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January 20010 Volume 34 #1

Table of Contents Features 11 Marketing Wisdom from Ben Franklin


16 Fighting the Inner Lazy 18 NCSG Innovation 2010 Exhibitor Profiles 26 Roberts Rules of Entrepreneurship 32 NCSG Innovation 2010 Schedule and Highlights


Departments 3 Presidential Post 6 Editor’s Letter 8 Industry Watch 10 Technical Q&A P.37

12 Code Talk 14 Progressive Perks

Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology (ISSN# 10416692) is published 11 times annually, by the National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168.

27 Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program 28 New NCSG Members

Annual dues to the National Chimney Sweep Guild are $459 for Voting Member Companies and $689 for Supplier Member Companies, of which $80 goes toward a subscription to Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $80 by contacting the National Chimney Sweep Guild at the office of publication (NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168).

30 Dates & Events

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168

39 Ad Index

37 Perspective 39 Darwin Awards

40 Classifieds JANUARY 10 SWEEPING 1



TECHNICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Interim TAC Chair Relining, NFPA 211, Chimney Physics Prefabricated Fireplaces Bob Priesing Havelock, NC (252) 447-3611 chimneysweep@embarqmail.com

Stainless steel lining Video scanning Narrative report writing A. Bart Ogden Wichita, KS (316) 265-9828 bart@homesafeks.com

Masonry construction and restoration Priorfire firebox Chris Prior Middle Grove, NY (518) 882-6091 chris@priorfire.com

Installation & Venting of Gas Appliances Dennis Dobbs Fort Payne, AL (256) 845-9814 ddobbs@fireplaceservicecenter.com

Customer communications Randy Brooks Ojai, CA (805) 646-896 hearthhunter@aol.com

Installation & Venting of Pellet Stoves Fred Joy Hoyt, KS (785) 986-6432 joyfredm@live.com

Codes and standards Gas venting NFPA 54 James Brewer Chesapeake, VA (757) 523-2400 jbrewer@magic-sweep.com

Dryer Vents Jay Walker Tallahassee, FL (850) 528-1357 JRegion2@aol.com

Troubleshooting and diagnosis of venting problems Masonry repair and restoration Guild historian Jack Pixley Andover, MN (763) 422-0481 jpixley@usfamily.net Oil flue sizing, Relining NFPA 31 John Pilger Smithtown, NY (631) 236-7422 chimneyman@aol.com

NFPA 211, ICC John LaBrosse Hope Valley, RI (401) 377-6009 jslabro@lbcm.necoxmail.com Sweeping, Relining Rich Rua Portsmouth, RI (401) 255-0964 rich_atraditionalsweep@yahoo.com Dryer Vents, Masonry Rich Martinez Algonquin, IL (847) 658-7659 Leonardandsons@SBCGlobal.net

Be advised that advice given by NCSG’s Technical Advisory Council (TAC) reflects best practices of the chimney sweeping industry. However, we are unable to account for any particular type of situation since regional variations in construction practices and additional environmental, physical and geographical factors necessarily vary the level of service appropriate for a particular fireplace and/or chimney. Additionally, local laws and ordinances may govern and/or supersede the information and any recommendations provided. Final determinations are the responsibility of a local professional with first-hand knowledge of the situation, and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Neither NCSG nor any member of TAC will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on information provided by anyone associated with TAC. By your use of this member benefit you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.

ADVERTISING RATES for Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology may be obtained by contacting Malisa Minetree at (317) 815-4688 or SweepingAds@indy.rr.com Design by Laura Houser Design • laurahouser.com • (317) 213-7497


NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press release and articles to Melissa Heeke, Sweeping Editor at mheeke@ ncsg.org. Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing, nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release. NCSG further reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising determined not to be in keeping with the publications’ standards. Acceptance of advertising by Sweeping magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products or services advertised. NCSG does not make any effort to review or substantiate claims made by advertisers. © 2010 National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500


NCSG BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2009-2010 President, Region 8 Director Randy Brooks (805) 646-8961 • president@ncsg.org Vice President, At-Large Bob Priesing (252) 447-3611 • chimneysweep@embarqmail.com Treasurer, Region 2 Director Jay Walker (850) 562-4692 • jregion2@aol.com Secretary, Region 6 Director Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 • fluesbrothers@yahoo.com Region 1 Director George Stroup (603) 823-7000 • george@gs-sweep.com Region 3 Director Open Seat FMI: Contact Howard Rowell NCSG Governance Committee Chair (414) 771-2282 or royalchimneyserv@aol.com . Region 4 Director Dennis Dobbs (256) 845-9814 • info@fireplaceservicecenter.com Region 5 Director Mark Maynard (920) 830-1920 chimneyguy@new.rr.com Region 7 Director Open Seat Supplier Representative Russ Dimmitt (800) 819-7944 • rdimmitt@copperfield.com At-Large Directors Stephen Kuber (732) 684-1321 • chimneysweep@comcast.net Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460 • chimneygal@aol.com Open Seat FMI: Contact Howard Rowell NCSG Governance Committee Chair (414) 771-2282 or royalchimneyserv@aol.com

STAFF 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500 Fax: (317) 837-5365 Mark McSweeney, CAE Executive Director mmcsweeney@ncsg.org

Megan McMahon Office Manager mbeal@csia.org

Melissa Heeke, CAE Director of Communications & Marketing mheeke@ncsg.org

Sara Sichting Certification Coordinator (CSIA) ssichting@csia.org

Ashley Eldridge, COI, CPP Director of Education ashley@ncsg.org

Debbie Cornelius Membership Development Coordinator dcornelius@ncsg.org

Judy Thompson, CPA Director of Finance jthompson@ncsg.org

Donna Lee Kasmer Program Coordinator dkasmer@ncsg.org



ith the holidays behind us and convention just around the corner, the staff and board of directors are busy planning and putting the final touches on what we believe to will be a superior learning experience in Indianapolis this February. In recent weeks, there has been more than one thread on the member’s discussion list relevant to ethics and trademark violation issues. This subject has always been near and dear to my heart as participation on the Ethics Committee was my very first form of service to the NCSG some fifteen years ago. I had the honor and pleasure of serving as this committee’s chair in 2005-2006 and, as President, have continued to keep myself updated with the current cases before the committee.

Presidential Post

no response to the letter as well as an email follow up to a telephone call and/or voice message. These procedures have been massaged over the years in attempts to improve response rates from violators and to ensure we have a solid track record of communication attempts before considering legal action. We currently have approximately 27 restricted sweeps and/or sweep companies (meaning they are ineligible for certification and/or membership) due to either trademark or ethics issues. Not including anything we have elevated to legal counsel, over the past three years, between the two organizations, we have averaged approximately 115 trademark inquiries each year that have required staff research. On average each year, approximately forty of those have materialized into cases that we are able to take tangible action on via cease and desist notifications. Keep

It should be no surprise to all that in addition to being you’re NCSG President; I likewise serve as the President of the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). That being said, nearly every one of the marque cases that have resulted in legal action being pursued by either organization have been CSIA trademark violations. I make it a point to contain my post here each month to the business of the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG) or a technical topic of interest to all sweeps. This month, however, I would like to expand my post to include the topic of the neverending pursuit of the unethical amongst us. CSIA has initiated and earned favorable judgments in seven federal lawsuits involving the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® trademark since 2001. Each case has been a little different as have the judgments we have received (ranging from injunctions to courts costs to fines to bench warrants). In many cases, these judgments have helped us strengthen cease and desist demands with other violators. When we (NCSG or CSIA) receive a verified report of a trademark violation, the violators receive anywhere from one to two letters (depending on their response), and one to two follow up telephone calls when there is JANUARY 10 SWEEPING 3

in mind that these are trademark cases only and do not include ethics cases (of which there have been nine so far this year, not including three recent appeals) that are also managed by Debbie Cornelius at the office in Indy. Unfortunately trademark and ethics issues are not her only responsibility. In other words, neither NCSG or CSIA have a full-time trademark and ethics person on staff. It is also important to note that among the association industry, the ethics and trademark enforcement policies of both organizations are not commonplace. Mark McSweeney is frequently contacted by association peers asking for insight into enforcement as relatively few organizations have devoted staff and volunteer resources into this type of protection. As members and Certified Chimney Sweeps, we should be proud of the efforts our organizations continue to put forth on our behalf. I fully appreciate the frustration that some people feel when it comes to the requirements we have to do our due diligence and ensure that we have clear and undisputable documentation when it comes to these reported violations. If we expect to succeed over time in our enforcement, we do need to continue to gather documentation that we are confident could eventually stand up in court if needed. Unfortunately all it would take is one false accusation to set us behind considerably. This is not to say that I don’t expect these policies to change over time as violators continue to amaze us all with the bold efforts to commit fraud on the general public. Much like the codes we depend on every day for our professional work, the ethics


policies are under review as well to keep the organizations and the members and customers both organizations serve, in the best position to defeat the wrongdoers. I will continue to make ethics a top priority and will never rest in the pursuit of the evil empire of scammers and trademark violators that only act to diminish what so many of our founders have worked so hard to build over the last 30 plus years. I hope my column this month has exposed some of the success we have had over the years, uncovered the vast amount complaints the staff and committee handle on an annual basis and has shed light on the continuing path ahead as we work to neutralize the enemy and educate the public at the same time. I want close by thanking those of you who have advanced complaints to the office and in some cases collected evidence to help build your case. Additionally, I want to thank the Ethics Committee for your tireless commitment to doing the right thing. The committee is made up of members that bring different skill sets and perspective to the review of many cases. Disagreement is often the order of the day but this is by design. Having committee members with opinions of their own is exactly what we want. I hope to see you all next month in Indy and I want to thank you all for your continued support of the NCSG and as always, keeping the health, well-being and success of every member in my thoughts and prayers. Randy Brooks

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Editor’s Letter


You are the choreographer, director, actor, protagonist, villain and audience of your story. Change your story and you change your life. – Deepak Chopra


irst and foremost, I’d like to wish you a very happy New Year! I wish you a year of positive change whether that’s physical, mental or financial. Winter’s shortest days are behind us! Moods will soon begin to lift as the weather turns warmer and the roofs become drier. You can’t leave it all to Mother Nature though. Deciding now to make a positive change to your usual routine is the first step toward positive change itself. Knowing that the NCSG Innovation 2010 convention and tradeshow is right around the corner, I encourage you to take a moment to review the schedule of events and make plan to join us in Indianapolis next month. Whether the session


is business or technical, there is loads of information packed into each one. In most cases, if you’re human, you don’t know what you don’t know. Being open to education and being able to learn from the experiences of your peers are key ingredients to a successful future. Remember that you are the one in charge of creating positive change for yourself. Here’s to a successful 2010!

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Industry Watch EXHAUSTO releases the new ADC 100 Fan Control

Rutland Announces New Innovative Connector System

EXHAUSTO has announced the release of the ADC100 Fan Control, which replaces the EBC10 control. The new Appliance Draft Control (ADC) 100 is compatible with EXHAUSTO’s existing line of gas-fired chimney and oven fans, including the RS, RSV, GSV and RSIF. “We’re excited about the launch of this new product,” said Gitte Hagensen, EXHAUSTO’s Executive Vice President. “We designed it with input from our existing clients who work with our systems on a regular basis.” The EXHAUSTO ADC 100 is used to control draft in systems where modulation is not required. It operates a chimney fan or draft inducer at a set speed to create and maintain proper mechanical draft at the outlet of up to two heating appliances. The control provides a signal to single phase fans or to a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for systems requiring a 3-phase fan. An integrated damper relay allows a damper to be connected directly to the ADC 100. The ADC100 is a critical component for creating the perfect draft in a fireplace or oven. With gas-fired appliances this is especially important as they can release dangerous gasses if there isn’t enough draft in the flue. In that situation, the ADC100 safety feature shuts the appliance off, eliminating the risk to families, homes and businesses. The ADC100 is also interlocked with the appliance so it pre-purges the chimney prior to starting the appliance and post-purges after it is shut off. The ADC100 is now available through approved EXHAUSTO dealers.

Rutland is pleased to announce the introduction of Torque Lock Connectors, which they call “TLC for Chimney Sweeps”. These easy to use connectors will save time for busy sweeps. The system enables all professional brushes, rods and tools to be interconnected. Just push the ends together and they snap into place, no need to depress the push button to make a connection. The recessed push button prevents unwanted disconnects. An easy squeeze and they unlock, even with gloves on. The tongue and groove keyway feature reduces torque on the push button making it perfect for spinning tools with a drill, which is perfect for removing tile and tough creosote with Rutland’s tile breakers and patented rotary Wizard. Rutland has had the benefit of direct input from chimney sweeps in designing the new TLC system. According to Amy Bruso, President and COO, “We have done our homework. We have listened to the end users and the new design meets their needs for ease and reliability.” Rutland Products is known for offering quality stove and fireplace maintenance products for do-it-yourselfers and professional chimney sweeps. They are recognized as having the widest assortment of maintenance products for fireplace, chimney, and hearth.

Industry Watch Policy NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press releases to Melissa Heeke, Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology editor, via email at mheeke@ncsg.org. Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release.




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Technical Q&A


My customer has a problem that can be fixed two ways. They would like me to install a new insert and connect it to an existing 8” liner that was installed in the chimney for an old insert. While the old insert had an 8” outlet, the new one has a 6” outlet. Using the 8” liner is acceptable based on size, but I’m concerned it will not perform as well as a new 6” liner. I can’t decide which option to offer. Do you have any suggestions?


The 8” liner is acceptable under NFPA standards. It is less than two times the size of the outlet of the new stove, so by NFPA standards it can be used whether the chimney is exterior or interior. Your first step should be to verify that an 8” liner is acceptable to the stove manufacturer. Remember, the


installation instructions of a UL-listed product will take precedence over general codes and standards. This should be a simple task; most stove manufacturers post specification sheets or complete owner’s manuals for new stoves on their websites. At that point you should consider video scanning the existing liner. You want to be as sure as possible about it’s serviceability before connecting a new appliance to it. You might also want to pull the top plate to see what, if any, insulation is there. If in fact the 8” liner is acceptable, I feel you should present both options to the customer, and do so in writing. It’s not our place to make decisions like this about someone else’s home. Our place is to educate them about their options and help them make an informed decision. I would also include language about the option not chosen in your final contract. For instance, if the customer decides to go with the 8” liner your contract should include language to the affect of “the customer understands that a 6” liner is available for installation and that a 6” liner may offer better performance and efficiency of the appliance”. Your contract should also disclaim any component or part you are not sure of. Using insulation as an example your contract should include that you saw (or did not see) insulation on the liner when looking at it from below, and you saw (or did not see) insulation on the liner if the top plate was removed for inspection. I would go so far as to include a disclaimer for the extent and condition of the insulation unless you actually pull the liner for inspection.



Marketing Wisdom from Ben Franklin Marketing is the “voice” that drives business success. Without marketing, many of the best products and top services would go unheralded and perhaps even undiscovered. So, how do you attract customers? While there are literally thousands of places you can turn to for marketing advice, from books, to experts to Web sites, there’s one source that is all too often overlooked—Benjamin Franklin. Yes, that Ben Franklin. The one who said, “Time is money.” So the next time you’re looking for some marketing advice, before you waste your time (and money), listen to the wisdom of one of America’s first—and most celebrated--entrepreneurs. The point of marketing is to draw attention to your company. Franklin believed you could do that in two ways—“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” In either case, it’s all about delivering value and telling people about it. For some of you, customer involvement is crucial to your success. Bring customers into your shops and restaurants by staging events like fashion shows, wine or beer tastings and fundraising promotions. Retail and service entrepreneurs can host seminars, lectures and workshops. As Franklin said, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” The best marketing campaigns will not make up for shoddy products or bad service. Reputation was essential to Franklin: “Glass, china, and reputation are easily cracked, and never well mended.” And “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” It’s your business. Sure, you can hire out or delegate some tasks. But at the end of the day, you’re in the driver’s seat. Franklin’s advice, “Drive thy business or it will drive thee,” is something business owners need to remember every day. One of the most important rules of marketing is that it must ring true. As Ben reminded us, “What you seem to be, be really.” Your business is in a constant state of evolution--and your marketing plans

must evolve with it. So be open to change. As Franklin said, “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” BizSuccessTips Editor Rieva Lesonsky is CEO of GrowBiz Media, a content and consulting company that provides information, products and services to help marketers connect with small businesses and to help small-business owners start and grow their companies. Prior to co-founding GrowBiz Media, Lesonsky was SVP/Editorial Director of Entrepreneur Magazine. A nationally recognized speaker who regularly addresses audiences across the country, Lesonsky has appeared on hundreds of radio shows and numerous local and national television programs, including CNN, Good Morning America, the Today Show, Fox Business News, The Martha Stewart show and Oprah and can regularly be seen on MSNBC’s Your Business. To find out more about GrowBiz Media or contact Rieva, visit www.growbizmedia.com.

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Code Talk


Code Commentaries Building codes can be intimidating to work with at times. The government or code language can be confusing and difficult to read or comprehend. We may often wish there was a simple translation available. Well, here’s some good news. Translations are available! Most, if not all, major model codes have a code commentary offered. Like appendixes in NFPA standards, code commentaries contain clarifying information, in “non-code” language, and are intended to help the reader better understand the reference. They are informative in nature and not a formal part of the standard.

are written by two different authors I get the benefit of two different perspectives on my question. The first book is “Everybody’s Building Code” by Bruce A. Barker. Bruce is a building inspector, consultant and contractor in Phoenix, AZ. He has over 20 years of experience in residential both as a contractor and as a building inspector. This experience on “both sides of the fence” gives him a unique perspective on the code. Mr. Barker published this book as an individual project and I had the privilege of being an unpaid consultant on this particular publication.

The other book is “Building Code Basics: Residential” by Stephen A. VanNote. He is a member of the senior technical staff of the International Code Council. This particular commentary is published by the ICC, which gives it great credibility with local building inspectors. It’s well written, easy to follow and contains great color illustrations. effortless to use.

I have two code commentaries in my library. When I need clarification of a point in the code I refer to both. Since they


Both of these publications are available at Amazon.com. Either, or both, would be great additions to your professional library.

Push together and they snap into place. A simple squeeze and they unlock— even with gloves on! The tongue and groove keyway reduces torque on the push button. Perfect for spinning.

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Progressive Perks


Welcome In 2010 With Another New Benefit! The NCSG is proud to announce that Illinois Mutual Life Insurance Company has been selected as the disability insurance carrier to offer disability income protection to members of the Guild. Illinois Mutual has been providing quality insurance products to hard-working Americans since 1910.

There are a number of optional features you may add to your policy such as a Surrender Value Rider (money-back option), which provides a guaranteed return of 100 percent of your premiums paid at age 65 less benefits paid to you. That’s protection if you need it, cash back if you don’t.

What’s this mean to you? You may now buy quality, comprehensive income protection at a 5 percent discount in the event you are sick or hurt and unable to work. Plus, in addition to individual disability income coverage, Illinois Mutual also offers a business expense policy for the business owner. And, these disability income contracts are guaranteed renewable.

To find out more about this offer, please contact William Kohler at (804)272-2740 ext 115 or billkoehler@securitygroupintl.com. Remember to qualify for the 5 percent discount you must be a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild.

5 Tips on Insurance for Small Business 1.

Protect life, health and property.

2. “Key man insurance.” Protect your business if you lose a partner or key employee. Also, insure yourself to safeguard your spouse and family. 3. Life insurance for employees. Consider offering a term policy. This is a benefit you can offer and even underwrite as an added value. 4. Health insurance. A comprehensive health insurance policy will help you recruit and retain good employees. It will also help employees stay healthy and productive. 5. Property insurance. Obtain broad property coverage to protect you from a variety of losses in case of theft or disaster.

Brought to you by SCORE “Counselors to America’s Small Business.”


ARKANSAS John Smith · Arkansas Fireplaces and Grills · Hiwasse CALIFORNIA Ryan Kay · A to Z Chimney Sweep · Lincoln Jason Maghsadi · Sweeps Luck Chimney and Dryer Vent Service · Lake Arrowhead ILLINOIS John Kowalski · Chimney Department Ltd. · Saint Charles Derrek Hedge · Superior Chimney Services, Corp. · Lombard LOUISIANA Timothy J. Anderson · C & A’s Chimney Sweep · Baton Rouge MASSACHUSSETTS Ian Andrews · Beantown Chimney Sweep · Canton MINNESOTA Michael Trumble · Air Pro Incorporated · Apple Valley NEW HAMPSHIRE Kris Kessler · Saf Fire ‘N’ Stone · Gilford NEW YORK Marlon Theodore Acker · Ashleigh’s Hearth and Home, Inc. · Poughkeepsie RHODE ISLAND Anthony J. Lombari · Greenway Incorporated · N. Providence VERMONT Lacy A. Bailey · Black Magic Chimney Sweeps of Southern Vermont, LLC · Manchester Center VIRGINIA Mike Iverson · Top Hat Chimney Sweeps, Inc. · Springfield

Even More CEU History Now In the For Certs Only Area With few exceptions, all industry seminars and conventions having been awarded Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in 2006, 2007, 2008 and the first nine months of 2009 are now available to you online in the For Certs Only area at www.CSIA.org. Individual CEU records may be accessed by logging in to the For Certs Only sections at www.CSIA.org. (Your login information is the same as for NCSG.org and CSIA.org.) While records of CEUs earned at events sponsored by organizations other than NCSG and CSIA are now available. However, please remember that CEUs earned within the past 30 days may not be reflected in the online report. For more information about your individual records, please email certification@csia.org . Need a username/ password reminder? Please call the CSIA office at (317) 837-5262.

CSIA.org Referral Reports Now Available In an effort to help quantify referrals sent to you from www.CSIA.org, the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Marketing Taskforce has implemented a multi-layered online referral tracking system. In addition to receiving emails from the system as homeowners reveal your contact information at www.CSIA.org, this referral reporting information is also now available to you online. Individual reports are now available online in the For Certs Only area. The referral reports note the number of homeowner requests for the month, the quarter and the year. Check your listing. Does it include phone, email address and web address? If not, please email updated info to office@csia.org.

SHARE YOUR IDEAS: Win a CCS Logo Hat, Look Smart How do you market your credential? Send your tips to mheeke@csia.org. If we use your ideas in an upcoming issue of CSIA Quarterly, we’ll send you a CCS baseball cap.

CSIA Update

Congratulations to Our New CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps

“When we mail customers a bid, we send along color brochures stamped with our logo everywhere. Branding, branding, branding. Customers like info even if they don’t read it. Don’t be afraid to put an extra 17 cent stamp on your mailing. Put an extra card in the bid package. Cards are cheap in the big picture. If you’re not looking at the big picture, then maybe try to start. “ - Hank Taylor of SootSlayer Chimney Sweeps/Division of Pennwood Hearth and Home in Pleasant Gap, PA

CSIA.org Statistics At-A-Glance Total Visit Year to Date (as of 11/30/09): 520,198 Total visits in November 2009: 72,844 Total visits in November 2008: 62,435

Please visit www.csia.org to verify that your contact information is correct.

November 2008/November 2009: +16.67% JANUARY 10 SWEEPING 15


Fighting the Inner Lazy “Oh, that’s gonna be easy, you don’t need a line for that!” I hear this every time I prepare to get onto a manufactured home. My “inner lazy” voice tempting me to forgo setting up my safety line, sparing me 15 minutes of runaround and setup. But I am constantly reminding my “inner lazy” that I can setup a safety line faster than I can heal. As an industry professional, I have been on and off roofs so many times that I have developed a comfort level that is often mistaken as courage. Courage is the, “mental strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, difficulty or fear.” I will agree that it takes a level of comfort to work at height in less than ideal conditions with any number of variables, each leading to potential disaster, but how many of us have truly considered the risks we expose ourselves to?

Risk = (probability of an accident) x (losses per accident) I haven’t spent any time literally calculating the risks, but I do know that all it takes is one accident to significantly change your life. A life-ending incident is not as big an issue, since it only affects the people that we leave behind, where a lifechanging event is something that can impact the rest of your life. Preventing a life-changing incident can be as simple as taking the time to setup a safety line. Not all risks can be mitigated but not taking the time to prevent the obvious risks is the fuzzy line between courage and stupidity. We have socially-established rules and guidelines with financial consequences for noncompliance. As inconvenient as a fine might seem, they are minor when compared to the swift and universal enforcement of Newton’s lLaw of Gravity.

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The most difficult aspect of setting up a safety line is confronting the “inner lazy” voice with its endless list of excuses. Imagination and diligence are all it takes to reduce the exposure to risk and ensure that the job at hand is completed in professional manner. Don’t listen to your Inner Lazy!!!! About the Author: Toby Brown is the owner and operator of Smoke Stack Services located in the beautiful San Juan islands of the Pacific Northwest. SSS was formed after Toby attended the CSIA’s National Chimney Sweep Training School in 2003 shortly after noticing a trend of chimney fires in his community. Toby has started several careers including video production, commercial diving, historic restoration, concert rigging, fire fighting, commercial fishing, environmental education, kayak touring and most recently chimney sweeping. Toby will present a session on Simple Roof Safety at the NCSG Innovation 2010 convention in Indianapolis next month.

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10:45 AM

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WANTS YOUR BUSINESS!!! Here’s Two Ways We Will Prove It!!!

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NCSG Innovation 2010 Exhibitor Profiles Meet these vendors and many more at NCSG Innovation 2010 in Indianapolis. Thanks to these NCSG Innovation 2010 Sponsors!

Greater Hartford CVB AHRENS CHIMNEY TECHNIQUE INC. 2000 Industrial Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (800) 843-4417 Fax: (605)335-1525 www.ahrenschimney.com ahrenschimney@qwestoffice.net A successful chimney professional needs products and knowledge to solve customer problems at a profit. Internationally respected for the Ahrens poured-in-place chimney lining system, Ahrens offers the products and tools to boost your bottom line. Chamber-Tech 2000, an amazing high temperature insulating mortar for smoke chamber restoration, along with our newly developed Ahren-Fire fireplace restoration system are just a couple of specialty products available as profit potential to you. Call and receive our Chim-Pro Chimney & Fireplace Restoration catalog and handbook. It contains all the tools, products and knowledge to get the job done right. A. W. PERKINS 36 Curtis Avenue Rutland, VT 05701 (800) 698-7412 Fax: (802) 773-6555 www.awperkins.com sales@awperkins.com A.W. Perkins Company is the industry’s leading supplier of Professional Rotary Chimney Cleaning Equipment and Rotary Dryer Vent Cleaning Equipment. Our Rutland, Vermont manufacturing facility builds the unsurpassed RoVac Chimney and Dryer Vent Cleaning Vacuum which both collects dust during sweeping and picks up sweeping debris. Our RoVac Cleaning Systems pairs our RoVac Vacuums with ButtonFlex and ButtonLok Chimney Rods, Enforcer ButtonLok Steel Rods and Tools and ButtonLok Chimney Brushes and Stinger whips and creosote removing chains. Our spring mounted brushes for dryer vent cleaning have become industry standard, and these now come in versions for pellet stoves and air ducts. We make


Regional Chimney Supply the RoVac Chimney and Dryer Video Inspection System. We also make a line of high-temperature cements and mortars, high temperature silicone sealants, Hearthglass Cleaner, and Break-NBurn fire starters. Contact us today for a catalog and look for us at industry trade shows. CeCure CHIMNEY SYSTEMS, LLC 800 South 7th Street Richmond, IN 47374 (800) 860-6327 Fax: (765) 935-4999 www.cecurechimney.com www.heatshieldpro.com Developed in Europe over 20 years ago, HeatShield’s® Cerfractory® technology is a hybrid (ceramic/refractory) coating that has been proven to withstand moisture, corrosive flue gases and temperatures in excess of 2900°F. HeatShield® has been independently tested and exceeds all ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and is listed to UL Subject 2425 as an approved “all fuel” chimney repair and resurfacing system by Intertek’s Warnock Hersey Test Lab. HeatShield® can be used to surgically repair missing or cracked mortar joints, or to resurface the entire flue, restoring its original ability to vent the products of combustion to the outside of the home. SaverSystems is the exclusive distributor for HeatShield® in North America. Inquiries to become a certified installer should be directed to SaverSystems at 800-860-6327. CHIMNEY SWEEP NEWS, THE (SNEWS) 12119 Lupine Ln. Klamath Falls, OR 97603 (800) 474-5196 Fax: (541) 884-8216 www.ChimneySweepNews.com ChimneySweepNews@aol.com The Chimney Sweep News (SNEWS) is the magazine for today’s chimney professional - educational, informative and

entertaining. The Chimney Sweep News covers all aspects of the chimney maintenance and hearth installation industry. Ten issues each year feature up-to-date information on products, business building, skills and technique. The Chimney Sweep News travels the country to gather information from fellow chimney professionals and suppliers. We regularly attend national and regional educational events and summarize important presentations. Our field staff of sweeps everywhere send reports about chimney sweeps from around the globe. There is no other publication in the world like The Chimney Sweep News, dedicated to the North American chimney professional. Please subscribe today - call us at 800-474-5196. COPPERFIELD CHIMNEY SUPPLY 304 South 20th Street Fairfield, IA 52556 (800) 247-3305 Fax: (800) 272-5156 www.copperfield.com orders@copperfield.com Copperfield is the largest chimney supply company in North America. Copperfield was founded in 1978 and currently distributes chimney and hearth products to 8000 professionals in the United States. Known for its selection, service and helpfulness Copperfield has long been the industry leader not only with products but also education. The education Copperfield provides has assisted many professionals in taking their business to the next level both technically and professionally. Knowing that a reliable supplier is the key to success Copperfield has the lowest back order rates and fastest shipping in the industry with all orders placed by 3pm customer time shipped the same day. DUCT CLEANERS’ SUPPLY 11153 S. Wilton River Rd. New Richland, MN 56072 (800) 634-2822 Fax: (888) 634-2822 www.ductcleanerssupply.com 4viper@ductcleanerssupply.com Duct Cleaners’ Supply has the innovative products you need to get the job done and the every day items you use at affordable prices. For more information check out our website at www. ductcleanerssupply.com or call (800) 634-2822. EARTHCORE INDUSTRIES, LLC 6899 Philips Industrial Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32256 (800) 642-2920 Fax: (904) 363-3408 www.isokern.net jkoechlin@isokern.net Modular, refractory fireplace manufacturer. Made from a proprietary pumice aggregate that allows the fireplace and chimney systems to reflect heat more efficiently with higher insulation values. Isokern systems can be assembled and installed in under a day. UL listed and tested, several models and sizes to choose from. ESTOBAN CORPORATION - CHIM-SCAN® 1643 Hwy 34 W. Fairfield, IA 52556

(641) 472-7643 Fax: (678) 202-1332 www.chimscan.net info@chimscan.net Welcome to the NCSG 2010 Convention and Trade show. Stop by our booth # 85 and say hello to Tom and Esther Urban. We started our chimney sweep business in NE Pennsylvania in 1979. We then developed Chim-Scan® in order to tell the homeowners exactly what the condition of the interior of their chimney was. We continue to improve this specialty equipment and educate and train companies in our industry. Webinars and “GoToMeeting” are available for personal company training. New products such as digital recorders and our lightweight units are continually developed to provide clear and concise photo documentation. Chim-Scan’s reputation for quality and service is recognized around the world with equipment in Europe, China, Japan, Ireland, U.A.E. In 2004,Tom, certified sweep #210, received the CSIA Education Award recognizing his commitment to furthering the education of sweeps through seminars and retreats and in 2009, Tom received the NCSG’s Presidents award. EXHAUSTO, INC. 1200 Northmeadow Pkwy, Ste. 180 Roswell, GA 30076 (800) 255-2923 Fax: (770) 587-4731 www.chimneyfans.com info@exhausto.com EXHAUSTO is a manufacturer of high quality chimney top mounted chimney fans that are guaranteed to assure a proper draft and to correct existing draft problems in almost any chimney. Use the fans for wood, gas, pellet, oil and coal fuel appliances—and the fans mount on any type, size and shape of chimney. To ensure correct draft and best performance of appliance, the fans are equipped with a variable speed control. Various optional controls are available to fit almost any application. Also available are the EXHAUSTO Grease Fans, models GSV, to be used for pizza ovens, BBQs, kitchen hoods and more. Call or email today for your free dealer package and tool kit. And be sure to be added to our preferred dealer list! FIRESAFE INDUSTRIES 5335 Ritchie Road Bealton, VA 22712 (800) 545-6607 Fax: (540) 439-6700 www.firesafeinc.com Firesafe Industries is a corporation involved in extensive research and development in the chimney restoration industry. Since 1980, Firesafe has restored thousands of chimneys, developed numerous specialized products to restore and protect chimneys, and designed specialized tools for the chimney restoration contractor. Our dedication, ethics, and insatiable drive to explore and develop more efficient methods and higher quality products bring us to the forefront of the chimney restoration industry. Our commitment to research and development has led to vast improvements with products such as the Guardian S.C.R. smoke chamber restoration, CrownGuard crown sealants, FireGuard™ flue sealant, Guardian cast-in-place chimney liner®, and the Terminator encased flue liner removal tool.


HY-C COMPANY, INC. 2107 North 14th Street Saint Louis, MO 63106 Phone: (800) 325-7076 Fax: (314) 241-2277 www.hyccompany.com sales@hy-c.com This year HY-C is pleased to announce two brand new Stove Board Patterns: Gray Slate Tile and Sandstone Tile, as well as Copper-Painted Galvanized Chimney Covers, which provide the copper look without the copper price! HY-C Company has been an industry leader in the manufacturing of Chimney Covers and Fireplace Accessories for over 60 years. Our complete line of both stock and custom-sized Chimney Covers are available in Copper, 304 Stainless Steel, Black-Painted Galvanized Steel, and Aluminum in a wide variety of models and styles. HY-C also manufactures a full line of Stove Boards, Hearth Extenders, Firewood Storage Racks and matching Vinyl Covers, and Cast Iron Fireplace Grates. Don’t forget! HY-C Company also has a wide variety of Nuisance Wildlife Control Products, including Roof VentGuards and Dryer VentGuards which provide our customers with excellent add-on sales opportunities in this slow economy! IMPROVED CONSUMER PRODUCTS INC. PO Box B Attleboro Falls, MA 02763 (508) 695-7000 Fax: (508) 695-4209 www.chimneycaps.com info@chimneycaps.com For over 30 years, Improved Consumer Products has furnished unique products and services for solving difficult chimney draft problems. Our background in chimney technology and metallurgy has resulted in the recognition of ICP as one of the country’s most respected and trusted sources for chimney products and problem-solving information. Our engineers are ready to speak with you at any time about your special requirements, to resolve particular needs, or to troubleshoot a customer’s difficult chimney problem. Our standard and custom chimney cap products are designed to be compatible with single, double, and triple wall manufactured chimneys as well as masonry, solid pack, Class A, and B vent applications. LINDEMANN CHIMNEY SUPPLY 28915 Herky Drive Lake Bluff, IL 60044 (800) 722-7230 Fax: (847) 549-7995 www.LindemannChimney.com Looking for the thought leaders in today’s new business technology climate? Stop by and check us out! We are blazing the path with our website, Facebook posts, Twitter Tweets, newsletters, information packed catalog and Webinars. Our customers are benefiting by gaining the added leverage needed to succeed in today’s business climate. Not a customer? Then you are missing out on multiple benefits not provided by our competitors. And since we also have a successful active sweep company, we have spent over thirty years in the trenches and


know what works. Our managers have an average of 25+ years in the industry. They are experienced, friendly, knowledgeable, and eager to help you. If you’re not a regular customer you might be surprised at the level of personal service you’ll receive. You’re more than just a number to us. In fact, you’re the reason we are in business today. MEYER MACHINE AND EQUIPMENT 351 Main Street Antioch, IL 60002 (800) 728-3828 Fax: (847) 395-2972 www.meyermachine.com merk@meyermachine.com $ MAKE MORE MONEY $ Add an air duct cleaning profit center to your chimney sweep service business. Meyer Machine & Equipment, Inc., is a manufacturer and distributor of a full line of duct cleaning equipment and accessories. Gasoline and electric powered vacuums, ideal for residential and commercial duct cleaning are available. The RANGER, the duct cleaning industry’s most powerful portable vacuum features the state of the art Briggs & Stratton 31HP VANGUARD series overhead valve twin cylinder engine. Also, for seventeen years, the GENERAL, with its 20HP Kohler Command series engine, has been and continues to be the mainstay of our arsenal. We also carry an assortment of accessories such as duct patches, plugs, tools and sleeves to make your job easier. NATIONAL CHIMNEY SUPPLY, INC. 280 Commerce Street Williston, VT 05495 (800) 897-8481 Fax: (866) 658-9105 www.nationalchimneysupply.com kbibeau@nationalchimneyvt.com When you think of customer service National Chimney Supply emerges as a true leader. At National Chimney Supply 100% customer satisfaction is our goal everyday. With the industries largest variety of liners and components we have the means to help our customers land every job that presents itself. All liners and components are manufactured in-house ensuring a top quality product with an unsurpassed fit at competitive prices. Whether it is heavy wall, smooth wall, light wall, or aluminum liner with sizes that range from 3” through 36” diameter National Chimney is the place call! With a full custom shop and the industries premier technical department no job is too big. By helping our customers succeed we have risen to the top of the market as the leading supplier for all your chimney needs. Call us today to see how we can help you take you business to the next level. OLYMPIA CHIMNEY SUPPLY, INC. 300 A Brook Street Scranton, PA 18505 (570) 496-8890 Fax: (570) 496-8894 www.olympiachimney.com Olympia Chimney Supply manufactures quality driven stainless steel chimney liners & components backed by the only Forever Warranty offered in the industry. And, most recently, it began to manufacture the industry’s first rust-free and smoke-free Ventis®

Black Single Wall Black Stove Pipe. In addition, only at Olympia will you have access to a Custom Shop who can transform any dream into reality, and Customer Service Reps who are CSIA certified and technologically savvy. Undoubtedly, these facts set Olympia apart from the others making them ‘Your Partner in the Business’! DAVE POMEROY SIGNATURE TRAINING, INC. 5790 S. Dragoon Dr. Chandler, AZ 85249 (800) 659-2081 davepomeroysignaturetraining.com dpst@cox.net Dave Pomeroy Signature Training is your one stop source for all of your training needs. We are an independent training company that specializes in delivering training programs that meet the needs of sweeps, distributors, manufacturers and associations. We offer a variety of training programs including LEAN Thinking, Sales, Leadership and Gas, Wood and Pellet Service. REGIONAL CHIMNEY SUPPLY, LLC 8045 Snouffer School Road Gaithersburg MD 20879 (301) 740-3488 Fax: (301) 740-3489 dale@regionalchimneysupply.com Regional Chimney Supply offers the meat and potatoes of sweep and lining supplies at agreeable prices. We carry “all the standard

stuff” plus some “niche-ier stuff” as well; selection is good. Our catalog is online. RCS is relationship based, meaning we’d rather deal with all the nice people than all the people. Service is good (same day) and we stay well stocked, so backorders aren’t a big problem. Prices are good. And just like the old Westminster Chimney Supplies, we’ll help you engineer or work through a job if you need that help. Call and ask for a catalog. RLH INDUSTRIES, INC. 1574 Calkins Drive Gaylor, MI 49735 (800) 289-2446 Fax: (866) 353-9329 www.chim-flex.com, www.thehomestylecollection.com, ww.theeurostylecollection.com RLH Industries, Inc. is a service centered, factory direct source for premium UL listed stainless steel and aluminum chimney lining systems since 1983. In addition, we manufacture our exclusive line of beautiful direct vent terminations: the Homestyle and Eurostyle Collections. We understand your frustrations when suppliers over-promise then fail to deliver. In contrast, we have the right people, systems and company culture to guarantee your expectations are not just met, they are exceeded. Our commitment to innovation, service, safety and the highest manufacturing standards make us an industry leader. With RLH Industries, Inc. you can “Expect More!”. Call for your free catalog today.


RUTLAND PRODUCTS P. O. Box 340 Rutland, VT 05702-0340 (800) 544-1307 www.rutland.com sales@rutland.com Rutland is introducing TLC for chimney sweeps! TLC means Torque Lock Connector, an innovative system to save time and frustration. Use TLC with all of our rods systems, tools and brushes. The patent pending design takes the torque off the push button, which is recessed to avoid accidental disconnects. Check it out at booth 45 of the NCSG Innovation Trade Show. August West® vacuums and chemicals, Master Sweep® brushes, patented Wizard rotary loop system, are some of the many products we supply. Rutland has a full line of maintenance products including high temperature silicones, cements, mortars, paints and polishes. We offer creosote removers, glass cleaners, gasketing, fire starters, gas log maintenance products, masonry cleaners and Chimney Shield water repellent. We have been in business for over 125 years which is quite a landmark and testament to the quality and service we offer. SAND HILL WHOLESALE, INC. 1955 Alum Creek Drive Columbus, OH 43207 (800) 258-5496 Fax (800) 958-5497


www.sandhillwholesale.com info@sandhillwholesale.com Sand Hill is America’s oldest national distributor of fireplace, wood and gas heating products. We are proud that we can offer you over 2,200 quality products featured in our 118-page color catalog. Offering the Sweeps Perfection™ line of rain caps and the Homeowners Choice™ relining systems, we have what you will need for your job, on hand and ready to ship. Whether you need a new chimney brush, custom chimney cap, replacement catalytic combustors or custom ovalized chimney liner, Sand Hill offers that as well. Sand Hill provides customer satisfaction by giving excellent service. We ship the same day when we receive your order by 2:00 P.M. Eastern Time. We offer the best dating programs in the industry and give Free Freight on qualified orders. SAVERSYSTEMS 800 South 7th Street Richmond, IN47374 (800) 860-6327 Fax: (765) 935-4999 www.chimneysaver.com info@chimneysaver.com SaverSystems has manufactured the ChimneySaver line of maintenance and repair products for masonry chimneys since 1987. ChimneySaver Water Repellent is the industry standard for eliminating water penetration in chimneys and other masonry structures. CrownCoat and CrownSeal crown repair products offer long term, cost effective solutions for repairing damaged or

leaking chimney crowns. SaverSystems also manufactures ACS and Cre-Away, the industry’s leading creosote modifiers, which assist in the removal of glazed creosote. Download your free copy of our Chimney Problem Checklist from our website to assist you with solving difficult chimney leaks. Call or email us for your free Chimney Care DVD to learn how to increase your sales and correctly apply our best selling products. SIMPSON DURA-VENT 877 Cotting Ct. Vacaville, CA 95696-1510 (800) 835-4429 Fax: (707) 446-4740 www.duravent.com Simpson Dura-Vent has been recognized as the technological leader in the venting industry. Consistently the first to market with new innovations in venting systems, Simpson Dura-Vent has captured a leadership position in emerging markets, such as flexible vent connectors for water heaters, furnaces, and venting systems for direct vent appliances. With venting for natural gas, propane, water heaters and boilers, to venting for all-fuel chimney, relining, direct vent, biofuels, plus more, Simpson Dura-Vent offers Complete Venting Solutions. All products made in the USA. Scientifically proven materials and unequalled engineering make Simpson Dura-Vent products not only the best choice, or safest choice, but the only choice for professional quality venting products.

venting solutions, educating through classic hands-on workshops coast to coast. TOTAL HEARTH, INC. PO Box 1247 Mount Sterling, KY 40353-5247 (800) 874-0791 (859) 498-7457 stoveparts@aol.com www.totalhearth.com From hard to find replacement stove parts to exclusive hearth appliance lines, Total Hearth is the “one stop shop” for all your hearth appliance needs. We invite you to “Experience the Total Hearth Advantage”. U.S. FIREPLACE PRODUCTS PROFILE 3939 Royal Drive NW #143 Kennesaw, GA 30144 (888) 290-8181 U.S. Fireplace Products, Inc. is an innovative company dedicated to building premium American Made fireplace dampers. Our lifetime-warranted dampers are made with the highest quality materials available. This creates an exceptionally tight sealing surface - the best available. The Seal Tight Damper provides a less restrictive opening and a superior seal to similar competitive dampers. It includes a poured liquid gasket and a flat silicone gasket which avoids metal-to-metal contact and ensures a 99% effective seal.

Simpson Dura-Vent’s Engineered Excellence is a commitment to continue this trend, providing the industry with cutting-edge products and refinements to existing products that not only meet the demands of today’s heating products market, but go beyond it. SLEEPY HOLLOW CHIMNEY SUPPLY 85 Emjay Boulevard Brentwood, NY 11717 (800) 553-5322 Fax: (631) 231-2364 sleepy_hollow_sply_@prodigy.net Founded in 1977 by three chimney sweeps, Andy, Ray and Fred, our vision and quest were to become an innovative service company on the cutting edge. This vision led to a small supply company with industry-first products like Super-Flex® and components in 1980, Cera-foil® ceramic blanket in 1985 and North America’s largest specialty selection of chimney cleaning equipment and tools. We have become a formidable fabricator of high temperature stainless alloys and manufacture the Bellfires® Refractory Fireplace, since 1986. As our industry grew, we were at the forefront addressing wood, oil, coal and gas fuel JANUARY 10 SWEEPING 23

The Energy Top Damper includes a refrigerator-style gasket seal that’s superior to any other fireplace damper in the world. The lid has an unrivaled design with exceptional spring strength, opening as much as 81% higher than the competition. The Energy Top Plus includes a premium quality stainless steel cover. Thank you for purchasing our dampers. Please stop by and see us at booth 58. VALOR FIREPLACES (MILES INDUSTRIES) P.O. Box 604 Portland, TN 37148 (615) 323-0185 www.valorfireplaces.com asewell@milesfireplaces.com Miles Industries: North America’s exclusive designer, manufacturer and distributor of Valor Radiant Gas Fireplaces. For over 30 years Valor continues to set new standards in gas fireplace efficiency, comfort control and fashionable design. The result, quality made, energy efficient gas fireplaces that house an impressive collection of uniquely styled trims and accessories. Make your fireplace setting a favourite gathering place amongst family and friends for many years to come. Make it a Valor. VENTECH INDUSTRIES, INC. 384 Harold L Dow Hwy., Suite One Eliot, ME 03903 (866) 439-0069 Fax: (207) 439-0269 www.VentechIndustries.com info@VentechIndustries.com Ventech Industries products are designed to take the venting professionals into the 21st Century with Ceramics that coat from the firebox to the chimney cap! Dynacote will enhance the firebox returning up to 30% more heat to the room while extending the life of the firebrick. Smoktite will coat, seal and improve the operation of the smoke chamber without removing the damper frame. And Thermocrete Ceramic Flue Sealant will increase the safety and performance of the flue while adding strength and durability. And our ceramic products are tested and approved by the finest labs approved for use in countries around the globe. Improve the efficiency of your services. Strengthen your bottom line. Use the finest in quality ceramic products with the best in spray technology. WAKEFIELD BRUSH 160 Freedom Court Elyria, OH 44035 (800) 264-7007 Fax: 800) 525-3427 www.wakefieldbrush.com sales@wakefieldbrush.com Wakefield Brush manufacturers a variety of traditional English chimney sweeping equipment to maintain and care for fireplaces, chimneys and wood burning stoves. Products include hand crafted poly brushes with a complete line of rods, fittings and accessories. Wakefield Brush has been supplying England’s chimney sweep trade for more than 60 years. Our hand made equipment ensures the finest quality that sweeps have experienced for decades.


WöHLER USA, INC. 20 Locust Street Suite 205 Danvers, MA 01923 (978) 750-9876 Fax: (978) 750-9899 www.wohlerusa.com info@wohlerusa.com Wohler USA is a German manufacturer of high quality and high tech equipment for chimney cleaning and visual inspection. Wohler has a 75 year history of providing the finest in sales and technical support to the Chimney Sweep Industry. With our U.S. Headquarters located in Danvers, MA our customer support team is more dedicated than ever to providing the best in equipment and service to our customers. YODLE 50 West 23rd Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10010 (877) 276-5104 www.yodle.com info@yodle.com Today, your potential customers are using traditional media sources less - and searching the Internet more to find your services. In fact, over one billion local searches take place every month online - and this number is growing over 50% every year! As a leading provider of local online advertising services, Yodle helps you get found - offering the expertise and tools you need to reach these prospects, and convert them into customers. Already advertising online? See if you might do better. Get a Free Yodle Advertising Assessment and find out how well your current campaign is performing. Z-FLEX U.S., INCORPORATED 20 Commerce Park North Bedford, NH 03110 (800) 654-5600 Fax: (888) 889-3539 www.z-flex.com DClarke@Z-Flex.com Z-Flex has been a leading manufacturer of high quality venting systems for over 30 years. All of our products are distributed through select Hearth, Plumbing and HVAC distributors throughout North America. Call for a free product catalog.


Roberts Rules of Entrepreneurship You believe in yourself. You have ideas and dreams. Use these convictions to create a rewarding and fulfilling business life, where you are the boss. During the agonies and ecstasies of starting my own company, I learned these “rules of entrepreneurship” the hard way…on the job! Perhaps it can help those of you who are just beginning, to start on the right track and to avoid the road blocks along the way. You probably need a break from the complexity of starting a business. Here is some fundamental business advice—simple, straight forward and easy to implement. 1. Find a need—be ahead of your time. Find a niche where the Giants won’t bother to go. 2. Identify your market and learn all about it. You have to know everything about your business at the start. 3. Prepare a business plan...yes you have to. No bank will take you seriously without a plan for profits. 4. Have adequate financing to start and to stay. Success does not happen overnight, so be sure you’re financially fit. 5. Pay for the best professional advice. Lawyers, accountants, insurers do work on an as needed, fee basis. 6. Keep your overhead low and your standards high. Work from home or at a low cost, convenient location.

7. Establish a clearly defined distribution network. Whatever your product or service, how will you present and sell it? 8. Be creative—your new idea does count. Depend on marketing strategies rather than costly advertising to grow. 9. Seek and hire the most qualified people. From the first employee, look for someone who knows more than you. 10. Know your competition and work to win. Be persistent, focused and flexible…anything can happen. 11. Learn from the success and failure of others. Read, watch trends, and observe what is “hot” in your industry. 12. Use technology as a tool for building your business. From computers to telecommunications to the Web-use them all. 13. Don’t be sensitive and don’t take it personally. Be prepared for rejection, but never give up your dream. 14. Never underestimate the power of passion. You will need to take risks and believe when no one else does. Starting a business requires discipline and discipline requires rules. You may want to follow my “rules of entrepreneurship” or create your own set of rules. But you must clearly identify your goals and live by them. Use them as a road map to your success. Good luck!

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2009 – 2010 SWEEPS ADVANTAGE COUPON PROGRAM Featured Coupons of the Month Start Saving Today! Check out the details of the NEW 2009 - 2010 coupons below along with all other coupon offers in the “Members Only” section of the NCSG website at www.NCSG.org. Here you will find information necessary to redeem these coupon offers and others from these participating vendors: AHRENS Chimney Technique • AirJet, Division of Continental Industries • Copperfield Chimney Supply • Duct Cleaners’ Supply •Dynacote LLC • Earthcore industries, LLC • Exhausto, Inc. • Golden Flue, Inc. • Hearth Classics • Improved Consumer Products •Insight Direct • Lindemann Chimney Supply • Meyer Machine & Equipment • National Chimney Supply • Olympia Chimney Supply • Pilgrim Home & Hearth • Rasmussen Gas Logs & Grills • RLH Industries, Inc. • Rutland Products • SaverSystems • SEGMARK Solutions, LLC • Smoktite LLC • The Chimney Sweep News (SNEWS) • U.S. Fireplace Products, Inc. • Ventech Industries, Inc. • Village Products, Inc. • Wakefield Brush • Wohler USA, Inc. • Z-Flex. These are just a few of the many offers available to you as a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. Visit www.NCSG.org to learn more and to start saving!

SAVE Up to$ 41


SAVE Up to $ 42

Purchase 2 cases of 12 (32oz) bottles of ACS and receive a FREE Case of 12 (32oz) bottles of Home & Hearth Cleaner Buy a 25 (lb) container of Cre-Away Pro and Cre-Away applicator from distributor and receive a FREE Case of 6 (lb) Cre-Away Creosote Modifier by mail

SAVE Up to $ 50

Purchase 5 gallons ChimneySaver Water Repellent (Water or Solvent-Base), _ Gallon CrackMagik Crack Sealant and 5 gallons CrownCoat Brush Grade Crown Repair from your distributor - $50 CASH REFUND by Mail

SAVE Up to $ 25

$25 Off any Pilgrim Smithsonian Brand Operable Screen Door – 5 styles and 5 finishes to choose from

SAVE Up to $ 50

Order any Pilgrim tool set and folding screen and SAVE $50 off suggested list price for the set

SAVE Up to $ 75

Order any Pilgrim Brand Hearth Center and receive a #18502 Suede Log Carrier “FREE” ($75 value)

Pilgrim Home & Hearth SAVE Up to $ 150

50% Off List Price on one Pilgrim or Napa Tool Set of your choice (To be used as a Sales Sample)

SAVE Up to $20

$20 Off any Napa Forge Tool Set (New Introductions Excluded)

SAVE Up to $ 20

$20 Off any Napa Forge Vienna, Renaissance or Leaf & Vine Operable Door Screen


NewNCSG Members


CONNECTICUT Frank Bainer • Chimney Doctor of CT • Prospect MASSACHUSETTS Kenneth Almond • Sunbrite Enterprises • Avon MARYLAND Michael Drinks • Affordable Chimney Sweeps • Cobb Island Neil Crandall • Chesapeake Chimney Sweeps • Prince Frederick


NEW JERSEY Kenneth Chalmers • Dream Team Roofing • Clifton

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont; In Canada: New Foundland, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario

NEW YORK Bruce Van Derwarker • Canterbury Chimney Sweeps Inc. • Penfield


PENNSYLVANIA Jonathan D. Barr • Safe-T-Sweep, Inc. • Glen Mills Timothy Thomas • Thomas’ Chimney & Stoves LLC • Kingsley Mindy Hersorin • Customer Loyalty International • Villanova

Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia

NEW HAMPSHIRE Michael B. Turgeon • Chim Chimney Services • Colebrook

REGION 2 GEORGIA Sean Becker • Chimney Guy • Tybee Island Tim Anderson • T.D. Anderson Chimney Sweep • Springfield NORTH CAROLINA Paul Cole • A Clean Sweep • Matthews Harry Slaughter • Albermarle Chimney Sweep • Elizabeth City

REGION 3 INDIANA Terry Kilgore • Clean Sweep Chimney Svc • Schererville Kurt Vass • Vass, Kurt • Bloomington

REGION 3 Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri

REGION 4 Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee

REGION 5 Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wisconsin, South Dakota; In Canada: Manitoba


NCSG Charter Members Paul Bourque Huntsville, AL

John Cline, Menlo Park, CA

Don Leavitt San Diego, CA

Dale Meisinger, N. Augusta, SC

David Harris Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Eva B. Horton, Greenwich, CT

Dan Wheeler Santa Rosa, CA


Alan Hisey, St. Louis, MO

Harry Richart, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ

Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

REGION 7 Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming; In Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan

REGION 8 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah

NewNCSG Members REGION 3 (Cont.) MICHIGAN W. Mike Rowland • Top Hat Chimney • New Boston MISSOURI Arthur Denham • Abd Chimney Sweep • Blue Springs Nathan Hill • Campbell Stoves • Butler OHIO Cory Apperson • Apperson’s Chimney Sweeps, Inc. • Lancaster

REGION 6 TEXAS Patti Hicks-Chovan • D S Prof Dryer Vent & Chimney • Dripping Springs Stewart Rabon • Lone Star Sweeps • Austin

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Region 7 WASHINGTON Thomas P Oyen • Chimney Sweep Inc • Bellingham Merle Turman • Merle’s Masonry & Chimney Care • Friday Harbor

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Dates& Events January 22-24, 2010 Waynesville, NC- Waynesville Country Club NC Chimney Sweep Association Winter Meeting/ 30th Anniversary For more information, call Tom Albert at (828)-456-9775. For reservations, call The Waynesville Country Club at (800)-6276250. February 8-14, 2010 e-Learning Session (online) CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 8-14, 2010 e-Learning Session (online) CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 23, 2010 NCSG Convention- Indianapolis, IN CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review & Exam For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 23, 2010 NCSG Convention- Indianapolis, IN CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review & Exam For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org

February 24-27, 2010 Indianapolis, IN NCSG Innovation 2010 Convention & Tradeshow For more information, call (317) 837-1500 or visit www.NCSG.org/ innovation March 12, 2010 HBP EXPO- Orlando, FL CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review & Exam For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 15-21, 2010 e-Learning Session (online) CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 15-21, 2010 e-Learning Session (online) CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 9, 2010 Concord, NH CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review & Exam For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org

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April 12-18, 2010 e-Learning Session (online) CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 12-18, 2010 e-Learning Session (Online) CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 26 - May 1, 2010 CSIA Technology Center, Indianapolis National Chimney Sweep Training School For more information, call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org/NCSTS May 7, 2010 CSIA Technology Center, Indianapolis CSIA Chimney Sweep Review & Exam For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org May 10-16, 2010 e-Learning Session (Online) CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org

Expanded Offering

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The Superior Quality You Expect From Gelco: • • • • • • •

Knock Down For Easy Transport & Storage Swing Tabs For Easy Installation Hinged Corners For Easy Assembly Top Grade Stainless Steel Gelco Quality Construction Reinforced & Hemmed Lid 25/8" Overhang Standard On All Sizes

Embossed lid for more strength & stability.

May 10-16, 2010 e-Learning Session (Online) CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org May 14, 2010 Milwaukee, WI CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review & Exam For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org

Reinforced & hemmed lid.

Swing tabs allow for an inside/outside mount & an easy installation with uneven crowns.

May 17-21, 2010 CSIA Technology Center, Indianapolis Installing and troubleshooting Gas Hearth Appliances For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org June 2-4, 2010 CSIA Technology Center, Indianapolis Inspection & Report Writing For more information, call (317)-837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org

If your state or regional association, company or organization has an upcoming event planned, please send them to Megan McMahon at mmcmahon@ncsg.org

All hinges & screens run the full height to add stability & eliminate gaps between lid & mesh.

Screen barbs are trimmed to protect your fingers & gloves from cuts & snags.

Call your favorite Gelco distributor today! Ultra-protection chimney caps JANUARY 10 SWEEPING 31

Best Friends Might be Worst Enemies When it Comes to Keeping New Year’s Resolutions Research Shows Having Even One “Accomplice” is Enough to Guarantee Failure at Changing Bad Habits Latisha grew up on the east side of Detroit surrounded by drug dealers and violence. Her sister was pregnant at 15. She had horrible grades and no social life. She had never even heard of college or a career. Determined not to become a product of her environment, Latisha joined the Air Force and they helped her enroll in a summer trial program at Eastern Michigan University. Against all odds, she excelled. Today Latisha is finishing a Master’s Degree in Human Resources, is mentored by executives at Comerica bank and has jumpstarted her career—working directly under the CHRO at her current employer. But what was the secret behind Latisha’s phenomenal success? “In order to be successful, I knew I had to create a personal network filled with successful people,” she said. According to new research, Latisha’s instinct to surround herself with active supporters—and distance herself from those who would hold her back—is exactly what people who are looking to keep resolutions, beak bad habits and achieve goals in 2010 should do. A study conducted by the authors of Influencer: The Power to Change Anything, a New York Times bestseller about behavior change, found that people who surround themselves with friends who actively encourage or support their efforts are significantly more likely to succeed at achieving new goals (up to 38 percent more likely). But that isn’t all that’s necessary to change. Joseph Grenny, author of Influencer, says that while the number of friends you include in your network is important, an even more important factor to success is who you exclude. The survey of 3,400 respondents revealed that more than 50 percent of people who are trying to achieve a personal goal have one or more active accomplices—someone who enables their bad habit or whose attitude and behavior impedes their success. Shockingly, this 50 percent are significantly less likely to succeed at changing their bad habits as a result of their accomplice. “Our research shows our friends have enormous influence over our success—whether for the better or worse,” says Grenny. “The trick is knowing who to spend time with and who to ignore as you try to accomplish your goals.”


For example, Michael Emeheiser lost 82 pounds after he spent more time with a couple of regular exercisers and less time with those who regularly fed his Dutch pastry obsession. A.J. Wagner finally quit smoking after spending less time visiting with her father in person and more time with her new friend Robin, from her exercise boot camps. Grenny shares four recommendations for activating your friends and kicking out accomplices to achieve goals and break bad habits in 2010. 1. Take an honest inventory of friends and accomplices. Are your close friends and family accomplices or active supporters? What activities do you do together? Who models, encourages or enables your bad habit? Who could you spend more time with that would do the opposite? 2. Convert or push back accomplices. Sincerely share your goals with those who are impeding progress. Ask for their support and help with changing your behavior. In extreme cases, distance yourself from those people whose actions draw you back to your old habits. 3. Surround yourself with supporters. Find as many active supporters as you can. Turn passive supporters into active supporters. Ask these friends to hold you accountable for your behavior and provide coaching and encouragement when you succeed. 4. Be aware of distant acquaintances. It’s fine if distant acquaintances share your bad habit, so long as they don’t actively oppose your efforts to change. If they do, kick them to the curb until you have your habit under control. About VitalSmarts An innovator in corporate training and organizational performance, VitalSmarts is home to awardwinning training products that deliver powerful tools for enriching relationships and improving end results. The company has three New York Times bestselling books, Crucial Conversations, Crucial Confrontations, and Influencer. VitalSmarts has taught more than 2 million people worldwide.

Dave Pomeroy to Share Leadership Secrets as NCSG Innovation 2010 Keynote Speaker The National Chimney Sweep Guild is pleased to announce Dave Pomeroy of Dave Pomeroy Signature Training as NCSG Innovation 2010 keynote. Pomeroy will share his leadership experience, advice and tactics during two sessions in Indianapolis: Leadership, the Key to Your Success and Becoming a Leader in 2010. Indy is a fresh, and diverse cultural city with an enriching array of arts, attractions, historical sites and special events. Prime among these is White River State Park, nestled in the heart of downtown Indianapolis, which features the Indianapolis Zoo, White River Botanical Gardens, the newly expanded Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, the NCAA Hall of Champions and the Indiana State Museum. Just a short distance from downtown at theIndianapolis Children’s Museum (the world’s largest), the recently expanded Indianapolis Museum of Art and the world famous Indianapolis Motor Speedway and its Hall of Fame Museum. Most importantly, just West of Indianapolis, you’ll find the CSIA Technology Center, the headquarters for both the National Chimney Sweep Guild and the Chimney Safety Institute of America. While in Indy, enjoy the best that the chimney and venting industry has to offer!’

Visit www.NCSG.org/innovation to see the complete lineup of more than 35 hours of technical and business education, 8 hours of tradeshow and countless hours of networking opportunities that await you in Indianapolis! Most importantly, just West of Indianapolis, you’ll find the CSIA Technology Center, the headquarters for both the National Chimney Sweep Guild and the Chimney Safety Institute of America. While in Indy, enjoy the best that the chimney and venting industry has to offer!

Getting to Indy One of the most convenient airports in the nation, Indianapolis International Airport is served by 11 airlines, with non-stop and direct flights to more than 100 destinations. Highly competitive airfares, easy access and an enviable no-delay status attract more than 8.5 million passengers each year. For more information, visit www.indianapolisairport.com. Referred to as the “Crossroads of America,” Indianapolis is intersected by more segments of interstate and U.S. highways than any other metro area: I-69, I-70, I-74, I-65, I-465, I-865, US 40 and State Roads 37, 67, 36, 136, 421, 135, 31, 431 and 52. The Indianapolis International Airport is easily accessible from I-70 and I-465 on the city’s southwest side. More than fifty percent of the nation’s population lives within a day’s drive of Indianapolis.

NCSG.org/innovation • (317) 837-1500

NCSG Innovation 2010

February 24-27 • Indianapolis

Staying in Indianapolis: Indianapolis Marriott East (HQ Hotel)

NCSG encourages you to place your room reservations with the hotel at your earliest convenience. Please contact the Marriott East at (800) 228-9290 or www.marriott.com/inddt and mention CODE: CHMCHMA to lock in the NCSG $114 rate. Discounted rates are available through January 29, 2010.

Staying at Fairfield Inn & Suites (Nearby) You may contact the Fairfield at (317) 332-0101 or www.marriott.com/indes. Make sure to ask for the NCSG rate of $104/night. Discounted rates are available through January 29, 2010.

NCSG Innovation 2010 Conven Tuesday, February 23 8am - 4pm

CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review (Additional registration required.)


CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® Review (Additional registration required.)

Visit www.NCSG.org/innovation for CEU information and to register!


NCSG Board of Directors Meeting


CSIA Board of Directors Meeting


CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Exam (Additional registration required.)


Speed Networking Facilitated by Melissa Heeke Whether this is your first convention or your tenth, we’re certain that you have yet to meet all of the brilliant business minds and creative problem-solvers among the National Chimney Sweep Guild ranks. During this fast-paced networking event, you will meet more chimney people in 90 minutes than you could ever imagine. We have strategically placed this speed networking event at the beginning of the convention so you can break the ice early and have fun doing it! Remember to pack plenty of business cards! (Seating is limited.)

Lessons Learned from Fire Investigations with Marge Padgitt of HearthMasters If you have ever experienced a house fire or know of someone who has, then you realize how devastating they can be. Subject matter expert Marge Padgitt will guide you through how investigations on structural fires are conducted and who may get involved in the case. Learn who may be at fault when a fire is caused by incorrect hearth appliance or chimney installation, and what the most common installation mistakes that cause house fires are. See photos of real house fires caused by installer errors. Participants will learn: • How fire investigations on structural fires are conducted • The most common installation mistakes that cause house fires • How to protect yourself and your business from a potential lawsuit

CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Exams (Additional registration required.)


Registration Open (Attendee & Exhibitor)


Committee Meetings

9pm - Late Night

Piano Lounge Open

Wednesday, February 24 8am - 5pm

Registration Open (Attendee & Exhibitor)


NCSG Annual Membership Meeting


CSIA Information Meeting


Coffee Break - Sponsored by Regional Chimney Supply


Keynote Address: Leadership, the Key to Your Success with Dave Pomeroy of Dave Pomeroy Signature Training

Noon - 12:30 pm

Group Photograph

2-4 pm

Becoming a Leader in 2010 with Dave Pomeroy of Dave Pomeroy Signature Training

2-4 pm

2006 IRC with Bob Priesing of Havelock’s Chimney & Venting, Inc.


Speed Networking with Melissa Heeke of NCSG


Lessons Learned from Fire Investigation with Marge Padgitt of Padgitt Forensic Investigations


Welcome Reception and Open House at the CSIA Technology Center Sponsored by Indiana’s Own National Chimney Supply and SaverSystems

Pellet Vent Venting with Dale Menges of Simpson Dura-Vent This course will give an overview of a Pellet Vent venting and the different configurations allowed for installation. We will also cover the listings and codes that apply to these installations.

Thursday, February 25 8-9:45am

The Best of the Darwin Awards and The IRC with Ashley Eldridge of CSIA


Government Affairs: Communicating with Your Legislator with Diane Pilger of Chief Chimney Services, Inc.

Maximizing Word of Mouth Marketing: Strategies to Make People Talk About You with Bob Ferrari of Flue Season Getting people to talk about you should not be a chance happening or event. Learn how to make it strategic and predictable. You will walk away with the tools and a “to do” list to make you the most talked about business in town. Be surprised: A window will open showing you referral potential which you have never heard before. This seminar will be fast moving and interactive. Know your primary referral sources. Market to the media. Hit your target time after time.



Pellet Vent Venting with Dale Menges of Simpson Dura-Vent


Maximizing Word of Mouth Marketing: Strategies to Make People Talk About You with Bob Ferrari of Flue Season


New Sweep Tradeshow Sneak Preview


NCSG Innovation 2010 Tradeshow Opening Session


Inventice Awards – Presented by The Chimney Sweep News

9pm -Late Night

Piano Lounge Open

ntion Schedule and Highlights Friday, February 26 9am-12:30pm

NCSG Innovation 2010 Tradeshow Closing Session


Tradeshow Bagel Breakfast Sponsored by Greater Hartford CVB


Masonry Fireplace Restoration with the Ahren Fire System with Dan Waechter of Ahrens Chimney Technique Inc. Learn about the UL listed Ahren-Fire Masonry Fireplace Restoration System and all of its components, including the cast high temperature refractory panels, stainless steel smoke dome and ChamberTech 2000. Learn when and how to bid, and install an Ahren-Fire Restoration System.

Masonry Fireplace Restoration with the Ahren Fire System with Dan Waechter of Ahrens Chimney Technique Inc.


Social Media: How to Cast a Larger Net to Get Your Phone to Ring More With Rob Lindemann of Lindemann Chimney and Melissa Heeke of NCSG and CSIA


Clean Burning Solutions from EarthCore with Jane Koechlin, Wally Hallowes and Tim Dockery of EarthCore Industries


Business Evaluation: How Much is My Business Worth? with Edwin P. Mysogland of Sunbelt Indiana Business Resources


CSIA Benefit Auction Registration & Preview

8pm - ???

CSIA Benefit Auction

Open After Auction

Piano Lounge Open

Saturday, February 27 8:30-10am

Codes and Standards Update with John Pilger of Chief Chimney Services, Inc., Jim Brewer of Magic Sweep Corporation and John LaBrosse of LaBrosse Brothers Chimney and Masonry, Inc.


Leveraging Time and Increasing Profits with Technology with Bart Ogden of Home Safe Hearth & Chimney


General Session: Who Moved my Cheese? With Ryan Hadlock of Red Tree Leadership Sponsored by National Chimney Supply

1:45-3:30 pm

Because Accidents Happen: How To Treat Workplace Injuries (and Avoid Them in the First Place) with John Pilger of Chief Chimney Services


Panel Discussion: Health, Safety and Sanity for “Geezers” with Ryan Hadlock of Red Tree Leadership, Jeff Gitlin (retired sweep) and others


Simple Roof Safety with Toby Brown of Smoke Stack Services


Software and Sites to Make Your Life Easier (50 FREE Resources) with Marion Schroll of Marsanco


Cocktail Hour


Closing Banquet and Awards Ceremony Dress: Semi-Formal

Late Night

Piano Lounge Open

Clean Burning Solutions from EarthCore with Jane Koechlin, Wally Hallowes and Tim Dockery During this session, Koechlin nd Co. will cover material background including pumice makeup and the unique properties of high altitude pumice, manufacturing of the product, firebox and chimney assembly, metal flue v. gas only as well as Earthcore’s partnership with the EPA.

Dave Pomeroy to Share Leadership Secrets as NCSG Innovation 2010 Keynote Speaker The National Chimney Sweep Guild is pleased to announce Dave Pomeroy of Dave Pomeroy Signature Training as NCSG Innovation 2010 keynote. Pomeroy will share his leadership experience, advice and tactics during two sessions in Indianapolis: Leadership, the Key to Your Success and Becoming a Leader in 2010. Leadership, the Key to Your Success The current economic conditions demand a new level of business leadership. As employees, managers and owners, your success in business is contingent on your leadership. Join NCSG Innovation 2010 keynote Dave Pomeroy of Dave Pomeroy Signature Training in Indianapolis on February 24, 2010 to learn: • Why current economic conditions demand a new level of business leadership • What constitutes leadership (a close look at the five levels of leadership) • The 21 principles of leadership • Why service companies, manufacturers, distributors and the NCSG must focus on leadership in 2010 and beyond. Becoming a Leader in 2010 with NCSG Innovation 2010 Keynote Dave Pomeroy As the key to your success, it’s important that you know where you are as a leader, how this has affected your business and what you can do to grow and improve. In his follow up session at NCSG Innovation 2010 in Indianapolis, Dave Pomeroy will teach you to: • Assess your current leadership style. • Ask yourself - Are you a leader or a boss? • Learn how your leadership style influences your business decisions and affects your employees and the clients you serve. • Learn to practice the five steps to becoming a better leader. • Develop a blue print for your own leadership growth in 2010. About Dave Pomeroy: Dave Pomeroy has been active in the hearth industry for the past thirty years. Pomeroy has worked for such comapanies as Heatilator, Copperfield Chimney Supply and Travis Industries in roles from Customer Service Manager to Vice President of Sales and Service and Director of Training. Pomeroy now owns Dave Pomeroy Signature Training and is one of the industry’s most respected educators.

Social Media: How to Cast a Larger Net to Get Your Phone to Ring More With Rob Lindemann of Lindemann Chimney and Melissa Heeke of NCSG and CSIA Facebook? Twitter? LinkedIn? Social media isn’t just for kids. In fact, more of your customers are using social media to keep connected with their friends, families and favorite companies and causes. Lindemann Chimney Service has found that at least 34% of their customers are on facebook and that more people are referred to their website through facebook than any other site (except www.CSIA.org). And it’s not just Lindemann. Nielsen says that 56 percent of facebook users female, 31 percent are aged 35-49 and almost 23 percent earn more than $100,000. Your customers are using social media and they’re talking to their friends. Attend this session and learn how to get them talking about you!


NCSG Innovation 2010 • February 24-27 • Indianapolis REGISTRATION RATES REDUCED RATES FOR NCSG MEMBERS

Until 12/15/09

Primary Spouse 1st Additional 2nd Additional 3+ Additional Single Day Banquet Only Tradeshow Only Senior Members

$399 $199 $349 $299 $249 $179 $69 $49 $100

STANDARD RATES Primary Spouse 1st Additional 2nd Additional 3+ Additional Single Day Banquet Only Tradeshow Only

Until 12/15/09 $499 $299 $449 $399 $349 $279 $89 $79

COMPANY INFORMATION 12/16/09 1/29/10 $449 $249 $399 $349 $299 $179 $69 $49 $100

After 1/29/10

12/16/09 1/29/10 $549 $349 $499 $449 $399 $279 $89 $79

After 1/29/10

$499 $299 $449 $399 $349 $179 $69 $49 $100

$599 $399 $549 $499 $449 $279 $89 $79

SEND TO NCSG MAIL TO: National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168 FAX TO: (317) 837-5365 CALL: (317) 837-1500 REGISTER ONLINE: NCSG.org/innovation Cancellations must be made in writing and sent to: NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. Refund Policy Prior to 11/20/09, 90% ; 11/21/09-1/29/10, 75%; No refunds are available after 1/29/10.

HOTEL RESERVATIONS Indianapolis Marriott East • $114/night (800) 228-9290 or (317) 352-1231 (mention NCSG) or www.marriott.com/inddt (CHMCHMA) Fairfield Inn & Suites • $104/night (317) 322-0101 (ask for NCSG rate) or www.marriott.com/indes (NCSNCSA)

Company_________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City, State ZIP ______________________________ Phone ____________________________________ Fax ______________________________________ Email _____________________________________ Check here to opt-in to email from exhibitors.


Name ______________________________ $ Registration Type ___________________________ Name ______________________________ $ Registration Type ___________________________ Name _______________________________ $ ____ Registration Type _______________________ Name ______________________________ Registration Type ______________________$_____ Registration Total $ ___________

2010 CONVENTION PATCH $3/each - Collectible convention logo patch. Available for pickup at on-site registration. Qty: ___________ Patch Total $ _________

GRAND TOTAL Grand Total $ ___________


Check # _________________

Visa MC AmEx Account # _______________________________ Card Security Code ______________ Exp. ______ Name on Card ___________________________ Signature ________________________________

See you in Indy for NCSG Innovation 2010! For Office Use Only O2CR C2F AUTH _______________________________________ COID _______________ iMISID __________________ REC’D BY ____________ DATE ___________________ Rev. 1109



Happy New Year An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. ~Bill Vaughan, columnist & author


appy New Year! That’s a relative phrase. Sure, for all of us who observe the Gregorian calendar (which I assume is just about everyone reading this) the New Year began January 1. It’s generally considered a

time to start fresh.

As the 19th century abolitionist and reformer once said, “Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page. Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary, or let down one, according to circumstances; but on the first of January let every man gird himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past.” But how many other “new years” are there? For any of us in business, there’s the “fiscal” year (or, as the wonderfully self-taught bookkeeper I worked with many years

ago used to call it, the “physical” year). For some, the fiscal year also starts on January 1. For many, it starts at some other seemingly random time during the year that’s usually only significant to management and accountants. For NCSG, our fiscal year starts on September 1…So we’re already four months into our new year. In a previous association I managed, the fiscal year started July 1. Interestingly enough, their operating budget never got approved until the board’s annual convention meeting… In August. So for those of you doing the math, we typically operated our first 30-45 days of the year without a budget. It was a curious thing, but somehow it worked for us. For those of us in the association world, we often refer to the “convention” year. Depending on timing, that year may be more or less than 12 months. For NCSG, our new convention year will begin with our annual membership meeting on February 24. Last year it began on February 25. Of course, that’s pretty close to 12 months, but in 2008 it began on April 16. Associations like to keep you on your toes, so you just never know. I will give you a JANUARY 10 SWEEPING 37

heads up however…In 2011 it will start on February 23. Then there’s the Chinese New Year. Based on the lunar calendar, this year I believe it occurs on February 14. For those of you keeping track, I’m told it will be the year of the tiger. I was born in the year of the snake…Ironically enough the Chinese elements for the snake are fire and wood; just a random tidbit I thought I’d throw out there. One of my college roommates and best friends was Chinese, so I tended to pay attention to these things. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. A quick search on Wikipedia yields more than 35 other cultural and/or religious “new years” observed throughout the world, not the least of which includes the influences of Rosh Hashanah and Advent. Regardless of which New Year(s) you observe, the common thread among virtually all of the various cultural and personal observances is that the New Year marks a celebration of something new along with an appreciation for the past. Whether it’s learning from mistakes, building on successes or taking a blind leap of faith into tomorrow, it’s an opportunity for fresh perspective. As each of you plunge into the beginning of 2010, a full decade into the “new” millennium that seems like it just started yesterday, I hope you take advantage of the opportunities that

lay ahead. Most of you have made it through the traditional hectic service season so you are able to look forward and plan the next chapter in your business. Hopefully your plans include making the trek to Indianapolis next month for the annual NCSG Innovation convention and tradeshow. We have another great event lined up for you filled with valuable educational seminars, significant industry supplier contacts and countless networking opportunities...Not to mention an open house at the CSIA Technology Center. NCSG is proud of the conventions we are able to host each year. In fact, please allow me this opportunity to comment on an accomplishment from this past year. Last month, NCSG was recognized by the Indiana Society of Association Executives by receiving the 2009 ISAE Award of Excellence in the category of conventions for organizations with annual operating budgets in excess of $750,000. In 2008, the honor was awarded to the Indianapolis-based National FFA convention which draws more than 50,000 attendees to Indianapolis, so we are certainly in some impressive company. Among the entries in the category for 2009, our convention caught the attention of the judges for two main reasons in addition to our programming: Our environmentally conscious move from the traditional large participant binders to small notebooks, flash drives and online handouts able to be downloaded, as well as our ability to favorably budget and financially manage the event even in a down economy. Bringing these conventions to fruition is truly a team effort. I want to thank all of you who do so much to help with advance planning as well as onsite execution. Receiving external recognition from among the association community is very nice, but delivering a valuable and memorable convention to our members is our primary objective. Without your help, this wouldn’t be possible. As you embark on 2010, I leave you with this quote from the great Benjamin Franklin. “Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man.” Until next time, I wish you and yours all the best!


Darwin Awards Have you snapped a photo of a peculiar chimney in your area that made you shake your head in disbelief? Send it to Melissa Heeke at mheeke@ncsg.org for publication in Sweeping. Or, mail it to NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168.

Submitted by Adam Mabry of SweepStuff, Inc. Dba Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps/Bless Your Hearth Chimney Service in Laurens, SC.

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Email or Website Address


Ahrens Chimney Technique




Cobra Chimney Caps, Inc.




Copperfield, Gelco



26 Copperfield



11 Dynacote



13 Exhausto




Firesafe Industries, Inc.




Golden Flue, Inc.




508-695-7000 www.chimneycaps.com


Lifetime Chimney Supply LLC




Lindemann Chimney Supply




National Chimney Supply




Olympia Chimney Supply




Rutland Products




Sand Hill Wholesale



10 SaverSystems




Security Group International




Sleepy Hollow Chimney Supply



3 Smoktite

866-439-0069 www.smoktite.com




IFC Thermocrete




U.S. Fireplace Products Inc.




Wakefield Brush





Specialty Supply Company

38 Whitecaps


Classifieds FREE Shipping on select NCSG member logo apparel now through February 20 NCSG Long Sleeve Denim Shirts sizes small-2XL, NCSG Blue Windbreaker sizes XL, Tech Center Twisted Chimney Long Sleeve Burgundy shirts sizes Large and 2XL. Call (317) 837-1500 or email mmcmahon@ncsg.org for pricing and/or order placement. Classified Ads Now Free for NCSG Members Now members can run one 35 word classified free each year! Regularly classified ads are $2/word or $1/word for NCSG Members Classified ads are noncommissionable and must be pre-paid. To place a classified ad, please contact Megan McMahon at mmcmahon@ncsg.org or (317) 837-1500.



2010 Calendar

National Chimney Sweep Training School

Inspection & Report Writing* Held Exclusively at the Technology Center * Dependent upon sufficient interest. Deposit required. Designed to enhance your inspection

process. During this session, our instructors will concentrate on helping you build the narrativestyle reports your customers demand. • June 2-4

Installing and Troubleshooting Gas Hearth Appliances * Held Exclusively at the Technology Center

* Dependent upon sufficient interest. Deposit required.

Service and installation, including appliance standards, combustion requirements, pipe sizing and installation, troubleshooting, carbon monoxide testing and fuel conversion. NFI exam included! • May 17-21

Installing and Troubleshooting Woodburning Hearth Appliances * Held Exclusively at the Technology Center

* Dependent upon sufficient interest. Deposit required.

Energy efficiency, appliance selection and sizing, installation of woodburning fireplaces and stoves, system operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. NFI exam included! • March 22-26

Chimney Physics Held Exclusively at the Technology Center Diagnosis and resolution of chimney performance problems, solving air pressure problems, identifying the symptoms of indoor air pollutants, determining combustion air requirements for vented appliances. • July 19-21 Schedule Subject to Change. Please contact CSIA prior to making travel arrangements.

Held Exclusively at the Technology Center Fundamentals of sweeping and inspection of chimney systems, equipment operation, health and safety considerations and step-by-step instruction in codes, clearances, standards and practices. • April 26 – May 1 • June14-19 • August 2-7 • September 27-October 2

CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exam Both exams will be offered after the review session. Please visit www.CSIA.org/CCS for important details on the exams and requirements for candidates. • January 15 - Philadelphia • February 23 – Indianapolis • March 12 - Orlando, FL • April 9 - Concord, NH • May 7 - Technology Center • May 14 - Milwaukee, WI • June 18 - Richmond, VA • July 12 - Reno, NV • July 30 - Technology Center • August 13 - Atlanta • September 10 - Atlantic City, NJ • October 22 - Albany, NY • November 5 - Technology Center CCS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE!

CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® Review & Exam The examination evaluates a Dryer Exhaust Technician’s understanding of the basic info technicians must master to become competent dryer exhaust safety and fire prevention specialists. • February 23 -Indianapolis • July 29 - CSIA Technology Center CDET ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE!

Just minutes southwest of the Indianapolis International Airport, the CSIA Technology Center is located at 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. This institution is regulated by:The Indiana Commission on Proprietary Education, 302 W Washington St, Room E201, Indianapolis, IN 46204 Accreditation contact IN Toll Free 1(800) 227-5695 or (317) 232-1320. Schedule current as of 10/1/09

Visit www.CSIA.org or call 317-837-5362.

National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168



NCSG Innovation 2010 FEBRUARY 24-27 NCSG Innovation Indianapolis • Marriott East

2010 Indianapolis RESERVE YOUR ROOM! February 24-27 NCSG.org/innovation

Indianapolis Marriott East • $114/night NCSG Innovation 2010 convention and tradeshow property 1.Via Marriott Hotels & Resorts: (800) 228-9290 (ask for National Chimney Sweep Guild rate) 2. Hotel direct: (317) 352-1231 (ask for National Chimney Sweep Guild rate) 3. Online: www.marriott.com/inddt (enter code: CHMCHMA)

Marriott East Indianapolis

Fairfield Inn & Suites • $104/night

Located across the parking lot from the Marriott 1.Hotel direct: (317) 322-0101 (ask for National Chimney Sweep Guild rate) 2. Online: www.marriott.com/indes (enter code: NCSNCSA)


Call us at (317) 837-1500 or register online at www.NCSG.org/innovation.

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