Sweeping October 2019 VOLUME 43 #9
The 5 Step AnxietyMelting Program For Numbers-Averse Business Owners
The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology
The Business of Safety What Is Our Why?
Meet a Member: Alan Collins
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Departments President’s Letter 3 In Case You Missed It 4 Editor’s Letter 5 Tech Q&A 12 Coach’s Corner 22 Membership Memo 28 Dates and Events 30 New Members 37 Around the Tech Center 38 Classifieds 39 Darwin Award 40
Table of Contents Sweeping October 2019 Volume 43 Issue 9
Features The 5 Step AnxietyMelting Program
The Business of Safety
What Is Our Why?
How do you a top a dunk tank fundraiser? A pie in the face fundraiser! The NCSG and CSIA staff will once again be raising funds for Sweep Away Cancer. This year the fundraiser will run October 1st through the 31st. Donate through our facebook at www.ncsg.org/ nationalchimneysweepguild!
Meet A Member: Alan Collins
6 15 18 26
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140300 140300
October 2019
Smoke Chambers and Cast in Place Liner Installation (866) 283-8667 Ext. 706
Factory Built Fireplace Installation and Replacement (866) 283-8667 Ext. 701
Dryer Vents (866) 283-8667 Ext. 707
Gas Appliance Venting, Gas Logs and NFPA 54 (866) 283-8667 Ext. 702 Oil Appliance Venting and NFPA 31 (866) 283-8667 Ext. 703 Chimney Inspection, Documentation and NFPA 211 (Levels of Inspection) (866) 283-8667 Ext. 704
Installation and Venting of Pellet Stoves (866) 283-8667 Ext. 708 IRC and NFPA 211 (Code Questions) (866) 283-8667 Ext. 709 Customer Service and Customer Communication (866) 283-8667 Ext. 710 General Sweeping and Repair (866) 283-8667 Ext. 711
Masonry Fireplace Construction and Restoration (866) 283-8667 Ext. 700
2 S W E E P I N G
Resources 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500 Fax: (317) 837-5365
Megan McMahon Executive Director mmcmahon@ncsg.org
Penny Seals Academic Coordinator pseals@ncsg.org
Darcy Marlett Director of Communications and Marketing dmarlett@ncsg.org
Sara Sichting Systems and Records Coordinator ssichting@ncsg.org
Russell Dimmitt Education Director rdimmitt@ncsg.org
Annemarie Stockton Membership & Outreach Coordinator astockton@ncsg.org
Charissa Benge Mahaffey Office Coordinator cmahaffey@ncsg.org Donna Lee Kasmer CSIA Certification Coordinator dkasmer@csia.org
October 2019
Tammy Bruner Program Coordinator tbruner@ncsg.org
Be advised that advice given by NCSG’s Technical Advisory Council (TAC) reflects best practices of the chimney sweeping industry. However, we are unable to account for any particular type of situation since regional variations in construction practices and additional environmental, physical and geographical factors necessarily vary the level of service appropriate for a particular fireplace and/or chimney. Additionally, local laws and ordinances may govern and/ or supersede the information and any recommendations provided. Final determinations are the responsibility of a local professional with firsthand knowledge of the situation, and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Neither NCSG nor any member of TAC will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on information provided by anyone associated with TAC. By your use of this member benefit you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.
Region 6 Bob Ferrari (530) 941-5818 bob@flueseason.com
Vice President, Region 4 Jeff Keefer 513-248-9600 info@chimneycareco.com
At-Large Director Tom Hunkele (515) 249-6337 topnotchchimney@gmail.com
Treasurer, Region 3 Ron Rust (803) 730-5858 tophatswp@aol.com
At-Large Director Steven Scally (603) 895-8746 firesidesweeps@comcast.net
Secretary, Region 1 Matt Mair (603) 525-7905 matt@blackmoosechimney. com
At-Large Director Joe Sauter (317) 243-9687 joe@yourchimneysweep.com
Region 2 Bill Thornton (215) 540-9787 wissahickonvalleysweep@ yahoo.com
Stainless Steel Liner Installation (866) 283-8667 Ext. 705 To contact any member of the Technical Advisory Council, please call (866) 283-8667 and select the extension for the person who is best qualified to answer your question:
President, Region 5 Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 drengler01@gmail.com
Supplier Representative Stuart Karanovich (765) 966-5084 stuartk@saversystems.com
Bylaws Jeff Keefer 513-248-9600 info@chimneycareco.com
NFPA 211 Representative Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400 jbrewer@magic-sweep.com
Ethics Joe Sauter (317) 243-9687 joe@yourchimneysweep.com
NFPA 31 Representative John Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneyman@aol.com
Governance Tom Hunkele (641) 774-8056 topnotchchimney@gmail.com
NFPA 54 Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400 jbrewer@magic-sweep.com
Government Affairs Jeff Keefer 513-248-9600 info@chimneycareco.com
Technical Advisory Council Michael Segerstrom (908) 253-9190 chimneysweeps@optonline.net
International Relations John Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneyman@aol.com
Scholarship Committee Gregg Boss (636) 391-2226 englishsweep@att.net
Membership Bob Ferrari (530) 221-3331 bob@flueseason.com
ADVERTISING RATES for Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology may be obtained by contacting Malisa Minetree at (317) 815-4688 or sweepingads@me.com Layout and design by David Bruce, Red2 Design Bureau NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press releases and articles to editor Darcy Marlett at dmarlett@ncsg.org. Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing, nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release. NCSG further reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising determined not to be in keeping with the publication’s standards. Acceptance of advertising by Sweeping magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products or services advertised. NCSG does not make any effort to review or substantiate claims made by advertisers. © 2019 National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. (317) 837-1500
recently returned from my first trip to Europe. America was well represented at ESCHFOE where we learned how our European counterparts have a very different business model. Mark Stoner and Chuck Hall gave a presentation about how they gain more customers and work on customer relations. Even with language barriers between many in attendance we still traded ideas and enjoyed getting to know each other and learning. After seeing the conference first hand I now see the need for us to be represented yearly. I traveled on my own for a few days before eventually arriving in a tiny little Italian town. I immediately found some familiar faces and was surprised by how much the town was covered in chimney sweeping memorabilia. Ribbons with #18 were passed out in memory of our friend Terry Dearborn. We gathered for a North American sweep photo around the Spazzacamini statue and finished off the weekend with a parade around and through town. It was amazing
how the locals really love the sweeps and chanted U.S.A. U.S.A. over and over as we marched. I have never been more proud of our trade. Never before would I have imagined thousands and thousands of people would gathering to see a chimney sweep parade. I highly recommend seeing this in person at least once. I will attend again as my schedule allows. The busy season is in full force, remember to take care of yourselves and be profitable.
Jasper Drengler NCSG President
Letter Jasper Drengler
Sweeping in Europe!
3 S W E E P I N G October 2019
In Case You
4 S W E E P I N G October 2019
Register Now for Orlando! Registration is now open to the 2020 NCSG National Convention in Orlando, FL! From the opening keynote to the closing banquet celebration, you won’t want to miss a moment of all we have in store! Register Here: www.NCSGConvention.org/register
Share your testimonial Growing the NCSG community is always a top priority of ours. What better way to welcome new companies to our network than to share stories from members like you? Follow the link to find a few prompts to guide your testimonials. Please feel free to answer as many prompts as you’d like! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NCSGtestimonials2018
Nominations for Meet a Member Do you know a friend or colleague doing great work in our industry that deserves a little recognition? Nominate them to be featured on NCSG.org and Sweeping magazine in the Meet a Member feature. Send names to Annemarie Stockton at astockton@ncsg.org.
Happy Fall, Sweeps! We know as the weather cools down and the phone starts ringing it’s easy to get lost in the chaos of busy season. That’s why this month’s issue is focused on health and safety. Over in the Tech Q and A and in “The Business of Safety” by Chuck Roydhouse, you can learn more about the importance of job site safety to protect yourself, your employees, and your business. Because stress can also have a big impact on your health, this month’s Membership Memo covers “5 Ways You Can Help Your Employees De-Stress this Season.”
Finally, if you are interested in helping others in their quest for health, I recommend you learn more about Sweep Away Cancer and their mission on page 18. If you’d like to donate, the NCSG and CSIA staff is hosting an online fundraiser for Sweep Away Cancer during the month of October! You can read more about the fundraiser in this month’s “Around the Tech Center.”
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5 S W E E P I N G
The 5 Step AnxietyMelting Program For NumbersAverse Business Owners By Taylor Hill and Carter Harkins
Spark Marketer Check your sweat-o-meter. Does it ramp up when you’re asked about ROI, CPA, conversion rate, and budget? No need to head to WebMD for a diagnosis. You’ve got what so many business owners have: an aversion to numbers. We’ve met with countless business owners who have the same physical aversion to getting down and dirty with the numbers in their businesses. But there’s no reason to break a sweat!
6 S W E E P I N G
Most of the numbers you need to know in business require only the simplest math — addition, subtraction, multiplication and division — all of which can be easily done with the calculator you carry around in your pocket. Sure, it seems easier to just avoid the things that make you feel anxious, but here’s the thing: if you’re driving numbers blind, your business is a ticking time bomb. So, no matter how numbers-averse you are, you have to get to know the numbers in your business. But don’t worry, you don’t need a degree in accounting or to spend those precious few moments you have during the weekend in a dark room with your computer,
October 2019
a pile of charts and papers, and a calculator. If that were the case, very few of us would ever get familiar with our numbers. Here’s your 5 step program to eliminating anxiety and getting up close and personal with the numbers in your business...
#1 Acknowledge how numbers make you “feel”. There’s usually a reason why many of us are uncomfortable getting into the numbers side of business. Maybe you didn’t do too well in math when you were in school or a math teacher told you everything short of “You’re stupid.” Maybe you’ve struggled with money in the past and looking at the numbers only brought you anxiety and reminded you that you didn’t have enough and that you weren’t enough. Whatever the cause, it’s time to break free by acknowledging the way numbers make you feel. Only by acknowledging and accepting those feelings can we move past powerlessness and into empowerment. And remember, it’s simple arithmetic that you can and will master!
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#2 Pay attention to cash flow. You have to make managing cash flow a priority in your business. Cash flow in your business is like the blood in your veins — if you run out, you’re dead! If your business has down months or slow seasons, you have to have enough cash to get through those times. If you don’t plan for the drop and pay attention to cash flow, you may have to drop some employees or close up shop altogether. Don’t think paying attention to cash flow is really that impactful? Amazon has built a huge business on small profit margins by managing their cash flow like a champ! So don’t think you have to know every single number in your business — pay attention to the ones that can make the biggest difference, like cash flow.
# 3 Hire an accountant and find someone who does like numbers to help out with the daily number crunching. Every business needs an accountant at some point, so if you don’t have one, consider hiring one. Make sure the person you hire is someone
you can trust. Vet them the same way your customers vet you — look at their reviews, ask friends for recommendations, etc. Not all accountants are equal or ethical. So find someone with integrity that you can trust to take good care of you and your business. With that said, traditional accounting is always looking backwards, asking the question, “How did you do?” But because you need to manage the “now,” in other words, the cash flow, you need to have someone watching what’s going on in your company day to day. Thankfully, there are some people out there who love dealing with the numbers. That someone in your life might be your spouse, a mentor, your office admin, or even your lead tech. Whether you love looking at the numbers yourself or not, having someone to work alongside you to make sense of it all will help to remove some of the resistance you feel and make facing the numbers a little bit easier. So keep your eyes peeled for people in your life who can help you make sense of the daily numbers.
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8 S W E E P I N G
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October 2019
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#4 Reframe the process. Knowing your numbers in business is something you know you need to do. But if you want to do it without feeling eternal dread, you’ve got to reframe the process. Add something fun to it. Give yourself something to look forward to. Gamify it. Think of your numbers as a treasure hunt or a mystery to solve. It might sound kind of silly but if you put it in perspective and gamify the process, you’ll experience less of the resistance you’re used to feeling, and you might even, *GASP*, enjoy it. It’s no different than listening to your favorite album while you work out at the gym. These little added pleasures take away some of the pain of things we don’t necessarily want to do.
Note: If your accountant doesn’t take the time to go over these important metrics with you so you have a good understanding, change accountants! Part of their job is to deliver the documents, but the other part is to make sure you understand them. Knowing Is More Than Half The Battle
Knowing your numbers empowers you to make the shots in your business instead of being a victim of the numbers. Every time you sit down to look at the numbers, even if they’re bad, you’re giving yourself the chance to make better decisions and to act, rather than react.
What you don’t know can hurt you in business. What’s standing between you and your numbers? Is it the fear and anxiety that comes with things that feel too complicated to understand?
#5 Schedule time to visit the cash flow numbers at least once a week and your P&L and balance sheet at the end of every month.
Even if you have an accountant, you’ll also need to set aside time every month to take a look at your baseline financials (P&L & Balance Sheet) from a bird’s eye point of view. Then, when your accountant gives you a quarterly update, nothing will be a big shock or a big surprise. You’ll have empowered yourself, and an empowered leader always makes for a better leader.
Here’s perhaps the most powerful reframe:
That little bit of pain and resistance you’ll feel when you do look at the numbers is far less unpleasant than the anxiety and cortisol rush you’re going to routinely feel if you don’t spend time with your numbers. Make sense?
and subtraction is all you need to know to get the most important metric in your business.
Bad news: Having an accountant doesn’t get you off the hook. You still need to know, understand, and routinely visit your numbers. How else will you know if something odd is going on, when you need to pivot, or how to plan for the future. The truth is, you always need to know your numbers, no matter how small you are or how big you get. That means you or someone you trust should be looking at what’s coming in up to a certain date (we suggest the end of the work week or the upcoming Monday) and what’s going out up to that same date. This is how you determine cash flow. If more is coming in than going out, you have a positive cash flow. If less is coming in than going out, you’ll have to make up that difference somewhere to stay afloat. See, simple addition
October 2019
Then here’s what you need to remember: you are capable of understanding. And knowing is more than half the battle… The sooner you get a handle on these important numbers, the sooner that anxiety will dissolve to make room for empowerment. And at the end of the day, if you’re empowered to make better decisions, you’ll have a better business to show for it. Taylor Hill and Carter Harkins are the co-founders of Spark Marketer, a Nashville-based digital marketing company that works primarily with service businesses. They’re also the co-hosts of the Blue Collar Proud (BCP) Show, the podcast that’s all about having and living the blue collar dream; co-authors of the book, Blue Collar Proud: 10 Principles for Building a Kickass Business You Love; and co-creators of the award-winning follow-up system, Closing Commander™, which helps contractors close more estimates effortlessly. Both regularly speak at service industry trade shows and conferences across the nation. sparkmarketer. com, closingcommander.com, @bcpshow, facebook.com/ sparkmarketer, facebook.com/bcpshow/, facebook.com/groups/ bluecollarproudnation/, facebook.com/closingcommander/
Our Premium Forever Flex™ liner is now also available in Premium Pre-Insulated™! As with all Forever Flex liners, they feature Olympia’s Forever Warranty and come with Free Shipping on liners and kits. P
Patent Pending Available in 316TI/304L .005 5’’- 12’’ Diameter Extremely Flexible & Easy to Uncoil
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Michael Segerstrom
NCSG Technical Advisory Chair
Question: Do we really need to wear eye protection all the time when working on chimneys?
12 S W E E P I N G October 2019
Answer: Yes, for obvious and not so obvious reasons. The most obvious is to protect our eyes from particles like soot, especially when looking up a system. And of course, to protect our eyes when cutting masonry, metal, or any other material that could result in projectiles. These are pretty clear reasons. There are actually lots of common chimney related tasks that can result in big and small objects becoming airborne towards our eyes. These include debris (especially old mortar) coming off ladder rungs and rails while we’re climbing them, screws slipping, metal splinters from driving the screws, removing caps, retrieving tools off the truck, removing stove components and many, many other common tasks. It’s important to understand what the eye injury risks are for the tasks we’re performing, Safety glasses with a wraparound or side eye protection are great and very affordable. Most sold as safety glasses will also be shatter resistant. No, sunglasses are not safety glasses. Neither are prescription glasses. Both do provide some protection, but they may not be sufficient. They may not cover enough area, and they may not be shatter resistant. There are safety glasses that offer UV protection for outside work, and safety glasses that are intended to fit over prescription glasses. Which brings us to the next aspect to consider. Standard wrap around safety glasses are not always going to provide enough protection for certain tasks. In some cases, particles and
small objects may be able to get behind the glasses, and still get in our eyes, though potentially at a slower speed. I can share a personal experience on this. A number of years ago one of my employees was looking up a ceiling supported Class A chimney pipe. We had swept the system in preparation to remove it. He took a casual look up into the pipe, with his wrap around safety glasses on, at the moment that a particle of soot fell down the pipe. It fell at just the right angle to pass behind the top of his glasses, bounce off his eyebrow, then of the inside of the glasses and into his eye. There was no permanent damage, but it did severely irritate his eye, and even after it was removed with an eye wash (a must on every truck!), the residual irritation prevented him from working the rest of the day. I had a similar experience where a small piece of metal got behind my glasses and in to my eye. Eye wash would not remove it, and by the time I got to the doctors it had begun to rust! The point of these stories is that certain tasks will require safety goggles, not just glasses. Goggles will fit snugly on our face, preventing any debris from getting inside. These are available with shatter resistant lenses, UV protection for outdoor work, and even incorporated in to full face respirators. There are even specially designed goggles that fit well over prescription glasses. Another safety consideration for our eyes is dust and floating particles. Goggles are
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necessary for these risks. Obvious examples are masonry dust and fine soot that floats. We protect our lungs in these environments, but do we adequately protect our eyes? The dust can float behind standard safety glasses, causing eye irritation. This can be annoying, but can also be a long term concern. We don’t want to absorb these particulates, but they can also result in microscopic scratches that could affect our eyesight over time. Insulation floating around attics or around liners we are insulating may also be eye irritants for many. This is just a brief summary of some of the eye injury risks we may face. Employers should have clear policies on which eye protection to wear for different work, and provide the necessary protective equipment. Employees need to make sure they always follow these policies and procedures, because it’s for their own protection. As an example, we have an SOP that requires safety glasses to be put on once we have greeted the homeowner and gone over the service to be provided. The glasses then stay on until the work
14 S W E E P I N G October 2019
is completed and we are doing paperwork. If they are always on, then it’s much less likely to leave them in the truck when we walk back in the home after coming out to the truck for something. The only time in between that we take them off, is when we are changing them to goggles or outdoor glasses/goggles. Our eyes are one of our most valuable tools! Let’s make sure we always protect them!
The Business Of Safety by Chuck Roydhouse
Safety And Its Importance To Business What is Safety? By definition safety is “Relative freedom from danger, risk, or threat of harm, injury, or loss to personnel and/or property, whether caused deliberately or by accident. Let’s talk about the Evolution of Safety in the American Workplace. The 19th Century -The emerging Industrial Revolution turned workplaces into some of the most dangerous sites with the introduction of new technologies. America’s high wages and vast natural resources, the use of laborsaving machines and processes were strongly encouraged. Legal actions against employers for damages were hard pressed. The 20th Century- Work safety became a growing public concern after the success of the Safety Appliance Act of 1893. In 1908 Congress passed its first Workers Compensation Laws. Worker fatalities that had once costs railroads $200 now cost them $2000. This contributed to the exponential growth in the employers interest in safety. The 21st Century—Globalization, new technology, and research in health gave way to a stronger focus on teaching workers proper procedures to mitigate risk. With advancement there was also
a deeper understanding of medical standards and evaluations of respiratory concerns, physical capacity, illnesses and diseases.
The Components of Safety Management Safety management in the workplace is here to stay. Conducting worksite inspections regularly ensures a safe environment for everyone and identifies possible hazards. There are some key components in safety management. The most valuable is incident tracking. The tracking of incidents helps keep records and identify patterns. This can give you key information to develop safety protocols. Another component is an incident risk assessment; this will help identify vulnerabilities and assess how prepared you are to detect and respond. Both of these components are a must in any business. Next, employee training supplies the employee with step by step procedures, experience and confirms they are able to do the job correctly. Employee training is essential at the beginning and throughout the worker’s employment. Employee qualifications and certifications further add onto training and will ensure the employee can handle the equipment or associated tasks. In addition, having action item tracking in place
October 2019
15 S W E E P I N G
dictates the tasks and activates what needs to take place and gives you the ability to describe or inform what corrective action is required.
Top Potentially Fatal Workplace Accidents No matter what type of job you have there are risks of injury involved. This is why safety must be in the forefront of everyone’s mind at the company. The most common are: workplace violence, falls and exposure to chemicals and toxins. Protocols should be in place for each of these potentially fatal accidents. Blue collar jobs have an increased risk of heart disease, according to a Center for Disease Control and Prevention report from 2015. Back pain due to improper lifting methods and machinery accidents usually resulting in lacerations and broken bones are among the top risks. White Collar Jobs have an increased risk of carpal tunnel syndrome developed from incorrect typing methods, computer vision, due to strain on the eyes from increased time at computer screens and neck issues from improper posture while sitting over long periods. The goal of safety is prevention of workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities. Identify the roles and responsibilities of employers and employees when responding to incidents. Reduce and remove current dangers in order to improve working conditions and promote employee health.
16 S W E E P I N G
Lastly, safety promotion for training and communication within all levels of the workforce. So how do I go about developing, maintaining, and improving safety procedures and guidelines? In order to do so you need to follow the steps below:
Develop 1. Identify the job to be analyzed. 2. Breaking the job down into a sequence of steps. 3. Identifying potential hazards in each step. 4. Determining preventative measures to overcome these hazards.
Maintain 1. Inspect the workplace. 2. Train your employees. 3. Communicate regularly with your employees during weekly meetings.
Improve 1. Create a plan to promote workplace health and safety by reviewing and discussing current safety procedures with staff. 2. Discuss potential improvements or procedures that could be beneficial to the company and employees. 3. Investigate all incidents/accidents
The Four Safety Management Systems (SMS) Components
Information you gathered before, during and after accidents will help formulate the correct action process for the prevention of accidents. Maintenance of records is key to proving data for any corrective action.
Safety management is an important element of any business or organization and is a systematic approach to managing safety in your workplace. It is scalable so it can be tailored to the size and complexity of your organization. There are four main components.
How will a focus in safety save and make me money?
Firstly, safety policy to establish management’s commitment to continually improve safety. Identifying methods, processes, and organizational structure needed to meet goals.
Workplace injuries are icebergs and ninety percent of a typical iceberg is hidden under the surface and the same can be true for work place injuries. These are the Direct Costs / Visible Costs to a company or organization:
Secondly, safety assurance to evaluate the continued effectiveness of implemented risk control strategies in identifying new hazards. Next, safety risk management to determine the need of new or revised risk controls.
October 2019
1. Workers Compensation Coverage 2. Replacement Labor 3. Attention being diverted from Business 4. Investigation costs 5. Increase in Medical Costs
These are the Indirect Costs/ Unseen Costs to a company or organization:
standards are found citations and fines occur. A $100,000 fine is not unusual.
1. Production downtime
How Will This Increase My Profits?
2. Damage to products/equipment
“More than one million injuries and 2.3 million cases of ill-health are experienced by workers in an average year, contributing to a loss of about 40 million working days. The economic impact of workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities cost more than $170 billion per year in the U.S. On the plus side safety and health management systems can reduce injury and illness costs by 20 to 40percent,” according to Safety Management Group.
3. Decrease in productivity 4. Potential loss of contract or loss of future contracts 5. Negative press with damage to company reputation 6. Potential OSHA fines and legal costs Additionally, there are investigation costs to a company or organization: 1. Time and resources being allocated to find out how and why and who is liable 2. Workers Compensation coverage
Safety is both a personal responsibility and an employer’s duty. Let us create this culture of safety for our mutual benefit.
3. Ambulance fees and follow up care 4. Increases in medical premium cost 5. Depending on the State you may have to pay all the money back Now you can see how safety can have an impact on a company or organization. We cannot talk about safety without OSHA.
Chuck Roydhouse is a graduate of Shepherd University with a degree in Fire Science and Safety. He has managed a successful chimney maintenance and repair company for over 27 years. He is President of Roydhouse Effect Inc. This firm offers fractional CEO Consulting Services that specialize in making businesses profitable and organized. Chuck has served on the CSIA Board of Directors since 2014. He has held positions as CSIA Treasurer and Vice President. He is currently serving as CSIA President.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration was founded in 1971 as an Agency of the United States Department of Labor, and established under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Its mission is “assure safe and healthful working condition for working men and women by setting and enforcing standard and by providing training, outreach, education, and assistance.”
17 S W E E P I N G
1. Employers must BY LAW follow all OSHA safety and health standards. 2. Inspections are initiated without advanced notice and are usually triggered by a workplace fatality, multiple hospitalizations or by worker complaints. 3. If violations of OSHA
October 2019
What Is Our Why? By Tommy Nelms
18 S W E E P I N G
f you are in business you get asked a lot of questions. Why do you run your business? Why do you work in the chimney industry? What is it that drives you to get out of bed every morning? We ask ourselves these questions at Sweep Away Cancer as well. I want to tell you why and how this whole movement got started. At the NCSG convention in Columbus, OH a few years ago the keynote speaker gave some statistics that really blew my mind. The main one being that 80% of all service calls in the home are scheduled by women. That shouldn’t have surprised me at the time. My wife handles all of these things for our family. She is so much more organized and on top of things than I am!
October 2019
I sat on the plane and I thought to myself, my company should be doing something to say thank you to the 80 percent of our customers that are calling and scheduling these appointments. What could we do as a company to help women as a whole? I thought to myself what would my wife want? What would my sisters and mom want from a service company as a “thank you for doing business with us.” More specifically is there anything that effects women only that we could help with? My first thought was breast cancer. I was a career fireman before I entered the chimney and venting industry. As a firefighter we would wear pink shirts that said “tough enough to wear pink” to raise funds for breast cancer research. The lightbulb went off. We could do the
same thing in my company. Then I thought how are we going to get this done? I quickly realized we are going to need help to make this happen. I sat in a class one time that Mark Stoner taught, and he said, “If you have a good idea, SHARE IT!” Mark and I run competing companies, but I didn’t want this to be about just us. It was more important and bigger than that. I called Mark and told him my thoughts. He was ALL IN. Mark and I met and talked, and the dream just got bigger. We needed a national partner to help us. Darin Bibeau’s name came up. We called him and he too was ALL IN. This was a group idea that was starting to grow. It made sense for our industry to be the first to create a national campaign to help those afflicted with cancer. Did you know that the first occupational cancer diagnosis was in the chimney industry for testicular cancer? We were unfortunately the first to deal with that, but it raised awareness, and it makes sense that we are the first industry to collectively get together and help those in need. I can honestly tell you that I do not know a single person that has not been affected by cancer in some way. My mother-in-law Linda Stalnaker passed away from breast cancer. She never had the privilege to meet my two sons. She never got to see firsthand what an amazing mother and spouse my wife is. They went through some tough times, and it sure would’ve been a huge help if there was someone in my father-in-law’s industry that would have been there to support them. My why is simple — it’s Linda Stalnaker and all those that I know and love that have battled this nasty disease. I want to raise money for the Linda Stalnaker of your family and friends. I want these families to be able to focus on the fight and not the bills that come with everyday life. I want the wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters and friends to get a little relief from the daily grind and allow them to keep their focus on helping their loved ones heal. My original thought started very small, but my friends joined me and made this a really big idea.
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20 S W E E P I N G
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October 2019
We now have a team of volunteers that really make this campaign a reality. These individuals have given up their time because they want to be a help to others. Many have given their time, money and effort to make this thing run. As an organization our why is simple as well. We do this because people we know and people we don’t know need our help, and we want to be there for them. We hear a lot about how our industry is different. We are a tight community and we care for one another. Sweep Away Cancer is a shining example as to why our industry is different. Friends, coworkers, competitors and even individuals outside of our industry have joined forces, and because of that we have been able to help people that need it. Our industry is leading the charge and setting the tone for other industries to follow. We can fill a room with people from all different regions of the world, from all different backgrounds, and none of that matters. Our industry has put their heads together and decided that we have to stand up and do something. We need to be there for people that need us. In the fire service when the bell rings then that means someone somewhere needs our help. You run to the trucks not knowing what you are getting yourself into, because that really doesn’t matter. All that matters is that someone needs you, and you are willing to go out and help them. Well the bell has been rung in our industry and I have not met a single person that has not been willing to answer the call. I am so proud of us. Everyone wants to help in any way that they can. Everyone wants to be a part. So, what is our industry’s why? I would say that the industry’s why is because we are a group of people that have a servant’s heart. We are in a service industry after all. We service fireplaces, gas logs, venting systems and so on. If you don’t like to serve people you probably wouldn’t be in this industry. This attitude and culture carries over into everything that we do. We have decided that we will join forces and serve others by giving our time and money to help those in need. We don’t know who is going to need our help, but we are there II for them when they need it, and I am so proud to be a part of an industry like that. Anyone reading this that has contributed to this effort be proud of yourself. You have helped people that
most of us will never meet. You have answered the call and risen to the occasion. You have displayed a servant’s heart, and that my friends is an industry that we can all be proud to be a part of. We are really starting to gain some momentum because of our collective effort, and we need your help more than ever. People are aware of our work, and more and more people are asking for help. In order to be able to help all of those that need our assistance we need your help first.
without your help. The more people that find out about us- the more people will apply for aid. The more people that apply for aid means that we need to continue raising funds to be a beacon of comfort for them. Thank you for all that you are doing. I count it a blessing to be a part of a such a unique and caring industry.
Buy the shirts and tell your customers about what they mean and why you are wearing them. Your why or who may be different than mine, but at the end of the day we all have the desire to give someone relief in a sea of pain. Sweep Away Cancer wants to be able to give as much money to people as possible. Ninety-six percent of all funds raised go directly back to those in need. The other 4% goes to taxes, accounting and bookkeeping. We cannot keep this train rolling down the tracks
Support Sweep Away Cancer this October! Here are some ways you and your company can work to Sweep Away Cancer: 1. Buy shirts for yourself and your team members 2. Ask customers if they’d like to donate to Sweep Away Cancer 3. Donate a percentage of your company’s chimney sweeping proceeds from the month of October Every dollar counts, so no matter how you choose to get involved, we thank you!
www.sweepawaycancer.com October 2019
Corner Jerry Isenhour
Are You Training Your Future Competition?
his may well prove to be a very volatile article as I broach a fear that so many have, and that is: Am I training my future competition if I hire and train people? This can even go as far as a fear of training your people as they may well decide to leave you at some point, and you look at this as lost money that you will never recoup. I think that this is a fear of many business owners, in fact you can even see this expressed on social media. Based on seeing this in a recent social media post, I felt it was time we looked at this. Now if you are content with your business, and do not wish to add others to your team, then perhaps you should stop reading now, as this is not written to entice you to move to a level you do not wish to move to. But if you have fears of hiring, perhaps this will provide you a resource to build your hiring process to success.
This is a fear that holds many back from moving their business to the level they want. To be honest, this fear is real and one that each and every business owner must come to terms with. Look deep into the mirror — is this fear a challenge for you, and is this fear perhaps holding you back from developing the business that you dream of? Has past hiring failures and mistakes driven this to a deeply rooted fear?
22 S W E E P I N G
With the cost to train a new technician $20,000 or higher if they are to be properly trained to be an effective member of your team, losing employees is a natural headache every employer faces in the present
October 2019
environment. Building a process to alleviate this potential risk is a very important part of your business model. Let’s discuss this a little and come up with a strategy that perhaps can ease your mind. One of the ways that some will face this challenge is by having a new employee sign a NonCompete Agreement. However, if a Non-Compete is your choice you must understand fully the requirements of this type of contract to make it legally binding. Understand that this agreement must meet the requirements of both state and federal law to be binding. For this course of action, you should consult with legal counsel who is experienced with this type of contract to ensure that it is legal and binding in all ways. The following link is a listing of the requirements for each state, please note, the states of California, Montana, North Dakota do not recognize the validity of the Non-Compete https://www.beckreedriden. com/wp-content/ uploads/2019/04/ Noncompetes-50-StateSurvey-Chart-20190427.pdf Also understand that state law may well require certain items that you as the employer must fulfill in order to act on the agreement, and what is required to file for this. But what are other ways we can relieve the pressure and anxiety of this concern? There are several solutions that you can enact. The first is to realize that not every person really wants the pain or pressure of running a
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NEVER FORGET THE VALUE OF REPEAT CUSTOMERS You spend a lot of money to get your phone to ring. But once you acquire that customer, getting them to call year after year is just as important. If customers come back again and again without the repeat marketing costs, that savings is yours. In addition to the savings on marketing costs, there are more subtle benefits to focusing on repeat customers. Think about this: if you do quality work and are invited back annually, you are earning their trust. Trust builds over time. People who needed a liner last year, but didn’t buy, are more likely to say yes as time goes on. If you ask each year, eventually most customers will have those recommended repairs completed. Perform top quality work and build REPEAT BUSINESS on trust. — Pierre Simard, Owner
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Simply put, we do what we say we will
business, after all it is hard work. Often it requires a personal commitment that not all are cut out for. I often have a person who has left a job, started their own business, and then contacted me as it was not what they expected. They had no idea of the mental and financial strain it would place on them, and they are actually asking us for job placement. If we place them, they become great team members because they now understand the strain of self-employment all too well. But how does the employer create the culture where employees think the grass may be greener if I were self-employed? Here are some ideas for consideration: #1 How Good Of A Leader Are You? Often when people are surveyed who have pursued the course of leaving employment, it was due to the leadership and culture of the company they worked for. It is amazing how many people leave for that exact reason. First of all, grade your own leadership skills, even ask others to give you an honest appraisal of them. You also should embark on a journey of learning the role of the effective leader of others, this is done through reading, attending leadership seminars, listening to podcasts and any other avenues where you can learn leadership. The #1 book in my opinion for any leader to start with is The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by Dr. John Maxwell. As a student of and certified by Dr. Maxwell these 21 laws can provide you the answers you can start to build your own leadership skills. But don’t stop there, continue learning and growing your leadership skills. #2 Be Transparent. Likely very few of your team members understand the challenge of the numbers, and what it costs to operate a successful business. Do your team members fully understand the cost of making the telephone ring in 2019? Do they understand the set costs the business has for all the things that are required to make the business operate, or do they just assume the phone rings on its own, and the email requests simply come in? Transparency goes a long way in understanding the needs of running a business, and many do not want to lose sleep thinking about those types of things. As such being transparent with your numbers, and the agony that being the Big Guy brings is vastly important for buy-in as to a member of your team. If you don’t know the cost of
24 S W E E P I N G October 2019
a day, and the required income, then learn these numbers and become transparent with them. #3 Be Open To Input. Often, I see so many members of teams ready to leave, because they feel they are not listened to, that their feelings of needed changes are completely forgotten about soon after they are spoken. This communication requires face-to-face open discussion with your team members individually — not where you talk, rather where you as the leader listen. Often simply listening and making notes of what your team members are saying is a tremendous team building process. #4 Have Daily Meetings. In these we are asking their input on the previous day, this allows them to speak of their frustrations. Simply being able to voice one’s frustrations is a tremendous way to build rapport with a fully bought in team of players. #5 Thank Them. That’s right, in today’s world we simply do not tell each other we appreciate them enough. Be open to thanking your team members for the job they do. This is hard for so many people to do, but it can work wonders for any team. #6 Have A SWOT Meeting Annually. The SWOT process involves them in the development of the strategy for the team and enables them to offer their input. Involving your team in the strategy is a sure way to build a team of rock stars because they are able to add their input and understand where the company is going. #7 State Your End Goals. What is the mission of the team? What are your goals? What is your dream for the business and the team? Share your thoughts. This will serve to influence your team to greatness. #8 Inspect For What You Expect. When we find this situation arises, often the signs were there of where a person’s thoughts were, of them deciding that the grass is greener elsewhere. Often when bad things happen, we look back and we just did not see the signs of what was coming. We have to inspect for what we expect.
business owner in effect is the problem. #10 Would You Work For You? My final thought is another hard look in the mirror — would you work for you. This was the name of one of the most impressive seminars I ever attended at an NCSG convention in 1987 presented by a speaker by the name of Paul Radillo. But do our own personality traits actually drive a person to make this decision to pursue their own green grass? In preparation for this article, I did quite a bit of research and asked questions of those that I look to for advice. Some of the input I received from them included (1) There is nothing worse as a manager than a bad hire, or a hire that has gone wrong. Many times, this instills in us a fear that future hires will also provide similar failure. What would help is to up the hiring process to ensure you have brought the right people on your team. Successful hiring requires one to have confidence in their hiring skills and onboarding skills. (2) Understand if you are fearful of hiring, you have put a limit on the growth of your business,. Often it may be a fear of failure of hiring and there being the potential for failure. Again, if you wish to grow your business, this is a fear you must get past. This article was written to provide thoughts in this subject matter as it is a concern of many, often in discussions and in networking with others. The question to you is, how will you handle this fear if it is deeply embedded in you? You must be honest with yourself of why there is this fear. And this is a fear that you must move past. About the Author: Jerry Isenhour is an industry consultant, educator and coach who authors a monthly article in Sweeping as a service to the industry. A Past President of NCSG & CSIA along with serving in several volunteer industry positions over his career. For more information about Jerry and how his team can assist you individually and your business in your quest for success and your ascent to the next level, take a look at his web site www.cvcsuccessgroup.com He can be contacted at jerry@cvcsuccessgroup.com or by phone at (704) 425-0217. You can also obtain great business tips from his Facebook page CVC Coaching and YouTube channel CVC Coaching.
#9 Build The Right Culture. In order to have the right culture, you must build it. That means that each person who joins your team has the culture that matches with the team. By allowing the wrong culture to thrive, the
October 2019
25 S W E E P I N G
Meet A
Member Alan Collins Meet Alan Collins of Doctor Flue, Inc. in Tecumseh, MI. Alan tells us about himself, including a famous customer and being his company’s first CSIA Certified office manager! What is a question you get asked most about being a chimney sweep? the industry? “Doesn’t the house get dirty when you clean?” And I inform them of our careful process to protect the home to make sure it stays as clean as it was when we arrived. What advice do you wish you had received when you were getting started? Take in all the information you can when learning and never stop as the industry is ever changing.
How did you get started in the industry? I joined a great company that had been in business for over 30 years and have learnt from the best!
What is the biggest challenge you face on the job and what are your strategies for overcoming it? Since I am the office manager for the company, trying to help clients over the phone can be difficult when we haven’t been to their home yet. Who was your most famous customer? Ted Nugent
October 2019
Have you ever attended convention, and if so what was your favorite takeaway? I have not, but plan to in the future. What is your proudest accomplishment? Becoming the company’s first ever CSIA Certified Office Manager. What do you like to do outside of work? I spend my free time with my family and reading a good book. What is in your opinion is the most valuable part of being a member of NCSG? Being able to stay connected to the industry and know what is going on around the country.
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October 2019
27 S W E E P I N G
By Annemarie Stockton Membership & Outreach Coordinator
e have officially entered fall and the busy season, but many of us have been dealing with a spike in our workloads for weeks now. While I’m sure you are welcoming both new and old clients with open arms, increased demands also can lead to increased stress on you, your partners, and your employees. We all have heard the negative effects of stress: decreased productivity, shoddier performance, strained interpersonal relationships, and declining physical and emotional health. You’ve likely already begun to see this stress affect your employees, perhaps even yourself. According to The American Institute of Stress, 80% of workers feel stress on the job and nearly 50% say they need help in learning how to manage stress. So here are some ideas on how you can help your employees (and you!) destress, even in the midst of your busy season.
Workplace Recognition
5 Ways You Can Help Your Employees De-Stress this Season 28 S W E E P I N G
Employees who feel they have a positive personal rapport with their management and coworkers are likely to be more engaged, positive, and profitable. Encouraging this constructive employee engagement means your employees are less stressed and ready to tackle each task as a unit. This isn’t limited to just having an Employee of the Month. Here at the NCSG office, we have a Staff Shout Out Board where we all put little notes to thank our coworkers or recognize each other for positive work and being a great team player. You could also try recognizing an employee for a job well done at your meetings, acknowledging their accomplishments in front of their colleagues. Post a calendar that identifies employee birthdays and other important milestones. You can also express an interest in their professional development by sending them to an educational course that meets one of their personal goals.
Take an Activity Break October 2019
In order to reduce stress at work, remind your employees
to give their minds a break and to move their bodies. Exercise helps your team stay calm in stressful situations and makes them better problem-solvers. Encourage your office staff to get up and move every two hours if they’ve been sitting at their desk all day. You can practice some stretches or quick yoga in your meetings. If your staff is already pretty active (or just up for a challenge), start a company-wide competition. Maybe see who can walk the most steps each week or do the longest plank. Whatever works best for your employees, make it accessible for all, trackable, and put a sweet little reward at the end to entice them more.
Bring on the Laughter Laughter truly is the best medicine, as it decreases stress and increases memory recall. There are easy ways that you can incorporate this into your daily schedules, too. Maybe show a funny video at your morning/weekly meetings. Assign one employee for each week to share a joke or video with the rest of the team. You could host Theme Day Friday, having people rep their favorite
sports team, superhero, or whatever fits your company culture. Or you can invite employees to bring in their pets. Get creative! Whatever you decide, setting aside some time to laugh is never a bad idea.
Volunteer Together Giving back to your communities affects more than just the groups you are serving. Volunteering has been shown to reduce stress by decreasing feelings of isolation and depression. When you volunteer together, you are fostering better team comradery and bonds – all at a very little cost to you. Not to mention, giving of yourself for others just feels good! Try asking your team what causes they are passionate about and look into local places like animal shelters, food pantries, nursing homes, or other service projects. Your team will have a chance to get to know each other outside of work while contributing to a greater cause.
Ask for Feedback It’s impossible to tackle employee stress if you don’t know what is stressing them out. Asking employees for their honest feedback gives them a chance to tell you what could make their job easier before they burn out. Most of the time, the changes are simple and at no cost to you. According to research, if employees feel heard and respected, they are more likely to experience workplace happiness and will stick with you for the long haul. Set aside some time to do check-ins with your employees, and really dig for an honest answer. If they raise issues, this gives both of you the opportunity to talk openly, discuss solutions, and put a plan into place. How are you going to de-stress this season? You can share your ideas and techniques with us here at NCSG and with your fellow sweeps! Send in your photos and stories to me at astockton@ncsg. org to be featured.
29 S W E E P I N G October 2019
Dates and
October 2019
November 2019 November 1-30 CSIA (online) CCS Online Review - www.csia.org CDET Online Review - www.csia.org Paper Proctored Exams - www.csia.org eLearning Courses - CSIA eLearning Chimney Physics - CSIA OL Chimney Physics Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel - CSIA OL Stainless Steel
December 2019
October 1-31 CSIA (online) CCS Online Review - www.csia.org CDET Online Review - www.csia.org Paper Proctored Exams - www.csia.org eLearning Courses - CSIA eLearning Chimney Physics - CSIA OL Chimney Physics Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel - CSIA OL Stainless Steel October 2-3, 2019 CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® 2-Day Workshop & Exam CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.dryersafety.org
30 S W E E P I N G
October 4, 2019 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams Atlantic City, NJ For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.csia.org
December 1-31 CSIA (online) CCS Online Review - www.csia.org CDET Online Review - www.csia.org Paper Proctored Exams - www.csia.org eLearning Courses - CSIA eLearning Chimney Physics - CSIA OL Chimney Physics Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel - CSIA OL Stainless Steel
January 2020 January 1-31 CSIA (online) CCS Online Review - www.csia.org CDET Online Review - www.csia.org Paper Proctored Exams - www.csia.org eLearning Courses - CSIA eLearning Chimney Physics - CSIA OL Chimney Physics Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel - CSIA OL Stainless Steel January 12-13, 2020 MCSG Winter Extravaganza Publick House Sturbridge, MA For more information, please call (413) 887-2374 or MCSG January 15-16, 2020 CSIA Inspection & Report Writing CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 January 17-18, 2020 CSIA 2-Day Chimney Physics CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 January 17, 2020 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams
October 2019
31 S W E E P I N G October 2019
CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 January 23-24, 2020 CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® 2-Day Workshop & Exam CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 January 27-28, 2020 Business Symposium CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362
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field, as so many in our industry do? Long-term injuries and illness could be the blow that sinks your ship. Safety is an investment not an expense.
Roydhouse Round Up
CSIA is setting the tone of our industry. Join us in blazing the trail of a sweep culture of safety and profitability.
by Chuck Roydhouse, CSIA President president@csia.org “A prudent man forsees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences” - Proverbs 22:3 The Chimney Safety Institute of America is our association name as well as our bold statement to the world who we are and what our core values and mission are. We have always focused on homeowners’ safe use and operation of home heating appliances. This is as American as mom, apple pie, hearth, and home. We will not abandon this goal, but we are expanding the view on safety to encompass our CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep technicians. How we conduct ourselves performing our trade duties impacts each individual and company on many levels. It is our duty and responsibility to perform our daily routines in a safe manner. Personal safety includes preplanning of jobs, identifying hazards, finding solutions to accomplish the task while maintaining a safe environment. Create the safety culture in your company starting on an individual level. Ask yourself, am I consistently donning all appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)? Am I putting coworkers, company, my family or myself at risk? Safety is everyone’s responsibility and must become a daily habit. Like brushing your teeth, you just do it.
Other Happenings I recently attended the August CSIA and NCSG Board of Directors Meeting in Plainfield, IN. On the topic of safety, both boards are working together to develop OSHA accepted roof access standards for our industry. CSIA will be offering more OSHA Training events after the new year, all with CEUs to assist our clients in maintaining their CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep credential. CSIA and NCSG are working together to make our industry better and safer for you. Safety is an inexpensive and effective insurance policy, and it is the right thing to do! The Chimney Safety Institute of America is the Standard of Excellence in the Chimney and Venting Industry Think Safety,
Chuck Roydhouse President CSIA
ROI of Safety A safe company culture makes you more profitable. Studies show that investing in safety provides a 400-600% rate of return. Injured or sick employees create a direct loss of profit. What if you are the business owner that works in the
October 2019
October 2019 Teddy Bromann Complete Home Concepts Riverside Nicholas Noveck Energy Center – Manhattan Pool Manhattan
California Eric Cortes Ryan Brothers Chimney Sweeping Roseville Raul Saucedo Fiddler On The Roof Chimney Service Van Nuys Crowe Herbertson-Deemer White Glove Chimney and Duct Redding Canada Tyler Murry British Columbia Colorado Eric Spahr Hot Stuff Hearth and Home Steamboat Springs
Maryland Casey Johnson Johnson’s Chimney Service Millington Salvatore Decrisci ChimneyTek Pasadena Henry Bullen ChimneyTek Pasadena Glenn Rider Monocacy Chimney Care Myersville Oscar Diaz-Sanchez O Diaz General Construction Laurel Nick Stafford ChimneyTek Pasadena
Illinois Anthony Fikejs Jiminy Chimney Sweep & Service Lakemoor
Michigan Joshua Wyckoff Hancock Chimney Service Grandville
Indiana Drew Hileman Schlemmer Brothers Hearth and Home Wabash
Benjamin Zuiderveen Hancock Chimney Service Grandville
Nathan Napier Schlemmer Brothers Hearth and Home Wabash Kansas Zachery Lin Energy Center – Manhattan Pool Manhattan
October 2019
Minnesota Nathanel Landsteiner Fairmont Missouri Brandon Brazier English Sweep Valley Park ADVERTISEMENT
New Jersey Matthew Venn Franklin New York Josh Morrow Lake Champlain Pools, Spas & Stoves Plattsburgh North Carolina Greg Borland Mr. Smokestack Chimney Service Raleigh Ohio Corey Zoss Coalway LLC Apple Creek Oklahoma David Maxwell Clean Dean’s Chimney Sweep Service Tulsa Justin Meridith Chimney Doctor Stillwater Pennsylvania David Thompson Anderson’s Chimney Sweeps New Cumberland Zackary Ward Anderson’s Chimney Sweeps New Cumberland Matthew Blank Smokestack Masonry Lancaster Kevin Sweigart Hillside Acres Stove Quarryville
www.CSIA.org Vermont Sean Davis Brickliners Corp. Villiston Virginia Tim Gentry Cougot’s Chimney Service Richmond Noah Yonn Black Goose Chimney Sweep Thaxton Adam Marble Olde Town Chimney Sweeps Gloucester, VA
CSIA Business Symposium CSIA is proud to announce its first Business Symposium to be held at the CSIA Technology Center in Plainfield, Indiana on January 27 and 28. Speakers Chuck Roydhouse of The Roydhouse Effect, Mark Stoner of Blue Collar Gold, Taylor Hill of Spark Marketer, and other industry titans will be there sharing their expert knowledge on a variety of topics. This All-Star group of speakers and business consultants have taken many businesses to new heights of operational efficiency and profitability, and might just have the next tip to take your business there, too. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to see them all in one place! More details to be announced soon.
Michael Whitmer Blue Ridge Chimney Services Harrisonburg Richard Morris Black Goose chimney Sweep Thaxton Andrew Tuggle Cougot’s Chimney Service Richmond Ferdinand Van Black Blacksburg Chimney Services Newport
Chuck Roydhouse
Mark Stoner
Taylor Hill
2020 Rope Access CSIA will be expanding our Rope Access course offerings in 2020! These two-day classes will be held in April and September in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. Food and lodging are included in your registration fee, so it’s easy and cost-effective to send multiple employees at a time. Learn Rope Access from the best of the best – OSHA Certified instructors! Keep an eye out for our full course calendar for 2020, announced soon!
Maryland Max Trifonov Priddy Chimney Sweeps Rockville Vermont David Bailey Brickliners Corp. Williston ADVERTISEMENT
Bring Training to YOU! Safety Courses 10 Hour OSHA* 30 Hour OSHA* Confined Space Silica Fit Testing
Fall Protection Scaffold Aerial/Man/Boom Lift Respiratory Protection Machine/Electrical Safety
Hazardous Material SDS First Aid/CPR/AED Active Shooter Accident Causes & Prevention Health & Safety in the Workplace *30 students max
technical Courses Gas Appliances* Masonry Heaters Most Common Defect
Intro to Chimney Physics Basic Chimney Dynamics* Inspections Explained*
*4 hour class
Reviews & Testing
Certified Chimney Sweep Review and Exam Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review and Exam Chimney Physics Inspection & Report Writing
Public $2,500 Private $3,500 CSIA Event Responsibilities and Details
$4,000 $4,500
3 DAY EVENT $6,000 $6,500
•CSIA will determine the instructor for the event, giving consideration to requests. •CSIA is responsible for contracting event details, giving consideration to requests. •CSIA will manage all attendee registrations including fees (if applicable) •Onsite sponsor is responsible for the CEU sign in sheets for each day and/or course. •Onsite sponsor is responsible for providing attendees with handouts (if applicable). •Onsite sponsor is responsible for providing on-site assistance. •Marketing for the event will come from CSIA or be published only with the approval of CSIA. •Sponsor is responsible for full payment at the time of contract signing. •CSIA Roadshow and offsite courses may not be applicable for Master Sweep applications.
For more information, contact Penny Seals at pseals@csia.org or (317) 837-5362 ADVERTISEMENT
October 2019
*Prices may vary.
A grant from National Chimney may be available to help offset the cost for State and Regional Guilds. If interested, please contact Penny Seals for details.
ARKANSAS Breathe Better Air Duct Cleaning LLC • Dana Larkin • Bella Vista OKLAHOMA Hammer’s Chimney Service • Seth Hammer • Broken Bow
International BRITISH COLUMBIA Tyler Murray • Fernie
54 65
VIRGINIA A and S Clean Sweep • Joseph Gonzalez • Virginia Beach
MARYLAND Hancock Chimney Sweep & Service LLC • Scott Lounder • Ellsworth
2 14 3 2 5 3 6 37 S W E E P I N G October 2019
Around the
Tech Center. Megan McMahon
Executive Director
During the month of October, the NCSG and CSIA team will be raising money for Sweep Away Cancer. Last year, our goal was $2,500 and we were able to raise a total of $2,625! We would like you to join us in attempts to raise $2,750 for 2019! We think we can do it! We had so much fun last year raising money for a great cause and putting one of our core values, compassion,
to work. I would like to encourage you to get your teams together and volunteer for a cause or organization that is near and dear to your hearts. I think it will be time well spent! Last year our team braved a dunk tank when we reached our goal and this year we will be doing a pie in the face! Keep an eye on our NCSG and CSIA Facebook pages for ways to donate!
2 0 2 0
Register Now!
www.NCSGConvention.org October 2019
Classifieds GasVent Software for Sizing Chimneys only $195
CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Wanted:
Call 1-800-648-9523 for more info and visit www. elitesoft.com to download a free trial version. Chimney Solutions, based in Atlanta, GA, is looking for Salespeople and Installers with the desire to move up within our company. A $1000-$2000 signing bonus is available, depending on certifications. Pay will be commensurate with experience. Relocation is available for the individual that meets our needs and qualifications. Send resumes to dpace@ chimneysolutions.com or visit our website at www. chimneysolutions.com.
Come join us in beautiful Western Colorado. Excellent hunting, fishing, hiking and more. Rapidly expanding family business is seeking a self motivated, personable, dependable, articulate, and honest individual. Must be CSIA Certified. Experience with gas fireplaces and pellet stoves a must. The successful candidate will possess a valid drivers license, clean driving record, pass a background check, be well organized, and able to meet the mental and physical challenges associated with the industry. We offer paid vacation, holidays and sick leave, $16-$25/hour based on experience, drive, and results. Call 970-234-3330 for more info.
Help Wanted
Archway Clean Sweep Inc. is an established growing business in St. Louis, Mo. Looking for a certified chimney sweep or prior experience sweep. Call for more details 314-393-9979.
Members can run one 35-word classified free each year! Regular classified ads are $2/word or $1/word for NCSG members. Classified ads are non-commissionable and must be pre-paid. To place a classified ad, please contact Charissa Mahaffey at cmahaffey@ncsg.org or 317-837-1500.
Work for a Growing Company!
CHIMNEY SWEEP & REPAIR COMPANY FOR SALE Central/Northern Virginia Established 1981 2017 revenue: $ 1,008,000.00 2018 revenue: $ 1,083,000.00 All equipment and vehicles convey Operations and management staff to remain Turn-key operation Secure long-term lease for offices and warehouse Owner financing with 25% down Sale price: $ 450,000.00 Call 540-272-3485
39 S W E E P I N G October 2019
Award 8” Metalbestos, to 8” Air Jet, to single wall. Don’t try this at home! -Tim Reynolds of Ithaca Stoveworks in Ithaca, New York See a chimney in your area that had you scratching your head? Send it to the editor, Darcy Marlett at dmarlett@ncsg.org for publication in Sweeping. Include a few words about the scene and location.
Ad Index 40 S W E E P I N G
Ahrens Chimney Technique 800-843-4417 ahrenschimney@qwestoffice.net 29 Approved Industries 866-439-0069 info@approvedindustries.com 13 Chim Cap Corp 800-262-9622 info@chimcapcorp.com 17 Copperfield 800-247-3305 www.copperfield.com 7 CVC 704-425-0217 jerry@cvccoaching.com 4 Firesafe Industries, Inc. 800-545-6607 www.firesafeinc.com 27 Gelco www.gllchimneyproducts.com 20 High Sierra Metals 530-288-1820 highsierrametals@yahoo.com 24 ICP 508-695-7000 www.chimneycaps.com 5 Lindemann Chimney Company 866-629-8006 www.lindemannsupply.com 9 Lyemance www.gllchimneyproducts.com 19 National Chimney 800-897-8481 www.nationalchimney.com Inside front cover New England Chimney Supply 866-513-2378 www.newenglandchimneysupply.com 23 Olympia Chimney Supply, Inc. 800-569-1425 www.olympiachimney.com 11 Sand Hill Wholesale & Mfg., Inc 800-258-5496 www.sandhillwholesale.com 32 SaverSystems, Inc 800-860-6327 www.chimneysaver.com 8 SnapLok Rotary Sweep Systems 702-790-4197 www.snaploksystems.com 31 Z-Flex 800-654-5600 sales@z-flex.com 14
October 2019