Ohio Dave Barner • Luce’s Chimney & Stove Shop LLC • Swanton Jerry Mulledy • 360 Home Services/ Fireplace Pros • Columbus James Wilhelm • Cedar Ridge Chimney Sweep • Ripley


Daniel Farmer • Castle Chimney Sweeps • Marion



Mike Thulin • Mountain Man Fireplace & Chimney, Inc. • Evergreen


Kyle Fleenor • Beck’s Chimney Sweep • Noblesville

Kentucky Aaron Rothgeb • Barnhill Chimney Co. • Lexington

Maine Robert Frechette • Sanford


Effective June 1, 2013, the requirements to renew your CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep credential with CEUs have changed so that only eight CEUs must now be earned in the Codes and Standards category instead of the previous twelve. The new breakdown is: • 12 - Technical • 8 - Codes and Standards • 6 - Health and Safety • 6 - Communication and Liability • 16 - Any Additional Category (including Business) TOTAL 48 CEUs Read more about the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep renewal requirements at


Jason Hocking • Sootslayer Chimney Sweeps • Pleasant Gap Nick Kellander • Sootslayer Chimney Sweeps • Pleasant Gap Kevin Pugh • B.J. Meier & Sons • Morrisville Manuel Rodriguez • Sootslayer Chimney Sweeps • Pleasant Gap Joseph Utz • Chimney Doctor • Everett


New CEU Requirements for CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep renewal

John Byrnes • Byrnes Energy Services LLC • Brattleboro Gene Bianco • Chimney Savers • Randolph

Wisconsin Steve Cody • The Chimney Pros, LLC • Woodville Travis Smith • Pratt’s Professional Chimney Inc. • Trevor

Sean Munroe • Master Chimney Sweepers. • Natick ADVERTISEMENT

It’s now Easier to Renew your CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician credential Great news coming out of the last CSIA board of directors meeting! Effective May 10, 2013, to renew the CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician (CDET) credential, an individual may either complete an official CSIA CDET review course, either online or in-person, or pass the CDET exam. Learn more about the C-DET credential at

FREE eLearning Course with your CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep renewal You know that CSIA offers the industry’s favorite seminars in a self-paced online format that is more convenient than ever. You get the education that fits your schedule at a price you can afford. Now CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps can try one eLearning course (with up to 2 CEUs) for free! We’ll include your certificate for a free eLearning course in the mail with your updated photo identification card.

CSIA 2013 Education Calendar As of 7/11/13 - Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Chimney Safety Institute of America prior to making travel arrangements.

CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exam May 3 | Olympia Chimney Supply - Scranton, PA May 18 | Regional Chimney Supply - Gaithersburg, MD June 7 | CSIA Technology Center June 28 | Richmond, VA July 8 | Oceanside, CA July 19 | MCSC - Taunton, MA August 2 | CSIA Technology Center

Chimney Physics June 6-7 | MCSC - Taunton, MA June 10-11 | VACHP - Fredricksburg,VA August 9-10 | PAGPCS - State College, PA Diagnosis and resolution of chimney performance problems, solving air pressure problems, identifying the symptoms of indoor air pollutants, determining combustion air requirements for vented appliances. CSIA CEUs: 3-T 3-CS 3-HS 3-CL NFI CEUs: 4 E

October 18 | Latham, NY

Installing and Troubleshooting Gas Hearth Appliances

November 15 | CSIA Technology Center

July 15–19, 2013 | CSIA Technology Center

September 13 | Atlantic City, NJ

In-person intensive review sessions help candidates prepare for the exams. The review sessions are not a substitute for advanced study. CSIA CEUs: 1.25-T, 1.25-CS, 1.25-HS, 1.25 CL NFI CEUs: 6 T

Service and installation, including appliance standards, combustion requirements, pipe sizing and installation, troubleshooting, carbon monoxide testing and fuel conversion. CEUs: 4-T 4-CS 4-HS 4-CL NFI CEUs: 16 T

Inspection and Report Writing National Chimney Sweep Training School April 29 – May 4, 2013 | CSIA Technology Center June 24 – 29 , 2013 | CSIA Technology Center August 12 – 17 , 2013 | CSIA Technology Center September 30 – October 5, 2013 | CSIA Technology Center Fundamentals of sweeping and inspection of chimney systems, equipment operation, health and safety considerations and step-by-step instruction in codes, clearances, standards and practices. CCS CEUs: 4 T, 4 C&S, 4 C&L, 4 H&S NFI CEUs: 16 T

CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® Review May 19 | Rutland, VT In-person intensive review sessions help candidates prepare for the CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® exam. The review sessions are not a substitute for advanced study. CSIA CEUs: 1.25-T, 1.25 CS, 1-HS, 1-CL NFI CEUs: 4 E

May 3-4, 2013 | NYCSG - Albany, NY Chimney inspections and evaluations, report writing including regional and environmental influences, effective photo documentation, digital organization and admin procedures. CSIA CEUs: 6-T, 6-CL NFI CEUs: 12 T

Masonry Repair for Chimney Professionals May 16-17 | SACP and Ashbusters - Smyrna, TN An intensive class combining a short period of classroom theory followed by hands-on projects relating to the theory lessons. CSIA CEUs: 12 T (2 day) or 16T (3-day)

Hate to travel? CSIA’s online education is now offered weekly! CSIA Certification Review Sessions, Chimney Physics, Lining Masonry with Stainless Steel and eLearning!

Register today at or call us at (317) 837-5362.

Throughout history, fire has been crucial to human existence. Primitive people relied on fire to cook their food, to keep them warm and to provide light. Although we no longer depend on fire in quite the same way, images of children around campfires and holiday gatherings around an open fireplace abound. Our use of fire has changed over the centuries, so too have fireplaces and heating appliances that contain the fire and make it useful. Classical Greek and Roman homes contained simple fire pits. In Medieval Europe, simple masonry fireplaces that developed. In the 1800’s a nobleman, Count Rumford improved masonry fireplace design. As in the past, masonry fireplace and chimneys are constructed on site as the house is built. The performance of the fireplace was often dependent upon proper construction. Today, there are factory-built fireplaces which are manufactured according to an engineered design. Proper installation, however, is still a critical factor in the safe operation of these units. Q. What is a factory-built fireplace? Unlike traditional site-built masonry fireplaces, most factory-built fireplaces are made of metal and may use a combination of insulated walls, glass doors, air-cooled pipe and blowers to circulate the heat produced by the fire. The factory-built fireplace and chimney are a complete system engineered to work safely and efficiently together. Both units (fireplace and chimney) undergo testing together and are then are listed specifically for use with one another. In other words, a factory-built fireplace has a specific chimney that is appropriate for use with that specific fireplace. Although models vary, factory-built fireplaces generally generate heat for the house in one of two ways. With the standard radiant heat method, the heat produced by the fire radiates from the fireplace into the room. This system is limited as to the amount of heat it will return to the house. The circulating air method uses louvers and at least one blower to force air along the hot walls, picking up heat and forcing it back into the living space. Q. How is a factory-built fireplace different from a traditional fireplace? Because factory-built units are so much lighter than masonry fireplaces, these fireplaces do not require the concrete foundation necessary for masonry. The insulation and/or cooling spaces built into these systems allow the back of the fireplace to be placed closer to combustible materials than their masonry counterparts. Although most units are metal, pre-manufactured, modular, masonry fireplaces are also available. These masonry models incorporate special engineering techniques that are not used in most fieldconstructed fireplaces, including a listed venting system. Like metal factory-built fireplaces, pre-manufactured masonry fireplaces reduce the clearance to combustibles and increase the amount of heat produced by the fireplace. These advantages, coupled with the lasting nature of masonry, make pre-cast refractory fireplaces and other modular masonry fireplace systems an attractive, but somewhat more expensive, alternative to the relatively inexpensive materials and construction of the massproduced factory-built fireplace. Q. What’s the safest way to use a factory-built fireplace? Proper use is critical to safe and efficient operation of factory-built fireplaces. When you light a fire, keep in mind the following considerations:

• The damper must be fully open before starting a fire and left open until the fire is out. If a source for outside combustion air exists, be sure that it is open before you light the fire. • Don’t overload the fireplace. If you do, burning logs could roll out. Never use wet or green wood. • Be sure to close the screen to prevent sparks from flying out into your living room. Close the glass doors to reduce heat loss from the room into the chimney only when your fire is almost out. • Glass doors on a factory- built fireplace must be tested and listed for that particular fireplace. It can be dangerous to use the wrong set of glass doors on • Never start a fire with liquid fire starters, i.e. gasoline, kerosene, etc. •Do not burn Christmas trees or a lot of paper in your fireplace. This type of fire, which gets very hot very quickly, can cause the joints of the chimney to separate or the metal to warp. Do not install a wood stove - whether freestanding or insert style - into a factory-built fireplace and chimney system, unless the insert you are using has been tested and listed for use with the fireplace and approved by the manufacturer of the chimney system (not the stove manufacturer alone). Installing an insert into a fireplace system that is not designed for either the weight of the unit or the intense heat the insert or stove produces could result in a house fire and will also void any warranty issued by the fireplace manufacturer. • Annual inspection (and sweeping when necessary) of your fireplace and chimney is recommended by the National Fire Protection Association and the Chimney Safety Institute of America.

Public Safety Brochures A factory-built unit will reach the endCSIA of its useful life when from repair of the unit is no longer possible, particularly if the Q. How long will a factory-built fireplace last? Factory-built fireplaces are decorative heating appliances. They are engineered with specific components that, when properly installed, will give you years of enjoyable use. Regular service and maintenance will help owners keep a step ahead of potential problems.

components that are necessary to maintain the listing are no longer available.

Designed to help you

Q. How can I be sure the factory-built is installed work smarter fireplace because correctly?

we know that educated

A factory-built fireplace is the only built-in home appliance homeowners make which is not easily removed for inspection. It is important to take out a building permit beforedecisions. installing a factorybuilt educated fireplace. The building inspector will conduct an examination to confirm that the system was installed according to code. As always, reputable chimney professionals should be used (317)and837 - 5362 when these units areCall purchased installed. Local codes and the manufacturer’s installation instructions to get a free sampleshould be followed to the letter.

of each of CSIA’s

Visit the Chimney Safety Institute of America’s website public ( to find a13 CSIA Certifiedsafety Chimney Sweep in your area. brochures for The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) is a homeowners! non-profit educational institute that has established the most widely-recognized national certification program for chimney sweeps in the United States. The program was developed in keeping with the CSIA’s commitment to the safety and efficiency of chimney and venting systems and to the elimination of residential chimney



Send us your greenhorn.

in 6 days, we’ll send you back a pro.

You can spend weeks trying to get your new chimney service employee up to speed. In the process, you’ll have used up your valuable time, your patience, and more money than you would like to admit. Instead, send your employee to the most popular, cost-effective chimney sweep training in North America: CSIA’s National Chimney Sweep Training School. In less than a week, we’ll create an employee that you’ll be proud to send on a call – and happy to count toward your bottom line.

2013 DATeS:

April 29–May 4 June 24–29 August 12–17 Sept. 30–Oct. 5

During this six-day hands-on course, attendees will learn: How to inspect and service chimney systems serving any fuel burning appliance. About residential heating appliances, including wood stoves, pellet stoves, inserts, factory-built fireplaces, central heaters and furnaces. NFPA 211 standards. CSIA CeUs: 4T, 4C & S, 4H & S, 4C & L NFI CeUs: 16T

How to navigate the International residential Codes. Chimney performance problems: understanding draft and flow, diagnosing down drafts, flow reversals, inadequate flow, stack effects, updrafts, pressure effects and gauges. Health and safety equipment and methods.

CSIA CertIFIed CHImNeY SweeP ® exAmS INCluded wItH regIStrAtIoN!

Register today at or call us at (317) 837-5362.

Progressive Perks


Don’t Be A “Checkbook Member” Get The Most Of Your NCSG Membership! Last month I mentioned the 7 reasons you should join the NCSG as a member – information, inspiration, support, referrals, resources, affirmation AND fun. But, if all you do is write the check and pay your dues and never get involved, you are not receiving any return on this investment. I recently read somewhere that being an active member of an association is the closest thing to graduate school you can get and the rewards are many. Some of the best resources are informed, experienced colleagues but this can only happen if you get involved.

colleagues and establish long and lasting friendships with those you can call on for information and insights over the years. NCSG membership is a small price to pay to have all kinds of resources at your fingertips - ones that will only improve your income and success. Yes, you may have to make sacrifices here or there to enjoy the long-term benefits of NCSG membership. So what?! Get involved as a member of the NCSG. I guarantee you will have a lot of fun too!

Joining a committee, taking classes or attending events like the NCSG convention and tradeshow are great ways to meet

The Guaranteed Solution to Smoking Fireplaces MECHANICAL VENTING OF FIREPLACES • Create the perfect draft for fireplaces, stoves, BBQs and more • No major renovations or modifications to fireplace or chimney • Easy, no-mess installation Contact us for more information:

RS Chimney Fan P: 800.255.2923 AUGUST 13 SWEEPING 27

Dates & Events August 19-23, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit August 26-30, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit September 2-6, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit September 9-13, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit September 13, 2013 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review and Exam Atlantic City, NJ For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit September 16-20, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit September 23-27, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit


September 30- October 4, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit September 30- October 5, 2013 CSIA National Chimney Sweep Training School CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit October 7-October 11, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit October 14-October 18, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit October 18, 2013 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep速 Review & Exams Latham, NY For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit October 21-October 25, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit October 28-November 1, 2013 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit

Please send notice of your events for NCSG Dates & Events listings at for inclusion here, in weekly posts to the discussion list and online at The event must be considered educational or informative for the industry (sales events and open houses will not be listed).



Putting a Plan in Motion


s you read this month’s magazine, sweeps all over the country are gearing up for the “silly” season. I hope you have taken some time to improve your skills and find yourself better prepared to perform the troubleshooting and diagnosis your clients have come to expect from you. Using your experience is a great tool, but there will always be some new challenge to face. Those challenges may come from the fuel, the appliance, the venting system or even the operator. If you attended the NCSG convention this year you may have acquired some new techniques that you can apply as solutions to better serve your customers. There will most assuredly be other challenges that you will encounter in your business as the autumn leaves fall. They may have to do with scheduling, difficult customers, acquisition of materials in a timely manner or any number of other areas capable of creating stress. Don’t let the pressure of the season cause you to make decisions you may regret later.

First, decide to incorporate troubleshooting methods and then follow through by implementing systems that will allow you to resolve problems in a calm and considered way when it looks like everything around you is in chaos. Even those customers that can be the most demanding will respond to a calm and deliberate response to their particular problem. There are numerous benefits to this approach, not the least of which is the ability to not get caught up in the moment. Sometimes it seems that it is a test to see just how much you can handle at any one time. At other times it feels like you succeed if you simply manage to survive. The key is to provide well thought out solutions even in times of extreme stress. This is where your experience comes in. It would be safe to assume that there have been troubleshooting issues that you have addressed in the past that were not good solutions. How did you handle it? Did you walk away and hope you would never hear from that client again? Did you keep going back and AUGUST 13 SWEEPING 29

never solve the problem? Did you tell your customer that you have used all the knowledge you have and could not provide them with a solution? None of those scenarios are good for business. Your customers want their venting problems solved and you promote yourself as the one to offer those solutions. So, I will ask again, what efforts have you made to provide your customers with better options to their problems? Have you been to a class about how pressures can adversely affect atmospherically vented appliances? Have you gained any special insights about specific appliances, like how to remove and reinstall a difficult baffle that had you going at it for an hour last year? Every year you have a chance to demonstrate to your customers that they made the right decision by calling you to service their solid-fuel appliance and chimney. Make sure that when you leave their home they feel good about the decision they made

and would do it all over again. The key is to never stop learning. That allows you to provide the highest quality service to your customers and be able to approach the job with a confidence that is justified. Don’t take unnecessary risk in anything you do and get as much rest as you can. Take care of yourself and the important people that surround you and even though it may not seem like it sometimes, you will make it through another heating season with new solutions to apply to the problems your customers will most surely continue to have. Keep up the good work and take time to enjoy the success that it will surely bring. Enjoy the unique environment the autumn represents; the warm and breezy evenings, putting the blanket back on the bed and cozying up with those you love, the kids going back to school and the smell of wood smoke in the air as the temperatures begin to drop overnight.

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Darwin Awards Have you snapped a photo of a peculiar chimney in your area that made you shake your head in disbelief? Send it to Melissa Heeke at for publication in Sweeping. Or, mail it to NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168.

Submitted by Larry Cortelyou of Home Comfort Chimney Sweep in Skillman, NJ.

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Email or Website Address


Ahrens Chimney Technique



Chimney Safety Institute of America



ComfortGeni, LLC









Firesafe Industries, Inc.






Lifetime Chimney Supply LLC



Lindemann Chimney Company



National Chimney



New England Chimney Supply






Olympia Chimney Supply



Sand Hill Wholesale



SaverSystems, Inc









Classifieds Gotta chimney question? Sizing? Codes? Call Royal Edwards! Make Royal your tech department. CALL NOW 813-982-0219 for on-call tech support. Continuing Education special bonus – ask how you can get the Friday morning E-Blast for FREE. CALL NOW 813-982-0219

Small 20 year sweeping bus for sale. Owner retiring. Work yourself or trained help available. No accredited competition within 60 miles. Wichita Falls, Texas area pop 175m. Annaul net 38-71 m . Call 1-940-696-2433

GasVent Software for Sizing Chimneys only $195. Call 1-800-648-9523 for more info and visit to download a free trial version.

Operations Manager. Growing Hearth Retailer, Full service chimney company is seeking a candidate to oversee field operations. Installation, service, and repair. Must have minimum 5 Years’ experience in the industry and possess a CSIA certification, as well as NFI, MHP or specific certifications. Please send resumes to

CLASSIFIED ADS FREE FOR NCSG MEMBERS Members can run one 35 word classified free each year! Regularly classified ads are $2/word or $1/word for NCSG members. Classified ads are non-commissionable and must be pre-paid. To place a classified ad, please contact Megan McMahon at or (317) 837-1500.

We know You’ve Seen Some Doozies

Submitted by Rick High.

Submitted by Andrew Raycroft.


Send your favorite Darwin Award-worthy photos to by September 1, 2013 to be included in the October issue of Sweeping (Unusual Chimneys: The Darwin Award Winners)!

National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168


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