Sweeping November 2015 VOLUME 39 #10
The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology
Wood-Burning Stoves And The EPA
The Marketing Hand-Off
A Contract: Do I Really Need That? Insurance: To Delegate or Not To Delegate
- 27.
Registration Now Open
Departments President’s Letter 3 Editor’s Letter 5 Coach’s Corner 11 History Project 16 Sweeps Advantage 22 Technical Q&A 23 New Members 25 Progressive Perks 31 Date and Events 32 Around The Tech Center 38 Classifieds 39 Where Has Your Sweeping Been? 39 Darwin Award 40
Table of Contents
Cover illustration by David Bruce, Red2 Design Bureau. Watercolor, watercolor pencil, graphite on 400 lbs Arches cold press watercolor paper.
Sweeping November 2015 Volume 39 Issue 10
Features The Marketing Handoff
Understanding and Working the EPA
To Delegate or Not to Delegate
A Contract: Do I Really Need That?
Understanding Working
The Chimney Sweeps Guide
6 14 21 28
EPA with the
November 2015
Jim Brewer Gas Venting and NFPA 54 (317) 203-0088 x: 3 John Pilger Oil Flue Sizing, Relining or NFPA 31 (317) 203-0088 x: 4 Randy Brooks IRC, NFPA 211 or Customer Communications (317) 203-0088 x: 5 Bart Ogden Stainless Steel Lining, Video Scanning and Narrative Report Writing (317) 203-0088 x: 6
Fred Joy Installation and Venting of Pellet Stoves (317) 203-0088 x: 7 Jay Walker Dryer Vents (317) 203-0088 x: 8 Rett Rasmussen Vented and Vent Free Gas Logs and Controls (317) 203-0088 x: 9 Rich Martinez Dryer Vents or Masonry (317) 203-0088 x: * Rich Rua General Sweeping or Relining (317) 203-0088 x: 0
Chris Prior Masonry Construction and Restoration and Priorfire Fireboxes (317) 203-0088 x: 2
2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500 Fax: (317) 837-5365 Frances Kelly Excecutive Director fkelly@ncsg.org Megan McMahon Director of Finance mmcmahon@ncsg.org Debbie Cornelius Membership Development Coordinator dcornelius@ncsg.org Donna Lee Kasmer CSIA Certification Coordinator dkasmer@csia.org Claire Rutledge Program Coordinator crutledge@ncsg.org
November 2015
Darcy Marlett Director of Communications and Marketing dmarlett@ncsg.org
Vice President, Region 5 Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 drengler01@gmail.com Treasurer, Region 3 Ron Rust (803) 730-5858 tophatswp@aol.com Region 1 Mike Elliott (508) 987-6348 sootguy@aol.com Region 2 Ed Ridgeway (856) 241-7999 masons@chimney-duct.com
To contact any member of the Technical Advisory Council, please call (317) 203-0088 and select the extension for the person who is best qualified to answer your question: Be advised that advice given by NCSG’s Technical Advisory Council (TAC) reflects best practices of the chimney sweeping industry. However, we are unable to account for any particular type of situation since regional variations in construction practices and additional environmental, physical and geographical factors necessarily vary the level of service appropriate for a particular fireplace and/or chimney. Additionally, local laws and ordinances may govern and/ or supersede the information and any recommendations provided. Final determinations are the responsibility of a local professional with firsthand knowledge of the situation, and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Neither NCSG nor any member of TAC will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on information provided by anyone associated with TAC. By your use of this member benefit you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.
President, At Large Director Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 fluesbrothers@yahoo.com
Region 6 Bob Ferrari (530) 941-5818 bob@flueseason.com Secretary, At Large Director Gregg Boss (636) 391-2226 englishsweep@att.net At-Large Director Vacant At-Large Director Dennis Dobbs (256) 845- 9814 info@fireplaceservicecenter. com Supplier Representative Stuart Karanovich (765) 966-5084 stuartk@saversystems.com
Region 4 Jeff Keefer 513-248-9600 info@chimneycareco.com Bylaws Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 drangler01@yahoo.com
Membership Bob Ferrari (530) 221-3331 bob@flueseason.com
Ethics Andy Raycroft (703) 836-7858 andy@rooftopchimneysweeps.con
NFPA 211 Representative Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400 jbrewer@magic-sweep.com
Governance Jay Walker (850) 562-4692 sweepingJ@aol.com
NFPA 31 Representative John Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneyman@aol.com
Government Affairs Mike Elliot (508) 987-6348 sootguy@aol.com
NFPA 54 Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400 jbrewer@magic-sweep.com
International Relations John Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneyman@aol.com
Technical Advisory Council Michael Segerstrom (908) 253-9190 chimneysweeps@optonline.net
Long Range Planning Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 fluesbrothers@yahoo.com
Scholarship Committee Vacant
Jordan Whitt
ADVERTISING RATES for Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology may be obtained by contacting Malisa Minetree at (317) 815-4688 or sweepingads@me.com
CSIA Director of
Layout and design by David Bruce, Red2 Design Bureau
Communications and Marketing jwhitt@csia.org
NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press releases and articles to editor Darcy Marlett at dmarlett@ncsg.org. Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format.
Ashley Edridge Director of Education ashley@csia.org Sara Sichting Office Manager ssichting@ncsg.org
In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing, nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release. NCSG further reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising determined not to be in keeping with the publication’s standards. Acceptance of advertising by Sweeping magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products or services advertised. NCSG does not make any effort to review or substantiate claims made by advertisers. © 2014 National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. (317) 837-1500
will try to keep this month’s article a tad bit shorter since we are in the heart of our season.
vacation anticipation boosted happiness by up to eight weeks (Nawijin, Marchand, Veenhoven, & Vingerhoets, 2010).
Hopefully you spent your slower part of the year preparing for the big show. The big show I speak of is the crazy part of the year that includes long hours, constant fires to put out, and an endless flow of incoming work. This time of year can be stressful for some and a great relief to others.
I would encourage you to set aside to plan a trip to look forward to. I hope that your February trip plans include attending the 2016 NCSG National Convention in Orlando. The schedule has been posted and I am excited about all the opportunities for learning, networking, catching up with old friends and making some new ones. Small business coach and consultant, Karyn Greenstreet has some great advice for networking when attending conventions. She writes to ensure you know the dress code, NCSG convention offers great opportunities to let your personality shine through dress. The CSIA benefit auction is one great example, this year’s theme is Luau. Greenstreet recommends you bring along business card to pass out. Consider bringing a small notebook to take down names of other you want to follow up with or keep in touch with postconvention. Lastly, get involved (Greenstreet, 2015). NCSG offers ample opportunities for getting involved. This is also perhaps the best way to network if you are new to convention. My wife enjoys working the registration booth and scanning participants into classes. Additionally, many hands are needed with setup and tear down. For more information or to register, visit www.ncsgconvention.org.
The stress can come if you lost some key people over the summer or were not able to find enough new trainees. Maybe you had an overly busy off season and did not have time to rest and rejuvenate like you normally do. I find relief this time of year. Filling holes in the schedule becomes easier, cash flow is good, the weather is cooler. I tell my office staff, while you will get some interesting client calls during the winter, scheduling seems easier because the volume of potential clients is greater. The greatest relief comes as the holidays break the chaos a bit. My family and I started a Thanksgiving custom of going to Branson, Missouri over the holiday for a few days. I always look forward to this getaway. Holiday lights illuminate the winding roads of the Ozarks. There are little to no temptations to work being several hours from the business. It is easy to feel over-whelmed during this time of year. Research shows that just having a planned event or vacation to look forward to can greatly reduce stress. An article published in the journal of Applied Research in Quality of Life showed that
Letter Jeremy Biswell
Raise your hand if you are busy!
3 S W E E P I N G
I have enjoyed seeing all those reaching out on social media to network and ask questions of fellow sweeps. This is a great
November 2015
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4 S W E E P I N G
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November 2015
way to stay engaged in the sweep community. I have also been troubled by some of the comments I have seen on the various forums. One wise sweep pointed out that remarks on a threat were equivalent to cyberbullying. This new age problem has gotten so out of hand a 15 year old girl named Trisha Prabhu actually created software called ReThink to help identify users if they are about to send content that could be construed as cyberbullying. Many of us think of cyberbullying as a problem unique to adolescents and teens. This is not the case. According the Cyberbullying Research Center, forty-nine states have laws dealing with cyberbullying prevention (“Cyberbullying and case law,” 2014). When a fellow sweep reaches out with a question, respond in kindness or simply do not respond. I know I myself tend to forget that anything I write can be copied, pasted, or used for or against me at a later date. Re-call that we all have different skill sets and years of experience. Use social media to build one another up, learn from each other, and lean on one another. In closing, I wish you many busy days ahead with that trip to look forward to! Jeremy Biswell NCSG President
irst of all thank you for finding the time amongst the busy season chaos to spend a little time reading this month’s edition of Sweeping Magazine. Wondering how the latest changes in EPA regulations will affect your business? Check out this month’s Tech Q and A for a quick break down on the latest changes and what regulations will be coming in the next few years. If you still want to find out more about the EPA and its programs check out the guide on pages 14 and 15 to get a brief rundown of EPA programs that affect chimney sweeps and wood burning homeowners. There you will also find a list of FREE resources for yourself and homeowners.
This month’s issue also includes great business advice from our regular contributors on management, marketing, legal issues, and insurance. Over at the History Project be sure to read Claire Rutledge’s profile on Sir Benjamin Thompson, inventor of the Rumford Fireplace.
Letter Darcy Marlett Editor
I hope you guys find time amongst all of the appointments and chaos to spend time with your family and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. Cheers,
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The Marketing Handoff Taylor Hill
Spark Marketer
6 S W E E P I N G
unning a business is much like running a relay race. Most business owners will need some help along the way, and will need to hand-off a part of the business because they either do not have the time or the skill to do that portion well. One of the areas of business that cannot be ignored is marketing, but we do have choices as to how we accomplish our marketing goals: we can either find a way to do it internally, or we can hire an external person or company to help us. Either way, there is a marketing handoff that takes place, from getting the lead to closing the sale, doing the work, and following up. Most people will say it’s marketing to sales, and then on to operations.
November 2015
What Marketing Companies Do For You Many small business owners are so busy that they understandably jump at the chance to hand-off just about anything they can, especially if they aren’t good at that particular aspect of business. In the service business world, most owners start out as technicians, and then decide at some point to start or purchase their own business. Because they lack marketing chops, when a marketing company comes calling, they are often all-too-quick to say, “Yes, please take over!”. What they don’t always understand is that a marketing company of any kind has just one
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task: getting you seen, heard, and positioned so that potential clients will call, come by, or fill out an online form. Once that is done, the rest of the sale, service, and follow-up process is now the responsibility of the business. If the business is unprepared or unwilling to take that handoff, it will not survive.
Why Marketing Companies Are Having To Pivot The handoff can be a huge burden for a service company that is understaffed. Because of this deficit in personnel, many marketing companies are venturing into territories that allow them to help those who are struggling to take the relay baton and get across the finish line. Some are using data to help businesses make better decisions; recording phone calls to make sure the CSRs know the proper sales process and follow-up procedures; and even doing sales and customer service training with technicians and other members of staff.
8 S W E E P I N G
This can be a good thing if you have the funds to pay for the additional services, but what can you do if you don’t have the money to engage further with a marketing company?
What Your Business CAN DO One of the first things you can do (and should do) is checkup on your company culture. Fostering a culture that cares about the customer is paramount to providing good customer service. That’s right, you have to care! If all you think about as the owner is the money you need
November 2015
to make, you will never make enough, and the culture you will create will be one of greed, not service. It won’t take long for your customers to see right through your company and start their quest for a company that truly cares about their needs. Another very important thing to pay attention to is attitude. I cannot tell you how many times I have called a company and been greeted in a curt manner. It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life or the lives of your CSRs or technicians --- everyone associated with your brand should express a caring and attentive attitude. We have all failed at this at times, but working on attitudes within your business and as the leader of your business is extremely important. Another thing you CAN DO is follow through on everything you promise. If you cannot meet a deadline or a promise of service, do not be afraid to get on the phone, apologize, and do the best to make other arrangements. Then, make SURE you meet that newly set expectation! Along these same lines, it is important that neither you nor your CSRs or technicians set expectations that are unrealistic or cannot be met. In order to consistently prevent this from happening, everyone must communicate. That means holding meetings every day to see what’s happening, addressing any problems that arise, and making adjustments to schedules and plans, if necessary. You CAN also be tracking
everything you can track. Depending on the software you use and what you are doing for marketing, you can track most everything. I have heard marketing companies tell businesses that asking people where they got their information or how they found them is the worst way to track. But, in our experience, it works pretty darn well, and is much better than not tracking at all. Fact is, the companies we work with that use this method are normally within five to seven percentage points of our more “sophisticated” digital tracker, Google Analytics, and are usually closer than Google Analytics VS YellowPages statistics. So we say: ask away!
The Best For Last I have saved the best thing you CAN DO for last because it is the easiest to do, yet many of us do not do it every day as we should: Be Kind. Most of us witnessed the Pope’s September trip to the U.S. in some fashion. One thing he reiterated, though in many ways, is that we should be kind to others. Kindness is a human need that can be be extended to everyone you talk to, everyday. Making it happen simply takes a decision, and believe me, once you decide that your business will be based in kindness, everyone will take notice, including your staff. If you or your staff cannot be kind to those you want to serve, something is wrong: you may be burned out, and that’s another subject; your staff might feel overwhelmed, or maybe under trained. Whatever the reason, it’s
important to get to the bottom of it so you can change things around as quickly as possible.
Getting The Handoff Right Getting the handoff right — whether coming from an internal or external marketing source — can be the difference between success and failure. All businesses struggle to get this right, and it is well worth the effort to do so if you want your company to win. Get the most out of the leads and calls that come to your company by making sure you’re equipped to handle the handoff from marketing to sales and operations, and take it to the finish line.
Made in Germany
Taylor Hill is Co-Founder and Crew Chief for Spark Marketer, a local online marketing company specializing in marketing for service businesses across the US. He loves the chimney industry and is passionate about helping service business owners navigate the Internet oceans filled with sharks and unsavory pirates. @sparkmarketer, facebook. com/sparkmarketer, @taylorkhill
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ne of the signs of a business that is growing is the marketing money it spends to get leads. Those are the leads that produce inquiries from phone calls, emails, and web site visits. However, even in this day of a growing number of electronic ways to connect with people, it still seems that those choosing to phone our businesses are in the vast majority. That means, that most of the time the first contact new customers have with us is over the phone. Think of it, the very first, and arguably the most important impression we make on these new customers happens during that call. Now, when you consider how much you have spent in all of your combined marketing efforts…well, do the math. This first call, this first opportunity to impress a new customer with who you are as a business has cost you a bundle of money. So, I ask you, is this call worth putting some thought and effort and training into making it a perfect experience for that new customer? Of course it is. And now, during this very high volume, peak period of the year, when your phone is ringing off the hook, are you and all those who answer your phone fully prepared and trained to make that call the ideal experience you want that shiny new customer to have? I hope the answer is, yes. Because if it isn’t, if you are speaking the wrong words to that newbie, if you are using phrases and words that are less than welcoming, less than positive, less than helpful, less
than patient, you lose. What do you lose? You probably lose the customer and you have squandered all that money you spent just to get them to call. But even if you somehow manage to schedule an appointment, if you have done it in a way that makes you seem like every other disinterested home service business out there, you have at the very least prepared that customer for mediocrity. And that means you have lost a valuable opportunity to set yourself apart from the pack, from your competitors. You have also set the stage for a less than welcoming experience for your tech when he makes the visit to their home. You have stacked the deck against him. He or she will have a lot to overcome with that customer from the outset.
Corner Jerry Isenhour
The Moment Of Truth, Your Phone Is Ringing
But what’s even worse is, if your Tech has himself not been trained in the subtleties of making his visit a winning experience for the customer, then he has only added another nail to the coffin that will bury your business forever for this customer. So, what are the rules of engagement for answering your phone every single time? Be nice. Be positive. Be helpful. Be patient. Make it seem like this is the only call you have taken all day. Make it seem as if whatever it is that customer wants is the most important thing you have to deal with at this moment.
11 S W E E P I N G
If they want to book an appointment, and there is no opening for two weeks, phrase your response positively. Rather than saying something
November 2015
like, “well, we don’t have any openings for two weeks,” in a tone that conveys frustration, disinterest, and lack of regard, consider saying something like, “Of course, I’d be happy to do that for you. We have an opening in two weeks. Will that work for you?” Obviously, the first response here is drenched in negativity. The second is welcoming and warm. Which would you rather hear? Given all the money you spent to make that customer call, which do you think he would most like to hear? Remember, when that customer calls for the first time, he is thinking, is this a company I want to do business with. Is it a company that will provide good service? Is it a company that will treat me fairly? Is it company I can trust?
The tone and content of your words does more than determine if he or she will feel welcome. It determines whether he or she feels you will be fair. It determines whether this new customer feels you will back your services. And most of all, it engenders a feeling of trust. In doing that, it sets the stage for success in whatever sales opportunities arise later. One of the things I learned, but failed to often apply myself, was that the customer when they ask “How Much Does It Cost To Clean My Chimney” is actually asking that because they really don’t know how to ask “Are you a good person” “Will this be a good experience” “Will you exceed my expectations?” Those words were from one of the first mentors many of us had in business and who taught many the way
to build a business, none other than Sooty Bob Daniels. The goal during the call was to make the customer feel good and to let them know that you were going to take care of their needs. Even though that advice goes back many years, it has never held more true than today! Now, how can you improve the customer’s experience when the phone rings? There are several methods and these can have a profound effect on the sales closure and the profit picture: • Record your phone calls. It is important for both quality control and training. • Listen to those recordings regularly. It will help you spot issues that those answering the phone may not be aware of on a daily basis. It might be a good idea to ask someone other than you to
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12 S W E E P I N G
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“Thanks again for both you and Dan following up with me about the training I received at your facility. Dan and Steve were great teachers and they were both very knowledgeable about the products that you sell. We looked at many different resurfacing products that are out in the market, and I did not find anything that I was excited about until I heard about your product FireGuard. It hands down blows the competition away. The ease of use, corporate technical support and the unbelievable quality of the product itself truly sets it apart form the rest! It is a game changer for our business. Please keep up the good work and I look forward to working with you and your staff for a long time.” Tommy Nelms Sweeps & Ladders
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November 2015
listen to these calls and offer comments. • Track incoming calls. Where do they come from? What are the issues? Who is making the most appointments? Track them right through the appointment so you can see the final outcome. That allows you to assess which CSRs and which techs are doing the best job at sales. • With the above information, you can structure better training by seeing where the weaknesses lie. All of the above are sure fire gold nuggets to create the ideal experience for all your customers. And that will always create the sales and profits you need to be successful.
That happens from the moment we pick up the phone and throughout every subsequent contact we have with our customers. It takes work, planning, and most of all training. It requires us to take an in-depth look at ourselves, and at our businesses. This is not always easy to do. The goal in the call must be for the person answering the phone to sell themselves first, and then sell the company, selling oneself is from the care and concern we show to the prospect, you have to show you care! But when we attend to these details, success will follow as surely as busy season comes every fall.
Jerry Isenhour is an industry consultant, educator and coach who authors a monthly article in Sweeping as a service to the industry. For more information about Jerry and how his team can assist you individually and your business in your quest for success and your ascent to the next level, take a look at his web site www. cvccoaching.com He can be contacted at jerry@cvccoaching.com or by phone at (704) 425-0217. You can also obtain great business tips from his Facebook page CVC Coaching and Youtube channel CVCCoaching.
Remember, the sales process is all about building a relationship.
13 S W E E P I N G November 2015
Understanding Working
The Chimney Sweeps Guide
EPA with the
As woodstove regulations continue to change and evolve it is important for the chimney industry to stay up to date on the Environmental Protection Agency’s current regulations and programs. Sweeping Magazine spoke with Larry Brockman, Residential Wood Smoke Team Leader at the Environmental Protection Agency, about how the chimney sweep industry can best keep up with regulatory changes and what resources are available through the EPA for chimney sweeps. Brockman feels there are many constructive ways for our industry to work with the EPA in order to help homeowners who burn wood. “I think that certainly getting the word out about dry season wood and maintaining, the importance of maintaining, wood burning appliances proper maintenance and installation is really important, I think that is really one of the benefits where it’s a win-win, sweeps can utilize some of the materials that
14 S W E E P I N G
November 2015
are already ready to go to help educate the general populace on the benefits to them, to their families, to their neighbors, of again some of the basics of burning dry seasoned wood and maintaining their appliances and having proper installation. Those are all generally things that will help the wood burners and the general populace as it relates to clean air.” He finds that in many ways the EPAs mission and the goals of the chimney sweeps overlap as we both wish to keep homeowners and homes safe. “Our mission is to protect human health and the environment and I guess in similar ways the sweeps are doing trying to protect human health and the environment in their effort. I think in many ways we have some similar goals as they’re trying to keep smoke going up the chimney and the house safe,” said Brockman. Read on to find out ways you and your company can get involved and stay up to date.
What is it? New Source Performance Standards for Residential Wood Heaters The new standards took effect in February 2015 and set air pollution emissions limits for new woodstoves manufactured and sold in the U.S. The new standards do not however affect woodstoves already in use and they do not affect new or existing fireplaces Regulations are reviewed on an 8 year cycle, announcements for upcoming comment periods and public hearings are announced via the EPA website. Where can I find out more? www2.epa.gov/residential-wood-heaters
Woodstove Change Out Program:
What is it? The wood stove change out campaign is a voluntary program implemented at the state, local, or tribal government or community level to encourage and help owners with outdated wood stoves replace them with newer more efficient models. Residents who participate in these programs are rewarded with incentives such as rebates, low or no interest loans, and discounts on a new appliance. The old appliance is replaced with a more efficient EPA-certified gas, pellet, electric or wood stove or fireplace. In exchange household surrender their old wood stove to be recycled. Some Woodstove Change Out programs also receive funding from corporations who have been fined by the EPA and choose to help fund a woodstove program as part of their settlements. “There have been over 15 million dollars over the last 5 years that have gone towards funding support for implementing these wood burning appliance replacement projects,� said Larry Brochman.
What is required to be a partner in a program? Each individual program can vary but most programs require either CSIA or NFI certification for participating chimney sweeps and installers.
How to get involved? Additional information about the program, how to start a project, current projects and more can be found at www.woodstovechangeout.org. This website is hosted by the Hearth, Patio, and Barbeque Association (HPBA) in partnership with the EPA.
What is the Burnwise Program? The Burnwise is a voluntary partnership program that emphasizes educating homeowners on burning the right wood, the right way, and in an up to date appliance. The goal of the program is to protect homes, homeowner health, and improve air quality.
How do I get involved? Chimney sweeps can get involved by helping to educate customers on proper wood burning methods. The Burnwise website has many free resources and tip sheets available for download that you can distribute to wood burning customers.
Where can I find out more? www2.epa.gov/burnwise
Free Resources available through the CSIA Wet wood is a Waste Brochures for homeowners Learn Before You Burn postcards for homeowners EPA Burnwise eLearning class- available for free via the CSIA online learning platform, this class is worth 1 CEU broken down into .50 Codes & Standards (C&S) and .50 Communication & Liability (C&L) Look out for a new version coming soon! To find out more, request materials, or sign up for the Burnwise class call the CSIA at 317-837-5362.
November 2015
15 S W E E P I N G
Project By Claire Rutledge
Sir Benjamin Thompson ungovernable that every object that interests me engages my whole attention and is pursued with a degree of indefatigable zeal which approaches to madness.” Thompson surrounded himself with the most brilliant people of the day that are just an inspiring as him. Loammi Baldwin — the Father of American Civil Engineering — was his childhood friend, Michael Faraday — the astounding British scientist and creator of Faraday’s Law — was his assistant, and his second wife was Marie-Anne Lavoisier — the widow and assistant to French chemist Antoine Lavoisier who was a gifted artist, editor, and translator in her own right. He and his inventions were so ubiquitous in that time that Jane Austen wrote in a Rumford fireplace in Northanger Abby!
W 16 S W E E P I N G
e so often go about our lives using tools that we take for granted. Whether it’s technology to keep us connected, knowledge to inform us, food to nurture us, or equipment to aid us, they are integral to our survival. We come in contact with these tools every day but we often don’t stop to think about their origins. One man was so prolific in creating tools for humankind that his contributions to our lives influence everything from our coffee in the morning to the warm fire we burn at night. Benjamin Thompson is best known in our industry as the inventor of the Rumford fireplace but his accomplishments go far beyond that. He was a trailblazer in the field of thermodynamics, invented the sous vide cooking method, saved countless lives with the scientific nutrition of Rumford’s soup, designed weaponry and tactics that changed warfare, cofounded the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and improved coffee making by creating the percolating coffee maker. These fields may sound disparate but Benjamin once wrote “the ardor of my mind is so
November 2015
Even though he was born as an American, he is an obscure figure to most of his modern countrymen. There are a couple of beginning reasons for this: he was a minor military figure in New Hampshire before the Revolutionary War; sided with the British during the war, recruiting Loyalists, acting as advisor/spy for General Gage, and improving British gunpowder; and abandoned his American wife and daughter for a life of success in Europe. He was unabashed classist who found American society boorish, publicly stated he did not care “a farthing” for what country he worked for, and many of his affairs (more on this later) were with European aristocracy. Clearly he was not a man of the colonial American people. He was eventually forgiven, but it was too late as Thompson’s fame emanated from his success in Europe, not the United States. Thompson was born March 26, 1753 in Woburn, Massachusetts, to a working-class farming family. Although he did attend lectures at Harvard he was mostly educated in a one-room village school. At the age of 14 he calculated the occurrence of a solar eclipse within a four second margin
Does your customer’s wood stove smoke look like this? After an initial start-up of a 5-10 minute burn, there should be no noticeable smoke. Woodstove particulate matter emissions is the largest pollute by volume, ten times the volume over a traditional oil furnace.* *Source: http://www.epa.gov/burnwise/energyefficiency.html
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of error and began experimenting with heat at the age of 16. He tried being a merchant, teacher, shopkeeper, and a doctor but found none stimulating or appealing. When he was 19 he married 32 year old Sarah Rolfe, and they had one daughter. Sarah was the heiress of a wealthy and wellconnected family. His newfound connections and financial freedom allowed him to begin focusing on his inventions at one of their homes located in Rumford (modern Concord), New Hampshire.
top-secret letter written with disappearing ink (the first time such technology was used in the war) he expressed the repercussions of siding with the British Army:
His wife’s family connections meant the ambitious young man could join the New Hampshire Royal Militia as a major in the early 1770’s. Although he was born in the Colonies, his personal belief of the Revolutionary War was that revolution was unnecessary and nothing more than rabble incited by malicious rumors. As a member of the elite landowning class, he knew that if the rebels won he could lose his newfound property, social standing, and money. He quickly began recruiting Loyalists which led rebels to attack his home, and to make attempts on his life. In a
No love lost for the Colonies, he immediately began working on improving the quality of British gunpowder. His experiments on the force of gunpowder were published in 1781 to great success in Britain, where he moved after the war. His experimentation in creating improved bullets and guns was so extensive that he wrote of “an attempt to shoot flame instead of bullets” which was very ambitious for a man who had just taken up studying military weaponry. Nonetheless, he was so confident in his skills that he wrote, “If it had succeeded, probably
By refusing to bear Arms against the King I was more than ever suspected by the People… it has been with difficulty that the few friends that I have here have more than once prevented my being Assassinated. Soon after writing these words Thompson left his wife and daughter and fled permanently to the safety of the British.
November 2015
17 S W E E P I N G
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18 S W E E P I N G
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November 2015
it would have turned out one of the most important discoveries in the art of war that have been made since the invention of gun-powder.” In 1784 he was knighted for his wartime service. Thompson’s first major scientific contribution was in 1789 when he created the modern unit of measurement of light. Thompson was invited to move to Bavaria by Charles Theodore, Prince-Elector, Count Palatine and Duke of Bavaria so that he could work on domesticallyaimed social advancements. He developed the cultivation practices for the potato in Bavaria, organized workhouses and homeless shelters, and invented Rumford Soup — a nutrient dense and affordable meal aimed at combating malnutrition among the poor. Some of his other research during this time focused on improving lighting oils’ efficiency and safety. At the age of 38, he was made a Count by the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II (the brother of Marie Antoinette) as reward for his growing humanitarian success. It was at this time he took the title Count Rumford, in honor of Rumford, New Hampshire. Soon after, his American and long-forgotten wife Sarah died. His daughter (also named Sarah) came to Europe to visit her father at his request. Thompson, finding Sarah’s American manners offensive, sent her off to boarding school and eventually back to America. Instead he surrounded himself with European women in a far different context. Princess Taxis, Baroness DeKalb, and
Madame LaGrange were some of his rumored mistresses in Germany. He also made himself comfortable with the Prince-Elector’s own mistress, Countess Baumgarten. They went on to have a long relationship that produced at least one daughter. Countess Baumgarten’s sister, Countess Nogarola, also became his mistress. Rumford visited her frequently in Verona and other parts of northern Italy, where he also had an alleged affair with the English aristocrat Lady Palmeston. Back in London, Thompson began to experiment with heat similar to what he had done as a child (but far more sophisticated and heavily financed). He devised a method of measuring solid substances’ specific heat and studied the insulation properties of natural materials. His theory on heat as a form of motion was the basis of the law of conservation of energy, which he observed in the heat created by an active cannon. The Rumford Fireplace was invented in London after a fire in the home of his friend and rumored lover Lady Palmeston. A footnote in one of his papers stated: I have been of late much engaged in these investigations, and am now actually employed daily in making a variety of experiments with grates and fireplaces, upon different constructions, in the room I inhabit in the Royal Hotel in Pall Mall. 1799 saw him in demand as a lecturer, advisor, and writer. He spent his time traveling between London, Munich, and
Paris. Thompson cofounded the Royal Institution of Great Britain with Sir Joseph Banks. The Royal Institution is now a world-famous public scientific archive, research facility, and education academy– their popular Christmas lectures started in Thompson’s time continue to this day. However, he soon became distracted by the prospect of marrying another well-todo woman, this time closer to his age of 51. Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze Lavoisier was the widow of the great chemist Antoine Lavoisier who was executed during the French Revolution. Marie-Anne came from a fabulously wealthy aristocratic family who had educated her well, making her an impressive public figure in a
time women were not typically educated in the sciences. Before their marriage he spoke highly of Marie-Anne to his daughter Sarah in a letter: I made the acquaintance of this very amiable woman in Paris, who, I believe, would have no objection in having me for a husband… [she] is very pleasant in society, has a handsome fortune at her disposal, enjoys a most respectable reputation, keeps a good house, which is frequented by all the first philosophers and men of eminence in the science and literature of the age, or rather of Paris… She is very clever. Napoleon Bonaparte, while impressed by Thompson’s intelligence thought him a horrible person and an enemy of France for being British, put up many roadblocks to their marriage. After four years,
they married. Their affection for one another didn’t last two months of wedded bliss. In a very public scandal, she once took to pouring boiling water on his prized gardens in retribution for him locking her elite acquaintances out of their estate and throwing away the key. Marie called him a “’theoretical liberal’ who was ‘in practice a domestic tyrant.’” Benjamin called her a “female dragon.” Taking leave of Paris for a while, he took residence in Munich once more. This time he mostly wrote, although his affair with his young housekeeper Victoire Lafevre led to him being a father to a son at the age of 60. Eventually, he moved back to Paris one last time where he caught Typhoid and very soon after died, being buried in the Auteuil cemetery in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. He was 61 years old. Benjamin Thompson’s contributions to science, domestic technology, social welfare, and education are undeniable. One Founding Father called him one of the three most important Americans ever born. However, as brilliant and empathetic as he was he was just as calculating and callous. He abandoned his first wife and young daughter to the mercy of a hostile mob. He moved from country to country not only because he was in high demand, but because he kept making the wrong enemies. It goes without saying people’s personalities are often as complicated as their lives. I think Thompson’s life and
November 2015
19 S W E E P I N G
legacy can best be summed up by the man himself: To all those who take pleasure in doing good to mankind by promoting useful knowledge, and facilitating the means of procuring the comforts and conveniences of life, these investigations cannot but be very interesting.
Citations and Bibliography
Times to the Mid-Twentieth Century.” Chemical Heritage Foundation. Philadelphia, PA, 2001. Pp 21 – 22.
Brown, Sanborn C.; Stein, Elbridge W. “Benjamin Thompson and the First Secret-Ink Letter of the American Revolution.” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Vol. 50, Issue 5, Art. 11., 1950. P 629.
Rowlinson, Hugh. “The Contribution of Count Rumford to Domestic Life in Jane Austen’s Time.” Persuasions On-Line: A Publication of the Jane Austen Society of North America V.23, NO.1, Winter 2002.
Cowley, Edward. “A New-Hampshire Countess.” The Granite Monthly: A New Hampshire Magazine. Volume IX, 1886. Pp 84-87. Meurig Thomas, John, Esq. F.R.S. ‘Sir Benjamin Thomson, Count Rumford and the Royal Institution.” The Royal Society. 1999. Accessed September 10, 2015. <http://royalsocietypublishing.org/ content/roynotesrec/53/1/11.full.pdf >. Nilsson, Thomy. “Photometry: An Ergonomic Perspective.” International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors. Second Edition, Vol. 1. Taylor & Francis, United States, 2006. P 1478. Rayner-Canham, Marlene & Geoffrey. “Women in Chemistry: Their Changing Roles from Alchemical
“Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford.” The Robinson Library. March 3, 2015. Accessed September 14, 2015.< http://www.robinsonlibrary.com/science/ science/biography/b-thompson.htm >. Thompson, Benjamin, Esq. F.R.S. “New Experiments upon Gun-Powder, with Occasional Observations and Practical Inferences; To Which are Added, an Account of a New Method of Determining the Velocities of All Kinds of Military Projectiles, and the Description of a Very Accurate Eprouvette for Gun-Powder”. Phil Trans R Soc. 1781. Accessed September 10, 2015. <http://rstl.royalsocietypublishing. org/content/71/229 >.
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November 2015
To Delegate, or Not To Delegate… That is the Question. By Cam Arnold
s a business owner, your responsibility is to make sure your business flows smoothly. You are always pulled in ten different directions, whether it be building a custom chimney cap to fix another contractor’s mistake, an employee emergency that requires your immediate attention, or your weekly safety meeting. One way or another, the 12-14 hours a day that many of you put in are not nearly enough to handle what needs to be done. Small details seem to slip through the cracks. These details can be a safe and navigable website, payment processing, payroll, accounting, safety protocol manuals…an insurance policy that covers your operations. All of these things are put on the back burner, but could be taken care of with a single phone call or email. This year, make it a business goal to find someone to take care of these items. Instead of looking at it as an insurance premium or a bill, think of it as hiring another employee. You pay this person to handle the elements of your business in which they have proved to be an expert, in order to cover you for whatever the everyday operations of your business may throw at you. The guild provides specialists to help your specific industry needs. Everyone thought chimney service companies were a dying breed. They were wrong! The industry is growing faster than ever. Most people think, “My website is not an exposure for my company.” They are wrong. Cyber liability is an ever growing concern, and the cyber industry is expected to triple to 7.5 billion dollars by 2020. Our society is moving towards everything digital. If you do not transition now, you will be left behind and it may be too late to join when you decide to take part in the movement.
Pay someone to look after your website and its safety so you will be with the times and not have to worry about that extra exposure. Taylor Hill and the team at Spark Marketer excel at in this arena. Consider their services and fees as an employee you would hire to perform the same task. Delegation is the key to success for some of the best run businesses. The business owners have found a way to clone themselves throughout their operation. As the owner of a chimney service company, you should be taking the time to train your sweeps on the principles that made you successful. Delegate the other aspects of your business to professionals that know your industry. Think of your business as a fire. In order to have a fire you need heat, oxygen, and fuel. You cannot have a fire with just one or two of the elements. You need all three. As a business owner, when you are juggling too much, it is impossible to grow efficiently. You may provide one or two key elements for growth, but the third element just seems out of reach. I challenge each of you to evaluate your business, and decide if you are ready to grow in 2016. Growth is not for everyone and there is no shame in staying the status quo. If you are ready for the next step, be sure to have designated professionals in the industries you are not an expert, to help guide your business to the next level. Cam Arnold is a Commercial Risk Advisor and head of the Chimney Sweep Insurance Program for Geny Insurance Group. He is dedicated to working with associations to help business owner’s better understand the coverages they have versus the coverages they need. Geny Insurance Group helps organizations with “Navigating Today’s Risk. Anticipating Tomorrow’s Uncertainty.”
November 2015
21 S W E E P I N G
A dvantage Program
Featured Coupons of the Month
The 2015 – 2016 offers with instructions on how to redeem are available in the “Members Only” section of the NCSG website at www.NCSG.org. These coupons will be good until June 30, 2015 unless otherwise noted. Copperfield Chimney Supply | ENERVEX, Inc. | Fireside Distributors | HY-C Company LLC | My Fireplace Products Inc. | National Chimney | Spark Marketer | The Chimney Sweep News (SNEWS) | Z-Flex | Wakefield Brush These are just a few of the many offers available to you as a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. Visit www.NCSG.org “Members Only” to learn the complete details of each coupon and how to redeem!
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22 S W E E P I N G
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November 2015
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Although there have been
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Micheal Segerstrom
NCSG Technical Advisory Chair
What effect will the EPA’s NSPS regulations that take effect this year have on us and our clients?
Answer: there may be a noticeable effect, or there may initially be none at all. In addition to providing sweeping services, many chimney service professionals also sell and install wood stoves. These new regulations will have a significant impact on some of us in the future, in addition to impacting the clients we serve that are considering buying a wood stove. For a question of this nature, I thought that I would talk with someone from the hearth industry to get some accurate information. Shannon Rodgers, well known in the hearth and wood stove industry, has closely followed these regulations. Serving on the HPBEF (NFI) Board of Governors and as a representative of Jotul, these regulations are front and center for him In 2014, the EPA proposed new federal regulations for certain wood and pellet burning appliances. These regulations, known as the New Source Performance Standards, will cover new installations and appliances being sold as new, and are not retroactive. According to Shannon, at the start of 2016, all wood stoves sold must meet the first phase of the NSPS. This means that their emissions must be 4.5 grams of particulate matter (PM) or less per hour. He says that many woodstoves on the market already meet this requirement. Woodstoves that currently do not meet this requirement may still be sold, but under the NSPS regulations, woodstoves currently being
manufactured now must meet the 4.5 grams requirement. When I asked him about the long term effect of the NSPS, Shannon indicates that’s where the big impact is. According to the NSPS all stoves sold as of January 1, 2020 must operate at less than 2 grams of PM per hour. He says that most wood stoves will not be able to meet this requirement and that currently, very few do. So by the time 2020 gets here, there may only be a handful of wood stoves that we are able to offer to sell and install for our clients. In some areas of the country where wood burning is not popular, this may have little effect. But there are many parts of the country where wood burning is very popular, and even a primary heat source. If we have clients considering the purchase of a wood stove, we should educate them that in a few years, their options may be very limited. When I asked Shannon if there was any chance that this could be changed or undone, he indicated that any changes to the NSPS regulation will have to happen in court. This will be a costly and time-consuming undertaking, so major changes will likely not happen. The NSPS regulations also cover other appliances, including wood boilers and furnaces, and pellet appliances. For additional information on the NSPS, visit the EPA’s website.
November 2015
23 S W E E P I N G
WINTER SEMINARS featuring the 2016 All-Stars Kevon Binder, Jr.
Colin Healey
Bill Ryan
Jake Cromwell
Doctor Flue, Inc.
C3 Group
Ryan & Son Chimney
Top Hat Chimney & Roofing
DAY 1 8:30 – 12:15 Going Paperless: 3 Different Approaches with Kevon Binder, Jr. 1:00 – 5:00 Compliant Payroll Practices & Sound Hiring Practices with Colin Healey
DAY 2 8:30 – 12:15 Are you a 1%er? Optimize your sales efforts
January 6-7
January 20-21
Valley Forge Casino 1160 1st Ave King of Prussia, PA 19406 610-354-8118 Hotel Rate $114
Holiday Inn 265 Lakeside Ave Marlborugh, MA 01752 508-481-3000 $112/night
January 13-14
Doubletree Suites 301 SE Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR 72712 479-845-7770 $139/night
Drury Inn & Suites 88 E. Nationwide Blvd Columbus, OH 43215 614-221-7008 $109.99/night
with Jake Cromwell
1:00 – 5:00 Professional Presentations, Communication, and Selling Better Jobs with Bill Ryan
Seminar Fee: $199/person
Early Registration Seminar Fee: $149 if registered by November 27. 2015
Lunch Provided both days CEU's to be rewarded PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. ON SITE REGISTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! Registration is NOT open to manufacturers or distributors.
Register Online Today at www.olympiachimney.com or call (570) 504-7177
111 222 3334 NEW YORK
Lawrence Stuart | Americas Choice Construction & Maintenance, Inc. | Huntington Station
Jeffrey Miranda | Memorable Air Care, LLC | Millstone
J. Paul Laszlo | A Chimney Expert, LLC | Leesburg
Cody Gibson | The Chimney Sweep LLC | Neosho
Barrie Rakower | Firefly Propane | Thornwood
Greg Pulmieri | Chimneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rx LLC | Old Bridge
Bob Faughnan | Champs Chimney Sweep, LLC | Glens Falls
David Rebello | Archway Clean Sweep | St. John
MICHIGAN Larry Bennett | B & B Chimney Sweeps LLC | Grand Rapids
James VonFricken | Chimney Chap | Farmington
44 555 666 NEW HAMPSHIRE
25 S W E E P I N G November 2015
NCSG 2016 National Convention February 24-27, 2016 Orlando, FL Get ready for our 2016 Keynotes: Story Musgrave Story Musgrave, M.D. is a physician and retired NASA astronaut. Over the course of his career with NASA he became only the second astronaut to record six spaceflights and is the most formally educated astronaut with six academic degrees. Additionally he is an author, public speaker, and a consultant for both Disneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Imagineering group and Applied Minds in California. Story will be presenting on how to reach your goals and achieve your dreams with lessons and stories from his own life.
Mark Stoner Mark Stoner is the owner and founder of Nashville-based, multi-million dollar service business, Ashbusters Chimney Service, and a mentor to hundreds of business owners across the nation. Mark is also one of the founders of SirVent Chimney & Venting Franchise, the President of the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), a professional public speaker, and recently, an author. He will be sharing lessons from his book Blue Collar Gold: How to Build a Service Business from the Ground Up.
Visit: www.ncsgconvention.org For schedule, registration, and more
NCSG Convention 2016 • February 24-27 • Orlando, FL NCSG Member Rates
Until 12/15/15
After 1/24/16
Standard Rates
$399 (299)
$449 (349)
$499 (399)
$349 ($249) $299 ($199) $249 ($149) $179 $69 $39 $49
$399 ($299) $349 ($249) $299 ($199) $179 $69 $39 $49
$449($349) $399($299) $349($249) $179 $69 $39 $49
1st Additional 2nd Additional 3+ Additional Single Day Banquet Only Child Banquet 5-12 Tradeshow Only Senior Category Guild Member
Until 12/15/15
After 1/24/16
Primary- 1st Time Attendee Spouse 1st Additional 2nd Additional 3+ Additional Single Day Banquet Only Child Banquet 5-12 Tradeshow Only
$299 $449 $399 $349 $279 $89 $39 $79
$349 $499 $449 $399 $279 $89 $39 $79
$399 $549 $499 $449 $279 $89 $39 $79
NOTE: First Time Attendee prices for members are in parenthesis ( ). Company _________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________ Check here to opt-out to emails from exhibitors
- Opening Night Reception at the Rosen Plaza Join us for heavy appetizers, a cash bar, and comradery following classes on Wednesday before heading out on the town to explore Orlando, FL. Best of all it’s FREE, just RSVP.
REGISTRANT INFORMATION Please write your name as you’d like it to appear on your badge. Check if wanting an additional information packet mailed (primary packet emailed with registration confirmation)
Name _____________________________________________________________ Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ Registration Total $ ___________________ Attending Opening night reception? Yes No 2016 Convention Patch ($3/each - Pickup on-site.) Qty: ________ Patch Total $ ___________
MAIL TO: National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168 FAX TO: (317) 837-5365 CALL: (317) 837-1500 REGISTER ONLINE at www.NCSG.org/convention
Office Use Only O2CR C2F AUTH__________ Org ID___________ Profile ID____________ Rec’d By__________ Date ____________
GRAND TOTAL $ ___________ PAYMENT INFORMATION Payment Method: □ Check # ___________ □ Visa □ MC □ AmEx Account # ________________________________________ Card Security Code ______________ Exp. __________ Name on Card ____________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ Refund policy: Prior to 12/15/15, 90%; 12/15/15-1/24/16, 75%. No refunds are available after 1/24/16.
A Contract — Do I Really Need That? Eugene M. LaFlamme
28 S W E E P I N G
Contracts come in many forms. They can be verbal statements, a combination of verbal statements and written documents, or a formal document between two or more parties for a specific good or service. As an attorney, it likely comes as no surprise that I prefer my clients to obtain a formal written contract that specifically outlines the work to be done and the price they are to be paid for that work. But, I know that is not always feasible or desirable in the field. Contractors — sweeps and hearth professionals included — often complete jobs without a formal agreement. Sometimes there is an estimate
November 2015
that the customer signs off on, other times an agreement is formalized through a simple handshake or perhaps an email confirmation. There is nothing inherently wrong with this practice provided the work is done satisfactorily and the sweep or hearth professional is paid in a timely manner. Problems can arise, however, when the quality of work is questioned (during the job or at a later date) or payment is withheld. While some jobs require less contractual consideration, the general rule of thumb is the larger the job, the greater the reason to enter into a formal contract. For example, a comprehensive contract for a simple chimney cleaning and Level I inspection at a single residence may not be necessary. Even in situations where a comprehensive contract may not be necessary, such as the example just provided, sweeps
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will still need to ensure that there is a written record of the service (i.e. agreed to estimate or some other document) along with an inspection report for less complex services. In contrast, if the work involves annual cleaning and inspection services at a multi-unit condominium complex, a more comprehensive contract (along with other written records and inspection reports) would certainly be appropriate.
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Sometimes, however, a sweep’s direct customer is not the homeowner. This most typically occurs when a sweep is hired by a general contractor to install or service a fireplace and/ or chimney system within the context of a larger project. In those instances, sweeps and hearth professionals should always enter into a formal agreement with the contractor that
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November 2015 14 Lock Top.indd 1
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hired them. This contract should not only contain a description of the work to be completed and cost for that work, but also other clauses should be strongly considered to protect the sweep and/or hearth professional. While the additional clauses (beyond scope of work and payment) that should be included will vary per project and situation, some to consider would be clauses addressing the following:
1. Limitation of liability 2. Insurance 3. Indemnification 4. Alternative dispute resolution clause (mediation, arbitration) 5. Warranties 6. Delay issues 7. Contract termination 8. Payment and application process (if getting paid by draws) 9. Worker and job site safety 10. Venue and forum provisions 11. Waiver of certain damages; and 12. Statutory requirements per the state where the work is taking place
30 S W E E P I N G November 2015
This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but is a good start when a more comprehensive contract may be appropriate. Ultimately, each sweep and hearth professional is encouraged to consult with their attorney on these issues, especially when putting together or being asked to sign a comprehensive work or service contract. Eugene M. LaFlamme is a partner at McCoy Leavitt Laskey LLC, a national defense firm specializing in fire and explosion cases. Eugeneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s practice focuses on the defense of companies involved in the hearth and chimney industries. He can be contacted at elaflamme@ MLLlaw.com or (262) 522-7000.
s laws, both federal and state, continue to change it is important that a company stay in compliance. SESCO Management Consultants, the country’s oldest HR consulting firm, will provide you with priority HR support whether it’s an employee termination, healthcare reform question, policy development, etc. Just recently an article from SESCO stated, “ If your employee handbook hasn’t been updated in the past 12 months, it out of date”.
SESCO will offer assistance in handling issues such as terminations, discipline, performance, recruitment and retention, etc. 2. The SESCO Report, SESCOS’s monthly newsletter will be provided
Debbie Cornelius
Membership Development Coordinator
4. And much, much more! The cost to provide the above services ranges from $25$40 per month based on the size of your organization and an annual contract.
• Have you provided clear rules on overtime and off-the-clock work? • Do you realize you can’t prohibit discussion on pay and benefits?
Need Human Resource Support?
We’ve got it covered. Ventech Industries products are designed to take the venting professional into the 21st Century with Ceramics that coat from the firebox to the chimney cap! Keeping heat where it belongs, in the house, not up the chimney.
• Do you have a loyalty, nogossip or civility statement that could land you in court?
Thermocrete® Ceramic Flue Sealant is the most reliable solution for chimney restoration and chimney repair. The Thermocrete process coats the inside of the chimney from top to bottom with a highly durable ceramic sealant. It is cost effective and ideal for use in your fireplace chimney, and in chimneys serving gas, oil, wood, or coal burning appliances. With a 100% transferable lifetime warranty.
Your employee handbook can be an invaluable tool or it can be a lawsuit waiting to happen. With laws continually being enacted by Congress and state legislatures, these changes could directly affect your employee handbook. As a client of SESCO you will receive: 1. Hotline- Effective assistance in HR compliance issues, review of HR systems, wage data, etc. As experts in federal and state employment regulations,
3. Employee handbook/ policy review
For example:
• Have you updated your leave policies to include time off for employees with relatives in the military or to prohibit moonlighting while on FMLA leave?
Smoktite® is a unique ceramic product sprayed into smoke chambers to seal holes and gaps.This breakthrough spray technology allows smoke chamber repairs to be done faster, easier, and more cost effectively. With a 100% transferable lifetime warranty. Dynacote® with Emisshield™ is a firebox enhancement that can increase heat to any room by up to thirty percent, instantly. Put this technology to work today to help your customers save fuel and money every time they light a fire. Available in black or gray.
www.ventechindustries.com 384 Harold L. Dow Highway Eliot, Maine 03903 866-439-0069
November 2015
31 S W E E P I N G
Dates and
32 S W E E P I N G
November 2-8, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org November 5-6, 2015 CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® Review & Exams CSIA Technology Center- Plainfield, IN For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org November 9-15, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org November 13, 2015 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams CSIA Technology Center- Plainfield, IN For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org November 16-22, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org November 23-29, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org
November 2015
November 30 – December 6, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org December 7-13, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org December 14-20, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org December 21-27, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org December 28, 2015 – January 3, 2016 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org
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— Ask about our skylights and solar attic fans —
Sweeps Go PINK in October Sweeps across the country show their committment to Sweeping Away Breast Cancer
“We found this campaign was a huge success. It was a great way to spread the word not only among our customers but to their customers as well.” -President/Owner Darin Bibeau, National Chimney
National Chimney in Vermont (above) encouraged its employees and customers to “go pink” in October by buying and wearing logo’ed T-shirts. The shirts were sold for $10 each. As of mid-month, only 100 shirts remained from National’s original purchase of 1,000.
(Photos Courtesy of Chimney Masony and Outfitters, LLC in Indianapolis, IN)
CSIA up to 1,635 CCS, 341 C-DET New CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps
Robert Mitchell | Master Chimney Sweepers | Natick
Rhode Island
Kevin Demaio | Boston’s Best Chimney | Waltham
George Muller | Frontier Stove & Supply | Woonsocket
Keith Jenkins | Affordable Chimney Sweeps | Peabody
Seth Guy | Frontier Stove & Supply | Woonsocket
Kenny Gerts | Mountain Home Chimney & Flame | Midway
James Walling, Jr. | Firesafe Chimney Service | Ware
Matthew Murphy | A Traditional Sweep | Portsmouth
David Robles | A to Z Chimney Sweeps | Lincoln
Anton Buelt | Jack Pixley Sweeps | Andover
Matthias Strawn | 2nd Generation Chimneys | Blaine
Riley Aiello | Ashes Away | Durango Connecticut Andrew Karsen | Northeastern Chimney | West Hartford
Ron Ruckman | RLR Masonry | St. Louis New Hampshire Keith Richardson | Soot Solutions Chimney Services | Concord
Nathan Emery and Nathan Brusseau | Fireside Hearth & Leisure | Lisbon
Nathaniel Schaefer | Jamison’s Chimney Service | Carbondale Indiana Kevin Tackett and Zach Seaton | Chimney & Masonry Outfitters | Indianapolis Kentucky Neil Flanigan and James Tabor | Barnhill Chimney Co | Lexington Maine Jessica Daigle | A Merrie Sweepe Chimney Service | Greenland
Eddie Stuckey | Hansen and Sons Chimney Service | Madison
CSIA Board Member Bo Tasso, who heads up our CEU committee, says online classes offered by CSIA are great way to recertify. See him in a new CSIA video.
CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps That Renewed With CEUs
Chris McGovern | ECC Chimney Services | North Grosvenordale Owen Dougal , Bryan Smith, Dan Untiedt, and Zac Wiskerchen | Lindemann Chimney | Lake Bluff
California Clay Thompson | Ryan Brothers Chimney Sweeping | Sacramento Illinois Caleb Martinez | Leonard & Sons Bldg. Service Inc. | Algonquin
Jason Gautreau | Admiralty Chimney | Nashua
Patrick Simms | Superior Chimney Services Corp. | Lombard
New York
Erin Dawson and David Miller | Lindemann Chimney | Latham
Graham Wilder| Graham Wilder Chimney Sweep | Berea
T.J. Davis | Clean Sweep of Anne Arundel County | Millersville
Brandon May , Ben Simmons and Jeremy Woods | Chimney Works and Rocky Mountain Stoves and Fireplaces | Harrison Ryan Reed | Blackburn’s Chimney Sweeps | Columbus Jeffrey D. Evers | Village Hardware & Home Center | Leipsic
Scott Stephens | Fireplaces N Charles D. Gardner | Magic Broom Fixin’s | Martins Ferry Chimney Sweeps | Waldorf Pennsylvania Massachusetts Matthew Dickens | Dickens
Daniel Webster, Jr. | A-Z Chimney Chimney Restoration | Unionville Sweeps & Repairs | Danvers ADVERTISEMENT
Missouri Todd Noltkamper | A+ Chimney Services | Rolla New York Jeramie Hoehn | Sootbusters LLC | Tupper Lake Jon Kane | McNamara Fireplace & Stove | Pearl River Virginia William Danzeisen and Thomas Raycroft | Rooftop Chimney Sweeps | Alexandria Vermont Bob Fish | Chimney Consultants, LLC | Londonderry Jacob Loeffler | Brickliners | Williston
OCTOBER 2015 REPORT President’s Report
www.CSIA.org Education class spotlight
Getting Down to Work! Greetings! Busy season is here again and I know we are all feeling the pressure, but I also know great things are in store for CSIA and those who have Mark A. Stoner worked so hard to earn the CSIA credentials. Speaking of working hard, I recently had the pleasure of traveling with others in CSIA leadership to the annual European Federation of Chimney Sweeps (ESCHFOE) Technical meeting. It was an eye-opening experience to learn how extensive the German chimney sweep edcuational system is. These chimney masters must endure SEVEN long years of schooling and hands-on training! During this trip we were also able to visit Italy for the International Chimney Sweep festival, a “must see” for anyone in the chimney sweep profession.
Mark Your Calendars for 2016 Classes CSIA Tech Center Events
CSIA Offsite Events
January 15, 2016 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review/Exam
February 23, 2016 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review/Exam CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review/ Exam Rosen Plaza Hotel Orlando, FL- NCSG Convention
April 4 – 9, 2016 National Chimney Sweep Training School April 22, 2016 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review/Exam
April 15, 2016 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review/ Exam Albany, NY
Complete calendar: csia.org/education
A New Face at CSIA If you haven’t already heard through the CSIA blog or social media accounts, we recently hired Jordan Whitt as CSIA’s new Director of Marketing and Communication. We were all sad to see Tom Spalding depart, but we are really excited about Jordan, who has done similar work for the Presbyterian Mission Agency, the American Red Cross, and the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. He’s also a former firefighter, so he’s familiar with many of our industry concepts. Next time you’re in Plainfield, make sure to stop in to the Technology Center and introduce yourself to him!
Dateline: Nashville, TN
CSIA drilling home benefits of C-DET
Fired up!
opportunities at a firefighter conference in Atlanta Aug. 2729, as well as the NADCA Fall Chimney Safety Institute of America Conference in St. Louis Sept. marketing staff continues to work 17-19 ... We designed a special to strengthen the value of CSIA’s ‘smashlight’ giveaway as a C-DET Certified Dryer Exhaust promotional product in support Technician credential. We held of the C-DET program. We also a two-day workshop in Plainfield launched dryersafety.org in in July in which every participant April that is designed to give that took the exam passed, to earn consumers more information the credential. Our instructors, about clothes dryer exhaust including CSIA Director of Education dangers! Thank you to CSIA Ashley Eldridge, have gathered Instructors Tim Reiher and extensive footage of the C-DET John Bently for your passion class and examples of dryer exhaust and support of C-DET! Sign up inspection, cleaning, and even repair online or join us in November work. CSIA was scheduled to travel for a 2-day workshop. Email to Atlanta, Georgia to promote the certification@csia.org C-DET credential & career -Tom Spalding
New CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technicians
Jon Staats | Black Beauty Chimney | Chico
Robert Gehring | Home Safe Hearth & Chimney | Wichita
Indiana Art Schlangen | Rescue Duct | Greenwood
Robert Berry | Full Service Chimney | Olathe
Zach Seaton | Chimney & Masonry Outfitters | Indianapolis
Rhode Island
Florida Jason R. Smith | Chesapeake Restoration Group | Naples
Matthew Murphy | A Traditional Sweep | Portsmouth Vermont Chad Newton | David Newton’s Chimney Sweep | Chesterfield
Around the
Center Frances Kelly
Executive Director
s the busy season ramps up for members across the country media visits and interviews also ramp up here at the Technology Center. In the fall many media outlets across the country begin doing stories on chimney and fireplace safety as homeowners begin lighting fires for the cold season. This month we were happy to welcome a crew from our local PBS station. One of the reporters even got to try his hand at sweeping one of the test chimneys in the lab!
38 S W E E P I N G November 2015
In other parts of the Tech Center this month we had a host of other activities going on. The education department welcomed a class for an Inspection and Report Writing class. Over in marketing materials for the 2016 convention are already beginning to arrive. Last but not least our office manager Sara is working on sending out hundreds of membership certificates. We are very happy to welcome you all to another year of NCSG membership!
Classifieds GasVent Software for Sizing Chimneys only $195
Call 1-800-648-9523 for more info and visit www.elitesoft.com to download a free trial version.
Gotta chimney question? Sizing? Codes? Call Royal Edwards! Make Royal your tech department. CALL NOW 813-982-0219 for on-call tech support. Continuing Education special bonus â&#x20AC;&#x201C; ask how you can get the Friday morning E-Blast for FREE. CALL NOW 813-982-0219
Needed: experienced chimney sweep inspection and repairs, will pay first monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rent and moving expensesNorthern California- Call Martin, 650-730-0647
Where Has Your Sweeping Been Office manager Sara Sitchting brought her copy of Sweeping to a professional conference in Las Vegas, NV. Going somewhere interesting? Bring your copy of Sweeping and send us a photo to marketing@ncsg.org.
November 2015
39 S W E E P I N G
Photographer: Nick, Doctor Flue Tech “It appears this homeowner settled for a single wall stove pipe which is NOT a chimney. A costly and dangerous mistake!” Photo take by Nick, Doctor Flue Tech Doctor Flue, inc., Tecumseh, Mich. Have you snapped a photo of a peculiar chimney in your area that made you shake your head in disbelief? Send it to editor Darcy Marlett at dmarlett@ncsg.org. for publication in Sweeping. Or, mail it to NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. Include a few words about the scene and location.
Ad Index 40 S W E E P I N G
Ahrens Chimney Technique 800-843-4417 ahrenschimney@qwestoffice.net 19 ClearStak, LLC (860) 237-8245 www.clearstak.com 17 Copperfield 800-247-3305 www.copperfield.com 5 and 7 CVC Coaching 704-425-0217 www.cvccoaching.com 13 Firesafe Industries, Inc. 800-545-6607 www.firesafeinc.com 12 Gelco, Lyemance, Lock-Top 800-334-2154 www.gllchimneyproducts.com 29 ICP 508-695-7000 www.chimneycaps.com 22 Lindemann Chimney Company 800-722-7230 www.lindemannchimney.com 9 M&G DuraVent 800-835-4429 www.duravent.com 18 National Chimney 800-897-8481 www.nationalchimney.com 33 Olympia Chimney Supply 800-569-1425 www.olympiachimney.com 24 Sand Hill Wholesale 800-258-5496 www.sandhillwholesale.com 4 SaverSystems, Inc 800-860-6327 www.saversystems.com 30 SWEEPS America 866-880-3473 info@sweepsamerica.com 20 Ventech 866-439-0069 www.ventechindustries.com 31 Wohler USA, Inc. 978-750-9876 www.wohlerusa.com 10
November 2015
Our forests are threatened by invasive tree-killing insects and diseases that can hitchhike on firewood. Pests like the emerald ash borer, gypsy moth, and Asian longhorned beetle don’t move far on their own – but they can travel hundreds of miles in a single day in a bundle of contaminated firewood. Once transported to uninfested areas, these insects and diseases can emerge and start new damaging outbreaks.
Leave firewood at home – buy local firewood at or near your destination, or collect firewood on site when permitted.
Buy or collect only what you’ll need, and burn it all completely by the end of your stay.
If you have already moved firewood, use it immediately. Do not take it home with you, and do not leave any excess firewood on site.
National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168