January 2014 Volume 38 #1
Table of Contents Features 14 Social Media: Why Should You Care? P.14
28 Certificates of Insurance- What Are They For?
27 History Project
Departments 3 President’s Report P.10
4 Editor’s Letter 6 Technical Q & A 8 The Coach’s Corner 10 Meet a Member 25 Progressive Perks 26 Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program 29 Perspective
P.29 Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology (ISSN# 10416692) is published 11 times annually, by the National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. Annual dues to the National Chimney Sweep Guild are $479 for Voting Member Companies and $689 for Supplier Member Companies, of which $80 goes toward a subscription to Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $80 by contacting the National Chimney Sweep Guild at the office of publication (NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168). POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168
30 Dates and Events 31 Humor 32 Classifieds
On the Cover German chimney sweep Georg Kellner in Berlin, Germany around 1920. Kellner worked as a chimney sweep in Germany for more than 50 years. Image donated by Steve Snyder of Big Steve’s Chimney Service in San Luis Obispo, CA. JANUARY 14 SWEEPING 1
Committee Chairs and Task Forces for 2013-2014 Bylaws Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 fluesbrothers@yahoo.com
Government Affairs Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776 sootski@aol.com
NFPA 211 Representative Randy Brooks (805) 646-8961 hearthhunter@aol.com
Convention Site Selection Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneygal@aol.com
International Relations John Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneyman@aol.com
NFPA 31 Representative John Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneyman@aol.com
Ethics Mark Stoner (615) 459-2546 ashbusters@aol.com
Long Range Planning Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 fluesbrothers@yahoo.com
NFPA 54 Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400 jbrewer@magic-sweep.com
Governance Jay Walker (850) 562-4692 SweepingJ@aol.com
Membership Bob Ferrari (530) 221-3331 bob@flueseason.com
Technical Advisory Council Michael Segerstrom (908) 253-9190 chimneysweeps@optonline.net
TECHNICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL To contact any member of the Technical Advisory Council, please call (317) 203-0088 and select the extension for the person who is best qualified to answer your question: Chris Prior Masonry Construction and Restoration and Priorfire Fireboxes (317) 203-0088 x: 2 Jim Brewer Gas Venting and NFPA 54 (317) 203-0088 x: 3 John Pilger Oil Flue Sizing, Relining or NFPA 31 (317) 203-0088 x: 4
Fred Joy Installation and Venting of Pellet Stoves (317) 203-0088 x: 7 Jay Walker Dryer Vents (317) 203-0088 x: 8 Rett Rasmussen Vented and Vent Free Gas Logs and Controls (317) 203-0088 x: 9
Randy Brooks IRC, NFPA 211 or Customer Communications (317) 203-0088 x: 5 Bart Ogden Stainless Steel Lining, Video Scanning and Narrative Report Writing (317) 203-0088 x: 6
Rich Martinez Dryer Vents or Masonry (317) 203-0088 x: * Rich Rua General Sweeping or Relining (317) 203-0088 x: 0
Be advised that advice given by NCSG’s Technical Advisory Council (TAC) reflects best practices of the chimney sweeping industry. However, we are unable to account for any particular type of situation since regional variations in construction practices and additional environmental, physical and geographical factors necessarily vary the level of service appropriate for a particular fireplace and/or chimney. Additionally, local laws and ordinances may govern and/or supersede the information and any recommendations provided. Final determinations are the responsibility of a local professional with firsthand knowledge of the situation, and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Neither NCSG nor any member of TAC will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on information provided by anyone associated with TAC. By your use of this member benefit you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.
ADVERTISING RATES for Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology may be obtained by contacting Malisa Minetree at (317) 815-4688 or sweepingads@me.com Design by Laura Houser Design • laurahouser.com • (317) 213-7497 NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press release and articles to interim editor Cindy Dashnaw at cdashnaw@bohlsengroup.com. Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing, nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release. NCSG further reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising determined not to be in keeping with the publication’s standards. Acceptance of advertising by Sweeping magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products or services advertised. NCSG does not make any effort to review or substantiate claims made by advertisers. © 2013 National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. (317) 837-1500
NCSG BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 President, At-Large Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneygal@aol.com Vice President, At-Large Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 fluesbrothers@yahoo.com Treasurer, Region 2 Bob Fleer (410) 544-7600 bobfleer@aol.com Secretary, At-Large Fred Joy (785) 986-6432 joyfredm@live.com Region 1 Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776 sootski@aol.com Region 3 Ron Rust (803) 730-5858 tophatswp@aol.com Region 4 Ken Hoelscher (937) 833-0505 ken@abbeyroadchimneysweeps.com Region 5 Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 drengler01@gmail.com Region 6 Bob Ferrari (530) 941-5818 bob@flueseason.com At-Large Director Gregg Boss (636) 391-2226 englishsweep@att.net Supplier Representative Edmund Poplawski (570) 504-7107 epoplawski@olympiachimney.com
STAFF 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500 Fax: (317) 837-5365 Frances Kelly Excecutive Director fkelly@ncsg.org
Donna Lee Kasmer CSIA Certification Coordinator dkasmer@csia.org
Candice Bradbury Director of Finance cbradbury@ncsg.org
Claire Rutledge Program Coordinator crutledge@ncsg.org
Megan McMahon Office Manager mmcmahon@ncsg.org
Darcy Marlett Director of Communications and Marketing dmarlett@ncsg.org
Debbie Cornelius Membership Development Coordinator dcornelius@ncsg.org
President’s Report
hope the last year treated you well. I hope your year was the best you have ever experienced. If it wasn’t seek out answers from those within the NCSG that can assist you in making this year a better year! Many in the industry are willing to offer advice and assistance, you just need to ask. This industry is a very giving one. I was once told the worst thing that can happen if you ask, is the answer will be no. If you don’t ask you’ ll never know what the answer would have been. I have always heeded this advice.
March 19 - 22, 2014 and find the path to success. We all need to reach for the stars! Go to somewhere you’ve never been before even if it is outside of your comfort zone and try to seek out new experiences. I’ve traveled to many places, Romania being one of them. It was outside of my comfort zone however thanks to my husband and some great friends who took the journey with me I was able to meet new people and have the experience of a lifetime. I’m thankful every day I took that journey.
I always say people who are passionate about a cause are Happy New Year and start on a new journey today! those who are committed to a mission. I feel the National Chimney Sweep Guild Board of Directors is passionate and Diane Pilger therefore committed to the NCSG mission. Some can disagree President- NCSG and that is okay because sees things from different points of view. For example one year at a NCSG convention there was a seminar that people walked out on. Their opinion was it didn’t meet their expectations, it was the worst seminar ever, and why did the NCSG hire this speaker? However those who stayed reaped the benefit. They stayed long enough to know what the seminar was really about. They didn’t prejudge. They didn’t have tunnel vision. They were the ones who Smoktite now comes with a LIFETIME WARRANTY on every. bucket. absorbed the education and message. And you thought Christmas came only once a year. In the end they said it was one of the best seminars! Those who left early lost out on some great information. I see this as having tunnel vision; they could only see one road sign to the major highway not the side roads that might be less congested and lead to success. That major highway could lead to success or it could lead to failure. They just couldn’t see more than one road.
One Easy Step to Stop Smoking for Life...
I would suggest we all open our eyes to all the possibilities and all the roads that lie ahead of us and then chose the one you think is the road to success. So this coming year I hope you find that road to success. Come join us at Innovation 2014 in Columbus, Ohio JANUARY 14 SWEEPING 3
Editor’s Letter
Happy New Years everyone! I am excited to be fully taking over as editor of Sweeping as we enter 2014. I would like to thank the Bohlsen Group for managing Sweeping for the last few months of 2013, we could not have kept the magazine going without their assistance. As a graduate from the Indiana University School of Journalism I relish the opportunity to put my journalism and writing skills to work on Sweeping Magazine. At my previous position working for the Army National Guard I contributed articles and photo essays to our post newspaper, The Atterbury- Muscatatuck Crier. Since joining the National Chimney Sweep Guild in October I have had the opportunity to speak with members about Sweeping and what you are interested in as we go forward with the magazine. I value this feedback and look forward to having more conversations with members about how we can continue to make improvements.
In this issue you will find three new features. As part of our ongoing mission to preserve the Guild’s history we have added a History Project article as a monthly staple in the magazine. This article will features facts from the Guild’s history, historical photos, and stories from members. You will also see the return of the “Meet a Member” feature. This section will give you a chance to see people you know in the magazine as well as meet a member you have not met yet. Our last addition is a fun one. Midtown Sweeps has given us the gift of Gustav, a comic strip about chimney sweeping! If you have an idea for a feature or would like to contribute either photos or writing to Sweeping please contact me at either dmarlett@ncsg.org or (317) 837-1500. Cheers,
Tired of Sweeping Pre-Fab Chimneys with No Up-Sales? Increase Revenue and Add Value on Your Next Chimney Cleaning Call How many times have you finished cleaning a chimney only to find the hearth is cracked? You’re perfectly proud of your work, and yet the job isn’t complete – not with unsightly cracks or, worse yet, unsafe refractory panels. So what happens next? You tell your customer you’ll have to order a replacement only to find later that the company is out of business, or the part is on backorder, or the new panel has arrived – broken. By the time you get back with your customer, their interest in this repair job is gone.
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Technical Q&A
My customer says their fireplace spills smoke into the home almost every time they use it. Will a smoke guard solve the problem?
2) Smoke chamber construction. Often times smoke chambers are corbelled, and even may contain some very large offsets and voids, like open cinder block cores or brick cores. Smoke chambers can offset far to the rear, to the left or to the right, or simply also be too tall. These types of construction defects can create dramatic turbulence in the smoke chamber and dramatically increase the residence time. A significant increase in residence time may cause smoke spillage into the home.
3) House pressure. This is something that is becoming
Not always. Every fireplace is different, and smoking problems could be a result of many different things. The spillage of smoke into the home could be a draft problem, a flow problem, a house pressure problem or a combination of these. It’s important to look at the fireplace is a complete system, not just the symptom of smoke spillage into the home when the fireplace is used. Before we take a look at some causes, let’s consider what will happen if we install a smoke guard and it solves the smoke spillage problem. The homeowner will be happy and they may even use the fireplace more often. Regardless of whether it’s a draft or flow problem, more frequent use could result in an excessive or rapid soot or creosote buildup condition which is obviously potentially hazardous. So installing a smoke guard may solve one problem, but create an even more hazardous one. So why does the fireplace smoke? Since the homeowner indicates that it’s almost every time, we know it is probably not wind related. So let’s look at some other basic things, in no specific order.
1) Flue liner sizing. In many parts of the country and specifically in central New Jersey, one of the most common problems in fireplace construction is an improperly sized clay tile liner. Nominal 9 by 13 tiles are very common and typically anywhere from 20 to 40 percent undersized for the fireplace sizes they are serving. Add to that, if someone comes along and relines the flue without taking the tile liner out, then the liner is even smaller! An undersized liner reduces the flow and may increase residence time of the smoke, resulting in spillage at the fireplace opening.
more and more common, as house construction and renovation becomes tighter and tighter. If the fireplace is starved for combustion air and not enough makeup air enters the home, house pressure can cause routine smoke spillage into the home during fireplace use. Many things can cause or add to unstable house pressure affecting the fireplace including but not limited to clothes dryers, kitchen exhausts, power vented heating equipment, bathroom exhaust fans and unusually tight construction. House pressure can also affect chimney performance when heated areas of the home are higher/taller than the top of the chimney. This is known as the stack effect.
4) Throat area design. How often do we see the right angle directly behind the fireplace opening lintel adjacent to the damper frame? Just about every fireplace. And some fireplace openings: will incorporate two lintels before the damper assembly. This can cause turbulence in the dilution air that normally enters the fireplace in this area which in turn will result in turbulence as the smoke it’s the damper assembly. If the throat damper assembly has an opening that is marginally too small, or significantly too small this added turbulence may result in routine smoke spillage.
5) Rain cap/spark arrestors. Over the years the requirements for rain caps and spark arrestors have evolved, and become more specific. The most recent specified requirement is that the distance between the top of the flue liner and bottom of the cap lid is equal to or greater than the minor inside dimension of the flue liner. In other words, if a stainless steel cap is installed on a flue that has
6) Holes, cracks and voids in the liner. We often talk about the hazards associated with these liner defects, that heat and flue gases can escape the liner and even travel outside the chimney. While these are real concerns and hazards, there are cases where cracks and voids allow air to be drawn into the flue. This is very evident when we scan a sooty flue, and see that the voids in the tile section joints are clean. These clean areas are a result of air-wash, where air from within the chimney structure is being drawn into the flue at these joints. This has a similar effect on a fireplace, like that of trying to drink something through a straw with holes in it. Draw at the bottom of the flue and in the fireplace can be reduced by holes, cracks and voids in a liner. This may also result in smoke spillage.
How Do You Reline A Factory-Built Chimney? DuraVent has solved it. Reline your factory-built, air-cooled, or insulated chimney with a UL listed solution. Patent Pending. Factory-Built Relining Kit
Scan the tag to watch the installation.
It is clear that many things, more than listed here, can cause fireplace venting malfunction. An entire book could be written! And often times, multiple defects or design flaws are present, so we don’t always know if it’s the liner size, house pressure, the cap, or a combination of these or other things. A smoke guard only addresses a symptom, not the actual cause or problem. So it’s important to thoroughly inspect the system first. Potential hazards should be repaired, and the homeowner should be informed about repair options that are intended to correct performance problems. The homeowner should also be advised of the need for annual inspection and sweeping as needed, as a fireplace that needs a smoke guard will usually suffer from rapid soot and creosote build-up. The CSIA does offer online and in person classes about chimney physics and other related topics, including classes and education about addressing fireplace venting problems. Visit CSIA.org to learn more!
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an inside dimension of 7 x 11, the underside of the lid must be 7” off the top of the flue tile. There are cases where we see caps and even masonry caps that don’t meet this requirement. Sometimes it’s as little as just a couple inches between the top of the liner and the cap lid. This type of restriction can dramatically add to the residence time of smoke in the chimney system, which can result in smoke spillage at the fireplace opening.
Engineered Excellence. 800-835-4429 www.duravent.com © 2014 JANUARY 14 SWEEPING 7
Coach’s Corner
The Score
t is the time of year when smart business owners review the past year and assemble their plans for the year to come. Yes, this is a task that takes time. You have to STOP whatever you’re doing and get down to the TRUE work of management, taking stock of how you’re doing, making the needed adjustments and moving forward. It is an absolutely essential step for every business so it can minimize its losses, get rid of inefficiencies, and maximize profits. It sounds simple and it should be. However it requires that you take the time and that you are unflinching in your honest analysis of the past year. Also it requires that you have the data you need to make a sensible review of the year. Remember, profit is not your salary. Salaries are part of the ongoing expenses of your business. Profit is what you take away from your business when all the dust has settled at the end of the year after all the expenses, including salaries, are accounted for. Making a profit at the end of the year is what determines if you have a business or just an elaborate job for yourself and your employees. In order to review your performance for 2013 you need to assemble the data you collected about each and every aspect of our business for the year. You know the data I’m talking about, the data that tells us what worked and what didn’t, the data that alerts us about which marketing efforts were successful and which simply did not produce, the data that reveals the day to day operational practices that either improved or impeded the efficiency of your operation, the data about the add on sales you made, the data about what kind of service calls you had. That is the data you must have if you want to increase your profit for the next year. The collection and subsequent analysis of this data is the only way you can have a realistic hope to improve your business and, to put it simply, make more money. Without it you are lost and running your business without a guidance system. Without it you are running a business based solely on hope and crossing your fingers. And I’m sorry to say, that is a recipe for disaster. You may be faced with the need to modify plans and even change course.
So, to accomplish the goal, you need to have access to the crucial, day to day operational data of your business. The process is monumentally easier if you’ve been diligent about keeping precise records that are easy to access. You cannot rely on memory. Memory is too selective and way to unreliable. It tends to hold on to the bigger successes or failures and to forget the smaller ones. But the smaller ones, collectively, are far more likely to outweigh the effects of the larger ones. If you’ve created and stuck to a system for collecting and keeping data, you can easily discover the peaks and valleys of the year. You can clearly see which days of the week were most profitable, what types of calls came in and when, what products your customers purchased, and which services they wanted. You can also see which of your services provided the biggest profit margins and which only broke even or perhaps lost money. To make all this happen at the end of each year, you must make the DAILY collection of data part of your operational system. It has to be someone’s responsibility, and that someone must know exactly and unerringly which data needs to be kept track of, where and how to record it. They’ll be looking at your website and how many hits it gets and what are the items that get the most attention, right down to which pages of the website they consumer goes to and even where the curser clicks on. They’ll keep track of each call from both prospective and current customers, what their concerns are, what their needs are, what are the most commonly asked questions, how people respond to your prices, etc. They’ll be looking at vehicle maintenance and gas records. They’ll want to know how many times service vehicles returned during the day for parts or tools that should have been on the truck when it left. They’ll want to have their hands on every expense and every dollar of income. This is all a part of the lean business operation; this analysis locates the waste in the company. How do you do this? It’s up to you to devise a system that is as simple and reliable as possible. Then, it’s up to you to train whoever you are entrusting with this task. It’s up to you to
review it weekly to make sure the job is getting done and to check the data as the year progresses. Midcourse corrections are often called for depending on how the year is going. The best idea is to have a rock solid plan in place on day one of the New Year, a plan that corrects the mistakes and misjudgments of last year and makes you more profit in 2014 than in 2013, if for no other reason than you operate more efficiently and effectively. Whatever plans you make for 2014 should include education and training for you and your employees. Ask yourself what training team members and management need in 2014, not only for certification purposes but for what will bring the best return on investment (ROI) for your business. Training costs must fit within the budget numbers set for this purpose, and they must have ROI. Putting your plan together requires foresight, teamwork, imagination, networking with other successful businesses, and the ability to look at your business honestly. Yep. You’ll have to put the rose colored glasses aside for this process. You want to
devise a plan that is above all realistic and workable, i.e. ideally it can be accomplished with your current team members. You want to make sure it is asking everyone, including you, to get out of their comfort zone a bit, to grow, to work more sensibly and consciously. The plan you are making will help you realize your dreams and goals for the business so, even for just a moment, you’ll be able to be a bit overwhelmed by your own success. That is a very nice feeling to have. My hope it that these moments arrive more and more often, that excitement of YES I DID IT! About the Author: Jerry Isenhour is an industry consultant, educator and coach who authors a monthly article in Sweeping as a service to the venting industry. For more information about Jerry and how his team can assist you individually and your business in your quest for success and your ascent to the next level, take a look at his web site www.cvccoaching.com He can be contacted at jerry@cvccoaching.com or by phone at (704) 425-0217. You can also obtain great business tips from his Facebook page CVC Coaching.
HomeSaver UltraPro®
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Meet a Member Name: Andrew R Raycroft Hometown: Alexandria, Virginia Business Name: Rooftop Chimney Sweeps, Ltd. Years in the Industry: 35
Question you get asked most about being a chimney sweep/chimney sweeping? “How do you fit in that chimney?” “Do you climb all the way up in the chimney?” And before they even ask I tell them I can’t dance a lick or carry a tune so I will not be dancing on their rooftops and singing “Step In Time”. If I was as talented as Dick Van Dyke I’d be in Hollywood not sweeping chimneys. It is great, however, to have such a great iconic and romantic image for our industry as the chimney sweeps from “Mary Poppins”.
and as vice president, although the Secret Service protection was a lot more daunting after he was elected Vice President. It’s really the only time I ever had a Secret Service agent as a chimney sweep helper or a helper that packed heat.
Who was your most famous customer? Al and Tipper Gore were our customers when he was a senator
What advice would you give to new sweeps? Maintain Integrity at all times and in all situations. Find your
Other notables were Astronaut and Sen. John Glenn, truly an American hero. Sen. Grassely, Attorney General Ashcroft, Sen. Strom Thurman, Sen. Weicker, Hodding Carter, Sen.Thad Cochran, General McCaffrey. Some non-politicians are Bob Schieffer, Ted Koppel, Dave Grohl, Tucker Carlson.
WeatherShield® tops them all. • The industry standard for keeping out squirrels. birds, leaves, and other debris. • Works with single wall, double wall, triple wall, or masonry chimneys. • Sizes available from 3” to 30+”; custom and oversize can be ordered. Air cooled and non-air cooled. 100% made in USA. • Standard construction is 100% austenitic stainless steel; also available in other alloys including copper and Type 316 for marine/coal appliances.
Model WSA-TDW for air cooled chimney
the authentic Available from leading distributors nationwide.
• Our pioneering work in chimney technology and metallurgy has made us a trusted source for products and problem-solving information. Improved Consumer Products, PO Box B Attleboro Falls, MA 02763 (508) 695-7000 Fax: (508) 695-4209
Although there have been many attempts to copy it over the past almost 40 years, there is only one WeatherShield®. Always ask for it by name and look for the seal of authenticity on the top of the cap.
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Listed here are ALL the chimney Liner Manufacturers with a BASE TEE Horizontal Connector That Installs in LESS THAN 20 SECONDS!
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best niche and learn everything about it. Do not do everything, do one thing really, really well. When you’ve mastered one thing you can add another. Never stop learning because you will never, ever know it all. What have you learned in your experience that you use routinely? I have learned to treat everyone with respect and consideration. I know we learn this from our parents but the real application, for me, came with having a business. It’s easy to say but can be challenging to practice. To paraphrase the “Golden Rule”, treat others the way you would like to be treated. Being human I don’t always succeed but the more I try the more I will succeed. Have you ever had to make your own tool to solve a particular problem? We’ve made a couple of tools over the years, nothing really special or nearly as creative as Pete Luter’s inventions. One of the best things we devised for ourselves, actually Tom thought of it, was using an attic fan on the top of the chimney. I know now that other folks have implemented fans but we knew nothing of that at the time and when we told others about it no one seemed to be doing it. This was back in ‘79 or ‘80 and we continue to use the fans today. The fans are great when sweeping a fireplace with a bad downdraft and we would not do without them when busting out terra cotta tile, especially an old oil flue. Having a fan on top guarantees no soot in the house while sweeping and it is quiet, no need to run the vac. When we used to sweep with one guy you could sweep and talk to the customer about important things like caps, crowns, waterproofing, whatever. It gave us extra time for one on one with the customer and they could watch while we worked. Weirdest thing you have ever found in a chimney? The weirdest or I should say most unusual thing we found in a chimney was a room at the base of the chimney. Now, we actually didn’t find it but when we ask the customer about it they explained that the house had been utilized as a stop on the Underground Railroad before and during the Civil War. The base of the chimney was an odd shape almost a parallelogram room with the interior basement walls running up to it dividing the basement into a several of rooms. This made it difficult to see that the base was much larger than the chimney column. There was a small iron door (about 2’x2’) around the back side to the room below the chimney which could hold about a dozen people standing up. I would hate to have to hide in there for even a few minutes let alone days.
Interested in being featured or would like to nominate a sweep? Please email dmarlett@ncsg.org
100 WAYS WE’RE THANKING OUR ‘PARTNERS’ Olympia wants to be the one company you can always rely on for all of your venting needs and to be “Your Partner in the Business.” To thank our ‘Partners’, we are offering $100 OFF all orders over $1,500, including Custom Shop orders!
Offer valid 1/1/2014 to 2/28/14. Mention Promo Code TY0214AD. Not valid with other offers
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Social Media: Why Should You Care?
of a healthy company that connects with its customers, and cares about providing useful information and service to people. Conversely, when customers interact with a company online, it tells Google that the company is engaged, trustworthy, and worth talking about.
he business marketing landscape has rapidly changed in a short period of time. Small business owners are frequently told that to be successful, they should “be on” social media, but they’re never given an idea why they should be there or how they should go about it. And if you started your business 15 or 20 years ago, you have probably had a hard time even seeing the point in this whole ongoing discussion. So why should you care about being engaged in any kind of online social conversation? Perhaps retired U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki said it best; “If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.”
Go Where Your Customers Are
Social Participation is Becoming Increasingly Relevant In our agency, we have seen that social media signals (Tweets, Facebook posts, Google+ posts, etc.) have been playing an increasing role in Google’s search rankings. While not an end-all be-all, Google has seen the value in giving brands and companies a boost in search visibility if they see a lot of social media “chatter” about that company. It is a good sign
A major reason you need to maintain a presence in social media is the fact that both your potential and existing customers are there. The age demographics bear this out. On Facebook, adults, aged 25 to 34, are the largest user group. However, users aged 55 and older are the fastest growing age group. Twitter, while not as popular as Facebook, commands a large share of the adult population too. Needless to say, there are lots of homeowners among users 25 years and up!
So how do you incorporate timely and relevant online social interactions into your business marketing strategy? It turns out, the answer is not much different online than it is offline...
Pinterest and Instagram are relatively newer networks to the social media-sphere, but they are also important. Women, who make many of the household decisions, make up around 70% of the Pinterest user base. Instagram’s user base is more varied, but you’ve got great potential for reach there ever since Facebook purchased it. Because Facebook has a financial stake in promoting it, Instagram is going to show up in front of lots of eyeballs. Again, there are quite a few homeowners that regularly view their Pinterest and Instagram accounts. All of these numbers about user groups serve as a clear indication that those that aren’t utilizing the various social media networks are missing out on the chance to reach a lot of eyeballs. That’s a lot of eyeballs that own homes that have chimneys that will need cleaning and repairs. You will want to educate those people on your services through your social outlets.
Remember, It’s Not About You, It’s About Them This brings us to the how part of the social media equation. How do you go about Tweeting and Facebooking and Pinning? First, you need to think about social media as a conversation. If you only post things about your company, you are, in effect, only broadcasting commercials about yourself. Think about it this way. Would you enjoy being around someone who only talks about themselves, and doesn’t engage the people around them? Your potential customers aren’t going to engage with a company that doesn’t engage with them. This means you should pay attention to what your customers pay attention to. What are the events going on in your local market? Do you sponsor a little league baseball team? What types of volunteer work do you and your employees do? Show people that you are engaged with your local community. Remember, it is possible to talk to people about your community involvement without sounding like you are bragging. Isn’t that what you are already doing when you converse in your real life relationships? There’s that word again: conversation.
Learning By Doing Why you should participate in social media should now be pretty obvious. That’s where you will find lots of people to network with, and your business will have a greater chance of remaining relevant for years to come. How you participate is not as easily definable, but the best way to learn is to simply do it. Go into the various networks. See how people interact. Talk to people. Again, don’t you already do this type of thing in real life? You know...have conversations. About the author: Jonathan Sanders is the social media coordinator and strategist at Spark Marketer, a digital marketing company in Nashville, TN. He has a B.A. in Media Communications, and worked in television for 10 years in various capacities.
NCSG Innovation 2014 March 19-22 • Columbus, Ohio The National Chimney Sweep Guild will be taking over the Hyatt Regency in Columbus, Ohio March 19-22. The convention’s packed schedule will open with a keynote address by noted small business consultant Tom Shay. Shay’s talk “Strategies to win in a challenging economy,” is designed to give business owners the tools to determine what you should be doing, what you should not be doing, and what to stop doing within your business in this tough economy. Innovation 2014 features more than 30 hours of business and technical break-out sessions. Whether you are new to the industry or a 20-year veteran we are confident you will walk away with valuable tips and lessons. This year’s trade show will feature more than 80 booths over two sessions. Exhibitors will be onsite at the show to demonstrate and discuss new products and services. In addition to education sessions an exciting array of nighttime social activities will be available. Attendees should be sure to register for the opening night event at Columbus’ Center for Science and Industry (COSI). The Chimney Safety Institute of America will holding a fun benefit auction and convention will close with the NCSG Banquet and Awards Ceremony.
Enjoy Our Hotel We'll be at the Hyatt Regency Columbus! This
downtown Columbus hotel is in the heart of the city and is within easy walking distance to the Arena District and Huntington Park - an ideal location for business and leisure travelers alike. To reserve your room for the convention call (888) 4211442 and ask for the National Chimney Sweep Guild rate.
Join Us Opening Night at COSI Be sure to register to join us as NCSG takes over Columbus' Center of Science and Industry! For one night only the NCSG will have exclusive access to the center. $15/person includes admission to COSI and a Pizza Party. Inspire the innovator waiting to get out with our “Science al a Cart”!
For more info, visit www.NCSG.org/innovation
Experience Columbus Four of Columbus' top entertainment areas surround downtown meaning you don't have to venture far to have a good time. Next to the Greater Columbus Convention Center, the Arena District is home to the Blue Jackets NHL and Clippers Triple-A Baseball teams, concerts, restaurants and nightclubs. In the neighboring Short North Arts District, you'll find restaurants, galleries, boutiques and nightclubs. South of downtown are German Village, a historic district with restaurants and shops, and the Brewery District, home to the nation's largest theater troupe, Shadowbox Live. Columbus has one of the country's most innovative food scenes. From vegan to BBQ, you'll find more than 100 restaurants downtown offering most every kind of cuisine. Explore downtown's new parks - Columbus Commons and the Scioto Mile that stretches along the riverfront with a stunning fountain at its southern end. Central Ohio is packed with fun attractions, including the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, voted the favorite zoo of America by USA Travel Guide, and COSI Columbus, the No. 1 science center in the country for families according to Parents magazine. Central Ohio is known for shopping. At Easton Town Center, just 15 minutes from downtown, you'll find Macy's, Nordstrom and hundreds of specialty stores, along with one of the city's best collections of restaurants and entertainment venues. Head 20 minutes north to Polaris Fashion Place, which has five anchors including Saks Fifth Avenue.
Schedule Your Shuttle Shuttle service from the airport to the Hyatt Regency will be provided by Columbus Coach. Shuttle service can be arranged by visiting www.columbuscoach.com, scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on the NCSG link (www.columbuscoach.com/ncsg). Please make sure to complete all information. There are several hotels listed so please check that you have selected the Hyatt Regency before submitting your request.
Attend The Trade Show Innovation 2014 features the nation’s largest trade show focused on chimney service. The trade show will be open on Thursday, March 20 from 1 PM to 6 PM and Friday, March 21 from 9 AM to 12 PM and will be held in the Columbus Hyatt Regency.
NCSG Innovation 2014
March 19-22 • Columbus, Ohio Schedule as of 12/11/2013. Schedule Subject to Change.
Tuesday, March 18 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM
CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep & CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review & Exam Sessions – Additional Registration Required NCSG Board of Directors Meeting CSIA Board of Directors Meeting Committee Meetings State Guild President’s Meetings Chimney Sweeping Around the World
Wednesday, March 19 9:00 AM 9:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM
NCSG Annual Membership Meeting CSIA Information Meeting Coffee Break– Sponsored by M & G Duravent Keynote Address: Strategies in a Difficult Economy With Tom Shay 12:15 PM Group Photograph 2:00 PM Where Does the Money Go? with Tom Shay 2:00 PM Creating a Thorough Inspection Program with Tom Urban 3:30 PM Soda Break 3:45 PM SESCO HR Overview with Bill Ford 3:45 PM Health and Safety with Roxanne Koteles-Smith 7:30 PM Opening night event at the Center for Science and Industry (COSI) - Additional Registration Required
Thursday, March 20 8:15 AM
8:15 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 6:15 PM
We Fix Leaky Chimneys– Revisited, Lessons from the Past with Mark Stoner and John Meredith Combustion Appliance Zone Pressure Diagnostics with Tom Andrews Moving from Manager to Leader in your business with Mark Stoner CO & Combustion Analysis with Tom Andrews New Sweep Seminar & Trade Show Sneak Preview Opening Trade Show Session Pete Luter Innovation Awards Presented by The Chimney Sweep News
1:00 PM 1:00 PM 3:15 PM 3:15 PM 8:00 PM
Apprenticeship Program Update with Renee Brigman and Jim Bostaph Things You Thought Were True with Russ Dimmitt Increase Your Sales 20% By Implementing These 3 Simple Systems with John Meredith Lessons Learned from Fire Investigators at Fire Findings with Jack Sanderson CSIA Benefit Auction
Saturday, March 22 8:00 AM
Rock-it Science, Facing Fireplaces Workshop with Dennis Dobbs 8:30 AM 30 Ideas in 90 Minutes that Can Change your Life with Russ Dimmit 8:30 AM Annual Gas Hearth Appliance Service with Jim Brewer 10:00 AM Coffee Break– Sponsored by PA Guild of Professional Chimney Sweeps , Wisconsin State Guild , Virginia Association of Chimney & Hearth Professionals , South Carolina Chimney Sweep Guild, New York State Guild 11:00 AM In-O-Vate Technologies: The Educational Sale Approach with Cliff Budnick 11:00 AM Navigating the IRC with Bob Priesing 2:00 PM Closing Keynote: Time Management with David Crone 6:00 PM Cocktail Hour 7:00 PM Closing Banquet & Awards Ceremony
For more information visit www.NCSG.org/innovation 2014 r u o o ks t Than Sponsors!
Friday, March 21
9:00 AM Closing Trade Show Session 9:00 AM Bakery Basket Sponsored by Marriot Lancaster PA
Seek to WIN! At the NCSG 2013 Trade Show When you visit all of the trade show exhibitors participating in the SEEK to WIN! Program, you can enter to win prizes like an iPad, a GPS, a portable DVD player or one of several cash prizes!
Veracity Insurance — SaverSystems— M&G Duravent PA Guild of Professional Chimney Sweeps - Wisconsin State Guild Virginia Association of Chimney & Hearth Professionals South Carolina Chimney Sweep Guild New York State Chimney Sweep Guild Marriot Lancaster PA
Registration Form NCSG Innovation 2014 • March 19-22 • Columbus, OH NCSG Member Rates
Until 1/10/14
After 2/14/14
Primary $399 $449 $499 Spouse 199 249 299 st 1 Additional 349 399 449 nd 2 Additional 299 349 399 3+ Additional 249 299 349 Single Day 179 179 179 Banquet Only 69 69 69 Tradeshow Only 49 49 49 Senior Members 100 100 100 Company ______________________________________ Address _______________________________________ City, State ZIP __________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Email _________________________________________ □ Check here to opt-in to email from exhibitors.
Standard Rates
Until 1/10/14
After 2/14/14
Primary $499 $549 $599 Spouse 299 349 399 st 1 Additional 449 499 549 nd 2 Additional 399 449 499 3+ Additional 349 399 449 Single Day 279 279 279 Banquet Only 89 89 89 Tradeshow Only 79 79 79 Child banquet tickets available for kids 12 and under.
COSI Science & Industry Museum Ohio’s Most Unique & Versatile Location - Additional registration required. -
$15/person includes admission to COSI and a pizza party! Join us for this exclusive venue and a night to remember. Inspire the innovator waiting to get out with our “Science a la Cart”.
REGISTRANT INFORMATION Please write your name as you’d like it to appear on your badge. Name __________________________________________________ First-time attendee? □ Yes - $100 discount!* Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ Name ___________________________________________________ First-time attendee? □ Yes - $100 discount! Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ Name ___________________________________________________ First-time attendee? □ Yes - $100 discount! Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ * Discount applies toward full registrations only. Registration Total $ ___________________ Science Night Tickets ($15/each) Qty: _______ Ticket Total $ ___________ 2014 Convention Patch ($3/each - Pickup on-site.) Qty: ________ Patch Total $ ___________ GRAND TOTAL $ ___________ MAIL TO: National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168 PAYMENT INFORMATION FAX TO: (317) 837-5365 CALL: (317) 837-1500 Payment Method: □ Check # ___________ REGISTER ONLINE at www.NCSG.org/innovation □ Visa □ MC □ AmEx Account # ________________________________________ NCSG also accepts direct debit payments. Contact Card Security Code ______________ Exp. __________ Candice Bradbury at (317) 837-1500 for info. Name on Card ____________________________________ Signature _________________________________________ Office Use Only O2CR C2F AUTH ___________ Refund policy: Prior to 1/1/14, 90%; 1/1/14-1/12/14, 75%. Org ID _____________ Profile ID _______________ No refunds are available after 1/12/14. Rec’d By ____________ Date ___________________
NewNCSG Members
REGION 1 MAINE David P. Wells • Atlantic Chimney Service, LLC • Steuben
REGION 2 PENNSYLVANIA Brett Cole • Lancaster Chimney • Lancaster Michael Brooks • Manchester Mechanical Corp. • Springfield
REGION 1 Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
REGION 3 VIRGINIA Edward V. Chambers • Chimney Checkers LLC • Virginia Beach
REGION 5 MINNESOTA Joe Burns • Bernard Dalsin/Chim-A-Lator• Farmington
REGION 6 Jeff Soares • Peninsula Chimney Sweep • Mountain View Douglas Mitchel • Heart’s Chimney & Dryer Duct • Santa Rosa Luis Chacon • Clean Pros Chimney Cleaning • San Pablo Tyrus Herbertson • Tyrus Chimney Sweep • Quincy
REGION 2 Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
REGION 3 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
REGION 4 Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio
REGION 5 Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin
NCSG Charter Members Paul Bourque, Huntsville, AL
Dale Meisinger, N. Augusta, SC
Don Leavitt, San Diego, CA
Alan Hisey, St. Louis, MO
David Harris, Broken Arrow, OK
Eva B. Horton, Greenwich, CT
Dan Wheeler, Santa Rosa, CA
Harry Richart, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
John Cline, Menlo Park, CA
REGION 6 Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
CSIA Update Publication for CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep®s Education 2014 underway The CSIA Education 2014 Calendar features more than two dozen learning events, including 15 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review & Exam sessions. The one-day, in-person sessions help candidates prepare to become certified or renew their CCS credential and gain the marketing power that comes with being listed on the csia.org locate-a-sweep website. Sign up for two opportunities in February in Taunton, MA and at the tech center in Plainfield, IN!
In the press We’re always seeking to get the public’s attention to generate awareness. That’s why we were delighted to get a nice profile in the Dec. 1, 2013 edition of The Indianapolis Star under the headline, “Heart of chimney industry sweeps through Plainfield.” This story and photo package was aimed at our local market and gave us multiple opportunities to highlight our safety message. Additionally, the Fox TV affiliate in Indianapolis, WXIN-Fox 59, also produced a timely news piece for their audience about chimney safety, and they turned to CSIA to help educate their viewers.
Representing in Nashville, TN CSIA is a proud supporter of the efforts of the American Society of Home Inspectors, and we are an “ASHI Affiliate Bronze” participant in the ASHI Inspectionworld Annual Conference 2014 this month in Nashville, TN. CSIA President John Pilger and CSIA Vice President Mark Stoner (whose company, Ashbusters, serves the Nashville area) are scheduled to represent CSIA at the event.
The Dec. 1, 2013 Indianapolis Star
Affiliated Trades The CSIA was pleased on Nov. 7 to welcome Hearth, Barbecue & Patio Association (HBPA) President/CEO Jack Goldman and Rick Vlahos, Executive Director of the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Education Foundation (HPBEF). They met with CSIA Executive Director Frances L. Kelly and Education Director Ashley Eldridge. And we were thrilled that Vlahos later featured CSIA in a write-up to his email subscribers. In his article “Green with Envy” he spoke highly of the CSIA Tech Center and wrote: “The two organizations complement each other. As long as both organizations stay focused and strong, the general public’s need for properly installed and functioning hearth appliances is a lot
better off. It is in everyone’s best interest to make sure that happens.” Read the full letter in our blog: chimneysafety.wordpress.com.
Frances Kelly, Jack Goldman, Rick Vlahos and Ashley Eldridge
November By The Numbers A photo of the ASHI booth at last fall’s O’Malley show in Las Vegas, NV. ASHI was helping us get out the word to recommend only CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps! CSIA President John Pilger and Vice President Mark Stoner are representing us at this month’s ASHI Convention in Nashville ,TN).
Facebook/chimneysafety: 894 likes on Facebook (up from 875 on Oct. 31) Twitter/Chimney_Safety: 477 followers (up from 454) YouTube/ChimneySafetyUSA: 1,287 views on YouTube; 2,233 minutes watched in November (up from 810 views, 1,100 minutes watched in October) ADVERTISEMENT
Credibility. Referrals. Value.
Get the CSIA Certification Advantage The Certified Chimney Sweep credential is the hallmark of excellence among chimney service professionals. Get $50 off CSIA CCS review fees now through April 1, 2014! Valid for new certifications and certifications lapsed 6+ months.
Thanks to our participants:
CSIA is Good for your Business: • CSIA’s website finder services means more money in your pocket* • CSIA is a volunteer-governed nonprofit – the industry standard-bearer • CSIA, with three decades of service, is the trusted go-to source for media • CSIA emphasizes member training, education and ethics – not shortcuts *CSIA’s finder service averages 100 referrals each year, worth an average of $15,000. Source: NCSG survey.
The Leader In Chimney Protection
Contact us today at (317) 837-5362 to get $50 off your CCS review fees. Follow us! @Chimney_Safety
Send us your greenhorn.
in 6 days, we’ll send you back a PRO.
You can spend weeks trying to get your new chimney service employee up to speed. In the process, you’ll have used up your valuable time, your patience, and more money than you would like to admit. Instead, send your employee to the most popular, cost-effective chimney sweep training in North America: CSIA’s National Chimney Sweep Training School. In less than a week, we’ll create an employee that you’ll be proud to send on a call – and happy to count toward your bottom line.
Budget now to send your staff in 2014!
During this six-day hands-on course, attendees will learn: How to inspect and service chimney systems serving any fuel burning appliance. About residential heating appliances, including wood stoves, pellet stoves, inserts, factory-built fireplaces, central heaters and furnaces. NFPA 211 standards. CSIA CEUs: 4T, 4C & S, 4H & S, 4C & L NFI CEUs: 16T
How to navigate the International Residential Codes. Chimney performance problems: understanding draft and flow, diagnosing down drafts, flow reversals, inadequate flow, stack effects, updrafts, pressure effects and gauges. Health and safety equipment and methods.
Register at csia.org or call us at (317) 837-5362.
Progressive Perks
NCSG Innovation 2014, Columbus, OH REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS Success of the NCSG Innovation Convention and Tradeshow is based largely on those that give an hour or two or more of their time to volunteer. Not only is it a rewarding and enjoyable experience, you will have had a hand in the success of the convention.
Volunteers are needed for unloading and loading the office truck, convention registration, assembling materials for registrants, scanners for business and technical sessions, assistance in preparing for the CSIA auction and runners at the auction.
Sometime mid-January those registering for the convention will be contacted via email with a list of activities that require volunteer support. Please check this list and see where you might be able to give some time to help out.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Columbus, OH!
2013 – 2014 Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program Featured Coupons of the Month The 2013 – 2014 offers are available in the “Members Only” section of the NCSG website at www.NCSG.org. These coupons will be good until June 30, 2014 unless otherwise noted
Copperfield Chimney Supply • Canterbury Enterprises • ENERVEX, Inc. • Firesafe Industries, Inc. • HearthMasters, Inc.• HY-C Company • Lindemann Chimney Supply • Meyer Machine and Equipment • National Chimney Supply • Olympia Chimney Supply • RLH Industries, Inc. • Royal Chimney Supply • SaverSystems • Spark Marketer • Ventech Industries, Inc./ Thermocrete/Smoktite • Wohler USA Inc. • Z-Flex
20% off the purchase of an M-Flex Stainless Steel Liner Kit
Buy two (2) Stainless Steel M-Flex CB Kits and get a third liner Kit of lesser or equal value for 50% off dealer price
Buy two (2) Aluminum Kits and get the third kit for 50% off
Buy 100 ft. of M-Flex and get 20 feet FREE
FREE Shipping on $800 minimum order (Regularly minimum order of $1,000)
These are just a few of the many offers available to you as a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. Visit www.NCSG.org to learn more and to start saving!
Is your company name missing? AS a supplier member of NCSG, we encourage you to participate in the Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program. Call Debbie Cornelius at 317-837-1500 or dcornelius@ncsg.org
Energy Savings and Safety for a
Smarter Home M E C H A N I C A L
ENERVEX IntelliDraft™
The environmentally friendly IntelliDraft quietly maintains safe and proper draft for the fireplace while protecting a home from dangerous chimney downdraft and fireplace spillage with an automated fan and damper. It also saves energy and eliminates unnecessary emissions making it a true GREEN solution. For more information, call 800.255.2923 or visit intellidraft.com
History Project
The Measure of Technology
Chimney sweeps have always played an integral role in society, and the National Chimney Sweep Guild has been supporting this storied industry since 1977. It is important to cherish our past as a community as we look towards our future. It was in that spirit that the Guild’s History Project was created. Hopefully many of you have had a chance to see the first phase of the History Project, the timeline. If not please take a few minutes to visit www.ncsg.org/history. For the second phase of the project we will be adding a monthly column on Guild history in Sweeping as well as begin the collection and preservation of artifacts related to our history. Besides offering preservation for artifacts, the project enriches our understanding of the profession. We can use personal photos, member company advertisements, newspaper articles, convention badges, souvenirs from Guild trips, and collectables to illustrate the diversity and uniqueness of the Guild in the United States. If you have any photos, artifacts, or memorabilia relating to the Guild, please share. We welcome copies and originals alike. If shipping, please take care to have the document or photo secured and flat, or the object well padded, for shipping to 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168 care of The NCSG History Project. If you choose to email scans or photos, please send to dmarlett@ncsg.org. We advise not scanning a document or photo more than once as the light can degrade the pigment. If the object is fabric, either package in acid-free paper or take non-flash photos to protect the dye. Additionally we welcome your stories! If you are interested in contributing to the oral history of the Guild by writing an article in Sweeping please contact Darcy Marlett at dmarlett@ncsg.org or 317-837-1500.
We look forward to sharing your fond memories of the Guild and to celebrating in how far we’ve come!
Wohler VIS 400 Visual Inspection System with Viper Kit
• Modular system gives you the flexibility to choose individual components to meet your specific needs • Compact, lightweight, and easy to use • Perfect for inspections while on the roof • Pan-and-tilt camera head • Bright, LED lighting and vibrant display screen • Includes carry strap and protective pouch with anti-glare protection • Video, photo, and voice recording options
Wohler USA Inc. • 978-750-9876 www.wohlerusa.com JANUARY 14 SWEEPING 27
Quality & Strength The Superior Features You Expect From Gelco: Embossed lid for more strength & stability.
Certificates of Insurance – What Are They For? Chimney sweeps are often required by a contractor, building owner, or landlord to provide a certificate of insurance. The important question is why are they requiring the certificate of insurance? A Certificate of Insurance is a snapshot, or outline, of your policy coverage at the time the certificate was issued. It is not an insurance policy contract. The main purposes for a Certificate of Insurance include:
Swing tabs allow for an inside/outside mount Reinforced & hemmed lid.
Cross-braced for more strength & stability.
Deep double channel base for superior durability.
All hinges & screens run the full height to add stability & eliminate gaps between lid & mesh.
Check out All of Our Products at
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1. Providing Proof of Insurance 2. Giving the requestor Certificate Holder status 3. Listing someone as an Additional Insured The purpose, and type of request, will determine whether or not an additional premium will be charged and if changes to your insurance policy are required. Certificates of Insurance for the sole purpose of proof of insurance has no cost to you, but listing a general contractor as additional insured and changing the policy to meet other contractual requirements may cost you $500 or more. It is important to know and understand the requirements of the certificate requester in advance. Too often we see requests for certificates after a job has been started or completed that creates an additional premium or delays payment to the contractor. By giving your insurance provider the insurance requirements in advance, you can reduce any surprise costs that will cut into your bottom line. You should also be requesting certificates of insurance, naming your company as an additional insured, from any sub-contractors you use. This will ensure that those sub-contractors have sufficient liability limits and to protect you from lawsuits brought against you and your company from the negligence of your subcontractor. The NCSG-endorsed insurance program, offered through Veracity Insurance Solutions, provides specific insurance coverage responding to your industry needs. For more information regarding Certificates of Insurance or the NCSG Insurance Program, please contact me at: Ross Graham ross@veracityins.com 866-395-1308 ext. 125
Achieving Your Goals in the New Year Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to be happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. – Helen Keller
appy New Year! It that time of year – resolution time. What did you resolve to do in 2014? What personal and professional goals have you set?
So, when setting goals this year, make them meaningful and engaging, and be prepared that the pursuit will not necessarily be very fun.
New Year’s Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It’s a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes. When looking over some “top 10” lists for resolutions or even thinking back on some of my own, resolutions are usually related to things like taking better care of yourself, spending more time with family and a sense of safety.
Set goals that are challenging and that you are interested in. Be willing to stretch your skills and further develop your talents. Set goals that help you build relationships and that give you a sense of purpose and value.
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs says we need both safety and belonging to reach self-actualization. Under safety comes employment, and under belonging comes friendship, family, and intimacy. In looking at the hierarchy, accomplishing safety comes before accomplishing belonging, making the latter more prized, or more valuable. Working is great: it brings in income, the food on your table, and the vacation you take over the summer. Sure you may have a friend that can get on your last nerve. But it is those people who embody the un-tangible items in life that simply cannot be ignored for your job each day. It’s that sense of safety and belonging that provides you the motivation to achieve.
This time of year also bring to mind the song Auld Lang Syne, a Scottish song written by Robert Burns in the 1700s. You probably just recently sang it yourself. The song is about remembering friends from the past and not letting them be forgotten.
When your goals are meaningful and engaging they will likely bolster your internal drive and sense of confidence, and they just might enhance your sense of safety and belonging.
Attending the NCSG convention in March will help you achieve goals and see old friends. What a perfect opportunity to see friends, make new ones and attend seminars that can help you professionally and personally. Hope to see you there!
Dates & Events January 15-16, 2014 Hope Stevenson & Rick Vlahos Business Strategies Lakewood, CO Register Online Today at www.olympiachimney.com January 20-24, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org January 21-22, 2014 Hope Stevenson & Rick Vlahos Business Strategies Sturbridge, MA Register Online Today at www.olympiachimney.com January 24-25, 2014 North Carolina Chimney Sweep Association Winter Meeting Waynesville, NC For more information, call Tom Albert at (828) 456-9775. January 27, 2014 Copperfield Reline Workshop Mount Laurel, NJ For more information, please contact the Copperfield Technical Department or visit www.copperfield.com
January 27-31, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org January 29, 2014 Copperfield Reline Workshop Westminster, MD For more information, please contact the Copperfield Technical Department or visit www.copperfield.com January 31, 2014 Copperfield Reline Workshop Dundee, MI For more information, please contact the Copperfield Technical Department or visit www.copperfield.com February 3-7, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 5-6, 2014 Hope Stevenson & Rick Vlahos Business Strategies CSIA Technology Center- Plainfield, IN Register Online Today at www. olympiachimney.com February 7, 2014 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org
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Strong Triple Locking Crimp Holds T ogether , Even On Tough Jobs
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Horizontal Sides Of Corrugation Offer Added Strength & Flexibility
Featuring In Which ALL FITTINGS Are Attached With A Band, Even The Tee Cap And Elbows, Quick & Simple, No Drilling & Riveting
February 10-14, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 12-13, 2014 Hope Stevenson & Rick Vlahos Business Strategies Middleton, WI Register Online Today at www. olympiachimney.com February 13-14, 2014 CSIA Chimney Physics CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org
Visit www.chim-proliner.com for more details Manufactured by
CHIMNEY TECHNIQUE INC. • 2000 Industrial Ave • Sioux Falls, SD 57104
1-800-582-1392 30 SWEEPING JANUARY 14
Please send notice of your events for NCSG Dates & Events listings at mmcmahon@ncsg.org for inclusion here, in weekly posts to the discussion list and online at www.NCSG.org/dates. The event must be considered educational or informative for the industry (sales events and open houses will not be listed).
Humor Meet Gustav, created by Nicholas Voshall: Born in Hallstatt, Austria, Gustav was taught to cherish the simple things in life. Like hard work. His first classroom was his parent’s bakery, where he learned the secret to baking the perfect pastry. Perhaps Gustav would still be living in his little hometown, baking pastries for his friends and neighbors, had it not been for that fateful day, Christmas Eve, when the bakery’s chimney clogged – setting fire to the shop, and ruining all of his baked goods. Gustav’s customers were angry to hear that they would not be having Gustav’s famous pastries for Christmas, and they all demanded their money back. Gustav’s parents were forced to shut down their beloved business, and go into an early retirement. It was on this day that Gustav swore to learn the art of chimney sweeping, in hopes that he could save others from such a horrible disaster. After sailing to America to learn from the very best chimney sweeps around, Gustav started his own business and set forth to help those who were unaware of the dangers that lurked just up their chimneys. Gustav will be joining Sweeping Magazine in 2014. The cartoons are gladly donated by Midtown Sweeps. Copyrighted, all rights reserved by Midtown Sweeps and CSIA.
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Ahrens Chimney Technique
9 Copperfield
Firesafe Industries, Inc.
Gelco, Lyemance, Lock-Top
Golden Flue, Inc
10 ICP
Lindemann Chimney Company
M&G DuraVent
MC Refractory
National Chimney
Olympia Chimney Supply
Sand Hill Wholesale
SaverSystems, Inc
1 Smoktite
Trans Continental Equipment
27 Wohler
National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168
BUY 2 LINER KITS AND GET 1 FREE! Offer valid from January 1st through January 31st. New customers and catalog prices only.
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National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168
BUY 2 LINER KITS AND GET 1 FREE! Offer valid from January 1st through January 31st. New customers and catalog prices only.
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